Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 07, 1865, Image 4

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PO CHILDHOOD ASP * TS VISITOBI. Once on a time when sonny May Wne kissing up the April showers, I «»»• fair Childhood hard at play Before a bank of blushing flowers. Happy—he knew not wheno* or how: And srnHing—who could ohoose but lore him • For not more glad than Childhood’s brow Was the gay heaven that laughed above him. Old Time oame hobbling in his wrath And that green valley’s calm invaded; The brooks grew dry beneath his path, The birds were mute, the lillies faded; A Grecian tomb stood full in sight, And that old Time began to batter. But Childhood watched his paper kite, If or heeded he one whit the matter. With curling lip, and eye askanoa, Guilt gated upon the soene a minute, But Childhood’s aroMy simple glance Had such a holy spell within it, That the dark demon to the air Again spread forth his baffled pinion, A nd hid his envy and despair, Self-tortured in hiijown dominion. Then stepped a gloomy phantom by, Pale, cypress crowned, night’s woeftil daughter, And proffered him a fearful cup, Full to the brim of bitter water; Says Childhood, “Madam, what’s your name?’’ And when the beldame uttered “Sorrow,' Then cried, "Don't interrupt my game ; I prithee call again to-morrow." The muse of Pindus thither.came, And wooed him with the softest numbers That ever scattered wealth and fame Upon a youthful poet’s slumber. Though sweet the lyre and sweet the ley, To Childhood it was all a riddle, “Good gracious!’’ eried he, “send away That noisy woman with a fiddle Then Wisdom stole his bat and ball, And taught him with most sags endeavor Why babbles rise and aoorns fall, And why no jay may last forevtr; She ta ked of all the wondrous lews Which Nature's open book discloses; Bat Childhood, when she made a pause, Was fast asleep among the ros os. Sleep on, sleep on! Pale manhood’s dreams Are all of earthly pais or pleasure; Of glory’s toils, ambition's schemes, Of cherished love or hoarded treasure; But to the eouoh where ohildhood lies, A pure unmingled trance is given, Lit up by the rays of seraph’s eyes And glances of remembered Heaven ! Wooden Gunpowder. Captain Sobultze, of Berlin, formerly of the Prussian artillery, has established a manufac tory of his newly invented gunpowder, which seems to be successful. This gunpowder is made by substantially applying the process for un cotton -to wood. Cotton fibre and wood ere identical in chemical constitntion, both be ing composed of cellulose, the one in a loose fibrous form, the other closely compacted. In making his gunpowder Captain Schultze*cuts a log, preferably of beech wood, into veneers across the grain. These thin sections are thoroughly dried and reduced to granular form like saw-dust. The granulated wood is then subjected to the action of nitric-acid—the de tails of the process being secret—and on being washed and dried becomes explosive. The first advantage of this powder is the absence of all danger of explosion daring the preparation. The manufacture of the common black powder is a long and complicated pro cess and there is considerable danger at every stage of it ; whereas the Schaltze powder does not become explosive till the whole process is nearly completed. Besides this, it woold never be necessary to keep a large stock on hand. One magazine of crumbled wood and another of chemicals would be equally innocent. A few hours manipulation is sufficient to convert these harmless ingredients into the explosive product required. But, independently of the safety of its prepa rations, the wood powder in itself possesses many advantages over the black. It barns with a bril liant flame, and leaves hardly any residum. What it does leave is only a little light feathery dust, which does not cake, and therefore does not foul the gun. This is a point of the greatest impor tance for breech loaders, in which cleanliness is the first desideratum. A discharge of artihery, therefore, would neither suffocate the men nor obstruct their view. It does not try the gun as guo-cotton does, and its power is uniform and therefore admits of accurate calculation. If soaked in water, it needs only to be dried again to be as good as before. Compared with black powder by weight it is about double the strength. It is a.little cheaper than the black powder, con sidered with regard to results. The brilliancy of the flame and absence of smoke will make it valuable for pyrotechnical purposes, as also for blasting in mines or tunnels. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Charleston Market. „ „ Chaelwtox, Dec. 4. Cotton—Market stifi, but sales small. We continue our previous quotations at 4oa46c for middling, 47c for strict middling, and 48c for good middling. _ _ , Dkcbhbib 5. Cotton—We have no change to report in our cotton market; we therefore continue previous quotations, viz: 45a46c for middling,47o for strict middling, and 48e for good middling. Macon Market. . Macon, Ga., Dec. 2. The nver is still in very good boatable condi tion, and considerable cotton has found egress to the seaboard by this route. The total shipments by river and railroad foot np 1,447 bales. (We obtained these figures from the assistant assessor of internal revenue, Mr. Jaques.) The receipts a* all the warehouses sum up 681 bales, and by 3 - 3 p B bales—making the total receipts 4,237 bales, to which may be added the few bales brought in and gold to private parties. Thereoeipts o’er the Southwestern road for month ending 80th November; amount to 8 641 bales, which we consider a good business, con sidering the limited means of transportation in possession of the road. * Cotton—The market opened lively, under the bright, dry weatlrtr—though bat littleootton was offering—at the figures ruling st the close of onr last report: 87a4So extremes. This may be said of the first two days of the week; bat on Wed nesday advices of a decline in the Liverpool mar ket had a depressing effect here, and the staple tell offSa4c on all grades. On Thursday, how ever, newpaper dates, with the actual decline, having arrived, the market somewhat recovered, though prices have fallen at least 2c lower than those Of last week. Though the receipts have ^ et the aales wer ® comparatively The foMntfn a 8g r *gkte more than 250 bales. 1 ^Oroinary 0 ^ th ® fi uotations now ruling : Middling.'.'.'.'” f£ a86 stnot Good Middling;:;;;;;;;;;;;;f§£; Augusta Market. Business of all kinds continue 1 " active ?2v« 4 th» cotton trade, whloh is almost at a stand afill^* Holder, have their ideas up and not (Stag“fc to sell, wait for a corresponding view on the naYt of buyers No receipts except by wagons ^ There are extensive stocks ot groceries drv g oods, clothing. hats and shoes m tv. 1 , V ealers are our oountry the activity. The money market is tight. Cotton—The market remains qniet. We con tinueour quotations of the 25th, remarking that to effect sales a reduction mast be made by the holder. Middling, 41a42o; strict middling, 43s 44c; good middling, 45c MARINE intelligence. SA VANN AH, DECEMBER 6. » arrived. , Steamship Lea Merrill, New York, to Octaves | Cohen. Steamship Ban Salvador, Adkins, New York, to B H Hardee. Steamship r umbria, French, Philadelphia, to Ban ter b Gammeil. steamship North Point, Smith, Baltimore, togas B West. Br brig John W Lovett, Gilliott, Charleston, in bal last, to Yonge & Nixon. Schooner Pearl, Beordon, from Nassau, via Andrew's Island, with fruit, salt, Ac, to Bell, Wylly b Chris- tian. Steamer Clarion, Morse, Doctortown, to C ,L Colby b co. . Steamer H M Cool, Taylor, Darien, to M A Cohen. . , ■ • Steamer City Point, Talbot, Charleston, to R W Adams. Flat No 8, Perry, from the wreck of the' steamer Savannah, with goods, to F M MyrrelL CLEARED. Steamship Varan#, Whitehurst, New York, J R Wilder. Steamship Constitution, Greeman, New York, ^Sm3lfip ld Z^kc, CO ' Dearborn, New York, O * Steamship Tybee, Crowell, New York, Banter & ___ Steamer Volunteers And.ews, Augusta, with two flats in tow, OFallon A co. • _ „ „ Steamer Fannie* McNelty, Palatka, Ac, F M My- ^"teamer City Point, Talbot, Palatka, &c, R W A Steamer Resolute, Cannon, Hilton Head. BarkThos Whitney, (Br.) Kelly, Liverpool, Bell, Wylly* Christian. PUMaven Per steamship Leo, from New York—A C Holmes j and lady, Mrs Gardiner, Miss H J Evans, Mias H W Dowd, Mias o Bemis, Mr Moore and wife, J Sullivan, James Orr, M Neville, Miss A Hoemer, Miss M iPheat- land, W IT Kirby, M W Kirby, R C Rowland, vVm Rowland, LB Broarn, AS Deland, D Hanley, J Riley, John Boll, .J £ Dunn, Ym Wood, ;and 2T in the Bteerage. . . LA, Per steamship San Salvador, from New York--James Homer, Ed McElwell, V McFarlarn, I Frazier, C W Dunlop, M Barrett, HW Penney, G Steffen, N P| Rice and lady, apt R Alton, USA .W.C Cosens, lady, 8 children and servt, E V Lap, lady and 4 children, Henry Jurgens, T G Todd, Mrs G _H Gammon, Mrs | HOTELS. BUSINESS CARDS. • TM * TT _ A 1 WX.K.UUW, A. l. MOSES. sup & CO. oonunlssJoiL Sfc ■ • AND ' • Forwarding Merchants, i BUSINESS CARD8. Horses & Opposite Washington. Statue, NEW YOKE CITY. AND BepST tf H. C. FUNG A CO., Proprietors. Manufacturers’ Agents j NORTH. SIDE OF BAY STREET, / [ Between Whitaker and Barnard, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA Liberal advances made on consignments of Cotton, Ac- to their friends in New York and Boston. References—Wm. K. Kitchen, Prerft National Park Bank N. Y. ; H. C. Thacker A Co., Boeton; Israel Co ls theLargest and Beat Arranged’! tie mi HANOVER STREET, BOSTON, sep27 Hotel in Net^ England. LEWIS HICK Proprietor. BOBT. V. TOXK, M. E. WILLIAMS* 3. K. M'INTIRl. | P. H. WARD. The Southern House Fourth Street, DANIEL BUTLER would form the public that he is now prep at the shortest notice, HORSES AND CARRIAGES, first class Carriages run to the tarious Steamboat Wharves and to the Railroad Depot at the rates. , .« None bat careful and competent-Drivers noalO-g B^WglNO AND INaUflANcIT ME AND MARINE Insurance Agency, Afcwltj Insurance Company. C^tal and Surplus, $1,600,000. PhcBlx Insurance Company, and Surplus, $1,600,000. International Insurance Company, Capital and Surplus, $1,200,000. Manhattan Insurance Company, Capital and Surplus, $90o,noo. cor. ...S DANIEL . WhUakhrasdl v ■■ , “ ■ r—i— k street*. C . Risks taken in the above panics on Buildings and Mere ham Uoa* at '■ •*>-, risks. ' norll E. h: VAN NESS &. CO I AUCTION AND COMMISSIONIgROCERS, SHIP responsible Com- k>we»t rates, corrreponaing^'trith^he 7 CHANDLERS, iKiraice Agency AKD COUNSELLORS A T NO. in B ROAD nr (Trialty Build,_ reamed the fejagjasaaaSga: * »*. MerwtoAB^ ST. LOTJIS. MO. LAVEILLE, WARNER & CO., Proprietors. A first class family Hotel; unsurpassed for locality, comfort and convenience. tf sepl9 METROPOLITAN HOTEL, mercsium, Bay Street Savannah, Gfa. Consignments of Cotton and Lumber solicited. References: Savannah—Brigham, Baldwin b Co., Gaden b Unckles, Erwin £ Hardee. Hunter b Gammeil, Isaac D. LaRoche, Hiram Roberts, W. Woodbridge, L. C. Norvell b Co. New Co. AND OOJSAN, &1VSR, •' *^*~m*\ - -and carbines' Produce Dealers, “ Merwin 4 Bn * a 1B1..SJ Ma.' I Mnnnfr lin MTOPAOtlA MSh itantfal af awm I CAR T R X J) (And Loose; Anammitiott Revolvers, 8kvt ^7? , In QfSQ it, Under Bluff, corner Akereem Street SAVANNAH, GA. J sen ting an aggregate caah capital of over FIVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS Orders from the Country, Private FamiHee, Steamers I And Me prepared to Issue policies to cover Fifty Thou-1 v . ^ ln * *• "®* York-S T Knapp b Bro., D. H. Baldwin b I aD l; ai!i *ai y “»®} 8 > rfV&tnlly solidtwl. • ssnd dollars m one appUcation upon Jmo. 203 BKOAHWAY. " I Produce^ Donght and sold on commission. | rin, si.v. —^ - . w _. ^ | “O’**—Jm Sale days, Tuesdays and Fridays. sep5 Late Brown’s, WASHINGTON, T>. C. T his ie is now In I modation of f , Renovated and Refurnished, Em for thereceptton and accom- w on commission. 100 bbls. selected Apples, lOObbls. Onions, 100 bus. Potatoes, 50 bbls. extra Flout . SO bhlt Nos. 1 and 1 Mackerel, 100 tubs extra Batter, 150 boxes extra Cheese, 500 kits Nos. 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel, 60 hlf. bbls. Fulton Market Beef, 50 hit bbls. extra Family Pork. nov21 Fin Risks at Savannah and Inland Tsvrns, NEW York. a tkinson, Mrs Falligant, Wm P Kastman, lady and dan^iter^Chas Baldwin, G P Hamilton, J N Newberg, Per steamship Camilla, from Philadelphia—Mrs A H Gibbs and family, M Kohe, Mrs Kohe, A H Gibbs, Mr Thompson, Mrs Flynn, Mrs A Frazer, Mrs Thompson James B Woodland, Mrs Susan F Wood land and child, Daniel Madden, Keton Greiner, and 15 on deck. Per steamship North Point, from Baltimore— Wm Brannon. J S Kodgora, GR Boswell, Miss Anna John- son, H M Fuller, J Green. John Roft P Mulbera, C H Colyer and lady, W 3 Timmerman and eon, and 4 steerage. Per steamship Varana, for New York—300 troops of 12th Maine Volunteers. Per steamship constitution, for New York—E C Weeks, W D Lenard, capt H R Sibley, wife and child, Wm Goldstein, Samuel Mayer, W B White, W H Stebbins, A O Porter, J J Rich, O G Chapman, J J BolHs, J J Stephen*, and steerage. Per steamship Zodiac, for New York—J B Andrews, J Zimmeran, H Haymon, and steerage. Per steamship Tybee, for New Ycrk—A P Wetter, Mrs rheppard and 2 daughters, and steerage. Per steamer City Point, form Charleston—Wm Kyler and family, J H Hunt, J B Jones and lady. W J McCoimick and lady, Miss F J Servine, MissJF Cohen, D Ramos, H Holley, M Ramos, Mrs Mary Bruce and 2 children Mr Ellsworth, L Freedman, Jno Tole, C P Evans, S W Moody, J Wilson, Benj Hawk ins, W M Forman, Jno Ashcroft, J H Lisle, Isaac Bradwell, R T Hupard, Capt Hunt, K M Lea, Mr Falk and lady, John Peterson, J M Wakefield, J P Smith, W Blake, A Robrrtson, Consignees Per steamship Leo, from New York—Adams Express eo, J W Anderson A Sons, Jag A Bar ron, P H Behn, Bell, Wylly A Christian, Blunn A Meyer, Brady, Smith & co, Brigham A Bald win. R Brady, JBucky A co, C A P, Clagborn A Cunningham, M A Cohen, Octavos Cohan, Cooper, Olcot A eo, Crane A GraybiU, J H Dep- pish, Duncan A Johnson, Dziaiyneki A Slager, Erwin A Hardee, M Ferst A co, AC Fraine, Richard Fraine, W R Flemming, JG C Freeman, J Gilland A co, R Habersham A eo, Halsey, Watson A eo, G M Heidt, E E Hertz, W C Hart, Holcomb A co, Hunter A Gammeil, Kerlin A eo, N-E Knapp, Lathrop A eo, J Lippman, Lovell A Latimore, Mather A West, R H May, T MoDon- ald, L McLorly, Miller, Thomas A co, J M Prentiss, R R Agent, Randell A eo, P Roily, C D Rogers, Rogers A Cann, J B Boss A son, Scran ton, Smith A co, J C Schreiner A sons, E D Smythe A eo, P Skehan, A A Solomons A oo. Southern Express oo, W H Stark, A Sterling, G T Thomas A eo, J G Thompson A eo, T M Tur ner, Van Horn, Holyoke AM, J A Villelonga Jacob Visel, WAI Walsh, U O Wayne, T H Bal- shaw A co, R B King, S, J E Bryant, G G Hull, miscellaneous. I. DAVEGA’S Purchasing Bureau, Nos. 39 and 40 Park Row. ILL KINDS OF MERCHANDISE £L PUB. HASED. Experienced and competent buyers engaged. Orders filled promptly and faithfully at the lowest prices, and purchases made only from first-class and reliable honses. Orders will be filled, PAYABLE ON DELIVERY, when a sufficient sum is remitted to cover Freight and ommissions. Commissions on sums not exceeding $100. .5 per ct i ommissions on sums exceeding $100 2X per ct. Address ISAAC DAVEGA, nov 29 P. O. Box 1703 New Y'ork. TO MERCHANTS AND PERSONS DOING BUSINESS AT THE NORTH. W. S. Fancher, General Commission Merchant, P. 0.13ox 3045, 75 Pulton St., N. Y., B UYER of Merchandize of every description—for the trade—attends to the sale of Cotton, Rosin, Turpentine, Ac. CHARLES L. COLBY & CO., I SHIPPING, COMMISSION, AND [ FORWARDING MERCHlSTTS JONES! BLOCK, - - . _ ,, ^ CORNER BAY AND ABERCORN STS., \ W XU. JXL. DftVIuSOQ j i l ° ayatl SAVANNAH, Gr-A.. Liberal cash advances made on consignments to the | ^., re orSr d fri^BhS^. by ch “ les L ' | Groceries ’ Wines, ALEX. H. HOLaaY, Resident Partner. Rznunozs.—Messrs. Dabney, Morgan A Co., New I York; Jarvis Slade, Eaq.. New York; Gardner Colby, Esq., Boston; Hon. J. Wiley Edmands, Boston. aug!6 _tf KEIN & CO., 114 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, «A., OOTTON FACTORS, COMMISSION & FORWARDING MEKCHANT8, T IBERAL cash advances made on consign- U meats of Cotton and approved Merchandize made to their friends in New York, Boston or Liver pool. Refer to Messrs. Smith b Donning, N*w York; C ‘ atVk I HAWKINS & CO; PACKERS A GENERAL PRO} | ^ __ l , Dealers, street, opposite Post Office. 1*41 Front St., Jfnr COTTON ANB MERCHANDIZE m TRANSIT ON THE AUGUSTA AND MACON RIVERS, an OCEAN RISKS GENERALLY. Prompt Settlement of Xaosees. L. C. NOBVELL 6c OO., Boll C. b H. M. Tabor, New York; Cabot Lonle; W. H. Taylor, New Orleans. Senter, St aug26 wholebalz dzalie ih i, Lienors, Teas, Segars, Ale and Cider, 150 Bay Street Savannah. oct25 tf ’ * I JNO. L. VTLLALONGA, I AJfoffi Cotton Factor, !*““»»■»>■ Forwarding end Commission Merchant NO. 94 BAY STREET, S.IFVI.V.r.111, GEORGIA. oct25 6m COOPEE, OLCOTrs & FARRELLY, { Booksellers and Stationers, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. &c., Ac., for the trade. Goods furnished direct from Manufacturers at their lowest rates. Particular attention given to all consignments of southern products. Speedy sales effected at beet mar ket rates, and immediate returns made. Mr. F. feels confident, from his thorough acquaintance with the market in New York, in guaranteeing entire satisfac tion to every one entrusting business to him. Duplicate Invoices of manufacturers sent in all case*. Information in regard to market and prices of goods given whenever desired. nov!4—lm V. E HYRGLL, Steamboat Agent, GENERAL Commission and Forwarding Merchant, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga., * Harris’ Building, 2d Door West of A. Low b Co. 1 *. Refers to Messrs. Hunter b Gammeil, Crane, John son b Graybill, BeU, Wylly b Christian, Bothwell A rpHE undersigned have formed a Copartnership | J. under the name and style of COuPER, OLCOTT l A FARRELLY, for the transaction of a Wholesale and Retail Book and Stationery Business, at the old stand of John M. Cooper b Co., Northwest comer of Whitaker and St. Jnlien streets. JOHN M. COOPER, WILLIAM H OLCOTT, DANIEL G. OLCOTT, • SHELLY. INSURANCE! 1 * a AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $10,400,000 CHA8. L. COLBY & CO. RE prepared to take Marine Risks to any Domestic or Foreign Port, and Fire Risks city in the following named first clase New York Companies, at the lowest rates: COLUMBIAN MARINE INSURANCE C0-, Capital, $6,000,000. MORRIS EIRE INSURANCE OpMPANY, Capital, $6,000,000. COMMERCE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $*00,000. STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $200,000. Office In Janes’ Black, corner Bay and Abercora streets. Branch Office, cor. Drayton and Bryan streets. suglO-tf Beef, Pw*. Cheese, Bacon, Tongues, ftk. fclt FRJ * *L Lard, Shoulders, Fulton Market Beef. All orders carefully executed at the SHORTEST NOTICE. "'oTVdSi.isr 1 ' 9ta “ t * 1 received on We iglirUrh, Southern oetft—Cm Holmes * A*.» Water Street, lev Tsri. I Receivers of Flour. AND SOUTHERN PRODUCE Consignments Solicited. O RDERS for Flour. Wheat. Connliiw filled at lowest market rates, sod dh—,. list hands, thus saving extra fnbkT "* oct2S STEPHENFil MERCHANTS’ INSURANCE HARTFORD, CONN. T HE undersigned having been appointed agent for I w nar >1111142 « H- BALDWIN & CO., uute rteKB against lire on tne moat iavorable terms. I J ...... , Beaetrere of the well known Brand of COMPANY I UUiwII nil I I | Full information famished by LaBOCHE GADEN * CSCKUS. oct2D—2m cor. Bay and Bsraari nnt | Scranton, imiffliACo., Whiteheadi^er.ThoiasACo^and M. A.^hen, lg rocerg & Commission Merchants, W OULD be happyto ses their former patrons and friends, and the public generally, at their rtore )uly>. H. BRIGHAM, Office Southern Insurance and Trust Co. . tf DRUGS, MEDICINES. * AND " O HEMICALS. A CHOICE selection of DRUGS, MEDICINES. , CHEMICALS, PERFUMERIES, PATENT MEDI CINES, TRUSSES, be., just landed from New York, E. F. METCALFE & CO.. GENERAL FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Stoddard’s Range, on Bay street, between Lincoln and Abercora, Savaimah, Georgia. References.— Hening, Flint A Pearce, New York; E. M. Brace b Co, Augusta, Ga.; R. C. Robson, Esq.,At lanta, Ga.; Knott A Howes, Macon, Ga.; B. M Brace, Morgan A Co., Apalachicola, Fla; Watts, Crane b Co., New York; Geo. C. Pearce b Co., St Louis, Mo.; H. C. Brace b Co., Cincinnati, O.; Mr. H. J. Cook, Albany, Ga; John W. O’Connor, Macon, Ga. «ep21 tf H. G0WDY, at thekead of Bay street opposite Jefferson, where they will at all times be happy to serve them, novlfi—lm A. 8. HABTBED&E, COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchant, 93 BAY STREET, | SAVAisrar ajqc, geoxl&ial OCtl4—tf Kev W R Eaton, J Meyers, R D Walker, Baum I ApothCCfirleS, Pl&RtBTS fi&d Tf$4firS I fliYUlTTliSRiflTI MfirCh&Ilt I ruranirxitinix ^’ minor x-^BooitB*. & I can be enpfflied at shortest notice. I U0D3m ? „ „ nI ’ I CUYYIYGHAM, PURSE & C0„ Wilmington market. Pm,™_l!.l . , WlLMINQTOX, NoV. 29. COTTON—bales to-dAY of 20 halos * o h.i.. SsuidisrsiiSU' ■— «• »«■ “»«. ComTon-aVis^^r^tbU* 4 * 5> “ d 604 bblg • Spirits Tubpiktixi—16 casks at 60r Timbxr—Two rafts Common Mill at fill an find one raft inferior at 91$. •“ ^ 3, tntaBatorfi(»boS^m^hee«e • mK Per steamship San Salvador, from New York— Adams Express co, Michgel Lav is, H J Raws A eo, Hnnter A Gammeil, M S Meyer, Carter M Haney, Clagborn A Cunningham, Hon R D Arnold, W B Tyler, Roll b Inman, Wellborn A Bellah, Joe Wsllhook, G Evers, P H Behn, W P Tyler, Conner A Hughes, N B Knapp, G M Inman, L D Waddell, Cbas Hammond, G Parkins, C L Gilbert, D Finnegan, Doyle A Lyon, J McMahon A eo, B A T, T Hack, Stuart A eo, John C Schreiner A sons, J H Graybill, Erwin A Hardee, Hardens’ Express Company, and order. Per steamship Cumbria, from Philadelphia— Hunter A Gammeil, Erwin A Hardee, M A Cohen, Weed, Carswell A oo, R J Larcombe, J L Coldby, L S Bennett, Mrs L Chorea, Mrs M Berg, A Minis, J McMahon A oo, Brigham, aid win A eo, J Guitmartin A co, Lovell A Lat« timore. Claghorn A Cunningham, M Kohl, J M Kinohiey, 0 Cohen, Brady, Smith A oo, GO Maroy, T A co, W H Stark, J W Anderson A son, Holoombe A oo, Dnnoan A Johnson, W M Walsh, E Padelford, H J Dickinson A oo, DL A Falligant, Roe, Whitney A oo, Davis A Con ner, Macky, Beattie A oo, Southern Express oo, G Gemendou, A Fernandez, W H Wiltborger, A A Solomons A oo, J G Thompson A oo, J D Kelper, Sorrell A Bro, Lienthall A Kohn, J Langsdorf A co, Bothwall A Whitehead, H Mein- hart A Bro, H Rotchsohild, S Gardner, W J Minis, T M Norwood, G J Jones, P Reilly, L C Tebeau, T MoDonald, M A Cohen, Geo C Free man, R M Hunt, G N Nichols, Yonge A Nixon, M Newmark, Wright, Gibbs A eo, W M David' son. Crane, Johnson A Graybill, amLotheri* Per steamship North Point, from Baltimore— Bryan, Hartridge A eo, Brigham, Baldwin A oo, Brady, Smith A co, M Beytaugh, T M Bolshaw, Blun A Meyer, G W Billups, R Bloomingling A co, James A Barron, GeoBankman, O Cohan, Claghorn A Cunningham, M S Cohen, Ohas L Colby A oo, Goo S Coldby, J M Cooney, Davis A Conner, A L DeLorge, Crane, Johnson A Gray bill, Erwin A Hardee, Hess A Gutman, B Ehr- Hsb, E E Hertz, Thoi M Foreman, LaRoche, Gaden A Unckles,S P Hamilton, J F A M Hamil ton, Thos M Kinohiey, Kein A eo, 8 G Haines, Lintheman A Green, Geo O Mercy, J N Muller, F M Mvrell, H L Palmer, Peter Reilly, M Lavin E O’Byrne, B F Ulmer, Thos M Turner, Schuster A Heinsuis, W H itark, Seranton, t „ a R Johnaon, J3aml Sts Jas B Read, Maeky, Beattie A co, R R Agt, Sor I can warrant any article ae 1 A large quantity of EUROPEAN LEECHES, finest | quality. All the PATENT MEDICINES extant on hand. 100 cases JACOB’S DYSENTERIC CORDIAL, all Of I which will be sold low for CASH. Wholesale and Betail, Apothecaries’ Hall, Comer Broughton and Barnard streets, W. Id. WALSH, m. D., Proprietor. N. B.—Fresh Garden Seeds. _tf ]e!5 JUST RECEIVED Per Steamer America, A fine assortment of Rhine Wines! 190 B.A.Y STREET, (Anderson’s Wharf,) SJTVANNAH, GEORGIA. oct2 3m FRANK S. HESSELTINE, COUNSELLOR at LAW, NO. 147 BAY STREET, (NEXT I DOOR TO THE REPUBLICAN OFFICE,!, GA. Oct 21 A- E- LOPEZ s Wines. Heckheimer, Niera tiller, Iiiebfraamilk. Liquors. St. Croix Rum, Jamaica Rons, Fine Brandies. And a variety of the finest brands of CO., |F A C T O RS, FORWARDING AND Commission Merchants, I Bay Street Savannah., G-a, I References—Robt. Habersham b Sons, Hnnter b i Gammeil, Octavns Cohen. Brigham, Baldwin b Go., I I Erwin b Hardee, Claghorn A Cunningham, aepfrfhn | R. MOLINA, COB. BULL ABU 00NQBESS STBEET8, rUn^er Screvea Housed IMPORTER AND WHOLES A LI DSAL1S IN Havana Setars, Leaf awn SMOKING TOBACCO. Also, all kinds of Virginia Chewing and BALTIMORE CARD8. D. C. Cary, General Commission Merchant, BALTIMORE, Mel. Particular attention given to orders for the purchase | of Goods. Consignments respectfully solicited. Refers, by permission, to Rne, Whitney b Co., Sa vannah. nov20—lm >GOUE A HUNT, Baltimore, Maryland, XAHttrAornana Portable and Stationary Steam Engines and Boilers, Steam Fire Engines, Portable Saw Mills, Gang and Single Saw Mills, Mining Machinery, Portable Grist Mills, Flour Mill Machinery, Cotton Screws, Railroad Cara, Car Wheels and Axles, Hydraulic Presses for Oil and Tobacco, Tobacco Moulds, Gas Works Ap COMMISSION MERCHANTS, |178 Pearl street, NEW YORK. f ’} Sew York. > Savannah. D. H. BALDWIN,) J. F. CUMMINC H. BRIGHAM, C. M. HOLST, XM KRAFT & HILL, Manufacturer* and Jobber* of STRAW ANDMILUKBffSMN fflfl Works Apparatus of all kinds, Salting, Ptuleys and Hangers. 6m CYRUS r. MKNDKKHALL, Greensboro*, 29, G. DUD LIT NICHOLS, Baltimore* [: | served atn o'clock a. m., I Gunsmiths and LfODksmiths. At A. STAMM’S, I 1 st. Charles’. ln Rear of Custom House. | Corner *f gt. Jnlien and Jefferson Streets. •ctlS—tf COTTON GINS, STEAM ENGINES j Tobacco, Meerschaum, Brier Boot, and all other I I of Fancy Pipes, 8m sep30 Cliipman & diapln, (Snccesorsto Marcy, Day b Co.) \ 208 Bay Street, North Side, Between Barnard and Jefferson street*, [ GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN [Wood, Coal, Grain, Hay, Corn, Oats and Feed, I In quantities to suit customers, at the lowest market AUGUSTA CARD8. C. P. MENDENHALL A CO., Cotton, Tobacco, AMD General Commission' Merchants,! 196 Pratt Street Wharf, BALTIMORE. Nos. 281 and 283 (opposite A. T. Stewart*.; NEW YORK. A fail supply of Goods, suitable for this Burts, a- waysonhsnd. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. oct25—tm THE WASHINGTON' IRON WORKS Have os band for sale their Improved Portable Steam Earim. Portable Circular Saw Rilla Gaat Saw Mills, Flear and Cora ttilR find manufacture to order all kind* of cvu> t glues. Marine, Stationary, and Propellet, Bair*! Cars and Turn Tabtes,Inm Steam Ves*' also, General Machinery, Iron and mgs, large and small Forgings, Ac.. Ac GEO. M. CLAPP, . Scwhcrs S I. Or L. C. WARD, Agent, , 55 liberty street, Boom 8, New Yock. •02*—ly G. PABSOY4, Cut- rfiHB, BALTIMORE ■ J, WROUGHT IRON PIP* AND TUBE 00. Is now prepared to (apply Gas, Steam and Water Pipe and Fittings, on tbe most f Afl £ KAinrYAOTUUB Unioo Fire favorable terms. ltd SAMUEL F. (Successor to WQmot A Richmond,; t A Richmond, t J.O.MATHEWSON^E {GENERAL FOR SA-W MILLS, And all kinds of Machinery can be procured through the undersigned. SASHES AND BLIND8, Smith" A CO j“L n, „ U,, r* v” 11 B w aDt ^?’ I Of every description and pattern, can be obtained at r r> R d ’ j!?* ® Johnson, ,Baml Sterntt, Dr I the lowest Manufacturers’ Prices, by applying to dbxlxz tn Silver Ware, Jewelry, I COMMISSION, PRODUCE BROKER j Watches, Canes, Cutlery, Ac. Cor. Whitaker, St. Julien and Congress Sts, .SAVANNAH, GA. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Chronometers rated by transit Cash paid for old Gold and Silver. JriS la a”* <r~v.. Eh tf Hon Wylly Wood- i Jas B West. oct31—lm V Macon (fell A Brothers, E W Wyatt, bridge, RSabattie, R h Tatem Per steamer Clarion, from Doetortown-Tison | A Gordon, J L Villalonga, A G Brown, R Habersham A Son, A M Cohen, Openhehmn A Mohr. Per steamer B M Cool, from Darien—N A Hardee A eo, Brigham, Baldwin A eo, Jones A Way. Per steamer City Poin^ from Charleston—R w Adams, and order. GEO. O. RICHARDSON & BARNARD, Telegraph and Augusta Constimtlonaliit! B8y St, OppOSltC MsHflCr'S OhlifCh, and Bend bill to this ofllce. ' I, TOBACCO FOR S1LB OfKIONSIfifiMBNT Wm. Jei AGENTS [FOR A Son’s l,SOO Boyces Ping, assorted brands. 4,0vo Pounds Fine Cm Smoking In Papers. 1 Cast Steel, Circular Saws, Cotton Gina* Ammoniated Pacific Guana, Patent Becking and Booting. AND [FORWARDING MERCHANT, No. 285 Broad Stroet, Augusta, Ga., (At the Old Stand of the late firms of T. P. Stovall A Co., Stovall, McLaughlin b Co., and G. McLaughlin A (56.,) Will give his prompt and personal attention to the nrchase and Bale of Cotton, Domestic Goods, laoon. Lard, Grain, Flour, I chandize generally. ! Having the Agency of several first clam Cotton Mills, I am prepared at all times to supply orders for Yams, Sheetings, shirtings, Oenaburgs, Drills, | seys, Jeans, be., Ac. | With extensive fire-proof warehouses, can furnish ! secure storage, and give prompt attention to me ' dize and produce consigned to any direction. «m A FACT WORTH KNOWING T HAT by buying shoes with Metallic Tips, two- thirds the usual expense of suppling children with shoes may be saved. No one, for every day wear, can afford to ony any other. Millions of dallais are an nually saved by this useful Invention. The toes of metal tipped shoes remain perfect until the rest of the shoe is worn oat. The feet are kept dry, thos bene- fittlng the health and saving money. Foraaleby all shoe dealers. 8m ang» unKennesfli Cored. rrtKB inebriate may now bid defiance to the tempt- X tag cup. Dr. Zane* antidote for strong drink is for drunkenness. It creates a dislike for and can be administered without the of the patient sent to any nddrem. For sale inae United States and or packages of six boxes receipt of the money, by I. J. BROMER, Wholesale Agent, PhiladelpBaTPa. Importer of Chinese Fire Crackers Beckett, U, k Manufacturer of LANTERNS, FLAGS, AC- Also a large assortment of his own iaporttam* TOYS AND FANCY GOODS. 24 John «t,nefir»w»lw«T, » '• oct — “ all Dadi for $6. may**—ly 403 Chesnut st„ »r. HIE oldest and most reliable medicine for the care of Sperms torhoea, Seminal Weakness, Loss of Pow ey^bc. TUsmedldne has stood the test of over thir. Ragging, end Mor- C Lb ez&ibited in the form erf np entirely of substances that have a sped- Ic effect upon the generative organa. Mata persons soodatc the idea of operation* upon the bowek from kind of pills. The Srzouno of Dr. Rand is l as afl XTAOUATme Manicana. Its medid- duce consigned to me for forwarding ii augfa Experts. Per steamship Varnna, for New York-882 bales up land cotton, 2 bales sea island cotton, 6 bales tents, 7 bales wool, 21 bales leather, 2 bales hides, 15 esses to bacco, I iron safe, 39 bales rope cutting, Ac. Per steamship f’onstitation, for New York-341 bales up and cotton, 16 bales sea Island cotton, 1 piano, 69 DbiB apples and mdz. l4§ r “2 h ^c^ 4C idL NeW YOrk ^°* bdee landcm^?* h l ,> v 1 ? bee ’ forNcw York-311 bales up- me8tici!*l40 PkjM^ mdzef C ° tt ° D ’ Sb4lra do-| upTand^cotiou, ^° S whitne y. for Liverpoo!-794 bales -in.®' 0 ® 0 Found* Snuff, assorted brands, a general assortment of <-*roceries. bBCCO and Snnfl' not being subject to Gov ncTyo^ P ” wbe 801,1 to *»- +* at Ie * a We are agents for the sale of • ALEXANDER HARDEE! W ’ A & 0O ‘ Commiistom Me not: nal virtues are . regenerative organs. the taste, and many peoons masticate them with im punity’ * ’ ” ' get tie effect of Price. $1 per box, or six gists everywhere, or seat' - j JNO. J. * . may**—ly 40S cheenntst. i expended entirety upon the impaired rgana. The pills arenet unpleasant to ma masticate them with im- them; which plan we woold ’ ” the speediest way to for $6. Sold bydrug- George Page k Ce.’s Engines and CiVenlar, Portable and Stationary Saw wm*, descriptions of which will be furnished by YONGE b ns on ap- Bay street. STORAGE AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT COR. BAY AND JBFFlffiSON 8TREETS, SAVANNAH, GA. Dealer in Hay, Fodder, Grain,'Flour, Wool, Hides, Bran, Bhorte, Ac. tf oepHSi erckants Mremer’a Hair AND AUCTIONEERS 1308 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. PVV 40 CMSH f ® Wilfiml -Abe has been York and CHILTON, of Garrett, of Philadel- FOR SALE! KIRLIN, BRO, & BURKE, WHOLHBXU DIIALXU IK Receipts. Per steamer Clarion, from Dnrinrtniu IL den u-»- ' upland cotton, 10 bales seaUlMd C Sf^r ,1 i« w b ?J* e mestlcs, 2 bales wool, 8 bblasS? D c#tton ’ “ bales do- lanTcotaT“ H “ f 00 ’’ fr ° m »F-1 A CHOICE LOT OF ***' •' mi: A. i ~: ________ 100Bbls. LawrencevilleCd»Sfmrf,I^ yW °°^ “***?<*« ALES, WINES A.ND LIQUORS | Jn SSi' Street aod Bay Lane, Robert Habersham A Sons, Savannah. W. H. Stark, do. Bonea, Brown A Co., Augusta. Ed. Thomas, do. W. K. Kitchen, President National Park Bank, N. Y. * g-jssssfiasaffgra as ^delicate hair. Sold by Druggists and Fancy e ^O. J. KRONER, Sole Proprietor, Chesnut at., Phfladefphin, FI* delicate hair, alec m.yfS—Iv JAS. B, CAHIU, . General and Ooamission Merebaat, ATI G-TJ STA, GA. S TATU OF GBOB6IA, County.—All persons interest notifled that Sixty Days after date, we plication to the ho County f Wffl be sold Low to Close Consignment. Applyt0 . CHA8. Ii. COLBY 4e GO., __aepl« tf cor. Bay and Abercora sta. Office at the Ice House, MARKET SaUABE, AAK, Pine and Mixed Whad k< hand, and delivered to order at I tiee. Mackerel, i Holders of Merchandize wishing tor-^-r- , ately, will consult their taforests ~h3Ccanslgntag 8 friot business attention will be ' and preaqfi retains made, at the most reassOfi. on . — no- uBcl—lm , Refer to Messrs. Hunter A H^h-v Co., Hilton A HandeD, A-C- Lomelins, Halsey,_ A Oo,, and btnari * Go. B^f^ A SiPhJ I5 ^S»* E - Bo «id I JXLdA;©i 9 Grimily ClotJ Wright & Co. Rio de Janeiro, *Brazil. 4 LOT of first quality Varnish for sale, by the y^HiliL SMITH A OO. Ana jura in want of fin* printing tastily, «*•• JOi PRIBTWOOWWB.. r I WYMAN. BYlD A C*, COMMISSION MERCHAKT3, FOB THNfSALB OF COTTON, COTTON YA»W« SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, JEANS lc - 78 Chambertstrott, Ne» Y*t- Samuel G. Wyman, 1 t^. of Baltimore-’•d- Wmfangg, Jr., Utf of GramfevilP- A C. ^ James C. emith. otSsm YeA lm OARDNEB, BfifliTciT COMMISSION MERCHANTS OOTTONi. SrtoMlittakgfO"*** v^uliiewnlhV’ N» 116 FlfiH It, NBW YORK, Refer to National American KxCge Bank. Having ampfearoans for tndn* ^ ~ uniww , finis* tbenroehros strictly to a without operating on tndrown seooont. trrs soli*con^te^ ^ C. R. DEXTER, oet*7—3m H1RNOTT A 8CIILU.W, FIBE-FBOOF Storage 268 irasklttK«*tt oT r jTBTW YOB*, I Consignments of Goods nodrtd, purchase of Goodanatammjtt *vj» 4 U8T _ RawfijA Red, Engltih 1