Savannah national republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 29, 1865, Image 4

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If Ufa’s ajourney—•• we aee Tie Indeed, by many e token— Ob, then, I trow, the ro»d will be Not always amooth or always broken. But mitroh wo over rugged stoue, Or march wo over trodden gravel, With frienda around lift, or alone, We muet keep moving on our travel, Tramp, tramp, when akiea are fair, Tramp, tramp, when atortna are blowing. If we find We lag behind, A ateadfaat heart will keep us going. Many a path will aoera more plain. Many a knave will lie and coaen j But bold thine own with might and main, And keep the track that thou haat chosen. It’s in the light and in the dark, It'a over hill and through the hollow; We’ll fix oor eyes upon the mark, And if wo dhnnot load, we’ll follow. Tramp, tramp, when skies are fair, Tramp, tramp, when storms are blowing, It our strength Should fail at length, A steadfast heart will keep us going. The horseman and the charioteer Qo hasting by with mighty clatter; Qod speed them all I and if they jeor The trampa afoot, what does it matter? Qrudge them not the present hpur, Nor faint and murmur like a craven, For when the day haa lost its power, There is for all a common haven. Tramp, tramp, when skies are fair. Tramp, tramp, when storms are blowing, As tke light Dies down at night, A steadfast heart will keep us going. [Caasdti Illustrated Family paper. rqa Maw roai. Steamship San Jacinto, Saturday, December 80th, at II o'elock. . . ,, bteamshlp Virgo, Saturday, December 10th, at • o'clock. roa CHABLBSTON. Steamer Rockland, Saturday, Decombor noth, at 8 ^teamerUty Point, every Saturday morning, at 9 ° tUeamor Charles Houghton, every Monday morning ato'clock. roa auoi’sta. Steamer Win U Gibbon*, every daturdny at 9 o’clock. * steamer RII May, t aturday, Decambcr Both, at 6 o'clock, p m. FOR DOCTORTOWN. Steamer (Son Shepley, erery Sunday morning, at T Steamer Orient, erery Tuoeday morning, at T ° sSamer Two Boys, every Tuesday morning, at 8 ° eteamcr JCIarloa, every Saturday morning at Vi o'clock. roa PALATKA, PLA. Mourner Fountain, every Tuoaday morning at 10 **sKaincr Iky Point, every U’odnesday anornoon, at 4 Steamer Lfecle Raker, every Thupday morning at 10 ** eteomor lid on Getty every * amrday morning at 10 o'clock. — QUEENWARE UVAMHL WIHOHMUIUIAL. C harleston Market. Charleston, Dee. 23. Cottok—The receipts continue light, and for tbe week note the arrival of two hundred and thirty-three bales of Sea Island, and two thou sand one hundred bales of Upland Cotton. There has been much demand, and with tbe limited stock on sale tbe purchasers from day to day have generally taken all that was offered. The mar ket yesterday was active, and aalea were taking S lace at 44*45 cents per pound lor Middling to tnct Middling, and 40a47 cents per pound (or Good Middling Cotton. £ 8ka Island Cotton has receded in prioe, and we now quote $lal 50 per pound for Low Mains to Choice Sea Islands. COTTON STATEMENT. S. Is’d. Up’ld. Rice 8tock on hand Stpt 1,1835. 863 1,010 100 Reo'ts from Sept 1 to Dec 13.1,588 25,860 1,014 Ree’tefrom Dec 14 to20..., 283 2,100 69 2,178 89,676 1,163 Ext’s. S.I. U’d. Rice From Sept 1 to Dec. 18.1865..1,594 20,756 1,048 From Deo 15 to Deo 21,'65.. 271 1,987 75 1,865 28,742 1,123 1,865 28,748 Stock on hand and on ship board 313 10 933 Rick—About 1,000 bushels have reached this market since our last. Small parcels of Clean Ca rolina from our City Mills are being sold at 11a 12 oents per pound. Holiday Presents. (iRBITPRIZI) DISTRIBUTION BY TDK NEW YOUR GIFT ASSOCIATION, 713 Broadway, New York. KAOS. 19 Roeowood llano*, worth from... .$260.00 to 6O0.OO 15 Molodeons, Rosewood Cases 185.00 to 150 Music lk»xc* 16.00 to 46.00 100 Silver Revolving Patont Castors.. 15.00 to 40.00 100 Silver Fruit anti Cake Basket* 15 00 to *5.00 5u0 Seta Silver Tea and Tablo Spoons. 16.00 to 80.00 100 Gold Hunting « a*e Watches 16.00 to 150.00 150 Diamond Ring*, Cluster, Ac 50.00 to 200.00 800 Gold Watches 60.00 to lOo.oo 300 Ladles' Gold Watches 60.00 to 85.00 6001 liver Watches 95.0o to 50.00 is. Brooches and Kar Drops. Ladles' Rets of Gold ana « oral; Jet nnd Gold, Florentine, Moelac, Jet, Lava and Cameo ; Met* of Hind*, Vcatand Neck Chain*, Plain and Chased Gold Rings, Gold Thimbles, Lockets, new style Belt Buckles, Gold Pens and Pencil*, Faucy Work Boxes, ttold Pen* with Gold and Silver Extension Holders, and a large assortment of Flno Jewelry of evonr description, of tho beet make ’ * ‘ tinea at at the DA. V. • UNITED STATES MA1I. UK*. For Palatkm, Fla., VIA DARIEN, BRUNSWICK, ST. MAR VS. FERNANDINA, JACKSON VILLE AND PI COLA 7.1. and latest etyloa, value $500,000, TO DK SOLD FOR 60 Wilmington Market. Wilmington, Deo. 21. Cotton-Sales to-day ot 10 bales lepacked at t4c, and 16 bal»s middling at41o Sfirits Turpbntink—Sales of 37 bbl* white at at 65c. Cbods Turpentine—Sales ol 31 bbl* at $5. RosiN-Hales ot 40 bblB mixed lot, Nos. 1 and 2, at $10; 22 bbls No. 2, large size, at *9, 141 do common, large size, at 15 25, and 102 do com mon at 95. Tar—No Bales, Tinier—Sales of 8 rafts ordinary at flOall; 4 rafts fair mill at $15al5 50. Lumber—No sales. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. 8A VANN AH, DECEMBER 28. ARRIVED. York, to Philadelphia, to Ac Steamihip Virgo, Bulkley, New Cohsn. Steamship Cumbria, • Hunter A Unirmol!. Steamer Rockland, Beaufort, Charleston, to L S Bennett. Steamer -v'm G Gibbons, Philpot, Augusta Erwin A Ilanlee. CLEARED. Steamship America, Lindt, New bam, Baldwin A co. Sobr J M Bromhall, Douglasi, New York, C L Colby k oo. One Dollar Each., Without Reyard to Value, and not to he Paid for until you know what you will Receive, Among those who have acknowledged tho receipt of Valuable Gif la drawn from thin Assoc ntion re cently, the following kindly pormit their names to bo used: Robert H. Hotchkiss, New Haven, Conn., Mclodcon, value $150; W. F. T. Willis, W. 92d st New York, Diamond Cluster Pin. value $200 ; Mrs. R. G. Tappan, 15 York st., Gold Watch, value $126; Miss Ellen F. Dickerson, Bingh&mpton, N Y., Mclodeon, value $100; Mr. E. 11 Stone, 52Tenth st., N. Y., Piano, value$360; Mr*. Teresa A. Miller, Mcranton, Pa., Diamond Ring, value $175; Miss Ellen J. Peck, Springfield, 1Mb , Me- lodcon .value $125; Dr I Van Riper. Washington, I). C., Gold Hunting Cased Watch, value $15u ; Edward II. Lindsay, Worcester, Msbs., llano, value $250; MiesD. II. Farwell, Dubuque Iowa, Diamond Ear Drops, value $280; Francis I. Moran, 120 Pearl st., Albany, N. Y., Music Box. Value $in ; Mrrs. R. C. In- gersoU, Ur buna, Ohio, - liver set, value $00; Llent. B. F. Hendricks, Willard’s Hotel, Washington, D. C., Silver Patent Lever Watch, valne $55; Captain I. Warner, N. Y., silver Watch, value $*5. Many per sons who have drawn valuable prizes, do not wish their names published or we might extend this list. Manner of Distribution. Certificates naming each articlo and Its value, are placed In Sealed Envelopes which are well mixed. One of these Envelopes, containing the Certificate or Order for some Ar'Ide, (worth at least one dollar si retail,; will be delivered at our office, or sent by mall to any address, witboni regard to choice on receipt of 25 | cents. Tho purchaser will see what Article It draws, nnd its value, which mny be from One to Five Hundred Dollar*, nnd can then send One Dollar and receive the Articlo named. • NO BLANKS -Every purchaser gets an article of value. Parties dealing with us may depend on having irompt returns, and tho article drawn will be imme diately sent to any address; by return mail or express. Entire Satisfaction Guaranteed in all Cases. Six Certificates for One Doffur. 0 hirtecn for Two’ Dollars, Thlrly-three for Five Dollars. AGENTS WANTED. Send a Stamp fci a Circular. All Letters should be addressed, T BENTON A: CO., Box 556T Post Office, New York, dee 14—)m 109BroughtonStreet (2d Door from Bull Street,) SAVANNAH, CA., A large and elegant addition has been made to tho already well assorted Stock of Goods AT THIS ESTABLISHMENT, Among which are some articles very suit able as presents for tho Holidays, such as FANCY BOTTLES, STATUETTES, Porcelain THE well kuown steamer, formerly tho 8t. Johns, bat now tho Helen Getty, Captain (). It. In graham, will leavo tho Wharf foot of West Broad street every SATURDAY MORNING, at 10 o'clock, A. M., precisely, for tho above Landings. For freight or passage, apply on board or to L. 8. BENNETT, Agent, cor. West Broad and Bay streets, AGENTS—Darien, A. A. DoLorme. Jacksonville, J. 8. Hnmls A Co. Palatka, II. R. Teasdalo. Freight payable by shippers. oct25_ CHANGE OF DAY., SOUTHERN COTTON OEHO USE fecr Lincoln and Bay Streets, SAVANNAH, GA. FREIGHT AND PASSAGE REDUCED For Jacksonvi le, INLAND’, VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARYS AND FERNANDINA. to 4000 Bushels POTATOES, York, Brig- I (Jackson Whites,; the tatc of Mai per bi line. ALSO, Pauengera Per steamship Virgo, from New York—Miss Laura Knapp, Mias MariaL Weld, J D Cols, C W Niver, Mm Martha Duke, Miss Warner Daks, E W Swift. ROW Swift, NS English Mr Cor dell, W N Valleau, W T Eutia, and 4 in tbe steerage. Consignees Per steamship Virgo, from Now York—Adame’ Express co, W B Adam«, Q II Arleige, Brigham, Baldwin k co, Brady, Smith k co, Blun k Moy. er, Both well A Whitehead, Bell, Wylly k Chris tian, Balahaw, T, H k oo, Tobias Brown, E k M Brown, Bulger A Corbitt, T Bateson, It Bradley, L 8 Bennott, J W Burke A co, Gilbert Butler, 0 Cohen, CUghorn A Cunningham, M A Cohen, Cunningham A Purse, J S Cohen, C L Colby, II R Chria'iaD A co, Cooper, Oloott A Farrolly, J H Deppish A co, Duncan A JohnsoD, E P Deyo, Erwin A Harden, G C Freeman, Thos Fitzbonry, Fellner A Poliak, M Ferst A oo, A L Freiden- burg, Guckenhiimer A SoligilJ G Gilliland A co, Seaborn Goodalt, Hunter A Gammell, A Hart- ledge A co, I^aLcreham A Sons, G M Heidt, Judge Law, Kenney A O’Brien, Keln A oo, Kenneth, Me Lea A on, W W Linooln, Lovell A Lattiraorr, Latbrop A co, J W Lathrop, M Lavln, J W Mc Mahon, B Mallon, Moody, Barrott A co, T Nu- gont, Jr, Thos Pepper, Rogers A Cann, Randell A co, H A Richmond, W II Stark, A A Solomons ' A oo, Sobuiter A Helnsius, Sea Island oo. J It Body A oo, A M Boarboro A oo, Jno C Schreiner A co, F W 61ms A oo, Tison A Gordon, Tonny, Stswart A oo, R II Tatom, VanNess A oo, J I, Vil-alonga, J R Wilder, J G Watts A co, Warren A Plainer, W U Williams, Wiltberger A oo, Yonge A Nixon, E Mustin, S M L, Fianklln A oo, T V Corny, B Philips, W Ii Stallings, J Nicholson, W C Jessup, J 8 Cohen, B F Einstein, W P Clover A oo, W L dart, T P Plate, Jacob Lipp- mtn, MHW,(1 H W, W H 0, H. BALDWIN APPIjEN, CEDAR SHINGLES, SPRUCE SCANTLING. For sale by * HORATIO PITCHER, dcc?3 footof Lincoln at., under tho Bluff. FREIGHT TO AUGUSTA AND POINTS BEYOND ! Forwarded tiy Light Draft Steamer*. W E aro prepared to receive Goods In onr ware house, free of storage and covered by Insurance, to bn forwarded by the light draft steamers lSerryaud $ ul con, nnd others about to be put on tbe line. Apply to tho Agents, “I" 1 V _ _ c. I„ COLBY * CO. AND BISQUE FIGURES STEAMER FANNIE, Capt. W. T. McNelty, will leave aB above from Florida Steamboat, whtuf, foot of West Broad street, on TUESDAY next, 20th liiHt., at lo a. in., and will continue to leave every Tuesday following, at s mo hour, until further notice. This boat Is In fine condition, commanded by officer of experience, and has superior state room accommo dations for passengers. Whllo the boat 1* on her trip* freight will bo received and stored In fire-proof warehouses free of expeuso. For freight or iiareoge apply to F. M. MY ROLL, Agent, Harris’ Building. Bny street, or to dcc92 8mo W. JullNMON, ou wharf. " NEW ROUTE TO SOUTH-WESTERN GEORGIA VIA SUN BURY AND STATION NO. A TLA N TIC &' U ULF UAI LRU AD. THE now, swift steamer O. F. Potior will leave her wharf foot of Abercorn street, on every MON DAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, at 7!<f o’clock A M., connecting at Muibuiy with a line of Stage* for No. 4 A.&O. It. R. Passengers by this routo will arrive at Station No, in time to bike the train for ThomuBville the f- -Mowing day, connecting at Thomnsvilte with , tages for Mou- ticello, Florida, and Albany. Georgia. Returning, passengers will reach Savannah on laic days, Thursdays and Saturdays. In time for dinner. Time between Savannah and Thomnsville, 30 hours, For passage only, apply to CUA«. L. COLBY & CO., dec2t—Ira cor. Bay and Abercorn street. For Hawkinsville . AND MACON. VIA DARIEN, D0CT0RT0WN AND LANDINGS ON THE ALTAMA IT A AND OCMUIUEE RIVERS. Anil a grent variety of FAUCY TOILET GOODS. ®r. Stand * Specific r HE oldest and moat reliable medicine for tho core ofMpeniiatorhcea, Memlual Weakness, Ixmsof Pow er, Ac. rills medicine has stood the test of over thir- ly ^1r, ar ? and l,fta u,w *y» proved a success. DR. RAND’S SPECIFIC is exhibited in the form ot pills, made up entirely ot substances that have a speci fic cflect upon tbe generative organs. Most persons associate the Idea of operations upon tho bowels from taking any kind of pills. The Spcmno of Dr. Rand is not Intended a* an evaouxtino mbimoink. Its medici nal virtues aro expended entirely upon the impaired regoneratlve organ*. Tho pills are not unpleasant to the taste, and many persons masticate thdm with im punity before swallowing them; which plan wo would always recommend, as affording the speediest way to get toe effect o! the remedy. 7 Price, $1 per box, or slxboxes for $5. Sold by drug- gists everywhere, or seDt by mall by JNO. J. KHOMER, Wholesale Agent, maygS—ly 400 CheanntPhliadnlnfis. Kromer’s Halrl»«. 60 CENTS A BOX, * Boxes larger than Dyes that sell for $1, Natural Durable, Beautiful. Warranted to please. This arti cle has been thoroughly tested by l>r. CHILTON, of New York, and Profs Booth and Garrett, of Phlladel- phlo, who pronounce It free from all poisonous ingre dients, ami tho material composing it will not Injure **’“" , '“t delicate hair. Bold by Druggists and Fancy ealors everywhere. JNO. J. KHOMER, Role Proprietor. !— ly 408 Cheraut st., Philadelphia, ^n. “ TISH-Wil©-.” ’ fllHE great Chinese remedyfor secret diseases,put up JL in boxes, in lozenger form, has no had odor or bad taste, can be carried In the vest pocket with perfect ana is a Car hart, Whitford & Oo, MANUFACTUUEKS AMD x WHOLESALE DEALEH8IN READY-MADE CLOTHING 331 4* 333 Broadway, Corner Worth Sfraet, NEW YORK V. V. OAHU AST, IXEMKT SIIAVEB, WM.B. WMITroOD, S. B. VAN WAMEMKN A. T. 8A1SS.T0». twr Office of Payne A Car hart In liquidation. r oct38—etxlQm Strasburger & Nubn,| l)runhenne»» Cnrea. ritHE Inebriate may now bid defiance to tho tempt- JL Ins cup. Dr. Zone's antidote for strong drink is a certain core for drunkenness. It creates a dislike for strong drink, and can be administered without the Knowledge of tbe patient Descriptive circulars sent to any nddroas. For sale bv oil resnoctablo druggists In the United State* and Ckmadaa. Price, $1 per box, or packages of six boxes ta *>. r - rociMamm., PhiuMfl^uK taste, . safety, will keep in ail climates, and is a sure euro for tho diapasns mentioned. From one to three boxes will 92 r 5* *! r iJ c ’ * 1 - 5~ r or three boxes for |2 60. Sold by all Druggists, or sent by mall to any addrees by \ . JOHN J. KROMBK, — " ’^liadaPo marW—W ana nhostnnt street. Philadnl'Obta. IMPORTERS OF GEE MAH, FEENOH AHD ENGLISH CHINA&FANCY GOODS BK aD.S, MAHK8, AOOOBOSONB, to. 65 MAIDEN LANE, Com* William Stott, NSW YORK Inttf, th» ittwtfonof Mjrurt, eff«tlB* Hma th, UrgjUMOtUBwrtjK thsSi MBw Mackerel, I lf bbis^ half bbls. and id) KOI N ft BARNARD, a^r|R«n IKurolfts We have also on hand a largo iifisort- inont of French, English and Bohemian WARE, CONSISTING OF Dinner, Tea, Cologne and Liquor Sets. JOBBERS and DEALERS from all parts of the Country are invited to ex amine our Wholesale Stock, Which includes packages containing complete assortments, put up expressly for Country Trade Which wo are prepared to dispose of at lowest Now York prices, and to which we invite tho attention of Country Mer chants and others. ASSORTED CRATES OF WHITM GltANITH WARM, COMMON WARE, WHITE,GRANITE AND COMMON WARE. E. D, Smyth & Oo, N. B.—Goods (o-paalud to suit pur- ohe»er». ^deosifi BUSINESS CARDS. BANKING AND INSURANCE. O'FALLON * CO., FACTORS, FORWARDING. AN It Commission Merchants, Respectfully {Invito attcnUon to oor facilities for tbe PURCHASE OR MOVEMENT OF SOUTHERN PRODUCTS and will give prompt attention to all business entrus ted to our care. Intending to establish permanently a bouse in Savannah, expect, by Strict Business Principle!** to morlt and roccivo a portion of ths Trade. Having a commodious WllimilSB FOR COTTON, arc prepared to It uy or Receive on consignment to our friends in Now York or Europe* and will make advances on Bamo—picking rebaling or mending all Cotton before shipping, thereby saving tho cuor is expense luourreu In Northorn cities by tbls pr . Wo solicit a portion of the business of tho Poo pie of Georglaond adjoining States. OFFICE, STODDARD’S RANGE, Cor. liny and Lincoln Streets. PoBt Office Address, Lock Box 25. OCL7 tf . FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Agency. Security Insiiranrc Company, Capital and t urplns, $1,600,000. riuenix Insurance Company, Capital and Marplus, $1,500,000. International Insurance Company, Capital and Surplus, $1,200,000. Manhattan Insurance Company, Capital $nd Surplus, $000,000. Risks taken in tho above highly rcsponslblo Com- chandtzo of all descrip- janles on Buildings nnd Merchant-. tiona, st tho lowest rates, corresponding risks. Apply to A. A. LANE, , novlB—8m “* * ‘ John B, Fuller. Manufacturer and Dealer, .Vo, 8 Itcy Street, JV. 1*. no* in store and ready for immediate shipment, and is manufacturing to order, Portable and Stationary Steam En< giuoNund lloilcrs, 2 to050 horse power; Circular nnd Upright Haw Mills of the most approved construction^ of ail sizes, cut- T tint 700 to 150*1 feet of lumber i>er hour Mill Irons, Water Wheels, nnd every " ’• J Ml our; Gr'Bt Mills, kind of Mill Ma- Vertical Pinners, Iron Planers, Engine lAthco, Drill loathes, Boring Machines, Hiattiiig Machines, Upriglit Driir*, bteam Pumps, Force i’umps, Lifting Pumps, Suction Pumps, Hydraulic Jacks, Screw Jacks, Fhafllug Pulley* descrip- .. with the jANE, Agent, No. 12 Stoddard’s Range, Bay street. Insurance Agency OCEAN, RkV>:R, FlfitE. T HE nndersigned hold commissions from the lead ing Insurance corporations ot Now York, repre senting an aggregate cash capital of over FIVE MILLIONS OF DOLLABS And are prepared to issue policies to cover FlRy Thou sand dollars on one application upon Fire Risks at Savannah and Inland Town*, COTTON AND MERCHANDIZE IN TRANSIT ON THE AUGUSTA AND MACON RIVERS, OCEAN RISKS GENERALLY. Prompt Settlement of’ Loshas, L. G. NORYELL Ac CO., may49 Bull street, opposite Post Office. ^YORK ADVERTISEMENTS 1 1 >AVEGA’h urchasing Bureau, Nos. 39 an- 1 49 i’aik How. _ PUR*llAMBi!’ ° * WBHOHAM I> I s prices, and purchases made or.iw'f 1 ^ at l *‘ e bnves reliable hm«M. or ‘ ly UreK-lM. nnd Orders will bo filled, PAYaiuf , . ' um " ,cmllM * «'v« rkiK SSSS2aSBW“-ir'!- WOODFORD & RITCH. JlTTOUJ\'U\'s AND COUNSELLORS AT LAV/ NO. Ill BROADWAY, (Trinity Building;, The undersigned having resumed the praellrr or -uw, is prepared to Ukc charge or cases '.cion, several courts in New York and at Washing., b: »cp2S tf STEWART L. WOOBFORD Merwin & Bray, INSURANCEl AUIHOKIZED -(.APiTAL, $10,400,000 CHAS. L- COLBY & CO. A RE prepared to take Marine Rlaka to any DomeAicor Foreign Port, and Fire Risks n this city In the following named first class New York Companies, at tho lowest rates: COLUMBIAN MARINE INSURANCE CO. Capital, $5,000,000. MORRIS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Capital, $5,000,000. COMMERCE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $200,000. STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $200,000. Office In Jonea’ Block, corner Bay and Abercorn streets. Branch Office, cor. Drayton and Bryan street*. anglO-tf Steamer Oerlm Cant. McCauley. Freight will be received for this Boat dally at old Florida Steamboat Wharf, foot of West Broad street, and etored in fire-proof Warehouses free <>f charge. By this arrangement, parties having freight to ship can save the expense* of double drayago and etorag -. For freight &c , apply to J.B. PBESDEE, Agent, 109 Broughton ptrcct. F F. MYltELL. dec23 Parrl*’ Building, Bay *i root. For Augusta AND WAY LATSTTJINGrS ON THE RIVER,. chlncry; Sugar Mills, Paper aud Mining Machinery Tools, Tanks, Ac., for Oil and Salt Work*; Cotton and Woolen Machinery, Jtc. Woodworth Planing Ma chines, Gray & Wood’s Pinning Ma< bines, Daniels' rianlng Machines, Moulding Machines, Sash Machines, Tenoning Machines, l ower Morticing Machines, Foot Morticing Machines, Boring Machines, Blind clat Tenoning Ma chines, and llun-Circular ?aw Benches, gors, Wright’s patent 8croll Saws Rubber and Leather Belt-Patent Belt Scroll Laws, lugs, Circular Reserving Mills, Leather and Hnbnor Hose,Upwright Reserving Mills, Plumbing and Uus Fi'-Rotn*-y and Mining l’nmps, Ings, Every description of Ma- Rtcam nnd Gns Pipes, chfnory and Railway Sup- Steam and Wutcr Gauges, piles. Q’lTTyf* GlilS, COTTslN GINS. Taylor, Eagle, Brown, Southern, Craven, Excelsior and McCarthy (Jot ton Gins, with engines or horse powers, and everything required for the same, in storo, and for sale at tho lowest price. Your orders are re spectfully solicited. novl—ly Will.' MONTGOMERY, MACHINIST, YONKERS,N. Y., (Successor to the N. Y. Steam Saw Mill and Machlno Company.) Office in New York Oity, 157 Broadway ,J.)OOLE A. HUNT, STEAMER UNION, Copt. II. IX Frazier, will have auick despatch as above. Freight recelv- d and storcu In firc-rroof Warehouse on old Florida Steamboat Wharf, foot of West Broad street. For freight, apply to F M. MYRELL, Harris' Building, Bay st ect. dec23 . or to W. JOHNSON, on Wharf. For Doctortown THOMASYILLE. THE steamers Gen. Shiqilcy, Orient and Uluriou will make Tri-weekly trips to DOCTORTOWN, running in connection with the Atlan tic and Gulf Railroad, leaving Suvnmiuh ou TUES DAYS, THURSDAY' and SUNDAYS, at 7 a. m. Through freight payable by shippers at our ofllc . Freight will be received during the week and stored free of expeiusc. For freight or passage, apply to CHAW. L COLBY & CO., nov91 tf cor. Bay and Abercorn eta. For Augusta. MERCHANTS’ INSURANCE COMPANY HARTFORD, CONN. T HE underslgnod having been appointed agent for the above well known Company, is prepared to take risks against fire on the most favorable terms. H BRIGHAM, Office Southern Insurance and Trust Co. JulyS tf Marine Insurance R IVER andOcoan Risks taken for,the Atlantic Mutual Insurance Company of New York, by i'HARLK* GREEN * cON, No. 12, Kt odd aid's Eastern Range, Bay Btrect. deo5—tf BALTIMORE CARDS. MANUFXOTDBEIl OF CIRCULAR, GANG AND MULAY SAW MILLS STEAM ENGINES ANI) BOILERS, GRIST MILLLS, Ac. For dcscriptlvA/lrculars. address WM. MONTGOMERY, nov21—eod3m No, 157 Broadway. R. EE. nv This steamer draws only twenty eight (88; inches, and at tho present stago of the river, offers superior inducements to shippers. Freight received at all times and stored freo in fire-proof warehouse at old Charles ton Steam Boat Wharf. For freight engagements, apply to J.M. Iv IN OH LEY, Agent, dec4—tf Office at Charleston Wharf. For Liverpool; The fine new clipper f ahip > v e a d n a n £>* li t, smith; commander, Having threo-fourths of her cargo engaged, will have quick despatch. i For freight or passage, apply to C. L. COLBY & co., cor. Bay and Abercorn streets. Liberal advances will bo made on consignments to our friends In Liverpool. decSo—tf FIRST raKMIUM: STEAM SAW-MILLS, THE FIRST FRIES, iu.THE COLD MEDAL, Was awarded to the Washington Iron Works by the American Institute, at their Fair In October, 1300, for tho bent qiROULAK SAW-MILL AND STEAM ENGINE. Orders for these. Gang Saw-Mills, Sugar Mills, Gen eral Machinery, Iron and Brass Castings, Forgings, Railroad Cars, Ac., Ac., promptly filled Address GEO. IU. CLAPP, Treasurer, Newburgh, N. Y., or E G. WARD. Agent, 55 Liberty street, (Room No. 8.,; N. Y. decU—-ly For Liverpool FIRST VESSEE.—The ship MONT BLANC wants about bix Hundred Bales Cotton to cotnploto her cargo. Enquire of LaROcHK & WEST, . or GADKN &, UNC’KLK >. JOB* IHIABAll 4 CO., STEAM PACKING BOX MAKERS Not. 134 A li6 Wort!i «l„ fOno Bast of Broiulwny.J rtWVOBK. All ktods of Boxes dons up ih shooks. for Soul burn trade, at low rates for gash. d«c4-jm AUCTION AND Commission Merchants, LAND AGENT8 Jlnd Mteal lEstate Brokers, MACON, GEORGIA Immediate personal attention given to all business entrusted to their care, nnd prompt returns of all salos made. Consignments solicited F. W. JOHNSON, ) J.M. DEMI',BY, V dcc«8—codgw ^ A. B. ECHOLS. ) (iliiNSWare and foal Oil Lamps, NATIONAL FLI NT GLASS WORKS, EDWARD ROR^KE & CO., a1M Pearl Street, New Ybrk, MANurAoTunKoa or Flint, Ulntaware and Oil Lampi or ever; r Description. inustratsd catalogues with price Urtajat Baltimore, Maryland, MAmiFAOTUBEKS Portable and Stationary Steam Engines nnd Boilers, bteam Fire Engines, PortabloSnw Mills, Gang and 81nglo Saw Mill*, Mining Machinery, Portable Grist Mill*, Floor Mill Machinery, Cotton Screws, Railroad Care, Car Wheels and Axles, Hydraulic Presses for Oil and Tobacco, Tobacco Moulds, Gas Works Apparatus of all kinds, SafUug, Pulleys aud Hangers. aog8 6m CTRUH V. MENDENHALL, Greensboro’, N. C. DDL LEV NICnOL8, Baltimore, C. P. paEwDiNiLLL & GO Ootton, Tobacco, Ann General Commission Merchants, 156 Pratt Struct Wharf, •p28 BALTIMORE, AUGUSTA CARDS- J. 0. MATHEW50N GENERAL COMMISSION, PRODUCE BROKER AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, No. 285 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga, (At the Old Stand of the late firms of T. P. Stovall Co., Stovall, McLaughlin A Co., and G. U. McLaughlin & Co.,) Will give his prompt and personal attention to the ' ’ sale of Cr** -- *' - K iaso and sale or Cotton. Domestic Goods, Sngi n. Lard, Grain, Flour, Rope, Bagging, and M< chandize generally. Having tho Agency of scvoral first class Cotton Mills, I am prepared at all times to supply urders for Yarn*. Sheetings, uhlrtings, Osnaburgs, Drills, Ker seys, Joans, Ac., Ac. With extensive fire-proof warehouses, can furnish secure storage, and give prompt attention to merchan dise and produce consigned to me for forwarding in any direction. 6m nug24 PROrniETOBS or 'Ballard’s Patent” Breacb-londlu; Kidrt AND CARBINES, ‘Merwin & Bray Fire Arms Co.'a Patent” CAKTKIDOIS, (And Loose ; Ammunition Loading, Revolver., Single Shot Pi.iola. An, No. SOS BROADWAY, NEW YORK nov82—8m hawkTns&m , PACKERS & GENERAL PROVISION Dealers, 241 Front St., JYcw York. Beef, Pork, Hams, Lord, Shoulders, Butter, Cheese, Bacon, Tongues, Eggfv Vegetable*, Fish, Fait, Fruit,; Ac., Ac. Fulton Market Beef. All orders carefully executed at the SIIORTE8T NOTICE. We respectfully refer to Messrs. Stuart A Co.. E. Ehrlich, Keq., B, G. Tildcn, Esq. Southern Produce received ou consignment. oct6—Cm D. H- BALDWIN & CO., COMMISSION MEHCU4NTS, 178 Pearl Stroot, NEW YORK. D. H. BALDWIN,) « noI v „ rlr J. F. GUMMING, f Ncw ^ ork ’ H. BRIGHAM, > o«, n „„ nK C. M. HOLST, / Savannah. 3m of|4 KKM, TUCKER & CARTER, 145 Water St., New York, MANUFAOTUUKRS OF Cordage, Bagging, Bale Hope, Twine-, Packing Yarn, Oakuui, St., (er. IMPORTERS OP, AND DEALERS IN, Omiuy Cloth, Guuiiy Bass, Ac., Ac. dec!4—Cm KuaFF&hILL; Manufacturers and Jobbers of STRAW A^DMkLlSERY'cO'iBS Noe. 281 and 283 Kroadwuy, (opposite A. T. fctewart’e,; t NKW YORK. A full supply of Goode, suitablo for this market, al ways on hand. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. oct26—6m LOCKWOOD & CO. BA-ZtsTIKIELReS, No. 04 Broadway and 6 Wall Street, NEW YORK, Dealers In Government and otber Securities INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS OP COIN AND OUIBCKir And particular attention given to the Account* of Conn ry Banks and Bankc*. Ct. PARISOAS, MANUFACTURES W. A RAMSEY & CO GENERAL Commission Merclmnts AND AUCTIONEERS. 308 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga, BKPEB TO Robert Habersham k lions, Savannah. W. H. Stark, . * do. Bones, Brown & Co., Augusta. Ed. Thomas, do. W. K. Kitchen, Prosiuent National Park Bank, N. Y. 9 JAM- It. CAHIIL, General and Commission Merchant, .A.TJ O-US'L'jY, GrA. ■ Holders of Merchandise wishing to realize imraodl- Johiison, Dempsey & Co., s. cm “ ult tl,olr l “ tc ™“ 1,y tbo k Strict business attention will l>o given all consign ments, nnd prompt returns made, at tho most reasona ble rates. Refer to Alessrs. Hunter & Gammell, C. L. Colby & Co., Hilton k Rondol!, A. C. Lomelins, Halsey, Wat son & Co,, and btunrt A Co. auglO Dissolution. T HE firm of LaROOHE, GADRN & UNCKLKS wua dissolved ou tho 1st Inst, by the withdrawal of Isaac D. LaTloche, Tho business will Iki continued under tho namo of QADEN A UN KI.E8 at the old stand corner of Bay and Barnard streets. I. D. La- Roche retaining nn office with us for tbo present i I8AA0 D. LaROCUK, BENJAMIN G. GAI)EN, DAVID 8. UNCKLES. Savannah, Nov. 16th, 1805. ko4 W. A. BEARD. A JLIi persons having aooounts with tbe above firm will call and settle the same at my ofilccjNo. 2u7 street npstairs. # *4. A. BEARD. ; WHOLi:, half and' quarter bbls. Cranbor- 1 rite; .90 bbls. Apples: BO bbls. Onions; 95 , poa. rota toss; 600 Cabbages; 10 bbls. Beets, landing fret ofiin*'| ^ b > 0. L, GlUiEuT. Hadfleld’s Union Fire Works, Importer of ChlucBC [Fire Cracbcrd RotkclB) be., be Manufacturer of LANTKKN8, FLAGS, AcO. Also a large assortment ol bis own imporUtion of TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, 24 John St., near Broadway* N. V. oct 90—12m UAKDNEH, DEXTER A CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOB THE BALE OF COTTON., No 11G Pearl SL, | No. 24 Franklin SI., NkW YORK, ,L06li>N. Refer to Natiouul | National Bank of^Commercs American Exc’ge Bank. | National Revere Bank. Having ample means for advances, « business *c qunlntance of 25 years with Eastern Spinuers, and cou lining thoniHelves strictly to a Coinmhuioii Bueh e* without operating on thdr own account re*i>ccuuuy solicit consignments. . . , ...u J. L. ABBOT A CO., Ag’ti in Mobile. C. B. DEXTER, Agt. in .Columbus, Us. oct27—8m HAEIV0T1 A SIUILL1NG, FIRE-PHO»r Storage warehouse, 308 Washington Stroot, NKW YORK. Consignments nf Goods received, and orders tba purchase of Goods. The best attention paid. Uriah. & Co., DOMIUISSION MEBIllIlIVTS, Bio de Janeiro, Brazil. Ropre.onred by oar^LJOHN B. WWGHT, M. nni'88 6m — Just Received Per steamer from Now York 500 BBLS. EXTBA FAMILY For sale at low rates ^ dod9—tf GADKN A IXCKJM cor. Bay and ISO (Styles of P0BK£T BOOKS S SATCHELS- IXAMINE UWPLF.S E noai-rad (ur Um hS tins. OiUcn will l» ra-