The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, September 10, 1863, Image 4

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POETBY. FJIAYIE FOR PRICK (l u nard'ta Aag.-l hft h tak-n flight, Th« while-robed Angel of Peac*: From the mmi ill of earth she fled in afirig't, From a wor d of woe to a land of light, Owhen will the turmoil cease!- When wPl-the desolate homes be filled- By their scattered bands again? O when will the m -tuner's wall be stlllei tuts! for ihehra’uby the spoiler chilled. The link - to a broken chain. When trill the tearful eyes be dried. Which o’er blighted hopes hare wept- the kraves that are scattered far and wide, * Hold many a household's j >y and pride, For whom rig Is lone are kept Veil still the noble, true and brave Go forth to the sacrifi e, n, 110m (he patriot’s lowly grave, rrom every spot where the willow* wave, t ii *11 a volet less prayer arise. God of tin? widow and fa’lierless! Fiotnl'hee shall our succor com*.-; O deign to pity our deep distress, dar mtcrcing country again to bless, And cheer each desolate home! Tnon shah the spoiler’s wltVring blight And bit vaunted power be o’er; Then tli til m-rn!ng dawn on a starless night, WUe »the Angel Pence, from the realms cf light, Returns to our lai d once more. Ktwututx, A it., Aug. 80. C. L. &. A GOOD CHANCE TO VOLUNTEER for the war. 1 AM authorized by Hie Focretary of War to receive three ou-re c ompanies Into the Infantry Battalion iu C-.oo's Georgia oeglon. In order to fill If. oat to a Regi ment, turd 1 have authorized IV. F. HF.KRJN'0 of At lanta, to raise oaoof t a above Companies. LI TUER J. GLEMN, IA Col. Inianuy, Gobb’a Gt. Legion, I s (iddltl-.n to the Bounty of Fifty Hollars paid by the Government, 1 will furnish every Private aud Son-C to ml! toned Officer In my Company with a Good Filiform free of charge..' Thi time h»* come when every able bodied man OUGHT to be Id the Army, whpthei he has a SnbwlUU j . .-»• not, whether he tc over age or underage. It will probably soon come when such will be OBLIGED to go. Volunteer now—yon are offered extra inducements-- Vnur country needs your'services. Von will be attach ed 13 Hmt gallant command, Cobb's GeorgiaLegion. Recraltlng office ri slore of Herring A Co., vVhitchall reel, Atlanta, Ga. Aug W-df-wlm IV. F- IIERIinU. GEORGIA SALT MANUFACTURING CO. DIVIDEND NO. 5. 1'ivSideut and Directors of the Geo);;l it'.di Man- A ufactnrliig Company have declared a dividend ol •uve hundred en I fifty (1601 pounils of Salt per share, at twen*y if®) e-nts per pound. Fucks, h retained, t.> be charged $.2 f>0 per sack. Owing to the present difficulty <>f transportation nome delay may occur before tlie tslt now in store in Atlantr car ho distributed to the various county depots. Agents tixj Instructed to give to stockholders all due notice of Uio ariivri of Fait at. their depots, as the reso- tut onF adopted in Augusta, August ISth, 1SG8, will be rigorously enforced. “Resolved, That hereafter no stockholdevlatheCora- j.vtysh *11 be allowed f« sell the Salt accruing from his dividend j or anypirt thereof, at a h'gher price than Drat fixed by uW Hoard of Directors, and other expenses actually incurred, on penally of forfeiting h:a Stock to the Company. ‘•ltcsoivcd, That hereafter, iu ccss any stcckholdei shall fall to i emove hia Salt within fifteen days after pub llo notice of its arrival at his Agency, he shall forfeit the iiaine. andthe Agent is instructed to sell itat the Directo- i-v p>lco to any one who wishes to buy, gly ng> to the families of soldier?.’* A tnu extract from the minutes. H- H TUOKEU, PretideiiL A. V. n.r-M«, tfeoret-aiy. Atlanta, Aug. BC .11 w B. PHILLIPS, General Agent, Atlanta, Ga. GREAT BARGAIN Soon to be Lost or Won. ttSiiis excessive. need of money the billowing deiccfb- ft; od pmpeit.v will iioo he sold nt. auction !f not otherwise disposed of for cash lu Confederate notes.: A f-ract of Wifi aorts pirm land Intermixed with oak and hbdtory, wifcrri'dfi *•" res eh-,red, Wi now in corn—with -rtsam saw icirculat i ar.rt grist mill, warranted to saw sf»K) fpot ol lumber por day, and to grind */6 bushels o; usaaI ptr hour. The, c-1.; opja staid place lr.0 acres welt Umbere. 11-utd, none of widch Is father than one mile from the There are alto a blacksmith shop to gether with carl 3, a yoke ef oxen, as wed as every other dkture necessary to carry on the two- mills. Tire place (swell watered aud the l.-Uij feitlle. The crop growing s Id at. fair rates. The place Is offered simply because the. owner is in debt and will soon be compelled is go Into the srrvlee. For further particn'ara in regal’d » terms and p Ics apply at. the Intellheneer Oihce.— Distanced from Rail Roads as follows: Griffin 18 miles, NewnanlS ml es, Grant.viUell mtli-a. Sept. il-dlOt* ^SCHOOL NOTICE^ M il".. WP.I5HT uni Daughters will resume their School ol. Monday September the Ttb, at their re sidence at the tenner of Ci ew.and Fair Streets. Owing r.i tlis> ti.-n.-e they ai p force-1 to raise their t sros lor tuf- rion: PrijRaj-y Department per Hrinloti of 1.4 w*vk. Junior and Senior Gluts " “ 11 Modern Languages . *■’ “ “ Drawing “ “ ** Orient a* Palming arid Fancy wort-, each lesson **Uuslc. per Tivonty-Kotii lessons Augfii -d’law tori’, w yea tu h i co to oO y i ‘>o 1 60 IS 00 A. €. Wily & to. WHOLESALE GROCERS, — VNl> 1 COMMISSION MKIMIHANTS At their Old Stand, Corner PEACHTREE & WALTON STS.. ATLANTA, UKOKUIA. KiVWibtt sa, Dl«*J—d«. E. M. ERWARDY, ’Auction and Commission M E R CHANt No. 13 Whitehall Street. J. S. HUTCHINSON, Auct’n'r. ffgT" Prompt personal attention given to tli r.rderaand conalgnpserts. £ifi AtlAO'a, May 25th, 1SS3.—d f LAN88T0M CRANE & HAMMOGK GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FOR THK SALE OF Merchandise, Real Estate, Produce, &c.\ &c. DEALERS IN Factory Thread, Osnaburgs, Sheetings, Shirtings, &e. Corner Whitehall and Alabama Streets, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. June 2S-dtf brown, mmm & co. FOftraGN AND DOMESTIC Commission Merchants, AND AUGTIO^MEilS, (WHOUCitiLR *XC‘t.U?rVEl:Y.) Masonic Hall Building, AIL.4TVTA, ' GEORGIA. (Special attentkm glten to Lottlatana ai:d Tftxas Uado.) W HOLESALE Auction Hales will iv? made at. stated periods. Atlanta bring one of the -b'vt points ia the Oi.nCederacy for auch sales, wo confl tently solicit con Blgnmeuts of—Manufactured acn S.ooki- g Tobac. js, Begars, Molasses, Coffees, Teas, Gvocerios, Liquors, Cigars, Cott on and Cot tun FahrL-s, Wool and sVooiisn Goods, Dry and Fancy Goods, Bools, Shoes, Leather, Paper, Envelops, Ink, Drugs, Ac , .tv. Special sales will also be made of Stocks, ffi>n.ta. Mort gages, and neal Estate. All goods consigned will have . the adv&utagc r-f pri vate or public sale as consignors may prefer. Thankful for the liberal favors herein fore bestowed, we respectfully request a continuance of the same. PBULNO BROWN TUGS. P. FLEMING, W. M. BARNES, M L TOUTitNTSADT. Atlanta, Ga., April 22, ls6S — d-’ IMMENSE STOCK OF French, And Other IMPORTED Papers, Stationery, &o •lust received »«er -receut Arrivals-, bv BROWN, FLEMIMO & CO. . FOREIGN PAPERS. Isaac Campbell & Co’s No, 21 Fi‘<>!smp “ u ,i No. .28 M TLe celebrated Saws ton Mills “ Wood ward’s Blue Laid Joynaon’s Watermarked “ Kent Mills Crown York Mills Laid Letter .Cream Laid Folio Post London Comraerciai Note French Check ■ “ Lo'ndon Blue “ CONFEDERATE PAPERS. English Finished Letter Bud' do White Wove Note Slate Colored do Extra Tinted d<> Knvekijis, v:ui.>u.s au\i'« Small, lot c^' Drawing Cray op Large consignment cXHighian der Playing ST ATI -.>a BRSf, AO. L<»iwi.-u Commercial Ink (in stone -lands) Dwarf Black luk, (in gla*;s stands ! Sands Blue, Black Ink, ia p!b, p-r-, qu. Magnum Bcnum Barrel Pen, (1 d;,r. au-d nofders it- i;or> Ragle Barrel Pen (1 gross In,box) Kngli&h Star Pen, (1 gross bex) 50 gross Per. Holders ALSO j uei <-«tvcit a fresh lot of the poimior Gnnpowder Tea, (of the Season of S 6S,) Fun FUirida Pressed Regalias, Oaliimjr.t Smoking Tobacco, Various brands of Queuing 'i’obatvr-o, &c, Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac, A<s. Tin-, attention of wholesale purchasers la confidently invited 11 ( our assortEocnt, ps being one of meiargefri abd wwift AftmpJrf.ftlp the Confederacy. BROWN, FLEMING & CO,, Fttieign and Domestio Cost. Merehantfi —AND— A O.C TIONE1R8, MasonU- Hall Building, Atlanta, Geurgla. .tF«a, isfifl —nr O AA/\ Liw. Rio Coffee, iu store and for sale by Ol/V/U LOWK, FAMBROUGH a OO.. REMOVAL. B. SI.YItiS, OommlssiviS Merchsiu, and Dea : lei lo all Linda of country produce, has since his store lu the her rose block was burned, removed to the atore lately occmAed by Ripley A Wood, Crockery Mer- ohante, Whitehall Ftrcet, t «<■ do. • -a from itawUng'a ha-d- wmre store, where he will be happy to *»e and serve 11s T. i>U friends aud customers. s. j. GaifyxLnisp. July 2S-d0ni SHACKSSJC-lta. July 16- dtf Peachtree Btseet. G old, silver SOUTHERN Bank Notes AJ-n-1 Georgia Treasury Notes Wanted by R. M. CLARK, AllanLl June 28-dlf Wbitehall St. 200 BARRELS A N D 20 Hogsheads —O F— Fuir, Prime, tiiid Choice s U C AR, FOR HALE To Families k Retail Merrhaats, INMAN. COLE A CO. .Tone 30—dtf WANTED. |£ s.u.osBMa, n. n. — A HD — DRY GOODS HOUSE, LYNCHBURQ, VA. COBBS, MILLER PRICE H ATING MWMtetefi theaMif^a in barinem, and open ed at the old stand of James 5L Cobb., Mo. 146, Main street, will receive oixauulgninest, and give their > personal attention to the sole of Maaotactored Tobacco, ( Leaf Tobacco, Cotton, Kloe, Wheat, Hoar, Meal, Sugar, Bacon, Lard, Better, Boet, and aU h»a of produce con signed to them, and wUl make Bhawiauh advancements on produce when In hand. We «im expect to keep a general assortment of Dry Good, and aefi them at prices as low as the exorbitant prices for articles we have to pay for Goods win admit. apr23-d6m 00BB8, KILLS* * PRICK. HEW VIRGINIA HOUSE. iX'tniel ir.atl Winshlp’g Block, Atlanta, Gh. *S. M. W1THXB8. a. a. o’-sna. WITHERS A CO., ttAL Commtiron Merchants, *w»«l PttrAsolns' Agents, fbr the sale oi Manufactured and Smoking Tobacco, Sugar, Cotton, 4o “ - may2S-d3m* 'SLAVE-YARD. ROBERT M. CLARKE O N the west side of Whitehall street, who has a com modious, well arranged Yard, with every conven ience for the health and comfort of slaves Ooustantty kept on hand fer sale a large number o' MECHANICS COACHMEN, COOKS, HOUSE SERVANTS, AND FIELD HANDS- BUTS AND SELLS ON COMMISSION. By close personal attention to busiaeat he hopes to re celre a liberal patronage. . September 24, ISIS—d ly THE OLDEST COMMISSION H0US3 , IN ATLANTA j. e wTlilTanis < iommlrsciion Mertiha rat FOR TKR SAlvE AND Purcliase of Every Variety ot doom HOLD IN THIS MARKET ATHEN/EUM BUILDING, Decatur Street (Largest W tire liouse lu Umj (Tty.) Julyl-dSa ATLANTA . SOAP FACTORY T HK subscribers having purchMedthe eoMre interest lathe SOAP AMD CANDLE FACTO- It V formerly owned and carried on by Messrs. Beai-we A Hetael, have enlarged their facilities, and are now pre pared to fiilorders fcr the dHTereut grades of BO*P, esi- biacmgSoft, Turpentine, Imitation Castile and Fancy Toilet Soaps. Also a No. 1 article of lubricating machine and axle grease, adopted fbr Halt Road and Ordnance purposes.— A full stnek of the above articles constantly, on hand Office at Anderson, Adair £ Co’s. UETZEL A LOWEIYTHAL, July 14—illm T aU*nta, Ga. OIL! OIL! OIL! Ill STORK AW© TO AKRlVKi O fr Bbls. Spindle Oil. £i O 25 bbls. Extra Spindle OH, 80 bbls. Coal Spindle OU, equal t& M&tcuJrV Spindle Oil, 40 bbls. Superior Machinery CM, suUabte fbr heart Gearing. 60 bbls. Ordinary Machine Oft, 20 “ Pure Lard Oil, So “ Lard til. No. 2, 2 M Sewing Machine 03, 20-. E. P. Castor Oil, tV> “ Na 1 TanneriB Oil. IP •- tfn, 2 Tanner's Oil, LANSDELL, ZIMkl KKM AN A C^. , Corner Whitehall and Hunter Streets, Febraarr 4, S6&—<tlf, Atlanta, Gs. Soda, Soda. 2 4 ki \ i \ 1-88 fifigl'ah Soda, for sate by A tk)U BOWK, FAMBROUGS A Ct} , mnvIS Onmralgrion Mer.-har. j. p. Boavon i.*n-. .i. auamun. GENERAL COMMISSION HOUSE Main Street, LynehbHrg, Va. BONSBRANT £ MATTHIAS, W H0L13AIE Gsocers and Copunksion Marchanta tod Agents for .the sale of Maaafac lured and Smoking Toliact'o and Snuff. WUl receive and sell g a gar, Molasses, Wheat, Corn, Floor, Bacon, and AU kinds >fcountry prnduea. Ail sates promptly reported and paid over. July fil-dAe.* j,. o. BisouCk. a. B. fcUPP. HANCOCK A HUFF, Wholesale Dealers in MANUFACTURED AND Smoking Tobacco, have removed to corner of Marietta and Peachtree Streets, Where sam pies of our stock may be seen. H AVING engaged exclusively fn the Tobacco busi ness, we are enabled to offer at low pri es over two thousand packages of Tobaeco, comprising some of the best brands made la Virginia. We solkdt a call f rom dealers generally. -f-anta, July 7~d2m HANCOCK * HUFF. JUST RECEIVED, fir BOS' Candles, far sate by f)VF INMAN, OOLK A OU. \ BULK. Tht, for stole by O\J INMAN, CO IJK .1 OO. r k> BBIX VVtdsxey, fur pate b* iVs MAN, COLE A GO. L*r\i \ BUffHIttji Halt, Cok-aaVe by Dv/U XNMaiN, Ct'ILK A OO. 1500 Co- J HEFT Capper, 6>r sale bf INMAN, COLE A OO. LBS. Fugar.ffw<nteby INMAN, COLE A CO,. Franklin Butetlng, Alahozna Sfrftrt. A BLE- BODIED N.-grom? to work fn defences within i Fait-on Ccnnty. Fall price and customary rattens ■' ' ■ Re. GStiNT, i NtiaDta. July 21, lNi3-dlf an*c. p. a. C. ?, j s 50000 July 24-dtf $50. Reward.* AN AW AV on the night of the 2th lost,, my t*, y j lhc _ , He is about *9 or pi years old, black, quick :^jok/ D 1 tame in *>ne oi kle and has a fresh scar on the under lip He will doubtless txy to make his way l.^-k to Ati-ei*' ! K^rth Alabama. 1-anl give the above rewar J of **j) i i. If. J, lltrnvw n a nv enfw iklll.l that 1 * il Wanted. MOTION NMD COMMISSION H01I8E BY s. J. SHACKELFORD £ CO., -| Cm. Whitehall and Decatur Sin. W ® have a good house and choice s'and, and W f Sell every day and debt In the week If fist-essaey. ye-:isl atteciioc paid t-a the sale of Negroes, Land?, city ' . Froperty, stock, and ah kind* of w^r.-haudiE;- AHglS-aic. , * f f|10 f ‘°m October l-t v a near Kern den ce- with fear M. to six looms, with oil Uu> modern iioprovemeuts Ras, > *c.,JMnrthe centi-ilpirt ,.'the City. I.<btr*l-rjnt ! paid m<tnthly. Apply at ihs Intelligeno-r Offl-e uugll-dtf HORSES WANTED. 200 Artillery Horses,. TVS which the highest eari. pilws will be Daid A-n. ! M: piyAi g. e. RoGsaa* Atlanta, Ga, Aug 19» Jtf fivEry and Bale Slable. — • wr i ' ~ « »rw«j for his delivery n any safe j alt so that I ger Mm.. aucrW-dtf T. A. WARW10S- Cuattanooga ’tebei |no>«e tlU ^ hW *n.t **,.,1 bill to this offlqfi H'ghtower, ff* , AujP-lffjjl_SL REAL ESTATE BROKE! S. fT^HE Subkcilte-J*!, Geo.Paona'l, Jr., xj v*., eOJ Fru> g Jones, of Term , having associated themselves U - eether under the atyte of Paneell £ Jones, do hereby of fer their services to the pnbdcu Agents ter the purchase \ r T’ool TfitaK*. Anv 1t*ronna ■ DAVID L. CAMPBELL, (Famely Campbell & Bennett,) dcneral Oommissioa Merchsuit, No, 63 North Water Street MOBILE, ALA. July 1st, ISSR.—-jnB-aSta DiRECT IMPORTATION PER STEAMSHIP ELEA AND ANNA, 40 Kep Soda, 300 Lbs. Indigo. S. R. KRAMER, Druggist, Whitehall -Street, ATLANTA, GA. Aag. 7—dtf Desirable Investment! O NE lot of land wiih small dwelling on Markham 3t It is wtll located and will m ki a desirsble resi denee On the premtees i a well of orcelleni -water.— Ttse lot coniains one aer . Apply to j& EBWARD1, At ante. July I-dtf No. 18, Whitehall st. For Sale. A UkQ d w>li assorted s-ock of Crockery and Glass Warn. * T. G. 81MMR July 23-fit J Tobacco, Tobacco. B/p j BOXSi -ohoeeo, various Brands, fbr sale by 4 l/U LOWR, famsrough A CO., may's . . Commission Merchan w. a BIBB. B. miMBJ.i. oipt. n. o. r.HirH. !' M. QCEK5I. nrmw Finivi, SMITH, QUEE!^ & COte Wholesale, Hetail -AND {’oiiiinfeiofi Mervhanls, €oi Peachtree and Marietta Sts.. ATLIXTA, GEORGIA, July _- J JUST PUBLISHED BV Jas. McPherson & (io., A M ANUAL OP PARTISAN WARFARE, With Plate* and-DUgnuns, By JOitN M. RICHARDSON. C. 8., Ini.ely Major ot U|« SlatBouteent NorthCteroltnn Troopa, uos- fh-ofes- sor-of Mathematics In the Georgia Min*-»rv fn- riiiate. Frtee, ?1-«I Mall, $1.10. A lioerai discount to ins Tr$(j< No vein her 6, —dtt RARE OHANOE FOR INVESTMENT. mBS uuderEigned desu-ing to change iheli fcus’negs, of B fer lor sale that very desirable piece of property lying at the rc-rncr of Dec-itnr and Btilpiey Streets, n >w occupied by th • Confederate Government to: an Armo ry. The pro^-rty is now paying a high per cent, on the price ask d, and is one of too most, desirable bnsloeSB locations in the city. For full particulars a j-.iy to JOHN C. PECK, Jane22~d!.f or PHANOiS DAT. 600 Bushels Balt, 2,000 Lbs. Coffee. 600 Bushels Corn 200 Ounces Oddnliie FOR SALE BY t'Nitf-AN, COLE OO., Franklin Building. ATJLAtbTFA, J one 80-dti' BIBB A TRIMBLE, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nos. SS.A SB Commerce Street, •MONTGOMERY, AIaA. W ILL give prompt attention to the sale of all articles consigned tons. feb. B—tf “Stonewall ’nsurasce Corapasy” ATLANTA, GA. Chartered Capital 8500,000 Actual Capital .$800,000 W. P. INMAN, President, M. CiM.*, Secretary. DIRECTORS. W. P, Inman, J. W. 8h«clteft>t.i, W. T. Trammcil, W. H. Inman, E. R. Sarscen, M. Cole, L. Vr. Trmmch. Office in FrankL'n Bulldicg, Alabama Street. July II, iS6S-d6m. NEW FIRM. T H E undersigned have this day formed a partnership uader the name and style of Lowe, F&mbrough A Co., for the transaction of a General Commission Busi ness and all collateral branches. T. F. LOWE, w r . p. fambrottg h, J. iv. RUCKER. Atlanta, Ga.. May Vit !) ,1668. dtf Commission House .Exclusively! LOWE, FAMBROUGH ft CO., Commission Mercthan t >*, In Daniel*’ and Wiuships’ Block, ATIsALNTTA, 01*10. For the purchase and sale cf all kinds of Produce. Mer chandiss, Negroes, Real Estate, Ac., Aft Orders and consignments respectfully solicited may 13—dlf Whiskey, Whiskey! -j J BARRELS Extra Com WhLkey, to and LvU for sale bv „ „ . LOWE. FAMBROUGH A CO., - mavis Commission Merchants. B. M’CCffiEiE. a. SI. M’COP-KI.B. H SI. KiNNIKJt, M’CORKLE, SGH & CO. G-ROOERS —ATO— 6OMMSSSI0H MESSHAMTS, ft ND Manu'acturersr.f Chewiog and SifiokiiiR Tobac- XjL. c.j, No. 113, Main Si reel., I ynchburg Va. We Will give particular attontj.-.n to Ihe sale of Tobacco, Breadstuff's, Provisions, an.'l all kinds nf Country Pro duce and Merchan Use. - jolySl-dSm* Smoking Tobacco. 3 4 \4 \ LBS Kil iknick Tobacco, tvVv 4,500 Beauregard Tobacco, 2,000 Grand Turk Tobacco, tor sale by LOWE, FAMBROUGH A CO., ui&ytS ComtnisBion Merchant. Corn, Corn, Com! AAA S-iOKri Corn in store end ter sale by X Vl/V iJK.lX, DEB MOT & CO., Marietta Streeir. . Atlanta, Ga. Salt, Salt, Salt! A AA SACKS In store and to arrive. ‘fcVfV/ BELL, DER,MOT GO. _ w Tobacco. 3 ,X CASE " Sai kinjg Tobacco, fors.-Uj by O BELL, D&RMOT A CO. Manufactur’d Tobacco fXES best brands M int , la store and for saie h* DE Whiskey. lorn Wltfskev. HELL. Brandy nrh Brandy. RKf I Sugar A LA BOXES best brands M.mtifaU ared Tofcac " \ / eo, la store and for saie hv BELL, DERMOT A CO. RHLri. Pure Corn Wiirskev. HELL, DERMirT a CO. 5 K, “- p 10 s 0A8ijS Pretifh Brandy. BEf.I. LKii&Lai a Oo f‘GAlt hiftarks&ridP.arrtlii. BELL Ol kMoT S CO. Flour. E Aug '14-dtl Dr. J. P. Logon, Mr. X*. Hiitcttwtb, iMPIRK snUs’ Flour, !a Sacks and Batrtli [ Aug : 6-dltn BELL, DKRilOt A CO. H, L. WILLIAMS, (Saceessai- to Aiaoss, Ligon & C .) OENER^i ,CO,VIMISSION MERCHANT, coiiKEti , Whit hai! and Mit-OhoII Streets, i ATLA\TA ( fA. j Atg iff-dlm LAND. . H AViXfi land iii AVesl mu Gt*o fete. I offer for sale my pla^-e of 2f ‘J‘-j acres cji PeacTi- i tree road. * irulej from Atlanta, an-1 on tfie fine of rail - road -rom A. Ionia to Roswell, wU’oh la now under con struction, near apoatoSBee aidan ex.-ekent schouL— Impiovements consists *»ra dwelling w th 4 rooms, smoke L cy3c, kilch.-n, ir. ana sji orchard of j ever:: l r.undred fnnt trees piatisd lo. 1BJ acres bring well tiajbertd land, the woo j on Jt Is v;;:ik Jifo per acre. Price f-10,00'*. A B Me A FEE. Au.cft-aJ! . . OLD DOMINION INSURANCE COMPANY Of Richmond, Virginia CAPITA 1. ....... - IIOiMHin DIRECTORS: L Dafsnpoal, Jr., Pros. Dob. Wortham, John Smiert. 8. M. Price, B. F. Ladd, J. Stewart Woteiw. L. S. Spilman, 0. Warwick. (lames &. Kent. Horace P. Edjoona. J. M. Talbott, G. B. Davenport, a W. Vance, Jos. Brununed, . Wje. Brent, ] SL Ii. Maury, 1 0. E. Wortham, fieorsutf. John H. Greoner. Geo. A Palmer, *W. S. Triplett jg. O-Tard*, * ^W»"riv, J.fSeAJrensha %, John 3B. WiflJam* s M_ .k Dr-waey. Thosnsa Joco» 5L A. Smith, Robert A. Pair--, f S\..? WiBUtoK.. ’ W. P. Kajs’-suid. ; K; 0. Cab- V i 8«rrt w. Royr-e Thy Company Is piepareu te iwoatv? applies-:•<-. FIRE AND MAK2NS IHBUEAviCc, on tevora! ■ tor hi. D '- t ft.ff’f** ; A Jt s 1 1^ ar Office, corner Whitehall *ca ALtoarca su- over 8shbou3 & Simmons* Blore. Atlnnts, Gecrjcl-,. INSURANCE mm p fk M V R$CHMON!> -VA. Gipltftl Ans3t*orlis*d * i., Caeta and Surplus, lit May, lS6i, Jos. K. Anderaou, Joa. L. Apperson. Wm. Breeden, David J. Burr, Wm. H. Chris* ot>. Jno. Dooley, L. H. G’.sEebror 4 Lewifi GUxiei, Batn'l J. Hnrrfsoa Uos-. oo B. H-iat-h. Xd. MoOai-thv, A Killer, Garrett ?. Waim::: 1 * i,. lit May, 1361, Si l.'m rs^oj-iLie*. \t m. G. Pr.bie, > Harn’i p-atec; i Jno. Purcell, • Jno. D Qr.srlee j David J. Hauaff-t ; Geo. D. Fiitll. j Fi-anklin iUt-oraa j John Ck BinLiii. ; SM- H. SS'tlutt-i ; ' eo. J, Hcinae-, j Then. Tfiyior, Ji , Fsl G TSsykir 4. FLfiAfuNTK. J.fHS a. KoaTatlCfc, *ec*y. This favorite Insurance Company tt03tlQ»es o, sa , t both in town and county all kinds t.f iusutnbife proper;, on the most favorable terms. Aiso Marine InsuVaiu r S- i>. fSILSS, A«*at. WMteh&llaQd Alabama Ste., a vot-Ssi-nons A SJmnio*.. January 19, lSC-3-iao iirv Goode Store Substitutes* VIRGINIA fire/avm m&mM& 1 HAV.K oii,!u«id a few reliable men who wishes to go as Eubatitut-es, have been examined and papers are all s’gne.t up right Criil early If you want a good uian. KtiykRT B. WATERS. Direct all letters as above care Key Bos Cl, Lovrjoyhj Building, 2nd Floor, Peachtree Siveet. Mav SI-dtf X W, BIRTH, I NSXills TMK ' THAT Him has re-o{sencd the Amhrotype & Photograph (iaiiery formerly occnplcX, by Mr. Dill, an Whttebai! die-- where he Is preDffred to execute AIM'D PES, PK0T08BAPHS. colored or plain Alan, tfuri sij'i- i>j (i-t-a. called IvorytYpe. Aiso Enamelled Card photographs, and. Vignettes LIFE-SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS. in OH or Paste! Colors. cull and examin e spool- mens, up-stain, over Mr. Richardson’s Book Btore. J. tV. BIRTH, Atlanta, €3a., Dec. £7, 18-3$—d6m. 6 /\fh LB8. COPPERAS, .V/ kJ V/ 4,000 Lbs. Spanish Whtriiu. 7 Barrels of Chrome Green, “ “ Chrome Yellow, u “ Spanish fcrown, 4 * “ Venetian Red. For sale low at HAMILTON, MARK LEY ft J<>1 N kR* May -dlf RARE GRANGE FOR INVESTMENT]" Soap and Candle Factory FOR SALE. fipUE uii.tersSgtied contemplating ft charigo .j |.p, 5 lnf* JL offer lor sale their SOAP AND CAKBLE FA8TS1Y Situated on Peters Strer-t. In the City of Atlanta, lye have a sufficient number-of Moulds to make tear hun dred pounds of Candles per day. Also a large and Very powerful IKON SCREW PRESS for manufacturing Lard and Tallow Oil Our Soap Kettles is of sufficient capacity to make from 8500 to 8800 pounds of Soap fit a boiling. We have every necessary articles to complete the estab lishment. We will a so sell with the Factory, about 4,000 Foimde Soda Ash of the best quality. Any person during to enter the business will <1. well to apply toon. A. DIirEUHO^Ki ft OO June 9-dtf REMOVAL. W ii. HENDERSON A CO., baring removed to • the house formerly occupied by Cant, Bacon, A. Q. M., on Whitehall Street, next door to R. M. Clark, willt continue the business of Commission Merchants, Negro Brokers, and Auctioneers. Having a good Store Room and Slave Yard attacked, In the most central part of the city, they hope, by close personal attention 1.1 bu> stuess In their several branches, to receive a liberal por tion of patronage. Quick sales and prompt returns U thtir motto. Negroes of all classes kept “for Kite, and bought on commission. Goods, merchandise aqd pro perry of every discretion, soid at auction every week, by an experienced auctioneer. _may81-dtf W. H. HENDERSON ft OO. GEORGIA Sail Manufacturing Company. B. PHILLIPS, Agent. muonic If all Atlanta, Georgia, .March S, 1368—dtf. mmuw. EICHSIOND, V &. • t.‘ n a r<tKt'tt*:» i.% i ss*. Has a bviua ddo Cash Cspiial «: l-iubiA-ir, Bttfpius, ;. .. . . $7 S.ikX, fBf JUS long ostirlished Oonip-ajiy icaujes «gainert ii» -JL oad damage b» & e wad ihe seas, Dwellings. Storm, ^serchaadisa, Household Furniture, and sil kind* -• h. aurable property on the most reasoiujbie ronus. The po:i.-y ot *5us Coj&j»aJ».y has uniformly beeh u. y., all its hoffejv $o*wsh ct uses, on h eseutaticr of pro::! a less V/. V Ootranis*, /V.a'I kiMHuder W. fiber lea W. FureM : Thos. fiaxspHor., }. fc £. f. Winston ?. !*. Winston,' - .Horace L, Kent. O l i\E C T O ft 8 W. V?tCela,JH .l-Urt' 1, -tllM o. A ri;—: • - i-i V. L.-f.i-nto.-d:;, •John H. t-.-ird.- iamesA , jp ua -. a. ;V* £-S2i, ri - ttKtew, oorare atebama and -. «;ee> h' ‘nio-at & dlmm.-KS 3>> V Good January is, i8»5S-u»im . Atlanta f> IN8URA6[( OJM P4 >>F rtiii vallbt: of v iitt. > ; WTiNOMBH'rsC'H. S\\ GftSIi GAPilfAS, - - - - hr . ■ KU»P&1’S| - • - Srs»<j>rp©j*S6S*s! *«. MSo-fi J. a. Vitzcnju, Ft efil-d-afi,.' I Wiiliftts Lt Hat Jehu Vers, j Levis P. UatL -Joseph 8. Oarsot-, ; William filler Zobcrt Steele, J W<.< B «»*;-. S35 r ‘ Aggregate ,.*id ,c 1931,868^552.19, This old Company uis-jiu-i * Buildings, .-u Household Furniture, and paisosr.i pl-bper town or country on 'em favorable \-vice *s «ti, blc Companies. ^ Apply to ■ H- a»., As# General Insarauvc ageai, co.-tu r oi Whiiuit lama^ OVKI. Hslnfour ft frrni.\evi'- ■Rore, AtlEtits, Georgia. IN • y-.ii'.S <5.;U-- T HE undersigned has on hand about Nina Thousand Dollars worth of Yankee made BUGGIES, top and no ton; and is anxious to seil them alii n one lot. Per* sons wishing to purchase will find it to their interest to call soon. Also,a likely negro girl, IS years old, tolerable good oak. washer and lroner. H. IS. HOLLIDAY. oGrlffin. FebJHh. 1863.—feblO-dt- CONFEDERATE SHOE BLACKING Manufacturing Company. IS prepared to supply 1 the trade with a- very superior article. It is ___ put up in Wood Boxes —tin being held ut prohibitory rates—which nSSst and substantial, and are in sixe equal to Mason’s medium. Every ingredient of this Blacking is produced In the South. It is, therefore, essentially different from any in use, besides H will go further than any other Blacking: is free from acid, and still susceptible of on easy and beautiful polish, imparting softness, and con sequently durability to the leather. IN 0X1 BEE c $15 |>er<iron,packftges tutluiied. • All orders accompanied with the Cash will be prompt ly attended to. W. H. HENDERSON ft CO., Agents. White Hall Street Atlanta, Ga November 7,18651—dly.. * SOGfHIRB Iiisttraae© Agefe,! FiHK ANiT’kiH! 1 -^ MBUMANm. t&r ofiiriri .CWfilsr oi -e Dama streets, over Baimon-. &. r ; GixkIs Slore, Atlanta, Georgia •; r m, a -i Alabama Insurance MONT&OMEnv LAPli AL iSinir. -•» -n Company, by yu-omptfaeas to -no JL lug Its losses, has -gained a repoiml it rb‘- placed it among the first class of Uxato-. i * -. in the country. It tnsnrca ?,U kihit? of iru... - ’ on the wort favorabio terms. ! ' »J1SSCTI*JK» < S- ft. Metoaif, »W> W m e ». M. GUujer, e. L, Aritoku,. - D. A. OLark, i. a ft W«». H. fins, • V7a-av >v- J. S. ffctchcH-'u ; John A. S. I 1 . iv =u , ran 10—rr >ASice, oraefcWhitcbaD A AUB„Mi6 WARM AND GOLD BATHS Washington Hall. BY . KOBTT. TlPiCEY & GEO. 1‘AVte. April 17—utt PEASE & DAVIS, WHOLESALE 8R0CERS, -——AND Commission Merchants, PEACH 'THEE STREET, ATLANTA frEOBCHA Dealers in TOBACCO. BACON, ELOUB, MEAL, 0TJ.RCH, VINEGAR. BHIKTINl:. 8HEETING TARNS, BUCKETS, 14 H.jg*3*fca(t» Brown Saga. 200 Boxes tobacco, 1,000 lbs. Eilllcktalek T.ijjt, . IS Bags Prime Ifio Coffee, ICC Docen.W&ter Buckets artivi&j?. SO Kegs Nails, assorted sixes, Ifi Boxes Turpentine Soap. ftrias ,tw COPAETNERSHIP, f|yHK undersigned have tods day farmed a Cop*jrtus A ship under the usme and style of Laasdell, &VQAS0S. BIOS. BROOMS, -*NA»URG& cigars’ WANTED. THE E. M. A M. CO., -WAT 1SII to hire two Lundred gcod obis bodied Negro IT M ri and Boys; xifo twenty-five gcod Negro wo men. Por which the hlzhest price win be pabl. Apply to HOST. OT. €IA«KR Jol^lg- dtf ■ " Whitehall Street,^nUaiua. ^ COBTEDEBATi BY, ATLAHTA. mREASURY Notes may hereafter be fuc-te-i at tow* oi- A ^^^/b^S-ing toter at, whter, tear are entitled to be funded In seven per - - - g —s«..firtnJL tO *#• t een made •mftfi ml tin.. ^ drug and GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS. Office- end Store Scorns cc the comer of WHttel al | Hunter streets- ■ w w a. r. ft Timmerman, Augusta,! W. Ii. LANSDELI 'i:“-S'riSSK B.’ra- r - ft Timmerman, Augusta, (" Late -'i.^ascy A Lansdell, Aftxnta u* Oitenu, G*., Peipaary d, XS63-- dtf. • * BLACkSMiTHINe, H MARSHALL ft CO., at the Atlanta Sabre • factory, Marietta Street, arc m«dired C , S ~^ ai 411 Huds, including Ha Bug^r and Wagon Work;- Shoeing V crges andCcuajry Wor k of every description. ’ Havin« a first -rate workman, experienced in the ooov- departments, -hey guarantee swisJaetlon, at the loirev prices the tlmr-3 will allow. ’ Tv3-dtf Sugar, Su^ar. “I HHDB Oholc Brawn Sugar, tor sola by lt, . 1 LOWE, FAMBROUGH ft 00., OowjfeJasJom Sffrciiar»>