Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 27, 1865, Image 3

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* SAVANNAH NATIONAL REPUBLICAN, WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 27. 1866. m "local matters. Mr l0„. Iiakklnv Attar uroad iBHi-twi Pin*"' »■»»•»- Wounded. OnCbrtilmM xlteruoon quite » •.Moo, «lrr»r occurred .i Ih. corn.r of We.t U'«-* *»<* »•!■>• nreeu. in -hioU UHrJ P*"»“ «" oueljr injured. A. f« - « »"• b«o .bl. to .ether them, the f«U »™ “ f »" 1, aoeme that the "*>Ukej demoo, usual, >u .t If. bollom of ,U U» trouble. A party of wbtt* liilucnoo of liquor, Muulud »colored wan who ,11 freoeebljr puling nlong tbi etreet. The roloreJ men. to neonp, the fur, of the mob ru.b.J lu'roee the itront nnd nought rnfngn In • rru.-crr .torn, where b. wne olo.elj pnr.u.d by ; h , maddened orond, one of whom uttempt.d to Joel the oolorod mnn n powerful blow with [ioce of out-iron wblob he held in hi. her The terrified men menegod to dodgo the fentlul t,...w. A white women, .e!d*to be the proprle „ of tho .tore, who wee etendiog neer by et ,be time eipoetuletlng with tho pertle. end on deMorinl to reitore hermony, reooired the blow ,,f tho nti.elle eluted et the oolorod men', heed „,j toll ncuieloil to the floor .weltering In e pool f blood whioh oo.ed freely from e terrible end - ir leered mortel guh In her heed. the nowa of the ueualnetlon ereeted inteoao excitement, end reiultod In inoreeetng the fury of the mob egelnel the nnoffendiug colored men. „!io, while attempting to oeoepe from tho etore, we. act upon, foerfhlly beaten end mortally Blab bed. rho infuriated erowd eeerned to have aetla trad their thirat for human blood after the et. loal ],t to perpetrate two murdera. The Poliot reached tho acono of the dlaturbeuoe end mode revere! errant., but whether the guilty pertle. Implicated in thole etrocloua outrage woro b cured or not, wo wore unable to ascertain.- I’rior to thia lavage affair, auroral amallor rowa occurred in the aame looality, recalling in tho maiming end braining of aererel peraona. Wo ainccroly treat that auoh an example will be made of the perpetretora of thoae Inhuman and bloody deeda, that it will teaoh othera almllarly diipored that intoxication will proro no oloak fr, murdera and other henlona Crimea—an aot of atrocity committed under auoh inflaenoe8 may j,,but itoanuot,and ehould not, exonorato the culprit. Private Denaountratlono Among the many festivities of Christ ians night it affords ns much pleasure to chronicle the demonstration at. tho house of our enterprising citizen and merchant, Mujor L. Stuart, who gave a party to a select tew of his friends. The entertainmeu t opened by a splendid display of fire-woi ks consisting of rockests roman, oandles spilling wheels, blue lights, Ac., ad in/ini. during which he was serenaded by the excellent hand of tho 12th Maino llegt., after which the band was most eloquently addressed by a young lady of Savannah per proxy, and then invited to partake oi the Major’s hospitality, which is only equaled by his enterprise ns - merchant, niter which tho party in dulged in the pleasures of Terpsi chore until the wee sma' hour of tho night, wlton all separated in the best spirits, and many to remember in after life the pleasures of a Christmas night in Dixie Similar demonstrations were made at the residences of quite a large number oi our citizens, and it was really refreshing to witness such a general jubilee among till classes. Irish Poplins, very handsome, in Plaid and Solid Colors, from 00 cents upwards, at UE3CHEK & CO’S, 13 Barnard street. Complimentary Dinner to the In mates of the Post Hospitul en Christinas Day, This complimentary and cliaritAblo affair came off under circumstances of ^ratifying eclat, at the Post Hospi tal, on Cluistmas Day — the gen eral management being in the hands of Northern ladies, who spared no effort in the successful accomplishment of their laudable purpose. We regret that owing to tho crowded state of our col umns, and the length of the Lamar trial, we have not tho necessary space this morning to give the details of the excel lent dinner and the speeches, songs, &c which were delivered during tho proceed ings, but wo shall endeavor to do so to morrow. yard, By Telegraph. WASHINGTON GOVEHNOU HOLDEN BELIEVED. .AT THE THE PBKSIDENT PLEASED WITH] HiS COURSE. LETTER FROM GOVERNOR ORR, OF SOUTH CAROLINA, TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE, *o„ Sc., So. QUEENWARE HOUSE, 109 Broughton Street Washington, D#o. 23- The Secretary of War, by the direction of tho President, bus addressed a letter to Governor Worth, of North Carolina, informing him that Provisional Governor Holden had been relieved, and directing him to deliver the papers connected therewith to Worth. Secretary Seward, in a oommunloatlou to lloldon, covers the President’s acknowledge* ments for the fidelity, loyalty and disoretion whioh has marked Holden’s administration. Secretary Seward has received a letter from Governor Orr, of South Carolina, in the name of thopoople of that State, returning thanks for the SAVANNAH, CA., tender of co-operation of the Government, when found neoessary In effeoting an early restoration of thopormanont prosperity and wolfaro of tho State. You may bo assured, he adds, of my unalterable purpose to aid in upholding tho snpremaoy </ the laws of the United States and of advancing tho honor, interest and pro«perity of our common country. t Tlio Steamer Swan for Aagasta. This well known steamer having been recently extensively repaired, is receiving freight at I’a- delford’s wharf, for Augusta, and will have dis patch. The Swan, in connection with the steamer P. B. Goodsell, will form a semi-weekly line, and it is anticipated that another boat will be added to the route. Freight will be reoeiyed et all times in the Brick Warehouse on tho wharf, covered by in surance. Mr. M. A, Cohen, Agent. Black Alpaccas at 40 cents, at RESCII- I Eli & CO’S, 13 Barnard stroet. Egg Nogg from **Our House.*' On Christmas morning the proprietors of that popular resort—"Our House’’—very generously sent down to oar office a present to oar aUuchea in the shape of some delioloas egg nog. The general expression of opinion was decidedly in in its favor by those who enjoyed the pleasure of drinking it. Accept our thanks, gontlemen, for your considerate attention. Embroidered Handkerchiefs at 25 cents, at RESCHER & CO’S, 13 Barnard street, Recovery of a Stolen Horse, On Sunday last, Mr. P. Cody, Detective Officer of tho Bureau of Refugees, Ac., succeeded in re covering a horse which had been stolen from Hr. Eli Pittman, by a man named Munio, and the animal has been restored to its luoky owner, whose ears are no longer ringing with the pro voking salutation, " ’Ere’s your mule." English Calicoes at 25 cents, at RESCUER & CO’S, 13 Barnard street. (2d Door from Bull btroet,) IA large and elogaut addition has been made to the already well assorted Stock of Goods AT THIS ESTABLISHMENT, Among which are some articles very suit ablo ns presents for the Hobdays, such from tlie Steamer Comet. -y The steamer Ella arrived at this place yes terday, with 346 hales Upland cotton from the sunken steamer Comet, which was sunk on ihe Ocmulgee on tho 2d of December. We wero pleased to recognize on tho Ella our old friend, Capt. Wilson, the mate of tho Comet, who is now connected with the Ella. Black Broad Cloth, very flue, at $4 00 per vard, at RESCUER & CO’S, 13 Bar trd street An Affray. Yesterday aftornoon an att'ray occurred at the lower* end of Liberty street, in which sev eral colored gentlemen used the most insulting language to a well known and worthy citizen, but they decamped after receiving a severe ad monition. at French Merinos, 31 00 per KESUHER «fc CO’ft, 13 Barnard street. Soluuion’N JLodgo No. 1, A. E. M. At the annual communication of this Lodge, held on last Thursday evening, the 2lBt inst. the following brethren were elected to serve lor the year A. L. 5866: P. M. Richard T. Turner, W. M. liro. John Nicolson, S. W. Bro. John Foley, J. W. Bro. Jas. Lacklison, jr., Treasurer. Jlro. J. Holbrook Estill, Secretary, Bro. John A. Urqnhart, S. D. Bro. Hermann L. Schreiner, J. D. Bro. William F. Parker, Tyler. Blankets for cold weather, should it ever arrive, at RESCHER <& CO. ’S, 13 Barnard street. FANCY BOTTLES, STAT0ETTES, Porcelain AND BISQUE FIGURES And a great variety of FANCY TOILET GOODS. ELEGANT JEWELRY, FINE SILVER WARE, AND HIGH FANCY GOODS. Christmas and N"©w Year’s Gilts. TO SELECT PRESENTS FROM A SPLENDID STOCK JUST NOW IS THK TIME OPENING AT HAMILTON’S, CORNER CONGRESS AND WHITAKER STREETS. A large invoice of FIRST CLASS QOODS, mported direct Irom the manufacturers, expressly for this Establishmeut, consisting in part of FINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, of the most celebrated makers, AMERICAN and FOREIGN manufacture. CLOCKS, PLAIN end ORNAMENTAL, for Office and Parlor use. THK LATEST STYLE OF JEWELRY, u superb assortment. SILVER WANE of exquisite WORKMANSHIP uud WARRANTED to be of the pure metal Wheeler and Wilson’B NOISELESS SEWITSTQ MACHINES. WATCHES and .1EWELRY NEATLY REPAIRED by experienced Workmen at the shortest notioe. CHRONOMETERS RATED BY TRANSIT. Cash paid for old GOLD and SILVER, at HAMILTON’S, decll—Imo CORNER CONGRESS AND WHITAKER STREETS. WANTS. COTTON PLANTATION WANTED. SEA ISLAND PREFERRED. particulars, Savannah dec22- Iw Address Box 495, with hill Poet Office. TO DRY GOODS SALESMEN. WANTED A THOROUGH experienced man perfectly conversant with the trade, a pply to A. RESCUER A CO.. doc2o—tf 13 Barnard et., cor. Congress lane. situation wanted. A YOUNG MAN, twentyTyears old, of excellent business qualifications, and who has had consid erable experience asu talesman, In a first-class North ern Bouse, desires a jiermancnt situation. The best of recommendations fu'nlshed as to Integrity nnd ability. Address W. B. H* at this office. decli)-tf WANTED r -ty of respectability nnd position, a Parlor i’wo Bedrooms adjoining, furnished well wltl. privilege of cooking; or Board in a desirable family for two adults ana two children. Please ad dress “Boarding," office of this Paper, stating terms, Ac., Ac. novl4—tf B RAILROAD NOTICE8. Central Railroad. Mi peri n tendon t’u Office, > Savannah, Nov. 19th, 1865.f This Company is now, In connection with W. J. Di r kcrson A Co.'s Wagons, prepared to receive and forward to Augusta, Macon, Atlanta, Ac., dally, from Twunty to Thirty Thousand Pounds of Freight, and go through lu from three to rive days. Ship Freight and other expenses must be paid by ors. Jroad Freight can be paid here or at destination. Freights on Perishable Goods must be prepaid. Rates to Augusts, until further notice, will be, per foot 50 cents; per 100 lbs., $2 00. By order of GEO. W. ADAMS, General Superintendent. Ship] Public Sale OF GOVERNMENT PROPERTY. Will be sold to the highest bidder, for cash, on WED- | NKSDAY, Dec. 27th, at 11 o'clock, A. M : ' Three Lathes, Oue Hoistini . & One Drill Pi Machine, 'ress, One lot Iron, Five Boilers, One lot Shafting anti Pulloys, One lot Lumber. The sale will take place at the Eastern Wharves City of Savannah. W. R. GARUARI), dec25—3t Asst. Special Agent Treas. Dcp't. m L’0i\ PAitm nmm If not call and examine the splendid assortment of Erench. GRYSTAUZEB FRUITS AND Oo nfectionery Imported direct hy W. w LINCOLN, Monument Square, ronsisting in part of— Assorted .tallies, French, Abricots Glace, Pato dc Abricots, Nougat, Mfgnons. Macaroons. Pate do Franibolscs, Angeliqnc Ulaclc. Itobbory at tho Government Corral. On last Monday night the Guveramsnt Corral, corner of Iloynolds and Broughton atroets, was brokon into by several thieves, who, by tearing down the fence auooeedod in stealing two valua ble mules, one of whioh was subsequently re captured the same night. The next night they tried the same game, bat were completely blocked in their purpose upon finding them selves in the hands of the officers of the law, who took them to the guard house and locked them up. Cloaks, Bhawls, &o , in endless variety, at KESCHER «fc CO.’S, 13 Barnard street Central Railroad—Change of x TI»io, IS to. It will be seen by an advertisement in another column, that after to-moirow, a daily train will leave for Augusta at 0 A, M., connecting with a line of hacks to Lumpkin, on the Augusta aud bavunnah Road, The staging will be reduced to twenty-two miles. The passage is $12 50. Kid Gloves, a fine assortment Jouvina’ aud Alexander’s make, at 32 per pair, at RESCUER & CO.’B, 13 Barnard street. Nteumer Fannie. The steamer Fannie was prevented by the weather from leaving yesterday, but will sail this morning at 10 o’ofook. in future the regular vUy of Riling will be Tuwday, . ' CAUL dec2B—8t TO-DAY. Yoi.iis ,V Mtekiin, 53d street, and Second Avenue, New York, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In all kinds of Lumber, Manufacturers of Mould ing*, Nash Door*, Rltuda and Box Shooks. Turning in all Its branches. Books containing Pat terns of Moulding sent on application. dec25 ly OOISTDIil ustbetd MILK. IT res h. Arrival. ri'HE Agents have just received by steamer Consti- JL tutlon, arrived to-day, a fresh lot of MILK Of the old Brands heretofore sold by them M. J• SOLOMONS A CO., dec21-tf Jones’Block, Bay street. Picked Up N tbepavnnnah River. 5 miles this side of’ Purys- burg, One Bale Of Cotton, marks nearly intended. Any person coming forward, proving property and paying expense*, can have the Mine by o oblil We have also on hand a largo assort ment of French, Euglish and Bohemian WARE, CONSISTING OF Dinner, Tea, Cologne and Liquor Sets. JOBBERS and DEALERS from all parts of the Country are invited to ex j amino our Wholesale Stock, I Which includes packages containing complete assortments, put up expressly 1 for Country Trade Which we are prepared to dispose of at lowest New York prices, and to ^fcioU we invite the attention of Country Mer chants and others. ASSORTED (.'HATES OF WH1TH Mil WAP COMMON WARE WHITE.GRANITE AND COMMON WARE E. D, Smyth & Co N. B.—Good* rtj-jpaaked to suit pur chuers. ,det)2S AN election for Seven Directors for the ensuing year will bejheld at the office cornerjof Bull and Bay streets, on MONDAY, the first day of January next, between the hours of eleven nnd one o'clock. FRANCIS T. WILLIS, President. dec20—mwACtd CAUTION. .^Merchants shipping goods by stenmer Clarion, are notified that tho freight bills arc PAYABLE ONLY to our authorized Agent. dec23—4t C1IA8. L. COLBY A CO. Railroad House Restaurant. BAR-ROOM & BARBERSHOP On Bryan Street, Johnson Square, SHIPPING. NEW ROUTE TO SOUTH-WESTERN GEORGIA VTA SUNHUR Y AND STATION NO. 4 A TLA X TIC .v (J ULF RAILROA D. THE new, swift steamer O. F. Poller will leave her wharf foot of Abercorn street, on every MON DAY, WKDNE.DAY and FRIDAY, at 7,V o’clock A M., connecting at ^unbury with a line of Stages Tor No. 4 A. R. Passengers hy this route will arrive at Station No. 4 in time to take the trnin for Thomnsvlllo the following day, connecting at'rhomnsvllleVlth rtageafor Mon- tlcello, Florida, and Albany, Georgia. Returning, pissengers will reach savannah on Tues days. Thumluys anu Saturdays. In time tor dinner. Time between Savannah nnd Thoransvllle, 80 hours. For imasage only, apply to UJIA 1 . L. COLBY A CO., dcc21— 1 in cor. Bay and Abercorn street, AUGUSTA A SAVANNAH KAILROAD, > ^Savannah, Dee. 20tb, 1865. > For Doctortown AND TIIOMASVILLE. THE steamersGon. Sliepley* Orient and Clarion will miiKc Trl-weekly trips to DOCTORTOWN, running in connection with tho Atlan tic and Gulf Railroad, leaving Havnnnah on TUES DAYS, THURSDAY - and SUNDAYS, at 7 a. m. Through freight pnyuble by shippers at our office. Freight will be received during the week and stored free of expense. For freight or passage, apply to CIIAH. i. COLBY A CO., FOR SALE. 8HIPPING. OiJAJSJGFE OF DAY. UNITED STATUS KAIL. LINE. For Pdlatka, Fla., VIA DARIEN, HHUNS WICK, ST. MARYS. FERNANDINA, JACKSON VILLE AND VlCOLATA. AUCTION 8ALES, =p— ■ ■ . '-Tyrygsss: Side-Wheel Iron Ste&msnip Annie -A.t .Aaiction. nv BBLt, WYLLV A I JIUISTIAN. On SATuitDAY, Deo. Blllh. 1MI., at 12oTlock. M., will be sold in front of I ho Exchange, on Bay, fronting Bull street: The fikde-wheel Iron Steamship Annie, 250 tons harden, 103 feet long. 21 feet beam, 11 feet J ith of hold, drawing light, f*M feet; tog.-thcr with hertackluaud nppnrcl nnd two pood Boats, Pn- :ln«s, Anchors, Hawsers, Tools, Rubber Bose. Ac.— 'ermsensh. dec27-4t THE well known steamer, formerly tho St. Johns, bull now the Helen Colly, Captain O. It. In graham, will leave tho Wharf foot of West Broad stieet every SATURDAY MORNING, at 10 o'clock, A. M., precisely, for the above Landings. For freight or passage, apply on board or to L. B. BENNETT, Agent, cor. West Broad and Bay streets. AGENTS—Darien, A. A. DcLormo. Jacksonville, J. 8. Samis A Co. l’alntka, U. R. Tcasdale. Freight payabU by shlppcra. oct25 UNDERWRITERS’ SALE. BY BELL, WYLLY A CHRISTIAN. THIS DAY. ut 10 o’clock, in front of store, will be sold for account of Underwritent and all con- ccrned: One case, 00 pair Misses' Congress Gaiters. Damagadon board steamship Nightingale from New York to this Port, and sold under inspection of Port Wardens. Terms cash. dec27 Regular Weekly Steamer BETWEEN SAVANNAH :and DOCTORTOWN, Connecting Regularly nnd Punctually with Atlantic A Gulf Railroad. Under writers’ Sale. BY BELL, WYLLY & CHRISTIAN. THI9 DAY, at 10 o’clock, In front of store, will be sold for account of whom it may concern i Two boxes Hardware. Damaged on board of Btenmcr Savannah, sunk In in F’ • •• • — favunnai Agent. THE new, light draft, Iron, side-wheel steamer Two Boys, (mate boat to Win. G. Gibbons,) Capt. Thos. Daniels, having superior nccommodatlon for Freight and Passengers equal to any of the Ocean steamers, will ply regulurly l»elween the nbovo points, Leaving Savannah every TUESDAY MORNING, at 8 o'clock; Leaving Doctortown every THURSDAY MORNING. It is the desire of the owner* of the Two Boys to make her an Accommodation Boat for the Mer chant* of Savannah nnd tho Merchants and Planters nlong the line of the Atlantic A Golf Road, until the completion of t hat Rond, and with this object in view, no effort will l>e spared on the part of her Owners, Agents and officers to meet tho wants of the freighting and travelling public. Freight stored In our Warehouse, on Dillon’s wharf, free ofcharge. ERWIN A V \RDEE. D. JAMBS DILLON, Agcut nt Doctor* . dec!2—2w A uction ! Auction ! ! 1STew Year ^Presents. DKI.I., WYI.I.Y A CHRISTIAN Will offer for salo at 11 o'clock, In front of stores JewePy of all kind, Photographic Albums, and Presents suitable for New Ycur. rale Positive. dec27-lt Viulcrivriters> Sale. BV BELL, WILLY Ac CHRISTIAN, THIS DAY, Dec. 27th, at 10 o’clock, in frontofstor*, will be sold for account of underwrite:* and, all concerned; 2' bbls Flour. Damaged on board of brig Potomac from New York, aud sold uuder inspection of Port Wardens. dec»7 Underwriters’ Sale. YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRE A CO. THIS DAY, at 10 o’clock, In front of store, will be sold: 49 boxee Soap. Damaged on board the steamer Tyboe on her pa*- lagu from New Yotk to this port, and sold for account )tuni* “ * * ' For Palatka, Fla., VIA FERNANDINA AND JACKSON VILLE. The new, exceedingly fast and splendid steamer City Point Capt. L.M.Coxctter.will leave Telfair's wharf, as above, every WEDNESDAY, at 4 P. M. Tho City Point was built by her present owners without regard to cost, her state rooms and cabins being furnished In the most luxurious manner. Good* to bo forwarded can be stored during the abseuce of the boat.. For freight or passage, apply to R. W. ADAMS, or J S. CUBRUTI1ERS, decC—mtwtf Hodgson’s Range. Bav street. next door to Bell, Wylly & Christian. CHANGE OF DAY. FREIGHT AND PASSAGE REDUCED For Jacksonville, INLAND, VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MAIIYS AN9 FERNANDINA. FOR BALE LOW TO WiiidUp Ail Estate. VALUABLE FARM, 61-2 Mi!es from Augusta, C ONTAINING fl80j One Hundred and Eighty Acres, more or less. About flOOj Ono Hundred acres of it In valuable wood ; a good Dwelling with (7) seven Booms, Stables, Carriage House, and (T) seven Furin Buildings. To a party desiring a good healthy, comfortable House, within 50 minutes’ drive ofaz ugusta, the above place offer* superior inducements. For full particulars enquire of CHAS. L. OOLBY A OO. nov7 cor. Abercorn and Buy streets. STEAMER FANNIE, Capt. W. T.McNclty, will leave ns above from Florida Steamboat wharf, foot of West Broad street, on TUESDAY next, 26ih inst., nt It) a. m., aud will coutinuo to leave every Tuesday following, at 8 mo hour, until further notice. This boat Is in fine condition, commanded by officers of experience, and has superior state room accommo dations for passengers. While the boat is on her trips freight will bo received nnd Htoaod in fire-proof warehouses freo of expenso. For freight or patsage apply to F. M. MYRELL, Agent, Harris’ Building, Biy street, or to dec2‘2 Bmo W. JOHNSON, on wharf. For Hawkinsville AND MACON, 17.-1 DARIEN, DOCTORTOWN AND LANDINGS ON THE A I,TAMA RA AND OCMa.GEE RIVERS. Matilda Taylor* R espectfully informs tho public that the above establishment is m»w prepared to furnish Oysters, Fish, Game, Ac., at all hours. Dinners and Suppers will l>e furnished at the shortest notice, nnd sent to any part of the (lty. Wines of all kinds and of the very best, always on hand. In addition, four Dining Rooms have been fitted up in the neatest style for the accommodation of Ladles nnd Gentlemen. Excellent Cooks nnd accommodating Walters in at tendance attached to tho Restaurant. Extra Dining, Setting and Bed Rooms. A Barber Shop, with competent Barbers, is also con nected with the House. All customers will have their private Gujuj, with their names on. Transient Boarders and Travelers will flu d It to their advantage to call. This Shop charges only 15o. for Shaving. Tho patronage of tho public Is solicited. dcc2a-tjl ABRAM BBA8KLY, Superintendent. For Sale. A Sea Island Cotton Plantation. C ONTAINING aboutFSOncrcs open Land,‘and about 1,1 iiO acres IMno and Hammock Lund ; sit uated on H»i>elo River, about 7 mile* from the Ocean and 14 miles from D irien, McIntosh county. Also a Cotton Plantation con'jiluing about 4,300 acre* of land, 800 acres open and under cultivation. Also a Residence on the savannah. Albany & Gulf Railroad. Tho House contains 0 comfortable Rooms, and is nearly new. The Lot contains about 12 acres.— The Garden contains mauy choice fruit tree*, and these estates are In all respects worthy the attention of persons seeking genteel aud healthy Residences. All of which I will sell low for cash. For terms, apply to M. B HOLLAND, Darien, declS—lot McIntosh County, Georgia. StoeLiiaer OaDs., Cunt. McCauley. Freight will be received for this Boat daily at old Florida Steamboat Wharf, foot of West Broad street, nnd stored In tire-proof Warehouses free of chnrge. By this arrangement, parties having freight to ship can save the expenses of double druyage nnd etorug' For freight, Ac , apply to J. B. PUE9DEE, Agent, 109 Broughton street. F F. MYKKLL. dcc23 Harris’ Building, Bay street. For Sale. T HE stock, good will and fixtures of the Grocery of the late firm of W. II. SIIHRWOOI) A CO., are ofl'ered for sale. For terms, Ac., apply at the store, comer Jefferson nnd Broughton streets, under St. Andrew's Hall. dec22 JOHMMTIBAB& CO., STEAM PACKING BOX MAKERS Nos. 134 A 120 Worth st., (ono Bast of Broadway.) NKW YORK. All kinds of Boxes dono up In shooks, for Southern Lradc, at low rates for cash. dec4—:im watches; JEWELRY, SILVER & PLATED WARD, FANCY GOODS. T HE undersigned respectfully calls tho attention of the citizens of Savannah and tho visitors from the Country, to hla well sclectod stock of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Spectacles, Revolvers and Pistols, of the most celebra ted manufacturers. _ . . . Particular attention paid to tho Repairing of Watches, Jewelry and Clocks. Having none hut competent workmen engaged, satisfaction Is garran- A. HAR1G, dec25—Cm cor. Broughton A Whitaker street* For Sale. J UST received from Prince Edward's Island, per schooner Clara Ellen: 0,1)00 bushels Black Seed Oats for planting; 5\ooo bushels Jackson Potatoes, best eating Potatoes known. B. BRADLEY, dcc22 0 190 Bay street. FOli SALE. „ A NEAT and commodious Cotlng-c* with Brick out House* on same lot, situated on Roberta street, Itobertavllle, will be sold if applied for at an our'y date. Price At Henry Wayne's Stables, West Broad street, novi'i tf Prunes-Figs-Nuts. too biL Bordeaux Brunei, Pane; Boxee. 200 emeu Drame cbolco Cln, ... 30 bbli Alraondu, Walnut, and 111 W' 1 ' For Sale, O NE splendid 4 or 0 Horse Wagon with Harness to match. Bnquiro at HENRY ’ / WAYNE’S STABLE■*, cor Y’orkand West Broad st*. For Sale. -I Q FIRKINS choice llutter. X O oil AS. L. COLBY A CO., nov!4-tf cor. Abercorn aud Bay street*. Hilton fa Kandell . RF now offering nt tho lowest mnrket pi xm. O’* and S's Patent Mould •rices Can For Augusta AND WAY LANDINGS ON THE RIVER. STEAMER UNION, Capt. H. D. Frazier, will have quick despatch as above. Freight received and storeu in fire-proof Warehouse on old Florida Steamboat Wharf, foot of West Broad street. For freight, apply to F M. MYRELL, Harris' Building, Bayst eet. dec2J ortoW. JOHNSON, on Wharf. River, and sold by order «f Under writer** dec27 Jndei writers and all concerned. dcc27 YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIREdc CO. THIS DAY, at 10 o’clock, in front of store, will be sold; 80 boxes Candles, Adamantine. 50 do Kerosene Oil, in 5 gal. cans, 2 cans In a box. 40 boxes Lemons, In good order. 8 lUios Bacon rhoulders. 10 do do Sides. 3 tierces Bacon Shoulders, Sugar Cured. 10 bbls Pig Hams. 20 boxes Oswego Starch. An Invoice of Dry Goods. ALbO, 1 fin* Buggy- dec2T IIY HLUN & MEYER. TO-MORROW, 28th lust, at 10 o’clock, u. m., will b* sold In front of store: 2 hhds. Smoked Bacon Sides. 2 blids. Sugar Cured Uanip. 30 bbls. do. do. do. Shoulders and rides. 8 hlids. Shoulders. DC firkins choicest Family Butter, 50 tubs Leaf I ard. f>0 bbls. Onions, lu casks Vinegar. 40 boxes Soap. ALSO, An luovice of Dry Good? and Small Wars. BESIDE' A good assortment of Furniture, Ac. dec27—8t LIQUORS, Sugars and Tobacco AT AUCTION HY HELL, WYLLY * CHRISTIAN. On WEDNESDAY, December 27. 19*15, at 12 o'clock* will be sold at the Warehouse of -Messrs. O'Fallon A Co., corner of Bay and 1 incoln streets, for account of whom it may concern: 250 dozen Right Bower ‘■ tnoklng Tobacco. 78 do. two oz. Big Lick do. do. 36 do. four ox. do. do. do. do. 610 half pound bales Violet do. do. lion i ne pound bales Violet do. do. 18o dozen two oz. Manilla do. do. 1(0 yrosa Tin Foil Talisman Chewing Tobacco. 9,800 Henry Clay "uaiilsh .-egars. 5 300 London Punch ao.' 4,100 Caoba do. do. 10 eighth casks Penct, Custillon A Co., 1849 Brandy, warranted pure and genuine; a fine article, with ( ertlflcatc. Duty paid. 60 Demijohns Pure Hollnud Gin. Duty paid. 75 uric* Brandy, in Bond. Terms caah. dcc25 Auction! Auction 11 svxnr Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday Evenings, At fitorp on Uroiighton^t.,Third Door from Doll W HERE will be offered a general assortment of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hosiery, Under Clothing, Books, Yankee Notions, Jewelry, Ac., Ac., nt the purchaser’s own priccp. Terms cash. Sale* positive. r dec!—lm TO RENT. FOR RENT TWO store* on Bay street; also, a larg* | lot on Indian street. Apply to DAVID R. DILLON, 10 924 Bay street. Booms to Iterit, TT'URNISHEO or unfurnished, with or without P Board; apply on South Broad street, third door East of Barnard, north side. dec7—tf For Augusta. iZFL. EC. MAY This steamer draws only twenty-eight (28) Inches, and at the present stage of tho river, offers superior Inducements to shippers Freight received at all times and stored free In fire-proof warehouse at old Charles ton Steam Boat Wharf. For freight engagements, apply to J. M. KIN’TILEY, Aacnt, doc4—tf office at Charleston Wharf. Offices to Rent. D ESIRABLE Offices toReut over store com*r Bay and Barnard streets, Enquire of UOV14 LaHOwIIE, GADEN A UNCKLKS. FOR BENT* TWO ROOMS, FURNISHED, to let to gentlemen. Apply at this office. For Liverpool. The fine new dipper 'ship .13 r e a cl it a u g li t, SMITH, UOMMANDEli, Having thrcc-ronrtha of hut cargo engaged, will have quldc despatch. For freight or passage, apply to C. L. COLBY A CO., cor. Bay nnd Abercorn street*. Liberal advance* will bo made on consignment* to our friend* In Livorpool. dec9u—tf A 200 bza. dies- , , _ lOO bxa. superior Adamantine Cau dle*. 25 bbls. extra W. W Vinegar. 25 bblN. Porto Rico MolaseeH. to bbl*. Copperas. 100 bxs, Colgate* and Hall’s Soane, at tbeoldstsnd, * BAY bTB&ffT, For Liverpool. FIRST VEN8EL.—Thcohlp MONT BLANC want* about eix Hundred Bales Cotton to complore her cargo. Enquire of LsROcBK A WEST, or GADEN AUNCKLE*. LOST » Smell WHITE POODLE DOQ, highly petrol bj C. P. LOPEZ, DEALER IN SUGARS, TOBACCO PII’KS, &c., Cor. Bull st. & Broughton st. Lane, H AS Inst opened a largo and fine stock of Genuine Meerschaum Pipes, Imitation Meerschaum Pipes, Briar Root.Pipe*- Genuine Havana Segara, Of all kinds, Domestic segars, Walking Canes, fancy GOOD^, Sco., Which he is prepared to sell very reasonable. dec20—It NOTICE. by the cart to Insure attention. nov24 tf A*. accompanied MYRELL. A LADIES’ tingle Lao* Cliff, between and Gorton VroeU, on Barnard •treat The finder will confer a f*7or, and receive a suitable fta* w«4 MU Oub^eirort,