The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, December 29, 1861, Image 1

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it hr #tttrUii|fuccr. PUBLISHED DAILY £ WEEKLY BY GAUMING k WHITAKER, PROPRIETORS. Subscription and Advertising Schedule Terms of Sub»cr|ptlon. IMILY, }>er annum. m advance s*. { month. “ i WREKLY, |»er Kate* of AdiertMßg* One Square of Ttn lln>»s or Ic-aa, one insertion $1 Oft; tu«i Fifty cent* for each subsequent insertion leas than one mouth. M*. 3 Mat f M.J. 4 Mo. C Mo. IS Mo i Square $5 ftftj 9 00 10 00 12 00 15 00 20 00 j ■l “ > <K) 11 Oft; 13 00 15 00 20 00 30 00 | 3 “ 10 00 14 00117 00 20 00 25 00 40 00 ! 4 44 '*l2 00 16 00 2t> 00 25 00 30 00 50 00 [ 5 “ 15 00.20 00 25 00 3ft 00 40 00 60 00 j 6 “ 19 00 2$ 00 23 00 83 00 48 00 65 00 7 “ 20 00 25 00|80 lift 85 00 45 DO 70 00 <5 “ |22 00 80 00 87 00 43 00 50 00 75 00 9 “ 1240032 00 44) 00 46 00 55 00 30 00 10 “ ||2s 00 88 00 41 00 43 00 60 00,55 00 Advertisements not marked on copy for a specified time will he published until ordered out, and charged accord ing to the above rates. SPECIAL NOTICES, lOcontaper Une for the first, and 5 i cents for each subsequent insertion. Marriage notices | and funeral invitations, 50 cents each. No special notice j inserted for less than 50 cents. Obituary notices, Reports, j Resolutions or Procee.Uugs of any Society, Association or Corporation ordered to be published, 5 cents per line. Yearly Advertising, with the privilege of change, will be taken at the following rates: DAILY. For one Square, renewable at pleasure, one year. $25 For three Squares, 44 44 45 44 one-fourth Column, 44 70 44 one-half, 44 44 1 10 44 one Column, 44 220 Yearly advertbeing will be limited to the space contrac ted for. Any advertisements not properly connected with the , buisiness will be charged seperately, and also, any excess j of matter ovtr the amount contracted for. Contract advertisements payable quarterly; advertise- j rnent-s from strangers and transient persons, payable in I advance. All others will be considered due when called ! for. The paper under no circumstances, to be Included in a contract. Professional Cards, not exceeding five lines, will be in serted In the Daily at sls, and Weekly at $5, per annum. Calls on persons to become candidates will be inserted as other advertisement?, to be paid for invariably in ad vance. Announcing candidates for office $5., to be paid In advance. Regular advertisers and all others sending communica tions or requiring notices designed to call attention to fairs, concerts, soirees, or any public entertainments, where charges are made for admittance—all notices of private associations, every notice designed to call atten tion to private enterprises calculated or intended to pro mote individual interests, can only he inserted with the understanding that the same is to be paid for. if insert ed in the editorial column (which can be done only at the discretion of the Proprietor) the same will be charged at the rate of not than 20 cents per line. Teriftin for Weekly. Advertisements ordered in the Daily and Weekly will j be charged 50 per cent more than the above Daily rates, j £9T"Advertisements ordered in the Weekly, $1 per square for the first, and 50 cents for each subsequent in sertion. N. B.— I This schedule shall not n any way conflict j with existing contracts. All contracts for the year or any other specified time, shall only cease with the ex piration of the period for which they were made. GAULDINO A WHITAKER. RAILROAD GUIDE. Georgia Railroad & Bank’g Cos. AUQUi>TA ro Atlanta .... 171 Milks, Fake $5 5»» GEORGE YONGE, Superintendent. Morning Passenger Train. Leave Atlanta daily, at 7 00 A. M Arrive at Augusta at 5 55 P. M Leave Augusta daily, at 8 80 A. M Arrive at Atlanta at 7 15 P. M Night Passenger Train. Leave Atlanta dally, at 7 40 P. M ! Arrive at Augusta at 5 43 A. M. | I.eave. Augusta at 4 00 P. M. Arrlvv at Atlanta at 2 05 A. 51. This road runs in connection with the Trains of the South Carolina and the Savannah and Augusta Railroads, ! at Augusta. Oct. 25th, 1361. Macon and Western Railroad. f' li an g e of' NHiednle. Maoon to Atlanta, 102 Mi lbs, Fake $1 sft. ALFRED L. TYLER, Sppkkiiitbxdknt. MACON, Georgia, July 30, 1860. (iN and after Sunday 4th of August the Trains will be / run as follows : Leave Macon at 10 A. M. Arrive at Atlanta at 4 P. M. Leave Atlanta at 1 4ft I*. M. Arrive at Macon 7 05 P. M The 11 A. M. Train from Atlanta connects at Macon with the Central Railroad for Savannah, at 10 00 P. M. t and Southwestern, for Albany and Columbus, at 11 45 P M Atlanta & West Point Railroad. Atlanta to Wk.-t Point 87 Milks Fair $1 50 GEORGE G. HULL, HoPkaiNTKKDENT. (eN and after Sunday, October 27, 1861, the cart on w i lie above road will run as follows: L**ave Atlanta daily, at 2 15 A. M Arrive at West Point at 7 9 A M. Leave West Point dally, at 1 Bft P. M. Arrive at Atlanta at 6 18 P. M. West’ll & Atlantic (State) R. R. Atlanta to Chattan«*».<a 188 Milks —Fake $5 00 JOHN fi. ROWLAND, Scpmuktucdmt. Passenger Train. I.rave Atlanta at .. 7 30 P. M> Arrive at Chattanooga at 4 10 A. M. Leave Chattanooga at. 6 05 P.M. Arrive at Atlanta at 2- 32 A. M Expriwi Freight Panneiiger Train. Leave Atlanta at 3 00 A. M. Arrive at Chattanooga at 2 81 P M Leave Chattanooga at 1 50 A. M. Arrive at Atlanta at ... ... 1 00 P. M flu# Road ronneetf each way with the Rome Branch Railroad at Kingston, the ICaat Tennessee A Georgia Rail road at Dalton, and Uie NaahviUc A Chattanooga Kail road at Chatlaiooga WILLIAMS & McLEAN, UKiLKHH IS AMU MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDB 0F FURNITURE, Pearh'Trre M. f AtlnuU, La., w f ev«ry description on Peach-Tr«* Rn-H, Chei okae luvMea the pu hi it- to vi«R to# Warehouse, wliere t.v ha* a !*<g« supply wf Furniture, M *>• and flair Ua'is *•**», Looking Gtuaaaa. Plata. 4* , uivruy# or. hand, rite neat * rfAiMtu are in th»* sstahßstitneni, *M*»hg tkim MR CHARLES WANDECK a 6/P rat* IJ pholster, and a tasufui Faperrr Room*, prepared to do all work of ltd# nptlofc. In a style sot uhe surpassed also, I.* «rttl t*ang WINDOW CURTAINS, ar, ll . ,i D<ap«ry and rlUl/D <ay and *«’ U$ ti rr and oil* OUftH, and n.* MAfTiRO M*/./**# ot every description for sale Pan*) »•"*, Da# D. g*#rt..n F«a» os, i *qfM and %»**** W <nc* ti n# tt *4 w... fin (sUaRrUm Apr*4 44 ftf yi rmi *h*«A4«* »Arww srtduw Window Curtnoe# #a ftous widttw and pvkas Owners VoUce. I, *11* ....Asragse* etsfcs* t* 4MW» er. «**» * | T:'m£> 771. **""** ** utumm M JJJ ADVEBTIkEMEJn p ki #vv. k'Urf" t** n#w lata a r £2* >mi # ’ fjglfl*— #UM iM, ' » # J # IMi Pf P * 6m*m a 1 « -4* -Wo puln IntcHtgcncer. “ERROR CEASES TO BE DANGEROUS WHEN REASON IS LEFT FREE TO COMBAT IT." —Jeffers in. VOL. VII. MISCELLAN EOUS. Hamilton, Markley & Joyner. {Lute G. K. <C J. L. Hamilton.) DRU6GISTS AND APOTHECARIES Atlanta, Gfeorgia. THIS Firm has been formed for the purpose of carry ing on the “WHI G UISISESS,” in » u its branches. We have lately b**en enabled to replenish the Stock with about 1,200 gallons of various kinds of Oils, Alcohol, &e. We can alao now offer Gum Opium, Cream Tartar, Sulphate Quinine, Super Carb Soda, Sulphate Morphine, Sal Soda, Gum Camphor, Sulphur, Ac., Ac. With the usual assortment of Chemicals. Drugs, &c. We give notice to our customers that at the earliest day sliips can come into a Southern port we shall eom mence to “IMPORT DIRECT” our supplies of Foreign Drug*, Spleen, Cog nac Brandy, Wines, Glannware, Ac. Terms strictly and invariably CASH. HAMILTON, MARKLEY A JOYNER. July 23 6m INDIA RUBBER GOODS. rpilE undersigned has a good supply of India Rubber JL Coats and Blankets on hand. Atlanta, Aug. 18-81 D. MAYER. Adnitnifetrator’* Sale. BY virtue’of an order from the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Campbell county, Georgia, will be sold before the Court house door in Cainpbellton, on the First Tuesday In January, 1562, within the legal hours cfsale, the following property, belonging to the estate of James Stewart, late of said county, deceased, viz: The Plantation whereon said deceased lived at the time of his death, containing acres, more or less. On the premises are a good comfortable dwelling, gin house, negro houses, and all necessary out buildings. ALSO, will be sold, the tract of land on which J. M. j Huey now lives, known as the “McElroy Place,” contain ing 178 Vs acres, more or less, which includes one half in terest in lot No. 044 Ist Dist. and 3d Section, and adjoin ing lands of A. J. Norton and others. There is a dwell ing, and some out buildings on this place. ALSO, the tract on which J. L. Humphrey now lives, known as the 44 Austin Place,” containing 175 acres, more or less, which also includes one half interest in lot No. 6*44, Ist District and 3rd Section, adjoining lands with A. G. McKenney and others. There is on this piaceaspien did frame dwelling, and other buildings necessary for a comfortable residence. ALSO 133 acres, more or less, known as the “Old Bot tom Place,” adjoining lands of J. 11 Winn, and others. There are no buildings on this place. ALSO, another tract, known as the “Woodland Tract.” containing 16ft acres, more or less, adjoining lands of W. H. Brown, and others. This tract is also without build ings. ALSO, the tract whereon F. M. Stewart now lives, known as the ‘‘McLarty Place,” containing 16ft acres, more or less, adjoining lands of R. Benson and others, There is a comfortable dwelling and other necesary out buildings on the premises. ALSO, the tract known as the “Mill Place,” containing 19ft acres, more or less, adjoining lands of J. L. Klker, Levi Holloway, and others. ALSO, the tract on whi h W. P. Winn now lives, con taining 16ft acres, more or less, adjoinings lands to Levi Holloway and others. It has on it a good dwelling, and other necessary buildings. afcALSO, the tract know# a° the “Lowry PJace,” where i7ii F. M. Winn row lives, containing 2ftft acres, more or less. There is a dwelling and other necessary buildings on this place All sold for the purpose of distribution among the le gatees of Janies Stewart, late of Campbell county, de ceased. Terms made known on tee day of sale. F. M. .STEWART, I . . . Nov. 9,1561 JOHN M. HUEY. f 1111 - GEORGIA, Beßulb County • rilo all whom it may Conckkn : William 0. Cheney, A having filed his petition in proper form to me, pray ing for letters of administration, de bonis non, with the will annexed, on the estate of Thomas 11. ChiYe*s, de ceased : This is to cite all legally Interested in the execution of this application, creditors, legatees, next of kin, and all others interested, to be and appear at the next February Term of the Court of Ordinary of said county, and show cause, if any they can, why letters of administration, de bonis non, with will annexed, should not be granted to said William O. Cheney. Given under my hand, at office, officially this 31st day of December, 1860. B. WILSON, Ordinary. AdmlnlMtrator** Sale. be sold in the town of Fayetteville, Ga., on Y v the FIRST TUESDAY in December next, between tiie usual hours of sale, 36# acres of Land, being the South half, except .fifteen acres 'iff the Southwest corner of said half lot,’ No. 72. in the 5' ) District of said coun ty, as the property of David Bar. atine, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale JESKK BARLNTINK, JR., Oct. 7. IS6I. Adm’r. Adiiilnlfttralor’* Male. VGKKKABLY to an order es the Court of Ordinary of Fulton County, Ga., will be sold before the Court House door, in the city of Atlanta, within the legal hours of sale, < n Tuesday, the 7th day of JANUARY’ next, the following uegroes, viz; Guilford, a barber, about 45 years of age ; Frank, a man, about 45 years of age ; Mack, a man, about 34 years of age ; hquire, a titan, about 22 years of age; Almeda, a woman, abous 2ft years «f age, and her two children ; and 1 Gold Watch. Raid negroes sold as the property of the estate of B, If. Overby deceas and, for division among the legal heirs and distributees of said deceased. On the following day on the premises, will he sold all the household and kftchen furniture and library be longing to the estate. Terms made knownon the day of sale, by JOSEPH WJKilllP, Administrator, I#, bonis non of |t if. Overby, and»• *#ed. Nov. I#, IS6U. GEOUGIA-Fayelle County. tIT HKRKAH Martha McLeroy, applies tome for letteis If of djsmisriou from the Guardianship of Martha K. McLeroy, These are u»«-r«-lore to cite and joimoukh aSI and sin gular the kindred and irredlt>r» of said deceased, to be nd appear at my office, within the time prescribed by lav Old show ca-ust, if any they can,, why said letters shall *A be aranted Uic aonlicant Given under my hand, at office, thta ‘/sth June 136 ft.,, m QUO. C RING, '■T hoary. LKUMGI i-Fultuu lousity. 11/II EKE A*. Rraton G. J>*y, E ircutor of the wKJ of ff Qr* Car*; r.e G Rioship. deceased, applies to me fjr letters of 4i* Üb-ntoO frolO Ida executorship I’b*"M are therefore wAily ail per*</n« concerned. W or and app» *»r at my office <*n or torture the first Monday o Jul> nest, toafe/W I aose if any why sutd LHUr* shoaid ant be granted U* appH* aid. Given under my baud otfceiaUy *' office, thi# $4 day of Jan Inti fin* J If MEAD. Ordinary L«orgls***lfsrsis4/H 4 ounif. ratify liif.-rp* f '.U4Tt sett'toy for count V purpose#, id is § brrshs ordered b/ »a*d * "art Uiut ft** t'Atmtp cße*/! sai«> uirty hr # aoy* dto * fiart-/U to the ptn-e of IfU *>airat ' tu**i tU< it be pabhsb -4 tiose time# Mr tla aUso’s . u<b mqy kd, l«6f R # rrHftlff / I < j A rffttaßf / I 4; Ald A R G‘>/hAhr J It, A troe Juskra'l t« -a* *h# Mi no War r*» a: *; # # t rapt istb 6 , hiargis. < ouulf ii tr IG AC J tk 4fffi Ed 1* »»*• .4 f4*4.op ' *S* *• to IMS LeVGa AM#msdoiot' (c-a fffi *#»d Ade these m* tv a*te, samir-du, and »fia»ob M ai, god h«r 4-..dr*d «#d masffi de b 4r and Orpea/ a h# ffifM wMMh thr i*o# b «i,/• * a«lS* if fih# the/ nfilr, tN*f .... ijk**. Ta 1 DU.insdwi* st.-.aid s* lm ffdilrf Irwfdjk iw 4L. t m*r a* mp idh- Jug IdS blft * G<d / *,.. . t ~** *C|* eayeks s 4 F AM 1 — *>•*»—># ATLANTA, GE(il J)IX EMHEK 29, 1861 6£OBuIA LEGISLATU Hi. SENATORS ELECT. Ist District—Geo. A. Gordon. 2nd “ S. M. Varnadoe. 3d “ H. A. Fort. 4th “ A. J. Bessent. 7th “ J. L. Seward. Bth “ Swearingen 9th “ S. S. Staffo: 10th “ D. A. Vaso^ 11th “ Olin P. Anthony. 12th “ Jas. Hilliard. 13th “ T. M Vurlow. 14th “ I). . Bothwell. 16th “ .lolin B. Wright. 17th “ J. A. Sbewmake. 18th “ Win. Gibson. 19th “ Miles W. Lewis. 20th “ B. T. Harris. 21st “ Gen. D. N. Smith. 4 22nd “ Dr. G. A. Winn. . 23d “ S. D. Killen. i 24th “ Win. M. Brown. 25th “ J. B. Kendall. 20th “ Wm. Moseley. 27tli “ John Billups'. 28th “ J R. Dyer. 29th “ L. M. Hill. 30th “ Rev. J. 11. Echols. 31st “ John H. Patrick. 32nd “ Wierßoyd. 33rd “ Samuel Stephens. 34th “ S. F. Alexander. 35th “ A. J. Han sell. 36th “ Gaston. 37th “ W. P. Beasley. 39th “ Bell. 41st “ James Simmons. 42nd “ F. A. Kirby. REPRESENTATIVES. Baldwin —L. 11. Briscoe. Bibb—J. 11. R. Washington, L. N. Whit tie. Burke—Reynolds, Gresham. Baker—W. D. Williams. Butts—McCord. Banks—F. G. Moss. Brooks —Smith. Bryan—Vanbrackel. Chatham —T. M. Norwood, 11. T. Gibson. Columbia—lt. S. Neal, W. A. Martin. Clarke —Jackson, Adams. Coweta—Brown and Kirby. Cass—Warren Akin, Samuel Sheats. Clark—Wm. Jackson, F. W. Adams. Catoosa—Trammell. Colquitt—Gay. Clinch—Tomlinson. Cobb—Lester, Greene. Clayton—J. B. Key. Carroll—Burke, Duke. Campbell—Cantrell, Badlard. Cherokee —Mullin, Fleming. Chattahoochee—C. G. Raiford. Crawford—Jacob Low. Dooly—H. M. Key. Dougherty—L. L. Barbour. Decatur—Dickinson, Powell. DeKalb—Candler. Effingham—Thomas R. Hines. Elbert—Robert Hester. c.\t Emanuel —Overstreet. Early—ll igh tower. Echols—Johnson. Fulton—J. J. Trasher, C. A. Pitts. Floyd—Z. B. Hargrove, Geo. S. Black. Forsyth—F. M. Ilawkins. Franklin—Dr. Brawner. Fannin —J. Patterson, 11. H. Walker. Fayette—Favor. Greene—Carlton, Jernigan, Gordon—James Freeman, E. Barker. Glynn—Arthur E. Cochran. Gwinnett—McAffee, Hudson. Glasscock.—Allen Kelly Houston—Rice, Ez/.iel. Harris—Hargett, Jones. Hancock—Dubose, Lane. Hall—Blake. Heard—R. 11. Jackson. Habersham—J. H. Wyld. Jackson—ll. C. Giddens, James Lindsey. Jasper—Burney. Jefferson—Carswell. Johnson—Snell. Jones—Benjamin Barron. Lincoln—J. M. Dill. Liberty—John B. Mallard. Lowndes—Wm. D. Howell. Lee—W. A. Jones. Laurens—Robinson. Mitchell—Bacon. Madison—G. A. Bird. Marion —Rushin Murray—McCamy. Morgan—Lemond. Milton—J. W. Nesbitt. Macon—Felton. Monroe—E. G. Cahaniss, E. Dumas. Mitscoogee—J. A. L. Lee, Robinson. Mclntosh—James M. Owens. Merriwether—Anthony, John J. Hussey. Newton—White, Zacliry. Oglethorpe—Mial Smith, P. L\ Stephens. Ouitman—E. C. Ellington. Putnam—Lawson. Pulaski—B. N. Mitchell. Pierce—Berry Henderson. Pike—Blood worth. Polk —Dever, 'lJiomas Peter E. Love, B. B. Moore, Taylor—Mitchell. Twiggs—HUppey. Richmond— (i. T. Barnes, Wm. Schley. Randolph -O. I*. Bell, hkriven—Gross. Spalding—lavender, <<iaiil Sumter — W. I B<‘-s*r, J. W. ( Horne, htewsrt H. B Bui ton, Tbos. R, S* - *itt Tall e -S|*al«, Mulkey Terrell- Daniel Lawhom. Tr<*op—l4. it. Bighain, N L Atkinson. Lpson-Joel Ma'hews, Drury W. Worn Me M'arren t ha- Lazenhy. Wilkes- Wm W'allon. Ware—PWlmwn Walton-Whiteh.-a-i, ll*yg*»'el Wilkinom tuohruu. Whin -Dr J. J, M<s«i Wi*r<ft* l 4— Underworld, Tle»n*a Waahii i/Me'i Hook, Irwin W oith - !»• mlerw/n »»i» hot r mi k* Kmimui. i »m<*. lls pr<*prtet**ra <4 the HuutLtth will oym (he pohhrwtino >4 a daily |**js * «r Milud|p'*lias, on ih* <l»y slo t t»«e a, >4 *«**• fay ».**!>,*< It will Is nui l> 4 in a and iegiaiwlive Journal *w4s wing *ii party loutm* By ayinenw u! Wkh M« ■*#< ‘Hum,'A *h* Huoiiom M w*ll la 'U ttidf ■*•»*> paper jsliais* l ! in ktlMp tdi* durtny <la «ysp*<**M4*h*y nwsn *4 '*>* layx*taoi, <Ms o**y l>a Us wwswt # ‘Si h*« >oyMM>|*w 6 Mr W * (* til eodeuaor 4o Wutlu MM 4why Ja par ««< lutian >4 S Iswms* »m<) hop* ih* parish* wrl ya»# «•< e »*«*•<• • raws ■ pr tio 1 >m* s art Usd 4DM*. Iw ATLANTA INTELLIGENCER DAILY AND WEEKLY. I With u view to meet the EARLIEST POSSIBLE MAIL ARRANGEMENTS, PXIOM ATIrANTA, [TWO El )1 r r 1O X B I " Will hereafter Ire issued from tin* Intelligencer Office. M«*aM THE MORNINO EDITION, IS KEPT OPEN TILL 1:2 < )’( '!,< >( ’K \ E NIQIIT, ' And contains all the Telegraphic Kt porl ■ up to tied hour. THE EVENING EDITION, Is kept open until <! o’clock, P. M., containing full Telegrttpltic Kepurts, anti is mailed in time for all the principal cities and towns on the Georgia Railroad. sPE€tftL GftftftESPONOENCE Is also received from various points, for both editions. XERMS—Per Annum $6 00 For Six Months 3 00 For Three Months I 50 For One Month 50 THE WEEKLY, A mammoth sheet, containing complete and early details of till the inter esting war news, foreign and domestic intelligence of the day, with an agreeable variety of miscellaneous reading, and is published at f-$2 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. Tile Intelligencer BOOK AND JOB i>lol *.vu i\vi lorvr * IS COMPLETE AND WELL ASSORTED with material for PJL&IfI, FANCY and ORNAMENTAL JOB PHIHTIIQ. I l b*- character of the work turned mil from this branch ol mu- E tal>- lishmeiit reeomnnanl- it elf by it ►Superior .tCxeenl ion ! Wo arc well sttpplital with all the Late ainl Irt-aiilifnl St\ i<-- <»(' Serijrts and Jobbing Type, in the Greateut Variety and \ Imiidanee. fm- Printing Olrcularw, XII I I llonclH, XiOK/tl XU/miLH, Umilt Cli«H,ti.iu, Fr 'tftmouul Card*, Lettci Head*, BuciiiKHH Cnrdi, Vetitiiif; Caidit, WkddiuK Curd*, Programme*, Pouter*, Label* Bril* of Fare, Catalogue*, Li< . Etc., '< /nr f'aeililbv tor Book and Pamphlet Printing Aun uNfiiQUAm^iun )»> ,oi\ P/ iiit hi/ Ht/Unt iii tire i'luftulm at*' Ktuti«; loci mo L*r-i lleiri HOOK BINDERY ’ ,*l 4, rid og w*l4r tin <*U*d l»trgi</.*d llwr hii.*i,» »<n Pit,,Log ami H t #k it fill *a»4* * t*ts l Utttiihj t <*t BY TELEGRAPH From our yetterday Morning's Edition. Death of a llrlgadler. Richmond, Dec. 27—Philip St. George Cocke, a Brigadcer in the Confederate army accidently or designedly killed himself at his residence in Powhattan county ou yes terday. He was a wealthy, public spirited gentleman, a brave and accomplished officer. Korelyn !tem, Richmond, Dec. 27. -The Norfolk Day Book of this morning publishes foreign nd vices brought by the Persia up to the 15th. The Liverpool Mercury of the 15th says : Earl Derby approved of the English policy in reference to the American difficulty, and has advised ship owners Ur instruct captains of outward bound vessels, to signalize all English vessels, that war with the United States is probable. The Paris correspondent of the New York Herald says that the French Government has signified to England its willingness to recognize the rebel government at once, and in case the United States do not deliver up Mason and Slidell, England and France will do so. The Patrie has come out strongly for the rebels. The Paris correspondent of the New York News says, that if a war between England and the United States occurs, that France will sympathize wholly against the United States. The New York Times says that two hun dred English vessels are now in northern ports, making rapid preparations to hasten home. The London correspondent of the N. Y. Times says, that the whole English nation, including the mob are revolting in madness on account of the alleged insult to the Eng lish Dag. Nothing definitely known as to the action ol Lincoln's cabinet about Mason and Sli dell, but indications arc that Lincoln will ne forced to yield. Arrival nl Coiilederatv Prisoner*. St. Louis, Dec. 24.—One thousand rebel prisoners taken by Gen. Polk have arrived. The rebels destroyed the bridge over Salt river on the Missouri railway. Nevva from the Weal., Dec. 27.—The latest Louis ville papers received here, report that the Northern troops continue to pour inlo Ken tucky in a continued stream. The Louisville Journal of the 18th, states upon, it says, very good authority, that Sew aid Inis really given Bishop Hughes the se cret mission to Spain. The Cincinnati! Enquirer of the lHtli says upon direct infhrmutioh from Washington, that there will be no advance from the Po toniac until spring, and that no general cn gagement will take place this winter, unless brought on by Beauregard. NO. 312. Memphis. Dm:. 26.—Reliable intelligence from toowtwrg Green, says that flppe&rancd* do not indicate an engagement, though uu foreseen circumstances might precipitate a fight in eight or ten days. But lew Fede rate have yet crossed Green River, and it is reported they have gone bark and burnt the Bridge*. Gen. Hindman's official report of the hat tie at Woodsville, in which Col. Terry was killed, says that three Texas Hungers were dangerously wounded; Lieut. Morris of the 3d Texas Rangers, Capt. Walker and three Rangers of the 2d Arkansas, and two of the Arkansas Battalion were slightly wounded. The enemies loss was seventy-five killed, the wounded unknown. Eight prisoners were taken. Kentuckians from Bourbon county arriv ed here say that the road from Paris to Prestonsburg is clear of Lincoln’s troops. Squads of Hontherners are constantly join ing Humphrey Marshall's forces, from the blue grass counties. Soldiers openly re cruiting in Bmtrlron county. Few Union men now ton ml except in the towns. The men from the mountains are flocking to Gen. Marshall's standard in large number. Nothing new from Columbus. New Ohi.ka.ns, Dec. 27.—The St. Louis liepvbliiuu of the 24tli,contains the follow ing: '‘Head (jiiartrr*, Dept, of Missouri, i December 20, 1861. ) Major General Geo. B. McCl* naan, and part of Gen. Pope's forces under Col. Davis and Major Marshall surprised the camp o( the enemy on the afternoon of the 18th, at Milford's, north of Warrenshurg. A brisk skirmish ensued, when the enemy finding himself surrounded, surrendered. VVe took 1300 prisoners, including three Colonels, 17 c aptains, 1000 stand of arms, 1000 horses, 07 wagons, a quantity of tents and baggage. Our lois was two killed and eight wounded. The enemies lews none. Non*; killed. Signed, H W lIALLHON, Major General.” iiT Jeremy Taylor says. If you are for pleasure, marry ; if you prize rosy health, marry. A good wile is Heaven's lust best rill t*r man uu angel of mercy •minister •■I graces innumerable -Ids gem of many v irtues his casket of Jewels —her Voice, Ills ui-cjckt music her smiles, Ids brightest day - her kiss, the guardian of innocence b i arm*, the pale nl Ids safety, the halm of Ids health, the Italsum of his tile her in- Justly, Ids surest wealth -her economy, bis safeai steward—her li|M*, hi* faithful coonael 10l her Isisrtiu the- Hottest pillow ctf Ills eaies and her prayer, the ablest adves tte of Hr .vm s blowings cm ld» head. quia Haiti Hindman's pickets l«a< ‘sstoi'lay night met the Federal pickets, passed tlihin •I'hes ofl lor KciUmu'sci s men, we nt within eight utiles nl t ohmtbht, **np Mired John M r icrime, ac ting quarierurahtei in 4 01. Grider'* regime nt, took twenty htu ntuloL two horses, cat ally saddle* and pic field relies »nd cm then return lost erf tin in I***B Irin* PidetaJ pickets, glee chon * sic it In i 11, bdhd Hirer, badly Wounded one Ued. tao, run the hshnree nlf got tin ir Irma's and guns rnd returned unhurt The ling terry who ■ usn>ss*lt«l the leret dualities* • t,mgs this i.arduot is ‘taierawls' and not to te 11, dull'd //'SKlid* /'unlit /*. Mr