Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 14, 1865, Image 3

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SAVANNAH NATIONAL REPUBLICAN, THURSDAY MORNING, DECK jgGANT JEWELRY, rnrarsara, wam, * £ Bifort His Honor, E. C. Anderson, Major. Savahnah, Dec. 13. W. B. AMen and W. RT* n > City Police, vs. James McGee. Elizabeth Martin, Prosecutrix. Improper donduct, beatiDg bis wife, corner Zn* biy and Farm streets, 2 a. m ,DecemberI3tb,l865. Dismissed, defendant to pay cost, together with a severe admonition to McGee. LOCAL MATTERS itur Marine and Canuuercial News, The Commercial and Marine Intelli- will hereafter be found on our geoce fourth Cool Burglarious Operation. X few evenings since, an audacious thief entered the dwelling at the corner of West IJr.isd and Hall streets, and deliberately de- j leied the bat rack of quite a number of valu es overcoats, hats, caps and umbrellas. The -serious scoundrel, not content with securing ,-dicient clothing to supply all of his friends carried off a large package of TO RENT. grocers Provision FOR RENT .* A LARGE, well finished and famish ed store, suitable for the Dry Goods and tmoe trade. Fer particulars, enquire at 159 Congress street • decl2—eod6t invitee Dealers Rooms to Rent, jiURNISHED or unfurnished, with or without Board; apply on South Broad street, third door ast of Barnard, north side. dec7 tf Service will be famfehed on routes, the war, it wm* daily, three time* a was tri-weekly twice a week; and where it, wJTwLl weekly, weekly service will be allowed. Proposals should be addressed to “Han. Q*o w McLefisn, Sd Asst P. M.. Washington, D. c, tod should state they are lbr service to end June *d, ise« uov 15 tf SHIP CHANDLERS’ NOTICE CALLED TO THIS AUCTION. <-, r the winter, 1 staments that lay in the entry. On reaching ;ce street the bundle was opened, and the light of 'he gas lamps revealing the character ci the plunder, the package was dropped on the spot, where they were shortly after found t.v the owners. i^jery? Was not the thief alarmed with that the contents of the package would be icnf-ary evidence against him should he ft arrested with the Testaments in bis posses sion ? « We have had occasion frequently of late to • sm our citizens against the too careless prac tice of leaving their premises needlessly ex posed to the predatory visits of these burglars) It neglecting to keep their front and back- liojr? securely locked at all times. A little attention paid to the fastening of doors, win dow* and shutters, particularly after dark, will agve many a family from the bold visits of these entry thieves and house-breakers. Tbe steamship Weybossett. (>ur special New York correspondent, under , ate of the 9th inst., writes us as follows in re gard to the late accident to the steamship Wey- bowext, from which it will be seen that the ship was but slightly injured, and will be de- taxned from the line only a few days. She has I i rtn Brooklyn to undergo a sur- St. Andrew’s Hall Christmas and New ear’s Gifts. NOW 13 THE TIME TO SELECT PRESENTS FROM A 8PLENDID STOCK JUST For Sale at Anetioo, on SATURDAY, iT7TIX oe rented for Balls, Concerts, Ac. r v to Messrs. MYERS, A a under tbe Hall DAVID R. DILLO: nov30—3w 2*4 Bay stl OPENING AT WANTED! HAMILTON’S CHANGE OF DAY. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. For Palatka, Fla., VIA DARIEN, BRUNSWICK, ST. MARYS. FERNANDINA, JACKSON VILLE AND PICOLATA. Offices to Bent CORNER CONGRESS AND WHITAKER STREETS. A large invoice of FIRST CLASS GOC mported direct from the manufacturers, expressly for this Establishment, consisting in part of FINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, of tbe most celebrated makers, AMERICAN and FOREIGN manufacture. CLOCKS, PLAIN and oftNAMENTAL, for Office and Parlor use. THE LATEST STILE OF JEWELRY, a superb assortment. whL E .^SwL“.“L“SElS , ‘“ i, ' 3Hff " d wMKiwrsou, 3 ESIRABLE Offices to Rent over store come 1 Bay and Barnard streets, Enquire of nov!4 LaKOCHE, GADEN A UNCKLES. LaKOCHE, GADKN A UNCKLES. LUMBERMEN FOR RENT, H TWO ROOMS, FURNISHED, to l#«U i*a|let to gentlemen. Apply at this office. 100 Lumbermen wanted Immediately to engage in tbe Lumbering Btuineaa on the Savannah and Ogeeohee Rivers, Good wages and Permanent Employ- Mo ment guaranteed. Address MARK W. DOWNIE, National Republican Office, Savannah. Remember the Poor. CHARITY FAIR, Cash paid for old GOLD and SILVER, at SIDY BLUR Ac HIT. R. THIS DAY, 14th tost, at 10 0* ». - sold In front of store, to doss accounts; 2* do* crimson Shirts. 1* do*. Ltoen Bosom White Shirts 18 doz. Undembbt* tad Drawer* tt salts Costs, Vasts and tirei* 4J Bnsinsas ■ onto, different qualities. 108 pair Caesimcie Pants, djfltomtuualiti 18 cases Kelt lists. 10 pieces Cssatatere. • 5?- Week and Bins Cloth. 20 do. Satirist. 4 cases Prints Dalai ass, Mstlnnm. Ac. BESIDES — —— — — ^ - - — wwwwvu, av.usvKij it,, tfUlUIBi bnt now the Helen Getty, Captain O. R. In graham, will leave the Wharf foot of West Broad street every SATURDAY MORNING, at 10 o'clock, A. M., precisely, for the above Landings. For freight or passage, apply on board or to*. L. 8. BENNETT, Aftht, . ___ _ cor. West Broad and Bay streets. AGENTS—Darien, A. A. DeLonne. Jacksonville, J. 8. Samis A Co. Palatka H. R. Teasdale, Freight payable by shippers- oct*5 decll—lmo CORNER CONGRESS AND WHITAKER STREET8. FOR 8ALE RAILROAD NOTICES. FOR SALE LOW Central Railroad, OFFICE ATLANTIC A GULF R. B. CO. Savannah, Dec. 6th, 186S. Ladies of Savannah, AT TOE Fireman’s Hall, « 7 VIA DARIEN, BRUNSWICK, ST. MA RYS, BERN AN DINA, JACKSON VILLE AND PICOLATA. Connecting with steamer “Flora Temple” at 'St. Marys. Freight will be received for King’s Ferry, Centervillage, and all Land ings on tbe St. Mary’s River. — -V THE new and fast steamer A !1 "reTtvS. Fountain, Captain G. W. cast- WindUp An Estate mrr risen mo tom. Will sell Tills D > Y. at store, on Margaret street 108 pahs Army Roots. HOT sacks LUarpool alt. 1 case Merchandize. ' • Wc made a visit to this fine boat yesterday »«;1 in a conversation had with Mr. Parish, the purser, that gentleman most courteously satis fied all the inquiries we deemed necessary to make. The ship was completely pumped out, and although not yet in drawing room trim, she was gallantly afloat and rapidly progress ing to a state of dryness after the gorging snp- ; y , water pumped into her hsld and upon her deck on Tuesday last. This morning she has tiro removed from Pier 13, Nojth river, to Brooklyn for the purpose of discharging the re- t.amier of her cargo of cotton, which has been ,'.imaged by fire and water. The underwriters hive her there in charge for the purpose of hav- .ng her thoroughly repaired, a process which will occupy a few days, and that being com- i eted. the Weybossett will be speedily in the h i d- of her gallant Captain, who will take in h;s return cargo and proceed safe and sound on Li* return trip to Savannah.” VALUABLE FARM SOUTH BROAD STREET, ON THE •» 13th and 14th of December, FOR THE BENEFIT OF , JOHN SCREVEN, President. Auction! Auction!! STSBT « Tuesday, Thursday A Saturday Evenings, at Store Brougbteakt.,Third Dow frore Ml win be offered a ssoerml sssiwasat TV of Drv Goods. Boot* and Shoes, H.terry C- 4er nothing, Ho"k», Yankee Notin s, Jewelry!*e. Sbe, st tbe purchaser's own prices. Terms cask ^ positive. d«l—lai situation wanted. A FIRST class manager of a Rice Plantation, A. THOMAS, deslree to secure a situation for next year. Refers to Daniel Blake, Esq., and W. B. Hey ward, Esq., and to our firm. ROBT. HABERSHAM A SONS. aeci*—n 51-2 Miles from Augusta, C ONTAINING (180) One Hundred and Eighty Acres, more or lee*. About (100} One Hundred acres of it in valuable wood ; a good Dwelling with (I) seven Rooms, Stables, Carriage House, and (7} seven Farm Buildings. To a party desiring a good healthy, comfortable House, within 50 minutes’ drive ofiaugusta, the above place offers superior inducements. For full particulars enquire of CHAS. L. COLBY A CO. nov7 cor. Abercom and Bay streets. 12th be delm derof nov20 lour before departure of Train. By or- GEO. W. * DAMS, Central Railroad, Doors will be opened THIS EVENING, at 7 o’clock ORPHANS’ FAIR! WANTED MIDDLING COTTON AND SICE, I N exchange for $15 to $20,000 of very desirable Summer Dress Good*, Ac., comprising ■ most complete assortment of tbe choicest Arabics—No Old Stock. Apply to JOHN F. YOUNG, 7o North Fourth street, Philadelphia. Reference—DeWltt A Morgan, Savannah. Philadelphia Reference—M7 L. Halloweli A Co., or Wood. Marsh A Haywood. oct30 T» ATTERY PLANTATION, on Port Royal I* Island, 4 miles from Beaufort, 8. C.. 570 Acres— 460 acres cleared Cotton Land, 80 acres Wood Land.— Has been steadily cultivated during the war. A fine Dwelliug House, Mules Carts, and all Agricultural Im plements complete; Negro Houses, with a splendid selection of Plantation Hands—50 in number. For terms, enquire of JOHN A. WRIGHT, dec9—3aw2w Beaufort, 8. C. • A NUMBER OF BENEVOLENT LADIES of this city, feeling a lively interest in the wel fare of the FEMALE ORPHANS dependent for support on the oharity of the good The new steamer City Point, Cspt. E. 8. Talbot, will leave as above every SATUR DAY, at 9 A. M. For freight or passage, apply to MANHOOD R. W. ADAMS, or J. S. CARRUTHERS. Hodgson’s Range, Bay street- next door to Bell, Wylly A Christian. SISTERS OF OUR LADY OF MERCY, Will give a dec7—thtotf sale of Government Steamers. Messrs. York, Williams, Mclntire A Co. sold ■ Monday last, at Hilton Head, under the direc- n ot Lieut. Coi. C. W. Thomas, Chief Quarter- aster, some ten or twelve steamers,the property ; the United States,' and which have been e ai red as Government transports. They were • d tor cash at the following prices: Nelly Baker, side-wheeler, of 293 tons, Bold to K;«hop for $9,000. Neptune, side-wheeler, of 362 tons ; to J. Bish- A NEAT and commodious Cottage, with Brick out Houses on same lot, situated on Roberts street Robertsville, will be sold if applied for at an early date. Price $3,000. Apply to Z. M. WINKLER, At Henry Wayne’s Stables, West Broad street. nov22 tf For Augusta AND WAY LANDINGS 8UAW A CLARK, Biddeford, Maine, ■spin 3m form, snd tbe impossibility of application effort show Its bsaefil influence- It ao’i evident to tbe observer th t some deprsnstn Is checking the development of the body, tion is talked ot and perhaps the yooth from school and sent Into the country. ”1 during the week immediately preceding Christ mas, opening on MONDAY’, the 18th, and do*’ ing on SATURDAY, the 23d instant, at fftg A MONTH I Agents wanted for tix entirely new article*, just out. Address O. T. GAREY, City Building, Biddeford. CENTRAL RAILROAD A BANKING CO. Savannah, Dec. 11th, 1866. ARDERED by fthe Board of Directors tb; ' ' Lumber nor Timber shall be transported ovi Company’s Road, except by special contract wit Superintendent. GEO. A. CUYLEB, Caahi St Andrew’s Hall ) NE splendid 4 or 0 Horse Wagon with Harness to match. Enquire at HENRY WAYNE'S STABLE*. novlC—tf cor York and West Broad ets. sion* of the ever-changing acnw of the ett*. the now- ers of tbe body too mnch enfeebled to give asm m healthful and rural eaeidee, thought* are lamed to wards upon themselves. If the patient be s female, tbe approach of the — ses is looked for with anxiety, as the flint symptom to which Nature is to show hsr saving power to diffsstec the circulation, and visiting the chwA with the Moom of health. Alas! increase of apptrtte has grows by The attention of the pubtio generally, and of those especially intending to purchase CHRISTMAS GIFTS, is called to the large number of FANCY ARTICLES, many of them the work of the Sisters’ pupils, that will be for sale at the different Fair tables. deell tf THE steamer Express, Cspt. J. H. Morgan, will have quick despatch as above. B Y virtue of anthority vested In me by Resolution passed at a meeting of the German Fire Com- tany, held on the 28th inst, I, Henry Blnn, First foreman of the German Fire Company of Savannah, Ga., do hereby offer a Reward of Two Hundred Dollars for the arrest, with proof to convict of the person or persons engaged in the murder of Mr. A. UORDES, late a member of this Company. nov30 HENRY BcUN, Foreman. This Boot is new, light draft and of large carrying capacity, offering superior inducements to shippers. Having secured a large Brick Warehouse on old Florida Steamboat Wharf foot of West Broad street, I am now receiving freight for her, and will store same and cover with Insurance, free of coeL to shippers. For freight, apply to F. M. MYRELL, Agent, decl2 Harris' Building, Bay afreet. "Dcoia, side-wheeler, 345 tons, to J. Bishop for ' ( -I Croton, side wheeler, 361 tons, to J. Fitzgerald Most of the Platform Cars-of the Company being em - ployed to moving Iron and Ties for rebuilding the Road, will prevent the hauling of Wood and Lumber except in limited quantities. GEO. W. ADAMS, decl2—eod2w General Superintendent. FIRKINS choice Bntter. CHAS. L. COLBY' A CO„ cor. bercom and Bay streets. General Snperintendent. nov!4-tf Be den Gate, side-wheeler, 195 tons, to J’ sea tor $10,000. Belief, screw, 68 tons, to J. Ames for $5,000. Nantasket, side-wheeler, 299 tone, to J. Bishop r$U,5uO. Macon, screw, 333 tons, to W. Wormsly for Regular Weekly Steamer BETWEEN SAVANNAH :and DOGTORTOWN, Connecting Regularly and Punctually with Atlantic A Gnlf Railroad. what it fed on and theenergfeaof the ijiliw me pi trated, and tbs whole economy Is ileringmf 1 beautiful sod wonderful period to which body i mind undergo so fascinating a - k ‘-p from woman, Is looked for In vain: th* parent* h art Wo in anxiety, and fancies the grave hat waitaf fer victim. Helmbftid'* Extract Botha For Weakness arising from Eictssm or Eat Indiscretion. Attended with the following Symptoms Indisposition to Kxonion. Lose of Power, 1mm TONS ENGLISH SHEET COP A Small WHITE POODLE DOG, highly t the owner. A suitable reward will be his return to tbe store, 109 Broughton street PER, manufactured expressly for the Southern mar ket, of usual thickness and weight. Size of sheets as follows : 60x24, 00x28, 60x17, 60x9, 60x7, 36x2 inches. Will be sold at a great bargain. Enquire of G. P. BRADFORD. 348 Broadway, N. Y. Or JOHN E. COWLES, Corner Bull and Bay streets, oct 18—2mo L. C. NORVELL A CO. Rescue, screw, 203 tons, to W. Wormsley for Notice. Steamship Chase THE steamer Jas G. Christophs J. M. Moody, will leave for the above THURSDAY KVRNING, at 6 o’clock. This Boat is of light draught; and very fast. For freight, apply on Charleston Wharf to Gen. Hunter, side-wheeler, 460 tons, a very fine neat, to W. Enfer for $24,000. These were not considered very good prices, as there were but few persons in attendance, and xbt bidding was not very spirited. Oor- West Broad and Bay Streets, S J1 H, GEO declS T HE undersigned have this day entered into a co partnership under the name and style of McKEE, BENNETT *fc CO., at McKee & Bennett’s old stand. Will keep constantly on hand a fine assortment of Carriages, Bretts, Rockaways, Buggies, Harness and Coach Material Of every description, which we sell at the Lowest Gash Prices. All work sold, warranted as represented. We have fine Store Rooms, and forwardine will be promptly at tended to. Consignments soli ited. Will open by 1st January Manufacturing and Re- i«irinv Department, and will have Experienced Workmen and Choice material, and be prepared to do any amount of Carriage Repairing. , , , „ MoKEE, BENNETT A CO. J. G. MoKEE, i L. S. BENNETT, l JAMES MoKEE. i dec9 The Steamer City Point. 1 he steamer City Point, Capt. Coxetter, from U.-rlesion, arrived here yesterday, on her way : Florida, with quite a number of passengers. We are pleased to see that the veteran comman- Capt. L. M. Coxetter, has been placed in r.srge of this line steamer. Thia is an excellent :: intment. Capt. Coxetter is thoroughly ac- •mted on this route, having been for many 'c-rs engaged in the trade, and ia also well ac.- i. nied with the people, and will give entire i -laetion to the public. Capt. Ccxetter is too *• known to the people in this section to need x: trended notice from our hands. Honor of Death, Night wests, < oW rest W near. Dimness of VWoo, Languor, Uatvenal La of the Muscular System, Often laaiwim A with Dyspeptic Symptoms, Hot Banda, Ftmhto, Body. Dryneea of tbe Skin, Pallid Oonntonaa Eruption* on the Face, Pstn to the Bsc”, flsavl tbe Byelida, Frequently Stork Spots flying bad Eyes, with Temporary Suffusion and Lore of Want of Attention, Great Mobility, *oaUreaare Horror of Society. Nothing to more ilsslt able i Patients than Solitude, and nothing they man foe Feur of Themselves, no Repos* of Mannar, s neatness, no t peculation, bnt a harried Tmi from one question to another. There symptoms, il allowed to go on—wHe Medicine invariably removes—soon feSow 1< Power, Fatuity, and Epileptic Pita, tnoae of wfej patient may expire. During tbe Superintendence of Dr. WOeon, i Bloom Ing dale Asylum, this red remit occunad patient*; reason bed for a time left there, sm died of epilepsy. They were of both nm, and twenty year* of age. Importations This steamer draws only twenty-eight (23) inches, and at the present stage of the river, offers superior inducements to shippers. Freight received at all times and stored free in fire-proof warehouse at old Charles ton Steam Boat Wharf. For freight engagements, apply to J. M. KINCHLKY, Agent, dec4—tf office at Charleston Wharf. Barbershop • Ship County of Pic- tou from GUasgo w, O TONS Gartsherrie Pig Iron, 250 tons Household Coal. LOOO Hampers Pqtatoes. 150 kegs Herrings. 50 cases Preserved Salmon. 90 da Dried Finnan Haddock. Fa CHARLES GREEN A SON. Agents and officer* to meet the wants of the freighting Cor. Bull & Bryan Sts.. I S a most exquisite establishment, where everything In that line can be performed in as good style as in our Northern Citiee. The establishment is now, however, undergoing thorough repair and renovation, and will be fitted np in a style equal, If not superior, to any similar place to the North. From a long experience to the business, he is ena bled to give satisfaction to his numerous customers, and solicits a continuance of their patronage, hereto fore so liberally bestowed. Mr. STAMM has also a large stock of Goods in his line, to which he Invites attention. decl3—2t and travelling public. Freight stored to our Warehouse, on Dillon’s wharf, free of charge. ERWIN A HARDEE. I). JAMES DILLON, Agent at Doctortown. decl2—2w For Liverpool -<V1 The new first class clipper ship VIRGINIA, OHV Weeks, Commander, Is now rapidly loading at Lower Press, and, having Arrivals from New York. The steamships Nevada, Capt. Carpenter; L.tcrpe, Capt. Eldbridgs; Virgo, Capt. Bulkley; Hunter, Capt Rogers, arrived at this port yester- -ty irc.m New York. All these vessels come well bv.gbtei with goods, and a large number of pal ii engagements, will have quick despatch, r freight or passage, (taken at lowest rates), ap- 0 CHAWLE' L. COLBY A CO„ t23—tf cor. Bay and Alfercom streets. Fop Liverpool. jwri, THE A No. 1 ship MOUNT BLANC, is now rapidly loading at White’s Press. For balance of freight, (having rearejgrrooni only ior a few hundred bales,) enquire of LaKOCHE, GADEN A UNCKLES, Agts. THOMAS VILLE. BAXTGH’S RAW BONE SDPBR-PH0SPB1TB OF LIMB FOR SALE IBGE assortment of Groceries of all kinds loo boxes Cheese. 100 do, Bmstoa. 100 y : boxes Raisins, loo k do. do. 50 kegs Currants. 50 cases Sardines. 50 do. Pickles. • 50 do. Maccaroni. 50 do. Prunes Pepper, Allspice, Tobacco, Segare and Liquor, arge assortment of Manilla Rope. Acknowledgments. We are under obligations to the parsers several New York steamships arrived yes- -•ij for lave New York papers, and to Mr- 5ardson, of the Nevada, for special favors ' Vc are also indebted to Mr. Wilkinson, of ilm *’ Lxpreas Company, for late Augusta w in advance of the mail. followed by those direful diseases Ii sumption? Tbe records of t^e Ins* the melancholy deaths by f 'onsmnpi witness to tbe truth of these aseertk Asylums the moat melancholy exhl Tbe countenance is actually aoddan tute—neither MirtMrGrief went ris sound of tbe voice occur, it ia rarely “With woeful measures wan Low sullen sound* hi* grtof BAUGH A SONS, MANUK AOTUREB8 AND PEOPRIMTORS, STORE .\0. 30 SOI TH DELAWARE AVE HUE PHILADELPHIA. IE cargo of brig Harp, consisting of— 4000 bush. Potatoes, Jackson’s, 60 bbls, Apples, 126 M Cedar Shingles, 25 M fprtice Scantling, 13 M Pine Boards, 11 M Hemlock Boards, by HORATIO PITCHER, foot Lincoln st, under the Bluff. nov21 New Citron This valuable MANURE has been before the agri cultural public, under one name for twelve years past, and its character for vigor'of action and permanence to effect is well established. Before the war, it wa« in troduced to some extent to the Southern States, and was found to be highly adapted to THRESH Figs, J? Zante Currants, Raisins, new crop, Almonds, Very choice Candies, Fancy Crackers of all kinds, and all Groceries, suitable for'the Holidays, to large stock at iRANDELL A CO.’S, decll—codlw Southwest cor. Bay and Barnard. From Charleston. ,,Ve rct3rn our thank* to Capt Beaufort, of I ts "teamer Rockland, which arrived at this I in yesterday, for late Charleston papers. | Rockland brought the U. S. Mail from v point* -— ______ •* For Augusta. The steamer Minnie Brandt leaves this port | fev Augusta on Friday morning at 9 o’clock, f m will be seen from the advertisement of her *«nu, Messri. LaRoche & West. The Min- : e Brandt ha* excellent accommodation*, and I 15 of light draft. Postponed Auction Sale. * * le by Means. Blua & eyer to take place yesterday at the ware- -ure of Messra. Kenneth McLea & Co., was, S’ ';'/ cu5unt of 016 r * in . postponed, aa awn by •'lerence to advertiaament, until Saturdav. Li a . »*•»!*« Scexpie. II Ltanhoa ia eallad to tha adrartiaattret of the I ***** will not facilities to promptlv exeent Printing Materials of evei Presses of all manufactures. and symptom*, we are prepared to edhr aa tovutouMs gilt of chemistry for tbe removal of tha - m ] M u il HELRBOLD’I Highly Concentrated Fluid Ex tract of Buchu. JsST THERE IB NO TONIC LIKE IT It to. an anchor of hepstq theaurreoaaaflfluftoto.aud this to the testimony of all who bare read ar aauto edit. ITAVING reotoved a large stock of toe above st Il very low rates, we are able to offer to close oyer, great inducement, to South-west cor. Bay and Barnard. dect»—eodlw Hominy-Corn Meal O fr BBliS Extra Premium Hominy O 90 half bbls Extra do do 20 bbls K. D. Corn Meal 30 half bbls K. D. Com Meal; for sale by HILTON A RANDELL, decll 8 193 Bay street. Tobacco and all Crops, The sales now amount to many thousand tons an nually, and the facilities for its manufacture are ex tensive and complete. The Proprietors of this MANURE are engaged to no other business, and are therefore directly interested in maintaining fnlly its high stan- eMc . i ? ac y- The trade supplied by the cargo direct from the wharves of the manufactory. Dealers with the special ad vantages of this article before purchasing other bra ads W Send for a pamphlet. Manufactured only by BAUGH & SOWS, No. 80 South Delaarare Avenue. dec6—2aw3m ’ novl—eod6m at Charleston, 8. C. GADEN & UNCKLES, 100 Bbls. (ruano & 300 Bbls. cenentt decl2—tf FT Y doz Painted wire Brooms 40 doz 2 hoop and 3 hoop Pails 25groee Mason’s Challenge Bind HILTON A It PHILADELPHIA. Drug and Chemical WarahouM, 3M B10ADWAI. METROPOLITAN HOTEL 1,800 Boxes Plug:, assorted brands. 4,Ot O Pounds Flue Cut Smoking in ”5.006 Pounds Snuff, assorted brands, with a general assortment ot Groceries. The Tobacco and Snuff not being subject to Govern ment Tax, can now be sold to the trade at lees than New York prices. We are agents for tbe sale of Ge*rge Page k Co.’s Engines and Circular, Portable and Stationary Saw Kills, descriptions of which will be famished by ns on ap- plicatibn. YONGE A NIXON, decll AVING re-opened ow Foundry and Machine . Shop, we are now prepared to furnish all kinds of and Braw Castings, as also to build Steam Engines, tr MU], Circular and Sang Saw Mills; and all kinds Diwrigbttog, Engineering, Steam Boat and Black- b won done at short notice, with promptness and stch. ROSE, ARKWRIGHT A CO. HILTON & RANDELL HORATIO PITCHER’S, foot of Lincobwat., under the'Blnff. IE now receiving ancLoffer for sale 160 kits Nos. 2 snd 3 Boston Mackerel 100 half bbls Nos 2 and 3 do do 125 bbls and ball bbls Extra State Family Flour 900 caddies extra Black and Green Teas 40 bxs “Our Own* Tobacco 20 bxs Navy (pounds) Tobacco 20 bxs and quarter bxs Layer Raisins; at A BOUT 100 tons heavy Stone Ballast, per Rip XX Herald, at the Unner Cotton Press, fer sale by « decl3—it CHARLES GREEN A SO# FOR SALE, T lowest market rates, a large assortment of TEAS, COFFEES. and SUGARS r^WBNTY caae* (quarts, pints and half pinto)