Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 25, 1865, Image 4

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% BUSINESS CARDS. BANKING AND INSURANCE* BUSINESS CARDS YORK ADVERTISCm in their selection*. ibevtemapauoM erer. keep pace with the supply, and our quota, tions can barely be maintained for a good article. The poorer qualities meet *ith “but little sale at any price. Wd quote f5U$tO. per hun dred as to quality. Cons—The continued large arrivals of 'Corn has had jf tendency to further depress the mar ket The quotations of last idsek are barely maintained. -Maryland Whiteia now Selling at gl 15 a $1 20 per bushel from ship; Prime West ern is held at $ l 00 a fl 85. *’ POETRY BRADY, Insurance Agency. ,V . k'ss-TSsH? the Atlantio and &frauoah river. le, on account of the weather, has m nark?* is heavily stocked, and ail trade was done during the week, following figures for leading artt- 0< * 8 Wholesale. Retail. ine prints 30a34 40a45 ams. ; . 55*60 60*70 85a87 -40*45 40444 50a65 stings, bleached... .47a55 60**5 > unbleached. .85*38 45*50 S8a40 45*oO M „.. T 87&40 45*o0 ,...60*75 "Oa80 "...'...45*55 60*70' 125 Oomm issl on • '*7 AND Forwarding Merchants, AND NannfitftureTl’ A|?eilte NORTH SIDE OP BAY STREET, Between Whitaker and Barnard, fiAYANNAH, GEORGIA Uberal advances made on consipun^s of Cotton, Ac* to their Wends in New York and Boston. “%erences-Wm. K. Kitchen. Pr«t Nattond. Park There’s’ music in'the autumn .wind, Around the dripping eaves j. A'nd where Its pinions stop to play. Among the fallen leaves. - There’s music"in the river’s flow, AlonK,the pebbly shore, When airthe winds have gone to sl« And bonghs are swayed no more. There’s music in the cricket’s song I hear through evening shade. And in the low of distant herds, Returning from the glade. i _ . , • . 1'.. Lna.nAnf There s music in t— Swiirii Insurance Company, il and Surplus, $1,600,000.' . Phwnix Insurance Company, Capital and Surplus,'$1,50$ 000. International insurance Company, Capital and Surplus, gi,900,dodi - ,. Manhattan Insurance Company, Capital and Burplos, $9f0,009. Bisks taken in the above highly responsible Com panies on Buildings and Merchandiz, of all deacriu- «ons, st the lowest rates, tanespondtag with the risks. Apply to A. A.XAHETAeent novlS—3m No. 13 Stoddard's Range, Bavstreet R would respectfully DANIEL BCTLE form the public that he la I at the shortest notice, HORSES AND CARRIAGES. First class Carriage* run to the various BteamBoat Wharves and'to the Railroad Depot at the lowest .rates. - i •. • None but careful andwmpetttt^Driyera ^emgoyed. Whitaker and York streets. CHARLESBRUxi quote Java, 40 4 48c.; St. Domingo, 34; Rio, 84 a 35c per lb. Flock—Our flour market is now well supplied with good all kinds. The demand has only-been moderate, and we renew our quota tions, viz: Family Ohio, #10 25 a 10 50; Family *41 25 a 11 50; “New State” New York, $10 50 a 11. There is but little inquiry for the lower grades which are held at $9 a 9 60 per bbl. Hat—Considerable quantities of Northern y have arrived during the past week, while East- era continues scarce. The market remains mac^ tive but without chauge in pr.ces, and the little that has been done is in a retail way. We quote 90 a $1 per 100 lbs from the wharf; from atari* $1 25 per 100 lbs. • lbhons—This article continues very scarce, and there are now no good lots on the market, There is a good demand for the article, and a fine Moses A Co., Montgomery. There’s music in the household tones That greet the sad or gay, And in the laugh of innocence Rejoicing in its play. But there is music sweeter far In memory than this—» The music of my mother’s voice Now in the land of bliss. A music*time may never still— I bear it in my dreams, When all the fondness of her face «e. Once more upon me beams. 1 know not what the Angels hear, In mansions in the skies— But there is not a sound on earth Like mother’s gentle voice. The tears are in my clooded eye, And sadness in my brain, As Nature whispers to my heart, She will not come again. A Mother l oh, when she departs, Her like is never known; The records of affection speak Of jonly,’only-one! And brighter will- that record grow Through all the changing y&rs— The oftener to the lip is pressed The cup of sorrow’s tears. i. a. HTama. p, H. waBd, maIO—tf Insiraiee Agency OCEAN, RIVER, FIRE Flannels Linseys. wnouraALB dkaleb m ■ics, Wines, Ltfwrs, Teas, Segai-s, Ate and Cider, lay Street Savannah, tf Coates’ spool cotton. MARINE INTELLIGENCE A lug Insurance corporations ot New York, repre senting an aggregate cash capital of over FIVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS And araprepared to issue policies to cover Fifty Thou sand dollars on one application upon tire Milks at Savannah and Inland (Late nra,, * class', PIANO FOBTSg AND c. F. Marlin g GUi TA^ 9 581 BROADWAY, [Up <**, (OPPOSITE THE METROPOLITAN HOTELj NEW Yot?v SA VANN AH, NOVEMBER 24. arrived. Steamship Wm Tibbets, Cony, Boston, lo Richardson Br steamship Darien, Haran. 81 Thomas, W I, hi ballast, to Brigham, Baldwin <fc co. t teamer Helen, Reilly, Augusta, to Rein A co. Steamer Clarion, Morse, Doctortown, Chas L Colby "^Douglass’ flat, from Augusta, to N A Hardee A co. JN0. L VILLALONGA, Cotton Factor, Savannah—Brigham, Baldwin « to* uaaen « Unckles, Erwin & Hardee. Hunter *GammeU, Isaac D. LaRoche, Hiram Roberta, W. Woodbriage, U C. ^New 1 York—S. T. Knapp A Bro., D. H. Baldwin A Co Sale days, TnesdajB and Fridays* CHARLES L. COLBY & CO., SHIPPING, COMMISSION, AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS ‘ '' JONES* BLOCK, CORNER BAY AND ABERCORN STS., * SAVANNAS, &A-. Liberal cash advances m^c on consignments to the Arm represented in New York by Charles X Colby, Bba., or to our friends in Boston. . _ . ALEX. H. HOLvAY, Resident Partner. Rsrnuarcss.—Messrs. Dibnev, Morgan A Co., New York; Jarvis Slade, Esq.. New York; Gardner Colby, Esq!r Boston; Hon, J. WUey Edmunds, Boston. COTTON AND MERCHANDIZE IN TRANSIT ON THE AUGUSTA AND MACON RIVERS, NO. 94 BAT STREET, SJn«.r.YJIf, GEORGIA Passengers Per steamship Wm Tibbets, from Boston - Mrs Rick er, Miss Ricker, Mrs Small and 4 children, Mrs Holmes, Mrs Sullivan, Mrs Frost, J D Bell, Mr Spinney, Ell F< Per steamer Helen, from Augusta—E Cleveland, lady and child. Dr Mayers, T F Skinner, John Treanor, R Kein, W Barrett, Mrs Casa. Consignees VPer steamship Wm Tibbets, from Boston—JL Villa* lenga, Stephen Johnson, M A Cohen, Adams’Express co, WmH'rtak, Richardson A Barnard, Dr Warlsa, T J Dunbar A co. John R Wilder, C L Cmby A co. Drew A Frost, Jno C Maker A co,WC O’Dris coll Geo Waterhr use, Hilton A Handell, M Y P ender- COOPEK, OLCOTfS &FARRBLLY, Booksellers and "Stationers, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA • T HE undersigned have formed a Copartnership under the name and style of COOPER, OLCOTT i A FAHRELLY, for the transaction of a Wholesale and Retail AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $10,400,000 Book end Stationery Business, at the old stand of John M. Cooper A CO., N&rthifest corner of Whitaker and St. J alien street*. A NEGRO MELODY CHAS. L. COLBY & CO. A HE prepared to take Marine Risks to any Domestlcor Foreign Port, and Fire Rieka n this city in the following named first class New York Companies, at Die lowest rates: COLUMBIAN MARINS INSURANCE C0. f Capital $6,000,008. MORRIS FIRS INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, *8,000,600. . COMMERCE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, PACKERS ^GENERAL PRey^, The following characteristic song is record ed in the New York World as one of the dit ties of the Great Colored Festival of this week at Brooklyn: We’s nearer to de Lord Dan to de white folks an’ dey knows it. See do glory-gate unbarred, Walk in darkies past de guard, Bet yer a dollar he won’t close it. • v - Walk in darkies troo de gate, Hark de kullered angels holler, Go ’way white folks, you’re too late, We’s de winnin’ kuller. Wait - Tell <he trumpet blows to foiler. Hebben bress good Massa Cox ! He took down dem proud Kawkasians. No more Lards with auburn locks, Kullered Shepherd—woolly flocks— We’s de bressed Lord’s relashins. JOHN M. COOPER, WILLIAMS OLCOTT, DANIEL G. OLCOTT, STEPHEN Fa RRELLY. PAPER AND RAG WAREHOUSE 341 Front St COTTON FACTORS, COMMISSION & FORWAROIN6 WARREN A PLATNEB Oats—The arrivals of Oats this week have been large, and onr market is now well supplied with the article. It is selling at 90 cents per bnebel from the wherf, in sacks. We quote 80 a 90c as j the ruling price. Onioks—Our market continues to be well sup- plied with Onions, but there has been no change in the price of the arricle since our last. A good article readily brings $3 50 a 4 per bbl. Potatoes—There is an abundant supply ofPo- tatoes on the market, and the best kinds sre held at $3 50 per bbl., but it is very difficult to effect sales at this rate. * Rope— Owing to the limited supply of Rope on the market, and the advanced price in New York and Boston, the article ljss slightly en. hauced during the week, and we have altered our quotations accordingly. We now quote 18a 19 as the ruling prices. Rica—A limited sepply of Rice hra been re. ceived during the week in lots of 10 to 20 bush els. The demand is light, and there has been no change in prices from onr last quotations. Shingles—The market continues almost bare Wholesale Dealers In All Kinds of Coarse and Fine Papers* Enve lopes, Twines* and Paper flags. Bole Agents in this city for the Bath Paper Mills. The highest cash prices paid for Rags, Old R ope and Bagging, and Waste Paper, in large or small quantities, ocllO MERCHANTS. L IBERAL cash advances made on consign ments of fotton and approved Merchandize made to their friends in New York, Boston or Liver- I *R*fer to Messrs. Smith A Dunning, New York; C C. A II. M. Tabor, New York; Cabot A Sentcr, 61 Louis; W. H. Taylor, New Orleans. ang 86 land, 163 do uplands’ do, IT boxes tobacco, 10 bales -113 bales upland Per Douglass' flat, from ugusta. C °Per steamer Clarion, from Doctortown—lit bales upland cotton, 1 do sea island do, 118 dry hifcs, and h\ E MYRELL, Steamboat Agent, MET OF VESSELS IN THE PORT OF SAVANNAH, NOV. 24. STKAHSIItPS. America, Lindt, for New York, loading, Brigham, o', Merrill for New, York, loading, Octavus I Hiram Iavingaton, Baker, for New York, loading, J j R inider. „ . . ,. „ _ , nil Salvador, Atkins, for New York loading.. B H Hardee. snips. Mount Blanc, Donnell for Liverpool, loading, La Roche, Gaden & Unckles. , , „ Republic, ilirem] Smith, for Liverpool, losing, ^ Virginia, Weeks, for Liverpool loading,' C L Colby & co. - - _ “ • HACKS. Thos Whitney, (Rr.) Kelly, for Liverpool loading, Bell, Wylly & Christian. ( roesco, Carry, from , discharging, Brigham, Baldwin & co. „ „ . W A Plattnous, Pinkham. f. om Cow Bay, diacna’g- iiig, C L Colby & co. TEKN Lizzie Bachelder, English, for New York, loading, Hunter & Gainmell. itaiGS. Clara Pickens, Rodgers, for Liverpool loading, W Starr. \ Ida McLeod, Cook, for Boston, loading, Hunter & Gammell. „ , „ Bed R ood, Bovle, discharging, Rogers and Cann. Rush, Raynor, fyr New York, discharging, nderson I Tucker Atlantic, Work, from Nassau, discharging, VanHom, Holyoke & Murray „ . . „ T Olive Frands, Small, from Boston, discharging, C L Colby & co. ■ » • SUHOONF.B9. • Trade Wind, , for Philadelphia, loading, Crane, Johnson & GraybiU. ...... Geo Darby, mow, from New York discharging, Hunter & Gammell. 1 De - ota, Crook, for Baltimore, loading, LaRoche, Gaden & Unckles „ , , ' T _ . Vapor, Bogart, for New York, loading, LaRoche, Gaden & Unckles. .. . _ Antelope, Jones, from , discharging, Rue, I Whitney & co. , _ , . Electric Spark, Taber, for Jacksonville, loading. W A I Beard. .. ..... „ .. - D W Vaughan, from — , discharging, Patterson & Tucker. Wm E Stevenson, Bnrton, discharging, I Ira Bliss, Bragg, New Y’ork, loading. Crane, John son * Graybill. .. . , . Joseph W Webster, Bettsworth, discharging, C L I Colby * co. • .... r. , i Holmes A Pattern It*. U Water street, Jew T»rk, Receivers of Flom, WESTER!! * AND SOUTHERN PRODUCE, Oonsignments Solicited. O RDERS for Flour, Wheat, Com irr , filled at lowest market rates, and 4w:i s- flist hands, thus saving extra profits. 210 Ray Street* Savannah GENERAL 'Commission and Forwarding Merchant, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga., Harris' Building, 2d Door West of A. Low A Co.’s. Refers to Messrs. Hunter A Gammell Crane, John son & Graybill Bell Wylly A Christian, Bothwell A Whitehead, Miller, Thomas A Co., and M. A. Cohen, E*q. tf sep29_ E. F. METCALFE & CO.* GENERAL FORWARDING . * AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Stoddard’s Range, on Bay street, between Lincoln and Abercorn, Savannah* Georgia. References.-Honing, Flint A Pearce, New York; E. M. Brace A Co . Angusta, Ga.; R. C. Robson, Esq.,At lanta, Ga.; Knott A Howes, Macon, Ga.; B. M Brace, Morgan A Co , Apalachicola, Fla : Watts, Crane <Ss Co., New York; Geo. C. Pearce A (XL, St. Louis, Mo ; H C. Brace A Co., Cincinnati O.; Mr. H. J. Cook, Albany, Ga.; John W. O'.onnor, Macon, Ga. COMMISSION OF HARTFORD, CONN. Capital, »GOOl>OO....Asaeta,*l,OOO.OOO. Fire risks taken in the above Company on Buildings and Merchandize of every discriptton atJUr:rates. noV3—lm H. BRIGHAM, Agent. Hallelujah ! tanks to praise, Long enough we’ve borne our crosses, Now we’s de superior race, And wid Gorramighty’s grace We’s goin’ to Hebben afore de bosses. Chorus: Hebben bress good Massa Cox ' He took down dem prpnd Kawkasians, Ac, Forwarding Merchant, 93 BAY STREET, SAT-AKTSTAaBC, (±3S0B.GIA. MERCHANTS’ INSURANCE COMPANY! A. T. CUNNINGHAM, D. G. PGB8E* B. 4. LABCOM CT-Y.YI.VGHAJI. PURSE &.C0., FACTORS, FOKWARDIN Reoeivers of the well known Brand :ir. Kearsage Mills,” which will he witf l lots to snit. Full information famished by Laroche, gaden * CNaaa oct25—2m cor. Bay and Bung HARTFORD, CONN. B undersigned' having been appointed agent for r above well known Company, is prepared to iks against fire on the most favorable terms. 5 H BRIGHAM, Offlce 8onthem Insurance and Trust Co. of Shingles, and there is a considerable inquiry tor the article. 'We continue to quote Cedar at $7 per 1000; Spruce $5 per 1000. Sugars—The market remains in pretty much the same state as noticed in our last, the advance in New York and other northern markets having no eflect on prices here. The market is well sup plied with all descriptions, and prices remain the | same, viz: Brown 16 a 17%c; B Coffee 21c; A FiNAXUI lL AND CfllUHERlIAL Commission Merchants, Bay Street, ..Savannah, <3-a* References—Robt. Habersham A- Sons, Hunter A Gammell* Octavos tJohen, Brigham, Baldwin k> Co., Erwin & Hardee, Ciaghom A Cunningham. fep6-3m D. H. BALDWIN & C(L SAVANNAH MARKETS. Republicax Office, 1 Savannah, Nov, 25, 1865. j Cotton—The receipts of Cotton since the 18th inst. have been as follows, viz: 5068 bales of Up land; v20 bales of Sea Island, and 297 bales of Domestics. The exports during the same period have been 11,186 ba'es of Upland; 284 bales of COMMISSION KEKfHI.YK L78 Pearl Street NEW YORK. D. H. BALDWIN,\ Y a k J. F. CUMMING, / ^ C.‘ Ssvsmuh. 3a ^ BALTIMORE CARD8. D. C. Cary General Commission I BALTIMORE, M< H. G0WDY, Oommission Merchant, 196 BA.Y BTRKKT, (Anderson’s Wharf,) SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. ALES, WINES 4.ND LIQUORS Oor. Whitaker Street and Bay Lane. Sea Island, and 65 bales of Domestics—leaving a I stock on hand and on shipboard not cleared of I 3,456 bales of Upland, 295 bales of Sea Island, and 400 bales of Domestics. Our la3t weekly report, it will be remembered, closed with a very unsettled market, and it was difficult to obtain quotations, in consequence (T the aiflerqnce in the views of the buyers and sel lers. On Monday and Tuesday last, however, a moderate demand sprung up and the market be came very firm. This firmness has continued up .to the time ot closing this report, with an advance duriDg the week of 1 a 2 cents per lb. on al{ qualities. On Thursday and Friday the market became mare active, and a good inquiry sprung up, particularly for the finer grades, of which there is but ittle on sale. The business done on these two days has been very fair, considering the small amount of Cotton offering. Holders were very firm in thier asking rates, and wer* pot disposed to press their stocks on the market- We give thqfollowing as the ruling rates jester, day, duty paid. _ Ordinary Nominal. Low Middling .45 a 46c Middling 47}f a 48c. Strict Middling.... 49 a—c. Good Middling 50a51c. Sea Islands—Very few transactions in this description of Cotton have takdn place since out last report. The receipts continue very light, and the demand is confined mostly to the fine grades, of which little is on sale. No established market exists, and the sales have been from SOo to $1 25 per lb, bnt most of the transactions have been at $1 a 110. The greater portion received ih Of an inferior quality, and badly prepared. COTTON STATBSIENT. Receipts rince-November 18, 1865. Uplands. Sea Isl’d. Domestics. By River........t4,767 213 297 By CentralR. R... 163 — _ By Wagons 138 * 7 Total receipts....£,068 220 297 Exports since November 18, 1865. Upland*. Sea Isl’d. Domestics. This week .11,186 284 65 Previously..,. ,.44,891 2,307 8,549 jnne21 KRAFT A Hill, Manufacturers and Jobbers of STRAW AMD MILLIkEfl 3M Nos. 281 and 28* Brtsdwsf. (opposite A. T. iteMfC-l NEW YORK A fall supply of Goods, ini table to tto ssrtx- W ?oar n petronage Is respectfully a*** R. MOLINA, Particular attention given to orders for the purchase of Goods. _ , . Consignments respectfully solicited. Refers, tiy permission, to Hue, Whitney A Co., Sa vannah. '< ' nov20—lm 00B- BULL AND CONGRESS STREETS, (Under Screven House,) IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN Havana Segars, Leal JlND SMOKING TOBACCO. Also, all kinds of Virginia Chewing and Smokini Tobacco, Meerschaum, brier Root, and all other kind FRANK S. HE8SELTINE, COUNSELLOR at LAW, NO. 147 BAT STREET, (NEXT DOOR TO THE REPUBLICAN OFFICE,) SAVANNAH, Gr A.. L Baltimore, Maryland, , MANUTAOTUEEBS Portable and Stationary Steam Engines and Boilers, Steam Fire Engines, Portable Saw Mills, Gang and Single Saw Mills, Mining Machinery, Portable Grist Mills, Floor Mill Machinery, Cotton Screws, Railroad Cars, Car Wheels and Axles, Hydraulic Presses for ©11 and Tobacco, Tobacco Moulds, Gas Works Apparatus of all kinds, Salting, Pulleys and Hangers. U. A. HiRDCE Ft CO., Shipping, Oommission, AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, S A V A N N A H , Or A m Will make liberal cash advances on consignments to their friends, Norton, tlaughter * Ca.,.4« Broad THJE WASHINGTON' IRON W0RK8 Have oo band teolsfl 101 Improved Portable 3teaE»„Es^*b And manufacture to order ill gines, Marine, StelionarT. snd W*^,,^ Cars and Tara Tables,Iroa St»m ' ^ also, General Machraeryjhtm ^ logs, large and small Tie** ' __ Sc* burl 1 Or L. C. WARD, Agad, Yort . 00 Liberty street Boom S, Iorl D Dll LET NICHOLS, HOTELS C. P. MENDENHALL A CO Ootton, Tobacco, Union Place Hotel Cor. Broadway acd 14th Sts, b Opposite Washington Statue, NEW YORK CITY TEST RECEIVER* a large and beautiful as- ft ment of FANCY GOODS, Uxcm. eiPI ™ B,Jr “a 1 ! ** e General Commission Merchants, 15© Pratt Street Wh*rf, seDB BALTIMORE. 7 -. mWfiCTClB Hadfield’s UmflO N* Importer of Chinese Fire Cracken lu Mnnutictsrer of X^ANTKRINS, Also a Urge assortment o( hh 0,11 ^ TOYS AND FANCY •a near Br***** 1 sep2T tf H. C. FLING A CO^ Proprietors. BALTIMORE. Id establishment, with increased facilities, lines to exeente, promptly, orders for ud other MaekissiT* Rollers* s, Ac.' A large water front on the Har- Dowerful crane, givse. them great advan- Sjui out and repairing steamers. Station- sm variotn sizee kept on hand. Iron for lisbed. HAZLEHURST A CO. AUGUSTA CARDS oct 18—tf Whiskt.—Our market' continues to be well supplied with all the various grades of Whiskey. During the week quite an active busioeaa has’ been done and the advance previously noticed, has been maintained. The supply is ample and by the arrival of each steamer from the North,ad,, ditions are made to the stock. We quote Wallace’s Brands as follows : Rectified Whiskey, $2 75 a Old Kentucky Whiskey |3; Imperial Nectar Whiskey $3 25 \ Mathew Leary A Ctv-a Kellar Whiskey 83 75; McGregor Whiskey 84 50; Gen uine Kentucky Bourbon, case,$12; Port Wine $4; Sherry $4; Nioholai’s Schnapps, $12 50; Sherry Wine in cases, $12 60; Cognac Brandy, $30; Ale and Porter $3 per dozen. SAMUEL P. HAMILTON, {Successor to Wilmot 9b Richmond,) DIALER Di * j Watches, Sliver Ware, Jewelry, Canes, Cutlery, dec. Cor. WkHabsr,&. Jtdien and Congress Sts, SAVANNAH, GA. Watcheeafid Jewelir repaired. Chronometers rated by transit. Oesh paid for old Gold and Silver. fr* a — —, RICHARDSON & BARNARD, e Largest and Best Arranged Hotel in New England. CGBNBRAX COMMISSION, PRODICK BROKER AND . • - i ' > FORWARDING MERCHANT, Mo. 285 Broad Street* Augnsta, Ga., (At the Old Stand of the late firms of T. P. Stovall * Co., Stovall McLaughlin A Vo., and G. H. McLaughlin A Oo.,) sSSSlSrSw. ebandize generally. . . . . ' Having the Agency of several first class Cotton Hills, I am prepared at all times to supply orders tor Yams, Sheetings, sHrtirigs, OsnaburgB, Drills, Ker- IRON PIPE AND TUBK CO. ly Gas, Steam and Water Pipe UtWIS RKHC, Proprietor. COMMISSION MEK tor TH&iSA’-K COTTON, COTTON SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, 78 Chambers-street, Fourth Street, John Gibson, Bone A Co.’a Whiskey—Choice Old Ryex S 10; do xx 8 20; do xxx 3 80; Old Nectar, 1840, 8 90; Old Family do 4 25; Old Cabinet 4 65. Holland Gin : MederSwan, 5 50; Neleta Imperial Eagle 5 50’ Brandieet OtarJ,J)opuy A Co., in % and % casks, 11 a 15 per gallon, according to vintage. FEKioffra.—Duriugthe week considerable ac tivity has existed in freights, both tor the North and the interior. The rate, however, has remain ed unchanged, and we quote cotton to New Y ork tf.. _ a4 la non nnnn/l 4aF t* ri m r.roeia/l. Wm.Jeiinp * Son’s AmmeniatedPttd Patent Decking uadi Re ST. XjOTTIS, l&O. LAVE1LLK, WARNBR A CO., Proprietors. A first class family Hotel; unsurpassed for locality, Stock Sept. 1 3 724 Rec’d this week 5,068 Rec d previously 50,741 Total..... ..., 59^533 Exp ted since Sept 1st.56,097' Stock on hand Nov. 25, 1865: Bacon—The market is i—- Bacon and Pickled Meats, and POMMIS8ION M: ro«ra* g°TT Ne 118 pearl St., ^L W J°^fonal m W. A iiAMasuY & UO., - • GENERAL / ^ Commission Herehants T AND AUCTIONEERS 308 Broad Street, Augusta, Qia. ■3,456 295 ’ 400 very well supplied with 1 prices, daring the week, have undergone little or no ' therefore renew our quotations as follows: ] Sides 23 a 24; 8houlders 21 a 22; Hams 25 continues to be but little inquiry istered without the nddress.. For sale > United Statas and change. Wc Prime > a 30c. per lb. There continues to be but little inquiry for Pickled Moats; bidders, however, are not die. posed to lower their quotations, via;, for Family GENERAL CGI mi8 leading flotcl Renovated and Refurnished, is now in perfect order for the reception and accom- COfi. BAY ANfl JE’PmaiN STREETS, SAVANNAH* GA. Jer in Ha^Foddes; Grain, flour, Wool, glides, old patrons. terday and bnt few sales-were mi ing was not largo. We quote MISCELLANEOUS as the offer- Ding at 43 a Lumber Pig Pork $I6a$2(^per half, bbl’; Family Beef $17 a $18 per half bbl. Bagging—The- demand noticed in our last iias continued throughout the present week and hoi. ders are firm in their asking rater, which are for Lunny 29 a 30; Sea Island (Dundee), 82 a 38; Cooper A Co’s. S. I. 40c. The retail pri'e^for the latter artiole is 45 cents. Butibh Our market continues about the same as last noted. The stock it fully equal to the de. mand, and prices have undergone a Might change during the week; w. therefor, alter our qqota- . Ziona of last week, via; P n m, Western Butter. 46 a 50c per lb; New York Goshen, 58a64e* which is a decline of 1 to’ 5c per lb. CAfcBAGBft-The almost daily arrivals ship, from the North has flooded tbs market with- this article and htiyecs are now very fastidious lhVu.° Wright & Co. Bio de Janeiro, Brazil. mted hr our Agent, JOHN 8. WRIGHT, General aal ComtnlssfoH JWrchwt, .. * ^A-tTG-pSTA, GA- , Holders of Monffiaadtae.wirtlng Cargoes and small lots supplied. Round and Square Timber Pnrchascd. Lumber dressed to order; RICHARDSON AT BARNARD, ' ctlt—tf Bay st, oppoelte Mariner’s Church. The fair AKKING INK.— Maufectured and tbr sale by DAVID H. GALLOWAY, blTthwki*