Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 01, 1865, Image 4

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f ATIONAt r REPUBLICAN. FRIDAY MARtN£ II HO rets. POETRY 8AVANNAB, NOVEMBER 80. r ARRIVED. Steamer Volunteer, Snow, Angnsta, to O'Eafion A CO. Steamer Laura, Garnett, Angnata, to Erwin ft Har dee. • ‘ r teamer Clarion, Hone, Doetortown, toO L Colby & co. ^ ; ‘ .. > teamer W G Gibbons, PbUpot, Angnata, to Erwin ft Hardee. 2 Hate, from Augusta. Horses & Union Place Hotel BRADY, Security Insurance Company, CapiUl and Surplus, $U»00,<m. Phsenix Insurance (onpauj. ; Capital and Smphw, $1,800,000. lernatioual lusurauce Company, ~ Capital and Surplus, $1,200,000. DARIEL BCTLEB nonW reepectftiHj in form the public that he is dW prepared to furnish, at the shortest notice, HORSES AND CARRIAGES. First class Carriages run to the rations Steamboat Steamer Lizzie Baker, horn ft Guuungham.' Steamer P BGoodsell, - HANOVEB STREET, BOSTON, IgEIs the Largest and Best Arranged Ml Hotel in New England. Wharves.and to the Railroad Depot at the lowest competent Drivers employed. DANIEL BUTLER, noAlO—tf LEWIS RICE, Proprietor, Insurance Agency AUCTION AND COMMISSION WHOLESALE IXALXB H* Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Tens, Segars, Ue and Cider, 150 Bay Street .....Savannah, Per steamer Volunteer, frbrn Augnsta-0 FaUan ft co. E F Metcalf ft co, Hunter ft R A a w Per steamer Laura, from AugnsU-G B ft G w Lamar, Rodcr’S & Cann, Brady, ejnltn & c®* Per steamer Clarion, from Itnctoitown—A G Brown, Hanter ft (iammell, J W l^thron * ^ McMfilon, E C Wade. Erwin ft Ha dec, A M Srarhoroueh ft co, Guckenheimer ft Seiig, Tison ft Gordon, Adams’ Ex Swss ;'So G iSrSiS|*S5 Fourth Street, Bay Street, Savannah, Gra. Consignments of Cotton and Lumber solicited. References j ham, Baldwin ft Co., Goden ft Hardee. Hunter ft Gammell, Isaac FI1HE undersigned hold commissions from the iead- JL tag Insurance corporations ot New York, repre- •aiting M> aggregate cash capita! of over FIVE MILLIONS OF D0LLA2S AbA ^^jpreparedto Israe^policies to cover Fifty Thon- W» Risks Kt Sarannah aa< Inlanf ST. LOXJXS, ZMZO. LAVEILLK, WARNER ft CO., Proprietors. A first class family Hotel; unsurpassed for locality, comfort and convenience. tf sepl* Savannah—Bi Unckles, Erwin D. LaRoche, H Norvell ft Co. New York—8. T. Knapp & Bro. JNO. L. VILLALONGA, Cotton Factor Sale days, Tncsdays and Fridays. COTTON AND DIZE IN TRANSIT ON THI MACON RIVERS, AUGU8TA COOPfitf, OLCOTIS & FARRfiLLT, Booksellers and Stationers,. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Hotel, Renovated and Refurnished, ret order for the reception and aocom- Id patrons.3m seplS MISCELLANEOUS, AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $10,400,009 OHAS. L- COLBY & CO. A RE prepared to take Marias Rinks to any Domestic or Foreign Port, and Fire Risks n this city in the following named first clan New York Companies, at the lowest rates: COLUMBIAN MARINS INSURANCE CO., Capital, $8,000,000. « MORRIS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $8,000,000. , COMMERCE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, *200,000. STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $200,000. Office in Jones* Block, comer Bay and Abercom streets. Branch Office, cor. Drayton and Bryan streets. anglfl-tf PAPER AND RAG WAREHOUSE COMMISSION OP HARTFORD, CONN. Capital, »eoo OOO Asset s,$1,000, OOO. Fire risks taken in the above Company on Buildings id Merchandize of every discription at fair rates. novS—lm H. BRIGHAM, Agent MERCHANTS’ ' INSURANCE COMPANY! BALTIMORE CARDS. D. C. Oa General Commission BALTIMORE, R. MOLINA, 00B- BULL AND 00NGBESS STREETS (Under Screven House,) IMPORTER AMD WHOLESALE DEALER IS Liquors, 8t. Croix Ram, Jamaica Bum, Fine Brandies. FRANK S. HESSELTINE, COUNSELLOR at LAW, NO. 147 BAT STREET, (NEXT I DOOR TO THE REPUBLICAN OFFICE.) 8AVANNAH, GA. oct 21 SMOKING TOBACCO Also, all kinds of Virginia Chewing nnd S: Tolmcco, Meerschaum, Brier Root, and all oUk Also. Lunch Served at II O’clock A. M. At A. STAMM’S, >22—tf St. Charier, in Rear of Custom House. Shipping, Commission FORWARDING MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, Gh A . Will make liberal cash advances on consignments to IMPORTERS OF FRENCH AND ENGLISH Portable Circular Saw Saw Hills,Floor aadCsnc mil* And manufacture to order ail Ids* of rim fc glues, Marine, Stationary, and Piuprilc. E”’ 1 *- Cars and Tqra Tables, Iroe Steam Vcadssai also. General Machinery, Iron sad ft?* tag^ large andsmafiF^^te^ GERMAN, DDL LET NICHOLS, their friends, Norton, Slaughter ft Co.," 40 street, New jork. octi CL P. MENDENHALL & CO., Cotton, Tobacco, •J ment of FANCY GOODS, selected expressly lor this market Call and them. C. M. HILLS MAN, General Commission Merchants, Gunsmiths and Ltsismiths, Comer of St. J alien and Jefferson Streets. VU1C eor^Rull^nd^roughtonjstreeta. AUGUSTA CARDS. SAMUEL P. HAMILTON, (Saccenor to Wflmot A Richmond,} DXAJJEB I* N ^ * Watches, Silver Ware, jewelry, Canes, Cutlery, Ac. Cor. Whitaker, St. Julien and Congress Sts, SAVANNAH, GA. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Chronometers rated bytruult. Cash paid for old Gold and Stiver. R. ESTERBROOK A CO.. STEEL PEN nmFACTlBEHS, ’ w f »1 SSrSJJSSSffs^i. ..Wsj.SSsr.SsXi f“ — “ CAUTION.—These Pens are genuine American manufacture, and equal in finish elasticity and flne- 55* °, P°j“‘ * *5® imported. They are, there- f? re > *“ re to gain the confidence of the American trab- rnritJ^ 6 '°f our signature is sufficient so- mm TURNIP SEED. BUTA BAGA. HA® BDIC H, AND Bed Top Turnip Seeds, COMMISSION, P FORWARDING MERCHANT, No. 886 Broad Street, Augusta, 8$., McLaughlin ft Go.,) ... . _* Will give his prompt and personal attention to the RICHARDSON & BARNARD Bay St, opp^te Mariner’s March AGENTS IFOR Wm. Jessup ft Son’s fitugiiuh Cast Steel, 7 . . i Circular Saws, 1 A FACT WOBTH KNOWING T by bn, ns the asm «y,hesave shoes with Metallic xpense of suppling d No one, for every-da No. 9 Bine Street, New York, manufacturing Stationers, Job Printers and Lithographers. Wholesale 4 Eetail Deakra in First Glass OFFICE FIXTURES. POHSTAIITLY on hand a splendid aesortmeat Vy of Foreign and Domestic Letter and Note Paper, Envelopes of every size and quality. ^Certificate of Stocks, Boni,Checks, iNotes, Drafts, chandize generally. Having the. Agency of several first class Cotton Mills, I sin prepared at all times to supply orders for Yarns, Sheetings, Shirtings, Osnnburgs, Drills, Ker- ^^ithextansive fire-proof warehouses,' can-ftunisft ore kept dry, thus bone- ice consigned to .me A CHOICE LOT OF 100 Bbte. Lawrenceville (Jo’s Cement, Will be sold Low to Close Consignment. * Apply to CHAS; L. COLBY ft CO., s®Pl< tf cor. Bay and Abercorn sts. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT COB. BAY AND JEFFEB80N STREETS, SAVANNAH, GA. _ Dealer in Hay, Fodder, Grata; Flour, Wool, Hides, AUCTIONEERS 30& Broad Street, Augusta, Ga, Bran, short*, COTTON GINS Wright & Co, y. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Represented by our Agent, JOHN 8. WRIGHT, Esq. nne23 *o.GWar 8 .re* New York. «rome^ Hair Dyo. 50 CENTS A BOX. Boxes than Dyes that seH for $1. Natural, the ■— — American Bank Note Company, (Hall »tre«». car. at William ;>v GEORGE W. HATCH, ' C. L. VAN ZANDt. Goneral C. L.V4N ZAHdt, Secretary, street itionahst Unirantg, Utroa, | Figs, and for sate by Tk«kla’» “ Anchor,” says the New York Citizen, sends US tire following most faitMnl version of Tbe- kla’s famous Song from Schiller’* “Piccolo- QliQl • * t 4 ^ The oak-wood moans, the clonds soar on The maid:n stroll* the green shore on; The wave it breaks, with might, with might; Her song she wails to the darksome night; Her eyes are dim with bitter tears, Her heart has died, earth void appears, No farther hope her spirit cheers; “ Thou Holy One, thy child recall, I havo enjoyed the earthly bliss, the all in all— I have lived, I have loved 1” And also the following excellent paraphase ; Oh, hours of passion strange, and sweet and wild 1 Oh, dreams celestial when my darling smiled ! Oh, perfect woman, guileless as a child! Supernal bliss, whose witch’ries round us throw Empyrinn glories on our path, aglow With all that lovers’ hearts can feel or know. I’ve lived, I’ve loVed, what more remains to taste ? Near thee, earth’s heaven, without thee, gloomy waste, v Yearning, I quench lore’s thirst with kisses ehaste. Oh, bliss 1 oh, woe 1 how swift the thoughts succeed! With thee I live, without thee nothing heed, We kiss, we part, and heaven and hope recede Leisure. - BT JEAN ntOKLOW. Grand is the leisure of the earth; She gives her happy myriads birth, And after harvest fears no dearth, But goes to sleep in snow-wreaths dim Dread is the leisure up above, _ The while He sits, whose name is Love, And waits, as Noah did, the dove, To wit if she would fly to him. He waits for us while, houseless things, We beat about with bruised wings, On the dark floods and water springs, The ruined world, the desolate sea; With open windows from the prime, All night, all day, He waits sublime, Until the fulness of the time Decreed from His eternity. Whertf is our leisure ? Give us rest! Where is the quiet we possessed ? * We must have had it once—were blest With peace, whose phantoms yet entice Sorely the mother of mankind Longed for the gardens left behind ; For we still prove some yearnings blind, Inherited from Paradise. The Flskers Boy. BT HEKRT D. THOBEAU. My-iife is like a stroll upon the beach, As near the ocean’s edge as I can go ; My tardv steps its waves sometimes o’erreach, Sometimes I stay Jo let them overflow. My sole employment is, and scrupulous care, To place my gains beyond the reach of tides, Each smoother pebble, and each shell more rare, - >' Which Ocean kindly to my hand confides. I have but few companions on the shore ; They scorn she strand who sail upon the sea Yet oft I think the ocean they’re sailed o’er Is deeper known upon the strand to me. The middle sea contains no crimson dnlse, Its deeper waves cast up no pearls to view; jMong the shore my band is on its poise, And I converse with many a shipwrecked crew. Tlte Figure Niue. A correspondent over the signature of “Lid.’er,” sends a Cinoinnati editor the following; I have just read in your paper what has often before been published respecting the enrious properties of the figure 9. One of these proper ties is of importance to all book keepers and ac countants to know, and which I have never seen published. I accidentally fonod it out, and the discovery to me, (though it may have been well known to others before,) it has often been of es sential service in settling complicated accounts. It is this: The difference between any transposed number is always a multiple of 9;' for ^instance, suppose an accountant or book keeper eannot prove or balance his accounts—there is a difference be tween his debts and credits, which he cannot ac count fi r, after careful and repeated addings.— Let them see if this difference oan be divided by nine without a remainder. If it oan, he may be assured that his error most probably lies in his haring somewbere transposed figures; that is to say he has pnt down 92 lor 29, 83 for 38, Ac., with any 0 her transposition. The difference of any such transposition is always a multiple of 9. The knowledge of this will at once direct attention to the true source of error, and save the labor of adding up long oolnmos of figures. The differ ence between 9 and 29 is 63, or 7 times 9; be tween 88 and 3S is 45, or 5 times nine and so on, between any transposed numbers. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Augusta Market. _ . Augusta, Nor. 28. Cottoh—t here has been more enquiry for cot ton to day, and prices have been better. Tbe re- poris continue fight, however, and the same may be aa;d of the offering stock. The sales made range from 42a48cts tar middling, 44cta for strict middling, and 45c for good middling. Gold—The market continues quiet. Brokers baying at 147and selling at l48al49. Silvbr—Buying at 145 and selling at 148. Georgia Railroad Notes, 95c. Atlanta Market. Atlanta, Nov. 28. Business continues lively. The supply of goods on the market was never more complete than now, and prices hare assumed a'more uniform shape than heretofore. We are more than ever satisfied that country dealers can purchase here to every ad vantage; they certainlv will find in this market a sp.endid variety from which to select great or small stocks. Both the wholesale and retail trade during the week ending yesterday, has been unprecedentedly large. ¥.e pric& quoted below are at wholesale. retail a small advance will be charged. eumu Cotton—-The cotton market during the week ending yesterday has been dull. There basTot been much coming to, and we hare * large transactions. Prices have ranged from 33 to 40o, and some inferior lota werem,,^?. i for 25o. One or two Iota of good middhnu sold yesterday at 40c, which is tbe outside fi eu r«. There was a fair inquir»nll day andouu^ quotations may he placed 1 at from 88 to 40c. Factory Goods.—Cotton Tbread,$3 75a4;Oana- burgs, 80a82c; 7-8 Shirting, 80a33; 4-4 Sheeting 35a37o per yard. * Country Pboducb—Corn, by the car load,$l 85 a1 40, sacks reserved; and retailing at ft 50; *' “■ — ^MM&per bushel; Batter, S5*4fie per a-C/26; per gallon; Sorghum. 60 Exports. Per brig Redwood, for Boston—846 bales npland cotton, 10 tons oldi on. PUMPS ' PUMPS ! PUMPS ! Steam, Fore*, Auction and Lifting PUMPS' * OF EVERY DESCRIPTION; STEJiiW 4? etjts P1FUS, Pipe and Steam Fittings, TOBACCO FOR SALE ON COMMENT 1.800 Boxes Plug, assorted brands. 4,0 < O Pounds Fine Cut Smoking in Papers. 5,000 Pounds Snuff, assorted brands, with a general assortment of Groceries. The Tobacco and Snuff not being subject to Govern ment Tax, can now be sold to the trade at less than | New York prices. We are agents for the sale of deorge Page fc Co.’s Engines and Circular, Portable and Stationary Saw Hills, ap- I CHARLES L. COLBY & CO., SHIPPING, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS JONES* BLOCK, CORNER BAY AND ABERCORN STS. SAVANNAH, GAl. Liberal cash advances made on consignments to the firm represented in New York by Charles L Colby, j Esq., or to our friends in Boston. ALEX. H. HOL » AY, Resident Partner Rarzaziioss.—Messrs. Dabney, Morgan .ft Co., New I York; Jarvis Slade, Esq.. New York; Gardner Colby, Esq., Boston; Hon. J. Wiley Bdmands, Boston, angle , If . i-q ■.‘•-j descriptions of which will be furnished b 1 plication. / nov!7—lm and kvebt Dsscaipnoi, or iy ns on YONGE ft NIXON, Bay street. “HOUSEHOLD BLESSINGS I-..?.... THE CELEBRATED PATENT PLUMBERS’, GAS, AND Steam Fitters' Goods, | UNION WASHINC MACHINE For sale at the lowest rates by Admitted to be ^ ^ , n the Worli JOHN B. FULLER, IFirst Prize Medals Awarded in 8 dey street, Europe and America. novS—eodly NEW FORK. I Washes perfectly without soaking, rubbing or-boll- tug. KEIN & CO., 114 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. OOTTON FACTORS, COMMISSION & FORWARDING MKRCHANTS . T IBERAL cash advances made on consign- JLJ ments of Cotton and approved Merchandize made to their friends in New York, Boston or Liver pool. Refer to Messrs. Smith ft Donning, New York; C 0. ft H. M. Tabor, New York; Cabot ft Senter, Bt Louis; W. H. Taylor, New Orleans.ang2< THE PATENT NEW YORK STB1M U WORKS, | union wringer, V. I tll BKLL, Steamboat Agent GENERAL Commission and Forwarding Merchant, Raj Street, Savannah, 6a., Harris' Building, 2d Door West of A. Low ft Co.’s. Refers to Messrs. Hunter ft Gammell, Crane, John- ! son ft Graybfil, Bell, WyUy ft Christian, Bothwell ft Whitehead,.Miller, Thomas ft Co., and M. A. Cohen, Eeq^ tf . sep29 KAHUTAOTuatas or STATIONARY AND PORTABLE ENGINES AND BOILERS, AND MACHINISTS’ TOOLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. St. Office With Cog Wheels and solid white rubber Rolls—the best and most durable made. Those Machines were invented by a native of Ar kansas, and are the same so highly spoken of by Con federate officers, who used them in Johnson's Island I Prison. J. WARD & CO., 407 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. VAN NAME 1 & CO., Western Agents, Chicago, 8t. Lonis and Cincinnati. nov22—lot E. P. METCALFE & CO., GENERAL. FORWARDING AMD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Stoddard's Range, on Bay street, between Lincoln and Abercorn, ?> t- Savannah, Georgia. References.—Betting, Flint ft Pearce, New York; E M, Brace ft Co . Augusta, Oa.; R. C. Robson, Esq.,At lanta, Ga.; Knott ft Howes, Macon, Ga.; B. M Brace, Morgan ft Co., Apalachicola, Fla.; Watts, Crane ft co., New York; Geo. C. Pearce ft Co., 8t Louis, Mo ; H. C. Brace ft Co., Cincinnati, O.; Mr. EL J. Cook, Albany, Ga.; John W. Ovonnor, Macon, Ga. aep21 tf .dgsggft&ogsrfted-*), | just RECEIVED Per Steamer America, A fine assortment of Rhine Wines I (JarHart, Whitford & Oo MANUFACTURERS |uo WHOLESALE DEALERS IN READY-MADE CLOTHING. 331 4* 333 Broadway, Corner Worth Street, NEW YORK. T. r. OABHABT, HXNBY S1IATXB, wn.u. WHIITOBD, j. „. viswMDua, . . __ . „ A. T. HiMrLTOK. Office of Payne ft Carhart in liquidation. ectz8—eod6m H. GOWDY, Commission Merchant, 196 BAY STREET, (Anderson’s Wharf,) SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. oct2 3m , Wines Hocklieimer, Nierstiner, JLicbf raumilk. And a variety of the finest brands of CHINA&FANCY GOODS BEDS, MASKS, ACCORDEONS, Ac. 65 MAIDEN LANE, Comer William Street, NEW YORK Invite the attention of buyers, offering them the largest assortment of ^Goods at the most reasonable prices. novlO—eod2m MTED STATES STEEL PEN WORKS FACTORY, CAMDEN, N. J. T HE undersigned have formed a Copartnership under tbe name and style of COuPER, OLCOTT ■* A FARUKLLY, for the transaction of a Wholesale and Retail Book and Stationery at the old stand of John M. Cooper ft Co„ Northwest comer of Whitaker and St Jniien streets. JOHN M. COOPER, WILLIAM H OLCOTT, DANIEL G. OLCOTT, oct23 STEPHEN F* WARK&N & PLATNEB Wholesale Dealers in All Kinds of Coarse and Fine Papers, Enve lopes, Twines, and Paper Bar*. Sole Agents in this city for the Bath Paper Hills. The highest cash prices paid for Rags, Old R ope and Bagging, and Waste Paper, in large or small quantities. octlO 810 Bay Street, Savannah. Forwarding Merchant, 93 BAY STREET, SAVAIffiKTAJaC, (iF0E.GIA. octl4—tf •- “ • ■ A. T. CUNNINGHAM, D. 0. PUE8S, E. J. LAHCOlfBK. CU-YmGHAJf, PURSE & CO., FACTORS, •' AND Commission Merchants, Bay Street,..., ....Savannah, Gra, References—Robt. Habersham ft Sens, Hunter ft Gammell, Octavus Cohen, Brigham, Baldwin ft Cou, Erwin ft Hardee, Claghorn ft Cunningham. sepb-Sm KIRLIN, BRO. & BURKB, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, WINES 4ND LIQUORS Oor. Whitaker Street and Bay Lane. JnneSl fim tAW (Trinity Baiioi nv < taw^is dtereT'J** *' vtSr ' « a. ■syersl courts in New To.•» Mnfietl Iosimments, 81%. ROBERT RVNNS (Ute SUNNS ft CtAtXY PIANO FORT ES, C. F. Rartlii'g GU I T A I\ g 581 BROADWAY, [Up stn, (OPPOSITE THE KETROPOLITJX istew York N. B.—Bran Inatramente Cladoret,, rtam a B^djmsdeto order and wun^ (Wholesale.) norl—ljp R'U.; TOKINRcr PACKERS & GEXERAL PBOT Dealers, »41 Front St., j^nc lw Beef, flutter, v ' P«k, cheese, Tongues, Sr*,, Fulton Harket Beef All orders carefully executed st the SHORTEST NOTICE. Holmes 4k No.» Water Street, leslot, WENTERS, AND SOUTHERN PRODBCB. OonfiignmenU Solicited. O RDERS for Floor, What Corn art cm filled at lowest market rates, first bands, that saving extra profit. Receivers of tbe well knows Brand of Iter “Kearaage Hills,” which will ta rappS^IS in lots to suit. Foil information tarnished by LaROC 'HE. BADEN A rvrXTra 0Ct2P—»m cor, Bsysnd Banartrasra D. H- BALDWIN & CO.; COMMISSION MEE BIVT', 178 Pearl Street, YORK. „ , D. H. BALDWIN, \ „ „ . Merchant, Md. | Savannah. = BRIGHAM, C. M- HOLST. KRAFT & HHI, Manntkctnrers and Jobbers of STRAW ANB MILLNEET MW Nos. SSI and SSS Brwafiway, (opposite A. T. Stewsrra) NEW YORK. A foil supply of Goods, suitable for this art* a- ays on hand. oor patronage is respectfully solicited. IT HE WASHINGTON IRON WORKS Have on band for sale their Meal, Si 40 per bushel; Oat*, Peas, $1 25al SO per bushel; pound. Sugar—New Orleans, 2ts24c White, 26cj Loaf and Crushed. ^SaTa£a.'Sg»tHit,«j- Mobile Market. CovTotr-The market day, thi ^ We quof 46a47c; MiAttl and Good Mid. bales, stock on 4,000 baits, Or L. C, WARD, Agent, 50 Uberty street, Room t, New Trt. oct26—ly ©T PABSOIi. ■ANCTscmsa HadJcld’s Union Fire frit Importer of Chinese Fire Cratters Becfccte As* »*• Mannfsctnrer of LANTERNS, FLAGS *C. |Alsoa largeasrortment otMsowii taporutia TOYS AND FANCY GOOCS. Jehu 8t, mu UremdirMT< *■ T * WTM*M. BKB A W. COMMISSION MERCHANT* FOR THWAT^ w COTTON, COTTON W«'’’ SIIEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, JEA>s. 78 ChamberMtreet, S'* l***' samnel G. Wyman,! r.t» n f BriUggrt James ''.Ttaith, of New GARDNER oSSSSS* C° COMMISSION MERCHANT* roam* »*««* COTTON:.. “ir«G