The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, July 02, 1860, Image 1

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§ntcUigcu(et. PUBLISHED DAILY A WEEKLY BY Gaulding, Whitaker & Miller, PROPRIETORS. A. A. GAULDING. Editor. John W. Leonard, - - - - Associate Editor. Subscription and Advertising Schedule Term* of Subscription. DAILY, per »nnum. In advance *6 00 “ month, “ 50 WRKKI.Y, per annum, “ 2 00 Hates of Advertising. One Squars of Ten line* nr less, one Insertion #1 00; an.I Fifty cents for each auh*e<jur;it insertion less than one month. 1 Mo. 2 Mo. '3 Mo. 4 Mo.;6 Mo. 12 Mo ERROR CEASES TO BE DANGEROUS WHEN REASON IS LEFT FREE TO COMBAT IT.”—Jefferson. t- VOL. YI. ATLANTA, GEO., AUGUST 2 1860. NO. 214. I $5 <«) 8 tat 10 00 12 00'15 00 20 00 S 00 11 00 18 00 15 00 20 00 30 00 10 00 14 of) IT 00 20 (X) 25 00 40 00 12 tX) 16 Ofi'20 00 25 00 30 00 50 00 15 (M) 20 fK) 25 00 30 00 40 00 60 00 IS (X) 23 00 23 00 33 Of) 43 00 65 00 20 00 25 (XI 30 00 35 00 45 00 TO 00 22 00 30 (X) 3T 00 43 00 50 00 75 00 ! 24 (HI 32 Oft 40 00 46 0ft 65 00 SO 00 ; 25 00|33 00,4: of) 4s 00 60 00,35 00 Advertisements not marked on copy for a specified time j will he published until ordered out, and charged accord- : iuc to the above rates. SPECIAL NOTICES, 11) cunts per line for the first, and 5 ; cents for each su!>seqaent Insertion. Marriage notices and funeral invitations, 50 cents each. No special notice i Inserted for less than 60 cents. Obituary notices, Reports, ; Resolutions or Proceedings of any Society, Association or ! Corporation ordered to he published, 5 cents per line. ! Yearly Advertising, with the privilege of change, will j be taken at the following rat*--; : daily. For one Square, renewable at pleasure, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WHITAKER 8c WATKINS, A ttorneys at Law, Atlanta, Georgia. Office in Markham's new building—second floor—front rooms, comer of Whitehall anil Alalom t streets. Jakkii Ikwix Whitakkk. K. P. Watkins. July 4, 1%60-tf J AS. H. NEAL. DANIEL PITTMAN. NEAL 8c PITTMAN, 4 ttorney* at Law.—Office in Norcross’ build- JA. ing, comer of Whitehall and Marietta Street—Up Stairs—Atlanta, Ga. janTdtf A. W. STONE, 4 ttorney at Law, Atlanta, Georgia. Office over 4».McNaught .Ormond A f Co- Nov. 1, 1359. dswly P. O. HARPER, 4 ttorney al Law, West Point, Ga. Arml 13, 1855. GEC. S. THOMAS, A ttoruey at Law, and Agent for the sale of JA. Georgia Reports by B. Y. Martin, Atlanta, Georgia. Office on east side of Whitehall street, next door to the For three Squares, “ “ 45 “ one-fourth Column, “ TO “ one-half, “ “ lit) “ one Column, “ 220 Yearly advertiseitig will he limited to tlie space contrac ted for. Any advertisements not properly connected with the huisiness will be charged seperately, and also, any excess of matter over the amount contracted for. Contract advertisements payable quarterly; advertise ments from strangers »ad transient persons, payable in advance. All others will l*e considered due when called for. Tile paper under no circumstances, to be included in a contract. Professional Cards, not exceeding five lines, will be in serted in the Dally at # 15, and Weekly at $5, per annum. Calls on persons to become candidates will he inserted as other advertisements, to he paid for invariably in ad vance. Announcing candidates for office $5., to he paid in advance. Regular advertisers anil all others sending communica tions or requiring notices designed to call attention to fairs, concerts, soirees, or any public entertainments, where charges are made for admittance—all notices of private associations, every notice designed to call atten tion to private enterprises calculated or intended to pro mote individual interests, can only he inserted with the understanding that the samel* to he paid for. If insert ed in the editorial column (which can be done only at the discretion of the Proprietor) the same will he charged at the rate of not less than 20 cents per line. Terms for Weekly. Advertisements ordered in the Daily and Weekly will he '■'Jmrged 50 per cent more than the above Daily rates. Advertisement* ordered in the Weekly, $1 per square for the first, and .V) cents for each subsequent in sertion. N. B.—This schedule shall not In any way conflict with existing contracts. All contracts for the year or any other specified time, shall only cease with the ex piration of the period for which they were made. GAULDING, WHITAKER A MILLER #25 office o. Thomas A McDaniel, Justices of the Peace. Dec. 15, iS59—<i*wtf NEW LAW FIRM. RUTHERFORD 8c HARRIS, \f ACON, GA.—Will practice LAW in Bibb and lfj. adjoining counties, and in the United States Court at Savannah and Marietta. Also, in any county in the State by Special Contract. JOHN RCTIf ERFORD [inhDdlyJ CHARLES J. HARRIS. MAKCCS A. DELL. BELL V. A. GA3KILI.. &c G-ASKILL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW INSURANCE COMPANIES. (IFE,FIRE,INLANO, MARINE ft SLAVE INSURANCE A6ENCY! Masonic Hall Building, ATLANTA, GEO. W ILL devote special attention to conveyancing, and the prosecution and defense of suits in respect to titles to real estate; aiso to the collection of claims—mak ing prompt returns. All other legal business entrusted to them will receive strict attention/ In connection with tire law business, they have perma nently eatablLshed a CITY LAND OFFICE. Particular and prompt attention will be given to buying, selling and renting real estate in the city of Atlanta and vicinity. Office in Concert Hall building, opposite the Ga. R. R. Bank Agency, Atla la, Ga. janTiUwly N. N. BEALL, 4 ttoruey at Law, Dallas, Paulding Co., Georgia. JA. Will attend promptly to all busines entrusted to his care. Particular attention paid to the collection of debts. March 28, 1859—wly RAILROAD GUIDE. Georgia Railroad & Bank’g Co. Aoousta to Atlanta 1T1 Milks, Fark $5 50 GEORGE YOXGK, Superintendent. Morning Passenger Train. Leave Atlanta daily, at 9 45 A. M. Arrive at Augusta at C 45 P. M. Leave Augusta daily, at. 12 80 A. M. Arrive at Atlanta at 9 45 A. M. Night Passenger Train. Leave Atlanta daily, at. 8 40 P. M Arrive at Augusta at. 5 53 A. M. Leave Augusta at 2 30 P. M. Arrive at Atlanta at. 11 45 P. M. This road runs in connection with the Trains of the South Carolina and the Savannah and Augusta Railroads, at Augusta. August 9th, 1853. Macon and Western Railroad. Change of Schedule. Macon to Atlanta, 102 Milks, Fark $4 50. Alfred l. tyleii, superintendent. JOHN A. SPKKK. DANIEL N. SPEER. SPEER & SPEER, 4 ttorneya at Law, LaGrange, Georgia. 1A January IT, 1860—tf Dr. D. C. O’KEEFE, Office opposite Beach Sc Root’s, Residence on Houston stree’, near Mr. Wilson’s Acade my. Will be found at office until 9 o’clock at. nigt. November S, 1859—daw MACON, Georgia, April 4, 1860. O N and after Tuesday, 4th inst., Trains will be run as follows: Leave Macon at 12 00 night and 1 45 P. M. Arrive at Atlanta at T 15 A. M. and T 15 P. M. Leave Atlanta at 12 night and 2 15 P. M. Arrive at Macon 7 15 A. M and T 45 P. M. The night Trains will not run on Sundays. The 12 o’clock night. Train from Atlanta connects with the Central Railroad for Savannah, at 10 00 A. M., and Southwestern, for Albany and Columbus, at 9 45 A. M. The 2 15 P. M. Train connects with the Central Rail Road at 10 00 P. M., and Southwestern Railroad at 11 50 P. M. pf" Through, Ticketa from Atlanta to Jew York h y thia line . #21 00. April 4th, I860... .dswtf. Atlanta & West Point Railroad. Atlanta to West Point ST Milks Fake #3 50 GEORGE G. ITULL, Superintendent. Day Passenger Train. Leave Atlanta daily, at 10 15 A. M. Arrive at West Point at 3 40 P. M. Leave West Point daily, at 2 55 P. M. Arrive at Atlanta at T 50 P. M. Night Passenger Train. Leave Atlanta daily, at.. 0 30 A. M. Arrive at West Point at 5 46 A. M. Leave West Point daily, at 3 15 A. M. Arrive at Atlanta at 7 59 A. M. July 20th, 1S5S. West’n & Atlantic (State) R. R. Atlanta to Chattanooga 133 Milks Fare #5 00 JOHN W. LEWIS, Superintendent. Morning Passenger Train. Leave Atlanta at 10 #0 A M. Arrive at Chattanooga at 7 34 P. M. Leave Chattanooga at 3 25 A. M. Arrive at Atlanta at 11 »- "■ **- Evening Passenger Train. Leave Atlanta nightly, at S 15 P. M. Arrive at Chattanooga at Leave Chattanooga at " ~r **■ "*• Arrive at Atlanta at - H A- This Road connects each way with the Rome Branch Railroad at Kingston, the East Tennessee ft Georgia Rai - road at Dalton, and the Nashville A Chattanooga Rail road at Chattanooga. V. A. WILLIAMS, DEALER IN AXI) MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE, Peach-Tree St., Atlanta, Ga., of every description, on Peach-Tree Street, Cherokee Block, invites the public to visit his Warehouse, where ' he has a large supply of Furniture, Moss and Hair Mattrasses, Looking Glasses, Plates. 4c., always on hand. The best workmen are employed in this establishment, among them MR. CHARLES WANDECK, a first-rate Upholster, and a tasteful Paperer of Rooms, Is prepared to do all work of this description, in a style not to be surpassed; also, he will hang WINDOW CURTAINS, •with or without Drapery and SHADES, lav and cut CAR PETS and OIL CLOTH, and lay MATTING. Paper Hangings of every description for sale. Panel work. Oak Degration, Frescoe, Ungil and Velvet. Work done that will give satisfaction. April 3d dtf. Floor Oil Cloths, various widtlis, Window Cornices va rious widths and prices. A S accidents will happen, even In the best regulated families, it is very desirable to have some cheap and convenient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crockery, Ac. SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE meets all such emergencies, and no household can afford to be without it. It. is always ready and up to the stick ing point. There is no longer a necessity for limping Chairs, splintered Veneers, headless Dolls and broken Cradles. It is just the article for Cone, Shell and other ornamental work so popular with ladies of refinement and taste. This admirable preparation is used cold, being chem ically held in solution, and possessing all the valuable qualities of the best Cabinet-makers’ Glue. It may be used in the place of ordinary Mucilage, being vastly more adhesive. “USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE.” N. B.—A Brush accompanies each bottle. Price 25cts. Wholesale Depot No. 45 Cedar St, N. Y. Address HGNBY €. SPALDING & CO., BoxNo. 3,600, N; Y. Put up for Dealers in Cases containing four, eight and twelve dozens, a beautiful Lithographic Show-Card ac companying each package. |3?“A single bott le of SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE will save ten times its cost, annually, to every household. Sold by all prominent Stationers, Druggists, Hardware and Furniture Dealers, Grocera and Fancy Stores. Country merchants should make a note of SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE, when making out their list. It will stand any climate.^ Jan 25—dftwly BEWARE OF MINERAL POISONS. DR. J. BOVEE DODS’ CELEBRATED VEGETABLE MEDICINES, IMPERIAL HIS WINE FRESH GROCERIES. Choice Wines, Liquors, &c. PASS’S OLD STAND, MARIETTA STREET, Atlanta,,; - - - - G-eorgia. T HE undersigned having just received a very heavy Stock of Choice Plantation and Family Groceries— Wines, Liquors, Tobacco, &c., takes this method of solic iting the patronage of his friends and the public. His stock was selected with care within the last six weeks, in the Best Markets, on advantageous terms. It consists, in part, of the following leading articles : Bagging, Rope and Twine ; Coffee—Maracabo, Java, Rio, Laguayra and Capd ; Sugar—Brown, Lump, Crushed, Powdered and Loaf; Syrup—Golden, Bee Hive, Extra Feltered New Orleans; Molasses—Fermenting, Cuba, Muscovado ; Salt—Liverpool and Rock in Sacks and Boxes.; Soaps—Toilett, Hull’s Brown’s Transparent Chemical, Fancy Bar; Teas—Black, Green, Young and old Hyson; Cheese by wholesale and Retail; Candles—Adamantine, Hydraulic and Sperm; Yeast—Powders, Sup Carb Soda, Cream of Tartar; Guano; Pepper, Mace, Ginger, Mustard, Cinamon, Allspice; Nuts—English Walnuts, Almonds, Brazil, Pecan, Filbert Dye Stuffs—Indigo, Madder, Copperas; Starch and Corn Srarch ; Crackers—Soda and Butter; Fruits—Raisins and Currants ; Snuff—Macaboy and Scotch ; Liquors—Rum, Gin, Whiskey and Champaign; Brandy; Wines—Champaign, Madeira, Port and Malaga; Sweet oil: Wood and Willow Ware, Brooms, Ac.; His entire Stock is offered at remarkably low prices, for Cash. Country Produce of any kind, or on short time to prompt and reliable customers. A constant supply of Bacon and Lard will be kept on hand ; also, freshly ground Flour, Meal and Grits. A good supply of. Georgia pure Corn Whtekev. made, near this city, and Warranted pure and of the best quality. t=® p "All orders for any of the above will be filled promptly and at short notice. S. T. BIGGERS Aug 6,1859—dly * PHfENIX FIRE INSURANCE CO., Brooklyn, N. Y. Branch Office, 62 Wall Street. Ca*li Capital $200,000 with a large Surplus. FIRE, MARINE AND INLAND INSURANCE. P. Shaw, Sec'y. E. W. Crowell V. Pres. S Crowell, Pres. NEPTUNE INSURANCE COMPANY, 414 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Fire, Marine and Inland Insurance. Capital and Surplus $150,000 Chartered Capital $500,000 F. E. Shattcck, S. J. Randall, L. M. Thaykr, Pres. & Treat. Vice Pres. Ass. Sec'y. Lafayette fire insurance co., Brooklyn, n. y. Branch Office, 14 Wall Street, Jew York. --s Capital and Surplus, $200,000 ^ 0O i J. B. Thompson, Jr., Sec'y. T. J. Burgkx, President. © o — -£ 30^ KNICKERBOCKER LIFE INSURANCE CO., of the city ® 3 ! of New York. “ f j Office, 106 Broadicay, Fete York. - f Erastcs Lyman, Pres. Stephen C. Wheklkr, Sec’y. ' Hayden Coe, Medical Examiner, Atlanta, Georgia. Capital and Accumulation $242,773,44 Risks taken on the lives of white persons from one huhdred to ten thousand dollars. This Company has a benefit or relief fund to relieve distressed parties, their widows and orphans, who have been insured for life with this Company for five consecutive years. This is an advantage offered by no other Company in this country, and it is applicable to such as meeting with pecuniary or other misfortunes, are unable to pay their annual premiums, and continue their policy. IS?” Premiums can be paid quarterly, half yearly or annually, and if for life and over #50,00 per annum, seventy per cent only required to be paid in Cash. Insurance On the lives of Negroes, in all kinds of employment, and at reasonable rates, -The public can rely upon the above being first class Companies, and risks will be undertaken on as reasona ble terms as any other good companies. June 15-tf G. J. FOREACRE, Agent. ATLANTA DIRECTORY. DRY GOODS. s —.— — SILVEY 8l DOUGHERTY, i ATTkolestale and Retail Dealers in Sta ll pie and Fancy Dry Goods, Norcross Building, junction of Whitehall! Peachtree, Decatur and Marietta streets. Entrance to Dry Goods Department on Marietta street. DR. W. L. CLEVELAND, AG’T., TJ urnlsltlng Goods, Hats, Caps, Sad* X? dies, Bridles, Harness, Ac. Call and examine my stock before purchasing. Norcross Building, Marietta st. CUTTING 8l STONE, TAealers in Staple Sc Fancy Dry Goods between Taylor’s Drug Store and the Trout House, Dea&tur street. H ARDWARE. CLARKE & LEWIS, Tinporters Sc Dealers in Hardware, A Cutlery, Iron A Steel. Castings, Boiler Plates, Rivets, Bolts, Nutts, Ae., Peachtree street. BRADY 8l SOLOMON, Tmporter* and Dealers in Swedes Iron, A Plow and Cast Steel, English and American Hard ware, Gdns and Pistols, Carriage and Harness trimmings, Leathers of all description, Belting, Rivets Ac. Agents for Cooper’s Etowah Iron, Hoes A Desston’s Circular Saws, and Dole’s Saw Gummer, Whitehall street. "jewelry.' VEAL 8l WOOD, T\ealer* in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, A_r Silver and Plated Ware, Fine Cutlery, Spectacles; Walking Cances, and Fancy Articles, Johnson’s Block, Whitehall street. GROCERIES. HIGH, BUTLER & PETERS, /Commission Merchants, for the pur* Vri chase and sale of Tennessee Produce, Cotton, Gro ceries, Ac., Corner of Forsyth street and W. A A. R. R. HUBBARD 8l CHISOLM, \Af nolesale Sc Retail Dealers in Fam- v v ily and Plantation Groceries, Hollow Ware, Pocket and Table Cutlery. Corner Decatur and Ivey Sts. Or. O. S. PROPHITT’S CELEBRATED LIVER MEDICINE AND ANODYNE PAINKILLER. This Medicine is a safe and ceratin remedy for al kinds of LITER DISEASES, and DISORDERS arising from the inactivity of that organ. Chronic and Acute. Inflammation of the Liver is cured by it immediately DYSPEPSIA—SICK HEADACHE—SORENESS OF THE STOMACH, LOSS OF APPETITE LOWNESS OF SPIRITS, CHOLIC, COSTIVENESS, Ac, and may be used by all ages and sexes, male and female, and at all periods. It answers all the calls with ladies for Purgatives, and at all times. It is taken in the form of a liquid much better than the usual way of swallowing three or four bitter pills every day, besides your general health and appear ance is improved all the time. My Liver Medicine is purely VEGETABLE, and is put up in packages, and will be sent to any point in the United States FREE OF POSTAGE for #2 a Package in advance. Directions with a full account of its prepara tion and use accompanying each package. Prepared by O. S. PROPHITT only, Covington, Ga. Sold by HUNNICUTT A TAYLOR, Atlanta, Ga. Good for all kinds of Local Pains, and Neuralgic Pains Pain in the Side, Breast, Back or Neck. Aiso good for Coughs, Colds, Cholic, Diarrhse, Tooth-ache, Ear-ache, Chills and Fever, Cold Feet, Weak Stomach, Ac, In all cases where you want the immediate effect of the Pain Killer, apply a towel wet with cold water over the parts—nave it two or three double, and it will produce burning immediately, and in any case where you want to use a mustard plaster, just rub with the Pain Killer free- ly, and then apply a towel wet with cold water over the parts, and it _will produce all the effects that mustard could, besides it leaves no soreness, and in case the pain returns, you may apply it two or three times in the same day, without affecting the skin, which you cannot do with mustard nor any other revulsive, for they all affect the skin, and leave soreness—hut the Pain Killer does not, and may be used in all cases with perfect safety, either internal or external, buy it and try it once, and you will always keep it on hand afterwards. Sold by HUNNICUTT A TAYLOR, Atlanta, Ga. Prepared by 0. S. PROPHITT only, Covington, Ga. July IS, 1S60 .wtc. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENCYj T HE subscriber represents the following first clai Companies, several of which are now the leadinj Companies in the country—all having Cash Capita* and a large surplus. Some of the above Companies d\ vide seventy-five per cen t, of the net earn ings with policy holders: CITIZEN INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK. Capital and Surplus, $324,36; NIAGARA INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital and Surplus,. $304,95 HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK. Capital and Surplus, $1,458,000 2 CONTINENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YOR Capital and Surplus,.. $1,000,00' SECURITY INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK. Capital and Surplus, $575,0 SPRINGFIELD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE C< PANY, MASS Capital and Surplus $184,00' MARKET INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK. Capital and Surplus, .$300,000 HUMBOLDT INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK. Capital and Surplus, $235,000 ARTIZAN INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK. Capital and Surplus, $190,000 NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital, $1,800,000 This Company offers security and advantages unsur passed by any Life Insurance Company in the country. It accommodates the insurer in the payment of premi ums, annually, half yearly, or quarterly. Premiums on policies for life, if over #50 per annum, sixty per cent, is only required. Annuities granted on the most liberal terms. All the above Companies court investigation into their condition and system of doing business. Office on Whitehall street, next door to T. R. Ripley’s, opposite the “ Intelligencer ” office. following in the Newni Literary Companion, ot the 24tli: A man came into this place a few days since as an Auctioneer, accompanied by* a woman whom he represented as his wife. I believe be came directly from LaGrange here, where he had beenstaying a few days. He failed to register his name at Dougher ty's Hotel, but sent out posters all around town heading, “Ladies’ Auction,’’ in which die proposed to sell all kinds Dry Goods and Jewelry to the Ladies, but the hand-bill con tained no name, it had been torn off. The next day after he came, several La dies visited his Auction, and we believe he succeeded cither directly or indirectly in in sulting nearly every one of them. I learn that- the woman was whispering abolition sentiments to some of the waiters at the Ho tel, and that the man gave the darkies the preference at the Auction. On Friday last, he insulted a lady so rude ly that she left the house weeping, and he was perhaps knocked down by some one standing by. He was egged out of town in the evening, and the only regret of the citi- izens, is that they didn't ride him on a rail. His goods were consigned I think to Ma con and lie passed on in that direction.— They are doubtless abolitionists of the vilest stamp. Let the press pass them round. Just too Late.—We were amused a short time since, at the discomfiture of a procrastinating friend of ours. Hi9 services as groomsman to algentleman who resides about two hundred miles from this city, and who was about to enter the matrimonial state, had been solicited, and he had agreed to be on hand—made the necessarv ar rangements, and the day had arrived for him to leave in order to be in time for the ceremony, but as usual, upon arriving at the depot the train had just left. He was cer tainly the worst mortified man we ever saw, and swearing it was his luck—that he was always^wsf too late, he informed us that aside from the mortification his absence would cause his friend, he had perhaps ru ined his own fortune, as there was to be present at the wedding, a young lady worth about $50,000, and lie haefno idea hut that there would have been another wedding shortly, if it had not been for this confoun ded set back, caused by being just too late. After quoting the following verse from Wordsworth’s Poems, we left him to his own reflections: “Miss not the occasion ; by the forelock take That subtile power—the never-halting time— Lest a mere moments putting off should make Mischance almost as a heavy as a crime.” Macon Telegraph. October 10,1S59. SAMUEL SMITH. dly BITTERS. Carving in Wood. T A4K SUBSCRIBER respectfully announces to the citizens of Atlanta, that he is now fully prepared . to execute in the best manner every description of CARV- j SfiWIlAK, ING IN WOOD. He will also give particular attention to the fitting up of Stores, with Shelves, Counters, Ac., after any plan; also, the Internal decoration of Public Halls. Churches, Ac. Old Furniture of good quality will be repaired at short notice in the beat manner. THBO. HROCZKOWSKI, Marietta street, opposite Gas Works. F or the cure of Incipient Consumption Weak Lungs, Weak Stomachs, General Debility, Piles’ and all diseases requiring a Tonic, are unsurpassed. They are made of a pure Sherry Wine, and aside from their medicinal properties, they are a most wholesome and de lightful beverage. HIS BRANDY CATHARTIC, Is a sure remedy for Costiveness, Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia. They ase pleasant to the taste; sure in their operation, and as a Cathartic, entirely, effectually and positively supercede the use of Pills, so nauseous and disagreeable to the taste. His Imperial Gin Bitters, Act on the Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary Organs, and are a superior remedy for Drspesia, connected with Liver Complaint in all its forms. For Female Obstructions. They are truly valuable, made of pure Holland Gin, pleasant and agreeable to the taste, and may be well termed a necessary FEMALE COMPANION His Cathartic Syrup, For Infants, Children and Delicate Females, is certainly one of the most desirable and valuable Medicines in the wotld. It is a perfect substitute for Calomel, acting on the Liver, removing all obstruction in the Bowels, curing Costiveness, Indigestion and Dyspesia. Although it is as sure and effectual ia its operations as Calomel, yet it is so delicious to the State, that children will cry for it, and it is as gentle, innocent and harmless as the dews of Heaven Thousands of mothers throughout the land will bless the discoverer of this valuable Medicine. CHAS. WEDDIFIELD, Proprietors, 649 stud 651 Broadway, NT. Y. For sale by Hunnicutt A Taylor, Atlanta, Ga., Plumb ALeitner, Augusta, Ga. and Druggists generally. Jan 24——dftwly M. P. WINGFIELD, WITH GRAYDON, McCREERY & CO., Importers and Jobbers of DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, Ac. Ac. Ae. 344, 346 and 348 Broadway, APPLETON’S BUILDING, NEW YORK. Wm. Graydon, ) l Geo. H. Seeley Y T. A. McCkkkry, < [as. Graydon, ) | Wm. A. 8cott. BUTTERSCOTCH DEPOT! Hunnicutt <fe Taylor’s Corner, Peach Tree and Decatur Streets, ATLANTA, GEO. R H. HUMPHREY is now manufacturing • this delightful Candy in large quantities, and will be pleased to forward all orders addressed him. Having established the business in this city eighteen months ago, in which time he has forwarded to the principal cities and towns in the South, it has never failed to please in any instance. Therefore it is pronounced by the thousands I that daily use it to be the richest, purest, most healthy | and pleasant-tasted; also, the most efficacious in ! COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, IRRITATED THROATS, Ac., ; now before the public. Merchants, Confectioners and i Druggists visiting Atlanta will do well to call at Messrs. LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY! Southern Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Southern Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Charter Oak Life Ins’ce Co., Hartford, Capital. ..#300,000 Hartford Fire Insurance, do do 500,000 JEtna Insurance Co., do do 1000,000 Phoenix Insurance Co., do do 400,000 Connecticut Fire Insurance Co., do do 200,000 City Fire Insurance Co., do do 250,000 Merchants’Insurance Co., do do : 200,000 Girard Fire Insurance Co., Pluladel’a de 200,000 T HE subscriber represents the above Companies, all of which he can assure the public are First Class Com panies. The CAPITAL STOCK of the Stock Companies is all paid in, besides each Company, including the Mu tual Companies, has a large Surplus. Office on Whitehall Street, in the Clothing Store of W. Herring A Son. N. L. ANGIER, Insurance Agent. A tlanta, Ga., July 14th, 1859 dly FURNITURE. F. A. WILLIAMS, M anufacturer Sc Dealer in all kinds of Furniture. Moss A Hair Mattresses, Looking Glass, Plates Ac. Peachtree street. D. M. YOUNG, AGENT, W holesale and Retail Dealer In all kinds of Furniture, Matrasses, Window Shades, Looking-Glasses, Ac. Salesrooms in McXaught, Ormond A Co’s Keystone Building, Whitehall street. CLOTHIN Gr. W. HERRING 8c SON, M anufacturers and Dealers In Hen’s A Boys’ Clothing, Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vest, Tailors’ Trimming Ac. Iron Front Store, Whitehall streei. street. M. OPPENHEIMER, tolexale A Retail Dealer In Ready- made Clothing. Atlanta Clothing Hall, Whitehall FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE! IS SOUTHERN INSTITUTIONS. The Augusta Insurance and Ranking Company.—Ga.—Capital $375,000. The Selma Insurance and Trust Com. pany—Ala.—Capital $300,000. The Insurance Company of the Valley of Virginia—Capital $300,000. Our rates of Insurance are as favorable as those of any safe institution of the same kind. The lives of Negroes are also insured in the Augusta Company. All of the above are on a solid and permanent basts, having accumulated large surplus on their capitals. Be sides being SOUTHERN INSTITUTIONS, the premiums remain at home. Atlanta, May 25-tf S. B. BOBSOK ft CO., Ag’ts FOUNDED 1652. CHARTERED 1854. LOLA TED CORNER OF BALTIMORE AND CHARLES STREETS. BALTIMOP.E, XD. T HE largest, most elegantly furnished and popular Commercial College in the United States. Designed expressly for Young Men desiring to obtain a Thorough Practical Business Education in the shortest possible time and at the least expense. A large and beautifully ornamented Circular, contain ing upwards of SIX SQUARE FEET, with Specimen cf Penmanship, and a large Engraving (the finest of the ,, —: ,, . , . , , „„„ , kind ever made in this country) representing the Interior Hunnicutt A Taylors, where they «tn be furnished any View of the College, with Catalogue stating terms Ac., quantity ^desired. Price $8 per hundred. [febS-wly will be sent to every Young Man on application, Free of ISAAC WINSHIP, BOB^T. WIXSHIP, GEORGE WINSHIP COWETA HOUSE. GEOKGIA T HE subscriber has taken charge of and fitted^RA up this House for the accommodation of Public; furniture nearly all new; solicits a share of SUL patronage, and pledges to use his utmost endeavors to eccommodate well all who call on blip, and will suffer ao aasonable man to go away dissatisfied. , „ , W. T. THCRMON. Jan 15-1 j Winship Iron works ATLANTA, - -- -- -- -- - GEORGIA I. & R. WINSHIP ft CO. M ANUFACTURERS of Steam Engines and Boilers, Circular Saw Mills, on the most approved plan, Turning Lathes, Sugar Mills, Kettles, Mining Machinery, Mill Work of all descriptions, new stylos of Iron Railing for fences and Cemetery Lots, Bridge Castings and bolts, Railroad work. Gin Gearing from 9 to 12 feet, latest im- j proved Horae Powers, and all kinds of Iron and Brass ; castings made to order at short notice. Having experienced workmen, a large and well assort ed stock nf new patterns, and our facilities being supe rior to any foundry In the State. We feel confident of giving entire satisfaction to those who may favor ns with their orders, both in regard to prices and quality of our work. fV Foundry and Machine Shop on Western ft Atlantic Railroad. (March 16-wly] .. of Charge. Write immediately and you will receive the package return mail. Address, mhln E. K. LOSIER, Baltimore, Md. MANUFACTORY. PITTS 8l COOK, D ealers In Lumber and. manufactu rers of Sash, Doors and Blinds, Ac. Lumber Dressed, Flooring and Ceiling tongued and grooved at the usual prices. They are also successors to Joseph Winship A Co. in the Manufacture of Cotton Gins, and Threshing Ma chines. Shop near Winship’s Iron- Works, on the Wes- ern A Atlantic Railroad. WHOLESALE GROCERY. We Keep constantly on hand a very Heavy Stock of Rio Coffee, Old Gov’t Java do N. O. Sugar, A. B. & C. Sugar, Crushed Sugar, Loaf Sugar, Cuba Molasses, N. O. Syrup, Golden Syrup, Stewart’s Extra No. IMackerel, Syrup,White Fish, Nails,» Star Candles, Adamantine Candles, No. 1 Soap, Family Soap, Toilet Soap, Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Choice Rice, Liverpool Salt,J Bi-carb Soda, Green Tea, Black Tea, Pepper, Piemento, Ginger, Cheese, Powder, Shot, Lead, Buckets, Tubs, Brooms, Demijohns, Assorted Candy, Eancy Candy, * Almonds, Filberts, Pecan Nuts, Brazil Nuts, Raisins, Sardines, CALHOUN White-Hall Street - HOUSE, - - - Atlanta. T HIS House is now open for the reception of the tra veiling public. An Omnibus will meet the day trains and convey passengers to the House, free of charge. |V The subscriber will still continue the practice of is profession. March 3-d6m K. N. CALHOUN. PLANTER’S HOTEL. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. (opposite the passenger depot.) T HOROUGHLY renovated and refurnished, and in the ▼ery centre of the citv. Jan. 12—WM. O’HALLORAN Proprietor. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, Of all Grades and Prices, &c. To which we respectfully invite the attention of’elose CASH BUYERS, A. C. WYLY &C0., CHEROKEE BLOCK, Peachtree-Street, ATLANTA, GA. Ag*R JO, 1860—dly NOTICE TO FARMERS AND TRADERS. T he Subscriber* keep constantly on hand in the town of Monroe, Ga., a few LIKELY NEGROES, which they will sell verv low for cash or approved paper. Apply to ' E. A. SMITH A CO., mh28-wly Monroe, Georgia. 66 TUT AXED COOLERS”—2, 3 and 4 gallon. •Tf c — - A Noble Girl.—Tae Ballymena (Ireland ) Observer, of the Fd of June, records the sto ry of the doings of an Irish girl, whose pa rents formerly resided in the neighborhood of the town in which that journal is publish ed, substantially as follows: Her father, Wm. McCord, a shoemaker, and tenant of a small farm near Ballymena, died in circumstances of pecuniary embar rassment some years ago. At the time of his death, his labilities amounted to nearly £40, and his family were left without a shil ling for themselves, or any means for the liquidation of these debts. Soon aftex* his death, about the year 1853, his daughter, Ann Jane McCord, then scarcely 20 years of age, emigrated to America, /where she ob tained employment as a domestic servant.— Having from the outset determined to pay every farthing of her dead father’s liabilities she hoarded the small earnings of her indus try with the utmost care, and, after six years of incessant toil, her noble aspirations were crowmed with success—her ardent desire was accomplished, and the grand aim of all her self-sacrificing exertions was fully achi eved. On the 9tli of February last, she sent a letter from 99 West Twenty-fourth street, New York, remitting to Mr. James McCord, of Castlegore, a bank order for the sum of £40, to be distributed by that gentleman in payment ot her father’s debts. The aggre gate sum due was £34 3s 3d. In a post script, she directed that one McHenry should be paid 5s. over the amount of his debt, and that the ballance of the remittance, £5 11s 9d should be presented to her sister, Mrs. Mar garet Wilson. Gov. Johnson is in Savannah upon the ivitation of the Douglas men of that city, and will address the people to-night. The Republican promises good behavior and says rightly: Governor Johnson is justly ranked among the great men of his day—a man of whose intellect and eminence in the estimation of the whole country, eveiy Georgian must feel a becoming pride; for this reason, and because he is a Georgian, we have no hesi tation in tendering him, in behalf of the good people of Savannah, of all parties, a cordial and friendly welcome to our city. Hon. Robert McMillan.—Some month or tw T o ago we proposed the name of the above gentleman for Presidential Elector for the 6th Congressional district. We now re new the suggestion that he be selected as the standard bearer of the democracy in the present campaign. As a public debater he has but few equals in the State, and no su perior in the district. It is important that men of ability be placed upon the electoral ticket, so that the people may be thorough ly informed on to the true issues before the country. This done, w’e do not fear the re sult. What say our contemporaries of the Ban ner and Herald to the nomination which we suggest ?—Laicrencerille Hews. We say yea—a more suitable man could not be selected.—Southern Herald. Another Recruit.—Forney of the Phil adelphia Press, makes the important an nouncement that Forrest, the actor, goes for Douglas. Of course. He and Forney ought to travel in the same boat. They are the precious pair who tried to induce George Roberts, a Boston editor, to get Jamison, the actor, drunk, and extort from him a confes sion of his criminal intimacy with Mrs. For rest. Another Douglas Flag Down.—The Greensboro (Ala.) Beacon, has hauled down the Douglas flag, and among its reasons Tor so doing says that Douglas “ stands not the slightest chance of getting the vote of Ala bama.” Another Elector.—We are rejoiced to announce to the Democratic party and to eveiy free Southern statesman, this morn ing, that D. McN. McKAY, Esq., one of the sub-Electors upon the Bell and Everett tick et in this district, has declared his determin ation to support JOHN C. BRECKIN RIDGE and Gen. JOS. LANE for President and Yice-President! Mr. McKay says no Southern man can do otherwise and per form his duty to the “South and nation a large.” So it will be with every true South ern man, before the November elections.— Fayetteville Carolinian. Octagon and Chrystalized. McNAGH For sale by CNAGHT, ORMOND ft CO. A correspondent tells the New York Journal of Commerce “to put Ohio 80,000 YOtes for Breckinridge,' 1 feb4-d8m