Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 19, 1865, Image 3

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V rw»- srtrevur- Local matters. SAVANNA 'NAL REPUBLICAN, TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 19. 1866, - i > “ j ^ ; 7.--— . — ■ ■ — — ■ ■ >■*? •, , *- . Personal- Hon. James L. Seward,- of TfiomasviUe. Oa. formerly member of tlio National Con ;ress from the Second District, armed here vesterday by steamer from Doctortown, and is stopping at the Pulaski House. Brigadier General Tillson departed for An pitia yesterday morning. ' , ^ . ■ r. i *r ii—m .to We understand that Maj. Gen. Carlin lias I AKKKST OF COMMANDER RAPHAEL, S? TEST OATH DECIDED l-NCONSTITIITIONAL. (i pon? North. ; aj*»r General J. M-Brannati left our city ye?* :«rc»y ^ or Augusta, to assume temporary com- T,»rd of the Department of Georgia. The efficient manner iu which General Jlrau- ,1 has invariably discharged the delicate and acuii duties devolving upon him while com- the Military District of Savannah, have ,,.J bini to be an officer of rare adniicisti alive while his unassuming and courteous . r towards all, have wou him the esteem oi c -c mens. T... e General will bear" with him to- his new rt- of duty, the good wishes of all claaaca, 1, a oi a large circle of devoted personal friends. ,V bespeak for the General a cordial recap. • 3 at the bands of our neighbors, who will lind to be all that we represent. HASH, BEAVER, LYON S CLOTH, end BROADCLOTH CLOAKS, iu great , K ty and low prices, rangings irom i?S upwards, at 13 Barnard treet. Irom Align MM. 11,e steamer R- H. May, Capt. Acgasta, arrived here yesterday. We SEMMES. Mobile, December 18. In the United States District Court to-day Judge Bertrand decided that the TestOath was unconstitutional. Commander It.,J. Semmes. of the late Con federate Navy,, was arrested last evening by orders from Washington, and is now en route, under guard, fur the North. / SPECIAL NOTiCcS. Tax Notice. Savannah, Dec. IS. 166b. I Ownct* of Lets, lands and improve meats in the (Tty of Savannah, Ga , are notiffed that the • . t T.AJX B< ) I v I ^ for said Cttyls completed, and the Ta.\.es riut* tbr remi may be paW to the undersigned, within eiaiy (<'*•) from this date, at oar otilce,” North-west On. South Broad & Lincoln stg.. In said dty ofSavannab, Por noc-paymenlPof the Tax, the Act of Congress prescribes a Forfeiture of the Property taxed to the Fnited State.. Office hours from !> to IS X. M., and 2 to 5 I\ M. T. P. ROBB, )V. S Died Tax S. A. PAN COAST.Uommifsioners Dist. ' J>C. DATES. | of i.eorgia. declS-tr > . ELEGANT JEWELRY, FIHE SILVER WAKE, AND RICH FANCY GOODS. FtlLROAD NOTICES. Attention Boys! -, irom arc io- .. i.r J to her purser for late papers and the fol .mg items of river news : Deo. lli, 10 a. . si -edste-mert Goodsell, 2 miles below Silver b-juDd up; U a. m., ‘Volunteer, a; Me t -.i., Reach, do; 12 1-2 p. m., Scorpio, at L.’u; benches, do; 1 p. m., Union,'at Daniel’s Landings f,.. ir, 7 1-2 a. m., Gibbons, at l'ossom’i Eddy a Ida. m., Minnie Brandt, at Thompson’ i * l ord, do: Krenson’a flat suck above Pnrys- - ir^ Saturday, 12 m. Deo. 18, 8 1-2 a. m. t; ri*topher, at Railroad Bridge, bonnd up. Central Railroad. SffTR Superintendent's Office. 1 Savannah, Ga, Nor. 18th v 1965. / W iid r Wednesday, 22d instant, a daily train " ill leave tor Augusta at 8.3» a. in., connecting a hue of Hacks running between Station No. 6, mtrul l. iilroatl, and Waynesboro*, on the Augusta it! Sirvftni'.’in TfHiliviml You arc forbidden to Ore Crackers, Squibs and other Fireworks in the public r or on the Sidewalks, but will be permitted to I amnse yourselves in the squares, provided it is not ac companied with annoyance to passers by. Bonfires will not be allowed. The Police will arrest and carry | to the Guard House all violations of the above. By order of the MAYOR. B. H. ANDERSON, Chief of Police. decl6—3t U’ltil I < 'OJ I and ■ • »van!2:ih Railroad. rossorby this linf* wiH arrive in Augusta tbs I »« at morning a/Lcr leaving Savannah, in time to connect with the Heorgis Railroad train for Atlanta — nvpiriiifnr, arrive in bavannah at P. M. r Veinh i to "o by i»nanenger train must be prepaid and be debverod half horn-lieforedq ‘ “ - nov2h Notice. ieparture of Train. By or- GEO. W. .DAMS, General Superintendent. Central Railroad. SAVANNAH NATIONAL BANK, I December 9tb, 1865. C An election for six Directors to manage the affairs of this Bank for one year will be hold at the Banking House on the Second Tuesday in January next, being the 9th of that month. Polls open from 10 o’clock, A. M. to 2 o'clock, P. M. decl'L—lawl JACOB SPIVEY, Cashier. SHIPPING. FOR 6 ALT J MOllE. t hb WiU leave for Balt-more 2 His x>kt th« ism Inst, at 10 o;clo* ’ The accommodations for panwmgeri on tmont this earner are superb, and travelers desbao* qI^..l, ew York and other Northern cities will tAefwu jet through ticket, at es, by taking paretge Christmas and New YeavsGifts. OPENING r AT TUJi TIME T ° SELECT PRESENTS FROM A SPLENDID STOCK JUST HAMILTON’S, I Ci-IANGE OF DAY. steamer New hundred ofiles of sea travel, and get through tl the same rate charged by other lines | on the « tchtaond. Fol freight or passage, apply to LaR » OHR ft WE9T, Agente, dec’1 5 donas' Block. r*r 9 and 10 1-4 SHEETINGS, , at 13 Barnard street. vert liifirave of tfae Steamer Falcon. The steamer Fulcon, running on the route between Savannah and Augusta, was inicoii- nally released from arrest yesterday, by , r.ivr of Colonel Kimball, commanding this District. This vessel was seized a few days i by the Provost Marshal, for refusing to • v ^ detachment of United Slates troops Augusta to Savannah, and a guard placed n her, which was removed yesterday. i Nt'LISH CALICOES, very wide, 31) c at 13 Barnard street. superintendent's Office, 1 Savannah, Nov. 18th, 1865./ This Company is now, in connection with W. J. [ Di-kerson & Co.'s Wagons, prepared to receive and forward to Augnsta, Macon, Atlanta, Ac., daily, from Twenty to Thirty Thousand Ponnds of fteimit, and go through in from three to five days. ship Freight and other expenses must be paid by Fhippera. Railroad Freight can be laid here or at destination lid. be, per I'y order GEO, W. ADAMS, Genera) Superintendent. rtanroaii r reignt can be paid here or at destina Fn ighta on Perishable Goods must be prepaid Rates to Augnsta, until further notice, will b rot 50cents; per 100 lbs., $2 00. tty order of Drugs, Chemicals. Ac. foe attention of otlr readers is special* -, directed to tlie advertisement of Dr. ffui. M. Walsh, which will be fonud in r column of our issue this morn- This gentleman has just added ii.-geiy to his previously ample stock. i< also a large and varied assortment 1 the articles usually found iu a well j mited drug and chemical store, to- •*: with a find assortment of Paints, . ! - Glasses, Ac. Dr. Walsh is also sole V at. in the State of Georgia, for the el Ilelmbold’s Buchu. CENTRAL RAILROAD & BANKING CO., I, Savannah, Dec. 11th, 1365. f E* BL'EFD by The Board of Directors that no Lumber nor Timbershail be transported ove- tfae Company's Hoad, except by special contract with the Superintendent GRO. A. OUYLEB, Cashier. g-r' 11 NOTICE.—To rut C rrize.Nn os | CuxTHkM Coi/nty—I respectfully an- I nonnee myself as a candidate for the ^Office oi Tax I Collector at the election in January next, and humbly J I solicit your support EDWARD POWER. nov27—td Neticc to Skippers or Goods by the Steamer Savannah,en the 4th Day of Xov., 1865. All persons who stripped goods by the steamer Savannah on the above named day, are requested to call immediately at’fhe office oi F. M. Myroll, Esq., Harris' Building, Bay street, and identify such goods as have been saved from the wreck of the steamer. T. W. WOLCOTT, Agent. nov20—tf FOR SHERIFF OF CHATHAM t OI VTY. The uadersigned announce to his friends and the voters of Chatham.couuty, that he is a candidate for the office of Sheriff of the County at the next election, and respectfully solicits their eoffra^ue in hie behalf. novO tf FINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, IS* •aVKT 8TYLI OF JEWELRY, . .„„„b jLSSSll" wh^.L*d " 1 Wi » 8 *» T ">*> -i"» p»a~w. | SEWING MACI LIX ] ;s. HAMILTON’S, . , CORNER CONGRESS AND WHITAKE^STREETS. For Palatka, Fla.. VIA VARIEN, BRUNSWICK, ST. MA&YS. VERNANBINA, JACKSON VILLE AND PIC0LATA. auction sales. Dry Goods, 'CLOTHIZSTG-, U00T3 & SHOES, at_ BY BLI V 4c MET R. THIS DAY, 19th irst., at 10 ovl ck. a. m., will be •old Jo front of at»-r: 6 cases containing Cal! oea. DelsicS*. Do m Ooode. Mmuos, ( aiaWce, Manuels. Unudkarcbieffi. k rt not.,ms. f bawls, Honda, Ladies' Ocura' aa i chridreuV SlUci. ALSO Black and colored Caarlmere Pa-ts, uasiuere Freck and ack aataOror cata, thirty Moae, Bouta and ! „„ ALSO 2- bbis Ck-tee Ham*. Fkktaa ^•* Dd ai ““hier« dec!9 Butter, and uuuieroua other artl lct decil—1mo FOR SALE. FOR SALE LOW . SHIPPING. IE well known ateemer, formerly the St. Johns, b«t now the Helen Getty, Captain O. B. In graham, will leave the Wharf foot of West Mrood street every SATURDAY MORNING, at 10 o'clock. A. M„ precisely, for the above Landings. For Height or passage, apply on board or to L. 6. BENNETT, Agant, * cor. West Broad and Bay street*. AGENTS—Darien, A. A. DeLorgte. Jacksonville J. «. Samis Jt Co. , Palatka, H. R. Teasdale. Freight payable by shippers. . octSS TO Wi’sdUp An Estate. A BBNJ, L. COLE. STATE AYD MISTY TAX COLLECTOR. The subscriber is a Candidate for re- election, and respectfully asks the suffrage of the citizens of Chatham County. SEABORN GOODALL. OCt30 For SNeriH ef Chatham County. The undersigned announces to his I lriends and the voters of - liatham County thathe is a candidate for the office of Sheriff of tile . y ...... vs. ■ County at the next election, and respectfully solicits I ti ^ MUKR OF BENEA OLENT^ LADIES'I their suffrage in his behalf. Must Of tlie Platform Cars of-the Company being em- plovi d in moving iron aud Ties for rebmldiiig the Road will preveut the battling of Wood andLiunber excer' in limited quantities. GEO. W. ADAMS. VALUABLE FARM, 51-2 Miles from Augusta, /“lOWTAINING fl80j One Hundred and Eighty vV Acres, more or less. About (100) One Hundred acres of it in valuable wood : a good Dwelling with (7) seven Rooms, Stables, Carriage House, and (7> seveu Farm Buildings. To a party desiring a good healthy, comfortable House, within 50 minutes' drive ofi.- ugusta, the above place offers superior Inducements. For full particulars enquire of CHAN. L. COLBY A CO. nov7 cor. Ahercorn and Bay streets. j For Sale. Anmiaffl Freight payablcjjyshippers. * or Augusta. l For Palatkaj The light draft steamer AdI^JR.-5r (’apt. Hooper, Win start from the Wharf foot of Abe - com street, on WEDNESDAY, the 20tli hist., at 8 o’clock, A. M. For freight aud passage, apply to . ,. CHAS. L. COLBY ft CO.. dct1 ' cor Bay and bercom streets. FREIGHT TO aUgUsTA AND POINTS BEYOND ! Fla I VIA DARIEN, BRUNSWICK, ST. JlA RYS, PERN AN DINA, JACKSON VILLE AND PICO LATA. Connecting with steamer “Flora Temple’’ at 'St Marys. Freight will be received for King’s Ferry, Centervillcge, end all Land ings on the S'. Mary’s River. THB new hud Vast steamer Fountain, Captain G. W. l ast . ner, will leave for the above place* .every TUESDAY MORNING, at 10 o'clock. For freight or passage, apply on board at Padel- ford’s wbarf near White's Central Pres*, or to ^ M. ft. COHEN, Agent. Freight willbe received every dav during the week at the warehouse, by WM7R. H. BfeUEN, Freight nayable on wharf. Shippers wtU fttmsh | weight aeg measurement of goods. tf aog*4 fi » FAIR! A Sea Island Cotton ' Y aud others aCout to be put on the Forwarded by Light Draft .Steamers. u oar wa lyinsuraoi Berrrs i VV ¥ prepared to receive Goods in oar wart- I . “Y house, free of storage and covered bv inaunm™. Apply to the Agents, sepal tf of thi^ city, feeling a lively interest- in the wel- f ire of the dec!8-lw JOHN REEDY. FEMALE ORPHANS r^ f A Good Investment . v attention of capitalists and others is . to the advertisement in another column, : which a valuable Sea Island Cotton PianLi ii i- uffered for sale at a low price. This t .tion is situated on the Sapelo river,about .;i miles from the ocean, and somefonrieen s....- trorn Darien. This is a fair opportunity { : those seeking investments, as the property s resented as highly valuable, and one of . > ;-c>t locations in Georgia. A lew moira of those RICH SCOTCH - A RFS, only 25 cents each, at 13 Bar- l. rd street A CARD. We, the undersigned, passengers cn the inter Fannie Lehr, on her trip from Augusta ; Savannah, tender our candid thanks to Cupt. Chas. H. Lewis, and the Purser, Chas. L. Ri igclv, and to the other officers of the boat, l; tcir special efforts in making our passage t3 tor table and agreeable. Their gentlemanly erndoct cannot fail to secure friends. We !j ’»e pleasure in assuring those who may have jicasion to travel on the river, that upon the Fannie Lehr, they will find good accommoda' nous and excellent fare. Geo. Ciany, S. B. Weiton, IraukM. Hight, J. S. Notton, L U Newbern, J. W. Bray, Geo. T. Olmsted, D. A. Lakeman, Chas. Wright, llenry Wolfshou, Jas. N. York, Jas. L. Sherman, J, H. McCall. From New ForkT~ rns cteynship Tybee, Capt. Crowell, from k’vw Vork, arrived at this port early yesterday - 'ming in seventy-three hours. The Tybee off the bar at 7 o’clock on Sunday eve- We are under obligations to her Purser ; t a tile of late New Y orfc papers. The Ty- i c brings a large list of passengers and a heavy freight. MADRAS HANDKERCHIEFS, at 13 Barnard street. Goftoy » Lady . Book. Wc have received from the News Depot of EsuU Brothers, the January number of this popu>*r Magazine, which contains handsome fashion plates end select reading for the fair sex ; also, Harper’s Weekly, and other papers hi advance of the mail, for which they will ( .ease accept our thanks. Lot of ENGLISH DELAINES, 3» cents, elegant patterns, at 13 Barnard street. Puff I Puff!! Puff!!! Do j on wish to get a good Pull V Road Coiitant’s advertisement, call Constantly a. his store, and try a “gentle Havuna, precious Segars,” from his stock just re ceived. A •upc ,1- nt l ;r fupport on the charity of the good ■SISTERS OF OUR LADY OF MERCY, Will give a — _ • A SINOIji: IJOX OK BRANDRETIi’S PILLS contains more vegetable extractive matter than twenty Imres of any pilis in the world besides; fifty-five hundred physicians uso them in their practice to the exclusion of other purgatives. The first letter of their value is yet scarce* ly appreciated. When they trie better known sudden death and cor,finned sickness will be of the past Let those who kuow them speak right out in Iheir favor.— It is a duty which-\yiil save life. 0*r race are subject to a redundancy of vitiated bile at this season, and it is as dangerous as it is prevalent but Brandreth's Pills affbrd an invaluable aud efficient protection. By their occasional use wewprevcnt the collection of those impurities, whicli, when in sufficient The-mention of tbo publia generally, and 0 f I duantities, cause so much danger to the bodv’s health. Plantation, C ONXAINING about ^50 acres open Land, and about l,luo acres Pine aud Hammock Land : sit uated on Bapelo River, about 7 mHm from the Ocean and 1-1 miles from Darien. McIntosh county. Also a Cotton Plantation containing about 4,3i^o acres of land, S00 acres open and under cultivation. fitjHlttr IWetkly Ztenpicr .. BETWEEN . * ''and ^a|D O CTORTOWM, C. L. COLBY ft CO. Connecting Regularly and PuuetaaUy with Atlantic ft -— Gulf Railroad. TO RENT. FOR RENT. T W ® ” ,C ® PIjAWTATIDWS on A nah Rher, known as Coleraine and Tw _ . Savan- 1’weetkidc, Also a Residence on the savannah. Albany ft Gulf I B aD k. late the property of James Potter, deceased. Apply to the undersigned at the office of the ( eutral Railroad •,!ui the w*;»k immediately preceding Christ- mas, opening on MONDAY, the 18th, and oloss iagon SATURDAY, the 28d instant; at Si, Aadrew’s Dali. those eipecially intending to purchase t I5HIST.V1AS GJFTN, is called to the largo Dumber of > FANCY ARTICLES, m any rf t! em the work of the Sisters’ pupils, that will bo for sale at the different Fair tables. deell tf ' *' L^MsMypwe: Plantations,«■* TimberlaudB, &c.. C IOJ! ItKCTl, Y enrveyed and gapped out,' with J written descriptions of their character, locality, surriiiuKliiizs, Ac , &c. Iterchasers introdncod for buying m leasing the same when desired. . • ill attend to business in any part of the State. Also Mecluiiiicnl Engineering promptly attended to. J. W. R. HILL, Office 117 Bay «t»et, ovcrT. J. Dunbars store, declS—lw r\PrFi)S ! ATKK STfiKI/PI FACTOllY, CADEN, N. 1 , R. WAREHDUSES ESTERBROOK &. CO., STEEL FEY MAYlFACTEKERS, ’ l No. 403 Arch M .Phta. I No. 42 John it.. N. York. Samples and prices ou application. Lots made to Older oOih v pattern or stamprequired. c'Al I’UiN.—These Pens are genuine American manufacture, and effiiul in finish elasticity and B*e-^r,vry — ,— r.essoi i-.iiut to the i»est imported. They are, these, stuwieed at its rapidfty jn removing thbse diseases, ore, sure to gain the confidence of the American pijt>- lie. 1 be ‘ I'.-imile of our signature is soffieleiR se curity ugainst foreign imitation, . , R. KSTKRBROOK ft CO. cr- And for sale nt Retail by aU Stationer* in the United States. nov40— eodBm Whiiford. & Qo MANEPAfTlJRE^B . They soon cure liver complaint, dyspepsia, loss of appe tite, pain in the bead, heart-bnm, pain in tlie breast- | bone, ehddcn famtness and co-tiveness. Sold by all respectable Dealers in Medicmea, dec4—2w ,. — IMA.BBIAGrKi GrTJIOK.— .‘“■ jJfl Young's Great tPhyriological Work, of Everyone his own Doctor—Being a Private Instructor for Married Persons or those about to Marry, both Male and Female, in every thing concerning tlie phy. siology aud relations of our Sexual System, and the Production or Prevention of Offspring, including al the new discovert* never before given in the English language, by WM. YOUNG, M D. This is really a valuable and interesting work. It is written in plain language for the general reader, and is illustrated with upwards of one hundred engravings AH young mar ried people, or those contemplating marriga, and hav ing the Mast impediment to married life, should read this book. It discloses secrets that every one should be acquainted wit^. Still it is a book that must be locked up, andriot lie nbout’the house. It wilTbe sent to anyone an the reseipt of fifty cents. Address Dr. WM. YOUNG, "N6.41(5 Spruce st., above Fourth, Phil adelphia lawfim scp2t YOU CANNOT HAVE A HEALTliY CONSTITUTION while your Stood is impure. Conttitutios Lira Sykcp purges fhe system of hnpuTilles, and stimulates the vital or gans to a vigorous and 'healthy action, eipcllin: disease and restoring.the health. Like Svam* rapidly cures disease which are caused by Im/nire filnod.— Scrofnla, or King’s Evil, Tumors, Old Soros, Ulcers, Blotches, Eruptions, Pimples,’ Boils, Erysipelas, Tet ter, Salt Rheum, St AnthonySB Fire, Scald Head, Ring Worm, Cancerous Tumors, Sore Eyes, Syphilis, and all foul diseases. Disease of the Heart Palpitation, Dyspepsia, Ulceration of bones of the Nose, Scalp ami Face. Use Co.nstitt-hon Like Sveck and you wifi be It leaves the blood pnre, and complexion clear, and you r system free.from disease. Sold by ail Druggists. MORG VN ft ALLEN, Wbolesalc Druggists, General Agents, 46 Cliff street New York. Seld by apflealetain medicines. nov22—3m Railroad. The House contains 6 comfortable Rooms, and is nearly new. The Lot contains about 14 acres.— ; The Garden contains many choice fruit trees, aud these estates are in all respects worthy the attention of persons seeking genteel and healthy Residence*. I AU of which I will sell low for cash. For terms, apply to M. B. HOLLAND, Darien, dcclS—lot McIntosh County, Georgia. miTMiiOM lSLii\DLAi\D A Rare Chance for Obtaining Valuable Property near the City, FOR ^SALE. A VUUi bison's I Two Hundred the culture of Cotton, Corn or market vegetables. It also presents a frontage on the 8avannah river, eli gible sitea for a number ot Wharf lots. Apply soon, as the property will be withdrawn from market alter the first of Jauaary next, to NOBLE LYON. declS—6t 155 Broughton street, Savannah. Rice Plantation KICIiAUDM. CUYLER, Executor. decl5—cod—2w FOR RE^T A LARGE, well fiuiFbedflnd faraiah- ed Ptore, auir^ble for tfee Dry Gooda and bhoe trade For particulars, euquireat 1(59 Conprees street. decl‘<i—eodOt Rooms to rient, TNURNISHED or tuifureished, with or without JL _ Board; apply on South Bread street, third don East of Barnard, north aide. dec7—tl THE. new, ltebt draft, Iron, side-wheel steamer Twe Beys ftnatelKmt to M iu. G. Gibbons,; Capt. Tbos. Daniels, hiving sap»*rior nceommodatou for Freight and Passengers equal to any of tlia Ocean steamers, wdl ply regularly between the al»ove pohib}. Irving Favauuah eanry TUESDAY MttRNING. at 9 o*do* k; LeiTdng Doctortown every THURSDAY MORNING. « It is the desire of the owner* of the Two Boy* to make her an Accommodation Boat far the Mer chant* of Savannah and tlie Jlercbtuits and Planters along the line of the AtlgnUc ft Gulf Road, until the completion of t hat Rom], and With this object in view, no effort will lie spared on the part of her Owmrs. Agents a*i officers to meet tlie Wants bf the freighting and travel!itg public. 5 Ikefeht stored in our Warehouse, on Dillou’s wharf, free Of charge. ERWIN ft HARDEE. D. JAMKS DIXXON, Agent at Dcctortown. decl2—8w St. Andrew’s.Hall For Palatka, Fla,, DC rMkteil fiilP Rjl’1* (l/infnrtat Arr> 1...1.. I ' * W ILL oe reuted for Ba’la, Concert*, Ac. to Messrs. MYEiiiS, ft a under the novW-Jfr to Mgaanj. MYEJSS, ft o. under the Hail, orto DAMD R. DnjfiX, Bay-street. *» IVHfilEkXLB DEALERS IN READY-MADE CLOTHING lilll >V It33 Brortdwajf, C mior AYdrth-Strfct, NEW yortK. T - v. ^ATUUKt. "M.II. WUlTKoiiD, ' l HfMY SIIA.FKR, J. ft. VA.N WAGKNEN, A. T. lUMlI.TOH. . - 1 . !3 ta Payne ftr'CarhSrt to liquidation. octiS codGm ^’ -r 9 w J — J. shaffbb, CoEumiN§ion THAT valuable Rice Plantation, known A aa "Strathey Hall," un the Ogeechee River,Bryan county, about 22 miles from Savannah. For particular*, apply at thp Cemiting Room of ft- win ft Hardee, Bay street. Savannah. CHAS. S. HARDES, Executor Estate G. W. McAllister. dec2—codiw The Undersigned O FFERS for sale his well known valuable Plan tation, Causti" Bluff, by the river, within , three miles of this cby, and «xtending to AngustWe creek, containing about eight pr nine hundred acres, the greater portion rice lands, 'nils property has many hand some sites for residences, and from As proximity to the City, is likely to improve rapidly. For nirther particulars, apply to . '• dec6—eodlm KOBT. HABERSHAM FOE SALE. early date. Brice *2,000. QJii-lfcitadoi’o S s EX C E L 8 I O R DYE, Which in a twinkling Prsdnccn the most Enchanting ' Shade* ol Color From Brown to BOicit, is consequently a universal . iavoritertho more especially as it Intpirowe* the <(nality of the Hair, And requires renewing, lers lrequently than any other. WINKLER, ’ At Henry Wayne's Stables, West Broad street. nov22 Jf For Sale. % O NE splendid 4 or « Horse Wagon with Harness U match. Enquire at novl6~tf Offices to Rent. nESIllABLE Offices to Rent over store conie ry 1 Ls Bay and Barnard streets, Enquire of _novl4 LtHU .HE, OADEN ft UNOKLES. FOR BENT, IDS TWO BOOMS, FURNISHED, to 17.1 FERN A NI)INA AND JACK80N- . . VILLK. The new, exceedingly fast ami splendid ‘ Oity Point i iet to gentlemen. Apply, at this offici. nov to Capt- 1 ‘* T0 T *iNirf* wharf, aa above, every WEDNESDAY, at 4 ft. M. Jke pity Pifiut Was built by her j>re*enl pwper* without regard to cost, her rfatc roouis and caflua being furnished in the muet luxurious maimer. Goods to he forwarded can bs stored daring the absence of the boat. ■ Per freight or passage, apply to K. W. ADAME, or Ji S. CUBRUTHERS, Hodgson's Ra' ge, Pa street, mr to Bell, YORK, WILLIAMS, BeINTIRH * CO. THIS DAY, at 10 o'clock, to Rout of store, will ka POld : 90 Mid* Baton f bn alders. 15 tierces do. do 3 do. < uuvsssad Hams. 10 bbis ccka. 20boxea8ttip. 11 Cases Tomato Cataap, qosra. 13 cases do. do pints. 6 i ream Tartar. 4t’ bbis Apples. 3 cases Iinclriebflrrtes 4 cases Mustard. 58pieces Priu's 4‘> pair Ulapkets, 1 cask Jamaica Rum 1 task i-1 Croix. 75 kits Mackerel. 4 Horses. 6 Mules. 75 sacks Vats, One lotof Furniture. <S«el» BV THOMAS J. WAL'H. THIS DAY, at It) o'clock, in front of store, will b* »>ldj 8 case* St. Jnlien Claret. 6 liaskete”» hampagne (Ueidsetck). 4 duzeu. bherry Wjne. 10 d : z. old Pbrt \rino 2 case* old Bourbon Wbishy. ‘i casks sms. 5 M Segars 2 boxes Tobacco. •* 2 casks Rice • 2 chests Oolong Tea. • i do. Hyson Tea. 3 doz. Hcavy.Kuit blrta. ’ - ALSO One very due Rug®-. ' *LSO A lot of Household Fa altar*, and one Urge office 8 lose. deci9 BV BELL. WILLY ft CflKlSTfAN. On WEDNE D Y 20th Inst., at 10 o'clock. In i. out of store, will be sold without rc-erve: The finest assortment of Cl,.thing ever offered, con elating of— Overcoat 1 , .-ack*. Walking coats, Tanks. Vesta ftc— ftc. • <Jecl9 Clotsiug Out rfaltj of Dry (vuoda . VORK, WILLIAM*. MclNTIRE ft CO VA ill welt TLIT DAY, to cio * a C"Dcern: An invoice of Dry Good*, comi-tiog of- Prints, Delaines, Flannels, birring. How. aif Hose Hats. Cays. Boot* aud hoes, . h.wla him Hand- kerchiefs, ftc. dec 2 lOKK, W1LL4AMR. .KclBTIBi: A CO. Will sell, at auction, THIS DA I, at 10 o'clock la front of store: An invoice of Bo des, Bi les, Prayer B oka, Hymra books ahatopeareta Byron a Bure'*. Moor 1 and Pollock’s P.ietns. No ols. Hugo Miner's Wo k aa assortment of chucl books.» YORK Wll Ll t JD, BcI.ITlHR ft CO Will scH THIS DAY', at nuettou. In re*, of •: re. on \\ Uarto 50 M Nintho a Crick. ' dfC'.O Aauiii'ibtr.itiix S;-le • irv BELL) YVVLLI Or CHUTIAN* On WEDNESDAY r,*x . 20 h lost, * n ..Yijca, in front of a ore, wilt be so.d : 72 Building Lore, Situated in that eur'iua < f the "iiy of S*rau- ab, know? as Momtp llir vilie, ou tlio tou-b nre . f the Ceuita? R ,l!roa4 D.-p«,t. Sold by .-dc- • 7 it* Superior C urt of Chatham Conoiy. lur the b u fit tbe beirs and orediiors ot the <*u>* of be laie j .-bn 6. M-mnc.llio, deceased The pr, p- rty pmeanrj c rare oj port unity for capita in* tc a ,k* a profituMo ipyes'Euent. Bsie post.ire. 'fanae easb—purrbnafrs paying for ti le*. A .18 WANTS. dcc6—mtwtf next door t YYylly ,t Chrpt'an. Geo. H. Arledge, 72 BAY STREET, |FOI DoCtOrfGWjQ Between After coru & Lincoln Street, FIV£ HUiMD^ED AiiBsig linn 'ri fipK’ii! T>EfWB deehvmsoffarDishtng tnm>r»nm-re*t 'ne. JLh , e «’ Pt.s*ible prices I wtab t. boy a* t r si P »c- ENRY WAYNE'S STABLE*, cor York and West Broad eta ■» Sold by Druggists, and applied by all Hair Dressers eMfigl '• For Sale. 1 w "FIRKINS choice Butter. A O CH A8. L. COLBY ft CO., ^99n!Eae^B9EE^&!E9^R!!%RB^S A IN ALL KirtOQ OF F0RKIGXj A NI) A MODffCR County Jajlor. Mr. Waring Rtuaell resumed, jte6terday at rnoon, hia poet If Jailor of Chatham county ,or the first time since the departure of the U nion army from Savannah. DRESS GOODS at 60 oeote, at 13 Bar- iHinl street. CorrwetienT Mr La ... ■a.-tw Wrlr' ei the ft opposite 143 West s’tref't Bulkhead, iietwoeu Barclay and" Verswita 7 ’ „ NEW VORK. Potatoes, Apples and Onions constantly o» * put up fur the southern market: AU consk promptly attended to. • Refers to A. _ Walab, J. H. Pareoh A. Haywood, T. j twly . IttiyM JOHA DiABlB* CO., STEAM. P ACKINCBOX MAKERS Noe. 184 ft 126 Torth at., (one Boat of Broad way j NEW YORK. <■ V Ail klnda of Boxes done up iff iboqk*, 1st fiottthem “ 1 *■ * Auction! Auction!! SUMMONS’ HRAUILIAN PKBBLIC SPECTACLE'S, to strengthen ■e toasighkef old and young, by day or I Tuesday, Thursday k Saturday , with case and comfort to the eye, withont the of. frequent"changes. These cele- i are two weti kpown throughout the Sspeak of their saperiotffy qver all others.— i and.Single Telescopes of inupeuse power and ! sent free, by inclosing stamp. SEMMONS, OCULIST-OPTICIAN, Broadyray, under Lafarge House, N. Y. ITCH i Ir TCH ! ITCH 1 SffafttcA! Scnetchl Scratch! WHIATOJP6 OINTMENT Will cure the Itch in 48 Honrs, cures Salt Rheum. Ulcers, Chilblains, EARS! GEARS iomjfftheShta. Price, 5o cents. For sale by Q JtWmondr cents to WEEKS ft POTTER, Sole sizes, suitable for Evenings*, AT Store on Broughton St..Third Door from Bull **5 offered a general assortment of Dry GoudA, Boots and Shoes* Hosiery ITnJb* Clothing. Boobs, Yankee Hotter*, at the purchasers own prices. Term* »««* Sates poririve. Anri ffffi ., A *- ® *’ Singh L»ce Cnff, between and Gordon streets, en BaniaiR ' ' ' fixder will confer a favor, and receive a ward by leaving th« ssfoe at the gtqre of *- . - - WE street, J • free of ... tt will °“ *“ nd ' l ' any part of I roe sale *— , Savannah, Gta., Grocer, j* hip t handler, AND AGENT FOR CARINGTON’S OILS.&C Consisting of the following: SJLKRM, WHALE, LABO, KEROSENE a«tl . folJSTSICKE) OTt.H DZALSS IN Benginc. *j Tar, fitch, SpicfM Turpentine, arid Rosin. ] Also, Agents for the celebrated Grofton Minera. Paint*, and Dealers in American Zinc, White Lead Chrome Green, YeBtav, Traesian Blue, Yerdiaris, Varnish, ftc, *e. ^ Orders filled with promptness and despatch at the Eoweat market Price. declg—lm $200 Steward. B T virtue of authority vested in me AND ucable from pioducrs, and the ninis ..f t>*«*ltTg la so great in Kahsoad lore and Hotel • barge* 1 wi-b ad )ii-ti«8 having Corn, Potato**. j*.*l o,|* yp. nr “ a, ' n-d. Pork. F*t ar. Em upper. K.g* tm ' »u«y. Forcn . by Rejoin t ESdun'V—*** German Fire Com- ... foe 28th fnste, J, Henry Jlfun, roremau of the German Fire Company of Savannah. do hmffiy offer a ltewsid of Tw* Rpllterm for th- arrsak with proof to convict of the per&m re nwsons engaged in & murder bf Mr. A. CORDS, isle a member of this Composy HtljtHY BlIjGN, TH0MASV1LLE. THE .'tearoert Gem. Rhepler, I Orient and Clarion will make Tri weekly tripe to DOCTORTO v H, , 'running in connection with the Atbm- Kg i ?ffiJSSB‘JSS8lb s KfS’,7f J tlB - Through height payable by fhippt rs at -our office Freight wm bu received durtu- the week and stored free of expense. m For freight orpassage, apply to „ . CH A-. D COLBY ft COS. B0Wt ° eor. Bay and ALotootb eta. For Augusta. Thq steamer - IsALJ^TZ- Thi* steamer draws only twentv-eight Inches, and at the present stage of the river, offers superior inducements to shippers. Freight received at all times and stored free la fire-proof warehouse at old Charie*- ‘on Steam Boat Wharf For freight engagement*, Agent, dec4—tf office at Charleston Wharf. For Freight or Charter. THE Jlr. bark EVENT*G STAR, Capt* Edward Fry, hurtben 4'b U>ns, will take it of € * “* * MW Klee, i kurnlp*. Beeswax, Old < _. m , mmm WMm to correspond with me for fuiui-blng me. giving ou a* tity and quality of articMs and price sad lariiLi-ster transponat'Cm He also buy* Fire, panic larly Mink. Cbolo* Mink. wed. rim srwua, lot, ot'« Fnr* very L,w. AU goods sent him. be will do a. h,- hi* in ,,*ra pw> remit pcvreptlT, their value *l »gre-d p- or. iia-l-et oat ntrle money, he wishes fire i nndred pm a*, ar one re mors *1 or^near each Railroad etai Lu in Georgia, ■Mabaoia, Tennessee ana Kentucky, to loan Lira from twenty to fifty dollars for six mbdehs at 6 par cask x 12 months at 15 per cent Kafcirence—AU ttev-oto cUlaana of Atlanta and lbs balance of aaaklnd with whom be bar doll KEbtkvNd z ■ uitr. Grocer, P^osiston and Fur Ltetfar. declfi ccr, Pro»4s*on i Lloyd street, injuring Raliromi v'.rk, GFF1CE ATLANTIC ft GULF R. it. CO.. *■ Savannah, Hem. fto, is6h 8 'TE.I.HBOATR wanted at i ^romDjttrrtowa to hural terete will be offered. cT-tf JOHN sCKHVy. PrerfdeEt. w, A. JBKATtO? A •df.P'FJ?" haying accounts with the above Inn ^ call and settle the setae at my office. So. Ml Rarstreet, aji stairs. W. A. BEARD, oe®—U decl6—3t freight of rVAton or Timber, or both, Cffi moderate rah a, or a cargo of Lumber to a West India port. Apply to YDNGE ft NIXOM, ;Bayetreot. $30 Reward. L toffiT or atnyeff, id October last, h Sorrel Mule, about ekrht rears old, with grey make and tail. Also a finMInla blind in both eye*.— The hforeraid Mule* Were lost on the LouisiRle Road, about twenty mJk» from fcvannlh. Twenty-five Dollar* Reward wfi) be given Nr ttfe restorfirtm or the tonal, end Five for toe Srey Mule. Apply to . BUST. HAteitaBAM ASOM& * tocldv-ter ■• , , . symnsh. For Liverpool. The new (fist class cHppei ship VIRGINIA, Week*, Commander, ;1 Is now rapidly ply to Rdf at Lower Press, sod, having will hare quick-despatch, sage, ftaken at lowest nuej, ap- CHAhLE L. COLBY ft CO., cor. Bay and Abeecorn streets. , WANTED pARTNFR mated wbh a cart capita’ of ff a to Butt have a ftir IuovIbi!c« of ’ftriiy- im tad HeKvnville bokDrBs Go <d rcfdkce win nS quired. Addr. ■■ cj, at thteoffice. fail n Wanted TRTdfoam otnwMrtaWttrand poaMon. a Pvrier AA and Two Bedrooms adfafinlaff tarubtod w*a wi{|. privilege of cooking: or Hoard la a fffoinbte family for two Mult* and two children. Plow aft ffiteas^Boardlng,” office of this Paper, starin^urma. WANTED MIDDLING 0DTT0J AND BICE, Tit cxchaagH for *1# to ff?0 0*o of very Co*ir*bte 1 Ruiuaitr Dress Good. *«.. e ..*iTTrt-VT most comptece aaMgrimat of tot chooret traree—No OldRtock. -Aulyto JOHN F Yul NO, p north Fourth sum. Pb'JodaiGkta. >— -DeWktft Morgu. ton 1 dc*—ic L.r Wood Mareh* Haywood. . BaliowaU ft Ck, or Scarf with small D: toder will be Bbeeally office. . LOST. SWte*' Ibr tearing R at dec18 - For Liverpool. ; " THE A Na 1 ship MOUNT IJLANC, Is now rapidly loading, at Whites . Press. Foe balance of freight, fbarlng only tor a fewhundred baka,J KOCHB! gADEN A UNCKLKS, Agta. SHAW ft seplfi I . BAT I Agra s wanted te I a mw and woodorfal *RW iso ixauTJr* •— LOST Small WHITE POODLE DOG, owaar. A a I to the Mar*, 1 > pate I to*. r NOTICE. im ti ffa • O.T.OaRX^CMrl mUfmmm^wrn 200 tes.