Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 21, 1865, Image 4

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SAVANNAH NATIONAL REPUBtlCAN; TXJE&0XY MORNIffftxJ* NtST^MBER" 2l. POETRY- [For the Savannah National Republican.] FORGET THERE NOT. BY MRS. SARAH HOWARD WEBB. F orget diem not in joy’a bright hour*, Who fpr their country died; But twine a wreath of deathless dowers, Where sleep a nation’s pride. They left us while the twfls rung Its wild notes throng^he sky ; They come not back, though all is won; Whose brave hearts beat so high. We breathe their names at e’entide, Around the glowing hearth; And, white the tears of memory glide, We talk of all their worth. We hear their voice on every wind, Through all the Southern sky— And sighs of loved ones left behind, As they went forth to die. Their presence fills each sunny vale; And shouts of victory ' Ring ont from grove*, w.ith trumpet Hail, We’re free! the land is free 1 Where Afric’s children knelt in pain, Their dusk hands raised to God; Or slowly drag’d the ensanguined chain Along the flowery sod , They pour’d their precious blood like rain, For human rights and laws ; The glorious gift was not in vain, In struggling freedom’s cause. Hring deathless flowers to deck the graves, Where rests the patriot’s head All hoilor to the living brave— Forgetting not the dead. AVlaverville, California, Oct. 20tb, 1865. THE NATION’S DEAD. 'our hundred thousand men, The brave—the good—the true, n tangled wood, in mountain glen, )n battle plain, in prison pen, Lie dead for me and you 1 'our hundred thousand of the brave lave made our ransomed soil their grave, For me and you ! Good friend, for me and yon ! n maDy a fevered swamp, By many a black bayou, In many a cold and frozen camp, The weary sentinel ceased his tramp, And died for me and you 1 From Western plain, to ocean tide Are stretched the graves of those who died For me and yon ! Good friend for me and you ! On many a bloody plain Their ready swords they drew, And poured their life-blood, like the rain, A home—a heritage to gain, To gain for me and you! Our brothers mustered by our side They marched and fought, and bravely died, For me and you 1 Good friend, for me and you ! Up many a fortresss wall Tnev charged—those boys in blue— Mid surging smoke and volleyed ball The bravest were the first to fall 1 To fall for me and you ! These noble men—the nation’s pride— Four hundred thousand men have died For me and you! Good friend, for me and you 1 In treason’s prison-hold Their martyr spirits grew To stature like the saints of old, While amid agonies untold, They starved for me and you ! The good, the patient, and the tried, Four hundred thousand men have died, For me and you! Good friend, for me and you ! A debt we ne’er can pay To them is justly due, And to the nation’s latest day Our children’s children still shall say, “They died for me and you 1” Four hundred thousand of the brave Made this our ransomed soil, their grave. For me and you ! Good friend for me and you! [jTAe Round Table. John B, Fuller. Manufacturer and Dealer, .Vo. 8 JDcy .Street, «V. V. Has In store and ready for immediate shipment, and is - manufacturing to order, Portable and Stationary Steam En gines and Boilers. 2 to 2C>0 horse power; Circular and Upright Saw Mills of the most approved construction, or all sizes, cat ting 70u to 1500 feet of lumber per hour; Grst Mills, Mill irons, Water Wheels, and every kind of Mill Ma chinery ; Sugar Mills, Paper and Mining Machinery • Tools, Tanks. &c„ for Oil and Salt Works; Cotton and Woolen Machinery, Ac. Vertical Planers, Iron Planers, Engine Lathes, Drill Lathes, Boring Machines, Slatting Machines, Upright Drills; Steam Pumps, Force Pmnps. Lifting Pumps, Suction Pumps, Hydraulic Jacks, Screw Jacks, Woodworth Planing Ma chines, Gray. & Wood’s Planing Machines, Daniels' Planing Machines, Moulding Machines, 8ash Machines, Tenoning Machines, Power Morticing Machines, Foot Morticing Machines/ Boring Machines, ^ Blind Elat Tenoning Ma- . chines, Shafting Pulleys and Han-Cireular Saw Benches, -w gers, Wright'* patent Scroll Saws Rubber and Leather Belt-Patent Belt 8croll Saws, ings, Circular Reserving Mills, Le^er and Rubber Hose,Upwright Reserving Mills, Plumbing and Gas Fit-Rotary and Mining Pomps, ... “t** 1 , „ Every description of Ha- Steam and Gas Pipes, chlnery and Railway Sup- Steam and Water Ganges, plies. COTTON QMS, COTTON SINS Southern, Craven, Excelsio and McCarthy Cotton Gins, with enginee or horse powers, and everythiugyeqnired for the same, in store! ord n^s; e - C!T ATE OF GEORGIA, Brvan Conns H To all whom it may concern“ Wh”ea? ' Smith will apply at the Court of Ordinaryfor Lett* of Administration on the estate of Jessie D»vi» Bryan Comity, deceased • 18 ’ late These " ... %: Letters of are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said t ourt to make objection Gf any they have; on or before the first Monday In December next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness, W. u. Hayman, Ordinary for Bryan coun ty, this 30th day .of October, 1886. novl w. H- HAYMAN. o. n. o. CTATE OF GEORGIA, BnranCouutT. o To ail whom it may concern: Whereas, Wm. H. Strickland will apply to "Ibe Court of Ordinary of i»ryan County for Letters of Guardianship on the per- *oub and property of Alfred and Horace 8tricklan<L of Wm. Strickland, deceased, Phene are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom I 1 ™/ ^acern to be and appear before said Court, to for W- H. HAYMANR O. b. o. C®iu 'Cong. ^^dmtoisMrth^^P^I make objection. Of any theyhaue) on <!? i >LF onrito p vTp. oirardsau, «. Liber. • ka MISCELLANEOUS. the NATIONAL AMERICAN. ITS PUBLICATION SOON TO BE REVIVED, T HE undersigned takes pleasure in announcing to its old patrons and the public that arrangements have been nearly perfected- by which the -“National American” will be revived, in a new and attractive form, and tinder very favorable auspices, lathe (Sty of Atlanta, Georgia, early fo the ensuing year.1 The paper was established in 1858, and enjoyed a patronage and popularity greatly superior to any of its city cotemporaries np to Jannary, 1861, when it was discontinued in consequence of the secession of Georgia from the Union. It will be remembered as a bold and consistent National Journal—zealously opposing Se cession and Disunion, and as warmly advocating the development of the vast and varied Resources of the South—particularly of Georgia; the adoption or a liberal system of Public Schools and General Education; an enlightened system of Agriculture ; «>o promotion and elevation of the Mechanic Arts; establishment of Manufactories, and the enwunMW- ment of every industrial pursuit calculated to imp the Minds and Mortis of our popple *“ d J* 1 gathers "a prosperous and happy in the "Union of o* ir • it will be the aim of I ts projector “ d wdt "^foIST ,tain ’ i fndeMnd^ n »nd consistency of earned good name, independence even more ^ the paper, andtomaheit, palmiest days, ceptable P°.P a * wigc belie its past proud record. The paper will in no thoroughly Southern in its It will continue >J^ ibi no man w hodidhis dutvin tiietronMonspSt and*fearles*ly, yet courte- “S.L nrSmSu" every measure, party or chque whose tracts may be dcemttl inimical to the peace and pros- Pe The?Dterest°of l the Subscriber As well as those of th p Advertiser will be protected, and every effort made make the Amksioan a Live and Reliable News, Political, Commercial and Family Journal. The National Amiiican will be published Daily and Weekly in the City of Atlanta, and tnmished to Subscribers, if by mail, at $10, or by carrier in the city, at $12 per annum, for the Daily, and $4 for the Weekly —strictly in advance. C. R. HANLEJTBR. nov9 . ~ 3- , J. & P. (OATS’ BEST SiX-SORD CABLED ISOLID WHITE, NOW E AN DING.) John & Hugh Auchinoloss, SOLE AGENTS IN NEW YORK, 108 DU^STE ST. novl4—tu,th&(3 SOUTHERN LAND EMIGRATION PRODUCT COMPANY, 71 Broadway, near Wall Street, flew York W. II. QUINCY,idate of South Carolina), SECRETAIIY O RGANIZED for the Capital, /Mechanical urposc of introducing till. Emigration ana Labor-Saving Machinery into thfjSonthem States. Stationary and Portable Engines, Saw and Grist. Mills, Cotton Gins and Presses,Turpentine and Whisky Distilleries, Agricultural Implements,and Labor-saving Macbineryof ali kinds famished at manufacturers' prices. Consignments of Cotton, Turpentine, and all other Southern Products, solicited. White Labor, (German, Ac.) supplied. Southern lends sold, leased and exchanged. Particular attention paid to the sale Of State and Railroad Bonds and other Southern Securities. Ad dress W, H. QUINCY, Secretary, T1 Broadway, New York. G. W. RKFERENC ES: , Esq., Washington. D. C. V. Rig?*' : - „ - Messrs. Wilson, Gibson A Co., Bankers, N. Y. Edward Haight, Esq, President Bank Common wealth, N. Y. Henry Stokes, Esq., President Manhattan Life In surance Company, New York. Messrs. W. T. Watters A Oo, Baltimore, Md. Messrs. Tnomas A Co., Bankers, Baltimore, Md. Col. Wm. Johnson, President Charlotte and Colum bia Railroad. Gen. John Brattan, Winnsboro’, South Carolina. Rufns Johnson, Esq., President Exchange Bank, Columbia, 8. C. oct28—eodlm Cotton Gins! Cotton Gins ! Cotton Gins I Taylor, Brown, Eagle, Southern, Emory <5*Craven, McCharty ^ and Excelsior cottoust gkeidts, With Engines, Horse Powers, and every thing com plete for running, in store, and ready for immediate shipment, at the lowest rates, by JOHN B. FULLER, No. 8 Doy Street* New York. oct27—eodly .» : ,-... . O&rhart, Whitford & Oo MANUFACTURE RS *» |awd WHOLESALE DEALERS IN READY-MADE CL0THIN6. 331 4* *333 Broadway, > Corner Worth Street, NEW YORK. T. r. OARHART, WX.H. WHITTORIX, HXNRY BHATKR, t. B. VAN WAQXNKN, __ A. T. HAMILTON. Office of Payne A Car hart in liquidation. HOTEL8. Union Place^Hotel. Cor. Broadway and 14th Sts, NEW sep2T tf Opposite Washington Statue, Cf'i 1* Y Y O B B H c vlWG A CO., Proprietors. inn oct28—eod6m Cooking Stoves WHITAKER STREET, COR. BROUGHTON. L^NE. Cooking Stoves, Enameled and Tinned Hollow Ware, Round Pots, Ovens, &c. scp4 2aw J. G. THOMPSON ic CO. Elly, Zacharie &Co., 810 BOWERY, NEW YORK, KXOLUSIVE*M AN UFAOT (7BEB8 OF TOILET 8OAP8 •. AND * ’erfu m o r y. Catalogues sent free- novfl-eod2m the Washingeton ironworks -• Have on hand for sale their * Improved Portable Steam Enwln.a. Portable Circular SawmtnfWS®*' Saw MUla.Floar aad C.m Him And manufacture to order all kinds ot Steam Ku rines, Marine,_SUtionMy, and Propeller, Railroad Cars and 'nun Tables, Iron 8team Vessels and Barges- also, General Machinery, Iron and Brass Case lags, large and small Forcings, Ac., Ac. Address GEO.M. CLAP?, Treasurer, T „ . Newburg, N. Y, Or L. C. WARD, Agent, 85 Liberty street, Room 8, New York. octS6—ly • ' HANOVER STREET, BOSTON, Ts the Largest and Best Arranged Hotel in New England. scp27 I^WIS RICE, Proprietor. The Southern House Fourth Street, ST. LOUIS, IMIO. LAVEILLE, WARNER A CO., Proprietors. A first class family Hotel; unsurpassed for locality, comfort and convenience. tf ^P 19 METROPOLITAN HOTEL, Fate Brown’s, WASHINGTON, X>. C. T HIS leading Hotel, Renovated and Refurnished, ts now in perfect order for the reception and accom- modationofitejol^atrons^^^^^in^^^segl^ miscellaneous. DRUGS. MEDIGINESi 9 AND 7 CH EMICALS - CHOICE selection of DRUGS, MEDICINES. /V.CHEMICALS, PERFUMERIER PATENT MEDI CINES, TRUSSES, Ac., jnst landed from New York, Apothecaries, Planters and Traders From the interior can be supplied at shortest notice, I can warrant any article as being pure. A large quantity of EUROPEAN LEECHES, finest quality. » . . All the PATENT MEDICINES extant on hand. 100 cases JACOB’S DYSENTERIC CORDIAL, all of which will be sold low for CASH. Wholesale and Retail, Apothecaries’ Hall, Corner Broughton and Barnard streets, , W. M. WALSH, IN. D., Proprietor N. B.—Fresh Garden Seeds. tf ielS COTTOJN GIJNS, STEAMENGINES FOR SAW MILLS, And all kinds of Machinery can be procured through the undersigned. • SASHES A.ND BLINDS, Of every description and pattern, can be obtained at the lowest Manufacturers’ Prices, by applying to GEO. O. MAKCY, oct31—1m 208 Bay street V Macon Telegraph and Augusta Constitutionalist please copy, and send bill to this office. FOR SALE, 10 bbls Pea Beane, 10 bbls. Medium Beaus, 10 bbls. Egg Beans, SPLIT PEAS, 50 bbls. Pilot Bread, COTTOIST DTJCK, SO bales Oakum, 20 bbls. PitcU, OILS, Of All Kinds, Ship Stores and Chandlery, at • - Horatio Pitcher’s, Foot of Lincoln St., Under the Bluff. nov 13 Machinery. 8 TATIONARY and Portable Steam Engines and Boilers. es. Fire ’Engines, Lathes Planers, Hoisting Engines, Fire Engines, Lathe • Drills, Ac., Pumps of every description. Hydraulic Presses and Jacks, Hydraulic 1 Cotton Gins, Grist Mills, Rice Mills. SAW MILLS. Daniels, Gray A Wood's Planing Woodwerth, Machines, Mortising, Tenoning, Molding and Sash Machines, shingle Machines, all kinds of Iron and Working Machinery and Supplies, Rubber and Leather Belting, etc. Steam Gnages and Boiler Feeders. W Bend for a Circular. COMSTOCK A KINSEY. No. 164 Bay st., Savannah, Gi oct 17—lm FRESH TURNIP SEED. RUTA BAGA FLAT DUTCH, AND Red. Top Turnip Seeds, Warranted to be of the GROWTH OF 1806, Jnst received bom D. Landreth, and for sale by W. W. LINCOLN, jylO cor Boll and Congress streets. TOBACCO FOR S1LB ONCONSMMBNT 1,800Boges Ping, assorted brands. . ixe , _ , _. 4,0' O Pounds Fine Cut Smoking in Papers. 5,000 Pounds Snuff, assorted brands, with a general assortment of Groceries. The Tdbacco and Snuff not being subject to Govern ment Tax, can now be sold to the trade at less than New York prices, * We are agents for the sale of George Page h Co.’s GnglnegJaBfl Circular, Portable and Stationary Saw Hills, >y us on ap- YONGE A NIXON, ' .Baystreet. desert plication. . _ novlT—lm ons of which Vili be furnished by Wright &>. Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, • Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. . . JOHN 8. WRIGHT, Esq. . Represented by our - No.«» Wi Street, New York. loo (Styles of POCKET BOOKS § SATCHELS. Orders will ,br 1*7 mh wg nuuminaunn ^ . O HATIV. Ah •ngT _ BRADY, SMITH A OO., Bay sfc doors from Dell A Christian. Varnish rj Y, SMITH i i^OT qf flrtl quality Varnish for (ala by tbO AGO. VT2 business, cards. wn. n. an ran. a. 1. MOSES. BEADY, SMITH & CO. AND Forwarding Merchants AND V manufacturer s’ Agents NORTH SIDE OF BAY STREET, ’ Between Whitaker and Barnard, S-A.V A-NN A.J3., GEORGIA, liberal advances made on consignments of Cotton, to their friends in New York and Boston. References—Wm. K. Kitchen, Preset National Park Rm,ir, N..Y^ H. C.Thacher A Co., Boston; Israel Co hen, Baltimore; Hall, MosesACo.,Colhmbus; Wyman, Moses A Co., Montgomery. angT E. B. CffiPMAN, (Successor to Geo. 0. Marcy,) 2 0 8 BAY 8TRKBITA North). Side, Between Barnard and Jefferson Streets, WOOD, COAL AND GRAIN AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND HAY, .CORN, OATS AND FEED, At lowest market prices. jj3 ROBT. r. TOSK, M. K. WII-LUHS, j. a. MUmax. F. H. WAED. YU, MU1MS, Him k A. AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHAflli, Bay Street, Savannah, Gra. Consignments of Cotton and Lumber solicited. References: Brigham, Baldwin A Co., Savannah—Brigham, Baldwin A Co., Gaden A Unckles, Erwin A Hardee. Hunter A Gammed, Isaac D. LaRoche, Hiram Roberts, W. Woodbridge, L. C. Norvell A Co. New York—8. T. Knapp A Bro., D. H. Baldwin A Co- Sale days, Tuesdays and Fridays. sep6 CHARLES L. COLBY & CO., SHIPPING, COMMISSION, AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS JONES* BLOCK, CORNER BAYANE ABERCORN STS., S AVANNAII, G-A. Liberal cash advances made on consignments to the firm represented in New York by Charles L. Colby, Esq., or to our friends in Boston. ALEX. H. ilOL * AY, Resident Partner. Rjcpkbence8.—Messrs. Dabney, Morgan & Co., New York; Jarvis Slade, Esq.. New York; Gardner Colby, Esq., Boston; tion. J. Wiley Edmands, Boston, angle tf KEIN & CO. 114 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA., COTTON FACTORS, COMMISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANTS. L IBERAL cash advances made on consi. ments of C otton and approved Merchandize made to their friends in New York, Boston or Liver pool, Refer to Messrs. Smith A Dnnning, New Y'ork; C C. A H. M. Tabor, New York; Cabot A Senter, St. BUSINESS CARDS. Horses & Carriages to Let. DANIEL .BUTLER' would y«spectfn'jy inform the public that he is now prepared to famish, at the -shortest notice, HORSES AND CARRIAGES. First class Carrmscs run to the various Steamboat Wharves and to the Railroad Depot at the lowest rates. *.- * 7 ■' None but careful and competent Drivers emi DANIEL BUTLI noalO—tf cor. Whitaker and Y’ork streets. Wm. M. Davidson WHOLESALE DEALER IN . . ' Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Teas, Segars, Ale and Cider, 160 Bay Street Savannah. OCtSS tf | 'm J . JNO. L mLALONGA, Cotton Factor, Forwarding and Commission Merchant NO. 94 BAY STREET, S.ini.V.V.1//, GEORGIA. oct25 ’ «m BANKING AND tNBUftANCET Ageaey RIVER, FIR®. F|THE undemtgsed hoM ccmmtosioM htna the lead- J“^J^,“^^cecorpprations o^New York, repro ttegreqate cash capital nvE miLiosa or dollaes Flre Risks at fovauah and Inland •was, GOTTOfl AND MERCHANDIZE IN TRANSIT ON THE AUGUSTA AND MACON RIVERS, . .ID OGBANBISKS G-BarBJRAX.r,Y. Prompt Settlement of Losses. ’ - L. G. NORVELL ACO., may» Bull street, opposite Poet Ogee. I AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $10^400,000 OHAB. L. COLBY & CO A RE prepared to take marine Risks to *ny i3L Domestic or Foreign Port, and Fire Risks in the following named first class New n th is city in the following named first Companies, at the lowest rates : COOPER, OLCOTTS & FARRELL?, Booksellers and Stationers, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA T HE undersigned have formed a Copartnership under the name and style of COuPER, OLCOTTd & FARRKLLY, for the transaction of a Wholesale and Retail , • > Book and Stationery Business, at the old stand of John M. Cooper A Co., Northwest comer of Whitaker and St Julien streets. r JOHN M. COOPER, WILLIAMH OLCOTT, DANIEL G. OLCOTT, oct23 STEPHEN FaRRELLY. PlPSK Ai\e HU. WAKEHttVSE. WARREN & PLATNER Wholesale Dealers in All Kinds of Coarse and Fine Papers, Enve. lopes, Twines, and Paper ' • Bags. Sole Agents In this city for the Bath Paper mills. The highest cash prices, paid for Rags, Old R ope and Bagging, and Waste Paper, in large or small quantifies. • • octio 210 Bay Street, Sarannah. A.. §. HARTBIBGE, COMMISSION . AND Forwarding Merchant, 92 BAY SrrKElbT, < GB6EGIA. SAVAKTK-ADC, octl4—tf . '' . Louis; W. H. Taylor, New Orleans. ang26 V. M. JHYRfiLL, Steamboat Agent, GENERAL Commission and Forwarding Merchant, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga., - Harris' Building, 2d Door West of A. Low & Co.'s. Refers to Messrs. Hunter * Gammell, Crane, A>fin- son * Graybill, Beil, Wylly A Christian, Both Well A Whitehead,IMiller, Thomas & Co., and M. A. Cohen, Esq. .tf scp29 E. P. METCALFE & CO., GENERAL FORWARDING AND - COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Stoddard’s Range, on Bay street, between Lincoln a and Abcrcorn, Savannah, Georgia. References.—Hcning, Flint* Pearce, New York; E. M. Brace & Co. Augusta, Ga.; R. C. Robson, Esq.,At lanta, Ga.; Knott A Howes, Macon, Ga.; E. M Brace, Morgan * Co., Apalachicola, Ha.; Watts, Crane & Co., New York; Geo. C. Pearce* Co., St. Louis, Mo ; H. C. Bruce * Co., Cincinnati, O.; Mr. H. J. Cook, Albany, Ga.; John W.OVonnor, Macon, Ga. r sepal tf H. GOWDY, Commission Merchant, 190 BAY STREET, (Anderson’s Wharf,) SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. oct! 3m FRANK S. HESSELTINE, COUNSELLOR at LAW, NO. 147 BAY STREET, (NEXT DOOR TO THE REPUBLICAN OPPICE,) SAVANNAH, GA. oct 21 ■ ’ ■, A- E- LOPEZ .Sc CO., Gunsmiths and Locksmiths, Corner of gl. Jnllen and Jefferson Streets. oct 18—tf SAMUEL P. HAMILTON, (Successor to Wilmot * Richmond,) Watches, Silver Ware, Jewelry, - Canes, Cutlery, Ac. Cor. Whitaker,St. Julien and Congress Sts, KAVANNAH, GA. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Chronometers rated by transit Cash paid for old Gold and Silver. Jjrffl tf RICHARDSON & BARNARD, Bay St, opposite Mariner’s Church, AGENTS |FOR A. T. CUNNINGHAM, D. 0. PUBSr, B. 1. LABOOMBE. C l VM\f.MAM. PURSE & CO., ; FACTORS,. FORWARDING and; Commission Merchants, Bay Street, Savannah, Gra, References—Robt. Habersham * Sons, Hunter * Gammell, Octavos Cohen, Brigham, Baldwin * CO., ACunningham. sepb-Bm BURKE, Erwin * Hardee, Claghorn < KIRLIN, BRO, & WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, WINES 4ND LIQUORS Oor. Whitaker Street and Bay Lane. june21 - ; > jS • • R, MOLINA, . 00E- BULL AND OONGBESS STREETS, ^Undcr Screven House^ IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DRALRR IN Havana Septri, Leaf SMOKING- TOBACCO. Also, all kinds of Virginia Chewing and Smokfng Tobacco, Meerschaum; Brier Root, and all other kinds of Fancy Pipes: * Sm -“ r ' 3n ■ W. A. HARDEE & CO., —i . \ . . » » f Shipping, Commission, - . AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, . S A V A_]ST N A H v- • Will nmke liberal cash aiNances on consignments to their friends, Norton, blaughtor * Co., 40 Broad street. New York. " , petfi—tf NEW GOODS. J UST RECEIVED,-alargenl)d beautiful - meht of FANCY GOOD8, selected expressly for this market, (tell and' them. - _ C. M._HILLSMAN, AUGUSTA CARDS- J. 0. MAIHIWSON (GENERAL COMMISSION, PRODUCE BROKER AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, le No. 983 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga., : ivall A IVm. Jessup * Son’s English Cast Steel, Circular Saws, Cotton Cine, Ammonlated Pacific Guano, Patent Decking and Rooting. octl4—tf ALEXANDER HARDEE STORAGE GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT COR. BAY AND JEFPBR80{! 8TREBTS, SAVANNAH, GA Dealer in Hay, Fodder, Grain, Floor, ’— *c. tf Bran, shorts, < Wool, Hides, sepBi PIONEER SAW MILL W E most respeetfnlly announce to the citizens of Savannah and others requiring Lumber that nr new flaw Mill at the foot of Znbly street, near tin wannah and Ogeechee Canal, is competed. We are to saw and famish Lumber lnlsrce or quantities to’suit purchasers, and solicit s share of ~ chase Lumber as m:i...a, IN 'WAY W Drayton Street, Savannah, Ga., . 40 te44 gallona. 26 centa per salloo; 8m aug24 MCE BETTER AND CHEESE.- C^ftkq^riceGoa^ 0Ctl« and for sale by C. LlGIUDOBT, f At the Old Stand of the late firms of T. P. j Co., Stovall, McLaughlin * Co., and G. McLanghiin * Co. A Will give his prompt and pereoqaDsttention to tljo purchase and sale of Cotton, Domestic Goods, Sugar,' Bacon, Lard, Grain, Floor, Rope, Bagging, and Mer chandize generally. Having the Agency of several first class Cotton Mills, I am prepared at all times to supply orders for Yarns, Sheetings, shirtings, Osnaburgs, Drills, Keri Beys, Jeans, *c., Ac. * With extensive fire-proof warehouses, can furnish sec are storage, and give prompt attention to merchan dize and produce consigned to me for forwarding ip W. A RAMSEY & OO., GENERAL Commi rehiulDi AUCTIONEER Si 308 Broad Street; Augusta^ Ga. T¥C.” XirCK TO i t % S’ — mm - h. • • Robert Habersham * Sons. Savannah. * W. H. Stark, do. Bones, Brown * Co., Augusta'. - *. Kd. Thomas, do. W. K. Kitchen, PreetaentNatioMl Park Bank N - JAS. ew York CO. COLUMBIAN MARINE INSURANCE Capital, $8,000,000. MORRIS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $6,000,000. COMMERCE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, « ' Capital, $200,000. STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $200,000. Dffice In Jones’Block, corner Bay and Abcrcorn streets. Branch Office, cor. Drayton and Bryan streets. angl6-tf FIRE INSURANCE. THE PHOENIX INSURANCE C0< OF HARTFORD, CONN. Capital, 8600OOO....Asset*,*1,000,000. Fire risks taken in the above Company on Bnildings ahd Merchandize of every discription at fair rates. nov3—lm ’ H. BRIGHAM, Agent. MERCHANTS’ INSURANCE COMPANY I HARTFORD, CONN. rpHE undersigned having been appointed agent for _ the above well known Company, is prepared to take risks against fire on the most favorable terms. H. BRIGHAM, Office Southern Insurance and Trust Co. lui^a - . - tf BALTIMORE CARDS. pOflLE A HUNT, A -, Baltimore, Maryland, KANUrXOTUBXKS Portable and Stationary Steam Engines and Boilers, - - Steam Fire Engines, Portable Saw Mills, Gang and Single Saw Mills, Mining Machinery, Portable Grist Mills, Flour Mill Machinery, Cotton Screws, Railroad Cars, Car Wheels and Axles, Hydraulic Presses fo* OB and Tobacco, Tobacco Moulds, Gas Works Apparatus of ail kinds, Salting, Pulleys and Hangers, aagl to CYRUS P. MEKDBNHALL, Greensboro', H. C. DULLBY NICHOLS, Baltimore. YORK AOVEn-risEMr^, WOODFOtBD & Rrrrn .ittob.vs; i-> " AND i V ' ’ ’ > ' AT iAw no. in Broadway 'Trinity Building, orca£ 1c &°fu^ ■evcral courts in New York and w.TvT <A;, wrc t] tf chareesbIuSo, mrosTEK or-AHD muu m Musical Instraments, strings, ROBERT NUNNS • (Late KBNNS & CtiRK’8 PIANO FORTES k C. V. Martin’s OUIT AI{ 3 581 BROADWAY, [Up stair,,] (OPPOSITE THE XETROPOUTAX HOTEL) new York. N. B.-Brass Instruments, Clarionets, Flutw, 4, - Bands made to order and warranted. '' (Wholesale.) , novl—lm (Hctall.j HAWKINS&CT PACKERS & GENERAL PROVISION Dealers, 241 Front St., Beef. Butter, Pork, Cheese, Hams, Bacon, Lard, Tongues, Shoulders, Bggs, Vegetable, Hdi, Salt, Frnit.1 &c., fc, Fnlton market Beef. All orders carefully executed at the SHORTEST NOTICE. We respcctfuHy refer to Messrs. Stuart & Co 5 Ehrlich, Es(L B, G. Tilden, Esq. Southern Produce received on consignment. octs—to Holmes & Pattersoii, IT*. *5 Water Street, flew York, Receivers of Flour, WESTERN, AND SOUTHERN PRODUCE, Consignments Solicited, O RDERS for Flour, Wheat, Corn atid Oata, filled at lowest market rates, and directly too first hands, thns saving extra profits. Reoeivers of the well known Brand of Flour, “Kearaage mills,” which will he snppiieoi, ud in lots to suit. Foil information furnished by LiROCHE, GADEN A UNCKLES, oct'25—2m cor. Bay and Barnard streets. C. P. MENDENHALL & CO., Gotton, Tobacco, General Commission Merchants, 136 Pratt Street Wharf, scp23 .BALTIMORE. D. H. BALDWIN & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 178 Pearl Street, NEW YORK. VULCAN WORKS, BALTIMORE. HIS old establishment, with increased facilities. T continues- to execute, _ promptly, orders for Steam and other Machinery, Bailers Casting's, *c. A large water front on the Har bor, with a powerful crane, gives them great advan tages in fitting'out and repairing steamers. Station ary Engines Of various sizes kept on hand. Iron for bridges famished. HAZLEHURST * CO. oct31—Cm nflHE BALTIMORE - WROUGHT IRON PIPE AND TUBE CO. Is now prepared to supply Gas, Steam and Water Pipe and Fittings, on the most favorable terms. - T?Baltimore, Md. sep25-3m A FACT WORTH KN0WIN6 T hat by buying Shoes with MetelUc Tips, two- thirds the usual expense of suppling children with shoes may be saved. No one, for every-day wear, can afford to ony any other. Millions of dollars are an- finally saved by thin useful invention. The toes of metal tipped shoes remain perfect until the rest pf the shoe is worn out. The feet are kept dry; thus bene- fltting the health and saving money. For sale by all shoe dealers. 3m sng!7 Dmnkemiess Cored I inebriate msy now Md defiance to the tempt- X ing sup. Dfr. ZaneM antidote for strong drink is n cure for drunkenness. It creates a dislike for drink, end can be administered without the f the patient Descriptive circulars sent to any nddrees. For sale >v all respectable druggists in the United States and r packages of six boxes t of the money, by . , Wholesale Agent. may**—ly 403 Chesnat bU Philadelphia, Dr. Bima’i Specific. HE oldest and mostrellable medicine for the core of Spennatorhaa, Seminal Weakness, Loeeof Pow er, *c. This medicine has stood the test of over thlr- ty years sndhas always proved a success. OiThaND’S SPEC&fCTs exhibited in the form o4 pills. wmA» np entirely of substances that have a speci fic effect upon the generative organs. Meat —‘ associate the idea of operations upon the bowi taking any kind of pills. The Hr^anio of Dr. Rand is not intended as a* nvAonanHs xsoionra. Its medici nal virtues are expended entirely upon the impaired regenerative organa. The pOis are not unpleasant to the taste, and many persons masticate them with im punity before swallowing them,- which plan we would always recommend, as affording the speediest way to tret thoeffed of the remedy. Prk*, $1 per box, or six boxes for $6. Sold by drug- "“■—’'isasKsascx— m»y28—ly ' 4fl> Cheenutst Dye. MiSrs* New York, and —nts, andtlfe the most delicate bate Hair 60 CENT* A BOX. Druggists and Fancy General and Commission Mercian** AVGUStA, Or A. - ' - * II- Holders of Merchandise wishing,malixalmm^ll- ately, wilT consult their interests by consigning, th* ; Messrs Hunter A Gammell. C. L. Gjlky A O^n^e^O. ixnneilm, Hals^ bechyed- J l ^S^U^LinseedORtobOTelS;'ferasaoh Cargoes Red. BneUsh New Red, Turpentine, Furniture Var-" - "’hite Lead, Bine Paint; Prnsaian Btae,8and which we keep, besides other Paints, Gro- Liquors and Wines always on band. - KOETHCKS * O0 H • I. KOETHCKS A GO* Cgr, Bay and WhiMmsr M OSmM SV • ' \UWH1TE PINE, Bough’ W . Spruce. Scaslllnf, Mahea*MF» Oak, Black Walnat, Ask Poplar, Ckerry, J.' F.’ CUMMms!’} Ncw York ’ c.' Effllk ) saTanflah - 3m mU KRAFT & HILL, Mannfactorcrg and Jobbers of STIIAW AND MILLINERY GOODS Nos. 881 and 283 Broadway, (opposite A. T. Stewart’s,) NEW YORK. A full supply of Goods, suitable for this market, il- WAys on hand. ' * " Your patronage is respectfully solicited. oct25—6m €1. PAB80JS, MATTCTACTUBSS Hadfield’s Union Fire Winks, Importer of Chinese Fir® Crackers RockeU, *t'i m ' Manufacturer of LANTERNS, flags, AC. Also a large assortment of his own impor Jtio- 0 TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, 24 John St., near Broadway, » Y ' oct WYMAN. BYEO& COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FOR THE}SA le oF COTTON, COTTON W#* ' SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, JEANS, ^ 78 Chamber street, Neu> 1 ark. Samuel G. Wyman, l^feof Btitimo"' MlL ^ ot Grauiteville, E C. jam—. cTtmiith. of New York iE-—- ‘ GARDNER DEXTER * COMMISSipN MERCHANT roa rta sals or OOTTO* Ko 116 Pearl St., I No. NEW YOBK, Refer to National American Exffge Bank. BprersBmik- bnsinef Having ampiemeans for » dv * nc< £,:f M rs, qnaintance of25 years with But*» BsW* fining themselves strictly to a without operating on their own account ™ C. It DEXTER, Agt. in oct!7—3m SCHILLING HARRIOTT & fibe-pboof storage W»reft ' $68 Wa.kIogwn^ oB ^ recei^d Per Steamer America A fine assortment of _ I Rhine ‘ nr,t,flS 1 Wines. rilA-tf sis^ar> Uebframnallk. . Aada>srletyc4»h« Wines jjquors. st.crow finest brands^ "loWocl Lunch Sorted at U