Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 26, 1865, Image 6

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jjsad 'photograph likeness of him- •Sd bans op io bis parlor. Be gjB«ia»k?* sod when Fort Donel- ,i out 10 0 Mm country, leaving bis ra. The Federal soldieis Tisited bis ,-ftkl most others, and commenced ige sboot, srhtflr one of them tiep in the parlor and saw the pietnre. fly ordered his ocmp&nions to stop bines, becsnsa the owner of that rood union man and kepta picture a banging in United States Minister to Brazil, has resigned his post, and its now on Ms way home. Lieutenant Maffit, formerly an officer of the Alabama, and Jefferson Davis Howell, came passengers by the Hiber nian, and were arrested on the arrival of the boat at Portland Me n just as they were starting for Canada. An effort is being made in Washington to revive popular internet ia the Washingl ton monument upon which no jftMtjM® been done since 18591 Congress nbt memoralizsd on the subject and an ap-1 propriation of 9200,000 requested. A, report is prevalent in Kaehvifle that Mrs. Baldwin, a sister M the deceased Gen; McCfcok, intends tifintdroede with ! the President for the pardon of Gurley, who is now under arrest, and who com- j manded the squad by whom the General' was killed. ^ A certain I \ member .of the Tenaesape; Legisktqps concluded a speech in that ! body as follows; “And wheB^we are' . done “With the labor and troubles of tMa P e P de( l. It haf always been produced in world, and are called to eternity, I only j tlt ‘ ea entirely too small, and should request that we may be prepared to meet ™ ean * he kept up to the full extent i in the Kingdom of -God, where trouble is m L f This year h. no more, to legislate around Ms throne.” <° r cotton m „ ’ , . . . . " ; tude. In Chesterfield alone some small Gen. Grant, in his report on the cam-j were made, rivaling in quality any grot paigns of last year and this, calls Robt. (North Carolina; and, so favorable ws E. Lee and Jos. E. Johnston “ the ablest season, that every boll was saved. Durii were four hundred and fifty 79 If M aJ ©FAMILY NEWSPAPER j thousand bales, Valued in of dollars in this city, that in the two closing It was estimated 1 month^ Of th’e current year, the revenues from the 3ame source at the same place ifiplld reach more than half, a million of p&lars additional to the above-mentioned inrni. If Southern industry is even toler ably well-organized by next spring, the revenues or the government from the States of the South in 1866 will be enor mous.—N. K 27*»kk, O * ■ I>e vested to 4 •., ft n —• A • n ~r ; - p ■> --u " im-iti* a News, Politics, Commerce, Agriculture,' Arts, O Science, and literature* _ that it waa a good picture of the' President, and loft. A wag once explained to as how the aforesaid editor came to be so hard favored. He said that whan he was born the nurse washed bimrihnt in stead of wiping him she wrunq Awn out 1 The Mayor of Louis villa has been impeach ed, and Is to be tried before the Board of Al dermen, this week. £Ie had refused to sign ’cityr Dyep Spirits, Iml uni. B hi effect upon any way pr eia, Depression, Lose of Appetite, Low ciUty, Mental Indolence, Emaciation, En- a most delightful, desirable and novel leneivtHU system; and all who are in For many years past, especially in counties am ordinance granting the right of way to a street railway company when the Council pass ed h over the veto. The Msyor still refused to sign, and gave as his reason that one member had been bribed to rote for the measure, and being thus an interested party, he bad no right nnder the charter to vote; and, farther, that ahhoat bis vote there was not a sufficient ma jority to pass tbs ordinance over the veto. Upon this the Council, by a rots of thirteen to ten, HAVES, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. The Feeble, the languid, the Despairing, the Old, should give this valuable discovery a trial; It wfll-be found totally different frem all other articles tor the same purpose. To Femjslev.—This preparation Is invaluable In nervons weaknesses of an kinds, as it wfll restore the wasted strength with woodcrfol permanence. & is also s grand tonic, and will give relief in Dys- pepsta with the that doee. A .brief persistence in its use will renovate theataanacb to a degree of perfect health, and banish Dyspepsia forever. One DoDarper bottle, or six nettles for MS. Sold by Helnbdd’g Extract Bor In Weakmtt erinny from Exeunt , w j lpeached the Mayor, charging him as follows: closing to discharge the duties of the office : Mayor of the city of Louisville. CotnrEDKRATx Soldiers Remembered.— he Speaker of the Mississippi House of llepre- ntativee, Gholson, was a Southern Major io a hue war. The President of the Mississippi mate, Col. Simonton, commanded a Missis- PP* rriitnent. Bobert Bradford, a wounded whtoWi soldier, is a candidate for the of- Jl'f Staw Librarian in'Mississippi. H. 8. y Brandon, who lost a leg id the Con- ®my, has received from Col. Donald- Mi: WILL FURNISH SSL . © TIE LATEST HEWS F£}0M ALL atJAHWii, AT THE EARLIEST MOMENT. * 1 Sold In Satanaah by A. A. 80 LO MO Si AGO. dec!3—eodam appointment of agent of cau jar Rankin coonty. however mistaken in their cause, drew forth such herculean deeds of valor.’.’ A gallant adversary respects his defeated foe. Mniclde in France. The well-known Dr. Brierre de Boismont, of Pavia, has just published a work ou suicide, In which he gives some interesting and many euri- ! ous statistics. Over three hundred thousand ’ Frenchmen have committed suicide since the be— I ginning of the present century. C." Z.. Boismont has carefully analysed four thousand and ninety-five cases. In F ranee at large he finds the majority of sui cides to fall between the fortieth and fiftieth year: in Paris, however, the majority occur between > the twentieth and thirtieth. 7 nine, l ' peopl* commit suicide between seventy and eighty I than between thirty end forty. 1 It is a mistake to call November the suicide’s month; as a Paddy preferred warm to cold water to drown himself in, so it seems the generalitv of WM. MONTGOMERY, MACHINIST, YONKERS, N.Y., (Successor to the N. T. Steam Saw Rill and Machine Company.) Office inflow York Oity, 157 Broadway ie Jackson Miseissippian. I 1 *- Or It is Loped that the interest and variety of its con- cd tents—its regard for the business interests of the com- ^ munity—its Financial and Market Reports—and its CQ advocacy of all just and humane enterprises, will com- mend it to q Tke Patronage of All Classes of People, C3 I and make it * S A WELCOME VISITOR Moons rencounter took "Monday evening, between a correspondent, I saw Alexander H. Stephens—a little old man with most marvellous eyes—looking not so much like a human being as like a character from one of Dickens’ stories. Yet if Georgians reverence any body it is Mr. Of these Stephens; and there isn’t the least ques- I l_j ! tion but that his presence in the State is beneficial in the best sense. He resists all importunities to make a public speech; ....j uotcbu • ^ut * am that he converses freely Two children under j with all who call upon him, and that he kI’i—***** ^emselves. More I urges everybody to accept the issne of the nfimmi .nm. . - * * i var jn the most cheerful andliberal spirit. i While in Columbus two weeks ago, I waa : told of a letter he wrote to a friend in that city immediately after the famous Hampton Roads conference. I tried in . every way to get sight of it, but without : success. The gentleman who told me of i it had [read it and used these words in the favorite ! respect thereto: “He said that peace g meny(0iich resulted in the shooting er Starting, and, ox it was supposed, wbmtding him. He was still alive ' afternoon, although his wounds arc from one question to aanthre. Tbese symptouss, U allows* to » oa MetUdno Invariably IISISIIS silsa M rower. Fatuity, sad Epileptic tota, la on. patient may expire. During the Ssperintendenc* of Dr. W V'oswerwl very dangerous. His assailant, Mr. BawlMM, has not yet been apprehended.— rh'rmix, 6(A inst. Dt. Gwin, who waa arrested some time since, (Ht his return from Mexico to the United 8toes, is confined at Fort Jockt-on, below New potientof reason bad for a time left tosa, a died of epOepay. They were of hath asaaa, u twenty years of ags. Who can say that thas exceasa an ant to- followed by tboaedirefal " mu Ireadsy «, enmption? The recced* of the tens Arr'ee. the metaneboiy deaths by rniwa|i« n. hea witness to the truth of there MMK>>ita. la i Asylums the meat mdsiieho^reBUbitwe >, The countenance is actually sodden ad q :,: tnte—neither Mirth or Grief reer vMu ft. a sound of the voice occur, It ft rarrly artieatato “With woefal a-naw* wan Down- Low sullen sounds Us grief bsgailad.* Whilst wc regret the exidencs of the alios* d and symptoms, we are prepared to after aa lav. gift of chemistry for the removal ft the e*are>i UELMMLVS Highly Concentrated Fluid tract of Buchu. jSST THERE 18 NO TONIC LIKE IT anchor oftoipe to the —Tf— red ptowe Orleans. The Gi’rmsns of Montgomery, Alabama, bare fbrried a society nnder the name of the “German Society, ” for the promotion and pro tection of German immigration. General Scott arrived at Key West on the 7tn and left on the 8th for New Orleans. He FAMILY CHICLE, The COUNTING-ROOM, and The WORKSHOP. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, Government for the transportation of govern ment cotton, large quantities of which have been stolen. A company is being organized in Richmond with a capital of $5,000,000, for the purpose of making loans to Southern planters, who and capital to commence planting. Ueat. Gen. D. H. Hill, late of the Confede rate army, arrived in Macon on Saturday, as a detaftate to the Presbyterian General Assembly, saw convened in that city. parse nf rom Texas reports that every road is XAKrrAcrmza or CIRCULAR, GANG AND MULAY The Savannah National Republican, issued Every ^ Morning, is furnished to Subscribers, (by Mail or y Carrier,) at Cd TEW DOLLARS PER ANIfUM, #v Particular attention is paid to the prompt and early £aj delivery of the Paper to its Patrons in the City, and SAW MILLS STEAM ENGINES * AND BOILERS, GRIST MILLLICAc. For descriptive Circulars, address WM. MONTGOMERY, noytl—eod3m No. 1P7 Broadway. Johnson, Dempsey &Co.> AUCTION f ' * AND Commission Merchants, LAND AGENTS. find Real Estate Brokers, MACON, GEORGIA. Immediate personal attention given to all business harrying and jostling each other ! )rug and Chemical Wareh SOi BROADWAY. 5. Poison 8. Other causes 38,205 28,910 9,295 imcids is mere frequent in the M«J. Gen. Thomas has uobfie^life authorities f b “ S5^!*v to o reIieTe Alab ^ a 0> Federal trsoM, but that the Governor thinks it advisable ^ h* retained for the present, and nntil there shall be suitable organizations of the mi litia to preserve order and assist in executing the MWI* It is s oonsolatory and encouraging evidence of th* sympathy of our paiple lor the unfortunate, that the Sergeaat-at-Arms of the Senate is with •at lege, the Doorkeeper of the Home without tome, the Secretary of the Senate and Clerk of the both cn crutches. Despite these mis- feriaass, these gentlemen all prove very efficient, capebto, and acceptable officers.—3’. O. Picayune. ‘Fheoonwspondeat of the Memphis Bulletin toys 10.000 bales of cotton have been stolen along the Mobile and Ohio Railroad ; 4,000 or 5,000 balsa at Columbus, Mis*.; from 5,000 to 10,- 000 bm*m *4 MeouSp usd smaller amounts from whef points. The OoTernment officers are in- OF GOVERNMENT To Mews Dealers, from the Clerk’s Desk in the Counting-Room At $3,50 Per Hundred, r » ® , f- vo Oonts per Vincis cfotavi - entrusted tdtbelr care, and prompt returns of all sales made. . Consignments solicited F. W. JOHNSON, 1 J. M. DEMP EY, V VESSELS BAY O H ft SONft, usmcmisf Axn ruomxrot*, SftlTH ft ELI WARE ITE.Itl V »h r i ,a n Kijn r a. with the polished elegance of the proceeding they postponed the duel for a month, the lady agree ing to bestow her smiles on the survivor if the other waa killed; or, at all events, this was in ferred by the two men. if not actually expressed The duelists were to fight in the air. - Two bal- precisely .Alike. Ou the Oarhart, Whi ford & G<r, #t ' MANCFACTUKEBS WHOLESALE DEALERS IN loons wete construct— ... day denoted, La Orampre and bis-aecond entered Jhn now rtf nna WaVlrt^_ r j. It; _a . _ • « . “ that of the other. „ Tuileries, amid an immense coi tors. The gentlemen were to other, but aUeacb other’s bhllo bring them d< ' v pistols might hardly have served tl will be received for the sale of the X AJ, 8. Screw Tuna «•» «ooud ; -- — i» wm iu tad gArdou of the inpourse of specta- fire, not at each r . -7- - —Jona, In order to [own by the escape of g«a, and, aa . the purpose t took a blunderbus in bia car. At a e ‘? en W* 1 ro P ea that retained the cars were cut and the balloons ascended. The wind was moderate and kept the balloons at their original distance oi eighty yards apart. When half a qpile above the surface of the earth a preconcerted signal forfinng was given. M. Le Pique fired but mistoX M. Le Orampre fired and sent a ball thiwigh M. Le Pique’s balloon. The balloon collapsed, the car descended with frightfnl rapidity, and M. Le Pique and his second “were dashed to pieces. M. Le Orampre continued his ascent triumphantly, and terminated bis aerial voyage successfully at a distance of seven leagues frnm Purii B 331 4* 333 ft roadway, Corner Worth Street, NEW Y ORK T. F. OXKHAttT, HSMT SUAFSK, WM.H. WBITVOXD, l. B* VAJi WASZHHI A. T. n A Mir.TOM. {V Office of Payne ft Carhart in liquidation. oct88—eodSm TERMS OF ADVERTISING, Tobacco and all Crojjp The sates sow amount to many dtotnaim* nnally, and the fadlttM* for Its maiafocmiw 5 Square of Ten Lines Nonpareil Type, or space occupied by the same number of Lines,-ft ^ $1,50 1st insertion, 75 Ct^Eacb Subsequent. UNTIL THE direct from the wharves of the *s*Buf»etory. rwi. are invited to become acquainted with the «pert»l * i vantages of this article before purchasing other asaaot Apply for a pamphlet to N. A. HARDEE ft CO., Agents, dec5—2swSm _ Bsvannab, Os. CNITEDSTATWSTEELPE^ H0RK FACTORY, CADEN.N f. R. EBTERBROOK St CO. STEEL PEI UHMCTOID. vintnnniiM \ A_rch •»., Fhia_- Strasbui^er & Nuhn, .IMPORTERSOF gray AN, FIEffOH AND ENGLISH 31st Day of Dec., 1805. The Arethusa ssfiswa® narus/s aft 6-5 forward, engine by Neafle * Levy. Ft pma. Upright and direct acting. Diameter / der 84 inches, length of stroke 30 inches A « f cy in erful vessel. toe pow from Paris. All Advettisements must be paid for at the Desk in the Counting-Room, previous to insertion. CHINA & FANCY GOODS BEADS, MASKS, ACCORDE0NB, *s. t * 65 MAIDEN LANE, Comer WiUiam Street, NEW YORK ia T it* the attention at bnyers, offering them the iorgmt assortment of Goods at the most reasonable prices. novtOv-eodSm Laburnum. WAItEHOvalto j *!• 42 Jwftsi at- It- Ywrh. Samples sad prices on appliearion. Lots madt A order of any pattern or atomp required. . CAUTIOK>-These Pens are genste tin ton i to^ sLfoto gala the vmSdemc of the Amrrtare psr. lie. The facstmae 'of onr signalura is isfliret sw enrityagsteat foreign * cx . fW And for sate at Retail by rii Stotiy- telfot fommr'y a sister vessel, buflt Ir* Jear , ss^eX rC nSlinfercT* e<lbi Terms Cash Address Comipander of rffiosen United States THE REPUBLICAN Lbaisiana. b Lieutenant-Colonel of Atlantic Fqmidron, Port nov2S Whipp e File Manuf g Co. WHIPPLE FILE United States. - , — > T uaiootuu. UUli he has not yet received official notice of it • . therefore, he has not declined it, and he has nor told the President that he woold decline it unless he was furnished with 20,000 men or 1 f men. It is probably true, •esident intends to offer the a mission. And what he the supposed necessity of opon an exploration tonr sens of the interior of the Cotton Gins •d pastor of Christ Church, Vicksbnrg. Got. Persons has been relieved by the Pi idwt as Provisional Governor of Alabama. *• Of* Of office of the Legislature, and a nutnbe He delivered l _* 3 '^“inV 'hat the” Wril disposed, and desired the i tforeci'ifl, N orth Carolina paper. to embers ome^c House, _ J a number of citizens. ‘*J_**, an< r. njodest address on people were BkOWN’S- Doable Cylinder CftUfta On, The tolehrftiei CeftiW Successors to John Whlttemore ft Co., New York, and John H. Whittemore ft Co., HAEDWABE k 0AED KANUTAOTUB’S, Ns. 70 Beckman-sL, N. Y. Solesncceseorstothe WHITTEMORK “PATENT SET," and only manufacturers of the , Genuine Whlttemore Cotton tftrii*. Dealers are cautioned igalnat worthless imitations. octtS lawCmo ,Lf Glassware an4 Coal Oil Lamps, NATIONAL FLINT OLASS EDWARD BOKKE Jf CO., 23S FeAVi Street,|W York. de8criptloiis (f Is Prepared to Execute -North Carolina » Direct T«x of ISei. August 8, 1861, a direct tax was *• several States and Territories, ■Ethem pro rsta, according to xft* amount* received by the »P »> Sept. 30, 1865, i&S&ASflS** tl.146.W6 24; "‘T® 83‘ Connecticut, $201,- gj^OOO; Minnesota, ig^foniia. miMs’u ! l v'cr. tin,420 27 ; tS8,16S 82 i tire M - “’‘aC t*.- Tertitory.” Arl Tlle gf gross af Unitwrianlam New Movements in Nero York. The Unuarians of New York at ® re Rijtog. “ew signs of activity, the Ghnsti&n Inquirer, comas out handsome form, and it hai the x‘ Unitarian clergy here as editors, soeiation has been formed, aqc meetings ; and measure^ wore *• form a Sunday School ° lectures r‘— J the oew ’ teis. pr«' *' * t Boston, ...NewTsrk, , .. .Philadelphia. >har'.es st...Baltimore. •’A. KEITH, Jll. &80N- Cincinnati. W With Neataess, 4ccuracy and Dispatch. H O sb3stx> nsr Vo-erna oxtmmxts OR »s vieiaity heir organ, * new sod corps of lb* iS- regular week to rarse of lORBSSj ...... .vIEvuliMII >®ONA*r'iSON ft DUNBAR,'Agents. y koa*»*wm*'r ittentto. ■ tf- oct IS uxen Our Materials are of the Latest and Finest Style Make—enabling us to turn out all Work entrusted t in a -m«imer that will give the fuUept satisfaction. We Are now, andvWiil continue to S^fo, well sup- ,y seven leading Unitarian minis- jdb.v on Sunday evenings, at Cooper .iiute. The Unitarians have lately raised nearly three hundred thousand dollars for mis sionary purpose*. Death of Rer. H W. Snchachel. t Philadelphia, Dec. 14. Rev. Henry W. Duchachet, of St. Stepffiena’ Church, was found dead in his study this morning. Nothing was so much dreaded in oar school boy days as tube punished by sitting between two girls. Ah, the* force of education I Ia after years we learn to submit to Rucfejbing* Varnish for sale by tbs in nr. smith a ro. CQ plied with all the various Colored' JQ ample stock of Cards of every size and & fwjj quality, as also every desertion of Plaui 1 swa ^Paper, suitable for Job Printing in r O<3ftLAnd pauc/ Colored Printing done Wit SANDPAPER,WHITE LEAD lcb> ' CHAEDSOjH ft BARNARD, to Uikft of the matter, to without sh«dding a tear. 5 r.-T m 1 IlM