Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 22, 1865, Image 2

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hi SAVANNAH NATIONAL REPUBLICAN, FRIDAY MORNING. DECE 1865. FgIDAV fORDIHCh BBC ** a Now ud Then. Though we alluded briefly in y ester days issue to the fact that it was the anni- veisarr of the entrance of General Sherman’s army into our city, some thoughts have suggested themselves which under the circumstances may be considered apropos to the casion, and possibly result in^ Newspaper Work. Probabljjfew of those genial old gentlemen, so fond of “reading the paper” before a comfortable fire, with their inviting breakfast tables groaning under the weight of tempting viands, fromWhich ascend theft steams of savory odors, and, doobt- , fewer still of the young lions, who riso in the morning withlittle appetite and endeavor to perform tho.double duty of foediug beth-mind and body together by reading tfce morning pa pers at breakfast, even lor a tingle moment, cast a thought as to how they are supplied daily with The Trial of Hugh W. Mercy a ”** > *“ nitely FoatponedTbe Ahren Cordes to be PI*-*®* 1 • To-Day. .... ' ’ .. The*Military Commies 00 - eng* g to the Secretary of War by Captain ^“rona, in behalf of the Court, asking tor in,, urination in reference to farther action #n its w ” — — ^ — ——FI ,y| _ . ^a‘ s' that luxury, or the amoui* of labor, loss o^j a despa tch was received Tuesday night by . . .... « * __ e l^nAAoiaflanara] JfM. rest and anxiety incurred by those whoso call'-d- in life it is to supply them with it. Of fessions that- of the press iB uhquestio’-®? e most laborieas, the most destructiv ’ and not unfrequsntly the least*ren’*°** , ® tlTe ’ “ n . .. . i«ader time than who among tradesmen has a ^ , Let UB -^(eis&izsL jL. politician, a man of depth and JJirty, and by another be is de flections singularly beneficial phsning oar oonrsft for tbd p of Fed‘“ in year authority, woman could of the restoration Xo truly observant mar «* haveScd to mate•* sompanson of the "d now. The gloomy «tnation tlmnjg ^ everywhere de- es P°, n .ye .countenances of our cita- picted oa J£ n - m a measure dissi- in its place is discovered an _ i buoyancy of spirit much more oming tho gleeful pride and high- toned demeanor of the southern people. Thia is but one ofc the many gratifying changes notifiable as the work of one abort year. The rerival of business, the new life infused into the several depart ments of industry, and the rescue of everything from that . abnormal condition imposed by the cir cumstances of war, have shed a lustrous light around illumining the blessings of peace, and making them the more appreciable and desirable in our sight. History does not record an event better calculated to refute the theory of misanthropists that there is nothing good in man. It is a spectacle without a parallel, and'from which may be de duced the soundest lessons -of moral wisdom. In this short experience the errors of the past are glaringly portrayed, and set up as finger-boards to guide us aright in the future as we travel on the highway to imperial greatness and illimi table prosperity. We have seen the bit terness of feeling towards the people of other sections of our common country gradually disappearing. Men of the South and Xorth have become intimate ly associated in business and the most amicable relations established. All seeming agreed to concede that having fought like brave men for principles they thongbt to be right, it devolved upon them now to sustain their claims to man hood by taking each other’s hands in honest fellowship, uniting their efforts for the advancement o f civilization and good government the world over, and permanently settle the incontrovertible fact that as a people we are one and in divisible. For once we feel inclined to put aside all political questions and ask our enemies as well as our friends to do likewise, that we may meet and compare notes and indulge in mutual congratula tions over the great good work already accomplished. If we can divest ourselves of all bias and prejudice even for so short a time, we must certainly return to the labors still before us in a better frame of mind, more disposed to yield to the soft influence of our Christian impulses, and recognize the rights of others, though to eome extent in contravention to our own. Truly it is a bow of promise on which we have gazed with mingled feel' ings of joy and gratitude, and we will be disappointed to find that we have been peculiar in this respect. .-* • Faneral at a Prsatarat Citizen It becomes our painful duty .to ta.- nounce the death and burial ot Wm.TL Stiles, one of our most worthy niiazens. The funeral services took place yester - day and the remains were acco mpanied to their last resting place by mdny sympa thising friends. Mr., Stfles has for a number of years directed his attention to the interest of bis plantation in Cass county, of this Stake. To his earnest energetic persecution of whatever he undertook, looking to 1 the improvement of the country,. we are indebted for much that wifi long redound to his credit as a public benefactor. He filled several important official positions vithsmarked ability, and to the complete satisfaction of the whole people; was U. S. Minister to Austria in 1848, as the pre decessor of Brigadier General Henry . R, Jackson, of this oity, and has ably repre sented this district in Congress. He was a talented gentleman, widely known and respected for his many excellent qualities of heart and mind, and the author of a very interesting work, in two Volumes, on the political condition of Austria during the eventful period of his residence there. Beloved by all who were so fortunate as to enjoy an intimate acquaintance with him, his loss is deeply and sincerely felt, and will leave an aching void in the breasts of many of our best citizens. «wtt Attractions all the Fair Ts* Might—The Suit ef the 12th Maine •dvise all those who desire to hear deli- “■•‘o. see pretty ladies, draw valuable »ntee,behold elegant goods sad o brilliant throng to Tint 8t Andrews’ Hail to-night. Remember *sr charity’s oako, and while year senses ??•*“■* ^gatad, and yoer pockets relieved of _j iOOK °UT FOB OUB SATURDAY ITOJi OF INTER- He is looked upon or not, as a gi wisdom byc^ blackest of scoundrels, and his nounce tfo emanation of ignorance and effron- "Oaring the day time he is engaged in ^Siting” himself upon all the different events and occurrences, religious, political, so cial, medical, scientific, legal, civil and military, and at last night comes and he enters the seclusion of his editorial room, muses for a moment -upon what topic he.-will Write, hits upon what appears to him as a good idea, and finally goes to work, cheerfully finishes a long leader and innocently sends it into the printing offee, as a matter which, in his mind, simply tells the troth, and is not calculated to offend any one, while he never dreams that it_ may be well butchered by the “typoes.” Next day, however, he is perfectly astonished at the number ot letters constantly arriving in his “box.” - They come from several subscribers, who inform him that they will no longe# haye his paper, as they could not conscientiously support any joarnal aflyo- cating such principles as were put forward in the article of that morning. Depressing, certain ty, especially when it is impossible for him' to see how. in expressing his honest .views in as moderate terms ss he could use, the feelings of any man could be wounded. Well, a few more letters are opened, and from more of them he has the consolation of knowing that on returning home at night he must not be surprised if an oc casional bullet is sent "on a friendly mission” after him. Or, perhaps, some chivalrous gentle man will ask him “to name a friend,” (the editor of the New York Times knows something of that,) and then he is placed in a rather awkward position. Should he fight, all the old common BeDse gentlemen subscribers will withdraw, say ing that duelling should be disoouraged, and no support should be given to a dualist, and on the other band, shcnld he refuse, the Hons will brand him as a contemptible coward, “with neither the courage of a man nor the instincts of a gentle man.” A few m&o letters are threatening legal pro ceedings, and probably one from an indignant old gentleman, or a “strong minded young lady,” giving him rounds of abase, and conclud ing by modestly requesting that it might he in serted in his journal. Let us now suppose that he loses his temper, and, in a fit of indignation) accepts the proposal of the fighting gentleman and gets killed, am] we bave.then an illustration oi an old proverb in a certain Southern town, to the effect that it took always three editors for t journal—one to be killed in a dnol, one to die o the yellow fever, and a third to write an obituary for the other two. Well, now that the editor is dead and his. trou bles are over, let us pass to another individual who holds a lower position in the profession, and who, if less of a responsible being, has certainly heavier share of the hard work. He is supposed to know everything, and especially to be well able to explain legal, medical and scientific mat ters, and in addition to all that he must be able to do an execution” in the morning, fiod some ana tomical fault in a picture or statue in the after noon, attend a medical or scientific lec tore in the evening, describe a grand banquet at night, and wind up with a “horrible suioide,” a frightful railway accident, or a mAh drowned. Bah! some subscribers will say, -who have little more to do than driuk their wine, tanoke their cigars and muse as to the best mode of doubling their capital. M ait iln’y a pas He bah., all-this and more falls to the duty of the reporter. Strict ly speaking, the reporter has no home. He lives in steamboats, railway cars, backs and hotels. In all countries his life is the same. In law cas es he has frequently te take Botes all day and write them out All night, and with little to eat (he can’t have an appetite) and one or two hours feverish sleep, he is up agafn^ next ’dsy to go through the same ordeal. He ts thoroughly Ac quainted with almost every possible .phase at human (existence. *He may occasionally make, plenty of money, hut never has any, and always dies of premature old age and without «.cent. This poverty arises,not because the gentlemen be longing to this part of Abe profession are ail ratherJoosa characters, but simply from the tact that they are necessarily ’ obliged to lead ir regular lives. 'j * . I ' .Next in order, after the reporter, comes the printer or compositor. Who that has ever been in a newspaper printing office in a large city, at night time, has ever envied- the printer’s posi tion, standing before a blazing gat light, ia the midst of a-fetid atmosphere, caused;by - the large number of workmen ill one room, working like a machine asifhe waayseund. up and set going, with his nose ifi the space box from morning till night, and jfTmost instances from night, till morning, with nothing.te disturb the monotony of his .labor save the constant clicking of the type as it swiftly falls into.. the«Atmk. All this does its work as clearly demonstipM'by the fearful mortality of printers in large Cities. Columns might well be written upon this'matter, with disclosures that wonld well surprise those who never dream-of the amount of labor to be gone through by so many in order to afford the publie the pleasure of reading the current events of the day. We have heard of the joys ol wedlock being enjoyed by some editors, but genuine bliss can only be experienced by Northern men who at- tempt to pnbfish a Union newspaper ia a South ern 1866. The peculiar style in which this ’peculiar” bljss is doled out to us we might nar rate, but the quantity has been so liberal and the quality so remarkable that volumca would be required to do the subject justice. One thing certain, the history of oar one year’s residence in Savannah as an editor, wonld. prove sufficient food for an. entertaiping and rather exciting nov- el. At some tutnre day we may be tempted to to gratify the curiosity of some of war readers by presenting them with a hasty ^cetnh of editorial life in Savannah. Wa must cravo the Indulgence of our readers by ashing them to excusn us from staining paper with the recital of tome of the dastardly outrages that have from time to time been committed upon us for the gratifica tion Of political spita and prejudice. * ^ “ * ’ #f Capt.Watrous from Judge Advocate General Jos. Holt, at Washington, stating that the Secretary of War wus absent, and that upon -Jus return, the telegram would be laid he-' fore him. In the meanwhile the Court is in structed not to permit tj|p trial to clone until every possible effort hay been made to sustain the testimony believed to exiat. We wonld remark, en pasSaiU, that Major. General Carlin, fomfi time ago/ -personally ex pressed a desire that the chargee against the ac cused should be withdrawn. .« We shall keep our readers fully informedre- garding all the proceedings of this case. • /- The Court adjourned until this forenoon, when it will take up the trial of the murderers of Mr. Cordes, the particulars of which we shall furnish from day to day. WASHINGTON REDUCTION OF TROOPS ’ IN GEQR- „ GIA, ALABAMA AND filB.. ' ; h v: - ' \ ‘ SIS8IPPL . MR StJMNER ON THE FLOOR A BILL TO DOUBLE THE PENSIONS OF PENSIONERS BY L4TE WAR ' CONGRESS TAKES A RECESS, &c., Sc., AC. ' AMallciouoBeport. Some irresponsible individual who has had but little to occupy his time , and .attention, has circulated a report throughout the city that a Confederate Flag was publicly-exhibited at the Orphan’s lair now being held at .St. Andrew’s Hall under the .auspices of the Sis ters of Mercy. We are happy to state that this rnmor has no foundation whatever, our information being derived from the most re liable sources. . % . - „ ' - In connection with this it may be well to correct another senselass rumor current on the streets, set afloat either hy a malicious oretu- pid party, ip relation to the excellent band of the 12th Maine regiment. The band volun teered their valuable services-in older', to help increase the attractions of the Fair, and their kind offer was gladly accepted and gratefully appreciated by Mrs. Cass and her corps of lady assistants. On Tuesday evening the band performed several .splendid pieces and were just preparing to give a National Medley or Pot Pourri, embracing all the popular aim of our country, when an officious and unauthorized ■individual took the liberty of requesting the gentlemanly leader, Mr. Melville Andrews, not to play the airs as they were ‘distasteful to the ladies.” This was very naturally looked upon ai a direct personal in sult to the members of the band, and they at once retired from the hall. We are positively informed that no such request or remark was authorized by the ladies in charge of the Fair, all of whom deeply regretted the occurrence. We make these corrections in order to disabuse the mind of the ‘public and particularly our Northern citizens, of all ideas that insinua tions or-disrespect of any kind will be shown to those who may visit the Fair, which is for the most charitable object in our midst, and with which politics have no Connection. The gentleman who voted for Abraham Lincoln, caff stand at the side of one .who Voted for Jefferson Davis, and take his chanceB at the inviting raffles where none save ladies are in attendance, and we are quite sure that they are not particularly anxious .to know who the visitors voted for. The- only curiosity the. ladie 8 manifest is to fiod out how much money the visitors have, 'and th’en by persuasive argn- wfents <fraw it out in “chance*:” There is but one quality and sentiment desired at the Fair, and that is uulimited generosi ty. - . , ‘Vharlty’s Clams” 'and “.Encumbered Storms.’’ , .. “Still blunder followed blunder.’”” Our perverse typos made several outrageous blunders which were ready almost u a par dona file, in our editorial of; yesterday, entitled ‘•Coming Around.” We were made to say “XprtJiern and Southern?' lor Northerner and Southerner, “ringing” for cringing, -“entirs different” for entirely diffierent, “count good will” tor court good will, ’ “as lotid tq day” ior as loyal to-day, asd strange to say, not contest with these mortifying mistakes they compelled our readers to gaze in horror at .“charity's clams” when we wrote “claims of charity;” and notwith standing, our article wa? encumbered with errors the d—i made tkemany "encumberedstorms” for “encountered storms.” We wrote seuse, but the effect of soda water whioh entered; Jhe cerebel lum of one or two oi our total abstinence hands, caused them to translate our sentences into nonsense—cause inspissating of the mental faculties. Iu future we trust to read’ no more in our columns of “charity’s clams”, or “encum bered storms,” and if our readers will Only for give us this time we shall try and do so no more. -‘ Mississippi to 7,000 men. . In the-Senate Mr. Si inner made a speech on a bill to maintain freedmon in tbeii rights to in habit the States lately in rebellion, and read a. number of publio and private letters to show that the' ipirit of the .rebellion still existed Ur. Saulsbury replied, that there were evident indications ef a split-la the Republican party aqd ihaj if the President would stand by fhe principles laid down in his special message,* be would promise him the support of two millions who.did not vote for him. ..., ■’* Mr. Carwan also replied to Mr. Snmcer, saying the statement she (Sumner) made were all based upon anonymous letters. ' . -' ^ In the House, Mr. Stevens introduced a bill to doablo.the pensions for those who were-made pensioners by the Casualties of the late war; te pay damages done to loyal men by the rebel gov ernment and rebel raiders, and - to enforce tbe confiscation lasmso as te pay the same-oat of the confiscated property of the enemy*. Both Honses agreed to adjourn from to-morrow until the 15th ef January, 1866. A magnificent assortment personally selected in New-York, just received. Splendid CHILDRENS’ BOOKS, -GAMES, MA< thing to pleaae the little folks. K8, in fact every 9 ROSEWOOD, BLACK WALNUT WRITING DESKS, WORK BOXES, CHESS BOARDS, JEWELRYJB0XE8..OLOVE BOXES/FOLIOS, GRIRRaGE BOARDS EBONY CHECKERS, DOMINOES, anR numerous other articles. A splendid as* sortment of * ■ v « - ? -’y . POCKET KNfFES, SCISSORS, &C., Books, shell SPECIAL NOTICES. Tax Notice . 3X. ? *e offici u. 8. maser tax co*-.:r* • - v v _ ‘Partly?. /*., IVr. n. •8 X^Kb, < blUs ia j ia (to Cky of f ananit, Ga^ara •- . ' • WASHis6ion,Dec/2d. The War Department has ordered a reduction __ _ _ . of the white troopi in Georgia, Alabama and WIRE PIJRSES, yEtiVET PORT MONNATES, FOCMET PEARL CARD OASE&, * • , LOOK OUT FOR OUR SATURDAY SUPPLEMENT, FULL OF INTER ESTING READING MATTER ' * A ; ‘creature” being asked by a lady the other evening, if he loved ousters, re- ied, “My dear madam,, toy love for oys- HBLIDAY GOODS! Direct POTOGRAPiHC ALBUMS, in Velvet and Morocco, .HART* PLAYING CARDS, HAIR, TOOTH and'NAIL BRUSHES, COMBS, and everything else ip that Kne. . i i ■ t * Lubin’s Gmuino Extracts and Soaps, PHAlON’S NIGHT BLOOMING (jEREtJS. A tremendous Stock of PAPER and envelopes, papier fashionable et envellopes. - -- We hsve received a Press to stamp initiate on Paper and Envelopes. Large stock oi BLANK BOOKS, BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS, HYMN BOQKS. The latest and best MUSIC and MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.. imcmurs gold p«. ’ We particularly call tlje attention of those who want FIRST CLASS GOODS to qur splendid selection—one whioh has never been excelled and seldom equalled. JOHN C. .FROM LONDON & PARIS Just received a large and varied-assortment of Ini-’ jwtted . .* WARES > AND Joyful Tidings—A New Gas Company. Editor Savannah National Republican: Several gentlemen of this eity having severely injured themselves lately by walking the streets after dark, have .concluded to start.a . company fob the purpose of lighting the city! They pro pose to purchase sufficient light wood to- enable theua to place a bundle of it at the mterseetiaa of evqiy street, to be lighted every-aight at - dark , The object iareally a benevolent one, (uside from the fact' that- it .is expected to ‘ ! p%f a heavy dividend,) as it will enable persons obliged to-be out after night to walk along safely, and also to printout the exact locality of the gas lamps, (at present, daylight alone rdveals that.) Some of the subscribers to the stock, objected to having the plan made public, fearing the Gas Company would step in and leoure a majority, (the' amount being limited) thus endangering the. success of the Company, hut believing they are not actna- ted-by mercenary motives, and are not opposed to competition, hava concluded to make their plane knowD, trusting to-the generosity ef the .Gas Conipany to keep dark and give the Light • Wood Company, a chance. . Soon. LOOK OUT FOR OUR SATURDAY SUPPLEMENT, FULL' OF INTER' ESTING READING MATTER. . — ^ \ * * Death of James Fulton, Eiq„ Editor of tto> “Dally JToi*M»al»>» Wilmadhp- ton, N, C■ > - - We anneiroee with deep regret the sudden death, on the Htbdnet-, of this veteran journalist. His connection with the “Dolly dearest” began In th# year 1849, lirom which period up th the time of hi*^decease he ooatinued the senior edi tor. He was-ae maofc-distiagniahed-fer his moral oourage at for thg purity ef his pereomal charac ter, and during his whole life was consistent ia his maintenance of Democratic principles. When 'eat down by the-hand of death he was thirty-nine years of sgr, Mr. Fulton leaves behind Mm a void in htt-pteiesrion not easily filled, while socle, ty is deprived of one of its most useful members. Terms Moderate. A disgusted newspaper o a givis his opinion of a to oorrespendent in. &sor- ■P town: “Waynasborongh t a lovely place, by any means. .In (act, i don’t -see why anybody should desire jto*l - Hve here; agd a forced residence of half a year £i Suitable tor the coming season, embracing— FANCY BOTTLES, PERFUMERY, . < STATUETTES, ’ J .. ft, ■ . ' LADIES’ ■* - ' f > TRAVELING BAGS, - ' ^ ' CLbCRg, FRENCH PARASOLS-, PORCELAIN AND . BISQUE FIGURES, MILLINER’S FANCY WARE,'.' Osier Baskets, And an e^dleae. variety of , FINK TOILET GOO0S, Ordered tor this market, and just received per ebip County of Pictou and other vessels now arriving. Fancy Goods '-the oi liners am Package, to which thff attention of others are invited. ■ WoW* Lincoln, Cor. Bull and Congress st., opp. Pulaski House. dec21—tf . Prfflf. Dietz, Ph. Dr. ’ . Qf !Parisi French Language AND REFERENOKS: Dr. Arnold, Mayor of savannah. Plot Cano, Sigjt. .City PebUc Schools. . -- Rev. Mr. King, Pavaniath. '* -* Rev*. Mr: Cozey. “ Right Her. Btehop Lynch, Charleston. • . Gen- Bhdtiiegaid, New-Orleans _ .. " ‘ bfic Education, iooisiana. Academy Building. SlKllff J!I» and SILWER . * " FOB THE HOLIDAYS. A splendid assortment .of Christmas and New Tears ClFJTS^pa F. d. aroshOx, CONGRESS-ST., . " Has received,- per last steamer front .jb - New York, a choice selection of Jew- »elrf, which he will be happy to exhl. 3. Iblt to all who will favor him with atidneSl A fresh Invoice of pire SUver KNIVE8. FORKS arid ^nrinlW^celehreUd flhvolver. *k«-**4 JN bbls, 1 dovSS—tf Mackarel, IARD. ’ Church. K—SB bales for sale by ! A BARNARD, r st, opp. Mariners' Church. dec 21 Opposite Pulaski Bouse. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS^ f NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Savannah Theatre. * * RAYMOND * HAMILTON.... .Lemeefc Managers- FRIDAY EVENING* DEC. »2d, The great Love Flay, In five sets, of 1NG0MAB*. The barbarian. • Jlr.T. Hamilton Miee M. K. Gordon To conduds with ‘ MY NEIGHBOR’S WtFK. ‘ Mr. Smith ...1..... Mr. 3. T. Raymond decss . ‘ . Ingomar........'. Piuthenia...* Christmas Celebradmi* BALL AT THE VOLKS -GARTEN, . » • Monday Evening, Dee. *5. The Shove eatabllshrfieri-, thoroughly renovated decorated and brilliantly illuminated, le lot such pur. poS's the Seat adapted one in the city. Tickets (.{t) aSinitting one gentleman and ladies ce* bo obtained from the' following committee, viz -. . VAL. JASLRR, OEO. GSMENDftSl. - H. G. RUWK. B. RICHTKR, " ' . WBISAND <Ss 8CHWARZ. dec22 <. «• \‘ ■ • •: 1 ' it CHANGE. OF DAY. FREIGHTAKD passage deduced * I For Jacksonville, ; ' IKXAOT)/ .. VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARYS AND ' - ' FERNANDINA. • ’ * Si • ~ - 4 . ... ' ' » •known. A. KisSGHEJ^ & CO . lot of New and Fashionable ew York at the late redaction STEAMER FAN NIB, Capt. SY.T.McNritj, will leave as above from Florida Sttamboarevfikff, toot of West Jiroad street, x>» TDESDA* next, 9*tfi Inst, at lo a. m., and wiH conthme to i^ve every Tuesday following, at s me hoar, until further notice. This boat is in fine condition, commanded-by officers of experience; hnd has superior state room aocdsUap- dations for passengers. - i - " * White the txwt is on her tripe frri^t will be recrived’ -end stuaed in fire-proof ware^pase# free of expense. ' Ato-fc ' - - v ■ Harris' Building, Bay Street, or to / degfit "-- tfoo ' . W.JOHS8PN, onwhatb' Have Inst received a GOODS; purchased in Jn prices, which they - r INTEND to dispose of on the..most reasonable terms. Their ■Stock of WOOLEN GOODS Is nnsarpeesed, and those about C. For A'agfistit -ifi-'. AND WAY LANDI3SH3S - ’ON THE RIVEft: snepnar, having btea de tained by soibeslflbt injafy taker machinery,' ffid not leave on yesterday.afi ad* ertlsed, but *riU positively iBSve'as above THt DAY.’affip, Jk. - Not being engaged full, received st Florida Steamboat Whart footof We*t Bread street, up4o the bout o^depqrtnre. ^ dec)9tf. \ ^ ' Harris' BafidiOg,B>,»t eft. Bte airier -Scorpio . a. in. Fbr freight deoJjt-'-V ■■ fl ' THE pew kxoll, < aptain SsTLHD ¥M' Fur freight or aprlyJo - ■ ' dec® FAMILY F“i8» id Pecan Kate, j rihoice Teas; - ' Fine Family Flovr; FIBE WOBK81 decSS corner Bnlie • -A *- ATTENTION M ETROP OlrlTAN FIRE COMPANY. _ The.regnla? monthly meeting of the ^Company will be held al the Fireman's II THI8 EVENING, at T o'clock Every member Is requested to be present as busfnees df the greatest Importance will be transacted. Members will edipe prepa ea to pay all does. By order J'.JfSST. bTEWAHT, President. J. A Freena, Secretary pro, tern. dec22 FOR RENT T Wo stores an Bay street; also, a large 'lot on Indian street. Apply to ' " I • DAVID B. DILLON. <feoE2 . 18 294 Bay street . . LOST. (night, of the 16th, between Lincoln and etrects, a Scarf with a small Dia- ■dl Pitr attached, the gift of a deceased friend. — 1 *■ * elltet If ’■kt dCM-Bt wUI Ilbera ily rTWarded" by leavini this office. v. ; 1 1 COTTON PLANTATION SEA ISLAND PREFERRED. p^hd^me^Box 496, with fall particulars. Savannah fWVHK stock, good will and fixtures of the Grocery x 2 r •Jfrkrtf-firei orw. h.sserwoodaco, are offered tor tale. For tenna, Ac., apply at flies store, owner Jefferson and Broughton streets, under St. Andrew^ Ha>L ♦ . dec9? ♦ ' ' P6r Sale. 18Und ’ ^ *’™0£m*els Black,Seed Oats tor planting;' .*,000 bushels Jackson Potatoes, beat eating Potatoes “ IADLEY, #* B. BRADL . H 19d Bay street n MAKING purchases have now an opportunity of selecting from thetr store. No. 13 Barnard street, where will be-Tomul " A LV^GE assortmentnf everything lathe DRY G(foD3 line, each as DeLalnes al^SO cents, Flaffia, Worsteds, Shavdk, Al pacas at 40 to 6fi cents, together with a large *r: NUMBER OF iflhroidered HandkercMefa.^hich they, are selling at ■the low price of SO cents, Afi^yhich are just the thing f&t • ■'** fc . CtTiilSTMAS GIFTS. - r MHWMl ’WAAMfite » -NEW BOOKS. ttie most notable Love Friend; bound and paper. Ootts Family. —AEONft l«tt. notified that the TAX ROLL for said City is completed, and the Taxes ssasERssr* Xorth-wert Oor. 8ontb Bmd 4 Lo«u In said dty of Savannah. For nen-payment of the Tax, thJ Act tf o, Pwcribm a Forfeitaro *fi th. Lt ** taxe« to the United Siatea. Office hours from e to 1*AS. »ad* to 5 p n T.F.HOBB, .fr . 8. A. PA.NCOAST, T« ^^J.O.BATlB. ~NOTTOfL-To CoA-num Cocstt—I nounce myself as a _ Collector at the election ih January ^ the Oflke , JTWIfe to SUp*cn»r«M«V: ^ H ‘ ' Savannah,«■ the 4fk ftayofigwr All pencils who shfe* •^-wSS steamer Savannah an the d«y, are requested to eellhamedfetrij utwmceot F. M. Myreit, Esq. Harris- BUflfiiag. Pa- v , identify such -» - ’ ” "’'«•*** wreck df the steamer. novSO—tf the T. W. WOLCOTT. Jigem. caimu ctnn. to ha FOR SHERIFF r^te nte _ _ .. friends and the voten of Chatham cook , 4hat be is a candidate for the office of Sheriff y tv County at the next riwWy. their suffrages in bis behalf, novfi - tf : J ' BENJ. L. COLE F*r Tmx Collector ofOkatkaa roomy Fxuow Crnmr,*: I anaenac- nvwi' M * ” a Candidate for the office o! TW Coiisrv* of Chatham Comity, at the election te January r.rr. uj respectfully solicit your support. decSO JAMES J. IriNfA*. state in tax (flucni. The snhecriber k a CkadUaie be i» election, and respeodWly asks the suffng- of the dttzens of-Chatham County. - SEABORN GOODAU. oct30 ; White Labor. An Agent of tbe Petenbarg Unm Company w)U visit fiareanah wittea a kw days, and WiH be ready to <8 all. r ter* fbr ] a borers promptly fted at email expense, jjflfi .. tf REMARKABLE CLTih, OF STIFF KNEE BI ALUVU Kri POROUS PLWTKNa-Uow many penmmton step, ping on a piece of orange peeL here been tenwd tor life. A case wliichmlgbt have been ef this kind has just been brought to our notice. A gentjrmv. from placing the beet of Us bontim a piece of waorepsel, waasuddenly thrown down, and trioleatly apniaed in knee. He was six moo tin confined to tbs hew*, though be had the best medical advice. Aa a toft re. sort a very eminent physician was called ia to ess f anything more could be dene After nanut- -t .4 said, “My opinion ih pmr knee will aevrr be beat again.” Be recommended that the whokteg and knee should be encased iff a ptaster of Paris heiutair, wkk* would accelerate the permanent abfieaing of the karc, and salA ‘the sooner it was done the baUe-.” Bat tbe patient, before trjln:? tti!s>ppIkatioc sadharic; • rtiff knee tor Uto, enveloped It te our Pfirouv Ptartera and in less than two months hk knee was p*rf--Jy cared. Principal Agency, Brandrtth Hoear. N-» York. By'-the yard or tangle pleaser. Sold by ill Dealers In Medicines. 1 dectl-f* YOt CANNOT HAVE a HEALTHY CONSTITUTION while JW Blood is impme. CosiTinmas Lire Svxrr pages tbe system oflmimriHrerwnd tahnntates tbe vital or gana to a vigorous asd healthy acfioo, txpeEia; dtaease and restortog.tkn health. Low Siarr npaily cones disease which are ceased by lap” 1 - r - - “ Scfofhla, or KingSi firii. Tumors, Old Sores, t Blotches, Eruptions, FVsphw, Bolls, fcjriprUft Tto- tm, Salt Rheum, St An boor* Fire. Scald Beak Bog Worm, CuuceroM Tamvct. Sore Eyes, Syph lis. sad all foul diseases. Disease of tbe Heart. Fatpiutxai. Dyspepsia, Ulceration of bones of tbe Noea. bca^a.d Pace. Use Cowsrmr*w>w UrdBnwr eed joawt ll* surprised at Ms rajAnty!» rgmositog these dtacasau It leaves the Wood pure, and comp'anfam ciems, aad poor system free from dlseaoc. Sold by ail Drur • MORGAN* ALLEN, Wholesale tkagghte. Generul Agents,Cliff tareeW *«w Tock. Sold by all dealers in mcdletnqk BKUMON8’ BRAZILIAN PEBBLE SPECTACLES, to Otenagihca and Improve tbe sight of old aad yoaug. by day 0/ right, with esse and comfort to the eye, wflhoc: tht results of frequent changes These eeto- breted glasses are two well ktaowo throughout the Booth to speak ol their superiority orw all otteo.- Double aad Single Teleompeaof hamente p?wer aad field. Catelogaea »e«t fte^ bp lucloalng taamp SEMMON8, 0CUL18T-OPT1CUN. ^66»^Broadway, under Lafargr Home, N. T. BATCHELORS HUB DIE. The Origuud and Best in the World: Thecalytres and perfect Hair Dye. Harmlbai, VHtabta and Instaa- taneous. Prodnjei immediately a sptenoai BJack <* natural Brown, withost tejuring tbe hdteceahiu.- Remadiea the U^ffectajd bad dyes. Bold by ail Dree- gists. Thej^nntoe la markad Willtam Regeneistmg Ethrect* of te Restoring uni Btondfrtag te ^ . angle taiftalAHBATCHED'8- If Wrinkles Oonld te BaiaoTedalQnicklyu Ohj*ust5hdoro’« EXCELSIOR HAIR DYE Celer •( lb* Hair FremQyayWBUck.^ecpteteght laugh at o no He procem o«ly OKnptea five 1 C. P, LOPEZ, '-ty ' 'HEALER IN efcc., 8t. Lane, < OAhA ** • 1 ancLflne stock of ' ' > ti * mom Pipes, ) Hatana Segars, 8»s«rs, Walking Cakes, FANCY GOODS, Aco* „ vary tBtateehle. 'te.'l — 1 ges of age. Sold by Druggists, and applied by all HafrDnmov- deefii—te ; -. ITCH! ITCH! ITCH I . Scratch! Scratch I Scratch! 'WBCEA.xoar’s ou»*xMK3rr Wifi cure the Itch InGHcma. £2S5UJ£mi&*31 by cents to WEaas JrroTTKk Wj buttons mpectAtHy-latem asrl gJZtZZ 9 loan iuv dffivrenx »■» » n.o Eassaa^* TyW, Cloak wliiek . Please give ne a salt 151 PACKINCBOXMAXERS ' Jtjkm* 1 ■