Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 04, 1865, Image 1

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.A * , V, f. ■ 1 | t ^ A. sX i * - | “h L I & 1 »i> 1 I'i fj h^ v S*?*£¥%£& r '*&$■ <j~ *'£$isM'"Vt. pBPSl »~-.v--5ag*wy-< w j ft -rim i v/v ■ 'Mi- M 4 vi j • •Jf. a CJi* j j-r Vf Mi r —Mg VOL. I.—NO- 38- SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, MONDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 4. 1866. PRICE 6 CENTS. ilfOML Bill j. E. HAVES, Editor and Proprietor. advertising. Ter Square of TBN Haes Non pa riel type or space oc cupied by the same number of lines, $2 first insertion,’ {1 for each continuation. Half Square—$1 for first insertion; (SO cents for each fnbieqnent insertion. TERMS—$3 50 per hundred; subscription fby mailt or carrier} $10 par annum; single copies. 5 cents. All advertisements must be paid for at the Counting Room previous to insertion, and If handed in by 8 p. m. will appear in the morning edition. ! On Saturday a man was imprudently walking on the line of the Long Island Railroad, and not perceiving the epproaoh of a train at a curve, and the driver and guard not haring seen him, the train struck end killed him on th,* spat. On Saturday last twenty-three ocean steamers cleared out of tba port of New York, one only of which soiled for Europe. On 'Friday last, the "evacuation day," the National Irish Hag of the Fenian brotherhood was hoisted over the headquarters of the organization in Union square, which formed a Very imposing ditplsy, and attracted the admiration of thous ands. Theflag remains flying and will not be heuled down unlit the Irish Republic shall be recognized eDd the Englieh rulers compellsd to evacuate Ireland. -r i Gonzales, tbnaileged friend and murderer o{ Senor Otero, the Cuban, in Caatlepnrk, Brook-: ljn, is in custody. He waa arrested on Satur- iHONPAY 1SORNING, DEC. 4th. READING MATTER ON EVERT PAGE. For Ship News and Commercial day night in Centro ytaretj tJ au$, *6,Qq94n jjB pId and paper, (he property of the murdered men. Iutelligence see Fourth Page. I ■.■■■■ I m — m NEW YORK LETTER. Europe—Feniamiem in France—Poblic Executions — American Mercantile marine at New York—The Brooklyn murder—New York Cotton market- money and Financial. (From our Special Correspondent.] New You, Not. 29. There were two arrivals yesterday from Eu rope which convey the latest news down to the 15th and 18th inst. It is believed that Earl Russell will submit • Reform Bill in the new Parliament. The cold weather which had set in had an unfavorable effect upon the cattle dis ease. The war claims by the United States on England had still formed a prominent sub ject of discussion in all the leading journals, and' the negro insurrection in Jamaica forms a.sub ject of great interest, especially the terrible ey.tem of punishment adopted by the military authorities there in reference to the executions. The Times rather applauds than condemns, and the Daily News denounces these executions es s system of atrocity, and says—“The system of ferocity we denounce in -savages can take possession of English hearts, and mercy and justice be forgotten by English officers as thoroughly as by Indians and Cossacks.” The Press and the people of the principal cities and towns in England were calling for a joint in terference on the part of England, France and the United States, to restrain the aggressive spirit of Spain in her proceedings in the South Pacific. The news from Dublin is of a ner vous character. Stephens, the head centre of Teoianism in Ireland, was a second time re manded after his arrest, and Martin Higgins was appointed head centre in his place, but the Dublin Evening Mail says that in September a ‘person waa sent from New York to Ireland to appoint a bead centre, and that that person having accomplished his mission returned to New York, and that the name of the successor to Stephens was kept secret. On the evening of Monday, the 13th, two of the detective of ficers who were most active and efficient in the arrest of Stephens, were fired at in Dame street, at the entrance to th* head office of Police, and wounded slightly in the shoulder and in the spine. Hopper, one of the prisoners lived ex actly opposite, and on the following day his house which was unoccupied and the win dows muffled, was searched, but no weapon of destruction was found. A system of economi cal reform is in progress in Paris, by which a saving of taxation upon the people of France to the amount of twenty-five millions 6f francs will be effected. The Bourse closed on the 15th at Rentes 68f. 37c. The negotiations for an Austrian loan in London had failed. In London, Consols closed at 89 1-8, a 89 1-4. United States securities—Five Twenties, 631-4; Illinois Central, 81 7-8 ; Erie Shares, 54 1-8. The Liverpool Cotton msrket was dull and closed at a reduction of a half penny per pound. The seles for the week were 46,000 hales—17,500 of which were to speculators and exporters. The rates were Now Orlans Mid dling, 20d.; Fair. 2S .1-2<L; Mobile, 19S-4d. ; Uplands, 19 3-4d. a 29d. The stock in port was 294,000 bales, of whieh 74,000 bales wsre American produce. The'sides on Friday, the 17th were 8000 bales, the market closing firm, but prices remained without change. The Paris oorreipond.nt of ths Hsrmld says there are hundreds of Refugees of ths Fenian brotherhood In Paris—that he had tba pleasure of meeting the editor of the suppressed Irish People there, who told him that ha (the editor) deemed It necessary to put the channel tea between him and the English detectives in Dublin, and that the eourse of proceedings instituted by English rulers >n Ireland was giving an impetus to the move ment of whioh the oppressors had not, and oould tot, form an idea. The organization received an ’npulslve go.a-head movement by British prose cutions in Ireland at the present time, whieh would at no distant day be -seen, felt and heard with am.-iz.ment by the tyrant In power. There were two sxeontions in the vicinity of this region on Saturday last. In Jersey, Peter J. Cucuel, a'Frenobman, was.hong for the bratal murder of his wife last September, by plunging a long btaded knife through her heart—the aet was cowardly as it was abominable, and the wretched oli man died a oeward, J^nviisf been literally curried to the fallows. Ttfesaewid'nhnt, Michael Tierohner, a Dntohmn, was executed in, Buffalo. lor a murde*', the guilt of whieh ~ he denied, and e a phrase of the prize-ring applied to him; lied ram*." V>r»v*A * ..j vi u - n. to nee "he died game," bravado and Eliphemy. Hs -tiked firmly up the step, to the drep, «d on teaching the fatal plate he looked around Wm and. 'aid that h* brought togUh« . Urge, oro»d, epi cad b.hind him and btfore him a gri(t*r Wrof spectators .than aval attended Dan Riee’s »i»g breath U M - found in his possession. Filleecer, an accomplice, who was arrested the day before, gave informa tion whieh led to the deteotion of Gonzales, and amongst other information afforded by the wretched man,he declares that PeUeecer it an assum'ed name, that his real Tianie is Ffinciitb Gibes, and that he is a native of Salvador, m Spain. ^ .,- ,.. to.. » r?, 4 . On Snnday, two Spaniards, friends of 'the murdered men, called to see Gonzales in prison, and in a conversation on the subject he professed bis innocence of the crime, and endeavored in the most feeble snbtsrfuges to account for the manner in which he became possessed ol the property of Otero. On Monday, the prisoner Gonzales, was taken by Captain Waddy, the police officer, and brought into the presence of the mangled body of Otero. The Wretched man could not term an idea of the captain’s intentions in giving him a drive irom his cell, and. when ths corps ot Otero was uncovered and exposed to view the presentation bad a hanassing effect upon the nervous and moral system of ths ac cused—he recoiled from the, view and could not be prevailed upon to look on his viotim a second time. Yesterday the remains of Otero were in terred, the religious ceremonies of the Ca'holic Church having been previously gone through in a solemn office. Two seamen named George White and Danel O’Brien, on board the ship Thomas Dunham, attempted to murder their Captain, Mr. Young, on the high seas,and wers commit ted by the presiding police megistrate for trial at the next term of the court of General Ses sions. The most stupendous work of modern times, is the opening of a tunnel through the Alps which, when completed, will be several miles in length and will bring into immediate con nection France and Italy, within a space of a few minutes’ drive. An array of engineer ing and mechanical skill has been brought in to active play upon this, the greatest work of modem enterprize, and the amount of opera tive and physical labor enlisted in the under taking is almost fabulourin the narrative, but strictly true to the letter as written by the graphic correspondent of the New York Hsiald. Compressed air is the motive power used in the boring apparatus, of which there are in one year, completely used up, three hundred drills and two thousand perforators. A renewal of the Strong divorce case is at hearing in the Supreme Court. Miss Matilda Mussehl, the governess, in the family of Mrs. WASHINGTON The President's Forthcoming Message and his Reconstruction Policy. ' Georgia Items. NO LIST OF MEMBERS TO THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES YET PRE PARED BY THE CLERK. The Coming Session of Congress- Poor Prospect for tke Southern members Elect. I. great length all day on Monday, and judging from the initiatory evidence on this unfortunate ease, a system, an organized system of domestic intrigue and depravity must become revealed, which, for the sake of public morals nd do mestic life, were better should bs forever veiled from public view, or exhibited in its sensual de formity—no one can say which would be best for the morals of the present world. Ths brutality ot the case is that one brother aeduced the wife of the other. , , . On Monday, before the Police Magistrates, four cases of stabbing with the knife were disposed of and the perpetrators sent for trial—bail being refused. ., . Keefe who had been convicted of the mnrdar ot Abrams, by stabbing, wss sentenced to im prisonment for life in the State prison. A gang of vagabonds under the name, oi Volunteer Rowdies or some sorti of idgnotnen of the kind, committed outrages at Hell Gate,^Long Island, and were speedily stopped by the police. • • * , ' On Saturday tbe holders of cotton exhibited a disposition to effect sales, and iu some cases tbe disposition became so manifest that it wm closely akin to fore*. The receipts were 2723 bales and tbe sales 1800, and perhaps it was a curious feature in the day’s transactions that upland and Florida were quoted at equal rates: , 52, 54 and Mobile and New Orleant-and Texas at equal-rates, 40, 53, 55. On Monday the receipts were 3908 bales, and the sales .120P, chiefly to consumers and exporters. The market was innert throughout, and prices irre gular, and to such an extent that quotation* could not be made to vary from those of Satur day quoted above. Yesterday the receipts were \ 4716 bales and sales 1200. The news from Europe being unfavorable, the rates were: Upland 32, 67, 53; Florida 39, 52, 64; Mobile 40,521-2 54, Now Orleans 40, 52,55. The tone of the market was a little active, but nervous and cautious. Buyers wera bolding off and sellers were anxious to realise. This temper, with the news, from Liverpool, brought the market down, * ’••—By*’’ Saturday the Stock market was astir* at th# opening, and an improved tone pervaded the operations unt^L toward the oloso, when things trsfo easier, with an inofinatiop to deelint. ' Gold opened at 146 7-8, and remained firm bnt dull, and still tho rates adyanoed slowly until 147 1-8 was realized, and at that figure the market clos ed. On Monfilsy the stock market opened strong, succeeded by an advance, hot later . in the day prices yielded—feil and rose again with symptoms ♦fjeoovery. Sold opened at 147 1-8, rose and ' Talternately by fraelions touching 147 5-8* a quirt Mpeet of a*, the stock market, in spring and rciptea, bi filflllllTM * Washington, Nqv. 26; 1865. The number of Congress me a at present in the city is noticeably small, considering the near approach of the session. Those already here are almost a unit ic opinion on the ques tion of admitting the representatives from tbe Southern States. ■ It is well known that Mr. McPherson will not voluntarily place them on the roll, and whilst it is competent for any member to more that they be so placed upon it, the present temper and feeling of Northern members indicate that any such motion would be overwhelmingly lost. Nor, so far as can be ascertained at present, is there the slightest probability of the immediate repeal or modifica tion of the test oath enacted by tbe last Con gress. The past few weeks have materially modified public opinion here on the subject. Men whb one month ago were in favor of ad mitting all duly elected members that can take the test oath from the Southern States, and excluding the balance, are now inclined to favor the plan of keeping all out until the whole matter has been referred to a joint committee of both houses and some general plan agreed upon, otherwise, they argue, the anomaly would be presented of a State tging represented in one body and not in tbe other. Everything at present favors a postponement of the ques tion. Discussion and attrition of minds will doubtless harmonize those who apparently dis agree. It is proper to say that Tennessee will probably, by common consent be an exception to any rule that may be adopted. She never lost nor forfeited her representation as others did. and her newly elected Senators and Con gressmen will most likely be admitted at once. Washington, Nov. 27, 1865. The President's Message. As tbe geuion of Congress approaches much speculation and solicitude exist among the radi cals ooroerning tbe President’s forthcoming mes sage. Many profess to believe that his recon struction policy has disappointed his expecta tions, and that he will rsnounee it to a considera ble extent and recommend more stringent measures. There are the strongest reasons for asserting that those gentlemen are reokoning without their host. The President has at no time and on no oeoasion uttered a word in public expressing the slightest disappointment at the praetioal workings of his policy, or intimated the least inclination of modifying or changing it in any particular. On the contrary, he has uniform ly declared more progress was being made than any one would have been warranted in predicting a few months ego. In some instaneesthe organiz ed action of Sonthern men may not have met his expectations; but this is no reason for abandoning his favorite idea that States are indestructible, and that secession under our form of government was, is and forever must be impossible. He will undoubtedly reiterate in his message tbe princi ples that underlie all his ppblic utterances for years, and thereby bring tp his support tbe entire conservative clement of Congress, without regard ib party affiliations. The Organization of the House of Representa tives—Position of the Clerk. On inquiry it is ascertained that but compara tively tew of tbe credentials of members e'ect of tbe House of Repaesentetires bare been received either from the late insurrectionary or tbe other States. Therefore tbe Clerk of tbe House has not prepared a list of the members, and will not pro bably do so before Saturday. No credentials have been received from the late insurrectionary States excepting Virginia in part and Tennessee complete. The position of the Clerk of the House is understood to be as follows: That he is merely to administer the law of 1863 in placing the names of members elect upon tbe roll, his course on doubtful points being controlled by tbe prece dential by the House in tbe absence of judicial ruling as to the construction of the law. What ever defects may be discovered oan of right be remedied by the House. In addition to the va lidity and formality of tbe credentials, should these facts appear, tbe only other question which could occur would be whether the States lately in rebellion are now in full relation to tbe other States ' in tbe sense contemplated by the law of 1863; or, in different language, whether! they are completely restored to their rights tod privileges in tbe Union. Tbe qnestion as to whether cer tain members elect can or cannot take the teat oath will not properly occnr until alter tbe elec tion of the Speaker, whose duty is to administer it to the ether members oelore proceeding fur ther on the business of organization. Tbe new jail bas proved a failure ! or elec guard on duty there has been most ah negligent. On Tuesday night— at an a hour—nine out ot thirteen ot tbe prisoners con fined there biade their escape. Tbe whole poeu comitatus could have gone, but four upright fel lows—more honorable ifc-an (ha res*—refused to go ! How this exit ot iail-birds waa made with out the knowledge of tbe guard seeme a little and then digging a tunnel through the ground. The remaining prisoners say it required some two dayste perfect tie arrangement, and they were desirous of informing the guard of the pro eeediugk going on, but were fearful to do eo leat their liyos should be endangered by .thaeseaplug thieves. We think the matter demands investi gation. Nine more cutthroats and light-fingered gentry at large I and other communities it turn ter be depredated upon. We bopa Capt.- Parker will institute .a.rigifi : sxatojpatfoe, and if there has been dereliction of duty, some officer of the guard may with propriety be relieved of hit com mission.—Atlanta Intelligencer, ZOth. Audacious Highwat Bobbkt—On Mon day night, about 9 o’clock, a Mr. Waiver was attacked by three white men, near Mrs. Cleg- horn’s residence, corner of Oglethorpe and St. Clair atreets, and robbed of about one thou sand dollars in money, a fine double case gold watch, and soma valuable papers. The rob bers made a violent assault on him, and, in spite of his resistance, robbed him on the street, at an early hoar, of tbe night, at a point which we would call the very centre of tha city ! If the highway robber can successfully prosecute his work at such a place and such an hour, when and where is any citizen safe ? Is it im possible to catch a few of tbe Tascala perpetra ting to many villainies, and make such an ex ample ofthem as will be a terror to tha whole tribe?—Columbus Enquirer 23th nit. Messrs. Brown and Reese, of Taliaferro coun ty have been found guilty of murder by the Military Commission in Washington, Ga., and sentencsd to be hanged in this city On the first Friday in January next. National Bank or Athens—We learn that the National Bank ot Athens wm organized on Saturday, November 24th, by the election as Directors John White, Dr. Henry Hull, John W. Nicholson, F. W. Adams, Thomas Bishop, H- Hull, Jr. Albon Chase. The directors hare elected Henry Hull, Jr., President, and F. W. Adams CMhier. The capital was made np in Clark and con tiguous counties, and the institution will com mence business early next year, Speaksr or tbe Ssxatb—We notice the name of Hon. W. Gibson, of Angusta, mentioned for President of the Senate. Tbe colonel would make an exoelleot presiding officer. Tbe land has been granted to the Macon and Augusta, and Macon and Brunswick Rail roads on which to bnild a pessenger depot at Macon- The Medical Hoard of Georgia meets in Ma con, December 4. The citizens of Colnmbns have pledged them selves to protect their own stores at night from robbers. Thera are quite a large number of cases of small pox now in Macon, and new cMee are daily occurring. Mail Items. 5*? 5. i Worth Knowing The following, from the Treasury Depart ment, touching npon a really Important point, should be known and remembered among busi ness men generally: “Tkbast*t Dbpartmbnt, “ Office Internal Revenue, Washington, Oct, 27, 1865. “Sir—In reply to your letter of 18th instant, that if a note secured by mortgage is negotia- | ble, and the two instruments are transferred by ■ a mere endorsement of the note, no stamp is required. See section 160, Revenue Law. “It tbe extension of the time for the pay ment of a note is not in writing, no additional stamp on either instrument is necessary. If, however, a note is renewed by giving a new note, the renewal must be stamped with a stamp appropriate to the amount of the renewal, though the mortgage is not subject to a fur ther stamp duty. If tbe time of payment is ex- | tended by virtne of a written* agreement, a I stamp most be fixed appropriate to the agree ment. Very respectfully, “D. C. Whitman, “Deputy Commissioner.” Nearly all of tha privates in the veteran reserve corps have voted, under the late order of the War Department, to leave the service, and have been mustered out. In one regiment but four men remain, A large number of . the officers, however, remain in tbe terviee. lloet of them are utterly-incapacitated for the pursuit of tbeir former business avocations, as are found tram (he official reports now oomiog to the War De partment and trom other eouroes. These, ot course, desire to remain in tbe service, end in order to make place for them in the regular Army, if it shall be determined to merge tha Veteran reserves into that organization, an en abling act ta proposed to be submitted to Coh- gress to be enacted into * law which will provide for the admission of the veteran reserve officers, retaining their present pradeer Tank as near as diay be upon certificate from aJbqard ot examin ers of competency, and fitness for thsir positions. U is understood that the Secretary of War favors this plan. .L-wn-MUO The Now* Haven Register insists upon it that snonl Banks, having been Stonewall Jack- or Indirectly,” given aid or comfort to tho mam of the Udma, MISCELLANEOUS. -A BOOTS AND SHOES. 167 Fellner 4 Poliak, Broughton street, Bavumnh Ga., RE enabled, through their permanent House in Boston, to famish Jobbers and Dealers in this . swell as those in the Country, with more advan tages and conveniences in the Boot and, Shoe Trade. than any Boose In said line. ort26—4m Poliak <fc Bon, MEERSO ManufacturerS, AVHOLK^ALE AND RETAIL, 692 Broadway, near4th St., N. Y. Oitff. TVTT- W E have only Block Meerschaum, and warrant every article stamped with our name to be genuine. Wstmt Pipes to order, put Amber*. on, Mount With Silver, make esses, and do repairing. = Pipe* from $6 to $S» each, most suitable to- presents. Circular. novSO—6m bend stamp for Circular. The Richmond Jftedieal JOUENAL, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA f11HIS Journal will be published is a Monthly A Octavo of SO pages, the January number txdng Issued early in December. A respectable number of the best writers id this country have promised their support, fan ostentatious display ot names Is avoided,) ana as the BiHoreeflbr to pay liberally for articles, ttla hoped that the origin al department of the Journal will be entitled to respect and confidence. The paqes of the Journal will be devoted to Original articles, Foreign and Domestic Correspondence, a Re trospect df Medicine and uigery during the late war, an Eclectic Department, f which will be a chief feature of the Journal,) Reports of cocietie*, Associations, Hospitals and Clinical Lectures, Reviews and Biblio graphical Notices Medical News, Editorials, Miscella neous Matter, Ac. Without making special promises, tbe Editors will endeavor to make this Journal acceptable to its a porter*, Tasm—Five Dollars yearly, if pud in advance, or before the expiration of the third month alter the date of subscription; if paid after this period, Ten Dollars per annum. Advertisements will be inserted on the most liberal terms, and as there are no Medical Journals now pul* liahed in the Southern States, advertisers will enjoy peculiar advantages. E. S. GAILLARD, M. D„ Richmond, Va. W, 8. McCHESNKY, M. D„ Staunton, Va., . Editor* and Publishers. All letters iu relation to the literary or business In terests of the Journal will he addressed to Dr. E. 9. Galllard, Box 199, Richmond, Va. nov3o—tf PUMPS' PUMPS! PUMPS! Steam, Force, Suction and Lit ting PUMPS A meeting has been called by the Mayor of Nashville, Tennessee, of the citizens of tha county to protect themselves against the bands of robbers and murderers who infest NMhville, and surrounding country. Citizens from each ward were enrolled for patrol duty, Citi zens of Davidson county hara assembled at tbe courthouse, and passed resolutions to or ganize a force for the suppression of robbers and lawlessness in the surrounding country.— Twenty-five men ware detailed to serve in the districts. General-JVhipple has proposed to equip and mount sufficient men to eo-pperate with this force and effectually exterminate tbe desperadoes who are plundering and murder ing in Central Tennessee- A Washington dispatch speaking of the trip of the Stonewall, for the edification of the Farra- gut Court martial, says her speed was ten miles an hour, which is by no msana her maximum. She is said to be very formidable. Bar ram pro jected twenty-five feet from her bow, and liea eight feet under tbe water. After tbe trill was completed tbe general impression seemed; to be that Comodore Craven exercised a sound discre tion in'not attacking her. Had the Niagara guns waited to make aay impression on the four inch plating of the Stonewall, the result. would probably have been the sinking of tbe Niagara bT the latter’s raw. Tbe Stonewall is to bs hauled into tbe stream and a gun the Niagara's calibre is to be hredtiat- ber at.a : dWtance approx imating to that between her and the Niagara at the time Commodore Craven declined to attack her. ‘ ' '.e 77 Tbe Commissioner of Interest Revenue has re ceived a communication from several proprietors of soda water fountains, remonstrating against tbe tax ot six per cent, levied according to law, on all manufacturers of such beverages.. They claim that os tbey do net charge their fountains with ctrbonio acid gas, they art not liable to the tax, and ask that tbs amount already levied be remitted. The Commissioner baa replied ia ef fect that they cannot be exempt from tbe speci fied tax of six per cent., and that whether tbey bay their foanta>M> already charged or hire a person to oharge them, they are regarded as man ufacturers or producers. Col- J. H. Wood, proprietor of the Chicago Museum, in announcing the suspension of the free list, makes the following remarks ; Dead heads are those who obtain something for noth ing. Hence, an editor or reporter who visits tho Museum, and gives his readers a descrip tion of what he sees and hears there (thus ren dering a quid pro quo for his ticket), is m for m possible from being a “dead bead.” In tact, I always consider “printer’s ink” as more rat able than money, and am, therefore, ever anx- to establish a mutual and equitable exchange of courtesies with those who write for the pub- lie press. When the war ended, in April lest, the Gov ernment owned and used for military purposes 3,300 locomotives, 4,000 cars, and 70,000 tons of iron. All the locomotives have now been sold, but forty-two, and there are about 1,000 burs yet on hand. Some hare been sold for cMh at auction, and some on six months’ and two years’ time—the time to Southern Rail roads. All will be sold before January 1st. A Mississippi newspaper states' that of the eighty thousand bales of cotton collected by (he Government agents but six thousand have been accounted for, and says the stealing mania is rampant. In accordance with a law Just passed by the Mississippi Legislature, the State tax col lector at Vicksbnrg has given notice that a tax of two dollars will bo collected on each bate shipped from there.. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION; STEJiM 4* G.IS PtPES, Pipe and Steam Fittings, AND F.TCRT DUOBIPTION OF PLUMBERS’* GAS, AND-- "VU- Steam Fitters’ Goods, For sale at tho lowest raiss by JOHN B. FULLER,/ 8 DEY STREET. novS-eodly ' NEW YORK. NEW YORK STBiM BMINE MAKcrAOTumeis or STATIONARY AND PORTABLE ENGINES AND 'BOILERS, AND MACHINISTS’ TOOLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. o — - ‘ tar Manufactories: Foot of Tireaty-Tlklrff St., E. R. N. Y ; , and Worcester, JKIasa. Ths Fenians held a grand torchlight proces sion Saturday evening, at Wilmington, Dela ware. Addresses were made by John M. Mo- riarty, of Philadelphia, Hon. F. F. Pincett, P. M. Plunkett, and others. The greatest enthu- They hare,* re«m*er PVHP«g f »qcitiaq at Cincinnati, which draws from tb« Ohio river £ 1 discharges a stream-ofareser five Out In eter. It ia tha largest machine of the it exirtenee, and ia peculiar b having n crank nor Sj-wbwl Office FOOT OF TWENTY THIRD, E. R .. Every Machine built bras'is started and thoroughly tested in shop before being shippod. nova—eod3m INDIAN STREET F OU NDRY. H AVING re-opened oar Foundry and Machlnt Shop, we are now prepared to furnish all kinds of Iren and nra a s Castings, as also to bnild Steam Kmriuea. Castings, as also to bnild Steam Kl Sugar Mm, Circular and (Sang Saw MU it; aad all Linda of Mlllwrightfng, Engineering, Steam Boat and Black smith Work done at abort notice, with promptness and despatch. ROSE, ARKWHIUUTACO. novi Oarhort, Whitford 6c Oo„ MANUFACTURERS WHOLESALE DEALERS IN READY-MADE CLOTHING. 331 A’ 333 Broadway, Corner Worth Street, NEW YORK. T. F. OAKfiAUT, waf.H. wurrroEp, H1N3Y SHATKB, . y t. U. TAM WAUKKEN, A. t. HAJirLTOK. Offleeof Payne 9c, Ctrhart in liquidation. octSS—eodum Elly, Zaclmrle A€o.» 210 BOWERY, .NEW YORK miscellaneous. I. J *1 Importers and Dealers is WINES 147 BAY STREET, Mnf^vniir, Georgia. Wo Invite tbe attehthnrof the Trade aad tha Peb- Uc generally to onr Urge areostment of wins, LIQ19IS, CORDIALS, CONSERVES, CIGARS, ftc., At., which is not excelled the States. We are BUNBAR’* I by any similar establishment Pa sole proprietors of CE EEBR ATE 0 WORMWOOD CORDIAL, the reputation of which is fully established in this and Foreign countries. Dvnhsu^s well known STOMA.CH BITTERS, MISCELLANEOUS. COTTON WAREHOUSE SAVANNAH,GA. O'FALLON I CO.. FACT OSS, FORWARDING. AND Commission Merchants, Respect!oily fin vile PURCHASE SOUTHERN PRODUCTS OF guaranteed smperior to any article of the wgned expresdy lor Hi :«M1 and Family Use. DUNB A-H’ S SCREIDAM CORDIAL SCHNAPPS, warranted of the stmoat parity, and put np expressly for onr House, of which we are sole proprietors and Importers. , , Sole Agents for Robert Smith's celebrated Phll- adelphiaAle and will give prompt atteatfoa to aU ted to oar care, lnteadtagto hooaela Saraaaah, expect, by 9met Ri Prlueiplee, to merit aad receive a Trad*. Haring a WIREHOLSB FOB COTTON, for Robert Smith's celebrated aaeeond barrels ; Knglisb, Scotch had American Ale and Porter; Brandy. Scotch, Boarbon Whisky and Arrack Punches, well known throughout the United Skates, put up by us in cases for export and home consumption. T. J. D. A CO. are sole agents for H. A H. W. Catherwood*s Pure Rye Whiskies, X, XX, and XZZ. - * - - la quality aad ezceF WM , Worthy the at tention of the trade and connoisseurs generally. An assortment of Cigars of the finest grade*, manufactur ed and imported expressly for this House, which we offer at the lowest net cashpriees. Brandies, Gins, Wines, Champagnes, and every de scription and grade of Foreign' Liquor*, imported di rectly by this House, and for sale In Bond or Duty paid at lowest market rates. novT John B. Fuller. Manufacturer and Dealer, JY». 8 Bey Street, «Y. V, Has in store and ready for Immediate shipment, and Is manufacturing to order, Portable and Stationary Si gines and Rollers, StoSSO horse power; Circular and Upright Saw Mills • of aU CTcrr kind ebiaery; Sugar Mills, Paper and Mining Machinery. Tools, Tanka, Ac., for OB and Sait Works; Cotton and Woolen Machinery, Ac. Vertical Planers, Iron Planers, ) Engine Lathes, Drill lathes, , Boring Machines, Slatting Machines, l-pright Drills, Steam Panne, Foree Pomps, Lifting Pump*, Suction Pumps, Hydraulic Jacks, Screw Jacks, Woodworth Planing Ma- chic UK, Gray A food's Planing Ma'hi nes, Daniels'Planing Machines, Moulding Machines, Sash Machines, Fewer Morticing Machines, Foot Morticing Machines, tlat Tenoning Ma- chines, . Shafting Pulleys aad Han-Cireniar Saw Benches, gers, , Wright's patent Scroll Savrs Rubber and Leather Belt-Patent Belt Scroll Saws, fogs, Steam and Ga* Pipes, l Water — ■- - W- - s-vs ■Every acBcnpuoD chinery and Mail Mail way Sap. COTTON SINS, COTTON SINS. Taytorjgajifa Browr, Southern, Craven, Xxcshiqr and Cotton Gins, with engines or horse ‘ g required for tha same, ta Wore, sale at the lowest pries. Yoor orders are re. ' solicited. »ovl-lr S T A.r TATE OF «EOROIA,Brjnun B. Cobb, late of safd County, deceased. Tbeee ate therefore, to cite, ail and singular, the d creditors Bf add de “ any they have) with tii* first Monday Tn December ‘ tiers wflf be granted. Witness, Wm. H. Hajmsaa, Esq., Ordinary of Bn^County, this *th ,0,11.0 CSTATR O To all' OF GEORGIA, Hr . ryanCenutv. whom it may concern: Whereas, A. G. Smith will apply at tbe Court of Ordinary for Letter* ... JpgjJg J>, avia late of all of Administration on the estate of Bryan County, decerned. These are. therefore, to cite ami admonish whom It mar concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection Of any they have) on or before tbe tat Monday ta December next, otaerwtsa said letters will be granted. Witness. W. H. Dayman. Ordinary lot Bryan eonn- ^ 01 O^y^-HAYMAN. o. a. q are prepaid to' Huy or R*«elw< our friend* ta lewYerk w J make advaacea on ■ all Cotton before r' moos expense ine eeas. WeScffidts Ml* •* essrft OFFIGEt Ror. Rear aad Lime* Past Office Address, Lock Bos ta. octT tf $30,000,000 LOAN OF THE Republic of Mexico. Twenty-year Coupon Boris In Sums of $50, $100, $500 All,C Interest Seven Per Cent, PAYABLE IN THE CITY OT YORK. Principal and Interest PajaMt hi $10,000,000 to be Sold AT Sixty Cents OH THE ■I.i'b, a “f In U. S. Currency, thua yielding mm in terest of TWELVE FEB CENT. IN GOLD, or SEVENTEEN PER CENT. IN CURRENCY, at the present rate of AL- BTCTJBBgSgfe'ySgggl! “* • *~- - nnhr to the Court of Oronuuy of ratters of GnanUanship on the per* eous-atta preprety f fl^ d , h t J^.3 ona! ! ' trick, " Ki ’ all whom 1 ‘-be and appear before aOM Court, to nave) on or before tbe 1st otherwise said letters will EZoi.vsive*M*scT4cTf*zs» or • TOILET SOAPS 'AND Perfumer^' • Catalogues sent free. nuri)—eodatn nndenigned will: IBM angSl—eodSm Try good boats to New York. H \BEB8HAM A SONS. be t$3fflae. Wm. H. Raymonds, ffeq Bryan^Coanty, this Tth Osdinary for 8*85* ROM, L.i j?&8sgmas&& on the estate of George W . Iret Monday in Will be granted, 221 before naid*Coart°to •u or before tbe Ordinary for Uber- GTRAHDMAP, «■ n. a premium on gold THE FIRST TEAR’S INTEREST READ! PROVIDED. The Nest Desinthls taTestaent Brer OFFERED. IMMENSE TRACTS OF MINING AND AGRICULTURAL LANDS; SIXTY PER CENT, of PORT DUES, IMPOSTS and TAXES, in the Stole* of TAXAULI- PAS and SAN LUIS POTOSI; and tha PLIGHTED FAITH of the said-State* and the GENERAL GOVERNMENT af# ALL PLEDGED for the redemption of these Honda and payment of intonaL THE SECURITY H AMPLE. JJO in U. 8. Cnrreosy will buy Tper et, Goto Bonders SL ** « to PrY as M H as JjgT ETM3T IrOTWW OT • r Least One Bond. Circalara I •SB.