Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 18, 1865, Image 4

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POETRY- hird im IH* HT ALIO* OA»T. Yon brongbi «»• wU4 W ** wr , rJ.VbTd h.,1 >uoh . gift from root band, And wen I tmd pr*l,«I tt I P“ l * l * W *L For yio lentea to o»p»od To • rose, largo and (rand. I, till a night and a day , 1 will feed It with water, and feed it with atr, And then, 1 aaid, then I yon remember, per- IA 111 f I W UI h*r« il to w«ar la my boaoiu or hair l Tbii plant "> rejected, and that—here lh» Would thine all too tnuoh, there the ftoit would devour, , But a tafj nook wnt found when the eearoh- ing was done. \Vhe»e tuy bud, such an hour, Should come to dower. So all in a porcelain cup, very fine. And .weetly pm.ided with dowe^ hre, 1 htd it away in thi. safe nook of mine, And then, for my *nare, I forgot it waa there ! Alaa. for the pleasure deferred for a day 1 AUs for the trioroph we prondsft onr pride . My dear little rosebud tbua treasured away, Bloomed, faded, and died, In iU tup, unospied. O friend, never wait for yoor buda to expand. But wear them to-day, leal an enemy crush Tbeir beauty to-morrow—“A bird in tue liana la worth two in the buah,” Aa } own, wilh a bluah. LONG AGO. Fleas phis market. Maurnta, Dec. 11. Ootcox—The Cotton marRel U dap*t*ed,price, ranging from 40a48e. naakTlIle market. Niaimi.l i-. Dec. 11. Octroi*—Has been nnnnually dull to-dar. He- oeipta end shipments bate been vary Pric a range from 88a89Kc- The r ** #l P l * ar * m and ahipmsnla ftW balaa. ^ , , Time «f Closing Halle at tko Sevan- 1 aak raetefflee. For AoguaU—Dally, at 7.80 A. M. For Hilton Head-Dally, utO A. M. For Doctortown and Thoipaiflllft—-Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday*, at 8 A. M. Foe Darien, Brunswick, Hi. Mary a, Feinaridi- na, Jacksonville Florida-Turadajo and Satur- d *for*Balfltnore- Tueadaya and Huturdiya, out hour before tailing of ateamer. New York—Regular mail Wednesdays and Satordaya; and apecial mail on all other days on which atoamera rail, oloaing one hour before aall- Inj^of ataamwr __ Departure ef Steamship* and Steamer*. SAVANNAH NAT RAILROAD NOTIQE*. ERUBLICAN.’MONDAY MORMN& 18. 1866. BT H* W. B*OWl»ILL. When I ait at ere alone. Thinking on the pa«t and gone: While the clock, with drowsy finger, Marks how long the minutes linger, And the embers, dimly burning, Tell of life to dust returning; Then my lonely chair around, With a quiet rooornfnl sound— With a niurraar aoftand low, Come the gboata of long ago. One by one, I count them o’er, Voice* that aro heard no more; Tears, that loving cheeks’have wet, Word*, whose music Ungers yet; Holy faces, i»ale and fair, Shadowy lock* of waving hair; Happy sighs and whispers dear, S mgs forgotten many a year; L ps of dewy fragrance; eyoa Brighter, bluer than the skies— Odors breathed from Paradise. And the gentle ahadowa glide, Soitly murmuring at my side, Till the long unfriended day, All forgotten, fades away. Thus, when l am all alone. Dreaming o’er the past and gone, All around me. sad and slow, Come the ghosts of long ago. ron ouasleston. f teamer TUy Point, every Saturday morning, at 9 t teamer Rockland, every Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. „ . , . Steamer Charles Houghton, every Monday morning at 8 o'clock FOB AUGUSTA. Steamer »Vm (1 Ulbbona, every Saturday at 9 o'clo'k. a m. feteamer Express, this day, at Ap m. FOB nOOTOBTOWN. Steamer Con Hhrpley, every Sunday morning, at 7 o'clock. steamer Orient, overy Tuesday morning, at 7 o'clock, Steamer Two Boys, overy Tooeday morning, nt 8 o'clock. steamer Clarion, every Thursday morning at o'clock. FOR PALATEA, FLA. teamer Fountain, every Tneaday morning at 10 o'clock. steamer Ity Point, every Wednesday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. Steamer l.lxzle Baker, every Thursday morning at lo a, dock. e teamer Helen Getty every t aturday morning at 10 o'clock. FOR RAWKINHV1LLR AND MACON. Steamer Oak, Tuesday, December 19th, at — o'clock Central Railroad. Superintendent's Off flew* l Savannah, Ga, Nov. 18th, 188ft./ | ^N and after Wednesday, ltd instant, a dally train will leave) for Augusta at N , connoctlnj „JftI with n line of Hacks running between fetation No. 0* C-vntral Railroad, and Waynesboro*, on tbe Augusta and Savannah Railroad. I’nnxcngert by this line will arrive in Augusta tbe next morning alter leaving feuvnnnah, in Umo to connect with U»o Georgia Railroad train for Atlanta.— Retiiruing, arrive In Savannah at 3.45 P. M. Freight to go by passenger train moat bo prepaid and lie delivered half hour tiefore departure Of Train. By or* dor (>r <na w. a DAKS, iiovyn Gcoctti Mp#tewed«ni BUaiNEf* fijAROS. General Commission Airo Ft RWAHDINC MERCHANTS dor W«,t Broad and Bay Streets, S.«l*A.VAAff, UFO. BUSINESS CARDS. Central Railroad. Superintendent’* Office. \ Savannah, Nov. 18th, 188ft. / This Company Is now, In connection with W. J. Dl-kereoh A Co.'s Wagons, prepared to receive and forward to Augusta. Macon, AtlauUt Ac., dally, fawn Twenty to Thirty Thousand Pounds of Freight, and go through la from three to live daya. .ship Freight and other expenses must be paid by I/a\ I road Freight can be paid here or at destination. Freights on I'erlahablo Goods most be prepaid. Rates to Augusta, until further notfca, will be, por foot 60 cents; por 100 lb*.^aIoAiJs^ ° f nov90 General Superintendent 'SOI Will keep constantly on hand i Carriages, Bretts, Paper WaT^ouse AMO DEPOT FOR Printers' ftuppllea. INSURANCE. HSJtM'M * -j 1 -’ T ■ —•»•=. " : £ AND MABINE THI nndsreignsd hats this day eaterod into a co- "* “ name and style of MoKRB, tee A Beuuetl's old staud. hand a Ana assortinout of a.«k.war>, Biiulrn, Couch lUltrial Of eypry dcfCrlpOon, which we,('ll ,tthe Lowost Cash Prioes. AU work Mid. ..muled u repmented. Wo have I we Kerens, and fhrwarding will be promptly at- to. Consignments soli Ited. tmen by ltl January Manufacturing and Re pairing Department, and wifi have Experienced wsrluaan and Ckolee Haste rial, and be pitpared to do any nmonnt of Carriage Keiwilring. MoRRR, BKNNBTT A CO. J.G. McKRR, 1 L8. BJCNNKTT, V 1AKBS MoKRB. f W AllllEN' k PLATNBR, Wliolcmtlc Doalers iu all kiadsof Writing Printing and Wrapping Papon, En velopes, Twines and Paper Bags. Also, Printers* Inks, Cards and Card Boards, Having sn|>crior facilities for procuring Goods direct from the MannlacUkrtes, we are enabled to compete with New York Prices. Solo Agents iu this city for the Italia Paper mm. Cash paid for Ruga and all klnda of Paper Stock, deed * A. J. IIBADT, a. a. mosm. WM. M. SMITH, BRADY, SMITH & CO. Obmmlral on AND Forwarding Merchants, • AND MISCELLANEOUS. T. J. IH \IUB A (0, Importer, and Dealer, is MARINE INTELLIGENCE. SAVANNAH, DECEMBER 17. ARRIVED. Steamer Two Boys, Dsniell, Doctortuwo, Krwin b Hardee. rteamer Htandiab, Fabian, Augusta, to F. M. My- re’L t teamer Ilelen, Reilly, Augusta, to Rein A co. Bte&mer Emilio, Bender, lvunawick. f teamer L Kuos, Moore, Augusta, to 8 D Llckaon. I teamer Fannie Lehr, , Augusta, wilh 600 bales cotton and *5 passengers to LnHoche A West, and others. CLEARED. Steamship Virgo, Uulkley, Now York, Hunter & Qatnmell. eteamahlu llunter, Rogers, New York, Hunter b Gammelf. 'Steamship Win Tlbtieta, Cony, Buaton, Richardson b Ha nard. Pteamshlp fan Jacinto, Loveland, New York, B II llardec. feteamshlp T£uterpc, Kldridge, New York, John R A llder. • teamer Resolute, r an non, Hilton Pend. Steamer Helen Getty, Ingraham, Palntkft, Ac.. I. H Bennett. r teamer W G GlblmiiA Philpot, Augusta, Erwin b Hardee. Steamer Robert I<)h-, Cott oil, Darien be, O Cohen. KINWmL AND ( OMDIEIU liL. Liquors, Cigars, &c., 147 BA.Y STREET, r.f r.fjv.rd «, ses & Carriages TOLEIT. DANIEI, HITLER would mpcotfullr In- form the public that he la uow prepared to furulah, at the abort ret no tico, HORSES M0 CARRIAGES. Phst daaa Carriages run to the various Steamboat I Wharves and to the Railroad Depot at the lowest rates. None but careful and competent Drivers employed. DANIEL BUTLER. noaio—tf cor. Whitaker and Yftrk streets. .in Insurance Agency. Security Insurance CompAny, Capital and ' orpin*, iI.Cihi.imhi, I'huinix ItiMirancc fonipany, Capital and Hurplns, $1,600,000. International Insurance <(ini|iany, ('.'ipliiil and Hnrpliu), $i,vimi,!nni. Maiilialtau Insurance Company, Capital and Hut plan, $•« o.tmti. Risks taken hi the above highly re*|N)n*il>le C.>m- panies <>n Building- anti Merchuntlj/.e of all descrip- tlqiui, at > |lK* lowuht rates, ctnrespondlng with tlio riaks. Aiiply to A. A. LANE, Agent, - novlS—llm N<». 19 Stoddard's Range, Bay street. Charleston market. Ws are indebted to a friend for the Commer cial Circular of Messrs. Willis b Chisholm, of Cbai lenton. These gentleman era well known as reliable business men—tbe senior partner haring been for many years in th# old sud established mercantile house of John Fraser A Co , of the*’ C 'ty, and baa a h'gh reputation for business qnalifio-tious. We mak* tb* following extracts from tbe circular: COARLBSTON, D«C. 16. C orr .,ft_,Since our lest weekly statement there baa reached this markettwo hundred and ninety- one bales ot riea Island Colton, ef which two bandrrd and seventy eight were received by ttenmer from Florida; and two thousand two hun dred uud sixiy-ibroe bales of Upland Cotton.— During u>uc(> of the paat week tbe tone of tbe market has been weak, aud such operations as b»ve «ak*-n place were generally io consequence of tbe par tes being anxious to realize, aod the prices obtained were about 41s42c tor Middling, 43c to 1 * Strict Middling, aud 44a45c for Good Mid dling Cotton This waa about the condition of the market on Tuesday aod Wednesday. On Thuraday morning, later European nows was pub lished, announcing an advance of a 1%<1 in tbe Liverpool market. Thie information unsettled prices—holders generally demandiogan advance; but while io a few coses it was contended that better price* were obtained, it waa tke general Opinion that the operations yesterday had net es tablished higher prices, aud, as tbe market is uo jet led, we omit quotations. 8ia Island Cotton—Some seventy bales of this dun of Cotton have changed bends duriui tbe week, and in a few oases of supstior smal parcela an ud*ance in price was obtained. We omits tbo market for low grades at $1 per lb. to fl 70 per lb for choice Sea Islands. Sea Islands. Uplands. 8tock on hand 861 10.820 Rica—Some 1400 bushels of this grain in the rough has reached here eince oar Iasi, which bas been rent to the mills. The market has declined, and such Hales as have taken place have been from la l>£c per lb. Naval Storss—About 700 bbls of Rosin and Spirits nave arrived since our last report, and sale-* have token place at $15 per bbl for No. 1; 3Sul) for No. 2, aod 46 60s6 lor No. 3 to common. 8«mo 00 bbls of Spirits were disposed of at 65c pe- gallon. Fruohis—To Liverpool we notice sdeoline during the week, the general rate being now ^d for Upland Cotton. On Sea island tbe rate ie- mains as beh re, aay l^d per lb. To New York by Mieuinei, £4 per bale on Uplaud Cotton; by sailing ve eel, per lb. at which rate several ve«neie ure loaning To Philadelphia Wc. per lb on o t'on ami Goo per bbl on rosin. To Boston a vesael has been fully engaged at 7 8c per lb. August* Market. Augusta, Deo. 14. Covt n—Rut little wes done vesterday, either in the g >ld or chiton market. Tbere appears to b'j a complete sta d still, Pricss asms as lest quotations. * Hamburg Market. ^ Hamburo, H. 0., Dec. 14. Cotton- But litUe doing in cotton yesterday. Prices range troru 18a26o in gold, and from 80a 87o iu currency. Paeaeugors Per steamship San Jacinto, for New York—V McFarluy, Wm Strashurg, J Grotcs, Genrgo I) Chapman, J L Turdill, Mrs Gibbins. Wm Henry, W H Gauk, J C Lund, J Warner, W C Sturgu* and lady, E J West, n Evans, J M Adams, J M Edgar and lady, Dr II S Biggs, W J .Soutt, D 1* Hodd, lady and servant, J O Kilpatrick and lady, JM Allen, Dr W G Barth, W Wolff A L Elcbel- berger, U Jobnron, N Helf, A D Potts. E C Richardson, R G Smith, H L Higginren, J Big ler, J Spaulding, N Lyman, Ir, D U W Dent, W B Jones, M Shertnno, N J Boyce, S Tourlolfott, H L Greenman, Wm Hone, Capt Browno, Jam's Y’oang, Z C Warren, Mrs Scott, 11 L Kinzey, Jacob Lippman, Joseph Slohcl, Capt Ccllins, A Dolan, Sami Hero, John Farrell, T Statemun, W M Ames, Lt Davidson, W W Carter, Win Rogoru. Fred Slyer, Ed Pigeon, Ed Duffy, 'J Sampson, J Lmbree, George W Chapin, W D Braswell, II M Day, W V Farnham, Mrs Miller, P B Wells, Joo W Kine, K B Mott, W Costolly, H II Brown, Geo Petit, P A McGeorge, and 12 hteerago. Per atesmsbip Virgo, for New York—B F MelJon aid B F Paul. Por au-amehip Wm TibbotU, for Boston—Patrick Quinn. Per steamer Two Boys, from Doctortown— Mr and MrsTC' lay. LtJ C Chance. I.t W H Croak, W W Smith. E a Casdler, Dr A V Maun, Mrs Gen Duncan H rmith, D McIntosh, O T Terry, and 6 deck Per steamer t eleu, from Augusta—Mrs J M Kincli ley, 2 children and servant, B Whotraorc, lady and son, D Stelllngs, Col IFayne, Mr Renrke, Mr Green, Jno Dsly, Sir Doolittle. Wa invite the attention of the Trade and thu Poblk generally to our large assortment of WHEB, UQIIOKS CORDIALS, CONKESTEII, CIGARS, Ac., Ac which is not excelled by any similar establishment In tho States. We mo sole proprietors of DI'NBA IPS CELEBR ATED WORMWOOD CORDIAL, tlio reputation <>rwhich Is fully established in this and Foreign countries. Dunbar's well known STOMACH BITTERS, guaranteed mine lor to any arllrlo of the kind, de signed expressly for llwtel and Family line, DUNBAR’S NCHUIUtin JCOKDIAL ; SCHNAPPS, warrantod ef the utmost purity, and put up expressly for our House, of which we are sole proprietors anil iporters. Solo Agents for Robert Smith's celebrated Phila delphia Ale In cases and barrels; English, Scotch and American Ale and Porter; Brandy, Scotch, Bourbon Whisky urd Arrack Punches, welL known throughout the United States, put up by ns iu coses lor export and home consumption. T. J. D. «fc i o. aro sole agents for H. A H. W. Cathcnvood's Pure Kyo Whiskies, X, XX, and XXX. Brands guaranteed j unsurpassed In quality and excel lence. i 'distantly on hand a largo and well selected stock of Bourbon and Wheat Whiskies, worthy the at tention of the trade sud connoisseurs generally. An Assortment ofCIgnrs of the finest grades, manufactur ed and imported expressly for this IIouso, which we uffurut the lowest notcann prices. Brandies. Gins, Wines, Champagnes, and ererydo- scriptlou and grade of Foreign Liquors, Imported di rectly by this liotiHO, and for sale in Bond or Duty paid at lowest maiket rates. 2m declfl Consignee*. Per steamer netcu, from Augusta—Octavns Cohon, Jno Richardson, And ew Low, W n Harkc, Hunter A Gntnmell, N A Hardee Aro, Jno R Wilder Kcin A co, J Llpiunan, alsey, Watson A co, Brigham, Bald win A co, Mai A Porter. Per steamer Blandish, from Augusta—Brigham, Baldwin A co. Per steamer Two Boys, from Doctortown— E win A • **"l cr * Thomas. Nevltt Latbrop A Rogers, J L Mllalonra, A G Hrnnuagh, KAA Jcnnoy, K C Wmio A co, O^nillon A co, H'igham, Baldwin Aco, R Uah- •"••nm * M ACoLen A Bro, MuGH ftnusey, U U aldron, W K. DuBuso. Receipt*. Per steamer Two Boys, from Doctortown 81G b cotton, and md/.o. Per steamer Ilelen, from Augusta -249 bales upland cotton, 98 do yarns, 100 bags peachci, (driedj, 2 dead bodies, and mdse. Per steamer tandlsh, from Augusta-200 bales un- land cotton. K Per steamer Emlllc, from Brunswick-81 bulcB scu Island cotton. Per steamer L Enos, from Augusta—290 bales cot ton, to J R Wilder. E. H. VAN NESS & CO, 6R0CERS, SHIP (HANDLERS, AND Produce Dealers, AND | Manuflictttreri’Aveiils NORTH SIDE OP BAY STREET, Between Whitaker and Barnard, 8 AV ANN AH, GEORGIA Liberal advanooe made on consignments of Cotton, fcc* to their friends in New York and Boston. References—Wm. K. Kitchen, Brest National Park i Bank, N. Y.; H. O. Thacher A Co., Bo#ton; Israel Co hen, Baltimore; Hall, Moses JbCo.,Colhmbu«; Wymsn, | Moses b Co., Montgomery. ang7 rout. r. roux, J. *. uintirx, M. B. WILLIAMS, P. B. WABD. YOU. ViLLim MilTIRI k ca. AUCTION AND COMMISSION MEBCILUITfl, Bay Street,...,..^ BavannaU Ga. Consignments of Cotton and Lumber solicited. Reffereness: Savannah-Brigham, Baldwin A Co., Gaden b Uncklce, Erwin A Hardee. Hunter 8|liinineU, Isaac D. LaRocbe, Hiram Roberta, W. Woodbridge, L. C. S. T. Knapp A Bro., D. H. Baldwin A Insunmc<» Apncy OCEAN, R V It, F1BE. T HE nnderaignod hold comiulHslons Irom the lead ing Insurance corporatlona ol New York, repre senting «n Aggregate cash capital of over FIVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS And are prepared to bwue policies to cover Fifty Thou sand dollars on one application upon Fire Rieka at Savannah and Inland Towns, COTTON AWDJIKIUIIIANDIZK IN TRANSIT ON TUB AUGUSTA AND MACON KIVKRS, ANP POEANRIHKS GH0JSTJ0R,ALLY. Prompt Bettloxnont of Losses, L. O. NOKVELL Ac CO., may9>Bull street, op;>o8lte Post Office. N-YORK ADyERTI8EME7(T8 I. DAVEOA>r " Purchasing Bureau, Nos. 39 and 40 Pa k I ow. °* aEHCHA51 »•» e ssawia?^ wa susjtks Onfcrawlll bc mitd. I‘AY*nr.p. ON iimivPTiv """ " u ’ “ T " "nlXKS cover Knight aud ('ommiesions on sums not exceeding A loo n ( ommissions on sums exceeding *)7io /(ldra» 1h aa Uuv 29 per rt. . AAOO Xv&r ,L P.o. Boi 1TCS New Y„,L WOODFORD & RITCH, JlTTOMtJFEVS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW NO. Ill BROADWAY, (Txinltyr Rullding;, The undersized having resumed the practice of tkr law, is prepared to take charge of cai«, before tho several courts In New York nndnt WoshinL'ton ■cpw tf HTKWART U WOODFORD. Norvell b Co. New York—I | Co. Bale days, Toeedays and Fridays. Under Blnfff, earner Abercorn Street, SAVANNAH,GA. Orders from the Country, Private FnmIHee, 8tearners ftad ailing vessels, respectlully solicited. Produce ooaght and sold on commission, lod bbls. selected A pplof, , loo bbls. Onions, 100 bbl*. Potatoes. 60 bbls. extra Flour, 00 bbls. Noe 1 and 9 Mackerel, 100 tnbe extra Batter, 160 boxes nxtra Cheese, 600 kits Nos. 1, 9 and 0 Mackerel. 60 hlf. bbls. Fulton Market Beef. 60 hit bbls. extra Family Pork, novffl . H. GOWDY, Commission Merchant, 166 BA.Y BTRKKT, (Auderoon’s Wharf,) NAV ANNA XI. GEORGIA. oct9 8m Merwin & Bray, CHARLES L. COLBY & CO., SHIPPING-, COMMISSION, | AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS | JONES’ BLOCK, CORNER BAY AND ABERCORN STS., \ SAVANNAH, GA. Liberal cash advances made on consignments to the I firm represented in Now York by ( harlee L Colby, I Esq., or to onr friends in Boston. ALEX. II. HOL ** AY, Resident Partner. Rkviknosb.—Messrs. Dabney, Morgan A Co.. New Yesk; JarvisHlsdc, Esu . New York; Gardner Colby, Esq., Boston; Hon. J. Wiley Bdmsnds, Boston, anglt tf J. P. M* EPPING, TIMBER. AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, INSURANCE I AII1H0KIZHH ( AFII AL, $t«,U)0,000 OHAS. Lm COLBY & CO. A RE prenaredto take ITlnrluo Rlakatosny A. Domestic or Foreign Port, and Tire Rieka n this city In tho following named Orel class New York Completes, at tbe lowest rates: COLUMBIAN MARINE INSURANCE CO., Capital* $6,000,000. MORRIS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital, $6,000,000. COMMERCE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $300,000. STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $200,000. Office in Jones’ Block, corner Bay and Abercorn streets. Branch Office, cor. Drayton and Bryan streets. angl8-tf nuipBirroaa or “Ballard's Paltnl" Breath-loading Hlflt, AND CARBINES, “Merwin & Bray Fire Anna Co.’s Patent" CAR TRIO (IE. (Aod Loom . Ammunition Loading-, Revolver,, NlnKle Shoe PleloU, 4c, No. ilGid BROADWAY. NEW YORK. novW—3ra deell DARIEN, GEORGIA. 8 mo A- E- LOPEZ , MERCHANTS’ INSURANCE COMPANY! HARTFORD, CONN. rfHE undersigned having been appointed agent for I tlio above well known Company, is prepared to take risks against fire on the most favorable terms. ■ H BRIGHAM, Office Houthern Insurance and Trust Co. JulyB tf ‘ Marine Insurance. R iver ru\w Mutual Inmi |>coan Risks taken for. the Atlantic ranee Company of Now York, by ( 11 AKLEn GREEN A ’•'ON, No. 12, btoridnid'B Eastern Range, Bay street. doc6 - tf HAWKINs & CO, PACKERS & SEVERAL PROVISION Dealers, 941 Front St., JYeir York. Beer. Butter, Vegetables, Pork, Cheese, Fish, Hams, Bacon, Salt, Lard, Tongues, Fruit, i Shoulders, *BI«. Ac., Ac. Fulton market Reef. All orders carefully executed at the SHORTEST NOTICE. Wc respectfully refer to Messrs. Stuart A Co., 1 Ehrlich, Keq., B, G. Tflden, Esq. Southern Produce received on consignment, octft—8m BALTIMORE CARDS. Wm. M. Davidson | G iiusmiths and Lo;l Corner of 81- Jollen and Jeffenon Streets, Tens, WBOLUSALX nXAUCR Ilf (Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Segnrs, Ale aud tiller, 1GO Bny Street Savannah, SA JNO. L. VILLALONGA, Cotton Factor, Forwarding and Commission Merchant NO. 94 BAY STREET,, UEORMJl. | OCt2!> OF GOVERNMENT VESSELS. Macon Market. v al m *cor, Ga., Deo. II. Cotton—Though th* weather interfered some what wub business in the early part ol tbe day, r live bales cLang»d bands at priesi lome aeTeoiy ranginu from 8 »38c m ...... middling We heard ol two bales bringing 87c, but they were of extra fineness. , pries* the latter figure lor striet Galveston Cotton Statenserit. Galvxstok, Dec. l. Tbi» Year. 1860-ui. Stookou hand 1st Sept, 1866. .18,867 8,168 B*-c’d at thi* Port this week... 4,871 8 467 Received at thie port prsr , lT**fi | iMR) 4V,052 11 at other ports 7,781 8,650 Tout 77,809 82,067 Exported to Great Britain k) date 18,616 11.86$ Other Continental Ports. 816 Exported to N. Orleans. $1,796 7,998 “ " New York..91.401 16,952 “ «• Boston..... ..11956^786 4,778 41,988 On band and on shipboard not clsaisd.i. .,19,848 80,891 Mobile Market. * Henna, Dae. 11. Oorr x - There waft v#nr little demand to day, «fti tnly itOO baleo wars eold, the market closing ^ulk and unsfttlsd. BlOuk Oft wdft light Mid dlings iOaidJ, Exports. Per utcamship aa Jacinto, for New York—609 bales npland cotton, 44 do sea island do, 9 pkgs domestics, •Ml pkgs mdze. Per steamship Virgo, for Nuw York-810 bales up-. land cotton, 41 do domrstlcs. Per steamship Hunter, for New York -211 hales ui>- lana cotton, 21 do sea Island do, 630 boxes tobacco. Alt heads® ™ n d ° W ^ 8 ° pkK " fra,t ’ 40 bW> tod ho b' 8 - Wm i IblMtu, tor I)o,ton-I)i8 tmln •f ISI!IL C rm ,n ’ i do BCU , Mftodi 101 bushels rough rice, 94nwlegjiltlraiJ case mdze, Cards! Cards! Wedding Cards, Visiting Cards AND BUSINESS CARDS. 50 Thousand CARDS, all sizes, Juat Received per «teumer Nevada, for Bale at THIS OFFICE isfiin P BOI'ONAI.S will be received for tho sale of the U. B. ficrew Tags LABURNUM, UNTIL THE 31*t Day of Bec M 1865. The Arethusa r“ b o!! l , ,n 18 ? 4 ' and cost $65,000, Length 110 feet, ^ foct « de pUi of hold 1» feet 6, draft loaded M n t, 04S forward, ungfao by Neaflo A Levy, Phlladel- ,.: U h WMjHwct acting. Diameter of cylin der 114 Inches, length of stroke 00 Inches. A fine pow- crfiu vessel. r Laburnum iL,'lIi5. rly “ 8, “ U!r v “* 8l!l ' blll,t lu * 1 yur, and cort $30,UW. Offers to purchnoe must be accompanied t»v refcronce rb to the responsibility of the parties/^ T Terms Cash. Addrccs Commander of Atlantic tfqoadrou. Port Roynl, R. f. nortS COOPKB.OLCOTTS & KARKELLY, Booksellers and Stationers, ^.VANNA H, GEORGIA. T HE nndersignod have formed a Copartnership undor the name and style of OOuPKR, ULCOTT < A FARRELLY, for tho transaction of a Wholesale and Retail Book and Stationery Business, at the old stand of John M. Cooper b Co., Northwest corner of Whitaker and Bt. Jullen streets. JOHN M. COOPER, WILLIAM U OLCOTT, DANIEL G. OLCOTT, OCt23 STEPHEN FaRRELLY. Importations Per Ship Oounty of Pic- tou from Olasgow. O i\! \ TORN Oiirtahorrlc Pig Iroo. Vf VX 260 tons Hounehold Coal. l.i'Ou Hampers Potatoes, 1611 kegs llenlugs. 60 cases Pfesorvod Salmon. 90 du. Dried Finnan Haddock. For “I" liy CIlAm.KR GHF.KN * SON. deeft—U Kerosene Oil, 3 n 33bl«. and Cases, AT 'HORATIO PITCHER'S, docb footof Uunolnunda* Uy^Binffr, Pilot fT ViJA AN d Fa-esh CracirePB, nr all kinds—a large assortment 4n Boies knd Bar yJ rels, at low prices. GADEN A UNCKLK8, 0Ct28 tf OCt 18—tf RICHARDSON & BARNARD, Bay St, opposite Mariner’s Church AGENTS |FOR Wm.JeHup A Son’s hnilish Cant Steel, Circular Sawn, Cotton Gln«i Ammonlnted Pacific Guano, Patent Decking: and Hoofing- oct!4—tf KIRLIN, BRO. & BURKE, WHOLXSALS DXALIM IN ALES, WINES 4ND LIQUORS 0or. Whitaker Street and Bay Lane. Jnne91 Om D. C. Cary, Ucncral foniinissioii Ihrclmul, ll.Vl.TlM<)l!i:, Mil. Holmeet & PntterNon, No. 35 WiierMrcei, New York, Receivers of Flour, WEffl-fiKK, AND SOUTHERN PRODUCE Consignments Solicited. O RDERS for Flonr, Wheat, Corn and Oats, filled at lowest market rates, and directly from first hands, thus saving extra profits. Rcjelvers of the well known Brand of Flour, “Keareage Rills,” which will be supplied, ami in lots to snit. Full Information furnished by Laroche, gaden a unckles, oct25—9m cor. Bay and Barnard nreett. Particular attention given to orders for the pur^inse of Goods. Consignment* respectfully solicited. Refers, by permission, to Rue, Whitney A Co., Sa vannah. novSO—lm A. ft. HAJBTRllKvE, COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchant, | 92 BAY Sl’KHKT, BAVABT^AB:, GE6H6IA. ‘ OCtlA-U 1 ' ' • ' „ . ' ALEXANDER HARDEE STORAGE AND | GENERAL COMMISSION ItKRCHAKT COR. BAY AND JEFFBRSON BTRKKTS, SAVANNAH, GA. Dealer In Hav, Foddsr, Grain, Flour, Wool, Hides, Bran, ehorts, Ac. tf sop99 Haywood a LnRoche, Office at the Ice House, MARKET SQUARE. O AK, Pino and Mixed Wood kept constantly on baud, and delivered to older at the shortlist no tice.-drel-lm P OOLE A HUNT. „ , J Baltimore, Maryland, MANlir.UrrURXBB Portable and Stationary Steam Engines and Boilers, steam Fire Enginur, Portable Saw Mills, Gang and Single Saw Mills, Mining Machinery, Portable Grist Mills, Flour Mill Machinery, Cotton Screws, Railroad Cars, Car Wheels and Axles, Hydraulic Presses for Oil and Tobacco, Tobacco Moulds, Goa Works Apparatus of all kinds, Sailing, Pulleys and 11 augers. am* 6m CYRUS V. MENDENHALL, Grcousboro', N. C. I)UI<LEY NICHOLS, Baltimore. C. P. ME?m’HiLL & GO., Cotton, Tobacco, General fonnukston Merchants, 1611 Pratt Street 14 aop93 16(1 Pratt Street Wharf, J3AX.TI1VIORIQ. AUGUSTA CARDS- GOL BULL AND J.O.MATHEWSON ■GENERAL mnLir 8TEEETS ' I COMMISSION, PRODUCE BROKER 1 AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, No. 986 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga., (At the Old StAnd of the late firms of T. P. Stovall A Co., Stovall, McLaughlin A Co., and G. U. IMF0RTBB AMD WIIOLRSALB DBALBIt IN HttYana iefars, Leal SMOK|NG TOBACCO. Also, all kinds of‘Virginia Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Moerschaam, llricr Root, aud all other kinds of Fancy Pipes. 8re sopSO Chlpman «t Clmpfn, Wucccsofs to Mkrcy* Dny A C'o.j 208 Bay Street, NortU Hide, Barnard and Jefferson UEI1EK4L COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND niAl.BRH ■■ Wood, Coal, Grain, Hay, Corn, Oats and Feed, ftar 1 WUl give his purchase and , Baooi Iff- a prompt and personal attention to the sue of Cottony Domestic Goods, Sugar, 'otton . for Kcr- Lard, Grain, Floor, Rope, Bagging, and streets, TTinB Bhcollngs, rhlrtrags, Osnar*^ I Bur*, jcaius Ac., Ac. With extensive fire-proof warehouse*, can furnish secure storage, and glvo prompt attention to mcichan-' dlae and produco consigned to mo for forwarding In any dircc.lon. 4m ang24 UUea to suit custowera, at tho lowts^roarkct V. M MYRELL, Steamboat Agent, 1 308 Broad street, Augusta, Ga. W. A RAMSEY A GO., CoinnilRftdn Mfirehuntii AND AUCTION EJ1RS 60 W** 1 ** QKNKRAL OommiftsioQ and Forv/arding Merchant, | Bar Street, Savannah, Ga., Harrla' Building, 9d Door Westol A. Low A Co.'s. ^^e^i^^illlcr, i'homk A Co., and M. 4. Cohen, B. F. MBTOALFB * CO . GBNERAL FORWARDING ' .►■ . ABO MERCHANTS, RAnge, on Bay'sUoet, between Lincoln Jt, Geergla. __ Psareu, Now York; jit 1 bOo j Augusts, fla.i H.UL’Fohoon. KaQ.,Al- Knott Atiowea. Uaam. Ga.i B. MBruce, A Oo., Apalachicola, Fla.; WotU. Crape A Bones, Brown A Oo., Augusta. Ed. Thomas, do. ^ W. K. Kitchen. Prealaent National Park Bank, N. rilHE. BALTIMORE 1. WROUGHT IRON PIPE AND TUBE CO. Is now prepared to supply Gao, Steam aud Water Pipe and Fittings, on the most favorable terms. Allpipo warranted. P. 0. Box 1M9, Baltimore, Md. scp25—8m miscellaneous. New Goods! Sheetings, Shirtings, Osnsburgs, Jeans, Kerseys, ClotllB, Caasi meres, Broad Cloths, Doeskins, Cloakings, Sackings, Flannels, Silks, Alpaccas, Delaines, Mohairs, Plaids, Checks, Empress Cloths, Merinos, Bolts, Boilings, h Hosiery, Gloves, 1 Trimmings, Linen Collars. Paper Collurs, W Embroideries, ^ Hoop Skirls, SB Balmorals, Shawls, 1 r? Clonks, „ Nubias, ® Worsteds, 'X** gibbons, Oi Velvets, SD llats, ^ Hnunets, g Flowers, .5 Feathers, q Plumes, rt> Ornaments, Jaoousts, *£3 Swiss, and QENT8’ FURNISHING GOODS, AT Wholesales and Retail. noy28 afJkM* H* CAH> IJiif general and CobbImIoi Merchant, AIIOtlBTA, '9A. ) f I of Merchandise consult their h Holders 1 atuly, will “SSc boalnsae su<attoi wR ke . men to, and prompt return* made, at “taut, aagA- _ wishing to realise Immedl Internt* by consigning the Yrt aTi'l inSttAaDsoN a bawnIrd, INDIAN STREET FOUNDRY. TTAV1NQ ro-opeued our Fnniuliy and Mschiue H .shop, wo ore now prepared to furnish all kinds of Iron and firs*" Castings, as also to build Steam Knglncr, Sugar Milk circular and Gang Saw Mills; and Ml kinds ofMfllwrightlng, Engineering, Steam Boat and Black- mlth Work doue at short notice, with pnnupluees and seopatcli. HOfiK, ARKWRIGHT A CO. d nov9 _ Just Received Par steamer from Now York toe BEU. KSTSi FOIII.I Por ulo At low rote* I'y Ah lH i. . QADPN A UH0KL *- ^ " d Borns ded9-tf cgt. Bay and Barnard CLK8, stre^ Mes« .Beef. Crnnhcrrlo*. for aale by A HD SON ABAI&ARUt Bay, aL opp. Marlnerts Clmrch, " ir ”“' CIlEF.ip-«0 kags] D. H- BALDWIN & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 178 Pearl Street, NEW YORK. D. II. BALDWIN, J. F, CUMMING, New York. II. BRIGHAM, \s. v ., mah C. M. HOLST, f ^-avannan. KRAFT & HILL, Manufacturers and Jobbers of STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS Noi. 281 and 283 Broad war, (opposite A. T. etewart'eg NEW YORK. A full supply of Goods, suitable for this market, si- vavs on hand. ..... ' Your patronage Is respectfully solicited. octS6—6m .— LOCKWOOD&CO. No. 04 Broadway and U Wall Street, NEW YORK, Dc&lertiu Government and other Securities umsasT allowed on parostn or ooir and ourskm't, And particular attendon given to tbe Accounts of Conn ry Banks and Bankers. dcc!4—8m - w. PABSOm MANUrAOTTEKS Hadlicld’s Union Fire Works, Importer of Chlncro Fire Cr»tUr« Bockeln, K<; *' Manufacturer of LANTERNS, FLAGS, AcC. Also a large assortment ol his own importation ol TOYS AND FANCY GOODS. 14 J.lin *1., near Broadway, N. >• oc( aft-lta)' . GARDNER. DEXTER A CO.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS POE THE SALE OT G O T T O Nil No. it FrauIfllnM, BOSTON. Notional IlankolOomnicf " National Revere Banx. No 116 Poarl St.» NRW YORK, Refer to National American KxCgo Bank. Having ample means for wlllwat nycmUiig on tli. lr om Kamot. oSIcIl * CO.. Atft. In Mobto 0 K DRXTNB, Agl. In .OolombLa Ot. QCUf-«nl HARK0TT A SCBILLIK6, MRS-PROOF itoinise warefcousf- 308 tVavhlMftaB *!«•<. NEW YOBK^ Coialgumuati ft Ocxxl. rocWvod. ^ parcbM. of Qoodi.„Tbr>)it oUttroMM - Wright & COMMISSION q Rio dp. Janeiro, Co., Represented by ourj unc28 ■», JOHNaWIUQUT, B«. ■na s<» fa ^