Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 18, 1865, Image 4

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POETRY- HOW WI»T«» »"***“ ™ ,U * ace w» ■r cHABi.B* O. oAMMrrr*. Ho , ! Th. uolsr Winwr ooiM. ! i hmi hi* foot*»P* ihroagh the nlihu. I hou. Ill* ranprorda ftom th* h*i*bt» Huchihrot\<h mo pint* wlih mo*M dram* I Hi* n*kod fool «« ohJlw mahd 1 Th© greas bladoi stiffen in hi* patjji No toar for child of Earth ho nnlh. No pity for her tender wed! The here oak* ehudder at hie breath : * A moment by the ■trenm he etnye— Its melody is mote! A glaze Creeps o’er it* dimples, u of death . Vruin fouered stream and blackened moor, The clly’a walls he silent near*: Tho mansions of the rich he fears! He storms tho Ikhina of the poor! • ' •• •?. - Ik'K » : _ The curtained conch, tho glowing hearth, Tho frost-rimed Gray beard's power defy: IIo corses as he hurries by— And strikes the beggar, dead, to earth. For ovory gloaming hall he spares, A hundred hearthless horels hold Hearts pulseless, crisp with ice and cold, Watched by a hundred grim Despairs! The forests grow by His command Who saith, “He lendeth to the Lord Who giveth to the poor 1” Your hoard Is His! Ye stewards of tho land! Here is your mission! Ye who feed Your lavish fires! Not afar. But at your doors, your Heathen arc ! God’s poor—yonr creditors! Take heed! Tho path is long to Pagan shores; Their Bkies are sunny; God o’er all! Tho winter’s deadly harvests fall Around you! Deal yonr Master’s stores ! TO NELLIE. [The following poetic toast we see attributed to Judge Lochrane, of Macon, Ga., whose name we see mentioned among Southerners who had a secret Interview with the President, and whom the reader may remember in con nection with a recent letter addressed to tho people of the South.] One night as old St. Peter slept, And left the door of Heaven ajar, Our little Nellie through it crept, And camo down on a falling star. Then drink to Nellie, friends, fill up, With wino that all our passion stirs, And when we drink, we’ll break the cup, Twill never tout a name but her’s. She lit on earth, and broke her wings, Was captured by a mortal hand, And Imre sho yet sojourns and sings The music of her native land. Then drink to Nollie, etc. Her little wings will grow again, And then she’ll leave us for the skies, Whilo we in darkness shall remain, And miss the bright light of her eyes. Then drink to Nellie, etc. When Nollie from this earth departs, Life's brightest scenes will dreary be, With nothing left to cheer our hearts, Save her embalmed in memory. Then drink to Nellie, etc. We care not what tho world may think, We care not what the sages say, To Nellie’s eyes wo still will drink Until this life shall wear away. Then drink to Nellie, etc. To Nellie with our parting breath, Our last breath shall bo given, And when our lips are closed in death, We’ll drink to her in Heaven. Then drink to Nellie, etc. NASBY. After the Election. 1.1, V'—' 7 , Sft'.WH'St "Ho fet the wide world Wag ti It will,' wh0 B ,J8o n? ft*nd^ 7 h*. bait Pastor ov the Church uv tho Noo Dispen sation. —: r,«iw.ii«br «*• •' Unit©* Washington, OoL 28, 1885. Wb.NH It hal ,!■"< fAltnlfhly Ood dating th. mi. **■■■« «• 10 '.?•'“tS* LTi-K, 0 . 1 trST'Jf.u llbwtJi ."d wb.r.u, oat Heatenly. f7Si« h« “l." d7?l"« “• rMtouV «“}• wl Iron .. th. oalamlil** ol f«.lg» »* r i ZSZOSm. while o.r P».rlM »» •» th. of .o abundant, And where**, riebtoanineas axolt. a nation, whilo tin I. a ro- Dro.ah to an, pooplo; now thortfor. I. Andrew .labmon, 1-resld.nt of tbo United 8Ut**, do her.- bj recommend to tho pooplo thereof that the, do »t .part and obaaty* the Ir.t Tburtd., In Uooom- bor t.. day of national tbankaalrlng to the Creator of tho Universe for their deliverances; and I do further raoommond that, on that oooaoton, Jho wholo people make oonfetilon of oar *»t°n.l ■Ins egeinlt Hit Inhnlto aoodnaar, end with one hurl end one mind, Implore the Dl»ln« guidance In tho way. of national rlrtne and holinua. In testimony whoroof I have ha"«y*o «jr hand, and um the aul of tha llnltad Stataa to baalhied. Dona at th. City of Washington, thia <•» ?' Oo.tob.r,ln_th. JHS of onr Lord Union Place Hptel. Cor, Broadway and 14th St», Oppoollo WaahltiRton StntWi N K W YO»K CITY np9T tf H. C. FUND A UO-. Proprtotora. HANOVER STREET, BOSTON, la tlio Lnrgont nutl Boat Arranged Hotel in New England. aojril I.BWIH lllOB, Proprietor. BRADY, SMITH & CO. OommiMl on AND ' forwarding Merchants, AND .tltinufiutiirt'ih' A(r«nl» NOltTn BfllK Of BAY BTBBBT, Botwooli Whitaker %t'd bnmattl, SAVANNAH, O HI OllCAI A. Llbornl advancoa made on conelgnmente of Colton, Ac* to their friend. In Now York and Boston. - WmJ, Kltchon, Proat National rark Bank, N. Y.i n. U.Thadior ACo., Boeton, lareol Co mo, BolUmnrc- Hall, Korea AUo.,Colhmhna; Wynlnn, loocs A Oo., Montgomery. nngl The Southern House Fourth Street, ST. LOXJIS. iMIO. LAVB1IJ.K, WARNHR A 00., Proprietors. A first clsss family Hotel; unsurpassed for locality, comfort and convenience. tf ^P 10 MwSTof ft. indepoodonoe of th. Unltod | state, th* 00th. (Bigoad) Aminnw Joairoon. By the Proaldant t Wu II, Sawinn, Seoretary of State, sign* and Taken*. i’nr, Gbidihoh—To take down tho gridiron from the nail where it ie banging, with the left hand, i* a *ign that there will bo a broil In tho kitchen. Nails—If «. woman cuts her nails every | Monday it is lucky—for her huaband. ■mOPOLlTAN HOTEL, Late Brown’**, WASHINGTON, D. C. T HIS leading Hotel, Kcnovatod aud Refurnished, Is now In perfect ordr * “ “ “** ler for tho reception and accom- MISCELLANEOUS. DRUGS! MEDICINES C H EMI CALS . CINK8, TRUSSES, Ac., )ut landed from Nrov York, Roosiime-If you hear a rot»t«r crow when 4 th#c#rifS pig B ( ers and Traders you .re mlnUnito clock •Mtaahw ^ ^ ^ m Bl , bortoel nollco . times at tho same instant, it is a sign ot l j ^ warran t an y article os being pure. mo(u)rning. I A largo quantity of BUROPBAw LBECHE8, finest An Itching Eak—If you have an itching ear, 1 qa Jji t fhc PATENT MEDICINES cxUnt on hand, tickle your nose, and you will have an itching ■ ,An -—- umn,a nve«M*r«»in nowniAia i WM. M. SUITS9 Horses & Carriages - TO LET. HANlElt BUTLEIl would rvspoctfuMy Inform the nubile that ho Is now proiiuml to furiiUb, si tho -shortest notice, HOUSES AND t'AHRIAOES, Blmtclrtss Carrlagos run to the various BtcArabouL Wharves aud to (no Railroad Depot nt the lowest rates. None but careful aud coiniietnnt Drivers employed. DANIBI. BOTLER, noAlO-tf cor. Whitaker and York streets. E. B. CHIPMAN, (Successor to Geo. 0. Murcy,) « O 8 B A. Y 8 T R K Tf. NortkiNIde, Belttmn Barnard and Jofferson Streets, WOOD, COAL AND GRAIN AND GENERALCOMMISSION MERCHANTS AND STOH-AGhSl. HAY, .COHN, OATH AND FEED, At lowest market prices. Jy3 Wm. M. Davidson WIIOLICBAI.r. UP.M.RK IM Teas, Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Segars, Ale and Cider, lfiO Bay Street Savannah. banking and insurance. Insurance Agency OCOSAN, RIVER, FIRK. ffWE undersigned hold commissions from tha lead* ■A log Insurance corjKirntloua of New York, ropro- sonUng on aggregate cosh capital of over nvE mii,i,ions or dollars And are nreparud to Issue iMdlcies to cover Fifty Thou sand dollars on one application upon FI»« Rltkn at Savannah anti Inland Tawni, OOITON AND MKRCIIANIIUE IN TRANSIT ON THE AUGUSTA AND MACON RIVERS; AND OCEAN RISKS GENERALLY, Prompt Settlement of Losses. L. C. NOItVELI. Ac OO., mayST Boll street, opposite Post Offlce. N. YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. bout. r. voaa, M. I. WILLIAMS, t. R. M'INTIRC. r. U. WARD, YORK, VILUAMS, MIITI1I & CO., AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay Street, Savannah, Gtiu Consignments of Cotton and Lumber solicited. Rcforonceat Savannah—Brigham, Baldwin A Co., (laden A Uncklcs, Erwin A Hardee. Hunter A Uammcll. Isaac D. LaRoche, Hiram Roberts, W. Woodbridgo, L. C. Norvoll A Co. Now York—8. T. Knapp A Bro., D. H. Baldwin A Po. Balodays, Tuesdays and Fridays.sopQ WOODFORD & RITCH, •UTTOMIJYK YS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, NO. Ill BHOADWAY, (Trinity Building,, The undersignod haying janmctl the procure nl th. w. in prepared to rh.a. n ..r __i._ » . ~ c several courts In Nev sopTO tf JNO. L. VILLALONGA, Ootton Factor, Fonvan'iDg and Commission Merchant NO. 81 BAY STWUET, S.IIM.V.V.IH, OKORUIJl. oct'23 6m COOPEli, OLCOTrS & FAItUKLLV, Booksellers and Stationers, SAVANNAH, GKOBGIA. T HE undemigued have formed a Copartnership under the name and style of COuFBR, OLDOTTd A FARRELLY, for the transaction of a Wholesale and Retail Book niul Stationery Business, at the old stand of John M. Cooper A Co., Northwest corner of Whitaker aud St. Jullen streets. JOHN M. COOPER, WILLIAM H. OLOOTT, DANIEL O. OLOOTT, OCL28 STEPHEN F A RRELLY. INSURANCE I AUlUOftlZKD CAPITAL, $10,100,000 OHA8. L. COLBY & CO. A RE prepared to take Iflarine RUki to any Domestic or Foreign Port, and Fire Rlska n th is city In the following namod first class New York Comiuiuies, at the lowest rates: COLUMBIAN MARINE INSURANCE CO. Capital, $5,000,000. MORRIS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $5,000,000. COMMERCE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $200,000. STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $200,000. Office In Jonea’ Block, corner Bay and Abcrcorn streets. Branch Office, cor. Drayton and Bryan streets. angio-ti there, and ill luck will be aver tod. A Cat—When a cat prepares to wash its face, it is a sign that one in the house will shortly receive a licking. Warts—To have sixteen warts on the left hand is unlucky ; to have the 6ame number on the right hand is a sign you are unfortu nate. Bridal—If you get on horseback on Mon day before the sun is up, it is a sign you will have a hand in a bridal. Red Hair—If a red-haired man falls in love I with a girl who dislikes hair of that color, he will very likely dye before he is married. Stock Kaisino—If a one-eyed bull dog flies \ at a stock-raiser’s legs, it denotes that a mis fortune will happen to his calves. A Kcnkral—To meet a funeral procession j is a sign of death. Pocket Book—To lose a pocket book con taining greenbacks is unlucky. $9".Steps are being taken in Macon, Ga., to purchase a steam fire engine. 100 cases JACOB'S DYSENTERIC CORDIAL, all of which will be sold low for CASH. Wholesale and Retail, Apotbecttrlen’ Hull, Corner Broughton and Barnard streets, W m. WALSH, Itt. Proprietor. N. B.—Fresh Garden Seeds. tf 1**P COTTON GINS, STEAMENGINES FOR SAW MILLS, And all kinds of Machinery can be procured through the undersigned. svasYiks and blinds, Of every description and pattern, can l>e obtained at the lowest Manufacturers' Pricey by appljinj^m^ octal-Jtn *»» Bay street. Macon Telegraph aud Augusta Constitutionalist I please copy, and send bill to this office. CHARLES L. COLBY & CO., SHIPPING, COMMISSION, AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS JONES’ BLOCK, COBNER BA Y AND ABERCORN STS., SAVANNAH, GkA.. Liberal cash advances made on consignments to the firm represented lu New York by Charles L. Colby, Esq., or to onr Moods in Boston. ALEX. II. HOLWAY, Resident Partner. RKrEEKNom.—Messrs. Dabney, Morgan A Co., New York; Jarvis Blade, Ksn.. New York; Gardner Colby, Esq., Boeton; Hon. J. WUcy Edmands, Boston, angle tf PAPER Ai\D RAO WAREHOUSE. MISCELLANEOUS. G. I’ABSUSS, MANUVAOrORRK Hadlield's Un’on Fire Works, Importer of Cblncnc Fire Cracker, Kotkel*, Ac., Ac. Manufacturer of LANTERNS, ITIx/k&S, <kO. Also a large assortment of hls own lmi>ortatlon of T HE undersigned lakes pleasure In nnnounclug to I mnva A -rv a V rt-DODS Its old patrons and the public that arrangements |TOYS AND B AN X LtUUUO. have been nearly perfected by which the “Nat THE NATIONAL. AMUUCAN. ITS PUBLICATION SOON TO BE REVIVED. (Written for the Cincinnati Commercial.] Saints’ Rest, (wioh is in the State uv Noo Geisey.) October 11, 18G5. Ohio, Ablishn! Pennsylvania, Ablishn! Iowa, Ablishn and nigger suffrage to boot! [njiaDV, Ablishn than ever ! yoo (Jersey, not eggsactly Ablishn, but ap proaching thereunto. Sioh is the encouragin news I red in the noos- papers this mornin ! Sich is the result of labers Her cool inn, in the above named states. What do tho people mean V The pure Dimokraay probably will carry Noo York; but of what consolation is that tome? The two parties, fhe old, anshent Dimokraay and the Ablishn, run a race into the realm uv Radi- kulism, and the Dimokrasy beat them over a length. With a platform standin by Johnson, endorain bis anti-slaverv noshens his Southern oppression nosbens, his hnnging of Mrs. Surrat, et settary, and on that platform a sojer who never voted a Dtinokratik ticket in his life, who went into the war a Radikle Ablishnist, and who kum out a Radikler Ablishnist, I don’t know that I her much to cbooBe atween ’em. Lust week I was invited in to a county in Noo York, to address a Dimokratik meeting. I ac cepted*, (ez my expensis were paid, wichls cheep er and better hoarding than I get at the groceries to hum), and accordingly 1 went. I commenst delivering tbo speech I bed yoosed all over Noo Gersey. I eotnmensl aboosin the nigger, when the (Jheermao interrupted me. "Well,” ^/. I,"what is it?” rather angrily, for I gi». warmed up and a sweatin, and don’t-like to be interrupted. “Why,” sed be, “our Constitooshnn allows a nigger who baa two hundred and filly dollars to vote, and most uv em her that sum, and we make it a point to aekoor ’em. “They’re a d—d site better off than most uv us white Dimokrats in Noo Gersey,” retorted I, a droppin the nigger and goin on agin President Johnnon. “Stop." whispered the Cbeennan, “our plat form indorses President Johnson.” “Thunder!” remarked I, dropping President Johnson and sliding easily into a viggerus de nunciation uv the war. “Good God !” sez the Cheerman, "stop ! Our platform endorses the war.” I sed nothin thia time, but commenst denoun- sin the debt. “Hold,” aed tho Cheerman. “easy—easy—our platform backs up the debt.” "Well, then,” sed I, in a rage, why in blazis didn’t yoo send me a copy uv yoor platform when yoo wantid me to address yoo ? Go to thunder and make yoor own Bpeeenisand atawked oil the platform. Time wuz even wun speech wood do a man awl over tho North, now you have to hev a dlf- fercint wun fer cvry Suit, whioh raaiks it .mpos sible fer me to travil, for one effort per season is eniili lor mo. But, M l vraa.aajm, we are boat again, and b« ””'““M °' our own mailn- beet with taxi*, bonda, war debt, and nigger equality, all in our furor. Don't u> we rodooBt their majorities. What diftren™ does it make to a defeatid candidait whether the majority agin him wuz thousands or wun bun- dred V A needle will kill a man ez affectuaUv as a broad-sword, ef it’s stuok in the right plaoa Ho u majority uv wun Is enufl'. I hev known men to hqld orlises four yesrs, sud hev good ap . petlujs, on s majority uv won. Its the orfises we wuz a goin fur—its them our patriots wantid aud its no consolation tc them to say they midst by a small majority. Its holler mockers—the same ez tho you’d show a starviu man a loaf uv bread just Inside uv Iron bars—his fingers are not an inch from it, but so f*r sz his carvin ntomiok is concerned, it mite cz well be across the boundlosB ocean. • We majr recorer drum tbla back-ael, but I hev my fear.. Tha people la as .toopid es ever, and our loadera la ez akoot es tier, bin, alas ! the fact that we her failed in «rerything we bov undertook, for four year., la galtln throu tba hair uv thousands, and they look askant at Us. Be ez it may, It makes but little diiDrenca tome. A lew years, at furthrest, and I ahal yo bants. Ef the Bible is troo, ( ,bel go ly perfected l»y which the "National American" will dc revived. In a new and attractive form, aud under very favorable auspices, in the City of Atlanta, Georgia, early in the ensuing year.1 The jtaper was established in 18GS, and enjoyed a patronage and popularity greatly superior to nnv of its city cotemporarles up to January, fbOl, when it wns discontinued In consequence of the secession of Georgia Trom the Union. It will be remembered as a bold and consistent National Jonrnal—zealously opposing Se cession and Disunion, aud as warmly advocating the development or the vast and varied Resources of the South—particularly of Georgia; thi^ adoption of liberal system of Public Schools and General Education; au enlightened system of Agriculture ; the promotion and elevation of the Mechanic Arts; the establishment of Manufactories, and the encourage ment of every industrial pursuit caldblutcd to improvo the Minds and Morals of onr people aud render them prosperous and happy In the “Union of our Fathers."d It will Ihj the aim ofits projector and his present As sociates to sustain, in all Its leading features, the well- earned good name, independence aud consistency of the paper, and to make it. If possible, oven more ac- able and popular than id its hitherto palmiest days. 24 John 8t. oct 25—12m nonr Broadway, N. Y. ,J. H. WLNTKll oratibl , The inper will In no wise belle its past proud record. It will contlnuo Union, yet thoroughly Southern in Its tone and character—proscribing no man who did hls duty In the troublous past, and fearlessly, yet courte ously, opposing every measure, party or clique whose tenets may be deemed inimical to the peace and pros perity/) r the country at large. The Interest of the Subscriber as well as those ol the Advertiser will be protected, and even- effort mude to make the American a Live and Reliable News, Political, Commercial and Family Jonrnal. Thu National American will be published Dally and Weekly In the City of Atlanta, and furnished to Subscribers, If by mall, at $10, or by carrier in the city, at $12 |>cr annum, for the Dally, and $4 for tbo Weekly —strictly In advance. C. It. HANLEITRK. uovb J^G. WINTER WINTER & OO., Commission Merchants, 10 Broadway, New York. Will attend promptly to the sale of Cotton and other joneignments. Orders for Merchandize will receive attention and dispatch. The sale ol Nouthern Securities, Bonds, Rank Notes and Noutlicrn Lunds solicited. Circular Saw Mills, of the moat improved toimtructlon, worrunted to cut 10,(MH) feet of lumber per diem, hav ing no feed except saw dust with every thing com plete, including Belting tor $3,600, Send tor circu- 1 lm oct 19 KB. KNDLKTON, WM. It. J DUETT. PENDLETON & JOUETT. (Formerly of 8t. Louis,) COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND COTTON FACTORS, No. *8 Water atreet, New Verk. Orders are solicited for the purchase or sale of Cot ton, Hugur, Molasses, Coffee, Teas, Western Produce, Naval Stores, Bagging. Rope, Ac., Ac., which will re ceive our best personal attention. lm oct 19 WARREN & PLATNER Wholesale Dealers in All Kinds ol Coarse and .Fine Papers, Enve lopes, Twines, and Paper ' lings. Sole Agents in this city for the Bath Paper ITIiils. The highest cash prices paid for Rags, Old R ope and Bagging, and Waste Taper, in large or small quantities. octlo 210 Ifay Street, Savannah. KEIN & CO., 14 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, UA., COTTON FACTORS, COMMISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANTS. IBERAL cosh advances made on consign- I ments of Cotton and approved Merchandize made to their friends In New York, Boston or Diver ge fer to Messrs. Smith A Dunning, New York; C A II. M. Tabor, New York; Cabot A Senior, 8t Louis; W. H. Taylor, Now Orleans.ang20 x. h. hartridge, COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchant, DU BAY STREET, HAVAMTHrABC, GrEOUCrXA octi4—tr V. M. MYRELL, Steamboat Agent, GENERAL Commisbion and Forwarding Merchant, Bay Street, Savannah, Ott., Harris' Building, 2d Door West of A. Low & Co.'s. Kcfeis to Messrs. Hunter A Gamiocll, Crane, John son & Oraybill, Bell, Wylly A Christian, Bothwell A Whitehead,tMliler, Thomas A Co.,and M. A. Cohen, Esq. t£ ecpgQ T. OUNNIM(.11 AM, 1>. O. l'UBSr, R. J. LAUCOMUK, GUNNIIVU1IAH, PURSE & 00., FACTORS, FORWARDING AND ( ommission Jtlcrehant*, Bay St reet Savannah, Gra, References—Robt. oinhersham A Sons, Hunter A Uammcll, Octavos Cohen, Brigham, Baldwin & Co., Erwin A Hardee, Clnghorn A Cunningham. scp5-8m KIBLIN, "BRO. & BURKE, WIIOLILSALB DKALBU.S IX ALES, WINES 4.ND LIQUORS Oor. Whitaker Street and Bay Lane. Juuc21 6m E. P. METCALFE & CO., GENERAL FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Stoddard's Bunge, on Bay street, between Lincoln and Abercorn, Savannah, Georgia. References.—Heniug, Flint A Pearce, New York; K M. Bruce A Co , Augusta, Ga.: R. C. Robson, Esq., At lanta, Ga.; Knott A Howes. Macon, Ga.; E. M Brace, Morgan A Co., Apalachicola, Fla.; Watts, Crane A Co., New York; Geo. C. l’earce A Co., St. Louis, Mo ; H. C. Bruce A Co., Cincinnati, O.; Mr. H. J. Cook, Albany, Ga.; John W. O'L'onnor, Macon, Ga. eep21 tf H. G0WDY, Commission Merchant, 106 BAY 8TREEO;, (Anderson’s Wharf,) SAVANNAH, GEORGIA J. & P. COATS’ BEST SIX-SORD CABLED! KRAFT & HILL, Manufacturers und Jobbers of STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS Non* 281 and 883 Broadway, * (opposite A. T. Stewart’s,) 3STKW YORK. A fall supply of Goods, suitable tor tills market, al ways on hand. ... Yonr patronage is respectfully solicited. octSS—0m FRESH TURNIP SEED. (SOLID WHITE, NOW LANDING.) RUTA BAGA. |VL A I »UTC H , John & Hugh Auchinoloss, SOLE AGENTS IN NEW YORK, 108 DUANE ST. uovl4-tu.thAfS I Red Top Turnip Seeds, Warranted to be of the GROWTH OF Just received from D. Landrcth, and JylO cor Bull and Congress streets. FOR SALE! A CHOICE LOT OF ALSO, 1100 BMs. L&wrenccvllto Co’s ( cmciit, Will bo sold Low to Close Consignment. Apply to sepl4 C11AU. L. COLBY Sc CO., tf cor. Bay and Abercorn uta. TUB WASH INGTON IRON WORK8 Ilave on band for sale their Improved Portable Steam Engines, Portable Circular Haw Mills, Gang Maw MtllM.Flour and Corn 1*111 Ii., And manufacture to order all kinds of Btoam Bn aluca, Marine, Stationary, and Propeller, Railroad Cam and Turn Tables, Iron Steam Vessels and Barges- General Machinery. Iron and Brass Oast- “«■. large aud small Fondues, Ac., Ac. Address GKO. M. C'LAPP, Treasurer, wa SlV, b ° rt,,Uwt - Hoorn «. New York. C B ^2. B On'5;!S ,, Pr 8 > CabtoRM, Pot*. Tun^oa M. — novt aci.r RAiuita Carrots and 0. L. GILBERT. Wright Sc Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. fleprceonted,ty our Agent, JOHN B. WRIGHT, B«q. „„ No - ® B Wall btroet. New York. lOO style, of POCKET BOOKS § SATCHELS* *• - angT 1 A OO., Bay si, — doors from Dell A ohrutui. Varnish. 4 LOT of mat qnaltty Varolab for ealo ti, tba M3~ Birr'nbwtnMr*'Afanua H|K BBAIY. UUTB *00. FRANK S. HESSELTINE, COUNSELLOR at LAW NO. 14T BAY STREET, (NEXT' DOOR TO THE REPUBLICAN OPPICE,) SZVVA.NNZYTI, G-.A. oct 81 A. E- LOPEZ & CO., Gunsmiths aud Locksmiths Corner of St, Jullen and Jefferson Streets. OCtlS—tf SAMUEL P. HAMILTON, (Successor to Wllmot A Richmond,) DEAtaZE IM Watches, Silver Ware, Jewelry Canes, Cutlery, Ac. Cor. Whitaker,Si. Julienand Congress Sts, .SAVANNAH, GA. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Chronometers rated by transit. Cash paid tor old Gold and Silver. Jy28 tf RICHARDSON & BARNARD Bay St., opposite Mariner’s Church AGENTS |FOR Wm. Jessup * Son’s hngllsh Cast Steel, Circular Saws, Cotton Gins, Annnonlated Pacific tiuano. Patent Decking and Roofing. octl4—tf ALEXANDER HARDEE STORAGE AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT COR. BAT AND JEFPKR80N 8TIIEETS, SAVANNAH, GA. Dealer in Hay, Fodder, Grain, Floor, Wool, Hides, Bran, bhorta, Ac. tf ecp22 PIONEER SAW MILL W E most respectfully announce to tho citizens of Havannah and others requiring Lumber that our new baw Mill at the toot of Zubly street, near tho bavannah and Ogecihoe Canal, Is completed. Wo are now prepared to saw and furnish Lumber in large or small quantities to suit purchasers, and respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. We will also pur* chase Lumber as it arrives In this market. Jy2t ROSE A ARKWRIGHT'. FIRE INSURANCE. THE PHOENIX INSURANCE CO OF HARTFORD, CONN. Capital, *600 OOO.... Assets,$1,000,000. Fire risks taken In the above Company on Buildings and Merchandize of every discriptiou at fair rates. uov8—lm H. BRIGHAM, Agent. take charge or rases More the jbrk and at Washington. STEWART L. WOODFORD. CHARLES BltUNO, mrORTKIl or AND IIKAI.ZK IN Musical instruments, Strings, &c, ROBERT NUNNS’ (Late NUNNH A Ol.ark's PIANO FORTES; C. F. Martin’s G-UIT AR3 581 BROADWAY, [Upstair.,] (0PP08ITE TUB METROPOLITAN HOTEL,) NEW YORK. N. B.—Brass Instruments, Clarionets, Flutes, &c„ for Bands mado to order pad warranted. (Wholesale.) (Kctail.) novl—lm HAWKINS & CO., PACKERS & GENERAL PROVISION Dealers, 341 Front St., JYcw %'ork. MERCHANTS’ INSURANCE COMPANY! HARTFORD, CONN. (I'HE undcrslgncdjiavlug been appointed agent for 1 the above well known Company, Is prepared to take risks against fire on tho most favorable terms. H. BRIGHAM, Offlce Southern Insurance and Trust Co. July3 tf BALTIMORE CARDS. R. MOLINA, COR- BOLL AND CONGRESS STREETS, (Under Screven House,) IMl’OllTKK AND VVUOiaRSALI DEALER IN ■liiviiiii* Ncbhpm, Lent AND SMOliING TOBACCO. Also, nil kinds of Virginia Chewing and .Smoking Tobacco, Mccrselmum, Brier Root, auu all other kinds of Fancy Pipe?. 3m »o|>30 T)OOLF. Sc HUNT, J. Baltimore, Maryland, UANUPAOTUKERH Portable and Stationary Steam Engines and Boilers, Steam Fire Engines, Portable Saw Mills, Gang and Single Saw Mills, Mining Machinery, Portable Grist Mills, Flour Mill Machinery, Cotton Screws, Railroad JJars, Car Wheels and Axles, Hydraulic Presses for Oil and Tobacco, Tobacco Moulds, Gas Works Apparatus of all kinds, Salting, Pulleys and Hangers. aug8 6m CYRUS P. MENDENHALL, Greensboro', If. C. DUDLEY NICIIOLS, Baltimore. C. P. MENDENHALL & CO., Ootton, Tobacco, AND General Commission Merchants, IJA l*ratt Street Wharf* SC P 23 BALTIMORE. Beef, rork, Hams, Lard, Shoulders, Butter, Cheese, Bacon, Tongues, Eggs, Vegetables, Fish, Balt, Fruit,! «fcc., Ac. Fulton fflarket Beef. All orders carcftally executed at the SHORTEST NOTICE. Wc respectfully refer to Messrs. Stuart A Uo„ Ehrlich, Eeq., B, G. TUden, Kcq. SouthomProduce received on consignment. octB—6m Holmes a Patterson, So. 85 Water Street, Sew York, Receivers of Flour, wi:sTi:it.\, AND SOUTHERN PRODUCE. Consignments Solicited. O RDERS for Floor, Wheat, Corn and Oats, filled at lowest market rates, and directly from first hands, thus saving oxtra profits. Rcaelvcrs of tho well known Brand of Flour, ’’Koarsavo MUlIs,” which will be supplied, and in lots to sulC Full information furnished by LaROCHB, OADEN A UNCKLK8, oct 25—2m cor. Bay and Barnard streets, D. H- BALDWIN & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 170 Pearl street, ‘ NEW YORK. is. A. IIAHIIEE a CO., Shipping, Commission, AND FOKWAUDlNtt MUIltHANTS, SAVANNA II, Or A . Will make liberal cash advunces on consignments to their friends, Norton, bluugUtoc A Co., 40 Broad street, New York. oct fi —tf VULCAN WORKS, BALTIMORE. rpHlS old establishment, with lacrcascd facilities, J. continues to execute, promptly, orders tor Stoatu and other Machinery* Doit or*, Castings, Ac. A huge water front on the Har bor, with a powerful crane, gives them great advan tages in fitting out and repairing steamers. Station ary Engines of various sizes kept on hand. Iron for bridges furnished. HAZLEHUIIST ACO. octal—Cm NEW GOODS. r lJST RECEIVED* a largo and beautiful os- menl of FANCY GOODS, selected expressly for thia market. Call and see them. C. M. HILLSMAN, ang!4 cor. Bull andJBroughton^troetg^ AUGUSTA CARDS. J.O. MATHEWSON fGENERAE COMMISSION, PRODUOB BROKER AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, No, 283 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga., (At the Old Stand of the late firms of T. P. Htovall A Co., Htovall, McLaughlin A Co.,- and 0. II. McLaughlin A Co.,) Will glvo Ills prompt and personal attention to the :mrchasc mid sale of Cotton, Domestic Goods, Hugar, Bacon, Lard, Grain, Flour, ltoiw, Bagging, and Mer chandize generally. Having the Agency of several first class Cotton Mills, I wm prepared Mali times to supply orders for Yarns. Sheetings, shirtings, Osuaburgs, Drills, Ker seys, Jeans, Ac., &c. ,. . . With extensive fire-proof warehouses, can ionium secure atorugo, und glvo prompt attention to merchan dize and produce consigned^ 0 me tor torwnrumj^ln any dlrecJon. T HE BALTIMORE ‘ WROUGHT IRON PIPE AND TUBE CO. Is now prepared to supply Gas, Steam nnd Water Pljic and Fittings, on the most favorable terms. All pipe warranted. P. Q. Box Baltimore, Md. sep25-3m A FACT WORTH KNOWING T HAT by buying shoes with Metallic Tips, two- thirds the usual expense of snppllng childreu with shoes may lm oared. No one, for every-day wear, can afford to buy any other. Millions of dollan nuallv saved by this useful Invention. The toco of metal Upped shoes remain perfect nntil the rest of the shoe Is worn out. Tho feet are kept dry, thus bene- fltting the health and saving money. For sale by all shoe dealers. 3m SPglT Drunkenness Cured. nnHE inebriate may now bid defiance to tho tempt- X ing cap. Dr. ZanCs antidote for streng drink Is a certain cure tor drunkenness. _ It creates a dislike for strong drink, and can bo administered without the knowledge or the patient Descriptive circulars sent to any nddreM. For sale by all respectablo druggists In the United States and ' "" -Mx, or packages of six boxoe of the money, by Wholesale Agent may28—ly 403 Choanut st., Philadelphia, Pa. ianadas. Price, $1 per box, or pad jt $5. Sent by mall on receipt of t JNO. J. KROMER, Wh W. A RAMSEY & GO., GENERAL Commission merchants AND AUCTIONEERS. 308 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. 3KFKR TO Robert Habersham A Sons, Savannah. W. H. Stark, do. Bones, Brown & Co., Augusta. Ed. Thonius, do. W. K. Kltchon, President National Park Hank, N. Y. 0 In barrels or from 40 to by retail, 50 cents per - : hi rod and tor sale by DAVID H. GALLOWAY, street, Savannah, <Ja. t Iona, 36 cents per gallon; e, Miuaar. OTAS. B. CAHILL, General and Cominkslon Merchant, AUGUBTA, »A. * Holders of Merchandize wlshlug to rcollzo immedi ately, will consult their .interests by consigning tho "Kiel buslnosB attention will lm given all consign ments, aud prompt returns mode, at tho moet reasona ble rates. Refer to Messrs. Hunter A Gammell, C. L. Colby A Oo., Hilton A Raudell. A. C. Loincline, Halsey, Wat- son A Co,, and Stuart A Co. uuglB VfT RECEIVED— Linseed Oil, in barrels: Brandon «. New Rod, Turpentlno, Furniture Var- Dry White Load, Blue Paint, Prussian Blue,8and r. etc., which we keep, besides other Paints, Gro- 1 ^ , "' Vh Y»cft 00< w, Bo, aw) WtOMMt tt Ur. Sand’s Specific. T HE oldest and moet reliable medicine for the cure of Hpcnnntorhoen, Hcmlnal Weakness Loeeof Pow er, Ac. This mediclno has stood tho test of over thir ty years and has always proved a success. . DR. RAND'S BPECIFIC is exhibited In the form o* S ills, mado up entirely of substances thathavc a speci- c effect upon the generative organs. Most persons asroclate the Idea or operations upon the lxiwius from taking any bind of pills. Tito Spzoirio of Dr. Kand a not Intended as an kvaouatiho jardicinz. U« nal virtues arc expended ontlrely upon tho Impaired regenerative organs. The pills arc wot rjriploaaunt to tho taste, nnd many persona masticate them with Im punity lmforo swallowing them; which plan we would always refcommend, as affording the speediest way to «rot the effect of the remedy. , ^ , , Price, $1 per box, or slx^boxes tor $5. Sold by drug gists everywhere, or sent by mail by JNO. J. KROMER, Wholesale Agont, may23—ly 403 Chcanntat., Philadelphia. Pa D. II. BALDWIN, J. F. CUMMING, H. BRIGHAal, C, M. HOLST, \ R New York. Savannah- Bacon, Clardy & Co, Cotton and Tobacco Factor NKW YORK, Represented in Savnuuah by Bryan, Hartridge i Co. W E do entirely a Commission Business, exerting ourselves to get the outside market quotations for om patrons. Liberal advances made ou Cotton at Savannah, and partial advances on Cotton ready for shipment nt Augusta, Atlanta aud Macon, rlai' ~ ‘ Winters' Orders filled. octl2—lm WYMAN. BYRD & C5., COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE-fSALE OF COTTON, COTTON YARNS, SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, JEANS, (La. 78 Chainbcrsmstrect, New ) ork, Samuel G Wyman, I utc of Baltimore, Md. Wni^Gregg, Jr., late of Grnuitevillc, 8. C. James C. buiith, of New York. lm no\0_ GARDNER, DEXTER A C0-. COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE BALI Or C O T T O IT:* i|rl NEW YORK, 4 Refer to National American Exc'gc Bank. No. 24 Franklin SI., EBOSTON. National Bank of Commircs National Revere Bank. Hromer’8 Hair Dye. 50 CENTS A BOX. Boxes larger than Dyee that sell for $1. Natan!* Durable, Beantltol. Warranted to please. This arti cle has been thoroughly tested by Dr. CHILTON, of Now York, and Prols. Booth and Garrett, of Philadel phia, who pronounce it free from all poisonous ingre dients, anil tho material composing It will not Injure the most delicate hair. Bold by Druggists and Fancy Goods dealers ever^whom may23—ly< r. KROMER, 8ole Proprietor. 3 Choanut st, Philadelphia, Pa. T HE great Chincee remedyfor socrot dlafcgfcput u§ In boxes, In lozcngor form, haa no badiaupr bad taste, can bo carried In tho vest pocket with perfect safety, will keep in all climatee, ana la‘a sure cure tor the diseases mentioned. From one to three boxes will parfbrm * rare. Price, Cl per box, or lbrra bole, fcr mSu-ly 408 Obestaut street, lhlW°h Lumber. W WHITE PINE Rongh Mnicat HcnnillB*. ■•8a(*?T' Oak, BCack Walnut, A.h, Cherry, and Dressed; - horaur, Poplar, Yellow Pine. Cargoes and email lota supplied* Round aid 8|ur« Ttarttf PortkiBd. Lumber dressed to order. RICH' HAROBON A BARNARD, th QW*U* GhouA. Having ample means for advances, a boslncss oc- qnalutanco of 26 years with Easturn Spinners, and con fining themselves strictly to a Commission B 0 ' 1 '"’” without operating on tnclr own account, napecuauj solicit consignments. .. . „ . J. L. ABBOT & CO., Ag’ta In Mobile. C. B. DEXTER, Agt. in .Colnlnbn^ Os. oct27—3m UARMOTT (i SCHILLING, 1IRE-PROOF 8torux« Warehouse, 3B8 Washington 8treof, NJffiW YORK- Consignments of Goods received, and orders for tho purchase of floods. The host of attention paid. ••The Human Face Divine.-'--’ “v* Puyhioowomf. Eyes, Ears. Lips, Mouth, Hre . * Hands, Feet, Skin, with all " Signs of Cuaraoti ^ HIRE PHBENOEOGICAI. JOl-RNAI,. 1 DevoteO to Bthniilogy, Only fb » year. ™ FOWLER A WBHA No. 839 Broadway, NcwYoriu^ JUST RECFIVfO Per Steamer America, A fine aseor'ment of Rhine Wines I Wines. Liquors. Meckkelmer, Nleretlnor* Llehfraiuuilk. And a variety of the finest brands of St. Croix Du" 1 * Jamaica Bi««i Fins Brands* • Also. Lunoh Served at U O’olock A. M i At A. STABinl’ 8 ' 0, t). 01LSBAT,