Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 09, 1865, Image 3

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From iW» to > The atewna Wm. O. Gibbons, C jwt, anired here yesterday from LOCAL MATTERS E0 or unfurnished, with or without ®wr Our marine and Commercial News, The Commercial and Marine Intelli gence will liereaf|er be found on our fourth page. . The municipal Election Bslow we (fire the return of tha election held pera and the following report: ■ Dec. 6.—Passed the steamer Helen, at Ran dall's old Field j ataamera Gen. Berry and Potter, at Henhman’a Lake, awaiting a rise in the river; steamer Minnie Brandt, at Granby Point; steamer Scorpio, at McCoy’a Blnff, all bonnd np. > • - ■’ More Troops. - 3y the arrival of ths steamers dan. Shepley tod Orient, from Doctortown, company E, of tha 12th Maine Veteran Volunteer!, under the com mand of Captain Robinson, and companies K and F, of the 103d U. S. C. Troops, under Lieets. A. S. Rose and D..S. Smith, reached this city y«s* terday from Thomasville, Ga. Company B, of the 12th Maine, is to ha mastered oat of tha ser- rioc shortly. Companias E and F, of the 1931 U. S. C. Troopi, embarked on a steamer for Fort Folaakifto roliero the 60th New York Volunteers. m- GREAT BARGAINS, at A. RES- CHEIi & CO’S. Fr*m Fen Pulaski. The Bteamer Erailie, Captain Bender, returned to the city last erening from Fort Pnlaski, and brought a detachment of Company B, 147th Illi nois Regiment, which hare been performing gar rison doty at the above poet. Tits chilly blasts of Winter are upon ns, good warm under-clothing, stoat boots and ahoec are indispensable for comfort; we advise all to go end see the aoted Ives, and get an outfit of Wintnr clothes. ’ with ■ line ot Hacks running between > tn Central Railroad, and Waynesboro 1 , on th andSavannsh Bail road. Paeeengei* by this lbic will arrive in fei next morning after ieavimr •* svannab, I ■norm ret with the Georgia Railroad train for Kef. rnh g, arrive hi xrannoh atiWi 1*..75. Faeighi to-"n hy piipsengrr train mnst K- p be delivered haH hour before den inure of Tn der of GEO. W. an nov-20 General Snperto with 1* Rooms, well adapted fora ilrwt cfeai Boarding House, and, ofiqiestionitbly fn that purpose, the very beet sauvd in the efty ■Call and examine the premises jit jin. Ilf eet. M. J. BOYLE. St. Andrew’s Hall election passed oft without any of the exoitemeu* usaal on such occaeione. The entire Anderson ticket has been suocessftU, with one exception. The first twelve names are elected : For Mayor. Lp'VARD C. Axdibso*......... 2J Dr. Richard D. Arnold Majority for Anderson - 394 For Aldermtn. _ • George W. Wyliy •yr^333 John F. O’Byrne .1325 Robert Lachfison .1824 Francis L. Gue 1865 John Cunningham , 1222 John Williamson 938 John 91® John C. Ferrill 908 John R, Johnson....... • • • 866 E JA. Soullard.... 8*8 Dr. J.M. Schley...., 888 Christopher C. Casey 702 Henry Meinhard....... 89» Alvin S. Miller; **9 Henry Brigham 611 John L. Villalonga 600 Edward C. Wade... .... • 675 Hiram Roberts 659 -Joseph Lippman f 6*6 We have no donbt CoL Anderson will make an exoeilent Mayor, regardlese of his polities, to which we are, of ooarie, opposed. Having carved in that capacity for several years, the citizens of Savannah are aware of his ability to meet the requirements of the - arduous and honorable posi tion to whioh he has been oalled with so hand some a majority. Differ as widely as we may with the political views of Col. Anderson, we have yet to hear tho first man who can raise any ob.jrotion to his election on tha grounds of dis* honesty or incapacity. Col. Anderson has been an original secessionist and has been man enough to fight for a cause that he espoused with more formidable weapons than lips. If we could have onr wishes gratified wholly, we shonld prefer to have a full and ear nest Southern Unionist installed In the Mayor’s choir, but as that is a moral impossibility, we abide cheerfully the resalt, and shall at all times lend our aid to Col. Anderson, who oombines candor with dignity, and energy with intelligence and determination. Col. Anderson reoeived the votes of nearly every Confederate soldier in Savannah. Hospitality on Board Use Leo. We were invited yesterday afternoon to repair to the cosy cabin of the staunch craft whose name appears at the head of this paragraph, for the purpose of par taking of some of that generous hospi tality which is one of the strongest char acteristics of Capt. Merrill. Thanksgiv ing being barely over we were not pre pared to indulge in one of those sumptu ous repasts which invariably mark all gas- iron omic entertainments where Captain Morrill and his excellent stewards are in terested. Arriving at the saloon of the Leo we beheld a most inviting table spread infgenuine recherche style, with all the delicacies of the season, while a select but, small party of Northern and Southern g' iitic-men were comfortably seated at the well laden table prepared to execute a think movement upon the innumerable viands from their original positions, ’inert was an entire lack of all stupid formality, and at the proper sound the feasting commenced in good earnest but in family style. We have not space to dilate upon the merits of the palatable dishes nor of the conviviality which ruled the hour, but we can say all the guests departed more than pleased with Captain Merrill’s idea of hospitality. Thanksgiving in Savannah. Thanksgiving day on Thursday was generally observed throughout our city by an almost total suspension of business, the Bay presenting a dull end gloomy appearance, Central Railroad THE new and firafoclass JL POINT, Capt. Smith, will i SATURDAY, the 9th tort., at 1 c The NORTlT POINT hae etegs accommodations for paeeeng<*< through tickets to New York, via L oe rented for Bails, Concerts, Ac. Heesre. MYERS, A o. under the Hall DAVID R. DIT.LO: Offices to Beat. 3 E8IRABLG Offices to Rent over store corner Bay and Barnard streets, Enquire of novll LaROCHE, QADEN A UNCKLES. OFFICE ATLANTIC k GULF R. R. CO. has now been p NorthPoint, s every alternate FOR 8ALE ff mi hunr rant h VIA DARIEN, BRUNSWICK, ST. MARYS. FERNANDINA, JACKSON VILLE AND PICOLATA. Freight to Augusta . ... ' jn AND ■/■*« POINTS BEYOND! Forwarded by Light Draft Sleaaers. WisdUp An Estate GOVERNMENT STEAMERS VALUABLE FARM WOl be sold at pdbUc Auction MONDAY. December U, 1MB, und, Captain W. A Morford, A. «.M., I importation of Salt. The following quantity of Salt has been im ported into the District of Savannah, Ga., since the 1st of Jnly last, viz: 40 barrels, 6,550 sacks, 1,600 tons, and 1,750 bushels, making an aggregate of 23,190 sacks received sinee that period. imt now the Helen Getty, Captain O. R. In graham, will leave the Wharf foot of West Broad street every SATURDAY MORNING, at 19 o'clock, A. M„ precisely, for the above Landings. For freight or passage, appiy on board or to _ L. 8. BENNETT, Agent,* cor. West Broad and Bay streets. AGENTS-Darien, A. A. DeLorme. 7 Jacksonville, J. 8. Samis A Co. Pain tin, H. R. Teasdale. Freight payable by shippers. oct2S OWNERS FOR TWENTY (20) BALES 51-2 Miles from Augusta, C ONTAINING 7180) One Hundred and Eighty Acres, more or less. Abont (100) One Hnudred acres of it in valuable wood ; a good Dwelling with (7) seven Rooms, Stables, Carriage House, and ft) seven Farm Bnlidings. To a party desiring a good healthy, comfortable House, within Bfl minutes* drive of. a ugusta, the above place offers superior Inducements. For full particulars enquire of CHAS. L. COLBY A CO, norT cor. Abercom and Bay streets. Upland Cotton. Picked dp in the Savannah River, by Howard's Flats, rf not identified in flve (5) days will be arid at the re commendation of a Board of Survey, for account of U1 concerned. CUNNINGHAM, PURSE A CO. Auction! Auction!! IVKBY fi ' • Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday Evenings, Arrival at Troops. A detachment of 15 Boldiers belonging to the 147 th Illinois Volunteers, under the command of Capt. Taller, arrived from Aognsta on Thnrs- B. Goodsell. VIA DARIEN, BRUNSWICK, ST. MA OTTON LAN FOE SALE RYS, FERNANDINA, JACKSON VILLE AND PICOLATA. Connecting with steamer "Flora Temple” at day, on board of the steamer F. They will join their regiment stationed near thi s city. To Lnaihemen. Lumbermen will find an advertisement in our paper this morning of especial interest to their permanent employment, and good wages ia guaranteed to one hundred good hands on the See advertisement. Store ob Broughtonst.,Third Poor froa Bolt W HERE will be offered a general assortment of Dry Goods, Bouts and shoes, Hosiery, Under Clothing, Books Yankee Notions, Jewelry, Ac., Ac., at the purchasers own prices. Terms cash. Sales Marys. Freight will be received for Kin: Ferry, Centervillage, and all Land ings on the 8t. Mary’s River. THE new and fast ste Fountain, CaptainG. W. . ner, will leave for the above i 'every t TUESDAY MORN at 10 o'clock. WANTED ff a party of respectability and position, a Parlor and Two Bedrooms adjoining, furnished well privilege of cooking; or Board in s desirable ly for two sdnits and two children. Please ad- i^Boardtog,” office of this Paper, stating forms, T HE 8ub?criber offers for sale two first quality Plantations for the cultivation of Sea Island Cot ton, containing about sou acres each. They are situ ated on Port ltoyal Island, three miles from the town of Beaufort, and adjoin each other. The land is of the •most superior qnality, and is in thorough condition for successful cultivation. There are on the {daces Dwell ing lprases and 60 negro houses in good order. The premises must be sold to close an estate. For ftarther particulars, address, for one week, HENRY A. ROBBINS, dec6—fit care of 8. C. Millctt, Beaufort, 8. C, REGULAR WEEKLY STEAMER For freight or j ford’s whorl near Freight will be received every day at the warehouse, by Wit. R. H. BR Freight payable on wharf. Shi] weight and measurement of goods lower Ogeechee. WO- SEASONABLE DRY GOODS, at A. RESCHER & CO S. WANTED MIDDLING 00TT0H AMD SIDE, [ N exchange for $16 So #90,000 of very desirable L Summer Brsu Goods, Ac., comprising a tost complete assortment of the choicest traffic*—No •Id stock. Apply to JOHN F. YOUNG. T# North Fourth street, Philadelphia. Reference—DeWitt A Morgan, Savannah. Philadelphia Reference—M? L. Hallotveli A Co., or food. Mush A Haywood. octtO Golden Gate, side-wheel tuaat wooden In II; length on deck US feet; t* over ail 85 r«t 10 inches; depth of bold chrs; draft 3 feet & inches, has oo* hr diameter of cylinder 94 inches • stroke of has one horizontal tubular boiler t This steamer L«.Hi fine order; baa salo dations, and is well found hi anchors chz Nasataaket, side-wheel summer wooden hull; length on deck 1M feat; ti Inches: over all +5 feet; depth of hoM S draft fi feet 6 inches: has due beam engh of cylinder S4 Inches; stroke of piston * ( For Charleston. MOOk The new fast Iron steamer JKW m. GK Gibbons Capt, Thomas N. Fhilpot, having superior accommo dation for Freight and Passengers, will ply regularly between the above cities— Leaving Savannah everySatnrday morning at 9 o'clock Leaving Augusta every Wednesday morfongatTO'clock Laying at Mathew’s Blnff every Wednesday night. Time of Closing Rf alls at the Savan nah Postoffice. THE subscriber offers for sale the following Sea X Island Cotton Lands, viz: The North-east quarter and the South-east quarter of Section 16, Township 1, South Range 1, East, in the Parish of 8t. Helena, in the District of Beaufort, and State of South Carolina, containing, together, 320 acres according to the United States Sur vey ; situate on the Island of ; t. Helena, about six miles from the Town of .'canfort, and being a part of Dr. Daniel Pope's Plantation. Also, the fractional West half of the East half of Sec tion 32, Township 1, South Range 1, East, and frac tional Lots 4 and 13, in Section 6, Township 2. South Range 1, Fast in the said Parish of St Helena, con taining 160 acres, according to the United Stated Sur vey; eituale on the said island of tit Helena, about one and a half miles from the former tract and being portions of the Sea-side and Frogmore Plantations. The above tracts will be sold cheap for cash. Communications may lor the present be addressed to the subscriber at Scranton, Pennsylvania; after the 10th of December at Beaufort, 8- V. B. R. PECKEN dec6—4- Scranton, Penn. For Augusta—Daily, at 7.30 A. M. For Hilton Head—Daily, at 9 A. M. For Doctortown and Thomaaville—Tuesdays, Tburedays and Saturdays, at 8 A. M. For Darien, Brunswick, St. Mary’s, Ferdaudi- na, Jacksonville, Florida—Tuesdays and Satur days, at 9 A. M. For Baltimore—Tuesdays and Saturdays, one hoar before sailing of. steamer. New York—Regular mail Wednesdays and Satnrdays; and special mail on ail other days on which steamers sail, closing one hour before sail ing of steamer. For Charleston, 8. C.—Saturdays, at 9 A. JI. Office hours, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M., and jon Sun days, StoAP^M. , DAY! Agents wanted to a new and wonderful SEWING Jieap one licensed. Address The new steamer City Point, Capt. E. 8. Talbot, will leave as above every SATUR DAY, at 9 A. M. For freight or passage, apply to A MONTH ! Agents wanted for fix Hew articla, just out. Address O. T. GAREY, City Building, Biddeford, depth of bold 8 ieet 3 niches: direct horizontal engines fi cylinder 24 iiteW: Stroke < two'siagte return fine boiieti R. W. ADAMS, or J. 8. CARRUTHERS Hodgson's Range, Bay street- ° ERWIN A HARDEE. JNO. L. ROUMILLAT, AgL on Wharf. novl3—lm ■' . draft I feet 10 inebc* : has one high-pressure angina; diameter of cylinder M inches; Strok- of pMaiiSki- ches; has one single return fine bailer, sad fe wad found in anchor*, riivlne. Ac Bescne. screw tnr * 200 loss - wnufen Mi - length on deck 166 feet: beam 90 feel s inches; depth of hold 12 feet: draft 11 fret 4 inches; has two low- pressure engines; d'smeforDf cylinder M Inches ; lire one stogie mum On- boiler.' * This vessel is apowertnl tag; is In good ronditita. Bice Plantation DI0SMA 0REHATA. BUOHtJ LEAVES THOMASVILLE. and at the present stage of the river, offers superior Inducements to shippers. Freight received at all times aqd stored free to fire-proof warehouse at old Charles ton Steam Boat Wharf For freight engagements, applv to J. M. KINCHLKY, Agent, dec4—tf * office at Charleston Wharf. Departure of Steamships and Steamers. and well found in anchors chain*. Ac General Hunter* side-wheel stearera tons; wooden bull: length on deck 193 (set S beam 28feet 6 toebrs: over all so feet 8 tocbei of hold 9 feet -I inches: draft forward » flat, I 6 inches: has one beam -mrine; diameter of PROPERTIES. THE steamers Gen. Shepley, Orient and Clarion will nuke Tri-weekly trips to DOCTORTOWN, I running in connection with the Atlan- .11 road, leaving Savannah on TUES DAY - and SUNDAYS, at 7 a. m. :ht payable by shippers at. onr office. >e received during the week and stored FOR NEW YORK. Steamehip San calvador, Saturday, December 9th, at — o'clock. Steamship Leo, Saturday, December 9th, at — o'clock. „ Steamship I’erit, aturday, Decemher 9th, at — o'clock. Steamship Herman Livingston, Saturday, December 9th, at — o’clock. FOR PHILADELPHIA. Steamship Cumbria, Saturday, December 9th, at — o'clock. V . FOR BALTIMORE. Steamship North Point, Satu day, December 9th, at 1 o'clock, pm. Steamship Richmond, Saturday, December 16th, at Tbeyr odor is strong, diffusive, and somi matte, their tastes bitterish, and analogous 'X'HAT valuable Rice Plantation, known X as “Swathey Hall," on the Ogeechee River, Bryan county, about 22 miles from Savannah. For particulars, apply at the Counting Roam of Er win A Hardee, Bay street, Savannah. CHA8. 8. HARDER, Executor Estate G. W. McAllister. dec2—eod2w Copartnership Notice# T HE undersigned have formed a copartnership under the name and style of SCRANTON, SMITH A CO., for the transaction of a Wholesale Grocorv and Commission Business in this City, at the head of Bay street, opposite Jefferson. D. T. 8CRANTON, Formerly Scranton A Johnston. WM. H. SMITH, Formerly Rabun A Smith. J.L- LARGE. Savannah, NOT, 14th, 1866. novlB—lm Dissolution. rriHE arm of LaKOCHB, GADKN A UNCKLES X was dissolved Off She 1st tost by the withdrawal of Isaac D. La Ruche, The business will be continued under the name orGA&MN A UNCKLES at the old stand corner of Bay and Barnard streets. I. D. La- Roche retaintog an office with ui for the present , Lehr, Capt. Lewis, will leave lor Augusta on FRIDAY, the 'th Inst, at 9 o'clock, A. M. The accommodations for passengers on thi* steamer cannot be surpassed, and being commanded hr an experienced Captain and furnished with a No. 1 Pilot, passengers by the Fannie tebr need not tear detention on the Way. For freight or passage, apply to • JAMBS B. WEST, dec6—2t Jones'. Block. sock as Gravel. Chronic Catarrh of tha Bladder, Mor bid Irritatioh of the Bladder and Urethra, Disease of the Prostrate and Retention or Incontinence of Urine, from a Joes of tone to the ports .concerned to its eva cuation. The remedy has also been recommended to Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatism. Cutaneous affec tions, and Dropsy. rtelmfoUrs Extract Bnehu O FFERS for sale bis well known valuable Plan tation, Caustln Bluff, by the river, within three miles of this ciiy, and exiending to Augustine Creek, containing about Seven Hundred Acres, the greater portion rice lands. Ibis property has many hand some sites for residences, and from its proximity to OF GOVERNMENT - o’rfbck. ’ FOR CHARLESTON. Steamer City Point, every Saturday mornin; VESSELS Steamer City Point, every Saturday morning, at 9 o’clock. FOR AUGUSTA. Steamer Win G Gibbons, every ?aturday at 9 o’clock, am. FOR DOCTORTOWN. Steamer Gen Shepley, every Sunday morning, at 7 o'clock. Steamer Orient, every Tuesday morning, at 7 o'clock. Steamer Two Boys, ever; Thursday morning, at 3 o’clock. Steamer C larion every Friday morning, at 7 o'clock. FOR PALATKA, FLA. F teamer Fountain, every Tuesday morning at 19 o’clock. Steamer > ity Point, every Wednesday afternoon, at Bteamer Lizzie Baker, every Thursday morning at 10 o,clock. ' r teamer Helen Getty every ' aturday morning at 10 o’clock. with its long rows of deserted stores and abandoned sidewalks. The delightful weather tempted thousands ot onr citi zens to indulge in out door exercise, the green parks and squares being crowded with gay prom- cuadera. Later in the afternoon the various loads leading to White Bluff, Bonaventnre and lie Ogeechee, were filled with all sorts of vehi cles, while the number oi equestrians was much larger than we have seen out ou any previous holiday. Several of the city churches were open for di vine service, but we are informed that amal^ c n;grogations ware in attendance. 8^ BLANKETS Kid UNDERCLOTH ING at A RESCHER & CO’S. T WO Hundred and Forty .'cres of Laud, o mile and a half from Orange Spring, Mari county, Florida, and on a navigable river. This La is adapted for the growth of 8ea Island Cotton and i other products of the t-onth. Fpr farther Information, enqntre of CH1PMAN A CHAPIN, dec6—fit 20S Bay street, Savannah, Ga. fa Affectfoas Peculiar t« Females, Capt. Wm. McCauley, is receiving freight, This Dtx, at Lamars Wharf; and will have quick dispatch as above. This boat is to fine order [rates A No. 1 hi In surance Office*,! has large earring capacity, and shippers can rely an. having despatch given to their orders- . For freight, apply to - w- J. B. PilESDEE, Agent, 19B Broughton street. _ ' F. M. MYRSLL, nov29—tf Harris’ Bnildings, Bay street tod or Sehimn state ot the Ut*ru«. Leucorrhea or Whites. DISEASES OF THE BUOtM. KIDXEIg, GRAVEL wmXSD DR0FKCAL SWEfcLISGS. ft —' * This medicine Inerseofai the passer of Digestion, and J. SHAFFER, ttftsftflon 1 UNTIL THE FRDMSAJfD PRODUCE* FOREIGMAND D0HK OPPOSITE T43 O To ail whom it may concern; Whereas, am. H. Strickland, administrator, will apply tn the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell the lands netanging to the estate of * m. Strickland, late of Bryan cotmtj. do- ceased. Said lands to be sold subject to widow's dower. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection lif any they have) 00 or before the first Monday in February next, otherwise said application will be granted, * itnese: W. H. Daymans, Ordinary Bryan couaty. this 3Uth day of November, l c 65. decl - W. B. BATMANS, o. k. o. Another New Boat lor Aagaitai 'Ve are glad to learn, from good authority, that 'h? enterprising agents of the "Accommodation Line,” to Augusta, Messrs. Erwin A Hardee, have ms' with such deserved (uoeesfetihat they are abont to put ou another first class boat, and intend, very loon, making tri-weekly trips with as. mneh regu* lnrity as the railroad. Their elegant and popular ■’.earner, tho Wm. G. Gibbons, whioh ia t90 well known to tho travelling public to require notice at our hands, is now making her trips to Angu- ts every Saturday with muoh regularity, and we nro satisfied that the- contemplated addition of snotheT boat to the “Aoeommodation Line” will meet with groat favor and liberal patronage from Gepublio. We wish the courteous firm all pda- *ibie IUC008S, and a fell reArard for thoir sterling ritezrity as business men. The name of the uew steamer which was built Mpressiy for this line at Wilmington, Del., is Vhas. S, Hardee, and aha is in every respect a nodel boat, fitted up with v all the modern im- imn ements, such as will commend her to public lavor. splendid 4 or 6 Horse Wagon with Harness to ’ ~ ' sat tY WAYNE® STABLES cor York and West Broad ste. master, is now loading novlG-tf For freight apply to nov29 CHAS.X. COLBY A OO, SELECT ff MILE SCHOOL I U FIRKINS choice Butter. L O CHAS. L, COLBY A CO„ nov!4-tf cdr. Abercom and Bay streets. X ing on the corner of Charlton and Drayton streets would rcepectfally announce to the pebUc that he, as sisted by Mrs. Alethea S. Burroughs, will open a Seled Female School to said building 00 the first Monday to October. S TATE OF GEORGIA, B: To all whom it may concern: \ A. Cobb will apply to the Court of C .of Guardianship on the persons and rien and Andrew J. Cobb, minors az of RrittonOobh, late or Bryan com These are, therefore, to cite and ad 2^ TON* ENGLISH SHEET OOP* PER, mannfactared exprcssly for the Southern .mar ket, of usual thickness and weight. Size of sheets as follows ^99x94, 69x98, 60x17, 60x9, 60x7,36x8 inches. WT.l he sold at a'great bargain. Enquire of ' G. P. BRADFORD. !* j B48 Broadway, N. T. Or JOHNS. COWLES, ‘ Corner Bull and Bay streets, it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objections* Lif any they have] on or before the maiy next, otherwise sola letters HaymanMMinsrj Bryan county, w’.^HAYSiANS,o.b.€l : objections, lif any they have] first Monday to January ” will be granted. M itness; W. ft. Haymans, Ordint this 30th day of November, I860. : HEREBY give notice that three months after date I will apply to the city Council of Savannah, oreia, for renewal of the following CMtifcata of TOBACCO QTATE OF GEORGIA. persons toteresto *hat sixty Days after date, we si to , the honorable Court of On Cwnty fiw leave to seU the whole of tae Thomas J -Bird, late of said County, dec JOHN H.mKOT-tESa aS OCBE, GADEK A UNCKLES, L. C. NORVELL A CO, Rush .to RESCHER’8, Secure Your bargains, at 13 Barnard street irowH, Eagle, Soutfaern, A Craven, MeOharty and Excelsior If to rite and admonish at) whom All In good order and nearly hew. For sate by GEO. W ATWOOD, Port^yaLB; CL Tnrnips, Lei