Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 20, 1865, Image 2

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TRIAL Or EX-GENERAL HUGH W. MERCER, BEFORE A MILITARY COMMIS SION, FOB-TOE NIIRDER OF union SOLDIERS THIRD DAY’S PROOEEDlNGft. B«p*rM Expressly ter the Rational Republican. Savannah, Deo. 18,1886. In consequence of tie unexpected de lay attending the arrived of orders from the Judge Advocate General at Washing ton, which have been hourly expected by the Commission, but which lrqye not as yet been received, this esse was again postponed this lhomihg until to-morrow at ten o’clock a. m. After the Court had assembled, Mr. Hartridge, one of the Counsel for the ac cused, addressed the Commission as fol lows : •£ please the Court—The defence have 'a number of witnesses who have •frgCtAL NOT1CE8 ■'vt 5 * An election wffl be krtd How< on WELtVtSotr, Clerk oftbe Superior and Interfer Cost for a Receiver of TaxBetum*. <L t«, aod for » <fom*y tarr^roT Tbe Polls will be np-wnl it 0 •nfl be closed atsiz o'clock, P H 'Tne Sheriff, or hi. Depot,, and the the Connty are repaired to attend and n VM fl CUYLER. j., 3.B. KKaPP . Lc . GKO. p. HAHRISOV j johnsoreven , JOHH WILLIAMSON ] RAYMOND A HAMILTON, a grena saaeu ton*u will l*. given at tbe. ■First African Baptist Church to ‘t uAwAf.lIYBIHfp; Bee. I9ft, »t y ©clock, by Use Star Shifting' Association, tJndec the direction of M. H. Bentley, assisted by Prot Meyer. Admission 60 Cents. Tickets for sale by Henry Fields, aornflr of Sooth Brbnd and East Boundary streets, and by Murray Mon roe, comer ot Ball and Cong. ess street lane. decl»—2t • WEIITESPAY nOBlUHSi DEC. Noth. THE CONQTrt'UTIONAL AMEND MENT DECLARED VALID, ‘ MR. STEVENS DISPOSED TO PLACE THE SOUTH IN A TERRI TORIAL CONDITION. OFFICERS OF REGULAR ARMY WHO .HAVE NOT SERVED IN THE LATE WAR TO BE .RELIEVED. ; To-moiTow—Harry Lssll,, tbe Hero of Niag ara Falls. _ dec20 Tax Notice, For Tax Collector of Chatham County Fkllow pirans: I announce myself an ^ a Candidate for the office otTax Collector Of Chatham County, at the election In'January next, And respectfully solicit your support. _ . dec2o « JAMES J. MoQOWAN. Negro Insurrections. So much has been said by the Northern gard to the probabilities of ADDRESS ON LATE PRESIDENT LINCOLN. * 0wne ™ of Iota, Land. w * ®enta in the CTW of Favaimnv- o t *° n ’ notified that the a ™*’ W TAX roll for said City is completed, and the TAi« dne Ua - may Re paid to the undersigned, within m, . from this date, at our office,^ t4m ““J *** **>' North-west dor. South Broad A Liacol* its press m insurrectioaury movements on the part of the freedmen, and so little pains have been taken by the press of the south to correct theso misconceptions, that many men in the north actually believe there is a necessity for the adoption of the most stringent measures by the gov ernment in order to repress them. To come nearer home, it has been asserted on what was deemed very reliable au thority, that in the immediate neighbor hood of the city of Savannah there were unmistakable signs of preparation to that end, and the day was alarmingly near at hand when the affair would cul minate in the most brutal atrocities that the wickedness of man ever conceived. It is news to us and to our reader if there can be discovered any foun dation whatever for such reports. It is fair to presume that if we were in such close proximity to danger, of this kind, we would be most likely to be snade aware of the fact long before any positive evidence would be received at so great a distance—that if our social t rested on such a thin volcanic crust, we would be the first to perceive the symptoms of an eruption. Nothing has transpired to induce us to credit the existence of a state of affairs so deplora ble, titherin this vicinity or elsewhere in Georgia, and we unhesitatingly pro- • • —cc ail such rumors false, sheer politi cs! clap-trap, circulated and commented cp, r for party purposes. For the bene fit t northern friends—to save them the trouble of painting such horrible pen riot ,:ros of our situation—and spare them from the profitless task of endeavoring - s. ' ileon each others, shoulders, the res* i t Ls.buity of a crime which never can k..v. other record than that they have been pleased to give it in their own im aginations. we can sav in iustice to th« A MOVEMENT TO ASSUME THE REBEL DEBT ANTICIPATED, ‘ Freight and Passage Reduced! PIPEB, Car. Bull st. A Broughton st. Lane, City of Savannah vs. Joe Johnson, colored. Larceny. Found guilty. Sentenced to thirty days confinement in Chatham county jail. Abrsham Beasley, colored, vs. Hemy Towe and H. L. Taut, whites. Recovery of'certain rooms and rent due. Decision for defendants, plaintiff to pay costs of Court. J. J. Davis, colored, vs. Edward Rowe, white. Recovery of mule. Continued to 20th inst. at 8 A. M. - - - City of Savannah vs. Harry, colored. Vio lating city ordinance. Burying horse in his yard December 12, 1865. Dismissed for want of prosecution. Richard Perry vs. Norris, colored. Re covery of mule. Dismissed for want of prose- Washixgtoh, Dos. 19. The Secretary of State declares that the Con stitutional amendment, which ha9 bean ratified by three-.fonrths of the States, is valid, to all intents and purposes, as part of the Constitution. The House went into committee of the whole on the President’s message. , Mr. Stevens, made a speech, the point of which was to give to the blacks tbe rights claimed by the Declaration of Independence, and to place the Southern States in a territorial condition' with a view to their subsequent admission as free States. In the Senate, Mr. Wilson offered a resolution providing for the appointment of an Examining Board to relieve officers of the regular army who have not rendered martial service in the late war, and to fin their places by appointments from the Veteran Reserve and Volunteer forces. A resolution was offered that Congress listen to an address to be delivered by Hon. £! M. Stan ton on the 12 th of February next, on the death ol the late President Lincoln, and that the Cabinet Foreign Ministers and officers of the army and navy be invited to attend. In the House, the credentials of Jas. W. John ston, member elect from the third district of Al. abama, were presented and referred to the-Com^ mittee on Reconstruction. Mr. Price, of Iowa, offered a preamble which says that as an attempt may come up income Shape to repudiate the National debt and resume tbe rebel debt, therefore Resolved, That no representative from any State be admitted until amendments are made to the Constitution precluding such a result, which was also referred to the Committee on Reconstruction. Mr. Moulton offered a resolution calling'upoa- the President to inform the House why Mr, Da vis has not been tried for treason. A resolution was adopted declaring that the “Test Oath” will not be dispensed with. * * arc business men, and are ftnxious to re turn to their homes as soon as possible; and as it is very probable that the prose cution may continue the case for some length of time, the defence propose—with the approval of the Court—to dismiss these witnesses, only requesting the favor of being afforded a reasonable time in which to bring them here when wanted. The Judge Advocate.—The Court will VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARYS AND. eernandina. Genuine Meerschaum Pipes, Imitation Meerschaum Pipes, Briar Boot Pipes, Genuine Havana Segars, Of All kinds, '• . ‘ Domestic Segars, Walking Canes, FANCY GOODS. Arc.. Which he is prepared to sell very reasonable. tf STEAMER FANNIE, Capt W. T. McNelty, will leave ae above THIS-DAY, from Florida Wharf, foot of West Broad street, at 9 A. H. Tbi, Boat is in fine order, corihnanded by officers of experience, and has superior {state-room} accommoda tions for passengers. For freight or passage, ajpply on board, or to _ dec'll* Notice. WFmfO AU person, are hereby prohibit boo trading for a promissory note drawn by me F favor of Mrs. M. C. Wilkins, (or order j fo, q* of Fifteen Euadred Dollars, bearing date tbe «tb day « June, 1863, and due one year after doas of the between the United States and tto late CoaMcn- States, bearing interest from date, as I am ifoicnal J not to pay said Note until compelled to do so by lav - S. Mumlord is security on said note. decM—4t,tn,th£g WM.lM. QI6NILUXT Harris' Building, For ThomasvilJe: • ~ r . VIA SUN BURY AND STATION NO. 4 A, G. R. R. • Notice Important Military Trial—Sentence for Manslaughter. The trial of Charles Carroll, (civilian) who was employed as a watchman and stevedore for the agents of the steamer W. G. Gibbons, which was lying at La mar’s cotton press, on the 3rd of October 1805, took place before a Military Com mission on the let of November last. Car- roll was charged with committing an as sault upon a colored man named Ander son, by pushing said Anderson violently while he was standing on the gunwale of and causing him to fall THE steamer;©. F- Totter will leave her wharf foot of AUurcom street, at 10 o'clock WEDNESDAY MORNING, Dec 30th, connecting af Suubuiy with a line of Stages for Station No. 4, A. A G. H R. Pka- sengers will arrive in time to take the TUPrp^d on Thursday morning for ThomasviUe. , For passage only, apply to CKA<. L COLBY A CO., declfl—1 ( or. of Bay and Abercom streets. SAVANNAH NATIONAL BANK, [ December 9th, 1865. f An election for six Directors to —-j- the affairs of tbb Bank tor one yesr win be held at the Banking House on tbe Second Tamby in January next, being the 9th of Unit month. Polls open from 10 o'clock, A. M. to! o'clock, P. M. decli—law-4 _ JACOB SPIVEY, Cashier The Trial tf the Lamars. There is every probability that the trial by a Military Commission of Mr. G. B. Lamar and of his son, Mr. G. B. Lamar, Jr., (they are jointly arraigned,) will take place during the early part of next week. The proceedings and developments of this case promise to exceed in startling interest any military trial which has ever taken place here, whether regarded in connection with the social standing of the accused parties, or the serious-charges which have been brought against them by the Government. The prosecution will produce a voluminous mass of docu mentary evidence, a huge number of witnesses will be brought forward on both sides, and thp proceedings will be protracted to a considerable length. Messers Lloyd and Hartridge will act as counsel for the Lamars, and Captain E. W. Thompson of the Twelfth Maine Vol unteers will assist the prosecution. The Messers Lamar have been on bail since their arrest, in the sum of twenty five thousand dollars each. In consequence of the deep public in terest which will be manifested in fch™ trial, we shall publish a report, verbatim, of, each days proceedings, from the pen oj our Stenographic Reporter, thereby furnishing our readers with a full and succinct account of this^interesting trial as it pgroresses daily. Dr JORDON, 1*7 CONGRESS-ST., Has received, per last steamer from g New York, a choice Selection of Jew- elry, which he will be’ happy to exhi- feS J. tbit to afl^whe will fivor him with adKkV ih invoice of pirn Silver KNIVES, FORKS and S, in cases, suitable for the Tittle ones," SIL- MUT KNIVES,INAPKlN RINGS, BUTTER hi A Bray’s celebrated Revolvers and Single For Dootortown i ** ' ' . IN CONNECTION WITH ATLANTIC AND GULF RAILROAD. ‘ jr-ef*- NOTICE.—To rax Cmm or CiiatiUii Cot-ary—I respectfully la notrace myself as a candidate for the Offica <4 Tax Collector at the election in January next, and harabty sobctl yeftu support. EDWARD POWER. nov2T—td the steamer, overboard and be drowned. The investi gation of the Court has resulted in find- ingjthe accused ‘‘guilty,” and sentencing him “to be confined at hard labor for the term of three years, at snch place as the Commanding General may direct. ” The finding and sentence were approv ed by General Brannan, who designated Fort Pulaski as the place of confinment of the prisoner. . -- Bill Heads. t We would call the attention of onr Merchants and Business Men to onr fine stock of Bill Head Paper, ruled to suit the various sizes of Bills and accounts. We are now prepared with an entensive assortment of modern faced Type, and fine Inks, various colors, adapted to printing Bill Heads, Cards, <fcc., in the highest style of the art. BRING IN YOVR ORDERS. ‘‘First come, first served.” < 'Matte* to shippers *f toeris by th* Mum Savannah,on the 4th Day rite^Mi. AO persona who shipped (nods by Ike WV-XS steamer Savannah on ike above nuH day, are requested to call Immediately at Ike oflrto| I F. M. Myrell, Esq., Harris' Hoildlog. Bay street, sod identify each goods as have beea saved from trie wreck of the steamer. T. W. WOLCOTT, Agent. nov20—tf THE steamer Clarion will leave on THURS DAY MORNING. Dec Slst, atro’cfrick. For freight or passage, having superior accommoda tions, apply to , .C. L. COLBY A CO., LATER FROM EUROPE. For Liverpool. . The fine new clipper ship J^gj^D r ea d met ugbt, SMITH, COMMANDER, Having three-fourths of her cAgo engaged, will have qnick despatch. For freight or passage, apply‘to - C. L. COLBY A CO., car. Bay and Abercom streets. Liberal advances will be made on consignments to onr friends In Liverpool. ■ . MfiHj ARRIVAL OF THE CUBA AT HALIFAX • Halifax, Deo. 19. The steamship Cui>a, with Liverpool date* to the 10th inst. arrived here to day. FOR SHERIFF OF C Hi THIS Him, The undersigned announce to ho friends and tbe voters of Chatham connty. that be is a candidate for the office of Sheriff of the Connty at the next election, and respectfully tolicto their suffrages in his behalf. nov« tf - BENJ. L. COL* The sales of Saturday—the day previons to the sailing of the steamer—were 5,01*0 bales. The- market was quiet and unchanged. Consols closed at 87>g a 87 5-16. United States Five Twenties, 04)£a04. Additional by the Cuba. Liverpool, December 18, Sales of Cotton for the week 09,000 bales on speculation and export. Middling Orleans 21 1-2. Cotton advanced 1-4 a )-2d. daring the Sales of Cotton on Broad Street. t received direct from the Ik Company, a large rnp- rboeeia want can get the neat littfe store, between s, of ' GEO. 9. NTCHOL*. STATE Aim won TAX CMAECm. The subscriber is a Chadidate tor ra- election, and relgrictfuDy asks the ealrhr of the citizens of Chatham County. MABORN GOODAIX For Liverpool FRANK Sv BESSELTfNE’S Law Office Removed to corner Bay and Drayton streets, over Adams’ Express office. -decffp octzo week, and closed quiet. Friday 7000 bales—tbe market closing quiet. Breadstuff's and provisions qniqt. ' - . , The King of Belgium is dead. At the American banquet on Thanksgh ing day Minister Bigelow expressed very pacific General Schofield proposed, in a T* the Voters of Chattuai Oat). •T3h The undersigned is a OmdMate far Re electftn to thv office of Clerk of the 8ap» riar and Inferior Courts, and respectfully solicits yoar suffrages. WJI H. BULLOCH. decli-*l.\ 13,15, FIRST VESBEE.—The ship MONT BLANC wants about six Hundred Bales Cotton to comple’e her cargo. Enquire of LaBOCHE A. WEST, or 6AOBN A UNCKLE •. oulders for sale, in lots to GADEN A UNCKLEd. AUGUST i ASAVANNAH RAILROAD, savannah, Dec. 20th, 1866. suit, by sentiments. General Schofield proposed, in a toast, “friendship between France and the United States.” The ex-Confederate cruiser Shenandoah put back on the Gth ou account of a heavy gale. O'Leary (Fenian) has been found guilty and sentenced to twenty years servitude. As I was going down the street, Down tbe street, A pretty laasie'I chanced to meet, Going where ? Joyfully to RESCHER’S. OF GOVERNMENT Chris tadoro’s EXCELSIOR DYE, Which in a twinkling Produces toe moat Enchanting < ' Shades «f Color 4 r '■ - * ,‘ V ' * From Brown to Black, is consequently a universal ' favorite, the more especially as ft , , Improves to* Quality of the Hair, And requires renewing len frequently than any other. VESSELS Prtmtpt Punishment of Thieves by the military Authoritles “Honesty is the Best Policy.” The trial of Henry H. Williams (colored,) teamster in the service of the United States Government, and who was employed to haul lumber from the railroad depot to the rite where the hospital (called Saxton’s Hospital) is to be located, took place on the 80th of No vember last before a Military Commission. Williams was charged with selling and deliv ering two wagon loads of said lumber and ap propriating tbe proceeds to his own use. The lumber being the property of the United States, it seems a little difference of opinion has been created, which has resulted in tho accused tiff ing found “guilty” of illegally appropriating Uncle Sam’s property. He has been sen tenced to hard labor for the term of two years, at such place as the Commanding General’ beamWfcehdepthofhoU MARRIAGE GJVIUK- Ygpnffs Great FhyuMfogiad Wort, <ff Every one his owuDoctor—Betog a Private last/actoi for Married PerMR or *trioae about to Marry, Mi Male and Female, in every thing concerning the pQ- siology aad relations off our Sexual System, sad the Production or Prevention of Oflhpttog, at the new discoveries neverbeforaghfeu in the Bagla* language, by WM. YOUNG, M. D. This to retto » valuable and interesting work. It to written ia ftoia language for the general render, and to Olueinlid with upwards of one hundred engravings. All young uar- ried people, or (£ode contemplating manrigx *>d tar ing the toast impediment to married ttfc, shook! read this book, it disclose* secrets that evuy on* thocid be acquainted wit ft. titfll it Is a book that u»«t te locked op, and not lie about tbe hooee. Itwillberut to any one on tbe raestpt of fifty cents. Addrew >. WM. YOUNG, No. 416 Spruce st, above Fount. Bfr will be received for the eale of the ■ice ureaias and visions of negro re volts, which have left such sad impres sions on the minds of those so far re moved from what they consider is to be the field of operations, have-not in th e itast disturbed the peace and quiet of onr people. Whatever fears might have ex« isted in view of the disorganiz ed state, of society when the evil passion s of the whites as well as the blacks were in a great measure uncurbed by law, Lave been dissipated with the gradual restoration of order, and we not only expect to pass through the coming holi days, but many others, without experi encing any of the horrible Consequences ot midni^t conflagrations and murder ous assaults which have been dwelt upon so seriously in the columns of Northern journals. We will only add that we were provoked into making these remarks by what H HOLIf ALK AND IlKTAU. DKALKB IN Mertkiineg. . CbeaicAK ' Patent Medicines, - • - t Tooth, Hair and • -r. Nail Brushes, . • .v' ^offiabs,' U , ^ Surgical Instruments, „ W. ' - Trnssee, ‘ ^ Dye Stuff*. ‘ . • . . Essential Oils, Flavoring Extracts, Paints, Oils, Varnisli Colors,&c., Paint Brushes, all sizes, Window Glass, all sizes, French and German plate. All kuuhsof Stained Ghlass, Rough Plates for Sky Lights and. Side-walks. Sole Agents for J. U. Ayer & Co.’s Preparations. Dr. Jayne and. Sou’s Preparations^ Bembold's Kafract Bncho, Hbofland's German Bitters, Cloth's HMr Re Storer, Thompson's Pomade for Old Hair. Thurston's Tooth Powder, Well's Strengthing Plasters. Pure jA. conversant with the trade, r pply m - I owner can ha dc<^o—tf , 13'BBrnarfist v w>a„oiS^wMAe. 1 •Boto^to the PUtasId LH1R SMLER-0n board the British barqne-B*Vn- fVH LAM! GLASS r fog star, 40 tons Stone JBjdlast, 16 tons Cardiff AJT Richtnonda fins la kteam > onl. YONGE A NIXON, sizes, saitsble for how C ~ -ecS ^ — - ^Frireet. Outand, Patty, Patty K, UNTIL THE HAVANA $m :pjpEs A SINGLE 1 • 9 BRANDRETHtJ PILLS t vegetable extractive matter than tweaty pfflsJn the world besides; ftBwfivetas* nas them in their practice .to the exda ITOH ! ITCH!. ITCH ! Scratch f Scratch! Scratch! - - OUPPMENT * - W1H care the Itch in 48 Hoars. Also, core* Salt RMBr Ulcere, Chilblains, and all we considered a deliberate inten tion to calumniate this class of our citi- -to rob them of the credit which every Honorable man moat admit is justly due them, to multiply the obstacles with which they must contend in their transition from darkness into light, and this too, to gratify a detestable ambition ■which leads men to seek to build up their own aggrandizement on the degra dation of others. It is no more than we would do for an oppressed fellow-being, whether white or black, and having the honest approval of our conscience, we fear not the consequences. IK subs&iher has will be sold at manufacturers' prices. • M' s' South-east Cor. Barnard & Broughtqn-sts., S.A.Y.AJffN'AlT, ‘ G-A. Commander of Allantic So matron. Port *. novas qualities, cause somite*danger totta b They soon enre livercotaytotet, dy-pepeU, rite, pain in the head, heart-born, pate to bam sadden faintness and coiBrearei dedia—cod mwe To which he woMd invito particular attention. Fellasaieoan extensivasfcoikaentof • - / r Pipee,. SEGAR TUBES, and BKJAKWQOD PIPES Plpas^ call, and examine fox yeanelres, at siUfiT tfMfiU S3 IHE undersigned having rented the Mto 1»4 A at worth at, (one Bast of BwaBway.j YORK. Ml kinds of Boxes done »P to shoeks,' for Sootfrsr J. inzonth corner of Charlton aftd Drayton streets would respectfully announce to the public that he, as sisted by Mrs. Aleluea Si Bnrroughs, Will open a Select Female School to said bail ding ea the first Monday-' in October.. *. -. ’ , | Tuition per Term ot Three Months, one half payable the middle of each quarter, as follows v Senior Department, per quarter.'.- $21 00 Junior do. do. .-18 00 Primary 'do. * do. 15 oo ■rrSfoa you c.vnn<>t have a Rtato® HEALTHY OON3T1TCT10W tofc I— Blood to impure. Oournywitere Ism Mzsv pnr.'S the system of imparkiea, arid Mirealsto tk* vtod s»- J* Hosiery, fm. Glovea, - Trimmings, 3 Linen Collars, ire- Paper Collars, K Embroideries, RJ Hoop Skirts, SB Balmorals. Me ^ Cloaks, j A Nubias, Pulaski as tbe place of confinement for them Cassi meres. Broadcloths, Doeskins, Cloakings, JAMES & CQIBY. vsicfAN^ mm FOR t8<86, ■ And we ain’t got time to tarry,” W e can’t stay any longer, why ? For I’m going to RESCHER’S. Some cotton speculations are thus noticed by the Boston Jonrfaal: “A party in this city pur chased one hundred bales of ^ gjght cents a yard—100,000 yards i n HI, costing $6,000. Within a year ensuing, this lot waa •old for forty cento a yard, thereby yielding a profit of $22,000. Party number two held it for another rise, and sold out in another year at sixty cento a yard, realizing a profit of $20,-' 000. Party number three held oo ajyhile, and beu sold at sixty. two cento to one who had been forced to keep it until within a short fit, when the career of the one hundred bales to it* and At nineteen cento.” Rush to Beecher's and realize A. Ramsey,_ Esq., who has for borne time been on a visit to New York, has just returned. While in that city, wtjH the Augusta Chronicle & Sentinel, he took pains to inform himself of the public sentiment which there existed, lie states that with the majfcMity the most land and conciliatory spirit eiseta towards the South. They are willing f.W that which can be, shall be done to settle all ■ .ifflculties. The leading merchants and 1 miness men of the great metropolis are i uxious and striving to have business t uee more resume its wonted nhanwota ,vith all sections of the Union. eldaieck” Cham' I iptats. of, "8t. Julien" an( ig-Champagne Cider. Alpaccas, Delaines, Mohairs, Plaids, Checks, Bonnets, Flowers, Feathers, Flames, Ornaments, Jaconets, Swiss, and 40' do. Imperii 60 do. “Darb] .Tom" tirn. liA_NDELL. SoMfyal Cloths, perfoct WHITAKER STREET, • COR. B ROT7 O-HCTOTV Cooking stoves, Enameled and Tinfied Hollow Ware, Round Poti Ovens, <fec. sen* tow J. ft. THOTlPsoy a eo. Six bottles for *6. GENTS’ FiiRNMHING GOOD8J -G eneral Agcnt'for the The New York Printer inters ware Titans.” mt before, but we h» almon. Codfish, Smoked and landing aad for sale by a L.GILBERT. GADEN & UlSrOKLBS, too Bbls. Gaano & 300 Bbfs. eoafiit* Oeaa-tf y. ’ v'-L-te DPDIIDftr tifcrlDUl All