Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 30, 1865, Image 3

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\ SAVANNAH NATIONAL REPUBLICAN, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 30. LOCAL MATTERS 0„ r marine and Commercial News, Commercial and Marine Intelli- w ill hereafter be found on our The ■artlipaS£i 1.1 8gl rostponemeut of Land Sales. iVe are gratified to learn, from a Washing- ■ 0 a dispatch of the 21st. that Mr. W. H. Tres- • agent of South Carolina, had an interview r , til t i,e Secretary of the Treasury on that day, received from him a copy of an order ad- ; .v-ed to the Tax Commissioners, aayiDg that I e indefinite postponement of the sales of lands jirect taxes, in “ insurrectionary” districts, intended to embrace all land of whatever Iharacter or description ; and therefore direct- M the commissioners to postpone indefinitely .j, sales in Beaufort, S. C- TO RENT. MISCELLANEOUS. Offices to Bent. BRIBABLE Offices to Rent over store come Bay and Bamardstogc^^gYpNCmLBS. FOR KENT, XWO ROOMS, FURNISHED* M |let to gentlemen. Apply at this office. nov 29 T For I^eiit ' WO pleasant Rooms, furnished, to let to Geutle- men. Apply at this office.lw nov29 GREAT SALE OF Watches,Chains, Diamond Rings,&c. ONE MILLION BOLLABS' WORTH TO BE DISPOSED OF AT One Oollar Each! Without Regard to Value ! Not to be Paid for Until You Know What you are to Receive! Arrival of the Virgo. jj r, hue steamship Virgo, Capt. Bnlkley, ar- Lj at this port yesterday afternoon from New f.i> The Virgo is a’newjship, on her first s e, aud belongs to Murry's Line of steam- butween this port and New York, which ! mV composed of the Chase, Zodiac and ' - 0 . and are intended to make semi-weekly between the two ports. Mr. Octavus ,. en is the obliging agent at this end of the The Virgo, like all the vessels plying . »een here and New York, has fine accommo- ■ tl0B3 for passengers, and is officered by piemen of large experience in their several ,j, #r traents. Captain Bnlkley, especially, is and favorably known to the merchants k 3l ; travelling public generally, as a careful ^experienced ship-master and thorough gj^j^JXCLicl List ofl Articles! All to be Sold at One Dollar Each! SOS Musical Boxes $20 to $150 each 150 “ “with Bells&Castinets200 to 500 BOO Silver Teapots and Coffee Urns. 20 to 50 500 “ Chafing Dishes 30 to 100 1000 “ Ice Pitchers 20 to 50 2600 “ Syrup Cups with Salvors.. 20 to 50 5000 “ Goblets and Drinking ups 5 to 50 3000 “ Castors 15 to 50 2000 •* Fruit, Card and Cake Bas- " keta 20 to 50 5000 Doben Silver Tea 8 poons 10 to 20 doz. 1000 u *• “ Table “ A Forks. 20 to 40 250 Gents’ Gold Hunting-Case Watches 50 to 150 each 250 Ladies' Gold and Enameled Hnnt- ing-case Watches 35 to 70 “ 50o Gents' Hunting-case .Silver Watches 35 to 70 “ 200 Diamond Rings 5oto 100 “ 5000 Gold Vest and Neck Chains 4 to 30 “ 3000 “ Oval Band Bracelet* 4 to 8 “ OOOo Jet and Gold h-acelets 6 to 10 “ 2000 Chatelaine Chains and Guard Chains 5 to 20 “ 7000 Solitaire and Gold Brooches.... 4 to 10 “ 5000 Coral, Opal ana Emerald Brooch’s 4 to 8 “ 6000 Mosiac, Jet, I ava and Floren tine Ear Drops 4 to 8 “ 7500 Coral, opal and Emerald Ear Drops 4 to 6 “ 4000 California Diamond Breast-pins2.50 to 10 •' 3000 Gold Feb and Vest Watch keys2.50 to 8 “ 4000 F.jl) and Vest Ribbon-slides.... 3 to 10 “ 5000 Sets solitaire Sleeve-buttons, Stads, Ac 3 to 8 “ 3000 Gold Thimbles, Pencils, Ac..... 4 to 6 “ 10000 Miniature Lockets.. 2.50 to 10 “ 4000 •- “ Magic spring. 10 to 20 “ 3000Gold Toothpicks, Cresses, Ac... 2 to 8 “ 5000 Plain Gold Rings... 4to 10 “ 5000 Chased “ 4 to 11 “ 10000 Stone set and signet Rings 2.50 to 10 “ 10000 California Diamond Rings 2 to 10 “ 750o sets Ladies' Jewelry—Jet and Gold 5 to 15 « 6000 sets Ladies' Jewelry—Cameo, Pe ill. Opal and other stones I.. 4 to 15 “ 10000 Gold Pens, Silver Extension Holders and Pencils 4 to 10 “ 10000 Gold PenB and Gold Mounted Holders 6 to 10 “ 5000 Gold Pens and Gold Extension Holders 15 to 25 “ 5000 Ladies' Gilt and Jet Buckles.... 5 to 15 '• 5000 “ “ Hair Bars & Balls. 5 to lo “ ARK AND AIL E Sc CO., Manufacturers' Agents, No. 167 Broadway, New York, that all ol the above list of goods will be RILROAD NOTICE8. The Intensity of meanness. i m Sunday or Monday night last some .uundrtl or scoundrels entered the English iBt heran Church, at the corner of Archdale aJ Clifford streets, Charleston, and abstract- ] much of the gas piping from the choir, gal- ,. ie , an j even the sacred desk itself. Words k inadequate to express the contempt which laose rascals must feel for themselves, if they te capable to reflect upon the enormity of ,ujh an offence as this wilful desecration of the iswuuary. Reward Offered. !!v reference to an advertisement in another column it will be seen that Mr. Henry Blun, :he Foreman of the Germania Fire Company, If Us been authorized to offer a reward of two y tindred dollars for the arrest and conviction I if ihe parties who killed Mr. A. Cordes, a I member of that company, last week. This is I, right spirit in the members of that useful and liificient company, and we hope their efforts to et out the villains will prove successful, litr. Cordes was a peaceable and quiet citizen, Isiui every effort should be made to bring the Criminals to speedy justice. Ladies .Magazine and Gazette of Fashion. We arc indebted to Estills’ News Depot, ■liu'l street, corner Bay Lane, for “ Leslie’s (Ladies' .Magazine and Gazette of Fashion” for iDecember; also, Harper's and Leslie’s Illus- Jtrared Weekly papers. The Magazine con ..ins a beautifully colored double fashion plate, ,-gather with a diagram, and many useful and Instructive patterns in female attire. Nailing of Steamships. The steamship Wm. Tibbets, Capt. Baker, lieft this port for Boston yesterday afternoon, |takiug out a good freight and a few passen- The steamships Euterpe, Capt. Eldbridge, BWevhossett,Capt. Parish, and Chase, Capt.Kog- Ber-, also sailed yesterday afternoon for New IVork. All these vessels are apparently doing @2 pretty good business just now. Announce sold for One .Dollar Each. In consequence of the great stagnation of trade in the manufacturing districts of England, through the war having dnt oft the supply of cotton, a large quanti ty of Valuable Jewelry, originally intended for the English market, has been sent off for sale in this coun try, ami must be Sold ul any Sacrifice!— Under these circumstances, ARRANDALE A CO., acting as agents for the principal European manufac turers, have resolved upon a GREAT GIFT APPORTIONMENT, to be divided according to the following regulations: Certificates of the various articles are put into i envelopes indiscriminately, sealed up, and when order- I ed, are taken out without fiegard to choice, and sent by mail, thus! showing no favoritism. On receipt of the certificate, you will see what you are to have, and then it is at your option to send the dollar and take the ar ticle or not. Purchasers may thus obtain a Gold Watch, Diamond Ring, or any set of Jewelry on our | list for One Dollar. Send 35 Cents for Certificate. In ail the transactions by mail, we shall charge for | forwarding the certificates, paying postage and doing the business, 25 cents each, which must be enclosed when the Certificate is sent for. Five certificates will be sent for $1, eleven for $2, thirty for $5, sixty-five for $10, one hundred for $15. OF GOVERNMENT STEAMERS Camv (JuxETXRvAsrEU’s Oi kick Dni. S. O.. ) Hilton Head,S. C., November 13,1805. f Will be sold at public Auction, at this place,-on MONDAY. December 11,1S6R. under the direction of Captain W. B. Morford, A. Q. M., the following Gov ernment vessels, viz: „„„ . Nelly Baker, side-wheel steamer; 293 torig; wooden hull; length on dock 158 feet; beam 25 feet 6 inches; over all 45 feet; depth ofhoIdS feetOinches; draft 5 feet 10 inches ; has one beam engine; diame- ter of cylinder 32 inches; stroke of piston 10 feet; has one single rctnm fine boiler. Has saloon accommodations, full promenade decks, and is well found in chains, anchors, Ac. Neptune, side-wheel steamer; 362 tons; wooden hull; length on deck 141 teet; beam 26 feet 5 inches; over all 45 feet 2 inches; depth of hold 10 feet 10 in ches; draft" feet; half one beam engine: diameter of 3 Under 42 inches; Btroke of piston 3 feet; has one lgle return fine boiler. This steamer has fnll promenade deck, fore and at t, and is a good freight or cattle carrier. Oneota, double-end side-wheel ferry boat; wood en null; 345 tons; length on deck 147 feet; beam 10 feet; over all 65 feet 6 inches; depth of hold 11 feet: draft 7 feet; has one beam engine; diameter of cylin- der 36 inches; stroke of piston 9 feet: has one double retnm flue boiler. . This steamer has recently been repaired, and is « excellent order and well found in anchors, chains, Ac. Croton, side-wheel steamer; 361 tons: wooden hull; length on deck 187 feet; beam 26 feet; over all 43 feet 9 inches ; depth of hold 8 feet; draft 6 feet; has one square engine; diameter of cylinder 37 in ches ; stroke of piston 10 feet; has one double return flue boiler. This steamer has beeu thoroughly repaired, has saloon and state room accommodations, is well sup plied with anchors, chains, Ac- and is very fast. Golden Gate, side-wheel steamer; 195 tons; wooden hail; length on deck 148 feet; beam 21 feet; over all 35 foet 10 inches; depth of hold 6 feet 4 in ches ; draft 5 foet 5 inches, has one beam engine; diameter of cylinder 34 inches; stroke of piston 6 foet; has one horizontal tubular boiler r This steamer is in fine order; lias saloon accommo dations. and is well found in anchors, chains, Ac. Nantasket, side-wheel steamer; 299 tons; wooden hull; length on deck 156 feet; beam 25 feet 3 inches; over all 42 feet; depth of hold S feet 3 inches; draft 5 feet 6 inches; has one beam engine; diameter of cylinder 34 inches; stroke of piston 8 feet; has one single rqtnm flue boiler, and is weU found in anchors, chains, Ac Macon, propeller, with two screws, 322 tons; wooden hull; length on deck 156 feet; beam 25 feet; depth of hold 8 feet 8 inches; draft 7 feet; has two direct horizontal engines fcondensing;) diameter of cylinder 24 inches; stroke of piston 26 inches; has two'single return flue boilers..' Relief, screw tug; 68 tons; wooden hull; length on deck 67 leet; beam II feet; depth of hold 7 feet; draft 7 feet 10 inches; has one high-pressure eugiue; diameter of cylinder 20 inches; etrok“ of piston 20 in ches ; lias one single return flue boiler, and is weU found in anchors, chains, Ac. Rescue, screw tug; 203 tons; wooden hull; length on deck 108 feet; beam 20 feet S inches; depth of hold 12 feet; draft 11 feet 4 inches; lias two low- pressure engines; diameter of cylinder 20 inches ; has one single return flue boiler. This vessel is a powerful tug; is in good condition, and well found in anchore, chains. Ac General Hunter,, side-wheel steamer of 460 ton»; wooden hull; lengtti on deck 193 feet 6 inches ; beam 28 feet 6 inches -, over all 60 feet 8 inches; depth of hold 9 feet 4 inches; draft forward 5 feet, aft 5 feet 6 inches; has one beam engine; diameter of cylinder 40 inches; stroke of piston lo feet. This steamer was built in New York, and completed in 1S63; is a vessel of beautiful model and high rate of speed, with hull, eugiue and boiler as good as new. Terms cash in government funds. C. W. THOMAS, nov21—td Bvt. Lt. Col, and Chief Q. M Dry Goods. J EST purchased in New York, at greatly Reduced Prices, and the late t uction Sales :— 300 pieces Calico, 25 to 30 cents. 200 pieces Bleached Shirting, 25 to 50 cents. 50 pieces Tweeds, Satinets and C'assimeres. * House Keeping Dry Goods. 15u Handsome Dress Goods, at greatly reduced prices. 200 Grey Blankets. Cloaks and Shawls. Mourning Goode, tic. Ac. For sale by DeWitt AWorsim, nov27—lm 187 Congress Street. Kerosene Oil, IN BARRELS, AT Horatio Pitcher’s, Foot of Lincoln street, under the Bluff. Central Railroad. Superintendent’s Office, 1 Savannah, Ga, Nov. 18th, 1866./ O N and after Wednesday, 2?d instant, a daffy train will leave for Augusta at 8.30 a. m., connecting with a line of Hacks running between t tation No. 6, Central Railroad, and Waynesboro', on the Augusta and Savannah Railroad. ... . .. Passengers by this line will arrive in Augusta the next morning after leaving savannah, in time to connect with the Georgia Railroad train for Atlanta — Returning, arrive in Savannah at 3.45 P. M., Freight to go by passenger train must be prepaid and be delivered naif hour before departure of Train. By or der of GEO. W. ADAMS, nov20 General • Superintendent, Central Railroad. Superintendent’s Office, 1 Savannah, Nov. lSlh, 1965./ This Company is now, In connection with W. J. Di r kerson A Co.’s Wagons, prepared to receive and forward to Augn^ta, Macon, Atlanta, &c., daily, from Twenty to Thirty Thousand Pounds of Freight, and go through in from three to tve days. Ship Freight and other expenses must be paid by Shippers. . , ^ Railroad Freight can be paid here or at destination. Freights on Parishable Goods must be prepaid. Rates to Augusta, until farther notice, will be, per foot 50 cents; per 100 lbs., $2 50^ Ry order of nov20 General Superintendent^ Freight to Augusta AND POINTS BEYOND! Forwarded by Light Draft Steamers. W E are prepared to receive Goods in onr ware house, free of storage and covered by insurance, light draft ateamers Be rryand iut to be pat on the line. C. L. COLBY 4 CO. to be forwarded by the 11: Falcon, and others al Apply to the Agents, sep21 tf Scranton, (Smith&Co., I, rocers & ommission Merchants, W OULD be happy to see their former patrons and friends, and the public generally, at their .-tore at the head of Bay street, oppoeite Jefferson, where they will at all times be happy to serve them. nov!5—lm TO MERCHANTS AND PERSONS DOING BUSINESS AT THE NORTH. W. S. Fancher, General Commission Merchant, 1 J . O. Box 3045, 75 Fulton St., N. Y., B UYER of Merchandize of every description—for the trade—attends to the sale of Cotton, Rosin, Turpentine, Ac. Mr. F. gives his persona! attentiou to the buying of General Hardware, Carriages and Wagons of every de scription, Harn&ses, Saddles, Dry Goods, Groceries, Ac., Ac., for the trade. Goods furnished direct from Manufacturers at their lowest rates. Particular attention given to all consignments of southern products. Speedy sales effected at best mar ket rates, and immediate returns made. Mr. F. feels confident from'his thorough acquaintapce with the marketin New York, in guaranteeing entire satisfac tion to every one entrusting business to him. Duplicate Invoices of manufacturers sent In all cases. Information in regard lo market aud prices of goods given whenever desired.novl4—lm E, H. VAN NESS & CO,, GROCERS, SHIP CHANDLERS, AND Produce Dealers, Under Bluff, corner Abercorn Street, S A V A N N A H , GA. LARD Front New York. t The steamship Nevada, Captain Carpenter, wd the Hunter, Capt. Rodgers, arrived from 1 New York yesterday with a number of passen- ;eis and heavy freights. We are under obliga- to Pursers Richardson and Jeffrey for ?■ ties of New York papers. From Florida* The steamer Helen Getty, Capt, Ingraham, pom .Jacksonville, &c., arrived here yesterday. I The Helen Getty brings the United States Itaail aud quite a number of passengers. She |aiso brings a fair freight, among which we no te tbirty-two barrels Oranges. We are un- Baer renewed obligations to Mr. D. M. Bennett, jtae Purser, for late Florida papers. From Charleston. The steamer Fannie, Capt. McNeity, of the I Charleston and Florida line, arrived here yes- 'trday from the former city. We are indebted to I’urser Butterfield, of the Fannie, for late | Charleston papers. Departure of Steamers. The steamer Lizzie Baker, Captain King, for JLiatka, Ac., leaves this morning at 10 o’clock, The steamer Two Boys, Captain Daniel, for I Tsctortown, leaves this morning at 7 o’clock. Arrested. We have been informed that three of the men I concerned in the killing of Hr. 4. Cordes, last w tek, an account of which we published at the itoie, have been arrested and committed to jail, Adams’ Express. We are under obligations to Mr. Wilkin- un, of Adams’ Express Cotftpany, for late Augusta papers. : f" Attention is called to loss of package of hotes in December last. IN BARRELS, AT Horatio Pitcher’s, Foot of Lincoln street, under the Bluff. Orders from the Country, Private Families, Steamers | and ailing vessels, respectfully solicited. Produce bought and sold on commission. [ 100 bbls. selected * pples, loo hhle. Onions, 1U0 bbls. Potatoes, 50 bbls. extra Flour, 60 bbls. Nos 1 and 2 Mackerel, 100 tubs extra Butter, 150 boxes extra Cheese, 500 kits Noe. 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel, 50 hlf. bbls. Fulton Market Beef, 60 hit bbls. extra Family Pork. nov21 Wliat the “Press” Sar of Us. The Lafayette find.; Daily Courier, Mar. IS, 1865, ! ‘A bettor selected, more varied or fashionable assort ment of Jewelry cannot be found on the continent than Arrandnle A Co. are now offering. Messrs. Arrandale A Co. occupy a high position in commercial circles as men entirely above’the common trickery of trade. Their statements may be implicitly rcliea upon, both as to the character of their goods and the manner of dispo sal. Ladies especially, Imsill parts of the country, are realizing handsome profits as agents, apd if any ot our fair readers desire to interest themselves in the enter prise, they may do so with peifeat confidence. GaF.yi Gift Dtktiuhi tion.—\ rare opportunity Is offered for obtaining watches, chains, diamond rings, silverware, etc, by Messrs. Arrandale A Co., at No. 167 Broadway. They have an immense stock of arti cles, varying in value, and all are offered at ono dollar each. The distribution is very fairly done-you agree to take a certificate of a certain article, enclosed man envelope, and are not required to pay your dollar un less you arc satiffied with the article, which will cer tainly be worth more than that amount and may be 850 or $100. An excellent mode this of investing a dollar—Sunday Times, N. Y. City, Feb. 19, 1865. Messrs. Arrandale A Co. have long been personally known to ns, aud we believe them to be every way worthy of public confidence.—N. Y. Scottish Ameri can Jour., June 11,1S64 By Messrs. Arrandale A Co.’s arrangement the ad vantages must lie on the side of the customer, for he has evory thing to gain and nothing comparatively to lose. He knows what he will get for his dollar before hand, and he need not send it if he is not satisfied. —N. Y. Daily News, Ang. 6,1864. We know the firm in question to be very respectable and thoroughly worthy of public confidence, and re commend our friend* to read their advertisement.—N. Y Albion, Sept. 3.1864. Employmext for Ladies.—The most eligible and profitable employment we have heard of for ladies is the sale of certificates for the Great Gift Distribution oi Arrandale A Co. A lady of onr acquaintance lias been very successful in this way, not only in filling her own nurse, but also in doing a good turn to thqse to’ whqm she sold the Certificates, as will be seep by opr adver tising columns. Gentlemen can also be thus engaged. —N. Y. Sunday Mercury, Ang. 14, 1365. PAGEJfTS.-We wapt agents in cveyy regiment, and in every town and county in the CQunt r y, and those acting as such will be allowed in cents on every certificate ordered by them, provided their remittance amounts to one dollar, also other inducements which can lie learned on|application. Agents willJcollectSDcU. for every certificate, and remit 15 cents to us either in cash or’postage ^ RBANDAIiE * CO., I10V27—4t nr, Broadway, New York. Winter Strained WHALE OIL, IN BARRELS, AT Horatio Pitcher’s, Foot of Lincoln street, under the Bluff- I. DAVEGA’S | Purchasing Bureau, Nos. 39 and 40 Park Row. SHIPPING. FOR SALE. AUCTION S0LES. CHANGE OF DAY. FOR SALE LOW. Great Attraction UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. For Palatka, Fla., VIA DARIEN, BRUNSWICK, ST. MARYS. FERNANDINA, JACKSON VILLE AND PI COL AT A. THE well known steamer, formerly the St. Johns, but now the Helen Getty, Captain O. R. In graham, will leave the Wharf foot of West Broad street every SATURDAY MORNING, at 10 o’clock, A. M., precisely, for the above Landings. For freight or passage, apply on board or to L. S. BENNETT, Agent, cor. West Broad and Bay street*. AGENTS—Darien, A. A. DcLorme. Jacksonville, J. S. Hamia A Co. Palatka, H. R. Teasdale. Freight payable by shippers. octiS For Palatka, Fla. VIA DARIEN, BRUNSWICK, ST. MA RYS, FERNANDINA, JACKSON VILLE AND PICOLATA. Connecting with steamer “Flora Temple” at St. Marys. Freight will be received for King’s Ferry, Centervillsge, and all Land ings on the St. vlary’s River. THE new and fast steamer Fountain, Captain G. W. east- ner, will leave for the above places every TUESDAY MORNING, at 10 o'clock. For freight or passage, apply on board at Padel- ford’s wharf, near White’s Central Press, or to M. A. COHEN, Agent. Freight will be received every day during the week, at the warehouse, by Wll. R. ll. BRUEN, Freight payable oh wharf. Shippers will fornah weight and measnrement of goods. tf aug24 REGULAR WEEKLY STEAMER BETWEEN Augusta & Savannah The new fast Iron steamer iW:m. Gr. G ibbonss Capt. Thomas N. Bhilpot, having superior accommo dation for Freight and Passengers, will ply regularly between the above cities— Leaving Savannah every Saturday morning at 9 o’clock Leaving Angusta every Wednesday morn ug at 7 o'clock Laying at Mathew’s Bluff every Wednesday night. It is the desire of the Agents of the Gibbons to make her a PERBAXEVr AlCOUTIODATIOY BOAT for the Merchant* of Angnsta and Savannah, and the Planters along the line of the River, and with this object in view, no effort will be spared on the part of her owners, * gents or < iflteers to meet the wants of the Traveling and Freighting public. , ERWIN & HARDEE. JNO. L. ROUM1LLAT, Agt. on Wharf. novl3—lm For Jacksonville, VIA BRUNSWICK A- FERNANDINA. STEAMER FANNIE, CAPTAIN W. T. McNELTY, Will leave as alwve. THTS DAY, at 10 A. M. This boat is in excellent order, and has fine l s tate Roomsj accommodations for passengers. For Freight or passage apply to r F. M, MYRELL, Agent, nov 20 Harris' Buildings. Bay street. For Doctortown AND THOMASVILLE. THE steamers Gen. Sliepley,' Orient aud Clarion will make Tri Weekly trips to DOC TOKTO N, 'running in connection with the Atlan tic and Gulf Railroad, leaving Savannah on TUES DAYS, TtlL'KSDAY aud SUNDAYS, at 7 a. m. Through freight payable by shippers at our office. Freight will be received duriug the week and stored free of expense. For freight or passage, apply to C11A-. L COLBY & CO., nov21 tf cor. Bay and Abercorn sts. i<*or Augusta. Steamer OAK Capt. Wm. McCauley, is receiving freight, This Day, at Lamar's Wharf, and will have qnick dispatch as above. This boat is in fine order [rates A No. 1 In In surance Offices, 1 has large earring capacity, and shippers can rclj on having despatch given to their orders. For freight, apply to J. B. PRESDEE. Agent, 109 Broughton street. F. M. MYRELL nov2'.»—tf Harris’ Buildings, Bay street. TO Windup An Estate. VALUABLE FARM, 51-2 Miles from Auguata, C ONTAINING rtaoj One Hundred* and Ktehta Acre*, mere or leas. About (uB, Yi scree of lt in valuable wood ; a good seven Rooms, Stables, Carriage House, and°^7) Farm Buildings. ^ Q sevsn To a party desiring a good healthy, comfortable House, within 50 minutes' drive of... agnate, the»w. place offers superior inducements. For full particular* enquire of CHA3. L. COLBY 4 CO nor7 cor. Abercorn and Bay stn^tg. Jewelry at Auction. REEL, WYLLY A CHRIRTI \ N Ranging and Saw Timber Laud * FOR SALE. TNI YE Thousand Five Hundred (5,560) Acres of r elegant Timbered Land for Bale—situated on a navigable creek which empties into favannib River.— There is a fine Mill Seat on the creek, and neatly all the Machinery for a Circular Saw and two Grist Mills. Terms cash. Apply to E. C. WADE A CO. novJS—St WHlaell THIS EVENING, Nov. ’0th. at 7 o'clock, at store on Rtyan street, two doors ea*t of Bull »t : A choice assortment or Jewelry and Presents. omeail. bale positive Holiday novOu BY BEEU, WYLLY A CHRISTIAN. Dry Goods) Dry Goods! To-morrow, FRIDAY, Dec 1, at 10 otl ek hi Bales Room, an Invoice < f Dry Good* Ju t received, and will be sold without reserve, consisting o!i Muslins. Dress Goods, Flanmls, . Ribbons, L Hsis, Calico*., 1 elaln**, Pl-lda. ,v Flowers, Bonnols. ALSO A general assortment of Mil'nery Goods, Fancy ArtleUg. * e „ 4c. Terms t sh. novSO FOR S-AJLE. A NEAT and commodious Cottage, with Brick out Houses on same lot, situated on Roberts street RnbertsviHe. wm be sold n applied for at an early date. Price $3,000. Apply to Z. M. WINKLER, At Henry Wayne's Stables, West Broad street. nov22 tf For Sale. QNE splendid 4 or 6 Horse 7 agon with Harness to match. novl6-tf Enquire at HENRY WAYNE* "TABLE*. cor York and West Broad st*. For Sale. -| Q FIRKINS choice Bnttcr. ID CH AS. L. COLBY A CO., novl4-tf cor. bercorn and Bay streets. Notice. F OR DALE-500 Acres of Land—60 acres open Land—suitable for Com and Cotton—well im proved and healthy; it is a very public place, and a good business has been done in merchandizing before the war; will be sold low. Apply next door ta the corner of Charlton and Montgomery streets, Savan nah, Ga. nov9—3w For Sale* 2 TONS ENGLISH SHEET COP* PER, manufactured expressly for the Southern mar ket, of usual thickness and weight. Size of sheets as follows : 60x24, 00x23, 60x17, 60x9, 60x7, 36x2 inches. Will be sold at a great bargain. Enquire of G. P. BRADFORD. 343 Broadway, N. Y. Or JOHN E. COWLE8, Corner Bull and Bay streets, oct 13—imo L. C. KOBVKLL A CO. WANTS. Mail Contracts Re-Establishment of Mall Facilities in Georgia. T HE Post Office Department des ? res to furniph the State of Georgia with Postal service, at the earliest practicable day, until July 1st, lS6ti, when the regular contract proposals which are now advertised for, will go Into effect. The Department invites proposals for conveying the mails until June 20,18«6, to all country seats and other impurtant points not reached by Kailrood communica tion. at rates not to exceed $8 per mile per aunnm for weekly service; $15 for 6emi-weekly, and $31 for tri weekly ; and where the importance of the case re quires, $40 for daily service; counting the distance one way in all cases. Service will be furnished on routes where, before the war, it was daily, three times a week; whore it was tri-weekly twice a week; and where it was semi weekly, weekly service will be allowed. Proposals should be addressed to “Hon. Geo. W. McLellan, 2d Asst. P. M.. Washington, D. C , and should state they are for service to end June 2d, 1866. nov!5 tf Come One ! Come All ! Where You can Bay ««•* far I Ms than They are Werth. WILLIAMS, N* cm TIB II * CO. THIS EV ENINU, at store, on Brought-n (treat. Id door fro® Bull, will be i ,*^ Un f Dt o' Dry Good*, Boot* and Phoes. rarcyGood-*, Juwel t. £c. nov 0 BY BLI'V * MET R. Desirable Real Estate at ttctloa. Will be sold THI DAY, 3«h hut., at 10 o'd. dt la - front of store: Two comfortable frrick Dwelt g Hou-ee on B*v street, between Jefterson »nd Montzomery ati«> t» ou Lot No. 1, Franklin Ward «*■ h ho >e b. p g iwo storie* on Basement, and containing two Ha .Ire, ooe Dining Room, three Bedr om» and oi e Kt Chen, srd subject to a ground rent of $14 87 per annum to the city. novso u BY BLUN Sc METER THIS DAY', soth tost., at 10 o’clock, will be sold lo front or store i - 5 hhds. Prime ‘-hou'dt rs. 2 tier cs. and 5 > bl*. Ham*. 25 bbls Apples, In good ord« r. 50 boxes tobacco, '0.* and 5*». ALSO One case Fnglish Print*. On* case Deisms*. An Invoice of Fancy Goods. *A> 80 One case containing assorted Garibal It Ws'kiag Sacks, Cloaks, Children’s nits, llojr -uita, almor -io. Wool - hirts, Ac., Ac. also a lot of hoeaPo ta Ac nov**—’t BY BLUN THIS DAY, 30th inst. »t Sc MEYER. 10 o'clock, will be told lo front of aiorei 1 Mule. 1 Horse, Wagon and Hern***. 60 sacks Liverpool Salt. Also Cbe usual assortment of Furniture. nov30—It (From Dispensatory of the lotted ttitci. DI0SMA 0RENATA. BUCHU LEAVES. PROPERTIES. Their odor is strong, diffusive, and somewhat aro matic, their tastes bitterish, and analog os to mint. Medical Properties and Uses, Bnchn leaves are gently stimulant, with a peculiar tendency to the Urinary Organa product g diuresis, and like other suui'ar mwbe ne-. exdtti g diaphoresis, when circumstances favor this nu de of action. They are given in complaint* of the Urinary Organs, snch as Gravel. Chronic Catarrh of tbe Bladder, Mor bid Irritation of the Bladder and Urethra, Disease of the Prostrate and Retention or Incontinence of Urtns, from a loss of tone In the porta concerned In Its eva cuation. The remedy has also been recommsnded ha Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatism cutaneous Sot- tiona, and Dropsy. Helmbold's Extract Bucha Is used by persona from the ages of 18 to 25, sad from 351» 56, or in the decline o- change of life ; after • an. flnement or Labor Pains; Bed-wetting In abildrae. Raw and Boiled TJmee'd Oil, IN BARRELS, AT nov 25 Horatio PitcDer’s, Foot of Lincoln 6treeL under the Bluff. Notice. Steaiiisliip Oliase IONSIGNEES or owners of Goods C ONSIGNEES or owners of Goods per steam ship Chase on voyage from New York. October 21st, 1S65, will please present copies of Invoices, also I Claims for short deliveries aud deductions for damages, if any, to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of December next for the purpose of making | the adjustment of the general average. HUNTER A GAMMELL. nov24—15D Dissolution of Partnership. T HE firm of DUNBAR A FRANZ is this day dis-! solved by mutual consent, by the withdrawal of Mr. Thomas J. Dunbar. The business will hereafter be continued by PETER DUNBAR and JOHN FRANZ, under the name and style of DUNBAR A FRANZ, at their old place of business, who will col lect and pay all demands of the late firm of DUNBAR Sc ^*RA1i2 Hilton Head, Nov. 1, 1365. nov4—tf A ll kinds of merchandise l'UR HASED. Experienced and competent buyers engaged. Orders filled promptly and faithfully at the lowest prices, and purchases made only from first-class and reliable houses. Orders will be filled, PAYABLE ON DELIVERY, when a sufficient eum is remitted to cover Freight aud ommission*. | Commissions on Bums not exceeding $1U0. .5 per ct. ommission* on sums exceeding $100 2X per ct. Address . 18AAC DAYEGA, nov 29 P. O. Box 1708 New York. A. RESCUER A CO., at 13 Barnard street, corner | of Congress street lane, beg to call attention to their .FINE IS, whi ice*. 1 DRESS SILKS For Doctortom THE new Iron side-wheel steamer Two Boys. Capt. Tbos. Daniel), will leave Dillon's Wharf for the above place on THURSDAY MORNING, 30th inst., at 7 o'clock precisely. For freight or passage (having elegant accommoda tions for 50 persons) apply to ERWIN A HARDEE. JOHN L. ROUMILLAT, Agent at Wharf. nov2S—3t Assortment of DRY GOODS, which they are now offering at greatly reduced price*. Their Stock of Are now opened for inspection, and they invite the ladies of Savannah to call and examine them AT Departure of Steamships and Steamers. FOB NEW YORK. f tssmship Hunter, Saturday, December 2d,'at — t lock. ' tvamship Nevada, Saturday, December 2d, at — 1 ‘Ock. ; - Virgo, Saturday, December 2d, at — Saturday, December 2d, at 5 Copartnership Notice* T HE undersigned have termed a under the name and style of SMITH A CO., for the transaction of a Wholesale Groce-y and Commission Business in tills City, at the head of Bay street, opposite Jefferson. D. T. SCRANTON, Formerly Scranton A Johnston. WM H. SMITH, Formerly Rabun & Smith. J. L. LARGE. Savannah, Nov. 14th, 1365. nov 15—lm Their leisure. We charge nothing for showing our goods, aud will take great pleasure in doing so. We have also received a fresh anpply of Yhoae DELAINES 35 CENTS Which cannot be surpassed In this city; also a new stock of those fine CALICOES, which we are selling at copartnership I 25 cents SCRANTON, | ‘ PEK YARD. nov22 ' tcamship Varuna, t lock. Jutiock!* 1 ’ San Jacinto, Saturday, December 2<J, at foe charlbbton. garner Rockland, Friday, December 1st, at ’8 -lock, p m. TOR AUGUSTA. . . ; "Miner Express, Friday, December 1st, at 6 o'clock ^earner (Vm G Gibbons, every Saturday at9o’cloek fob doctobtowk. DV ^mer Two Boys. Thureday, November 30 th. att Steamer o'clock. FOB PALATKA, FLA. Helen Getty every Saturday morning at Llwie n**”’ Tbweday morning « M To all Interested EDUCATION, m OTICE—We have this day associated with us Educational Bureau or School Institute for * - v the South. lay Mr. R. J. LAHCOMBE, under the firm of CUN- I NINGHAM, PURSE A CO. CUNNINGHAM A PURSE. Savannah, Ga., Nov. luth, 1865. novl4—15t Consignees. J UST RECEIVED— Raw and Boiled Linseed Oil, in barrels; Brandon Red, English New Red, Turpentine, Furniture Var nish, Dry White Lead, Bine Paint, Prussian Blue, Sand Paper, etc., which we keep, besides other Paints, Gro ceries, liquors and Wines always on hand. E. KOBTHCKE A CO, cor. Bar and WWtaaer «t OBJECTS; 1st. To aid Colleges, Academies, Schools and Fami ne*, who seek well qualified Teachers. 2d. To represent Teachers who desire places 3d. To give parents information of good Schools 4th. To sell rent, or exchange School properties* 5th. To furnish School Books and Materially at pub lisher's prices, thus saving the retail profits. HENRY C. WAYNE, Director. JOHN O FERHILL, Secretary For circular giving further information, address John O. Ferrill, Secretary, Savannah, Ga. nov?8—tf laSTotioe to /CONSIGNEES perachr. Albert Tbonuas, \j from New York, are hereby notified that their goods are landing at Exchange Wharves. All goods not removed at sunset be will stored at consignee's ex pense and risk. CHAS. L. .CLBV A CO., Agents. nov2T—4t Mackerel, I N bbls, half bbls. and kits, Mr sale by RICHARDSON A BARNARD, nov28—tf Bay at, opp. Mariner's Church. JPIeiiio Timing* > ‘ Ttgor. A. STARK will promptly attend to all X orders for repairing and tuning Pianos left at J. c.BchrelnertMtuScSkire. WffialsogivalM*««a<* Optw. NOTICE. TiERBY WHARF WOOD YARD.—All JC orders for Wood tp the aboveYard will be sent to B. W. Miller, In charge at the Wharf, acromtanied by the cart to insure attention. F. M. MYKKLda. noy24 tf j TW OTICE.-I have this day associated with me Mr. ll G. w. Chapin, under the firm name pf Chipman A Chanin. B. B. CHIPM4N. Savannah, Ga, Nov. 24,1865, nov 25—3 Onions, Beets, Turnips, Lemons, “ - from sEssmir Him- e» l. sown. Family Mess JBeef. B OSTON Crackers, Cranberries, for sale bv RICHARDSON A BARNARD, nov2S—tf Bay et, opp. Mariners Church. Grmmy Cloth. O C RALEIf—For sale by % Alt) RICHARDSON A B4RNARD, ,no “ Bay at, opp. Mariners Church, Soap and nov23—tf | Winchester’s Candles. TU8T received on consignment, an assorted lot by I the Agents, »ng«»BRADY. SMITH ft GO' I C°for FI ’**’ Mae *" 1 “ d _ for tale by tm\ \ W .A. jSTTEI), OWNERS FOR TWENTY (20) BALES Upland Cotton. Picked np in the Savannah River, by Howard’s Flats, If not identified In five (5) days will be sold at the re commendation of a Board of Survey, for aeconnt of all concerned. CUNNINGHAM, PURSE A CO. nov22 - W ANTED—A Suit of Rooms, partly fur nished preferred, suitable for housekeeping for three persons. Address Lock Box 35, Postoffice, nov 29—It For Augusta, The Steamer 13. GOODSELL will receive fr eight on Monday, and leave with dis- natch For Freight engagements apply on board, or re nov 25 M. A. COHEN, FOB NEWYOJRK The Brig Olive P'rance.s, F. J Small, master, is now loading for the above port. Fur freight apply to ' CHAS. L. COLBY A CO., unv29 cor. Bay and Abercorn street*, For Liverpool. The new first class clipper ship VIRGINIA, Weeks, Commander, Is now rapidly loading at Lower Press, and, having large'engmgemeuts. will have qnick despatch. For freight or passage, (taken at lowest rattis), ap ply to oet23—tf C’HAHLE L. COLBY A CO, cor. Bay and * bercorn streets. For Liverpool. THE A No. 1 ship MOUNT BLANC, is now .rapidly loading at White's Press. For balance of freight, (having 'room only for a few hundred bales,) enquire of Laroche, gaden & unckles, Agt*. nov21 lOO Styles of POCKET BOOKS I SATCHELS. TAX AM IN* SAMPLES. Order* wfll be i received for the * «>„ augT Bey st, — door* from Dell A Christian, Liverpool Sack Salt mwK Cargo of tbe British Ship Herald is offered J. ter sale, In lots to suit purchasers, by CHARLES GREEN A SON, No. 12 Bay street, Stodard’s Lower Range, mTiil sw rim,WHITE PSP TTIORsale by .*»- [%n-k wanted ;y of respectability and position, a Parlor Two Bedrooms adjoining furnished well with privilege <5f cooking; or Board in a desirable family for two adults and two children. Please ad dress “Boarding,” office of this Paper, stating terms nov 14—tf Ac., Ac. WANTED MIDDLING COTTON AND BICE, desirable Y N ’exchange for $15 to $20,000 of very I Summer Drees Goods, Ac, comprising a most complete assortment of the choicest frabic*—N< Old Stock. Apply to JOHN F. YOUNG, 7„ North Fourth street, Philadelphia. Reference—DeWitt A Morgan, Savannah. Philadelphia Reference—M7 L. Wood Marsh A Haywood. oct30 L. Halloweli A Co, or A DAY I Agents wanted to sell a new and wonderful SEWING MACHINE, tbe only cheap one licensed. Address 8'JAW A CLARE, Blddeford, Maine. aeplS 3m A MONTH! Agents wanted for tie entirely new articles, just out. Address O. T. GAREY, City Bonding, Blddeford, Maine. 3m aeplS SFLECT FfM’.lE SCHOOL riiHE undersigned having rented the e®* 1001 . boi j^ X tag on the comer of Charlton and would respectfully announce to the pobhc .“7 stated by ftreTAtethea 8. Burroegl» wjfopen a Selaft Female School in said building on tbe first Monday In ° < Tuition per Term of Throe Month*, one half payable the middle of each : «, m renter Department, pester.... ..^1 00 P?ta«uy do 15 00 Be £3 m “ y JAMES S. COZBY Ill Aflections Peculiar to Female*, Tbo Extract Bnchn is nneqtt&led byany other remedy, as In Chlorosis or Retention. Irregularity, l’alnfm- ne8e or Suppression of Customary Evacuations. I leera ted or Scmrrus state of the Uterus. Leucorrbra or Whites. DISEASES0F THE III. A DDES. XIHNET8, GRATH AJil) DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. This medicine increases the power of Digestion, and excites the Absorbents into healthy action, bv wbch the Watery or Calcare us depositions, -nd ail Unna tural Enlargements arc reduced, as well as Pals and Inflammation. Helmliold’s Extract Bucbu Has cured every case rf Diabetes ta which it has beeli givtn. Irritation of the .stckoi the ' la-'d- r and Inflammation of the hidnes. U!c ration of 'be Kiri-, neysand Bladder, Retention of Uiira. i ls*-at«suf tb* Prostrate Claud Stone in the Bladder, C icu'nv -ravni. Brick du’t Deposit, and Mucus or Milky liiachargws and for Enfeebled and Delicate '■ onaHtutlon*. of ootll sexes, attended with tbe following symptoms; In. disposition to Exertion. Loss of Power, Loss of Mem ory, Difficulty of Breathirg. Weak Ne-vo*. I n mb tag. Horror of Disease, Wake nice**. Dimness of Vbon. Pain in the Back, Hot Hands, rlnsulng of the Dryness of the kin, iruption ou the Face P,jjld • ount nance. Universal Lasaltndu of lbs Ma cular System, Ac. Helmbold’s Extract Bnchn is Diuretic and Blood-Purifying, And core* all Disease* arising from Habit* of Ptm<p*- tfon. Excesses and Impend nccsin . if.- ImpaTka of the Blood, Ac., superseding opnlbs In nflbe- tions for which it is n-cd. aneb a* Goner- rboea. Gleets, of long standing, and Syphilitic Affection* with Helm, bold's Rone Walk SOLD AT HELMBOLBI Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 394 broadwav And by Druggist* vrrryirlw't. ASK FOR HELMBOLD’S TAKE NO Of HUH. Beware of Counterftalta. novll—lm New Goods! Paniel F. Tiemann A Co, jfo. 840Jearl St., New York. M anufacturers of Paints, white Lead, Colors, Varnishes, and dealers In articles in tiffs fine. Also, JTEMAXN’S SOLUBLE GLUE,for Washing, — A. “CALlfURMA VERMILLION,» Pale and Deep. Should be glad fo see onr old friends in the trade, or hear from them at any time by mall, oct 18—3m THE American Bank Note Company, (Wallatraet*cor. •« Wlllla*« .l New Yorks GSORGB w. HATCH, President. L. VAN ZANDT, Secretary. “* - S3 * “^tssr h Sheetings, Shirtings, OaBsbnrgs/' Jeans, Kerseys, Cloths, Caasimrres, Broad Cloths, Doeskins, Cloakings, Sackings, Flannels, Silks, Alpaces*, Delaines, Mohairs, Plaids, Checks, Express Cloth*, Merino*, Baits, Baitings, 8wta*. > f ’ ni1 QENTr FURN^HINO OOOM AT Wholfesale stnd HmtntiL Posisry, Gloves, Trimmings, Lioeo Collars Pansr Collars, Embroidsnsa, Hoop Sk rts, Balmorals, _ . Shawls, K* Cloaks, O Netass, © Worsteds, •^a Ribbon^ S Valvsta/ «P Hats, Bonnsis, Homs*. Ornamite.