Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 17, 1865, Image 3

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SAVANNAH NATIONAL REPUBLICAN, FRIDAY MQJtNING. NOVEMBER ' ' . ■ ' ■ - *?•' -? /* . i—^ ■ ' " local matters- DUfWUlal 8®®*®* , . , 0n WcJnesd*f last, • young andfaillook- Iinp gir>. beastij E tain about IS or IS ye*« ot age, wag ; tiwd on several of our streets in a state of intoxication, and making considerable uise Site was arrested by tbe police and Len to the Gnard Home, where she was de- ,,j un tii she recovered from the effects of ,,, liquor, in the afternpon, when she was re- Led. She stated that she had unfortunately tin induced to take “a little,” which pro- ( i ace( ] t be condition in which she was found. Yesterday, however, she was in the same tale . >nd was found disturbing the peace by lliing clones at the residences of several of | citizens, and was arrested and again taken the Guard House, and fined for disorderly r on< lict- ■ the line, She was Enable, however, to pay and was sent to jail. RAYMOND, to-hight, will tickle Tr jbs, as the “PEOPLE'S LAW- YoK." rawing I'ncurrent Uloner, \ vr>uug man from tbe country wag arreated ^(erdav, on the charge of passing a counter- Lfiltv ceut note. He'waa taken before His Lor tbe Mayor, and upon an Investigation of it case it was shown that the bill which be at- [,ted to pass was a genuine bill of one of tbe dues to ZUIl'l' yl 0 tida Hanks, receivab'e for all public {lie fttate ol Florida. It being evident, from tbe f jjmination that the individual attempted ho f„ad in offering to psss tbe supposed countcr- . , nl ,te—which was proved to be a genuine bill ,lied by the State Bank of Florida, and re- " table for all debts due that State—he was dis charged with au admonition from the Mayor not 1 offer any notes ol that character again in the , >y The young man left the court room with a l, es rt much lighter than when he entered it, and ,t waaerident to charge of fraud iiiiu- all the spectators that was not contemplated tbe by The last letter of Bishop-General LEONIDAS POLK will be found in the bntiu'day supplement to the National Re publican. , iiarlt'oton and Savannah Ball Roa4. iVe are gratified to announce, says the Charles ton Courier of the 13ib, that the work on this ruail is progressing, aud aa will be seen by the cotice ot the aale and energetic Superintendent, 11. S. Haines, Esq., in onr columns this morn ing, travel on the road between Charleston and Edisto River will be resumed on tbe 14tb iDstant. The President and Superintendent deserve tbe thanks of the public for their indefatigable efforts to once more open this important link of communication between Charleston and Sivan- D„li. Tbe office oitheCompany will be found at the South Carolina Rail Road Building, John street from Augusta. The steamer VVm. G. Gibbons, Capt. Philpot, consigned to Messrs. Erwin A Haidee, arrived yesterday afternoon from Augusta with a .large list ol passengers and a valuable freight. She reports ; On the 16th inst., at 10 A. M., passed eteauier Volunteer at Paracbucla, bound up tbe river. At the time the steamer W. G. Gibbons departed, on Wednesday morning at 6 A.M., there bad been some rain in the interior of the butc, aud the river had rose a foot and a half, and was still rising. A number of the cotton laden fl its that have been agrouod, are now afloat, aud will be enabled to reach this city dur- mg tho present week. k.d’~ Hilarity without vulgarity, oLON SHINGLE to-night. by Tbe Gale on the Coast. We learn that for tbe past ten days tbe weather on the Florida coast has been very*se vere, with very high winds and a heavy sea. In consequence of.the gale which has pre vailed, many of the coasting steamers have been detained at the different ports. The schooner Lewis Edwards, from New Fork, bound to Jacksonville, put into Fernan- dina on Saturday last, in consequence of the severe blow. Disturbing tho Peace. f'n Wednesday night last, abont 12 o’clock two men were discovered, by the City Polioe, en, gaged in an enoounter at the corner of Bay and Habersham streets. One of the party was ar retted, who gave his name as Mr. Henesy. H® bad been severely beaten by his companion, and bis clothing was covered with blood. Henesy bed been up before the Polioe Conrt a few day® since, and had been discharged, but as be seemed determined to continue a disturbance of the peace* be was fined for this ofienee, and being unable t 0 pay the fine was committed to jail. The thrilling Ashore,” to-night. Drama, “Wreck Departure of Steam*hips The steamship Hunter, Capt. Rogers, sailed for New York, with a good freight and sever- ®l passengers. * The steamship Fannie, Capt. Cator, for Baltimore, also sailed yesterday afternoon, with a fair freight. - 5 Bate* if Draraf* Aa a matter ®f interest to Our eitiaens yr® Pub lish the following rate of drajage, eatabliabed by __ - _ . • 1 i s. Bows of as.* “•fftsnsi -Bates of Freight on Nov. id, and .which will take diately : Ballast, per ion of 2,240 lbs Bricks, per 1 000 Chairs, per dozen.. Coal,per ton of 2,'-’40 lbs ...... Cotton, per bale, any distance....... Flour and other Dry Barrels. ter bbl vagi ir bi ;or. per lou<|... uibeL....,.;. (I 12 . 1 50 20 . 125 , 15 7 50 2 'A w 100 . 10 10 1 25 IK 1 7 75 1 00 50 40 50 25 10 Pnrniture, for 1 horse wi Grain, except Oats, per Hay, per bundle, Iron, per ton ol 2,240 lbs.... Liquors and .Sailed Provisions, per bbl... •* “ > - “ per hbd or pipe. Lnmber, per 1,000 feet....'. . Oats, per bushel Rice, per tierce, 20c., per half tierce...... Salt, in bulk, per bnshel *• sacks, per sack Shingles, per thousand Staves, “ •• .- Sugar, per hbd. of 1,000 lbs., or over.... “ “ ■ of less than 1,200 lbs.... Tobaceo, per hbd Trunks of travellers, 2 1-2 feet long Valises and Carpet Bags Wood, per cord to any portion ot the city 1 23 For a full load, of any articles not enumerated in the above, no charge shall be allowed to exceed 40 cents for a single horse dray or wagon, and 6> cents for a double horse dray or wagon. For anything less than a full load, not n ore than 35 cents shall be charged. Explosion of a. Locomotive. Wo learn that the locomotive Alabama, while stationed at No. 4, on tbe Central Rail road, when about to be put in motion, ex ploded her boiler, on Wednesday last. The engineer, whose name we could not learn, was slightly injured by being scalded, but no otbe* ipjury was caused by the explosion. The Alabama was an old engine, and has been in the service of the Central Road for a number of years. It is not often that we have to re cord an accident of this £md on our railroads, for in every department they are conducted with remarkable ability and success. Their mechanics have been the best in the country, and their engineers the most careful and ex perienced that have run on any road in the South. ^ A®“Tho Weekly Price Current pre pared Expressly for tlie Savannah Na tional Republican of Saturday. From Florida. The steamer Ella, Captain Rewind, from Palatka, Ac., arrived at ihis port yesterday.— The Ella has been detained at Fernandina five days, and one day at tire St. John’s Bar, in consequence of the severe gale which has pre vailed along the coast. We are under obliga tions to Mr. Campbell, the obliging purser, for late Florida papers. The steamer Helen Getty, Capt. Ingraham, from Florida, also arrived yesterday, with mails, passengers and freight. We are in debted to her purser for favors. JEST Look out for the SATURDAY SUPPLEMENT of the REPUBLICAN, full of choice reading matter, original and selected. Arrival of tbe Nortb Point. The fine steamship North Point, Capt. Smith °f the Baltimore and Savannah Line, arrived at ter wharf early yesterday morning, bringing a brje amount of freight, a considerable portion of *tieh is for the interior, and a number of passon ?ers. Capt. Smith has onr thanks for late Balti more papers. For Augusta. The attention of shippers and others is call 'd in tbe advertisement of the steamer Wm b. Gibbons, in another column of our paper. The Gibbons leaves for Augusta to-morrow ttorning a t 9 o’clock, and makes the trip in 30 hours, including stoppages along the river. The Gibbons has good accommodations for passengers. ■* • - For Baltimore. The steamship North Point, Captain Smith *6 well be seen from an advertisement in another column, will leave for Baltimore at 9 o’clock this morning. The North Point has superior accommodations, and a matter of consideration is •he saving of 200 miles of see travel by this route 1 LADIES, have yon seen those BLACK SILK ALPACAS for FIFTY bLNTS per yard at RE8CHER & CO’S, 18 Barnard street V If not, call and pur clmsea dress before they are aU gone. ihe y really are great bargains. Religious Service. SerTie *> resumed to hrist ,wr * S*® 4 *? ■**» throughout the win, «***? MJrt.KoT.lWi, UU-i IThanJts. We arc indebted to tbe roato agent of Adams A Co.’s Express f«>r late Augusta papers in advance of the mail. Departure ©I Steamships and Steamers. FOR NEW YORK. ^ ’ Steamship Nevada, Saturday, November lSth, at — o’clock, • teamship Yanina, Saturday, November 18th, at — o’clock, Steamship Zodiac, Saturday, November 16th, at — o'clock. FOR BALTIMORE. - ’ Steamship Nortb Point, This Day, November 17th at 9 o’clock a in.. " • FOR AUGUSTA. Steamer vVm G Gibbons, every Saturday at 9 o'clo-k a m. Steamer Eelen, Sumlay, November 19tb, at N o’cl ck, a m. Steamer tcorpio, Friday, November 17th, at 6 o’clock, am. ^ - FOR PALATKA, FLA. Helen Getty every aiurday ' SPECIAL NOTICES. m - ■■ is—. Steamer 10 o’clock. Steamer Fountain, every o'clock. morning at Tuesday morning at 10 WANTS. W ANTED TO UIBE-A good Piano for six months or a year. Address II. A. T„ box ,50. novlti—2t RANTED of Savannah novl5—lw TO RENT—A Rice Plantation, of 300 Acres and upwards, within 20 or 30 miles nnah. address W„ box450, Poet Office. WANTED B Y » party of respectability and position, a Parlor and Two Bedrooms adjoining, furnished well with privilege of cookiug; or Board in a desirable family for two adults aud two children. Please ad dress “Boarding," office of this Paper, stating terms, &e., Ac. nov!4—tf Oonjsignees "Wanted F OR 4 Bales ‘ otton picked up on Savannah Khrer by steamer Falcon, marked W. C. S. 1 bale; no mark, ;> bales if not claimed within one week, they will be sold to pay expenses. OH AS. L. COLBY A <X>, nov!4--lw cor. Abercorn and Bay streets. WANTED MIDDLING OOTTON AND EI0E, IN 'exchange for $15 to $20,000 of very desirable 1 Summer Dress Goods, &c., comprising a most complete assortment of the choicest frabica—If • Old Stock. Apply to JOHN F. YOUNG, Tu North Fourth street, Philadelphia. Reference—DcWltt & Morgan, Savannah. Philadelphia Reference—M. L. IIallo\^eli & Co., or Wood. Marsh & Haywdod. oct30 Cotton Plantation WANTED. fat (he information or the Pub ic we. publish this, our Kates of Freight, between; Sayannah and Augusta by onr lespective sleimers: Boxes, Bales, and other light lit ode, measurement •’ l J r ■ l*' r f°°f Rarrels Onions, Potatoes, Ac........fd.fto civ r. Barrels Hour Bundles, Buckets, Broome, ceives,Col- Ians llarac«. Spad s. Shove’s Ac.. l.Wi jier dozen. Crates Cabbages, large.,., lif.Oireacli. •• “ Bottle Crates 5.00 each. Salt.... .-... . 2.00per sack. Hardware, Hollow-ware and Iron.... 2.00 per luO lbs. Iioaand Coni 2n.«» per ton. Com and I 'ow Peas 26 per bushel. Packages, single 50 each. Articles not enumerated, per 100 lbs., ot W) cents per fool * / ERWJN A HARDEE, Agents, Steamers Amazon, Wm. (i. Gibbons and Laura. J. B. PRESDKK, igent, Steamer Oak, J. M..KISCHLBY, Agent, Steamer K. H. May. F. M. MYRKLL, Agent, Steamers Expiets, Eclipse and Union. noutt— lw NOTICE. COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, ) Ukiteii States Intebnal Rxve.nue 1st Dist. Ga . > Savanuah, Nov. 14th, 1865. ) Keveuue - tamps of all kinds for sale at Jhis Office, in large or small quantities, novlb —4t A. N. WILSON, Collector. FOR SHERIFF OF CBATUAxTI COUNTY. Tbe undersigned announce to hia friends and tbe voters of C hatham county, that he is a candidate for the office of Sheriff of the County at the next election, and respectfully uolicita their suffrages in his behalf. nov6 tf * BENJ. L. COLE. STATE AND COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR. The subscriber is a Candidate for re election, and respectfully asks the suffrage of the citizens of Chatham County. SEABORN GOODALL. oct30 iSlotiue. Capt. WM. T. EASTON, Tax Collec tor, has his office in the Exchange Build' ing, foot of Ball street. Hours, from 9 a. m. till 2^ p. m. bng29 Atlanta Medical College. The Course of Lectures in this Institu- tution will commence on the first Monday in November next, and continue four mouths—tho Faculty Ktving chauged the time for the session from summer to the winter months. JOHN U. WESTMORELAND, Dean. oct25 1m BATCHELOR’S IIUK IUE The Original and Best in the World! The only true aud perfect Hair Dye. Harmless, Reliable and Instan taneous. Produces immediately a splendid Black or natural Brown, without injuring the hair or skin.— Remedies the ill effects of bad dyes. Sold by all Drug gists. The genuine is marked William A. Batchelor. Also, Regenerating Extract of Millefleurs, for Restoring and Beautifying the Hair, anglfi CHARLES BATCHELOR, New York. toSTOH & MUBRK? THJK AliGE!8 V ESTABLISHMENT IV THIS COUNTRY. RE ORGANIZED FOR A GRAND SOUTHERN TOE for th« Season 1865 and 1866! OTICE—We have this day associated with us PY Mr. R. J. LARCOMBE, under the firm of CUN NINGHAM, PURSE <6 GO. CUNNINGHAM & IT RSL. SaTannah, Ga„ Nov. loth, lS(g>. ' nov!4 —15t Copartnership Notice. ■ HE undersigned have formed a copartnership under tlie name anil style of oLitANTUN, SMITH A CO., for the transaction of a Wholesale Grocery and Commission Business in this City, at the head ot Bay street opposite Jefferf»»n. D. T. SCRANTON, Formerly Scranton & Johnston. W M H. SMITH, Formerly Kabun & Smith. J. L. LA RGB. Savannah, Nov. 14th, liSt>5. novl5—lm Dissolution of Parmership. T HE firm of DUNBAR & FRANZ is this day dis solved by mutual consent, by the wi hdrawal of Mr. Thomas J. Dunbar. -The business will hereafter ba continued liy PETER DUNBAR and JOHN FRANZ, underthe name and style of DUNBAR & FRANZ, at their old place of business, v.ho will col lect and pay ail demands of the late firm of DUNBAR * FRANZ. Hilton Head, Nov. 1,1S65. novl—tf ITCH! ITCH! ITCH! Scratch ! Scratch! Scratch! WHEATON’S OlN'-UJVllCISri' Will cure the Itch in 48 Honrs. Also, cures Salt Rheufi^ Ulcers, Chilblains, and ice, bo cents. Eruptions of the Skin, all Druggists. By sending 60 cents to WEEKS &- POTTER, Sole Agents, 110 Washington street, Boston, Mass., it will be forwarded by mail, b ee of postage, to any part of the United Slates, 6m sep2l \\TANTED to hire a Small Cotton Plan- VV latlon, embracing from 300 to SOU Acres. Address J. & K„ Savannah National Republican Office, stating Terms and Location, novl MACHINE, tbe only cheap one licensed. SHAW * CLARK, Biddeford, Maine. seplB 3m Address A MONTH I Agents wanted for entirely new article*, just one Address O. T. G4REY, City Building, Biddeford, “etoe- 3m seplS Randell & Go. Q"®bWs^a e c"acke e rL° We8tmarket r8te8 ~ 50 do. Sugar do. 80 boxes Lemon Crackers - 50 do. Fancy do. 80 do. Walnut do. 80 do. Egg do. So do. Dessert Mo. AH fresh, and just received by the late steamer Eu terpe from New York. 4 Southwest cor. Barnard and novl4—lw »Y« AXE AND PICK HANDLES. C. EOVERIDCE, of the ten all For »*alc by POSITIVELY LAST 1>AY BET FOIR. Monday Evlng, Nov. 13. ]S T ew A cts— JS T ew I H eatnres. THE MANAGERS would respect folly state that in organizing their Girtus Company for a Grand South ern tour, they have spared neither time, labor nor money to make their present combination the most brilliant and attractive ever presented to the patronage of the public, This grand alliance of talent is organized on a gcale of unprecedented magnificence, and the extmordin.iry and varied performances of the great array of FOREIGN AND NATIVE • ARTISTS ! will inaugurate a new era in amusements. THIS COLOSSAL C0.11BI\AT10.\ OF Star Performers Among whom are DEN STONE, JOHN MURRAY. FRANK ROSS TON, Le JENNE BURT, THE DENZ0R BROTHERS, CHARLES, VALENTINE and RUDOLPH. LEE POWELL, THESAGRINEE FAMILY, M«ns. PENELLE. Mdllb. SOPHIA, FERDINAND and HENRI, CHARLES L0W- REY, and Prof. G-. P. Hutching on AHP HIS TRAINED DQCS. Each performance will commence with a Grand Cavalcade and conclude with the laughable perform ances of DEN STONE’S COMIC MULES, GA9E AND KATE. Public attention is called to the ^ OJRAND V. FREE EXHIBITION OP THE Gymnastic Miracle or >ER6NAUTIC-0SC1LLATI0I1 OB, novl 4 Offices to Rent. store corner >f LaKOCHE, GADEN & UNCKLES. O ESIRA RLE Offices to Kent oyer Bay aud Burimrd streets, _Bnqnire of $200 Reward. T WO Huud r ed Dollars will be paid for a Package of Notes, lost In December las', on delivery to novlU—2t DAVID R. DILLON. A1/A REWARD.—Stolen on the 22d of Oct., dp • V " One Brown Alnre Mule marked by left ear being cut off on tap; white face; also marked G. 4U. Government condemned. The above Reward will be paid for any information of her where abouts. Apply to . S. L. WILEY, novl4—3t 1SS Coneress street. Scranton, Smith &Co., Grocers & Commission Merchants, W OULD be happy to see their former patrons and friends, and >he public, generally, at their tore at the head cf Bay st eet, opjarsite Jeflers-'n, where they will at all times be happy to serve them. novlS—lm Park Mill-Park Mill. Grits tfc Meal. M R. J. N. HOLLER respectfully announces to the citizens of Savannah that his very large and extensive Mil! is again in operation He is now prepared to furnish tlie best Grits and Bolted Meal in the city as low as the lowest, as his Mill is known to be the best in the city, and resfiectfully informs his friends and all in want of Grits, Meal and Cracked . Corn, to give him a call, and they will lie satisfied. Corn ground on toll or exchanged for Grits, Meal. Ac., without any delay. Depot for sale of Grist and Meal, at Uis store, St.. Jnlien and Bryan streets, Market square. Cora and Data also for sale. Keeping a good sop- ply always on hand, orders will be tided immediately, novl4—lw J. N. MULLER. *fu a neiVdTQ MERCHANTS AND PERSONS DOING BUSINESS AT THE NORTH. W. S. Fancher, General Commission Merchant, P. O. Box M04-3, 75 Pulton St., N. Y. B uyer of Mcrcluindizc of ever}' description—for tbe trade—attends to the sale of Cotton, Rosin, Turpentine, -Ac. Mr. P. gives hie personal attention to the buying of General Hardware, Carruums and Waenmj of every de scription, Harnesses, Saddles, Dry Goods, .Gioc'.ries, Ac., Ac., for the tr*de. Gqods furnished direct from Manufacturers at their lowest rates. ' . . Particular attention given to all consignments of southern prodnets. 8peedy sales effected at best mar ket rates, and immediate returns made. Mr. F. feels confident, from his thorough acquaintance with Jhe market in Ne^ York, in guaranteeing entire satlsfac- tion to every one entrusting business to him Duplicate Invoices of manufacturers sent in ail cases Information in regard to market and prices of goods given whenever desired. / _ _ novlf—lm HAMS, SIDES, SHOULDERS, TEST received, and for sale by _ V RICHARDSON A BARNARD, 1 Say tL, JUriaerf Church. 8HIPPING. STEAMSHIP NORTHPOINT • • for . . BALTIMORE. - T HE new and first class steamship NORTH POINT, raptsia Smith,will leave IV»r RaltimO’e ouTOI- MORNING, tHe ITih inst4 at I>Mock The North Point has elegant stateroom accommoda tions for pa** eugere. For freight and iiassage, apply to WJS-T, BRYAN AGO., . Jones* Block. Passenrcra by this route for New York will save two liidrefl miles of sea travel and will receive ’through rates H'A now charged RAILROAD NOTICES. CENTRAL RAILROAD. rigtS- hi igf: »L*a * ♦ % **H?erii> lend cat’s Office, I O N and afW Ua. Oct. 27th, 1868. ( will lJaV u /“ * ^“flTOaln with a line of Bt ,JS ML. connecting Central tfotioeNo. 8, andSavamutiiBidlrato."ejewhong, on the August* 1'asseDgere by this line wm . . , . .. next morning after J?*® GBO W. .DAX8, hn tickets via Philadelphia at nim; bv New York lines ‘Freight will also l>e checked through to New York as low as any other route. p<> v I« "CiIANGE OF I JAY. * UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. For Palatka; Fla., VIA DA MEN, BRUNSWICK, ST. MARYS. FERNANDINA, JACKSON VILLE AND P1COLATA. CENTRAL RAILROAD. VMAf W. >uperIntondci*t , B Office, 1 Bavannah, October loth, 1865. f This ffompany is now, in connection with W. J. Di'-kerson A ' o.’s Wagons, prepared to receive and forward to Augnsta, Macon, Atlanta, Ac., daily from Twenty to Thirty "I honsand Founds of Freight, and go through in from throe to six days. chip Freight and other expenses mart be paid by Shippers. Railroad Freight can be paid here or at destination. Freights on Perishable Goods must be prepaid. GBO. W. ADAMS, octlO v General Superintendent FOR SALE LOW THE well known steamer, formerly the SL Johns, hut now the Helen Getty, Captain O. R. In graham, will leave the Wharf foot of West Broad street every SATURDAY MORNING, at 10 o’clock, A. M„ precisely, for the aliove Landings. For freight or passage, apply on board or to L. S. BKNNiiTT, Agent, cor. West Broad and Bay streets. AGENTS—Darien, A. A. DeLorme. Jacksonville, J. S. S amis & Co. Palatka, U. R. TeasCale. Freight payable by shippers oct25 For Palatka, Fla. VIA DARIEN, BRUNSWICK, ST. MA RYS, FERNANDINA, JACKSON VILLE AND PICOLATA. Connecting with steamer “Flora Temple’’ at 'St. Marys. Freight will be received for King’s • Ferry, Ceutervjlfoge, and all Land ings on the St. Mary’s River. THE new and fiuf steamer Fountain, Captain G. W. i ast- ner, will leave for the above places every TUESDAY MORNING, at 10 o’clock. For freight or piissage, apply on board at Padel- ford's wharf, near White's Central Press, or to M. A. COHEN, Agent. Freight will be received every day during the week, at the warehouse, by WM. R. H. BKUfiN, Freight payable on wharf. Shippers will ramsh weight and measurement of goods. tf aug24 c* ONTAIPflNO riSO) One Hundred an«T Eighty Acres, m"re or less. Abont flW*l one Hundred acres of it in valuable wood ; a good Dwelling with (7) seven Booms, Stables, Carriage House, and (T) seven Farm Buildings. To a party desiring a House, within 60 minute,’ place offers superior inducements. For full particulars enquire of CHaS. L. COLBY A CO. nov7 cor. Abercorn and Bay streets. r jNE splendid 4 or 6 Horse “ agon with Harness tu For Augusta. Steamer HELEN., This popular and light draft l>oat will leave for AU* GU TA on her regular .SUNDAY, Nov. 19th, at 8 o’clock, A. M. For freight or passage, apply to KBIN&OO., novtfi It. 114 Bay street. For Augusta. Steamer ■S C O li' PIO, Rogers master, will leave for Augusta on FRIDAY MORNING, at 8 o'clock, A. M. For freight or passage, (having first class cabin ac commodations;, apply to KEIN & CO., novlG -2t 114Bay street! For Charleston, VIA HILTON HEAD AND BEAUFORT The fine and fast sailing IT. S, Mail steamer Rockland, Capt. Beaufort, having been placed on tbe route between CUarlealon and Savannah, in connec tion with the U. 8. Mail etcinier lleieuGetty, to Jack sonville. Palatka. &c.. will leave tim wharf, foot of West Broad street, on Friday .Uorning, 17th mstant, at S o’clock For Freight or Passage apply to the Captain on board, at the wharf, foot of West Brhad street, or to uov'16-2 L. s - BENNETT, Agent. For Liverpool. THE A 'l Phip MOUNT* BLANC, Doumll Master, is now loading at - hito’a Press. Uariu^ the larger portiou of her cargo encased,. will have immedi ate despatch, ^or balance of freight, ^TaHOOHB. GADEN A UNCKLES, Agts. FLYING IN THE AIR! By tha intrepid Pancratiit, SIGNOR FERDINlND, Tho “ Wonder of the World’’ This extraordinnry gratuitous display of Sansxtlonal Gymnastic J*eati wil^ afford lovers of the marvel ous a treat EXTRAVAGANTLY SUPLBB and INEFFABLY BEAUTIFUL. Tho peerless Gymnast in the execution of thfs Electrifying Act H as at tattled tho liigliost salJimHics of his vocatlow, and his UNEXAMPLED BAKING and SKILL form a Picturesque Spectacle—the ino*t magnificent ever given to the human eye to contemplate. ty Masses. STONE A KOSSTON designed this remarkable Free Exhibition of JErial Flights for a GRAND FEATURE of their Interior Enter- tainmenta; but the erection of the pillars and platffirm occupied so much valuable time, andj required so great a space, that it was found very inconvenient and quite impossible to aivo it to their patrons without a long interruption of the briulant Arenic Perform- Messrs. A bosston prel . FREE OFFERING, rather than the Public should bo deprived of witnessing the most gigantic and absolutely startling demonstrations of physical vigor aid agility ever displayed, by man. >4 pT Tho exciting nature of theso proiligious and novel Flights absorbed the attention and amazed the inhabitants of tho principal citfos of Europe, and the Pross of that country teemed with laudatory eu.o- gluuxs of the nneqnaled feats.accomplished,py Big. This splendid GRATUITOUS EXHIBITION will be given adjacent to the , STORE & ROSSTOR CIRCUS PAVILION,' At One o’clock, P. M-. '' ...uuipli or moilern gymuasties. gain only a very faint Idea from the various PictorUl Scenes of this stupendous <Sspl*y of its immense *t, traetivenes* and hazardous nature. Itis the culmi nating glory of Pancratic Art and rax grandest suc- oT progressive talOtat known in history, yielding a tion'subordinate to no event recorded in tho cess die tine annais of Popular Amusements. SPECIAL NOTICE.—Ladies and persons naturally nervous and timid, entntaitfing fears of accident to the fearless Pancratist, are raepectfully informed, th>tin case SIG. FERDINAND should fall from hia giddy ominence, novel arrangdineirts are made by the use of india-rubber mattreeses and springs to the plat form to lave him from serious injury. Bnt he gene, rally succeeds, with a polished grace and lustrous skill that ignores all peril, in achieving results nndeniabl* amazing, cansing the fascinated pppulaco to epplani with enthusiastic frenxy and colossal shouts of ad- mUStion, so intensely captivating are the singular and majestic performances of ^ •The Champion of Athletes Prices of Admission. First Class Seats Second Class Keats novl 4 l J liilarlol pliia. THE fcchr. DcSolo, now loading can the bulk of 100 bales Cotton, applied for Immediately. Apply to • LaROCHa, GADEN Jb UNCKLES. For New York. THR A No. 1 schooner Vs por Boeert, Masler, is now loading. Havin larger portion of freight engaged,' wi have immediate despatch. For fraROCHL, balance of freight; enquire of GADEN & UNCKIJi.-, Agents. luvlt For New York. TUB A 1 Clipper schr Jos. AY, Webster, Betsworth Master. 45 tons tu itheu will have quick despatch for the above port. Freight taken at tbe lowest rates. For jreigfit engagemonfoi apply to CHA . I.COLBTarO.. cor. Bay and Abercorn sta. novll For Riceboro. THE compact and fast sailing sloop Fleet. Gapt. Charles Thompson, will have despaten for the above place. ISbip- .peiH wHl furnish weight and measurement _____ ot Good*. Freight payable od Wharf a or ^,u oculars, apply to the Captain on board, at Lower Bice Mill, or to the Agent, M. J. DOYLE, novll—lw No llu Bryan street. KEIiULAli jUUN h,. For B stoh. Schr Witch Queen now loading at Exchange '.Tharf. RICHARDSON A BARNARD, Bay st., 6pp. Mariner's hatch. For Liverpool. The new first class clipper ^ship • VIRGINIA, Woeks, Commander, sepiS Genera'. Si iperiutendent. AUCTION 8ALE8. TORK. WlLLlAHU, BcIHTIBE A CO. Wen sen THIS DAY, Nov. ITto, at store, M dot* from I'nll, on Broughton street, at at) o'clock, A. X.;' 30 case* Boots tad Sbofii* . of Dry Goods, consisting of Hind* ^ Red Flannel, Shirting, Linen Bemge Veils, Cashmere/, Satinets, fine Broad l loth. —ALSO— F°cket Knives, Table Cutlery, Bruahes, Caaba, Carpet Bags. Ac . Ac. For further particular*, eee catalogue. —ALSO— A fine Brown Store—good for either laddie or buggy —6* years old. 28 bids. Po tatoes. . loo doz Blacking. Term* cash oh delivery. nov!7 FOR SALE. TO WiiidUp An Estate. A VALUABLE FARM, 51-2 Miles from Augusta, Underwriters’ Sale. BV BELL, WYLLY A CHRISTIAN, British Ship Ufarcianns at Aactian. THIS DAY, at It o'clock, in front of Exchange, wll! be sold for account of underwriters and ail con- corned; The British Ship Kniulnnne, »14 tons, together with all of her Rigging, Sofia, Anchors, Chains, Boats, stores. Furniture and Ap parel. Sold as she now lies wrecked, abreast of tbe rvooud Outer Booy. Terms cash. nOTlT—It Underwriters* * Sale. : •YORK., WILLIAHI", RIcINTIRB A CO. WU1 sell SATURDAY, Nov. 18th. In front of S. 1. Hertz's store, at 10 o'clock, A. M. > lot sacks Oats. fr/JU'nuEf 1011 bo “d steamer Fannie on her voyage b> this port, and sold by order offrort T^SifgSg 101 aDderwrlter * YORK, WILLIAMS, RIcINTIRB dc CO. I*t Private Sale. Bbds. Bacon Sides. Hhds. do. Bboulden. Bbls. Pig do. Bbls. Pig Hams. Cases Bologna Sausages. ' do. Beef Torcues. Hit bbls. Mesa Beef. Hit bbls. and bbls. Cracken, various Unto. Bbls. Corn Meal, do. Hominy, do Vincgsr. do. WhiNty. Boxes Pyles' O. K, and other 8oape. begs Black Pepper. 100 M Began, various brands. An assortment of Tin Ware. Boxes Ground Coffee. Sacks Oats, white.novlS—Bt healthy, comfortable ve of i ugnsta, tne above BY BELL, WYLLY St CHRISTIAN. Schooner at Auction- On FRIDAY, 17lh inst., at II o'clock, will he sold in front of Exchange: The splendid schooner Abbs Bee, 71 ton burthen, built of the best Pasture White oak; la well coppered, and well suited to tbe West India or coast trade. Sale positive. Terms cash. __aovl6^jt_ match novl6-tf For Sale. 3” ago Knqnii HENRY WAYNE'S -TABLES. For Sale. r Q FIBRINS choice Butter. O CH \9. L. CGLBY A CO., novl4-tf cor. - beroorn aud Bay streets. Notice. • F OB SALE—500 Acres of Land—6u acres l/>nd—suitable for corn and Cotton—well proved and healthy; it is a very public place, and a good business has Iwen done in merchandizing before -the war: will be sold low. Apply next door to the corner of Charlton and Montgomery streets, Savan nah, Ga. ' nov9—3w For Sale. T HE cargo of schr. Oliver Cromwell, from New port, R, I,, consisting of— Bnnch Onions, Barrels of Onion", F,arrels of Potatoes. Barrels of Cronbo ties. The above will be sold in lots to suit purchasers.— h pply to the Captain on board, foot of Bni) street, or to CHA9. L < OLBY A CO., novlS cor. Abercorn and fray streets. Fwir Sale- tv ► TONS ENGLISH SHEET COP- PER, manufactured expressly for the Soul hern mar- ket, of usual thickness and weight. Size of sheets as follows : 60x24, 60x23, 00x17, 60x9, 60x7, 36x2 ir.ches. Will be sold aka great bargain. Enquire of G. P. BRADFORD. 343 Broadway, N. Y. Or JOHN E. COWLES, Corner Bull and Bay streets, ^uctlS—2mo L. C. NORVKLL A CO. REGULAR WEEKLY STEAMER BETWEEN Augusta&Savannah The new lhst Iron steamer AV m. Gr. Gribboiis Capt. Thomas N. Philpot, having tuperior accommo dation for Freight and Passengers, will ply regularly between the above cities— Leaving Savannah every Saturday morning at 9 o’clock Leaving Augnsta every Wednesday morn ngat 7 o'clock Laying At Mathew’s Binff every Wednesday night His the desire of Use Agents of the Gibbous to make her a PERBANHIT ACC0M0BATI0Y BOAT for the ffferclauiats of Aogusta and Savannah, and the Planter* along tbe line of tbe River, and with this object In view, no effort will be spared on the part of her Owners, * gents or officers to meet the wants of the Traveling and Freighting public. & If apnRF JNO. L ROUM1LLAT, Agt. on Wharf. novl3—lm Freight to Augusta AND POINTS BJBYQND! Forw »r4e4 by Light Dr&fi,Steamers (From Dispensatory of the United States.) DI08MA CftENATA. BUOHU LBAVBS. PROPERTIES. Their odor is strong, diffusive, and somewhat aro matic, their tastes bitterish, and analogous to mint. Medical Properties and Uses. Buchu leaves are gently stimulant, with a peculiar tendency to tlie Urinary Organ*, producing diuresis, aud like other similar medicines, exciting dituboresis, when circumstances favor this mode of action. ,, j Uey are given in complaints of the Urinary Organs, such aa Gravel. Chronic Catarrh of the Bladder, Mor bid IiTiUtiou of the Bladder and Urethra, Disease of the Prostrate and Retention or Incontinence of Urine, from a loss of tone in the parts concerned in its evA- cuation The remedy haa also been recommended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatism, Cutaneous affec tions, and Dropsy. HelmboldY Extract Buchu Is used by persons from the ages-of 18 to 25, and from 3r> to 65, or in the decline or change.of life ; after Con- ttnement or Labor Fains; Bed-wetting in children. In Aflcctious Peculiar to Females, The Extract Buchu is nneqnaled byany other remedy, as in chlorosis or Retention. Irregularity, Painful ness or huppreseion of Customary Evacuations, Ulcera ted or Kchirnie state of the Uterus. Leucorrhea or A hitea. MSKASBiOF THE BLADDER. KIDNEY**, -GRAVEL AND DROPdIUAL DWELLINGS. This m“dieine increases the power of Digestion, and excites the Absorbents into healthy action, by wh’ch UP Wat tv or depositions, and - all t'nna- tural EnlaYuementa are reduced, aa well as Pain and inflammation. ■ ' Helmbold’s Extract Buchu Has cored every cose of Diabetes in which It ha* beeu "in u. irritation of the Neck of the Bl&dd' r and Inflammation of the Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kid neys and Bladder, Retention of Uiine, Diseases of the pioetrvite Gland stone in the Bladder, Calculnv-ravel, Brick du-t Deposit, and Mucus or Milky Discharges, and foi Enfeebled and Delicate Constitutloija, of both Sexi». attended with tbe following symptoms.-—In. disposiiton to Exertion. Loss of Power, Loss of Mem ory Ddlicuity of Breathing. Weak Netves, Trembling, Borrurol liisense, WakHtnleeiis, Dimness of Vfeoh. Fain in the Back, Hot Hands. Flushing of th* Body, Dry ness of the ; klu, Eruption on the Face. Pallid rounfr nance, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Ac,. j , ‘ Helmbold’s Extract Buchu is Diuretic and Blood-Purifying, And cures all Diseases arising from Habits of Diaetpsu tiou. Excesses and Imprudences in Life. Imparities of the Blood, Ac., superseding Copaiba in affe» tions for which it is used, such as Gonor rhoea, Gleets, of long standing, and Syphilitic Affections with Helm- bold'* Rose Walk • BOLD AT HELMBOLD’S Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 594 BROADWAY.! And by Druggist* everywhere • ASK FOR HELMBOLD’S TAKE NO OTHER* E are prepared to receive Goods in onr ware house, free of storage and covered by insurance, forwarded by the light dra't steamers Bcrryand Falcon, and others abont to be pat on tbe line- U L. COLBY & CO. Beware ol' Counterfeita. novll—lm to the AgeMa, 50 CASES,. 1 lb. caaniaters, Kentnckv. Rifle M X lb. cannisters, Kentucky Rifle Pow- 30 qr kcra der. “Hazard Powder Co. nov!3—fit 'Hunting” Powder, manufacture of For sale by HILTON A RANDELL. , - )M Bay street. Is now rapidly foadln^a^w^^Sk h * 7i “ g -ply to r OCt23—tf Colored Gallery QwnoDQhtMNA Wf-ptiMiN «• U ,$1.» .. 78. ... 50 80 UOffi Stolen. BOM Gen. Harrison's Plantation, on the night of tbe zd inst., Two Bay Mule*—one mar be ‘ J." and a figure 3 on the tight F idenAflcd by a iSler _ shoulder, nod tbe other by a saddle mark on the of the left shoulder. Fifty Dollars Dollars for both, DOT* ard for either, or One Huftdret be prid.upqa the^dgv^to iw WiA RnAd twd r AfLtcT L£ sa.^ti L 'HE undersigned having rcpted the school build* ing on the comer of diarlton and Orayton sfrects’ would respectfully announce to the public titat be, as sisted by Mret Alethea S. Burroughs, will open a Select Female School in said building «a tho first Monday in October. • ' - * r Tuition per Term qf Three Mouths, one half payable the middle of each quarter, as follows: ceniof Department, per quarter $21 00 Junior do. do. » 18 00 PH-a* ^ do. tofr0 BT sepSS JAMBS .“omSy*a™^ ap \ J J3-N K IN 8*; PA TENT cor. Bo> and a bereorn streets. fOHPOSITE 1R0S RAILING Hutchinson A Wicker- F*2 -lm ELY is now HCT fOTINSON^DAVIffi*^™ iKT Broome K-. New York. Mid Winchester’;, Soap J - ’ c ■ Ol " jraysr*" BBAfrY.Wna « QQ- Machinery. STATIONARY and Portable and Boilers. Steam Engine* Laths* Plansrs, Hoisting Engines, Fire Engines, Laths . Drills Ac.. Pumps of every description. Hydraulic Presses and Jacks, Cotton Gina, Grist Mills, Rice Mills. SAW MILL'S. Woodworth, ( Daniels, Gray' A Wood* Planing MaC Mortising, Tenoning, Molding mid 8aah Machtoes. . hinglemacbi nes, ffl Unto* Iron s»d Wwkta* Machinery and Supples, Rubber and Leather Belting. C k*' gream Ganges and Boiler Feeder*. g^gendfwaCfrcnlar^^ ^ K1N8ET No. 184 Bay st., Savannah, Ga. oct!7—lm . . Butter— Cheese. 100 r^eSJc^r^ ^ 100 tubs do. do. dot For sale HILTON A RANDELL. iv!4—Ot nw Bay strait. GLUE, SAND PAPER,WHITE LEAD •slab* RICHARDSON Bay street, HaetarM - novll—tf