Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 09, 1865, Image 2

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NATIONAL President Johnson 1ms lent a - desj Governor Holden, Of North Carolina, ing him. that the Legislature .of tha most repair Che mischief done fay tb< elections, if the State would wanae j SATURDAY EVBHIKfi, j For one night only the great sensation A party of robbers broke iMHtha railroad depot at Medford, Maas., on Thursday night, blew open the safe, and robbed it of tlOO.— One of the burglar* was mortally wounded by a fragment of the safe, and found In the de pot the next morning. Secretary Stanton, in his forthcoming re port, will recommend that by the let of July next the army will be reduced to 50,000 men. It it now about 175,000. In May last it num bered 1,000,508. It bat been discovered that an electrotype of the compound interest note piste was obtain by counterfeiters before the P*® te came m possession of the Treasury Department. The will of the late Madam* *“ el - ” H ®‘® f Aaron Burr, has been offered for proba* “ New York. The property ts esumated at fl,- REGULATING GO] A ROSEWOOD PIANOS, MELODEONS, n Fine Oil Paintings, Engravings, Wars, Fiie fi«14 and Sliver WATCHES, Diamond Pins, Diamond Rings, Gold Bracelets, Coral Florentine, Mosaic, ‘ and -Cameo Ladies’ Sets, Gold Pens with Gold and Silver Extension * Holders Sleeve Bnt- ^ tons, Sets of Studs, Vest and Sect Chains, Gold Rings, Ac., , Valued at •, $1,000,000. Slitrihutleu Is made in the following manner: tice, bat soon after engaged in banking, from which he has realised a fortune. Boston rejoices in an individual who may be REQUIRED OATH, said to have a perfect passion for watches. He is the possessor of some 15 or 20, if not a cou ple of dozen of them. They are all made of the finest gold, and are not only of the nicest workmanship but very costly ana valuable time- TELEGRAPHIQ LINE BETWEEN NEW YORK AND THE WEST w - INDIES NOTK.IJ—To Cusmsu Cocwn~l acunce myself as a eamBdate far yy. For Ship News aad Commercial see Fourth Page, GOT. rshnion's Meaonge, _ _ , wbioh we publish this morning, is char acterized by great simplicity and consid erable brevity. The lateness of the hour at which the document reached us last evening will not admit of any criticism at our hands. A portion of the message appears a little ambiguous, and if there be one fault greater than another in the document, it is the sin of omission, not commission. Evils of magnitude exist, which must soonor or later be abolishe , but Gov. Johnson forbears suggesting any means for their abatement. The general tone of the m - sage is sufficiently hopeful to encour age our people to drop all ee ‘ g o tional animosity, and begin at once m good earnest to prepare our noble State lor the career of gigantic wealth and keepers. -One abounds in pearls, another in diamonds, mid another in all sorts of precious stones; and the dial, case and interior of each differ from that of each of the others. One strikes like a miniature dock, every hour, an other is a repeater and tells the quarters, RESOLUTION FOR RELIEF OF MR8, LINCOLN. while another seems to sing like a little bird.— One or two are uncommonly large end mas sive—having gold cases nearly a quarter of mi inch in thickness; others are as small as any lady’s watch. Each possesses its own particu lar and elegant key, chain and seal. Some the military at Mobile in refusing to obey the writ of habeas corpus in the cate of Treasury agent Dexter. Four thousand bales-of Government Cotton at Columbns, Mississippi, were burned on the 25th alt, The fire was the work of an incen diary. Lots $1,000,000. The War Department has received fonr thousand applications for four hundm$ and Wabhixgtok, Dec. 6, 1865: Senator Dixon offorsd a series of resolu tions passed by the Connecticut Legislature in favor of negro equality before the law. Sum ner introduced a bill for regulating commerce between the States. Also, a resolution in structing the Secretary of the Treasury to in form the Senate whether any persons employed in the Treasury Department hare not token the requisite oath. A committee of thirteen was appointed to confer with the House, relative to the death of President Lincoln, M«r g «n introduced a bill to incorporate an international telegraph line from New Yqrk to the West Indies. The House resolution for the relief of Urs. Lin coln, by payment in fall of hor husband’s salary, in trod aeod by Wentworth, was referred to the select committee, to be appointed, to take action concerning his death. Stevens introduced a bill permitting wounded soldiers to aeeept employment under the Govern ment, securing pensions at the same time. A special oommitteo was appointed to oonslder the parts of the President's message, papers and documents, relative to Freedman’s affairs. Resolution adopted granting the us# of the hall for pubUo meetings of the Freedman’s . Commis sion. Farnsworth offered a resolution declaring good faith demanded that eolored soldiers should be entitled to all the rights and privilege of oitiiens of the United States. Both Houses adjourned to Monday. Certificates naming each article audits Varna, te place t to Sealed Envelope* which are well fixed. One of these Enrelnpee, containing the Cer- fleatea or Order far some Article, will be delivered at or office or sent by mail to an; address, without re ar'd to chutes, on receipt of SB Cents. On resMytag too Certificate the purchaser wlB see --ArtiWeIt onawt, and its raise, and can then aid ONE DOLLAR and receive the Article named, r can cbooee in even one Article on the List of the »ar Furchaeera of raw Sealed Envelopes. my, in this manner, obtain an Article Worth from ne to Five Hundred Dollars, another, and each is wound up and cared for every day, by the hand of the same owner, whose taste and passion for watches and their appendages is as great as that of other people HAMLET Mr. T. HAMILTON As acted tar him in Mobile, Richmond and other South ern cities during tbs past four years, with great success. Several ]NTew Scenes, By BIG ARRIGONL hive been prepared for the Trag- sixty vacant Lieu tenantries in the regular army. . ,‘w Since the discharge of a portion of the Veteran Reserves many of the disabled men of that organization have applied for pensions. General Bnder has prepared an argument to show that Jefferson Davis and Gen. Lee can be legally tried by a military court. At last accounts the Brazilians expected the war with Paraguay to soon end, as the victories gained were considered decisive. Great suffering for want of food is anticipa ted in Alabama during the winter. Two hun dred thousand persons in that State are desti tute. A list of three hundred general.officers to be discharged has been made, but will be withheld until after the meeting of Congres s. Negro suffrage resolutions introduced in the Missouri House of Representatives have beeir indefinitely postponed. The Old Capitol has been discontinued as a military prison. The prisoners were sent to Fort Whipple, Va. Point Lookout,' Maryland, has been seSured as a temporary asylum for disabled soldiers and seamen. The Brazilians expect a considerable immi gration to their country from the United States. , A MINGLE BBANDR8TH-S RU$ The Box Sheet will be open at Schreiner's Music 1 *- ’r - deco-—21 prosperity upon which she is bound to enter. The Governor speaks flatter ingly of thef present condition of the Western and Atlantio Railroad, and the energy and fidelity of its agents. The proposition of the Governor to take the control of this great railroad artery out of the hands of the Executive, and have a Commissioner appointed to man age it, who shall be elected by the peo ple, we consider a good one. The sug gestion is timely, and we trust will be acted upon by the Legislature. We ate sure our people will feel grati fied at the Governor’s eloquent allusion to that noble institution of learning, the State University—the pride of Geor gia. The appeal in behalf of the Uni versity should find a response in the heart of every well-wisher of our State, and we shall wait with no little anxiety to hear the action of the Legislature on this matter. The necessity for a change and modifi cation in many of the old State laws is pointed out. The Governor alludes m emphatic style to the pemicions habit of procrastination in administering justice in the Circuit_Courts. The Governor also strongly recom mends the restoring and beautifying of our State Capitol at Milledgeville, and where there is so much need of im provement no-doubt prompt action will be taken to carry out this most laudable suggestion. By far the most important section "of the message is the one advocating the passage of the Constitutional Amendment prohibiting involuntary servitude. The orompt ratification of this amend ment is now a nolens volens condition to our re-entrance into the Union, and in cheerfully complying with the desire of Government to have this matter Lilly and forever disposed of, will be found the which they need not pay an til it is known whet is drawn ana its value. Entire Satisfaction Guaranteed in all Care*. THE EUREKA GIFT ASSOCIATION would call attention to the fact of ita bring the - - Am (relation to the country.— to sand liner Goods, and oar aeoret.” A few of their doetrines and prac tices ere as follows: Neither theft nor frond can be paniabed with imprisonment. Women are to, have a part in the ehnrch government.^ Only the lower part of a coffin should be barfed in the earth. All good Cogitants are to have a good dinner for nothing, and dine in public on Cbriet- mas day, Easter Sunday and Whit-Sonday. The head of the Cogitants is to wear a blaok camlet BtoreeartyMonday morning. Law [Notice. The undersigned have this day fanned a copartnership In the practice of the Law. Office on Bay street between Bull and Whitaker. HENRY R. JACKSON, decO-tf ALEX. It LAWTON. It ia a doty which will save Ufa. Our race are subject to a redundancy «f r ,fe. at this season, end It lassdaagarui. wasy. but Brand retire Pats afford an tanlaohtr , protection. By their occMioiial use wt pm collection of toeee Imparities, wUcfc, *ka few quantities, cause so much danger to tto ton We are therefore enabled 1. _ give better chances to obtain the more valuable prizes, than any other establishment of the kind. The busi ness continues to be conducted in .a fair and hon orable manner, and a huge and greatly increasing trade Is proof that our patrons appreciate this method of obtaining rich and elegant goods. Daring the past yea*, this Association haa sent a country” _ Those who patronize us will receive the tall lets tbaritJce Tiollsr, retail’ aid : here are no biantV. Parties dealing with as may * ‘ to prompt returns, and the article dn WANTED! rery. large number of valuable prizes to all parts of the value of their money, as no article on our list la wrath ~T j depend an haring ipt returns, and the article drawn will be immedto sent to any address by return mail or express, e following parties have recently drawn valuable . a from file Eureka Association and have kindly allowed the use of their names, many other names might be-pnbliahed were wepermitted: Andrew Wilson, Custom House, Philadelphia, Penn., Oil Painting, value, $1«0; James Hargraves, 9*1 Broadway, New York, Oil Painting,- value, $100: B. F, Jones, .Barrett, Marshall Co., Kansas, Hclodeon, value $200; Patrick J. Byrnes, Waterbary, Ct,, Gold Watch, value, $125 ; J. V. Shaw, 2*4 East 24th Street, New York, Piano, value, $350; Mrs. Chas. J. Nevis, Elmira. N. Y., Plano, value, $300; Hiss Lucy Jane way, Elmira. N. Y, Cluster Diamond Bing, value, $200; Mrs. K. Pennoyer, City Hotel, Nashville, Tenn., Metodeon, value, $1*0; Oscar M. Allen, Co. B, 142d Keg. Ind. Vole., Nashville, Tenn., Watch value, $80; Rowland 8. Patterson,*Co. D luthIowa Vet. Volun teers, OU Painting, valne, $100; Mrs. Abbey J. Par sons, Springfield, Maas., Metodeon, valne, $1M ; Jas. L. Dexter, City Surveyor, Syracuse, N. Y., Gold Watch, value, $150; Mrs. James Ely, ITT Wooster st., cor. Bleeker, N. Y, OU Painting, value, $100; Mrs. J. 1. Coles, Grand Rapids, Michigan, Silver Ca«ter, value Books cannot give us mother-wit; bat though it be the cunt of the hoar to.depreciate learn ing, we cannot give ourselves too man/ ad vantages. There are books on which the fata of nations has turned. How many revolutions have grown out of onr Bible—how many mar tyrdoms, crusades, bloody wars—aad not less commerce, arts, the planting of nations, and public and private greatness. There are books of dry chronicles that cannot be praised; there are books upon books that are weariness; there are worthless books that defraud us of onr time. Only genuine books, written from the life of the author, are tolerable. The poorest poem is better than the best criticism made npon it. The great day of the feast of life is the awakening of the imagination. It is as if one opened the doors of the day and revealed new horizons. And this power of poetry is the first lesson of literature. marriage or ids.- Young's Great FhjsUosial Sr Every one his own Doctor—Being a Prieto ton for Married Persons or them stoat to Itey Male and Female, to every thtog eoueenfaf fa »- otology sod relations of on Sexsoi SjWro. at > Production or Prevention of Ofoptog. tottofca a the new dtotoforiso Defer before gives la to kit language, by WM. YOUNG, M. D. Wilto) valuable and toterevtirg work. It S wriUw a fm language for the general reader, sat I* OtatoM to upwards of one hundred agrsvtop. ABfetogto tied people, or those eoetanplatieg stories to to tog the least impediment to married Mr, tosh as this hook. It dlsclaeet secrets fast every set dm be acquainted with. SBiti* a took toti nM locked ap, and not lie atom to boom, krtka to any one on the receipt at tfty cola. .Utot WM. YOUNG, So. 414 Spruce st, shoes row.» ,100 Lumbermen wanted Immediately to engage in tlic Lumbering Business on the Savannah and Ogeechee Rivers. Good w ages and Permanent Employ ment guaranteed. Address MARKW. DOWNIE, National Republican Office, Savannah. decU ' ARRIVAL OF THE HIBERNIA. Rutilated National Bank Bfetes- The following instructions in regard to the redemption of mutilated National Bank notes, issued by the Comptroller of the Currency, will FURTHER DECLINE IN COTTON. Notice. Steamship Chase C ONSIGNEES or owners of Goods per stean ship Chose on voyage from New York, Octobe ■21st, 180111, will please present copies of Involoes.’als WANTED. B Y » Gentleman and wife two or three Unfurnished Rooms near the Poet Office. Address, stating terms, W. T. B., Post Office. dec9-*t C hri sta/loro *r< EXCELSIOR DYC, Which to stwishSsg Produces lbs Must Btofcuuitot Poxtland, Dec. 7. The steamship Hibernia, with Liverpool dates to the 23d nit., via Queenstown to the 24th, arrived here to-day. The sales of cotton for the three days amount to 51,000 boles, with a decline of 1 4d. on American descriptions. The sales on Fri day were 10,000 bales, the market closing firmer with an upward tendency. Middling Orleans 20d. United States 5-20’s 64 1-2. The bullion in the Bank of England had in creased £720,000. sums less than $5f)0, or even multiples of that amount. . ..... Second—Mutilated notes, which have been torn or defaced, will be received when presented fay the bank that issued thorn; provided all the fragments are returned, and the engraving and signatnrea are notao for obliterated that it can not be determined by what bank the notes were issued. Third—Fragments should be redeemed by banka in full when accompanied by an affida vit stating the cause and manner of mutilation, and that the missing part of the notes is totally destroyed; the -good character of the affidavit should also be fully vouched for by the officer before whom the affidavit is taken. These affi davits most be forwarded to this office, with tbe fragments to which they relate, in order that banks presenting each parts of such notes Without Regard to' Vahtt, and not to be Paid for until You Know B7»af you will Receive. 50 Elegant Rosewd Pianos worth.$’50.00 to 600 00 BOMetodeons, Rosewood cases. .. 1*6.00toMR.00 100 Fine Oil Painting* 26.00 to leO.OO luOGold Hunting Case Watches.,.. 76.00 to 160.00 150 Diamond Bings ... 80.00 to *00.00 260 Ladies’ Gctdjwotches 00.00 to 85.00 450 Silver Watches 26.00 to 60.00 200 Fine Steel Engravings, framed.. 12.0'' to 20.00 100Music Boxes . .. li.Oito 45.00 100 Sliver Revolving Patent Castore. 16.00 to 40.00 100 Silver Fruit and Cake Baskets.. 15.00 to 85.00 500 Sets Silver Tea and Table Spoons 16.00 to 30.00 2,500 Vest and Neck Chains 5.00 to 2D.0« 2,500 Ladies Silver Por;e Monnies ... S.Oo to 15.00 3,000Stiver Butter Knives S.ODto 7.00 2,000 Pairs Ear Rings, (new styles) —. 1.50 to 0.00 3,000 Gold Pencils and Tooth Picks.. 3 00 to SOo 3,000 Onyx, and amethyst Brooches . 4.00 to 10.00 3,000 Lava and Florentine Brooches.. 4 00 to C.oo ‘ “too. 4.00 to 0.00 iVatch Keys........ 3»to 4.00 Armlets 2.50 to 3.00 ram Studs........... lJWto 5.00 Sleeve Buttons 2.soto 10.00 and Chased Kings... 1.00 to 5.00 ind Seal Rings .TlrT... *.00 to 10. W 1 dzee.TfZ...*.00to 7.00 Hew Jewvby S.sOto **.0o ,000 Witch charms (each; a.toto 5.5# ,00C Gold Pens, Silver Ex. Cases.... 4.00 to 6.00 ,000 Gents’ Breast and Scarf Pins... 3 00to *0.00 000 Ladies’ new style Belt Suckles.. 4.00 to 0.50 OOS Oval Band finorhte 6 00 to *9.00 WO-fUaotolkaceleU 6.00to 16.00 ’obo Ball Eardrops, all colore 8.00 to $.00 low New style JetA GoM J-JJ W. A. BEARD, A LL persons haviag accounts with the will call and settle the same at my offi Bay street, up stairs. W. A. dor- West Broad and Bay Streets, S.l IM.V.1.IM, Dry Goods SEMMl >NS HKAZIU3' OOVt ~ PEBBLE SPECTACLES, • Sto and improve the sight of old sod ytotofata* night, with esse sod comfort to tbs rye. •**■* * Jirtr-dnir remit* at fnxincnt CtoortS- TV* to J EST purchased to New York, at greatly Reduced Prices, and the late a action Sales 30« pieces Calico, 25 to 30 cents. *00 pieces Bleached Shirting, *6 to 60 cents. Bt^pieces Tweeds, Satinets and Cassimeres. House Keeping Dry Goods. 16o Handsome Dress Goods, at greatly reduced prices. ' . ', . f' 200 Grey Blankets. Cloaks and Shawls. Mourning Goods, Ac. Ac. For sale by DeWitt ^Morgan, nortl—lm 137 Congress Street. ORE DAT LATER FR*M EUROPE JL partnership uudet tbe name and style of Mo&BB, BENNETT A CO., at McKee A Bennett’s old stand. Will keep constantly on hand a fine assortment of Carriages, Bretts, Rockaways, Baggies, Harness art Coach Material Of every description, which we sell at the Lowest dash Prioes. Ail work sold, warranted as represented. We have line Store Rooms, and forward in* will be promptly at- tended to. (-oniiii^iimenis soli ited. Will open bylstJannaty Manufacturing and Re pairing Department, and wifi hare Experienced Workmen and Choice Material, and be prepared to do any amount of Carriage Repairing. MoKEE, BENNETT* GO. J. G. McKEE, t L.S. BENNETT, 5- JAMES MoKEE. | decs ARRIVAL OF THE ASIA. may receive credit for the same. Exceptional eases may occur in which no affidavit can be obtained,- and where no reasonable doubts can exist in regard to the entiro destruction or irreparable damage to missing portions of notes, as by fire, sccidents, etc. When evidence of identity is amplo by th* COTTON MARKET CHANGED Plain signature of one or both' offleers, or titlo or locali ty of the bank and the denomination of tbo note, where the integrity of the bill-holder is unoxoep- tionable, and where no question ooiiM. arise in regard to a fraudulent or improper use of missing parts; in sueh instances judicious discrimination must necessarily bo exercised by the offioers or the banks. It is, however, advised that sueh be reoeivod at their full face value, and a porfoot note given therefor, a record being preserved of of the foot, to bo tent to this oflloo with the mutilated note, when returned for redemption by the bank; in which ease full credit Will bo al lowed in this Department. Fourth—When no satisfaction can bo - obtained' in regard to gassing parts, and a possibility exists that any improper use ean be made of the same, it is recommended that a proportionate value only be allowed, estimating this by comparison of the portion returned with the missing portion. A record should be kept of tfio amount allowsd in ali such instances, and a voucher of the same note or notes shall ha returned for redemption. Naw York, Dec. 8. Tbo Steamship Asia, from Liverpool with date* to the 84th ult. via Quaenstown to the 25th, arrived at this port to-day. Tha Liverpool eotton market on the 24th was unchanged, with sales on that day of 7,000 bales. Consols eloaed at 89 l-4a89 1-2; United Small WHITE POODLE I the owner. A suitable ighly prized by will be paid tar States Five Twenties, 64 l-4a64 1-2. C ATTKHl PLANTA' “ island, 4 miles fro “ 484 acres cleared Cotton Has been steadily cultivi Dwell! ug House, Mules I piements complete; Ne selection of Plantation 1 For terms, enquire of dec#—3aw*w Gam. Grant at Augusta. Augusts, Dec. 6. . General Grant and Staff arrived tore to-day. ^ and all Agricultural Im- Iloneea, with a splendid B —58 In number. JOHN A. WRIGHT, ! Beaufort, s. C. virtue of authority vested in me by Resolution > paseed at a meeting of the German Fire Cora- y, held on the *8thmst, I, Henry Blun, First eman of the German Fire Company of Savannah, , do hereby offer a Reward of TweHundred Hare for tbe arrest, with proof to convict of the »o or persons engaged in the murder of Mr. A. [IDES, late a member of this Company. TrtO HENRY BLtJN, Foreman. How Yark Market*. Nxw Yoxk, Dec. 7. Flour declined 5 a 20c. Wheat dediaed 2 a 3c. Corn declined lc. Beef doll. Fork firm. Lard dnU. Whisky steady. Cotton dull. Sale* 1400 bales, at 49 a 50c for Middling. Gold 47 1-4. Baltimore Flour quiet, with sales of 500 barrel* Howard street Superior at $9. Wheat dull and unchanged. Oais firm. Con heavy. Sugar dull. leeo—3t NO.-96 Bay street. EMILI8H BREAKFAST BACON b* Hunt Co., 6706 Post Office, Jew York. NEW TYPE, NEW INK, NEW PRESSES and NEW MATERIAL of every kind, at the RE PUBLICAN JOB PUNTING OFFICE. 15,400 M Conklin, * 8JJSKT' 17,000 C W Copeland, 86,000 C Comstoek A Co 88,000 Russel Sturgeas, 20,000 Pentz Brothers, K itahdin... Winona.... Chippewa .. Panola Grand Quit. Huntsville.. Virginia ... Banshee.... Ben Morgan Arietta Wando Victoria.... 8Sfer;. Anion. Gertrude... Preston Lillian Adela ...... Reman.:,.. 17.500 Smallwood A Co 5,200 AHamill, 9,000 MoCready A Co, 30,600 U Allen, 6 400 LA Eldridge, 7,7*0 Mr Farrington, 25,000 Woodruff* Be* 15.100 C P Dodge, 13.100 Geo Wright, 17,200 C W Copeland, 28.500 Russel Sturcess, 21,000 U Allen. 4^00 AHamill, LCTERATtmE Toilet,v., Cologne, aad Liquor Setts, Ac. Ac., $450,400 pot in ooil, do othff the convenience of the aep®6 tisnM copy,