Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 16, 1865, Image 3

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SAVANNAH NATIONAL REPUBLICAN, SATURDAY MORNING, DE » «hippin6 FROM OUR LEGISLATIRE LOCAL MATTERS ELEGANT JEWELR FINE SILVER WARE, AUCTION 8ALES INAUGURATION 0%G0V. JENKINS MS INAUGURAL ADDRESS. Auction Sale Of Provisions, mm imp, «, ui GROCEES, . Provision Dealers Seizure •* «** steamer »Ron o* me Froroot Marshal. Y'esterday evening about six o’clock, as the plainer Falcon, Captain William Cates, run- ciag between here and Augusta, reached her • hr.rf «t the foot of Abercom street, sbe was immediately seized by the Provost Marshal un der orders from General Brannan, command ing the Distrirt of Savannah, and a guard of s :ergeant and three privates was at once j laced on her. We have ascertained cause of her seizure was an NO CONFLICT BETWEEN GEORGIA AND THE UNITED STATES. CONGRESSIONAL NEWS. TRIBUTES TO SENATOR COL- LAMER. THE ADDRESS CORDIALLY EN DORSED. MEMORIAL AGAINST RECEPTION OF MESSRS . HAHN AND CUTTER. ADJOURNMENT OF LEGISLATURE, &c. &c. &c. that the ostensible alleged refusal on :he pvrt of her captain to carry a detachment of troops from Augusta to Savannah, ana that the facts in the case are as follows i On Monday last, while the Falcon was lying s- Augusta, a United Slates military officer came on coard with a request that the captain ,, ,.;d provide for the passage of a detach ment of seventy-five soldiers to thre city ; that informed by the captain that the ac- n nodations of the Falcon were entirely in- •. jeouate to do so, and thereupon the number reduced to fitty-cight men, and the officer was even then told that it was impostibie to make anv promise regarding their passage, as the boat was heavily freighted, and had no an occurred space. On Wednesday another officer came on tne -ante business, and was answered to the same ., n , i t ,.e, aud that on Thursday a third one called ;.o was anxious to obtain a stateroom for . K iie, and upon being told that all the rooms ad been engaged, and that therefore he could Tio! be gratified, he expressed considerable ,li-at pointment. The seizure subsequently fol- ; aid as we have already stated. Tbe t&lcon, we understand, is permitted to di-c'.arge her cotton and to load, the Govern ment only claiming to hold the vessel itself. FIREMAN’S HALL TO-NIGIIT. A BILL TO REPEAL.ALL LAWS BASED ON DISTINCTION OF m COLOR OR RACE. Millkdgeville, Dec. 14. Hon. Cbas. A. Jenkins, Governor elect, wa ( inaugurated at noon to-dsy. In his address to the Legislature he says there is no conflict between the Constitution of the United States and tbe Constitution of Georgia ; the laws of the United States are supreme. .He pays a handsome tribute to the good conduct, of the negroes during the war, and that they must be thoroughly protected in their persons and property, and have the right to enter the Coarts, and should be eoconraged to work* They woold then be the best l working class and their late owners the best employers in the world. He reviewed the condition of the State institutions, and said that even light taxes wonld be burdensome to the people, but thought that the people would not suffer, and concludes by hoping that God would help us all. At tbe close of the address Provisional Gov ernor Johnson handed the Great Seal of Georgia to Governor Jenkins. The oath of office was then taken, and the President of the Senate de clared him Governor of Georgia. The sentiments of the address are cordially en dorsed by tbe members. The Legislature adjourns to-night. New York Markets. New York, Dec. 14. The Cotton market was firm to-day with sales of4000 bales at SO cents for Middling. Nava] Stores qniet.. Gold 46. T HK magnificent Don.iMe-whsel *teamahin RlCHnosn Will leave for Baltimore on SAlURDAY, the «tl Inst, at — o^clo-k. The accommodations for passengers on board thl steamer are superb, and travelers desirous of risitia New York and other Northern cities will tin tw hundred miles of sea travel, and get through tickets i the same rate charged by other lines, by taking paaaag on the Richmond. For freight or passage, apply to • LaB .CHE A WBST, Agents, decll—6 Jones' block. JOINT COMMITTEE ON SO-CALLED CONFEDERACY. * Christmas and New Year’s Grifts. 13 TUK TIME TO SELECT PRESENTS FROM A SPLENDID STOCK JUST OPENING AT ALL PAPERS RELATING TO THE LATE CONFEDERACY TO BE SUBMITTED WITHOUT DEBATE. Ter Bela at Aeetion, on SATURD^8k,Dw*m bar 16th, lost., at 10 o'clock, at the Ktora jU KENKETR HcLFAAM. •09 Bay lirtat 4 hhdt Vary Choice Thin Bacon Sidra SoArC«r3)* brm,#d W “ hi0< ‘° n H ‘“* (Wh ‘“ “ ^‘»Very Choice City Cured Hamr. (NT) ... “ •* Sh aider*(NT) J® brklns Lref Lsrd and 12 tabs Lard flfkin. Burtar, (Cfiolc.) * 2 hhds Smoked Sh. ■ ■ ' HAMILTON’S, CiIANGEOF_DAY. UNITED STATES MAIL UNE. For Palatka, Fla., VIA DARIEN, BRUNSWICK, ST. MARYS. FERN A NBIN A, JACKSON VILLE AND PICOLATA. OREGON RATIFIES CONSTITUTION AL AMENDMENT. CORNER CONGRESS AND WHITAKER STREETS. A large invoice bf FIRST CLASS GOODS, mported direct from the manufacturers, expressly for this Establishment, consisting in part of FINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, of the most celebrated makers, AMERICAN and FOREIGN manufacture. CLOCKS, PLAIN and ORNAMJ3NTAL, for Office and Parlor use. THE LATEST STYLE OF JEWELRY, a superb assortment. SILVER WARE of exquisite WORKMANSHIP and WARRANTED to be of the pure metal. Wheeler and Wilson's NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES. WATCHES end JEWELRY NEATLY REPAIRED by experienced Workmen at tbe shortest notice. CHRONOMETERS RATED BY TRANSIT. Cash paid for old GOLD aud SILVER, at THE STATUS OF COLORED SOL DIERS. ■ - 1 “ Hams 11 tiereae Breakfast B.oon, nr, cMro 10 bbla Ramp Pork. 10 do Prime do, 14 At ass Beef—suitable for Shin Store. BLEW kOIEVEH,^ <*«c » Aacti——flP BILL TO PROHIBIT IMPORTATION OF CATTLE, Sc., Sc., Sc. Washington, Dec. 14. In tbe Senate Mr. Foote announced the death o( Senator Collamer, and offered the nsnal reso lutions in respect to the memory of the deceased. Several other Senators joined in paying tributes of esteem. Mr. Guthrie presented the remonstrance of certain citizens of Louisiana against the recep tion of Messrs. Hahn and Cutter] as Senators from that Slate. Mr. Weldon called up a bill to repeal all laws in the late insurrectionary States, based on dis tinction of race or color. Pending the discussion the Senate adjourned. In the House, the following gentlemen were appointed on the committee to inquire into the condition of the late so-called Confederacy. Messrs. Stevens, Washburne, Merrill, Grider, Bingham, Conkling, Bartwell, Blair and Rog ers. A resolution was adopted in the House, that all papers which may be offered on the con dition of the late so-called Confederacy, be referred without debate, and that no member shall be admitted from any State or States until Congress shall declare snch States or either of them entitled to representation. Several eulogies were delivered in the House on the death of Senator Collamer, Official information has been received at the S'ate Department that Oregon has ratified the Constitntional amendment abolishing slavery. Mr. Farnesworth moved to refer his resolu tion declaring colored soldiers entitled to the rights and privileges of American citizens, to the select committee of fifteen. Mr. Charles, of New York, objected, deny ing that the negro can be the equal of the white man. The House concurred in the Senate’s amend ment to the joint resolution for the appoint ment of a select committee of fifteen to con sider the condition of the late Confederacy. Both Houses passed a bill to prohibit the im portation of cattle in order to prevent the spread of the cattle disease. THE well known steamer, formerly the St. Johns, it now the Helen Getty, Captain O. B. In- :aham, will leave tbe Wharf foot of West Broad reet every SATURDAY MORNING, at 10 o'clock, . M,, precisely, for the above Landings. For freight or passage, apply on board or to WANTED f CORNER CONGRESS AND WHITAKER STREETS. t .■ fore His Honor, E. C. Anderson, Mayor. Savannah, Deo. 15, 1865. T Clark, City Police, vs. Thomas Carrigan.— Disorderly conduct, fighting on Bay street, 2 p. in. Dec. 14, 1S65. Dismissed. I. Cla-k, City Police, vs. Patrick Baltimore.— Drunk a„d disorderly—fighting on Bay street 2 y in. Dec. 14th, 1S65. Fiued$o and costs. il. Out ns, City Police vs. Owen Fox. Drunk a-i disorderly in the market, 3 1*4 p. m. Dec. in, ls65. Fined$2 and costs. 4V. B. Allen, City Police, and H. Ottcna, City :e vs. John Cullen and William Brown.— Drunk and disorderly conduct and resisting >' liccmen in thudischarge of their duties, 3 1-2 y ni. Dec 14th, 1S65. Fined $5 and costs. T. Jones, E. Hall and J. Ryas^Cky Police, vs. Mi-. MeCueo, Mrs. Garland, Mrs. Lynch, Mrs. --uLn, Mrs. Murphy, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Mallon sod Miss Rcilley. Improper conduct—forestall ing the market, 8 1-2 a. m. Dec. 13th, 1865. In first seven cases the defendants were iiued in the soar ot $5 dollars each : in the case of Miss Be-ly, sbeyras Sued in the sum of $3, but the i ; Police (prosecutors) through their kindness :e :Le lair sex, promptly consented to pay the FOR SALE RAILROAD NOTICES, al Railroad FOR FINE BROADCLOTH SUITS GO TO IVES’. VIA DARIEN, BRUNSWICK, ST. MA RYS, FERNANDINA, JACKSON VILLE AND PICOLATA. Connecting with steamer “Flora Temple" at '8t.' Marvs. Freight will be received for King’s 'Ferry, Centervillage, and all Land ings on tbe St. Vary’s River. -ft. THE new and fast steamer Fountain, Captain G. W. < ast- *. , ~TLv1{JLa\ ner, will leave for the above planes j*EgsSSS**£every TUESDAY MORNING, 10 o'clock. , For freight or passage, apply on board at Padal- WiffidUp An Estate TO RENT, Superintendent's Office, 1 Savannah, Ga, Nov. 18th, 1S00.J i'YN and after Wednesday, 2-2d instant, a daily train v. ‘ will leave for Augusta at 8.3o a. m., connecting with a line of Hacks running between. t tation No. 6, Central Railroad, and Waynesboro’, on the Augusta and Savannah Railroad. Passengers by this line will arrive in Augusta the next morning after leaving savannah, in time to connect with the Georgia Railroad train for Atlanta— Returning, arrive in Savannah at 3.45 P. M. Freight to go by passenger train mnst bc_prepaid and be delivered half hour before departure of 'Rain. By or der of GEO. W. -DAMS, noy~20 General superintendent. 100 Lumbermen wanted Immediately to engage in the Lumbering Business on the Savannah and Ogeechee Rivers. Good wages and Permanent Employ ment guaranteed. Address MARKW. D0WNIS, National Republican Office, SavannaJfc VALUABLE FARM FOR RENT. T WO rice PLANTATIONS on Savan nah River, known as Coleraine and Tweedside, late the property of .Tames Pqfter, deceased. Apply to the undersigned at the office of the Central Railroad Bank. RICHARD M. CUYLER, fixocntor. decl5—eod—2w 51-2 Miles from Augusta, ■CONTAINING 1180) One Hundred and Eighty J Acres, more or Jesa. Abont (100j One Hundred ;res of it in valuable wood ; a good Dwelling with (7) wen Rooms, Stables, Carriage House, and T7) seven arm Buildings. To a party desiring a good healthy, comfortable base, within B0 minutes' drive of leugusta, the above lace offers snperiB inducements. For full particulars enquire of CHAS. L. COLBY A CO. nov7 cor. Abercom and Bay streets. ford’s wharf, near White's Central Press, or to M. A. COHEN, Agent, celved every day daring tbe week, y WM. R. H. BRUKN, on wharf. Shippers will fnrnah -------- — sng24 FOR RENT A LARGE, weU finished and farnish- ed store, suitable for the Dry Goods and Shoe trade For particulars, enquire at 159 weight Central Railroad, OFFICE ATLANTIC A GULF R. K. CO Savannah, Dec. <;n, 186*. Rooms to Bent, F URNISHED or unfurnished, with or without Board; apply on South Broad street, third door East of Barnard, worth side. dec7—tf Rice Plantation Superintendent’s Office, 1 Savannah, Nov. 18th, 1865. f This Company is now, in connection with W. J. Di kerron A Co.'s Wagons, prepared to receive and forward to Augusta, Macon, Atlanta, Ac., daily, from Twenty to Thirty Thousand Pounds of Freight, and go through in from three to five.days. Ship Freight and other expenses must be paid by Shippers. Railroad Freight can be paid here or at destination. Freights on Perishable Goods mnst bo prepaid. Rates to Augusts, until further notice, will be, per foot 50 cents; per 100 lbs., $2 00. _ By order of GEO. W. ADAMS, nov20 General Superintendent. St. Andrew’s Hall S TEAMBOATS warned at one*to brtr| from Doctortowu to Savanuah 1 OOO I •f Cotton, l iberal toms will be offered. decT—tf • To'v C'-apt. A. U. Bardioell, Assistant Sub- A ssistant Com. Bureau of Refugees, 1'reed- u ii and Abandoned Lands. Savannah, Dec. 15, 1865. Francis Grimes vs. Robert McKinney (both lured.) Cohabiting with niece. • Case dis- Thenew steamer City IPoilit, bt- Louis M. Coxetter, will leave as above every SA- URD AY, at 9 A. M. For freight or passage, apply to B. W. AD AMS, or J. 8. CABRUTHERS. - decT—thfetr Hodgson's Range. Bay street- next door to Bell, Wylly A Christian. r HAT valuable Rice Plantation, known as "Strathey Hall, r on the Ogeechee River, Bryan tunty, abont ,22 miles from Savannah. For particulars, apply at the Coanting Room of Er in A Hardee, Bay street, Savannah. CHAS. 8. HARDEE, Execntor Estate G. W. McAllister. dec!—eodSw JOHN SCREV N, President. WANTED. SITUATION In a wholesale or retail Grocery Honse, by a young man who ha* served Me In the Onsineee. Can bring first-dan rrfereaore nflaenca trade from the nu ghboting Irlanda. Ad. T7TLI. oe rented for Ba’ls, Concerts, &c. Apply rv to Messrs. MYERS, & a under the Hall, or to DAVID R. DILLON, nov30—3w 224 Bay street. Offices to Rent VE8IRABLE Offices to Rent over store comer J Bay and Barnard streets, Enquire of nov!4 LaROCHE, C4ADKN & UNCKLES. F. Cain (white) vs. Henry McLean (colored.) Larceny, December 13th, 1805. Defendant aeqeiited. Plaintiff to pay costs. Fmncis Grimes vs. U. Houston el al. (all co- ■r.d. Postponed to ICth inst. in the case of Henry Edwards, et al., vs. 11 b Butler, et al., (all colored,) for recovery of three horses, the alleged property of plain er;:. I: wav after a thorough and careful iu- gation, decided by the presiding officer '.ha: the defendants were not guilty of the ac- 1 usotion. It was ordered that they be acquit- ; . i. plaintiff paying costs of court. George Powers (white) vs. U. Houston, et al. Recovery of two head of cattle. Postponed to 2 1-2 p. m., December 16, 1865. City of Savanuah vs. Henry Bullock, et al. all colored.) Violating city ordinance rela tive to fires under the bluff near Gas House, December 13th, 1865. Found guilty. The defendants being transient, and the violation having become a custom for want of restraint, were dismissed with reprimand. Measures are :o be inaugurated for the correction of the dan gerous practice, common with both white and black, of building fires upon the wharves and thereabouts, endangering property. City of Savannah vs. George W. Burke. W4NTKT) A SITUATION a» Acoeuntant and Rookkerprr. Good references given. Address J. W. P., at this office. dec 14 fit O FFERS for sale l)ls well known valuable Plan tation, Canstln Bluff, bv the river, within three miles of this city, and extending to Augustine Creek, containing abont eightor nine hundred acres, the greater portion rice lands, "nils property has many hand- m TWO ROOMS, FURNISHED, to '•••L — [•••■let to gentlemen. Apply at thia-office. AND WAY LANDINGS ON THE RIVER. CENTRAL RAILROAD & BANKING CO., t Savannah, Dec. 11th, 1ST,6 / ABDERED by the Hoard of Directora that no ' * Lumber nor Timber shall be transported ove the Company’s Road, except by special contract with the Superintendent GEO. A. CUYLER, Cashier. B T a party of respectability and positt and Iwo Bedroom* adjoining ft -with privilege of cooking; or hoard 1 family for two adnlte “and two children, dress “Boarding," office of. this Paper, i some sites for residences, and from its proximity to the City, is likely to improve rapidly. For farther particulars, apply to deed—eodlm ROBT. HABERSHAM. wanted MIDDLING COTTON AND NICE, I N exchange for $15 to t’OCOO of very dedrabi* Summer Dream Goode, it, c«mpr sine e most complete assortment of the ch'itc at irxbic- N* Old Stock. Apply to JOHN K. YoUNO, 7 North Foorth street. PhUadaipMt. Reference—DcWitt A Morgan. Savannah m Philadelphia Rofer. nee— M. L. Hollo well A . m Wood Marsh A Haywood. _ ' oct30 W*rm STEAMER EXPRESS, Capt. J. H. Mor gan, is receiving freight this day at old Florida Steam boat Wharf, foot of West Broad street, and will leave as above on SATURDAY next, 16th inst., at 6 P. M Th's Host is new, of light draft and large capacity, and tilers superior inducements to shippers. For freight, apply to F. M. MYRKLL, Agent. deelB Harris' Bnilding, Bay street Most of the Platform Cars of the Company being em- loyed in moving Iron and Ties for rebuilding the load will prevent the hauling of Wood and Lnmber xcept in limited quantities. QEO. W. a HAMS, dec!2—eod2w General Snperintendent, A NUMBER OF BENEVOLENT LADIES of this city, feeliog a lively interest in the wel fare of the FEMALE. ORPHANS dependent for support on the charity of the good SISTERS OF OUR LADY OF MERCY, Will give a ARRIVAL OF THE CITY OF BOSTON AND JURA AT NEW YORK. STEVENS SUPPOSED TO HAVE LEFT THE COUNTRY. Regular Weekly Steamer BETWEEN S Y V^V NXAH «• (AND DOC TORT OWN, Connecting Regularly and Punctually with Atlantic & Gulf Railroad. novM ADVANCE IN THE COTTON MAR KET. ) NE splendid 4 or 6 Horse Wagon with Harness to match. Enquire at HENRY WAYNE’S STABLES, novlt-tf cor York and West Broad sts. sell a new and wouderfol ngwiM MACHINE, 'he only cheap one lice used. ddrew StlAW A CLARK, Biddcford, Maine. , TRIAL OF CAPT. CORBETT FOR A VIOLATION OF THE NEUTRAL ITY LAWS. • daring the week immediately preceding Christ mas, opening on MONDAY, the 18th, and close ingon SATURDAY, the 23d instant, at This Steamer draws only twenty-eight (28) Inches, and at the present stage of the river, offers superior IndHcemcnts to shippers Freight received at all times and steed free in fire-proof warehouse at old Charles ton SteanTBoat Wharf. For freight emgagements, apply to J. M. KINGHLEY, Aeent, dec4—tf office at Charleston Wharf. St. Andrew’s Kali AMERICAN SECURITIES LOOKING UP. CHAR L. COLBY* CO., cor, abercom and Bay streets. novl4-tf The attention of the public generally, and of those especially intending to purchase CHRISTMAS GIFTS, is called to the large number of FANCY ARTICLES, many of them tbe work of the Sisters’ pupils, that will ba for sale at the different Fair tables. W. A. BEARD A UI, person* having account* With the will call and settle the maw at soy ofl Bay street, np stair*. *». A. TIIE PROPRIETOR OF THE IRISH PEOPLE NEWSPAPER CONDEMN ED TO TWENTY YEARS PENAL SERVITUDE. THE new, light draft, Iron, side-wheel steamer Two Bora, (mate boat to Win. G. Gibbon*.j Capt. Thos. Daniels, having superior accommodation for Freight and Passengers equal to any of the Ocean steamers, will ply regularly between the above Doiuts, Leaving 6avannah every TUESDAY MORNING, at 8 o’clock; Leaving Doctortown every THURSDAY' MORNING. It is the desire of the owner* of the Two Bays to make her an Accommodation Boat fur the Mer chants of Savannah and the Merchants and Planters along the line of the Atlantic & Gulf Road, until the For Liverpool* vjLjL The new first class clipper ship VIRGINIA, Weeks; Commander, Is now rapidly loading at LowanFums, and, bavii large’engagcments, will have ggHMRpatch. For freight or passage, (taken rat lowest rates], i nlaWB CHAKLE'L. COLBY * CO., WRl—tf cor. Bay and bercom streets. PER, manufactured expressly for the Southern mar ket, of usual thickness and weight. Size of sheets os follows : 60x24, 60x28, 80x17, 80x9, 80l7, 38x2 inches. Will be sold at a great bargain. Enquire of G. P. BRADFORD. 348 Broadway, N. Y. Or JOHN E. COWLES, Comer Bull and Bay streets, oct IS—2mo L. C. NORVKLL * CO. TELEGRAPH BETWEEN CUBA AND UNITED STATES, &e., &c., &C. B T virtue of authority vested In hm by BiqnlqUqa poreed at a meeting of the German F! a Com pany. held on the »Slh in*L, I, Henry Won. First Foreman of tbs German Fire Company of Ntvarnaa, Go., do heAby offer a Reward of Tw* Haadrtd Dollars for the arrest, with pro.jf to convict of tks person or parsons engaged in tbe murder of Mr. A. cOKDES, late a member of this ezmpanr. novSO HENRY B . N Foramen. completion of that Road, and with this object In view, no effort will be spared on the part of her Owners, Agents and officers to meet the wants of the freighting New York, Dec. 14. The steamship City of Boston, with Liver pool dates to the 29th nit., via Queenstown to the 30th, arrived at this port to-day. Stevens, th8 Head Centre of the Fenian Brotherhood in Ireland, had not yet been re taken, and it is supposed that he has.escaped out of the country. A special commission for the trial of FenianB assembled at Dublin on the 27th ult. Capt. Corbett, who commanded the Shenan doah at the time of her transfer to the Con federate States, is now on trial at Queenstown for a violation of the foreign enlistment set. Liverpool, Not. 3. The sales of Cotton on Monday and Tuesday amounted to 22,000 bales, of which 7,000 were taken by speculators and exporters. The mar ket was more buoyant and prices fully Jr2 higher for American descriptions. The Flour market was very dull. Pork quiet. Bacon inactive. Spirits Turpentine unchanged. Rosin quiet. At Manchester higher prices were demanded for cotton. Londox, Nov. 30. ConsolB 89 1-4 a 89 1-2 for money. United States Five-T wen ties 64 5-8. Arrival of the Jura The steamship Jura, with Liverpool dates to the 2d inst., has arriped at New York. Tabv, (?) the proprietor of the Irish People and travelling public. Freight etored in our Warehouse, on Dillon’* wharf, free of :harge. ERWIN * HARDEE. D. JAMES DILLON, Agent at Doctortown. Per Ship County of Pio ton from Glasgow, O /A/Y TONS Gartsherrie Pig Iron, Al V/ v/ 250 tons Household Coal. 1,000 Hampers Potatoes. 150 kegs Herrings. COLLARS—IVES. IVES—COLLARS. TIES, IVES. • IVES’ TIES, NO LIES BUT REAL BARGAINS IN FIRST CLASS GOODS. « Small WFin POODLE DOG, highly pris*ff by A the owner, a suitable reword will bo paid for hi* return to tbs store, 1W Broughton street, nov 2B nov21 50 cases Preserved Palm on. 20 do. Dried Finnan Haddock. For CHARLES GREEN * SON. LOST. • A LADIES’ Single l ace Cuff 19— Brysa and Gordon streets, on Barnard street. Tbs finder will confer a bv r, and receivt a v. word by leaving the some at tbe store of « BLUN4 METER. doc!4 on Bsv street. Auction! Auction!! THOMASVILLE, a THE steamers Gen. Sbepley, Orient and Clarion will make Tri weekly trips to DOCTORTOWN, running In connection with the Atlnn- Inlf Railroad, leaving .Savannah 014 TUE8- ’HURSDAY and SUNDAYS, at 7 a. m. h freight payable by shippers at onr office. Ahgnita Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday Evenings, AT Store on Broughton St.,Third Door from Bull W HERE will be offered a general assortment ot Drv Goods. Boots and Shoes, Hosienr, Under Clothing, Books,-Yankee Notions, Jewelry, Ac., *c„ at tbe purchaser’s own prices. Term* cash. Boles positive. decl—lm From The steamer Amaion, dor- West Broad and Bay Streets, Sjf AH, GEO WENTY cases (quarts, pints and half pints) assorted Jellies 40 cases (half gallon, quarts and pints] assorte kies; for sale by HILTON & RANDELL, lecll 6 193 Bay street. froflf Augusta, ar- j r; ve<i at this port yesterday with 1200 bales of’ cotton, being the largest load brought down the river this season, and a fair number of i-i-sengers. We are indebted to Purser Du- tont for late Augusta papers and the following h\er news : j December 12—Passed steamer Gen. Berry j at Barber Shop, bound up; passed steamer! Staadisb, at New Savannah, bound up ; passed i steamer Fannie Lehr, WHITE BOV. 11 yean of am with dark hair, grey eyes, tinged with brown, for com. ion. fall toce, well built and named AUGUSTU* LBN, absented himself from home on tbe 4th ta4t* a* yet no oatlitactory tiding* of him has boro ived. He bod on a pair of Grey Pa. to, yellow led boms pun Jacket lead-colored Felt Hat sad to. Captaine of vessels and eteamere are coatiaaaA to ship him. Any information of him will ba *MOs efally received tn hie fath-r. Copt RI< H RD D. MILLKJt, Residence If. E. cor. Hsbcr-ksm and Bryan aht qv person who will return Urn In his father, wffl Jubly rewarded. decl»-*t THE undersigned hs^e this day entered Into a co- I partnership under the name and style of MoKBK, BENNETT * CO., at McKay * Bennett’s old stand. Will keep constantly an hand a fine assortment of Carriages, Bretts, Rackavays, Baggies, Harness and Coach Material Of every description, which we sell at the , Lowest Gash Prioes. fill work sold, warranted os represented. We have fine Store Rooms, and forwarding will be promptly at tended to. Consignments soli ited. Wifi open by 1st January Manufacturing and Re pairing Deportment, and will have Experienced Work me El and Claolee material, and be prepared to do any amount of Carriage Repairing. «> McKEE, BENNETT * CO. i G. McKEE, - *1 US. BENNETT, V JAMES McKEE. | 15 BBLS. SOUND WINTER APPLES. PER STEAMER NEVADA, On consignment, and for eale by CUNNINGHAM, PURSE & CO., 'declS—2t Bay st., opp. Mariners’Church. Freight to Augusta NOTICE. F erry wharf wood yard.—ah orders for Wood to the above Yard will be sent to P. W. Miller, In charge at tbe Wharfi accompanied by the cart to insure attention. F. M. MYRELL. cov24 tf POINTS J3EYOND l at Barrie’s Cut, bound | up. December 13—Parsed steamer May, at j Steel Creek, bound op; passed steamer Volun- j teer, (towing two flats,) at obstructions; pass- ! Stone Ballast Forwarded by Light Brgfi Steamers. FOR SALE I BOUT 100 tons heavy Stone Ballast, per ship X Herald, at the Upper Cotton Pres*, for sale by decl3—4t CHARGES GREEN & SON. ■eccivc Goods in our ware- re and covered by insurance, it draft steamers Berryand mt to be put on the line. C. L. COLBY A CO. TT honse, free of stnn to be forwarded by the lij Fa lean, and others al Apply to the Agents, LE cargo of brig Harp, consisting of— 4000 bush. Potatoes, Jackson’s, fiObtrisfApplee, 12f* Cedar 8Mngles, Si M -prucs fcantllng, 13 M Fine Boards. Jl M Hemlock Boards, by ~ ' HORATIO PITCHER, -B foot Linctdn st, under the Bluff Pilot Bread New Citron, bound ap; paused steamer Minnie Brandt, at Dead Man’s Point, bound up. Arrival of tho Wm. Tibbetts Tbe steamship Wm. Tibbetts, Captain Coney, from Boston urived here yesterday at an early ^T i u f fre ‘ Kht '‘ nd * few passengers. Tb. Tibbetts, leave, for Boston on Sunday morn- mi- ArHwml «f use Rictmond. The fine steamship Richmond arrived from Bzltunoiw yesterday afternoon, consigned to Mum*. LbBoche & WmL We return our »» PBMf Bmery for Iftt* Baltimore -vF all kinds—a large assortment in Boxesland Bar- 1 . rels, at low prices. GADEN & UNCKLES, ^M.ia_tf cor. Bay and Barnard streets. GADEN & UNCKLES, 100 Bbls. Guano & 300 Bbh« cement* dec!2—tf’’ Brooms-Pails. IFTT doz Painted Wire Brooms 40 doz 2 hoop md 3 hoop Paul 25 gross* 3 " 1 * ' ell 6 193 Bay street. Hominy-Corn Meal QA BOXES Uyer Raisins; 50 quarter boxes OU Layer Raisins; DO drams Figs. 1000 lbs. Cur rant*; 10 boxes Citron; SO boxes assorted Candles; 600lbs. 8. B-Almonds- 500lbs.BrasUNats; 6 cases Bejtttra, «d60Mcs Ollr* QU to* bl OTT , nTO _ IwsbUm, M