Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 25, 1865, Image 4

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/ » There were *fcouta in the crowded And martial mositedjtewi. g B d buttr wind ud load dram beat As the wen c! the city cams out to moot At Lumbermen of Maine. A ttsMwd strong and more From the wo.d* and atrearoa came they, Form where the Kennebec fountains roar, gBAr swift Penobscot twists tie qar, Ja0 the Pasagmaqaoddy bay. Sineag knight* of the axe bad pole, Kings of the raft and saw, Ur brawny hmb and danntleM soul. By tbs breath of tbs mountain air made whole Aad-the use of Nature's law. toady Toward the front of death and pain, Where the splintered stamps of the were red And the rireis waited to raft the dead Of the Lumbermen of Maine. trees And a thousand more forsook The axs and the setting pole, And tbs le r. st camp by the swollen brook, And in squads the vacant places took, To keep the torn racks whole. Dosty and hot, and worn, Tbs i regiment came to-day, With a battle-flag all soiled sod torn, itlessl And a dotes footless heroes borne 1 on a rambling dray. Fhrough the city’s double tide Slcwfr they marched again. With a look of modest and manly pride, That made them tail aa they marched beside The throng of common men. But a baud red strong and three, They earns from the battle-plain ; The ethan will never fell the tree, Or eheg[ * *bea the.raft floats free, ea of Maine. IWttgtbel nMMftL ISP COMMERCIAL. No Wilmlnflea Market WimmoTOK, Dec. 19, farket qaiet Only 15 barrels l to-day at $5 per 280 lbs. i repwted in Spirits Tnrpen of 157 bbls Common, at 25 10, *50 do at »5,900 do low grade No. 2, f5 75, and *0 do No. 2, at $6 75 per bbl. T*a—Sales to-day of 543 bbls at $2 25 per bbl. Coiook—Only 4 bales charged hands to-day, at 4*e per lb for middling. Fnst—-7 bble Mallets sold to-day from vessel, at *10 for prime, and *11 for oak bbls. Samoans—12,000 Common sold at ti per M. Ttnaaa—Sales to-day of five rafts, at $10,11, I4at8 per if. tor inferior to good mill. fflmcon Market. Maoox, Ga., Dec. 19. Corrox—Coder the influence of Liverpool dates of the 24th alt., quoting a further decline is the article, the market opened very doll; and this cause, together with tne weather, created Rule or no demand On Wednesday there was a i better feeling in the market, and some fifty i changed hands at a small advance on the i day’s quotations—36c being the top of On Thursday there was a still bet- nand, but very lit: la or none offeriogit the wr oernana, but very little or ooneoBennut tut fuling Gguree.The sales of the day scarcel^reach ed 40 bales at the quotations of tne previous day. -Friday the market opened quiet, and abont fifty helm were sold at the extremes of 30a36c. On some 75 bales were sold at an advance •f lefor higher grades. To-day (Monday) the * languid, and not more than 36 pd hands up to the time of closing e sales of the week reach some [over toGbeJcu. following are the ruling figures at this Ordinary. fStriot good middling. .28130 .82aS4 .! *37 leklle uket ■ - Mobil*. Dee. 15. Corrox—The demand to-day was limited. Mar ket hare of ootton and closing qn<et, with slight ——> in quotations of yesterday,. Sales 590 Middlings 47 a—c. Ifaihrille Market. „ NtsnviLLs, Dec. 19. Cwrox—The stagnation in the cotton market yesterday, indicated by the limited sales given below, could not be traced to aov positive East'' an advices; and the fact that of the small amount sold, a lair proportion brought 21c, was a strong feature of a dull market, indicating that a wide difference between buyers and sellers chiefly pre Tented operations. * i7J-2cal8c; fair to good cargoes, 181-2cal»J£c; Java, mats and bags, 28a29c, native Cejlon, 24a 25c; Maracaibo, 20a38 !-*« Lagnayra,20«Mc; 8t. Domingo, 17%al8 l-2c—all gold, net easb, duty 5ew York Gold Market. Naw York, Dec. 19. The gold market was firm, and loans were gen- nraUj made by the lender paying two per cent interest on the currency advanced. The opening price waa 14$^, followed by a decline of 1-8 and a subsequent advance to 146 5-8. Foreign exchange is firm, and ve**y few mer- tcantile or Southern bankers’ bills, drawn against cotton, are offered in the market. Prime com- jMtciai bills sold at 100 net this morning, and the leading bankers demanded 109^ lor their sixty tlaya bills oo,England, and 110 3-8a}£ at short Some transactions were, however, re ported at 109^8-8 for bankers^ ils and I08%a% - — in good supply, and the wants of -* Exchange were promptly met at seven «— —while in a few exceptional cases large nmoaate were loaned at six. The Sub Treasury aid the Snb Treasuries elsewhere are dis- yaretag freeij on account of the interest on the •awanl aeries of the seven-thirty loan and other- Wii^iaiUn volume of loanable funds is steadi- 4* the financial centres, while at iocinnati and other central points in ^ twwy market is reported quiet tat^PQWatdj easy. The drain southward and generally has at the game time .--shed to inconsiderable proportions, which tne return Bow. more than neutralizes, as wag •hjwu by last week’s bank statement. The HTviawry is in a comfortable position tor meeting itocorT-nt obligations, the balance in the Sub r this afternoon being $77,798,510. Mr. w ® *•* assured , does not intend to “ “>• , way of landing or bor- (uhki the financial qnestion has been dis- ■n Ccugreea, and aa the latter will adjonrn - — g r wr two.tiU alter the holidays nothing is I ikely to occur in tlie meantime of a character dis- tarhiug monetary affairs. The inference, there- T 1 ' * “St although we shall have little more than a brokers’ market on the Stock wiU he a rather active one, with aa upward ten dency, in anticipation of a quick rise early in January, wbeu a large number of persons who •» now engaged in balancing their accounts will *• for a brisk speculative movement. , Mww York General Market. _ „ N’aw Yobs, Dec. 19. . BMtamxcFrg—Receipts, 2.435 bbls flour, 418 bag* corn meal, 9,827 bushels corn, and 2,975 do T* 1 ® ®«rket for State and Western flour **••* **"* heavy for all brands, and some , f“Uy 5c lower. The sales were •* ®ur revised quotations sub- Southern flour was also doll and heavy: tales were about 850 bbls. Canadian flon? ta moderate demand, bat prices for some -—we were » shade in buyer’s favor. The sales *keat 359 bbls. Bye flour was quiet and WMiauged, A moderate inquiry prevailed for Pncm were firmer. We note sales •r *00hhlaBrandywine at $4 65. We quote: “1 and Western $7 00 » 7 48 — - 8 00 a 8 IB . 8 20a 8 48 8 00 a 8 40 . 8 40 a 8 80 . 9 00 a 9 88 8 78 a 9 75 . 9 60 a 10 00 .•*- —» *— . . "j . 8 08 a 8 38 a Cm i ■ Ill 8 40 a 11 00 t uari^a—Wsmaor, »oti T , on receipt of unfa _ . from New Orleans. The demand alative, and prioes ruled mirket closing buoyant - ament. The sales were -J quote: Upland. Florida. Mobile. N.O.AT. *i 41 43 „ *° 50 61 ■•H , $$ 52 S3 continued in good demand end JV. sot* sales of another t Kdith Rose, on ok embraces 75,- -^***.i n Baltimore: Fbeights—Cotton offered very freely and rates were decidedly stiff. Some few agents offered to take lots to fill up at 3.Sd,but most all the tonnage was at 7-16d. The engagements were—To Liv erpool, 14,000 bushels corn, at 6)^d; 1,800 balsa ootton, at 8-3da7-16d; 500 tes beef, at 2s 6d. Pet steamer, 10.500 bushels eorn, at 6d; 1,200 bales cotton, at %d; 250 tes beef at 8s 6d. To London, per steamer, 150 tes beef, at^s 6d; 80 hbda tobac co, at 25s. The charters are a brig, to Hgvra, Detrolemn, at 6s 6d; a bark, from Gdlvetiton to Liverpool, cotton, at Id; a bark, from Philadel phia fo Aspinwall, private terms. < i ish—The transactions have been limited in all descriptions, but prioes were very firm. Dry Cod sold in small lota at $7 50a8 50 for Grand Bank, and $9 25a9 50 for St George’s. The latter in [I supply while there is a full atoek of the for- small Ubomas A co, MoNangbt * to, G T Jtidhols, B O’Byrne, O’Pallon A to, Bug gies A Aldrich, Randall A po, Rogers-* Cans.fJ A Rutherford, A A Soiomoas A co, F W Sims A eo7A J Shone, H Scranton, P D Smyth, W H Stark, P Schuster, J M T, Tison A Gordon, J L Villaloogs, E H Vaaness A co, Weed A Corn wall, J P Wheaton, Moore A Marsh. R H PalbaBL CilflU/ A OfUilP UCDPU A k|TC Jones A Way, Petal Cheever, 3 R WiMer, 9 » ff l'11 TV nflUrrlu mLflUll ftll I 0 Heidt, MAH Tamer, Warren A Plattner, H Meinhart, [S S], J W, J W 8, E A E, Gray, M A oo, Nee if, Lovell A Lattimore, sad others. Per steamer Lizzie Baker, from Palatka, Ac-— S A J Gardner, Claghom A Cacningham, C E Smith, Mat Ftatley. raer. Mackerel was scarce and firmer. Wvqnote: Shore No 1, $24; do No 2, nominally, *18 large No 3, $16; bay No 1, $17 A<M8 60, and do No 2, nominally $16 50al7. Herring were steady at 50c for No 1 and 60c for soiled. Salmon were selling sparingly at $88a40 for No 1, and $86*88 tor No 2—stock moderate. We quote pickled scaled fish $6 75, and piekled cod $8 75a9. Molasses continued quiet but steady, with a moderate trade inquiry and a fib saies at onr quotations, as follows: Cuba mnwovsdo, 9$s55c; Cuba clayed. 38a40c; Cuba centrifugal, 88a4Pe; Porto Rico, 50a60c. The present stock embraces 8,C00 hlids Cuba mftscovado and 1500 bhds Porto Rico. We Dote sales by auction of 40 hhds com mon Porto Rico at 45c, and 140 hhds new crop, New Orleans, at $lal 25. Paovisioxs—Receipts 5 bbls pork, 106 do beef, 247 pkgs cat meats and 150 kegs lard. The pork market was fairly active but at irregular and lower prices, mess closing heavy at $27 87 1-2. regular, The sales were about 10,000 bbls for present delivery, at $27 50a28 for mess, and $23a 23 25 for prime mess; small sales new mess were mede at tSOaSO 50. Beef waa without noticeable change; the sales were about 5C0 bbls at $llal4 for plain mess and $14al7 for extra mess. Beef hams were dull and unchanged, with smaJl teles at 82a34 Bacon was in demand; we note sales of 800 boxes at 14al4 l-4c for Cumberland cut, de liverable in January and February, seller’s op tion. Cat meats were doll and heavy; the sales were only 200 packages, at UalSc for shoulders, and 13al6c for hams. Lard ruled lower; the sales were about 800 packages at 15 l-2al9)^c, the mar ket closing with sales of the best at 19c. Butter was dull at 25a38c for Western, and S5a45 for State. Cheese wsb dull and nnchanged, with small sales at 14al9c, as to quality; the latter rate an extreme for factory made. „ SuGAtt—The market was quiet and drooping. The Bales were confined to 18 bhds Cuba musco vado at 13al4 l-2c, and 28 hhds Porto Rico on private -terms. Also, by auction, 20 hbds, in cluding Cuba and Porto Rico, at 12alSo. Re fined was dull and nominal. The stock of raw includes 33*07 hhds, 60,792 boxes, 76,140 bags and 101 melado. Exporta. * Per steamship San Salvador,-fot- New York- 259 bales upland cotton, 35 do *ea bland do, 50 do domestics, 97 pckga mdse, 37 soks dried fruit and 84 empty ale bbls. Per steamship Nightingale, for New York.— 862 bales cotton, 249 bags dried fruit, and 44 pkgs MISCELLANEOUS. GREAT DISTRIBUTION BY THE etjeekA. (lift Association. ESTABLISHED 1846. 180 BROADWAY, N. Y. ROSEWOOD PIANOS, MELODEONS, Fine Oil Paintings, Engravings, Silver Ware, Fine Golf and Silver WATCHES, Diamond Pins, Diamond Rings, Gold Paper Warelipuse AND DEPOT! Printers 0or- West Broad and Bay Streets, SJtYAJTAJlH, GEO THE undersigned have this day entered into a co- A partnership ander the name and style of MoKBB, BEN. “ SETT A 00„ at McKee A Bennett’s old stand. . Will keep constantly on hand a fine assortment of WARREN & PLATNEtt, Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of Writing Printing and Wrapping Papa*, En-< velopes, Twines and Paper Bags. Also, Printers’ Inks, Cferds and Card Board*. Carriages, Bretts, Boekafrayg, Baggies, and Coach material Of every description, which we sell at the Lowttet Oast Prices. All work sold, warranted as represented. We have fine Store Rooms, and forwarding will be promptly at- tanded to. Consignment? soli ited. Wfll open by 1st January Manufacturing and Re pairing Department, and will have Experienced Workmen and Choice Material, and be prepared to do any amount of Carriage Repairing. . McKEE, BENNETT & CO. J. G. McKEE, L.S. BENNETT, JAMBS MoKEE. dec* jncnj T,1 E. j Arledge, Liverpool Cotton Market . [Fiom Jas. Campbell A Co.’s Circular.] i^VIKPOOL, Nov. 30. The advices which were' received by thaSfava upon the, afternoon of Prieav last, of a further fall in the value of Cotton at New York, together with a continuance of large receipts at the South ern ports, as well as the exteosive shipments to this country, at once checked the improved feel ing and upward tendency of prices which was caused by the reduction in the Bank rate of dis count upon Thursday last, and the sales upon Saturday,which were only estimated at7000 bales, were generally at prices establishing a decline on the previous day's rates of ]^al-2d per lb, the market having closed upon that day with con siderable heaviness; the receipt, however, upon Monday of later dates from America by the Pe ruvian. with advice of a recovery in prices at New York, and a reported falling off in the receipts, at onlte imparted an improved tone to our market, and with a more active inquiry the decline of Satqgday was speedily recovered; while since then a very extensive demand has been expe rienced daily, and prices have steadily advanced, the-market closiog to day (Thursday) with con siderable buoyancy, and at an advance on the a uotations of last week of about l)^d per lb for if the more current qualities of American. Sea Island* continue in pretty good request,and prices are steady. Brazils hare been in more active demand, but the recent imports baring been pretty freely of fered, pricea can only be quoted about l-2d per lb higher. Egyptians hsve been in extensive request, and command an advance now on the quotations of lost week of about 2d per lb. In Surats a very good business has been con- cluded.and they close at an advance on last week’s rates of l-2a%d per lb; Chinas and Bengals hare also been in more active request, ana must be quoted at fully 1-2 per lb dearer. The imports during the past week have been 54,327 bales, oi which 29,343 bales are American. The sales during the past week amount to 96,- 230 bales of which there have been taken as follows: By the trade, 58,100 bales, viz: 10,350 American, 2600 Pernam, 2720 Bahia. 180 Maran- bam,69y0 Egyptian. 1520 Smyrna, 1380 Peruvian, 1570 West India, 28,650 East India, and 2140 China. By speculators 18,190 balls, viz: 780Q American, 1600 Pernam,280 Bahia, 890 Egyptian, 40 Smyrna, 20 Peruvian, 60 West India, and 8700 Eastlodia. By exporters 19,940 bales, viz: 2290 American, 2000 Peruam, 400 Babia, 320 Egyp tian. 180 Smyrna, 1500 Peruvian, 140 West India, 12,850 East India and 260. China. The actual export during the past week has been 10,002 bates, viz: 1675 American, 700 Per- nam^36 Bahia, 420 Egyptian, 76 Smyrna, 176 West India, 6438 East India, and 181 China, none of which have beeD shipped to America. P. 8.—Friday, noon. The market opens to day with an active inquiry, and prices are very firm; sales probably 15,000 bales, including 6,000 on speculation and for export. and &c. Bracelets, Coral Florentine, Mosaic, Jet, Lava and Cameo Ladies’ Sets, Gold Pens with Gold and Silver Extension , Holders Sleeve But tons, Sets of Studs, Vest Neck Chains, Gold Rings, Valued at $1,000,000 . Distribution is made in the following manner: Certificates naming each article and its Valcx, are place : in Sealed Envelopes, which are well mixed. One of these Envelopes, containing the Cer tificates or Order for some Article, will be delivered at our oflice or sent by mail to any address, without re gard to choice, on receipt of 25 rents. On receiving the Certificate the purchaser will ace what Article it nnxwe, and Its value, and can then sendONE DOLLAR and receive the Article named, or can choose ANT otheb one Article on the List of the same value. 1 IS— Purchasers of our Scaled Envelopes, may, in this manner, 72 BAY STREET, Between Abercorn & Lincoln Streets, Savann Jbl, G-a., Grocer, Shi 6 handler, AND AGENT FOR CARINGTON’S OILS.&c Consisting of the following: SPERM, • WHitLE, LARD, KEROSENE and LINSEED OILS. DEALER IN Benglae, Tar, Spirits Turpentine, and Rosin. Also, Agents for the celebrated Groiton Miners, Paints, and Dealers in American Zinc, White Lead Chrome Green, Yellow, Prussian Blue, Verdigris, Varnish, &t, Ac. 1 i s' / Orders filled with promptness and despatch at the Lowest Market Price. dec!6—lm obtain an Article Worth from One to Five Hundred Dollars, For One Dollar, , . which they need not pay until it is known what is drawn and its value. Entire Satisfaction Guaranteed in all Cases. Herses & Carriages DANIEL BIJTLER would respectfully in form the public that he is now prepared to furnish, at the shortest notice. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. THE EUREKA GIFT ASSOCIATION J would call attention to the fact of its being the MARINE INTELLIGENCE. SA VANN A H, DECEMBER 24. ARRIVED. Steamship Zodiac, Dearborn, New York, to Cohen. Steamer Lizzie Baker, King, Palatka, Ae, to Claghorn A Cunningham. CLEARED. Steamship San Salvador, Adkins, New York, B H Hardee. Steamship Nightingale, Breaker, New York, J R Wilder. Steamship Constitution, Greemao, New York, Brigham, Baldwin A oo. Steamship Leo, Merrill, New York, G Cohen. ’A Steamship North Point, Smith, Baltimore, La- Roche A West. 18. From this Port. Brig Redwood, Boyle, at Boston, Dec. 18. Schr Fanny Elder, Spear, at New York, Deo Cleared for this Port. Ship England’s Queen, Maekey, at Liverpool' Dec 2. Original and Largest Gift Association in the country.— We are therefore enabled to send Finer Goods, and give better chances to .obtain the more valuable prizes, than any other establishment of the kind. The busi ness continues to be conducted in a fair and hon orable manner, and a large and greatly increasing trade is proof that our patrons appreciate this method of obtaining rich and elegant goods. During the past year this Association has seDt a very large number of valuable prizes to all parts of the country. Those who patronize us will receive the full value of their money, as no article on our list is worth less than One Dollar, retail, and there are no blanks. Parties dealing with ns may depend on having prompt retains, and the article drawn will be immedi ately sent to any address by return mail or express. The following parties have recently drawn valuable prizes from the Eureka Association and have kindly allowed the nse of their names, many other Eomes might be published were we permitted: Andrew Wilson, Cnstom Rouse, Philadelphia, Penn., Oil Painting, value, $100; James Hargraves, 821 Broadway, New York, Oil Painting, value, $100; K. F. Jones, Barrett, Marshall Co., Kansas, Melodeon, value $:00; Patrick J. Byrnes, Waterbary, Ct,, Gold Watch, value, $125: J. F. Shaw, 224 East 24th Street, New York, Piano, value, $350; Mrs. Chas. J. Nevis, Elmira, N. Y., Piano, value, $300; Miss Lucy*sne- way, Elmira. N. Y, Cluster Diamond Ring, value, $200; Mrs. K. Pennoyer, City Hotel, Nashville, Tenn., Melodeon, value, $125; Oscar M. Allen, Co. B, 142d Reg. Ind. Vols., Nashville, Tenn., Watch, value, $85; Rowland S. Patterson, Co. D loth Iowa Vet. Volun teers, Oil Painting, value, $109; Mrs. Abbey J. Par sons, Springfield, Mass.. Melodeon, value, $150; Jas. L. Dexter, City Surveyor, Syracuse, N. Y„ Gold Watch, value, $150; Mrs. James Ely, 177 Wooster sL, cor. Bleeker, N. Y., Oil Painting, value, $100; Mrs. J. C. Coles, Grand Rapids, Michigan, Silver Carter, value $40; Dr. J. B. Sinclair, No. 4 Mata st, Utica. N. Y., Framed Engraving, value, $25; Hon. Luther Det- moU, *'asbington, D. C., Oil Painting, value, $100. Letters from various parties throughout the country acknowledging the receipt of very valuable gifts, may be seen on file at our office. First class Carriages ran to the various Steamboat Wharves and to the Railroad Depot at the lowest rates. None bnt careful and competent Drivers employed. DANIEL BUTLER, noalO—tf cor. Whitaker and York streets. E. H. VAN NESS & CO. GROCERS, SHIP CHANDLERS, AND 33ealer.s, Voder Bluff, corner Abercorn Street, SAVANNAH.OA. TO BE SOLD FOR One Dollar Each., Without Regard to Value, and not to lie Paid for until You Know What you will Receive. XAOU. , DO Elegant Rosew’d Pianos, worth.$ 50.00 to 5(10.00 50 Melodeons, Rosewood cases.... 125.0ft to 225.00 100 Fine Oil Paintings 25.00 to 1( 0.90 100 Gold Hunting Case Watches.... 75.00 to 150.00 150 Diamond Rings 50.00 to 200.00 S50 Ladies’ Gold Watches 60.00 to 85.00 450 Silver Watches 25.00 to 50.00 200 Fine Steel Engravings, framed.. 12.0' 1 to 25.00 lOOMusteBoxes 12.00 to 45.00 10,1 Silver Revolving Patent Castors. 15.00 to 40.00 100 Silver Fruit and Cake Baskets.. 15.00 to 85.00 500 -ets Silver Tel and Table Spoons 15.00 W 89.00 Orders from the Country, Private Families, Steamers and - ailing vessels, respectfully solicited. Produce bought and sold on commission, 100bbls. selected apples, 100 bbls. Onions, 100 bbls. Potatoes, 50 bbls. extra Flonr, 50 bbls. Nos. 1 and 2 Mackerel, 100 tabs extra Batter, 150 boxes extra Cheese, 500 kits Nos. 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel, 50 hlf. bbls. FultonTVtarkct Beef, 50 hlf. bbls. extra Family Pork. nov21 CHARLES L. COLBY & CO., SHIPPING, COMMISSION, AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS JONES’ BLOCK, CORNER BAY AND ABERCORN STS., SAVANNAH, GA. Liberal cash advances made on consignments to the firm represented in New York by Charles L. Colby, Esq., or to our friends in Boston. ALEX. H. HOL ’AY, Resident Partner. Rkfebenozs.—Messrs. Dabney, Morgan & Co., New York; Jarvis Slade, Esq.. New York; Gardner Colby, Esq., Boston; Hon. J. Wiley Edmonds, Boston. auglS tf V. 1. 91YRELL, Steamboat Agent, 5.0u to 8.00 to S.OOto 1.50 to 3 00 to 4.00 to 4.00 to 4.00 to 3.50 to 2,500 Vest and Neck Chains 2,500 Ladies’ Silver Porte Monnies.... 3,000 Silver Butter Knives 2,000 Pairs Ear Rings, (new styles).... 3,000Gold Pencils and Tooth Picks.. 3,000 Onyx, and Amethyst Brooches 3,000 Lava and Florentine Brooches.. 1,00 > Masonic Pins 2,000 Fine Gold Watch Keys 5,000 Children’s Armlets 2.50 to 2,500 Sets of BosomStnds 1.50 to 2,600 Enameled Sleeve Buttons 2.50 to 10,000 PlainGoldand Chased Rings... 1.00 to 5 000 Stone Set and Seal Rings 2.60 to 5,000 Lockets, all sizes 2.00 to 10,000 sets of Ladies’ Jewelry 8.00 to 4,000 Watch Charms (each) 3.00 to 5,000 Gold Pens, Silver Kx. < (ases.... 4.00 to 5,000 Gents’ Breast and Scarf Pins ... 3 00 to 2,000 Ladies’new style Belt Fnckles.. 4.00 ?o 25.0o 15.00 7.00 6.00 8 00 10.00 6.00 6.00 9.00 8.00 5.00 10.00 6.00 10.00 7.00 20.00 5.50 6.00 20.00 6.50 GENERAL Commission and Forwarding Mercliant, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga., Harris' Building, td Door West of A. Low & Co.’s. Refers to Messrs. Hunter & Gammell, Crane, John son A GraybiU, Beil, Wylly A Christian, Bothwell & Miller, Thomas A Co., and M. A. Cohen, Esq. tf sep29 Wm. M. Davidson WHOUSXL* HEALTH Uf Groceries, Wises, Liquors, Teas, Segars, Ale and t-fder, 150 Bay Street Savannah. oct25 tf 2,000 Chatelaine ana Guard Chains . 6.0o to 20.00 Sailed for this Port. Ship Kaloz, Morrison, at Liverpool, Deo 2. Ship Sarah Mandall, Jones, for Silloth, Dee. 5. Memoranda. The eehr Onroet, Tho&paon, for Port Jefforicn, Fla, cleared at New York Deo 18. The Mary Louise, Horton, for Charle-ton, sailed from Liverpool Dec 4. . Tho bark Lamplighter, Bahre, for Port Royal, S C, cleared at New York Deo. 19. The ship Southern Rights, Rose, for Charle«« ton, cleared at New York, Dee 19, Passengers Per steamship Zodiac, from New York—Mies Rosa Hein, CM Gilbert, MissMitoheli JOSohooh, G Hayne, F Hombeck, P Elliott, John Stark, J C Forbush, Miss E Hudson, Chae Warner, 0 Riteh- •r, J Waef, WH Aldrich, Thus Friday, Mary Bennett, E Hendry, F A Norton, H Scultz, M O’Grady, Miss A Lament, C Donovan. Per steamship San Salvador, for New York Col C C Jones, Mrs Jones ohild and servant, R Stotesbury, Mlse Baken, W A Park, G ApeL T J Dunbar, C Evans, J M Adams, H L Johnson, J H Gifford, J W Jaokson, J C Ludlow, Col Dodge. G A Flint, Jno Miller, Henry Roman, WR Hill- yer, and 6 deok. Per etoamer Lizzie Baker, from Falatke, Ao. Mr Kimball and wife, Mrs Maseort, O H Snow, J Sherwood, W B Churchill, S Daniels and lady Mr Hall, Mr Pure*. 7 ’ l.OOo Gold Thimbles 7.00 to 2,000 sets Ladies’ Jet and Gold 12.00 to 10,000 Gold Crosses 1.50 to 9,000 Oval Band Bracelets 0 00 to 4,000ChasedB-acelets S.OOto 2,000 Ball Eardrops, all colors 3.00 to 6,0110 FineGold Pens 2.00 to 2,000 New style Jet & Gold Eardrops.. 3.0o to 2,500 New style Long Crystal Eardrops 4.00 to 2,000Gold Pens S.OOto 14.00 20.00 6.00 20.00 10.00 6.oO 850 7.00 8.00 6.00 nr A CHANCE TO OBTAIN ANY OF THE ABOVE ARTICLE* for ONE DOLLARBf PURCHASING A SEAL' EI» ENVELOPE FOB 25 CENTS. S3— Five Sealed Envelopes will be sent for $1 00 • Eleven for $2.00; Thirty for $5.00; Sixty-are for $10- One Hundred for^l5. Agents wanted every where. Oar t*trons are desired to send United States money when it is convenient. Long Letters are necessary Orders for Sealed Envelopes must in every case be accompanied by the Cash, with the name of the person sending, and Town,County and State plain ly written. Letters should be addressed to the Man agers. as follows. R. MOLINA, (JOB- BULL ABD OONGBESS STBEETS, ~Y , (Under Screvea House,) A ■ niBOBTBB AMD WnOLZSALB DBALZB IX Havana Sesars, Steal AMD 1 A SMOKING TOBACCO. Also, all kinds of Virginia Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Meerschaum, Brier Root, and all other kinds of Fancy Pipes. 8m acp30 Goods direct to compete Having superior facilities for from the Mum factories, we are with New York Prices. .Sole Agents in this dly for (he Mills. Cash paid for Rags *nd all kinds of Paper Stock. dec* Bath Paper A. J, SHADY, wii. m. sun*. * a! o. eoaza. BRADY, SMITH & CO, AND Forwarding Merchants, AND Manufacturers’ Agents NORTH SIDE OF BAY /fSTRKKT, Between Whitaker and Barnard, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Liberal advances made on consignments of Cotton, &c„ to their friends in New York and Boston. References—Wm. K. Kitchen, Pres* National Park Bank, N. Y.; H. C. Thacher A Co- Bolton; Israel CO- hen, Baltimore; Hall, Moses A Co.,Colhmbua; Wyman, Moses & Co., Montgomery. angT fttsnrffgce Agency. Security InsHrancey Company, Capital and t orpins, $1,600,900. Phoeaix Insurance Company, Capital and Surplus, $L,500,090. * International Insurance Company, Capital and Surplus, $1, *10,060. Manhattan Insurance Company, Capital and Surplus, $900,000. Risks taki in the above bighl; panics on BnUdtogs and Me ' turns, at the lowest rates, Com- “"wtth Apply to ' A. A. LANE,"Agent, novli—8 m No. 18 Stoddard’s Range, Bay street. Insurance Agency OCEAN, HiVEB, FOE. undersigned hold .tog Insn ranee corporations ot New York, repre- " j an aggregate cash capital of over FIVE MILLIONS OP DOLLARS A*_*rej to issue policies to cover Fifty Tboo- on one application upon Tire Risks at Savannah and Ini BOUT. P. YORK, Ji. B. WILLIAMS, i. m. iimn, r.*. m imams hutim a, AUCTION AND COMBtflsiON HEBCHAKTfl, Bay Street. Savannah, Ga. Consignments of Cotton and Limber soHdtod. References: Savannah—Brigham, Baldwin k Co., Gaden A ’tackles, Erwin A Hardee. Hunter k Gammell, Isaac D. LaRoche, Hiram Roberts, W. Woodbridge, L. C. NHUkCo. New York—S. T. Knapp A Bro., D. H. Baldwin A Co, Sale days, Tuesdays and Fridays. sep6 H. G0WDY, i n Commission Merchant, 106 B A.Y STREET, (Anderson’s Wharf,) COTTON AND MERCHANDIZE IN TRANSIT ON THE AUGUSTA AND MACON MYERS, OCEAN RISKS GENERALLY, Prompt Settlement of Losses, L. C. NORVELL <fc GO., Bnll street, opposite Port Office. INSURANCE! AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $10,400,00* SAVANNAH: oct2 GEORGIA. J. P. M. EPPING, AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, decll DARIEN, GEORGIA. 3mo / C00PAS, 0LC0TTS & FARRELLY, Booksellers and Stationers, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. T HE undesigned have formed a Copartnership under the name and style of COuPER, OLCOTT4 A FAKKKLLY, for the transaction of a Wholesale and Retail Book and Stationery Business, at the old stand of John M. Cooper A Co., Northwest corner of Whitaker and SL Jalien streets. JOHN M. COOPER, WILLIAM H OLOOTT, DANIEL G. OLCOTT, oct23 . STEPHEN?4RRBLLY. A. N. COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchant, 93 BAY STREET, G3B0K.GIA. savahthtah:, OC114—tf JNO. L. VILLAI0NGA, Ootton Factor, * Forwarding end Commission Merchant NO. 94 BAT STREET, GEORGIA. .-oct25 6m A- E. LOPEZ & CO., Gunsmiths and,Locksmiths, Corner of gt, Jalien and Jefferson Streets, oetl8—tf RICHARDSON & BARNARD, Bay St, opposite Mariner’s Church AGENTS (FOR Wm.Jeisnp A Son’* English Cast Steel, Circular Saw*. Cotton Gina, Ammoniated Pacific Guano, Patent Decking- and Roofing. oct!4—tf Doctors LeHardy and Babersbam, H AVING entered into a partnership for the prac tice of Medicine, Surgery, and other branches qf their profession, offer their cervices lo the Savannah and vicinity. Office over Hil'amanV Drug Store, corner Bnll find Broughton streets. Office hoars from 9 to 12 m from S tnfln m and Cliipman & Chnpin, (Succesors to Marry, Day A Co.) 208 Bay Street, North Side, Between Barnard and JTefferson streets, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS om 3 to 5 p. m. J. C. LnHARDY, M. D„ Residence two doors West of Drayton J. C. HABERSHAM, M. D„ Residence No. 31 Liberty street, decl I Three doors toothwwt of Bull. INDIAN STREET- j* FOUNDRY. *ND DBALXBS IK H AVING re-opened our Foundry Shop, we ore now pzepsrwbto f and Wood, Coal, Grain, Hay, Corn, Oats and Feed, to quantities to suit customers, at the lowest market nov 25—tf prices. iron and brats Ua9ttags,as also tot Sugar Mill, Circular and Gang Saw Mills; and i of Millwrighting, Engineering, Steam Boat and 1 m ith Work done at short no sespatch. ROSE, i duov2 Goodwin. Hunt & Co., Box 5706 Post Office, New York. E. F. METCALFE & CO., GENERA!, FORWARDING dec9—8m Cottos Unit Cotton flint*. Cotton flint fV- Taylor, Brown,. Eagle, Southern, Emory & Craven, McCfiarty and Excelsior, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Stoddard’s Range, on Bay street, between Lincoln and Abercorn, Savannah, Georgia. References.—Honing, Flint A Pearce, New York; E. M. Brace A Oo. Augusta, Ga.: B. C. Robson, Eeq., At- tt A Howra, Macon, Ga.; S. M Brae Metropolitan Cotton Cor- Bay and Jefferson l ALEXANDER CHAS. L- COLBY & CO. A RE prepared to take IN urine Biaka to any A. Domes! icor Foreign Fort, and Fire Biaka B th is city to the following named first class New York Companies, at the lowest rates: COLUMBIAN MARINS INSURANCE CO. Capital, $5,000,000. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $5,000,000. COMMERCE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capita!, $200,000. STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, itCapital, $2001000. Office in Jones’ Block, corner Bay and Abercorn streets. Branch Office, cor. Draytoh aid Bryan streets. augl>-tf .MORRIS MERCHANTS’ INSURANCE COMPANY! HARTFORD, CONN. rpHE undersigned having been appointed agent for _ the take risks well knogn Company, is fire on t JnlyS most favorable terms. H. BRIGHAM, Office Southern Insurance and Trust Co. tf to Marne Insurance. TtalVEHi IX Mutual Insurance Company of New York, by t and Ocean Risks taken for, the Atlantic CHARLES GREEN A ON, No. 12, Stoddaid’B Eastern Range, Bay street decs—tf BALTIMORE CARDS. D. C). Cary, General Commission Merchant, BALTIMORE,. Md. Particular attention given to orders for the purchase of Goods. Consignments respectfully solicited. l(ctLi3, fly permission, to Rue, Whitney A Co., Sa vannah. nov20—lm -POOLE 4c HUNT, X Baltimore, Maryland, f, JfAKUFAflTUBXES * Portable and Stationary Steam Engines and Boilers, Steam Fire Engines, Portable Saw Mills Gang and Single Saw Milk, Mining Machinery, Portable Grist Mills, Fl jnr Mill Machinery, , Cotton Screws, Railroad Cars, Car Wheels and Axles, Hydraulic Presses for Oil and Tobacco, Tobacco Moulds, Gas Works Apparatus of all kinds, Safting, Pulleys and Hangers, ang? dm CYRUS r. HRNDBXHALL, Greensboro*, N. C. DUliLKT KICHOLS, Baltimore. 0. P. MENDENHALL & CO., Ootton, Tobacco, General Commission Merchants, 156 Pratt Stxeet Wharf, -' sep!3 BALTIMORE, “ .BALTIMORE IJIHE I* now WROUGHT ■xg"' All pipe warranted. F. O. Box 1306. Ball 1HT IRON PIPS AND TUBE CO.I upply Gas, Steam and Water Pipe moat hvorable terms, Baltimore, Md. sepSS—3m VUGUSTA CARDS. J.D.MATHEWSON SCENE KAX, COMMISSION, PRODUCE BROKER AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, No. 285 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga., (At the Old Stand of the late firms of T. P. Stovall * Co., 8tovall, McLaughlin A Co., and G. H. McLaughlin A Co.,) Will jive his prompt and personal attention to the parchtee and sale of Cotton, Domestic Goods, St Bacon, Lard, Grain, Flonr, Rope, Bagging, and . chandize generally, Having the Agency of several first class Cotton ■ * -t all times to supply orders for ngs, Drill* PATAU ON Dtuyger * sufficient «nm halted to raver rS^uL Addrew i cxceedtn: P.O.J pmtL * AO »* *&£ ra - ”*" *» Tern. WOODFORD & RITCH, ATTOM.YEV8 AND COUNSELLORS A T wo. in LAW BROADWAY, (Trinity Baud Jag), fow, iT^SST 1 *uk£ dEri^t**!*!** * •everal coarts hi New TrekS”.*!??!* 1 ***** «. ““ ,r Merwin & Bray, PBctnuxroa or “Ballard’s Patent” AND CARBINES, Merwin & Bray Fire Anns Co,’t Pfiteot’ 1 CARTRIDGE, (And Loom : Aamnntoo Revolver*. Slagle Shot No. Sea BROADWAY, NEW YORK. HAWKINS & CO., PACKERS & ( EVERAL PROVISO* Dealers, 941 Front Butter, •Vne Beet Pork, Hams, Bacon, Lard, Tongue*, Shoulders, Eggs, Fulxoa Market Beef. All orders carefully executed st tho SHORTEST NOTICE. We respectfully refer to Mean. Stoatt A Ehrlich, Es<r,B. G. Tilden. Eeq. Fork. Co , K. Holme* St Re. 35 Water Street, lev Ter*, Receivers of Flour, AND SOUTHERN PRODUCE. Consignment* Selieited. QRDERS for Flew. What, Corn sad Orta and directly BDEBS for Floor. _ filled at lowest market rahh a first hands tho* saving extra profits. Reacivera of the well known Brand “Keanage .tllll*,” which will be In lots to soil. Full information furnished by LaKUCHB, GADENAtTNCUXS, oct25—2m cor. Bay and D. H. BALDWIN & CO. COMMISSION HEiMHAXTS, 178 Pearl f NEW YORK. D. H. BALDWIN.) J. F. GUMMING, / **“• H. BRIGHAM, * C. M. HOLST, 0.14 KRAFP & HILL, Manufactarera and Jobber* of STRiW AkD MIUJ&BY 909B8 r» Not. 281 and *8* (opposite A. T. ftewamj NEW YORK. A full supply of Goods, anitable tor this market, al ways on hand. Your patronage is respectfully solid tad. octSS—6m LOCKWOOD dftlO. Ne. 94 Broadway o NEW YOKE, • Wall tirret Dealers is fleversKent DnoaTiuovDM Dirosrrsor<xx»*vnctaswcT And particular attention given to the/ of Conn nr Bank* and dccl4—3m O. PA1MOXS, MiscrscTrara HadfieM’s Works, Chinese Importer of ■ fire Crecken LANTERNS. Also a large araortmest o( bis owb I TOT8 AND FANCY *4 John St, a ear Broadway, flags, *t. hie own iaportstaa of goods. II. oct 25—12m Osnaburgs, Ker- GABDNEB, DEXTER * C*- COMMISSION MERCHANTS th extensive fire-proof warehouse, <*n furnish secure storage, and give prompt attention to merchan dize and produce consigned to me for forwarding in any direction. *m KAM3SY & GO., GENERAL Commission Merchants • . < AND AUCTIONEERS 308 Broad Street, Augusta, Qa. GOTO? O Nu No HR Pearl SC, I No. *4 Frmaklla *C. NKW YORK, •BOJfTO.V. Refer to Nzttonzl | Nation*! WdOMM American Exc*ge Hank-1 National Mitre Beak. for with I to i without operating ^“‘ffiSWkco-.Arui.i C. B. DiXTKB, Agt- tm .Cota octST—3m Having amide t inaintance of 25 j »themselves strictly to ot operating on their c Jcrt Habersham A Sons, Savannah. H. Stark, . „ do. * <5*. ABgMta. A W7K.1 IABMTT k MHILLIXfc, FIBE.PBOOF hen, President National Pajk Bank, N. *08 1 NKW YORK General an4 CemiisSi'oB Merchast, ’/ [ -AUJGrTJS IVk. GA. Holden ot Merchandize wishing to realize immedi ately. w01 consult their interests by consigning ; of Goods. lanta, Ga.; Knott Avowry, Macon, Ga.; R. M Brace, ;an A Co., Apalachicola, Fla.; Watts, Crane A i; Geo. C. Pearce A Co., St Louis, Mo Consignees Per staamsbij Ex Boi S A oo, W Batten by & oo, Cunniugham A Cohoa, M A Cohan, Erwin A Hi ' G O ffneiaae, Mfmt A oo, J VWHBIIDQOI Pw steamship Zodiao,from Hew York—Adams, Sxpreu eo, T Bateson, Bell, Wylly A Christian. iothweU* W, R Balfour, BlunA M*yer, Brady 5 OOTTGlsT With Engines, lets for running, shipment, at the lowest JOHN GK A Co., Cincinnati, O.; Mr. H. J. Cook, Am GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT I CD VW., ViUL ; John W. Oh Hum, Ga. COB. BAY AND JEFFKBSQN STRXED?, SAVANNAH, GA. Powers, jnd e iBoche, jjnuQt rhoru, &c. « Lot Fai iB.eei eo, N•• ♦ let l kOSTON I Strict business attention will be given all conrign- ‘ ,»t the most ressbaa- Uutoer Co., HDton ABaadeU, A. C. Gammell, C. L. Halsey, Wright A, Co* COMMISSION immiMTS, Riodejyn eiro, Bra»U G-tumy Cloth.* . opp.: JOHNS.! ■T BOOKS i .nq,