Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 16, 1865, Image 4

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T HIS oil establishment, with increased fscilities, cmttuues to ejrcnte, promptly, order* for Steam and other Machinery, Balters, Castings, Ac. . A large water front- on the Har bor, with a powetftt! crane, "Ives them great advan tages in fitting oni add repairing steamers. btation- a» Engines of various sizertepcon hand.' Iron for bridges furnished, HAZLKHURST & CO. f|lHE PIP Bj Ib now prepared to supply Ga% Steam H GOWDY, Commission Merchant, 196 BAY STPltfiKX.i (Anderson’s Wharf,) SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. FORWAHINKS MER<‘II iNTS, - SAVIN NAII , GA. Will make liberal cash advance* on consignments to their friends, Norton, t laughter A- Ob, Ip Broad street, New York. oct *=-tf .T by bnjidg ffli JL thirds the usual expen shoes may be saved. No < if ■ metal tipped shoes remain shoe is worn oat. Thafu fitting the health and sino FRANK S. HESSELTINE, COUNSELLOR at LAW, NO. 147 BAY STREET, (NEXT DOOR TO THE REPUBLICAN OFFICE,) SAVaNNA&.GA. ' oct 11 - - ■: A- E- LOPEZ & CO., A Cunsaiihs and Lo ksmitbs, Corner of St. J alien aid Jtffentu Street*. FANCY GOODS C. M. HILL3MAN, now bid defiance to the tempt- e*s antidote for strong drink Is renness. It creates * dislike for x be administered without the AUGUSTA CAROS. TOB TUI Sill or ! COTTON No 116 Pearl St, No. 2 National®, Ame^Wtfp BaSk! National Severe I Cotton Sin*! fWtnn Shu I Cnttnn Sin*! of the Emory & Craven, McCharty a£nd Excelsior Oottoit a-xisrs, With Engines, Hone Powers, end ev«y thing com pile for tanning, in store, and ready for immediate shipment, at the lowest rates, by JOHN B. FULLER, No. S Her Street, Rsw ftlk. Oct27—eodly T H JK W A S H INGTON IRON WORKS Have on hand for sale their ■WSBUSSSMnfiiKffiy- Saw MilU,rioiu and Cora Min" f And manufacture to order all khpls of Bt«am En gines, Mariner Stationary, and Propeller, Railroad • ars and Turn Tables, iron Steam Vessels and Barges; also, General Machinery, Iron and Brass u«st- " • Adams ■ r GENERAL COMMISSION, PRODUCE BROKER AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, No. 285 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga., (At the Old Stand of the late firms of T. P, Stovall A ( o„ Stovall, Mct-auglllin A Co;, and G. B. ' - McLaughlin A Co., ) Will give his prompt and personal at purchase and sale of tiottott- Domestic Bacon, Lard, Grain, Floor, Rope, Bagg chandlxe generally. Having the Agency of several first Mills,! am prepared at all time* to sn Tarns, Sheetings, "— v — aeys, Jeans, Ac , with extensive secure storage, or dice and orodnee any direction. FRHSvl TBBN1P SiEO. oldest and most reliable medicine ermatorhoea, Seminal Weakness, I This medicine has stood the test a RUT A BAGA. n at it ir t c H, AND' Bed Top Turnip Seeds, Warranted to be of the GrROWJUH OF 1865, Just received from D. Landreth, and for pale bv W. W. LIN OLN, Watches, Silver Ware, Jewelry, Carnes, Cutlery, dec. Cor. Whitaker, St. Julien and Congress Sts, GAVANNAH, GA. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Chronometers rated by transit. Cash paid for old Gold and Silver. Jy*8 tf BAR WIT L SCHILUWm FIRE-PROOF Swies wareWS**’ 3«» WMllinftW 8,r ** - NS!W is» < ^nal*»n , w t .nfeoo*i re^v^S.' jr*. are not unpleasant to htUhte them tofth im- which plan we would RICHARDSON & BARNARD, Bay St, opposite Mariner’s Ctarch, fnrnlsh aas«a j^sTur'CH^^' (jlCAt A CHOICE LOT OF tags, large and small ALSO, FOO Bbte. Lkwrencevllle Co’s Ceneit, «* '* Willbenoid Low to -Close CoHsignn^ent. apply to CHA8. It. COLBY L CO,, JfEl* !f . cor. Bay and Abercorn its. AUCTIONEERS.,. 308 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. Edwin Forrest.. m The Davenport.' Brothers, per I). L Boucioault, Esq.................... 10 000 Rayartl Taylor, Esq.... 5/w The Original Christy iiibWreis^V^ fc '' ^9 Preai-ent Johnson’s Laundress..t,.... iiO Rbinea* Barnum (promised) 1,000 Rev. Brigham Young t 100 A tew othis W ires - • 961 Anglodetestator.^r.\st.AJ4^*.'...vj . 1 American papers pieaae copj. Daring the ta^S^^figusTmore than 22 000 COE. BAT AND JEFFKR50X STREETS, 8AVANNAH.GA. Dealer in Hay, Fodder, Grain, Mow, Wool, Hides, ran, short*, Ac. tf sepi* ; WriMtat & Co„ H/tthLn",? n^opmed oat Foundry and Machine aapsagBapai Rio de J*ueircr, Brazil, Liquors- S:«n2l® WRIGHT, Keq. (Strict business i SATCHELS seven months of last year end 124,457 passengers were landed and the number during th* gsi tit,*46, showing a falling oi Blah. Dry White Lead, Paper, etc., which wekfiq eerie*, Liquor* and Wines 1 BCYTRa’ANh Cl choiceGoeben Batter; U The Wife «* HerHusbafiA The following beautiful eff^OD » frosuGie pea OI a member of the ‘Society of ,Friend#.’ It has won several husbands from toe club and the bar-room to their domestic hearth. May it win many mqte ! . .5 ", - You took me, William, when h girl, into your home and heart. To bear in all your after fate a fond and faithful And tcU rt me, hare I over tried that duty to forego, ’ ' - ,Vv . . Or pined there was not joy for me, when you were sunk in woe ? ~' 1 • No ; I would rather share your tear than any other’s glee; * .'L.' , For though you’re nothing to the WoHd, yoiv« all the world to me ; ' You make a palace of my shed, this rough hewD bench a throne ; * jsi~K There’s sunlight for me in yonr smiles and musie in your tone. _■ -me • I look upon you when yon sleep—my eyes with tears grow dimv - . - I cry, O Parent of tfee poor, look down from heaven otffctmr "T . ’. Behold him toU from day to day, exhansting strength and bouI ; ... •' O look with mercy on him, Lord, £sr thon canst make bim whole. And when at last relieving sleep has oh my eye lid* smiled, . - ."•'!* h . How oft are they forbade to close u> slumber by our child ! s I take the little murtnurer, that spoils my span of rest, And feel it is a part of thee I lull upon my breast, , ,. * ;' x y There's only one return I crave, Ianay not need it lung, ■C And it may soothe thee when I’m where the wretched feel no wrong/ I ask for not less frugal fare, if such as I have got . ' T Buffioe to make me fair to thee, for more I mnr - mur not J -A “ . But I would ask some share of hours which you on Cfiitra bestow, , c _. Of knowledge.Wttmh, you, ^rise «° much, mig l uoLaometbiug koov ? . Subtract from meetings amongst men, eacn e e, an hour for me, T Make me companion of your soul, as l my II yon^Bl Ye^,’i’ll sit and work, then think when you’re away ; - - - " "ad tl ITS PUBLICATION BOON TO BBVIVBD. 'THE undersigned takes pleasure In announcing to A its old-patrons anil the public that arrangements have been nearly perfected by which the ‘Tutiomi. AurciaaN” will he revived, in a new and .'attractive form, and Under very favorable auspices,-in the City of Atlanta, Georgia early ta the ensuing year.* The paper was established hi ISfii, and enjoyed a pa' ronage and popularity greatly superior to atfe. of its city riitempennies up to January, 1861, when it was discontinued in consequence ef the secession of Georg a from the Union. It witt he remembered as a bold and consistent National Journal—zeatansly opposing Re cession and Disnuioh, and as wsrm’y advocating the dcvdopmqnt of the vast and varied Resources of the Month—particularly -of Georg in; the adoption or a liberal ay&tem of. Public ; rhools and General (education ; an enlightened system of Agriculture ; ‘Jm promotion and elevation dr the Mechanic Arts; top establishment of Manufactories, and the WSKSt ment ortWery tadurtriai par uU calculamdtoimprove f and Marais of oar people ana r^naeriw , » and happy in the “Union of ,Pp r [| , ( i! <ent j,£ win bq the uim of its pn jecjjM-and h P we]I . social es to sns'aln, in all it? leailui^ fa ^i teuc y of 'rarnedgood name ev^n "ac- the paper, and to i' ie Wtberto palmiest day*, ceptable and popular than Ini * ‘, Hld record . The piper ttontbern in its It will continue Uwi >J ibing no man who did his time and character—PPJ*f " ud fenrlesslv. yet courte- 'oo^ir " crery measure, par y or'clique whose tuthe ^ uud I,roe ' pe 'i i f 7, mtwcst , o" the subscriber as well as those of Ajicrtiser will be protected, and every effort made Jhe . *b e / yeaicAN a Live and Reliable News, Political, tdinmercisl and Family Journal. F ThcNiTioMAi. Ansaican will be puhlished Dally and Weekly i>> ««City of Atlanta, and furnished to Union Place Hotel. 4 ^ % * • S - * ' “ • 1 ' Cor. Broadway aud 14th Sts , Opposite Washixi^o® Statue, ^ ■ Y O R ii c 1 T Y • II. C. wi ing &CA)., Proprietors. NEW aiiujum^i HANOVEK STREET, BOSTON, Ta tlie Largest anil Best Arranged Hotel in New England. LEWIS RTCF, Proprietor. sep27 work, then the time, dear William, Less tedious 1 shall fin A meet comoamon soon 1 II be, e en of your studious hours, . , And teachm of those little ones you call our cot tage flowers. Xlie Confederate Dead. From the broad end calm Potomac To the Rio Grande’s waves. Have the brave end noble fallen— And the earth is'strewn with graves, I In the vale and on the bill-side, Thro’ the woods and by the stream, Has the martial .pageant faded, Like the vision of a dream. Where the reveille resounded, And the stirring call, "to arms,” Nod the downy beads of clover To the wind’s mesmeric charms ; Where ttyeheels of trampling squadrons Beat to dust the mountain pass, Hang the dewdrops’ fragile crystals From the slender stems of grass ; Where the shock of meeting armies Ronsed the air in raging waves, And with sad and hollow groamngs Echoed earth’s deep hidden caves ; Where the cries of crushed aod dying Pierced the elemental strife. Where lay Death in sick’nmg horror ’Nea'h the maddening rush of Life— Quiet now reigns, sweet and pensive, All is hushed in dreamless rest, Aud the pitying arms of Nature Hold our heroes on her breast. Shield them well ob tender mother, While the morn and evening breath Whispers as, the sad survivors, Oi their victory in Death. What, though no stately column, * Their cherished names may raise, To dmi the eyes and move the lip With gratitude and praise^— _ The blue sky, hung with bannered clouds, Their solemn dome shall be, All Heaven’s choiring winds shall Chant The anthem of the free. The Spring with vine-leafed arms shall clasp l'hetr hulocked resting places, And summer roses droop*bove With flushed and dfiwjiaees ; Fair daisies, rayed and crowned, shall spring Like stars from out their dnst, And iook to kindred stars on high, With eyas of patient trust And vainly shall the witling’s lips Assail with envious dart, The fame of our heroic deed, Whose stronghold is the heart— The Nation’s heart—not wholly crushed, TbV each throb be in pain ; . For Life and Hope will still survive, Where Love and Faith remain. Ltnsnu. Eulauia, Ala., June, 1865. .• .\ -* [ifacon Journal. \ The Fenian Fund. •' c | From Punch/] It is not often that we reproduce a mere article ol news, without comment of our own ; but we teel it the duty of every English journalist to as mnoh publicity as possihle to the strange and disgraceful facts revealed in the following list of American contribltiDns to the Fenian fund. The list itself was foiiua among the papers upon the person of one of the Americans who \re*-e arrested in the Australian, io the 14th fust., and has been published among the evidence taken at the Castle. Only the gravest considera tions would induce us to depart from the ordina ry customs of this journal tn -regard to news ; but m presence ot the impending ctisis the case is exceptional. Contributions received, or- promised in New York, Washington and Boston, to tl^p fund in aid of the Irish Patriotic Fenians : Amount al realty collected „..tyi,937,20i; Hon. Charles Somber., 1,000 William Cullen Bryant;■;.......... ?f.V 1,006 Hon. Henry J. Raymond, New York Timeii.. . - *—■ • ■ ;>•••• • •• - Miss Anna E. DicJafown. Hon. Horace Greeley, Tribune Hun. Brastun-Brodt^iKnprpas James G rcion Bennett.•* -I ■ vlr. Prime Journal wifCommhic«.v.. Rev. H. W.Beeqher,. Lerter Wallaek’... Ueneral Couch./w»... ► General Grant ........ Morton VcMicuael, Philadelphia..... Judge Ludlew ii. ....i...-.. Governor Sharkey :.... Hon. Gideon Welles Henry. W. Longfellow Mrs. D P. Biwers Mr: aiid,Sirs. Barney Williams Bachelors at Astor Housw Hotel The Waiters at ijelmonico’s.......... “Fanny Fern ” per R. p. Willis,.Esq.. Messrs" ‘ A few actorsM the Bowery *7,.,* Editor of^he ‘‘AtranMe Monthly” AriemusiWard, Esq..., .- Hon. Benj'amm Wood, Daily News.... Firemen’ot the Plogugly Brigade..... at *12 per annnm, for the I -strictly in advance. nov#~ J. & P. COATS’ BEST SIX-SORD CABLED (SOLID WHITE, NOW LANDING.) John & Hugh Auohiuoloss, * • i ’tir- VC . ^ r.~ SOLE ACCENTS W NEW YORK, 108 1^^ST. : nov!4—tn,th&fJ SOUTHERN LAND EMIGRATION AND PRODUCT COMPANY, 71 Breadway, near Wall Street, New York W II. ariNCYadute or South Carolina),SECRETA RT pnrpoee of introducing Skill, Emigration anc O RGANIZED for the Capital, Mechanical S , ^ Labor-Saving Machinery iuto the southern States. Stationary and Portable Engines, Saw ami Grist. Mills,Cotton Gins and Presses,Turpentine and Whisky Distilleries, Agricultural lmplemen<s,and Labor-saving Machineryof all kinds famished at manolactorere' prices. Consignments of Cotton, Turpentine, and all other Southern Products, solicited. White Labor, (German, &c.) supplied. Southern Lands sold, leased and exchanged. Particular attention pain to the sale oi State and Railroad "Bonds and other rbnihem Securilies. Ad dress W. H. yUlNO.y, Secretarj', Tl Broadway, New York. RKFERENCKS: G. W. Riggs, Esq., Washington. D. C. Messrs. Wilson, Gibson A Co., Bankers, N. Y. Edward Haight, Esq, President Bank Common wealth, N. Y. Henry Stokes, Esq, President Manhattan Life In surance Company, New York. > Messrs. W. T. Watters A Uo, Baltimore, Md. Messrs. Thomas A Co., Bankers. Baltimore. Md. Col. Wm. Johnson, President Charlotte and Colum bia Railroad. Gen. John Brattan, Winnsboro’, South Carolina. Rufus Johnson, Esq'., President Exchange Bank, Columbia, a. C. oct2S— eodlm , . Oai hart, Whilford MANUFACTURERS WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ^ -MADE CLOTHING, 331 4* 333 Broadway^ Corner Worth Street, NEW YORK. T. F. OARIIAKT, HXNBY MYAFKE, WM. U. WUITKOBn, i. n. VAN WAUKNEN, A. T. HAMILTON Office of Payne A Carhart in liquidation. ■ •‘*r -**•-*'if- The Southern House Fourth Street, ST. X.OTTXS. JtitO. an» LAVEILLE, WARNER & CO., Proprietore. A first class family Hotel; unsurpassed for locality, comfort and convenience. tf sepu^ tf METROPOLITAN HOTEL, foate Brown’s, WASHINGTON-, D. C. T HIS leading Hotel, Renovated and Refurnished, is now in perfect order for the reception and accom- modatioo of its old patrons. 3m seplg_ MISCELLANEOUS. OSUGS; MEDiGINES. * AND C H EMI CALS. A CHOICE selection of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PERFUMERIES, PATENT MEDI CINES, TRUSSES, &c., just landed from New York, Apothecaries. Pianters and traders From the interior can be supplied at shortest notice. I can warrant any article as being pure. A _la r ge quantity of EUROPEAN LEECHES, finest quality. \ ■ All the PATENT MEDICINE* extant on hand. 100 cases JACOB’S DYSENTERIC CORDIAL, all of which will be sold low for CASH. Wholesale and Retail, lpotliecarie§' Hall, Comer Broughtim and Barnard streets, W. M. WALSH, FI. D., Proprlet.P. N. B.—Fresh Garden Seeds. tf ie!6 OOTTOiN GIJNS, STEAM ENGINES FOR SAW MILLS, And ail kinds of Machinery can he procured through the undersigned. SASHES AND BUNDS, Of every description and pntt“rn. can be obtained at the lowest MauufactHrers’ Prices, by apphing to Ur.O. O. Id ARC Y, oct3I—1m 20S Bay street V Macon Telegraph and Angusta Constitutionalist please copy, and send bill to this office. PAHiOSi, MANUPAtrrUBEU HadfieM's Un«n Fire Works, Importer of Ctaioeec Fire Cracker* Rockets, it., ke. Manufacturer of LANTEHNS, FLAGS, &C. Also « large assortment ol his own importation of TOYS AND FANCY GOODS. 24 John St., near Broadway, N. Y, oct 25—12m ■ JVC WIMfiK J- WINTER. W ? NT®E & <30^ Oomtaissioti Merchants, 10 Broadway, New York. Will attend promptly to the sale of Cotton and other consignments. Orders for Meichaudize w ill receive attention aud dispatch. The sale ot von them Securities, Bonds, Bank Note* and Ssnthern Lands solicited. Circular Sawltfills, of Ihe merit, improved construction, warranted to cat 10,001) feel of lumber per diem, hav ing no feed except saw dust with every thing com plete, including Belting for $a,5ou. Send for circu lar. . .. 9 c ^ K.B. ENDLkTi/X. WM. R. JOUtlTT FEtVULETON A JOUEl’l’. (Formerly of St. Louis,) COMMISSION MERCHANTS 1 AND b \ " COTTON FACTORS, So. 58 Water street, Sew York. Orders arc solicited for the purchase or sale of Cot ton, Sugar, Molasses, Coffee I’eas, Western Produce Naval store.", Bagging. Rope Ac., Ac., which will re ceive our best personal attention. lm oct 19 KKAF .■ & QIAjL, Manufacturers and Jobbers of STBAW AsD MILLLEBY eOODS ^ tl ; ■ Non. 281 and 283 Broadway, (opposite A. T. !-tewart’s,) YORK. A fall supply of Goode suitable "for this market, al ways on hand. ' r e Your patronage isrespectfuHy solicited. •ctSS—Om and NORTH SIDE OF BAT STREET. Between Whitaker and Barnard, • " 3 AV4.NNAH, G HI O RGTA Liberal advances made am consignments of Cotton, Ac„ to their friends ta New York and Boston. References—Wjn K. Kitchen. Prert National Park Bank, N. V.-.H. C. Thacher A l’o„ Boston; Israel Co- ben, Baltimore; Hall, Moses ACo-.Colhmbns; Wyman, Moses A Co„ Montgomery. augT E. B. CffiPMAN, (Successor to Get^b. Mercy,) 2 0 8 BAY S®^tt E K|3\, Marti* Side. Betxoeen 'Barnard and Jefferson Streets, WOOD, COAL 4^D GRAIN (iK\ ERlIrCO^ffll^SIOIV HAT, ry^, rum. a X.— PAIUFL PXJTDER, ^would - _ . ^—,—u L. .■ .. HtlftTPh ItTItfl WTTWw resjicctfu br inform the.public that he fftlHE unCi-rsi-ru-d hold commissions front the fead- _ > f -' * now prepared lo forutoh, at' the *Jp* wi»^iS?«iNeir Krfk. repro- . DANIEL BUTLER .would . _ prepared —shortest notice. HORSES AND (IRItI VRES. «-.v T- - J . First, class C’ajrriace^ the varioq* Steamboat' Whanet* and to the Railroad- Depot at the - lowest rates. to cover Fifty Thon- At lowest market prices.' &ODT. p. YORK, M. X. J. E. M1NT1BK. P. H. WABI). JN0. L. VHJjALQNGA, Oottoh Facte*, Forwar ing and Commission Moteham NO. 94 BAY STREET,, GEORGIA. oct35 Cm w. muuis. mi & ql AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay Street ...Savannah, Ga Consignments of Cofita and Lumber solicited. Reference*: Savannah—Brigham, Baldwin A Co., Gaden A Unckles, Erwin A Hardee. Hunter A Gammell, Isaac D. La Roche, Hiram Roberts, W. Woodbridge, L. C. Norveil Jk Co. New York—S. T. Knapp A Bro, D. H. Baldwin A Co. Sale days, Tuesdays and Fridays.sep5 CHARLES L. COLBY k CO., 8HIPPING, ' COMMISSION, " AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS JONES’ BLOCK, CORNER BA Y AND ABERCORN STS., SAVANNAH, GA_. liberal cash advances made on consignments to the firm represented in New York by ( harles L Colby, Esq., or to onr friends in Boston. ALEX. H. HOL AY, Resident Partner. Rr.rsEr.Noot.—Messrs. Dabney, Morgan £ Co., New York; JarviaSlade, Esq.. New York; Gardner Colby, Esq., Boston; Hon. J. Wiley Edmunds, Boston, angle tf KELN & CO., 114 BAT STREET, SAVANNAH, GA., COTTON FACTORS, COMMISSION A FORWARDING MERCHANTS. L IBERAL, cash advances made on consign ment* of t otton and approved Merchandize made to their friends in New York, Boston or Liver pool. Refer to Messrs. Smith A Duuning, New York; C C. A H. M. Tabor, New York; Cabot & Sentef, t-t. Louis; W. H. Taylor, New Orleans. ang20 V. H. JHYBELL, Steamboat Agent, GENERAL Commission and Forwarding Merchant, Bay Street, Savannah, Cia., . - Harris' Building, 2d Door West of 4. Low A Co.’s. Fcfe s to Messrs. Ilunte- A Gammell, Crane, John son A Graybill, Bell, Wylly A Christian, Bothwell A Whitehead, Miller, Thomas A Co., and M. A. Cohen, Esq. tf r - K. F. MKl’CALKK A (JO., GENERAL. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Stbji&rifo Tange, oh Bay street, between Lincoln V— 'J 1 ■ and Abercorn, . C- Savannah, Georgia. Reference*.—Hening, Flint,& Pearce, New York; E. M. Bruce A Co. Augusta, (ta ; R. C. Kobson, Esq., At lanta, Ga.; Knott * llowes, Macon, Ga.; K. M Bruce, Morgan A Cb , Apalachicola, Fla ; Watts, Utaae A I o., New YdiB; Geo. C. Pearce A Co,, St- Loah* Moj H. a Brace A Co., Cfncinuati, O.; Mr. FL J. Cook, AllKiny, Ga.; John W. O’.ounor, Macon. Ga. sep21 tf haul b®* ^rennali ausa law None but careful and competent Drivers Maalojad, *•"*■, ZT* noA)0—tf cor. WhtbS^na^k aSm ■ 001 ,N THASSIT ON 1 — *■" . ■ . , ’ AUGUSTA AND MACON Thobdo Wm. M. Davidson - . WUOU28AUE TOALJhR IN Groceries, Wises, Liquors, Teas, f-esars, lie and Cider, 150 Bay Street .Savannah. OCt25 ’ " ” tf C00PG8,0L00Tf 8 & FAKRKLLY, Booksellers and Stationers, SAVANNAH, GEORG I A. v if, "e T HE nndereigned have formed a Copartnership under the name and style of CUuPER. uLCOTT' A FARRELLY, for the transaction of a Wholesale and Retail ■ ' Book and Stationery Bnslne**, at the old stand of John M. Cooper A Co., Northwest corner of Whitaker and bt. Julies streets. . JOHN M. COOPER, WILLIAM H OLCOTT, DANIEL G. OLCOTT. Oct23 STEPHEN F iRRELLV. P4PLK \ A I) R AG W ARKHt USE. WABBISN & PLATNEB Wholesale Dealers in All Kinds of Coarse and Fine Paper*, Enve lopes, Twine*, and Paper _ Beg*.-/ - • Sole Agents in this city for the Bath . Paper Hill*. The highest cash prices paid tor Rags, Old R op* and Bagging, and Waste Paper, in large or small quantities. octio 210 Bay Street, S»Aann»*u A. I. HABTRIUGE, COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchant., 92 BAY STItEICT, SAY A3XT3ST AEC, OCI14—tf GE0D8.GIA. A. T. ODKMNOHAlt, D. O. PUB&f, O. J. CU.V1VINGHAM, PL BSE & €0„ FACTORS, FORWARDING AND . * Commission Merchants, Bay Street, .........Savannah, Ga, References—Robt. Habersham A Sons, Hunter A- Gammell, Octavos Cohen, Brigham, Baldwin A Co., Erwui A Hardee, Claghorn ♦ Cuuningham. sei»5-3m KIRLIN, BRO, & BUKKE, WHOLESALS DEALERS IN , ALBS, WINES AND LIQUORS Oor. Whitaker Street and Bay Lane. jom^l » 6m R. MOUNA, OOK BULL AHD COHGREBS STBEETS, * (Under ScreveR Ilonge.} \ *, 4r ' , IMPORTER AND WHOLESAU DEALER UK ^ u Ha?ana Sejfars, Leaf , : anp , SMOKING TOBACCO. Also, ;dl kinds of VirgifilE Chewing- and staokii sentlog an aggreg^e, nvi:— «ot New Jof ovuc COUMSEUX)BS A t Law lueuarA and MACON * mm m TH 8 a r* “ ’ OOKANRI3K8 GENKRat. TiY Prompt Settlement rtf’ Losses, L. C. NORVELL Ac <30., may2»Bull strest, opposite Poet Offlcc. AND The rindersiened having Kssmnt <w. _ CHARLES bbUKt/— I i&URANCE APTfiORiZKB fAPITAL, $10,400,000 CHA8. L. OOLBY & CO. A BE prepared to take Uterine Risk* to any iX Domestic or Foreign Port, and Fire Risk* n th Is city in the followtagaataeQ fret dose New York Companies, at the lowest rites: COLUMBIAN MARINE INSJJRANCB C0-, MORRIS YIRB INSURANCE COMPANY, * Capital, $8,000,000. COMMERCE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capitol, $*K>,(ioo. . « . STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $200,000. Office in Jones’ Block, sr Bay 'd and Abercorn streets, cor. Drayton, aad Bryan streets. anglft-tf corner Branck Office, * cor. Dravtim an FIRE INSURANCE. THE PHOENIX -INSURANCE Cfl. OP HABTFOBI), CONN. Capital^ *900 OOO....Atse(*,*l,OOO.OOO. Fire rtoka taken in the above Company on Buildings and Merchandize of every inscription at fair rates. nov3—lm i >; H. BRIGHAM, Agent MERCHANTS’ INSURANCE COMPANY! HARTFORD, CONN. ri ’HE undersigned having been appointed agent for i the above well known Company, is prepared to take risks against fire on the most favorable terms. H BRIGHAM, BALTIMORE CARDS. po OLE ’ 2 *. NT, Baltimore, Maryland, MximrAortmas Portable and Stationary Steam Engines and Bailers, Steam Fixe Engines, Portable Sow Mills, Gang and Single Saw Mills, Mining Machinery, Portable Grist -Mills, Flour MID Machinery, Cotton Screws, Railroad Cars, Oar Wheels and Axles, Hydraulic Presses for (Ml and Tobacco, Tobacco Moulds, ' Gas Works Apparatus'of all kinds, Salting, Pulleys end Hangers, angfi . Am Musical iBrirumeate, Strings, & ROBERT NUNNS’ (Late NGXN8 & CLARK’S PIANO fortes AND C. F. Martin’s G- U I T A H g 581 BROADWAY, [Upstair,,] COPPGSrfR THE METROPOLITAN HOTEL.) NEW York. N. B.-Brass Instruments, Clariosets, Flutes, *t Bands made to order and wananted "' ‘ (Wholesale.) , R „, „ novl—lm 'Kctailj HAWKINS &CT PACKERS A GENERAL PROVKIOV Dealers, 341 Front St., JYcw York, Beel - ■ ..j. : Butter, Pork, Cheese, Ftah, Hams, Bacon, fliti Lard, < Tongues, Shoulders, Bggs, fc Fsalton Harket Beef. All orders carefully executed at the SHORTEST NOTICE. We respectfully refer to Messrs. Stuart A Co B Ehrlich, £sq., B. G. Tildcn, Esq. °" 8 - - Southern Produce received on consignment, octft—*m CTEOS r. mWOSXHALL, Greensboro’, N. C. DOI LET MCHOL8, - Baltimore. C. P. MEkMMI’U A CO, Ootton, Tobacco, General fommlssion Merchants, lp0 Pratt Street Wharf, & Patterson, M*. 55 Water Street, New York, Receivers of Flour, WESTERS, -i . . AND SOUTHERN PRODUCE, Oonsignments Solicited, /VRDERS for Flour, Wheat, Comand Osts, VF filled at lowest market rates, and directly from first hands, thus saving extra profits. Receivers of the weD known Brand ol Flour, “Keoirsage .Hills,” which will be suppli'jd. ml ta lots to suit. Full information famished by LxROCHK, GADEN & UNCKLES, octifl—2m cor. Bay and Barnard streets. D. H- BALDWIN & CO COMMISSION MERt BASTS, 178 Pearl street, NEW YORK. ?;£S T G N '}“k. C.' M.^rnKflT .} aaranrak ^ „ u Becon,Clirdy &Uo, Cotton and Tobarro Factors, NKW YORK. B^presetited in Savannah by Bryan, ' Hartridge k Co. TIYE do entirely a Commission Business, exerting W onradvos to get the outside market qnoud® fordnr patroiis. LiBaral advances made on W* ( j Savqunah, and partial advances on Colton ready ■'* •WrtneBt at Augusta. Atlanta and Jttm. Pfantera' Urdera filled. octl-— WTMiN. BUD A **, , COMMISSION MBRCHAFTi FOB THBqSALB OF ; COTTON, COTTON YABHS, SHEETINGS, SHIETISGS, JEaNs, to 78 Chambersstmet, Nao York. Samuel G, Wyman,! ^ ofBalfimore, Mi GARDNER, DEXTER A Cfi, COMMISSION MEB02ANTS