Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 20, 1865, Image 4

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POETRY [For the Savannah National Republican.] Then “Wild Despair” aa Dark aa Night. • Maiden fair, who art thon ? v Say, is thy hair of suunj gold, Or doth night shade thy brow With ebon ringleteall-untold ? Tby life seems sad with gloom, Some grief thy loving sool hath found ; Why, like echo from the tomb, Comes thy tones of moqynfol sound ? Art thou in loye ? and yet * - • H's spirit lores, and trusts thee not; Oh whence! whence! the regret, That breathes thro' all thy gloomy lot? I know thee not, lair maid; Yet tby gong of lore and truth tells A dream ne’er to be said, - For e'er ni feel thg /airy spells. It ’ hrnixlastj9te,.oh 1 grant flora; Ne’er. Rut 'twiR be given thee above. Lore on, love on, dear one; Twine in thy songs, thy love and faith ; To thee may all belong, That thy pining soul hath traced. Love on, Jet fame attend Thy songs, so sweat, so soft, divine ; May joy thy footsteps tend. And love and hopwthair tendrils twine. Bat Nina, let me kaow To whome those songs of love belong; 1 know I cao't bestow A worthy tribute to thy song. lint! would win from thee, Seme answer to toy falt’ring muse; Oh! tell thy name to me, An endlese charm it will diffuse. I know thee not, nor dare To hope from thee a single word or thought, Yet take this off ring of despair, That unto Genius I .have madly wrought. The Cental of Destth. What is death ? ’Tis to be free ! No more to love, or hope, or fear ; To join the great equality ; All, oil alike are humbled there ! The mighty grave W rips lord and slave ; So- pride nor poverty dares come Within that retuge house—the tomb ! spirit with the drooping wing. Aid the ever-weeping evg, Thon f all earth’s kings art Sing ! Empires at thy footstool lie ! #ErDeath thee strew’d Their multitude Sink like wares upon the shore ; Sio-ms shall never ronse them more ! . What’s the grandeur of the earth To the grandeur round thy throne ? Riches, glo-r, beauty, birth, To thy kingdom all have gone. Before tbee stand The wondrous band, Bard-, heroes, sages, side by side, Wno darken’d natiouB when they died ! Earth has hosts, but thon esnst show Ma-iy a million for her one ; Tbrcneh tby gates the mortal Sow Has for countless years roll’d on ; Back from the" tomb , No step has come ; There fix'd till the last thunder’s sonnd Soaii bid tby pris’ners be unbound ! [Croly. GctotT Baas—Were in moderate .demand, with s rising market. We note further sales ot 900 bales here at *lc*32c, and 800 do. in Boston at same price. Gutnrf Cloth—Was very firiiLbnt rather quiet at 50c in Boston, and at 81ca*2chere. Bat—Wad steady at (0ca65e for shipping qual ities, and 70ea85c For city bale. Trade nfoder- * te - *; . Rica—Rangoon was decidedly more active; 12, T . _ lina stTScalJ i-2c.—Was unchanged. The sales vara 82 hhds. Cuba moecaTado at 12csl8 3-4c; also, hr auction, 180 bdkee Havana, slightly damaged, at Ucal2 l-4c, net cash. “ • - Moiassss-Wss dull but nOmtuaUy unchanged. The sales were all in iobblng lots. aid Steaotn. aokeo ,4c—10 -178 Per steamer Fannie,-frO sea island eotton. ztoamer Ekxie Baker, from Palatk i upland‘cotton, 16‘do sew island cotton Per steamer CaldweU, from Puryeburg—40 dee eotton. ■> y Per steamer H M Choi, from Darfoa—Bales upland eotton, 36 de sea island, to J F Hamilton it asters. heparture of SteuMhlpa Shipwrecks Aid Marine D1 Thare is a singular unifounRy in toenumbertof marina disasters occurring from year to Jj^r- In the U Aonths, from Jan. lit to Deo. 1st, 186o, tbaee teefe 41S losses of vessels reported, by fire collision, foundering at sea, and from various -other causes. la the same 1L months of 18*4 there were 424 sue h losses, and in the same time in 1863,41$ ThiB would seem to argue some general law, oausing a regular percentage losses by m|4 and disaster. The money value of the vssrer-eported lost to the lit of. Decern ber, thi» year, ii over $20.000.000r v 0 ron NEW. Steamship Tybee, Wednesday, December 18th, at — o’clock. Steamship Leo, gatnidav, December 23d, at — o'clock. - • teamahip 8an Salvador, Satorday, December 23d, — 0*cl0ctf/ , te&mehip Constitution, Eatnrdsj, December t3d, at f termer ( steamer 1 rot CHAELRSVOS. City Point, every Saturday morning, at Rockland, every Saturday morning at to o’clock. . . *1 ’ ■ , Steamer Charlae Hofighton, eveiy Monday morning at 8 o’clock. FOB AUGUSTA. Steamer Wm G Gibbons, every Saturday at 9o’clock. a m. Steamer Fanny Lehr, Wedneeday, December 20th at 9 o'clock, am. steamer standlsh, Thursday, December 21at, at o'clock, p m. FOR DOCTORTOWN. Steamer Gen Shepley, every Sunday morning, at T o'clock. Steamer Orient, every Tuesday morning, at o’clock, Steamer Two Boys, every Tuesday morning, at 8 o'clock. steamer Clarion, every Thursday morning at o'clock. . . FOE JACKSONVILLE, FLA, 4C. Steamdf Fannie, this day, at 9 p m, FOR PALAIXA, FLA. steamer Fountain, every Tuesday morning at to o'clock. - ■ Steamer ity Point, every Wednesday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. * Steamer Lizzie Baker, every Thursday morning at 19 o, clock. * • Steamer Helen Getty every f irarday mon ing at 10 o’clock. , • J FOR THOMASYIU.R, Ac. steamer O F Potter, this day, at 10 am. * Tine of Cloving Mails ot the Savan- nah Postoffice. Fur Augusta—'baily, at 7.80 A. M. For Hilton Head—Daily, at 9 A. St: For Dectortows and Thomasville—Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays, at 8 A. M. For DsrieD, Brunswick, St. Mary’s, Fernaudi pa, Jacksonville, Florida—Tuesdays and Sat nr days, at 9A.M. For Baltimore—Tuesdays and Saturdays, one hoar before sailing of steamer. New York—Regular mail Wednesdays and , .Saturdays; and special mail on all other days on which steamers sail, closing one hour before sail ing of steamer. . FIMMIAL ASD (OJDIEiUIAL. Macon Market. Macon, Ga., Dec. 15. Cotton—Some little cotton was received at the warehouse® yesterday, by wagons from the country, but not enough thrown on the market to increase the sales much beyond those of Thurs day. A bant 50 bales changed bauds at our quo tations o! yesterday—82a36c. ’ Philadelphia General Markets. Philadelphia, Dec. 12. The rain to-day has interrupted out-door op erations, and the maikets generally have been very dull. ' ' Cotton—The market is unsettled, but more active, with a moderate business doing the neighboring spinners, who bay in a small way for their immediate wants, and the sales reach about 806 bales at 4Sa49c, mostly at the former figure for middlings. Fee,re—The market generally is quiet, and the sales of toreign confined to jobbing lots, at about prev.ou* rates. Domestic Green Fruit mov.-s oii s owly at $4}£a6 for Apples, add $10a 15 per bbi tor Cranberries. Dried Apnles and Peaches are arriving and selling in a sma 1 way at 18*16c for the former, and 22a27o per lb for the latt r as in quality. Flour and Meal—There is very little inquiry for Flour, either for shipment or home use, and buyers are btiding off for lower prices. About 1100 bois city mule extra sold, part at $9, sod P-rt on terms kept private, and 400 bbis north west tamdy, in lots, at $8 50a9. The trade are buying in a small way only, sad at iri pr ee-. ranging from 17 50*8 for superfine; $8 50s 9 for extras; *9 25a9 60 for spring wheat family; frail for red wheat, and $11 50al3 for white wheat families and fancy brands, as in quality. The receipts and stocks continue light, and there iter desc ts rather more inquiry for the latter description. Mew York Markets. New York, Dec. 15. Bbladsiuffs—The demand for State and West ern flour was fair and prices ruled 5cal0c higher, closing Ann at the improvement. Thesales com prised 11 ,Oj8 bbis. st our revised quotations sub joined. .8 o:hern flour Was also higher, with a good demand. Tbe salts covered 800 bbis. Can ada flour was fairly active and again 5cal0c in Seiler’? favor. Tbe-saies reached 400 bbis. We quote:— ‘ . ~ * : ■» ’ ■-»' Superfine state and Western..,.. $J 00 a 7 50 Extra State....’. ..... S to s 8 20 Choice Slate - 8 25 a 8 46 Common ta medium extra Western..... 8 09 s 8 40 Extra round Uonp Ohio....... E 20 a 8 60 Weston trade brands ..... 9 00 a 965 Common outhem , 8 75 a 9 75 Fancy and extra do 9 SO a 10 00 c ommon Canadiaa 8 10 a 8 35 G«oc to choice and extra ... x.,........ $40 all 09 Cotton-A fair demand prevailed, t'tough the market was not quite so strong at the close, and holders were free sellers, and in some instances considerable anxiety was manifested to secures market tor speculation lots. The sales comprise 8,050 baies at our quotations, as follows:— Upland. Florida. Mobil*. N.0.4T. Ordinary *...40 41 41 go Middling... 49 49 50 5q Oood middling...61 61 52 53 Tbe sale of cotton by auction passed off with considerable animation; the attendance was good sad very folly prices were generally obtained. The cotton was sold for government account by order of S'meon Draper, United States Cotton Agent. Tbe condition was reported to be good, though not perfect. The sale comprised 3,181 bales, at tie following prices:—2,406 bales Mem phis cotton at 58c for middling lair, 51kc for stnetiv middling, 4?3^a50Uo for low middling, 45ca4r^c for good ordinary, 4lca41jtfc for pick- fogs, and 41X°4*Xc rebaled; 658 bales New Orleans cotton at 53c for middling f«ir, 30jd9 for strictly middling, 47){c for low middling, 4514c tor good ordinary, 42>$c for ordinary, 38c forfow ordinary, 19 l-9o for pickings, and Ifl l-4«42 1-Sc far rebaled; 117 bales Florida eotton st 49c for low middling, 48a for good ordinary, 44 l-2c for ordinarv, 88 l-2c for low ordinary, 88e for pick ings, and 40 1-Sc for rsbaled; also 7 bags Sea Is land at 5ml Tbe terms of thd sales were net cash, payable in ourrnnoy. Candles—Were qniet and unchanged, with ■ales at bl l-2ca28 l’lc for city and Western ad- aman’me, 4Sc for sperm, Sfc tor patent, and 80c for German and patent wax. Corns—Was in good demand and prie vety steady. We qnote salsa bf 1,000 bags Emily Agnes, ana 2^00 do. ex Talisman. I""* Th# present quotations are as ^dPlloTO-lho prime, « 1-te; good l*l-8otf0m MARINE INTELLIGENCE, SA VANN AH, DECEMBER 19. ARRTV’ED. Steamship Constitution, Greenman, from New York, to Brigham, Baldwin 4 to. , Steamship Leo, Merrill, New York, to Cohen. Steamship San Salvador, Adkins, New York, to B H Hardee. Schooner Frank, Green, Sstilla, J T Row land. Steamer Emilia, Bender, Hilton Head. Steamer Lizzie Baker, King, Palatks, Ae., tq Claghorn 4 Cunningham. Steaamer Fsnnie, McNelty, Jacksonville, 4c, to F M Myrell. Steamer CaldweU, Selinas, Purysburg, to Jno R Wilder. —» j e Steamer H M Cool, Taylor, Cohen. Darien, to M A CLEARED. Steamer Laura, Garnett, Augusta, to Erwin 4 Hardee. Steamer Charles Houghton, Sprague, Charleston, Claghorn 4 Cunningham. Steamer Two Boys, Daniels, Doetortown, Er win 4 Hardee. Steamer Helen, Reily, Augusta, Kein 4 co. Steamer Orient, Goidthwaite, Doetortown, C L Colby 4 eo. , Memoranda. The Bark J H McLaren, Paring, for Apalachi cola, cleared at New York Dec 15. The brig J as Davit, Clough, from Georgetown, S C, arrived at New York, Deo 15. The Br lehr Mary Agues, Lussou, for Bruns wiek, Ga, was loading at Havana Dec 9, ■> • Tbe schrs M V King, Post, for Apalachicola, and Louisa Crockett, Corbett, for Charleston, cleared at New York Dec 14. The sohr A Richards, Are/, from Jacksonville, ar'tved »t New York Dee 14. Hie «hr Adria 1 a, Currier, from Georgetoe n, S C, arrived at Boston, Dec 12. The sohr Wm Butman, Smart, for Georgetown, cleared at Boston Dec 12. Faaaengers Per steamship Constitution, from New York J S Hayden, John Bond, Thos German, Hora tio D Smith, A G Browne, Col Geo Browne. J H Stebbins, Henry Foster, Jno McCndlms, Mr Kelly and lady, Mr Kavanangh, Mias Dervane, Chas M Clare, Geo P Jordan, E DeGracean, C Haywood, H Jones, John Johnson, F H Gilbert Miss King and sister, Mrs Brown and 3 children’ Mrs Little, Albert Mangles, Mr Covey, Mr An derson, C P Hoey, Mrs L Millington. Per Jtoamsbip Leo,- from New York—Min M C Hunter, Miss Merrick, Mary A Riley, Mrs Hammond, Miss Maggie Butke, Miss Catherine, E Haile, A Hergnes, G L I riee, Wm Fowler, Wm Mayler, Wm Martin, Grant Taggart, W J Cum mings, Thomas Scett, Thomas Hearon, Mrs B ar Isaacs and infant, Thomas Feenao, Wm Barron and 28 steerage. Per steamship San Salvador, from New York. Col F Waring, J W Gilbert, JnO Ketcham, H Soheal, Mrs Ketcham and child, Mrs N S Payne, Mrs Gilbert, Miss Gilbert, R B Shepard and lady/tH Haddon and lady, Mrs Harrison aud children, Mrs Eastman, Miss Harrison, H D Weed, G Rowe, J w Baissant, Col Cary W Styles, Phillip Yongs and lady, E Stores, B Speider, Dr W S Payne, T R Wbitwell, J C Mara, J C Ludlow, H L Sehreiner, L Howes, Mr Ar'ben, Geo E NewhaU, R J 8 totes bar v, J Brain- metl, W S Rewen, F McDowell, Mrs Coleman and 2 children, A S Fitoh, lady, 3 children and nurse, Miss C J Rodgers, Mrs J A Dutcher, J W Johnson and lady, NS Jones and lady, H With- •rill, lady, ntooe and child, Mrs Bell and servant, W H Livingston and tody, Mrs Coleman and nurse, L C Norvell, H A Holden, R J Richard. 1 ware otis oa tu ren, H B Drew, P P Robinson and tody, Geo S Bangs, C A Horton, Robt Graham, W H Oientt, ftUd 4 steerage. Per steamer Fannie from Jacksonville, Ac- Robt Henry. Mr Smith, E G White, S P Ed. wards, J E Welbourn, and 8 deck. Per steamer Lizsie Baker, from Palatk*. A- J Kaler France, H C Bigelow, Mies Oatsenberu Chas Katinberg, J C Brown and lady T h Brown, C E Flanders and ehild, J H Baker M r Clark, Mr HUiyer. * M R (onaigneea Per steamship Constitution, from New York— * vz eivnuicui^ VJUUOtnUWUDrHUIH AVIA Brigham, Baldwin A co, Brady Sqtitb A 00, F H MISCELLANEOUS. R. M. M’PHlil & CO., CFormerly of Knoxville, Tenn.) General Corimission Merchants CORNER OF LINE ANT) DEPOT STREETS, NEAR TROUT HOUSE < - * . AXLASTA, Gta., U AVING established themselves in Atlanta, A A manently, adopt this method of informing l na—qte j FRIEND ’ AND OLD PATRONS . and perarnal to them. Havin: That they are ready to give their attention to all business entrnsf acted ae agents for the salefof COTTON YARNS, SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, and OSNABURGS, For the numerons Manufactories of the South, Gives ns peculiar advantages in this line, and we will soon have it in onr ppwer to fill ORDERS TO ANY EXTENT. R. m. McPherson a co. octT PUMPS ' PUMPS! PUMPS Steam, Fore, feuciion and Lifting pumps OF EVERY DESCRIPTION; STO.W 4* Crans Pipe ant^Steam Fittings, AXO ETXBV DXSOEimON OF PLUMBERS’, GAS, AND *> •* Steam Fitters’ Goods, For sale at the lowest rates by JOHN B. FULLER, , 8 DBY STREET. nov8—eodty NEW YORK. AMERICAN STEAM GAR G8MPANY, To be organized tinder the Laws of Massachusetts, WITH A CAPITAL STOCK OF Five Hundred Thousand Dollars. This is a safe and profitable investment. Stare*, One Hundred Dollars Each. Parties can subscribe from one to fifty Shares, as their means will allow. Books for subscription are now open at LOMBARD 4 GORifS, No. 99 State -street, Boston, where further information can be obtained. Moctto Habersham A Sons, Kirlin 4 Barit, Sotohtfn Express company, Railroad agsnt at Savannah Schuster 4 Haimiui, Linvills A Gleason, Rt Rev Bilthop \ erot, Weed 4 Cornwall, James G Walt* A co, and others. • - b n a n at * 1 * ,liehi P San Salvador, from Nsw York— ®. H ®still 4 Bro, F J Staley, W Ran- j’ 5 w S M I w t r? K V Cunoingh * m ’ p * °°> K Mo Lea, W M Walah, Kfrlin A B, Heidt A L. J CJ J Sameron, Erwin * H W H Harrison, 6t^X H Hardee, Claghorn 4 0, P BtSSSm* Jno Kotcfo am, J Campssn, and others. T Per steamer Lizsie Baker, froth Palatk*. A* J L Villaloaga, Tison 4 Gordon, ClaAorn " A Cunningham, Bryan, Hartridge 4 eo, Erwin 4 Hardee. Per steamer Fannie, from Jacksonville, At.—. Yitlalonga, Dztolynski 4 QO, Bryanan, Her. tridge 4 eo r A Cohen, J Brieat Per steamship Leo, from New co, G H Arledge, P H B M Christian, Blnng 4 Meyer, X Ttmgbs A eo, Cooper, Oloott 4 eo, ant, A M Cohen A Bro. E P Deyo, G Ehritoh, 1 _ oo, JCFmojuuj, Yhaga4 VUUU1I Biokfo MFon KDCHJre,„ X - KIHiAB L. KIN8LK^‘ LYMAM KINSLEY & CO-, MANUFACTCBER5 OF Patent Forge Hammers COLLINS' PATENT ( ’ QUARTZ CRUSHERS, (ANI) P.TJLVKRIZING mills Patent, Half Patent, and Common Was on Axles, Windlass N,ecks, Truss Shapes, CAR AND ENGINE AXLES, CAR WHEEL8, ’CASTINGS AND FORGINGS Cam Bridgeport. Mass. octlf ' BUSINESS CARDS. C^eneTal Commission AND - , F’RWXRDINGMERCHANTS 0or- West Broad and Bay Streets, $4 JM H, ■« JB O . rpHE undersigned have this day entered into a co- x partnership under the name and style of McREE, BENNETT AGO., at McKee & Bennett's old stand. Will keep constantly on hand a fine assortment of (ferriages, Bretts, Recfcaways, Baggies, Harness and Ceaeh Material Of every description, which we aril at-the s v '> Lowest Oad Prices. AUVork sold, warranted as representil. . We have fine Store Roams, and forwarding will be promptly at tended to. Consignments soli ited. Will open by Wt January Manufacturing and Re. pairing Department, and wiQ ha.e Experienced workmen aud Clxolce material, and be prepared to do any amount of Carriage Repairing. MoKEK, BENNETT & CO. J. G. MoKBE, L S. BENNETT, JAMBS MoKEB. dec9 eI Geo. H. Arledge, 72 BAY STREET, Between Abercorn & LineolriStreets, Savann h, Gra.. Grocer, & hi i handler, ANDAGBNTFOR^ OARINGTON’S OILS,&c Consisting of the following:. . -'f. , SPERM, WHALE, LARD, KJErtOSKUSTK anil LIN&EED OILS. , . ^ DXALEn IN Benginc, Tar, Pitch, , -iC Spirits Turpentine, and Rosin. Also, Agents for the celebrated <VMtbn Minera, Paints, and Dealers in American Zinc, White Lead Chrome Green, Yellow, Prussian Blue, Verdigris, Varnish &cy &e. Orders filled with promptness and despatch at the Lowest Market Price. decl6—1m Horses & Carnages BUSINESS CARDS PS* AND DEPOT FOB Printer*’ WARREN ft PLATNER, Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of Writing Printing'and Wrapping. Papers, En velopes, Twines and Paper Bags. Also, Printers’ Inks, Cards and Cttrd Boards. Oarim from the Manufactories, we are final with New York Prices.- ■ * Sole Agents ln thiu city for the mills. ■ Cash paid for Rag* and all kinds of Paper Stock. deed to’ compete ■all Ifeyer a. j. iiP.Anv, wm. m. arm. T7SS BRADY, SMITH & CO. ii AND. i? orwarding Merchants. and" * YtaimfiM'tiirers’ Afents .. NORTH SIDE OF BAY STREET, Between Whitaker and Barnard, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Liberal advances made on consignments of Cotton, «e„ to their friagds in New Y6rk and Boston. References—Wm. K. Kitchen, Prest National Park Bank, N. Y.; H. C. Thacher A Co. Boston; Israel Co hen, Baltimore; Hall, Mesea 4 Co.,CoIhmbua: Wyman, Moses & Co„ Montgomery. ang7 mitt. P. toes, j. a. MUrrmz. M. S. WILLIAMS,^ t. WAU> , M. IiiliS, MlITIi! & I, AUCTION AND COMMISSION MEBCHAHTI, Bay Street. ...Savannah. Ga. Consignments of Cotton and Lumber stflicited. References 7 - Savannah—Brigham, Baldwin 4 Co., Gadan A Dnckius, Erwin A Hardee. Him ter 4 GammeU, Isaac D. LaRoche, Hiram Roberts, W. Woodbridge, L. C. D. H. Baldwin 4 BAIHC1HQ AND INSURANCE.] N. YORK ADVERTISEMENTS Security Iasaraoce _ Capital and f orpins, il,000,900* Pbffl*lx losnrance CompaHy, Capital and Surplus, $L.50n,ooo. International {nsurance - Company, | S^ie' Capital aii4Surplus, $1,200,009. Manhattan insurance Company, Capital and Surplus, $900,000. « Risks taken in the above- highly responsible Com- of all dfcrrip- dlng -with the ANE, Agent, ,y street. * ^ . D 4 v E*a.A’S ' TOchasing Bamto, Noe in --.a a^ ™ • tvw. Nos. 39 and40 JPa-k A*- PCU JtASEU. prices anA^.Sgy’1 ™ _ -liable *<*» •"•rfow F on rnfinr»j T ommL-rions * *» '««■ fr-ateto, on Bujldingz and" r . ... at tbe lowest rates, risks. Apply to • a. A novlS—3m NojasteddariTs Range, 1 -l.itf T on ommwion, oosnins address nov 29 91m fire pern. _ ,, WAAri OiyiT *■ P. ft. not 17* WOODFORD & bitch a ATTOnjTEYH ASD OOSAN, RIV^E, FIRS, counsellors a t rfTHE undersigned hold commissions from the lead- JL Tng Insurance corporations ot New York, repre senting an aggregate cash capital of over 1 FIVE MILLIONS OP DOLLARS And are prepared to iasne policies to cover Fifty Thou sand doflars on one application upon fire Risks at Savanaah and lull . T*awKi$, C0IT05 AND HERCHANDEK Hi TRANSIT ON THE AUGUSTA AND MACON RIVERS, several coarts in New Yorlu£yit"t!5£ ***■»'Ui J*’® ‘I 8TiCWa ? TM! r ^SX RI) OCEANHISK8 G-BUNHUtAXiiiY. | Prompt Settlement of Losses. It, C. NOKVELL Ac CO., Ball street, opposite Post Ofoce. INSURANCE .Norvell 4 Co. New York—S. T. Knapp 4 Bro., Co. Sale days. Tuesdays and Fridays. sep6 Domestic or n this city In tbe fo! a G0WDY, Commission Merchant, 196 BA. Y STB® MIX, (Anderson’s Wharf,) SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. oct2 . • 3m DANIEL BITTLER would respectfully in form the public that he is now prepared to ' fnrnish, at the shortest notice. . HORSES AND ( ARRlAtrES. Ja P. M. EPPIJfG, TIMBER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, First class Carriages run to the various Wharves and to the Railroad Depot at Steamboat the lowest j rates. None but careful and competent Drivers . , - ,. . DANIEL BCTLL . noalO—tf cor. Whitaker and York streets dedl DARIEN, GEORGIA. 3mo- E. H. VAN MESS & GO, GROfERS, SHIP (HANDLERS, AND l J roducc Dealers, Under Bluff, earner Abercorn Street, SAVA.N SAH. (I COoPi#, 0LC0TTS & FAKRELLT, Booksellers and Stationers, SAVANNAH, GEO BG1A. 1 A . Orders from the Country, Private Families, Steamers and- ailing vessels, respectfully solicited. Produce bought and sold on commission. 100 bbis. selected t pples, lob bbis. Onions, 100 bbis. Potatoes, 50 bbis. extra' Flour. 50 bbis. Nos. 1 and 2 Mackerel, 100'tubs extra Butter, 150 boxes extra Cheese, 500 kits Nos. 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel, • 50 hlf. bbis. Fnlton Maiket Beet 50 hit bbis. extra Family Pork. nov21 ’ CHARLES L. COLBY & CO., SHIPPING, I IIUIE undersigned have formed a Copartnership I A under the name and styleof COuPER. OLCOTT a & i Alt KELLY, for (he transaction of » Wholesale and Retail Book and Stationery Basinesa, ! at the old stand of.Iohn M. Cooper 4 Co., Northwest f corner of Whitaker and St. Julien streets. JOHN M. COORER, WILLIAM H OLCOTT, DANIEL & OLCOTT, NP. APTnOR’ZED CAPITAL, $10,400,000 CHAS. L. COLBY & CO. take Marine Risks to any Port, and Fire Rieka . named first clan New York Companies, at tbe lowest rates: COLUMBIAN MARINE INSURANCE CO., . . ’ • , Capital, $5,000;000. MORRIS FIRE INSURANCE C0MPANT Capital, *5,000,000. COMMERCE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $200,000. STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $200,000. . Office in Jmaea’ Block, corner Bay and Abercorn streets. Brands Office, cor. Drayton and Bryan Btreets. augl6-tf “Ballard's Patent*' AN*D CARBINES, "Merwin k Bray Fire Arms Co.’a ] CARTRIDGE, fAnd Loose , Ammunition t— Revolver* Single Shat Ptwtol* *, [No. -WQ BROADWAY, NEW YORK novi?—3m HAWIUNS&CO, PACKERS S GE5ER.4L PKOt ISIS v Dealers, *41 Front Si., JTttr York. Beef, Pork, Hams, Lard, Shoulders, Butter, Cheese, B*coo, Tongues, Eggs, Ysrua Ftoh. Salt Fruit I MERCHANTS’ INSURANCE COMPANY I £ HARTFORD, CONN. tinted agent for Fnlton Marker Beef. All orders carefully executed at the SHORTEST NOTICE. We respectfully refer to Means. Stuart 4 Co Ehrlich, Esq., B. G. Tlldcn, Esc,. Southern Produce received on ( oct5—6rn 'HE undersigned having been tile above well known Company, is prepared to risks against fire on the most favorable terms. H. BRIGHAM. Office Southern Insurance and Trust Co. jnly3 tf 0Ct23 A. STKPHENFa RRELLY. §. HAHTB1DGE, COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchant, 9a 33 AY STR3B3KT, *- tiAT-JLHTlB’AaSCi GE0HGIA. OCtl4—tf JNO. L. VILLALONGA, Cotton Factor, FORWARDING MEiiGHA2\ T TS I Forwarf’iug vod ComraissloB Merchant COMMISSION, AND , JONES’ BLOCK, CORNER BAY AND ABERCORN STS n S AVAN J, G-JA. Liberal cash advances made on consignments to tiie | firm represented in New York by Charles L. Colby, Esq., 6r to onr friends in Boston. ALEX. H. HOL * AY, Resident Portlier. RfiFsaxnoxs.—Messrs. Dabney. Morgan & Co., New York; Jarvis Slade, Esq.. New York; Gardner Colliy, Esq., Boston; Hon. J. Wiley Edmands, Boston, angle .. tf NO. 94 BAY STREET, GEORGIA. oct'45 em A. E. LOPEZ V. M. MYftfiLL, Steamboat Agent, ■ " GENERAL Commission and Forwarding Merchant, Bay Street, Savannab,*Ga., Harris’ Bnilding, 2d Door West of A. iow 4 Co.’s. Rale's to Messrs. Hunter 4 GammelL, Crane, John son 4 Graybill, Bell, Wylly 4 Christian, Bothw’ell * Whitehead, Miller, Thomas 4 Cq„ and M. A. Coben- Eeq. tf sep-9 CO., Gursipife and Locksmiths, Corner of St. Jnllen and Jefferson Streets. OOtlS-tf Wm. M. Davidson 2™2ffl52S5 ^ WHOLESAL* DEALER IN Groceries, Wises, UqHors, Tens, | fieffars, Ale and t Wer, ISO- 3Bay fetreet..:..—'....Savannah. oct25 . , tf Bay St., opposite Mariner’s Church AGENTS (FOR Wm. Jenn hngr up 4 Son’s Hit Cast Steel, Circular I COTTON AND WOOL HAND CARDS <: GENUINE TEMORE. SABOEAitr ft co., Successors Cfo.^ew V-k, and HARDWARE ft CARD MAHmOTDR’S No. TO Beekrinufat,, N. v. Sole successors to the WHITTEMOHE ” PATENT SET,” and only manufoctums of Uie Genuine WbittemoreCotton Cards, law: cannoned against wortUess imitations. law6mo . y, . - THOMSON’S nammnt’t French mottle imhtn US&DWACO., R. MOLINA, OOR. BULL AND 00UGRES3 STREETS, (Under Screven House,) . . 1RPOBRR AND WHOLES Am DeAHRU IN Havana Segarg, Leal . .«n * J 8MOKING 'fOBACCO. Also, all kindspf Vlrgiriia Chewing and Smoking I Tobacco, lleersehanm, Brier Robt, and all other kinds | of Fancy Pipes. 3m >m)30 Am Patent Decking octU-tf C«tto* Gtna, nlatedPaciticjiaana, v KIRLiIN^ BRO, & ’ WHOLES A L* DIAUU OT ALBS, WINES AND LIQUORS 0or. Whitaker Street and Ray Lane. jfinesr 6m J » LEXANDEK HARDEE 208 ] Oiipman It Cltaplii, (Succesare to Marcy, Day &’ Co.) 5 ' ty Street, North Side, BehVcen rnard and Jefferson streets, GENERAL COMMISSION MEHCHAMS AiiD DEALERS. IX y . W«od, €»al, Grain, Hay, Com, 0ats-| and Fewf, titles to snit cuetom^rs, at tbe towmtreinArkrt fo- TOBAGE ' . AMO GI’NRRIL COMMISSION MEKCHAAT COR KAY AND JEFFBBSO^ STR58T8, SAVANNAH, GA. Dealer in H(* Fodder, Grata, Hour, Wool, Bran, ebofta, 4c. tf Doctors LeHardy and Habmtaai, In E. F. MKTCALFK & (JO, GENERAft FOR WARDING COMMISSION MERCHAN’ts, Stoddard’s Range, on Bay street, between Lincoln , and Abercorn, Savannah, Georgia. Referencea—Hening, Flint* Peasee, New Yerfo E It Bruce 4 Co. Augnata, Ga, R. C. Robsod, Esq^At- fonta, Ga.; Knott 4 Howes, Macoa Gag It. M Ofoce. Morgan 4 Co., Apajartncoia, bJa : Watts, Crane-4 Ota, New>Y*k; Geo. G. Pearce* Co., sk. Louis, Mo ■ H. C. Bruce 4 Co.,di*cinnati, O.; Mr. H. J. Cook, Ga.; John W. Ocopnor, Ga. Haywood ft LaBocbe, Office at the Xce Hoafee. market square. Ptae and Mired Wood kept constantly corner Bull aad . ,-to 1* m„ Savannahand - office over HU'emann Drug Broughton street*. Office hears red from 3 to 3p. nt «. I J. C.i*HAH»Y, M. Residence two door* West of J. G. HABERS Hesaonoe No. St INDIAN 9TRJEJET F O U N BR Y rriVlBfG reopened onr FWrej^t •Q. Shop, we are now prepared to ind Br Marine Insurance. l/lVEB and Ocean Risks taken for, the Atlantic JLl, Mutual Insurance Company of New York, by CHARLES GREEN 4 SON. No. 12, StoddaJd’s Eastern Range, Bay street. dec5-tf BALTIMORE CARDS/ D. O. Cary, General Commission Merchant, I3ALTIA1<JR15, Mrt. Particular attention given to orders for the purchase or Goods. Oousignmente respectful ty solicited. t Refers, by permission, to Rue, Whitney 4 Cp„ 8a- nov20—lm POOLBKBVNT, X Baltimore, Maryland, XANirrxOTCURS Portable and StatkmafyBteam Engines and Boilers, > Steam Fire Engine Portable Saw Mills, Gang and'Sir Mining Machinery. Portable Grist Mills, Flour MSI • r Cotton Screws, 1 Railroad Cars, Car Wheels and Axles, Hydraulic Presses for Oil and Tobacco, Tobacco Moulds, > Gas Works Apparatus of all kinds, Salting, Pulleys and Hangers. «wg» ■*»»- fie Saw Mills, Machinery, CYRUS P. HRMDBKaaU., Greensboro’, N. C. DUDLEY NICHOLS, . Baltimore, e. P. MtmMML & CO., Ctotton, Tobacco, AMD denerd €ommissien Merehaals, 156 Pratt Street Wharf, bautihore. Holmei« ft ^ S9.M Water Street, lev Y ork, Receivers of Flour, WESTKW, AND * SO ITTHErvN PRODUCE Consignments Solicited. O RDERS for Flour, Wfcett. Corn aad Gas* filled at lowest marktt rate* and ffiracti, tare 1 first hand* thus saving extra profits. Heueivers of the well known Brand ot roar. “Keanage JliM*,” which wffl be sapper- .-1 | in lots co Suit Full information furnished by La ROCHE. GAUSS 4 UNCKLES. oct25—2m .cor. Bay and Barrera iore» D. H- BALJTON ¥ C0 n CONMI88IOX MEB1IA5TK. 170 Pearl Street, NEW YORK. D. H. BALDWIN,) „ Jta . . • J. F. GUMMING, / Scw CTf6 - 3m oi tf KRAFT & HILL, * Manalacuirem and Jobbers of STRXWAriDMI.LktlRY aOuOS Nea. *81 and 263 Bread way, (opposite A. T. Stewart's,j NEW YORK. A foil supply of Good* suitable for this market , al ways on hand. Your patronage isrespectfnUy spirited oct36—6m LOCKWOOD ACO. Na. 64 Rraadway and • Wall SEW YOEK, Dealers la d« | nemstT all*w n> on AUGUSTA CARDS. J.O. MATHEWSOH ■gene: COMMISSION, PRODUCE BROKER AND FORWARDIN'^ MERCHANT, Nat 685 Bread Street, Alternate, Ga., (At the Old Stand qf tee late grms^of T. P. Stovall 4 and personal attention Domestic Goods, And particnlar attentkn given to of Coan.ry Banks ai declt—3m «. PAB89X8, MANUTAtfrCWt Hadtiekl’s ln:en Fire Wtrio, to »* Chinese Fire Crachers LANTERNS, Also* large asrortmentof his TOYS AND FANCY 24 John 6t„ near Breed oct 25—12m goods. r.» *• GARDNER BBITED 4 Ctt. COMMISSION MERCHANTS ro« TUI Uilte O Q T T O Ni* 14 rwajURH. BO?!OB. SJSY & QO.y rebantw No 116 Fear! St., NfcW YOBK, Refer to National American Exc^e Bank. Having ample quamtance of 25 i No. B4 Fane U«!o.JSS AND AtlCTIONEfiRS 800 without operating solicit consignm C.B. octST—3m Y. 4 Bon* Savannah, do* Prestaent National Park Bank, N. 9 MASVOTTJL 84’RILLISS, FI B E-PR Y—- ,JA». B. CJl CeMril in4 CMimisstoB Merelui) A-UGHETS^A. G-JL. at Merchandize wishing to realize immedl- conaigiilnj; the wfll-be given all consign Iron and Krais Sufo'ar Mill, of Millwrigl _ m ith Work done at pcs patch, da ovi Family Mess £ee£ e OSiKON Cracker* Cifeibenfe* for Sale by “ ~ RICHARDSON A BARNARD, 2f)T RICHARDSON 4 B ARNi BOv98—tf Bay A, epp. Mariners C 368 ConaignmenU of Goote ra porehave of Gaod^Tpeberi Wright 4 NEW YORK- — —the COMMISSION Rio de MUMS,