Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 22, 1865, Image 3

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LOCAL matters. ! See If ClU' Commercial and Shipping Newton th Tage. sec Amusement Column. From Augusta, T l, e steamer Amazon arrived last evening f , Augusta, with 1140 bales of Upland cot- , r . uii.l other freight. She also brought down .'number of passengers. We are indebted to 0 t,;iging purser of the Amazon, Mr. James ,, ^rr, for late Augusta papers in advance of the ma ;i. The following is the river news re- . r . c .j to us: November 19tb, at 9 o’clock a. ‘ passed steamer Scorpio, at Half Guinea, bound up: at Cooney Beach, at 10 o'clock a. passed steamer Laura, bound up; at 1 Ap- m., passed steamer Wm. G. Gibbons, , viowery Gap, bound up; at 4 p, m., passed p' amer Oak, at Robinson -Bound, bound np ; , jpeky Point, half-fast 5 p. m., passed, ,, , ime r Volunteer, with two flats in tow, bound at Johnson’s landing, the steamers Express Potter, with flats' in tow, tied up for t night; November 20th, at Wild Horse, at , vdock a. m., passed steamer Helen, bound .. .N ovember 21st, passed steamer Falcon, at ; or Robin, at 6 a. m., bound up; atGoldwire ; icb, at 9 a. m., passed steamer Caldwell, and up; at Pine Tree Camp, passed steamer .inic Lehr sunk, and the Minnie Brandt , jn g-ide taking off her cargo and passengers, 'no -iearner Robert Lehr had just arrived at ■in wreck from Savannah. By Telegraph. BLEACHED SHIRTING, 30 to 40 Louts; fully yard wide, at A. RESCUER & CO’S. From New York. Ibe hoe aod elegant side-wheel steamship ■,an Salvador, Captain Atkins, arrived at this port yesterday morning, in 63 hours from y c tv York. We are indebted to Dr. Kennan, Purs-r of the San Salvador, for late New York papers. The steamship Hiram LiviDgston, Captain | Baker, also arrived from New York in 63 hours> f ,ringing a large freight and quite a number of l jassengers. Mr. Robert Saussey, the Purse^ :,ar our thanks for late papers. Yard wide figured ENGLISH CAM- 1 AUK. S, at 40 cents, at A. RESCHER & CO’S. River News, ' Ac steamer Soorpio will leave Augusta for ,tns place to-day. Tho Caldwell left for Savannah on Sunday -j rning. Tho steamer Gibbons arrived at Augusta on . Monday, and the steamer Laura and Scorpio on i -inday. The steamer Eclipse also left on Sunday for i t:ii- pluce, but after proceeding down the river i short distance, stopped on account of some dis- arriitemcnt to her machenery. 1 The L linos is below the wljarf at AugUBta. / Ht BLANKETS, GREY and COLORED, A. RESCHER & CO’S. Arrival of Domestic Salt. | The schooner James Henry, Capt. Geo. F. Church, arrived at this port yesterday fore- i nooti, from Boston, consigned to Mr. L. T- i Whitcomb. The cargo of the schooner con- 1 M-ts of biOO sacks salt, manufactured at Syra- [ ■ use. New York, with other freight. This ! .-alt is very white, fine and strong, and is said uperior to the Liverpool salt for domes- l. use. The specimen exhibited to us was of j a very superior quality. Cart and Dray Licenses. ; A large number of carts and drays were ! sapped on the greets yesterday by the city po- | !:~c, for conducting their business contrary to i > City Ordinance, which requires all vehicles ! such a character to first obtain a license irom the City Treasury before entering on their ? ••Utics. ► The Weather. Ibe rapid change in the temperature from -today last is truly surprising, and not less try. o»g from the almost excessive beat of the sun on Cjuday down to the cold rain and foggy nights which we have experienced since, is a comedown which was as unexpected as it was unwelcome. Harpers’ for December. a ofe indebted to Estill’s News Depot, rorner Bull street and Bay street L ane, for w December number of “Harpers’ ^lonthly,” uni also for a copy of “Frank Leslie’s Illustra- :e ‘ ! Newspaper,” for November 25. Acknowledgement. '"e are under renewed obligations to Mr. ’’ tikeijjon, of Adams & Co’s Express, for late Lgmta papers in advance of the mail. FLANNELS, COLORED and WHITE, £ 15 cents, at A. RESCUER k CO’S. BATCHELOR’S HAIR DTE 1 he Original and Best in th? World! The only true i ’ perfect Hair Dye. Harmless, Reliable and Instan- ucjus. Produces immediately a splendid Black or -vural Brown, without injuring the hair or skin.— “ audios tlie ill effects of bad dyes. Sold by all Drug- The genuine is marked William A. Batchelor. i-HS | ^generating Extract of Millefleurs, for Kestortng and Beautifying the Hair. CHARLES BATCHELOR, New York, lT GH ! ITCH ! ITCH ! Scratch! Scratch! Scratch! "'HEATON’S OINTMENT Will cure the Itch in 4S Hours. r* J - .cures Salt Rheum, Dicers, Chilblains, and all I E " of the Skin. Price, So cents. For sale by , B X -“nding 60 cents to WEEKS A POTTER, Sole nn Washington street, Boston, Mass., it will .riled by mail, free of postage, to any part of ; 1 " ! hil States.. 6m sepSl 13d. h\ Y* CIiARK. From Mobile. BURNING OF THE SHIP HARRY OF - THE WEST AT SEA. ' . * •, Nov. 21. The steamship Merconta arrived yesterday, bringing Capt. Atwood and part of the crew of the ship Harry of the West, bound from New Orleans to Liverpool. The Harry of the West was burned at sea on the 12th inst., about 100 miles from Southwest Pass. She had a cargo of 3,343 bales of cotton. The cause of the fire is unknown. The balance of the crew were taken off by the British ship Ella. I . PUMPS ’ PUMPS ! PUMPS ! Steam, Force, Auction and Lifting PUMPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION; STEJIJI # PIPES, Pipe and Steam fittings, > AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF PLUMBERS’, GAS, AND Steam Fitters’ Goods, , For sale at the lowest rates by JOHN B. FULLER, 8 DE.Y STREET, nov3—eodly NEW YORK. B. J. Beck & Co., No. 9 Pine Street, New York, manufacturing Stationers, Job Printers and Lithographers. Wholesale & Retail Dealers in First "Class OFFICE FIXTURES. /"NONSTANTEY on hand a splendid assortment KJ of Foreign and Domestic Letter and Note Paper, Envelopes of every size and quality. Certificates of Stocks, Bonds, Checks. .Notes, Drafts, Bills of Exchange, Bill Heads, Cards, Ac., tastefully executed. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention, at lowest cash prices. CHAS. NEWBOUGH, novl—eodly B. J. BECK. J. 3HAFFEB, Commission Dealer IN ALL KINDS OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC PRDITS AND PRODUCE, West Washington market, OPPOSITE 143 WEST STREET, Bulkhead, Between Barclay and Vesey sts„ NEW YORK. Potatoes, Apples and Onions constantly on hand anQ pnt up for the southern market. All consignments promptly attended to. Refers to A. L. Bradley, A. Haywood, T. J. Walsh, J. H. Parsons. twly julylO Strasburger& Nuhn, . IMPORTERSOF GERMAN, FRENCH AND ENGLISH CHINA & FANCY GOODS BEDS, MASKS, ACCORDEONS, Ac. 05 MAIDEN LANE, Corner William Street, NEW YORK Invite the attention of buyers, offering them the largest assortment of .Goods at tlie most reasonable prices. ’ novlfi—eod2m NEW YORK STE1S1 ME WORKS, MANUFACTURERS OF STATIONARY AND PORTABLE ENGINES AND BOILERS, AND MACHINISTS’ TOOLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. I IV Manufactories: Foot of Twenty- Third St., E. R., N. Y., and Worcester, mass. Office FOOT OF TWENTY THIRD, E. R., N. Y. Every Machine built by ns is started and thoroughly tested in shop before being shipped. novS—eod3m . • UNITED STATES STEEL PEN WORKS FACTORY, CAmOEN, N. J. DENTIST. T f t* 1 li Extracted and Filled. CONGRESS STREET, -SHzH Nearly eppoatePnlaski House. Stolen, pRn.n the premises of the subscriber (3) Three M* mouse colored, and one dark Bay -ar rSn?° m aizc - A Uberal Reward will be paid for uu5S ry - „ OEO. O. MARCY. 2t ^ Ray strecC Savannah, Ga. . Choice Oats. I loo «* R. ESTERBROOK &, CO., STEEL PEN iDANlTACTVRERS, tr sub-iioi-kp \ N«*. 403 Arch <*t., Pliia. V AREliOLbhh J No 4 g jofc,, st „ pj. York. Samples and prices on application. Lots made .to order of any pattern or stamp required. CAUTION.—These Pens are genuine American manufacture, and equal in finish elasticity and fine ness of point to the best imported. They are, there fore, sure to gain the confidence of the American pub lic. The facsimile ’of onr signature is sufficient se curity against foreign imitation. R. ESTERBROOK & CO. BW~ And for sale at Retail by all Stationers in the United States. novlO—eodCm Llasswarand Coal Oil Lamps , NATIONAL FLINT GLASS WORKS, EDWARD RORKE A CO., 13 32 Pearl Street, New York, MANUFACTntRBB OF . , _ ’ , Flint, Glassware and Coal Oil Lamps Of every Description. Illustrated catalogues with price list sent free on ap- plication. ncryH—eod6m WM. i. EATON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, BOSTON, MASS., For the Purchase and Sale of All Kinds of MERCHANDIZE. Refers to Joseph S. Fay, Esq., Boston; NatM God ; dard, Esq., Boston; John A. Blanchard, Esq., Boston National Bank of N. America, Boston, eodom mayify TypeFoundry & Printers' E mporium. [Established 1818.1 HAGLAJR Ac CO., No 38 Gold Street, New York City. T HIS old established Foundry, having a large as sortment of Book, Newspaper, Job and Orna mental Type, the Proprietors are prepared with ample facilities to promptly execute all orders for same and Printing Materials of every description* Including Presses of all manufactures. Orders may be addressed to . .. A. J. BURKE, our Agent novl—eodCm at Charleston,,8, C. COPARTNERSHIP. W E f n r h ,w™^L% ed ' ha , ve formed a copartnership for the transacaon of a General Commission K D H n WKw /cf) °S W York - the firm of J. H. BROWER & CO., and are prepared to nfl'nrfl facilities on consignments. ^ w aflord fair JOHN H. BROWER. WILLIAM H. SELLERS, BENJAMIN B. BLYDENBUItGH. * New York, October 2, I860, novl-l£%i m “ j*® °ATS—For sale by K, — — C. L. GILBERT. 9 ACKERS—Landing bo, ,, a to sals by . C, t, GILBERT. 8 Marine Insurance. mHE undersigned will cover Goods, by good boats 1 from Augusta here, thence to New York. BOBT. H\BEHSHAM A SONS. aug31—eod8m T)ROP. ADOLF STARK- A Offers his services as Teacher of Music and Lan guages ; also as Piano Tuner. All orders left at J.' C. Schreiners Book Store, corner of Congress and Bull ttnetg, wilibepraDptiy attended to. nortl^lv* AMUSEMENTS. Savannah Theatre. w —■■■—' » * RAYMOND A HAMILTON,....Lessees&.Manag«-e, Last night but two of Mr. & Mrs. W.H. Crisp WEDNESDAY EVBNINO, NOV. 22d, The Popular Drama of EAST LYANE ; OR, TIME E*111 IS S If.lCHTER Lady Isabel, Mad. Vine.. Mrt. W. H. Crisp Archibald Carlyle, Esq: Mr. W. H. Crisp To conclude with the ^Pleasant ISTeiglibor. Christopher Strap Mr. J.T. Raymond nov22 St. Andrew’s Hall. tTWO HOURS IN FIN-LAND. Wednesday,Thursday & Friday Eve’gs Nov. ;I2cl, 93d and 94th. First appearance in Savannah, since their return from a four years' tour to Great Britain, of the distm guished and worid-renowned artists, .Mr. and Mrs. HABRY WATKINS, (formerly Mrs. Charles Howard.} Also first appearance of the accomplished young Eng lish Pianist, ML-ss CARLOTTA SHAW, From the Nobilities Concerts, London; pronounced the Best of Living Lady Pianists. This Grand Combination of Musical and Dramatic talent appear in the Novel,Comical and .Hnsieal Entertainment, TWO HOURS IN FUN-LAND, Lately presented in New York, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Augusta, with a success un paralleled in the World of Amusement.! Attracting large and brilliant assemblages of the edite Of society, who testified their appreciation of the Wonderful Rendition of Eccentric Characters, exhibited by the above art ists, in outbursts of Hearty Laughter and Applause. “Fun-land” is replete with 13rilliant .M u.-ie, Sarcasm, Wit and Song, Portraying with singular fidelity—Life's Comic Fea tures—Hits at the Times—Rubs on the Romantic— Dashes at the Dilletante, etc. Tickets, $1 00 ; for sale at the Music store of J. C. Schreiner, and at the Hotels. nov20 OF GOVERNMENT STEAMERS Chief Quarter master’s Office He it. S. C., > Hilton Head,S. C., November 13,1SC5.J Will be sold at public Auction, at this placed on MONDAY. December 11,1865, under the direction of Captain W. E. Morford, A. Q. M., the following Gov ernment vessels, viz: Nelly Baker, side-wheel steamer: 993 tons; wooden hnll; length on deck 153 t'oet; beam 25 feet G inches; over all 45 feet: depth of hold S feet 6 inches; draft 5 feet 10 inches ; has one beam enghxe ; diame ter of cylinder 32 inches; stroke of pistonlO feet; has one single return flue boiler. Has saloon accommodations, full promenade decks, and is well found in chains, anchors, &c. Neptune, side-wheel steamer; 362 tons; wooden hull; length on deck 141 leet; beam 26 feet 5 inches ; overall 45 feet 2 inches; depth of hold 10 feet 10 in ches; draft 7 teet; half one beam engine; diameter of :yUnder 42 inches; stroke of piston S feet; has one single return fine boiler. This steamer has full promenade deck, fore and af t, and is a good freight or cattle carrier. Oneota, double-end side-wheel ferry boat; wood en hull; 345 tons; length on deck 147 feet; beam 95 feet; over all 65 feet 6 inches; depth of hold 11 feet; draft 7 feet; has one beam engine; diameter of cylin der 36 inches: stroke of piston 9 feet; has one double return flue boiler. This steamer has recently been repaired, and is in excellent order and well found In anchors, chains, &e. Croton, tide-wheel steamer; 361 tons; wooden hull; length ou deck 1ST feet; beam 26 feet; over all 43 feet 9 iuches ; depth of hold 8 feet; draft 6 feet; has one square engine; diameter of cylinder 37 in ches ; stroke of piston 10 feet; has one doable return flue boiler. This steamer has been thoroughly repaired, has saloon and stateroom accommodations, is well sup plied with anchors, chains, &c.. and is very fast. Golden Gale, side-wheel steamer; 195 tons; wooden hull; length on deck 149 feet; beam 21 feet; over all 35 feet 10 inches; depth of hold C feet 4 in ches ; draft 5 feet 5 inches, h:is one beam engine; diameter of cylinder 34 inches; stroke of piston 6 feet; has one horizontal tubular boiler f- This steamer is in fine order; has saloon accommo dations, and is .well found in aqchors, chains, &c. Nantasket* sidc-wlieel steamer; 299 tons; wooden hull; length on deck 156 feet; beam 25 feet 3 iuches; overall 42 feet; depth of hold S feet 3 inches; dr ift 5 feet 6 inches; has one beam engine; diameter of cylinder 34 inches; stroke of piston 8 l'eet; has one single return flue boiler, and is well found in anchors, chains, &c illacon, propeller, with two screws, 322 tons; wooden hull; length bn deck 156 feet; beam 25 feet; depth of hold S feet 8 inches; draft 7 feet; has two direct horizontal engines (condensing;) diameter of cylinder 24 inches; stroke of piston 26 inches; 1ms two*8ingle return flue boilers. Relief, screw tug; 68 tons; wooden ha’l; length on d«ck 67 feet; beam 17 feet; depth of hold 7 feet; draft 7 feet 10 inches: has one high-pressure engine; diameter of cylinder 20 inches; strok° of piston 20 in ches ; has one single return flue boiler, and is well found in anchors, chains, &c. Rescue, screw tug; 203 tons ; wooden hnll ; length on deck lOSfeet; Doam 20 feet 8^ inches ; depth of hold 12 feet; draft 11 feet 4 inches f has* two low- pressure engines; diameter of cylinder 26 inches ; has one single return flue boiler. This vessel is a powerful tug; is in good condition, and well found in anchors, chains, &c General Hunter,, side-wheel steamer of 460 tohs; woodsn hull; length on deck 193 feet 6 inches; beam 28 feet 6 inches ; over all 50 feet 8 inches; depth of hold 9 feet 4 inches; draft forward 5 feet, aft. 5 feet 6 inches; has one beam engine; diameter of cylinder 40 inches; stroke of p : stoii lo feet. This steamer was built in New York, and completed in 1SC3; is a vessel of beautiful model and high rate of speefl, with bull, engine and boiler as good as new. Terms cash in government funds. CV W. THOMAS, noygl—td Bvt. Lt. Col, and Chief Q. M. XT OTICE—We have this day associated with us Mr. 1{. J. LARCOMBE, under the firm of CUN NINGHAM, PURSE &* CO. - -CUNNINGHAM & PURSE. Savannah, Ga., Nov. loth, 1865. novl4—15t Copartnership Notice. T HE undersigned have formed a copartnership under the name and style of SOKANTON, SMITH & CO., for the transaction of a Wholesale Grocery and Commission Business in this City, at the head of Bay street, opposite Jefferson. D. T. SCRANTON, - Formerly Scranton & Johnston. WM. H. SMITH, Formerly Rahan & Smith. J. L. LARGE. Savannah, Nov. I4th, 1S65. novlS—lm , Dissolution of Partnership. T HE firm of DUNBAR & FRANZ is this day dis solved by mntnal consenL by the withdrawal of Mr. Thomas J. Dunbar. The Tiusiness will hereafter be continued by PETER DUNBAR and JOHN FRANZ, under the name and style of DUNBAR & FRANZ, at their old place of business, who will col lect and pay all demands of thelate firm of DUNBAR & FRANZ. Hilton Head, Nov. 1,186S. - nov4—tf E. H, VAN NESS & CO., GROCERS, SHIP CHANDLERS, AND Produce Dealers^ Under Bluffr corner Abercorn Street, SAVA NNAH.GA. Orders from the Country, Private Families, Steamers and Sailing vessels, respectfully solicited. Produce nonght and sold on commission. 100 bbls. selected Armies, 100 bbls. Onions, 100 bbls. Potatoes, 80 bbls. extra Flonr, CO bbls. No6. 1 and S Mackerel, 100 tabs extra Butter, 450.bqxee extra Cheese, ' 800 kits Noe. 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel. klL bbls. Fulton Market Beet W htt, bbie. extra Family Pork. RAILROAD NOTICES. Central Railroad. __ V XT „ Ti vr Superintendent’* Office, I Savannah, Ga , Nov. 18th, 1868./ / IN and after Wednesday, 22d instant, a daily train " ’ will leave lor Augusta at 8.30 a. m., connecting with a line of Hacks running between station Nd. 6, Central Railroad, and Waynesboro’, on the Augusta and Savannah Railroad. ~ Paasengers by this line will arrive in Augusta the next morning after -leaving Savannah, in time to connect with the Georgia # R&ilnoad train for Atlanta.— Betnmirg, arrive in Savannah at 3.45 P. M. Freight to go by passenger train must be prepaid and be delivered half hour before departure of Train. By or der of GEO. W. ADAMS, nov20. General Superintendent. Central Railroad. Superintendent’s Office, 1 Savannah, Nov. 18th, 1S65./ This Company is now, in connection with W. J. Dickerson & Co.’s Wagons, prepared to receive and forward to Angusta, Macon, Atlanta, &c., daily, from Twenty to Thirty Thousand Pounds of Freight, and go through in from three to five days. Ship Freight and other expenses must be paid by Shippers. Railroad Freight can be paid here or at destination. Freights on Perishable Goods must be prepaid. Rates to Augusta, until further notice, will be, per foot 50 cents; per 100 lbs., $2 50. By order of GEO. W. ADAMS, nov20 General Snperintendent, Rates of Freight For the information of the Public we 4 publish thiSv oar Rates of Freight, between Savannah and Augusta by onr respective steamers: Boxes, Bales, and other light Goods, measurement.., 50c. per foot Barrels Onions, Potatoes, <fcc $2.00 each. Barrels Flour 3.00 “ Bnudles, Buckets, Brooms, 8eives, Col lars, Hames, Spades. Shovels, Ac -. 1.00 per dozen. Crates Cabbages, large 10.00 each. “ “ Bottle Crates 5.00 each. Salt 2.00 per sack. Hardware, Hoilow-ware and Iron.... 2.00 perloOlbs. Iron and Coal 20.00 per ton. Corn and Cow Peas 25 per bushel. Packages, single.. 50 each. Articles not enumerated,„$2 per 100 lbs., or 50 cents per foot. „ • ERWIN & HARDEE, Agents, Steamers Amazon, Wm. G. Gibbons and Laora. J. B. PRESDEE, Agent, Steamer Oak, J. M. KINCHLEY, Agent, Steamer R. H. May. F. M. MYRELL, Amnt, Steamers Express, Eclipse and Union. novlT—lw Freight to Augusta AND POINTS BEYOND ! Forwarded by Light Draft Steamers. W E arc prepared to receive Goods in onr ware house, free of Btorage and covered by insurance, to be forwarded by the light draft steamers Berryand Falcon, and others abont to be pnt on the line. Apply to the Agents, sep21 tf C. L.-C0LBYI& CO. Offices to Rent. D ESIRABLE Offices to Rent over store corue r Bay and Barnard streets, Enquire of novl4 I.aROCKE, GADEN & UNCKLES. Scranton, Smith &Co., Grocers & Commission Merchants, W OULD be happy to see their former patrons and friends, and the public generally, at their rtore at the head of Bay street, opposite Jefferson, where they will at ail times be happy to serve them. novl5—lm Mail Contracts WANTE3D. Re-Establishment of Mail Facilities in Georgia. T 'HE Post Office Department desires to furnish the State of Georgia with Postal service, at the earliest practicable day, until July 1st, 1866, when the regular contract proposals which are now advertised for, will go into effect. The Department invites proposals for conveying the mails until June 20,1866, to ail country seats and other important points not reached by Railroad communica tion, at rates not to exceed $S per mile per annum for weekly service: $15 for semi-weekly, and $21 for tri weekly; and where the importance of the case re quires, $40 for daily service; counting the distance one way in all cases. Service will bo furnished on routes where, before the war, it was daily, three times a week; where it was tri-weekly twice a week; and where it was semi weekly, weekly service will be allowed. Proposals should be addressed to “Hon. Geo. W. McLellan, 2d Asst. P. M.. Washington, D. C-, and should state they are for service to end June 2d, 1806. novl5 tf TO MERCHANTS AND PERSONS DOING BUSINESS AT THE NORTH. W. S. Fancher, General Commission Merchant, P. O. Box 3045, 15 Pulton St., N. Y., DUYEB of Merchandize of every description—for i_> the trade—attends to the sale of Cotton, Rosin, Turpentine, Ac. r. Mr. F. gives his personal attention to the buying of General Hardware,- Carriages and Wagons of every de scription, Harnesses, Saddles, Dry Goods, Groceries, Ac., Ac., for the trade. Goods furnished direct from Manufacturers at their lowest rates. Particular attention given to all consignments of southern products. Speedy sales effected at best mar ket rates, uud immediate return* made. Mr. F. feels confident, from [his thorough ueyjiuiiiitance with the market in New York, in guaranteeing entire satisfac tion to every one entrusting business to him. Duplicate Invoices of manufacturers sent in all cases. Information in regard to market and prices of goods given whenever desired. novl4—lm Pitch, Oakurr, Manilla, Cordage, Bolt Kope, Cotton Duck, Bunting, - Oils, White JLead, Black Varnish, Pork. Lard, Beef, Bsef Tongues, Pilot Bread, Ship Stores and Chandlery, AT HORATIO PITCHER’S. nov21 Foot of Lincoln st., under the Bluff. 8HIPPING. * FOR* BOSTON. „ • ’ . A- 1 Boston ajid Savannah. Steamship Line. mHE new and superior steamship WM. IOTB- A BETTS. J S <-'ary. commander, will sail for the above port on WEDNESDAY, 29th Nov., at— o'clock. For freight or pissage, apply to RICHARDSON A BARNARD, nov21—tf Bay st, opp. Mariner's Church. CJtTANGKE OF DAY. UNITED STATES MAIL LIKE. For Palatka, Fla., VIA DARIEN, BRUNSWICK, ST. MAR YS. FERNANDINA, JA CKSON- VILLE AND PICOLATA. THE well known steamer, formerly the St. Johns, bnt now the Helen Getty, Captain O. R. In graham, will leave the Wharf foot of West Broad street every SATURDAY MORNING, at 10 o'clock, A. M„ precisely, for the above Landings. For freight or passage, apply on board or to L. S. BENNETT, Agent, . cor. West Broad and Bay street*. AGENTS—Darien, A. A. DeLorme. Jacksonville, J. S. Samis A Co. Palatka, H. R. Teasdale. R Freight payable by shippers. oct2B For Palatka, Fla. VIA DARIEN, BRUNSWICK, ST. MA RYS, FERNANDINA, JACKSON VILLE AND PICOLATA. Connecting with steamer “Flora Temple” at ,'St. Marys. Freight will be received for King’s ' Ferry, Centervillage, and all Land ings on the St. Mary’s River. THE new and fust steamer Fountain, Captain G. W. cast- ner, will leave for the above places every TUESDAY MORNING, at 10 o’clock.. For freight or passage, apply on board at Padel- ford’s wharf near White’s Central Press, or to M. A. COHEN, Agent. Freight will be received every day daring the week, at the warehouse, by WM. R. H. BRUEN, Freight payable on wharf. Shippers will fumsh weight and measurement of goods. tf ang24 FOR SAIX. FOR SALE LOW TO Windup An Estate* valuable farm, 61-2 Mi!ea from Augusta, /CONTAINING fiaoj One Huna-i 1 x V/_ A ere?, more or less. About **^55 acres of it in valuable wood; a good bwiiun seven Rooms, Stables, Carriage Honsr W Srt n ^Tr iUl — Farm Buildings. " - “F® 11 To a party desiring a good healthy, comfnrt.w. House, within 80 minutes' drive ofiaugnata?th.55? 8 place offers superior inducements. ^ Qe atK,7e For full particulars enquire of CHAS. L. COLBY A CO novl cor. Abercorn and Bay streets. For Sale, O NE splendid 4 or 6 Horae Wagon with Harness to match. Enquire at . . HENRY WAYNE’S 8TABLES, nov!6-tf cor Yorif and West BroaAsts. AUCTION SALES. Underwriters* Va'e. BY BELL, WYLLY A CHRISTIAN. THIS DAY, at 10 o’clock, in front of store, ’wlil bo sold, for account of underwriters and ail con- . earned: OnelareoMedidne chest and Medicines. One Ship's Bell. Six Cdmpasses. Three Barometers. Four bolts Canvass and three Remnants Three bundles 1 wine. lft Flags— Marryatfs Cede and others.' * 1 Sbipa Gig, with Oars, Rudder and Toke. 1 Perambulator, AC. j>ov22—It Underwriters’ sale. BY BELL, WYLLY A CHRISTIAN Tomorrow, THURSDAY, at 11 o'clock,.*. M.. will bo sold for account of underwriters and ail concerned: A portfbn of the cargo recovered from the steamer Savannah, that was sank in the Savannah river, con sisting dT agencral assortment of Groceriea, Dry Good*, Liquors, Crockery. Glassware, Drags, Medicines, Woodware, Fancy 'iticles. Ac. t Damaged on board said steamer, and sold nndss in spection of Port ^ ardens. nov 2—ft For Sale. T Q FIRKINS choice Butter. JL O CHAS. L. COLBY A CO., nov!4-tf cor.* abercorn and Bay streets. Notice. T?OR SAFE—800 Acres of Lahd—60 acres open 1 Land—suitable for Com and Cotton—weU im proved and healthy; it is a vary public .place, and a good basiness has-been done in merchandizing before the war; will be sold low. Apply next door to the comer of Charlton and Montgomery streets, Savan nah, Ga. novD—3w Sale. 25 TONS ENGLISH 8HEET COP PER, manniactored expressly for the Southern mar ket, of usual thickness and weight. Size of sheets aa follows : 60x24, 60x28, «0xlT, 60x9, 60xT, 36x2 inches. Will be sold at a greal bargain. Enquire of G. P. BRADFORD. . - 349 Broadway, N. Y. Or JOHN E. COWLES, Corner Bull and Ba^treets, oct 18—2mo L. C. NORVELL A CO. • WANTS. For Jacksonville, Fla. VIA BRUNSWICK FERNANDINA. STEADIER FANNIE. CAPTAIN W. T. McNELTY, will leave »s above on WEDNESDAY next, 22d inst., from Padeiford’s Wharf, at 10 ’. M. This boat is in excellent order, antf has superior (state-room) accommodations for passengers. Freight received and st->red in Fire Proof Ware houses, (free of expense, Jfbot of Lincoln street. For freight or passage, apply to F. M MYRKLL, Agent, - nov20 Harris' Building, Bay afreet. For Doctortown AND THOM ASVILLE. THE steamers Gen. Shepley, Orient and Clarion will malH: Tri weekly trips to DOCTORTOWN, running in connection with the Atlan tic and Gulf Railroad, leaving Savannah on 'TUES DAYS, THURSDAY and S \TU RDAYS. Through freight payable by shippers at our office. Freight will be received during the week and stored free of expense. • For freight or passage, apply to CHA-. I, COLBY A CO., nov21 tf cor. Bay and Abercorn st*. For Doctortown. The .flue steamer ORIENT will leave for the above place ou WEDNESDAY MOHNING, the 22dinst, at 7 o’clock, taking passen gers and freight for Thomasville. For freight or passage, having superior accommoda tions, apply to CHAS. L. COLBY & CO., . nov2t cor. Abercorn and Ilaystrcets. A’ or Augusta. The new Iron, lighted raft, last side- wheel steamer Two T3oySj Mate boat to thesteumerOibboDS, will leave for Au gusta on WEDNESDAY MORNING, 22d, at 9-o’clock. Her accommodations are fltst-claSs in every particu lar. . For freight or passage, apply lo ERWIN & HARDEE. JNO. L. BOUMILLAT, Agent on Wharf. nov20—2t For Augusta, AND LANDINGS ON THE RIVER. Steamer Standisli, Capt. Jas. Fabian, will have quick despatch as above. This boat is staunch and in good order, and river being full, shippers can rely on having their orders forwarded with despatch. For freight, apply to F. M. MYRELL, Agent, nov20 Harris’ Buildings, Bay street. C°»HSH,MKk«lam 1 QOfl and No Detention, River 15 feet and Rising. For Augusta, THE steamer Robert L,et»r, Capt. Cotterell, is receiving freight Tins Day at Ferry Wharf, under Gas House Bill, and will have quick de spatch as above. . » -* J This boat hasjarge capacity, and river being in fine boating order, (15 feet aDd rising), shippers will do well to avail themselves of these advantages to forward their orders. . - For freight, apply to - M. A. COHEN. Junes’ Building. F M. MYRELL, novlS ' Harris' Building, Bay street For Liverpool. THE A No. 1 ship MOUNTBLANC* is now rapidly loading at White's .Press. For balance of freight, (having -room only lor a few hnndred bale*,) enquire of - lakoche, ga^en a unckles. a«u. novSl novli For Fliilade.l pliia- THE sclir. JDeSoto, now loading, can take the balk of 100 bales Cotton, if- applied for immediately.' Apply to LaROCHE, GADEN A UNCKLES. FOE NEW yOEK. THE A No. 1 schooner Vapor, Bogert Muter, is now loading. Haring larger portion of freight engaged, will bare immediate despatch. For balance of freight, engnire of HE, GADEN A UNOB uov!4 Layer Raisins. -• Aft BOXES new crop Layer Raisins. JLUV. lOqr.txflwe do. do. FIRST CLASS BOARD WANTED, F OR two single gentlemen in a private family resi ding near Bay street where there arc no other boarders. Unexceptionable references given. Ad dress, with terms, MOBILE, nov2u—6t At this Office. WANTED B Y a party of respectability and position, a Parlor and Two Bedrooms adjoining, furnished well with privilege of cooking; or Board in a desirable family for two adults and two children. Please ad dress “Boarding," office of this Paper, stating terms, Ac., Ac. „ jiovU—tf WANTED MIDDLING CJOTTON AND RICE, I N ’exchange for $15 to $20,000 of very desirable Summer Dress Goods, Ac., comprising a most complete assortment of the choicest frabics—No Old Stock. Apply to JOHN F. YOUNG, To North Fourth street, Philadelphia. Reference—DeWjtt A Morgan, Savannah. Philadelphia Reference—JL L. Halloweli A Co., or Wood. Marsh A Haywood. oct30 Cotton Plantation WANTED. W ANTED to hire a Small Cotton Plan tation. embracing from 300 to 800 Acre*. Address J. A H., Savannah National Republican Office, stating Terms and Location, novl - , - , ■. A DAY! Agents wanted to sell a new and wonderful SEWING MACHINE, the only .cheap one licensed. Address SHAW A CLARK, Biddeford, Maine. sep!5 3m A MONTH ! Agents wanted for six entirely new articles, just out Address O. T. GSREY, City Building, Biddeford, Maine. 3m sepl6 REGULAR WEEKLY STEAMER BETWEEN ‘ * Augusta & Savannah The new fast Iron steamer ■W m. G. Gibbons Capt. Tbomas N. Phi)pot, having superior accommo dation for Freight and Passengers, will ply regularly between the above cities— Leaving Savannah every Saturday morning at 9 o'clock Leaving Angnsta every Wednesday morn ng at I o’clock Laying at Mathews BInff every Wednesday night. It is the desire of the-Agents of the Gibbons to make her a . - PERMASEST AKOUflODATIOY BOAT for the HercMants of Angnsta and Savannah, and the Planters alongthe line of the River, and with this objectin view, no effort will be spared on the part of her Owners, Agents or Officers to meet the wants of the Traveling an5Freigbtih|gubHc. 4HARDBj5 JNO. L. ROUMILLAT, Agt. on Wharf, novlfi—lm For Liverpool. The new first class clipper ship VIRGINIA, Weeks, Commander, Is now rapidly loading at Lower Press, and, haring large^ngagements, will have quick despatch. For freight or passage, (taken at lowest rates), ap ply to CHABLE«L. COLBY A CO., oct23—tf cor. Bay and Abercorn streets. SELECT FIMUE SGHUQL T HE undersigned havi: ing on the corner of Cl rented the school build lton and Drayton street* would respectfully announce to the public that be, as sisted by Sirs. Alethea S. Burroughs, will open a Select Female School in said building on the first Monday Jn October. < • Tuition per Term of Three Months, one half payable the middle of each quarter, u follows: F^tor Department, pm quarter.... ....^ 00 Primary do * do ’ JAMES a COZB Y, Underwriters* mile. _ BV BEIX, WYLLY & CHRISTIAN. THIS Day, at 10 o’clock, in front of Btore, will be ■Old: 60 bbls. Potatoes and Onions. on board of steamer Fannie on her pa-uge P 01 ^ W" 1 80ld ^ account of erwri tora and all concerned. nov22—2t - Underwriters’ Sale. BY BELL, WYLLY A CHRISTIAN. THIS DAY, at. 10 o’clock, ffi fr ont of 8tora , wlU v told: One case Dry Goods, fre^w^ the PorTWardens. 11 * andw ‘Won of novx2—it Administrators’ Sale. BY REEL, WYLLY A CHRISTIAN. On WEDNE8DAY, 22d Inst, at 11 o'clock, la front of store, will be sold: Lots Nos. L 2, 3 and 4, fronting on Jones and WQ. son streets; opposite the Central Railroad Depot Tho improvements consists of six Tenement Houses Sold by order of the Superior Court, for the benefit of the heira of the late Jno. S. Montmollin, decease'. Term* caah, purchasers paying for titles. novl8—»t BY REEL,, WYLLY A CHRISTIAN, ^ ill be sold on THURSDAY next at U o'clock, at the residence corner of South Broad and Boll sts: The Household and Kitchen Furniture, conri-ting in part of Sideboards, Bureau*, cofa*. Bedsteads, t hans, Carpets, Ac. nowl Valuable Property at Auction. YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTlRE A CO. Will soil FRIDAY, Nov. 24'h, in iront of store: That valuable lot and improvement*, known as Jot No. 3, Franklin Ward. The improvement* are a large Brick Warehouse, now need a* a stable. ALSO Lot No. 1. and 1-3 of lot No 2, Warren Ward, situs- ted at the S”utb-east corner of price and Bayst", Wash ington ward. The above p opertyison thaBay.andoffera a r re chance for investment. For further particulars, enqnire at the Connilng Boom. novl* THE American Bank Nate Company, f Wall street, cor. of William st.,) iSTew York. GEORGE W. HATCH, C.. L. VAN ZANDT, President. • Secretary. E NGRAVES and Print* Steel Plates, for Bank. Notes, Bonds and Coupon*, Certificates of Stock Exchange, Postage and „ _ Stamps, Ac. Oranges, &c. 40.000"IBfSSKw »» brig Atlantic, and for-sale by ' .EVA CHRISTIAN*," no«6 (From Dispensatory of the United States.) DI0SMA OEENATA. BUCHU LEAVES, PROPERTIES. Their odor is strong, diffusive, and somewhat aro matic, their tastes bitterish, and analogous to mint. Medical Properties and Uses. Buchu leaves are gently stimulant, with a peculiar tendency to the Urinary Organa producing diuresis, and like other siini'ar medicines, exciting diaphoresis, when circumstances favor this mode of action. They are given in complaints of the Urinary Organs, such as Gravel. Chronic Catarrh of the Bladder, Mor bid Irritation of the Bladder and Urethra, Disease ot the Prostrate and Retention or Incontinence of Urin*. from a loss of tone in the parts concerned In its evS cuation. The remedy has also been recommended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatism, Cutaneous -ffeo- tions, and Dropsy. Ilelmbold’s Extract Buchu Is used by persons from the ages of 18 to 25, and from 35 to 65, or in the decline or change of life ; after Con finement or Labor Pain*; Bed-wetting in children. In Affections Peculiar to Females, The Extract Buchu is unequaled byanv other remedv as In Chlorosis or Retention. Irregularity Palnful- ness or Suppression of Customary Evacuations UlcsraT ted or ScbiiTus state* of the Uterus, Leacorrhna or Whites. .-cueorraea or DISEASES OF TilE BLADDER. KIDNEYS GRAVEL AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. This medicine increases the power of Digestion, and excites tbe Absorbents into healthy action, bv wl^ch the Watery or Calcarc. us depositions, and all Unna tural Enlargements are reduced, as well as Pain and Inflammation. lieimbold’s Extract Buchu Has cured every case of Diabetes in which it ba been "ivtn. irritation of the Neck ot the Bladder an Inflammation of tho Kidneys, Ulceration of the KU neys and Bladder, Retention of lliimi, j ist ases of tf Prostrate GiancL Stono in the Bladder. Calculus,Grave Brick dust Deposit, and Mucus or Milky Discharge and for Enfeebled and Delicate Constitutions, of bot Bexes, attended with the foliowing symptoms:—It disposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Men ory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Tremblini Horror of Disease, WakeJnlness, Dimness of Vi*n, Pain in the Back, Hot Hands, Klnshing of the Bod Dryness of the rkin, Eruption on toe Face, Paul Countenance, Universal Lassitude of tbe Muaenb System, Ae. ’ Helmbold’s Extract Buchu is Diuretic and Blood-Pnrifying, And cures all Diseases arising from Habit* of Dfaslpa. tiorn Excesses and Imprud-nses in Life. ImpuritiesT of toe Blood, Aa, superseding Copaiba in affec tions for which it is need, sneha. Gonor rhoea, Gleets, of long standing, and Syphilitic Affections with Helm, bold'* Rose Waib. SOLD AT HELMBOLD'8 Drug and Chemical Warehouse 591 BROAD’* AY.1 And by Druggists everywhere. ASK FOR HELMBOLD’S . r TAKE NO OTHER. Bevtfax’e of Counterfeits, novli—lm IND IAN ^TRE ET FOUNDRY- TTAVING re-opened our Foundry and Machine fi-fi. chop, we are now prepared to furnish all kinds of Iren and Bra-g also to bnlld Steam Engines. Mill, Circular and Gang 8aw Mills; and all kinds ~ Ineerlng, Steam Boat and Black- notice. smith Wl despatch, novfi done at tort notice, with ] ROSE, ARKWi and A GO. Hilton & Randell. nn BOXES Colgate’s No. 1 Family goau. OU 80 do. do. XX Starch, " 80 bbls. New State Family b lour, SO blf. bids. do. do. do. 80 bbls Premium Hominy, now landing brig Rush. For sale at lowest market prices at novto—6t 190 BAY oTKEBT Ft® sal* by HILTON A GLUE, SAND PAPEH)WHITE LEAD jpORsals by MCHA1 ^ S0 y A BAmiAa^ itovll—tf Bay-street, app. Marinety Church. Winchester's Soap and Candles. received eh consignment, an sasorted lot by ^2? SWT* * CO? Lamps and Refined Petroleum 0U. 9 GASES Lam (Rand Fixtures. neties C * S ^ I * nlp * ^ Fixtures, of aU kind* and va- RAMS, SIDES, SHOULDERS, TfcST received, «Ei »r sale by V ificHARDBoh * BARNARD, £.*>vu-n 1 Bay «U (9*. Mariner*' Cbturt^