The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, July 02, 1860, Image 3

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®hc intelligencer. ThurwUy, Horning, August 2,1860. Muonic Hotice. The members of Fulton Lodge, No. 216, F. A. M., are requested to attend the meeting this (Thursday) evening punctually. Wor shipful Brother John W. Leonard will, by invitation, deliver a lecture on the Entered Apprentice’s Degree. A full attendance of the members of the Lodge, and of our visit ing brethren, is expected. DAVID MAYER, W. M. The Forrest Dramatic Club. This Dramatic Association, composed en tirely of Amateurs, will give their second entertainment at tiie Athenaeum this even ing at eight o'clock. Their first play, Damon and Pythias, on the 3rd ultimo, was a most decided success; and their pieces to-night will, we are confident give unboundeu satis faction. The Pooh Gentleman is a side splitting Comedy in five acts—it will be worth a dollar to see one gentleman of our acquaintance act his part in the last act.— John Peter Pillicoddv, cousin German to the celebrated Peter Pe-Pepercorn is to be the Farce. We would suggest to the “Club” if it. were not too late, that they are giving too many good things at once. Any person who can see Pillicoddy acted with out a strange sensation in his side, and a dampness about the eye-lashes is not one to appreciate a good laughable farce. Ij*1 those now laugh, who never laughed before A nd those who’ve laughed a little come to-night and roar. Early application will be necessary to se cure good seats. See full particulars, cost, Ac., in bills. Arrival of the McDonald Guards. Yesterday by the taain from Marietta, at 1 o’clock, P. M., the McDonald Guards, un der the command of Captain Ruff, one of the Professors of the Georgia Military In stitute, arrived here on a visit to the Cadets. They numbered four Officers, t wo Sergeants, two Corporals, and twenty men. Their ap pearance was clean, smart, and soldier-like. They were formed in single rank in the Car Shed and marched in file along Prior st., to Decatur; here they were formed into platoons right in front, and better wheeling than their’s we have never seen, out of tuo regular service. It was splendid—like a door on its hinges. We would modestly suggest to the pivot sergeant of the left plat- toon that when marching in open column (in any column) right in front the left is the pivot. He remained all the time upon the right. So far as the marching of his division is concerned, it certainly suffered nothing by his mistake, for the left-hand man, Corp’l. Heggie, preserved his distance and covering most accurately. The Com pany marched in excellent order along Peachtree street, and turned in file to the Camp ground of the Cadets. Major Capers had his corps ready, and the Guards were received with the usual salute; after which Major C. gave “Three Cheers for the Mc Donald Guards” which the Cadets caus ed the hills and valleys in the neighborhood of Walton Spring to re-echo again. “Three cheers for the Cadets” were returned from the Guards, aud both Companies were dismis sed. A gentleman who stood next to us remarked that it was very severe upon a young Company like the Guards, to march them at the support from the Depot to the Camp (especially in such a sun) without change. That was our opinion too. The support seems to be the favorite mode of carring their arms by the most of the Vol- unteer Companies of our acquaitance. Though tchy it should be so w r e areataloss to know'. On the regular march the piece, we believe is never carried at the support, unless preparatory a “carry” salute. It, is confined to sentries marching to and on their posts almost exclusively—and with them it is op tional—they may carry it at the support or shoulder as they please. There are so vuiny netc kinks in modern drill as practised, that we may be wrong—and the support may yet be the mode of carrying arms on the march. Nothing is too absurd nowa days. Military Party. According to previous arrangements, a grand Military party W'as given at the City Hall, on Tuesday night last, in compliment to the Marietta Cadets now' encamped in thli city. The attendance was large. The volunteer companies of our city, in full uni form w'erc in attendance. The Cadets, though youthful in appearance graced the occasion with gilt buttons and clean pants, and won the affections of many gptlie fair daughters of Atlanta. Speaking of our fair countrywomen, we will not give our pen license to w rite of them as our opinion would dictate. We will, however, venture to say that we defy the whole State of Georgia to produce such an array of beauty and loveliness as that which was presented on this occasion. The grave and gay com mingled together, and every one seemed satisfied with himself and herself and their associates, Social converse, promenading and mutual interchange -of kind civilities oc cupied the time, thus pleasantly spent. The supper w'as magnificent. Everything which the appetite could desire was presented, and that too in the most bountiful profusion— enough in quantity for tw'iee the crowd who were present. The Atlanta Band discoursed music of the most delightful character during the evening. At a late hour ot the night, the young people got up a*bit of a dance which was highly entertaining to those who participated in it, as well as to those w r ho remained to witness it. Major Capers and his Cadets seemed to enjoy the festivities of the occasion most admirably. Captains Thompson, Wallace and Wilson, the commanding officers of our three vol unteer companies and their respective com mands, deported themselves like soldiers aud gentlemen, and were assiduous in their endeavors to make their guests comfortable aud happy. Everything went off well, and so far as we know' or believe, to the entire sat isfaction of all who were present. During a residence of nearly two years in thtexity, we have visited many parties, but never have we seen anything in point of interest and elegance, to equal the one which is the subject of this notice. Long live the Mari etta Cadets, and long live the Volunteer Military Companies of Atlanta !!! Atlanta Band. We have a band of music in our city hav ing that title. They were present at the ; late Military festival and performed their part well. We are indebted to them for a complimentary serenade with which they honored our humble domicide a few nights since.' This is a useful institution, aud should receive the approbation and encouragement of all our citizens. “He that hath not music in his soul, is fit for treason, stratagem and spoils.” Gen. Lane to be in Marietta.—Gen. Lane, who is now’ on a visit to North Caro lina, ills native State, has given a positive promise to Col. W. Phillips, and authorized him to make publication of it, that he will, at an early day in the canvass, visit Georgia, and Marietta as one of the first points. To welcome him, as soon as the time is ascer tained, that there will be given one of the largest assemblages and barbacues ever seen in Georgia. All of Cherokee Georgia will pour out to see the old hero; while Cobb, Paulding, Cherokee, Milton and Forsyth, in whose bounds we do not believe there is a single Douglas man, will do the honors of host upon the occasion, and make bountiful provision for the thousands who w'ill be present.—Marietta Statesman. Important, if True.—It w'as reported at a Houston meeting in this city the other evening that Mr. Everett, displeased with the doings of the Union party managers of this State, had half made up his mind to withdraw in disgust from this unprofitable campaign. We hope that there was good ground for this report, and that the next authentic news from Mr. Everett will be that he has withdrawn. Heisagood Union man, but in his present position he is in the way, and cannot do one-half the good tor the Union which he might do if his hands were untied, so that he could resume his patriotic contributions to the New York Ledger.—N. Y. Herald. A Heavy Bet on the Election.—The editors and proprietors of the LaCrosse (W is.) Republican and the Democrat have bet their offices, paper, types and everything, (value $4,000) on the result of the election in Illi nois and Wisconsin. If Douglas carries both States the editor of the Democrat is to take both concerns. If Douglas does not carry both States, then the editor of the Republican is the winner. We w'ould advise the Editor of the Democrat to read carefully the advertise ments in The Printer, and be on the look-out for a second hand outfit. He will certainly lose. COMMERCIAL RECORD- REPORTED BT S. B. ROBSON & Co., GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Whitehall Street. To the Democratic Party of Georgia. Mr. Breckinridge and Gen. Lane having accepted the nomination for President ana Vice-President, you are hereby called to convene by County Delegates at Milledge- ville, on Wednesday, the eighth day of Au gust next, to form an Electoral Ticket and to consult for the general interests of the country and party. W. McKINLEY, JULIAN HARTRIDGE, ARTHUR HOOD, HUGH BUCHANAN, DAN’L S. PRINTUP, A. A. FRANKLIN HILL, DAVID C. BARROW. P. S.—The Committee conferring by let ter, no answer has been received from Mr Tracy. An earlier day would interfere with, the various educational assemblages of July and August. State Dem. Ex. Com. Keep it Before the People !—To show how thoroughly Mr. Douglas is committed against the decision of the Supreme Court on the question involving the powers of a Territorial Legislature, we publish below in parallel columns their respective views on this subject: . “The right ot prop-| “The people of a erty in a slave is dis j Territory can by law- tinctly and expressly; ful means, exclude affirmed in the Con-’slavery before it comes stitution,” and that;in as a State;” aud “no tribunal acting] “no matter what m%y under the authority ofj&j the decision of the the United States, i Supreme Court on that whether it be legisla-j abstract question, still tive, executive or ju- the right of the peo dicial, has a right to draw a distinction or to deny to it the bene pie oi the Territories to make a slave Terri- „„ „ j ,tory or a free Territo- fit of the provisions;ry is perfect and com- and guarantees, whichlpfefe.”—[S. A. Doug- liave been provided;las. for the protection of private property.”— “And if Congress it- ; self cannot do this—if it is beyond the pow-' er conferred on the Federal Government —it could not author ize a Territorial Gov ernment to exercise them. It could confer no power on any local government, established by its authority, to vio late the principles of the Constitution“The only power conferred is the potcer coupled with the duty of guarding and protecting the ow ner in his right." [Su preme Court, U. s. HOTEL FOR SALE. T HE uudersigned, from long continued bad healtii, is compelled to retire from public life, = being unable to give proper attention to business, JUiL he therefore offers for sale his large and well arranged and located BRICK HOTEI, to which is attached good out houses, stable and stable lots, all in good repair, ready for business. The property is as well arranged and located for a Hotel as can be found in a country vil lage. Cassville is the Court house town, and in one of the richest and most populous counties in Cherokee Geor gia; healthy and well watered. There are jn _ the place two Colleges—male and female—ia a flourishing condi tion. In fact, I know of no town where there are so many inducements offered to any who are desirous of educating their children ar.d at the same time make mo ney. I am determined to sell and will give great induce ments to purchasers. T’-ose wishing to purchase will do well to make application soon. Come and see the pro perty, or address me at Cassville, Ga. July 2C-lm WM. LATIMER. Removal. T HE undersigned has removed his large and select Stock of HATS and CAPS, from his old stand, Marietta street, to Markham’s New Iron front Buildings, Whitehall Street. He would call the attention of his friends and the pub lic generally, to his large and fashionable stock just re ceived. SIGN OF THE BIG HAT. JA8. S. MARTIN, Atlanta, Ga. Jnly 2S-tf MTU Siting Irons, Curling Tongs, Pinking Irons f For sale by _ March 7, I860. McNAUGHT ORMOND A CO. w? TEBING POTS, for garden and store use —four sizes. For sale by McNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO. Atlanta Market. Atlasta, August 1,1860. CORN.—There has been considerable arrival of this article for the last two or three days. The demand is large, and a good deal has been shipped without going into store. We quote white in cotton sacks $1 10; white in gunny f 1 05 to $1 10; mired in gunny $1 00 to $1 05. FLOCR.—Stocks of this article light and prices are fulL Superfine (new) $3 87X to $4 00; Extra 84 00 to $4 10; Famliy $4 00 to $4 *25. BACON.—This article advances steadily. We quote Clear Sides at 15 cts; Shoulders 11; Hams 13)4@14)4. LARD.—This article is getting scarce, prime is worth 18 (ft, 13)4 cents in barrels. MOLASSES.—Cuba is selling at 32 to 38)»'c. New Or leans, 53 to 55 cents. HAY.—Is selling at $1,75 to $2.10 per hundred pounds. CANDLES—Star and Adamantine 19 to 23 cents. NATL8.—Best brands 4)4 @4)4. EXCHANGE.—On North, )4 per cent, premium ATLANTA PRICKS CURRENT. BAGGING—Gunny heavy ..$1 yard. @ BALE ROPE—Machine ..^ ft-..- . SX @ 9 Hand spun ft.... . s @ &)4 BACON—Hams ft... .13)4 © 15 Sides, ft.... .15 © Shoulders, ..^ ft.... . 11 @ Hog round, ft.... BUTTER—Goshen, prime, ..%} ft--.. .25 @ 30 CANDLES—Spermeciti, .43 @ 50 Adamantine, Star.. ft.... 19 © 22)4 CRACKERS—Soda ^ ft 8)4 @ 10 Butter ft 8)4 © 10 CANDY'—City made, ft 17 “ Northern ft 15 @16 COFFEE—Rio .. $ ft 13)4 @ 15 Java, ^ft 18 @20 Laguayra, $1 ft..,.. 18)4 @ 14)4 Maracaibo, ^ ft ..*..15 @ 17 CEMENT—Rosendale, $ bbl... .3 50 @ 4 00 ' SHIRTING—brown )4 $ yard.. 6)4 “ “ V* § yard.. 7 “ 1 yard wide $ yard.. 8)4 SHEETING—brown yard.. “ bleached w yard.. 5 @ 12)4 OSNABURGS—Soz $ yard.. 10)4 “ 7 oz yard 9)4 YARNS—assorted ^ bunch. 90 @95 FISH—Mackerel, No. 1, bbl.... 18 00@20 00 “ No. 2, bbL.. .16 00<f 17 00 “ No. 3, $ bbl....12 00@12 50 White Fish ^halfbbl. 7 50 Blue Fish “ 6 50 FLOUR—Fine, $ lOOfts. 3 50@3 62)4 {Superfine $ 100 fts. 3 35@3 95 Extra $ 100 fts. 4 00@412)4 Extra Family $ 100 fts. 4 12@425 GRAIN—Corn in sacks $ bus 1 05@ 1 10 Wheat (white) bus 1 50@ 1 60 Wheat (red) $1 bus 1 40 @ 1 50 Oats bus 85 @ 90 A O O o Corn Meal ^ bus,. . .1 00 @ 1 10 IRON—Pig ..27 50 Sweeds—assorted ... ^ ft... • • 5)4 @ 5)4 English ....$ ft... -. 3)4 Etowah. ....$? »••• • ■ 3)4 Hoop and Band $ ft 4)4 @ 5 Nail rod $ ft 6 @ 7)4 Plow steel—all sizes f) ft 7)4 LARD # ft 12)4 @ 13 HAY 100 fts 1 75©2 25 HIDES—dry $ ft 10 @ 12)4 LEAD—Pig and Bar $ ft 8 @ 8)4 Sheet f? ft 11)4 White Lead ft.... S @ 10 LIME.—Georgia $ ft. ... MOLASSES—Cuba $ gal... .33)4© 35 New Orleans gal 55 @ 60 NAILS—4d to40d $ keg ...4)4@ 4)4 OILS—Sperm $ gal....l 50@2 00 Linseed $ gal ... 90@1 00 Tanners & gal 50@1 00 POTATOES—Northern $ bbl.... 4 00@4 50 Yams bus 65@ 75 POWDER—FFg $» keg... 6 50@7 00 Blasting, ^ keg... 5 50 RAISINS—Malaga bunch . ...$ box... 3 25@S 50 Layer, « box... 8 50@4 00 RICE, # ft 4)4 @ 5 SUGAR—New Orleans # ft 8 @ 10 Crushed and powdered. 1b 11)4 @ 12)4 Refined A # 1b 11)4 © 11)4 Refined B $ 1b 10)4 @ H Refined C $ ft 10)4 @ 10)4 SALT—Liverpool,sacks .Jfi sack... 1 50@ SOAP—American Yellow ^ ft 6@ 8 SHOT—all sizes & bag... 2 00@2 25 SEGARS—Spanish $ M....20 00 @30.00 American 99 M... 8 00 @10.00 TALLOW—American, # ft 9 @ 10 TOBACCO—Manufactured ft 15 @ 7 STARCH $ ft 8 @ 10 'BRANDY—French fj gal....2 00 @S»j “ Peach & gal....l 50 ©2) . “ Domestic ft gal 60 @ 75 WHISKEY—Rye—Monon’la$ gal.... 50 @1 23 “ Corn $ gal 65 @ 85 “ Rectified $ gal.... 80 @ 35 RUM—New England $ gal ... 45 @ 55 VINEGAR $gal.... 20 Note.—It is proper to remark that these are wholesale rates, and purchasers at retail have to pay a small ad vance on above prices. Wholesale & Retail —OF— CHINA, QUEENS, GRANITE AND GLASS WARES. Clkina Dinner Setts, Granite Diu’r Setts. “ Tea Setts, “ Tea Setts, “ Fruit Bowls, Glass Fruit Bowls, “ “ Baskets, “ Cov’d Dishes, “ Pitchers, Granite and Fancy “ Toilctt Setts, Pitchers, China Soup and Sauce Turreens, Granite and Fancy Toilett Setts, “ Soup and Sauce Turreens, lOO Doz. Earthen Fruit Jars, 50 “ Glass ** lOO Doz. Jelley Tumblers, Cans and Moulds. 200 Original Packages of Earthen CROCKERY and GLASS WARES, which will be sold by the Package. Red Sygnal Lanterns, Conductor’s Lanterns, &c. y Kerosine, Camphene, Fluid and Oil, Lamps of all de scriptions, Plated Castors, Cake Baskets, Mugs, Goblets, Forks, Spoons, Knives and Bells. POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY, —BY— T. R. RIPLEY, July 19—tf Whitehall Street, near Railroad. Valuable City Property. (Dwellings on Ivey street. 2 _ l “ Peach Tree street 4 acres ground. 1 “ “ “ “ “ 3 “ “ 1 Splended “ Hunter “ 2 “ “ 1 “ “ Fair “ 6 “ “ 1 “ “ Marietta “ 5 “ *• 1 “ “ “ “ S “ 1 “ “ Houton “ 3 “ “ 40 acres )4 mile outside corporation. 202)4 acres 4 miles from city. In addition we have improved and unimproved proper ty in various parts of the city for sale. W'e give Special attention to buying and selling all kinds of Real Estate and personal property. To Rent. A house with an acre garden, comer McDonough and Fair street. Wanted to Rent. A house with 4 rooms and out house at a fair rent. Call on G. J. FOREACRE, & CO., Real Estate and Insurance agent, Masonic Hall. A CARD. T HE subscriber respectfully recommends the following Insurance Companies to the citizens of Atlanta, as first class institutions, and worthy of their confidence and support. “The Georgia Rome Fire Insurance Company of Columbus.” “The Charter Oak Fire Company of Hartford.” FRANCIS R. SHACKELFORD, Agent, Office next to Bank of Fulton, East-side, July 14 lm Alabama Street. To Building Contractors. P ROPOSALS will be received by Messrs. Osmond a Co., for erecting in the rear of their store a brick Warehouse, 73 feet 6 inches by 60 feet 10 inches, two stories high. Specifications and Drawings to be seen at the office of Jane 22-tf GABBETT A CRISP, Architects. T. A. WRIGHT’S CELEBRATED HAIR TONIC, AN INFALLIBLE PREVENTIVE JOR THE LOSS OF HAIR, AND A CERTAIN RESTORATIVE OF THE HAIR IN Cases of Baldness. T HE subscriber has been appointed sole Agent for the Southern States of the above inraiuable compound, anfroffers it to the public with the utmost confidence in its BENEFICIAL QUALITIES. A fair trial is all that is asked for it, and if in any case it does not prove what it is represented THE MONEY will be REFUNDED. PRICE, $1 Per Bottle. To be had, Wholesale or Retail, of A. ISAACS. (Sole Agent for the South.) Whitehall Street, opposite Herring A Sons—Up Stairs— my31-d6m Atlanta, Ga. NEW CARRIAGE REPOSITORY DAILY INTELLIGENCER ATLANTA, GEORGIA, W. \V. Woodruff & Co., H ave opened a large and splendid stock of Carriages in Atlanta, of every variety of Style consisting of COACHES, BERLINS R0CKAWAYS, Phaton's, Bretts, Slide Seat, Top and No-Top BUGGIES, CONCORD BUGGIES HACK and JERSEY WAGONS, Iron Axle Plantation Wagons, Harness, Whips, &co., See. All of their Stock made up to special order, and war ranted to be of the best made in America. Their long experience in the CARRIAGE BUSINESS in Griffin, Ga., where they still keep a large stock, enables them to offer great inducements, both in quality and price. pF* COME EVERYBODY, and see our Stock, or seen yourordert^aud you shall be supplied as low as you dan buy in New York or any other market. pSf* Next door above the Concert Hall. October 30,1859—dtwtf FREEMAN & SIMPSON’S Told (MAGNOLIJ OLD IAGN0LI «FHLS We offer for sale the above standard brand of fine Copper-Distilled-Malted Rye-Whiskey, in barrels and half barrels. As it is of our own distillation, and highly improved by age, we confidently recommend it as the purest and best Whiskey that can possibly be distilled. We also offer our OLD FAMILY RYE WHISKEY, and other brands, from the largest stock of Fine Whis kies in the United States. FREEMAN A SIMPSON, Phoenix Distillery, On the Schuylkill River, Philadelphia. Offices 96 Wall Street, New York, and March 27-dly 109 South Street, Philadelphia. NEW CLOTHING STORE. BRYSON & BEAUMONT, R ESPECTFULLY call the Jattention ;of the Public to their Stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, —AND— VESTINGS, which they will make to order on the most reasonable terms, and at short notice. A Good Fit, in all cases, GUARANTEED, ! ALSO, AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK OP READY-MADE CLOTHING, Of the Best Manufacturers New York City, wUeb tney will sell at a SMALL PROFIT OUR STOCK OF FURNISHING GOODS Is new and complete, comprising every thing that a gen tleman wears in that line, viz: SHIRTS, COLLARS, HO SIERY, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, CRAVATS, and all kinds of UNDER GARMENTS, Ac. Ac. 1 . BRYSON & BEAUMONT, Whitehall St., Markham’s Building, aofc mH §foI> Office. We take pleasure in calling •the attention of our friends and patrons to our new BOOK AND JOB OFFICE, now in full operation. In all its branches, it is perhaps one of the most complete in the South, enabling us to execute all kinds of Printing in good style, and at prices that cannot fail to give entire satisfaction. Our old friends will take notice that we are again at their service, and ready with increased facilities, to execute with promptness, such favors as they may be stow, feeling that the past is a sufficient guarantee of what we will be able to do in the future. Our recent purchase comprise all the latest improvements in Printing, Bind ing, Ac. The extensive Bindery connected with the office is en tirely new, and we can assure our friends that all orders sent us in this branch of our business, will be promptly and tastefully executed. tSP - " All orders sent us will receive the personal atten tion of Mr. Jis. I. Miller, whose reputation as a practical printer, in connection with the old establishment, is favor ably known in this State. iTBCI NUMNICUTT & TITL01, SIGN OF THE GOLDEI EAGLE, Cor. Peachtree & Decatur Sts. Would hereby call the attention of Physi cians, Merchants and the public generally, to their large and well selected stock OP DRUGS, MEDICINES, OILS, &c. &c. Embracing every thing comprised in the regular Drug Business, which they are pre pared to sell on the most favorable terms, FOR, CASH OR APPROVED PAPER. Having unequalled facilities for the pur chase of goods, they offer GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO PURCHASERS. In addition to their stock of STAPLE DRUGS and CHEMICALS a full assortment of PERFUMERY, TOOTII, HAIR, AKD MIL BRUSHES, Fancy Soaps, cfco. Which they receive direct from the Manu facturers. ALSO THE CHAMPIONGALLERY. DeSHONG, T HE great High Priest of Sun presides. He commands the great Solar Camera. When he points her at the Human Face Divine, he catches the Shadow in the twink ling of a “Chigger’s” eye. Those wishing the best Pic tures should call at the “Champion Gallery,” Markham's New Block, Whitehall street. [May 26—d3m A CARD. M ESSRS. HAYDEN A KELLY, beg leave in the most respectful manner to remind their friends and the public, that they are still prepared to execute PAINTING in all its branches, in first class style, and that they have no connexion whatever (in business) with any other parties. Office in Holland House. May 28—dlOt Fancy Goods, Combs, Gold Foil, Teeth, Dental Cases, Dental and Surgical Instru ments, Medicine Chests, Etc. Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers of TAYLOR’S ANTI-DYSPEPTIC ELIXIR. May 9—tf NEW TOBACCO AND CIGAR STORE. 1 HAVE now on hand and for sale by the wholesale or retail, a magnificent stock of CIGARS,imported direct from Havana, to which I invite the attention of smokers. I have also on hand, a select assortment of the best Smoking and Che wing TOBACCO, at my new store on Decatur street, near the Athenaeum. Feb. 25—dtf A, PONCE Agent. DR. D. YOUNG, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, Johnson’s Block, Whitehall St., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. K EEPS constantly on hand a choice Stock of Paints, Varnishes, Oils, fancy Goods, 4c. Very cheap religious Books, School Books, 4c. Wholesale Agent, for choice Garden Seeds. Wholesale Prices of Darby’s Prophylactic ___ Fluid. X doz $2,50; 1 doz $4; X g™ 33 S 22 ! 1 fi™ 33 Juiyl4 —dawly Sale Every Night this Week. W E have on hand one of the largest and finest stock of JEWELRY ever offered in this city. Gold Watches of every grade, Silver Watches Of all classes, with a fine assortment of Dress Got Ce, a l of which can be bought at reduced prices. We hope the ladies will call and purchase for themselves. June S-2t S. J. SHACKELFORD, V. M. Four Thousand Skirts per Day. R EQUIRING Four separate Factories, and the labor ef ono thousand hands, are required by the demand for Thomson’s Skirts. For Sale. T WO Houses and Lots on Calhoun Street, Ga. R. R. One House has nine rooms, the other three. also, c O NE ACRE LOT near Winship’s Foundry, in the rear, with moderate improvements. A bargain can be had in the above. ALSO, A BEAUTIFUL half acre lot near Mineral Spring, high and weU covered in native oaks, for cash. A bargain can be had in tliis lot. Apply to G. J. FORE ACRE & CO., Real Estate and Insurance Agents, Masonic Hall Building. Atlanta June 23 dtf. WHITE LEAD, OIL, dee. YY 100 kegs White Lead—various brands; For sale by 1000 galls. Raw Oil. 1000 galls. Boiled Oil. James F. Bozeman, I. G. Strapper, J. P. lllges, W. H. Young, James Ennis. THE GEORGIA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, OF COLUMBUS GA. Fire and Marine. CAPITAL $250,000. T HIS COMPANY having completed its organisation under the charter granted by act of the last Legisla ture (and which offers unusual guarantees to policy hold ers.) is now prepared to insure Dwellings, Stores and other buildings, Merchandise, Cotton and other produce, Household Furniture, and all kinds of insurable proper ty, against loss or damage by fire; also to take risks of Marine and Inland Navigation, at the lowest rates charg ed by responsible companies. DIRECTORS : j John McCough, Robert M. Gunby, C. C. Cody, Daniel Griffin, William H. Hughes, L. T. Downing, JOHN McCOUGH, President. D. F. Wilcox, Secretary. FRANCIS R. SHACKELFORD, Agent, for the above^Company, Atlanta. Office next door to the Bank of Fulton. July 6-tf CHARLES BEERHAX’S SHAVING SALOON, Next Boor to tbe Post Office. C HARLES BEERMAN has just opened his splendldly- arranged Shaving Saloon, next door to the Post Of fice, where he will serve his customers, and the public generally, from 6 in the morning until 9 o’clock in the evening. As an appendage to the Shaving Department, he has a large and well-selected assortment of PERFUMERY, COMBS, BRUSHES, Ac., Ac., of every variety; also the best and finest brands of im ported CIGARS, CIGAR-HOLDERS, Jan 31—dly MERSCHAUM PIPES, Ac., Ac. ATLANTA HATJIANUFACTURE. J. M. HOLBROOK, MANUFACTURER AND JOBBER OF HATS & CAPS, IN ALL THEIR VARIETY. WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. MILITARY CAPS MADE TO ORDER. June 21-tf Splendid Subburban Property for Sale. A FIRST CLASS Cottage Dwelling within 1 )4 miles of the Passenger Depot, with 18 acres of land, 12 acre* of heavy wood land, 200 choice fruit trees, part in bear ing, two wells of excellent water, all the necessary out buildings to a first class residence, a splendid garden, Ac. The House contains 5 rooms on first floor, finely sur rounded by native forest trees. This is the finest situa tion around Atlanta, and can be bought at a bargain by applying soon to G. J. FOREACRE A CO., Real Estate and Insurance Agents, Masonic Hall, ^une 19-1 SUMMER DRYGOODS. CIJTTIM & STONE, Decatur Street. We are now receiving a large lot of SUMMER DRESS GOODS, which we are offering at BARGAINS. dtST’ Call and examine for yourselves. May 15—dtf MADDOX A WATKINS, WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ALABAMA STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. a ^ Q Qbags Rio, Java and Laguyra COFFEE; 7 100 barrels A, B and C SUGAR; 30 hhds fair to choice SYRUP; 100 barrels New Orleans SYRUP; 25 half-barrels New Orleans SYRUP; 200 boxes E. D. and W. R. CHEESE; 50 hogsheads BACON, dry and fine; 200 kegs NAILS, best brand; 500 barrels LIQUORS (assorted;) 50 barrels apple and white wine VINEG 20 bales BAGGING; 100 coils ROPE; CIGrABS, any Q.u.antitvl Fresh, from Havana. 1,000 BOXES TOBACCO On Consignment from the Factory. AGENTS BOB STEARNS ft MARVIN'S FIRE-PROOF SAFES A large lot on hand at all times. We are receiving dally fresh supplies of GROCBRZBS, which we defy Competition in Quality or Prices. B. r. madpox.] [Feb 4—dly] [r. watxins. MRS. A. ISAACS, FASHIONABLE MILLINER, Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. K EEPS constantly on hand a large and splendid as sortment of BONNETS, Of the latest styles, suitable for all seasons. Head Dresses, Berthe Capes, Fancy Articles, dee., dee., which she will offer at very low pr ces, anwould re- pectfully solicit a call. [ag-dlyp R. u. CLXRKJE. T. P. GRCB3. CLARK & GRUBB. WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND mso-zio bhoblers* Whitehall St., - - Atlanta, Ga. Keep constantly on hand all classes of Negroes, and are paying the highest market price for all that may be offered. March 5—dtf