Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 29, 1865, Image 3

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LOCAL MATTERS- narine and Commercial Sewi, Cominerciftl and Marine InteUi- will hereafter be found on our »m’t* urtli page. from >rBP e of Notwrloua Thieves ( balbam County Jail. jiifc Knight, George Knight, George Gold- Bill Wayne, John Middleton and Blige jvijn, six of the most notorious black thieves have ever been in Savannah, contrived, on I'.jjjy Dight last, to mako their escape from jjham County jail by means of false keys. , t ney procured the false key* is, up to the | a mystery. They had been in prison for . v weeks. The prisoner Tyson was concern- n : he late robbery of wine from the residence \| r . Solomon Cohen, of this city, and the prisoners were engaged in the robbery ■ welrv from the establishment of Mr. wf3 s. A party named Silverbill had been | -ncted of having received a quantity of the ■ . jewelry from the above named prison- B an J sent to Fort Pulaski to undergo two B;,;. imprisonment, with hard labor. He R... however, to be tried again yesterday Burning, and the prisoners already mentioned K er .j to be taken out of the jail as witnesses B. aia st him; but when their cells were visited I, the purpose of bringing them down to tbs Burt, it was found they had escaped, and a 3 tidings can be had of their whereabouts- I pH ESS GOODS. — Elegant patterns, [•tensive assortment and low prices. L e re ? At A. Rescher <fe Co’s, 13 Bar- L.rtl street. % From Augusta. ! n,e steamer Two Boys, from Augusta, ar- luil last evening. We are indebted to the Kr-er for late Augusta papers and the follow- 1; report : | November 25—Left Augusta at 4 p. m.; got I rotind on Gardner’s Bar; did not get off I-,! ti.i" a. m. on the morning of the 25th ; It , aground at Bug Bar at 11 a. m.; got off at I dock a. m. next morning; steamer Laura lyiei at 5 1-2 p. m., and steamer Wm. G. ■•plains at •> 1-2 p. m. November 27—Met learner Scorpio at Bug Bar; 8 a. m., passed learner brandish aground at Golfin’s Bar. ( .no her a tow off; 1 1-2 p. m., passed steamer Sion at McBean’s Beach; 4p.m., passed livnsan's flat at Long Reacts .50 p. m., Ij.,cd -.earner Amaion at Long Reach Bar ; f 1-2 p. m., met steamer Falcon tied up at title Handle, waiting for her rudders. No- fttuber 28, 7 a. m., passed st6amer Volunteer ft liner Creek; 10 a. m., passed Douglass’ flat to. 2 at Hudson’s Ferry; 11.10.a. m., passed learner Caldwell at Hudson’s Beach, with a oar in tow; 12m., passed steamer Express at i Nats of Goldwin’s Beach; 4 1-2 p. m., •sed steamer Helen at Big Ruber; 6 p. m., t -reamer Gen. Berry at Gum Stump; 6 1-2 t steamer Potter at Harlston. D ESIRABLE Offices to Kent oyer store comer For Rent T WO pleasant Rooms, famished, to let to wntle- mm Apply at this office. lw nov28 GRE A.T SALE Id BARNARD ST. Awl weighs on 4®"' sue perl> stock of dri gudes 4 whet aether. Sailing of Steamers. lire steamship Euterpe, Capt. Eldbridge, 1- lor New York this afternoon at 4 o’clock. li. Wilder, Agent. The sieamship Weybosset, Capt. Parish, ils lor New York at 4 o’clock this afternoon. Brigeam, Baldwin & Co,, Agents. 1 The steamer City Point, Talbot, for Palatka, SIat 1 o’clock this afternoon. I The steamer Lizzie Baker, Captain King, gr U 'C8 for Palatka, Ac., to-morrow morning at 5" o clock. Claghorn & Cunningham, Agents. H ihe steamer Two Boys, Capt. Daniels, for B 1 ctortown, leaves to-morrow morning at 7 R elink. Erwin & Hardee, Agents. B ' earner Uak, Capt. McCauley, will leave fer p ogusta at t! p. m , thi* day. OF Watches,Chains, Diamond Rings,&c. ONE MILLION DOLLARS' WORTS TO BE DISPOSED OF AT One Dollar Each.! Without Regard to Value 1 Not to be Paid for Until Yon Know What yon are to Receive! Splendid Gist of Articles! All to be Sold at One Dollar Each! 309 Musical Boxes $20 to $150 each 150 “ “with Bells* Castineta200 to 500 " 500 Silver Teapots and Coffee Urns. 20 to 50 « 500 •• Chafing-Dishes 30 to 100 “ 1000 “ lee Pitchers 20 to 50 “ 2500 “ Syrup Cups with Salvors.. 20 to 50 “ 5000 “ Goblets and Drinking ups 5 to 50 *• 3000 “ Castors 16 to 50 “ 2000 •* Fruit, Card and Cake Bas kets 20 to 50 “ 5000 Dobcn Silver Tea Spoons 10 to 20 doz. loooo “ “ Table “ & Forks. 20 to 40 •> 250 Gents' Gold Hunting-Case Watches. '. 50 to 150 each 250 Ladies' Gold and Enameled Htrnt- ing-case Watches 35 to 70 “ 50(| Geuts' Hunting-case Silver Watches t 35 to 70 “ 200 Diamond Rings 5oto 100 “ 5000 Gold Vest and Neck Chains 4 to 30 “ 3000 “ Oval Band Bracelets 4 to S “. 5000 Jet and Gold Bracelets 6 to 10 " 2000 Chatelaine Chains and Guard Chains 5 to 7000 Solitaire and Gold Brooches.... 4 to 5000 Coral, Opal and EmeraldBrooch's 4 to 5000 Mosiac, Jet, Lava and Floren tine Ear Drops 4 to 7500 Coral, Opal and Emerald Bar Drops 4 to 4000 California Diamond Breast-pins2.50 to 3000 Gold Fob and Vest Watch keys2.50 to 4000 Fob and Vest Ribbon-slides.... 3 to 5000 Sets solitaire Sleeve-buttons, Stads, Ac .'. 3 to 3000 Gold Thimbles, Pencils, Ac 4 to 10000 Miniaturtiockete 2.50 to 4000 '• “ Magic spring. 10 to 300uGold Toothpicks, Crosses, Ac... 2 to 5000 Plain Gold Kings... 4 to 5000 Chased “ 4 to 10000 Stone set and signet Rings 2.50 to 10000 California Diamond Kings 2 to 750o sets Ladies' Jewelry-Jet and Gold 5 to 6000 sets Ladies' Jewelry—Cameo, Pearl, Opal and other stones 4 to 15 “ 10000 Gold Pens, Silver Extension Holders and Pencils 4 to 10 “ 10000 Gold Pens and Gold Mounted Holders 6 to 10 “ 5000 Gold PeDS and Gold Extension Holders 15 to 25 “ 5000 Ladies'Gilt and Jet Buckles.... 5 to 15 *• 5000 •• '■ Hair Bare A Balls. 5 to lu “ AR RAND ALE tc CO., Manufacturers' Agents, No. 167 Broadway, New York, Announce that all of the above list of good* will be sold for One Dollar Each. In consequeuce of the great stagnation of trade in the manufacturing districts of England, through the war having cut of) the supply of cotton, a large quanti ty of Valuable Jewelry, originally intended for the English market, Iras been sent off for sale in tbi* coun try, and must be Sold at any Sacrifice!— Under these circumstances, ARRANDALE A CO., acting as agents for the principal European manufac turers, have resolved upon a CHEAT CIFT APPORTIONMENT, to be divided according to the following regulations: Certificates of the various articles are put into envelopes indiscriminately, sealed up, and when order ed, are taken out without regard to choice, and sent by mail, thus! showing no favoritism. On receipt of the certificate, yon will see what yon are to have, and then it is at your option to send the dollar and take the ar ticle or not. Purchasers may thus obtain a Gold Watch, Diamond RiDg, or any set of Jewelry on our list for One Dollar. Send 25 Cents for Certificate. In atl the transactions by mail, we shall charge for forwarding the ccrtiticMes, paying postage and doing the business, 25 cents each, which must be enclosed when the Certificate is sent for. Five certificates will be sent for $1, eleven lor $2, thirty for $5, sixty-five for $10, one hnndred for $15. 20 10 8 6 10 5 10 s 6 10 20 8 10 11 10 10 15 1.NGLISI1 CALICOES.—A large iu- [ 'ice opened to-day at TWENTY-FIVE f IN Is per yard. At A. RESCUER k CO’S, 13 Barnard Street, Arrival of the San Jacinto. The steamship San Jacinto, Captain Love- >r.J, arrived from New York yesterday. She ™?s a large number of passengers and a fair l he San Jacinto is the sister ship of the San ■alvador, and belongs to the Empire Line, lie i' a first class steamer, and is complete in ter appointments for the comfort and con- 'emenqjB of passengers. She formerly run be- J*een this port and* Boston under the name of j ; "e Ben DcFord. I ' ,r B. II. Hardee is the accommodating "■’•fit at tliis end of the line. Kl’NiRIE MERCHANTS, at 10 shun f vry won ! !! rite face. Dew u want Goods at cheap prices ? ' Yes sur ! " rite mi koove ! cum A long with ' t0 Rescher & Compan knee & tlier -wl r. liber-al-i-d. The Sloop Franklin. ' "tenlay the sloop Franklin, Capt. Buckley, ^ ed from New York, consigned to Messrs. * ;rl,n A Burke. She is a very hue vessel of ’"’niy-fire tons burthen, three years old, and i« -tended tor the coasting trade between Savan- £ *ii and all the porta this side of Florida. She ’ make regular trips, wind and weather per- r U! »g. We wish her owners much success, N hope that upon the return of the Franklin’ p shall be able to acknowledge the receipt ol a !- ’ntiiul supply of black fish and Florida Veni. K What lhe “Pres*” Say of It*. The Lafayette find.} Daily Courier, Mar. IS, 1805, says; “A better selected, more variod or fashionable assort ment of Jewelry cannot be found on the continent than Arrandale & Co. are now offering. Messrs. Arrandale & Co. occupy a high position in commercial circles as men entirely above the common trickery of trade. Their statements may be implicitly relied upon, both as to the character of their goods and the manner of dispo sal. Ladies especially, in all parts of the country, are realizing liaudeomc profits as agents, apd if any of onr fair readers desire to interest themselves in the enter prise, they may do so with perfect confidence. Grkat Gin Distribution.—A rare opportunity is offered for obtaining watches, chains, diamond rings, Silverware, etc., by Messrs. Arrandale & Co., at No. 167 Broadway. They have an immense stock of arti cles, varying in valne, and all are offered at one dollar each. The distribution is very fairly done-yon agree to take a certificate of a certain article, enclosed in an envelope, and are not required to pay your dollar nn- less vou are satisfied with the article, which will cer tainly be worth more than that amount, and may he $50 or $100, An excellent mode this of investing a dollar —Sunday Times, N. Y. < ity, Feb. 19, 1865. Messrs. Arrandale A Co. have long been personally known to us, and wc believe them to be every way worthy of public confidence.—N. Y, Scottish Ameri can Jour., June 11,1864 By Messrs. Arrandale & Co.’s arrangement, the ad vantages must be on the side of the enstomer, for he has evary thing to gain and nothing comparatively to lose. He knows what he will get for his dollar before hand, and lie need not send it if he is not satisfied.—N. Y. Daily News, Ang. 6,1S64. We know the firm in question to be very respectable and thoroughly worthy of pnblic confidence, and re commend our friends to read their advertisement.—N. Y Albion. Sepi. 3.1864. EurLov.MKNT rou Ladiks.—The most eligible and profitable employment we have heard of tor ladies is the sale of certificates for the Great Gift Distribution of Arrandale & Co. A lady of onr acquaintance has been very successful in this way, not only in filling her own puree, but also in doing a good turn to those to whom she sold the Certificates, as will be s6eu by onr adver tising columns. Gentlemen can also he thus engaged. —N. Y. Sunday Mercury, Aug. 14, 1S65. BAGENTS .—We want agents in every regiment, and in every town and county in the count-y, and those acting as such will be allowed 10 cents on every certificate ordered by them, provided their remittance amounts to one dollar, also other inducements which can he learned on|applicatioii. Agents vili;-collect25cta. tor every certificate, and remit 1G cents to ns either jn push or postage stamps. ARRANDALE A CO., nov27—4t 107 Broadway, New Yorlc. From New York. ^ Ike steamship Chase, Capt. Boath, from York, arrived at thi* port yesterday. The o&se bring* quite a number ef passenger* and heavy freight. We are indebted to her Pnr- ■ r for late New York papers. Cotton in New Orleans. he stock of Cotton on hand and on sbip- Afh at New Orleans on the loth instant, Runted to 124,825 bales. Middling was p 1 ^ & t 53 a 54 cents per Ibk From Charleston. - The steamer Rocidand, Captain Beaufort, ; M from Charleston last evening. We \ ' lndebted to her Capt Beapfort for favors. ; Shurfcena att 30 ots. very fc^er&CQ’*, IS Baniari’St, To all Interested in EDUCATION, Educational Bureau or School Institute for the South. * OBJECTS: »'d.Colleges, Academies, Schools and Fami- who seek well qualified Teachers. f5* re P reaen t Teachers who desire places. ToK P® 1 * 01118 information of good Schools^ _ 4th. " o sell, rent, or exchange Schnnl nmnprtiM ' r»th To furnish School Hooka and MateriaS^at pnb- fishers prices, thus saving the retail profit* ^ HENRY C. WAYNE, Director. For circular giving further infomia I tion'’addresUoim O. Ferrill, Secretary, Savannah, Ga ’ no^2s—tf Diano Tuning. C. Schreiners Goitar nov2U Liverpool Sack Salt. mBE Cargo of tta British Hup Herald Is offered X for sale, In lota to enlt purchasers, by CHARLES GREEN & SON, No. 18 B«r*traeli Stodard’aiowerBtojt, GOVERNMENT STEAMERS CULEI QcAETEKM VBTEr.'sOi rK'* 1>KV». S. C., 1 «. r Hilton Hcad,S. C., November 13,1S65. J Will Be sold at pnblic Anctiou, at thi« place, on MONDAY. December 11,1S65 under the direction of Captain W.E. Morford, A. Q. M- the following Gov ernment vessels, viz: Nolly Raker, side-wheel steamer; 293 tons; wooden hull; length on deck 163 feet; beam 25 feet 6 inches; over all 45 feet: depth of hold 8 feet 0 inches; draft 5 feet 10 inches : has one be&m engine ; diame ter oi cylinder 32 inches; stroke of piston 10 feet; has one single return fine boiler. Has saloon accommodations, full promenade decks, and is well found in chains, anchors, Ac. Neptune, side-wheel steamer; 362 tons: wooden hnll; length on deck 141 tect; beam 26 feet 5 inches; over all 45 feet 2 inches; depth of hold 10 feet 10 in ches : draft 7 feet; half one beam engine; diameter of S dinder 42 inches; stroke of piston 8 feet; has one ngle rctnm fine boiler. This steamer has full promenade deck. Aon: and af t, and is a good freight or cattle carried r en feet. . draft 7 feet; has one beam engine; diameter of cylin der 36 inches: stroke of piston 9 feet; has one double return flue boiler. This steamer lias recently been repaired, and is in excellent older and well found in anchors, chains, &c. Croton, side-wheel steamer; 361 tons: wooden hnll; length on deck 1S7 feet; beam 26 feet; over all 43 feet 9 inches ; depth of hold S feet; ‘ draft 6 feet; has one square cDginc; diameter of cylinder 37 in ches ; stroke of piston 10 feet; has one doable return flue boiler. This steamer has been thoroughly repaired, has saloon and sWe room accommodations, is well sup plied with anchors, chains, Ac., and is very fast. Golden Gate, side-wheel steamer: 195 tons; wooden hull; length on deck 14S feet; lieam 21 feet; over all 35 feet 10 inches; depth of hold 6 feet 4 in ches ; draft 5 feet 5 inches, has one beam engine; diameter of cylinder 34 inches; stroke of piston 6 feet; has one horizontal tubular boiler t- This steamer is in fine order; lias saloon accommo dations, and is well found in anchors, chains, Ac. Nantasket, side-wheel steamer; 299 tons; wooden hull; length on deck 156 feet; beam 25 feet 3 inches; over all 42 feet; depth of holds feet 3 inches; draft 5 feet 6 inches; has one beam engine; diameter of cylinder 94 inches; stroke of piston 8 feet; has one single return flue boiler, and is well found in anchors, chains, Ac Nacon, propeller, with two screws, 322 tons: wooden hnll: length on deck 156 feet; beam 25 feet; depth of hold 8 feet 8 inches; draft 7 feet; has two direct horizontal engines fcondensing ;j diameter of cylinder 24 inches; stroke of piston 26 inches; has two'single return fine boilers. Relief, screw tng: 68 tons; woodenhull; length on deck 67 feet; beam 17 feet; depth of hold 7 feet; draft 7 feet 10 inches; has one high-pressure engine; diameter of cylinder 20 inches; strok“ of piston 26 in ches ; has one single return flue boiler, and is well found in anchors, chains, Ac. Rescue, screw tng: 203 tons ; wooden hull; length on deck 108 feet; beam 20 feet S Inches; depth of hold 12 feet; draft 11 feet 4 iDches; has two low- pressure engines; diameter of cylinder 26 inches : has one single return flue boiler. This vessel is a powerful tug; is in good condition, and well found in anchors, chains, Ac General Hunter* side-wheel steamer of 460 tons; woodenhull; length on deck 193 ieht 6 inches; beam 28 feet 6 inches ; over all 50 feet 8 inches; depth of hold 9 feet 4 inches; draft forward 5 feet, aft 5 feet 6 inches; has one beam engine; diameter of cylinder 40 inches; stroke of p'ston lu feet. This steamer was built in New York, and completed in 1863 ; is a vessel ol beantifuj model and high rpte of speed, with hull, engine and boiler as good as new. Terms cash in government funds. . C. W. THOMAS, nov21—td Bvt. Lt- Col, and Chief y. M. Dry Goods. J UST purchased in New York, at greatly Reduced Prices, and the late t uction Sales ;— 300 pieces Calico, 25 to 30 cents. 200 pieces Bleached Shirting, 25 to 50 cents. 50 pieces Tweeds. Satinets and Cassimeres. House Keeping Dry Goods. 16u Handsome Dress Goods, at greatly reduced price*. 200 Grey Blankets. Cloaks and Shawls. Mourning Goods, Ac. Ac. For sale by J>eWitt ATIoryaii, no\27—lin 1J7 Congreft Street. Kerosene Oil, IN BARRELS. AT Horatio Pitcher’s, Foot of Lincoln street under the Bluff. LARD OIL, IN BARRELS, AT Horatio Pitcher’s, Foot of Lincoln street under the Bluff. Winter Strained WHALE OIU IN BARRELS, AT Horatio Pitcher’s, Foot of Lincoln struct under the Bluff- Haw and Boiled Linseed Oil, IN BARRELS, AT Horatio Pitcher’s, nov 25 Foot of Lincoln street under the Bluff. Notice. Steamship Chase. C ONSIGNEES or owners of Goods per steam ship Chase on voyage from New York, October 21st, 1865, will please present copies of Invoices, also Claims for short deliveries and deductions for damages, if any, to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of December next tor the purpose of making the adjustment of the general average. HUNTER A GAMMELL. nov24—15D T Dissolution of Partnership. HE Arm of DUNBAR A FRANK is this day dis solved by mutual consent by the withdrawal of Mr. Thomas J. Dunbar. The. business will hereafter ba continued by PETER DUNBAR and JOHN FRANZ, under the name and style of DUNBAR A FRANZ, at their old place of business, who will col- AFRAlJz y 111 demands of tbe kte firm of DUNBAR Hilton Head, Nov. 1, 1S65. nov4—tf Copartnership Notice. FliHE undersigned have formed a copartnership X under the name and style of eCHANTONj SMITH A CO., tor the transaction of a Wholesale Grocery and Commission Business in this City, at the head of Bay street opposite Jefferson. • D. T. SCRANTON, Formerly Scranton A Johnston. WM. H. SMITH, Formerly Rabun A Smith. J. L. LARGE. Savannah, Nov. 14th, 1S65. novl5—lm N OTICE—We have this dsy associated with us Mr. I{. J. LARCOMBE, under the firm of CUN NINGHAM, PURSE A CO. CUNNINGHAM A PURSE. Savannah, Ga., Nov. luth, 1865. nov!4—15t 1STotiee to Consignees. /CONSIGNEES per schr. Albert Thomas, \J from New York; are hereby notified that their goods are landing at Exchange Wharves. Adi goods not removed at sunset be will stored at consignee's ex- Dense and risk. CHAS. L. v OLBY A t O., Agents. nov27—It ' ' NOTION. DERBY WHARF WOOD YARD.—All JP orders for Wood to the above Yard will be sent to R. W. Miller, in charge at the Wharf, accompanied by the cart to insure attention. F. M. MYRELL. nov24 tf AJ OXICE—I have this day associated with me Mr. iV’ Chapin, under the firm rflune of Chipman « Chapin. o E. B. CHIPMAN. Savannah, Q»1 Nov. 24, 1865, nov 28-3 .P Beet8 ’ Tnrnlps, Lemons, ter. tewSbY* 11 * “^fog from steamer Hun- 0, L, GILBERT. Superintendent’s Office, \ Savannah, Ga * Nov. 18th, 1665./ fXK and after Wednesday, 2?d instant, a dally train l / will leave for Augusta at S.3o a. m., connecting with a line of Hacks running between HatfonNo. b, Central Railroad, and Waynesboro*, on the Augusta and Savannah Railroad. Passengers by tfaft line will arrive in Augusta the next morning after leaving Savannah, in time to connect with the Georgia Railroad train for Atlanta-— Returning, arrive in Savannah at 3.45 P. M. Freight to go by passenger train must be prepaid and be delivered half nonr before departure erf Train. By or der of GEO. W. ADAMS, nov20 General Superintendent Central Railroad. 29£3S_ bnpeiintemdenl’s Office, i BaTannah, Nov. ISth, 1865. j This Company is now, m connection with W. J. Dfekcreon A Co.’s Wagons, prepared to receive and forward to Augnsta, Macon, Atlanta, Ac., daily, from Twenty to Thirty Thousand Pounds of Freight, and go through in from three to tve day*. Ship Freight and other expenses must be paid by Shippers. Railroad Freight can be paid here or at destination. Freights on Perishable Goods must be prepaid. Rates to Augusta, until further notice, win be, per i„ $2 50. By order of GEO. W. ADAMS, General Superintendent, foot 50 cents; per 100 lbs.^$2 5ft nov20 Freight to Augusta AND POINTS BEYOND! Fiirwar-fd b) Mi;lit Draft Steamers. are prepared to receive Goods in our ware- irage and covered by 1 to be forwarded by the light draft steamers Berryand Falcon, and others shout to be put onthe-line. Apply to the Agents, scp2i tf C. I,. COLBY 4 CO. Scranton, Smith &€«., Cr rocers & ommission Merchants, W OULD he happy to sec their former patrons and friends, and the pnblic generally, at their .-tore at the head of Bsy street, opposite Jefferson, where they will at all times be happy to serve them, novlty—lm Mail Contracts Re-Establishment of Mail Facilities in Georgia. T HE Post Office Department desires to furnish tbe State of Georgia with Postal service, at the earliest practicable day. until July 1st, 1866, when the regular contract proposals which are now advertised for, will go into effect. The Department invites proposals for conveying the mails until June 20,1866, to all country seats and other important points not reached by Railroad communica tion. at rates not to exceed $2 per mile per annum for weekly service: $15 for semi-weekly, and $21 for til. weekly; and where the importance of the case re quires, $40 for daily service; counting the distance one way in all cases. Sen-ice will lie furnished on routes where, before the war, it was daily, three times a week; where it was tri-weekly twice a week; and where it was semi- weekly, weekly service will be allowed. Proposals should be addressed to "Hon. Geo. W. McLellan, 2d Asst. P. M.. Washington, D. C. and should state they are tor service to end June 2d, 1866. novl5 tf TO MERCH ANTS AND PERSONS DOING BUSINESS AT THE NORTH. W. S. Fancher, General Commission merchant, P. <>. 13ox 3045, 75 Fulton St., N. Y., B EYER of Merchandize of everv description—for the trade—attends to the sale of Cotton, Rosin, Turpentine, Ac. Mr. F. gives his personal attention to the buying of Genera! Hardware, Carriages aqfl Wagons of every de scription, Harnesses, Saddles, Dry Goods, Groceries, Ar„ Ac,, ti .r the trade. ' .. Goods furnished direct from Manufacturers at their lowest rates. Particular attention given to al! consignments of southern products. Speedy sales effected at best mar ket rates, imd immediate returns made. Mr. F. feels confident, from lliis thorough acquaintance with the market in New York, in guaranteeing entire satisfac- tionrfo every one entrusting business to him. Duplicate Invoices of manufacturers sent in all cases. Information in regard to market and prices of goods given whenever deairefl. uovl4—lm E, H. VAN NESS & CO,, GROCERS, SHIP CHANDLERS, AND l J r aril ice Dealers, Under Bluff, center Abercom Street, S A VAN X AH, GA. Orders from the Country, Private Famille*, Steamers and - ailing; vessels, respectfully solicited. Produce bought and sold on commission. 100 hbis. selected / pples, ion hbis. Onions, 100 bhls. Potatoes, 50 bbls. extra Flour, 50 bbls. Nos. 1 and 2 Mackerel, 100 tubs extra Batter, 150 boxes extra Cheese, 500 kits Nos. 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel, 50 hi/, bbls. Fulton Market Beck 80 hit bbls. extra Family Pork. nov21 A. RESCHER A CO., at 13 Barnard street, corner of Congress 6treet lane, beg to call attention to tbeir mm Assortment of DRY GOODS, which they are now offering at greatly reduced prices. Their Stock of DRESS SILKS Arc now opened for inspection, and they invite the ladies of Savannah to call and examine them AT Their leisure. We charge nothing for showing our goods, and will take great pleasure in doing ho. We have also received a fresh supply of those DELAINB8 35 CEUTS Which cannot he surpassed in this city; also a new stock of those line CALICOES, which we are selling at 25 cents ' * PER YARD. uov22 11'ST RECEIVED— •I Raw and Boiled Unseed Oil, in barrels; Brandon Red, English New Red, Turpentine, Furniture Var nish, Dry White Lead. Bine Paint, Prussian Bine,Sand Paper, etc., which we keep, besides other Paints, Gro- Liquors and Winee always on hand. B. KOKTHCKE A CO* cor. Bar and Whlhtaer of SALT. . AO SACKS Liverpool Salt in store, and for sale by JAS. G. WATTS A CO., nov24—3t West side Market square. FOR BOSTON, for sale "Boston and Savannah Steamship line. Winchester’s Soap and dandles. J^beAgenteT 4 00 ooniIgDJ “ eDt ’ u *6«orted lot by ang28. BRADY. SMITH A «X> ! QOBFUH. Mackerel and Herring, hmdtog^and - - — WiiMtUp An Estate. ■ WLUiBlE FIRM. 61-2 Ktlea from Anga** Underwriters’ feale ■Y BELL, WILLI A CHRISTIAN. IHI8 DAY,’WEDNESDAY, at 101-2*- ’-to k at theDook below Mill.**, Fohodry, wi 1 be sold vbt account of lodknrri'iq and ail mb- T he new and superior steamship WM.DOTB- BETTS, J S Cary, commander, will sail for tbe above port on WEDNESDAY 29th Nov., at 3 PM.J For freight or psesage, apply to HldHAKDsON A BARNARD, Bay at., opp. Mariners Church. novI1 —tf C-tlANOE OF DAY. UNITED STATES -RAIL LINE. For Palatka, Fla., VIA DARIEN, BRUNSWICK, ST. MARYS. EERNANDINA, JACKSON VILLE AND PICOLATA. THE well known steamer, formerly the St. Johns, but now the Helen Getty. Captain O. R. In, graham, will leave the Wharf foot of West Broad street every SATURDAY MORNING, at 10 o'clock, A. M„ precisely, for the above Landings. For freight or passage, apply on board or to L. S. BENNETT, Agent, cor. West Broad and Bay streets. AGENTS—Darien, A. A. DeLorme. Jacksonville, J. 8. Samis A Co. Palatka, H. R. Teasdale. Freight payable by shippers, oct25 For Palatka, Fla. VIA DARIEN, BRUNSWICK, ST. MA RYS, EERNANDINA, JACKSON VILLE AND PICOLATA. Connecting with steamer "Flora Temple” at r St. Marys. Freight will be received for King’s Ferry, Ceatervillage, and all Land ings on the St. Mary’s River. THE new and fast steamer Fountain, Captain G. W. Cast* ner, will leave for the above places every TUESDAY MORNING, —-——— at 10 o'clock. For freight or passage, apply on board at Padel- fbrd’s wharf near White's Central Press, or to _ M. A. COHEN, Agent. Freight will be received every day during the week, at the warehouse, by WM. R. H. BRUEN, Freight payable on wharf. Shippers will furnsh weight and measurement of goods. tf aug24 REGULAR WEEKLY STEAMER BETWEEN Augusta & Savannah The new fast Iron steamer A\ r m. G. Gibbons Capt. Thomas N. Philpot, having superior accommo dation for Freight and Passengers, will ply regularly between the above cities— Leaving Savannah every Saturday morning at 9 o'clock Leaving Angneta every Wednesday momfog at 7 o’clock Laying at Mathew's Bluff every Wednesday night. It is tbe desire <>f the Agents of the Gibbons to make her a PER.71AIEM AICOXUODATIOJ BOAT for tbe merchants of Augusta and Savannab, and the Planters along tbe line of tbe River, and with this object in view, no effort will be spared on the part of her Owners. 4 gents or Officers to meet the wants of the Traveling ana Freighting public. ERWIN A HARDEE. JNO. L. ROUM1LLAT, AgL on Wharf. novl3—lm For Doctortown AND THOMASYILLE. THE steamers Gen. ShepleTT Orient and Clarion will make Tri weekly trips to DOCTORTOWN, running in connection with the Atlan tic and Gulf Railroad, leaving Savannah on TUES DAYS, THURSDAY and SUNDAYS, at 7 a. m. Through freight payable by shippers at our office. Freight will he received during the week and stored free of expense. For freight or passage, apply to CHA-. L COLBY A CO., nov21 tf cor. Bay and Abercorn ots. For Doctortown. THE new Iron side-wheel steamer Two Boys, Capt. Ttaos. Daniel!, will leave Dillon's Wharf for the above place on THURSDAY MORNING, 30th lost., at 7 o'clock precisely. For fre'glit or passage (having elegant accommoda tions for 50 persons) apply to • ERWIN A HARDEE. JOHN L. ROUM1LLAT, Agent at Wharf. nov2S—3t For Augusta, ’ The Steamer V. 11. GOOD8ELI, will receive freight on Monday, and leave with dis patch. For Freight engagements apply on board, or to nov 26 M. A. COHEN. For Liverpool,' orfU/jk The new first class clipper ship VIRGINIA, Weeks, Commander, Is now rapidly loading at Lower Press, and, having ' ^engagements, will have quick despatch. or freight or passage, (taken at lowest rates), ap ply to CHARGE * L. COLBY A CO., oct‘23—tf cor. Bay and Abercom street*. For Liverpool. THE A No. 1 ship MOUNT BLANC* is now rapidly loading at White’s Press. For balance of freight, (having ”room only lor a tew hundred bales,) enquire of UKOCHE, GADES A UNCKLES, Agts. uovSl B. J. Beck & Co, No. 9 Pine Street, New York, Manufacturing Stationers Job Printers and Lithographers Wholesale & Retail Dealers in First Otess OFFICE FIXTURES. C ONSTANTLY on hand a splendid assortment of Foreign and Domestic Letter and Note Paper, Envelopes of every size and quality. Certif cates of Stocks, Bopds, Checks. Notes, Drafts, fills of Exchange, Bill Heads Cards, Ac., tastefnlly executed. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention, at lowest cash prices. CHA8. NEWBOUGH, novl—eodly B. J. BECK. l«JS American Bauk Note (ompaay, j . • ^ r Wall street, cor. of Willinm »t.,) York. GEORGE W. HATCH, c - ZANDT, President. Secretary. TNNGRAVES and Prints Stool Plates, for Bank E NoteT^dssnd conp^*. Certificates of Stock and Deposit Drafts, Bills of Exchange, Postage Stamps, Ac, . nuvtS lOO Styles »f POtKfT BOSKS s SATCHEL*. ■*( IwilViftDel^ctahto; fSTOStManv novT eats. re enquire of • CHAS. U COLBY A CO. ear. Abercorn and Bay streets. TWENTY-FIVE LARGE no»S8—ft FOR SALE AT SADLER’S STABLES. Ranging ant Raw Tiftber Land FOR SALE. TJ8IVE Thousand Five Hundred (5,600) Acres of I* elegant Timbered Land for Sale—situated on a navigable creek which empties into Savannah River.— There is a fine MiH Seat on the creek, and neatly all the Machinery for a Circular Saw and two Grist Mills. Terras cash. Apply to E. C. WADE A CO. nov28—3t FOR SALE* A NEAT and commodktue Cottage, with Brick out Houses on same lot, sitnated on Roberts street. Rnbertsviile. will be sold if applied for at an early date. .Price $3,000. Apply to Z. M. WINKLER, At Henry Wayne’s Stables, West Broad street. nov22 tf i. 75 HHDS. Balthnure Bacun Sides A Shoulders, 50 tubs Goehen Butter, 30 kegs New York State Butter, by WEST, BRYAN A CO., nov27—3t Jones’ Block. For Sale, O NE splendid 4 or 6 Horae Wagon with Harness to match. Enquire at HENRY WAYNE’S. STABLE®, novl6~tf cor York and West Broad st*. For Sale. 1 U FIRKINS choice Butter. 15 CHAS. L. COLBY A CO., uovH-tl cor. a bercorn and Bay streets. Notice. F 'OR BALE—600 Acres of Land—60 acres Land—suitable for Com and Cotton—well proved and healthy; it is a very public place, and a good business ha* been done in merchandizing before the war; will be sold low. Apply next door to the corner of Charlton and Montgomery streets, Savan nab, Ga. nov9—3w For Sale. O TONS ENGLISH SHEET COP- -x- - PER, manufactured expressly for the Southern mar ket, of usual thickness and weight. Size of sheets as follows : 60x24, 60x28, 60x17, 6ux9, 60x7, 36x2 inches. Will be sold at a great bargain. Enquire of G. P. BRADFORD. 348 Broadway, N. Y. Or JOHN E. COWLES, Comer Bull and Bay streets. WANTS. P ARTNER HASTE D-TO TAKE INTEREST AND CHIEF CHARGE of a No. 1 GROCERY AND VARIETY STORE, now in progress, to be opened at a popular point in this city. Commission, receiving andabrwsrd'ng, and gen eral agency will also be attended to. Gentlemen with capital, (if but small ) some influence abroad, and of businees habits, inclined to join in, will piesBe to ad dress,, giving all particulars, (which, in any event, will be considered strictly confidential,) “Partner,” 2o« P. O., for3 days. P.S.—A good Grocery Clerk will also be wanted. Application will be received as above. Box 206 P. O. , nov 25—3 WA-ISrTED, . OWNERS FOR TWENTY (20) BALES Upland Cotton. Picked up in the Savannah River, by Howard's Flat*, If not identified In five (5) days will be sold at the re commendation of a Board of Survey, for account of ail concerned. CUNNINGHAM. PURSE A CO. nov22 WANTED B y a party vf respectability and position, a Parlor and Two Bedrooms adjoining, furnished weil with privilege of cooking; or Board in a desirable family for two adults and two children. Please ad dress “Boarding," office of thi* Paper, stating terms, Ac., Ac. novl4—tf WANTED MIDDLING COTTON AND RICE, I N ’exchange for $15 to $20,000 of veiy desirable Summer Dress Goods, Ac., comprising a most complete assortment of tbe choicest frabice—No Old stock. Apply to JOHN F. YOUNG, 7o North Fourth street, Philadelphia. Reference—DeWitt A Morgan, Savannah. PhiladelphlaReferenec—M. L. Halioweli A Co., or Wood. Marsh A Haywood. oct30 Cotton Plantation •wanted. Office, stating Terms and Location, novl MACHINE; SHAW A CL seplS A DAY I Agent* wanted to „ sdi a new and wonderful SEWING tailv cheap one licensed. Addreae - .—i Maine. 3m A MONTH I Agents wanted for ris entirely mm articles, just ont Address O. T. G4REY, City Building, Biddeford, Maine.»epl5 SELECT FEMALE SCHOOL rflJHE undersigned having rented the school Build A big on tbe comer of Cnaritod and Drayton streets would respectfully announce to tbe pnbtfc that he, as- skied by Mrs. Alethea 8. Burroughs, will open a Select Female School In said building on the lint Monday in October. Tuition per Term of Three Months, one half payable tbe middle of each quarter, as follows: Senior Department, par quarter $21 00. - Jnniar do. do. 18 oo Primary do. do. »00 , • ' - JAMBS a COZBT Daniel* F. Tiemann & Co, No. 240 Pearl 8t.,New York, line. Also, TtBMAIffrS SOLUBLE OLVK,jor WtuAutg, * ' .AM J - * ... aim . "California m rauuumr.;« pat* and Day, ibegfid'toimkiMHMffcH *>*•*»« s by an. 14 bales Cotton (aeroor 1st*.) SvmsgeS on bosrd steamer Annie, and told ider inspection of the Pvrt Warden. T*ra* cash before delivery. novjfi—It (Ptmb Dispensatory of tke [fitted State*. DI0SMA 0EENATA. BUGHU LEAVES, PROPERTIES. Tbvir odor is strong, diffusive and somewhat oro- “*<*, their tastes bitterish, and analogous to mint Medical Properties and Uses* tOTde'r h CT 1 to T Thi r V**? t ' 7 * Ual “'» nt ’ with a peculiar Urn Prostrate and Retention or InconU^^^TorinSf from a loss of tone in the parts u.TTU matioft n.nfck.gjjggj* Dyspcpoia, Chrome Rhenmatiam, CutensSTflsi tioos, and Dropsy. Helrabold's Extract Buchn Is need by persons from the ages of 18 to 28, apd 35 to 55, or In the decline o. change of Ufa , after c< finement or Labor Pains i Bed-Watting in children Iii Affections Peculiar to Females, The Extract Buchn is unequaled byany other remedy, a* In Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Palnftti. ness or Suppression of Customary Evacuations Ulcere, ted or Scnirrns state of tbe L terns. Leuoorrbsa or WMtee. DI8EASK0F THE BLADDBR. XIPNYT8, SEATH, AKJJ DROPSICAL. SWELLINGS. This medicine increases tbe power of Digestion, and oxcitee tbe Absorbents Into heallby action, bv wb'ch the Watery or Calcarc-ns depositions »nd all tural Enlargements are reduced, as well as Pain and Inflammation. Helmbold’s Extract Bncbu Has cured every case cf Diabetes In which U has been glvtn. Irritation of tbe Neck of the bladder and Inflammation of the Kidney*, Clo ration of tbe Ffd- ncys and Bladder, Retention of U) ine, Llseases of the Prostrate Gland. Stone in the Bladder. Calcnlo*,Gravel, Brick dost Deposit, and Mucus or Milky Discharge*, and for Enfeebled and Delicate Constitutions, of both Sexes, attended with the following symptoms • -In- disposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Lose of Mem ory, Difficulty of Breathfog. Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakeiulne**, Dimness of Vi^rJL Pain in the Back, llot Hands, PlnsMng of tbe Bod> Dryness of the rkin, Eruption on tee Face, Pafifi Countenance, Universal Lassitude of the Mnscuiar System, Ar. Helmboid’s Extract Bncbu is Diuretic and Blood-Purifriujc, And cures all Diseases arising from Hahit* of Discing, tion. Excesses and Imprnd-ncoa in Lift. Impuritiee ol the Bfood, Ac., superseding ( opaiba in affbp. done for which it is used, sucb ae Gonor rhoea, Gleets, oflong standing, and Syphilitic Affections with Hclna- boid's Rose Wash. SOLD AT HELI9 BOLD’S Drug and Chemical Warehouae 594 BROAD WAY.1 And by Druggists eveiywhuree ASK FOR HEL^IBOLD’S TAKE NO OTHER* Beware of Counterfeits. novll—lm New Goods I Sbeetiugs, Shirtings, Osnabufga, •'eaos, Kerseys, Cloths, Cassimeres, Broad Cloths, Doeskins, Cloakings, Suckings, Flannels, Bilks, Alnaccas, Delaines, Mobaire, Plaids, Checks, Empress Cloths, Merinos, Belts, BeltiDgs, J" Hosiery, —. Cloves, • Trimmings, jjJ Linen Collara Par er Collars, <55 Embroidenea, pg Uooprik rtt, BB B»l morals, _ Shawls, ^ Cloaks, flt Nobias, y Worsteds, 'i. Ribbons, its Velvets, tC Hats. ^ Bonnets, Flowers, Jr Feathers, ‘Q Plums*, 9 Ornaments, * Jaconets, r/a Swiss, and V QENT8’ FURNI8HINQ &0OD8 AT . Wholesale and Retail. nov28 PUMPS » PUMPS ! PtTMPS! Steam, Force, huciion and Lifting PU\TP8 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION; STiiwf.W 4* e.fS PIPES, Pipe And Steam Fittings, AND KYE*T I’KOBIPTION OT PLUMBERS, GAS, AND Steam Fitters* Goods, For sale at the lowest rates by JOHN B* 'FULLER, S DKY STREET, nov3—rodly NEW YORK. Oilpman Jt Clmpin, (Succesore to Marry, Day A Co.] 208 Bar Street* North Mt, BstWNB Barnard and Jeffersom atroots GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT^ AMD DEALKB8 U* Wood, Coal, Grain, Hay, Cent, Data and Feed, In quantities to suit customers, at tea lowest marhst nov ?B tf N.Y. DAILY NEWS « - - | MISb CABBIE GOBRUWX LE8TXB, or KAicwtt; nu., 81KB PiPER,WffiTE LEAD wufisao* . «WU-*I IfhHkCpp."