Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 21, 1865, Image 1

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I , **■ +tf V Afe*3jtigs cr»; ✓-♦ >*- r • ^ xS *u^VSi?J^;*yyK •. - a ' ^ ; TTT\ * * Tffft ’ VOL. I.—NO- j. *:. 11 WES. Eiitw and Proprietor. ABTEBtlSINC. - squire of TEN lines Nonporiei type or apaceoc- t.» tv same comber of lines, $2 lint insertion, *cfc .ti tarnation. • .- > , j^re—(1 for Oral Insertion; 80 cents for eapb ,tent t .MS $3 5S per handred: subscription’ (by mail jio per annum single copies, S cents. ,: .sments most be paid tor at the Coanting ;.: vxws to insertion, and if handed in by 8 p. appear in tbs morning edition. ■s»4r— t ilt KSD1T KING, DEC. 21st. -PESO- MATTER OH EVERY PAGE. Tor Ship News and Commercial .iL'cuce see Fourth Page. iH NEW YORK LETTER. i-.-opr- The Llrerpesl Cotton mar ket The Chamber of Comhierce— l Ur >enth --.tmuement* - fen inn i»ni l.isvr Caarta — Counterfeit Cur- i-rncjr Fires—The New \Ork Cotton Market—money, Ac. - Krona our Special Correspondent.] Naw T«m, Dec. 16. .’.earner Boston, which arrived here on r,<iav, we are in receipt of European news id i u slant. It would appear that all over the governing powers are in a state -tion on some subject or another. The and Chilian question is still a subject of . and remonstrance and threat, and the hi cement that Spain had “gracefully . out” and ceased hostilities against Chili, ■ ended in fact, as the proud Spaniard .down to the latest account, ceased ag- perations there. The other European > »re taking measures to restrain Spain in i irsnita, bat to what effect, is hereafter to England is literally beside herself on ret of the ifeman movement, and the es- : Head Centre Stephens is so great a blow ,o deadly a discouragement that a tiger h;s prey could not be more ferociously .eo England is at having lost her intended This ferocity is carried out to such er- -,it ships ou the high seas, ns SAVANNAH, GEORGIA THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 21, •• 1865. '• ’* * -S.35U. PRICE 5 CENTS. on the high seas, no matter of entry, are arrested in their course by En- -mus of war, and overhauled and exam- ,n -rsrch of Stephens. One American ship c. wmed four hours on her coarse, pend- . >-.arch. sod a ETench ship entering the f Drogheda, twenty miles north-east - 1 i-.lm,having been unceremoniously board- i- arched by Dublin detectives,-the cap- ; . ■ i a r hrenzy of Nationn! excitement ex- :d, ‘'Iren extraordinaire—tres extraordi- The hi st trial of the Fenian prisoners I'uitin resulted in the conviction of Mr. . late proprietor and editor of tHe sup- - - 1 /risk People newspaper, who was sen- .1 hy Judge Keagh to twenty years penal. . ude The speech of the “couvict” before - nee, was the most astounding oration ever uncad in a court of justice, if we except Robert Emmett in 1803. He told his . -nd the jury who convicted him that .i might pronounce him gnilty, but that three ■mdred thousand men in Great Britain and rod aud elsewhere, would stake their exre- t , e in this life, and their salvation in the life tiic, that although, gnilty, according to is. law and British rule, he was right, and ' re-pect to Ireland. “I believe,’’ said "I believe this moment the majority of ipy u tri'men would pronounce that I am not n .urinal, but that I have deserved well of my .;.try.!! ” . _ ' i;i 1 ri.iay the 11th inst., the cotton market Liverpool was lively. The gales for tho k made a lot of 96,000 bales, 34,000 of .i it were taken by speculators and export- rr. The business of the day opened quietly n>i remained so for gome time. A change en- nd and buyers and sellers became excited, iere h Jd aloof, buyers became more in- itive and a plucky advance of a penny in pound was the result. This improvement due wan closely followed by another ad- of a farthing, and the business of the . sod in a firm tone, the soller and buyer : . ; leased With each other. The stock ih estimated to be 356,000 hales, 115,- : which were Ametjcan produce, and the * -1 f the two days, the 1st and 2d, foot up <> bales, the market being buoyant under impulse of soothe* advance of-a farthing : .e closing currencies of the day were: > 1 'r’.e.-tns. 21a22 1-2; Mobile, 30 3-4; Up- U22. The London money market - q ev-r—consuls ruled lower ex-dividend at American sureties strong and rising. 1 he 5-20’s sold freely as 65; Erie, 63 1-2, and die Illinois Central 83 1-4. -V ’ As interesting meeting of the New York Ci xxoero.' Commscee, held on Thursday, resulted me adoption of re-olutions of svmpathy with c S at them States, ia rsferocae to the cultiva- n of the cotton crop of the new year. It is i. *a tkt: European capitalists would willingly » : liberalty contribute to any fund the objects which would be to oaabfa tbs eottoa planters .i ibe S.uthern States to pruseoata the culture of : a: crop with enemy. The initiatory step has Keen taken by the New York Chamber of Cum- merce, aud whan American citizens of the United i ve« ;ak« a subject in hand aud tty “ we will do it”, it is always done. Every place of resort for public recreation and amuse cut, in New York, is filled to overflow ing. and now that Mr. Frost—we beg parlon— g Frost, the only Mgs) personage recognized : he United States of America, is eome on his annual visit—all New York is astir in prepafa- i : r the skating sesson. Ladies are busily ru.f i y«d in fitting to their tiny feet the steel v* by.which they intend to plough their de which is not believed outside of court, and that part which is believed is regarded with horror. The last feature of abomioatiqp in- this abomina ble case as evolved in evidence is, that Edward Strong forced bis brothers’ wile to the act of an incestuous adultery by bolding a loaded pistol to her head and swearing he would blow her head offit she refused consent to his abominations. The rest may be guessed at, but cannot be re vealed. • w 1 An Italian named Deleboni was arrested in Jersey City, baring in his possession $8,690 of counterfeit treasury paper. Tbs Artist was treated perforce to cheap board and residence m the city prison preparatory to trial. According to rthr bl-weokly custom IB respect to fires in New Yotk City, we bare to record no fewer than five in. one - nighty .by which 6 vast amount of property has been destroyed, as the f relit and loss aceeUnts in the Insurance offioee ‘ -ill testily at the ntat half yearly meetings. A hre in Vesey street another ’in William street, another at Peok Slip, another lb the Docks on East river, by which cotton to a coneiderabfe amount was either destroyed or injured, and an other somewhere else. Besides these, and some othets ot minor importance, we have accounts trout Newburg, Oswego and Trov, in this State, .in which $36,500 of property was con sumed in Newburg, $30 OuO by the burning of a saw mill in Oswego, ana $2,000 by a steam boiler explossioh in Troy. The sews-frmn Liverpool did not reach the cotun market-id New York in sufficient time to have any impressive effect on the operation/ of the day on Wednesday; yet the market was good, and people seemed pleased with their operations. Holders spoke of “only a few balce”—buyers spoke of “thousands and thousands^’and between the two an approximate opinion might be formed that the man who said he had otHy a few thousand, and the man who spoke of thousands required oofy a 'few to keep his spindles from rutting. Bo tho case as. it may, the business of the day was a little better for the holder-—the rates being: Upland 37. 48,^10.; Florida, 37, *8, Ale;; Mobile, 33, 49. A2e.; New Orleans and Texas, 38, 50, 52c; Towards the dose, the mar ket was excited- and irregular, the sales being 4,009 bales,.with a buoyant tendenoy. On Thurs day the affairs of the day were inanimate. The little exoitemeut whioh had previously existed, completely subsided, speculation ceased, and the sales of six thousand one hundred bales were ail to exporters aud home manulaeturers for present use. The buyers were precise in their selections and gradatious in value as the follow ing rates wili show : Upland, 40, 46, -49, 52; Florida, 4l„ 47 , 60,52; Mobile, 41, 47, 50, 53; New Orleans, 42 48, :>t, 58. Yesterday a iair de mand ruled iD the market, and although not quite so-stroog as the day before, as holders to wards the clone were free to sell, aud the sales effected were 3,050 bales—for Upland, 49, 45, 51; Florida, 41,40, 52; Mobile, 41, 50, 52 ; New Or leans, 40, W, 53. Yesterday a sale at auction of 3,181 bales of Government cotton was held-in Broadwey, com prising Memphis, New-Orleansand Florida pro duce. Tbe sales were-numerously attended and the bidding busk. In each of those the grades of quality were numerous and the rates variable according to quality, rebaled and pickings two^or three degrees eacn of Ordinary, Middling and Fair, ana the rates ranged in so wide a space aud at every- mie. mediate figure from 16 1-2 to 53c per pound. • • On'Wednesday the'stock market in New York was firm and a good volume of business done. Gold opened at 145, rose and fell by fractions, and finally settled down after a'fitful existence at 145 1-8. On Thursday the market in general was fairly active yet unsettled and fluctuating. The bears hammered away—now operating—then retiring, and the pulsations consequently were up and down, but only at about a small fraction. Gold was decidedly in the ascendant, opening at 145 3-8 and steadily advancing until. 146 1-8 was reached, afld at' that figure operations of tho .day closed in a firm temper. Yesterday the tone and temper of the market for all species of se curities w as strong and Higher and the bear dement' toecs me weak and inactive- A large volume ef business was transacted and Gov ernment securities shared in the advance. Gold was strong and weak alternately, the opening and feFl E*lorida Items. price was 146 3-41 from which it rose by fractions, and finally closed at 146 1-4. CicjcBone. ■^HE RAVAGES The Farno OF WAR! a Crescent City Regiment of Louisiana. the Stale, took porno very appri Which die- la We mut yesterday several young gentlemen who have lately returned as paroled .prisoners from thp Trans-Mississippi Department, who. -were of the small body of survivors of the Crescent K?giment that l?ft this city with so much eclat fittia over two years ago.- The reg- -concluded, Jud iment numbered eleven hundred strong, and was composed of the sons of our old citizens, many of whom were taken from the schools .before they had ever reached the higher class es-. They"had been called outfor three months servipe, and in the expectation that they would be released at tho expiration of their term of enlistment, many youtbe wore persunded to gd who had not attained an ago. and maturity suited for military service. But the termina tion of their service occurring at a moment when the war was raging with tho greatest vj- oloncSr, few were permitted'to return or wore so inclined, and tho regiment was therefore re organized and enrolled for the war. From that time the Crescent city boys were subjected to a series Of trials, hardships, exposures and vicissitudes that told dreadfully upon their once full and enthusiastic ranks. Engaged in many of the most bloody battles that hove marked the progress of this sanguinary war, this regi ment has been several times so reduced or dis organized as to destroy its regimental orguni- zatiyn, and compel its consolidation with other regiments. At the battle of LabadieviUe the lieutenant colonel of the regiment. wHUtyKl and the Whole regimont captured. , .In the suh- /equCnt oampaigns of Gen.’ Taylor, the regi ment'haying been exchanged^organ- iaed, was again severely cut up—until at list, in the t&nro' fight at' Pleasant Hill, it was nearly annihilated,* the colonel, lieutenant, col onel and many Of "the officers add tflree- fourths of the men tiled »n* womided. And now the-war clones, and the proud, •*- ultafct, hopeful, eleven 1 hundred of the most promising of oqr ymith,~VkQ lpft this city three years ago, so full df military gloty and ardor. - [From Our Florida Exchanges.. Bloody Settlement of an Old Tend In Jackson County. .A serious shooting affair occurred at Neely’s afore in Jackson County, on Wednesday, 29th nlti Th« parties concerned Were Awe men by the name of Williams, and one named Clare, on one side, and two Hams, father and son, on the other. The cause was an old fend existing for some time. For the purpose of settlement they met at tho precinct on election day, armed with rifles and doubled-barreiled guns. At the first fire one of .the ^Williams was killed, and Hautjsr.,-firing at the uther brother, Newton WiUiuBffi missed his aim, the ball unfortunately taking Sect on-’the'body of a Baptist preacher named Grantham, and inflicting what is bev tieved to be a mortal wound. Meanwhile, the younger Ham was shot down, and- his father standing over him defended his body with dubbed but empty gun. While thus engaged, Newton Williams approached, and firing one barrel with fatal effect into the breast of the. father, turned and discharged the Qther through the head of* the prostrate and disabled son. This ended, the difficulty. Nowton Williams remained on the ground nearly all the day, as sisted in the burial of his brother, and defied arrest. Next day Captain Bawn, of the 7th Infantry, in command at Marianna, with a file of men, proceeded to the spot, and arrested Williams at his own house. Clare, at last ac counts, was still at large.—Quincy Common wealth. Waking Ur.—We are glad to see that the Jacksonville papers are waking up to the inter ests of that place, and ‘pitching into” the steam boat aad railroad lines, in good earnest—espe cially the steamers between Savannah and Jack sonville, wkith charge fifteen dollars for Carry ing passengers but little more that 150 miles.— Up to the Spring 01^1862, the tare was buf six dollars, and high enoagn at that. Fare frem this place to Savannah, by way of Jacksonville, is -now twenty seven dollars and a haU v not includ ing hotel bdis in Jacksonville, where passengers may be detained a day or two. When the Gulf Railrdad is again in operation, an it will be in a few days, travellers can go from here to Savan nah by rail in twenty : fouc hours, for fifteen or eighteen dollars. As four-fifths of the peop'e oj Florida reside west of Lake City or the Suwannee river, it is altogether probable that under exist ing arrangements, they will prefer, to turn oft’ at Mooticelio’or Madison, amLsuve time and money by keeping the Railroad to Savannah. So, if Jacksonville desires to hold- on to the travel she has monopolized during the past six mouths, her citaeus out to be exerting themselves speedily, to straighten things out; A word to the wise, Ac.—TaUkhaete* Sentinel. Florida Wbathsr.—Although we have reached the first wipter mouth, there is, as yet, no indication of a change ot weather—the ther mometer making from 60 deg. to 70 deg v aud on Saturday aud ^yesterday, up to 75 deg. at mid day. As fog fires, as our sable friend Rob says, we have “no me” for them ; but barely manag ing to keep cool and comfortable with- doors open. In the.course of a few weeks, however, we shall gladly welcome a cold suap and a little froBt, by way of variety. For two or three days, perhaps, yrith a brisk north wind, the ther mometer will mark down to the freezing point, or near it when the- wind will change and the bright skies and balmy atiiqsphare of May will follow. Such is genuine Florida weather, aud it beats “all cieation,” Spain aDd Italy included. When our people read el snow at the East in October, and in New York ia November, they, ore Incredulous. 'Verily, they may be thankful that their lot is cast “in pleasant places.”—Tal lahassee Sentinel. ] ’ * Among the distinguished men of the State, whose names hare bean favorably mentioned in connection with the United States Senate, we notice those of Judge Baltzel, of Leon, General Finlay, of Columbia find General E: Hopkins, of this County, in addition to those mentioned last week. Judge Baltzel we .have heretofore des cribed in connection with the Convention. Geu. Finlaf\« one of ;he moct Urbane, courteous and'gentleuiacly men in the State, and would do honor to the position, though he could net take the oath now required of-Senators, nor could Judge Batizel—Geu. Hopkins is -one of the most puptriftr and'de?erViog-mea ol the State—strong ly opposed to the rebellion and a firm friend to the government, but whether he can take the oalh we csuuot sajv», We believe either of these gentlemen abundantly qualified and r11 earnest triends of the govetament.-r-floriila Times. The Suffteme’Court of the State met in Talla hassee, last Mouday week—Chief Justice Du Pont and A.-sdOjate Justice, Walker being present. There being po causes ready for bear- ng, the Cpuri, alter disposing of some motions, adjourned on Tuesday. Us business having been tgr The offiitarv raate agent in charge of the mails between tins and Tallahassee, having suddenly abandoned the route, the' mails' for the West which left on Friday were not taken through. The special ol the Post Office De- partment has now taken measures to secure trusty agents immediately on both roads, so that hereafter tho mails-will be safely transpor ted.—*^. Judicial.—The following gentlemen have been elected Judges of the Circuit Courts in this Bute : . . A, H. Bush, Western Circuit. ’ J. Wales Baker, Middle Circuit. ■*T. T. Long, Suwannee Circuit. B. A. Putnam, Eastern Circuit.—Florida limes. • ■> ■ » ' MISCELLANEOUS. SS Wholesale I Jolm B. Fuller, 'tjiiion Place Hotel. fihfcBflOTS AND SHOES.H nufacluilr ¥ Fell n«»r & Poliak, * 157 Brongiiton street, Savannah <H., A RJHr enabled, thsough their permanent House in nk Boston, to furnish Jobbers and Dealers jn this City as.well as those In the Country, with more advan tages and conveniences in the Illwatratlwe of the War. [.From the New-Or&ans Crescent.j A relic of the past is seen in a man, bearing upon his face and body the impress of many years. This man walks the streets daily, bearing the marks of misfortune, amid the friends he had known fn better years, but with an appearance so changed, one can hardly re- eognize in him the Mercutio of the Crescent city, the gay, witty and elegant gentleman, who was’ at one time the very leader of fashioa.- Seedy habiliments, a bent body and wrinkled face, bate . nearly obliterated all in him that was familiar in the past. Inheriting a great fortune, he increased it largely by martiage, and from bis profession at the bar bad an in come of forty and fifty thousand a year, and received a single fee of $60,000 upon a claitp on real estate in the lower part of t&e city. This weatth he scattered with princely gefi£-- rosity and royal profusion. He was a Luculius at home, and bis hospitalities aspired to all the magnificence of the ancient Roman noble man. In 1837 he gave a single soiree that coat $25,000, and which exceeded in splendor any- Siing ever before known here. The very floors .over which the dancers moved were covered with scenic paintings, the work of the most accomplished artist then in New Orleans; and in the saloon were gaming tables were arranged stood’two baskets—one filled with bank notes and the other with gold, for the use of those guests who were unfortunate with the fickle goddess. Tho dispenser of this gorgeous hos-' ntality jr now dependant npon his relatives, tie takes his loss with Christian resignation, and does not fly from tho world or rail against if, likeTimonof Athens, but moves- through Hie world with a pleasant and urbane manner, if he had still the princely fortunekt com mand. Such cases as this are common since the war. . consequence pi the inability of ap for appointment as Rost masters at the ( ippiieasts , ) different localities, to take tteoatb required by law, set eral of dttr mrtst importast towns are still with out the proper lasiljtiesTor postij service, At Lake City, David Joses was’uppointed hot'being unable to take the oath, after much delay, an other person has been recommended who will Undoubtedly be sooa appointed aqfi qualified, so that thriving town may.have the hcuetit of a good P ( 0stnffice.—ibid. ; ’ -Captain'S, H hwsatfaod, formerly commissary at St. Asgustlse. having been re-instated in po- sition, with rank tod nay, by die Government after being condemned by a military court in stituted by Gen. Hatch, wh.lp m command ot this Distridi, has Jett the service with an honor able discharge, and is now associated with L. M. Clopc & John J. Junes, as Attorney at Law and Geilbra! Agents at Vfsabiugtou^Ckty. Their card Will be found in another column. -Any busmi entrusted them will meet with prompt atten tion.-/ struggle, aud thgjgan* after that -as say is all deal proble Jemt „u the tike’s surface, if old ffaelid Could bo rne a spectator of thoso Naiads oa the ice ho aid peraaps boooms abashed, retire into ob- oritr, and dream again upon a •j ares *n4 “ *-* - — old upaa » uich he 4 - ' vvvuag CUXCUVw) dVUIw [liy 1 UU — 1 dream again upon a new system of 1 “* ic V lr tii# Wios of New York; i M ieJ^ropoM problems''for solution might .tare but nev.r could solve. 1 ae teeter, aud the Senator., and the i of Fcsiaaism art all at loggorheads are ,n one undefioabio mess of oo .forion, and ■ ■•t smoere aad ia aarae*t,ia regard to their - fn r °2* from «e iron s .. = uagtiih oppression aud misrule, why cm ‘ T “J* coharo, illay and forgive their differoa- - - , s ty pwroeal division., aud unite io one **2? Purpose to aeeomptuh the destiny for 1 foaudatioo was laid? body ofyeung ^ udl is oug of the sad piotures-qf mtributc anothe the e^.to horrors of war! May it cantriBufW anol the Bumeioas other lessons witk .w/’ •history of the last four years is •ofisafiri. plete, to warn our people, in aU time-46 from ever embarking in so bloody and b&rbar ous an experiraenti—Exchange. War's DrsaUvul Wonk.—Tbo famous. Nu«h*- villa regiment, which was cqmposad of the elite of that city, and left upwards of a thcosand strong, returned home Wuh only forty surviving me mb, rot It partner* 1- * — J ’ " the Army of Tennessi Gofl. Eahooffer waakli . . . tanoog'a its Ibsses were said to be feurfhl Tbs E fififijmi Prince 'Hfcswr' -,— r . „ _ are drawn up by tbe Emperor him seif, tod are put by the lather confessor to the Prince in tb presence pf a third person . , y . ^ ,' *. A rat fair came off hist-week at Ifar»w Ind. The best rat dog got a premiikm of fiv e dollars. He killedfouitoanrapia iqutite. We raeu uuiue who unij ionj’^urTmag It participated in all the fortunes of Tennessee from Mills Creek, where Terwaslffied, to Atltota.'^Xt cSaV . aes Walker, now Governor elect of ve of (he Beach and Bar in aud impressive remarks. gf ’ 4)hi*/ sine Ybich wet a feelingly respondei to by the - Q astica, after which the Court adjourned ie--tMorida Times, PosTkAstiiR —We oongratulato the community upon the appointment of Mr, D. H. Watson, by the Department, Postmaster at this place. So long he'd well known in this capacity, we have guarantee of that cWerimgs, aiccommeffation, and efficiency/from “Da vs” -ehich has made him one of the most popu ar Postmasters in ‘the whole Sta'qf^Vuuiey ComStUmwaalth. *' ft may noihe generally known, but it basbeen repeated'to me, pa testimony of members of the w<D«afi«d Otmfei'lMate- Oongress, that Qeaetal Lee, tho iniliwcy'hosd.ef tha rebellion, deolared last February.“.io-fcij offiol&l character, that the thisonce grand' a of. splendid bddy of tP> ia thj-bal 'ivJ Berks,’ l oTOfind Petersburg, nd other battle field.. - ‘ ’a Ool/ax Speech. njnsk. not without authority, when we say tiu* (tirta^ent has no fomidatiorf. in faot. . Geu. Lse,-sc far from declaring offioj»llj8 or'otherwise, lashiebrnary, that the contest was hopelots, was atlbU fimo most Etfebuously urgtag the organi- zatioa of negro ttobp}, with a view to Us. prose- oaljien to a successful lertnbia‘i»n—” tilaA'issec FCoruliait. rg- James tf. Lttta, 4Lq., for * time a resi de A of this State, is nsw associated in the firm «f. Latin & Hall, Attorneys and Gl«m Agents, at Washington City, W* rmJorstaml that »v_ L. has instituted measures^pr the recovery of heavy,damages of Get). Scammon, for becotn- itig the instrument of a conspiracy- to injure him, while the General was in command of this District.—/Ud. N 1ST The United Slates District Tax Com missiooers for this State left here on Tuesday fqrthe West, for the purpose as we under 55. ifoot and than any House in said fine. Shoe Trade. toetaa-cm Ghristmas Presents POLLik ft SON, M E E 5-8’C H A If M HOTELS. j— 3W», 8 J»etf Street, I*. y ^ ' * if • . A a. Use fn store and ready^H^mcdmte,shipment, and is Vfttahk 2 to C50 horse power; Circular and Upright Saw Mills rsepower; r 5 most approved i Ti WOrii Vertical Planets, . iWasuiactureri. WHOLESALE- AN1) ttETA1L., 692 Broadway, near4th St., H. Y. City W E have wily Bloek Mi eyery article at am .urn, and warrant _ our nauke to be genuine.' ^ ,x> We cut Pipes to ortlcr. put Ambers, on, Mount lyM SUvsr, mnke cnseA,.and de repairing. . "'pes from 96 to $80 each, most suitable fo- presents. iud stamp for Cironlar. no- SOUTHERN COTTON WAREHOUSE OorFef Ufiedaa'nil Iky Strecis, SAVANNAH, GA. T. J. DDNBABfe€0., Importers and Dealers in A Singular Case. The following case is of general inter est, aud so folly elucidates itself that no explanatory remarks are required: Headquaktebs Depabtmbut of Louisiana, New Orleans, La.. Nov. 27, 1865, To Uis Excellency the Governor of. Louisi ana j .' , y » ‘ ' Snt—I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt, through you v _of a communi cation from Luther Ronaldson, for the restoration of fifty-one p,cres of land, with the improvements, lying within the breastworks at Tort Hudson; and to .state, in reply, that this property was captured from the public enemy at the expense of much blood and treasure, and that the title is now in the Government of the United States as captured property, . I have nt> idea that this title will be relin quished, or the property restored, so long as the-control of the Mississippi River is of any value to the United States.- The legal reclamation of the applicant is against the late rebel Government, and not against the Government of the United State? If he is, in equity, entitled to any relief, it is under Hie constitutional provision that private property shall hot be taken for.public use without just com pensation, or under the provisions of the third section of the act of March 12, I860. In either case the claim must be support ed by clear proof of title, loyalty at the date of original seizure, and that no com pensation was paid, or agreed to be paid 'i>y the rebel Government. , % I am, sir, ve«y respectfully, your obe dient servant, . Jh>. R- S. Oanbv, Major General Commanding. This letter most undoubtedly settles this clash of cases, so far as Gen. Canby is concerned-—N. O. True Delta. Gqttqn Statistics.—The following is ah 'official statement of the movement m cotton since the 1st of September last: Receipts at all the ports in the United States, 41j00© bales, export to Great Bri- tian;. 174,000 bales; export to France,' 11,800 hales; export’ to other foreign, ports, 3,5(Mj bales, including 186,306 oales; stock on hand.-385,4)00 bales, in- olnding 108,000 bales in. N ew York mar ket. -. '.*. * » It is stated that in the Atlantic .ports but little cotton is sold, most of it being exported to the North and to Europe’ jfrom fpst hands, or on orders execute up country. Improved railroad facilities have largely increased the receipts, par ticularly in South .Carolina. In Alaba ma, low water hitherto kept back cotton, and the recent rains wifi proba- bly bring a considerable qHkutity to light. Ln new Orleans prices are well sustained, att that market is better supplied with buyers and'money than any other.— C/Hromale. y- . , imm mm F A O T O R8, Id^Tiors, Cigars, &c., 147 BAY STHdaET, S ii TM A'.VJ H , € FORWARDING; AHP Oommiasion Merchants, liespecttully flnvlte attention the - +-■ ■■ ■' to'four facilities for PttftCH&SE 03 MOVEMENT ’ ! ’ . W ' • ' ■ SOUTHERN PRODUCTS and will give jftompt attention to afi business entrus ted 'to onr care. Intending to cetabllsh permanently a hottee hi Savannah, expect, by Strict Business Principles, to merit andrsoeive s portion of the Trade. '• r . Having a commodious f iiiEHOil F08 WT0N, are prepared to Huy or Receive on consignment to onr friends In Newturk or Ertrept, and will make adv^noes oa same—picking rebating or mending all Cotton before shipping, thereby saving the < epor mons dxiiense inonrred Jn Northers cities by tbi» pro cess. We solicit a portion of the business of the Peo ple ot Georgia and adfeuning Matte. •’ 7 OFFICE, STOOD ARB’S RANGE. Cor. Bay aad Lincoln Streets. Post Office Address! Lock Hox 20. omh •ti. Ma, 1 KESTj TliCKER & ^AIITEK , 14:5 Water St;, Mew York, 'l ' ' i **» ’•* * “ *’ V yl r . *J. *, i - M ANLTACTCltESti pf . # ( ^ . J Cordage, Bagging, Bale Rope, TwlMes, Facklns Yarn, OakoB, at., &,c. y - ^ * 1MTOBTERS OF, AND DX ALUM IN, ^ » * 1 CvUBfiy (’lotii, b .itiiiy Rass. Ac., $c. deel4—0m ' "\r UiVtTKl) STAtES SJEELm W0itKS FACTORY, C ADEN, N. J. c o», *■ R. ESmfiRO STEEL PE* BHE WARKHUtiSB 8 v } ^ «sa?i Samples and pnc:s on appficatton. Lots made to drfieVof toy pattern or stamp required. CATTi <«?.—'There- Pens are geiiaiw American mariiitactnre, and ejraal in fliA-li elasticity aud flufr ness of point to tbe nest imparted.- ‘ They are. there fore sine to gidivthe cnnfideuqe of the American pub lic. *Ehe facsimile of our signature Is sufficient se curity against foreign imitation. Xtr And Car sale at Retail hy ail PpitCd 8iate>, A Negro Killed iff Soldiers. We learn that a negro man named John Wat fired upon by severs! soldiers and instantly kill-, one ot ihh plantations of Mr. Jas. H. Hop kins, Dear JlW Meiga, oirSaturday nil is stated that the soldiers designed to kilt a color ed man named TheiM, formerly tigloBgir.g to the ssme gentleman, tor slieged impudence to then; bqttluj deoeassd, betog in the same house him, went to toe dtxrr 'and opened it when psrty approached the premises; akd" they,. posing him ip be the object of their vengeance, immediately fired with tbs above mentioned sod reekit.—Jfoidgetmiry MaiT. The Wnmg Plate, A passenger who wga stipsring terribly in the ears on the Beaten and Provjdence Railroad, wap apprenohed by a young nsiuister with more ban discretion, Who said to him abruptly ; “My dear sit. do yen knap where you $re ng? Toe are going straight to hell.” “Jn*t csy d—d look!'’-replied the man,’look' .ng the minister 10 the face with an alarmed air, tod aaddenly fumbling fof his oh'edL. '•I bought a ticket far FroTideaoe.” A contributor to" a “poor but pious” eriodicaL, once wrote an artiolw in whioh e used the colloquial phrase “fOTermak- mg," which w*s probably considered 'a little too strong hy the nioe-aninded edi stationers In the novW—sod6m Slly,Zachiirf«&co., akOllQ 5V i: ti Y , N E w YORK cxm.ceivti-'^vvAOTSBEae or . TOILET SOAPS 7v 1 and ^exfu m ry. tar Cataiosues sent Jree. Buf9 —eod2m Planing K orth Planing DsnWPkelre Machines, MouMinc Machines, Sash Mockin' , j aJBRI r FirtoE s » -sFocfca Boring Machines, Blind 11st Wmonlng Ma- and Han-Circnlar Paw Benches, acre,., ^ i- w Wright's patent scroll Saws bper And Leather Belt-Patent Belt {Scroll Saws, jogs, Cbenlar - Besurvlng M3te Leather aud Bobber Hose.UpwzighC hesertir. Mills, Plumbing and Gas FH-Rotify and MirtogPumps, steamaud Gas Pipes, chinery an^ Railway Snp- and Wafer Gauges, piles. - COTTiH GlHS, OOTtSJS sms. Taylor, Eagle, Brown, Southern, Craven, Excelsior ahd McCarthy Cbttdh Gini with engines or horse powers and everytiffiig required (bribe same, In store, and for sale at the lowaet price. Your orders are se- apeeffufiy solicited. ' novl-ly 8I1 Mprtght Force Pmupa* Lifting Pumps, “ " in Pbr ' Ji Ji s Rul The Southern House * Opposite ■ *4*^ yoNK B. O. CITY. HANOVER STREET, and Rest Arrair^^j Is the JSH?L England. TJtWM 1HOB, Propristor Fourth Street, ST. 3LOTJXS. TdLO. LAVEILLE, WARNER & CO., Proprktosa A tost doss family Hotel; comfort and • loesJtty, M8TSOP0LM B TEL, . Late lire WASHINGTON. D. C. Hotel flenovated and Refnrntsbed. Is now in perfect order (or the reception 1 modatton of its old patrem^^^^^m^ ■L 1 ■ LJgBV MISCELLANEOUS. BILL HEADS, BUSINESS CAMS, CIRCUL ARS, l,BASES. DBKBi;, J. We invite the attention of tbe Trade and the Public generally to our large assortment of WI1VE&, * ^ J uquoas, C - -.. . CORDIALS, , <? COSBERV1*, t r’-’ CMARS, he., Re. which is not excelled by any similar establishment in the States. We are vote proprietors of , DVNtBA BPS CELEfiA ‘ TED WOttMWaOD; CORflUL, tbe reputation of which is fully established in this and Foreign ooUsQries. - Dunbaris well known ’STOMACH BITtERS, tort, de . Use. to any article Hotel and ~ of tbe UT . . DUNBAR’S 8CHRIDAM CORDIAL j SCHNAPPS, warranted t'ftbeutiBosfepurity, and pot qp mx our Hooso, pf Which we a importers. Sale Age delpbia Ale are sole proprietors LABELS, Reot;ipt&i,<fcc:., &c., Seatiy PRINTED in Plain or Fancy Colors, at the National Republican. Job Printing Office. AU Work Promptly Executed at the LOWEbT RATES. do-lS ■ . J if ^ Dry Goods. CfST purchased in New Ybrk, at grea Price.-, and the kite e uctiow Safes 3uu pieces L'alicu SB to iio cents, 400 pieces Bleached Shirting, 15 to 50 < 50 pieces Tweeds. Satinefeand f’sssftncres. House Keeping Dry Goods. lSu Handsome Dress. Goods, at pricer. , - [ eofc-for Robert 8mitfea,celehrmte<i Phlto- e-tfi cases^add D&rrela; English, Scotch and 6 fOt).' arc soWI agents for H. & II. w. tKye Whiskies; X. XX, sndXXX. I'; ansorpossed id quality and excel- fitly on hand a large and well selected * tStol e trade and Whiskies worthy the at- gtoerffly. :urs An of the toast grades, manqtectur- _ i etpresdlyTor this House, wfilch we .3 lowest net carii prices.. Brandies, Gins, Wines, i.hampegBSB," and everyde “ l and grade-of Foreign “ elgn Liquors, imported di- for sale in Bond »r Duty 1. 5m declB f. 8HATFHH, Co mmission Dealer FOREIGSiAKD' is all gurus or U 3 YKUjTS AND PRODifiR OPPOS llaikhoad, Between Barclay and Vesey NEW VO«K . . , Potatoes, Apples anil Unions constantly on hand ana P°t up tor the sontEern market. -Lll consignments proreptiy.attended to.- ». Refers U A L. Breton A. Haywood.^T. J. Walsh. J- H. Pareorts-. - kwtir ( V ir-OK HALE, ^T lowest market rates, a large assortment of TEAS, • ' V ■: '• ^ ", ODi^BES.’ V ’ * %-nd SUGARS. ' c-frgF' , -GADHN A UN ’KLEk Aeda-tC •*. - d, c. tff. Bay and Barnard sfe. Kerosene QH, 'Ire CskDes,- A LARGE and oiegant ■ assortment of Frcndb, A. fiaglish and'Bohemian Ware, consieting of— ' Dinner, •.;'» . \ \ Tea, . jc ? r ■’ ’ ’ . * ’Rjitet, - . " ■ •* Cologne, and Liquor Setts, <Sto. <te., Suitable tor Holiday Pr" 6 * 4 '* A \ 4 *,>r, ' (yuEENS WAREHOUSE, * -•f.'jZxi*; ‘ . m Broughton street, ti door from Bull. E. D. SMYT1I A CO. dsef-ti ISL ! _L. 2*w Grey Blsnkets. Cloaks and Shawls. Mourning (foods, Lc. Ac. DeWttt 1m . ^ For sale hy novSI 187 Second Hand Sails, Rieenc, f ' BLOCKS, . CABLES, Itf Poraferly belong to tbe staamer Collins. AHIn good order and nearly new. For safe by CEO. W ATWOOD,, ddcT—*fe - Pfrt ffoyiC r. C. uomsi F. f iemann & Co, Na S40 Pearl 8t., New York, M anufacturers of Prints, wuu Lead, Colors, Varnishes.anddeafera toartiefestottfe line. Also, TfKUAjyK'S SOLUBLE OLUE,for Ifoi***, *)» "■CALIFORNIA VKRMII.I.m.y t . ifefe ^ IMf, Should be glad to ace oar old f FOR SALE t esygo oThrigHarp, fonristingor- 40WJrash. Pbfiuoes. Jkckaolt, - ' cabbie. Apples, 12D H Cedar Shingl®. . * * 25 M fiprnte FcantHng, ■ » MPiueRdtoUs. V n M Hemlock Boards, by gakanueb'add others requiring Lumbar that lour new : aw JUBatthgtoi* of toWyrireat, naar the *“ ‘ J —lOgpadM ’ Gouilt^r ot "Pid- GlgMSgOW, Iron, * •- sale hear from them ittiuiy time by mail. PiBNEEH SAW MU. Savannah and We are to a to suit SflSSffi? Q-ADEN a ua 5 Biss Sale TTNOTU.ES. tiillfeb