Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 27, 1865, Image 4

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SAVANNAH NATCUEAL REPUBLICAN /WEDNESDAY MORNING. D1 POETRY HI SOUTH. THE LMD »r c. r. e. Know n the lend where *»r«nl«tn.»nd ro.M In pWerioB ere wwuerwl by Flore', own Where tho violet in Innoeent heenty Anti the orengo entl lemon their fregrenco Tie thoUod of tho cyprcee, megoolle end plM, Where tho becoh end tho oek iu their mejoety Tie tho lend'of the olive, tho myrtle end vine, Tie the lend of tho South, 'lie my own sonny lend. Ah I yee, He tho lend where the mocking bird mimics Tho varied note songster?, so sweet and so bland s . . . Where glide on the waters the white-crested cygnets, And the wild curlew screams from her own native strand ; Tis the land with the eky of the roseate hue, And plains rich in verdure incossantly fanned Bv the zephyrs replete with the fragranoo they drew . , . . From the flowers that deck my own fair sunny land. ■Tie the lend of .flection, of honor *nd troth, Where tincerel, is offered by Friendship her hand; ,, , ’Tis the land of fair maidens and generous youth, . Who compose an accomplished and virtuous band. *Tis the land where e'en fairies would lovo to disport, Twould require no touch of their magical To make perfect the scene for the fairy qneen's court, . , L . . . . In this land of the Sooth, in this bright, sunny land. ’Tis the land whero our God haa boen bounte ous In giving To freemen a heritage, so glorious and grand, Where death is preferred to ignoble living, And graves that are honor’d to slavery’s brand. Our star-circled banner shall wave from Monnt Vernon To whero in its pride flows the swift Rio Grande ; While “Jo triumph*” will be the proud gnerdon, That shall bless with its peace our own sunny land. Cotton Firea In New York. In the year ending Novomber 30tli, 1861, the losses by lire in Now York, by official report, amounted to $1,520,680; in the next year, 1862, they are set down at $1,159,644; in 1803 at SI,325,268; iu 1864 at S4,67U,252; and between the lirot of December, 1864, and the 81st of May, 1866, the losses amounted to nearly as much as for the whole ofthe previous year, and to more than threo times the losses of 1863, namely S-4,052,448. Tho loss for the whole year, if wo reckon in the esti mated loss, is nearly seven million dollars —86,877,643. The greater part of this extraordinary loss (says the New York Post) has been caused by the careless storage and man agement of cotton. The cotton which now comes here is badly baled; it must be repressed, and often ropicked. It during these operations chiefly that the fire is communicated to the inflammable staple. The safety of the city requires that cotton, if it is to bo repicked, should be stored ontside the city limits. SAR '" e '""*****• Schreiner’s COLUMN SAVANNAH, bNCHMHKR 20. ARRIVED. Steamship A nitrite, Ntw York, Llndl, to Brig ham, Baldwin k oo. M L Steamship Lulu, Taylor, from Ntw Yotk ( hound for Mobile, hut In distress, *r ruP g a Ittk Pro 10th olT Capo Hatton* with a *’ AX go of assorted general marohandiao. Steamer City Point, Ooxettcr. 0b\ r | M ; O n, R W Adam*. Htaatucr llolan, Reilly, Aug^ta, Koln A oo. H'oamor Minnie Brand', Travis, Augusta, LaRoche A Wr*t. Steamer Kilo, — ■ , Dariao, M A Cohan. Steamer Orient. Ooldtbwalte, Doctortown, C L Colby A eo. Steoiuor Loyaliat, Hoffman, Darien, John K WKder. 8t«amer Fannie, McNcIty, Jacksonville, Ao, F M My rail. Steamer Clarion, Dootorlown, 0 L Colby A oo. U S a tumor Bibb, Bontelle, Port Royal. Bark Evening Star, Fry. Br bark Myrtle, Cummlna, London, Reid A Stuart. Brig Harp, Arey, Bangol, Horatio Pitoher, po- tatoea.and lumber. Flat* No 8 and 6, per ateamer Volunteer, from Aagmta. CLEAR SB. Steamer City Point, Coxetter, Cbarloaton, It W Adame. Steamer Cbaa Houghton, Sprague, Charles* Ion. Steamer Two Roy*, Denials, Dootorlown, Erwin A Hardee. A LBV’ every stylo of fliftsh, Plain xL and Turkey Moroeco. ACCORDEON8, a large lot, various sizes and prioes. Arnold’s superior Copying Ink. Protestant and Catholic, a splendid tisHortmout just received. Blank Books, Banjos and Banjo Strings. I'yIIESN MEN, a large invoice, Atlanta Items. Some one of oar citizens—the instances hav ing become so numerous that we have not space to mention them in detail—loses a cow, a mule or horse every night. Latterly thcro has existed a mania for driving otl* milch cows, and many families have been made to keenly feel the loss. For the information of his friends and rela tives we copy the following item from the Louisville Courier: A correspondent writes us, for tho informa tion of the friends of the deceased, that Col. C. P. Whaley, of Atlanta, Georgia, a mem her of Wharton’s cavalry, C. 8. A., died of wounds received at Stanford, Lincoln county, upon the withdrawal of General Bragg’s army from Kentucky. His remains were interred in the cometcry near Stanford. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Augusta Markets. Augusta, Dec. U8. Cottow—The market remains very tsteady, ttnd prices continue to bo ilrm. Good middling was •old jesterd»y at 42o. The sales Irom wagons were not heavy. Tub Moxet Maskbt—Gold was in good de mand yesterday. We quot^iir Brokers buying at 1.40 and soiling at 1.47- Silver buying at 1.42 and selling at 1.47. Hamburg Market. Ham»oru, S. O., Dee. 83. Lott ox—The Cotton market continues about the same as at last report, with prices Dorn 2la27 in gold, and from 80e89 iu ourrency. Atlanta Market. Atlanta, Dec 24. Factort Goods—Cotton Thread, $a <>Ua3 75; OanuburgH, 80c; 7-8 Shirting, 2tja2B; 4-8 Sheotiug fc4n37c per yurd. Col’ntrt Produce—Demand active. Corn by the car load, 91 40sl 45; and retailing at |i 40a 1 60; Meal, gl 50al 75 per bushel; Oats, 75a85c per bushel; Peus, 1 25al 80 per bushel; Butter, 40 a50c per pound. Bcoak—Brown, I8a22c per pound; C, 23a24c White, 2tta26c; Loot and Crushed, 27a28c. Galveston Cotton Statement. . Galvkston, Dec. 8. This Year. 1800-61. Block on band 1st Sept, 1865.. 13,857 8, Ilec’d at this Port this week... 6,667 8 226 Received at this port prev’ly..56,0l 1 62,5311 " at other port* 7,777 «,V62 65,885 „ Total 88,322 Exported to Great Britain ^ to date 13,857 11,400 Other Continental Porte. Hl4 Exported to N. Orleans..22,670 8,676 “ " New York. .28,244 17,2411 “ “ Boston 1125 60,454 0,37U 44,808 On band and on shipboard not cleared 2I 0tt6 VcpArtor. of Steamublpt and Steamer a FOR NRW rORR. 8teamahl^Zodiac, Wodnoaday, December 27th, at VOR CHARLMTON. Fteamer City Point, every Saturday morning, at ••clock. pteamer Charles Houghton, every Monday morning VOX AUGUSTA. Steamer Wm Q Gibbons, every Saturday at 0 o’clock. am. VOS DOOTOSTOWN. Steamer Cka Bhepley, every Sunday morning, at T ••flock. Mwn* Oriant, every Tuesday morning, at 7 „ Htearaer Two Boys, every Tuesday mornlug, at 8 ••clock. Hearner Clariom, every Tkuraday morning at T ••dock. ran valatka, vla. Pteamer Fountain, every Tuesday morning at 10 •••lock. iaSSF Cl * Polnt ’ tnir W,aMiv »l atMniar Lhtl. Dakar, mq Ttnndw morning at 10 o, clock. h,1w HtMfc* BWtHlOf at Memoranda. Steamer Ella reporta—December 22d, passed steamers Express at Ureanwuod’e Bar; Fannie tshr, at Buiwerd’s Bar; Amason, at MsBoan’s Reach; Falcon, at Shell Bloff. Deo. 23d—Mary Ella, at Prescott’s Reach; L Enos, at Dicks' Lookout, Gen Berry, at Poor Robin, Wm G Gibbons, at Lea’s Landing. Deo 24th—Standlsh, at 8isters Ferry ; Harry Carroll, Boykia Depot; Godsell, at Purysburg; 0 T Shepard, at Mulbor- ry Grove. Dahikn, Deo 23 —Sailed—Schooner Albert Thomas, Brandt, New York, loaded with ool- ton. Passengers Per steamship America, from New York—L A Falhgaot and wife, W Rloe and wife, W U Hayer, S S Pnrmolco, E W Brooks, R Dexter, W C Wood, A 6pilsar, W F Pippey, A Donets, Chai Rice, P W White, John Cardy, 8 W Sherman, John Brewster, M J Williams, James Davis, Nanoy Roilly J W Must, C W Bolton, and fivo iu steer*age. Per ateamer City Point, from Oherles* too—J Hamilton and wife, A T Droys- dell and wife, Mias Dryidell, W Dryadeli, J II Fowlor, Mr Welsh, M G Everett, Mr Curtis, U Wilaon, W B Roux, G C Dodge, W R Sherwood, M Hale, Maj Allen, J A Murphy, R Miller, U J Erst off. Per steamer Helen, from Augusta—Miss Ger trude Dillon. er steamer Miunio Brandt, from Augusta—B F C.unpedll, C M Howard, Mrs Reynolds and aon, Joo T Porter and 11 inon. Per ateamer Ella, from Augusta—Messrs, tip ping, Wardell, Tinkor, Wm M Tunna, Wilson, Butkley and servt, N W Jordon, W B ilodskins, U S Vols, aLd 16 deck, orew of wreck steamer Comet. Per steamer Fannie, from Jacksonville, Ao—E B Austin, Capt II It Howell, D Rosonthall and 1 on deck. Consignees Per steamship America, from New York—C Abroas A oo, T H Baldshew A co, Bernard A Kahn, Brigham, Baldwin A co, Chat L Colby A co, Cunniogbaffi, Purse A on, Central R R co. R Condon, J U Doppieh, M J Doyle, Einstein A Eokinan, A Fernandez, Fellner A Pollack, Danl Fiubigan, M Forat A co, Harriot E Gaylord, S Goodall, J as McGrath, CL Gilbert, J Gross A oo, 0 M Ualst, Uoloomb A oo, R Habersham A oo, Ue#Vl Ileidt, Jones A Way, A B Ives, Lithrop A co, Lovell A Latiimore, Lillienthal A Kohn, J Langsdorf A oo, W W Lincoln, James Leavy A co, Kenneth, MoLoa A co, M 8 Meyor, Miller, Thomas A oo, J McMahon A co, CL Neidlinger, G Oit, Jno Oliver, Patterson A Tuckor, Geo Paine, J B Rice, A A Solomon A oo, M J Solomon, S’.uart A oo, F W Shea, A M Sear- borough, E A Neil, S 8 Willy, Jas U Watts A oo, Adams Express oo, Brady A Sini'.b, T Bateson, Smith, Brady A co, A Cohen, Erwin A Hardee Goo C Freeman, Huntor A Gaminoll, W E Jes sup, Kein A co, J M Kincbley, R J Larcombe, Linville A Glceson, F M Myrell, P Reilly, C D Rogers, Southern Express co, Sohuster A Heineius, W H Stark, F W Sims A co, W II Stoele, J C Tumor, J Villalonga, Wright, Gibbs A co, E C Wade A co, John R Wilder, Perry A Loveridge, G W A G B Lamar, E W Hyatt, Geo T Niohols, Cieghorn A Cunningham, S P Harnil ton, Airs M B Basil, A A U P 8, M K, W II 0, R T Burch, John Daniels, Kennedy, J W Pierce, [S M L ] L 8 Bennett. Per stooDur Helen, from Augusta—Kein A oo, Boil, Wyliy;A Christian, John Luma, J K Reilly. Per steamer Minnie Brandt, from Augusta— LaRoche A West, J W Anderson, J R Wilder, R Habersham it Sons, Hunter A Gammell, Wm Bassinger, J McMahon, •V'right, Gibbs A co. Por strainer Ella, from Darien—Brigham, Baldwin A eo. Per stoumer Orient, from Doctortown—O’Fal lon A oo, A S Uartridgo, L Lovy, A G Brown, F A A I Janey, W II Stark, E C Wado, Dunoan A Johnson, A Bryant. Per steamer. Fannie, from Jacksonville, Ac Bryan, llartridge A oo, Tison A Gordon, Alex Campbell, Dr J C Haborshain, Miller, Thomas A oo, M U Williams, and others. Per steamer Clarion, from Dootortown—Tison A Gordon, J H Behn, J L Villalonga, A M Cohen A Bro, llobt Nox. Per flats No 6 and 8, from Augusta—O’Fallon A oo, F Sorrell, F W Sims A co, DU Baldwin A oo, Brevt Lieut Col E B Corling, and order. BUSINESS CAROS. z-ji-■ ■ ^rv : -.-»--±g——i General Commission .Q.-.imn. - rr F ^ RWARDINC MERCHANT S Oor. Weit Broad and Bay Streets. 4iEO BU9lt CARDS. War oh oi BANKING INSURANCE. tpar AND DEPOT FOR PrlnterR 1 Supplies. T HE undersigned have i partnership under the liisNNKTT * OO., at McH I have this day ontcrod into a co lor the name and stylo of MnKKK, ...... c . at McKee A Bennett’s old stand. Will koep constantly on hand a flue oseortmout of Carriage., Irella, Reekavays, Bngtfki. Haraeu and teach JTalf rial or overy OCKrlptluu, which wo Mil ul Urn Lowest Oaah trices. All work sold, warranted as represented. Wo have flnnHtore Rooms, and forwardinir will ho promptly at tended to. Consignments soil itod. Will open lyr 1st January Manufacturing and Re pairing Department, and will have Experienced Workmen and Choice Material, uud bo prepared to do any amount ofGnrriiiro Hcpalrlng. MolCKIt, BENNETT A CO. J.G. MoKRB, L8. BENNKTT, JAMES MoKEK. dec# l'\ \J Clocks, Children’s Toy Hooks, Catholic and Prostestant Prayer Books, . Colored Inks, Gii Cases, Children’s PuzEi68, Checker Hoards, Conversa tion Cards, Card Cases, Pearl, Leather, Papior Macl\e and Tortoise Shell, Cards, Visi ting and Playing, Checker Hoards, a large supply. D AVID’S CELEBRATED INK, Dime Novels, Diaries, all sizes, for 1BG0, Drinking Cups. i jWENPOINTED PENCILS, J Envelopes, largest stock in the city, Everything needed for the Holi days. F lutes, Flasks, oy Puzzles. Funny Hooks, Fan- G UITARS, Guitar Strings, Gold Pens, best quality, Glove Boxes, just the article for presents. Geo. H. Arledge, 72 BAY STREET. Between Abercorn & Lincoln Streets’, Savann h, Ga„ Grocer, f>lii ehandler, AND AQKNT FOll CARINGTON’S OILS,iSc.c Coneiatlug of the following: SPERM, WHALE, LAIID, KEROSENE an«l LINSEED OIL'S. URALKU IN Benginn, Tar, Pitch, SpLrita Turpoitiluc, and KomIii. Also, Agents for tlio celebrated Gruftou Mipera* Faints and Dealers In American Zinc, White I-cad Chrorao Green, Yellow, Prtu;B!an Blue, Verdigris* VarniBh, Ac, Ac. Orders filled with promptness and despatch tit tho Lowest JVKarkot Price. dcclO—lm Horses & Carriages TO LET. Exports. Por Ble&mflhip Constitution, for New syrup, York— and 30 747 bales upland cotton, 5 bbta pkgs mdse. For eteamBhip Loo, fur Now York—768 baloH upland cotton, 227 bales domestics, 36 pkgi fruit, and 4 pkgs mdse. For stoamship North Point, for Baltimore—69 bales ootton, 14 boxes furoituro, 29 oaskn rioe, 75 sacks dried fruit, 6 bbls dried fruit, 76 bbls bones, and sundries. Receipts. Fer stoamor Helen, from Augusta—230 bnlos upland cotton, 10 bales domestios, and mdze. For steamer Minnie Brandt, from Augusta— 657 bnlos cotton. Fer stoamor Ella, from Darien—345 bales oot ton, 1 bale wool, 3 boxes tallow, 3 bagafrut, 1 bbl turnips. Fer steamer Orient, from Doctortown—50 bales sea Island. 118 bales upland. Fer stoamor Fannie, from Jacksonville, Ac— l.»5 bales upland cotton, 41 do sea Island cotton. 30joow hides, and mdze. Fer flats No 6 and 8, from Augusta—153 bales cotton. For stoamor Clarion, from Doctortown- bales ootton. H 1IAIR BRUSHES, English, French, ami American manufacture, His tories, Ancient and Modern. 1 NDELBIBLE INKS, Lest quality, Ink stands, a choice selection, Initial Stampi Drinking Cujm, and Pencils, WAllltKN k I’LATNEK, Wliiiloaalc Doalorn in all kimlsof Writing Printing and Wrapping Papers, En- velopiw, Twine, and Paper (lags. Alio, Printers' Inks, Card, and Card Hoards. Having superior facilities for procuring Goods direct from tho Mntmliictorica, wo are enabled to compete with Now York 1’rices. Solo Aponte In this city for the Oath Paper "VX-ild for Rags and #11 kinds *>f Paper Stock; di'cO ' iTTTuuADr, WM. M. BMITU, a. t. BRADY, SMITH & CO. OommisaJ on AND forwarding Merchants, AND Manufucturers' AgentM NORTH tllDH OF BAY STIUtKT, Between Whitaker and Barnard, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Liberal ndvunces mode on consignments of Cotton, &c„ to tluiir friends In Now York and Boeton. References—Wm. K. Kitchen. Preet NaUonal Park Bunk, N. Y. ; II. O.Thnchcr A Co., Borton; Israel Co- lieu, Baltimore; Hall, Moses ACo.,Colhmbns; Wyman, .Mont n A Co., Montgomery. InwiniuoBi Afucy. Hccurlty Iiisiiranrc Conipany, Capital and ‘ urplus, $1,600,000. I’liccnW Iiisiiranrc ( oinpany, Capital and Surplus, $1,600,000. International Iiisiiranrc Company, Capital and Surplus, $1,200,000. ManliaUaii Insnranco Company, Capital and Surplus, $900,(KM). H|» k « UU»„, |„ Ihn olwvc hlKW/ ropuiwlblo Coiu- S mlea „n Dulldluga and McrtlmmllM of nil drmirlp. one, at the loweet rates, corresponding with the . Apply to rl8-4Jm ispondlng with the a. a. LANK, Agent, No. 12 BtoddnnlH Range, Buy street. DANIEL RIJTEEK would rftMpor.lfu'ly in form the public that ho is now prepared to liimiuh, at the shortest notice, HORSES MD CARRIAGES. First class Carrlagca rnn to the varloua Steamboat Ivory Penholder., India oml 10 11,0 B “ ilr< "" 1 1,01,01 ul ,ho lo ' vol,t India Combs J EWEL BOXES, Leather and Papior Alaohe, Jews’ Harps, Jewel ytuds. K ANE8, Komick Books, Kook Books, Kollurod Kalondors, Toy Books. L ADIES’COMPANIONS, Lubin’s Per fumes and .Soups, Latost Novels, Mucil- Musio -115 4000 Bushels POTATOES, Mnckuon Whites,} Just received per brigl Harp, on conslgumeut, from the . tutc of Maine. ALSO, BALDWIN APl’LENt CEDAH8HINGLEN, SPRUCE NCANTLINU. For sale by HORATIO PITCHER, dec?8 footof Lincoln eh, under the Bluff. Dissolution. T HCflrmof UBO0H8, HADHN A UNOKLES wu iI1«« t« ou Ihn in lost, by thr w |tlulr»w.l 01 bMln«M will b. comJnuod nndcr the n&ftic of GADJIN Jb UNOKLES at the old stand corner of Buy and Barnard street*, I. D. La- Rochc retaining an office with us for thooreaent. ISAAO D. LaRoUHE, BENJAMIN O. GADEN, DAVID B. UNOKLES. Bav&nnoh, Nov. 16th, 1640. 50 and Letter Presses. M ourning stationery, lage, various sized bottles, Folios, Magazines. N ail brushes, New Books. O PERA GLASSES, finest lens, in Pearl, Ivory and Leather Cases. P OCKET ALBUMS, Pencil Sharpeners, Pocket Books, asplcudid stock, Pre sentation Albums, iu velvet, Tur key Morocoo and Fancy Bindings, Pianos, Puff Boxes, Pons, gold and steel, largest assortment in Georgia; Photographs, plain and colored; Pipes, Plated Spoons and Forks, Perfu mes, Pootical Works, Pa per Cutters, Paint Boxes, all sizes; Pocket Mea sures, Pencils, plain and fancy styles; Pa per Weights, Pocket Kuives. Q UITS, Queen’s Dissected Puzzles, just the thing for cliildien. R OSARIES, Romances by tho best of authors, Bobber Goods, Rich Table Ornaments. S HEET MUSIC, Latost Composition, School Books, Song Books, Slates and Pencils, Scissors, Spring Measures, Shears, Shaving Brushes, Shaving Soaps, Steel Pens, Settling Wax. T OOTH BRUSHES, Tin Cash Boxes, Toilet Soaps, Traveling Toi let Cases, Tumborines. U seful goods, Universal Songsters. Y ISITLLNG CARDS, Violin and Violin Strings. ■VLKING (JANES, “Wlmf, iH it V" VEUXES LIFE, X-Sell lent Goods. Y oung ladies gifts, Yankee Notions. Z ERO INDICATORS, Zoological Works. All and more than is embraced in this alphabetical catalogue can be found at J. C. Schreiner’s Musical Warehouse and FANCY GOODS oacnmu ana St. Julian Street.. doo 25. None but careful and competent Drivers employed. DANIEL BUTLER, noAlO—tf cor. Whitaker aud York streets. E. H. VAN NESS & GO,, (. It 0 ( E It >S , Sllll 1 ClIAMILERN, AND [Produce Dealers, Under llluff, corner Aborcoru Struct, 8AVAN NAH,GA : Orders from the Country, 1’rlvnte Fnmfllua, Slcamera and • ailing vowel*, rospectlnlly aoliciUil. 1’reduce iKiUght and cold ou commits ion. 100 bbls. selected A pplufl, loo bbl*. Onions, loo bbls. Potatoes, 60 hl>l*. extra Flour, 60 bbl*. No*. 1 and 2 Mackerel, 100 tub* extra Butter. 160 boxes extra Checvo, 600 kits No*. 1, 2 aud 3 Mackerel, 60 hlf. bbl*. Fulton Maiket Beef. 60 hlf. bblo. extra Family Fork. nov21 CHARLES L. COLBY & CO., COMMISSION, AND SHIPPING-, FORWARDING MERCJI ANTS JONES* BLOCK, CORNER BA Y AND ABERCORN STS., 8 AVANNAH, G-A.. Liberal cn*h advance* made on conaigntncnte to tho firm represented in New York by Charles L. Colby, Esq., or to our friend* In Boeton. ALEX. ll.-HOL a AY, Reeldont Partner. REFEiirmiEfl.—Me*.«r*. Dabney, Morgan .t Co., New York; Jarvis Slade, Ebil. New York; Gardner Colby, Esq., Boston; Hon. J. Wiley Edmonds, Boston, angle tl V. M. Steamboat Ag-ant, GENERAL Commission aud Forwarding Merchant, Bay Street, Savannah, da., Harris’ Building, 2d Door West of A. Jxnv A Co.’s. Holers to Messrs. Huntor & Gumraoll, Crane, John son & Orayblll, Belt Wylly & Christian, Bothwell A Whitehead, .Miller, Thomas & Co., uud M. A. Cohen, Esq. tf — sep2i) Wm. M. Davidson WUOI.ISALE DRALRB IN Teas, Groceries, Mines, Liquors, Scj?ars, Ale and Cider, 1GO Bay Street Savannah. 0Ct26 tf R. MOLINA, 00B- BULL AND OON&BESS STEEETS, (Under Screvcu House,) IMPORTER AND WHOLKSALR DEALER IN Hmviiuu (teirui'H, Leaf AND 8MOKING TOBACCO. AIbo, all kind* of Vlrghila OhewIng and Sinoklu; Tobacco, Meerschaum, of Fancy Pipes. . .lie rier Root, and all other kinds 8m *e|>30 Chiimmn A Clmpiit, (Hncccftors to Marry, Buy &, C'o.j 208 Hay Street, North Mdc, Between Burnurd and JcffforNon Ntreetn, UKMCKAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALER* IN Wood, Coal, Uraln, Hay, Corn, Oals and Feed, In quantities to suit customer*, at tho lowest market prices. iiov 26—tf E. P. METCALPE At OO., UENEHAL VOIIWAUDINU AND COMMISSION MHBOHA.NTS, titoddard's Range, on Bay street, butwuen Lincoln and Aborcorn, Savannah, Georgia. References.—Ilenlug, Flint* Pearce. New York; E. M. Brijce A Co, Ayr ‘— " *' ** * Mortal, Co., New York; Goo. 0. Pearce A Co., SL Louis, Mo ; II. C. Bruoo A Co.. Cincinnati, 0.; Mr. II. J. Cook, Albany, Ga.; John W. O’Connor, Macon, Ga. sep21 tf —iiuiiu,, cuuiu (ixuen, iiuiv ium; in. ruce A Co, Augusta, Ga.: R. 0. Robson, ICsq.,At- , Ga.; Knott A IIowok Macon, Ga.; 1C. M Bruco, ^*n A Co., AiMilachlcolo, Fla.; WatU^Crane A Haywood ft LaHoelie, Office at the Xoe House, v " hanrt and Uoe, 1. X. Jd’lNTIR*. r. n. waid. AUCTION AND COMMISSION MnBRCHAlVTfl, Bay Street Savannah, Q-a. Consignments of Cotton and Lumlier solicited. ltoforencea: Savannah—Brigham, Baldwin A Co., Gaden A Vncklos, Krwin A llurdcc. Hunter A Gammell, Isaac 1». hi Roche, lliram Robert*, W. Woodbrldgo, L. C. Norvell A Co. Now York—S. T. Knapp A Bro., D. H. Baldwin A Co. Sale days, Tueadnys and Fridays. eepS InsHrance Agency OOSAN, E..Vi K, FIKK. r US nnderslgncd hold commissions from the lead ing Insurance corporations ol New York, repre senting an aggregate cash capital of over FIVE HELLIONS OF DOLLARS And are prepared to Issue policies to cover Filly Thou- aaud dollars ou ono application upon Fire Risks at Savannah and Inland Towns, COTTON AND MERCHANDIZE IN TRANSIT ON THE AUGUSTA AND MACON RIVERS, OCWANKI8K8 GENERALLY, Prompt Settlement of Losses, Ii. C. NOBVELL Ac CO., may2$Bull street, opposite Poet Office. H. GOWDY, Commission Merchant, 11*0 33 A. Y STREET, (Anderson’s Wharf,) SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. J& EPPING, J. P. AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, BAHIEN,•GEORGIA. dccll 3 mo COOPliB, OLiOTTS & FARHELLV, Buolcsollors and Stationers, aAVASNAH, GKOItGIJV. miir: undersigned have formed a Copartnership S under t he name and style of COOPER. OLCUTT * A FARRICLLY, for the transaction of a Wholesale and Retail Book and Stationery Business, at the old stand of John M. Cooper * Co., Northwest comer of Whitaker uud Ht. .1 alien streets. JOHN M. COOPER, WILLIAM II OLCOTT, DANIEL (4. OLCOTT, OCt28 STEPHEN FaRRKLLY. X. W. ILtSTBIDOE, COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchant, G12 BAY STREET, H.’3.X?’A^T2C*AKC, GEODaCilA. oct!4—tf ^VORK advertisemTm^ L iaaviIcVaTh Purchaaing Bureau, NoBj3^and40 Park k*w. JL PUR^HA^Kd! ° r ■BBCIfAW D I S|; pX ri s« I cn «#Ked. prices, and imrthaam ut ,h<! reliable hdnU mtde "*9 from IlnUrdasa and rjrtlera ^III Imj filled invinm when a snfllclentturn toromluS'S, ,)KUv WtY, ommlHAoiin. 10 “'*« Freight ond on «nm« not cxceedin* 4 Uj ,, . “S“""-—!” a -2HL5L P0.ig..HM D ^ :u WOODFORD & RITCH, .ITTOIl.VUVs AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW 111 UROADWAr, (Tiinlir Bnlldlngj, The undundjrned hnvhifr ronnmed thn n...n , . Inw, la prepared to t»k£ charoli , P rae [ , “ Of th i Mvoral court. Iu New York SKt wSShSJf^” ,ll,! » ariiwSTOteo,. JNO. Lt VILLALONGA, Gol/ton Factor, Foi wari'iiig mul Commission Merchant NO. 94 BAY STREET, iVjr.ixr.m, uuoituMJi. OCl'lfi Cm A. E- LOPEZ CO., Cur,smiths and'.Locksmiths, Corner of St* Jullcti and Jefferson Streets. RICHARDSON & BARNARD, bay St,, opposite mariner’s Church AGENTS | FOR Wm.Jni.Niii) itSon’N IhngliNh Cast Steel, Circular Savva, Cotton Cllniv' Ammoninted Pacific Guano, Patent fleck I n ir uud Hoofing, ucU4—tf Doctors Lollanly anil Ilalirrsliam, H AVING entered Into a partnership for tho prac tice of Medicine, Surgery, and other branches of tludr profcrslon, offer their sorvicca to tho citizen* of Savannah and vicinity. Office over lllllsnmn's Drug Store, corner Bull and Broughton streets. Office hours fi-om l) to 12 in., and from 3 to 6 p. m. J. C. LkIIARDY, m. d., Residence two door* West of Drayton street. J. O. HABERSHAM, M. D., Rosidouco No. 81 Liberty street, dccl 1 'lliroo doors Southwest of Bull. INMAN STREET FOUNDRY. ms? 1 rc-opemxl our Foundry aud Maclilne iru*s also to bnlld Steam Engines, - . Iron and . ^ Sugar Mill, Circular and Gang Saw Mills; and all'kinds of Mlllwi lghting, Engineering, Htoam Boat and Black- m ith Work done at abort notice, with promptness and sespatch. HOSE, ARKWRIGHT A CO. diiov'J JSXe tropoli tan Cotton Warehouse, Oor- Bay and Jefferson Streets, ALEXANDER HARDEE STORAGE AND GENER VL U01IIMISSION MERCHANT COR. DAY AND JKFFBRSON 8TRKDT8, SAVANNAH, GA. Dealer In Hay, Fodder, Grain, Flour, Wool, Hide*, ilrau. pIioiIa, ^_tf__ TrrTTTIM | M f*°g^ M Family Mess Beef! T)ORTON Crackers, Cranberries, for ealo by JJ IUCHAHD80N i RAHNARP, INSURANCE AUTHOIUZED CAPITAL, $10,100,000 CHA8. L. COLBY & CO. A RE prepared to take Murine Rlaka to any Domestic or Foreign Port, and Fire Rlaka n th 1* city In the following named first close New York Companies, at the lowest rut os: COLUMBIAN MARINE INSURANCE CO. Capital, $6,000,000. MORRIS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Capital, $6,000,000. COMMERCE FIU15 INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $200,000. STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $200,000. Office Iu .linn s' Block, corner Bay aud Abercorn street*. Branch Office, cor. Drayton and Bryan streets. auglO-tf MERCHANTS’ INSURANCE COMPANY HARTFORD, CONN. I 'HE nnderalgnod having been appointed agent for the above well known Company, is prepared to take ricks against fire on the most fuvorablo terms. II. BIUG1IAM, Office Southern Insurance aud Trust Co. Jaly3 tf Marine Insurance. U IVKK »udOcean Rhks taken for,the Atlantic Mutual Iusornuco Co^Duny of Now York, by t’llARLK GREEN *e(»N, No. 12, fctodduid’s Eastern RaL'Uv, Bay street. dec5-tf ... BALTIMORE CARDS. POOLE A HUNT, . , J X Baltimore, Maryland, UANcrAOTunziia Portable and Stationary steam Engine* and Boiler*. Steam Fire Engines, PortabloSaw Mills, Gang and Slugle Saw Mills, Mining Machinery, Portable Grist Mills, Flour Mill Machinery, Cotton Screws, Railroad Cars, Car Wheels and Axle*, Hydraulic Presses for Oil and Tobacco, Tobacco Mould*, Go* Works Apparatus of all kinds, Pulleys * * * bu*8 jNlei’-vvin IBx-ay ruopRirroBs or “Ballard's Patent” Breath-loading Bidet ANI> CAlUUNliS, “Merwin & Bray Fire Arms Co.’a Patent” CAHTlilDQE, tAnd Loose . Ammunition Louaiug, Revolver., Slu K | c SUo, 4c No. tWti BROADWAY, NEW YORl’r nov2i—3m v * HAWKINi&LU, t’ACKLRS&CEXEKAL PROVISION Dealers, S41 Front St., JYcw York. B “««. Yegelablea Fork, Cheese, W»||, Bacon, IJifd, Tongues, Fruit,| Shoulders, Eggs, 4 C-| Fulton Flarkot Beef. All orders carefully executed at tho SHORTEST NOTICE. We reepectfully refer to Messrs. Stuart & Co., B. Ehrlich, Esq., B. G. Tilden, Esq. Southern Produce received on consignment. oct6—6m Balling, Pulleys and Hangers. P0TS8-U tB»y eU opp. MarWl Okuoh, CYRUS P. MKNRKNIIALL, Greenaboro', N. C. DULLKY NICHOLS, Baltimore, C. P. .LL & GO., Ootton, Tobacfco, AND General Commission Merchants, 150 Pratt Street AVharf* scp28 JB>YLTl3VIOKE. AUGUSTA CARDS. J.O. MATHEWSOS BGENEBAL COMMISSION, PRODUCE BROKER AND FORWARDING MERCHANT No. 286 Broad Street, Augusfu, Ga., (At the Old Stand of the late firms of T. P. Stovall & Co., Stovall, McLaughlin A Co., and G. U. McLaughlin A Co.,) Will give Ids prompt and personal attention to tho purchase and sale of Cotton, Domestic Goods, Sugar, ltacon, Lard, Grain, Flour, Hope, Bagging, and S chnndiae generally. Having the Agency of several first class Cotton Mills, I am prepared nt all times to supply orders for Yuma, Sheetings, ehlrtlngS, Ounnburge, Drills, Ker- eeys, Jeans, Ac., Ac. with extensive fire-proof warehouse*, can furnish secure storage, and give prompt attention to merchan dize and produce consigned to me for forwarding in any direction. 6m nug24 W. A KAM3ET & CO., CiF.NF.KAI. Commission Mei-clmnts AND AUCTIONEERS.. 308 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. IUTJ R TO Robert Haliershanl A ^on», Savannah. W. H. Stark, uo. Bonos, Brown A Co., AugaetU. Ed. Thomas, . ao. .... .. W. K. Kitchen, President National Park Bank, N. Y. » J AS. B. CAHILL, GeBeral aud Cainrai.-sloii, AUGUSTA, CiA. Holders of Merchandize wishing to realize Immedi ately, will consult their Interests by consigning tho same. Ktrlct business attention will be given all consign ments, and prompt returns made, at the most reasona ble rates. „ „ . _ „ _ Hefer to Messrs. Hunter A Gammell, C. L. C/Olby c Oo., Hilton A ltandoll, A. C. Lomellim, Ualst^y, Wat son A Co,, and btuart A Co. aug!9 FRANK S. HESSELTfNE’S Law Office Beraovcd to oornrr Bay and Drayton strcctis over Adams' Express office. a6c20 W. A. BEARD. A H, persona having accounts with the abovo firm will cal) and settle thosiunu at my office. No. 2oT Bay etrect, up stair*. Vr A. llffARD. decB-tf Gunny Cloth. 25 BAI,B *'®i'a 1 i 0 |»5on a BiDNAnn, noV28—tl Bay *t. opp. Mai farluciM Church. O PC WHOLE, half andj quarter bbls. Grauber- ries ; no tibia. Applesi M bids. Onion*; 25 D. H- BALDWIN & CO., (OMMISSIOiV MKUi RAM’S, 178 Pearl stroot, NEW YORK. ?> h 'c?, a S;}»«voa. KENT, TICKER 6i CARTER, 145 Water St., Now York, H A.Nl'KAOTl'KEUd OV Cordage, Bagging, Bale Ko|ie, Taluei, racking Yarn, Oakum, &c., kc, larouTsae or, ,M> ln, Liimiy Cloth, tiiiiiny Rags, &c., Ac. decl4—dm KttAFi & flii.iL, Manufacturers and Jobbers of ST^W&d}Mia!^RY20J3 No*. 281 and 283 llroudAVUf, (opposite A. T. btewurt’s,} NEW YORK. A full supply of Goods, suitable for this market, al ways on hand. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. oct25—Cm LOCKWOODdFCO. IBAJIsriEIEIE&S, No. 04 Broadway and 0 Wall Street, NEW YORK, Dealers iu Government and other Securities INTEREST ALI.OWEP ON IlKI’OSITS OT OOIN AMI OCSRElfCI And particular attention given to tho Accoimta of Coun ry Bauks and Bankers. decl4—8m . - G. VABiOAS, MXNLTAOTUBKB Hadfield’s l'n:on Fire Works, Importer of Chinese (Fire Crackers Rockets, fcc., Mnuufactarer of LANTERNS, JF1^A.GS, AzC. AIfxju large assortment ol his own importation of TOYS AND FANCY GOODS. 24 John 8t-» wear Broadway, N. ¥. oct 26—12m Ac Takvneu, DEXTElt a cu., COMMISSION MERCHANTS rOB TUK BALK or a O T T O X>T:i No. 24 Franklin st-. .BOSTON. National Bank of Commerce No HGPcurlSt., NEW YOKE, Refer to National American Kyc’gc Bank. National ltcvero Buuk. Having ample menus for advances, a bnslness ac qunlntance of 25 years with Eastern 8pjnnere, and cou fining thema'lvea strictly to a OommlMion Buslnese without oixiratlug on tnelr owu accouut, respectfimf Bollcitcouslgnmeuts. , . .. ... J. L. ABBOT A CO., Ag’ts In Mobile, a E. DEXTER, Agt. In .Columbus, Oa. octSJ—3ni HAKiVOI T k SlMILLlSK, FIRE-PKOOF storage W«rclaoii#e, 308 Washington Stroot, ISTKW YOBIL Gonaignmcnte of Goode received, nud orders ter tho purchase of Goods. The beBtof^ttaniteD Wright & Co., COMMISSION MBRCBINTS, ltio de Janeiro, Brazil. Represented by our Agent, JOHN 8. WRIGHT, B*q. * No. 6» Wall Btroet, Now York. Just Received Par steamer from New York !i«0 BBLS. EXTRA FAMILY KL01B, For sale at lowetee decl2—tf oor. Bay i lOO styles of POCKfcT BOOKS S SklCMS. E xamine SA1HPL.KS. malred (or tke , C 0.. aug7 4oonftw°