Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 11, 1865, Image 2

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national republican. Before Capi. A, C. Qareheell, Assistant Assistant Com. Bureau of Refugees', Frted- men and Abandoned Lands. Savaitnjlb, Dec 8, 186S. Christopher Lee, Police, v». Sandy Smell, colored. AsMudt end Battery with loeded weapons. The prisoner was found Rfeliy end- fined in fee safe of fifteen dollars. Wm. Golding, colored, ts. Mr. Bom. He- j cover? of a horse. Decision for complmiiunb Defendant ordered to return property, and pay I fantUs grace around the tender blow, that we still seem to hear the sweet baby carol of tby merry voice, or listen for the words of loving ten derness with whieh then west ever wont tp greet as. Bn^ too truly, thou art fine. The light ef our earthly dwelling has gone out forever, and our hearts are crushed with grief unutterable Tot we mourn not without hope. Thou art Jjfeas ed forever—safe housed from every storm—and we trust, through God's grace, to meet thee in that "better land” no more to part Rest, then, darling of our hearts, rest in peace, till thy in.fee sunt of ten dollar*. Penalty five dol lars or five dgy’s imprisonment. Charles Michael vs. J. Black, colored. Larceny on the night' of December 6th, 1865. Convicted of simple larceny. Damages award ed in the ram of fifteen dollars. Penalty ten dollars or ten day’s imprisonment City of Savannah vs- George Wilson and Dick Williamson, both colored. Disorderly conduct and fighting in the streets, 5 o’clock, Found guilty Christmas and ISTew Year’s Gifts. 8 THE TIME TO SELECT PRESENTS PROM A SPLENDID ST< C^rlaito^SjCj^[iag»rj^leajeeogN Notice. Steamship Chase R CONGRESS AND WHITAKER STREETS, d direct from the manufacturers, expressly far t FINE GOLD AND SI jost celebrated makers, AMERICAN >CK8, PL Am and ORNAMENTAL ivoice ef FIRST ni.ASa < hment, consisting in par WATCHES, mmsffcStwK'SS KSfST' P. JEWELRY, a superb assortment. JTOfcKMANSafP “d WARRANTED to be P. M., December 7th, 1865. and fined in the sum of two dollars and fifty cents each. City of Savannah vs. C. Finney, colored. Using abusive language to a Policemen while in the proper discharge of his duty. The ac cused was found guilty, and ordered to solitary confinement in Chatham County Jail for three days. of fee pure metal nov94—IBP W. A. BEARD. arsons having accounts wjth the above Arm call and settle the same at my office, No. 9o7 up stairs. W. A. BEARD. deoil—1 mo ^BNER^NGB^SAN^^mEERSTMETS. mts. new Advertisements! Savannah A NUMBER QF BENEVOLENT LAD! Of this eity, feelings lively interest in the fire of fee - FEMALE ORPHANS dependent for support on the charity of the g SISTERS OF OUR LADY OF MERCY, Will give a RAYMOND A HAMILTON, MOSBAV EVENING, PEC. 11th, BENEFIT OF Mr. T. Hamilton FTY doz Painted Wire Brooms 40 doz 9 hoop and 3 hoop Pails 25 gross Mason's Challenge BlacI Shnkspeare’s sublime tragedy, in five acts, of decll HAMLET Mr. T. HAMILTON As acted by him throughout the South during the past four years, with much success. New scenery ny fig. F. Arrigoni. Tnesday—Richelieu., '■> ■HE magnificent- Ii Q steamship _ _ Will leave for Baltimore on SATURDAY, the 16th Inst, at — o’clock. The accommodations for passengers on board this steamer are superb, and travelers desirous of visiting New York and other Northern cities will save two hundred miles of sea travel, and get through tickets at thesaiuo rate charged by other lines, by taking passage Will be held by fee Ladies ef Savannah, SOUTH BROAD STREET, ON THE 12th, 13th and 14th • C December, FOR THE BENEFIT OF V vlrtne of authority vested in me by Resolution 1 passed at a meeting of the German Fire Com- y, held ou the 28th inst., I, Henry Biun, First v ' The favorite steamer FAN 1ST IE,, Capt. W.T. McNdity, is now receiving freight at the old'Florida-Steamboat wharf foot ef West Broad street, and will leave as above WEDNESDAY next, 13thinst., at 9 a. m. V-‘ The steamer is in fine order, apd has superior accom modations {state rooms) for passengers. For freight or passage apply On board t or to F. M.-MYREU decll Harris' Buildings, Doors will be opened on TUESDAY AFTERNOON,at 4 o’clock - dell . 4 Copartnership Notice. signed hava this day formed a copart! r the transaction of a General Ccmmis- artd Forwarding Business, under the tU V. A 117 URT Offioo .Tnnaol UWL- ty street sion. shij name of I For Hootortown H AVING entered into a partnership for fee pra See of Medicine, Surgery, and other branches their profession, offer their services to fee citizens Savannah and vicinity. v Office over Hfl'sman's Drug Store, corner Bull ai Broughton streets. Office hours from 9 to IS n and hum 3 to 5 p. m. J. C. LeHARDY, M. D., Residence two door* West of Drayton street. t. C. HABERSHAM, M. D„ Residence No. 31 Liberty street, decll Three doors Southwest of Bull. at v o'clock, REGULAR PACKET w CLOTH BLANKET Vith varjegated, fining. ” $10 .REWARD Will be paid for its return to this office, and no i in the rear of fee Our James K. Rielly, commander, will feai i’s wharf as above TUESDAY. December ! dock a. m. , >r feeight or passage apply to LIVERPOOL SALT, Laifding from ship Herald and berk Colonist, FOR BALE BY iv. B. ADAMS, 0 <ec9 - 5t ^ No. Dt> Bay street ENGLISH BREAKFAST BACON , , AND C&oice Shoulders CT CARES ftgfieh Breakfast Bacon, new and choice. O 5 cases very choice Shoulders, new and just from the Smoke House, landing and for sale by dec®—2t . - • BDWIJi B. HERTZ *<JO.? r (J Tea. 15 caddies, • Jb. and 1* lh., Yo 75 caddies, do. Souchong Eng. BO mala A No. 1 Java Coffee. SO sacks do. Rio do. 10 do. St. Domingo do. F DANTE as a PHILOSOPHER, ■ • PATRIOT, ; s‘ and POET. I-BV PBBFBMM BOTTA, FOR BALE BY ■ « ’ ^ Tiios.. J. Staley, ~ Comer Bull and State streets, new Court House. 100 kits Noe. 2 apd 3 Boston 1*0 half bbls Nos 2 and S , 1*5 bbis and half bbls Extra 9<!0 toddies extra Black and ( 40 bxs "OurjOwh” Tobacco 20 bxs Navy fposfids) Toba. to. bra and quarter tow-layer FANCY GOODS J. Rif- BPPING, Noxameat ef Tireoyi. Two companies of the gallant, life tbdnn Volunteers, Companies i and B, left ou fe* steamer Emclie, on Saturday, for fee fomd Company I, under command of LieuL Doughty, proceeds to Brtraslrick, Ghw, and Company b| Capt. J. W. Thompson, is ordered to Darien,’ Ga. These companies bear a fine reputation, and have conducted themselves in a soldierly manner during their stay in our city. / «0« Mutual r River street. IN TIN CANISTERS. CASKS, 4 lbs. canisters, fine SonsadlHalmen landiug and foraaktby w*—*t ED WINE. HERTZ A OO, ' a -IF' V r - COMMISSION MERCHANT, Choice Hams. bbls. Onions; 90 MONDAY MOHNINC, IflSC. 11th. For Ship News and Commercial -see Fourth Page. The President’s message: The Message of President Johnson, rvliioh we gave to on! readers yesterday afternoon in the form of an extra, and which appears in our issue of this morning, is, as we predicted it would he, a masterly effort—one'that will refleet credit upon our Chief Magistrate at home and abroad. There is no attempt Uhurity Fairs tor the Benefit cl the Pouf find the Orphans. It is always a pleasant duty with us to be called upon to aid the ladies m any of * those noble enterprises , with which they have from time lmtoemorial asso ciated themselves, but whan we reoeive one of thode riiodest, cTflmning little notes, beautifully pennefr by fairy fingers, asking ns to lend our assistance to a charitable object, there is an in describable joy, a peculiar psipitating enthusiasm that seises upon our bosom- (a feeling known only to baohelors which inspires ns to yield implicit obedience to the will of divime - woman. We experienced the palpitating sensa tion , yesterday, for a duck of^ note (not bonnet) fdund its way softly into onr sanctum. We glanced at thejdelicate chirography, ahd could trace the spirit of gentle wo man’s generosity incline, though the fair author’s name is still veiled in pain ful mystery. However, we did not in tend to indulge in a lengthy dissertation upon woman, for trhere is the wretch that dare deny her claims to aU that is noble? We desire to inform the public that the brave, benevolent and beantiful ladies of to make a superfluous display of rhetori-j oar city are hard at work for the poor, cal nicety which would blond the ideas J Montesquieu says ‘ 'The safety of a State he wished to express in Bhowy indis-1 depends on the virtue of women,” and it tinctness, but the whole-is given in the I ^ e q ua iiy aa true that the happiness of plainest style and is very characteristic J our ladies depends entirely upon the sup- of the man The first subject treated is j an d encouragement they rSoeive in that of State Sovereignty. To our mind I enterprise from the philanthropic the arguments used are in point'of • fact j g en ti e men of Savannah. unanswerable—and had we needed any- -yy e have received two appeals this day thing to satisfy ns that the law of the | f or charity. Inanimate and oold most be United States was supreme throughout J ^ heart that does not throb with snffi- the length and breath of the land, “any- cient pity and true sympathy for the dis- thing in the Constitution or laws of any I Messed and unfortunate, to lead their State to the contrary not withstanding, ’ ’ I ^ an dfl instinctively into capacious pockets they would have convinced us beyond j and withdraw therefrom a “greenback” the possibility of a doubt. It is not to I of gome denomination, be expected that all will agree with ns in We Relieve it is Prior who thus beauti fully describes benevolence: “Soft peace it bring* wherever it arrives, It builds onr gniet—‘ ‘latent hope revives,” Lays the rough paths of nature ‘‘smooth and even,” , . And opens in each breast a little Heaven.” Let those of our readers who peruse the above lines turn to the appeals in aid of the two fairs, one exclusively for the benefit of the orphans, and the other for the poor of onr city, -by making a liberal donation, and se- this respect—indeed, the great majority of our people will stand opposed to such views, and combat them with all the energy which honesty of purpose can summon to the work. Our only hope is that time, which has induced even greater changes than this, will serve to compound this antagonism of opinion and cause us to be more firmly united than ever. In his reference to the power of the government over States which have | cure a t onC e, not only the inexpressi- sought to sever their relations with that ^i e gratitude of the poor and the father- government, it is very evident that he j an( j motherless, but a good portion does not favor any unwarranted as- j 0 f that soft peace and quietude of a clear sumption of authority, nor seek to im. j conscience. Patronise these fairs pose conditions on us which cannot be generously, and we will venture to upheld and justified by the terms of the I guarantee a little taste of Heaven in each Constitution. j heart that is warm with the milk of hu- The great cardinal principles of that I man kindness, instrument are those of justice and hu- j Any contributions intended for the manity, and are as immutable as the pow- J poor, either of money or of articles, can er which governs the Universe. There I | je sent to the houses of Mis. Moses Co can be no departure from them without I hen, Mrs. Porter, Mts. Dr. Joseph C. endangering the unity of the republic. J Habersham, Mrs. Robert Habersham, This is unquestionably the view taken by I m, ss Coutvoisie, Miss Bourquin, Mrs. the President, when he declares the pre- Charles Hardee, Mrs. Minis, Mrs. Wm. servation of the Constitution necessary j Law, or any other lady who will be kind to insure the preservation of the States. I enough to volunteer to receive such sub- He certainly does not ignore the fact that j scriptions. Monday and Tuesday will men may difier, and that it is not always I he the most appropriate days for send 1 easy to determine what intention and J ing, as it will save the ladies much ex- what pticontrollable necessity may have I pense to receive contributions direct Mayor's Court—Saturday, Dec. 9. Nothing unusual transpired, as only a few cases of minor importance were presented. Municipal Election at Atlanta. J. E. Williams, Esq., has been elected Mayor of Atlanta over Messrs. Bell and Cslhonn. Mr. Williams receiving 499 votes, Mr. Bell 854, and Mr. Calhoun 88 votes. The best feeling pre vailed among the candidates, and fee election passed off very quietly. Pickles-Jellies. T WENTY cases (quarts, pints and half pints) I assorted Jellies 46 cases (half gallon, quarts and Pickles; for sale by HILTON A decll 6 pints) assorted KANDELL. 193 Bay street. WANTED! influenced them in the performance of j any action. In fine, that, no written law can be made to adapt itself to all circum stances and times—that though the fun T damental principles remain unchanged, some branches of the tree may lose their i vitality and beoome cumbersome, there by necessitating their removal. All fears of centralization are groundless; the po- cy is not to invest the federal govem- from the donors. Any contributions of goods or money, if left at this office, will be receipted for and forwarded to the committee. - - . . ’• Benefit of Mr. "The o. Horn 11 ton. To-night this ptum—taking, versatile, and really excellent actor annotmcee for his bene, fit Shakspeare’s sublime tragedy of Macbeth, Mr. Hamilton assures us that this sterling LUMBERMEN | Jom DtiJiiiK * co„ STEAM PACKING BOX MAKERS Nos. 134 A196 Worth st, (one Bast of Broadway.) NEW YORK. HA11 kinds of Boxes done up in shooks, tor Southern trade, at low rates for cash. dec4—3m Prof. Dietz, Ph. Dr.* Of 3r*aris, ; French Language AND LITERATURE - Terms Moderate. REFERENCES: Dr. Arnold, Mayor of Savannah. Prot Cann, 8upL City Public Schools. Rev. Mr. King, Savannah. v . .. Rev. Mr. Cozby. “ Right Rev. Bishop Lynch, Charleston. Gen. Beauregard, New Orleans Prof Lusher, Snpt of Public Education, Louisiana. 8W Enquire at Chatham Academy Building. decl-lAwU. paBSfe, a. • Hundred on fee late a. Cortes, ob hI-VT** 1 * "■*«"P«W™tois of Safeco In witness whereot I fere ust caused to be ***£■* ** fe-ve Sr" - ** decs—et ^ ®- ARSotp MANUFACTURERS 100 Lumbermen wanted Immediately j OATJtl&rt, Wllitford & OO to engage in the Lumbering Business on the Savannah and Ogeechee Rivers. Good wages and Permanent Employ ment guaranteed. Address MARK W. D0WNIE, Savannah. WHOLE SAL E DEALERS IN READY-MADE CLOTHING, (331 4* 333 Broadway, Corner Worth Strafe, NEW YORK. FOB BALTIMORE. National Republican Office, dec9 T. P. O ARK ART, wM.u. wnrrroBD, LOST A Small WHITE POODLE DOG, highly prized by fee owner. A suitable reward paid for hunbt snxns, i. b. van WAflimen, K. T. RjL.lfn.TOIt. Office of Psyne A Carhart in liquidation. «ct2S—eodfim ‘ v his return to the store, 109 Broughton street aov 95 $200 Reward. foreman of the German Fire Company'of Savanna 1 . y u, uuv .U"»« icumm guverxi- j piece, which has been thoroughly rehearsed, rnent with more power, bnt to remove will be produced in splendid style. Sig Ar- [ n'ollanhr "hr«JrS! V wfth^ 1 ^* such obstacles as would in anywise inter-1 rigoni has been busy with his brash, and will Glassware and Coal Oil Lamps* NATIONAL FLINT GLASS WORKS, EDWARD ROUE A OO | 232 Pearl Street, New York, MiKUKACTt KEEH 0» (Flint, Glassware and Coal -Oil Lamps Of every Description. Illustrated catalogues with price list sent free on ap- pPcattdn. . novl4—eod6m fere with the free exercise of that which is already vested in it. These are facts which, we doubt not, will be peculiarly’ acceptable to our people. In a former article we expressed our satisfaction in regard to the opinions of Mr. Johnson relative to the future status of the freedmen; and, after a careful reading of all he says on the subiect, we find no reason for changing our mind. If the States show an inclination to treat this class of citizens with kindness, we believe that their welfare may be safely left to their keeping; and iudependant of any aetion on the part of the General Government. His re marks on this troublesome question are well worthy the consideration of the whole people, and we urge upon our readers the importance of giving them the most favorable construction consistent with their preconceived notions of what would be right under the circumstances. The financial condition of the country is pre sented as it really is. The errors which have unavoidably crept into our system of finance are clearly pointed out and the attention of Congress called to to the fact that they are of such a na tion as to demand immediate and effec tive measures to secure a return to that correct and safe basis on which the pro. perity of the nation so much depends. We are competed to leave our readers to form their own judgment of what is said in regard to our foreign relations. The tone is sufficiently belligerent to wards England and France, but not threatening, and the door is thrown wide open for conciliation. When Congress takes action on this matter, and the of ficial correspondence is made publics, the position of our country will be reiadily perceived. Until then, we must be con tent to remain in some doabt, and * in dulge the hope that for - tbe present, at any rate, we may be left to cultivate the arts of peace, and recover from the deso lating effects which war has already in- >flieted upon us. ■ —r-m- <t * . r M <; jOrewW Out. t The great press of new* matter in onr col- reveal new artistic efforts in his. scenic effect*, while Prof. Richter will give us the original and appropriate music correctly performed; so that With new costumes and properties, those who attend, and we hope the temple trill be crowded, may well expect to witness a meri torious ‘performance. Mr. Hamilton will wear for the first time an elegant new costume on which alone an immense sum has been ex pended- • There ere various reasons why Mr. Hamilton should not be forgotten to-night by fee SaTan- •ah public. He is en actor of acknowledged talent, a courteous and genial gentlemen, reflect ing credit upon the theatrical profession, while to his indomitable energy,.skill and perseverance,' the public are deeply indebted for a series of ex cellent dramatic' performances. The opening of the theatre has done a great deal to dissipate fee ennui and despondency feat prevailed in ottr city, and while the mirror has been held up to I Dollars for the arrest, with proof to convict of the person or persons engaged in the murder of Mr. A. CORDES, late a member of this Company. HENRY BbUN, Foreman. I FOR SALE nov40 REMOVAL. DUE Ii Nc street. decS WHITNEY A CO. hare removed from No. 202 Bay streqt to No. 4 Harris’ Building, Bay Greneral Commission AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS •* - - Oor- West Broad and Bay Streets, S »1VJIJYJ\ J1 U, GEO . hava been made to vibrate wife emdtions for fee good and beautiful, as fee mimic scenes were artistically unfolded by skillful hands. We hope afull and fashionable audience tba t appreciate Shakspeare, will assemble this evening to offer some tangible proof in recogni tion of the services Of one who has labored so assiduously for their enjoyment. We intend to witness Hamlet to-night, end to criticise it in fee spirit feet ell criticisms should be written in, eandor and independence. New York Municipal Election. The municipal election fat Mayer, Aldermen, Ac., took place on the 5fe inst., and resulted in the general success of the Democratic ticket—the present Recorder, the Hon.'John T. Hoffmea, the Tammany nominee for Mayor, being eneessfnl by a majority of 1,481 over Marshall 0. Roberts, Republican, the Utter receiving, nevertheless, a remarkably handsome vote, larger than any. ever east by the Republican party in any previous contest Richard O’Gorfean, Esq., who was on the came ticket with Mr. Hoffman as a candidate for Corporation Counsel, was ehosen by about 18,000 majority over fea Hen. Murray Hoffman, Republican. The aggregate vote east Was 81, 409. . THF undersigned have this day entered into a co- ■ * partnership uuder the name and style of MoKBB, BESNETT A CO., at McKee A Ben * WiH keep constantly on hand a fine rjtHE cargo of brig Harp, consisting of— 4000 bush. Potatoes, Jackson ¥, •> bbls. Apples, . IBM Cedar Shingles, • " 25 M 8pruce Scantling, It M Pine Boards, 11M Hemlock Board#, by HORATIO PITCHER, decB foot Lincoln et, nndar fee Bluff. Carriages, Bretts, Rocknwnys, Buggies, Harness and Conch Material nature some of the chords .of fee human heart Nof every description, which we sell at the THOMSON’S NEW <8§P SKIRT French Elastic Lowest dash Prices. All work sold, warranted as represented. We have flpe Store Rooms, and forwarding will be promptly at tended to. Consignments soil Bed. Will open by 1st January Manufacturing and He pairing Depjrtm^nt, mid will have Experienced Workmen and Choice Material, and be prepared to do any amount of Carriage Repairing. . T McKEE. BENNETT* Off J. G. McKEB, i L 8. BENNETT, V JAMBS MoKEE. \- doc»( • ■ - Thelatest^^HMo’f^Jfor^rt'SiufScturer Ladles' (kinoline in the World. Get the Beet. W. SJTH0M3ON, LAN6D0N & CD.;- sep98 8W Broadway, New York. For Jacksonville, VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARYS AND FERNANDINA. ■ ai during fee week immediately preceding Christ mas, opening on MONDAY, fee 18th, and clos. ing on SATURDAY, fee 23d instant, at St Andrew’s Hall. ' * ' r The attention of the pnbffo generally, and of those especially intending to purchase CHRISTMAS GIFTS, ii oalled to the large number of FANCY ARTICLES, many of them the woA of the Sisters’ pupils, feat wlU be for-eale at the different Fair tables. decll » tf ~ NOTICK-To re,' nouncemiSsUsm*** noonce myself aa » caodMw* *_ » - Collector at fee ^ ^ ^°*» m T„ iwrj^ healthy v Mood us impure. Coamrmca Lw, . *** the system of imperil tea, and tlha 8AM to a vigorous and heakbi disease and restoring the healii Cures disease which'ire c^il bv L***” fleioAiia, orfiingxEvii, Tumoo, '«■> TIT Motches, Eruptions, Pirapka, Bbils, ‘-V** ^ to, Salt Rheum, Bt Anthony-. Fire, SaJSj Z 0 ' Worm, Caaceroas Tumors, Sere Ir~ *U foul diseases. Diseue at me Dyspepsia, Ulceration ef bones of the A*. Flee. Use Cowetmmoa Lws Dtstt *** surprised at its rapidity In removing leaves the blood pure, and mm|4i i| uu , *%?*** vysten free from dleeaae. fctdhy sg iw,^ *■ MORGAN A ALLEN, WhoiesoJeW^ General Agent*, 44 Cliff A SINGLE Bov BRANDRSTH-9 POJA vegetable extractive matter feta twoitr pills in the world besides,- SltyJlreheedrmmll* 7 use them in their practice to the minim. ^ purgatives. Tbedretkttooftbeirvsloslsw—.' ly eppredat-d. When they tr> bette fawn « ' death and continued heknsas wfll be at ttesms - those who know them speak right ont in »* a—^ It is a duty which will save Bfe. Our race are subject toe redundtuicj cf at this season, and it is aa dangerew m It is wsru.. but BcandreUre Pills afford aa iavslaabie iHdTZ pretection. By ferif octaafoail ate we pewr’s, collection of those imparfoss, which, wha a «C >- quantities, cause so nub danger t, the huh-- - They soon cure liver complaint, djspepsu,k* of,*, tite. pain in fea head, hearwbam. pain fu to bone, sudden faintness and costfveum. gold s toppectahie Dealers in Medldiies. Esmember the Poor, CHABIXT FAIR. MARRIAGE GTTIDE- Youngs Greet PhysioewiciJ *W»t s Everyone his own Doctor-Being t Prints Inwma for Married Perrons or thane shoot to Enrrj Male and Female, in every thing concerning the siology and relations of oor Sexeil System. sa4 m Production or Prevention of Offspring, iacinfeg , the new discoveries never before given in to hr r language, by WM. TOUNG, M. D. This Is nib . valuable and interesting work. U is written in pa language for the general render, and is iUadntni vrl upwards of one hundred engravings AU young aa tied people, or those contemplating marriga, tut r ing the least impediment to married He, sboak. this book. It discloses secrets thst every cm Am/ be acquainted with. Still it is a book that m r . locked op, and not lie aboat the boose. It will levs to any <me on fee receipt ef fifty cents. Ad4m>>. WM. YOUNG, No. 418 Spruce it, shore Fourth. Pt • adeliibia. lawtm Ciu’istadoro’s EXCELSIOR DYI, Which in a twinkling Produces the as eat Eeshnatiai Shades ef Celer * From Brown to Black, la consequently n mb?* fovdrite, the more especially ss ft Improves the Quality *1 fee Bair. And requires renewing toe frequently ton af -he. Sold by Druggists, and applied by ill Bair Dp** .dtnfftdS.* . Law Notice. The undersigned have thie day tot' • copartnership in fee practice of to D* Office on Bay street, between BuB and Whltsbf. HENRY R.JACSS0X, dec9—tf ALLY. R. LAWT05 SUMMONS’ BRAZILIAN _ PEBBLE araCTACl.E?, to ears?** and improve the sight of old and yoaac. ty 4a> • night, wife eaee and comfort to the aye, *tto« to distressing molts of frequent changes. Tivw bra ted gin sees are two well knows tomato South to speak of feeir superiority ant A otow- Dooble and Single Telescopes at bwnenre “ field. CStatogue* sent free, by tuclnstog mmfi SEMMONS, OCULWP-OITIUA> 669M’ Broadway, underXa&rvs Hoaul t novfl—tm • Kerosene Oil, In . Bbls. and Cases •-! ^ . . . AT . - HORATfO PITCHER'S, decs foot of Lincoln st., under the Bluff. Sntlcc te Skippers nf 6*nds by tbs hnntk,w the 4th Bny sfht.1** AM person* who dripped earner tovtanah on the stw' day, are requested to call Immediately * * * F. M, Myrefl, Esq* Haeris* Ball tog »ff identify such goods aa bare bare eawri »re •* wreck of fee steamer. T.W.WOLOOTIS**- nov25—tf — m frisks and fee voton of feat he Is a candidate for fbsatot st County st the next «r w to «rek 1 fto impudWfr*** nt taxam (to re BATCHELOR’S »» The Original and Beet in fee Werid ! 1V».- and perfect Hair Dye. tin L A. “ ITCH I ITCH ! ITCH! ggratek r WHEATON’S OI» i * ^ Wffl care fee ^ d V