Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 15, 1865, Image 3

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Local matters- Cobb erics On SWjp beard- understand from partis. Intcrefited in our E v „ lirg interest, .tUt a number of robberies [' ' ie l lately been committed on board of vessels at [ ’ r , Scarcely* steamship errivcf, that a ; l 0 ’, n U r of tU boxa. are not br ken open and^e rt.iUentu—«uob ad hats, shoes,dry goods,Ac.—car* I -j^.i off- * . . . , ro’terday two of there individuals—one ( Thomas Mahoney, and another whose we did not learn—were discovered breaking 1 njcfl novr , j0 f and turned over to Levi S- Rnseell, Esq., u-rce of the Peace, tor prosecution. Mahoney , . (, ui r-’t-oDtiy arrived frol boxes on board tU steamship Weybossett, at our wbarra*. They were eanght in Washington City- f .e depredations hare been so frequent of | Shingles, pei ;nt tb" agents and others hare determined * - a c t- p to them if possible. The boxes are — „, pjv!! d in good order by the Teasels, but when I j .ered to the consignee are found to Ure been l,.d. and the coneequeooe is that the vessels |,eld liable. Dickerson has been instrumental in de- •ing these depredation", ami deserves much . u f„f tbe interest manifested in behalf of the ,-n^ »nd others. Krcorery of Stolen Goods. He noticed a day or two smce the-robbeiy of store of Mr.' William M. DavidgOD, on Bay , C .H- We now learn that from information re- .-ed, Mr. Davidson suspected certain parties, c ,i put the police on their track. On Monday ..-ening, about 5 o’clock, a man named Patrick , 4VIii was discovered driving a wagon under the l u j, containing 17 caddies of tea, lit boxes se- ■ tr , ■> boxes candles, 1 package tobacco, and ’. ijd . articles, which were identified as the pio. lHI r ol Mr- Davideon, and which had been cnien from hts store on Friday night last. Davis * es immediately arrested aDd brought before his q OI ,or the Mayor, wbo, after an examination’ urne-1 bim over to Leri S. Russell, Esq., on a -barer ot having stolen goods in his possession. j usli ce Russell held him to bait in tbe sum of n, to answer the charge, as soon as a Court -I Magistrates can be organized. Brayagi. 5 ■ , As a matter pf interest to our eitixens we pub- 5 Heh the following rate of drayage, established by the Board of Aldermen of the city of Sarsmuflt, on Nov. 2<f, and which will take effect imme diately : . . ^ , - . p .. a^ras Ballast, per ton of 2,240 lbs. .$112 Brcka, per l otio I w Gbuira, per dozen... • Caul, per too of 2,240 ibs.... 1 25 Cotton, per bale, any distance..;..,.,.,; 15 Flour aDd other Dry Barrels, per bbl 7 ' Furniture, for I borge wagon, per load.... 50 Grain, except Oats, per bushel 2>£, Hay, per bundle,:........ .. is Iron, per ton of 2,240 lbs 1 00 Liqnors and Salted Provisions, per bbl... ' 10 ‘ “ ‘•'tflrfibd or pipe. 10 Lumber,.per 1,000 feet . 1 2» Oats, per bushel Bice, per tierce, 20c., per half tierce 15 Salt, in bulk, per bushel 4 sacks, per sack , 7 is,per thousand 75 Staves, M •« mo Sugar, per hhd. of 1,000 lbs., or over.... 50 “ ot less than 1,200 lbs.... 40 Tobecco, per hbd -50 Trunks of travellers, 2 1-2 feet long 25 Valises and OBrpel Bags 10 Wood, per cord to. any portion of the city 1 25 For a full load of any articles not enumerated in the above, no charge shall be allowed to exceed 40 cants for a single horse dray or wagon, and 65 cents for a double horse dray or wagon. For anything less than a’ full load, not aore than 25 cents shall be charged. Departure of Steamships and Steamers. Tri weekly Trips to Dactortown. ■ .\uection is called to the advertiiement of \ | )j e .-;r>. Chas L. Colby A Co., in our issue of this r fmormog. It will be aeeo that these gentlemen ,iva established a tri-weekly line of steamers | jbet ween this city and Dqgtortown, and that their I ! iteamere, the Gen. Shepley, Orient and Clarion, i will ran regularly to that place, leaving this gj.nin'. every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, [ I tnd innecting with the Atlantic and Gulf Rail E J -sad at Dactortown. We are pleased to see these I 1 !tf iris to extend the trade of SavaDnah with the | ( uterior, and hope they will be sustained by i | iberal support. The Baltimore Daily Commercial. This is the name of a new daily paper pub- | ;.shcil at Baltimore, by Messrs. Wm. Wales & li'o. The Commercial is got up in fine style, Suul in typographical appearance is unsur U :asscil. It is devoted to general news, and ] onunercial matters is a leading feature of the ruraal. We welcome the Baltimore Com l-cr-. tal as one of the best of our exchanges, Sj.nd recommend it to the patronage of our IMerchants. The Weather. | Yesterday was a damp, dismal, disagreeable B day. The rain commenced at an early hour H i toe morning and continued without inter im ais.-iou during the entire day, not in torrents, B .-.uwever, but sufficient to make it quite unpleas- Bnit for those having business on the streets, B hi. h wcri?Wcry muddy, and in many places ■ timed impassible. Thdre was consequently B u : little business of any kind transacted. The Circus performance, which was ad- B f-rtifo.l to tia given last evening, did not take B li e on account of the very inclement weather B*oicli prevailed. It is quite probable that the B -miiiaentary matinee benefit to the Orphan fli-jium, which was announced f- rthis afternoon, T v also be postponed should the stormy weather B ’tiioue. B Owing to the inclemency of the weather, there Kristin performance at the Theatre last night. Illegally Cutting Wood. 1 'Vithin the last week or ten days, several gtirties have been arrested and brought before B..c Mayor, on a charge of cutting wood from F f property of the city, lying on the outskirts I :tr eof. They were however discharged for By- "ant of sufficient evidence to commit i j?m This should be a warning to others. More Light. | : -sa «e, in behalf of our citizens generally, I i-i the employes of the Post Office and News- S 'oer offices especially, prevail upon the Gas fhapany to “lift the veil” of darkness, and tmuve the pressure of prejudice” by turning i ".the pressure at an earlier hour in the even- | -1' A compliance with this request will be B - .blic blessing. irvight Between Savannah and Augusta. | ' ,v - call the attention of merchants and g ier. to the rates of freight on steam boats ■ between this city and Augusta. These ■Yes h ave |, een carefully considered and Br-eii to by the owners and agents of these B ! -i and will be found to have been consider- ■“’1? reduced from former charges. KOB new tokk . Steamship Weyboeset, Wednesday, November 15th, at 4 o'clock, p in. steamship Euterpe, Wednesday, November 15th, at 4 o'clock, p m Steamship Hunter, Thursday, November 16th at 4 p m, t'OR BALTIMOJtK. Steamship North Point, Saturday, November 19, at — o’cl'ick. FOB AUGUSTS.. Steamer iVm GGibbons, everyatnrda? at So'cio k a m. Steam r Uak, Thursday, 6 pm. FOR D0CT0RT0W5, RTO. Steamer Gene al Sbeplcy, Thnieday, November 16th, at 9 o’clock, a m. FOB FALATSA, FLA. Steamer Helen Getty every . aturday morning at 10 o’clock. “ r learner Fountain, every Tuesday morning at 10 o clock. * WANTS. ROOMS -Ml) BOARD WASTED. A and hi« wife desire nicely furnNhed Kooms and B<»ard with a private fami ly. Address box 700, Post Office, Savannah, Ga. novl3—2t wanted to rent. A WELL famished House, in Savannah, fora family of five persons ; or a genteel unfurnished House. Address, with terms, or cull on A. T.. HARRIS. novl 3— ^t Post Office, Savannah. WANTED. A HOUSE for a small family—will take it imme diately, or any time between this and the first ol January. Apply to novla—4t JNO. GILLILAND * CO, 190 Congress street. WiNTBD B IT a party of respectability t and Two Bedrooms ad|. . and position, a Parlor adioining furnished well with privilege of rooking; or Board in a desirable family for two adults and two children. Please ad dress “Boarding,” office of this Paper, statingtenns, Ac. novl4—tf (’on.xijrneeis AV.anted F OR. 4 Riles ' oit'»n picked up on -avannah River hy steamer Falcon, marked W. <j. s. 1 bale; no mark, ;! bales. If not claimed within one week, thev will be sold to jiay expenses. CH AS. L. COPBY & CO , novl4-1 w cor. Abercom ai d Hay streets. WANTED MIDDLING COTTON AND BICE, J N 'exchange for $15 to $20,000 of very desirable Summer Hress Good". Ac. comprising a most comjilete assortment of the choicest frabics—No Old Stock. Apply to JOHN F. YOCNG, Te North Fourth street, Philadelphia. Reference—DcWitt & Morgan, Savannah. Philadelphia Reference—M? L. Halloweli & Co., or Wood Marsh & Haywood. octJO jyiCtAL NOTICES. FOR SENATOR-, GEORGE 8. *wm FOR REPRESENT STYES : Hon. PHILIP US? KLSSELI. Gen. GEOJRGE P H4KBISOA ME/Bi>rroa:— Please pnb’.i ii the Kbovc, ‘Firket, as the Ibregniug gentlemen art*'^uidid^ps, and will lie supported at tbe ensuing eiedt^n, on the l^th iH., by the . CITIZENS OF t H^THAJM COL-Nl Y. nov9—td * * x ~ 1 - Election lotice. A n election will be held at the Court wv House in tlic Nly of Savannah, on M'ed- nesday, 15th of November, jart., for a Governor of tile State oi Georgia, for a Senator of the First Senatorial District, composed ol tbe comities of Chatham, Bryan' and Effingham, :m:l for two Representatives from Chatham county in the General Agxcmbly of Georgia; also, for a member of the House of Representatives of tbe Congress of tbe United States, to represent the First Congressional District of Georgia, as established by the State ' opvention. To entitle a citizen to vote lie mu<t be qualified as prescribed by the 1st Section of the 5th Article of the new Constitution of the State of Georgia, recently adopted by the Convention of said late, and also he most have taken and subscribed the oath of amnesty, as set forth in the President's Proclamation of May 29th, A. P. 1S65. Polls will be opened at seven o'clock, a. m„ and be closed at six o’clock, p. in. The -Sheriff of the county, or his Deputy, with the Constables thereof, who bave complied with the Pro> clamation of the President aforesaid, are required to attend said election and preserve order. WM. II. CUTLER, j. l. c. u. c. GEO. P. HARRISON j. i. q. c. c. JOHN SCREVEN, j. i. c. c, c. JOHN WILLIAMSON, j. i. c. u. c. nov6 td _ a AJ LOO AD NOT4C&B. THE iARGESI E ST AB LISHMEHT IN THIS COUNTRY. FOR SHERIFF OF CHATHAM COIATY. The nudersigned announce to his BK-»R> friends and the voters of Chatham connty, that he is a candidate for the office of Sheriff of the County at the next election, and respectfully solicits their suffrages in his behalf. nov6 tf BENJ. L. COLE. STATE AND COl.YTY TAX COLLECTOR. The snlwcriber is a Candidate for re- election, aud respectfully asks the suffrage of the citizens of Chatham County. SEABORN GOODALL. oct30 . ^ . Notice. Capt. WM. T. EASTON, Tax Collec tor, has his office in the Exchange Build mg, foot of Bull street. Hours, from 9 a. m. till 2X p, m. aug29 notice: UOL. A. W. STONE, Attorney at Law. will attend to all business entrusted to me during my abee^pe* novl—2w J. E. BENEDICT. Atlanta • Hectical College. The Course of Lectures in this Institu- tution will commence o"h the first Monday in November next, and continue four months—the Faculty having changed the time for the session from summer to the winter months. JOHN G. WExSTMORELAND, Dean. oct25 Ira BATCHELOR’S HAIR DIE The Original and Best in the World ! The only true and perfect Hair Dye. Harmless, Reliable and Instan taneous. Produces immediately a splendid Black or natural Brown, without injuring the hair or skin. Remedies the ill effects of bad dyes. Sold by all Drug gists. The gennine is marked William A. Batchelor Also, Regenerating Extract of Miileflenrs, for Restoring and Beantlfying the Hair. anglS CHARLES BATCHELOR, New York. Cotton Plantation WANTED. 1I7ANTEB to hire a Small Cotton Plan- VV Antion, embracing from 900 to SOti Acres. Address J. * K„ Savannah National Republican Office, stating Terms and Location, novl A DAY I Agents wanted to sell a new and wonderful SEWING MACHINE, the «nfy cheap one licensed. Address SHAW & CLARE, Biddeford, Maine. sep!5 3m A MONTH S Agents wanted for sir entirely new articles, just out. Address O. T. GiRKY, City Building, Biddeford, 3m seplfi Maine. FOR SALE. FOR SALTS LOW TO ' b.-ingc of Postoffice tf ours . ' J l- A. L. Harris, Special Agent Post- n Department, requests us to state ■' ou find after to-day the Postoffice r ' to f the delivery of mail matter will * ir om y a. M. to 4 P. M. r|p ntionof the Steamship Fannie. ij e steamship Fannie will not sail to-day r Bammore, as advertised, owing to the in- foency 0 f t h e weather yesterday, and the “Possibility of discharging her in conse- Due notioe will be given of her day wiling, ' - From New York. ‘ : ; e Et eamship Hunter, Capt, Rogera, from New j, 1, arrit ed at her wharf at an early hour ria J aitarnoon. She brings a large number vaseengerg and a heavy freight. We are in- ^ parser J. c. Jeffrey, for late New York tr *i one day in advance of the mail. Post Office at Eden, Ga, e learn that the Post office has been re- ’ ’9-hed at Eden, on the Central Railroad, ' Milton Humphreys, Esq., appointed poat- c A mail will therefore be sent to that 1 cry Wednesday, the first mail leaving Personal.- , Woodson ann lad, ia 0Br a -t«rd on th , rtaamer Hunter, from New ’ 4 y e °jograing at the Pala.yi House. .cgf aad Oheoked Homespun, at 45 tegether with Marlborcugh at A, RBS0HER 4 CO.’S, Wind Up An Estate. VALUABLE FARM, 51-2 Miles from Augusta, /CONTAINING flSOi One Hundred*and Eighty V.J Acres, m^re or less. About fltkli tine Hundred acrea of it in valuable wood ; a good Dwelling with G) seven Rooms, Stables, Carriage House, and (7) seven I-arm Buildings. To a party desiring a good healthy, comfortable House, within 5n minutes' drive oftxugosta, the above place offers superior inducements. For full particulars enquire of CHAS. L. COLBY A CO. D0V ‘cor. Abercom and Bay streets. For Sale. -f tJ FIRKINS choice Bntter. A O CHAS. L. COLBY & CO., novl4-tf cor, a bercoru and Bay streets. Notice. L’OB SAJ-U—500 Acres of Land—60 acres F Land—suitable for Com and Cotton—well im proved and healthy; it is a very public place, and a good business has been done in merchandizing before the war; will be sold low. Apply next doofto the comer of Charlton and Montgomery streets, Savan nah, Ga. nov9—Sw For Sale. . 25 TONS ENGLISH SHEET COP- FEB, manufactured expressly for the Southern mar- ket, of usual thickness and weight. Size of sheets as follows : 60x24, 60x2S, 60x17, « Ux9) *0,7, gc^ Will be sold at a great bargain. Enquire of G. P. BRADFORD. 848 Broadway; R. Y. Or JOHN E. COWLES Corner Bud and Bay streets, OCt )6—?mo L. C. NORVELL Am 8URN1NS DF THE M&M LETTER FROM MR. BARNUM. NEW YORK, July 14,1855. Messrs. Herring Co. : Gentlemrs—Though the destrnction of the Ameri can Museum has proved a serious loss to myself and the public, I am happy to verify the old adage, that, “It's an ill wind that blows nobody good,” and conse quently, congratulate you that your well-known safes have again demonstrated their superior fire-proof qualities in an ordeal of nnusual severity. The safe you made for me some time ago was in the office of the Museum, on the second floor, back part of the bnilding, and in the hottest of the fire. After tweuty-ionr hours of trial it was fouud among the debris, and on opening it this day has yielded up its contents in very good order-books, papers, poli cies of insurance, bank bills, ail in conditioiijfor imme diate use, and a noble commentary on tbe trustworthi ness of Herring’s Fire-Proof Safes. Ttuly yours, P. T. BARNUM. HERRING’S PATENT CHAMPION SAFES. The most Reliable Protection from Five now Known. Herring A Co.’i Patent Banker.’ Safe., with Herring * Floyd’s Patent Crystalized Iron, the best security against a burglar's drill ever manufactured. HERRING & CO., No. 251 Broadway, cor. Murray at. New York. BARREL, HERRING * ' O., Philadelphia. oct!3—5w HERRING & CO.. Chicago. ITCH! • ITCH! ITCH! Scratch ! Scratch! Scratch! WHEATON’S OINTMENT Will an re the Itch in 43 Boars. Also, cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, and all Eruptions of the Skin. Price, Po cents. For sale. by all Druggists. By sending 60 cents to WEEKS A; POTTER, Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, Mass., it will be forwarded by mall, free of postage, to any part of the United States. 6m sep21 RE-ORGANIZED FOR A mm soutprn For tbe Season 1865 and 1866 T POSITIVELY LAST DAY BIT FOLK. Holiday Er'in^, Mot. 13. IS T ew ^cYet.s— New 'Features. On Wednesday Afternoon a grand Matinee for the Female Asylnm of Savannah. THE MANAGERS would respectfully state that in organizing their Circus Company for a Grand South ern tour, they have spared neither time, labor nor money to make their present combination the most brilliant and attractive ever presented to the patronage of the public, This graud alliance of talent is organized on a scale of unprecedented mtgniflcence, and the extraordinary and varied performances of the great array of FOREIGN AND NATIVE ARTISTS ! will inaugurate a new era in amusements. THIS COLOSSAL COHBLYATIOX OF V: itar Performers Among whom are DEN STONE, JOHN lURRAY, FRANK ROSSTON, Le JENNE BURT, THE DENZ0R BROTHERS, CHARLES, VALENTINE and RUDOLPH, LEE POWELL, THE SAGRINEE FAMILY, Mans. PENELLE, Mdlle. SOPHIA, FERDINAND and HENRI, CHARLES LOW- BEY, and Prof. G-. P. Hutchings on and His TRAINED DOC?. Each iierformance will commence with a Grand Cavalcade and conclude with the langhable perform ances of , DEN STONE’S COMIC MULES, GABE AND KATE. Public attention is called to the v a-«A.NT) FREE EXHIBITION or TH* Gymnastic Miracle or ^RONAUTIC-OSCiLLATIOR! oa, T HE (new and first claau gteumt&ip- NORTH‘1 delivered at POINT. C aptain Smith,will leave for Raltirao'e I • on v ATTRDAY next, tbe lSih iurt. at — o’clock. * ‘ 1 The North Point has elegant etaUroom accommoda tions for pasteiigers. For freight aiid passage, apply to . WK-T, BRYAN & CO., Jones’ Blodc. Pa^scnvers brthis route for New York will save tw<* hundred mflr? of sea travel and will receive thr High tickets via Philadelphia at -fame rato* a9 now charj^d bv‘NewYork lines Freight will also Ik; cheeked through to New York as ]< »w U9 any oilier route. novli Aqvii-i - _ with a fine of Hncksimm^* *- m!. e Cwttral Railroad, and and Savannah Baftaood. Pasatogersby ftl# fine wm T’lt’f ’--■X’lTdSL'Sl - ■ GEO W. A- ' sep*S General —rrr CENTRAL RAILROAD. nun rn.fij AUCflOKl 8ALE8. ft on Ot UHDAYnext, 17th in*., at U o'clock, will be *>ld hi front of store: stboonsrjr ^ * built of Rtie best Pasture i BY BBXHi, WtU.); & CHRISTIAN THIB DAY, at .11 O'clock, im front of store, wifi tfa ' - : t t-lt t cases novll- rnderwrilers 5 xSale; BY BE EE, WYEEY * CHRISTIAN. On WKDiNJtoUAY, 15th iuat.. at lu o'clock, La front of atotp, will be sefid for acoount of nnderwritera ■ . and ail concerned: 1 caawDry < .oods, containing: * I piece AUendak- 6 hearing, 2 3 / yards wide. U pieces Bleached Shirting. 10 do. Long Cloth. : • 1 do, S do. Manhattan Long Cloth. v <r. QlIAN&E of day. UNITED STATES NAIL FINE. For Palatka, Fla., I ship Freight and other expeira^moat be' paid' by Superintendent’* Olfice, > Savannah, Uc^rber Btlfa, 1865./ This Company is now. in connection with W. Di-kerson A < o. - * Wagons, prepared to receive and forward to Augnsta, Macon, Atlanta, Ac., daily from Twenty to Thirty I fomrand Poupda of Freight, and VIA DA MEN, liRUNS WICK, ST. MARYS. CEliNANDINA, JACKSON VILLE AND PICO LATA. Shippers, Railroad Freight can be paid here or at deMbatlon. Freights on Perishable Goods most be prepaid. GEO. W. ADAMS, octW General - THE well known steamer, formerly the St. Johns, but now the Helen Getty, Captain O. R. In graham, will leave the vtuarf foot of West Broad street every SATURDAY MORNING, at 10 o’clock, A. M., precisely, for the above Landings. For freight or passage, apply on board or to L. S. BENNETT, Agent, cor. West Broad and Bay streets. AGENTS—Darien, A. A. DeLorme. Jacksonville, J. S. Samis & Co. Palatka, H. R. Teasdale. Freight payable by shippers. oct25 [REGULAR WEEKLY STEAMER BETWEEN ' ' r . I Augusta* Savannah The new fast Iron steamer AY in. Gr.fribbons Capt. Thomas N. Phil pot, having superior accommo dation for Freight and Passengers, will ply regularly between the above cities— leaving Savannah evei leaving A uuusta every Laying at Mathew* For Palatka, Fla.|^ UiedeeireoItheAKenuoftbeOH,bo,,,to PERHAYFAT ACCOMODATION BOAT for the merchants of Augusts and Savannah, and tbe Planter* along the line of the River, and with this object in view, no effort wm be spared on tbe part _.v . ■ * meet tbe wants of A HARDEE. JNO. L BOUMILLAT, Agt «n Wharf. nov!3—1m VIA DARIEN, BRUNSWICK, ST. MA RYS, FKRNANDINA, JACKSON VILLE AND PICOLA TA. Connecting with steamer “Flora Temple” at r St. I of her Owners, Agents or Officers to i Marvs. Freight will be received for King’s j the Traveling and Freighting public. Ferry, Centervillrge, aDd all Land- I ERWIN inga on the St. Vary’s River. THE new and fast steamer Fountain, Captain G. W. i ast- ner, will leave for the above places every TUESDAY MORNING, at 10 o'clock. For freight or passage, apply on board at Padel- ford’s wharf, near White’s Central Press, or to M. A COHEN, Agent. Freight will be received every (lav during the week, at the warehouse, by W.M. R. H. BHUEN, Freight payable on wharf. Shippers will furnsh weight and measurement of goods. tf aug24 (From Dispensatory of tbe tinited States.) | DI0SMA OREXATA. ? r ^ *1, * ■ BUOHU LEAVES. . .'SI T. ^ i or Augusta. PItOPEKTIES. THE steamer itvprfqs I Their odor is strong, diffusive, and somewhat aro- J. w"KnT r Ji\?ve^lcrd^ Sphrt*. ““ « mint, patch us above. This boat Is entirely I Medical Properties and Uses. new. Being of immense capacity, ship pers need not fear having their orders left over. Par ties having goods consigned te them irom tbe North and elsewhere, for A ngusta 'andante'bej^dTcan I tcSjy 1 ^ collect forwarding charges on same by sending frciidit to this line. All Sills paid promptly h^Freigh^recei^rt I ? nQ * ute mwuctnat, exclti and stored in fire-proof warehuiiivs ” ^ I ‘'“phoresis, when circumstances lavor this mode nov6 F. M. MVREU, Agent. For Augusta, The staunch steamer OAK will bave quick despatch as above. For freight, apply to J. B. PRKSDEE. Agent. 109 Broughton street. F. M. MYRELI, novll—tf Harris’ Building, Bay street. the Urinary Orgraov producing diuresis, and Hke other simi'ar medicines, exciting •dioi They are given in complaints of the Urinary Organs such as Gravel, Chronic Catarrh of the Bladder, Mor bid Irritation of the Bladder and Urethra, Disease of the Prostrate and Retention or Incontinence of Urine, from a loss of tone in the parts concerned In its eva cuation. Tbe remedy has also been recommended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatism Cutaneous /. flec tions, and Dropsy.^ ^ HelmbokPs Extract Buclto' I Is used by persons from the ages of IS to 25, and from 35 to 06, or in the decline or change of life ,- after Con finement or Labor Pains; Bed-wetting in children. For Liverpool. In Affections Peculiar to Females, THE Donnell, A l ship MOUNT BLANC, Master, is now loading Tbe Extract Uucbn is unequaled byauy other remedy, at I 88 ln Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Painful- hite’s Press. Haviug the larger portion ness or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, Ulcera- of her cargo engaged, will have immedi-1 ted or Scbirrus state of the Uterus. Leucorrhea or .... , Whites. ate despatch. For balance of freight, enquire of Laroche, gaden & unckles, A g ts. novl4 For pliia. THE schr. DeSoto, now loading, can take the bulk of 100 bales Cotton, if | applied for immediately. Apply to LaROCHa, GADEN A UNCKLES. nov!4 DISEASES OF THE BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. This medicine increases the power of Digestion, and excites the Absorbents into healthy action, bv wh’ch th.’ Watery or Calcareous depositions, and all Unna tural Enlargements are reduced, as well as Pain aud Inflammation. a novl4 For New York. THE A No. 1 schooner Vapor, Bogurt. Master, is row loading. Having larger portion of freight engaged, will ■have immediate despatch. For balance of freight, enquire of IjaKOCIIE, GAUBN & UNcKLii-, Agents. FLYING IN THE AIR! By tha intrepid Pancrstist, SIGNOR FERDINAND, The “ Wonder of the World.” Tm* extraordinary gratuitous display of Seneatlonal Gymnastic N*6at9 will afford lovers of the marvel ous a treat KXTRAVAGANTLT SUPERB and INEFFABLY BEAUTIFUL, The peerless Oymnaat i n the execution of this Electrifying Act I Na at this Office. Has attained th© highest sublimities of his roeatioTr, and his UNEXAMPLED DARING and SKILL form a Picturesque Spectacle—the molt magnificent ever given to tho human eysto contemplate. er"ME*i»iw. STONE A ROSSTON designed this remarkable Pree Exhibition of ./Brial Flights for a GRAND FEATURE of their Interior Enter- I taimnenta; but the erection of the pillars and platform I occupied so much valuable time, andj required so • great a space, that it waa found v**ry inconvenient and t quite impossible to give it to their patrons without* intlemen of good habits can be accomrno- i ^ oll S intemiption of the brilliant Arent© Perform- GOOD BOARD very pieaaant locality can be obtained. Apply nov!3—3t BOARDING dated with good board, without lodging, in central portion of the city. Apply at this Office, novls—3t expense atr : Marvel, To Rent. A XABGE andcommodions Warebonse, situa ted immediately on the wharf, capable of holding terms, apply to BDWIN £■ HERTZ. ted immediately on the wharf, six hnndred bales cotton. For term novlli—fit To Rent. T WO bai floor, Liquor FOR SALB t«r THIS OFFICE. -a ' • ' <; ’ , '* - ■ ' M • iely fnrni.-hcd Rooms, on second tly and conveniently located, and only a lew moments' walk from the Exchange, suitable for two or four young men or Bachelors.— Character oi family unexceptionable^ Ap^lj to novto—lw „ No. Hu Bryan street. Offices to Beat. "NESIRAHUE Offices to Rent over store corue r l Bay and Barnard streets, Knauireof novl! I.xROrHE, <MD1 & IINGKLFS. GOLD & SILVER FOR SALK BY M. J. DOYLE, He, 110 Bryas Slwet. -- • ^oc fw Gold and ances, aivl notwithstauding the enormous ex] tending the production of this Gymnastic J Messrs. Stojib Jk. Rosston prefer to present it as a FREE OFFERING, rather than the Public mould be deprived of witnessing the most gigantic and absolutely startling demonstrations of physical vigor aad agility ever displayed by man. ^ UT‘ The exciting nature of these prodigious and novel Fligh fs absorbed the attention and jusiased the inhabitants of tho principal cities of Europe, and the Press of that country teemed with landatory ealo- ginma of the unequaled feats accomplished by Sig. FJ This splendid GRATUITOUS EXHIBITION will be given adjacent to the STONE ft ROSSTON CIRCUS PAVILION,' At One o’clock, P. M * Upon a huge Flatform placed on alovated pillar*, en*' abling every spectator to obtain a complete view of this triumph of modern gymnastics. The Public can mfa only a very fatnt Idea from the virtou Pictorial Sacnes of this stupendous dhptay of its lffimease at tractiveness and hazardous nature Itis the culmi nating glory of Paacrstlc Art and Tire grandest suc cess of progressive talent known in history, yleldl distinction subordinate to no event recorded in annals of Popular Amusements. SPECIAL NOTICE.—Ladies and persons naturally nervous aad timid, entertaining fears of accident to giddy eminence, novel arrangements are made by the ass of india-rubber mattresses and springs in the' plat form to save him from serious injury. But he gene. rail; ha gene, and 1 nitrous skill results undesiabl* SUver 1 *” 1 * 4 * 1116 higlle8t market hovlOJ-lw DOYLE, No. 110 Bryan street injury. sucoeeds, with a polished gr ■nores all peril, & aahierin mg, causing the fascinated populace to applaud with enthusisstio frensy and colossal shouts of ad. •Th# Champion of Athletean 9 First flsss Brete CC * Second Class Seals TB 200 V** “‘“hjlton a^andkll v:: "r "j.S ^ * ^Dayrtreet, tfoon m *»} h&U pa« 6 p. m. 12 novfi For New York. THE A 1 clipper schr Jos. W. Webster, Bets worth Master, 45 tons but then will have quick despatch for the ►•above port. Freight taken at the lowest rates. For freight engagements, apply to • CHA-. L COLBY & CO., nov! 1 cor. Bay aud Abercom sta. For Ricetau THE compact and fast sailing slooi Fleet. Capt. Charles Thompson, wH. , have despatch for the above place. Sbip- •pers -will furnish weight and measurement . ot Goods. Freight payable on Wharf for par dciilara, apply to the Cupt.iu on bea’d, at Lower Rice Mill, ot to the Agent ^ 1 ,, , M. <1. DOYLBL novll lw No llo Bryan street. HelmUoW'S Extract Buchu Has cured every case of Uiahetea in which it has been given. Irritation of the Neck of the Bladder and Inflammation of the Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kid neys and Bladder, Retention of Urine, Diseases of the Prostrate Gland. Stone in the Bladder, Cakulus,travel, Brick dost Deposit-and Mucus or Milky Discharges, and for Enfeebled and Delicate Constitutions, of both Sexes, attended with the following symptoms: —In disposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Mem ory, Difficulty of Breathing. Weak Nerves. Trcmblimr. Horror of lfisesae, Waksmlness. Dimness of Vi«oiL Pain in the Back, Hot Hands. Hushing of the Bodv. Dryness of the t-Hn, Eruption un the Face, Pafltd 1 ountenonce, Universai Lassitude of the Mosenlar SyBtem, Ac. 17 do. 5 do. a do. 1 do. Prints. Tickhig. Checks. Madder Prints. -^“juged on board of the steamship — on her from New York to this port and «qM nmw yyeuiou U f Port Wardens. BOVld^t , WYLLY * CHRISTIAN. On W EDNESDAY, tsth iflet at 10 o^lock, ln front Of store, will be sold: . • . 1 case (m pr.j cotton Cards, lease (500 prq Wooten Cards, 13 cases imported dark Brandy 12 boxes bn»\vn Havana ^uKar 42 bales Gunny Rigs, Satejioaitive. novll—2t BY BEI<L, WYIHLY A CHniSTUX TO-MORROW-, 15th tuat., at 10 o’clock, in front of store, wil be said; 59 Demijohns Holland Gin, In bond, tmnartod net sloop Sylvia, fromBqrmtpla. r —ALSO— loo sacks Turk’s Island Siolt—duty paid. Bovl4-2t BY BELL, WYLLY ft CHRISTIAN^ On WEDNESDAY, nt 10 o'clock, will botold, la front of store 6 bags Coffee. 14 boxes Tea. 51 d’s Soap. 1 do. Farina. • • » . - * 26 da Starch.; ; - * ■ 4 do. Coffee. 1 keg Mustard. Sale positive to dose consignment. not14^-2t Underwriter*’ Sale. . HY BELL, WYLLY A CHRISTIAN On WEDNESDAY, 15th Inst., at 11 o'clock, A. M„ at the Landing in the city of Darien, will be sold tor account of underwriters-and all concerned t • A portion of the cargo of the schr. Island tfnaen, consisting of a general assortment of Groceries, Dry Goods, <£c- Ac. t-aggiug Boots and b hoes. " -■ ,v Bale Rope, Clothing, Wi,<den Ware, om and Salt. Nalls and Hardware. Molasses, Sugai, «c„ &c., Ac. Damaged on board gakl schr. on her peasant from New York to this port, and put Into tbe port of Darien to distress. J. M. kPPING, r ‘ N. B.—A steamer will leave this " morning. 1 Jtbihst., and will seen aud all concerned. nov* -fit HPPING, Consignee, this dty on IMsadsy commodate porehreem Freight te Augusta AND POINTS BEYOND I Faiwaitipd by L ; ght Draft Si earners. W E are prepared to receive Goods in our ware- ? house, free of storage and Covered by insurance, to be forwarded by tbe light dra't steamers Berryand Falcon, and others about to be put on the line. Apply to the Agents, sep2i tf . C. L. COLBY & CO- .0111 JUST jfrECiSIVED PRIME LEAF LARD, in Small Tuba tor family use. GOSHEN BUTTER, GOSHEN and ENGLISH DAIRY CHEESE. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, CRANBERRIES, FAMILY & EXTRA FLOUR.ichores brands.} STUART’S REFINER SUGARS, SELF RAISING FLOUR, PRIME BREAKFAST BACON, JAVA and RTO COFFEES, FINE IMPERIAL, HYSON, YOCNG HYSON, OOLONG, SOUCHONG TEAS, 4e., it, by BTUART & CO., Family UrooCr*, cor. Bull and Broughton streets. Agents for H<v'head's celebrated Yeast Powdery tbe best and cheapest used. Go Ms dehvteed to all parts of th. city Free. npvbi :( t, M I’m REGULAR IjTNF. For B ston. Schr Witch Queen now loading I at Exchange Tharf. RICHARDSON * BARNARD, Bay at., opp. Mariner’s hnreh. nov6—tf For Liverpool, The new first class clipper ship VIRGINIA, Weeks, Commander, Is now rapidly loading at Lower Prerts, and, having larcejengagementa, will have quick despatch. ^ For freight or passage, (taken at lowest rates), an- HAKLE i L, COLBY & (O , Machinery. Portabl ® Steam Helmbold's Extract Buchu is Diuretic and Blood-Purifying, And cores all Diseases arising from Habits of Dissipa tion, Excesses ana Ttnptud* , nees in Life Impurities of the BJood, dfcc., superseding t opaibs in affec tions for which R is used, such as Gonor rhoea, Gleets, of long standing, and Syphilitic Affections with Hein- bold's Rose Wash. [SOLD AT ' HELlffBOLD’S - * t Drug and (jhemiual Warehouse, 59* BROADWAY. And by Briiggists everywhere. \ ASK FOR -' , II i: L MB OLD’S TAKE NO OTURB. Ileware Of Cntlnterfeits. iorll—lm Cotton Gina Grist Mills, Rice Mills. SAW Woodworth, Daniels, Gray A Wood’s Machines, Machinery and Suppilee, J .etc. _ Steam Guagea and Boiler Feeders. Send for a Circular- oct IT—“lm wore r. - Pintiiff fiLUE, SAW) PAPER,WHITE LEAD I? OH sale by J Just A- large aSSORTXJINT OF Fancy Groceries. AMONG WHICH ARB: Figs and Raisins—new. Crackers—Bartam aad Batter, fbondmadej. Extra Fods, Egg, Lemo% Fancf, A Anoisced and Pffot Pickles, Sauces and Catnaps. Canned Fruits aad Vegetables. Assorted Jellies. c Guava Jelly. ' - ■*" Sago Cheese. < '' - ■ ' ' ... Pearl iiariey, Sago, Arrow Root and Tiptoes. Xara Starch and Farina. Pure Spices, whotoand gouad,. dto. ^^^cor.^nil and Barnard streets. Powder. g0 v,™«, . lb. cannisters, Kentucky Rifle der. Powder. 20 cases, v. 1b. caunistcrs, Kentucky Rifle Pow- 30 qr kegs “Hunting” Powder, manufacture of “Hazard Powder Co.” For sate by novls—6t HILTON * RANDBLI. 193 Bay stree street. JKNKIN S’ Pa.TIjllN’P COMPOSITE IRON SAILING UOBMEKLY sold bv Hntchlnann * Wicker- r sham, is now for sale by the ManxCaetnrais’ Agency. novl—: lm HUTCHINSON, DAVIES * OO No. 467 Broome at.. New Ye ork. sflieT FrMHt SCHOfL T HE nudersigned having rented the school build' in" on the corner of Charlton and Drayton strsets’ would respectfully announce to the public that he, as- -istod by Mrs. Aletbea S. Burroughs, will open a Select Female School in said bnilding on the fleet Monday la October. Tuition per Term of Three Months, one half payable the middle of each quarter, as follows : t-cnior Department, per quarter $21 00 Junior do. do. 18<# Primajy do. do. • •••.15 Oft ’ sepM JAMBS 8. COER Y. THOMSON’S NEW SKIRT ^D£ Thomson’s French Elastic SPRINGS. Tbe latest invention of the largest manniacttirar o Ladies' Crinoline in t he World. ' • Get Beat. * w. s. thomsoN. langdon a c 891 Broadway. New York, Butter-”- Cheese. 50 1 Batter. da w da dp. ‘H.-eR.” State HH.T9H 41 Stolen. C. {a GtLRBOT, riBOR Gen. Harrison's Plantation, pn tha t JT the id inst., Iws Bay Mtelea—ons _ identified by a letter “J.” and a figure 8 on the sbookfor, and tbe other by a aaddla mark on ' of the kit shoulder. Fifty Dollars Reward for either, or One Hundred Dollar* for both, will be paid upon their dellverrto West Broad md^aetonrtreetj. COFFEE. 40 5 2o^S?i& !ae old ■ u botlO—*t ’ O.L.