Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 13, 1865, Image 4

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POETRY raw ttoS»v»m»h National Republican.) LIKE* Suggested by the reading of Miss Corns Corrmne Lester’s article on the death of the Confederate Soldier, published in the Savannah National Republican. THE DVIRO SOLDICB TO HI! 8IIT1B. Mv lister dear, bow sweetly Beer Seems one year since to me, When, with a future bright and clear, I left swfeet home and thee. I cannot tell what myitic ipell So near doth bring thee now; A longing comes I>wonld not qnell, Once more to kiss thy brow. I press my o*n while thoughts of hbme Come trooping o’er my brain; If thou, dear sister, wo old's t but coma, Thy presence sweet would soothe all pain. And oh ! they say that this bright day May prove my all, my last— > T et still I crave that I may stay *• , ■ One hour to ste&l from that bright past. And oh ! how sweet could we bnt meat, To once, again recall Sweet childhood’s days, when at thy feet In careless glee I’d falL In slumber soft how sweetly oft My tears thoud’st kiss away, Nor did’st thou think how soon bertft, Would’st live to see the day, When lightning’s wing would sadly bring Dark tidings of thine own ; That ne’er again in joy we’d sing Around that hearth at heme; Nor sabbath bell shall sweetly tell The hour of prayer draws nigh; Without to thee it sounds the knell Of thy departed brother—darling tie. How oft in thought I’ve proudly sought The laurel wreath of fame ; I re worn the wreath, bnt it hath brought Fond memories only of thy name. That we entwined in soul and mind, In life and death, might be; And oh I at last in joy to find No partings in Eternity. If ’mid the gloom of cannon's boom That sister’s voice I’d hear, Twould rob of terror e’en the tomb Which seemed so darkly near. And when I thought how sorrow wrought Lines dapper o’er her brow, I felt the boon was dearly bought In which ye glory now. , m&rKe ‘ c ‘°?‘°6 quiet at quotations below Laed i -' s he'd firmer at 31c per kettled; s is- !*&•«&« « d out, prime, to 18%; Butchers, lilci with but .mail sales’ n * w ; 50 hhds would cover all the odds and ends here. WHI8KY—Steady at $2.26. Expobts—For the current week are unusnallr l.rgepa.040 tea Lard, 810 kegs, 820 hhdi? bulk and bacon; 285 tes, 3,182 bis pork; 088 boiM and 100,008 bis loose meats. " Montgomery Market. , hloKToottsar. Ala., -Dec. 8. CoTTost—The receipts yesterday were very heavy, twenty-five wagon loads passed doim one street by the eapitol before breakfast; and you oould hardly get al£it Court Bquare for the wagons. The market, however, was very dull with ootton a little lower. The best sale we heard °f w*« et88 cents, while the most was about 85 ♦.cents, we believe the market frill rtYiyp again in a tew days ant quite an activity mtail. We are not in the»*r&t and have no ’‘axe to grind.” New York Gold Market. The told marital hat Mentelvv n’nik^fh. 9 'ml m ‘ d » in preparation for the h2? year’s^Lteril' 1 on three hundred millions sfssvsn-thf* d“® °n the 16th instani The interact to to #10,950,000. The SAVANNAH NATIONAL REPUBLIC i were reported of3,600 oege »io ex oeuie risk, 3.400 do. ex Ce«iqe^- * n d »,600 de. ex t Basel, all on private terna; also ISO ten l sold previous, to aruve^nt.Bqj.ln gold. Tie , previous, -R.-wside notations are nominally as follows:-«Rio, New York General Market. New You, Deo. 9. BuuosTurrs—State and Western floor was in very moderate demand. Prices were heavy, and at the dose .of the.m#rkte were 10c. a IP for all brands, with a jlmed^down elinetion. The sales were confined at our revised quotations subjoined, The mar ket for Southern floor was also inactive, and prices ruled heavy and somewhat lower. The sales comprised 350 bbls. Canada flour was doll and fully 5c. a 10c. lower. The sales embraced 300 bbls. Rye flour was quiet cU heavy -. Superfine State and Western $7 lo a i 40 Extra State T90a 8 16 Choice State 8 15 a 8 30 Common to medium extra Western 7 75 a 8 20 Extra ronud hoop Ohio 8 10 a 8 70 Western trade brands . ..... 8 85a 10 00 Common Southern ; 7 85 a 9 75 Fancy and extra do 9 80 a 15 00 Common Canadian 8 00 a 825 Good to choice and extra: 8.30 a 11 00 Cottok—Receipts, 5,865 bales. The market was dull, irregular and lower, as shown by our annexed quotations. The sales embraced 1,570 bales, part reported at 50c. for strictly New Or leans middlings,That mostly at our qnotations, as follows:— * Upland. Florida. Mobile. N.O.ATi Ordinary 35 36 *6 Middling _,48 48 Oood middling.. .50 50 51 51 Corns was active at full prices. Further sales were reported of 3,600 bags Rio sx Nellie Fenwi' '" Stadt Java £ritae‘! t 2l%c7; good, 20%c. a 21e.; fair, 19%c, 20c ; ordinary, 18c. a 18%c.; fair to good cargoes, jgiz c a 20 l-2c.; Java, mats and bags, 26c. a 27c; Maracaibo. 13c, a 22c.: Laguayra, 21c. s 22c ; St. Domingo, I7.1-8c. a 17%c. Molasses was quiet st former prioas. The sales were all in lots and not noticeable. Naval Stokes—Rosins were steady. We note sales of 1,500 bbls. (per 280 lbs.) common st #7, 125 do. strained at (6 87 1-2 a 7 40, 100 bbls. No. 2 at $9 a 11, 200 bbls. No. 1 at #18 a 15, and 180 do. prime pale, part virgin, at #19 a 21. Spirits turpentine were quiet at #1 071-2 for large lots. We note sales of 200 ersds do. at #7 a 8. Tar was heavy, with a few sales ai #4 50 a * as to quality, Pitch was in demand for consumption at previous prices. * Provisoes—Receipts, 182 bbls. pork, 220 do. beef, 255 packages cut meats, 1,572 do butter, 1,540 do cheese and 248 do lard. Pork was irre gular, opening dull and declining, but subse quently ruling in seller’s favor, mess dosing firm at #29 87 1-2. The sales were 8,500 bbls, for presentdelivery,at$2S75a29 621-2for mess, (26 tor mess, and 1,500 bbls new mass, for Jan uary and February, seller’s option, at #27 50 a 28. Beef was steady, with sales of.550 bbls at #11 a 14 for plain mess and #14 a 17 for extra mess. Bsef bams were dull and heavy. The sales were small at #34. Cut meats ware quiet and nominal, with sales of 200 packages at 13c a 15e. for should ers and 15c a 19c. for bam*. Bacon was nominal. Lard was inactive and nominal, closing decided ly lower. The sales were 700 packages at 16c a 20 l-2c. Butter and cheese were unsettled, and without much bnsiness; the former waa declining. Ric* was quiet. We note of 80 tierces Carolina at 13c a IS l-2c. and 150 bags Rangoon at 9%c a 10 l-2c. Sugar—Prices were without noticeable change. The sales were 75 hhds. Cuba muscovado at 15 l-2c a 14%o, 600 boxes Havana at 11 Vo a l*%c, and 3U0 boxes do at 14o. Refined was steadr but inactive. Whiskt—Receipts, 481 bbls. The market waa weakened by liberal offers. The sales were 100 bbls. Western at #2 84. HO TEL8. Union Place Hotel. | Paper AND Di Printer Cor. Broadway and 14th Sts, Opposite Washington Statue, NEW YORK CITY. es. sep27 tf H. C. FLING * CO., Proprietors. HANOVEB STREET, BOSTON, la the Largest and Best Arranged Hotel in New England. LEWIS MCE, Proprietor. gep27 WARREN APLATNER f | Wholesale Dealers in alkinds of Writing, Printing and Wrapplg Papers, En velopes, Twines an Paper Bags. Also, Printers’, Iks, »Oarcls and Card Bards. Having superior facilities for pcuringASoods direct [ from the Manufactories, we arswutnhw to compete with New York Prices. Sole Agents in this city for b Bath Paper I Bulla. * Cash paid for Bags and all ki* of Paper Stack, deed vH. m. surd "«!" A. I. BRADY, The Southern House beady, sum & co. Oo Fourth Street, ST. ILOTjis, MO. LAVEILLE, WARNER & CO., Proprietors. A first rl&M family Hotel; unsurpassed for locality, j comfort and convenience. tf sep* 9 METROPOLITAN HOTEL, misil on * AND Forwarding Merchants, Mamtf&cturerg NORTH SIDE OF BAY Between Whitaker and Btnard, SAVANNAH, Gr^OIi &IA. liberal advances made onoonsigntants o: Cotton, Horses & DANIEL. BUTLER would raspeclftiily In form the public that be is now prepared to famish, at the shortest notice, . HORSES AND CARRIAGES. . Y" First class Carriages ran to the various Steamboat Wharves and to the Railroad Depot at the lowest rates. 5 . . None but careful and competent Drivers emi - DANIEL BUTLS noalO—tf cor. Whitaker and York streets. E. H. VAN NESS & CO, GROCERS. SHIP CHANDLERS, AND Produce Dealers, Under Bluff, corner Abercom Street, %rd. sava Uate Brown’s, WASHINGTON, D. C. I m T ins 1. is now in modation of Renovated and Refurnished, for the reception and accom- IdjgtgjJL^^8m^^»|)19^ Hamburg Market. Hamburg, S. C., Dec. 9 Cotton—Firm 20 to 28 in gold; and from 30 to I 89 1-2 in currency. Augusta So soft and olear come stealing near Those Toices all at home; Thy cherished tones, my sister dear, Like broken echoes come. Thou'lt call my name, aye ! just the same, Though Death sits on my brow; Thou can’st not know that ne’er again I’ll bless thee e’en as now. 'Jhy early pride, there’s none beside Can comfort thy decline, When I hare passed the billowy tide Of all that’s dear in time. Tis o'er and past, while ebbing fast, My short, bright life away ; The die with me is early cast, One only brief, sweet summer’s day. 1 hear my knell! farewell 1 farewell! Come nearer, Saviour, come ; Ah, who will bear the news to tell To her I loved at home ? I otre ami, S. E. Kenmoke. Augusta, December, 1865. \ FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Cincinnati Markets. Cincinnati, Dec. 2. Tbs provision and hog market continued to dec ine during the first half of the current week, but nnder light receipts of hogs and adrancini prices in Pork in the East, it rallied, closing witl a considerable advance over lowest prices The receipts of hogs at the various packing points, certainly show a very Urge failing off' in numbers, as compared with last stsson, and id the aggregate there is folly 400,000 begs less cut in the present, then up to this data last year. These facts, together with other causes named below, have helped much, to give confidence to the trade. Heavy reeeipts of hogs, however, at Chicago and Cincinnati would no doubt check any advance, and poesibly produce a decline; on the other hand it te contended that ..feeders are content to teed cheap corn end make later deli veries, and thus the number of pounds will not be much, it any less than last year, and that with out prices are low enough to induee Export we will have too much product to proTe profitable at prices now being paid for the hog. There is an other matter deserving of attention. The stock of old Bulk and Bacon in this market ia completely exhausted, and the stock of mass and Prime kites Pork has been reduced by the 00a■ mi.sary fully 7000-bls during the week past.— The stock left on hand does not exceed 6.U00 bis, all ot which mess, exoept 300 bis P. M. The largest portion of the cutting of the present sea son at this point has been made into Lard, white has been rapidly taken both for consumption and shipment, leaving bnt few sides in the market. The hams are all in process of curing, and in the total absence of old it may reasonably be expect ed the first run will go rapidly into consumption. The supply of new bulk shoulders, as well as mess is very light. Large qnantitiee of both the latter articles have been Bhipped, thus leaving a very light stock of all articles on hand at this time, all of which, together with the stock of Fork in New York 41,350 bis, has stimulated our market and prices are/or the present higher, the market closing quiet at quotations helot steam 18^ Market. Augusta, Dec. 10. CorroN-The market continues Tsry doll,and we j have in consequence, no sales of any importance | to report. Some sales were made at 42 to 43 for good middling, and 40 cents for middling. Charleston Market. Cbarlsstoe, Dee. 9. ConoN-The firmness with which the staple was j held during the previous week wee somewhat changed in the early part of the present, by the market becoming weak and some sellers finding ft necessary to realize, a decline - took place on Tuesday last, and the article was sold at la2c per lb lower. Holders generally, however, continue I quite firm, and with much inquiry yesterday there was but little stock on the market, and we heard of but a few trifling sales. Our receipts I for the week amount to two hundred and- forty- nine bales of Sea Island Cotton and three thou- j aand two hundred and forty-nine bales of Upland Cotton. The following are about the prici buyers were willing to .give yesterday: Middling Cotton 48u44 Strict Middling 45 Good Middling 46 a 47 Ska Island Cotton—The maket for this des- | cription ot Cotton continues quiet, and we quote the article et previous rates, aey 80*160 cents per pound. ' *■: Rici—The market being almost destitute of stock, and with no receipts for some days, the market is merely nominal. Clean Carolina may be quoted at 11 l-2al2 1-2 cents per lb. Wilmington Metrltet. . .. Wilmington, Dec. 4. Cotton—No sales. Spirits TcRrnrrnra—Sales of small lot spirita turpentine, at 60e. for white, and 55e. for colored. Crudb Turpentine—Sales of 140 barrels of crude turpentine, at #5 25. Tar—Sales of 118 barrels tar, st #3 15. Rosin—Sales of 775 barrels rosin, at #5 20, tale barrels. Timbbu—Sales of 1 raft fair mill timber, at #15, and 1 raft ol interior mill timber-wt #18 per M. Columbus Cotton Market. Columbus, Dec. 9. Cotton—Market extremely dull yesterday. Mid dlings 37a38c, ’’’ 1 Mobile Market. Cotton— A fair demand pseiaUte to'Ata*' but no sales of moment were made after receipt' of steamer’s news reporting Id. decline. The mar ket closed dull with s light stock offering. Sales wete 550 bales. Middlings 45c. TO MERCHANTS AND PERSONS DOING BUSINESS AT THE NORTH. , W. S. Fancher, General Commission Merchant, P. O. Box 3045, 75 Fulton St., N. Y., B UYER of Merchandize of erary description—for the trade—attends to the sale of Cotton, Rosin, Turpentine, Ac. Mr. F. gives his personal attention to the buying of | General Hardware, Carnages and Wagons of every de scription, Harnesses, Saddles, Dry Goods, Groceries, Ac., Ac., for the trade. Goods furnished direct from Manniiictarers at their lowest rates. Particular attention given to all consignments of southern products. Speedy sales effected st best mar ket rates, and immediate returns made. Mr. F. feels confident, from 'his thoroughacquaintance with the market in New York, in guaRnteeing entire satisfac tion to every one entrusting business to him. Duplicate Invoices of manufacturers sent in all cases. Information in regard to market and prices of goods given whenever desired. novl4—lm WM. MONTGOMERY, MACHINIST, YONKERS, N. Y., (Successor to the N. Y. Steafti Saw Mill and Machiifil | Company.) AUCTION AND COMMBSION Bay Street Savanngi, Gra. Consignments of Cotton and Lumber slicited. References: Co., (Aden * Isaac L.C. Savannah—Brigham, tea id win A Uncklea, Erwin A Hardee. Hunter D. LaBoche, Hiram' Roberts, W. Norvell A Co. New York—S. T. Knapp A Bro. Co. D. H. Bddwin & gale daps, Tuesdays and Fridays. aepB CHARLES L. COLBY & CO, SHIPPING, COMMISSION, AND | FORWARDING MERCH ANTI k Ij N mntry, P A-H, GA. from tte Country, Private Families, Steamers an#piffling vessels, respectfully solicited. Produce bought and sold on commission 106 Mils, selected apples, 100 bbls. Onions, 100 bbls. Potatoes, 09 bbls. extra Flour, 50 bbls. Nos. 1 and 2 Mackerel, 100 tubs extra Batter, 150 boxes extra Cheese, 500 kits Nos. 1, 3 and 3 Mackerel, SO hlf. bbls. Fulton Market Bi 60 hit bbls. extra Family novjl BANKING XnD INSURANCE. FIRE ANB MARINE Insurance Ageiey, iBsnratcc Company, - Capital and Surplus, 61,600,0*0. ^ Phoenix Insurance Company. Capital and Surplus, *1,800,000. International Insurance Company, Capital and Surplus, *1,200,0^. Manhattan Insurance Company, • ttBtal and Surplus, *9*0,000. Rites takes in the above Uona, at tte lowest rates, corresponding wtththe risks. Apply to A. A. LANETAgent, novl8—*m No. 12Stoddard’sRanflfe, Bsyteeet, Insurance Agency OCEAN, RIVER, FIRE. mHE nnderrigned bold cotnaiMoES from the lead- -fi. ing Instance corporations of N6w York, repre- (enttaf an ag^regpte cate capital gf. over FIVE MILLIONS 01 DOLLARS AOVtBTC^- Purchasing Bari, Non 39 Md 40 Pa-k Prices. 1 •ClfcWe bote,., ~- —- —y -n, "hrd. PAYABLE ON r*. CommtaloB.™ ■ttn Addraw novto ——;— P O Bur in* WOODFORD & pi ’ r*. BITCH, AND COUNSELLORS NO. lAW And sand Fire tusks at to coijpr Fifty Tbou- fTrisljy ^ The^nderrifaed faring ^ * w ’ N Papered to take teSTJ* , l wreral coertsm ^ggSZF <n :V Morwln & Bm COTTON AND MHRCHAJiDUB IN TRANSIT ON THK I ADGDSTA AND MACON RIVERS, ■ fll 1 • 1ms OCEAN RISKS GENERALLY, | Prompt Settlement of Losses. Wm. M. Davidson WHOLES Ail D KALES DV Groceries, Winesy Liqnors, Teas, ' Segars, Ale and Cider, 160 Bay Street Savannah, oct25 tf L. G. NORYELL Ac CO., Bell rireet, opposite Poet Oflce. | K BiDuf< fte AND INSURANCE ll'— Bsvslvsn. SlavI. s h ei AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $10,40P,0N JN0. L. VILLALONGA, Ootton Factor, Forwardiog and Commission Merchant NO. 94 BAY STREET, GEORGIA oct25 6m * JONES’ BLOCK, CORNER BAY AND ABERCORN STS. SAVANNAH, GA> Liberal cash advances made on consignments to the m ■ — - - - - - Eaq C00PEB, 0LC0TCS & FARRELLY, Booksellers and Stationers, '-8AVANNAH, GEORGIA. firm represented In Nework by Charles L. Colby, J1HE undersigned have formed or to our friends in Boston. ALKY. H. HOL 4 AY, Resident Partner. RxmiMcis.—Messrs. Dabney, Morgan it Co., New York; Jarvis Slade, Esq.. New York; Gardner Colby, Esq., Boston; Hon. J. Wiley Edmands, Boston. aagl6 tf Office in New York Oity, 157 Broadway I KEIN & GO. __ under the name and 1 FARRELLY, for the t letail Book and Stationery Business, t the old stand of John M. Cooper A Co., Northwest orner of Whitaker and St Julien streets. . JOHN M. COOPER, WILLIAM H OLCOTT, DANIEL G. OLCOTT, | 114 BAY STBEET, SAVANNAH, GA* COTTON FACTORS, COMMISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANTS. T IBEKAI. cash advances made on AJ ments of Cotton and approved Mercham made to their friends in New York, Boston or Liver- pool Refer to Messrs. Smith & Dunning, New York; C C. * H. M. Tabor, New York; Cabot A Sen ter, 8L Ionls; W. H. Taylor, New Orleans, aug26 UANCFiOTl RZK OF « CIRCULAR, GANG AND MULAY SAW MILLS STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, GRIST MILLLS, Ac, For descriptive Circulars, address WM. MONTGOMERY, nov21—eod3m No. 157 Broadway. V. M. HYRGLL, Steamboat Agent, GENERAL Commission and Forwarding Merchant, Bar tercet, tavanah, Oa., Hard# Building, 2d Doos West.of A. Low S. Co.a. Refers to Messrs. Hunter & Gammell, Crane, John son A GraybllL Bell, Wylly A Christian, Both well A Whitehead,‘Miller, Thomas A Co., and M. A. Cohen. Esq. tT , MARINt INTELLIGENCE. SA VANN AH, DECEMBER J2. Steamship «sn Jarint^Jx^tend, New York, B H Hhrdee. Off Port Royal saw U 8 surveying steamer Bibb, bonnd south. Off Tybee spoke ship E Hamilton, bound for Port Royal Steamer Resolute, Cannon, Hilton Head. Steamer Emllle, Bender, Hilton Bead. CLEARED. Brig Fanny Chapman, Darien, C L Colby A Co. Steamer Ella, Rowland, Darien, M A ' ohen. Steamer Fountain, Castiler, Palatka, Ac, M A Cohen. Steamer Orient, Goldthwait, Doctor-town, C L Colby A co. . steamer Two Boys, Doniell, DocfertoWn, jfrwia Alla-dee. kteamrr Helen, Reilly, Augusta, Kein A co. WENT TO eHA, rr'-'t Brig Olive Francis, Small, Boston. TOBACCO FOR SALE ON COMMIT 1,800 Boxes Plug, assorted brauds. 4,Oi.O Pounds Fine Cm Smoking In Papers. 5,000 Pounds Snuff, assorted brands, with a general assortment of Groceries. The Tobacco and Snnff not being subject to Govern ment Tax, can now be sold to the trade at lees than New Y’ork prices. We are agents for the sale of George Page A Ce.’s Engines and Circular, “Portable and Stationary Saw Mills, ns on ap- rxoN, Bay street. descriptions of which will be furnished b- plication. YONGE A ‘ novlf—lm £. F. METCALFE & CO., GENERAL FOKWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Stoddard's Range, on Bay street, between Lincoln and Abercorn, Savannah, Georgia. Refecemoes. —Hening, Flint A Pearce, New York; E. M. Brace A Co , Augusta, Ga.; It. C. Robson, Esq.,At lanta, Ga.; Knott A Howes, Macon, Ga.; JB. M Brace, Morgan A Co., Apalachicola, Fla; Watts, Crane A Ca, New York; Geo. C. Pearce A Co., 8C Louis, Mo.; H. e. Brace ACo., Cincinnati, O.; Mr. H. J. Cook, Albany, Ga; John \Y. O’Connor, Macon, Ga. *ep21 tf ^ H. GOWDY, Commission Merchant, 10O BAY STREET, (Anderson’s Wharf,) SAVANNAH, GEORGIA oc*2 ' * 3m t Kt23 STEPHEN FiRRELLY. i Scranton, Smith ACo., (xtcers & Commission Merchants, TTOI LD be happy to sec their former patrons and Vi friends, and the public generally, at Jheir store at th head of Bay street, opposite Jefferson, where ill at all times be happy to serve them. 6—lm '*a to aaj 9 Bisks _ . _ iNewYorfc Companies, at the lowest rate*: COLUMBIAN MARINE INSURANCE CO., Capital, *8,1)60,0*0. MORRIS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, f Capital, ^000,000. COMMERCE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, capital, $9*0,me. STANDARD TIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, (200,000. Office in Jsbm< Bleck, n.iL*ktrt£!r r ^ “ d Abercorn KiT * u wri PraytoO and Bryan streets. angiS-t MERCHANTS’ INSURANCE COMPANY I HARTFORD, CONN. rpHE nndersigned having been appointed agent lor I 1 the above well known Company, is prepared to | take risks against fire on the moet favorable terms. H. BRIGHAM, Office Southern Insurance and Trust Co. July3 _tf Hame Insurance. X l'.>-l 1>KOAI)WAY ’ *Fir Y-.pc HAWKINS 4 CO PACKERS k CE.YfEK.4L PMl l*\*\ Dealers, **I Front Si., 0 yytr ■V*. Pork, *■«. Tonrare. ^ bocM.-r., Sees. t Tslies Market Beef All orders carefully executed a (fa - SHORTEST MTHf. ■to Jfreaa fan * ■ R*.## Water firm, ktlid, Receivers of Flour A.YD HABTBIDCrE, COMMISSION DIVEB and Ocean Bteks tak XU Mutual Insurance Company • I'H ARLES < ^^No. 12, ctoddaid's Eastern Range,^ay street. ken for,the Atlantic . of New York, by GREEN A DON. [SOUTHERN TROIUKF. Consignments SoUcitad. O RDER* far new * died at loweri market rM Can me - «a d 4ne:t 1-* BALTIMORE .CARDS. AND Torwarding Merchant, 93 BAY STREET, > f', £ J SA.VAjSTJNT A3QC, (IS0.UGIA. ktl4—tf - R. MOLINA, ooa BULL AUD 005UKB8S STREETS, (Under ScreveH House,] lW’OHTER AND WHOLESALS DEALER IN HaYatna Segari, Leaf ASD^ BROKINGS- TOBACCO. Also, 114 kinds of Virginia Chewing and Sm< eerschaum, Brier Root, aad, lpes. ‘ r ’ 3D. C. Cary, (general Commission BALTIMORE, Met ■eadven of the wdf fan (ran Keanagt »« v | In lots to anil. Full inform.tioa funiieheil by UMDCBE. GAME • mnao. Particular attention given to ordere for the imrchase of Goods. . __ Consignments respeclfally eolidud. Refers, by peiulhshm, to Rue. Whitney A Co., Sa vannah. novSO—lm IOOLB te HUNT, ',4: CO,|< icy^ Chtp Sue Tobacco, of Fancy 9m until & Cliupilft, iuccesors to Morey, Day A Co.f 208 Ba- Street, Nortk Side, Between Banarcl and Jefferson streets, GENERiL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Baltimore, Maryland, AOTIHkU Portable and atteonary Steam Engines and Boil era. . I j Steam Fire Engine*, Portable Saw Mnia, (fang and Single Maw Mills, Portable Grist Mills, Floor MU1 Machinery, Cotton Screws, Railroad C*r% Car Wheels aad Axles, Hydraulic Proses for Oil and Tobacco, Toteeoo Moulds, Gas Works Apparatus of all kinds, Salting, Pulleys and Hanger*. 6m "•"‘“ME tt BALDWIN tc CO, fl. I » lEUIt>Tv Pearl street, NSW YORK. | New York. D. H. BALDWIN,1 J. F. CPI H. BRIGHAM, CYRUS r. 1 __ ^ | FRANK S. HESSELTINE, New Goods i OOT 2S!K^3£“s w ’ Passengers Per steamship San Jacinto, from New York—G Ad- S le, B DBaxter. F W BardwelU K Bubier, CM Ballev I Comstock, wife and infant, Mrs 8 J Crammer, 8 M Colding, Cant Collins and child, Cbaa Center, H H Cheney, C W Dennis, MaJ A V Elliott, Chaa Erden, P M Fleischman and inlant, J J Fiaher, p J Flannery Col Frazar and servant, Fred H Gilbert, Mrs A L Gil man, L H Goodman, J W Gretery, G.B Boogsom, M Ilirschfield, Miss*clAdd,lfi*e B Bnggeny, w B Johnston, T Johnson, C P Lopez, H Lawrence, D Ln- throp, L D ManviUe, B Mallon, S 8 Miller, T M Nor wood. Mrs M Pierce, Mrs Park man and servant, Juo H Park, J C Itobtnaon, Mr Riley, J IT eprague and wire, J F Stoddard, Gen W F mith, M C Shaw, Cols H B Scott, J Aekllton, MrTeriy, Jas Walach, P Wake field aad wife, O D .Mlson, Dr W M Walah, wife, child and two servants, Edw Wanzer, Jno Weiner. interest 7 notes dis bursed amounts f «»How*d by it daoline • oentisnud i» mmu. «?*“*•*•« tor wrrying it. Csnsimsss . . _ .—. San .Jacinto, from New York— Per steamship Adams’ ME. Jas Walsch, T & i). Apalachicola; 8 Weeks, from Jack- 1 Men The schrs Kate MqrrUl.ltod “l E Brown, Place, and Navigator, TA™$£’S AUCD ’ rmaFon aTarri^ Mackerel, JY bbta.halfbbU. an novtsuf Bay 1 n-l>i ARD, Chareh. 50 ’SSF a ‘ for Sffleby c. < .J ... liifrh -. . C- • H .; ,7 Sheetings, Shirtings, Osnaburgs, Jeans, Kerseys, Cloths, Cassi meres. Broad Cloths, Doeskins, Cloakings, Sackings, Flannels, Silks, Alpaccas, Delaines, Mohairs, Plaids, Checks, Empress Cloths, Merinos, _ tits, il tings, u •fa Hosisry, f-. Gloves, • Trimmio: nogs, jgg Linen Collars, E Paper Collars, X Embroideries, pg Hoop Skirts, pg Balmorals, _ Shawls, i “ Cloaks, i ^ Nubias, ® Worsteds, Ribbons, Velvets, Hats, ft Bonnets, © Flowers, r x Feathers, ^ Plumes, © Ornaments, * Jaconets, *93 Swiss, and r* NOt'JAT BAY STREET, (NEXT I DOOR TO Til* REPUBLICAN OFFICE,l SAVANNAH, g-a OCtSl wi y . <t Cun^mitKs GENTS’ FURNISHING GOOD8J AT W^holesale and Retail. nov28 INDIAN STREET POUNDS Y.I H AVING re-opened onr Foundry and Machine i Shop, we are now prepared to famish all «™t« of Iron and Brass Castings, as also to build Steam I Sugar Mill, Circular and Gang Saw Mills; and aUl — **- ™ 1 ‘ Steam Brat and Black- I with promptest* snd . _ K WRIGHT A CO. | Cwisrsf It. Jntten ut JefTerMO Wretts. •ct 18—tf [ RlCflARUSON & WESSEXl AGENTS |FOR tVMS. Jssisp A Son’s kngli.b Cast Steel, Clrcmlar Saw*. . _ Cotton Gin*. AnsnsamiateM Pacific Gnane, Patent Deckisg aatl Roofing. octu-tf oj p gr i € ALEXANDER HARDER STORAGE AND 'Iff! SAVANNAH, GA. ^tetaH^Fbddn, Grata, Hour, Wool, Hd^ OENEI II ME! TUST RECEIVED, a large and beantifal u- ment of FANCY GOODS, ■elected expressly far this market ao KIRLIN-, BRO, & BURKE, ALES, ^4QUORS Btejr Lane, t family i3eef'.. SAND F. mfi AND DEALIES IN ,-.v Wood, €|al, Grain, Hay, loro, Rats and Feed, In qnantitiedo suit customers, at the lowest market prices. no, 26—tf HayYood A LaSoche, Olfice( at tlie Ice House, MARKET SQUARE. O AK, Pili and Mixed Wood kept ’toSstantly on hand, ad delivered to order at the shortest no- DUItUBY RICBOLS, Baltimore. I Greensboro’, N. C. C. P. MENDENHALL A CO., Ootton, Tobacco, AND Gtaeral CtpaMoi Merehaats, 166 Pratt Street Wharf, sep23 BALTIMORE. PIPE AND TUBE OO. red to supply Gas, Steam and Water Pipe | on the most favorable terms. KRAFT & HILL, I stowSSSSSnm ffiaa. **I an* tU tfMfnt. foppotite A. T. Sfawarrai NEW YORK. A full seppiv of Goods, suitable far ffa aans.*- vmsooteaiL Top pfatoonag* 1* rarpectfiHy eoUttei THEWASHlNUTOJf IRON WORKS v Hare oa hand lor ate tkar lafrortd PMtabl* Swam top** PSHnMeOtrslartaw PlfaMf ST. and Tarn Trifalm t mgs, Urge at OrL-C. WARD, « Liberty acre liVIrt. {GENERAL oldest 1 At COMMISSION, PRODUCK BROKER AND FORWARDING MBMGHANT, No. 285 Broad Street, Aogasta, Ga., (At the Old Stand of the late firms of Ti P. Stcivdll A Co. Stovall, McLanghlin A Co., and G. H. . McLanghlin A Co.,) Will giv? his prompt and personal attention to the purchase aad sale of Cotton, Domestic Goode. Bacon, Lari, Grata Flour, Rope, Bagging, am chandlze geaerally. Having the .Agency of several first class Cotton ills, I am prepared at all times to supply orders for Yarns, Steetings, ehirtings, Osnaburgs, Drills, Ker seys, Jeaa, Ac., Ac. With extensive fire-proof warehouses, am furnish secure storage, and give prompt attention to merchan dise and produce Consigned to me for forwarding in any direction. .6m an f Sperms torbcea. Seminal Weakness, Loss of Pow e. This medichto Us stood tte tsat of over thir- TH A of Bp. «r, Ac. ty years and has slsrsys provco s success. DR. RAND’S SPECIFIC is exhibited hi the form of pills, made ap entirely of substance* that hare a sped- tectupon the generative organs. Most persons tote the idea of operation* upon the bowel* from kind of pus. The Sr some of Dr. Rand b jda*airav*ov*Ti*smMoniK. Its medici nal virtues are expended entirely upon the Impaired regenerative organa. The pilb are not unpleasant to tte taste, and many personffmastk-ate them with im punity before swallowing them; which always recommend, as affording getthe - HadfaU’s law ftr Importer erf Umn FIr« Crattan tat* fffiN g *pi2i‘ meek gists f effect of the remedy » per fax, or tel r the 1 LANTERNS. FUA«-»- ** • oflat" impersf * GOOUi ip. * *• Also a large assort TOYS AND FANCY Wjo S4 Jtes Eta mail I W. A KAMSisJY & OO., GENERAJL CommliiAnMercliants r #5. Sold by drug- j Wholesale Agent, t- Phlladelpfla, H. Dye. sell for il, Natural. Durable^Beautiful. Warranted to ptaase. This arti cle has been thoroughly tested by DrCHTLTON, of I Mow York, aad Prao. Booth and Garrett, of Philadel- f ■ ■ tnnire th* most delicate hair. Sold'by I ' GARDNER, DEXTER * COMMISSION MERCHANT 50 Boxes larger I COTT dN N« I Id Pearl NEW TURK, Refer to Nati ANI AUCTIONEERS 308 Broad Street^Auguata, Gh#. •I Goods dealers aaaytt—1; •• Bavin* rjtzx RRkSS Robert Habersham A Sons, Savannah. W. H. Stark, do. Bonee, Brown A Co., An Ed. Thomas, y. W.K. Kitchen, meket with revise* I OCD7—M . .L. A WOT A OD-1. C.K.DEXTIS. Aft-b. r* JAS. B. C AHILL, General aid Comniifisjbn Merchant, ■A.UGrtJSXA, GrA. •iprei —. ssss UKMTT * « Holders of Merchandize ately, will consult their ini ^Strict bnsiness attention will be .given all conaign- its, and prompt returns madeydl the most reasons- ble rates. , Refer to Messrs. Hunter A Snmmeh, C^L. Colby A a., Hilton A Rondel], A. C. LfineUqf, to realize immedl- te consigiflng the elli^, Halsey, Wright A COHUKIM Hlffill- I RiodaJa-te^. soil nad II m. !/■>