Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 29, 1865, Image 4

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POETRY WINTER. BT CHAHLSS U- GABDBTTB. with muffiod drums' TI „ mc~; Tho tardy Winter cometi! ( hr'.: - his footstep? through the nights . 1 h, •- is vanguard from tho heights March th.uugh the pines Ilia naked fret are on the mend; The gra»-= b ados stiffen in # his path, No tear for child of earth he hath ! No pity for her tender seed.' The hare oaks shudder at his breath ! A moment by the stream he stays Its melody is mate! A glaze Creeps o’er its dimples, as of death . From fettered stream and blackened moor, The ci'y’s walls ho silent nears; The mansions of the rich he fears ! lie Storms the cabins of the poor! The curtainedcouch, the glowing hearth, Tho f-nst-rimmed Graybeard’s power defy; 1T« curses as he hurries by— And strikes the beggar, dead, to earth ! For -very gleaming hall he spares, A hundred hearthless hovels hold Hearts pulseless, crisp with ioe and oojd, Watched by a hundred grim Despairs ! The forests grow hy HI? command Who saith, “Helendeth to the Lord, Who giveth to the poor!” Your hoard In His! Ye stewards of the land ! Here is your mission ! Ye who feed Your lavish fires ! Not afar, But at your doors, you Heathen are! God's poor—your creditors ! Take heed.' The path is long to Pagan shores; Their skies are sunny. God o’er all.' The winter’s deadly harvests fall Around ^ou !• Deal your Master’s stores. A WISH. MARINE intelligence. "" ' V SAVANNAH, NOVEMBERS. ARRIVED. Steamship Chase, Koath, New York, Hunter* Gammell. , __ . , B „ SteamaKip Pan Jacinto, Loveland, New York, # Hardee. Left dock at New York 3 40 pm, Novtp. Passed candy Hook at MO p jn. Taswd Hstterits light 12pm, Nov®. Arrived, at Tybee Bar at7 mm, df hours from New York. Una detained about three hours at mouth of i iver by low tide. Steamer Express, Morgun, Augngta, to F M Myrell. Steamer Resolute, < a nuon, HlUon H^l. Steamer H M Cool, Taylor, Darien, to M A Cohen. Steamer Ella, Rowland. Darien, M A Cohen. i te-imer Rockland, Beaufort, Charleston, Ac, to L S ^Steamer Two Boys, Daniell, Augusta, to Erwin & Ha-dee. Br ship Thorwaldsen, B omage, from South Shields, England, to Reid A Stewart Br bark Colonist Taylor, Liverpool, Chas Green A Son, and others. Brig Black Fish, Flckctts, New York, coal and hay to LaRoche ft Johnson. Schooner John M BroomaU, Douglass, Philadelphia, Hunter A Gammell. Bark Laconia, Doane, Boston, to Hunter A Gammell. bloop Franklin, Buckley, New York, Kirltog A Bnrke. ’ ■Wall’s flat from Chevcs' planUtioc, with sheaf rough rice, to R H Eabersham A Sons. CLEARED. Steamer Gen Berry, Henry. Augusta, <TL Colby A Co. Steamer Fountain, Cashier, Palatka, Ac, to M A Cohen * Steamer Wm H Frasier, Hooper, Charleston, L S Steamer Orient Goldthwait, Doctortown, C L Colbv A co. _. Steamer W H Cool, TajJLr, Darien, M A Cohen. schooner Trade Wind, Clarke, Philadelphia, Crane, Johnson A Gruybill. Schooner Antelope, Jones, Baltimore, Crane, John son A Graybltl. • Schooner Ira Bliss, Bragg, New York, LaRoche A Johnson. [rROM THE GERMAN Of’ ROBBRT REINICK.J I. I loved thee, but thou knowest it not I wished to speak but to speak dared not, For a better time I waited. II. That better time, ah ! I fouDd it not Another came, and he lingered not, From thy heart my image faded. in. He may love thee truly—I knew it not, More truly than I—I believe it not— Would it had been otherwise fated! ... . -t J ulia Gobbakd. FIIYAMIIL AND I OIUMERIIAL. Atlanta market. Atlanta, Nov. 24. Cotton—The Cotton market yesterday exhibit ed some sprightliness, and we heard of a few transactions at 39c. The outside figures may be placed at from 33 to 40c, an article of good mid dling readily commanding tbs latter figures. Wilmington market. WlLKINOTON, Not. 24. Tar hss siightiy advanced. We report to-day the sale oi 460 bbls at $3 10. Spirits Turpentine- SO barrels were sold at 65 cents. Crude Turpentine—25 bbls at $3. Cotton—21 bales low middling and middling at 43%a44c. Timber—One raft inferior at $11 00, and one ratt good mill at $16. ■jPhancts—350 bushels were sold at $S 00 per bushel. New Orleans markets. New Orleans, November 15. Cotton—The news from Liverpool of a decline variously stated at Id and 2d, completely unset tled the maiket this morning, but still there was some inquiry at about 2c under yesterday’s cur rency; and, although factors generally were re luctant to give way, yet, in some cases, they met the demand, and 900 bales changed hands in sev eral small lots, mostly on the basis of 48c for strict good ordinary and 49c- for barely low mid dling, which were respectively quoted yesterday at 50 and ole. The morning papers which con tained the report of the decline at Liverpool gave no quotations of either tbe Liverpool or New York market, but the telegram published by the evening press quoted middling at New York dull at 51c. Private dispatches quoted Orleans middling at Liverpool at 20%d, which makes the decline 2d. They algo quoie middling at New York st 5o%c. With the limited business of the day and the unsettled condition of prices, quota tions are only nominal, but still we give the fol lowing as the approximation to yesterday's sales, viz: Ordinary, 4‘2a44c; good ordinary, 47a48c; low*middling, 50a51c; middling, 5Sa54c. An ot ter of 55c waa refused for strict middliog. Sugar and Molasses—The receipts since yes terday comprise 11 hbds Sugar and 60 bbls Mo lasses ot the old crop, and 36 hhds Sugar and 164 bbls Molasses of the new crop. With several lots of the new crop on the market, there was more inquiry to day, resulting in sales of 61 hhds of Sugar, of which 11 hhds inferior old at I4%c, 20 lair new at 16%c, and 12 and 13 hhds yellow clar.tied at 19c per lb. The sales of Molasses comprise 192 bbls, of which 65 bbls good old crop at 66c, 70 lair new, in two lots, at $1 10; 20 prime at $1 15; and 37 choice at $1 25 per ga'ion. ^- BRADY, smith & ca Horses & Carriages FIRE AND MARINE Opposite Washington Statue, Nftw YORK CITY, tf H.-C. FLING A CIO.. Proprietors. HANOVER STREET, BOSTON, Is the Largest and Best Arranged Hotel in New England. LEWIS RICE; Proprietor. Forwarding Merchants, • . AND ' tpm Manufacturers’ Agents; NORTH SIDE OP BAY STREET, Between Whitakerand Barnard, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA Liberal advances made on consignments Cotton, Ac„ to their friends in New York and Boston. References—Wm. K. Kitchen. Pres! National Park Buik, N. Y.; H. C. Thacher A Co-, Boston; Israel Co- j hen. Baltimore; Hall, Moses A Oo.,Colhmbhs; Wyman, ! Moees A Co., Montgomery. augi TO LET. Bep37 SOBT. P. TOOK, . X. WILLIAMS, 4. B. M’lNTTRT. | P. H. WABD. The Southern House I , DANIEL BUTLER would respectfully .in- “t™ the public that he is now prepared to furnish, »t the shortest notice, HORSES AND CARRIAGES. First class Carriages run to the various Steamboat Wharves and to the Railroad Depot at the lowest rates. None but careful and competent Drivers employed. DANIEL Btm’*” iltaketand DOAlO—tf cor. Whiti I York streets. Fourth Street,. T. LOTJIS, iMIO- LAVEILLE, WARNER A CO., Proprietors. A first class family Hotel; comfort and convenience. unsurpassed for locality, tf seplO METROPOLITAN HOTEL, Late Brawn’s, WASHINGTON, D. C. Bp (or this Port. 6hip Kalos, Perkins, at New York, Nov 11. Clearest (or this Port. Brig Potomac, Perkins, at New Yotk, Nov 24. Sailed, (or this Port. Ship Annabella, Adams, from Liverpool, Nov 6. rratlS leading Hotel, Renovated and Refurnished, X Is now in perfect order for the reception and aocom- l of Its ” modation < old patrons. 3m sepl9 MISCELLANEOUS. memoranda. The ship Melbourne, Josh, from Charleston, arrived at Liverpool Nov. 4. The bark Toscana, Inew) Skilling, fur Charleston, cleared at Bath, Me, Nov. 30. Tte bark Tejuca, liarriman, and schooner Rachel Seaman, O'Neill, for Charleston, we e np at Boston, Nov. The brigs Lark, Hudgins, and Alfred, Hufnagle, tor Charleston, were up at Baltimore, Nov. 22. The schooner Irapella, Paysou, for Jacksonville, riea ed at New York, Nov. 2*. The schooner Savannah, Lath, bound to this port, run aground 30 miles south of Cape t en-y on the 11th inst at 101-2 am, and went to pieces next morning. The savannah was captured in the early stage of the war as a privateer, having eailed from Charleston in that capacity. The schooner Aid, McCormick, for Charleston, sailed from Havana, Nov 10. .TOBACCO FOR mi ON COMMENT 1 .800 Boxes Ping, assorted brands. 4,0; O Pounds Fine Cut Smoking in Papers. 5,000 Pounds Snuff, assorted brands, with a general assortment of Groceries. The Tobacco and 8nn(T not being subject to Govern ment Tax, can now be sold to the trade at less than New York prices. We are agents for the sale of George Page & Co.’s Engines and Clrenlar, Portable and Stationary Saw Mills, descriptions of which will be furnished by os on ap plication. YONUJtS A NIXON, novlT—lm Bay street. Baltimore markets. Baltimore, Nov. 21. Corrtn—Market inactive but prices nominally unchanged, viz: Common to prime Kio, ]8%a 21% cts, gold; Lagnayra, 21a23otB. and Java, 29a 29i4i-.ts. FL'iua—We notice some little inquiry for good brands of Howard street and Western Super and Extra for shipment, but holders show very little dispoeition to meet the views of buyers, and tales reported are small. City Mills Shipping Extra and Baltimore high grades are held firmly at pre vious rates. Low grades of all descriptions con tinue neglected and heavy. Sales embrace 2(0 bbls mixed brands Howard street Soper at $8 75a 8 873*. 10(1 bbls very good do at $9, and 100 bbls good Extra do at $10 per bbl. Boston market. Bostok,-Nov. 21. Cotton—The market is unset! led. Sales have been made to manufacturers at §2a53c per lb for middling. Drugs—There have been sales of 7 esses Cream Tartar at 34a84%c, gold; Argols at 30a30%c gold; Bi-Carb Soda 11 !-2al2c currency. Flour—The receipts sines yesterday bare been 510S bbls. The market is steady; sales of West ern superfine at $8a8 50; common extra.$9a0 25; medium do $l0all; good and choice do 411 50al7 per bbl. Giin-nt Cloth—There haTe been sales of 250 bales at 2oc; 150 bales to arrive at 16c, io bond. 3al, V, f 109 bbls Rangoon it 9%c, and l-2c. cash. * Kies 100 bbls at 10 New lfork Gold market. Gold has been dull and*'steady RK ij>hl 0 ^l^ 4 f. opened at 146% declined to 146%, advanced^ 147, anfi closed at the opening price T „„ UCe<11 ’ made at 2a4 per cent in favor of the bor r„ “ T"'’ Foreign exchange was dull at loy a % f or era’bills at sixty days. Some transaction. .. ond baud, were reported at 108%. ’ aec New Fork markets. .Nxw Yori, Not. 24. Cotton;—Receipts 4,276 bales. The market was steady under a fair shipment and good home demand. Tbe sales were 3,100bales, at our quo tations, as follows: „ Upland. Florida. Mobile. N.O.ftT. U^'nary 39 39 44 40 Middling 52 53 58 58 Good middling...54 . -.54 . 55 55 bates °M«hiU Ctl ?. a ’ for BOTernment account, 1.480 and 73 bales P? n °v-r’A 87 l b8le '’ New Mu>do, and 73 bales Florida do, at tbe following rates : “ * ' Orleans. Panengers Per steamship Chase, from New York—Mr Chester Comstock, Mr T Simons, Mr P B Well*, Mr H Cowley, Mr Donoel and friend, Mr O Arey, Mr M Cloherty, Mrs Cobb and infant, Mr H Sturtevant. • i• Per steamship San JaciDto, from New York— T B Waddell, Jacob Cohen, J B Batts, J W Law- ton, N C Goodwin, J F Tenney and wife, J C Fulsoin, wife and child, Mrs J P Stewart and child, John A Gimme, James Gonnie, J H Fitz- S atrick, John C Pertjll, Norman Syman, H L TeenmaD, Geo W Lawrence, Crawford N Smith, Tom Elwell, Chas Hosteller and wife, J W Phillips, H C Folsom, Adam Woolover, R W Stiles and wife W W Alien, Henry Smith, Chas N Moody, A H Gibbs, wife and two children, Mrs B Jarvis. Miss Sarah Jarvis, Mrs Goebler, Peter Floyd, M Schone, E P Buckingham, Wm P Haney, Wm u Beanelt, M Rigenback, J M Coy, Jas Cunningham. Per Steamer Two Boys, from Augusta—Capt A C Bardwell, US A, J Bancroft, Jr, and family, Mr and Mrs Baldwin, Miss Annio E W Baldwin, .Miss Nettie Baldwin, Master Baldwin, Miss M Bancroft, Charlton H Way aLd family, Mrs John Jones, Capt H A Darling, L S A, J D Darling, B C Trum an, F L Newvill, U J Harris, and 4 on deck. Connigxiees Per steamship Chase, from New York—Brady, Smith A co, Adams Express eo, Bothwell A Whitehead, Bell, Wjlly A Christian, Thos Bate son, Crane. Johnson A co, J Constant, M Dug gan, Duncan A Johnson, Einstein A Eokman, Erwin A Hardee, M Ferst A co, G C Freeman, C L Gilbert, John Gilliland A co, Hess A Gut man, Hilton A K&ndeil, T Howe, N A Hardee A co, A S Hartridgo, Hunter A Gammell, J Hirsch. back, Kenneth, McKea A co, Laurent A co, J Lippman, R J Larkin, N # Meyer, G X Nichols, H Pitcher. G W Porter, Isaao Rodgers, W H Stark, Rogers A Cann, F Schuster, Sou'hern Ex press 00, F W SimB, A A Solomons A Co, W B Sturtervant, M J Solomons, Randeli A co, W H Turner, Weed A co, j G Watts, 4 Waldron, P B We la, Watson, Halsey A co, W M WaUb, R J Larkcombe, J T Willis, W C Carroil, F T Cano, A Seydell A Bro, JAG Gardener, B Mallon, Lovell A Lattimore, J F Curran, Scribner A Whitman, J Simon A co, G W Miller, (3.) H A R, F 0 B, (D) A 00, H W A 00, (T,) C A R. Per steamship San Jacinto, from New York Brigham, Baldwin & co, Bouse A Brien, Boulger A Calviit, Crane, Johnson A Graybill, O Coben, C L Colby A co,C R R, J II Demuud, Dysalynski, A Slaigcr, Erwin A Hardee, Einstein A Eckmam G C Freeman, Hnnter A Gammell, A C Host/,slier, Kein A co, Lathrop A co, S M Letterder, KenDeth McLcar, M S Myer, A N Miller, E B Mack, M Newmark, J M Prentiss, A Rasher A co. Randeli A 00, T J Staley, W H Stark, J P Stewart, S Steham, J Weidnbamr, Welder A Belher, S Wanwahban A Bro, .IB Warden, and others. Per steamer H M Cool, from Darien M A Cohen, O Cohen, Jones A Way, Bell, Wylly A Christian. Per steamer Two Boys, from Augusta Erwin <fc Hardee, Jas W McAJpio, K M Howell, Joo R Wilder, Bell, Wylly A Christian, Col E B Dari- may Per bark Laconia, from Boston—Adams Ex press, Brady, Smith A co, Bothwell A Whitehead, Bell, Wylly A Christian, Thos Bateson, Crane Johnson A Graybill J Constant, M Duggan! Duncan A Johnson, Erwin A Hardee, Einstein A Eckman, M Ferst Aco, G C Freeman, CL Gil bert, J Gilliland A co, Hess A Gntman, Hilton A Randeli, N A Hardee A co, T Rowe, A S Hart- ndge, Hunter A Gammell, J Hershbaofc, Ken neth McHerst A co, Laurant A cp, J Lippman, G\v P km ’ ¥ D^ ejrer ’ G » Nichol *> “ Beteber, «. W u P S r , e v’ L Rod ? era > Bogers * Cann, WH c-w i^ Le ^ eester . Southern Express Company, F WfcmnsAco, A A Solomon* A co, W B Turner ’ Randeli A co, W H Hlurncr, Weed A co J Q Watts A cn Wm Walsh, A Waldron, Watson, Halsev A^o R J i n „ k ““ b ’ 11 T Writis, w C Carroll, M A H, F A BIT Cann D A co, H W A co. W C Carroll I^ydel A Bro, J G Gardner^ Mallon. Lovell A Lattimore, J t Carran, Scribner A Whitman J Simon A co, T, A C R, G y Mill** »uS o”d er ! “HOUSEHOLD BLESSINGS THE CELEBRATED PATENT UNION WASHINC MACHINE Admitted to be the best in the World. First Prize Medals Awarded in Europe and America. Washes perfectly without soaking, rubbing or boil ing. THE PATENT UNION WRINCER, Vf ith Cog Wheels and solid white rubber Rolls—the best and modt durable made. Thoje Machines were invented by a native of Ar kansas, and are the same so highly spoken of by Con federate officers) who osed them in Johnson’s Island Prison. J. WARD & CO., 4.V, BROADWAY, NEW YORK. VAN NAME A' CO., Western Agents, Chicago, St. Louis and Cincinnati. AUCTION AND COMMISSION] MEBCHAXTS, Bay- Street, Savannah, Ga. Consignments of Cotton and Lumber solicited. References 1 Savannah—Brigham, Baldwin A Co., Gaden A I Unckles, Erwin A Hardee. Hunter A Gammell, Isaac ! D. LaRoche, Hiram Roberts, W. Woodbridge, L. C. Norvell A Co. New York—8. T. Knapp A Bro., D. H. Baldwin A | Co. Sale days, Tuesdays and Frida}-s. aepO CHARLES L. COLBY & CO., SHIPPING, COMMISSION, AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS JONES’ BLOCK, CORNER BAY AND ABERCORN STS., S AYANN-A.FI, GrA., Liberal cash advances made on consignments to the firm represented in New York by Charles L Colby, | Esq., or to our friends in Boston. ALEX. H. HOL * AY, Resident Partner. Rsvcuracis.—Messrs. Dabney, Morgan A Co., New York; Jarvis Slade, Esq.. New York; Gardner Colby, ! Esq., Boston; Hon. J. Wiley Edmands, Boston, angle tf KEIN & CO., 114 RAF STREET, SAVANNAH, GA., COTTON FACTORS, COMMISSION A FORWARDING MERCHANTS. L IBERAL cash advances made on ments of ( otton and approved Merchant made to their friends in New York, Boston or Liver- | pool. Refer to Messrs. Smith A Donning, New York; C C. A H. M. Tabor, New York; Cabot A Senter, fct. Louis; W. H. Taylor, New Orleans. ang(6 V. JH. MYRELL, Steamboat Agent, GENERAL Commission and Forwarding Merchant, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga., Harris' Bnildlng, 2d Door West of A. Low A Co.’s. Beieis to Messrs. Hanter A Gammell, Crane, John son A Graybill. Bell, Wylly A Christian, Bothwell A Whitehead,.Miller, Thomas A Co., and M. A. Coben, 1 Esq. tf sep2> E. P. METCALFE A CO., GENERAL FORWARDING A!CD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Stoddard's Range, on Bay street, between Lincoln > and Abercorn, Savannah, Georgia. References.—Hening, Flint A Pearce, New York; E. M. Bruce A Co . Augusts, (la; R. C. Robson, Esq.,At lanta, Ga.; Knott A llowcs, Macon, Ga.; E. M Bruce, Morgan A Co., Apalachicola, Fla; Watts, Crane A Co., New York; Geo. C. Pearce A Co., St. Loots, Mo ; H. C. Bruce A Co., Cincinnaii, O.; Mr. H. J. Cook, 1 Albany, Ga.; John W. Oc onnor, Macon, Ga, sepSl tf I Wm. M. Davidson 4ViiOLl%vi*E in J Groceries, Wind, Liquors, Tots, Segars, Ale and Cider, loO Bay Street...."..'. Savannah, OCt25 ‘ ff jnoTl. villalonga, Gotten Factor, Forwarding and Commission Merchant NO. 94 RAF STREET, Georgia. 0Ct25 ~~ - 6m COOPJiB, OLCOTTS & FARRELLY, Booksellers and Stationers, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. T HE undersigned have formed a Copartnership under the name and style of COuPER, ULCOTT h A FARRELLY, for tbe transaction of a Wholesale and Retail Book and Stationery Business, at the old stand of John M. Cooper A C*., Northwest corner of Whitaker and St. Jnlien streets. JOHN M. COOPER, Insurance Agency. Security Insurance Company, CapfcH anfl Surplus, SLWiOOO. Fltasnfct Insurance Company, Capital and SnrjdM, $t,BMi«00. International insurance Company, Caidtal and Starpfos,*l,* Manhattan Insurance Company, Capita} and Surplus, *9Co,ooo. -Risks taken In Bie above highly rranomrtm. panics on Buildings and MerehandU 3i*.SST S 0 ^.^ rates, corresponding wuTt& novlS—3m No. 12 Stoddnrd8s Rang^Bay^^ Insurance Agency OCjEAN, jRiVKK, FIR®. mHE nndersigned hold commiseions from the lead JL^lng Insurance corporations ot New York, repre senting an aggregate cash capital of over FIVE ffiLLIOire OF D0LLAB8 And me prepared to Issue policies to cover Fifty Thdu Band dollarH on one application upon Fire Risks at Savannah and Inland Towns, COTTON AND MERCHANDIZE IN TRANSIT ON THE ' AUGUSTA AND MACON RIVERS, UID OCEAN RISKS GENKIRat.t.v Prompt Settlement of Losses, L. C. NORVELL Sc CO., may»Bnll street, opposite Post Office. AoveRTn eM .> T . WOODFORD ft RiTCB. ** TTO MATEY8 AM< counsellors NO, 111 caw, tTrlnltr ■nii* i » r , . The nndersigned having . law. is prepared to tag? »«**•» of ... •trcrri court, h, N.* To,k ^SL^ Z "t* 8 “ CHARLESBBUnTT OCt23 WILLIAM H OLCOTT, DANIEL O. OLCOTT, STE PHEN F a RR ELLY. PAPliK AND RAG H AREHUPSE. WARRSN & PLATNER Wholesale Healers in All Kinds of Coarse and Fine Papers, Enve lopes, Twines, and Paper Bugs. Sole Agents in thin city (or th# Bath Paper Hills. The highest cash prices paid for Rags, Old R ope and Bagging, and Waste Paper, in large or small quantities. octio 210 Bay Street, Savannah. A. ». HARTRIDGE, COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchant, 92 RAY STREET, I SAT ASTIVTAJOC, CiEOXlGIA. octll—tf , T. OUKMNUHAJi, V. O. PUBSE, R. .1. UAUCOMBE. Cl!\M\(«HAJI. PUBSE & CO., (FACTORS, FORWARDING ' AND ' nov22—lot NEW YORK WORKS, MAJiTKAfrruRKRji or STATIONARY AVD PORTABLE E!V«IKES AND BOILERS, AND MACHINISTS’ TOOLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. H. G0WDY, Commission Merchant, 196 B-A.Y STREET, (Anderson’s Wharf,) Commission .fferchanls, Bay Street, Savannah, Gra, References—Kobt. Habersham & Sons, Hunter & Gammell. Octavus Cohen, Brigham, Baldwin <fc Co., Erwin A Hardee, Clnghorn A Cunningham. sep5-3ni KIRLIN, BRO, & BURKE, WHOLSSALE DEALERS IN ALBS, WINES VND LIQUORS IdSURANOE 1 AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $10,400,000 CHAS. L- COLBY & CO. A RE prepared to take Marine Risks to any iA. Domestic or Foreign Port, and Fire Risks n th is city in the following named first class New York Companies, at the lowest rates; COLUMBIAN MARINE INSURANCE CO., Capital, $5,000,000. MORRIS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $5,000,000. COMMERCE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $200,000. STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $200,000. Office in Jonea’ Block, corner Bay and Abercorn streets. Branch Office, cor. Drayton and Bryan streets. auglC-tf FIRE INSURANCE. THE PlfOENIX INSURANCE CO. OF HARTFORD, CONN. capital, $600OOO ...Assets,*!,OOO.OOO. Fire risks taken in the above Company on Buildings and Merchandize of every discription at fair rates. nov3—lm II. BRIGHAM, Agent. Oor, junc21 Whitaker Street and Bay Lane. 6m SAVANNAH, octs GEORGIA 3m w-Manufactories: Foot of Twenty-Third Y., and Worcester, mass. Office FOOT (>F TWENTY THIRD, E. 11., N Y Every Machine built bv ns is started and thoroughly tested in shop before being shipped. uov8—eodSm J. SHAF'KJiiR, Commission Dealer IN ALL KINDS OF FOREIGN AM) DOMESTIC FRUITS AND PRODUCE, West Washington Market, OPPOSITE 143 WEST STREET, Bulkhead, Between Barclay apd Vesey sts,, NEW FORK. Potatoes, Apples and Onions constantly on hand ana put up for the southern market. All consignments promptly attended to. ^ wSrtf re T u p' L Brildley ' A - Haywood, T. J. Walsh, J. H. Parsons. twly julylO TypeFoundry & Printers’ Eiu]>orium, l Established 1818. J HAGAR Sc CO., Wo 38 Gold Street, New Fork City. ’ J'HIS old established Foandry, haviug a large as- A sortment of Book, Newspaper, Job and Orna mental Type, the Proprietors are prepared with ample MahUes to uromptly execute all orders for same and ranting Materials of every description, including Presses of all manufactures. “ Orders may be addressed to , A. J. BURKE, our Agent novl-eodom a t Charleston, 8. C. Wright & Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Represented by our Agent, JOHN 8. WRIGHT, Eaa. No. 69 Wall Street, New York. 6m FRANK S. HESSELTINE, COUNSELLOR at LAW, NO. 147 RAF STREET, (NEXT 1 DOOR TO THE REPUBLICAN OFFICE,} SAVANNAH, GA. oct 21 A- E- LOPEZ R. MOLINA, OOB- BULL AND C0NGEE3S STEEETS, (Under Screven House.) mrORTER AND WHOLESALK DEALER IN Havana Segrnrs, Leaf ▲HD SMOKING TOBACCO. Also, all kinds of Virginia Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Meerschaum, Brier Root, and all other kinds of Fancy Pipes, 3m sep30 IV. A. HJlRDJEJE & CO., Shipping, Commission, AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, Gt A . MERCHANTS’ INSURANCE COMPANY! HARTFORD, CONN. T HE undersigned having been appointed agent tor the above weil known Company, is prepared to take risks against fire on the most favorable terms. H. BRIGHAM, Office Southern Insurance and Trust Co. jnly3 tf . BALTIMORE CARD8. D. C, Cary, General Commission Merchant, BALTIMORE, Mil. Particular attention given to orders for the purchase of Goods. Consignments respectfully solicited. Refers, by permission, to Rne, Whitney A Co., Sa vannah. noriO—lm turonrm or xxn DttL „ „ Musical instrument?, Strings, & HOHERT HUNKS' FWltjt db CLAIK'j ANO FORTES- PI C. F. it r ti n , Q- XJ I T A B. g 581 BROADWAY, Ltpht^ WPPO0ITE THE METROPOLITAN- HflTU j new York. N. B.-Brass Instruments, Clarionet, Pin'-, . Bands made to order and wsnartrd Wholesale.) — “-’ail, nor!—lm HAWKINOCT PACKERS & GENERAL PROt Dealers, 341 Front Beet Porte, Hams, Lard, Shoulders, St., Batter, Cheese, Bacon, Tongues, BfWa fork. V< VUitg, F*. foil Pndtj Fniton market Roof All orders carefully executed st the shortest notice. We respectfully refer to Merer,, .s-nirt t r» . Ehrlich, Es<L B, G. TUden. * ° - *■ Southern Produce received on coosiguacw Holmes A Patterson, Mo. 9-5 Water Street, .lev Tsrk, Receiver* of Flour, WJBMTKRS, AND SOUTHERN PRODUCE. Oonsignmenti Solicited. O RDERS for Floor. Wheat 1 ora *r,o flUed st toweat market rat-, ud firecti, ^ nrst hands, thus savtng extra prnflu Beoeirers of the well known Brand of Ft*. Full information furnished by LaKOCHE, GADEN * CSCKUA oet25—2m cor. Bay and Bcnurd men D. H- BALDWIN & CO, COMMISSION MERilllTit, 178 Pearl Street, YORK. Will make liberal cash their friends, Norton, street, New York. advances on consignments to Slaughter ft Co.. 4b Broad oct 0—tf Gunsmiths and Locksmiths, Corner of St. Jnlien and Jefferson Streets, i NEW GOODS. J UST RECEIVED, ;ilarge and beautiful as? ment of FANCY GOODS, <4 selected expressly for this market. Call and see them. C. M. H1LLSMAN, augl4 cor. Bull and Broughton streets. POOEE Sc HUNT, JL Baltimore, Maryland, MANUrAOTCEXM Portable and Stationary Steam Engines and Boilers, Steam Fire Engines, Portable Saw Mills, Gang and Single Saw Mills, Mining Machinery, Portable Grist Mills, Flour Mill Machinery, Cotton Screws, Railroad Cars, Car Wheels and Axles, Hydraulic Presses for Oil and Tobacco, Tobago Moulds, Gas Works Apparatus of all kinds, Salting, Pulleys and Hangers. »ng«- 6m D. H. BALDWIN,) ..._ _ . J. F. CUMMING, f Mew York H. BRIGHAM, 1 C. M. HOLST, f STannah. ^ KRAFT 6c Hl. L, Manufacturers and Jobbers of STRAW AND MILLINERY OMR It*,, $81 and (81 Breed way, fo[>posite A. T. Stewarf^ NEW YORK A full supply of Goods, suitable for this i ways on band. Your patronage is respectfully soiscUed oct25-6m CTRUS P. MEXDEKBALL, Greensboro', N. C. DUPLET K1CHOLS, Baltimore. C. P. MENDENHUL ft CO., Ootton, Tobacco, V»p General Commission Merchants, 156 Pratt Street Wharf, BALTIMORE. 'THE WASH INGTON IRON WORK8 Have on band for sale then Improved Partahle ^teaaa Eaftess, ' Partahle Circular Saw .mile daec Saw Mil I a, FI ear and Cera Mill* And manufacture to order ail kinds of ™o t glues, Marine, Stationary, and Prof." “ ■ r * Car* and Tum Tab!cs,Inm Steam Ves—uri also, General Machinery, Iron w! Bras Ge fogs. Urge m.d«nall PfojmjaJfofoZZ Srwfofr. S I- Or L. C. WARD, Agent, 56 Liberty street, Room S Knr York. °cta;-i ? , cr. aiscncinti oct IS—tf une28 t bields imports. Per Br ship Thorwaldsen, from South England—660 tons coal, and 90 tons coke. ■ Per 8r bark Colonist, from Liverpool—91 tons coaL 2,l»sackssalt, pots, 4c. ^Per schooner John M BroomaU, from Philadelphia - 35u tons coal. Receipts. Per steamer Express, from Augusta-910 bates land cotton. up- Per ^hooner Mail, from Darien—90 bales cotton, 61 bbls rosin, to T F Metcalf ft Co. fond cotton 16 ^ 1 MCo01, bom U^on—140 bales up- coftomto fr ° m U * rie| *- 300 bries upland upUnd’cXn^i^*' from Au ^ sta - 398 bales s Hair Dye. 60 CENTS A BOX. Boxes larger than Dyes that sell tot $1. Natural. Datable, Beautiful. Warranted to please. This arti- I cle turn been thoroughly tested for Dr. CHILTON, of S York. and Profc Booth and Garrett, of Phlladel- who pronounce it free from all poisonous fogre- 4 and the material composing it will not injure the most delicate hair. Sold by Druggists and Fancy Goods dealers everywhere. JNO. J. KROMKR, Solo Proprietor, _mayS3-iy_ 403 Chesnut st, Philadelphia, Ps. ®Hy. Ztftclmrie &Co., aio howkkv, new yokk KlOLUhlYE^MAMTrAviTCBEBS OF toilet soaps SAMUEL P. HAMILTON, (SncceMorto Wilmot & Richmond,} DEALER HI Witches, Silrer Ware, Jewelry, Canes, Cutlery, Ac. Cor. Whitaker,St. Julien and Congress Sts, SAVANNAH, GA. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Chronometers rated by transit Cash paid for old Gold and Silver. J7» tf RICHARDSON & BARNARD, Bay St, opposite Mariner’s Church, AGENTS JFOR Nm. Jessup ft Son’s English Cast Steel, Circular Saws, Cotton Ginn, Ammoniated Pacific Guano, Patent Decking and Roofing. oct!4-tf AUGUSTA CARDS. AND Florida. Middling fair Strictly middling Low middling.... 5o Good ordinary.... — O dinary .. — Low ordinary 41 RebalcJ 44 Packings... Mobile. N. 55 a —- 51% a 511-2 49 1 2a 60 1-2 * 7 1-2*46 3 8 43 7-8a — 40 l-2a — 44 Ma le 1-8* — 54 1-2 51 1-2 48 1-2 43 47 121-8 The order, of the above cotton was retiori«A i~ be so me tyha{ .better then that of recent jrcrcm, 0 meat sales, aod the prices obtained werein’manv instances considerably .above tbe market while some lots-wentcff beiow their market value. The site, danoe aY the sal* waa large, and tbe bidding ^ji $ spirited, • “ Exports. fodgy«n, 39 bales old rope SS btl* ^ IE 3 erfii m er y. ; Catalogues sent free. n.,v»—eod2m Glassware and Coal Oil Lamps, ALEXANDER HARDEE STORAGE AND GENBBAL COMMISSION MERCHANT COS. BAY AND JKFFKRS0N STREETS. SAVANNAH, GA. Dealer In Haw, Fodder, Grain, Flour, Wool, Hides, Bran, shorts, sep2i Per schooner Ira Bliss, for New York— timber. .... ., . . &-. I I .fowiiisosrestr— old iron, 31-4 tons 1*8,000 feet N ATIONAT, FLINT GLASS WORKS, EDWARD BORKE ft CO., 2 82 Pearl Street, New York, MANUFACITXEBS OF Glassware and Coal < COTTON GINS, STEAM ENGINES FOR Flint, _ Of every Discription. Illustrated catalogues with price list sent free on ap- plicstton. novll—eod6m ARKINO INK.— Manufocgredmtdfe^ , 38 Drayton street ^vannaKGa., In harrela of from 40 to 44 gallona. 96 cento per gallon* by retail, f>o crop per Dm mng94 Hams, Sides, Shoulders. JTRT received. „d •wTU-tf §. EATOI, COMMISSION MERCHANT, . BOSTON, MASS., Tor the Purohaae and Sale pf All Band* of MES0HASDIZE. ws*. ssSSSSSSa ■r^lSA-'W MILLS, And aU kinds of Machinery can be procured through the undersigned. “ SASHES AND JBLIIjrDS, Of every description and pattern, can be obtained at the lowest Manufacturer*’ Prices, by applying to oct31—lm Q *20S Macon Telegraph and Augusta Co esas copy, and send bill to tub office. street. tioualist _ jrert reoelyed and for rale by oovJB C. L, GILBERT, J.O. MATHEWSOK ^GENERAL COMMISSION, PRODUCE BROKER AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, No. 285 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga., (At the Old Stand of the late Amis of T. P. Stovall ft Co,, Stovall, McLaughlin ft Co., and G. H. McLaughlin ft Co .) Will give his prompt and personal attention tg the purchase and side of Cotton, Domestic Goods, Sugar, Bacon, Lard, Grain, Flour, Rope, Bagging, and Mer chandize generally. 4 Having the Agency of several first class Cotton Mills, I am prepared at all times to supply orders for 1 Yarns, Sheetings, shirtings, Osnaburgs, Drills, Ker seys, Jeans, &c., Ac. With extensive fire-proof warehouses, can furnish secure storage, and give prompt attention to merchau- disc and produce consigned to me for forwarding to any direction. 6m auj$4 ! W. A I&aMSEY & uO., GENERAL Commission Merchants AND AUCTIONEERS 308 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. urn to Robert Habersham ft Sops, 8avannah. W, H. Stark, do Brown ft Co., Augusta. EL Thomas, do. W. K. Kitchen, Preski ent National Park Bank, ». . 9 VULCAN WORKS, BALTIMORE. f I'M IS old establishment, with increased facilities, 1 continues to execute, promptly, orders for I Steams and other Machinery, Bailers, Castings, ftc. A large water front on the Har bor, with a powerful crane, gives them great advan tages iu fitting out and repairing steamers. Statlou-1 ary Engines of various sizes kept on hand. Iron for bridges furnished. HAZLEHURST ft CO. oct31—Cm T HE BALTIMORE •- WROUGHT IHON PIPE AND TUBE OO. Is now prepared to supply Gas, Steam and Water Pipe and Fittings, on tbe most favorable terms. All Dioe warranted. P. oTBqx 1369, Bafrimorfe, Md. sep!»-3m a facTworth knowing THAT by baying shoes with Metallic Tips, two- A thirds the usual exnen» of suppling children with shoes may be saved. No one, for every-day wear, can aftord to boy any other. Millions of UoOsr* are an nually saved by this useful invention. The toes of metal tipped shoes remain perfect until the rest Of the shoe is worn out. The feet hrekepUdry, thus bene- fittiog the health and saving money. For sale by ail shoe dealers. HadfieM’s Union Fire **' Importer of Cracfccri ImW»’ ^ ***• Chiles* Fire LANTERN6, FLAGS. ftU* AIbo • Urge BMortmenl oi hlf inm imporw TOYS AND FANCY GOODS. 24 John K, near Rrooftw«r* J 1 oct 25-iam WTMfM. BWi ft «>. COMMISSION MEBCHAM4 FOR THKPSAL* OT COTTON, COTTON TAB'*' SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, JI ANn 1 SHIRTINGS, 78 Chambtrs^lrett, .Vcw Tw*- Sarauel G. („<>.*e H. iumofBritiaoie. Wnr.Giygg.'Jft ku ol James <'. emlth, oflfawTork GARBN^B, BKXTM** ** »!■ 3 m angIT inebriate may now bid defiance to the tempt- cujl. Dr. Zone’s antidote for krons drink is cure for drunkenness. If creates s ffisffice for , and can be administered without the tho natient _ circulars sent to any nddress. For sale ^druggists to lie United States and $1 tier box, or package* of sjx boxes - on receipt of the money, uy .. KROMKR, Wholesale Agent, mavM—ly 409 Ohesnnt at.. Phfladelp&bkPs. COMMISSION MERCH^ 5 ran me ntsor COTTON Refer to NaUooaJ I Natfoc^j American Btrige Bank. National B Having am; JAS. B. CAH1UU General and taimissfoB Merchant, ■A.XT<3-XT 8TA, GbA. Holders of Merchandize wishing to realize immedi ately, will consult their interests by consigning the same. Strict business attention will be given all consign- merits, and prompt returns made, at the most reuseoa- gists Me rates. • ' * Refer to Messrs. Hunter ft Gammell, C. L. Coiby ft Co., Hilton ft Randeli, A. Lomelfos, Halsey, Wat son ft Co,, and Stuart ft Co. , • _ augI9 JITTER AND CHEESE—54 kegs and tabs Butter, 106"— • - sale Ire iW boxre^K *f« 0. L. GILBERT. oldest and most reliable medfetoe for the cure irmatorhosa. Seminal Weakness, Loss of Pow- This medicine has stood the teat of over thir ty years and has always proved a success.. DR. KANDS-8FKCIFIC Is exhibited to the form of pills, made up entirely of substances that hare a speci fic-, efiect upon the generative organs. Most persons associate the idea of operations upon the bowels from taking any kind of pills. The Srnrano of Dr. Band is not intended as ah ztaodatiso umoiam. Its medfei- nal virtues are expended entfreiy upon the impaired regeneratire organ*. The, pills are not snpleausat to mple of *3 means for jjft***f mie* rears with BssWssprsw^ ___ tbemseives strictly to s C«w«wf without operating on thdrown •«« SV C. K. DEXTER, sgt. in octtT—3m — - HARRIOTT A SOHLUAGi fibb-pk Storage 2«D Wra»ki»#*®*» »*»•*• y the taste, and many persons masticate them with punity before swalfowingthem; which plan we would always recommend, as " " get tbe effect ol the ten Price; $rpe*W»t or m»y23—ly ' 408 Varnish for sale bp the r, 8)0X8 * Oor