Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 12, 1865, Image 3

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QCAL matters. ' imrlne and Commercial New., Commercial and Marine Intelli- ill hereafter be found on our \Vll •til l^n lEETlNQ- OF COUNCIL.. I n ;l RATIOS OF THE MAYOR A>0 BOARD OF ALDER MEN ELECT. old com ,,ance of previous notice, theinaugura- i^be Mayor and Board of Aldermen elect ■ Yesterday at 12 M. 1, Honor Mayor E. a Anderson, together I". f Hoard ot A14ermen elect, were duly ■ .",' v the Hon. Leri S. Hart, J. P. 9 men Lachlison, Wylly, Soullard, Gue, a, Johnson, (TByrae, Ferrill and William- I. following named Aldermen elect have . been sworn : Cunningham, MoMahon, r ,1 M. Schley. ! . the oath had been administered to His E C. Anderson,Mayor, and the members ,-a oi Aldermen elect present, the fol- .. resolution was offered by Alderman F. L. L tai carried : _ That the rules regulating the : Council be adoptedand the**' C of three be appointed to revise the nnrsuance of the above resolution His i l k, C.Aoderson, Mayor, appointed the fol- L - * c n m®UtC6 '• jermenOue, Ferrill and O’Byrne. After :: Council adjourned to the next regular Wednesday, Dec. 13, 1865, 7 P.M. nf following Standing Committees of . ,j w ere made by his Honor: anre--Aldermen Ferrill, Williamson and I r-.mghani. ; v culture—Aldermen Soullard; Johnson L McMahon. eets and Lanes—Aldermen Gue, Casey > tl ullard. ounts—Aldermen McMahon, Schley and Ctiir Sales and City Lots—Aldermen Wyl- f ,«rv and Johnson. i.r- .t Aldermen Johnson, Lacklison and tflYrUP. ■V-Casey, Gue and Lachlison. - Aldermen Lachlison, O’Byrne and Fer- J —Aldermen O’Byrne, Gue and Ca- 1 , j,. and Wharves—Aldermen Williamson, nngham and Soullard. ■.,1th and Cemetery—Aldermen Schley, ». imsou and Gue. tublic Bidldings—Aid. Lachlison, Soullard J M r Mahon. ™ —Aldermen Cunningham, Wylly and hue- Works—Aldermen O’Byrne, Lachli- || 6: . j McMahon. t luatien—His Honor, E. C. Anderson, Aldermen Schley, Ferrill and Wil- :A r.ool I'ommissioners—Aldermen Schley, 1 in, f errill and Johnson. Betneetlc market Prices. W# hare seldom seen onr market so well sup plied as it has been of late with everything* tempt the appetite. Vehisoa, Dueks and smal game ol all kinds are abundant, and fish of the ohoioest and largest sort—such as Bsas, Mullet, Whiting, Ac., can be found in plenty at the stalls. These delicacies are sold at reasonable prices, which will no doobt be considerably decreased as the season for game, Ac., advances. The demand in general yesterday was folly mat by the supply. Mutton was scarce, with considerable inquiry for it. Chickens and Turkeys were rapid ly coming in, the approaching Holidays stimula ting sellers. We saw some Tery fine fowls which were readily sold. In fact the Market exhibited indications suggestive of remarkable activity in the different articles of consumption, both inpor- ted and domestic. Bksf—Serloin 20c per lb; Porterhouse 20c per lb; Corned 12%c per IB; Round 20c per lb. Bris ket 15c per lb. Motto*—Fore quarter 20c por lb; Hindcnts 25c per lb; Pork—25c per lb; Liras —15c per lb. Trips—25c per lb; Chickkrs—$1 25 to 1 60 par pair, according to quality. Wild Tnsisr—$2 to S each; Tam* Turkbt—#5 to 6 per pair. Raft—*1 00 per pair Semes*—75c to gl 00 per pair. Teal—80c to 75c per pair. Wild English—gl 50 to 2 00 per pair. Fish—Trout 50c per string; Cat Fish 30c; Mullets 25c to 50c. Cod Fish 15c per lb. Vsusxablks Ac.—Turnips 10c per bunch, Radishes 10c per bunch, Carrots 10c per bunch, Spinach 10c per bunch, Lettuce 8e per bead, Beeta 10c per bunch, Onions 10c per quart, Red Potatoes 25c per quart, White Potatoes 18c per quart, Yellow Yams 10c per quart, Dried Peas 10c per piDt, Celery 25c per bunch. Red Pepper 25c per string, Sweet Potatoes $2 to 1 50 per bushel, Lemons scarce, Sicily 10c each, Or anges g2 to 1 50 per hundred, 5c each; Russett Apples gl 00 per peck, Dried Okra 25c per quart, Pea Nuts 10c per pint, Walnuts 10c per quart, Tomatoes, 25c per quart. SAosAGKg-Bolog- na 40c per lb; Pork 50c per lb. AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT of tlie LATEST STYLE OF CLOAKS at A. RESOHER & CO.’S, 13 BARNARD STREET. [m iTUll PLAID DOUBLE SHAWLS, •'.LACK and WHITE and HIGH COL- A. Reseller & Co.’s, 13 Barnard McKee, Bennett A Co. ■ with great confidence and pleasure that : io the attention of our city readers, as subscribers in the interior, jfo the ::,e above firm, which will be found in :, r : column. The name of McKee has . lv a familiar ring to it, and spoken in • o! the old merchants of Savannah and .nihii-. it awakens the social and commer- :: tLioiscences of one who has departed this .juing behind him a score of afflicted - rapathizing friends, who lament the loss . high-minded, Christian gentleman, and a n.ons, trnstworthv merchant. We refer • lamented H. C. McKee, Esq. name of McKee, which for thirty-five - ha- been to the merchants of Savannah 1 lnmbas a 6ynonym for integrity, is, we n. id to iearn, to be perpetuated and iden- wuh the commercial interests and pros- ot the Forest City of the Empire State, nrce sons of the late H. C. McKee, Esq., catcd themselves on Bay st., and have aieJ with them AD. Lewis S. Bennett, • utir most highly esteemed and enter- g citizens, too well and favorably known ugh Georgia and Florida to require any m.ndation at our hands. Those of our - oars throughout Georgia and Florida, as those North, who desire to consign pro- ■: other articles wifi consnlt their best •i- by negotiating with this reliable firm, 5er strong inducements to traders. the I piacopal Orphans’Home. at e been informed that the late refresh- j juries given by the ladies of Savannah, - th instant, for the benefit of the Epis- • r; bans' Home, were well attended and a coded success, netting the handsome r-.A', after deducting all the incidental •e gkd to notice this disposition on the i tbo>e who are in better circumstances a helping hand to those needing their ■hy. Mrs. Wayne and the numerous toned ladies who so generously and y labored in this laudable and Christian r-se, are entitled to the highest praise for r iefatigable efforts, which, we are grati- ■cam, were crowned with complete suc- liocal Improvements. While strolling through the city yesterday, our attention was attracted to various improve ments, among which we noticed at the comer of Broughton and Whitaker streets a substan tial brick building near completion, under the direction of Mr. Vroom, extending sixty-one feet on the former with a depth of one hundred feet on the latter street, and which is owned by Jacob Waldburg, Esq. On Broughton, near Bull street, a one story brick structure, twenty-five by twenty feet, is rapidly going up. John M. Williams is the builder and Mr. Headman the owner, and who will occupy it when finished for the purpose of a blacksmith shop. On Whitaker, corner of State street, the foundation has been commcncod for the erec tion of a three story brick building, the lower part to be used for stores; 40 feet front and 40 depth, owned by Dr. J. J. Waring. On Charlton, near Whitaker street, a large brick structure, intended as a stable, is pro gressing under the superintendence of Mr. Feters, for its owner, Mr. Gowdy. We might continue this list were it not that want of space prevents us, but will incidentally remark that the above facts speak for them selves, and may justly be regarded as evidences of the revival of that characteristic enterpris ing spirit and business energy on the part of our citizens, which, during the paralyzing continuance of the war, had so long lain dor- mant. En acanl! "QUINES, CIRCULARS, SACKS, • LMA8.—A Splendid Assortment U scheriCa’8, 13 Barnard St. B >nlding and Joiner’s Work. would call the attention of our readers T card of Mr. James C. Blance, Master -. 124 Bay street, who has secured the ~s* of a number of competent workmen, -* l >w prepared to do aR work in his line, -hip and steamboat building and house - He is also prepared to do ornamental, sad decorations in a superior style at the -asonable rates. See bis advertisement I ani Calais. YOU-UM-BRELL-LAWS. Literal translation. ^ UMBRELLAS can be found (not bor. rowed) at A. Reseller & Co. ’s, 13 Bar nard st. Severe It a ini and Thunder Storm. Our city was visited yesterday aftqfnoon with quite a severe rain storm, accompanied with vivid flashes of lightning and heavy peals of thunder—quite an atmospherical novelty for the stra ngerg who are sojourning in Savannah, as well as an unusual spectacle for the oldest citizens to witness. At the tim* of our going to press the rain was still descending in tor rents, flooding our streets and putting a uni versal damper on everything, save the agents of the river steamboat lines, who have been praying for just such a Godsend to create two rises—one in the pocket and another in the river. Savannah and Doctortown. Messrs. Erwin A Haidee announce this morn ing that they ars now running a woekly line of steamboats between this eity and Doctortown, in oonnsotion with the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad. The fine new Iron sidewheel steamer Two Boys is advertised to leave this port every Tuesday morning for the above plaoe, and, returning, ewiU leave Doctortown every Thursday morning. The Two Boyeis well calculate 1 for the trade, and Capt. Daniel is an experienced and careful oomeander. She leaves this morning on her first trip. Sacred Concert. As will "be seen by an advertisement another column, the Lone Star Singing Asso ciation will give a sacred concert on to-morrow evening at the First African Baptist Church, the proceeds to be devoted to charitable pur poses—the benefit of the Lincoln Hospital for Refugees and Freedmen. Thanks. We are indebted to Mr. Wilkinson, of Adams’ Express Company, for late Augusta papers ELEGANT JEWELRY, runs silver, ware, SHIPPING. FOB AND RICH FANCY GOODS. Christmas and New Year’s Gifts. NOW IS THE TIME TO SELECT PRESENTS FROM A SPLENDID STOCK JUST OPENING AT HAMILTON’S, CORNER CONGRE88 AND WHITAKER STREETS. A large invoice of FIRST CLASS GOODS, mported direct from the manufacturers, expressly for this Establishment, consieting io part of FINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, of the most celebrated makers, AMERICAN and FOREIGN manufacture. CLOCKS, PLAIN and ORNAMENTAL, for Office and Parlor use. THE LATEST STYLE OF JEWELRY, a superb assortment. SILVER WARE ot exquisite WORKMANSHIP and WARRANTED to be of the purs metal.. Wheeler and Wilson’s NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES. WATCHES and JEWELRY NEATLY REPAIRED by experienced Workmen at the shortest notice. CHRONOMETERS RATED BY TRANSIT. Cash paid for old GOLD and SILVER, at deell—lmo HAMILTON’S, CORNER CONGRESS AND WHITAKER STREETS. FOR SALE. FOR SALE LOW. TO Wind Up An Estate. VALUABLE FARM, 51-2 Miles from Augusta, C ONTAINING 080} One Hnndred and Eighty Acre*, more or lees. About fl00) One Hundred acres of it in valuable wood ; a good Dwelling with f7) seven Rooms, Stables, Carriage House, and tlj seven Farm Bnildings. * To a party desiring a good healthy, comfortable House, within SO minutes' drive ofiinguata, the above place offers superior inducements. For full particulars enquire of CHAS. L. COLBY A CO. nev7 cor. Abercom and Bay streets. COTTON LANDS .POD SALE. T HE subscriber offers for sale two first quality Plantations for the cultivation of Sea Island Cot ton, containing about 50u acres each. They arc situ ated on Port Royal Island, three miles from the town of Beaufort, and adjoin each other. The land is of the most superior quality, and is in thorough condition for successful cultivation. There are on the places Dwell ing Houses and 60 negro houses in good order. The premises must be sold to close an estate. For further particulars, address, for one week, HENRY A. ROBBINS, deed—Gt care of S. C. Millett, Beaufort, tt. C. For Sale. DATTEBY PLANTATION, on Port Royal • » Island, 4 miles from Beaufort, S. C.. 570 Acres— 450 acres cleared Cotton Land, SO acres Wood Land.— Has been steadily cultivated duriDg the war. A fine Dwelling House, Mules Carts, and all Agricultural Im plements complete • Negro Houses, with a splendid selection of Plantation Hands—5o in number. For terms, enquire of JOHN A. WRIGHT, dec9—3aw2w Beaufort, 8. C. T WO Hundred and Forty Acres of Land, one mile and a half from Orange Bpring, Marion county, Florida, and on a navigable river. This Land is adapted for the growth of Sea Island Cotton and all other products of the Couth. For further information, enquire of CHIPMAN A CHAPIN, dec6—Ot 208 Bay street, Savannah, Ga. FOR SALE. A NEAT and commodious Cottage, with Brick out Hpuses on same lot, situated on Roberts street, Robertsvillc. will be sold if applied for at an early date. Price $3,000. Apply to Z. M. WINKLER, At Henry Wayne's Stables, West Broad street. nov22 tf Gun for Sale. SPLENDID, double barreled English. GUN. Apply at thfs office. deell tfor Sale, O NE splendid 4 or G Horse Wagon with narncss to match. Enquire at HENRY WAYNE’S STABLES, novlS-tf cor York and West Broad eta. TO RENT. Rooms to Rent; HjrhisHED or unfaniBhed, with or without F urnished or unfmnshe< Board; am>lj on 8oath Broad East of Bnmdm, north side. street, third door dec7—tf A EABGE residence on Bryan street, with 12 Rooms, well adapted for a Bret-class Boarding House, and, unqaestionably for that purpose, the very best stand In the city. ■Call and examine the premises at No. 110 Bryan street. M. J. pOYLE. dec 5—1 w St. Andrew’s Sail W lbfi 11 ® ren !£ < L£ >r Balls, Concerts, Ac. Apply to Messrs. M.YERS, & o. under tbcHalL or to „ DAVID R. DILLON, novSO—3W on. i *44 Bay street Fleet ion *t City Officers. - election of Officera by the new Board pf cen will take place at the first regular ^ of the Board, in January, which will : Wednesday, January 10, 1866. '■* Section for Harbor Master will tike » cording to ordinance, on the first Mon- ' lannary, being the let Instant, 4 m'-UCHED MUSLIMS sad SHIRT- Fine Stock just opened at A, JP 1 * «*•«, 13 Buaariil, Offices to Rent. D ESIRABEE Offices to Rent over store corn«r Bay and Barnard streets. Enquire of ' c 9 rnet - novl4 LxROCHE, GADKN A Pnckt ub FOR RENT, TWO ROOHS, FURNISHED, to let to gentlemen. Apply at thJa office. jot 49 REMOVAL. ,*» FOR SALE f|lHE cargo of brig Harp, consisting of— 4000 bush. Potatoes, Jacksot’s, CO bbls. Apples, 126 M Cedar Shingles, 25 M ?pruce Scantling, 13 M Pine Boards, 11 M Hemlock Boards, by HORATIO PITCHER, dec5 foot Lincoln st., under the Bluff. LIVERPOOL SALT, Landing frotp ship Herald and bark Colonist, FOB SALE BY W. B. ADAlffS, RAILROAD NOTICE8. Central Railroad. Superintendent’* Office, 1 Savannah, Ga , Not. 18th, 1866. J O N and after Wednesday, 22d instant, a daily train will leave for Augusta at 8.3u a. m., connecting with a line of Hacks running between Station No. 6, Central Railroad, and Waynesboro’, on the Augusta and Savannah Railroad. Passengers by this line will arrive in Angusta the next morning after leaving Savannah, in time to connect with the Georgia Railroad train for Atlanta.— RetnrniDg, arrive in Savannah at 3.45 P. M. Freight to go bv passenger train must be prepaid and be delivered h4f hour before departure of Train. By or der of GEO. W. ADAM8, nov20 Genera! Superintendent Central Railroad. Superintendent’s Office, \ Savannah, Nov. 18th, 1865./ This Company is now, in connection with W. J. DPkcrson A Co.’s Wagons, prepared to receive and forward to Angnsta, Macon, Atlanta, Ac., daily, from Twenty to Thirty Thousand Pounds of Freight, and go through in from three to five days. Ship Freight and other expenses must be paid by Shippers. Railroad Freight can be paid here or at destination. Freights on Perishable Goods must be prepaid. Rates to August,, until further notice, wifi be, per foot 50 cents; per 100 lbs., $2 50. By order of GEO. W. ADAMS, nov20 General Snperintendent, For Sale. 1 U FIRKINS choice Butter, A O CIIAS. L. COLBY A CO., novl4-tf cor. * bercorn and Bay streets. For Sale. ^ fj TONS ENGLISH SHEET COP PER manufactured expressly for the Southern mar ket, of usual thickness and weight. Size of sheets as follows : 00x24, 00x28, 60x17, 60x0, 60x7, 36x2 inches. Will be sold at a great bargain. Enquire of G. P. BRADFORD. 84S Broadway, N. Y. Or JOHN E. COWLES, Corner Bull and Bay streets, oct 18—2mo L. C. NORVELL A CO. Freight to Augusta AND POINTS BEYOND! Forwarded by Light Draft Steamers. W E are prepared to receive Goods in onr ware house, free of storage and covered by insurance, to be. forwarded by the light draft steamers Berryand Falcon, and others about to be put on the line Apply to the Agents, sep21 tf C. L, COLBY 4 CO. Auction! Auction!! EVEKT Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday Jl] venings, ;T , • A* - * A i Store on Broughton&Mliird Door Iron Doll BALTIMORE. T HE magnificent Iron side-wheel steamship RICH ISDN D Will leave for Baltimore on SATURDAY, the 16th Inst, at — o’clock. The accommodations for passengers on board this steamer are superb, and travelers desirous of visiting New York and other Northern cities will save two hnndred miles of sea travel, and get through tickets at the same rate charged by other lines, by taking passage on the Richmond. For freight or passage, apply to LaROCHE A WEST, Agent*, deell—6 Jones’ Block. contract , will go into gjjBBascaaro at rata «ot to sacred $8 per weekly service: *15 tor semi-weekly, weekly; and when the importance of u»e case Si quires, $40 for daffy service; counting U*Sdistance in all casea. _ .rvice will be furnished on routes, where, before the war, it was daily, three times a week; whereit was tri-weekly twice a Week; and where it was semi- weekly, weekly service will be allowed. Proposals should be addressed to “Hon. Geo. W. McLeuanlMAssn P. M.. Wssttngton. D. C, and should state they arc for service to end June 2d, 138*. novl5 tf CHANGE_OF_DAY. UNITED STATES NAIL DINE. For Palatka, Fla., VIA DARIEN, BRUNSWICK, ST. MARYS. EERNANDINA, JACKSON VILLE AND PI COLA TA. THE well known steamer, formerly the. St. Johns, but now the Helete Getty, Captain O. R. In graham, will leave the Wharf foot of West Broad street every SATURDAY MORNING, at 10 o'clock, A M., precisely, for the above Landings. For freight or passage, apply on board or to L. S. BENNETT, Agent, cor. West Broad and Bay streets. AGENTS—Darien, A. A. DeLorme. Jacksonville, J. S. Samis A Co. Palatka, H. R. Teasdale. Freight payable by shippers. oct25 For Jacksonville, VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARYS AND EERNANDINA. t The favorite steamer ' F A. 1ST jST IE, ■ Capt. W. T. McXelty, is now reeeiying freight, at the old Florida Steamboat wharf foot of West Broad street, and will leave as above WEDNBk DAY next, 13th inst., at Da. m. The steamer is in fine order, and has superior accom modations fstate rooms} for passengers. For freight or passage apply on board to the Captain or to F. M. MYRELL, Agent, deell Harris' Buildings, Bay street For Palatka, Fla. VIA DA BEEN, BRUNSWICK, ST. MA- RYS, MeRNANDINA, JACKSON VILLE AND PICOLATA. Connecting with steamer “Flora Temple” at 'St. Marys. Freight will be received for King’s Ferry, Centervillage, and all Land ings on the St. Mary’s River. THE new and fast steamer Fountain, Captain G. W. cast- ner, will leave for the above places every 1 TUESDAY MORNING, at 10 o’clock. For freight or passage, apply on board at Padel- ford’s wharfi near White’s Central Press, or to M. A. COHEN, Agent. Freight will be received every day during the week, at the warehouse, by WM. R. H. BRUEN, Freight payable on wharf. Shippers will fumsh weight and measurement of goods. tf ang24 WANTS. Mail Contracts TED. Facilities Georgia. desire* to tan propomls auction sales. Underwriter«> Sale. YORK. WIUUIU, HaKNTIRE A CO. Will sell on «UI WANTED! LUMBERMEN 100 Lumbermen wanted Immediately iv - to engage in the Lumbering Business on the Savannah and Ogeechee Rivers. Good wages and Permanent Employ ment guaranteed. Address mart w. DOWNIE, National Republican Office, Savannah, decs THU Day, lttli Instant, At 10 o'clock, A. M. At the Store Center el Bay am* Bell Btieeie, A LARGE g*ft)CK OP CLOTHING Ol all kinds and grade*, UNDERSHIRTS, DRAWERS, HOSIERY, GLOVES. THREADS, YANKEE NOTIONS, Ac., Ac., Ac. Tbs attention of dealer* is rrepvettally called to tiffs stock, as it is large, and <» be .old only in lota t old by order of the special agents of uadanittoa St New York city for account of whom U may Matin. Bale positive. Terms cash. 1 £*clt OFFICE ATLANTIC A GULF R. B. CO.. I Savannah, Dec. 5th, 186$. ( 1 bring a 90 Ba -lee OTEiMBOATS w O from Doctortown to Savannah 1,000 ef Cotton. Liberal terms will be offered. decT—tf JOHN SCREVIN, President WANTED, OWNERS FOR TWENTY (20) BALES Upland Cotton. Picked up in the Savannah Rlver^by Howard’s Flats, If not identified In five GO days will be sold at the re commendation of a Board of Survey, for account of all concerned. CUNNINGHAM, PURSE A CO. nov22 W ANTED -AGENT.-t—TO BELL WELL’S PA ENT Sell-feeding Circular Hand Saws, great labor-saving machine. A rare opportunity 1 active men to make a fortune. Extra premium Indui ANTED—AGENT*—TO SELL WELDS PAT ENT Self-feeding Circular Hand SaWS. A for ince- ments—large sales certain. For terms, enclose stamp T. J. WELL', 81 Beekman street New York. dec6—6t wanted T> v a party of respectability and position, a Parlor JD and Two Bedrooms adjoining, furnished well witi, privilege of cooking; or Board in a desirable family for two adults and two children. Please ad dress “Boarding,” office of this Paper, stating terms, Ac., Am novl4—tf For Palatka, Fla., VIA FERN AND IN A AND JACKSON VILLE. The new, exceedingly fast and splendid steamer C i t y !P o i n. t , Capt. E. S. Talbot will leave Telfair’s wharf, as above, every WEDNESDAY, at 4 P. M. The City Point was built by her present owners without regard to cost her stale rooms and cabins being furnished in the most luxurious manner. Goods to be forwarded can be stored during the absence of the boat. For freight or passage, apply to K. W. ADAMS, or J. 8. CURRUTHERS, dec6—mtwtf Hodgson’s Range, Bav street. next door to Bell, Wylly A Christian. REGULAR PACKET For Augusta. flec9—It MO-Pft Bay street. Hominy-Corn Meal O K BBLS Extra Premium Hteniny Al U 90 half bbls Extra do (to 40 bbl. K. D. Corn Meal 30 half bbls K. D. Com Meal; for sale bv . ,, HILTON A RANDBLL, decU I 6 193 Bay street. D CHEESE—50 kegs and buses Cheese^ landing and for tote in at the purchaser's own prices. Terms cash. * Sales positive. dec!—1m REGULAR WEEKLY STEAMER BETWEEN Augusta&Savaimah The new fast Iron steamer ~W m. Gr. Gibbons Capt. Thomas N. Philpot, having superior accommo dation for Freight and Passengers, will ply regularly between the Shove cities— Leaving Savannah every Saturday morning at 9 o'clock Leaving Augusta every Wednesday morn ; ng at 7 o’clock Laying at Mathew’s Bluff every Wednesday night. It is the desire uf the Agents of the Gibbhns to make her a PERBAYEMT ACCOMHODATIOY BOAT for the Merchants of Angnsta and Savannah, and the Planters along the line of the River, and with this object in view, no effort will be spared on the part of her Owners, Agents or Officers to meet the wants of the Traveling and Freighting nabtlc. ERWIN A HARDEE. JNO. L. ROUMILLAT, Agt on Wharf. novlS—lm For Doctortown AND THOM AS VILLE. Freight : ofex. For freight or passage, a; THE steamers Gen. | Oriemt sad Cl nrl on _Tri-weekly tripe to DOCTORTOWN, ~ nnning in connection with the Atlan and stored nov41 iB. I* COLBY A CO., cor. Bay and Abercom sts. mHE X ur Copartnership Notice. - r undersigned have formed a under the name and style , _ ^ SMITH A CO., for the transaction of a Wholesale Grocery and Commission Business in this City, at the head ot Bay street, opposite ^n^^ Formerly Scranton. A Johnston. . WM. H. SMITH, Formerly Rabun A Smith. J. L. LARGE. Savannah, Nov. 14th, 1S05. uovlS—lm Dissolution. flVHE Ann of LaBOCHE, GADKN A UNCKLES X warassolved on the 1st inst. by the withdrawal of Isaac D. LaRocbr, The business will be continued under the name of GADKN A UNCKLES at the old Stand comer of Say and Barnard Streets. I. D. La- Rocito retaining an office with us for the present ■ ISAAC D. LaBOCHE, ; / BEMJAimriJ. GADKN, DAVID S. UNCKLES. Savannah, Nov. 15th, 19«6. debt ; 300 was** riTHB light draft and ;>opular steamer Helen. X James K. Ridly, commando-, will leave Stod dard's wharf as above TUESDAY, December 12th, at 8 o’clock a. m. For freight or passage apply to KEIN A COMPANY, declt 1 114 Bay street For Doctortown mHE fine steamer Orient will leave for Doctor- X town 011 TUESDAY', her regular day, Dec. 12th. at 7 o'clock, a. m., connecting with the Albany and Gulf Railroad. For freight or passage, having superior accomoda tions. apply to CHA8. L. COLBY A CO . deell—2 Comer Bay and Alfercom streets. For Augusta. The steamer IET. This steamer draws only twenty-eight (2tq inches, and at the present stage of the river, offers superior inducements to shippers. Freight received at all times and stored free in fire-proof warehouse at old Charles ton Steam Boat Wijarf. For freight engagements, apply to J. M. K.INCHLEY, Agent, dec4—tf office at Charleston Wharf. . For Liverpool, The new first class clipper ship VIRGINIA, Week* Cpm manner, Is now rapidly loading at Lower Press, and, having largujengagements. will have quick despatch. For freight or passage, (taken at lowest ratesj, ap ply to CHARLES L. COLBY A CCk, oct23—tf tor. Bay and abercom streets. WANTED MIDDLING COTTON AND BICE, I N exchange for J15 to $20,000 of very desirable Summer Dress Goods, Ac., comprising a most complete assortment of the choicest frames— No Old Stock. Apply to JOHN F. YOUNG, 7o North Fourth street, Philadelphia. Reference—DeWItt A Morgan, Savannah. Philadelphia Reference—MT L.’.Halloweli A Co., or Wood. Marsh A Haywood. oct30 A DAT t Agents wanted to sell a new and wonderful SEWING MACHINE, the only cheap (me licensed. Address SHAW A CLAdtK, BiddOford, Maine. septB 9m A MONTH ! Agents wanted for six entirely new articles, just out. Address O. T. GAREY, City Building, Biddeford, Maine. 3m ’ seplS $200 Reward. B V virtue of authority vested in me by Resolution passed at a meeting of the German Fire Com ply. held on the 28th Tnst., I, Henry Blnn, First Foreman of the German Fire Company of Savannah, Ga., do hereby offer a Reward of Two Hundred Dollars for the arrest,, with proof to convict of the person or persons engaged in the murder of Mr. A. CO RUES, late a member of this Company. nov30 HENRY BLDN, Foreman, LOST a Small WHITE POODLE DOG, r\ the owner. A suitable reward prized by .;be paid for hl« return to the store, 109 Broughton street, nov 25 SALE OP GOVERNMENT VESSELS. J will be received for the sals ol the C. 8. Screw Tugs AEETHTJSA AND- Auction Sale * Of Provisions, IMS MW, U, IC. GROCERS, Provision Dealers AND SHIP CHANDLERS' NOTICE CALLED TO THIS AUCTION. Fur Sale at Auction, on WEDNESDAY, Decem ber 13th, inst., at 10 o’clock, at the Stors of KENNETH HcLKAACO. 202 Bar ■ treat, 4 hhds Very Choice Tbin Bacon Sides 3 bbls celebrated Washington Hams, (White Sugar Cured) 11 bbls Very Cbolae City Cured Ham*,YV Y) 9 “ “ Shoulders (N Y) 19 firkins Leaf Lard and 22 tabs Lard ' 16 firkins Butter, (Choice) 2 hhds Smoked Shoulders 2 “ Bacon 1 “ Hams 11 tierces Breakfast Bacon, very choice 10 bbls Rump Purk, 10 do Prime du, 14 do Mess Beef—suitable for Ship Store*. BEEN A METER, dec 12 Auctioneer*. Underwriters’ Sale. BV BELL, WYLLY A CHRISTIAN. Tfll' DAY, at 10 o clock, at office No. 9, Harris Block, fnext to Meters Andrew Low & Co) will bo •old for account of underwriters and all concerned : 101 Boxes and 5 Trunks* Constating of Fine Broadcloth* Cassime. os, Flannels Prints MnsUns Dc Lalncs Merinos Alpacas Fancy Articles Boots and Shoe* Ladies' and • hildreu’s Balmorals I at* Cap* Pultons Needles Pine &C., Damaged on the voyage of importation, und told uxu der inspection of the Port Wardent. Un derwri tern > .» ale. VOBK, WILLIAMS, McINTIBE 4 CO. Will sell THIS DAT, at 9 1-2 o’clock, at store, Southeast corner Bay and Barnard itreets. 4 bbls Cruthed and and Granulated Sugar 5 boxes Solf-Raising Flour Damaged on board steamer from New York, and sold for acoount of underwriters and all eon. oorned. dee 12 BV BELL, WYLLY to CHRISTIAN. Salt and Syrup. THIS DAY, at 11 o'clock, on board the Schooner Pear), from Nassau, N P, at Telfair's Whort will be sold, without reserve : 250 saoks Turk’s Island Salt 200 bbls “ “ “ 23 saeks Liverpool “ 40 bbls Ohoice Syrup. dec 19 BV THOMAS J. WALSH. Will be sold THIS DAY, st 10 o’elook, In frost of store: 3 casks Choice Hamr, 5 barrels Bourbon Whiskey 10 dos Old Port Wine 4 doz Sherry Winn < baskets Champagne, (Htodsolek) 8 cases St Julien Claret 2 easka Fresh Beat Eton, 5 M Cigars 10 barrels Apples Also, A lot of Household Fanituro, and one large Office Stove. dec 12 «•«»• • tel <; UNTIL THE For Liverpool. THE A No. 1 ship MOUNT BLANC, is now rapidly loading at Whiten Press. For balance of freight, (having room only lqf a few hundred beluW ' A UNCKLES, Agts. HILTON &RANDELL A BE now receiving and,offer for sale A 100 kits Noe. 2 and 3 Boston Mackerrt 160 half bbls Nos,2 and S dp do 125 bUs and half bbls Extra State Family Flour 200 caddies extra Black and Green Teas «) bxa “Our Own” Tobacco , « 20 bxa Navy fpounda) Tobacco 20 bxa and quarter bxB Layer Raisins; at deell 6 193 BAT STHEET. NOTICE. 3BBY WHARF WORD YARD.—All ’—for Wood t* the above Yard will he sent “ to charge at the What! accompanied attention. F. X. MYRELL. tf 31st Day of Dec., 1965. The Arethusa was built in 1864, and cost $56,600, Length no feet, beam 26 feet, depth of hold 9 feet A drdft -kMd«l S-8 aft, 6-5 forward, an gin* by Neafle A Levy. Philadel phia. Upright and direct acting. Diameter cd cylin der 34 inches, length of stroke 3# inches. A fine pow erful vessel. Laburnum Is nearly a slater vessel, built last year, and cost ^Ofteni to purchase must be accompanied by reference as to the responsibility of the parties. Terms Cash, . S.<\ Commander of Brooms- F* FTV doz Painted Wirt 40 dos 20 deell 8 Oeneral Commission AND FORWARDINC MERCHANTS 0or- West Broad and Bay 8treet«, geo. T HE undersigned have this daffifcntered into a i partnership under the name and style of McKB BENNETT A CO., at McKee A Bennett’s old Will keep constantly on band a fine assortment of Carriages, Bretts, Setkawayi, Buggies Harness and Coach Xatetfel Of every description, which we sell at the Lowest Cash Prices. All work sold, warranted as represented. W« gave fine Store Rooms, and forwarding will be promptly at- tended to. Conaignmenis soli ited. . _ Will open by 1st January Manotaeturieg_ pairing Department, and will have Ex Workmen and Ctowlee Mater prepared to do any < J. G. MoKEB, I L.S. BENNETT, > JAMES McKEK. ) ; for sale by JELL, Bay street. Bay & Brother^ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Bonier* in U«no*», Alee* Wine*, - Staffin**, *««. x („n, rear of -tie Mxdmagt, tiwmno*. /VOtSTBY produce purchsMd; alee. Co»' hT^the Notice. Steamship Chase. 8IGNEES or owner* of Goods per Itaam. Chase on voyage fron New Yorx Oetohar Tenssfeffl'Tiass'S the adjustment of tb*c*n<g*l arenan^ novM—15D “ ~ ‘ CONSIGN D shipChaa 21st, 1305, w» Pickles-Jellies.