Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 27, 1865, Image 3

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LOCAL matters- 'our Marine and Commercial New., I Commercial and Marine Intelli- | ,..,„ee will hereafter be foand on our |fourth page- •' . .'.-..’V ' > . MISCELLANEOUS. From Kentucky. Fraud The Oak is now making excellent time i the liver, and under the carelul management From Augnita. Tbe s t e amer Oak, Capt. Marahall, from Augus- arr.ved yesterday, bringing orer 600 bales of COl'.OO ‘^ p t. Marshall is becoming one of the most i boats running to Augoata. We are in deed to Purser Hinman for the following re- I Passed steamer Two Boya at Silver Bluff; ,,,-ne Brandt at Doy Ferry : Falcon above I, nfions Landing; Miles Standishat Burtons I . -rr ; Union at Possom Eddy; Wm. G. Gib- I I-, below Sisters’ Ferry ; Scorpio at lower end I rj . , jcorpn listers’ Reach ; Amazon at Hickory Bend. "jhe steamer O. F. Potter. Capt. Cessar, also ar- ..^j from Augusta yesterday, with over 800 of cotton. The Express, Capt. Morgan, also from Augusta I ci 3ie in early yesterday. The river at Augusta was quite low, and falling . f ry fast. From Florida. The steamer Fannie, Captain McNetty, from Jacksonville Florida, arrived here yesterday jtsn early hour, and left again for Charleston, The Fannie is on the line from Charleston .Jacksonville and tou ches at this port going 1 mil returning, We are indebted to her oblig- 1 mg purser H. S. Butterfield for late Florida * papers. Our friend Butterfield, with his cheer ful and pmili ng face, appears to be as much at i home on board the Fannie as he was at the I Lid “Pavilion,” of whiah he was for many rears the popular host. The steamer Lizzie Baker also arrived yea- '■ terday morning from Florida. From New York. i The steamship Euterpe, Capt. Eldridge, 1 from Now York, arrived at this port early •| yesterday morning. I The Weybossett, Capt. Parish, also from | New York, arrived yesterday. Both these vessels bring very heavy freights ,1 and a large number of passengers. Sailing of Steamsklps, The steamships San Salvador, Captain At kins; America, Lindt; Leo, Mirrill; and Hiram Livingston, Baker, all for New York left this port en Saturday last, with good car goes and quite a number of passengers. Estills’ New. Depot. We are indebted to this institution for full files of New York papers to the latest dates, snd also for a copy of Madame Damorcst’s ‘ Mirror of Fashion” for December, containing all tbe latest modes and a diagram illustrating the -ume. This establishment is always sup plied with the latest daily and pictorial papers of New York and the various popular maga- in the Quartermaster’s ] Department RAILROAD r NOTICE8. SHIPPING, a! . Louisville, Nor. 35. Frauds have been discovered in the Quartet master’s Department in this plaice to the amonnt ot one hundred thousand dollars. ^TO RENT. V drant and large Yard; pleasantly situated in a central location; can he had, with or without board. In a small, respectable family where there are no children. Als<s two Single Rooms for Gentlemen of good bahite, with good board. Inquire at No. ISO South Broad, between Jefferson and Montgomery streets.nov 25—3 Offices to Rent. ESIRABLG Offices to Rent over store comer Bav and Barnard streets, Enquire of n0 yl4 I.jlROCIIE, GADEN & ONCKLBS. D HoiTse to Rent. T HE greater portion of the House No. 11, Gordon Block, to rent. Enquire on the premises. Re ference given and required. 6 nov23 JBarber Shop for Rent, A IjOAVEK Room in the Screven House will be rented to a good tenant for one »r more years as a Barber Shop for that Hotel and the public. nov24—2t BRYAN, PARTRIDGE A CO. Notice. Steamship Chase. C ONSIGNEES or owners of Goods per steam ship Chase on voyage from New York, October 21st, 1865, will please present copies of Invoices, also Claims, for short deliveries and deductions for damages, if any, to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of December next, for the purpose of making the adjustment of the general average. HUNTEH A GAMMELL. nov24—15D Dissolution of Partnership. T HE firm of DUNBAR A FRANZ is this day dis solved by mutual consent, by the withdrawal of Mr. Thomas J. Dunbar, The business will hereafter be continued by PETER DUNBAR and JOHN FRANZ, under the name and style of DUNBAR A FRANZ, at their old place of business, who will col lect and pay all demands of the late firm of DUNBAR A FRANZ. Hilton Head, Nov. 1,1865.nov4—tf mUE undersigned have A under the name and SMITH <Ss CO„ tor the transaction of a Wholesale Grocery and Commission Business in this City, at the head of Bay street, opposite Jefferson. D. T. SCRANTON, Formerly Scranton A Johnston. WM. H. SMITH, Formerly Rabun & Smith. J. L. LARGE. Savannah, Nov. 14th, 1865. novl5—lm OF GOVERNMENT STEAMERS Chiei Qcaetebmastee’s priwt Dkit. 8. O Hilton Head.S. 0.. November 13, If Will be sold at public Auction, at this place, on MONDAY. December 11,1805. under the direction of Captain W. & Morford, A. Q. M., the following Gov ernment vessels, viz. Nelly Baker, side-wheel steamer; 293 tons; wooden null; length on deck 153 feet; beam 25 feet 6 inches; over all 45 feet: depth of hold S feet 0 inches; draft 5 feet 10 inches ; has one beam engine ; diame ter of cylinder 32 inches; stroke of piston 10 feet; has one single return flue boiler. ' Has saloon accommodations, full promenade decks, and is well found in chains, anchors, Ac. Neptune, side-wheel steamer: 3«2 tons; wooden hull; length on deck 141.teet: beam 26 feet 5 inches; over all 45 feet 2 inches; depth of hold lo feet 10 in ches; draft! feet; half one beam engine; diameter of 2 'Under 42 Inches; stroke of piston 3 feet; has one ngle return fine boiler. This steamer lias full promenade deck, fore and af t, and is a good freight or cattle carrier. Oneota, donble-end side-wheel ferry boat; wood en nnU: 345 tons; length on deck 147 feet: beam 25 feet; over all 65 feet 6 inches; depth of hold 11 feet; draft 7 feet; has one beam engine; diameter of cylin der 36 inches; stroke of piston 0 feet; has one double return flue boiler. This steamer has recently been repaired, and is in excellent order and weU found in anchors, chains, Ac. Croton, side-wheel steamer; 361 tons; wooden hnil; length on deck 1ST feet; beam 26 feet; over all 43 feet 9 inches; depth of hold S feet; draft 6 feet; has one square engine; diameter of cylinder 37 in ches ; stroke of piston 10 feet; has one double return fine boiler. This Bteamer has been thoroughly repaired, has saloon and st»te room accommodations, is well sup plied with anchors, chains, Ac., and is very fast. Golden Gate, side-wheel steamer; 195 tons: wooden hull; length on deck 143 feet; beam 21 feet; over all 35 feet 10 inches; depth of hold 6 feet 4 in ches ; draft 5 feet 5 inches, has one beam engine; diameter of cylinder 34 inches; stroke of piston 6 feet; has one horizontal tnbular boiler y This steamer is in fine order; has saloon accommo dations, and is well found in anchors, chains, Ac. Nantasket, side-wheel steamer; 299 tons; w'oodenhnll; length on deck 156 feet; beam 25 feet 3 inches; over all 42 feet; depth of holds feet 3 inches; draft 5 feet 6 inches; has one beam engine; diameter of cylinder 34 inches; stroke of piston 8 feet; has one single return flue boiler, andisweU found in anchors, chains, Ac \ Macon, propeller, with two screws, 322 tous; wooden hull; length on deck 156 feet; beam 25 feet; depth of hold 8 feet 8 inches; draft 7 feet; has two direct horizontal engines fcondenslng:) diameter of cylinder 24 inches; stroke of piston 26 inches; has two’single return fine boilers. Relief, screw tag; 68 tons; wooden hull; length on deck 67feet; beam 17 feet; depth of hold 7 feet; draft 7 feet It) inches; has one high-pressure engine; diameter of cylinder 20 inches; strok- of piston 26 in ches ; has one single return flue boiler, and is well found in anchors, chains, Ac. Rescue, screw tng; 203 tons : wooden hull ; length on deck 10S feet; Deam 20 feet 8 inches; depth of hold 12 feet; draft 11 feet 4 inches; has two low- pressure engines; diameter of cyUnder 26 inches ; has one single return line boiler. This vessel is a powerful tug; is in good condition, and well found in anchors, chains. Ac General Hunter,, side-wheel steamer of 460 tons; wooden hull; length on deck 193 feet 6 inches; beam 28 feet 6 inches : over ail50feet8 inches; depth Central Railroad. Ft® BOSTON. [Boston and Savannah 5nr Superintendent!* OitUsyi, \ fis i i 1 1) i nil Gs, Nov. ISth, 1865./ y, 22d instant, s daily train I Central Railroad, and Waynesboro 1 , on Us Augusta and Savannah Railroad. - Passengers by this line will arrnre in Augusta the next morning after leaving Savannah, In time to connect'with the Georgia RaSroad^ train for Atlanta.— | Returning, arrive in Savannah at 3.45if, M. ‘it to go by passenger train mnstbr^prepaid and | GEo’w. ADAMsf* 01 '' Genera VSuperintendent. Superintendent’s Office, t Ob Savannah, Nov. 19th, lS65.f This Company is now, in connection with W. J. Di-kerson A Co.’s Wagons, prepared to receive and forward to Augneta, Macon, Atlanta Ac., daily, from Twenty to Thirty Thousand Pounds of Freight, and go through in from three to five days. Ship Freight and other expenses must be paid by *^Uroad Freight can be paid here or at destination. Freights on Perishable Goods must be prepaid. Rates to August*, until further notice, will be, per | foot 50 cents; per 100 lbs., $2 50. Fy order of GEO. W. ADAMS, nov20 GeneralSogerintendenh Freight to Augusta AND POINTS BEYOND! W E are prepared to receive Goods in »our ware- hc ‘ ' " ’ " iragi to be forwarded by the light draft steamers ight draft steamers Merry and Falcon, and others about to be put on the line. Apply to the Agents, sep2i tf C. L. COLBY 4 CO. Scranton, ^mitla &Co. i grocers & Commission Merchants, W OULD be happy to see their former patrons and friends, and tbe public generally, at their rtore at the head of Bay street, opposite Jefferson, where they will at all times be happy to serve them. novlS—lm Copartnership Notice ave formed a copartnership I D “ m J 8 “ et , 0 " c T : ‘TVJ 10 " 1 "?* Arties; neptn „tvi„ si'ranton I of hold 9 feet 4 inches; draft forward 5 feet, aft 5 feet transactionofa'wholesale I «inches; has one bean, engine: diameter of cylinder 40 inches; stroke of p H ton 1 o feet. Dl Mail Contracts This steamer was built in New York, and completed in 1863; is a vessel of beautiful model and high rate of speed, with hull, engine and boiler as good as new. Terms cash in government funds. C. W. THOMAS, nov21—td Bvt- Lt. Col. and Chief Q. M. XT OTICE,—A young man, who has been in the iv RetailDry Goods and Yankee Notions business in the South for a number of years, is about to go North, and being thoroughly conversant with all re quirements in that line,and also well posted in the New York markets, desires to act as agent or buyer for one or more houses at Hilton Head or Savannah. Refer ences unexceptionable. Address -f, M„ Box 14, Hilton Head Postoffice. nov 25—2 “HOUSEHOLD BLESSINGS’ The Steamer Annie. The steamer Annie, which arrived at this port some time since from Darien, in a dis abled condition, and was run ashore on Fig Maud, opposite the lower end of the city, has been raised by Capt. Conkling, and was towed to the lon er Eastern wharf on Friday last. Uurial of a Fireman. Mr. A. Cordes, whose murder we noticed on Saturday, was buried yesterday, at Laurel Grove Cemetery. His remain were attended to their last resting place* by the Germania Fire Company,, of which he was a rained member, and a large concourse of friends.— The solemn music on the occasion was fur- nished hv Richter’s band. Election Returne. The following returns have been furnished us trom Lowndes county : For Gov ernor. ; Jenk ' Coben ilopki Stiles a For Comjress. ins 8 241 .170 7 24 Art Publication. Me have received from L. Prany, Art Pub- t lis'aer, 159 Washington street, Boston, a aeries of \ cards representing scenes from the WhitsWdonn I tains of New Hampshire, theMagio Card, Swap- 1 ping Hans, Ac., Ao. These varions cards form B >n interesting series foy the study of the juvenile B members of one’s family. Daring Robbery. While the occupants of a house on York ■ *treet, near Jefferson, were convening in the B back parlor, about 7 o'clock on Saturday eve- B mug, the ball was entered and all the hats and I shawls hanging on tbe bat stand carried of)'. I Housekeepers should look well to their street ■ doors. jyOTICE VI ad am c Stephanie Ber- tnslc. Address to this office. nov 25—2 THE CELEBRATED PATENT UNION WASHINC MACHINE Admitted to be the best in the World. nard, a graduate of one of the first Seminaries I Tp j v»ot 1 70 pH ills A Wfl T H Pfl in of Europe, with several years experience, wishes to A iraL j rj . -dlCAltllB AWdlUCU 1U ive lessons in the afternoon in French, German and | EllFOpB flllu America. Washes perfectly without soaking, nibbing or boii- | THE PATENT UNION WRINGER, With Cog Wheels and solid white rubber Rolls—the best and most durable made. These Machines were invented by a native of Ar kansaa, and arc the same so highly spoken of by Con federate officers, who used them in Johnson's Island Prison. J. WARD & CO., 4o7 BROADWAY, XKW YORK. VAN NAME k CO., Western Agents, Chicago, St. Louis and Cincinnati. nov22—lot N OTICE—We have this day associated with u* Mr. R. J. LAKCOMBE, under the firm of CUN NINGHAM, PURSE A CO. CUNNINGHAM A PURSE. Savannah, Ga., Nov. luth, 1865. nov!4—15t ■\T OTICE .—I have this day associated with me Mr. IV G. W. Chapin, under the firm name of Chipman le-Establishmentof Mail Facilities I in Georgia. T HE Post Office Department desires to furnish the State of Georgia with Postal service, at the earliest practicable day, until July 1st, 1866, when the regular contract proposals which are now advertised for, * will go into effect. The Department invites proposals for conveying the I mails until June 20,1866, to all country seats uud other Important points not reached by Railroad communica tion. at rates not to exceed $S per mile per annum for weekly service; $15 for serai-weekly, and $21 for tri weekly ; and where the importance of the case re quires, $40 for daily service; counting the distance one way in all cases. > Service will be furnished on routes, where, before the war, it was daily, three times a week; where it was tri-weekiy twice a week; and where it was semi- weekly, weekly service will be allowed. Proposals should be addressed to "Hon. Geo. W. McLellan, 2d Assl P. M.. Washington, D. C , and should state they arc for service to end June 2d, 1866. novl5 tf A Chapin. Savannah, Ga., Nov. 24, 1865, E. B. CHIPMAN. nov 25—3 - 1STOTICE. F erry wharf wood yard.-ah | orders for Wood to the above Y'ard will be sent to R. W. Miller, in charge at the Wharf, accompanied | by the cart to insure attention. F. M. MYRELL. nov24 tf Piano Timing. P ROF. A. STARK will promptly attend to all I orders for repairing and tuning IManos left at J. C. Schreiner’s Music Store. Will also give Lessons on | Guitar. - nov23 Strasburger & Nuhn, IMPORTERSOF GERMAN, TRENCH AND ENGLISH CHINA&FANCY GOODS! BEDS, MASKS, ACCORDEONS, Ac. 65 M AIDEN LANK, . Corner William Street, A K1V YORK Invite the attention of buyers, offering them the I largest assortment of .Goods at the most reasonable Kerosene Oil, IN BARRELS, AT Horatio Pitcher’s, Foot of Lincoln street, under the Bluff. LARDOIL, IN BARRELS, AT Horatio Pitcher’s, Foot of Lincoln street, under the Blnff. prices. novlO—eod2m Winter Strained WHALE OIL, IN BARRELS, AT * Horatio Pitcher’s, Foot of Lincoln street, under the Bluff- Raw and Boiled Itinseecl Oil, IN BARRELS, AT , Horatio Pitcher’s, nov 25 Fsot of Lincoln street, undef the Bluff. From Doctortown. The steamer Orient, Capt. Goldthwaite, arrived from Dootortown yesterday morning, making th# t-und trip to Doctortown and back in four days, vhich is decidedly the quiokest trip yei made. Congressional Election. Iho Hon. William Aiken has been elected from the Charleston District, to represent South ^Carolina in the Congress of the United State*. Thanks. Wn are indebted to Purser Parish, of the "’eybossett, and to Purser , 0 f the fieamship Euterpe, for late New York papers lD advance of the mail. WM. 8. KJLTOM, COMMISSION MERCHANT, | BOSTON, HASS., For the Purchase and Sale of All Kinds of | MERCHANDIZE. Refers to Joseph S. Fay, Esq., Boston; Nath’l God ; fiard, Esq., Boston; John A. Blanchard, Esq., Boston National Bank of N. America, Boston, eodum may2$ Daniel F. Tiemann & Co, | | COTTON AND WOOL HAND CARDS. No. 240,Pearl St., New Mprk, A MANUFACTURERS of Painte, White Lead, ] lvA Colors, Varnishes, and dealers in articles in this J line. Also, TIEMAXN’S SOLUBLE BLUE,fur Washing, , ANT. »CALIFORNIA VERMILLION,” Pale and Deep. Shonid be glad to Bee our old friends in the trade, or | hear from them at any time by mall. oct 18—3m Cooking Stoves WHITAKER STREET, COR. BROUGHTON LANE. Cooking stoves, Enameled and Tinned Hollow Ware, Bound Pots. Ovens, &c. sep4‘ 2aw J. G. THOMPSON A CO. UNITED STATES STEEL PEN WORKS FACTORY,' OAHDEN, N, J. GENUINE TEMORB. b 'pttrtnre of Steamships and Steamers FOB BOSTOK. Fl *imship Wm Tibbetts, Wednesday, November ®tb, at _ o'clock. FOB AUGUSTA. »m Wmer Q Gtbbops, every Saturday at 9 o'clock ^earner Oak, Wednesday, Nov 29, at 6 o’clock, p m. Gainer Gen Berry, Tuesday, Nov 28, atl o'clock. FOR CHABLB8TOB. It ^ Prazer, Tuesday morning, Nov 28, | FOB FALATKA, FLA. 10 o'S Helen Getty cver y Saturday morning at N.Y. DAILY NEWS 8ASGEAWT & co., Successors to John Whitteuiore & Co., New York, aDd John H. Whitiemore & Co., j HARDWARE & CARD MANUTAOTTJR’S, No. TO Beeman-st, N. Y. Sole successors to the WHITTEMORE “ PATENT SET,’’ and only manntacturers of the Genuine Whitiemore Cotton Cards. Dealers are cautioned against worthless imitations, oct 43 law6mo Ft. DR, J. A. CLOPTON, OF ESTERBROOK &. CO., STEEL PES JUJfi’FACniEERS, WARRitnusi? e \ No. 403 Arch ttaPhis^ " akehouse b > Pfo. 42 John s*„ N. Yorh. Samples and prices on application. Lota made to 1 Af AY be consult^ for a few days at the Pnlaski U ■ ’ ill House. He opeiates with perfeccl ! Huntsville, ^Vlabama MI58 CABBIE COBBINNE. LESTER, 01 KAICHEZ, HISS,, 6 i'fcg 1 prices ... order of any pattern or stamp required. . CAUTtON.—These Pens are gennine American manufacture, and eqnal in finish elasticity and finer ness of point to the best imported. They are, there- fere, sure to gain the confidence of the Americatppob* lie. The facsimile "of oar signature is sufficient se. eurity against foreign imitation. , R. ESTERBROOK A CO, ,7*?" ^/ or 841(5 w Refe!' by aU Stationers In the Unitea Statra. novIO-eodSm gTATE OF GEORGIA, Emanuel opeiates with perfecct success for Piles, Fistula, Tumors Ac. Special attention given to Diseases of Females. He guarantees perfect satisfaction in the most des perate cases of Piles. Refers to the most respectable gentlemen of the medical profession, upon whom he has operated in Georgia. . Ladies will be visited at their houses. Patients are not confined to their beds, and may return home imme diately after the operation. poy 24—4. oct26 , Bird, late of said Connty, deceased' JEANE K. BIRD. AdmiiistnSta ' JOHN H. KDKNF1 ELD, Administrator of Thomas J. Bird, deceased Sight Exchange ON • • ' . . mHE Cargo ol the Britiah Ship Hera A for sale,In lots to suit purchasers, by r^TART.BS GREEN A SON, No. 12 Bay street, Stodard's Lower Range, npv 25—lw Steamship Line. Central Railroad. mHE new and superior steamship TVM. fiTlB- X BETTS. J S Cary, commander, will sail for the above port on WEDNESDAY', 29th Not., at— o'clock. For freight or p'sMge, apply to RICHARDSON A BARNARD, Bay st. opp. Mariners Church. nov21—tf CHANGE OF DAY. UNITED STATES HAIL LINE. For Palatka, Fla., VIA DARIEN, BRUNSWICK, ST, MARYS. FERNANDINA, JACKSON VILLE AND PICOLATA. A>i TOU 8ALE, FOB SALE TO WipdUp Ail Estate, - • , 51-2 Miles from Augusta, JNTAJNING DSC) One Hundred'^-* Acres, more or less. About^(hSinJ? I of It in valuable wood; a goodie*^. with <7J °>»e> and It) seven Scree seven Rooms, Stables, Carriage Farm Bandings. TO a party desiring a good health. ~, mf — Home, within 50 minutes' drive oU^ngit?^ 0 ^® place offers superior Inducements. ^ m aoove For fall particulars enquire of. CHAS. L. COLBY A CO nev7 '' cor. Abereorn and Bay stress. ,EOE SALE. 4^ TION SALES. BY BLCJI i YER. WHIbeAold TH1 DAY. Vrtfj Inst., at 10 beat of store: 10 bbla Grape Fruit "ZSTnSP** 15 bpxee Cheese. 10 pair Woo en Blankets 20 ptBoeaDeLatnes. 20 piece* Prints. 20 Store* fUnntl, 10 piece* fine French Merino. 1 lot Hortsrv tdoz. fins Slk BooneU. and an SHortoentor Dry Goods. : v ALSO Hot Hardware, and an extensive Of Household and Kitchen Furniture; and 2 Horses, In goad order. novtT-lt troHU. A NEAT and commodious CAttmHO* with Brick LTflRVA GRTUTfiTA out Houses on same lot, situated on Roberts 1 UluiNAlAs street. Robertavffle. will be sold if applied for at an early date. Price ^3,000. wtVK - T TO At Henry Waynes Stables, West Broad street. nov22 tf i "\NE splendid 4 or 6 Horse Wagon with Harness to S/v mi' orwarded by Light Draft Steamers. THE well known steamer, formerly the St Johns, but now the Helen Getty. Captain O. R. In graham, will leave the Wharf foot of West Broad street every SATURDAY MORNING, at 10 o’clock, A. M„ precisely, for the above Landings. For freight or passage, apply on board or to L. S. BENNETT, Agent, . cor. West Broad and Bay streets. AGENTS—Darien, A. A. DeLorme. Jacksonville, J. 8. Samis 3b Co. Palatka, H. R. Teasdale. Freight payable by shippers. octfS house, 'free of storage and covered by insurance, ‘ III For Palatka, Fla. VIA DARIEN, BRUNSWICK, ST. MA RYS, FERNANDINA, JACKSON VILLE AND PICOLATA, Connecting with steamer “Flora Temple” at 'St. Marys. Freight will be received for King’s Ferry, Centervillage, and all Land ings on tbe St. Mary’s River. THE new and fast steamer Fountain. Captain G. W. < aet> ,ner, will leave for the above places 'every TUESDAY MORNING, at 10 o’clock. For freight or passage, apply on board at Padel- ford’s whirl; near White's Central Press, or to M. A. COHEN, Agent Freight will be received every day daring the' week, at the warehouse, by WM. R. H. BRUEN, Freight payable on wharf. Shippers will furnsh weight and measnrement of goods. . tf ang24 F OR 8 ALE-500 Acres of Land—60 acre* open Land—suitable for Com and Cottpn—well Im proved and healthy; It la a very public place, and a food business has been done in merchandizing before he war; will be sold low. Apply next door to the comer of Charlton and Montgomery streets, Savan nah, Ga. nov9—3w REGULAR WEEKLY STEAMER 2 ^ TONS ENGLISH SHEET GOP* PER, manufactured expressly for the Southern mar ket, of usual thickness and weight Size of sheets as follows : 60x24, 60x28, 60x17, 60x9, 60x7, 36x2 Inches. Will be sold at a great bargain. Enquire of G. P. BRADFORD. 34S Broadway, N. Y. / . Or JOHN E. COWLBS, Corner Bull and Bay streets, oct IS—2mo L. C. NORVELL A CO. BETWEEN Augusta & Savannah TO MERCHANTS AND PERSONS DOING BUSINESS AT THE NORTH. W. S. Fancher, General Commission Merchant, P. 0.13ox 3045, 75 Pulton. Bt., X, Y., B UYER of Merchandize of every description—for | the trade—attends to the sale of Cotton, Rosin, Turpentine, &c. Mr. F. gives his persona! attention to the buying of I General Hardware, Carriages and Wagons of every de- [ scriptiou, Harnesses, Saddles, Dry Goods, Groceries, &c„ &c., for the trade. Goods furnished direct from Manufacturers at their I lowest 1*atcs. j Particular attention given to all consignments of I southern products. Speedy sales effected at best mar ket rates, and immediate returns made. Mr. F. feels confident, from this thorough acquaintance with the market in New York, in guaranteeing entire satisfac tion to every one entrusting business to him. Duplicate Invoices of manufacturers sent in all cases. Information in regard to market and prices of jroods given whenever desired. nov!4r--lm The new fast Iron steamer iWm.G-. Gibbons Capt. Thomas N. Pbilpot, having superior accommo dation for Freight and Passengers, will ply regularly between the above cities— Leaving Savannah every Saturday morning at 9 o'clock Leaving Augusta every Wednesday mom ng at 7 o'clock Laying at Mathew's Bluff every Wednesday night. It is the deairc of the Agents of the Gibbons to make her & PERUAVEYT ACCO.UMODATIOS BOAT • for the merchants of Augusta and Savannah, and the Planters along the line of the River, and with this object in view, no effort will tie spared on the part of her Owners, Agents or officers to meet the wants of the Traveling and Freighting public. ERWIN & HARDEE. JNO. L. ROUMILLAT, Agt. Cm Wharf. novl3—lm P ARTNER W A N TE D-TO TAKE INTEREST AND CHIEF CffARGE of a No. 1 GROCERY AND VARIETY STORE, now in progress, to be opened at a popular point in this city. Commission, receiving and forward ng, and gen eral agency will also be attended to. Gentlemen with capital, fifbut small ) some influence abroad, and of business habits, inclined to join in, will please to ad dress, giving all particulars, (which. In any event, will be considered strictly confidential,) “Partner," 406 P. O., for 3 days. P.S— A good Grocery Clerk will also be wanted. Application will be received as above. Box 206 P. O, nov 25—3 O VERSEER'S BERTH WANTED-By a man who can come highly recommended aa a planter of cotton and rice, and familiar with the man agement of negroes. None need apply unless willing to support strict discipline. Enquire at this Office. - novlS—2aw2w For Doctortown AND THOMASVILLE. THE steamers Gen- Shepler. Orient and Clarion wilfmake Tri-weekly trips to DOCTORTOWN, running in connection with the Atlan tic and Gulf Railroad, leaving Savaunab on TUES DAYS, THURSDAY and SUNDAYS, at 7 a. m. Through lreight payable by shippers at onr offics. Freight will be received dnring the week and stored if e: free of expense. nov91 apply to CHA-. I. COLBY 3b CO., cor. Bay and Aberoom sts. For Aogusta. E. H. YAN NESS & CO., GROCERS, SHIP (HANDLERS, AND ]ProcLvi.ce Dealers, Under Bluff, enrner Abereorn Street. SAVANNAH,OA- Orders from the Country, Private Families, Steamers I and - ailing, vessels, respecttully solicited. Produce oonght find sold on commission. 100 bbls. selected a pples, 100 bbls. Onions, • 100 bbls. Potatoes, 50 bbls. extra Floor, 50 bbls. Nos 1 and 2 Mackerel, 100 tuba extra Butter, 150 boxes extra Cheese, 500 kita Nos. 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel, . 50 hlf, bbls. Fulton Market Beef, 50 bit bbls. extra Family Pork. nov21 , A. RESCHER & CO., at 13 Barnard street, comer | of Congress street lane, beg to call attention to their THE steamer Amazon, Capt. R. Johnson, is now receiving freight for the above port at Dillon’s Wharf, and will have despatch. Parties desiriDg to ship Iron, Salt and any other heavy article in any quantity, can do so by this steamer without any fear of having their goods returned to them. , EKW1N * HARDEE, JOHN L. ROUMILLAT, Agent on Wharf nov23—tf For Augusta, The Steamer X’. 11. fXOObSKLL, receive freight on Monday, and leave with dis patch. For Freight engagements apply on board, ot "5 M. A. COHEN FINE Assortment of DRY GOODS, which they arc now offering at greatly reduced prices. Their. Stock of DRESS SILKS Are now opened for inspection, _and they invite the fadies of Savannah to call and examine them U. i# r Their leisure. We charge nothing for showing onr goods, and will take great pleasure in doing so. We have also received, a fresh supply of those DELAINES at * ' >' ' For Liverpool. The new first class clipper ship 1 VIRGINIA, Weeks, Commander, I Is now rapidly loading at Lower Press, and, having ' ^engagements, will have quick , despatch. or freight or passage, (taken * at lowest rates), ap- I ply to CHARLE L. COLBY & CO., . 1 octM—tf cor. Bay and abereorn streets. For Liverpool. THE A No. 1 ship MOUNT BLANC, is now rapidly loading at White's Press. For balance of freight, (having roohi only lor a few hundred bales,) enquire of iOCHE, GADEN A UNeKLBS, Agts. nov21 Chipman & Cha#ln, (Succesors to Marcy, Bay 3b Co.; 208 Bay Street, North Side, Between Barnard and Jefferson streets, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS ' ' AND STORAGE. YU HOIiESAXE and Retail Dealers • in Wood, vv-Coal and Grain, Hay, Com, Oats And Seed, f quantities to suit customere, at the lowest -mark- PER Y A It D . |Hf ™ 35 CENTS* Which rannutbe surpassed in this city; also a new stock of those fine CALICOES, which we am selling at 25 cents (From Dispensatory of the I BUOHTJ LEAVES. PROPERTIES. For Sale, match, novlt-tf Enquire at WAYNE'S STABLE 9 , cor York and West Broad sts. I ~ For Sale. t U FIRKINS Choice Buttfer. A O CHAS. L. COLBY A CO., novl4-tf cor, abercafn and Bay streets. Notice. For Sale. WANTS. WANTED, ‘ OWNERS FOR TWENTY (20) BALES Upland Cotton. Picked up in the Savannah River, by Howard's Fiats, If not Identified in-five (5} days will be sold at the re commendation of a Board of Survey, for account ol all concerned. CUNNINGHAM, PURSE A CO. nov22 ' , . . -4 -■ FIRST CLASS BOARD WANTED, rtOR two single gentlemen in a private family re*i- JC ding near Bay street, where there are no other boarders. Unexceptionable references given. Ad- MOB dress, with terms, nov2:>—6t ifOBILE, At this Office. WANTED B Y a party of respectability and position, a Parlor and Two Bedrooms adjoining, furnished well with privilege of .cooking; or Board in a desirable family for two adults and two children. Please ad dress “Boarding,” office of this Paper, stating terms, Ac.. Ac. - novH—tf WANTED •MIDDLING COTTON AND RIGE, N 'exchange for $15 to $40,000 of very desirable J Summer Dress Goods, Ac., comprising a most complete assortment of the choicest Traffics—N Old Stock. Apply to JOHN F. YOUNG, 7h North Fourth Street, Philadelphia. Reference—DeWitt A Morgan, Savannah. Philadelphia Reference-M. L. HaUowell A Co., or Wood. Marsh A Haywood. oct30 Cotton Plantation WANTED. TUANTED to hire a Small Cotton Finn* V V ’ tatlon, embracing from 300 to SOU Acres. Address J. A R., Office, stating Terms and Location, novl icing f imp Savannah National Republican A DAY! Agents wanted to sell a new and wonderful SEWING MACHINE, the only cheap one licensed. Address SHAW A CLARK, Blddeford, Maine, seplfi ' 3m A Ml for six ont. Address O. T. GAREY, 1 Maine. 3m 'H1 Agents wanted indy new articles, just ldlng, Blddeford, seplS SHICT F£M LE SCHOOL T HE Undersigned having rented the school bntld ing on tbe coroqr of Charlton and Drayton streets would respectfally announce to tbe public that he, as sisted by Mrs. Alethea S. Burroughs, will open a Select Female School in said building on the first Monday in October. «. Tuition per Term of Three Months, one half payable the middle of each quarter, ad follows : . „ P^orDepartncnt, p^qnarter....,.-**1 £ diffusive, sad wawwix are malic, their tastes bitterish, and analogous to mint Medical Properties and Uses. '"•"borcsia, when arcnmstancet favor im» They arc given in complaints of the Cr' anch as Gravel Chronic Catarrh of tbs 1 bid Irritation of the Bladder and Umbra. ' „ the Prostrate and Retention or Incoctiaetfeairf rirtnA from s loss of tone in tbe parts rouearned n, rnation. The remedy haa also been — Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatism, tlons, and Dropsy. Helmbold’g Extract Buehu la used by persons from the anas of U to 2*; tad from 35 to 86, or in the decline o- change of llfa ; altar c* finement or Labor Pains i Bed-wetting in children. In Affections Peculiar to Feaales, The Extract Bnehn la nnsqoalsd byany other i M Jn Chlorosis or Retention, Irregnlarlty, L ness or Suppression of Customary £vacn» tions, L’loara- ted or Scmrrns state of the Uterus. Lencorrhss or Whites. DISEASES OF TEE BLADDER. XIDKET9, 0RATXL AND DE0P8KAL 8WE1UNG3. This medicine tncreaaes the power of Dtceatioti, and excites the Absorbents Into bmlrby action, bv which the Watery or (Jalcaro.ns depositions, and ail Unna tural Enlargements are reduced, aa well as Fain and Inflammations * Helmbohl's Extract Bocha Has cured every cose of Otfnbnten In which It haa been ginn. Irritation of the ,%eck ol the Bladder and Inflammation of Ibe Kldnevs, Clo ration of the gL *- ■ys and Bladder, Retention of lb foe i In ares of the ostrate Gland. Stone in tho Bladder, Caleutu-sGravuL Brick du-t Deposit, and Mncna or Milky Martmrmn, and for Enfeebled and Deili-ale < onatlranona. of both 8eges, attended with tbe following aymptoaaa s -In- disposition to Exertion. Loss of Power, Lues of Mem ory, Difficulty of Breathirg. Weak Nerves, ’) rrmhJaA, Horror of Disease, Wake nines#. Dimness of Vbom Pain in the Back, Hot Hands, r Inerting sf the Body, Dryness or the - kin, J-.ruption on the Face. Pallid Countenance, Universal Lassitude of tbe Mnacalar System, Ac. Helmbold’s Extract Bncbu is Diuretic . and Blood-Purifying, And cure* all Diseases arising from Habit* of tHntne. tion. Excesses and Imprud nee* In lit- Import ties of the Blood, Ac., superseding . opelhe In aflbe- tion* for which it is nrrd, anch a* Gonor rhoea, Gleets, of long standing, and Syphilitic Affections with Helm* v bold's Rose Wash. - SOLD AT HELMBDIJpg Drug aud Chemical Warehouse, . ‘ , 304 BI10ADWAT.7 And by Druggists everywhere, - ASK FOR ... - HELMBOLD’S TAKE NO OTHER. Beware of Cemntorffeito. novll—lm • TOBACCO FOR mo OMOlWGMBM 1 *800 Boxes Ping, assorted brand*. Pa’er* > Poui>d * FI|M Cm Smoking lm . £doo Pouhdt Small, assorted brands, with a geueral assortment, of roccrk-s. The Tobacco aud Snufl’ not being subject to Govern ment Tax, can now be sold to tbe trade at l«s »*>«« New York prices; We are agents for the sale of . • George Page It Co.’s Engines and Circular, Portable and stationary Bav Sills, . Son: novll—lm ins of which will be famished YONGS A ( b frSoN, INDIAN 8TKEET FOUNDRY. kinds of . Mill, Circular of Mlllwrtghting, smith Work done despatch. nov2 Casting v cnlar and on notice, with promptness ai ROuE, ARKWHIUHT* lO. Sow Mills; and aU , Steam Boat and done at stmt notice, with New Goods! Primary. , do. do. 18 00 JAMK8 8-' CiOtraY CQTTON GINS, STEAM ENGINES FOB ppv29 I U8T R Raw and Red, English New KD— ■ aeed OH, In barrels; Brandon , . . Turpentine, Furniture Var nish, Dry White Lead. Bine Paint, Prussian Blue, Sand ~~ etc., which wo keep, besides other Paints, Gro- Uqnomand Wines always on hand. K. KOETHUKE A CO, onr. Ray and Whitaner *t SALT. 'Insnaalp^ aep26 7. *00, Prime Fall and Winter Apples, P^kfaiSrffiY^dfeCornanBOats. Just received | und for tale low by S. G. HAYNES, BQvH~«Mttt 90 «td n Bay etn cor. Barnard, ana sacks DUU for sale by UOV24-—3t Salt in store, and JAfi.G. WATTS A CO., West side Market stja Winchester’s Soap and Oandles. J^ST^ecrived on consignment, an assorted lot by am* 8 BRADY, SMITH A IMP- CTTO BQV) MARRIAGE GUIDE- Youngs Great Physiological Work, of Everyone hie own Doctor—Being a Private Instructor for Married Persona or thosa about to Marry, both Male and Female, in every thing conceiving the phy siology and relations of on* Sexual System, and the Production or Prevention of Gffapring, including *1 the new discoveries never before given In the English language, by WM. YOUNG. * D- :to valuable and intereetlrg work, ltit WTlttoPin, plMn language for the general reader, and la Ulnstrated with upwards of one hundred engravings. AU young mar- tied people or thora contemplating nmiga, and hav- w&TleMt impediment to married Ufa, shonid read tbfs booklt dStiose* secrets that every one should tuts boo ‘- .- 1 f w)tb , still It la a book that must be no, and not Be about the house. It will be lent iFY»^^.ap^rpSS: udelphla- lawflm Yepn 1m yon in want> of fine printing l gntod w»bthex-ATzaz win or- irpa jast intro- doceiinBarknnahX Call at tlia BSPUBLIGAN 1 JOB PRINTING QFflGS. &A.W MIIiLS, And all kinds of Machinery cah be procured through the undersigned. SASHES AND BLINDS, Of every i the lowest Manit can lie obtained at 208 Bay street Augusta Constitutionalist »this office. THE American Bank Note Company, . t Wall street, c®r. mff WUllmm ot.,j ; :isrew York* GEORGE V. HATCH, Sheetings, Shirtings, " Osaabargs, Jeans, Kersaya, Cloths, Cmssi meres. Broad Cloths, Doeskins, Cloaking*, Sackings, Flannel*, Silks, Al pace as, Delaines, Mohairs, Plaids, ( hecks. Empress Cloths,' Marino*, Belts, Beltings, GENTS’ FURNI8HINQ GOOD* AT Wholesale and Retail. nov22 ./ I i? Rosisry, Gloves, Trimmings, Llnsn Collars, Paner Collars, Embroideries, Hoop. Skirls, Balmorals, Shawl., Cloaks, Nnbiaa, Worsted* Ribbcos, VelvetaT Hau, Fbathers, Home., Ornaments, ‘scuoeta, Swiss, and THOMSON’S NEW SKIRT Thomson's Trench Elastic loiine In th* World. The latest Ladies’ Crinoline, in WoridL «ntiw W. 8. ffiOMaOlf, LANOWW A0T, GLliE, SAB® PAPER,WHITE LEA WYll-41