Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 18, 1865, Image 6

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These are, therefore, to cite and R may concern to be and appear) make objection flf any they Tutvflon or rarat u Monday in February next, otherwise said letteaw grantei ■ . _ _ ' Witness: W. E. 1 decl , county. IS, o. b. c. b TATE OF GEORGIA, Brian Csunty O To all whom it may concern: whereas. Andrew _ tsrs of administration on the estate of Wm. A. flhnman, late of Bryan county, deceased. • . These are, therefore, to cite and admonlah alhwhom fc mi, concern. tntw> and aDDCar before said Court to ...1 whom it may concern. J. English will apply to the Coart of ss of administration it may concern, to be and appear before sawi«xmn to Wltoses! W. H. Haymws, H decl H. Strickland, administrator, will apply fo the t on* Of Ordinary for leave to sell the laudsbetangiiiR to the estate of Wm. Strickland, late of Bryan county, de ceased. Said lands to be sold subject to widow?* These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection [if any they have] on Or before me first Monday in February next, otherwise said application will be granted, . - • itneas: W. H. Haymsns, Ordinary Bryan county, this 3oth day of November, 1B6&. decl W. H. HAYMANS,o-». o. S TATE OF GEORGIA, BryanCuumy. To all whom it may concern: Whereaa, Mrs. JL A. Cobb will apply to the Court of Ordinary for letters of Guardianship on the persons and property of Ber rien and Andrew J. Cobb, minors and orphan children of Britton Cobh, late of Bryan county, deceased. These axe, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said' ourtto objections, [If any they have] on or before the first Monday In January next, otherwise said letters will be granted. w ltness; W. H. Baymane, Ordinary Bryan county, this 30th day of November, IBID, decl W. H. HAYMANB, o. u. o. S TATE OF GEORGIA, Emanuel County.—All persons interested, am hereby notified that Sixty Days after date, we shall make ap plication to the honorable Court of Ordinary of said County for leave to sell the whole of tne Beal Estate of Thomas J. Bird, late of said County, deceased. JEANE E. BIRD, Administratrix. JOHN H. ED ENFIELD, Administrator oetffi of Thomas J. Bird, deceased. KENT, TUCKER & CARTER, 14:5 Water St., New York, naHcracTmtns or Ctrdage, Bagging, Bale Rape, Twlaei, racking Tarn, Oakum, fc*, fc* QtPOBTIRS OF, AMD BZALKBS Dip Canny Clotb, Gunny Bags, Ac., Ac. decl 4—6m Dr. Band's Specific T HE oldest and most reliable medicine for the curs of Spermatorhsa, Seminal Weakness, Loss of Pow er, Ac. This medicine has stood the test of over thir ty yean and baa always proved a success. DR RAND'S SPECIFIC Is exhibited In the form c< pills, made up entirely of substances that have a speci fic efiectu] “ " ' associate faking any kind not intended sa an xvaooatiuo xsDicm. Its medici nal virtues are expended entirely upon the impaired regenerative organs. The pills are not unpleasant to the taste, and many persons masticate them with im punity before swallowing them; which plan ws would always recommend, as affording the speediest way to get the effect of the remedy. Price, $1 per box, or six boxes for $5. gists everywhere, or sent by mail b’ JNO. J. KROMER, W mays—ly 403 chesnutst.. Sold by drug- Kromer’s Hair Dye. 50 CENTS A BOX. Baxes larger than Dyes that sell for.fil. Natural, Durable, Beautiful. Warranted to please. This arti cle has been thoroughly tested by Dr. CHILTON, of New York. and Profs. Booth and Garrett, of Pblladel- C , who pronounce It free from all poisonous Ingre- ta ana the material composing It will not Injure the most delicate hair. Hold by Druggist* and Fancy Goods dealers everywhere. JNO. J. 1 mays—ly 406 cheenutst. 44 TISH-WMG. 99 Tta£xes,inli taste, can be :r form, has no bad odor or is the vest pocket with perfect ■afety, will keep In all climates, and is a sure cure for the dlaease* mentioned. From one to three boxes will res boxes v i a cure. Price, $1 per box, or three boxes tor l 80. Sold by all Druggists, or sent by mail to say address by JOHN J. KBOMEB, —c. ■>- — ——■—Phlladeiw mav$»—It 408 Chestnut street 1 s bis. Drunkenness Cared. mHE Inebriate may now bid defiance to the teapt- X lug cup. Dr. Zane's antidote for strong drink is a certain cure for drunkenness. It creates a diaiike for strong drink, and can be administered without the knowledge of the patient Descriptive circulars sent to any nddrese. For sale by all respectable druggists In the United States and s Price, $1 per box, or packages of six boxes Sent by mail on receipt of the money, by JNO. J. KBOMEB, Wholesale Agent mayfit—ly *03 Chean ntat„ Phfladripnl*. pa. Sight Exchange ON for $8. In sums to suit purchasers, by sep26 E. F. METCALFE A CO. Herald copy. *• _ Varnish. A LOT of first quality Varnish for'eatt by the Manufacturers' Agents, angW BRADY. SMITH A CO, Hams. Sides, Shoulders. J UST received, and for sale by RICHARDSON A BARNARD, novll—tf Bay at., opp. Mariners* Church. ^ACKESEL, Salmon, Codfish, Smoked and WIRED * ' • 'f* . » r * . » Goner Liwohia&d Bay Streets, SAVANNAH, GA. 'ft O FALLON i CO FA0T0B8, IFORWARDING. * an Commission Merchants, Respectfully Jlnvlte attentfoa to {oar facilities for PUICHA8E M MOVEMENT S0UTHERNPB0DUCTS and wffl give prompt attention to all business entrus ted to oar asm. Intending to establiah permanently a house tn Barannik,' expect by Strict Easiness PrlMlplss, to merit and receive a portion of the TnMIa, Having a oommodiois WiREHOUSB FOB COTTON, am prepared teHuy or Reeelro on consignment to o" Woods tn NeWork wBursps, end will aaaSSSSVBBatgsrSg , h* Northern dtles by this pro P i. .< vsaesssa5sss.°' ,teF — OFFICE, STODDARD’S RANGE, r«,o£^JS; , s55ir£• , octT tf (TO NORTH AMERICAN •AND decl Pickled Herring, landing and for sale by UsGILBI IBRT. European Emigrants TO I * the, Msnkfpio of “Erirfca’’, Provlacss of Sao Ptaio, thirty league* from the City of Ignapo, a oourlahfogssa jwrt on th* hanks of a river navigated by MsssmtA are to he sold lands) which can ed to foaeniter* of sll kindest alimentary grains. The landprodsctS Cotton, Ccffea and Sugar cane abun- Ths climate Is the most healthy possible, no frost nor busing haststo destroy the harvests. Tha expense or conveying the produce by steamer or focMoaste Ignape, is ISO rels fsboat «cj 'per arroba f38 Ibj, and from iguape to Bio de Janeiro SCO reia Tbe** iadi, considered as some of the beat and most productive In the Bmptre, will be sold at very modentoprfcts, either for cash, or on credit.: «Tgiaa»Basir>Btai 8. Paulo. HANOIL ANTONIO JORGE. Xirirlca, October, 19*. decISlw TO MERCHANTS AND PERSONS DOING BUSINESS AT TIE NORTH. W. S. Fancher, Genera! CemmiseieB Merchant, P. O. Bo* 3045, 75 Fulton St., N. Y., DtXWR of Merchandise of every description—for D th* trade—attends to the arte of Cotton, Rosin, Turpentine, Ac. „ ». F. Rive* hi* pmoosl attention to the. buying of Genmal Hardware, Carriages and Wagons of every de- D*! Good*. Groceries, efcc., 4c., for the trade. Goods furnished difeet from Manufacturers at their lowest rates. Particular attention given to all consignments of southern products. Speedy sales effected at best mar ket rates, and immediate returns made. Mr. F. fcels confident, from Ibis thorough acquaintance with the market In New York, In guaranteeing eStire satisfac tion to every one entrusting buabseee to him. Duplicate Invoices of maauiketurere sent in all cases. Information In regard to market and prices of goods given whenever desired. novl4-ilm NEW GOODS, JU*T RBCEIYEV^alarge and beautlfol at- FANCY GOODS, selected expremlyfor this STRENGTH TO THE WEAK ! 'YQUTJf TO THE AGED !! / ir - f jpW« f : Mfe -feEJU VENATOR. This preparation la unequalled as a Reiuvenator and Restorer of wasted inertdmictioue. The feeble, the aged, and all those who have in any way impaired their vitality by excessive mental or phy sical application, will find the Biokrone to be what its name infplies, a Life Sejuvenator, which, while it builds up the shattered constitution, will also impart to the feelings tile briskness and energy whii-h bo ton" V> frogtji... ... , No what cause any organ ha« become en" feeblcd in its functions, this superb preparation will re move that cause at once and forever. BIOHRF.Ni: Cures General Debility, Impotency, Nervous Incapa city, Dyspepsia, Depression, Loss of Appetite, Low Spirits, Imbecility, Mental indolence. Emaciation, En nui. It has a most delightful, desirable and novel effect upon the nervous system; and all Who are In any way prostrated by nervons disabilities are earnest ly advised to seek a cure in this most excellent ami unequaled preparation. BIOKRE.NE. The Feeble, the languid, the Despairing, ihe Old, should give this valuable discovery a trial; it will be found totally different frem all other articles for the same purpose. To Females. -This preparation is invaluable in nervous weaknesses of all kinds, as it will restore Hie wasted strength with wonderful permanence. It is also a grand tonic, and will give relief in Dys pepsia with the first dose. A Kbrief persistence in its use will renovate the stomach to a degree ot perfect health, and banish Dyspepsia forever. One Dollar per bottle, or six bottles for $s. Sold by Druggists generally. Sent by express anywhere, by addressing HUTCHINGS £ HILLYER, Proprietor s, No. 28 Dey Street, New York. Bold in Savannah by dec 13—eod6m A. A. SOLOMON? ACO. auffU C. R iSl§MAnI * C< cor. Bail and Broughton street*- 300 John B. Fuller. Manufacturer and Dealer, Mb’* r ^ - v *♦ l ' ' .V«. 8 Hey Street, JY. 1*. Has in store and ready for immediate shipment, and t« manufacturing to order, Portable and Stationary Steam En gines and Boilers, 2 to250horse power; Circular and Upright Saw Mills of the most approved construction, of all sizes, ent- cing 700 to 100U feet of lumber per hour; Gnat Mills, Mill Irons, Water Wheels, and every kind of Mill Ma chinery; Sugar Mills, Paper and Mining Machinery; Tools, Tanks, Ac., for Oil and Salt Works; Cotton and Woolen Machinery, Ac. Vertical Planera, Woodworth Planing Ma- Iron Planers, chines, Engine Lathes, Gray A •Food’s Planing Drill Lathes, Machines, Boring Machines, Daniels’ Planing Machines, Slatting Machines, Moulding Machines, Upright Drills, Sash Machines, steam Pumps, Tenoning Machines, Force Pumps, Power Mortfang Machines, Lifting Pumps, Foot Morticing Machines, Suction Pumps, Boring Machines, Hydraulic Jacks, Blind clat Tenoning Ma- Screw Jacks, chines. Shafting Pulleys and Han-Circular Saw Benches, gers, Wright’s patent Scroll Saws Rubber and Leather Belt-Patent Belt Scroll Saws, tags, Circular Reserving Mills, Leather and Rubber Hose,Upwright Reserving Mills, Plumbing and Gas Fi’-Hotary and Mining Pumps, ings, Every description of Ma- 8team and Gas Pipes, chinery and Railway Sup- Steam and Water Gauges, plies. CSTTuN Oms. COTTON BINS. Taylor, Eagle, Brown, Southern, Craven, Excelsior and McCarthy Cotton Gins, with engines or horse powers, and everything required for the same, in store, and for sale at the lowest price. Your orders are re- gpectfully solicited. novl—ly FIR8T PREMIUM STEAM SAW-MILLS. THE FIRST PRIZE. THE GOLD MEDAL, Was awarded to the Washington Iron Works by the American Institute, at their Fair in Octolicr 1865, for the best CIRCULAR SAW-MILL AND STEAM ENGINE. Orders for these, Gang Saw-Miils, Sugar Mills, Gen eral Machinery, Iron and'Brass Castings, Forgings, Railroad Cars. Ac , Ac., promptly tilled. Address GEO. 1TI. CLAPP. Treasurer. . Newburgh. N. Y., or L. C> WARD, Agent, 60 Liberty street, (Room No. S„) N Y decl*—ly V B. J. Beck & No. 9 Fine Street, New York, Manufacturing Stationers. Job Printers and Lithographers. Wholesale & Betail Dealers in First Class OFFICE FIXTURES. C ONSTANTLY on hand a splendid assortment of Foreign and Domestic Letter and Note Paper. Envelopes of every size and quality. Certificates of Stocks, Bonds, Checks .’Nolen, Drafts. Bills ol Exchange, Bill Head*, Cards, Ac., tastefully executed. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention, at lowest cash prices. CHAS. NEWBOUGH, novl—eodly B.J. BECK. ~ mntewt — ,— — — ute Ift KrriQg. Sr* . ■■■’■ »rtp often thep*nuhue, th ■ lack-fo^* 4 . J Crwrew -—*■ . *• form, and the iap-~, » ■ *■ ■»«viMl it £ — effort, show Its bsnefTsl infia.-* - evident to the observer tfr»t v ■ -i Is checking the development * u^** -* etlv- tlonlsuitodw.ampatapsnw ' from school sod sent into the * — r ■ the wore) movement, Remo** ' J •- -, .t!'- ersoftbe body too mneb enfr** — , healthful and rure, -t^rriee, ,**,-!! * ** “ , wards npoa themreitra If the patient be • *m*le, toe u ws is looked for »,;h arfletv M which Nature is to mow her Mvjm Urn circulatioo. in.1 vWdng “ of health. Als* • i ncre<it 7^*-' » bat K fed on tbe enerries'r^ ! rated, and the whole erooom ' r * Va v - Ncmifol and wncderfhl period' » ^ mind undergo eg - woman, is looUMtorh, vais • tbe au L^ r " • m anxiety, and (aa^ ^ p* ve ^ ^ VNtim. "*s «<r j Helmbold , Eura.i hd, hoc NW'4f|i OftfRy frjut l*. /*(&> ' rrtum, AtWndcd \rith UM? foiiowia^ imi - l»rt„iKwiWmu 1 Exertion. Low Memo,!. DdlruH,of Brrethm- *■ Horror of Ihseaw, Weak Nerves, Tree’ - 7" Horror of IV,th. Night Sweats CoMf ' l uere Dimuem ol Vblo* Ung^, Uai ^, * of the Muscular System, Often Enora. -J. T with Djspeptic Symptoms, Hot Haada U Bcdy, Drynes* of the Skin, p»|!id , ou Eruptions on the Face, Pain in the Bach "r ^ the Eyelids, Frequently Black Spot* fly x Cr Eyes, with Temporary Suffusion and La, Want of Attention, Great Mobility, _ Horror of Society. Nothing is more i- rt- * Patients than Solitude, and nothing they - for Fear of Themselves, ao Repose of R, [v nestness, no e peculation, hut a harrsta -- -. from one question to anothw. Three symptoms, it allowed u> r , „ ^ Medicine invariably removes-saea f, Power, Fatuity, and Epileptic Fite, B ore of mat -* patient may expire. During the Superintendence of Dr wp*- t Btoonringdale Asylum, this sad imslt sersrr- patient*; reason had for a time -g died of epilepsy. They were of both twenty yean of age. Who can say that three exeresre r° t* ’• followed by those direful dwreere Icemitj sumption? The records of he Ia«m>- Vy|ra< the melancholy deaths by Cnosot;-- - witness to the truth of these 1, ; - Aaylums the most melancholy -ihanre T ,|, ' . The countenance is actually •odeec tnte—neither Mirth or Grief ever ridts it. 4 , sound of the voice occur. It is nueiy ' “With wciefc! meaaures wm Dew,* Low sullen sounds hie grief tegaifad.- Wnilat we regret theexiateBce oflhciww*. -... and symptoms, we are prepared vi of? sx . gift of chemistry for the remorri of Ar aer--, . - ,« HELHMUt Highly Concentrated Fluid Ei- tract of Bucliu. its- THERE IS NO T05IC LrKE IT -t- It is an anchor of hope to the rargeoc. ae-> this is the testimony of all who have aa-ii * „-.r. . ed it. Sold by all the Druggirti. Principal Dep»t HBLIMLDH Drug and Chemical Warehouse atH BROADWiT METROPOLITAN ROTT. JRTW vr,j£ dccl’J Mail Contracts Re-Kslablhhnif ot of Hail Fanii.h in Gmgia. T HE Post Office Department derrw a r~. State of Georgia with Pusul scrvicr. t - practicable day. until July let, 156*. who proposals whVh o effect. Ich are now adwri>-. contract will go intoc Tbe Departeaent invites proposals for maw mails until June 20.1866. to ail cuaaliy tatowdorii Important polnUBOt reached by Balirosd tion. at rates not to exceed #8 per mik pr ' -- weekly service: 415 for semi-weekly, arc <*’. ’ weekly; and where tbe Importance ' i* ' - quires. $40 for dally service; counting the ■-**■«*• way in all cases. Service will be fnrniehed on routes - tbe war, it was daily, three tima a wees-, res’ * was tri-weekly twice s week; and wherea *— weekly, weekly service win be iDowed Proposal* should be addressed to ”!fca fe. McLeflan. H Asm. P. M Wahinrou. a • • should state they are for aerrice to esd Jam M -**• novls _ tf Mackerel, I N hide., half bbla. and tit*, for si> bf RICHARDSON A BABUL B0V2S-U Bay at., opp. Mainer’ wut