Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 30, 1865, Image 4

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POETRY by JOHN G. SAM. rft *ollowiDX poem was delivered by John O- s ;l convention supper of the Psi U R 8, !.? U, at the Delavan House, Albany,N. V. * rL - ■ ’ day of July, 18CS. It is said never to * ' ill I heard state you the on tbe ilat —„ , bate ben in print before.] Dear Brother ! I’m something unhappy , .Such abuse, t’other day, of an excellent word, Tba r < it roused all my wrath. I Thure’s'a bov in my bouse with well enough face, Not painfully handsome J°“’ ll rea ^ lj ^ ef his Who are looking just now at the face el n A boy of mn'ween, rather slender than strong, t And in height, I may say, rather tediously Jong. Well, to tell you the story, a saucy young W Of .lohnnv’s acquaintance came up to the door, And ringing the bell in the loudest way, Sen;'hack the Hibernian servant to say t j it “a gentlemen wanted a moment to see SAVANNAH, NOVEMBERS*. ARRIVED. Hunter, Rogers, New York, to Hunter icll steamship *Keamship Nevada, Carpenter, New York, to B 'wrarnrhip 1 ^rhdidcT' New York, to O Cohen. Steamer Fannie, McNelty, Charleston, to F M My- 11 Steamer Helen Getty, Ingraham, Palatka, &e., to L S Bennett* Steamer City Point, Talbot, Charleston, R W Adama. CLEARED. - Steamship Weybosset, Parish, New York, Brig ham, Baldwin & co. t-teamsbip Euterpe, Eldridge, New York, John R "steaniehip Chase, Roath, New York, Hunter * Gamroril. steamship Wm Tibhets, Cony, Boston, Richardson A Ba.nard. Steamer Fannie, McNelty, Palatka, F M Myrell. Steamer Oak, Mc?anley, Aagusta, F M Myrell. Union Place Hotel, Cor. Broadway aod 14th Sts , Opposite Washington Statue, NEW YORK BEADY, SMITH & CO. CITY H. C. FLING <fc CO., Proprietors. Ye gods ! can By u blundering booby ^o/dTsVnew one J £ffipS5pto of sixVi‘ m *? be the true ot What hied my soul with such deep indignatio one;) n Wus its very improper, absurd application Is was ne'er in my W* so insulted before; Wiih a jump and a bound I arrived at the . Intending to pnnish the rascal who saddled iriemiuisj" r u. v . F t. t” H«'dTcaught him, by Jove j I may say witho door, his chance for distinguished Well, what could lovi'-y. I'd have lessened longevity: But the lellow had vanished ! I do V Am I Old Mr. Saxe ? I submit it to you— Is he old, who climbs to the highest of attics And never complains of fatigue or rheumatics V Is be old, who, in spite of his last thinning curls. Has a joke for the boys and a smile for the girls ? Is he old, let me ask, tnough he’s. stout in the waist, Whc keeps undiminished his juvenile taste For fun—lf-properly seasoned with seuse V Is he old, who owes nothing to fraudulent art ? Above all, is he old who is young at the heart ? I iat'aer think not; but quien eaiel who knows ? The bud of last evening to-day ia arose ! And roses will lade, and in like manner, when We jolly young fellows grow middle-aged men— Perhaps the Good Father (it surely were kind) .Makes us to our failings conveniently blind ! "Know yourself,” Baid the Grecian, a difficult task, And rather too much of a moral to ask; We all know the Dame of the fellow who pen ned it, And how he "avstrat et cue la deecendit,” That ‘ Grotbi seautou” came down from the sky: I've oniv to add that the auge.1 who brought it Should have opened a school and diurnally taught it. ' Know thyself,” it is well; but for my psrt, my brothers, i would rather extend my acquaintance with others, As promising rather a better return Than aught ol myself I could learn ! To learn human nature is really an art, And many suppose they have it by heart, Because they are keen at detecting pretenses— Bad motives, sly vices, and wicked pretenses The worst and the weakest may chance to in herit; To publish the virtue that’s misunderstood, And always and everywhere seek for the good ! There was poor paddy Goldsmith, an author of note, And who has not read what poor Oliver wrote ? A scholar, philosopher, writer of {days, And a poet who still wears the freshest of bays; Every dandy in town, every chambermaid “Moll,” Cold tell of his blunders and laugh at his "Noll.” Si erybody could see he was homely and rough; Aod of follies and foib'es had more than enough; But it took the profoundest of sages to scan The learning and genius that lay in the man ! Sara Johnson could see, and was free to declare, There was spirit and humor and poetry there; And to fools, who might sneer, he had ever this answer: "You may laugh as you will, aDd say what you can, sir, He's a wonderful wit, and a very great man, sir!' A word for Pri Gpsilon, beautiful dame ' To me, young or old, she is ever the same— And I deem it to-night the profoundest of joys That she counts me, God bless her, one of her boys. Gen. N. B. Forrest has associated himself in the commission, grocery and general faotorago business with the firm ot Tate, Gill & Able, at Memphis, Tonn., and publishes tbe following modest card in the Appeal: It will he,seen that I have associated myself in business with the firm of Tate, Gill A Able, propose to try, by close attention and correct ness of dealing, to make it the interest of my old friends to extend me a fare share of their patron ago- N. B. Fobbest. A Military Commission is said to be ordered for the investigation of the enlistment of Prus sian subjeeig by the State of Massachusetts during tho war, with power to set in Washing ton and Boston to accommodate Prussian Min isters and Massachusetts officials respectively. It is understood that the Prussian Government has demanded an explanation from the United States, and the former expects to establish tlie fact, that fraud and compulsion was practised upon emigrants. Commissioners—Maj. Gen, Hitchcock, Mat. Smith and Seth Williams. Passengers Pei steamship Nevada, from New York—-Miss Skilton, Mrs llearne, Mrs S £ Safford, Mm H. O’Neil, Mrs L Leed, Mrs Schereuanski, John H Taylor, C Demurest, W N Bryant, A W Landye, J C Harris, C Ahrens, Mr Brewer, Mr Pretsohler, Mr Davis, 0 Warner, L Markham, Jno Malloy, Chas VanOrdon, Geo Anderson, Mrs D A O’Bvrne, 2 children and nurse, C T Wilcox, E E Palmer T R Blake, Mrs H Douglas, J 0 Conner, PYao/'ands H A Markers, Jno Sherlock, L Evans, Mr Barman, A Mast, E W Pelton, A W Harvey, L Fiie'l and wife, Dr L D Wilooxson and wife. Mrs Gregory and two children, M New- mark, E Cohn, W J Clements, and 40 in the steerage. Per steamship Hunter, from New York—John Nel- Icss. U J .rones and lady, U T West, Mis Fitzpatrick and infaut, Mrs T A Johnson and 2 children, Mrs Hill and 2 children, James H Garabrant, J Bennett, T Richard, E Hill, P Keefe, E Bumes, E B Gleasomer, J Chambers, J Mu-phy, FHenderson, and others In steerage. Per steamer Fannie, from Charleston—“Col J Bto- ney, B H Lceke, G vV Reiver, J 8 Banfield, Miss Ha ven, Miss Lucy Chase, Miss rarah Chase, W Haskins, and 3 on deck. Per steamship Virgo, from New York—Thos All! son, John Jones, T J Eppes, wile, nurse and child, Miss <J E Jocelyn, Miss E B Erclith, Miss M Cora Os good, Mrs C G Mnthewson, K F sfathewson, . G TT Dunscombe, 11 Dykes, n T Mot. E G Purman, N J Bunnell, S Frisbi, J Bernhard, E Current, J K fctimp- son aud niece, and 40 steerage. Per steamship Euterpe, for New York—Chas H fan- horn, Col J o Gibbs, H Clark, J Corley. J 8 Crowell, Sidney Andrews, W J Freyer, jr, S Holliday, E Heile, and steerage. Per steamship WmTibbets, for Boston—E D Joes- lin, G S i emteu, S 8 Miller, J D Tucker, and steerage. Per steamship Weybosset, tor New Yo.k—F Evans, Mrs Mary Finsier, Jlr B W ■ mith, Jos Barnes, R Ott- maa, J a Wood, and steerage. Per steamer City Point, fom Charleston—Mr Bailey and lady, Mrs Soulcock and daughter, J D Malkcrson, Mrs C Morris and 4 child en, J K Myat, P H Wood, 8 W Plume, H Allen, Geo V Melr, J D L Beckett, J Mc- Cromlan, J L Henry, J O’Connor, Mr Korblan, H Hal- cuder, »'m Pierson, Lewis Gaston, J J Allen, Geo Sealing, J II Thomas, P C Lewis, and others, Per steamer Helen Getty, from Palatka, Ac—E Haile, L Warrock, J Paine, M T Miller, A Chtmau, 8 llalllday, u'm Van Do n, L P Paul, J P M Epping, Jno Knight, T H Ligon, Eras T.iay, A W Holmes, Jno Enzor, Dr A B Stonelake, IPS Week, IPB McMttttry, A J Lvmb, J Reddick. R G Terry, T D Hamilton. General Robert E. Lee recently forwarded request to the War Department for permission to retain a few old United States pieces of artil. lery at Lfxington, Va., for the instruction of his military school in gunnery practice. Secretary Stanton, however, promptly sent an officer to convey the guns to Richmond. It is said Gottscbalk, the famous pianist, es' caped a coat of tar and feathers by bis sudden departure from California. His acaomplicc Charles Le Gay, a prosperous hatter of San Francisco, has entrusted bis business to agent, and left also. FI.VAiVi ILL Mi) I’OMMERCHl Augusta market. Augusta, Nov. 26. Cotton.—We have little change to remark in the market. It remains about the same as at last night. Union market. ,, Macon, Ga., Nov. 25. CoTioK-There is considerable movement in cotton. I orty five cent* is readily obtained for good middling offered, and a considerable HANOVER STREET, BOSTON, Is the Largest and Best Arranged Hotel in New England. LEWIS RICE, Proprietor. AND ;: ■ ; forwarding Merchants, AND Manufacturers’ Agents NORTH SIDE pF BAY STREET, Between Whitaker and Barnard, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA liberal advances made on consignments of Cotton. A.%, to their friends in New York and Boston. References—Wm. K. Kitchen, Prwt NatkmalPark Bank, N, Y.- H. C Thacher & Co_ Boston; Israel Co hen, Baltimore-. w«n, Moses* Co., Colhmbnar Wyman, Moses & Co., Montgomery. an g» aep27 The Southern House Fourth Street, ST. LOTTIES, MO LAVEILLE, WARNER & CO., Proprietors. A first class family Hotel; unsurpassed for locality, comfort and convenience. tf eep!9 all amount ib changing hands at these figures. mobile market. Mobile, Cotton—The market closed <jme{ L butfi'rrn "t day, the demand being confined tn iILTl t0 ‘ Hale, of 600 bale, w*U noddling. Stock on salevery |j K h’t. °° a C for Montgomery market. Montgomkuy, Ala., Nov 2=> Cotton—Yesterday, the receipts were liaht than the day before. Transactions were more numerous, but principally ot small lots. One sale took place at 28c in gold, equal to 42V i n greenbacks. There is an evident increasing de sire to buy aud sell. Coasignees Per steamship Hunter, from New York.—Both- well A Whitehead, Biun A Meyer, Crane, John- on k Graybili, Claghorn k Cunningham, Cun ningnaui k Purse, H Cowley, M A Cohen, J H Deppish, Erwin k Hardee, M Ferit k co, Geo C Freeman. Gaden A Unckles, J Gilliland A co, Gowdy, Hunter k Gammell, Hess k Gutman, A Hardee, Halsey, Watson k oo, G M Heidt, Hil ton & Randell, T Henderson, C V Hutchins, A B Ives, G J Jones, J M Kir.chley, Karlin k Burke, Lovell k Lattimore, LaRoche, Gaden k Uuckles, G Mehrtens, Miller, Thomas k co, F Meiacke, J C Maker k co, J C Mather, Order, Rogers Cann, A A Solomon, W H Stark, C W Thompson Weed k Cornwell, C E Smith, Jacob Lippman, and others. - * „ Per steamship Nevada, from New York—Crane, Johnson k Graybili, A, J, H k oo, W R, W, H A co, Cooper, Olcott k Farrelly, F M Myrell, G [A Duccan k Johnson, G, G k J, J H, H k oo, N A C, J C Maker A oo, [S M L], M Newmark, Peter Reilly, J Buokley, W L Vroom, Tison A Gordon, D M Davison. Hunter A Uammell, MrsE Meyers G N Nichols, Nichols, Camp A co, W Wolf, J B Deppish, John McMahon A co, A M Scarborough, steamer R 11 May, Cunningham, Purse A eo. H Dittmors, C L Gilbert, P Skehan, T H, B A co, S Goodall, D M Blue A oo, J Gilliland A co, C White, M G Ehrlich, Biair, Bickford A co, Young k Nixon, R E Graves, D R Dillon, T W Shae, Francis Blair, T Nugent, jr, M Ferst A co, M S Veyer, J E Hernandez, Bell, Wylly A Christian, Pockard A Berrien, York, Williams, Mclntire A co, W M Davidson, L&Koahe, Gaden <ft Unckles, Dzialynski A Slager, G M Heidt, M D Wadley, W 11 Pease, E II VanNess A oo, T H Balshaw A co, John Hart, Order, H G Rewe, Rogers A Cann, A Rescber A oo, T W Cooney, mrs 5 Prentice, H Agcew, B Habersham A Son, M J Solomons, Einstein A Eckman, Brady, Smith Aoo, Linvillo A Gleason, 0 Cohen, Claghorn A Cunningham, Southorn Ex co, J Lama, Bryan, Hartridgc A co, Blun A Meyer, J L Villalonga, A A Solomons A oo, Halsey, Watson A co, F W Sims A eo, Er- wiu A nardeo, Lightfoot Jaques, R D W, B [B], Bothwell A Whitehead, John Rutherford, P Soanlan, C N, J Lippman, M J Doyle, J Epstein Bro, Weed A Cornwell, G B A G W Lamar, W H Stark, Miller, Thomas A oo, Schuster A Heinsieus, A Kohler, Kein Aco, W II Wiltbergsr A oo, E Ehriich, M A Cohen, W L Peabo ty, Jas Las- sere. it Eothschild, W H Bryant, K B Daly A co, C N A II R J Long, [P] oo, L C A H, W C O’Driscoll, J D B, C L Colby A co. Per steamship Virgo, from New York—Adams’ Ex co, J W Andersen A Son, G H Arledge, J H Baldwin, Bell, Wylly A Christian, M lleytagh, Blun A Meyer, Bothwell A Whitehead, R Brad ley, Brady, Smith A co, Brigham, Baldwin A co, Bryan, llartridge A co, F Champion, Claghorn A Cunningham, A M Cohen A jBro, M A Cohen, 0 Cohen, C L Colby A co, F W Cornwell, Crane, Johnson A Graybili, Cunningbam|A Parse, Dr W H Cuyler, E P Deyo, J H Deppish, Doyle A Lyons, Duncan A Johnson, Dzialynski A Slager, E Ehrlich, Erwin A Hardee, M Ferst A Bro, D Finnegan, Mrs J S Forhen, G C Freeman A oo, C L Gilbert, J Gilliland, H Gowdy, Guckecbeim- er A Sclig, R Habersham A Sons, Halsey, Wat son A co, Herig A Berkle, E E Hertz, Holcombe A oo, R M Hunt, Hooter A Gammell, A B Ives, Jones A Way, Kein & oo, Kennedy A O’Brien, J R Kiochley, Rand J Lachlison, J Lama, R J Laroombe, LaRoche, Gaden A Unckles, Jacob Lippman, Lovell A Lattimore, J MeMahon, S W Mangham, Mather A West, W H May, Jas Me. Gratb, WAR Mclntiro, J II Moses, U Murkin-, F M Myrell, E L Neidliager, Nickerson A Jones, John Oliver, G W Porter, Peter Riley, W G Rob. in son, Rodgers A Cana, John Rutherford, H G Ruwe A co, G D Sagars, Schuster A Ileinsiur, J R Scaly A co, D F Sheffer, W H Sherwood, F W Smith A co. A A Solomons, W M Walsh, B Strauss, J T Thomas, Tbos M Turner, Tyson A. Gordon, E 11 VaDNees A oo, J L Villalonga, L D Waddell, R D Walke-, Mrs M Walker, J G Watts A co, C White, J R Wilder, ‘ M H Wilt- berger Aco, Wm Wolf, Yonge A Macon, Cooper, Oloott A Farrelly, Jno Ryan, J C Schreiner A Son, Pierce Skehan, MAD Wadley. Per steamer Helen Getty, from Palatka, Ao Adams’ Express, C E 0 Sullivan, Erwin A Har« dee, A S Hartridee, J L Villalonga, Tison A Gordon, Miller, Thomas A eo. Wilmington market. Wilmington, Not. 23. Cotton- -No sales. Spirits TuHpzNaN*—Bales and 26 bbls at 02>£c. of 6 bbls at 60c, —Sales of 40 bbls at |5. 50 Hbinolks—Salas of ^“‘hligfe! atil £ £ 15 Tan—Is firm at $3, at whieh _ Not *“ bis , 26 - 218 bbls. hl0h we re P° rt **1®8 Of Rcsio—112 bbls cdknmon and So 2 «nM to $5 IS per tale barrel. 2 * old C*odb Turp*ntinz—107 bbto at *5. J&SS& S£ St®,. 1 " ““■« - “"'™ r “ *’*• ‘• <11 *> Receipt*. Per steamer Helen Getty, from Palatka, Ac.—104 bales sqita-e cotton, 26 do round do, 4 cases mdze, 8 do leather, 32 bbls oranges. METROPOLITAN HOTEL, Late Brown’s, WASHINGTON, 3D. C. IJIH13 leading Hotel, Renovated and Refurnished, modatlon in pel of its old patrons. 3m seplt Exports. Per steamship Chase, for New York—339 bales up land cotton. 10 do domestics, 18 bags coffee and spice, I case, Ac. Per steamship Weybosset, for New York—498 bales upland cotton. 69 pkgs mdze, 11 bales domestics, Ac i.„S r "t^amship Euterpe, to- NewTork—SCI bales np- frnit 21 do wool, 2 bales yarn, ’0 sacks dried Per bo «'*™ d ^ 6‘ bundles sugar cane, Ac. Iimrifn WmTibbets, for Boston-460 bales cot- 7 do wool > 11 crockery. 1 irou t s ’ r> ““e*- to barrels and 5 bales mdze, 3 tons Cotton Sins! Cotton Glns , c . tioD e|B ,, Taylor, Brown, Eagle, Southern, Emory & Craven, McCharty and Excelsior COTTOK ‘ GKnsrs, With Engines, IJorse Powers, and every thing com plete for ronning, in-store, and ready tor immediate shipment, at the lowest rates, by JOHN B. FULLER, "V ®*7 Mroo<» !»«w T*rk. oeW-eodty MISCELLANEOUS. TOBACCO FOR SALE ON CONSIGNMENT 1.800 Boxes Plug, assorted brands. 4,Oi O Pounds Fine Cut Smoking In Papers. 5,000 Pounds Snuff, assorted brands, with a general assortment of Groceries. The Tobacco and Snuff not being subject to Govern ment Tax, can now be sold to the trade at less than New York prices. We are agents for the sale of. George Page & Co.’s Engines and Circnlar, Portable and Stationary Saw mills, descriptions of which will be furnished by us on ap plication. YONGE A NIXON, novlT—lm ‘ Bay street. “HOUSEHOLD BLESSINGS.” THE CELEBRATED PATENT UNION WASHING MACHINE Admitted to be the best in the World. First Prize Medals Awarded in Europe and America. Washes perfectly without soaking, rubbing or- boil ing. THE PATENT UNION WRINGER With Cog Wheels and solid white rubber Rolls—the best and most durable made. These Machines were invented by a native of Ar kansas, and arc the same so highly spoken of by Con federate officers, who used them in Johnson's Island Prison. J. WARD & CO., 457 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. VAN NAME & CO., Western Agents, Chicago, St. Louis and Cincinnati. nov22—lot JUST RECEIVED Per Steamer America A fine assortment of Rhine Wines Wines. Hockheimer, Nierstincr, Eiebfrnumilk. Liquors. St. Croix Rum, Jamaica Rum, Fine Brandies. And a variety of the finest brands of Also. Lunch Served at U O’clock A. M, At A. STAMM’S, 'y22— tf 8t. Charles', In Rear of Custom House. 3SS IV I AND C H EMI CALS A CHOICE selection of DRUGS, MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, PERFUMERIES, PATENT MEDI CINES, TRUSSES, Ac., just landed from New York, Apothecaries, Planters and Traders From the interior can be supplied at shortest notice. I can warrant any article as being pure. A large quantity of EUROPEAN LEECHES, fini quality. All the PATENT MEDICINES extant on hand. 100 cases JACOB’S DYSENTERIC CORDIAL, all of which will be sold low for CASH. Wholesale and Retail, - Apothecaries’ Hall, Corner Broughton and Barnard streets, W. M. WALSH, M. D., Proprietor. N. B.—Fresh Garden Seeds. tf ie!6 mm turnip %m RUTA BAGA. FIAT HUTCH AND Bed Top Turnip Seeds Warranted to be of the GROWTH OB’ 1865, Just received from D. Landreth, and for sale by IOLN,. Jyio W. W. LIN cor Bull and < 'ongress streota. FOR SALE A CHOICE LOT OF ALSO, 100 Bbls. Lawrecceville do’s Cement Will be sold Low to Close Consignment. Apply to CHAS; V. COLBY Sc. CO., *ep!4 tf cor. Bay and Abercom sts. Wright & Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Represented by our Agent, JOHN 8, WRIGHT, Esq. No. 69 Wall Street, New York, on “28 «m Phi*, who pronounce it i uSoBts, ana the material ' delicate hair. 1. BRIDT, w*. it. svirrn. Horses & DANIEL BUTLER Would respectfully to- form the public that he ia now prepared to fumiab, at the shortest notice. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. aoiix. r. roan, H. I. WILLIAMS, J. *. M’lNTIHX. r.M,. WABD. First class Carriages run to thi Wharves and to the Railroad ' rates. None but careful and competent Drivers enr DANIEL BUTLS . noalO—tf cor. Whitaker and York streets. YU. AUCTION AND COMMISSION mkrchasis, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. Consignments of Cotton and Lumber solicited. References: Savannah—Brigham, Baldwin ifc Co., Gaden A Unckles, Erwin £ Hardee. Hunter A GammcU, Isaac D. LaRoche, Roberts, W. Woodbridge, L. C. Norvell Sc Co. _ „ „ ,, New York—S T. Knapp Sc Bro., D. H. Baldwin Sc Co. Sale days, Tnesdays and Fridays. CHARLES L. COLBY & CO., SHIPPING, COMMISSION, AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS JONES’ BLOCK, CORNER BAY AND ABERCORN STS. SAVANNAH, GiY. Liberal cash advances made on consignments to the firm represented in New York by tharles L Colby, Esq., or to our friends in Boston. ALEX. H. HOL * AY, Resident Partner. Rifebihces.—Messrs. Dabney, Morgan & Co., New York; Jarvis Slade, Esq.. New York; Gardner Colby, Esq., Boston; Hon. .T. Wiley Edmands, Boston. aog!6 tf KEIN & CO., 114 BAT STREET, SAVANNAH, OA., COTTON FACTORS, COMMISSION & FORWARDING MERCRANT8 L IBERAL cash advances made on consign-' ments of Cotton and approved Merchandize made to their friends In New York, Boston or Liver- P< Refer to Messrs. Smith A Donning, New York; C C. Sc H. Sf. Tabor, New York; Cabot Sc. Senter, 8t Lonis; W. H. Taylor, New Orleans. aug26 F. M. MYRELL, Steamboat Agent, GENERAL Commission and Forwarding Merchant, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga., Harris’ Bailding, 2d Door West of A. Low & Co.’s, Refers to Messrs. Hnntcr A Gammell, Crane, John son Sc Graybili, Bell, Wylly Sc Christian, Bothwell Sc Whitehead,.Miller, Thomas Sc Co., and M. A. Cohen, Esq. tf acp29 E. F. METCALFE & CO., GENERAL FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Stoddard's Range, on Bay street, between Lincoln and Abercom, Savannah, Georgia. References.—Heniug, Flint* Pearce, New York; E M. Bruce A Co. Augusta, Ga.; R. C. Robson, Esq., At lanta, Ga.; Knott Sc Howes, Macon, Ga.; E. M Bruce, Morgan Sc Co , Apalachicola, Fla.; Watts, Crane Sc Co., New York; Geo. C. Pearce A Co., St Louis, Mo ; H. C. Bruce A Co., Cincinnati, O.; Mr. H. J. Cook, Albany, Ga.; John W. Ovonnor, Macon, Ga. sep21 tf H. GOWDY, Commission Merchant, 19 6 B A. X STREET, (Anderson’s Wharf,) SAVANNAH, GEORGIA oct2 3m FRANK S. HESSELTINE, COUNSELLOR at LAW NO. 147 BAY STREET, {NEXT! DOOR TO THE REPUBLICAN OFFICE,1 SAVANNAH, <3-A-. oct SI A- E- LOPEZ & CO., Gunsmiths aud Locksmiths, Corner of St< Jnlien and Jefferson Streets. eetlB—tf SAMUEL P. HAbHLTON, (Successor to Wilmot A Richmond,) W&tcbes, Silver Ware, Jewelry Canes, Cutlery, Ac. Cor. Whitaker,Si. Julien and Congress Sis. SAVANNAH, GA. Watches and Jewelry, repaired. Chronometers rated br transit. Cash paid for old Gold and Silver. J M MARINE various Steamboat it at the-lowest iyed. Wm, M. Davidson Teas, WHOLESALE DEALEB IK Groceries, Wines, Lienors, Segars, Ale and Cider, 150 Bay Street Savannah, 0Ct25 tf JNO. L*. VILLALONGA, Cotton Factor, Forwarding and Commission Merchant NO. 94 BAY STREET, GEORGIA. Insurance Agency. Security insurance Conpany, Capital and Pubplus, $1,000,000. Ph«nix Insurance Company, Capital and Surplus, $1,600,000. International Insurance Company, Capital anO Surplus, $l,2on,0oo. Manhattan Insurance Company, Capital and Surplus, $9do,ooo. Risks taken in the above highly n-spoustble Com panies on Buildings and Merchandize of *]; descrip tions, at the lowest rates, corresponding with tbe risks. Apply to A. A. LANE, Agent, po»18—3m No. 12 Stoddard’s Range, Bay street. YORK ADVEBTISEW^. t , woodfSTSk* ATTomATEYH OCt25 Cm COOPKK, OLCOTI'S & FARRELLY, Booksellers and Stationers, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. RICHARDSON &c BARNARD, Bay St, opposite Mariner’s tikreh. AGENTS |FOR Wm. Jessup A Eon’s English Cast Steel, Circular Sawz, C»tton Gins, Ammoniated Pacific Guano, Patent Decking and Hoofing. oCt!4—tf ALEXANDER HARDEE STORAGE AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT COR. BAY AND JEFFERSON STREETS, SAVANNAH, GA. Dealer in Hay, Fodder, Grain, Floor, Wool, Hides, Bran, shorts, Ac. tf - , , s*pB» COTTON GINS, STEAM ENGINES FOR SAW MILLS, And all kinds of Machinery can be procured through the undersigned. SASHES AJXT) BLIND8, ' Of every description and* pattern, can be obialned at the lowest Manufacturers' Prices, by applying to te ! copy, and seed bill to 1 IRS—Raisins, Macon Telegraph and Augusta Coi this office. 908 Bay street nstituti ntionalist received - and tor a»le by ROY ID ns, Currants, Citron, | Figs, Vermicelli and nreCr Insurance Agency OCEAN", RIVER, FIRE. T BE undersigned hold commiaeions from the lead teg Insurance corporations ot New York, repre senting an aggregate cash capital of over FIVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS And are prepared to issue policies to cover Fifty Thou sand dollars on one application upon Fire Risks at Savannah and Inland - Towns, COTTON AND MERCHANDIZE IN TRANSIT ON THE AUGUSTA AND MACON RIVERS, OCEAN BISKS GENERALLY. Prompt Settlement of Losses. L. C. NORVELL Sc CO., rnay29 Bnll street, opposite Post Office. T HE undersigned have formed a Copartnership under the name aud style of COuPER, OLCOTT3 Sc FARRELLY, for the transaction of a Wholesale and Retail Book and Stationery Business, at the old stand of John SI. Cooper Sc Co., Northwest comer of Whitaker aud St Julien streets. JOHN M. COOPER, WILUAMH OLCOTT, DANIEL G. OLCOTT. oct23 STEPHEN FARRELLY. PAPER AND RAG W AREHOUSE. WARREN & PLATNER Wholesale Dealers In All Kinds of Coarse and Fine Papers, Enve lopes, Twines, and Paper Roes. Sole Agents in this city for the Rath Paper mills. The highest cash prices paid for Rags, Old R ope and Bagging, and Waste Paper, in large or small quantities. octio 210 Bay Street, Savannah. A. S. IIARTRIBGE, COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchant, 93 BAY STREET, GEORGIA. 8AX”A]XriSrAJQC, 'OCtl4—If A. T. OUNJI1NGHAM, T>. G. PUItBE, K. J. LABCOMBE, CUNNINGHAM, PURSE & CO., FACTORS, FORWARDING AND Commiss ion Merchants) Bay Street, Savannah, G-a, References—Robt. Habersham Sc Sons, Gammell, Octavus Cohen, Brigham, '®ni Erwin & Hardee, Claghorn > Hunter Sc Baldwin & Co., nningham. sep5-3m KIRLIN, BRO. & BURKE, WHOLK8ALB DEALER# IN ALES, WINES AND LIQUORS Oor, jnnc21 Whitaker Street and Bay Lane. Cm R. MOLINA, 00E- BULL AND CONGRESS STREETS, (Under Screven Ilouae,) IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN Havana Segars, Leaf XND SMOKING TOBACCO. Also, all kinds of Virginia Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Meerschaum, Brier Root, and all other kinds of Fancy Pipes. 3m sep30 I. A. HARHUE & CO., Shipping, Commission, AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GA . Will make liberal cash their friends, Norton, Btreet, New York. advances on consignments to slaughter & Co.. 40 Broad OCt d-r-tf NEW GOODS J EST RECEIVED, a large and beautiful as- ment of FANCY GOODS, selected expressly for this market Call and see them. C. M. HILLSMAN, aug!4 cor. Bull apd Broughton streets. AUGUSTA CARDS- J.O.MATHEWSON [GENERAL COMMISSION, PRODUCE BROKER AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, No. 285 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga., (At the Old Stand of the late firms of T. P. Stovall A Co., Stovall, McLaughlin Sc Co., aud G. H. McLaughlin Sc Co.,) Will give his prompt and personal attention to the purchase aud sale or Cotton, Domestic Goods, Sugar, Bacon, I-ard, Grain, Flour, Rope, Bagging, and Mer chandize generally. Having the Agency of several first class Cotton Mills, I am prepaired at all times to supply orders for Yams, Sheetings, shirtings, Osnabnrgs, Drills, Ker seys, Jeans, See., Scc. With extensive -fire-proof warehouses, can furnish secure storage, and.give prompt attention to merchan dize and prodace consigned to me for forwarding in asy direction. tm angv4 W. A KAMSJSY & uo., GENERAL Commission Merchants AND AUCTIONEERS: 308 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. Robert Habersham Sc 8ons, Savannah. W. H. Stark, do. Bones, Brown Sc Co., Augusta. Ed. Thomas, ao. W. K. Kitchen, President National Park Bank, N. Y. ■ 1— Firecracker*, | C. I*. GIL8KRT, JAS. B. CAHYLlT General aid Coaralsstoa MercJitat, . V' A.TJGbTJSTA. 0--A- Holders of Merchandize wishing to reaHzc immwB- at^y. ajmSttoeir tetenste by consigning &e “SSrf Wineas attention will be given all donsign- made, at the meet reaaona, ble rates. banter Sc Gammell, C. L. Colby a co c : ^ ^ ER AND CHEESE- Butter, MO boxes Cheesy ka _ INSURANCE AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $10,400,000 CHAS. L* COLBY & CO. A BE prepared to take Marine Risks to any Domes: ic or Foreign Port, and Eire Riuku n this city in the following named first class New York Companies, at the lowest rates: COLUMBIAN, MARINE INSURANCE CO, Capital, $5,000,000. MORRIS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capitol, *5,000,000. COMMERCE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capitol, $200,000. STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capitol, *200,000. Office in Jones’ Block, comer Bay and Abercom streets. Branch Office, cor. Drayton and Bryan streets. sugle-tf FIRE I INSURANCE. THE PHOENIX INSURANCE CO OF HARTFORD, CONN. Capital, *600 OOO.... Assets,*! ,000.000 Fire risks token in the above Company on Buildings and Merchandize of every discription at fab rates. nov3—lm H. BRIGHAM, Agent. MERCHANTS’ INSURANCE COMPANY HARTFORD, CONN. T HE undersigned having been appointed agent for the above well known Company, is prepared to take risks against fire on the most favorable terms. H BRIGHAM, Office Southern Insurance and Trust Co. July?tf AND COUNSELLORS NO. in law AB *u, fTtiaity BulMiag , The mdenioted b*vin~ rn ■ law. Is prepared to take -to, ife iWTV. „ several court, is • ep * 8 u CHARLES BiTTvT * vr l or j Mohical Instnnnentg, Strips. ^ ROBERT N UNAS’ (Ltte srsm Sc cutn PIANO FORTss BALTIMORE CAR08. D. C. Cary, General Commission Merchant, BALTIMORE, Md. Particular attention given to otders for the purchase of Goods. . Consignments respectfully solicited. Refers, by permission, to Hue, Whitney Sc Co., Sa vannah. nov20—lm P OOEE Sc HUNT, Baltimore, Maryland, lUfttrPAOTUBZKS Portable and Stationary Steam Engines and Boilers, Steam Fire Engines, Portable Saw Mills, Gang and Single Saw Mills, Mining Machinery, Portable Grist Mills, FI jnr Mill Machinery, Cotton Screws, Railroad Cars, Car Wheels and Axles, Hydraulic Presses for Oil and Tobacco, Tobacco Moulds, Gas Works Apparatus of all kinds, ang8 Salting, Pulleys and Hangers. 6m CTRTJB P. UKXDZKHiLL, Greensboro’, VJC. DULLSV NICHOLS, Baltimore. C. P. MENDENHALL & CO., Cotton, Tobacco, AND General Commission Merchants, 156 Pratt Street Wharf, sep23 BALTIMORE VULCAN WOBKS, BALTIMORE. mu 18 old establishment, with increased facilities, ? continues to execute, promptly, orders for Steam and other IHachinery, Bailers Casting's, Ac. A large water front on the Har bor, with a powerful crane, gives them great advan tages in fitting out and repairing steamers. Station ary Engines M various sizes kept on hand. Iron for bridges furnished. HAZLEHURST Sc CO. oct31—Om BALTIMORE rjUBCE: WROUGHT IRON PIPE AND TUBE CO. Is now prepared to supply Gas, Steam and Water Pipe and Fittings, on tbe most favorable terms. All (ripe warranted. P. O. Boi I860, Baltimore, Md. sep25—8m A FACT WORTH KN0WIN6 ff.HAT by buying shoes, with Metallic Tips, two- L thirds the usual expense of suppling children with No oni * shoes may be saved. No one, for every-day wear, can afford to Ouv any other. Millions of dollars are an nually saved by this ueefffl invention. The toes of metal tipped shoes remain perfect nntil the rest of tool shoe is worn out. Th„ feet are keut dnr. thus benH fitting the health and saving money For sale by all shoe dealers. 3mj I Drunkenness ■ -..u, . , . K!,l A,, anglT dS wdcw te administered without the “F nddre *- »*■ sale tJ^fi^SStoSTdrugklsw in ‘be United States and may*>—' 4MChe«nnt^. s C. F. Martii i GUITAR 581 BROADWAY, [Upstwr r0PP06ITE THE METROPOLITAN Ham, NEW YORK. N. B.-Brass Instruments, Clarioreta. Pl»v, . Bands made to order and *vmM * (Whslesale.j novl—lm HAWKINS & CO PACKERS k GENERAL PB0WM<|i Dealers, Front St., JTnt Ytrk, 341 St., Batter, Cheese, Bacon, Tongues. tqtKtoi 5*. hit. »W.; *c. *r Beet Fork. Hams, Lard, Shoulders, Fsltss Maurket Beef All orders carefully executed st tbe SHORTEST NOTICE, We respectfully refer to Memn. Sasr 1 . » Ehrlich, Esq., B. G. Tilden, Esq. Southern Produce received ot eoaaig&oes:. oct*—tm the money, by •holesale Agent, PhfladeiphtoTPa. pr. BUM’S Specific. -g-ifgB oldest and most reliable medicine for the core AofSpennatorteea, Seminal Weakness, Loss of Pow- Ac. This medicine has stood the test of over thir ty years and has always proved a success. DR. RAND'S SPECIFIC )8 e “ exhibited In the form of pills, made up entirely of substances that have a speci fic effect upon the generative organs. Most associate the Idea of operations upon the bo wt taking any kind of pills. The Srnmno of Dr. Bond is not intended as an svacuatdig gamom. Its medici nal vtrfhes are expended entirely upon tbe impaired regenerative organa. The (rills are not unpleasant to the taste, and many persons masticate them with im punity before swallowing them; which plan we would always recommend, as affording the qnedieet way m<Mi Holmes * Patlenmi, I*, tt Water Mrcct, Inlni Receivers of Flour, WEftTElM, AND SOUTHERN PRODUCE Consignments Solicited. O RDERS for Float. Wheat Corns* tea filled at lowest market rales, aid direr.; ftg first bands, thus earing extra proAts. Receivers of the well knows Braud of F« •‘Keartoge Mill*,” which will be in lots to suit Full information furnished by LaROCHE, GAbES i CSCII*, oct20—8m cor. Bay »»d farasrd k-ws D. H. BALDWIN & CO, C0MMIS3I0Y HEKBITK 178 Pearl street, YORK. it D. H. BALDWIN,) *. J. F. GUMMING, / len H. BRIGHAM, 1 C. M. HOLST, f Savannah. KRAFT & HILL, — ; j / Manufacturers and Jobber? of STRAW AMD MILLHEBT HMD • Nos. 281 and 283 Brsadway. (opposite A. T. Stewarts.) NEW YORK- A foil supply of Goods, suitable for to m* * ways on hiiid. Your patronage is rwpcctfuily eoltCJoi. oct25—Sm THE WASHINGTON IRON WORKS Have oo band fcrssletheir improved Ptriahlt ,,e V?iu?^T Portable Circular Sow BIHa •>» Sow Mil Is. FI oor aod Csrs Mill* And manufacture to order all glues, Marine, Stationary, and Oars and Turn TabI*-s,Iroo Steam also, General Machinery, Irun^ » ings, large and small Sewboi > « Or L. C. WARD, Agent y . 85 l iberty street Koran S, Sew Tort octJfi—ly . xc. G. P1B«0X8. MAM7Arm*s Hadfieki’s Union Fire Importer of Chinese Fire Crarken W- Manolhctsrer of LAJNTKRNTy, Also n large assortment o( his o»* ; TOYS AND FANCY GOOv 24 J*hs St., sear Dr#**wsf- oct 25—i2m —jr~irr WIM’-N. BlfD Atf- , COMMISSION MEBCBA>Tt FOR THKoSAl.K COTTON, COTTON » ‘ ^ SHEETINGS, SHIBTI5GS, i • * 7* Cha»bersstrtet, -Ve* Samuel G. Wrman,) i^gof BsttW**- *” James GARDNER, COMMISSION roam* saL> cott 5?«X Hi i' itB Pearl St. I Ns- **,^51. . NEW YORK, National teat Refer to —_ American ExcTe Bank. means . without operating Having amirie * ■ . . dot operating on their own ' mriidt cnZffFftfcor * CO- AfWhjgr*. c. K. DKXTKB, Ait- ® ^ - swisft fee sale by the J, NOTH * «HI