Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 15, 1865, Image 4

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16-rom fee Fortnight!* “ THE APPfoR OF IiH'S-P’ EITitkCT FROM R0B1RT LYTTt)»’s PB * 11 ambrosial of AN lu the hand of the King the heath, gotdcBgramcd, - The King tom’a Row-bright asustar dipt in suniet. it* tvUJ »> ^•-WEUih^V-? h “ a UT an ’ The fruit, whic tasted. «?.” ;i’ b f m ““ Et'l'tbongW IcooMat * er ** ‘7°* m I rrs. man. I beljrad wotk up tire' big fife. I worked bard to fcew the fite ^oin without fitin any myself; anf tmeceeded ao we ll in workin to keep out of a fite,.when eve ry body was wafited, that I think I halve snfti- ment reputation ■» a worker. >to entitle me to - 1 Biel Anr. SAVANNAHS NATIONAL REPUBLICAN^ ,-:o,rgLa.>, if ’WMHBNG/Tfc&rV] na " y yonn =’. * . ,, well it were if a That were JliTe to be lived, or desired. nVMK Whe^SpiSdi^iicpaetimeofUving.lcdou Of the jubiiMit 1 senses, exulting goes forth, brave of To«^u“ d «h^ h ^““ dea ^ " tat ’ twugb ° rU ^n^^ptocfeRloai the pride in the Of the^inewethatfpUant of power, th# will. though it w ^th t e°^eWwifefu..»din them the beau- WhMSS3$k are yet living, the rore. of Beauty yet sweet;. ,i, a t kindle the lip And the eye glows with glances tarn sum b eathes the warmth that EOO d things And the hand hath yet vigor to seize the good un g O, f-ward , and even the LifuTn^^the fivchead yet white, not a leaf From ^e i8 lo^ he croWu thatlauglm on young trrases! Arec^^wfth^dal^SfegencieB, measure Life hnswoet to the young that yet know not what life iB. But life after Tottth. , . „a t h 'Fhe gay liar, leaves hold of the bauble, aud A„e, his te-rible truth, , t nv , 9 jt l icks it up, a# perbeives it is broken, and know The care it'yet’crarea.... Litp eternal, etc nally wed- Wha^gedn-wertin-thatr Why should any man seek The^tXW^e eye-ad: the duU ear Wh»lffita and the uride to the bride- The^fav W tbatsbat,“ Sli the b.ossoma that fell When”Se^hand salth, d * / " not “ f ".ill do," the hea*t TwoTa& inm”n,'Ci. Forever-twolate come, this apple to me." thebe is no death. There is no death! The stars go down To rise upon sora® fairer score; And bright in Heaveu s jeweled crown They shine forever more. There ism death ! The dust we tread Shall change benea’h the summer showers To golden grain or mellow fruit, Or rainbow-tinted flowers. The granite rocks disorganize To feed the hungry moss they bear; The forest leaves drink daily lile From out the viewless air. There is no death; the leaves may fa'l, The flowers may fade and pass away— They only wait through wintry hours, The coming of the May. t here is no deatAl An angel form Walks o’er the earth with silent tread, He bears our best loved thing away, And tbea we call them “dead.” He leaves our hearts all desolate— He plucks our fairest, sweetest flowers; Transplanted mto bliss, they now Adorn immortal bowers. The bird like voice, whrse joyous tones Made glad this scene of siu and strife, Sings now m everlasting song Amid the tree of life. And where he sees a smile so bright. Or hearts too pure for taint and vice, He bears it to that world ol light To dwell in Paradise. Born into that undying life. They leave ns but to come again; With joy we welcome them—the same, Except m sin aud pain. And ever near us, though unseen, . The dear immortal spirits tread; For all the boundless Universe Is life—there are no dead. vour support. * TULL arp. 1 p> g;_l bad intended this for publication in tide Borne Gowier, but the Editor (dun, AV) wanted to charge $10 for it, go I kon- kluded to w rile ®o* * few copie# myself, aud . get soma ®f ®y Gie-tiger mhartaoni-td wim- ■f gf my acquaintance to write some copie# for me and giro them ginersi simulation. B. A.- Union Place Hotel f Gor. Broadway a\d 14th Sts , - Opposite Washington Statue, JST K - \V scp27 tf The /»meric*n MISCELLANEOUS. THE NATIONAL AM HICAN. ITS PUBLIC M ION SOON TO BE REVIVED. - X ....Jig; , ,;r e “v?- 7 MkT.W.. .«. J r»N¥* r nndcniinned takes pleasure In announcing to T ami the public that arrangement* have bei-ii nearly perfected bjr which the “National Aufrii vn” wHl be revived, in * new and attractive fonn! «ml under very favorable ...spices, to the City of Atlanta. Georgia earlyiuthe ensumgyen-* The ill per was establiahed in 185S, and enjoyed a patronageand popularity greatly sutterior touny of its iitv cotemporaries January, 1861, whan it was discon thinedin consequence of fee session of Oeorgm from the Union. It will be remembered as a bold and consistent National Journal—zealously opposing Se cession and Disunion, and as warmly advocating the development of fee vast and var ied Resources of fee Ninth—particularly of Georgia; the adoption of a liberal system of Public Schools and Genera! Education; an enlightened system of Agriculture; the promotion and elevation of the Mechanic Arte; the establishment of Manufactories, and the encourage- mentis every,industrial pur-ult calculated to lrapreve It will be the aim of its priueetpr and his iirraentAs- sod&tes to sustain, in *11 its leading features, toe well- earned good name, independence and consistency of the paper, and to make it if possible, even more ac ceptable and popular than Ini's hitherto palrafaut days. Tfieipaper will in no wise belie its past proud record, It will continue Union, yet thoroughly Southern in It# tone and character-proscribing no man who did hie dntvin the troublous past and fearlessly, yet courte ously. opposing every measure, par v or cHqna whose tenete may be deemed inimical to the peace and pros- peiity.of the country at large r i he interest of the Subecnher as well as those cl the Advertiser will bo protected, and every effort made to make the JMEaioiN a Live and Reliable News, Political, Commercial and KanUly Journal. The National American will be published Daily and Weekly in fee t it Subscribers, if by mail at $12 per annum, for „ —strictly In advance. C. R. HANLEITKU, IKjv9 ' PUMPS * PUMP3! PUMPS Y O B K C 1 T X. H. t:.{FLlN.<5 & CO-, Prpprietars. Tire- Hou.e, HANOVEH STREET, BOSTON, Is the Largest and Best Arranged Hotel in New England. sep2T IJCWIS RICK, Proprietor. Tfli mm Fourth Street, X-iOXJXS, ST. LOUIS, J&O. LAVEILLE, WARNER & CO., Proprietors. A first class family Hotel; unsurpassed for locality, comfort and convenience. tf sep!9 IgTROPOLITM HOTEL, Eate Brown’ii, WASHINGTON, JL>. C. HIS leading Hotel, Renovated and Refurnished, is now in perfect order for the reception and rtccora. of its old T modation 1 patrons. 8m sepIS mm, tiiiOiCsHEs, * AND V C HEMIOALS. A CHOICE selection of DRUGS, MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, PERFUMERIES, PATENT MEDI CINES, TRUSSES, &c„ just landed from New J’ork, Apothecaries. Piaeters and traders From the interior can be supplied at shortest notice. I can warrant any article as being pure. A large quantity of EUROPEAN LEECHES, finest quality. All fee PATENT MEDICINE i extant on band. 100 cases JACOB'S DYSENTERIC CORDIAL, all of which will be Bold low for CASH, Wholesale and Retail, ApotEecariej’ Hull, Corner Broughton and Barnard streets, W. in. WALSH, M. D., Proprietor. N. B.—Fresh Garden Seeds. tf jelS Steam, Force, Auction and Lifting PUMPS OF E_VER Y DESCRIPTION; ste^im nr c?.fs Pipes, Pipe and Steam Fittings, A*I> KVKBY DSSOKirTlOM OP PLUMBERS’, GAS, ~ AND ' Steam Fitters’ Goods, For sale at the lowest rates by JOHN B. FULLER, Q D EY STREET, novri—eodly NEW YORK. Strasburger& Nuhn, COTTON GINS, STEAM ENGINES ; :x FOR SAW MILLS, And ail kinds of Machinery can be procured through the undersigned. . A SASHES AN ID BLINDS, Of every description and pattern, can lie obtained at the lowest MannfacturciPrices, by applying to GnO. O. MARCY, octal-1m f* Bay street. V Macon Telegraph and Augusta Constitutionalist please copy, and send bill to this oflicc. THE TWO VOICES. (AFTKB TENNYSON—A CONI. WATS.) Into thine ear, my dearest Jennie, I fain would breathe mV tale of love; 0— ohn I don’t believe there’s ai Wood Cut for the kitebeu stove.’ s any W1 en thee I see, the full a Hi at us _ Of Poesy- 0 gloriojs boon ! Comes to me, and—“John tbem potatoes Orter be weeded purty soon.” The breezes round my forehead playing, Breathe thy dear name, love, as they pass, WhisperiDg—“0 stop your braying, Don’t we all know that you’re fti ass V” The fairy treed is like fee zephyr, That bears the fragrance of fee morn; Thy form is like—“That blasted heifer ’S gone and got into into fee corn.’ Then listen to my sad complaining, Hear, Jenny mine, tby lover’s lay, —“John, it sorter looks like rainin’, S'pose we go and cock that hay.” Queen of my fancy’s fairy sphere ! Sweet theme of alt the prayers I utter ! Wilt thou, O, wilt thou—“Johnny, dear, Come, take a hold aud churn this butter.” BUI Arp'# East. Bill Arp, so called, has delivered Iiimsclf of the following letter of acceptance of the Con gressional nomination, tendered him by his friends of the Seventh Congressional district. [From the Atlanta New Era.J Bill Arp—Candidate for Congress Jor the Con gressional JJistriet. Since my recent artikal on the State of the country, I have koncluded to become a kandi- date for Kongress. Its no use lettin Union sneaks hev all the field to themselves—espe cially them what refugeed North when Sher man kum along this way and put his horse in my stable. I never run North myself, but I did run Souib a Ieetle faster than was'eomfort- able. I was so sure wq’d whip old Sherman that.I never made no preprashuns to ikoedid- dle, untwell he was down on ns like a thousand ot brick; and then there warnt do rime to pack up ray duds; or in skriptur fraz2, to “take up my bed and malic’ , ceremonie, I left my bed and board-bidding them a hm^ and final adU ^ a U g ^ e ' 1 myself, as all distin- gU '» rtlv ditn nr ' /{e4 1‘arsuasUun had re peatedly ddn, never to sab,ait lo Abe Lincoln or reconstruction. We were all to die in rh„ ditch, especially me, and J t ff aua j , , golly,- I thought our time 1^ Era sure enuf; bat I preferred not djin liu j rea „ h „, the last ditch; and koniequently, 1 k eot tV . daddlin across every ditch I kum to) konin somethin ehcouragin night turn up before 1 reached, the last out* bat it didn’t tarn Up, and me, and -Jeff, and all the rest of ns, who had been keepin safe distance from ballets, found ourselves in the last ditch. We* the fact is, we didn’t fepl.half as rough like dyin there as we expected to, before we got there; and soon a question arose whether toe should go back wi der old Abe or die. Well, its no use taUun; we did’nt want to diet #d we Concluded to take the amnesty oath and go back. We tuck it, aU ov us, but Jeff, and be »^p^- fore long. snixjf , T7 B “* forgittin my Candidacy fa# 1 aays in ntt circular) but its no n Then, plenty more J that #k^i XT anddidnt dye in the last ditch neither "aUI want >. for n. who dldnt dye i D feT£t ^ when-w» bad a chance to, to *, Zf. ^ mto posishun again, , Bd hi V th T*J? * e * and to drive off Unloh .neaks inTt^ l their greenbacks, and koiiflicaw lands; and ip the language of Jo tn r ~ IMPORTERSOF (JEEMAU, FBJEHOH ABD E5GLI8H CHIN A & FANCY GOODS BEDS, MASKS, ACCORDEONS, Ac. H5 MAtDKN LANE, Corner William Street, xVA’IK YORK Invite fee attention of buyers, offering them the lanjeft assortment of Good* at the most reasonable novlO—eoaim NEW YORK stbjm mm WORKS, M1MUK1CTDKIU Or 6TATIOXARV US PORTABLE EMGIHE8 411D boilers, AND MACHINISTS’ TOOLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. tr - Manufactories: Fsot mt Twenty-Third 8*., E. K, N. Y„ and Wsrcestsr, mb###. Office FOOT op TWENTY THIRD, E. K„ N. Y. Every Machine built by us fa started and thoroughly tested in shop before being shipped. novS—eodSnt B. J. Beck & Co, No. » Pin* Street, New York, isMfStltftaf StllfaKrt, Job Printers . and Lithographers. Wholesale & Retail dealers in First Glass OFFICE FIXTURES. C ONST ANTE V on band a splendid assortment of Foreign and Domestic Letter and Note Paper, Envelopes of every size and quality. Certificates of Stocks, Bonds. Cheeks. Notes, Drafts, Bills ot Exchange, bill Head*, Cards, Ac-, tastefully executed. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention, at lowest cash prices. CHAB. NEWBOUGH, novl—eodly B. J. BECK. COPARTNERSHIP. W E, the undersigned, have formed a copartnership for the transaction of a General Commission Bnsiness in the City of New York, under the firm of J. H. BROWER A CO., and are prepa-ed to afford fair facilities on consignments. JOHN H. BROWER. WJLLItMH. SELLERS, BENJAMIN B. BLYDENBURGH. New York, October 2, 1866, novl —eodiJm THE WASH iNGrTON IRON WORKS Have on hand for sale their Awl manufacture to order all kinds of Steam En gines, Marine, Stationary, and Propeller, Railroad Cars and Turn Tables, Iron Steam Vessels and Barges; also, General Machinery, iron and Brass Cast ings, large and small Forgings. Ac., &c. Address Y. Or L. C. WARD, Agent, sr> Liberty street, Room A New York. oewe—jy Indian street foundry. our Foundry and Machine ^Iftuds of VINC re-opened & 5S-jyg^jK 1 *“■ WTewYorl - 1 -• PABSOiS, MANl'PAUTUBER HadtieH's Ln f n Fire Works, Importer of Chinese Fire Crackers Rockets, hr., fcc Manufacturer of XjA.N’L’ERIN’S 1 , FLAGS, ScC. Aleoa large assortment oi his own importation of TOYS AND FANCY GOODS $4 John St., neur Broadway, N. V. oct 25—12m J.G. WINTtR J. R WINTER. WINTER & Commission Mercli&nte 40 Broadway, New York. 1 promptly I B. Orders 1 consignments. Orders for Merchandize will receive attention and dispatch. The sale of Sou tllern Securities, Bonds, Bank Note# and Southern Lands solicited- Circulmr Saw mill*, of the most improved construction, warranted to cut lit,two feet of lumber per diem, hav ing no feed except saw dust with every thing com plete, including Belting for $3,5(10. bend lor circu lar, ’ lm oct 19 E. B- KNDI.EToN. W». K. JOCETT. FENDLETO.Y fc JOUEfl'. {Formerly of Si. Louis, J COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND COTTON FACTORS, No. 58 Water street, Yew Ywrk. Orders are solicited for the purchase or sale of Cot ton, Sugar, Molasses, Coffee, Teas, Western Produce, Naval Stored, Bagging. Rope, &c., Ac., which will re ceive our best personal attention. lm oct 19 KKAF F & HILL, Manufacturers and Jobbers of STRAW 4 »D MitU-ERY SOSOS Nos. 281 and 283 Broadway, (opposite A. T. t tewart's,) NEW YORK. A fall supply of Goods, suitable for this market, al lays on hand. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. oct25—6m ■ FRESH TUBNIP SIEO. EXIT A BAGA FLAT DUTCH AND Bed Top Turnip Seeds , Warranted to be of the GROWTH OF 1S0O, Just received from D. Landreth, and for sale by W. W. LIN OLN, jylo cor Bull and Congress streeta. FOR SALE! A CHOICE LOT OF E A ! ALSO, 100 Bbte. L«wr«nceVlHe Fo’s ( ement, Will be «old Low to Close Consignment. Apply to sepli■ CHAN. L, COLBY A (!«•, tf cor. Hay and Abercornsta, NEW GOODS IT rf«CEIVKI>, a large and bean J UST * \ beautiful -S. ment of fancy goods, 1 expressly for this market. Call and •«« ^ C. M. hillsman, cor. Bull and Broughton streets. ■ J . aa.#, WWW. & CO. jlOXk - AI® Wji-s/vfX'' Merchants, MsfelifiiSstarerr’ NORTH SQ)B OF BAY 8TRKBT, Between Whitaker and Barnaed, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. assskss-e:. t* References-Wm. K. Kitchen. PresT National Park Bank, N. Y. ; H. C.Thacher IfcCo., Bolton; Israel Co hen, Baltimore- nail Moses A Co-.Colhmbns; Wyman, Moees & Co., Montgomery ^ " u « 7 r HBB — Horses & (forriag88 BtTLER wonUl reapeeifn lv inform the public that he is now prepared' to - furbish, at the ■jhortest notice. HORSES fiRimtJES, -E. B. (Successor to Gedi-^L liarcy,) ao8 b a. yr s^T itjp Between Barnard find WOOD, COAL «KN HAY, At lowest market prices. BOBT. P. YOBX, M. K. WILLIAM. J. B. X1MT1BK# P. H. WABD. w.nuuiiKMn4i. AUCTION AND COMMISSION MBBCHAKT8, Bay Street,• • Savannah, Q-a. Consignments of Cotton.and Lumber solicited. BeisniNet: Savannah—Brigham. Baldwin Jt Co., Uaden Jk Unckles, Erwin £ Hardee. Hunter Jk Gammeil, Isaac D. La Roche, Hbram Koberls, W. Woodbrldge, L. C. Norvell Jk Co. ! New York—8. T. Knapp & Bro, D. H. Baldwin A Co. _T‘ T ; Sale days, Tuesdays and Fridays.sep6 i COOPilF, 0L€0TTS & FABBKLLT, Booksellers and Stationers, SAVANNA.H, GEORGIA. CHARLES L. C0LHU A CO,. SHIPPING-, COMMISSION, AND <t . FORWARDING MERCHANTS JONES’ BLOCK, CORNER BA Y AND ABERCORN STS., S A. VANN AH, GrA. liberal cash advances mode on consignments to the firm represented in New York by Charles L Colby, Esq., or to our friends in Boston. ALEX. H. HOL AY, Resident Partner. RzFEaaiicis.—Messrs. Dabney, Morgan A Co., New York; JarvisSfade, Esq.. New York; Gardner Colby, Ecq., Boston; Hon. J. Wiley Edinands, Boston, auglfi tf KEIN & C0„ 114 BAY STREET, 8AVAJWAH, OA-, COTTON FACTORS, COMMISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANTS. L IBERAL, cash advances made on oonsi) ments of (otton and approved Merchandize made to their friends in New Y ork, Boston or Liver pool. Refer to Messrs. Smith A Dunning, New York; C C. A H. M. Tabor, New York; Cabot A Senter, 6t Louis; W. H. Taylor, New Orleans.ang26 First class Wharves and to rttes. None but careful auAcompcten noAlO -tf cor. zE&ssr Wm. M. WIIOLZSALK IlEAl.aB 1W ' 'Ll ' groceries, Wines, liiquors, Teas, : . 'pi'.irb, Aie and Cider, J - 150 Bay Street....1..Baviannah. octss tf . ' • ; JNO. L. VILLALONGA, Cotton Factor# Forwar. ingand Commissioa MercbdiH NO. 94 BAY STREET,, GEORGIA. oct25 Cm ■ T HE dfidersigned have formed a Copartnership under fee name and style of (JOuPBR, UtaX/TT- A FAKKELLY. for the transaction of a Wholesale and Retail B#ok And Stationery at the old stand of John M. Cooper A Go., Northwest corner of Whitaker and St, Julies streets. JOHN M. COOPER, WILLIAM H OLCOTT, DANIEL G, OLCOTT. oct23 8TE PHffl^ F' BRKLLY. PAPLK AiVU KlG H AKEUtllSE. warren & flatter Wholesale Dealers in All Kind# of Coarse and Fine Papers, Enve lopes, Twines, and Paper Bags. Sole Agents in this city for the Bath Paper IKills. The highest cash prices paid for Rags, Old R ppe and Bagging, and Waste Paper, in large or small quantities. octio 210 Bay Street, Savannah. A. V. At. JttYBELL, Steamboat Agent, GENERAL Commission and Forwarding Merchant, Bay Street, Savannah, <Ja., Harris' Building, 2d Door West of A. Low A Co.'s. Reie s to Messrs. Hunter Jk- Gammeil, Crane, John son A GraybiU, Bell, Wylly A Christian, Bofewell A Whitehead, Miller, Thomas A Co., and M. A. Cohen, Esq. ' tf sep29 E. F. METCALFE & CO., GENERAL FOIL WARDING - AMD f COMMISSION MEBCHANTS, Stoddard’s Range, on Bay street, between Lincoln ’ and Abercorn, * ' Savannah, Geov(ia. References.— Honing, Flint A Pearee,’ New York; E. M. Bruce A Co. Augusta, (-la.; R. C. Robson, Eaq.,At lanta, Ga.; Knott A Uowes, Macon, Ga.;Ji. sep'Jl H GOWDY, Commission Merchant, 196 BA-Y STREET, (Anderson'# Wharf,) SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. oct2 ‘e >* 8m , FBA^K S. HESSELTINE, COUNSELLOR at LA.W, NO. 147 BAY STREET, (NEXT DOOR TO THE REPUBLICAN OPPICE,) SAVANNAH, Q- A. oct 21 . A- E- LOPEZ & CO., Gunsmith* and Lo^smiths, Iqrn#r ff J alien and Jefferson Streets. oct 18—tf SAMUEL P. HAMILTON, (Successor to Wllmot A Richmond,} ~ DKALIS UR Watches, Sliver Ware, Jewelry, Cane#, Cutlery, Ac. Cor. Whitaker,St. Julien and Congress Sts, ,SAVANNAH, GA. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Chronometers rated by transit. Cash raid for old GolJ and Slyer. RICHARDSON & BARNARD, Bay St, opposite Mariner’s church, • AGENTS fPOR Wm. Je#» anp J tngliih Patent D oct!4—tf Cast Steel, Cl renter Saw#, Cotton Gin#, Pacific Gnana, and Roofing. ALEXANDER HARDEE AMJ> GENE RiL €0iU»IIS8|0N nerghant COR. BAT AND JEPPERSON STREETS, 8ffv ANN AH, GA. Dealer In Hay, Plodder, Grata, Flour, Wool, Bids#, ...s:32L. ht & Co., N MEUfiliNTS, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Represented by oar Agent, JOHN S. WRIGHT, Esq. No. 69 WfllStreet, New York. PIONEER SAW Milt W E most respectfully announce to fee dtizena of Savannah add others rttiuirfAg Lumber that at the foot of- Zubly street, near the »chee Canal, fa eomytetod. We Mwand foraW|LumlMr in solicit a ItP our new Savannah and' now ■“ lO© stylos of TBOOKS 3 SATCHELS, .'last,' 8. HAATRIDG£, COMMISSION ujAND Foi warding Merchant, 93 B A.Y STREET, S ATT A3Smr A30C, G3B0DRGIA. OCt-14—tf A. T. ODNN1NUUAM, O. Q. FUSSa ». 1. LAUOOUBE. CLAiMXGHAJI, PL'RSE &C0., FACTORS, FOK WARDING AND Commission Merchants, Bay Street, Sjavanixali, Gra, References— Robt. Habersham & Sons, Han ter A Gammeil Octavos Cohen, Brigham, Baldwin & Co , Erwin A Hardee, Claghorn ACmmingham, eepfrSm KIRLIN, BRO, & BURKE, WHOLKSAL# DEALERS IN ALES, WINES AND LIQUORS Oor. Whitaker Street and £aj Lane. june‘^1 6m R. HOUNA, COE BULL ABD OONSBES8 STREETS, (Under Screven House,) IMPORTER AND WBOLBSAL# DEALER IN hlHraiut gegars, Leaf AM SMOKING TOBACCO. Also, all kinds of Virginia Chewing and Smoking tobacco. Meerschaum, Brier RfK't, and all other kinds of Fancy Pipes. 8m sepRO tn. HARDEE & CO., Shipping, Ocmmission, . . • AND ' ''*** *' F0RWA81)i\i» MER< UVNTSi S A V A N N A II N G A Will make liberal cash advances on consignments to their friends Norton, slaughter A Co.. 40 Brent street, NewYark. otlto-ff HEIRY BRTAt, Broker aid Comatssion AgeaW For Sale and Purchase of Sfcoeka, Bank Notes, Produce, &c. f and for For warding Cotton, Bryan Street, next to Planters’ Bank sag 15 8m AUGUSTA CARDS- J.O. MATHEWSON ' GENERAL COMMISSION, PRODUCE BROKER AND: FORWARDING MERCHANT, No. 285 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga., (At fee Old Stand of the late firms of T. P. StovaH Jk « o„ Stovall, Mc - .ailghlin A Co., and G. H. McLaughlin Jk Co .; Will give his prompt and personal attention to the purchase Sind sale, of Cotton, Domrafficr Goods, Bacon, Lord, Grain, Floor, ~~ chanclize generally. Having fee Agency of several I MtUs, I am prepared at all times to Yarns, Sheetings, ^hirtings, Ospapurg#, “^ife exteueive fire-proof warehouses, can ... taeore storage, and give prompt attention to merchan dize and produce consigned to me lor forwarding in rection. 6m aug2j Bagging, and flR Cotton my direction. .. ^, r _ ., . W. A RAMautY A GENERAL auct£S^h»S 308 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. OORAN, K V fc R,FIB*. m. nndersigned Uotd commissions from the lead- ^nsorance itions ot New York, repre- “ ‘ofover MILLIONS or dolubb Fifty Thoni T C 0 ™* ^llr^^HANWZR Iff TRANSIT ON THE august and macon wvdls, t‘ AND OCEANRI8KS GENERALLY. Prompt Feltlement of Losses, L. C, NORVELL Ac-GO., rnayB -Bull street, oppoeits Poet Omce. IiSURAWjOE AUIBOKIZED CAPITAL, $19,400,960 —Sol? • f CHA8. L. COLBY U CO. A Po^aSd n th is city in fee following named first class New Yo city in fee following named Companies, at fee lowest rates COLUMBIAN MARINE INSURANCE C0-, Capital, $0,000,000. MORRIS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $8,000,000. COMMERCE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital*. $«oo, coo. STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $200,000. Office in Jones’ Block, corner Bay and Abercorn street!. Branch Office, cor. Drayton and Bryan streets. augl6-tf FIRE INSURANCE. TIIK PHJENIX INSURANCE CO- OF HARTFORD, CONN. Capital, $600OOO....Aneet#,*!,OOO.OOO. r, «f!»E«rri WOODFORD & EITCB Jrrojr.vB,., AND COUNSELLORS AT NO. Law BBo 1Bw4t) f ITrinity BniMu^^ tow, prattirr of tb. luroRT,.:: hr De4tn j, Musical inslrument?, String ^ ROBERT NUNNS 1 (Late sines A cl*kk-» PIANO FORTS^; AND €. F. Martin’s G- U I T A a 8 581 BROADWAY, LU P stair.,’ (OPPOSITE THE METROPOLITAN HOTEL j new York. N. B.-Bra« Instruments, Clarionets, Jintes, fc, Bands made to order and warranted (Wholesale.) novl—lm (Rttaii.i Fire risks taken in the above Company on Buildings and Merchandize of every discriptiou at fair rates, novto-fan , , H.' BRIGHAM, ^Agent MERCHANTS’ INSURANCE COMPANY! HARTFORD, CONN. T HE nndersigned having been appointed-agent for the above well known Company, is prepared to take risks against fire on. the most favorable terms. H BRIGHAM, id Treat JnlyS Office Southern Insurance and 1 ■ t -S- t Co. BALTIMORE CARDS. nOOLE Jk HUNT, JT if. Baltimore, Maryland, iunMne#. ^ Portable and Stationary Steam Engines and Boilers, Steam Ffre Engines, • Portable Saw Mills, Gang and Single Saw Mills, Mining Machinery, Portable Grist Mills, Flour Mill Machinery, Cotto# Screws, ’ -Railroad Cars, Car Wheels and Axles, Hydraulic Presses for Oil and Tobacco, Tobacco Moulds, Gas Works Apparatus of all kinds, Salting, Pulleys and Hangers. . . *°t DDL LET NICHOLS, Baltimore. CrSDS P. MENDENHALL, Greensboro 1 , N, C. C. P. MENBINHU4. A CO, Cotton, Tobacco; AND General Conmission merchants, 156 Pratt Street Wharf, < ' BALTIMORE. rfTHIS old establi8hment,-*with increased facilities, J. continues to exrente, promptly, orders for Steam and other machinery. Bailer#, Casting#, Ac. A large water front on the Har bor, with a powerful crane, gives them great advan- tages in fitting out and repairing steamers. Station ary Kugines of various size# kept on hand. Iron far bridges fiiroiflbed. HAZLKHUR8T Jb CO. octal—6ni (THE BALTIMORE 1. WROUGHT IRON PIPE ANDTUBB CO. Is now prepared to supply Gas, S team and Water Pipe and Fhflngsrou fee most favorable terms. A ll^ewarranted P i : tsa>. Baltimore, Md. sep25—3m A FACT WORTH KNOWING HAT by bnying shoes with Metallic Tips, two- thirds the usual expense of suppling children wife ay be saved. No one, for every-day wear, cai nny an, other, MUtans of dolfara are an .ved by this naefhl invention. The toes of remain perfect until the rest of the The fact are kept dry, fens bene- »°gU Shoe is Mnampt. The feet are kept d inebriate may now tad defiance to the tempt- cun Dr. Zanta antidote for strong -drink 1# tnkenne#*. It creates a strong drink, - Slid can be administered without the knowledge of the patient Descriptive circulars sent to any nddrese. For , ay resoectable druggists in fee United States ox, orpackag* a receipt of the i ROMKR, Wholesale i 408 Cbesnut at.. Ur. Band’s -png (tideet and most reliable meffichre for the care I of SpermatorhcBQ, Seminal Weakness, Loesof Pow- eT Ac ThfamedSie has stood the test of over thir ty years and has always proved a success. DR RANDS 8PECIFK! is exhibited in fee form of pills, #i#de up «tire!y of substances that have a sped- sfe'WAfSSK.'SS’a, SESttjktadof puET T----0:7™ V 1* K.U,, not lat^ded as an evaobatino iMDioara. Its medici nal virtneskra expended entirely upon fee impaired regenerative organs. The pills are not unpleasant to HAWKINS &C0 PACKERS k GENERAL PROA ISI0\ Dealers, Beef Pork. 341 Front St., JY CW York Butter * Vegetables! Cheese, iWi Bacon, . g^. Lard, Tongues, • Shoulders, ”* Eggs, 4{ Fulton market Beef. All orders carefully executed at the i NHOHTE8T NOTICE. We respectfully refer to Messrs. Stuart t Co it Ehrlich, Esq,, B. G. Tilden, Esq. U " l southern Produce received on consignment. oc»—6m., . ■ Holmes & Patterson, B.14 Water Street, fftvltrk, Receivers of Flour, BESTERS, AND SOUTHERN PRODUCE. Consignments Solicited, O RDERS for Flour, Wheat, Com and Oat# filled at lowest market rates and direct!? fa* first hands, thns saving extra profits. Receivers of the well known Brand of Flou, "Keanage mills,” which will be supplied, and in lots to eniL - , ■ Full information furnished by LaROCHE, UADEN A UNCKLES, oct25—2m cor. Bay and Barnard streets. D. H. BALDWIN & GO., COMMISSION MEKI HINTS, 1*7 Pearl Street, NEW YORK. ~ ?; ":™MMra™’} NcwYork - | Savannah. H. BRIGHAM, C. M. HOLST. 3m or U Bacon, Clirdy & Uo, Cotton and Tobacco Factor*, NEW YORK, Represented in Savannah by Bryan, Hartridge k Co. W E do entirely a Commission Business, erotto? oprselvea to get the outside market anoOToni for our patrons. Literal advances made on Cotton at Savannah, and partial advances on Cotton read? * mmk byId & COMMISSION MBRCHANT3, FOR THEqSALE OP COTTON, COTTOII YABNS, SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, JEANS, tc 78 Ckambers-street, New iod. Samnel G. Wvman, 1 ^ ^ Baltimore, Md. E58ffiabs*fi*i GARDNER, JOEXTER * «»" COMMISSION MEECHANTB roa th* sal* or . COTTON:- N» HO Pearl St, I Ne. 24 ^ ) ^^ llB I -Sr American BxCge Bank. I National Revere Ban Jgfaringampte fining themselves strid without operating on solicit ' S. L. ABBOT* CO,AF^SJ^Gi. C. K. DEXTER, Agt in HARVOTT k SttHLLiSGi fike-pboof gtorofe w»F eboas€ ’ Consignment* of purchrae of Goods, 1BS WHE PHBBNOCOGICALAOl'*^! I Devoted to Bttmology, rtlau* » Physiognomy, Psvctolory, and^to “ the IntelleetnaL Social, c”n"‘ X’S&S Man. number. bctlG A AM. B. fienerai aad tluaailNs ou Hold. It free from hair^Sld'byETuggtota anti Fancy L0? Liquors- *t. eom&Sk: nniiirrw (H mwTJianmyM wiBiuu^ w al. ately, will consult their interests by consigning