Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 07, 1865, Image 1

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X MSM. ■grasaMjjgsai %r.- -r* r. * I •*£ fcr? VOL. I.—NO. 41. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 7* 1865. PRICE 5 CENTS. J. E. HAVES, Editor aad Proprietor. advertising. Per Square of TEN line# Nonpariel type or space oc cupied by the same number of lines, $2 first insertion, $1 for each continuation. Half Square—$1 for first insertion; 50 cents for each subsequent insertion. TERMS—$3 60 per hundred; subscription tby mail or carrierj $10 per annum; single copies, 6 cents. All advertisements must be paid for at the Counting Room previous to insertion, and if handed in by 8 p, a. will appear in the morning edition. There were symptoms of improvement early in the day, but as time wore on a relapse suc ceeded, and everything was flat and inactive. However, towards the close the affair* of the day brightened up, and proceedings termina ted with an advance of a farthing and a half penny a pound. There was not a symptom of animation in the affairs of cotfti and cotton goods in Manchester. The news from Liverpool had no peroepti- ble influence on the business ia cotton on Wednesday. The receipts were 4,268 and the sales 3,200 bales, the rates being Upland, 38; 50, 52 ; Florida, 38, 61, 52 ; Mobile, 39, 51, 53; New Orleans and Texas, 39, 52, 63; On Thursday transactions were a little more ac tive, and prices ja shade lower. Some New IHIBSDAY MORNING, DEC. Tth. READING MATTES ON EYEEY PAGE, ■ I Orleans Middling were held at 52, but that figure was not touched, although from the un derneath quotation it will be perceived that the straggle was hard between buyer and seller.— The receipts were 2,551 and sales 5,000 bales the currencies being for Upland, 37, 50, 52 ! fiCif- For Ship News aad Commercial I Florida, 37, 50, 53; Mobile, 38, 51, 53; New Intelligence see Fourth Page. PUR NEW YORK LETTER. Europe—New-York Canon Market — jicw*York Money Market—Sale* of neat Estate—Fenianiamand Canada The Brooklyn Murder —Firea In York—Railroad Accident—Mur ders near Albany — The Strong Di vorce Case—Ratification Meeting- A Catholic Association— Suicide — Amusements —Municipal Elections, Ac. | From our Special Correspondent.] Nsw Yoek, Dec. 2. By the arrival of two steamers on Thursday, we received news from Europe down to the 19 th ul:. The London journals reeord very little of original items of news, local or foreign, but they are replete with editorial speculations and admonitions upon, and to, every State in the universe, as if the English people had nothing to do in looking about their own affairs, but assuming to be the dictators-general for the whole world. In reference to United States jurisprudence, one of those journalists advises forbearance toward the negro race and threat ens the same race with the perils which must attend obstinacy on their part, and urges a for bearance which should be reciprocal; and at the same time reminding American citizens the Union, that the degradation of a hundred years of slavery cannot be erased in a twink- 9 ling, and hence the main-spring of a long and a labored article on the snbject. Every man who 9 ever read history is as well convinced on the H question of slavery as the conceited writers on 9 the English press. Every nation, from the Hj earliest stages of civilization, which had been 9 the victim of oppressionjstill, and for ages, re- 9 tain the traces of original degradation, to ■which resistance may have risen and failed, ■ but vet became Anally successful. If the ■ English writers and statesmen would look Baearer home and condescend a glance at Ire- Bland, they would, even ip their obtnsity, dis- Bcover that seven hundred years of legalised ■i'ltmder, confiscation, open robbery, bloodshed p and murder of innocent women and children, Knight have reduced the men of Ireland to a i ’'Ate of semi-barbarism or slavery, that organ ized system hag net had any effect in snbduing » 1 torbearance the English oppressor nor con i' ihating the oppressedNo, nor any system of ajolery and occasional concession arising from 'fhe oppressor’s fears can have any salutary ct in the direction of English professions ward forbearance and conciliation, for the ■ 5! red of England’s rule and England’s op- restion in Ireland is so intense that it forms principle of life, for it is co-existent, eqoifluid N chemically disengageable from the current N hfe which flows from the heart through the of the Irishm^i’s eiistence, grierial channels | otside those editorial jubilations, there is no ws political from England proper; but from Ireland there is a record of passing events of “ervous interest to Irishmen ail over the world, fines Stephens and his fellow-prisoners were ■ought before the English oppressors in Ire- • in< f in a Police office adjoining the vice-regal in Dublin, the proper place. The ac- “sers of those gentlemen, and their agents, r ' J informers, were at hand. Nagle, from lootnel, in the county of Tiperary, and Her- aa Schofield, from New-York. On being Orleans, 38, 51 1-2, 54. Yesterday the mar ket was regarded as in an almost lifeless state and yet sales were effected through the great anxiety of holders to realize, .and the rates were very irregular. The receipts were 2, 927 bales, and sales 2,300, the currencies be ing for Middling 37, 50, 52; Florida, the same figures, and Mobile and New Orleans equal at 38, 61, 53. There was a shade of a decline in value on the day’s operations. On Wednesday the stock market was sub ject to every variation, strong and weak, high er and lower, alternately, and closed steady and strong. Gold was active and higher with a timid, feverish disposition pervading the operations of the day. The opening price was 148, from which it ascended to 148 3-4 : and finally closed after a fitful day’s proceed ings at 148 3-8. On Thursday the stock mar ket was higher, and firm to the advance.— Gold was steady and firm, having moved only a fftetion once from the opening price, which was 148 1-4, declining to 148, and closing at the opening figure. Yesterday the stock mar" ket was strong, and Government securities heavy and inactive. Geld was steady, open ing at 148, at which it stood for an hour or so, and then advanced 1-3, at which it remained without motion up or down until the close.— This day there is nothing new down to twelve o’clock. On Wednesday, 101 lots of real estate adjacent to the Central Park, which is all building ground in the vicinage of 8th, 10th afid 11th avennea and streets 107 to 122, were disposed of at anetion tor the lump sum of $32,120 The Anglo-Canadians over the way have calm ed down. There has not been a Fenian raid on the border, and brave men who had not closed an eye in quiet sleep from fear and trembling, are be ginning to return to the ordinary occupations of every day business life. Like Jack Falstaff, they were boisterously brave at the mere idea of dan ger faraway, but should the Fenians show a front on the border, the brave men, Orange and all* would scamper oft at tall speed, and hide nnder the piano fortes and kitchen utensils. It is now discovered from data which is represented to be of undoubted authenticity, that the Fenian or ganization in Canada embraces an enrolment of 82,000 men, and half that number is armed with rifles, revolvers, guns, swords and pikes, and that the popular weapons and most numerous in hand, are the rifles and revolvers. The avowed object is the annexation of the Provinces to the United States and the subjugation of British power at either side of the Atlantic. The Anglo- Canadians hare recovered a little farther from their fright, and are bellowing and bragging like bully John Bull, of what they would do should the Irish Fenians dare budge upon their territo ry. The pronoun ‘‘tod’ is in perpetual use, and with that they would do miracles. . Gonzales and Pelliceer, the parties accused of the murder of Otero in Brooklyn, were arraigned on Thursday before the King’s county Court of Oyer and Terminer of New Jersey, and having pleaded not guilty, the 8th of January next was appointed for their trial by jury, in Brooklyn, There is a daily record of destruction of pro perty by fire in New York city, with an occa sional lots of life. Early on Thursday morning a fire broke out in a house in Mott street, the up per floors of which were let in tenements and oc cupied by flfteeD families. The fire was soon got under and subdued, the loss of property not be ing considerable, bat unhappily, one man, Thos Browne,was burned to death,and an aged woman, named Alexander, so badly injured by fire and a fall from a window, that life is diapaired of. The poor creatures struggled for life by clambering to tbe roofs of the adjoining houses or throwing themselves from windows, and by the praisewor thy efforts of police officers, they were saved. Last night there were four fireB in the city, one in State street, one in William street, one in West Broadway and one in Pearl street, by property to a large by Messrs. Richard O’Gorman and Charles O’Connor. A man whose name is believed to be Reed- iinger committed suicide by Mowing out his brains with a pistol, on Thursday evening, in the Central Park. There was a letter written in German in his pocket, addressed to his daughter, in which he gave her to understand that he would destroy himself; but did not as sign any cause except by saying that his time was finished. A man from Connecticut named Miles Har ris, early in November, on arriving in New York fell in with parties who robbed him of $800, and this loss so preyed upon him that insanity ensued, and while so afflicted he shot himself in the abdomen, and died of the wound in New York Hospital on Thursday last. Another German named Schwenzer died in the same hospital from the effects of a wound in the throat, inflicted by himself early in tbe last month. The pride and the glory of the American citizens are comprised in two words—The working man. Patrimonial inheritance is as nothing compared with riches amassed by per sonal industry, application.and labor; and as the American citizens know how to accumu late wealth and enjoy all the luxuries of life, so can they, when the day’s work is over, know how to enjoy the evening's amusement. Hence all the places of public recreation and amuse ment are crowded every evening, and the ca terers and managers are never idle in projecting and carrying out in reality new scenes and operations of intellectual and refining enjoy ments. The newest thing afloat in New York this week is the production, the first time in the new world, of Meyerbeer’s grand opera “ The African Girl,” in the Academy of Music, and in verity it is a sublime success. After con siderable pains and lapse of time L’Africaine was produced in Paris last April, and the rap- turo which attended the representation in the Imperial Opera in Paris exceeded any demon stration of the kind on record. In July it was produced in the Italian Opera House in Lon don with equally brilliant success, and in New York it is hailed in a spirit-of enthusiastic fervor and delight. In Europe it has been said of Meyerbeer that his last act was the greatest of his life where all was great, and in his com position of the “African Girl,” as an opera, he excelled himself. In sublimity, melody, har mony, and all the component parts and ad juncts of a grand and imposing musical com position, the maguiflcence of this noble crea tion outshines every other composition in the range of operatic compositions.■’r • The city is all astir from each extremity to the centre in active preparation for the forthcoming election of Mayor, Aldermen, Councilman and officers of the corporation of New York. Candi dates are numerous, partisans ardent, and some say that the voters are so numerous, and parties, perhaps, nearly equal in numerical power, the contest will be not only sharp but vital, and each party is at present equally confident of the suc cess of its respective man. — Cickrone. WASHINGTON. Washikotox, November 89. Commodore Craven. The naval court martial have been in session all day arranging' their verdict in the case oi Commodore Craven. Appointment* in the Regular Army, , There are already several thousand applica tions received St the War Department for posi tions in the regular gray, Jl one will be consid ered except those who have served in the volun teer service one or two years. Arkansas and Tennessee Representatives. Mr. McPherson, Clerk of the Bouse, antho- rizes so emphatic contradiction of the report that ha intends to plaoe the names of Arkansas and Tennessee members on the roll. At the same time, it is said, a motion wiH be made on the con vening of the House to place the Tennessee dele- § a lion on the roil so that they may vole for peaker. The Counterfeit Hundred Dollar Treasure Note. * to iUtitioned by the Magistrate if ho had any Eng to say before being committed for trial I which in the aggregate property to jr conspiring against the Queen and forat- .amount was consumed. The fire in Pearl street Ireland “b b .‘.“irhS“^SSk. #? 8 ^ominiong, |Mr. Stephens replied that he zens with such fearful visitations that their oc- nothing to say except only that he denied oar f en ° e an< * progress seem to enlist noticing , f ue denied m0 re than A passing observation. ~ ■ *ght of England to have power in Ireland, A fearful accident occurred yesterday oV^the g l that he deliberately and conscientiously New Jenusy Central Railroad in Henderson ooun- the right of British’law and author!* 1 ‘ ^ that he defied and despised any ’ d ri S ht ■* er e, and Nishment that English oppression might in- j 't u Pon him, and he would maintain that (pinion and would not employ either, counsel attorney for a defence. Mr. Stephens and 1 companions were forthwith committed for a ‘ for high treason. We shall now proceed P^ceful subjects. - 1 fe advices from India were to the 4th of jT ember, and very meagre they are. There a fine nor a word about cotton; the is the Exchange from Bombay on Lon- [ n was 2f. 1 3-8 and-Calcotta 2f. 1 1-4, and - ns 40t. The London" money market was °°t change in value from our last-quota- United States securities steady and a t,U6inesa d °i°8- The French standing "*«»« by **.000 men. French payers, the boxer, , died, and at hia the most brutal exhibitions of low life in ^ were displayed. of in the same a novel and direction. The most appalling not ] tden is iwstMdy ia $ai$$«M value.— collision was _ character, a baggage car bavingl dashed right through a passenger car, and, in the rapidity of the transit, the heads of seven of the passengers were taken cleanly off as if by the guillotine, and the bodies otherwise fearfully mutilated. Seven teen othe- passengers in the same train-were more or less injured, and some of them danger ously , bo that life ia barely expected to be Shved by medical and surgical treatment. A whole family, of the name of Walrafh, liv ing near Albany, the man, hia wife and daugh- ter, were brutally murdered on Thursday. He war shot Hmui. his Vila’. . . ' . The Jews and the Cattle Plagne-A _ . Prayer. The following is the form of prayer for relief from the plague among cattle, and for protec tion against the cholera, ordered by the Chief Rabbi in England to be used in all the syna gogues of the United congregation of Great Britain: ‘‘Judge of the whole earth! Thy righteous ness is as the mighty mountains. Thy judg ments are a great deep. Thou preservest man and beast. We approach Thee in the time of our Affliction, when Thou hast visited us with a grievous murrain among our herds and our flocks. We know, O Lord, that Thy decrees are just; our iniquities testify against us. But in Thy wrath doest Thou remember mercy; Thoumakest sore and bindest up; Thouwound- est and Thou healest. Spare, we beseech Thee, the works of Thy hands; stay the havoc and destruction among our cattle, so that there be no complaining in the borders of our blessed land. Gracious and merciful Father.' sorrow seized on us when we heard that the pesti lence which broke out in Egypt has been raging in the land of Thy inheritance and in other countries. Let our prayers ascend unto Thee like incense, and say unto the destroyer, ‘Stay now thy hand.’ And as hitherto Thy tender mercies have supported Thy servants, so cause Thy countenance to shine upon us ; deliver our souls from death and our eyes from tears. Have mercy upon parents and children, and shelter them under the shadow of Thy wings. "Bless our bread and our water, and take away sickness from the midst of us. In spire our hearts to understand Thy, ways in the sanctuary, that we may learn to turn even the dangers that threaten us into our good. Grant ns knowledge that we may keep Thy law, and return to Thee with perfect penitence. Vouch safe unto us a year of life and plentv, of peace and redemption Amen.” Investigations made at the Treasury to-day show that the plate on which the counterfeit one hundred dollar compound treasury notes were Tinted, were first abstracted from the American lank Note Company. In proof of thia the backs of the genuine and counterfeit notes are exactly similar, in the minutest details, with the excep tion of th. sphere npon which the lettering and other work are widely different. Any person, by comparing tbe backs of the genuine and coun terfeit with a strong magnifying glass, will per ceive that many of the letters .are differently made and differently spaced; and this dissimilar ity in soma respects is so marked as to be percen tible to the naked eye. The Dead Roll Official reports about to be presented Congress show that the number of white sol diers that have died in Washington, D. C., from August 1-, 1861, to November 29, 1865, is 15,412, and the number of colored soldiers is 6,328. The whole number that have died at Andersonville, Ga., including soldiers, em ployees and citizens, is 12,918; the number of soldiers buried at Spottsylvania Court House and the Wilderness is 15,000; at Nashville, Tenn., 32,000, and at Richmond, Va., 60,000. Of the soldiers buried in and around Wash ington, 4,220 are from New York, 86 from Illinois, 219 from Indiana, 782 from Michi gan, 510 from Ohio, and 200 from Connecti cut. The number of those that died by the effects of wounds is 3,806, and 2,464 are re ported to have died of typhoid fever. There are 11,285 men buried near Washington, whose names and regiments are unknown. The House Committees. Thoroughly Tested. Mrs. S. A. Allen’s World Hair Restorer end Zylobalsamum has stood the test for twenty years. Millions of bottles sold every year. It is not a dye, and differs from all other prepa rations, as it contains the specific aliment which is the life of the hair. They are un equalled for restoring, invigorating, beautify ing, and dressing the hair, rendering it soft, silky and (lossy. They dtsanse the hair and impart to it a most delightful fragrance- Every Druggist sells them. dec 7—eodSt MISCELLANEOUS. L Wholesale Woolen Vertical Planers. BOOTS AND SHOES, Fellner & Poliak, 157 Broughton street, Savannah Ga., A RE enabled, through their permanent House in A. Boston, to famish Jobbers and Dealers in this City as well as those in the Country, with more advan tages and conveniences in the Boot and Shoe Trade. than any Bouse in said line. octSS—4m A very serious pressure is being made on Mr. Colfax to secure his promise that he will not appoint Thaddeus Stevens Chairman ol the Committee on Ways and Means, nor Mr, Dawes, of Massachusetts, Chairman of the Committee on Elections. Mr. Colfax declares that he will make no promises or pledges in advance of his election. Pardons. John Overton, one of the wealthiest men of Tennessee, who was pardoned by President Johnson some time since, and whose pardon was afterwards revoked, is in this city and at the Attorney General’s office, 'pressing his claims for another pardon. -i- Honor to an Arithmetician. The Secretary of War to-day appointed Gen Fry, who is at the head of the Provost Mar shal’s Bureau, a Brevet Major General in the regular army. Promotions. He also brevetted the head of every other military bureau of the War Department, in eluding Judge Holt. The Telegraphic Censorship. The Government to-morrow restores to the American Telegraph Company full control of of its Southern lines, at the same timo remov ing the censorship on tbe press and other mat ter which has been ia force since the close of the war. (camphor,) filling the teaspoon with cold vs- was ihlrt deadThia wilrfs^W rawhJd^d the teC . *“ d * !i ^ e 8U «* r ' »«■ «« fVinnnt n..i X >. . . “SUCU BU(i IU0 MlWnfiM flTtf 1 I VZAI1 hfl daughter’s throat cut, and all three died instant ly. As yet there is not any person in oustody for The Strong divorce case is still at haarimr id it is tv straw that th. details of criiSS^d iprarity becoSRng evolved every hour an and 9QH depravity becoKng evolved every hour are of fensive to tbe last degree. One brother eeducee or is seduced, no one can tell which, by the wife of the other. A very numerous meeting of the Tammany Democratic convention was held on Thursday evening in the Cooper Institute, lor the purpose of ratifying the nomination of Mr. Recorder Hoffman for tbe office of Mayor, and of Richard O’Gorman Counsel for the corporation. Archbishop McCioikey presided vesterday- evening at the second anniversary of tie Bloom- ingdate Catholic Association in Eighth Avenue, meeting was] miswrou*, and was addressed hj , Cure for Cholera. Lord Ponsonby, in a letter to his brother, the Bishop of Derry, states that “to his own knowledge, dissolved camphor proved to be a eertain cure for cholera, both at Paris and in Germany; and if taken in time, the cure is generally effected before it is possible to procure a physician—that is in less than an hour.” Dr. Duncan, of Edinburgh, confirms this no- blemanje letter, having found Sir James Mur ray’s fluid camphor by far the most effectual preparation ; a wineglassful every five minutes produced warmth, perspiration, and a mani fest decrease of sickness and of cramps, with a rapid revival of spirits and of circulation.— As a preventive, he has supplied this fluid very extensively to the poor—and with marked ad vantages in restoring and preserving good di gestion and nervous energy, essential guards against cholera.—London Patriot. Thh following is the recipe alluded to. It was first published in the Dublin Mail, in 1832 which paper stated that the recipe was com municated by Lady Ponsonby ; that she, while in India, in 1832, and afterwards, on her r © turn to Europe, had invariably found it a suc cessful remedy in her own family, and in all cases out of it that came to her own knowl edge. : Recite.—One and a half -ounces of spirits of wine; one-quarter ounce of camphor dis solved in tbe wine. Get a small vial pf harts- Mlt. _ Dirkctiohs.—First, give a teaspoonful of hartshorn in a wineglass of water. Begin im mediately and give five drops of spirits of wine, Payment of Treasury Notes. The five per cent. Treasury notes becoming due December 1, must be forwarded by the holders to the Treasurer at Washington for re demption; and it would be advisable, to avoid losses, that the signatures should be punched, care being taken not to destroy the numbers The Colloctorship. A good many of the leading commercial men of New York city are urging with great zeal the appointment of Mr. Smyth, President of the Central National Bank, as Collector of New York. A large number of petitions were received to-day. HABEAS CORPUS. Revocation by the President of the Suspension of the Writ in the Loyal States. rr minutes until you hare given three doses.— Then wait fifteen minutes,, and commence again as before, and continue half an hour, unless there is returning heat. Should this be the case, give one dose more, and the cure is effected- Let patients'perspire freely, as ou this life depends; hut add no additional cloth ing., . -/ ■ GrsERAL Graft's pay as Lieut General smounte to $9,240 per annum. .With a house in Galena, one in Philadelphia, and another m Washington, we don’t see bow he manages to make both ends meet, especially when we remember that eggs are forty-five cents a dozen, and butter about sixty cents a pound. There be a very economical house- fceeper.—Phil Ay*. Washington, November 30. The following proclamation has just been is sued by the President of the United States of America .- Whereas, by the proclamation of the Presi dent of the United States of the fifteenth day of December, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, in certain cases therein set forth, was suspended throughout the United States; and whereas the reasons for that suspension may be regarded as having ceased to exist in some of the States and Territories; now, therefore, I, Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, do hereby proclaim and declare that the suspension aforesaid, and all other proclama tions and opders suspending the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus in the States and Terri tories of tbe United States, are revoked and annulled, excepting as to the States of Vir ginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, Sooth Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas and Texas, the District of Columbia, and the Territories of New Mexico and Arizona. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, the first day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and of the independence of the United States of America the ninetieth. Andrew Johnson. By tiie President: Wm. H. Seward, Secretaiy of State. We notice that Wm. Bi As tor onee a week gives his friends a dinner, at which they are served with the richest viands, on plates and dishes of. gold and silver, handed by servants in livery. If William will rive ns his money, we’ll met * ' engage to feed his friends in a more “hostile manner than that, and give him his board and lodging for nothing; also, his washing. That 18, IT flfl DCCul it. Family Mess iieef. B”*®* BajsLupp. Mariners Chmeh, »ov88—tf I 3 ollak & Son, MEERSCHAUM •manufacturers, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 692 Broadway, near4th St., 5. Y. Oily. W E hare only Block Meerschaum, and warrant every article stamped with our name to be genuine. We cut Pipes to order, put Ambers, on, Mount with Silver, make casee, and do repairing. Pipes from $6 toJj^O each, most suitable fo- presents. nov30—I Send stamp for Circular. -6m MISCELLANEOUS. John B. Fuller. Manufacturer and Dealer, MISCELLANEOUS. JVo, 8 Bey Street, JV. 1*. Has in store and ready for immediate shipment, and is manufacturing to, order, . Portable and Stationary Steam £*• fiaasand Bailers, StoKSO horse] of the moat Circular and, Uptight Saw Mflla I . „ .’ construction. Of all sizes, cut ting 70a to 1600 feet of lumbar par hour ,- Or at mih, Mifl Irons, Water Wheels, and riery kind of Mill Ma chinery ; Sugar Mills, Paper am» Mining Machinery Tools, Tanks, Ac., forOil and Salt Works; Cotton am * Woodworth Planing Ma- Grsy 11 ***'*’ ood*s Machines, Daniels' Planing Machines, Moulding Machines, Engine Lathes, Drill lathee, Boring Machines, Slatting Machine Upright Drills, Bteaui Pumps, Force Pumps, Lifting Pumps, Suction Pumps, Hydraulic Jacks, Screb Jacks, ig Pulleys „ Mi Power Mortidmg Machines, • Fbot Morticing Machines, Boring Machines, Blind -1st Tenoning Ms- and Han-Circular Saw Benches, Wright’s patent Scroll Saws and Leather Belt-Patent BdtiScroll Saws, ings, Circular Keeerring Mills, Leather and Rubber Haae,Upwright Reserving Mills, Plumbing and Gas Fit-Rotary and Mining Pumpe, _ h“g». Every description of Ma- 8team and Gas Pipes, chjnery and Railway Sup- Steam and Water Gauges, plies. Rubier* 1 u SINS, COTTON BINS Taylor, ] and McCmtfy Cotton Brown, Southern, Craven, Excelsior . :otton Gins, with engines or horse powers, and everything required for the same, in store, and for sale at the lowest price. Yonr orders are re spectfully solicited. noTl—ly Watches, Chains, WM. MONTGOMERY, MACHINIST, YONKERS, N. Y., fSuccegior to the N. Y. Steam Saw Mill and Machine Company.j Office in New York City, 157 Broadwa/ MANCFAOTUBIE OF CIRCULAR, GANG AND MULAY SAW MILLS STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, GRIST MILLLS, Ac. For descriptive Circulars, address WM. MONTGOMBRY, nov21—eod3m No. 167 Broadway. The Only'Authentic and Official Hifftoiy OF | TIB GREAT C1MPJMS. Published under Sanction of Gen. Sherman. 60,000 C0PIE8 ALREADY BOLD ! SHEEHAN HIS CAMPAIGNS Col. 8. K. BOWMAN and LL Col. B .B. IB WIH. 1 Vol. 8vo.; 612 Pages. Cloth, $3.60. With Splendid Steel Portraits of Major Gen. SHERMAN, Major Gen. SCHOFIHIED, HOW KD, LOGAN, DA VI8, SLOCDM, BLAIR, S’ATRIC “ KILPATRICK, AND MAPS, PLANS, &C. This work—written by CoL Bowman. Gen. Pher- man’s personal friend, and Lt. CoL Irwin, one of oar ablest military writers—is the only complete official history of this grand army as a whole, and in all Its details—for no ether writers can have ac cess to the private and official papers of the several commanders. All such information is furnished for this work exclusively. The following letter from Gen. Sherman shows the authentic official and i character of the work: Lancaster, Ohio, July SI, 180. ’. B. RiouABrs™, Esq., 640 Broadway, N. Y.: Sib —Col. S. M. Bowman, an acquaintance of mine since 3863. and more recently in the service of the U. S* has bad access to my order and I-etter Books, em bracing copies of all orders made and letters written by me since the winter of 18S1-2, with a view to publish a memoir of my Life and Services, and no other person has had such an opportunity to read myeecret thoughts and acts. I believe him .to be in possession df aua thentie fact* that can interest the genera! reader ' I am, Ac., W. T. SHERMAN, °o y3 ° Major General. Cuttua Ghu! Cotton Gibs I Cotton Gins: Taylor, Brown, Eagle, Southern, Emory & Craven, McCharty and Excelsior OOTTOIST OrTNS, With Engines, Horse Powers, and every thing com plete tor running, in store, and ready for immediate shipment, at the lowest rates, by JOHN B. FULLER, Ho. 8 Day Street* Row oct27—eodty Verb. CooJrini COR STREET, ‘ TON XANS, BRCTTJGFECT' Ctfofctwf totes, Enameled aad Tinned Hollow Bound Pots, Ovens, &c. •*« sow j. «. Warn, Diamond Dings,&>c. WORTH Of KB OIE HILMO* DOLLARS! ALL TO BE SOLD FOR One Dollar Each., - WITHOUT REGARD TO VALUE 1 Not to be Paid for until you Know what you are to Receive ! Splendid List of Articles! ALL TO BE 80LD FOR *1 EACH! nmg 500 silver Salvers and Urns 60to 600 Solid Silver Tea Sets complete 60 to 150 Rosewood Musical Boxes, 32 airs... 76 to zou 200 Mahogany Musieal Boxes, 24 aim... 60 to 200 260 Gold Hunting Watches 75 to 280 260 Ladles' Enamelled Gold Watches.... 60 to 200 600 Gents' Hunting Silver Watches .... 36 to 100 600 0pen-face Silver Watches 25 to 60 600 ivory Opera Glasses 26 to 100 ' 800 Mother of Pearl lorgnettes ...... 60 to 100 300 Six Barrel Revolvers........ 15 to 60 800 Single and Double Shooters into 60 300 Elegant Oil Paintings.. 60 to 100 25o Marble Statues, Busts, Ac 50 to 200 260 Diamond ffings 60 to 100 8,oco Photo. Albums, all sizes & to 60 2,000 Gold Vest and Neck chains 15 to 30 3,000 Gold Oval Band Bracelets 6 to lo 5,000 Chased Gold Bracelets 6 to 12 2,000 Chatelaine and Guard Chains & to 20 7,000 Solitaire and Revolving Brooches... 6 to 10 2,000 lava and Florentine do 4 to 10 5,000 Coral, Opal and Emerald do 4 to 10 5,009 Mosaic, jet and lava Eardrops 4 to 10 7,000 Coral and Emerald Eardrops 3 to 3 6,000 California Diamond Pins 5 to 20 6,000 California Cluster Diamond Pins.... 8 to 10 3,000 Gold Thimbles, Pencils, Ac 3 to 8 10,000 Lockets, double-glass 3 to 5 6,000 Lockets for Miniatures & to 10 8,000 Gold Toothpicks, Crosses, Ac 3 to 8 5,0»0 plain Gold Rings...... 4 to 10 5,000 chased Gold Rings 4 to 10 ]0,000 shield and signet Rings.... 3 to 10 ]0,«00 California Diamond Bings 3 to 10 7,600 sets Ladies’Jewelry, jet 5 to 10 6,000 sets Ladies' Jewelry, coral 8 to 12 8,000 sets Ladies' Jewelry, onyx 10 to' H 8,000 seta Ladies’ Jewelry, lava 12 to 20 2,500 sets Ladiee' Jewelry, mosaie 20 to 30 iO.OcO Gold Pens with stiver holders 5 to 10 6,000 Gold Pens with Gold holders 8 to 12 8,000 Gold Pens and holders, superior.... lo to . 15 A000 Silver Goblets and Drinking Caps.. 8 to 10 3,000 Silver Castors and Wine Holders.... 15 to 60 3000 Hirer Fruit and Cake Baakets 20 to 60 Messrs. T, A H. GAUGHAN A Co- No. lit Broad way, New' York, extensive manufacturer* and impor ters of many of the leading and most fashionable stylet of Watches and Jewelry, dealring to increase their business to an unlimited extent, have resolved npon a Great Gift Sale, subject to the regulations following: Certificates naming-each article and its value, are rlased in Sealed Envelopes and well mixed. One of | here envelopes will be sent by mall to any address on receipt of twenty-five cents. SOUTHERN COTTON WAREHOUSE Goner Lincoln and Bay Streets, SAVANNAH. GA. O'FALLON & CO.. FACTORS, FORWARDING. AND Commission Merchants, Respect! oily .Invite attention the to four fsdBtles for PURCHASE OR MOVEMENT or SOUTHERN PRODUCTS and will give prompt attention to all ted to onr care. Intending to establish ] house ia Savannah, expect, by (tries Muslntn Principles, to merit and receive a portion oi th* Trade. Having a commodious WiRBHOIP FOB I’OTTOV are prepared to •'ayorRecelweenc&nslcnmeBtto our friends in New York or Emroph. aad wlil make advances on same—poking rebating -r ■ all Cdtton before shipping, thereby saving the mona expense incurred In Northern dtles by Uri* pro cess. We solicit a portion of the bottom of the Pw* pie of OeorgHs and adjoining - OFFICE, STODDARD'S R SNOB. Cor. Bay and Lincoln Streets Poet Office Address. Lock > ox 25. oct7 tf $30,000,000 LOAN OF THE Republic of Mexico. Twenty-year Coupon Bonds in Sqm of $50, $100, $500 A $1,000. Interest Seven Per Cent* PAYABLE IN TH* CITY OF ISTEW YORK. Principal and Interest Payable la $10,000,000 to be Sold . AT Sixty Cents ON THE All Article* Sold at One Dollar each, without \ regard to value. On receipt of the certifi&te you will see what you are Ing to hare, and then it is at yonr option to send the lar and take the article or not.' Tnrchasere may thus obtain a Gold Watch, Diamond Ring. In U. 8. Currency, thus yielding an in terest of TWELVE PER CEXT. IN £ n“ T c£ GOLD ’ or seventeen per cent. cantheygetkesthm ene^doUar's worth, as there are|j*^ CURRENCY, at the present rate of premium on gold. THE FIRST YEAR’S INTEREST AL- no uncertainties The price of certificates is as fol- I IN CURRENCY, at the present lower One for 28cents; five for $1; eleven for $2; thirty for $8, with elegant premium; sixty-five for flo, with bonus; one hundred for $16, and handsome present to tbe getter up of the clnb- A gents wanted everywhere, to whom special inducements are offered. Address, T. dc EL GAUGHAN dt CO., Importers, 116 Broadway, New York. dec6—6t The Richmond -medical JOURNAL, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA riTHIS Journal will be published as a Memthly A Octavo of 90 pages, the January number bring READY PR0YIDED. The most Desirable Investaeot Ever OFFERED. IMMENSE TRACTS OF MINING AND AGRICULTURAL LANDS; SIXTY PER GENT, of PORT DUES, ’ IMPOSTS »nd TAXES, in the States okTAMAULI- number of ttebwUjTttejiJhjWe PAS and SAN LUIS POTOSI ; and the issued ear: I PLIGHTED FAITH of tha aaid States -ny liberally for articles, it ia hoped that the origin- I ^ partment of the Journal will be entitled to respect and the GENERAL GOVERNMENT or* ALL PLEDGED for the redemption of ** ' these 6011(18 paTBMmt ot The Security is Ample. graphical Notices. Medical News, BdBorials, MiacSiu 1 jrav. neon# Matter, Ac. I $30 in U. 8. Currency will buy TpwcLGoid Sowdef$M Without making special promises, the Editors will $®0 “ “ “ •' $100 endeavor to make tasJournal acceptable to ita rao. 1 " M porters. . c [ $M0 •* « $1,000 advance, ur| 1 after the date IfiTm 1 Dollars Tow—Five Dollars yearly, if paid in before the expiration of the third month 1 of subscription; if paid after this period, per annum. Advertisements win be inserted on the moat liberal terms, and as there are no Medical Journals now pub- fished tn the Southern States, advertise rifi eijoy Lrr xtxbt lotbb of 1 WT ST Least Orfe Bond. HfckmCmd, Va. W. 8. MoGHSSNEY, M. D., Staunton. Va.. .. Editors and Publishers. AH letters in relation to the literary or boafnees in-1 forests of the Journal wfll be addfeased to Dr. g, 8. f Circulars forwarded sad subeertetfoue reorivad hr John w..coRuSa t rtT!l" J. Jf. TTFFT, Financial As ’ “■ fit Mexico, P* **— 8 novlfi thronghouTu*TniJ2toUtm? (Mited.BorJjkIBtearad.YA nov3o—tf