Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 12, 1865, Image 4

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POETRY rp or tbt 8amui»li N«lioo*l Republican.] likes On the Death of the on/f Dfant Daughter of mg Friend, Mrs. • ' bt ». m. c. KKimo**. ,. 4 .- A tiny bud of tender item, So rudely snapped at birth; A little star, a little gem, Jtst dropped upon our earth. A ray of light, a aoft sunbeam, It crowed life’* thorny way; A li ttle bud on Time’i dark itream Wee launched bnt for a day. A little drop from HeaTen’i cup, As on the brim it lay; But scarcely had it touched the lip Ere it waa matched away. A little echo from the land Of harmony and love ; A little footprint on the sand, A little neetling dove. A little aephyr gently fanned Bv lighteet cherub wing ? A hula thought but acarcely scanned, Like prelude when we sing. A little pearl to deck the brow Of our fond mother, earth; That little life, recorded now, BegimMnd ends in birth. Augusta, December 4th, 1865. THE BACHELOR. “Ob, aoiiiude! where are tby charms V” Cowrit. Sc house, sad no home, no children, no wife ! ih’ who would not pity* b f helor " hf « ? He sleeps, (so do o*en) he eata and he dnnks, But there’s no one to oare what he suffers or thinks. One Is. ! woman he speaks to, bnt all she can sav ■What will yon hare, sir, for dinner to-day’ On a Monday some slight variation is made. When the washerwoman comes for her but to be paid. Alas ! for the outcast from all he holds dear ! With no one to love him, and no one to fear; With none that would mourn when he laid in the tomb— Except for the money he paid for his room. With no one to lore, save a dog, or a cat; Ah : why fill the soul with affection for that ? As well hag the fish in the fathomless seas As caress such insensible creatures an these. I'd as lief be a baby and cling to a doll, As fondle a poodle, cat, monkey, or poll; Tis the speech of the soul that I long lor alone, The communion of spirits akin to my own. Oh the chords of the heart, how intensely they yearn For some on# to love who will love in return; f or some one to hear what no stranger must know; For ntriit—* to ding to in weal and in woe— And some one to miss, when that one is away, A some one to bless when we kneel down to pray; Some “companion in arms” in the battle of life;— That “some one,” ah ? who can it bt—but a wife ? FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. E Boston market. Boston, Dec. 4. Flour—The receipts since Saturday have been H',354 bbls. The demand continues moderate, but prices about the same. We quote Western superfine at $8a? 50; Common Extras at $9 00 a 9 25; Medium extra at flOOOallOO; and Good and Choice, including favorite St. Louis brands, at S1150al7 00 per barrel. In “Southern Flour no change. Provisions—Pork is selling at $27 00a28 00 for prime; mess at $80 00aS2 00; and clear at $S? 00a40 per barrel, cash. Beef is qniet at $34 00a25 00 per bbl for new tamily extra. Lard is selling at 28a26c per lb in barrels and tierces, and Smok ed Hems 19a20 cents per lb, cash. Batter ranges from S5a4~ cents per lb, for common aDd choice; and Cheese at 17*20 cents per lbj as to quality. New Vork Dry Goods market. New York, Dec. 2. Domestic Goods—There has been a continua tion of the same sort of activity noticed last week. The jobbers have been crowding off their surplus aiocK, selling seasonable goods mostly at a profit, but distributing many fabrics at a considerable dechns from cost. Agents have also been in clined to make concessions to effect sales, and thus the market has been uneven and generally lo«W, although very irregular. The prevailing impression among holders appears to be that the bottom ie about reached, and that henceforth rices will hold their own. Cotton is certain to high for many months to come, and the goods cannot be made at very low rales. The demand lor brown cutton goods during the current week baa been limited to the wants of buyers for immediate delivery. The market early in the week waa nnsetiled, but toward the close there waa more steadiness. Standard sheeting* have been aold halt a cent below the price of last week, and are now firmly held by agents at the quotations. T ners has been a reduction of one to four cents per y»rd on several styles of bleached goods, al though for one or two of the best qualities, quo tations are unchanged. Foreign Goods—The market is largely over stocked, and with few exceptions the various Foreign productions have sold at reduced prices. Fine French Merinoes end Delaines, in choice colors continue to maintain quotations and are still m good demand. Cloths and Casaimeres of fine qualities also bring fair rates. Silks have showed no improvement, and many fancy styles can only be placed at lower figures. Fancy dress and stuff goods, particularly low grades of Brit ish and German manufacture, are quite neglected. Linen fabrics are in better request and general ly sell at satisfactory rates. There have been several large offerings at auction during the week, which have been well attended, and al though the competition among bidders is con fined principally to a few classes of the best f ood* large amounts of others less desirable are found purchasers at low quotations. 'From theN. Y. Commercial Advertiser.] The importa of Dry Goods still continue very heavy, *» will be seen from the following receipts tor the week.* « For the week, $1,994,024 1,612,702 NA r Ent'd st the port Thrown on market.. Since Jan 1 Ent'd at the port.... Thrown on market The ii $10,452,1 81,886,147 84,024,818 T r .V - 84,024,SIS rta for the month of November, are . . . 'ygw than for same period of laat year, which must be remembered, waa a period of very unusually high receipts. Bs^tsa Dry Goods market.' .Bo8ton, Dee. 2. Standard brown Sheetings were selling quite freely up to the middle of the week at 81j^a32e, and are nominally the same at the close; bat with the raw material tending down, the t I . fAL REPl town, demand ia v w^-wliOg • Sc — y-» L^rrv . . very weak, sod afilea could only f be effected at a ably With imported goods of that class, and are setup<r ranidlr at 32*017*0,-W to style and Ting rapidly at 82^atT^(e, ^The^market for foreign drees and molt targe importers are belenoHof — TOOTHSf fiDw »—■ » . sustain anything near the rates current the season. . The Cotton Market. N*w York, Dee. $. & Union Place gEotel. .dor. Broadway and 14th Sts , Opposite Washington Statue, NEW YORK CITY. 1 ult. one sure market Tees Basto Bat concession. The medium and lighter grades of brown cottona are quite unsettled, ana offering correspondingly low and irregular rates, which ean hardly be quoted. Bleached goods are ex- owBivelydull, and cannot be moved, except at a large concession. Other styles of plain cottons are quite nominal in the absence of trade. i JL n “ ThH Ter L d,jl £ " d have further declined la2c. These goods bare been relatively high during the last six months, owing to the extreme sTth^'ESJ h * T ® yielded no profit A further redaction ln*the mSe«tok2JTi U1 4P erh ' lp ' • n * ble StMiSiSrvSS* SssgGfc e^iSd DS&'ta* SSUcSpragues,2So; AtnarL P«*»»marata%ltote demlgrlndmS^ ‘bal article . T»ry tavor-l [From My last circular was issued M f the. 29th Since then we have the Scotia’s mailt, with day later-from Liverpool, repertiag an advance on the 18th Nov. of par lb., with sales of 10 006 bales. The sales in the werd2,000 bales fbr the week. (abont Strict Middling), at 245f. . We hare bad a dull and drooping market in this city during the past week, awing to the re duction of limits on European orders, accumula ting stock, and the absence of any speculative demand. Cotton is now relatively cheaper here than it Is in any market on the seaboard, and is likely to continue ao until the arrivals show symp toms of gradually falling off, of whieh then are no indications at present. Shipments to Liver pool and other ports, are being made from first hands, who do this rather than sell at eumnt rates. I estimate the sales for the week at 18,000 bales, the market dosing quietly at my revised quotations. The export for the same time has been—to Liverpool, 10,£31 bales; Bremen,.,185. Total, 11,046. t • ■ . \ SouTHiRN Marxivs—Amyepwted eleewhere in full to 24th Nov.By telegraph, nb 20«r, they were dull. Factors an confident that prioea will rise to much higher figures, and an careless about selling. English orders eannot be execu ted, without a deoline of nearly five cents per lb., and in view of the donbtful exhaustion of sup plies, speculators do not fbd inclined to ship to (be North or to Europe. The labor question is the ail importantofle for the futnn of cottoD. So far the nagroea have not returned to their work, but talk as though they would about the New Year. I think every exertion will be made to raise a cotton crop nsxt year, andl believe it will be larger than any one at present is willing to estimate. • Receipts, for the weak, reach 54,000 bales. By telegraph we know pf enough received at the 8ontkern porta to make the total, from 1st Sept., over 750,000 bales, whieh teas mi»di as was re ceived in 1857, to this date. So far, vary little cotton has been received at the Atlantic porta, and as some Georgiaootton is finding its way to Nashville, by railroad, the comwuiusetion with the seaboard most be more defective than Was supposed. The stocks of cotton in the interior towns are always uncertain util they get down to a low figure and era actually counted, but in Memphis they report $3 000, and in Maoon, Columbus, and Augusta, Ga., there are proba bly X7,0C0 more. Being almost the only article salable by the Southern people, more cotton ia to be found in the smaller, towns of the South than heretofore. Exports from this and the Seutbsrn Forts for the past fortnight have been light. The stocks at the Gult ports are heavy. a«d a good deal ia g<*id to be held for higher prices, which art generally looked for in anticipation of a„ falling off in receipts. As may be seen from my quota tions, Northern markets offer bnt e slim chance of resale at a profit on purchases made at the South. Still a great quantity of cotton is being shipped North by (he numerous steamers now plying between New York and the South. Ships on the berth for Liverpool Are merely filling up at barely paying rates. I cannot bat think that, unless the expected cessation of receipt* eeogrs soon, the cotton now ha|4 at the Southern ports, mostly tor 60*90 days, will find its way to Europe, and I look for a frae export thither to wards the close of the year. ?ne Atlantio ports, so far, have sent but little direct to Europe, the the total foreign export from Charleston since 1st Sept, being under 4,000 bales, and from Savan- nay three cargoes, of which particulars are not given, but which I have estimated at 5,000 bales, all from both ports for Liverpool. The following is a statement of the movement in Cotton since the 1st September last: Receipts at the Ports in the U. S 619,000 Export to Great Britain 278,000 France 20,600 “ other Foreign Ports 9 000 Total Exports 807,000 Stock on hand. 415 000 Of which during the past week included in the above: Receipts at the Ports 54,000 Exports to Great Britian 37,000 “ France 1,000 “ other Foreign Ports 8,000 Total Exports .. 40,000 Augusta Market. Augusta, Dec. 7. Cotton.—The market was quiet yesterday and but little done. All parties are looking for later accounts from Liverpool with some-anxiety.. HOTELS. sep27 tf H. C. FUNG * OP- Proprietors. HANOVER STREET, BOSTON, [Is the Largest and Best Arranged iiumib Hotel in New England. sep2T LEWIS BICE, Proprietor. The Southern House Fourth Street, ST. LOTJIS. *£0 IftVELLLE, WARNER & CO., Proprietors. A first class family Hotel; comfort and convenience. unsurpassed for locality, tf sepl9 METROPOLITAN HOTEL, Late .Brown’*, WASHINGTON. D. C. Hotel, Renovated and Refurnished, set order for the reception and accom jldjiatoonaj^^^^^Sm^^jejil* TOBACCO FOR SALE ON CONSIGNMENT 1,800 Boxes Plug, assorted brands. 4,0co Pounds Fine Cat Smoking in Paper*. 5,000 Pound* Snuff, assorted brands, with a general assortment of Groceries. The Tobacco and Snuff not being subject to Govern- ment Tax, can now be sold to the trade at less than New York prices. We are agents for the sale of George Page & Co.’s Engines and Circular, Portable and Stationary Saw Hills, Unis of which will be furnished Ijptto ■ion. novl7—lm us on ap- YONGE A NIXON, Bay street. Hamburg Market. Hamburu, S. S., dec. 7. There is but little activity in the market, and we quote prices as ranging from SO to 28c in gold, and 30 to 42o in currency. Columbus Cotton Market. Columbus. Dec. 4. A lew bales of middling cotten was sold to-day at 36 cents. • ■ - * a Macon Market, Macok, Ga., Dec. 5. Cotton—The receipts past week have been ? [aite heavy. Sales about 850 bales. Prieea are as ollows : c Ordinary, 37188 ; Middling, 40 ; Strict good middling, 42 l-2a4S. Mobile Market. ij « Mobil*, Nov. 29. Cotton—The demand waa light this morning, and the market closed qniet and dull at 47c for Middling. On receipt of steamer's news factors were witling to accept lower rates. Sale* to-day 300 bales. Stock on sale light. NaihVIUe Market. ■'NiSHViLLa, Dec. 8. Cotton—was weaker yesterday, being worth but 4Oa40 l-2c. Tbe receipts were moderate— somewhat exceeding 600 bales, only a small por tion of which waa aold MARINE INTftLLHSEMCE. » -..-I ft--" - "v-f*t SAVANNAH, DECEMBER 11. ARRIVED. Steamer Two Boys, Daniel), Augusta, to Erwin & Hardee. Steamer Robert Lehr, Cottrell, Darien, Ac, to O Cohen. CLEARED. Steamer Ella, Rowland, Darien, M A r ohen. Brig Olive Francis, -mall, New York, 0 LColby A From tkls Port. Echr Witch Queen, Percival, Boston Dec 4. y -*( • Up for this Port. Dec^ B Thoma ®’ Winamore, at Philadelphia tchr R Vannaman, Vannaman, at 1’hiladelphia Deo New Goods! Sheetings, Shirtings, Osnaburgs, Jbans, Kerseys, Cloths, Cassimeres, Broad Cloths, Doeskins, Cloakings, Seekings, Flannels, Silks, ^ Alpaccas, Delaines, Mohairs, Plaids, Checks, Empress Cloths, Merinos, Belts, Baitings, Hosiery, % Gloves, . Trimmings, ga> Linen Collars, ^ Paper Collars, 5> Embroideries, Hcop Skirts, mm Balmorals, Z Shawls, . Cloaks, „ n NubiBB, £ Worsteds, Ribbons, M Yelvets, Hats, Bonnets, • Flowers, Feathers, Plumes, 9 Ornaments, 55 Jacopets, Xji Swiss, and GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS AT Wholesale novss and Retail. NEW GOODS. J EST RECEIVER, a large and beautiful as. ment of FANCY GOODS, selected expressly for this market Call and see them. C. M. HILLSMAN, »ugl4 cor. Bull and Broughton streets. Haywood & LaBoche, Office at the Ice House, MARKET SQUARE. O AK, Pin* and Mixed Wood kept ‘constantly on hand, and delivered to order at the shortest no tice. decl—lm Hr. Hand’s Specific. T HE oldest and most reliable medicine for the cure of Spermatorhcea, Seminal Weakness, Loss of Pow er, Ac. This medicine bos stood the test of over thir ty years and has always proved * success. DR. RAND'S SPECIFIC is exhibited in the form of S ills, made np entirely of substances that have a spec!. ceflectnpon the generative organs. Moat persons associate the idea of operations upon the bowels from taking any kind of pills. The Spxoivio of Dr. Rand is not intended as an xvaouatihg kbdioink. Its medici nal virtues are expended entirely upon the impaired regenerative organa. Tbe pills are not unpleasant to tbe taste, and many persons masticate them with imj ponity before swallowing them; which plan we would always recommend, as affording the speediest way to get the effect of the remedy. Price, $1 per box, or six boxes for $6. Sold by drug gists everywhere, or sent by mail by JNO. J. KROMER, Wholesale m*y23—ly 403 Chesnntst.. Philadelphia, Pa. Kromer’i Hair Dje. 50 CENTS A BOX. ■Roxes larger than Dyes that sell for $1. Natural, Durable, Beautiful. Warranted to please. This arti cle hse been thoroughly tested by Dr. CHILTON, of New York, and Profit With and Garrett, of PhUedel- S hla, who pronounce it free from *U poisonous lna ients, and the material composing If wifi not Injuje the most delicate hair. Sold by Drnggtata and Fancy Goods dealers everywhere. JNO. J. KROMER, Sole Proprietor. may33—ly 403 Cbesnnt st, Philadelphia, Pa, “ TliH-WAIG.” T he in boxes, in li taste, can be safety, will keep tn.OU aumate*, and Is a sore cure the diseases mentioned. From one to three boxes will form a cure. Price, $1 per box, or three boxes for 86. Sold by all Druggists, or sent by mall (b ony address by JOHN J. KROMER, maydK—tv so* rSMotnntatnnt. PMhuMWMa. Brig Ge« Harris, - i at Boston'Dec 5.’ Per steami way, HA A'A Delorme, Passenrei ro Boys, from / eyera, ana 1 deck. Csaiifiiss* Per steamer Two Boys, Jtom Ai , —R H Harda- 106,0 Spaulding, —Erwin & Hardee, Nevitt, Lathrop A Rogers, Miller A ,Th mas, W A C M Holst, O’Falfon A co. F A A Janney. A G Brown, Tison A Gordon, W 8 Sampson, Mrs WE Purse. Mr Bernell, f „ *t' fifffffT r Ff i .Ail Receipt*. Per steamer Two Boys, from Augs*U-32» bales cotton, andmdze. Per brig Olive 1- Expert*. 91 bales up •'rosin, 6,00c FRESH TURNIP SEED. kdta bag£ , r AND Bed Top warranted tobe GROWTH I860, ’ 'Jnat received from D. Londreth, and for sale^ JylO TK 1 4:' REE and half Self Raising Plow and C. L, GILBERT. . ;.j „,s. ,-wh .= Drunkenness Cured. fTlHE inebriate may now bid defiance to tbe tempt- J, tag cup- Dr. Zane« antidote for strong drink is ^ TUESDAY MCmKINGs-DECEMBm a 1866. BANKINQ AND lljU^RAficE^ BUSINESS CARDS. i core fur drunkenness. on ess. It croflfls a dislike for be administered wUhfwt the Paper Warehouse Horses & Carries ANDDEPp^FQ? Printers*, WARREN & PLATNER, Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of Writing! Printing and Wrapping' Papers, En velopes, Twines and Paper Bags. Also, Printers’ Inks, Cards and Card Boards. BUSINESS CARDS. «. Having superior faculties for proqpripg Goods direct from tbe Manufactories, we are enabled to Comp with New York Prices. ^ Sole Agents in this city tor the Basis Paper Mill*. y .... Cadi paid for Rags and all kinds of Paper Stock. decG A. I. BBA.DT, WM. M. SMITH. 3. i. MOSXS, BRADY, SMITH '& CQ. E. H. GROCERS, knowledge of tbe patient Descriptive circulars sent to any nddreas. For sale by nil respectable druggists In the United States and Ouiadas. Price, $1 per box, or packages of six boxes for 6S Sent by moil on receipt of the money, by JNO. i. KROMER, Wholesale Agent, maytt—ly 403 Chean nt st., Philadeip hit. Pa INDIAN STREET FOUNDRY. H AVING re-opened our Foundry and Machine Shop, we are now prepared to famish all frtnja at Iron and Bran Castings, as also to btilld Steam Engine* Sugar Mill, Circular and Gang Saw Milta; and all kinds of Millwrightlng, Engineering, Steam Boat and Block- qmifh Work done at short notice, with promUsess and despatch. BOSK, ARKWIUGHTAOO. novl ? Sight eep% Herald copy. jjnsimatos^y . Mackerel, TN bbls^ half bbls. isosfffi—tf i) g WHOLE, half andlquartat bbls. tfranbsr- □ ries; 90 bbfe: Apples: CO bbli. Onions; 9L ^fo^y ! ^ °‘ bb "' 8 * 10 AND Forwarding Merchants. AND 1 *' 77rf 3Eanufa€lnrer»’ Agents ! NORTH SIDE OP BAff-fcrRmy T Between Whitaker ttd Barnard, - ' SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. liberal advances mode on consignments of Cotton, Ac., to their friends in New York and Boston. References-Wm. K. Kitchen, . Prest National Park Bank, N. Y.; H. C. Thacher AOo., Boston; Israel Co- hen, Baltimore; Hall, Moses ACo.,Colhmbns; Wyman, Moses A Co., Montgomery. angj sobt. r. voxx, M. X WILLIAMS, 1. B. fhnTlRX. r. a. warn. ysu. vELUis. rami & ca. AUCTION AND COMMISSION Bap Street, Savannah, <3-a. Consignments of Cotton and Lumber solicited. Bef erences: Savannah—Brigham, Baldwin A Ca, Gaden A Unckles, Erwin £ Hardee. Hunter A GammeU, Isaac D. LaRoche, Hiram Roberts, W. Woodbridge, L. C. NottcII A Co. New York—S. T. Knapp A Bro., D. H. Baldwin A gale days, Tuesday! and Fridays. sepB CHARLES L. COLBY A CO., SHIPPING, COMMISSION, . AND- - - - FORWARDING MERCHANTS JONES’ BLOCK, CORNER BAY AND ABERCORN STS., SAVANNAH, GKA.. Liberal cash advances made on consignments to the firm represented in New York by Charles L. Colby, Esq., or to our friends In Boston. ALEX H. HOL4 AY, Resident Partner. Rxmxxcm.—Messrs. Dabney, Morgan A Ga., New York; Jarvis Slade, Eem. New York: Gardner Colby, E*q„ Boston; Hon. J. Wiley Edmanda, Boston. augl6 tf KJttN & CO, 114 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA., OOTTON FACTORS, COMMISSION £ F0RWARDIN6 MERCHANTS. T IBEBAL cash advances made on conaign- ±J ment* of Cotton and approved Merchandise made to their friends in New York, Boston or Liver- pooL Refer to Messrs. Smith A Dunning, New York; C C. A H. M. Tabor, New York; Cabot A Senter, 8t Louis; W. H. Taylor, New Orleans.«ng26 F. M. MYRELL, Steamboat Agent, GENERAL ^ Commission and Forwaiding Merchant, Bar Street, Savannah, Ga., Harris’ Building, 2d Dqqr West of A. Low A Co.’s. Befsrs to Messrs. Hnxter A GammeU, Crane, John son A GraybUL BeU, Wylly A Christian, BbthwelJ A Whitehead,(Miller, Thomas A Co., and M. A. Cohen, Esq.t£sep29 DANIEL BliTLER would raspectfuUy in form the public that he is now prepared to famish, at the .shortest notice, HORSES AND CARRIAGES. First class Carriages ran to the various Steamboat Wharves and to tee rates. noAl6-*tf it Drivers emp lANIKLBCi: , ■ cor. Whitaker and York streets. SHIP AND CO., CHANDLERS, lilies, Steamers ^Produce Dealers, Under Bluff, corner Abercoru Street, "f! "f" y A N H A'9,0 A . Orders from the Country; Private ] and raffing vessels, respectlulty soil' Produce bought and sold on commission. 100bbls. selected Apples, 100 bbls. Onions, 100 bbls. Potatoes, 80 bbl*. extra Flour, SO bbls. Nos. 1 and 3 Mackerel, 100 tube extra Batter, 150 boxes extra Cheese, 800 kits Nos. 1, 8 and 3 Mackerel. 80 hlf. bbls. Fulton Market Beet 60 hit bbls. extra Family Perk, nov21 JIAIfflIE * Insurance Agency. Security Insurance Company, Capita! and ffnrplds, $L *00,000. P'n«*ni\ Insurance Cenpany, °*P | tal and Surplus, $1,6*6,006. Internattenai Insurance Company, Capital and Surplus, $1,200,000. Manhattan Insurance Company, Capital and Surplus, $900,000. Bisks taken in the above h! panics on Bulltflngs and Me tions, at the lowest rates, risks. Apply to A. A. novl8—Sm No. 12 Stoddard's Wm. M. Davidson / vfif . • i i. >T WHOLBiALX DEAJoXB OV Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Teas, Segars, Ale and Cider, 160 Bay Street Savannah oct28 tf JNO. L VILLAL0NGA, Cotton Factor, Forwarding and Commission Merchani NO. 04 BAT STREET, sAVJijrjrjiH, GEORGIA. oct25 6m G00PEB, OLCOTTS & FfRttELLY, Booksellers and Stationers, SAVANNA H, O-EOBQ-IA. fHUE undersigned have formed a Copartnership A under the name and style of COuPER, OI/JOTT 4 A FARRELL Y, for the transaction of a Wholesale and Retail Book and Stationery Business, at the old stand of John H. Cooper A Co„ Northwest comer of Whitaker and SL Jalien streets. JOHN M. COOPER, WILLIAM H OLCOTT, DANIEL G. OLCOTT, 0Ct28 STEPHEN FaRRELLY. | Scranton, Smith &€o M Grocers & Commission Merchants, W‘ at the OULD be happy to see their former patrons and friends, and the public generally, at their store head of Bay street, opposite Jefferson, they will at all " novl5—lm 1 times be happy to serve them. where Jl. s. COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchant, 93 BAY STREET, SAVASnSTAEC, (tEOEGIA OCtl4—tf E. F. METCALFE A CO.. general forwarding AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Stoddard's Range, on Bay street, between Lincoln and Abercora, Savannah, Georgia. Reftrsncss.— Flint A Pearce, N«y York; E. M. Brace A Co. AiWgsU, G*J E. C. Robson, Hsn^At- lanta, Ga.; Knott A Howe^ Moron, Ga.; Hf. M Bruce, Morgan A Co., Apalachicola, Fla.; Watts, Crane A Co„ New York; Geo. C. Pearce A Co., St. Louis, Mo ; H. C, Bruce £ Co., Cincinnati, O.i Mr. H. J. Cook, Albany, Go.; John W. C^onnur, Itadbn, Go. iff ' tf H. GOWDY, Oommis8ion Merchant, 196 BAY STREET. (Anderson’s Wharf,) GE ORGlA SAVA NNAH octs ! f FRANK 8. HESSELTINE, GOUNSBtAj^Piipit L.AW. i4kri«Ajr<. Ot EXT I DOOR TO THE REPUBLICAN 0PPICEJ SAVANNAH, GA.. oct 21 CO., Goosmi^g ghd Jidjtejnithst |MiHs, I ar far ntr ff gt. Jnllen and Jefferson Streets. •ct is—tf RICHARDSON & BARNARD, Bay St, opposite Mariner’s Church, AGBSHMpriB > • A. T. OUNNlKOnAM, D. O. PUBSX, E. /. LABCOHBE. n Wl VC.IIATf, PURSE & C0.| FACTORS, FORWARDING AND Commission, Merchants, Bay Street,...'. Savannah, Ga, References—Robt. Habersham A Sons, Hunter A GammeU, Octavos Cohen, Brigham. Baldwin A Ca, Erwin A Hardee, Claghorn A Cunningham. sep6-3m R. MOLINA, (WE- BULL AND 00NSBESS STREETS, i.Ci. (Under Screven House,} , mfORTUB AND WUOLPSALS DSAUER IN Havana Se^ars, Leaf AND SMOKING- TOBACCO. Also, all kinds of Virginia Chewing and Smi Tobacco, Moerschaum, Brier Root, and all other of Fancy Pipes. 3m cep30 HJ Chlpmaai & €haii fSuccesora to Marcy, Day £ Co.) 208 Bay Street, North Side, Between Barnard and Tefferoon streets, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DKALKR8 W Wood, Coal, Grain, Hay, Corn, Oats and Feed, — market 2(>-4f AUGUSTA CARDS- J.O. MATHEWSON ' JCENERAL ' COMMISSION, PRODUCE BROKER 7 .j ' AND ,| " FORWARDING MERCHANT, Ns. 285 Bread Street. Auguata, Gat., (At the Old Stand of the late firms of T. P. Stovall A Co., 8tovalL McLaughlin A Co., and G. H. McLaughlin A Co.,; Will give his prompt and personal attention to the purchase and sale of Cotton, Domestic Goods, Sugar, Bacon, Lard, Grain, Flour, Rope, Bagging, and Mcr- generally. ; the Agency of several first class Cotton am prepared at all times to supply orders for Yams, Sheetings, shirtings, Oenabufgs, Drills, Ker seys, Jeans, Ac., Ac. A f i at / .r a With extensive fire-proof warehouses, can famish secure storage, and give prompt attention to merchan dise and produce consigned to me for forwarding in any direcJ**. » 6m an£4 Vm. Jessup ASuu’s English Cast Steel. Circular saw*, Cotton Glue* Ammoniated Pacific Goan*, Patent Decking and Roofing. OCtU—tf .. . BTORAGE AJB> 0SNBR1L COMMISSION MERCHANT g -COR. BAT UW JIWHBON STREETS, , h SAVANNAH, GA ^Pwihr in H^Fodder, Grain, Flour, Wool, rst /!, Hides, EIBUN, W9,| pjsAuu n ALES, WINES AND ^ Cor, Whitaker Street and Bay Lane. JmsM "amily Mess _Beef. W. A RAMSEY & GO., GENUAL Commiision Merchant AND AUCTIONEERS* 308 Broad Street, Augusta, (Jo* Robert Habersham A Sons, Savannah. “H. Stork, do. , Brown A 01.,: Y. r \. Pn^uaent National Pork Bonk, .P, " :• - Agcicy OCEAN, RIVER, FIRE. - ^ THE undersigned hold commissions from the lead J. lng insurance corporation* ot New York, repre- ■enttng an aggregate cash capital of over FIVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS And are preparsfflo Issue policies to cover Fifty Thou sand doliari on ant application upon Fire Rl*k* at Savannah and Inlnnd Town*, COTTON AND MERCHANDIZE IN TRANSIT ON THE AUGUSTA AND MACON RIVER8, * J AKB OCEAN RISKS GtEN'ERAJCjXjY - . ? > • . Prompt Settlement of Losses, I>. G. IN OR VE EE Sc CO., mayte BnH tewet, opposite Post OlBce. at AND COTJNSEliORS A r 111 ■»•*»**, , r ' Pr ' hl,t Y Vniidiwg,, ^ssswssar*- Merwin & Jj INSURANCE I AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $10,400,MO CHAS. Ln COLBY & CO. RE prepared to take Marine Risk* to any Domestic or Foreign Port, and Fire Risk* following in at ig named first doss New York lowest rates: CO. COLUMBIAN MARINE INSURANCE Capital, $8,000,000. MORRIS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $6,000,000. COMMERCE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $900,000. STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $200,000. Office in Jones’ Block, corner Bay and Abercora streets. Branch Office, cor. Drayton and Bryan streets. onglS-tf MERCHANTS’ INSURANCE COMPANY! HARTFORD, CONN. rpHE undersigned having bedn appointed agent for JL the above well known Company, is prepared to take risks against fire on the most favorable terms. July3 H. BRIGHAM, Office Southern Insurance and Trust Co. tf Marine Insurance. TyiVER and Ocean Risks taken for,tbe Atlantic XV Mutual Insurance Company of New York, by CHARLES GREEN £ SON. No. 12, Stoddard's Eastern Range, Bay street m ^ mmmmmm ^ ammm BALTIMORE CAR06. X). C. Cary, General Commission Merchant, BALTIMORE, Mil. Particular attention given to orders for tbe purchase of Goods. % respectfully solicited. by permission, to Rue, Whitney £ Co., 8a- nov20—lm DOOCE A HUNT, X Baltimore, Maryland, H4hcv*otuxixs Portable and Stationary Steam Engines and Boilers, m Steam Fire Knglmw, Portable Saw Milk, Gang and Single Saw Mills, Mining Machinery, Portable Grist Mills, Floor Mill Machinery, Cotton Screws, Railroad Cara, Cor Wheels and Axles, Hydraulic Presses for Oil and Tobacco, Tobacco Moulds, Gas Works Apparatus of all kinds, Salting, Pulleys and Hangers. I S*5: cruos mwowlol, uboro', N. Pill.LIT NICHOLS, Baltimore. Greensboro’, B. C, C. K MENDENHALL A CM, Cotton, Tobacco, AJTO General Commission Merchants, * 168 Pratt Street Wharf, sepSS BALTIMORE. BALTinoRE rzrrrz WROUGHT IRON PIPE AND TUBE CO. rad to supply Gas, Steam and Water Pipe _ . on the most favorable terms. Baltimore, Md. aep2S-3m T*“ Is now; and I Ail MISCELLANEOUS. I. Purchasing Bureau, Nos. 39 and 40 Park Row. A“ PDRi need filed MERCHANDISE and competent buyers engaged, made prices, and reliable houses. Orders will be filled, PAYABLE ON DELIVERY, when osnffident sum is remitted to cover Freight and ommMous* Commissions on sums not exceeding $100.. 5 perch ommissfons on sums exceeding $100 2)4 per ct address ISAAC DAVBGA, nov - * - • P. O. Box 1168 Mew York. “Ballard's Patent” AND CAKD„ e 7 M.n™ iBa , FiretouQii ■ cartri Doe ~ f And-Loose :Ammunh^ ,J. Rernlvcr* Sin r ie lh*t p,’,., 1 haWkins&co PACKERS 4c GENERAL I’Rm Dealers, Front Si.. „Y«r Si., Butter, Cheese, Tongues. 941 Beet Pork. Hams, Laid, Shoulders, Fnltma market itoef. All orders earefuBy executed a the SHORTEST NOTH-C. Southern Produi 1 IV4 V, "a. hi-. Pnaq Ac, A. duce received on cooaigaaet-. Holi Is. *5 Water Stree?, lev I*rk Receivers of Hour, WESTERN, AND SOUTHERN PRODUCE. Consignments Solicited. O RDERS for Floor, Wheat. Own ie.i r M filled at lowest market raJTW^I? 1 , first bonds, thus saving extra wit, ^ 1 — Henri vers of the well known Brand of r- Pull information furnished by LaBOCHE, UADEN £ CNCKU8, oct2S—2m cor. Bay and Barnari D. H. BALDWIN & CO, COMHI88I0N MEKlfilVTs, 178 Pearl Street, NEW YORK. J Sew York. D. H. BALDWIN, J. F. CUMMING, H. BRIGHAM, \ C. M. HOLBT, / Savannah. KRAFT & HILL, Mannfoctureis and Jobbers of 8TMW AND MILUNEm Soon No*. 281 and 283 Bread war. (opposite A. T. 8tewarr*q NEW YORK. A full supply of Goods, saitablc tor tlua ways an hind.* Your patronage is respectfully whaled. octS5—6m THE WASH INGTON IRON WORKS Have on hand for sale their laprsved Portable Steam Istka Portable Ct re ular Saw .mu* taa Saw mills.FIaar and Cara Bill* And mannfiicture to order all kinds of non b glues, Marine, Stationary, and Propeller. iaM Can and Turn Tables, Iron Steam VrawJs and brre also, General Machinery, bun and Bran 'Sw ings, large and small Forgings, fou, *e. Addnw GEO. M. CLAPP, Ttwcre Nawbsr:. J>. I Or L. C. WARD, Agent, 38 Liberty street, Room 8, New Tort. oct26—ly «. PABHOAN, MAFTTACTTKl Hadfield’s Union Fire Wffks, Importer of CUaese Fire Crackers Rwtrts U, Manufacturer of LANTERNS, FLAGS. kt. Also s large asMrtment of his own MfO'Jiea * TOYS AND FANCY GOODS. 24 Jnka St., aear Broadway, S Ti oct 23—12m WYMAN, BTW A M. C0MMI8SI0fr MERCHA-'TA ■brthrbwjbo r COTTON, YAMS*- SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, JEA*- 78 Ckamlxrs-ttrtet, Sen York- TO MERCHANTS AXDPERSONS DOING BUSINESS AT THE NORTH. W. S. Fancher, Umeral Commission Merfhant, P. Q. Box 3045, 75 Fulte* St., NV Y-. attention to tjie buying of -e* and Wagons of every de- Dry Goods, Grocades, Sftn, Go^’fu^ed direct from Manofoctnrew at their lowest rata*. 55 to all conrignmenfo of O^RDSER, DEJTI8 * c * COMMISSION MERCHANTS ro* nt wli or COTTON^ N# 116 Pearl St., | N*. American Kxcye Bonk. | Satioml Bewra market tion to every i Duplicate New k tyone. York In IB. CAHIU, Geaer&l and Commissioo Merck a* G AXJWJSTdh. e-A. Holders of Merchandlne wishing to realise lmmedl- ately, wUljxmsuit their interests by conslgniiig tee 7&uSxiy Ulotfa. LOT of to market and prices of good* A. novl4—-lm Vamish. first quoUta Varnish for sale Having ample means for sdvanri qnalntance ot 26 yean with tarto* fining themselves strictly tc without operating on their solicit oetn- c. HARNOTT 4 SlilLUH. 368 Wa SO***- NJCW YOF fr WrlRht to €•* COMMISSION MBBCBlAfS, Rio cle Janeiro, Brazil .. . _» v/itre c WRKlHT, 25