Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 23, 1865, Image 4

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SAVANNAH NATIONAL REPUBLICAN. THURSDAY MORN THE COCK OF THE WALK. BT Ell AST US W. ELLSWORTH. You strut about by field end brook, And think your gait and plumage show yon, And yet, tor all your lofty look, Old Cock, I kBOW you. With breast so sleek and eyes so bright, As if you were the pink of honor, Tou’ro stuffed as lull ot wrath and spite •. As Bishop Bonner. Yon stripling bird, your son and heir, And trim as you in limb and feather, You cuff and tumble everywhere ‘ * In every Weather. To-day, when he had done no harm, But stretched hia t hroat and mock your bawling, Y<jh ruffed your neck as big’s my arm , And kuocked him sprawling— Down in a twink as straight’s a rail— Astonished into being civil— Then up and off with head and tail Both on a level. But though your prowess you may boast, And though in dreary dumps so sad he— I know not which to pity most, The son or daddy. i yo Cock-sure, with pluck and voice aspirant, But time will reckon up your score, You hen-roost tyrant! It is not that the market-man May tempt me for yoor tricks to sell you ; It is not of the dripping-pan,— bis, I tell y But this, l you ; All times and dimes and books record The scripture truth—we can’t deny it—_ . They that unsheathe the oppressor s swor Shall perish by it. Beware the days when old and lame You drowse the eye and droop the pinion, Your royal Bpint level-tame With time’s dominion. Think you this bantam, now M green, Will then forget these deadly grudges ? He’ll give your memory, i ween, Some savage nudges. BASF IDA. BY AUGUSTUS BELL. Little baby just beginning Life’s old problem, sad and sweet, You don’t know the heart’s you re winning With your tiny hands and feet, With your little mouth and chin, Aud your dainty rose-leaf skin ; With your wondrous violet eyes, When their dreamy lids uprise, All your tender helplessness Waking love’s most sweet excess. Happy little one ! to be Nestled close to hearts that love you ; And I wonder if you see Your young mother’s eyes above you ! Whi:e each day new life is bringing, Do you hear her sweet voice singing ? Do you know her hands’ fond touch ? Oh so tond, she loves so much ! Do you look up in her face, And instinctive feel its grace V Almost four weeks old, they say— Ah. dear baby ! life is long ; You’ll not know lor many a day How hearts sadden growing strong ; Baby’s feet are soft and white, And they need not travel yet; Baby’s eyes are blue and bright, Seeing nothing to regret. As the dowers get sun and dew, So you’re life snail come to you, • Trust on, sleep on, without fear, Angels guard you, baby dear ! FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL, Savannah Cotton market* Republican Office, 1 Savannah, Nov, 22, 1865. j . Cotton—There was a very active demam^ for cotton to-day, and for the amount of stock placed on safe, the transactions were very fair. The sales made were at the following rates: Middlings 50c; strict Middling 51 a 52, and good Middling at 55c. Cincinnati markets. Cincinnati, Nov. 15. Sioce my last there has been a fair demand Irom the south tor such articles as are most Heed ed there, and the trade between the South and the North begins again to assume an important shape. Remittances either in Exchange or Green backs come forward promptly with orders, and a degree of confidence in Southern Merchants is being rapidly established, and oar merchants already putting out their feelers in every direc tion, soliciting the trade of their long lost friends. Flouk—The demand has been fair, though there is no material change in prices. S. F. ranges trom 17 25 to 7 50, made from New Wheat, and 18 00 to S 25 for S. F. Extras 9 to 9 50, family 9 75 to 10 50, and fancy $11 to 12, all from fresh ground old stock; Hour made from oew wheat is neglec ted and prices much lower than these quotations. Ghain—Corn is iD fair demand with a light stock; mixed old shelled 70c in 2 bushel gunnies; new tiOc in ^gunnies, new white 65 in gunnies; no old white to he bad. Wheat—Old red $2 00; white 2 40 to 2 50; new red scarce at 1 75; white 2 00 to 2 25. Oats—40 to 41c in bulk. Butter—Prime roll 40 to 45c for choice; hard packed 35 to 40c. Cheese—Has been in active demand and prices a shade higher. W. R. 22 Hamburg 22: to 23; En glish dairy 23 to 24. Soap—10c for palm, 11 for extra No 1, 14 for German; no change for boxes. G^ndlks—21%lor 12 oz, for 13 oz, 245* for 14- oz, and 29 for 16 oz; no change tor boxes. Whiski—Is firm at 2 81 and 2 83 for new and old raw. Provisions—The season is now fairly open and the business cutting new provisions fairly begun- the price of hog, however, is so high that our packers operate cautiously; 10 75 to 11 75, gross for good to choice hogs, or 13 50 to 14c nett are the prices being paid. Green Pieces—Sell at 12, 15 and 17%c ior shoulders sides and hams. New shouldeis and sides, 15 d-iys in salt, 15% and Repacked. Lahd -Kettlerendered 26%c in tes and 29 in kegs; prime steam l-2c less, New Mess—32 to 32 50; old mess $31 to 3150; bulk shoulders 16c; sides 171-2 packed. Bacon—17, 19 and 21 l-2c for shoulders, sides and clear B ide3 packed. The stock of old meats is being rapidly reduced. Freights—Have varied considerably since my last. I quote to New Orleans, pound freight. 70c- fiour $1 2d per bbl. To Memphis 40c* flmir 7S To Nashville 75c; flour 1 25 v^ Lo^t /nd io Nashville via Cumberland Nashville roads. *\ °°- 10 **ke effect as soon as NasbvUle^lofflour ** b^rhich through rates can soon be giv^lTfrnm this to any point south. Freiehts^'n.. . New York, Philadelphia and Baltimor^aos {?io 95, 90, ail rail on 4th class, or 210, 200,180 kn’dian on flour. ' “ lou Exchange—On New York, Boston and Phil, delphia par. On 1i'ew Orleans % die, Memnhu d yunvitU 1.9 Paltimnpa IT n. 1/ PtliS and Nashville 1-2, Baltimore >£ to % dis. New York Gold market. * ,. . New York, Nov. 17. Tbs gold market was steady, the opening and olosing price being 147, and the only deviation 1-8 downward. Foreign exchange was firm, but not active, a tos e fh b ‘ lls at , S1 *ty day* were quoted at 10S% tioai’,t?ih‘ , Slght 10a 7 ’ 8 * HO#. The teansac- T he depoJtT^iflJST 9 generally at 108 7-8. Sub-Treasmry^ L, ^certificates the making a total tf *° »«*M»0- books opened on Wednesday^ - 8 * nce tbe 37 52 54 sold at a small wax five demand prevailed, the«lescomprising 8,800 bbl*. Canada floor wae inactive end fully 5c. a 10c. lower. The sales were confided to 300 bbls. We quote i—> * ’ Superfine State and Western.■-6 ...$7 75% 8 00 Extra State..... * t... 8 10k 8 30 Choice State 8 35 a 8 50 Common to medium extea Western 8 20 a 8 65 Extra round hoop Ohio 890a 900 brands :....9 05 a 9 75 Common southern 9 40 a 10 10 Fancy and extra do .’. 10 40 a 1C 00 Common Canadian 8 20 a 8 40 Good to choice and extra ’8 50 all 00 Cotton—Receipts, 8,201 bales. The demand was fairly active and prices were something bet ter, though at the close animation subsided to a great extent and prices were hardly so firm.— Middling giades of New Orleans and Texas were scarce, and 58c. was demanded. The sales, how ever, were chiefly at onr subjoined quotations, at which the market closed. The sales were 4,100 bales. We quote:— Upland. Florida. Mobile. N.O.AT. Ordinary........35 * 36 8*> Middling... 51 51 52 Good middling...53 53 54 Candles—The market for city adamantine was firm and moderately active; 1,000 boxe 27c. a 27 l-3c. Western were firm, wire trade, at 27c. a 2Sc. French and Derm --- were steady at actiVe demand prevaile^for^sperm,^ and" prices were firmer, with 3a CoFKsf-The d market was fairly active and nrices were w.thout important variation. We Sole Safes of cargo by Ceecrops, comprising 5,025 ?°" I? „ a private price. The present quota tions ire’uomiimlly as follows:-Rio—prime, 21c; good 20 l-2c. a 21c.; fair, 18#c. a 19#c; ordina ry 17#C a 18%c; lair to good cargoes, 1S%C a .J)’-. Java, mats and bags. 28c a 30c; Maracaifie, 22c’a 24c; Laguayia, 22c a 23 l-2c; St. Domingo, 17 1-2C a 18 l-2c; all gold, net CBsb, duty paid. Freights were a little soft for grain, but steady for cotton. The engagements were:—To Liverpool, 42,000 bushels wheat, 6# a 6%d bulk and bags 1,1)00 bales cotton, %d. Gunnt Bags—The demand was rather more ac tive and prices were very firm, with sales ol 800 bales at 19c; gold. Gunnt Cloth—The market continued to rule buoy&Dt and firm, with a steady, good demand. The sales were 400 bales, in Boston, at a price a shade under 25c and 300 do. here, at 26c also S00 do. to arrive, here, at a private price. Hat—A moderate demand prevailed, and prices were without particular change. The sales were at 70c a 80c for city bale, and 60ca65c for shipping parcels. . Molasses—The market continued dull, without material alteration in prices. The sales were in small parcels. We note sales by auction of 150 bbds. Demerara at from 50c to 90c on four months. x Naval Stores—Rosins were less active, and prices, were drooping. The sales cover 950 bbls.^ per 280 pounds common at $7 25, 360 do. strain-’ ed at $7 50 a 8 50, 400 do. No. 2 at $10 a 11, 375 do. No. 1 at $13 a 17, and 225 do. prime pale at $20 a 2o, as to quality, the latter an extreme rate for fine Virginia Spirits of turpentine were dull and heavy. The sales were mostly in small lots at $ 110 a 112 1-2, the inside price for wholesale paroeis. The offerings of crude turpentine were light, aod prices were firm, with sales for manu facturing purposes at $8 50 a 9. Tar was heavy and lower, with a large stock and small demand. The sales were at $5 a 7 50, as to quality. Pitch was in moderate demand for consumption at $7 8 50. Nails—Cut continued in active demand, with a low stock, at 8c a 8 l-2c; clinch-sill nominal for want of stock; forged horse were steady at 36c for Sd; copper 55, yellow metal, 35c; and zinc 20c each, Rice—We bear ot no sales of consequence. Holders were very firm and demand previous full prices. Sugar—The market opened rather more steady, under an improved inquiry, but the sales were again light, as holders were not disposed to sell at prices offered. We note sales of 120 hbds. Porto Rico on private terms, and 30 hhds- Cu ba muscovado at 14c a 14 l-2c. Refined was quiet and almost nominal. Salt—The demand was active in a jobbing way at full prices. The store priest were as follows: Asbton $4 75,Marshall $4, Liverpool ground $250, and Turks Island 00c. We learned of no further cargo sales. Whisky—Receipts, 4 bbls. The market was dull, and prices were entirely nominal. The sales were at $2 34 a 2 45. - MARINE INTELLIGENCE. SA VANN AH, NO VEMBER 22. ARRIVED. Steamship America, Lindt, New York, Brigham, Baldwin & co. Steamer Lizzie Baker, Richardson, Palatka, Ac., to Claghorn * Cunningham. U S eteamer Taconey, Commander Wm G Temple, Fe nandina on Monday last Steamer Fannie, McNelty, Charleston, to F M My- rell Barge No. 2, with 700 bales npland Cotton, to Erwin * Hardee. eteamer City Point, Eolbad, Charteston, *c., to R W Adams. Steamer Scorpio, , Augusta, to Rein A co. Steamer Caldwell, Murray, Augusta, to J R Wilder. CLEARED. Steamer Fannie, McNelty, Palatka, Ac., F M My- reli. t-chr Geo Darby, epow Darien, in ball ;et Hnnter A Gammed, ; eteamer Two Boys, Daniels, Angusta, Erwin A Far- dee. Steamer Standisb, Fabian, Angnsta, F M Myrell. Receipts, Per steamer Helen Getty, from Palatka—77 bales square Cottou, 57 bales round Cotton, 10 barrels Or anges, 1 Piano, 3 cases Mdze. Por steamer Caldwell, from uensja—71 bales up land cotton, 100 bales domestic, ant 21 bbls and 3 cases dried fruit, to J K Wilder. Per steamer Lizzie, Baker, Richardson, Palatka—51 bales Se I Island Cotton, 114 bores Oranges. 65drv hides, and mdze. Per steamer Scorpio, from Augnsta—165 bales Cot ton, and 50 bales Rope. Up Isr this Port. Brig R H Meslin, at Boston, Nov 16. Brig H W Metcalfe, “ “ Bchr H P Cashing, Wood, “ Cleared for tklfrPort. fehr J M Broomall, Donglass, at Philadelphia, Nov. 16. SchsP 8 Smith, Stront, at Boston, Nov 15. Msnfbranda. The bark Mary Lncretia, Bowers, from Apalachicola, cleared at New Yoik Nov 17. The bark Nonpareil, FI inn, from Charleston, arrived at Boston Nov 15, New York markets, > BEEADSTorre-The market fotoSS; ' £ra flour wM dall and heavy, . w “; 5e-al0c. m buyers’ favor, * , rnl< ^ hearry at the decline The**!*. JS?**?* etaein* South- May, Mackey, Beattie * co, Mr* MeElliot, W R Molntire A co. Moody A Barrett, J H Mosea, M S Meyers, B M Neely, Nigg H A Baldwin, Rsndefl A co, Rogers A Cann, H A Richmond, HiramRo berts, Thos-Shear, A A Solomons * 1 *>' c A Heineins, P W Sims A co, Wm H Sta , Schreiner A Sons, B G Tilden, R H » * 2, ^ fhomas A oo, J G Thompson A cojafl™” A so™Van Newton A W.Vd, J ^ VlI1 ^°TVilG Waddell, W N Welsh, J K J berger A co, Mark Dav.dson, S A JennuM. ^ £ Walker, C G Hall, A S Patrick. R VTVToken A co, Wright, Mender A o , • g c —Clsgborn A Cunningham, J L Villalonga, M J D t g r steainw Soorpio, frona Augusta—Kein A co, Jno R Wil ier, Brady, Smith A CO, and F W Simms A oo. Cousigraees Per steamer Helen Getty, from Palatka—F M Myrell,. F Hadlock, J L Villalonga, G G Thomp son, Bryan, Hartridge Aoo, D Harlm A co, Stu art & co, A L Mason, E Metcalfe A oo, and oth ers. Per steamer America, from New York—-Brady 4 s “‘ t t l h . David Biog, E O’Byrne, T W Cooney A oo, L H Carhn A oo, DeWitt A Morgan, E Ehrlich A co, Guckenheimer A Selig, R M Hont. Heidt A Ludlow, Halsey, Watson A oo, Geo A Hudson, , BAnapp, James Leary A oo, Lathrop A co, J Lathrop, J Lama, L McSorle*, H Meinhard A Bro, M S Meyer, J McMahon A co, E S Milingor, M Nowmark, J Oliver, A Re.eher, H G Ruwe, Richardson A Barnard, Peter Riley, A A Solomon Ac-, Seabora A Goodall, B Straus, W H Stark Seymoqr, Kingsland A co, J C Schriener A Son’ J T Thompson, B G Tilden, B F Ulmer, E H Van Ness A co, Jacob Veisel, L D WadJell, H H Wiltbergor, Dr M M Walsh, W C White, Young A Nixon, J W Anderson A Son, P Riley, Bell, Wyt. ly A Christian.. Bothwell A Whitehead, Brigham, Baldwin A co, W A Cohen, Octavos Cohen, Crane, Johnson A Gray bill, Erwin A Hardee, Hunter A Gammell, S N Kinchley, Keene A oo, R J Lar- eombe, Andrew Miller, J O Mnthowsoo, Rogers A Cann, Southern Express eo, Steamship co, Wm Shepherd A co, Sims A oo,F TowSter, F Schuster, W Wolf, John R Wilder, E Zaohariaa, J R See- ' [K M S] [B] B, W [H] S A co, JG Pittman, i Gordon, E H IGsrlin, Charles Sewkel, C A P, Sm?.h a I ker ’ M T J C C, O Gibney[C], Wilson, John Potter, Cooper A ci, K A B Christian,.Brigham’ Baldwin A ^ R * Aiothwell A Whitehead, J W BuIHb^m Tohen. Claghorn A Cunningha^c/^,’ jih^Ion A GraytiU, C L Colby A poVA Coh^ rw!” ham A Pu^ Wm M Davidson, J D^’iaon S’ can A Johnson, J HDeppish, Darltagton.* Brisk lord* E P Deyo, Erwin A Hardee, E Ehriich. G a Freeman, Geo Fried. John GillBaad A a t ! A oo, N A Hsrdee» G M Heidt, J W An- .0. M H HiHsman, Holoombe A Passengers Per steamer Helen Getty, from Palatka—GJ Thompson, Dr Lewi*. D Hainswortb, W P Rim-> bert, F Hadlock, H P Easton, G Cameron, Mrs Konedy, Mrs Mingard, John Cardy, Wm S Hays ; H D Hawley, Mrs Hei, G Prindeo, L A Hardee. Per steamer America, from New York—J Clark, J H Wood, Richard Bartchall, Wm Van Dorn, Wm B McMurtry, J M Roberts, W J Shore, Mr Drypolcher, Maria Murphy, Michael Ryan, wife and 2 children, John Barrett, Mary Coilirs, and 11 in Steerage. Per steamer Lizzie Baker, from Palatka, —A T Brown, A T Spillar, 8 D Smoke, M J Doyle, G W Green, Miss Brooks, Miss Lacine, Mrs Robertson, Mrs Gardiner, E D Tracey, J Low, H Parley, and 5 on deck. Per steamship Leo, from New Y’ork—Geo A Wright and lady, Mrs C B Mallery, Mrs Sandford and daughter, Miss F Perkins Miss H Harris, Miss F. H. Gray, Miss L E Osgood, Miss Julia Case, Miss Abbie Case. Miss M A Forsaith, Miss T J Phillips, Miss E Hill, C E Hopkins. L H Pease W Belcher and lady, Rev C S Martindale, Rev W Hemron, C R Giznard, J V Munginseed D W Ingersoll, W B Dickey, R Grant, R Pierson A Blanchard, H C White, H Hyman, J Heymann W W Blake, Jas Clark, George H Dixon, Wm H French, Geo E Brown, Horace French, O Murphy A Seib, A Emurcle, A Williams, W Grtllih, am 36 steerage. Per steamor Scorpio, from Angusta—J L Bar nard, D 0 Keefe, A V Traweek, wife and chii dren, Mrs Harry Watkins and 2 children, and Mr Clark. HOTELS. Union Place Hotel. Cor. Broadway and 14th Sts , Opposite Washington Statue, jNEW YORK CITY. scp27 tf H. C. FLING & CO., Proprietors. HANOVER STREET, BOSTON, Is tlie Largest and Best Ar |l , ffl|f®granged Hotel in New Eng land. f»ep27 LEWIS RICE, Proprietor. The Southern House Fourth Street. st. Toxjis, zm:o. LAVEILLE, WARNER & CO., Proprietors. A first class family Hotel; comfort and convenience. unsurpassed for locality, tf sep!9 METROPOLITIN HOTEL, Late Brown’s, WASHINGTON, D. C. T HIS leading Hotel, Renovated and Refurnished, is now in perfect, order for the reception and accom- modaUoiMintiMildjiatrons^^^^^jtni^^sejiW miscellaneous. JUST RECEIVED Per Steamer America, A fine assortment of Rhine Wines I Wines Hockkeiiuer, Nierstiner, Ciiebfrauniilk. Liquors. St. Croix Rum, Jamaica Rum, Fine Brandies And a variety of the finest brands of Also, Lunch Served at H O’clock A. M., At A. STAMM’S, 'y22—tf St. Charles', in Rear of Custom House. DRUGS, MEDICINES. # AND *■ "■ C H EMI CALS. A CHOICE selection of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PERFUMERIES, PATENT MEDI CINES, TRUSSES, just landed from New York, Apothecaries, Planters and Traders From the interior can be supplied at shortest notice. I can warrant any article as being pure. A large quantity of EUROPEAN LEECHES, finest quality. ... All the PATENT MEDICINES extant on hand. 100 cases JACOB’S DYSENTERIC CORDIAL, all of which will be sold low for CASH. Wholesale and Retail, Apothecariei’ Hall, Comer Broughton and Barnard streets, W. M. WALSH, M. D., Proprietor. N. B.—Fresh Garden Seeds. tf jclB A. 1. BRADY, Uii FRESH TURNIP SEED. F L RUTA BAGA. AT D C TC AND Red Top Turnip Seeds, Warranted to be of the GROWTH OB’ 1866. Just received from D. Landrcth, and for sale by W. W. LINCOLN, jylo cor Ball and Congress streets. Wright & Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Represented by our Agent, JOHN 8. WRIGHT, Esq. No. 69 Wril Street, New York. nne28 . 6m - BRADY, SMITH & GO. 0°xaa.xaai± Forwarding Merch^ntSj AND ^Sanufaciiu'crs' Agents NORTH SLOE OF BAY STREET, Between Whitaker and Barnard, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Liberal advances made on consignments of Cotton, &cj, to their friends in New York and Boston. References—Wm. K. Kitchen, Prest National Park Bank, N. Y.- H C.Thacher &Co., Boston; Israel Co hen, Baltimore; Hall, Moses ACo.,Colhmbus; Wyman, Moses A Co., Montgomery. ang7 eTrchipmm, (Successor to Geo. O. Marcy,) 308 BAY" 8 T R E KIT/. North - Side, Between Barnard and Jefferson Streets, WOOD, COAL AND GRAIN AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND FEED, jj3 BUSINESS CARPS. Horses & Carriages HAY, .CORN, OATS AND At lowest market prices. ROBT. r. YORK, M. B. WILLIAMS, J. R. M'INTIRE. P. II. WARD. YORK. WILLIAMS, MHT1 & I, AUCTION AND COMMISSION mebchuts, Bay Street, Savannah, Gra. Consignments of Cotton and Lumber solicited. References:: Savannah—Brigham, Baldwin & Co., Gaden A Unckles, Erwin A Hardee. Hunter & Gammell, Isaac D. LaRoche, Hiram Roberts, W. Woodbridgc, L. C. Norvcll & Co. New York—S. T. Knapp A Bro., D. H. Baldwin & Co. Sale days, Tuesdays and Fridays.sep5 CHARLES L. COLBY & CO., SHIPPING, COMMISSION, AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS JONES’ BLOCK, CORNER BA Y AND ABERCORN STS., SAVANNAH, CIA. Liberal cash advances made on consignments to the firm represented in New York by Charles L. Colby, Esq., or to onr friends in Boston. ALEX. H. HOL " AY, Resident Partner. References.—Messrs. Dabney, Morgan & Co., New York; JarvisSlade, Esq.. New York; Gardner Colby, Esq., Boston; Hon. J. Wiley Edmands, Boston. aug!6 tf KEIN & CO., 114 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA^ COTTON FACTORS, COMMISSION & FORWARDING M ERCHANT8. L IBERAL cash advances made on consign ments of Cotton and approved Merchandize made to their friends in New York, Boston or Liver pool. Refer to Messrs. Smith & Dnnning, New Y’ork; C C. A H. M. Tabor, New Y’ork; Cabot & Senter, 8t. Lonis; W. H. Taylor, Nek Orleans.ang2C V. M. MYRELL, Steamboat Agent, GENERAL Commission aud Forwarding Merchant, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga., Harris’ Building, 2d Door West of A. Low & Co.’s. Refers to Messrs. Hnnter & Gammell, Crane, John son Graybill, Bell, Wylly & Christian, Bothwell & Whitehead, Miller, Thomas & Co., and M. A. Cohen, Esq. tf Bep29 E. F. METCALFE & CO., GENERAL, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Stoddard’s Range, on Bay street, between Lincoln and Abe room, Savannah, Georgia. References.—Honing, Flint* Pearce, New York; E. M. Brnce & Co . Angnsta, Ga.; R. C. Robson, Esq.,At lanta, Ga.; Knott* Howes, Macon, Ga.; K. M Brace, Morgan*Co., Apalachicola, Fla.; Watts, Crane & Co., New York; Geo. C. Pearce * Vo., St Louis, Mo ; H. C. Brace * Co., Cincinnati, O.; Mr. H. J. Cook, Albany, Ga.; John W. OVonnor, Macon, Ga. DANIEL BUTLER would respectfully in form the public that fie is now prepared to furnish, at tfie shortest notice, » HORSES AND CARRIAGES. . * . • • • > First class Carriages ran to the various Steamboat Wharves and to the Railroad Depot at the lowest rates. None bat careful and competent Drivers employed. ■DANIEL BUTLBB, * lioalo—tf cor. Whitaker and York streets. Wm. M. Davidson WHOLESALE DEALER IN Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Teas, Segars, Ale and Cider, 150 Bay Street Savannah. OCt25 tf ‘ JNO. L. VILLALONGA, Cotton Factor, ForwarfiDg and Commission Merchant NO. 94 BAY STREET, *Vf F.i.V.V.I/1, GEORGIA. oct20 6m tiona, at the lowest ^18^* C00PE9, 0LC0TTS & FARRELLY, Booksellers and Stationers, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. T HE undersigned have formed a Copartnership under the name and style of CthJPER, OLCOTTA * FARRELLY, for the transaction of a Wholesale and Retail Book and Stationery Business, at the old stand of John M. Cooper * Co., Northwest comer of Whitaker and St Jnlien streets. JOHN M. COOPER, WILLIAM H OLCOTT, DANIEL G. OLCOTT, oct23 STEPHEN FvRR ELLY. PAPER AM) RAG WAREHOUSE. WARREN &PLATNER Wholesale Dealers in All Kinds *( Coarse and Fine Papers, Enve lopes, Twines, and Paper Bags. Sole Agents in this city for the Bath Paper Hills. The highest cash prices paid for Rags, Old R ope and Bagging, and Waste Paper, in large or small quantities. octlO 810 Bay Street, Savannah. 4L. m. HARTRIDGE, COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchant, bay street, GEORGIA. SAVA3STKTABC, OCtl4—tf A. T. OUKXINOUAM, D. G. rUBSZ, B. 3. LABCOMSB, CUMINGHAH, PURSE & CO., FACTORS, FORWARDING ' and . Commission Merchants, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga, References—Robt. Habersham & Sons, Hnnter * Gammell, Octavus Cohen, Brigham, Baldwin A Co., Erwin * Hardee, Claghorn * Cnnningham. sep6-3m H G0WDY, Commission Merchant, 196 B A. Y ST’BKK'T. (Anderson’s Wharf,) SAVANNAH. OCt2 GEORGIA 3m FRANK S. HESSELTINE, COUNSELLOR at LAW, NO. 147 BAY STREET, (NEXT’DOOR TO THE REPUBLICAN OFFICE,} SAVANNAH, GA. oct *1 A- E. LOPEZ & CO. Gunsmiths and Locksmiths, (•rner of St* Julian and Jeffcnan Streets. oct 18—tf SAMUEL P. HAMILTON,. (Successor to Wilmot * Richmond,! Watches, Silver Ware, Jewelry, Canes, Cattery, Ac. Cor. Whitaker, St. Julien and Congress Sts, .SAVANNAH, GA. 7 Watches and Jewelry repaired. Chronometers rated by transit. Cash paid for old Gold andSilrer. jy*Sl> tf lOO Styles of POCKET BOOKS ! SATCHELS. TNXARUNE SAMPLES. Orders will be re- Hi received tor tfiem^toe^ ^ ^ «ug7 Bay st, — doom from Jell * Christian. Hair Qye. 60 CENTS A BOX. ««rt M, orior Rqvsu a utioero, i K«MuUi * w , W Boxes larger than Dye* that sell for $1 Durable, Beautiful Warranted to please. This dehsa been tlK»on*hly tested by Dr. CHHV New York, and Pro£7Booth and Garrett, of ! . W Lin. 1 Mg RICHARD BON & BARNARD? Bay St, opposite Mariner’s (Jburch, AGENTS (FOR — V Em. Jessup * Ban’s English Cant Steal, Circular Sawn, Cotton Ginn. Anunoniated Pacific Guano. Fateht Decking and Roofing. oct!4—tf - •. , ALEXANDER HARDEE STORAGE GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT COR BAT AND JEFFERSON 8TREETS SAVANNAH, GA. Dealer in Hay, Fodder, Gain, Flour, WooL Hides, Bran, Bhorta, Ac. * tf — M Manufactured and for sale §rSSS*MMnBrpii taUoo. KIRLIN, BRO, & BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, WINES AND LIQUORS Oor. Whitaker Street and Bay Lane. junetl • 6m . fl Inwgaace Ayemey, \ Security Insumnce Conpany, Capital and SHr^lus, $1,600,000. Phffinix Insurance Company, Capital and SarplM, $1,500,000. International Insurance • Company, Cajftal and jSurpha, $1,200,000. Manhattan insurance Company, Capital and Surplus, *9Co,ooo. rates, eorresponding with the No. 19 Stoddard’s hangefhayjSeet. Insurance Agency OCEAN, RIVER, FIRE. fJTHJE undersigned hold commissions from the lead JL Ing Insurance corporaUons ot New York, repre senting an aggregate cash capital of over PIVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS And are prepared to issue policies to cover Fifty Thou sand dollars on one application upon Fire Risks at Savannah and Inland Tswns, COTTON AND MERCHANDIZE IN TRANSIT ON THE AUGUSTA AND MACON RIVERS, OCEAN RISKS GENERALLY. Prompt Settlement of Losses, 1.. G. NORVELL & CO., maj»Ball street, opposite Poet Offlce. N. YORK ADVERTlaFM.—~ WOODFORD & snw ATTORJTEYs ” AND counsellors a t I)Aw (Trinity Bwil*i, fJ scveral courts hi New York ^ CHARLE8 BRUN()^ INSURANCE! AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $10,400,000 CHAS. L. COLBY & CO. A RE prepared to take Marine Risks to.any Domestic or Foreign Port, and Fire Risks n th Is city In the following named first class New York Companies, at the lowest rates: COLUMBIAN MARINE INSURANCE CO. Capital, $5,000,000. MORRIS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $5,000,000. COMMERCE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $200,000. STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $200,000. Office in Jones’ Block, corner Bay and Abercom streets. Branch Office, cor. Dryyton and Bryan streets. ang!6-tf FIRE INSURANCE. » THE PHOENIX. INSURANCE CO- OF HABTFORD, CONN. Capital, $800OOO.... Assets,*1,000,000. Fire risks taken in the above Company on Buildings and Merchandize of every diacription at fair rates. nov3—lm H. BRIGHAM, Agent. MERCHANTS’ INSURANCE COMPANY I HARTFORD, CONN. THE undersigned having been appointed agent for X the above well known Company, is prepared to take risks against fire on the most fevorable terms. H. BRIGHAM, Offlce Southern Insurance and Trust Co. July?tf, BALTIMORE CARDS. 13. C. Cary, General Commission Merchant) 1YALTIMORK, Mil. R. MOLINA, COE- BULL AND CONGRESS STREETS, ■ v . - (Under Screven Hodse,) IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IK Havana Segura, Leaf airn SMOKING TOBACCO. Also, all hinds of Virginia Chewing . and Smoking Tobacco, Meerschaum, Brier Root, and all other kinds of Fancy Pipes. 3m aepSO ~ US. A. HAJRHLE CO., Shipping, Commission, AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GhA Will make liberal cash their friends, Norton, street, New York. advances on consignments to tlaughter * Co., 40 Broad oct 6—tf NEW GOODS. J UST RECEIVED, alargeand beautiful as- ment of FANCY GOODS, selected expressly for this market. Call and nee them. C. M. HILLS MAN, angl4 cor. Bull and Brocghton streets. AUGUSTA CARDS. J. 0. MATHEWSON . r GENERAL COMMISSION, PRODUCE BROKER AND FORWAIPINU MERCHANT, No. 285 Broad 8treet, Augusta, Og., f At the Old Stand of the late firms of T. P. 8tovall A Co., Stovall, McLaughlin * Co,, and G. H. McLaughlin * Co.,) Will give his prompt and personal attention to the irehase and sale of Cotton, Domestic Goods, Sugar, icon. Lard, Grain, Flour, Hope, Bagging, and Mer chandize generally. Having the Agency of several first class Cotton Mills, I am prepared at all times to supply orders for Oenaborgs, ly orden Mils, Yams, Sheetings, startings, bcvs, Jeans, Ac., Ac. With extensive fire-proof warehouses, can furnish secure storage, and give prompt attention to merchan dize and Drodnce consigned to me for forwarding in any direction. 6m W. A RAMSEY & OO., c GENERAL Commission Merchants .AND . AUCTIONEERS 308 Broad Street, Augusta, Ha. Bank, N. Particular attention given to orders for the purchase of Goods. Consignments respectfully solicited. Before, by permission, to Hue, Whitney A Co., Sa vannah. nov20—lm TIOOXiE A HUNT, A \ Baltimore, Maryland, MANUFACTORIES Portable and Stationary Steam Engines and Boilers, Steam Fire Engines, Portable Saw Mills, Gang and Single Saw Mills, Mining Machinery, Portable Grist Mills, Flour Mill Machinery, Cotton Screws, Railroad Care, Car Wheels and Axle?, Hydraulic Presses for Oil and Tobacco, Tobacco Moulds, Gas Works Apparatus of all kinds, Sotting, Pulleys and Hangers. aug$6m CTBUS r. MXKD DDL LET NICHOLS, Baltimore. c. 1HHALL, iboro*, V. C. P. MENDENHUL & CO., Oottqn, Tobacco, General Commission Merchants, 156 Pmtt Street Wharf, sep23 BALTIMORE. VULCAN WORKS, BALTIMORE. T HIS old eetabDshment, with increased facilities, continues to execute, promptly, orders for Steam and other machinery, Bailers, Castings, Ac. A large water front os the Har bor, with a powerful crane, gives than great advan tages in fitting ont and repairing steamers. Station ary Engines of various sizes kept on hand-. Iron for bridges tornlahed. HAZLEHUBST A CO. octal—6m mHE BALTIMORE ± WROUGHT IKON PIPE AND TUBE CO. Is now prepared to supply Gas, Steam and Water Pipe and Fittings, on the most favorable terms. eep25—3m P. U ^^>xl^Uate>more. Md. A FACT WORTH KNOWING flVHAT by buying shoes with Metallic Tips, two- A thirds the usual expense of snppling children with shoes may l»s saved. Mo one, for every-day r" ’■*" afford to ouy any other. Millions of dollars nnaliy saved by this useful Invention. Tfc meta! tipped shoe is won fitting the ho Por sale by all shoe mruzm or amd i„ Musical Instruments, Strings, ^ ROBERT NUNNS* (hate kokss A clash's v PIANO PORTiig AND • C. F. Martin’s C3- TJ I T A H g 581 BROADWAY, {Up sub^ (OPPOSITE THE METROPOLITAN HOTEL j T^EW York. N. B.—Brass Instruments, Clarionete, Plata , noTl—lm HAWKINS & CO PACKERS <fc GENERAL pRoVlsiiii Dealers, 241 Front St., .Yew York Beef. Pork, Hams, Lard, • Shoulders, Blitter, Cheese, Bacon, Tongues, Epps, Vegetabta, Fish, Salt, Frait,! 4c-, tc. Fulton Market Beef. All orders carefully executed at the SHORTEST NotlCE. We reroectfhUy reftr to Messrs. Stuart 4 Co Ehrlich, Esq., B. G. Tilden, Esq. Southern Produce received on consignment oct6—6m Holmes & Patterson, He. 85 Water Street, Sew York, Receivers of Flour, WESTERN, AND SOUTHERN PRODUCE, Qensi^mnents Eolioited, O RDERS for Flour, Wheat, Cora rad Ot* filled at lowest market rates, and directly fen first bands, thos saving extra profits. Heoeivera of the well known Brand of fit*, “Kearsage Hills,” which will be snppW. in) in lots to sniff Full information famished by LaBOCHE, GADEN &UNCKUS, oct25—2m cor. Bay and Barnard streets D. H. BALDWIN & CO, COMMISSION MERCHANT^ 178 Pearl street, NEW YORK. D. H.’ BALDWIN,) Vnr . J. F. CUMMING, / Ncw Yorl! ' H. BRIGHAM, \ , C. M. HOLST, / 1 f Savannah. 3m alt KRAFT & HILL, Mannfacturers and Jobbers of STRAW AND MILLINERY 306B Nos. 281 and 283 Broadway, (opposite A. T. Stewart's,) • J NEW YORK. A full supply of Goods, suitable for this market, i!- wavs on hand. Your patronage is respectfully.* oct35—fim THE WASHINGTON IRONWORKS Have oo bind for sale their Improved portable Steam RNfiJ** 1 Portable Circular Saw Mill. Saw Hills,Floor and Cent Mint And manufacture to order all Mu* gines, Marine, 8tahonary, and FropeHer. Careand Turn Tables,Iron Steam also, General Machinery, Iron and »*• iujjs, large and small Forcings, Ac., y. . ^ GSO. M. CUPP, Treworei- Newhma »■ >• Or L. C. WARD, Agent, 65 Liberty street, Room 8, New lore. oct26—ly e. PABSOW. MANtJPACTUBBB Hadfield’s Union Fire’ Wotte, Importerof Chinese Fire Crackers Eeeketa* j Manufacturer of FIoAG®’ * c ’ Also a large assortment of bis own TOYS AND FANCY GOOD ' 24 John St, near Broadway- oct 25—19m -irNfT WYMSN. mujft t«ANTE3KN'8, wear, can „j are an- . by’this useful Inventfoo. The toes of shoes remain perfect until the rest of the worn out. The feet are kept dp, the health and saving money. dmleiL 3m thus bene- anglT Drunkenness. CnreR. can be administered without the gaS’Sj^agsu.’gsa^ ““jlfo. J. KROMER, Wholesale Agent te$A iwirii—ly m ghemutst. Philadelphia. Pa, Robert Habersham A Sons, Savannah. W. H. Stark, do.. Bones, Brown A Co., Angusta. Ed. Thomas, do. , :__ k W. K. Kitchen, Proriuent Natiooal Park Y. JJLS. B (ieaeral ani ComUsslea Mercbaat, AAJGhXJ 0TA, GKA, TTnUere of Merchandize wuuuug u» raouze inuneoi- ftfiy.^wfll consult (heir interests by conrigning the t businees attention wiB be given , and prompt retoms made, at then r to Messrs. Hunter A GpmmeU, C. L. Colby A to realize tmmndi- ’s Specific. t and most reliable medicine for the core orhcea. Seminal Weakness, Leas of Pow- sr, Ac. This medicine has stood theteet of over thir ty years and has always crewed a success. DR. RANI>S SPECIFICW^xhibited in the form ot ' r Of substances that have a sped- aT ■ nal virtues are expmdS' entirely upon the impaired regenerative organs? The pills are not unpleasant to the taste, and many persons masticate them with im- ponity More mtemnroig them; which plan we would -■ ltnend, a* affording the speediest way to form, gold by drug- StsU COMMISSION MEBGH0TU FOB THBuSALB OF popTON, pOTTOff Wj ■. (SHEpTINGS, SHIETINGS, f8 Chambersstrett, -Vest Samuel G. Wyipan, 1 j^te nf Bslw»o rc ' WmJGreg& Jr., late James C. emith, of Sen dame* u. cmiin, oiaich M ^-rr7r^ GARDNER, DEXTEB COMMISSION MEBCSANl { roaraz sAi*or OOTT Refer to National American ExCge Bank. Nation* 1 ReTff8 means for withoetoperating out octM-fta rrTtf/T ROU^’ HARRIOTT A fibb-fboof Storage ijasKaejRSEf**^ Varnish kr sale hy th*