The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, September 11, 1863, Image 3

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jlvitUififitHr. Friday Mornin*, September 11, 18S3. w59“We call attention to the advertisement of S N. Morse & Co., Augusta, Ga., of a lot fine English and Confederate Note and Let ter Paper for sale. £5?"A Lady lost a green Veil, somewhat worn, on I>ccatur street, near the Trout House, on Wednesday. The finder will please deliver to the Editor, at this offic when a liberal reward will be paid for it. We are informed that the Enrolling < Mlicer lias been doing quite a good business for the last week. Several conscripts have been arrested and sent to camp. busihesTnoticbs. Nkouobh for Sale.—Field, Gresham & Co., whose place of business is on Peachtree a reel, oiler for sale fifty negroes of supe rior quality and condition. Their house is a little removed from the main business por tion of the city; but we have no doubt it will repay any one wishing to purchase to hunt them up. They have long been in the market, aud aim to keep a good stock al ways on hand. They are accommodating and obliging, and every v.ay reliable. New Auction Firm.—Shackelford, Saint .V Co., who have but recently gone into the Auction ami Commission Business, now oc cupy h room in the Intelligencer Building, art ! are prepared to give their attention to life sale at auction or on commission every ptciea of property, negroes included. Mr. Shackelford has beeu in the auction busi ness in this city a number of years, aud is well and favorably known to our commu nity. Occupying, as they do, such a central position they will receive, as they arc enti tled to receive, their full share of business Wesleyan Female Collects.—This time- honoied Institution will opcu its next ses ion on the 5th of October. Candidates for .iilini .sion must be present on the 30tli inst- Pjr the In’-elilgincir, WESTERN PRODUCTS. The West has three outlets for her pro duce, viz: the Ohio, the Illinois river and canal, and the Alississippi. The latter is the •.•■heapesf, safest, and quickest, all the way down stream, while the others are up stream, and have to’ be 're-shippe<l once, twice,.or three times. If Kentucky should be united with the Confederacy, Western produce w'ould be exposed to the flying artillery of the South ; forKentucky,has a border/d some sevenjhun- dred miles on the Ohio river. Bat it will be exposed some twelve hundred miles on the Mississippi, provided the North and i?outh should remain at variance, or treaties of amity are not made between the West and the West, Western inter es‘.s demand this, or their cargoes will be in great danger in descending t .e Father of Waters. The Confederate States would purchase much of Western corn, flour, hemp, tobacco, &c., if they would trade cn friendly terms but if the strife continues, many a cargo and many a life will be lo3t by the agency of sharpshooter's aud flying artillery', which would seldom be captured by Federal sol diers. Why can’t the whole West see their true interest? They cannot anticipate safety through the country of an enemy. Let them break with the North, and negotiate with the South for the sale of hundred:; of mil lions of their products ; they will be eu richcd, and the Confederate States bene filed. S. D TELEGRAPHIC REPORTS of the press association. Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1SG3, by J S Timashkb, in the Clerk’s office of the District Court of the Confederate States for the Northern District of C. a. Latest from Charleston. Important from Europe. Iron Earns for Eebels. One Sailed from Liverpool. All Quiet at Charleston. Tobacco Emporium.—Lowe, Fambrough A: Co., Tobacco Agents, on Peachtree street, offer for sale three thousand boxes of the choicest and most popular brands. As this art iole is steadily on the advance, the pres ent is the most favorable time to purchase. Cotton for Sale.—Jlobt.. J. Lowry & Co. • .inmission Merchants at Granite .Front, Alabama street, have on consignment 190 bales f l cotton stored in Griffin and West- I'.iint, The same firm have, besides, in Store, 0 barrels ol Alcohol, 200 lbs shoe Hi read, 25 bids, molasses, 50 kegs soda, and oilier articles, which will be seen by refer ence to they' advertisements. New Millinery Store.—Mrs. Braum- uller and her associate, Mrs. Giovannini, so' licit a share of public patronage. They aim to have a first-class Milliuery store, and will do everything in their power to accomplish their end. We have the pleasure of a per eonal acquaintance with the former of these ladies, and know that she is a superior em broiderer, possessing both exquhito taste and capacity to execute. Solomon, Brothers, Hardware and General Commission Merchants.—We call the attention of our readers to the long list of desirable articles of. commerce which this old and enterprising firm have on hand. Such articles in their line of business as they advertise can be obtained no whore else in the city. Who Wants a House and Lot? Whita ker & Turner, at their negro mart in rear of Washington Hall, advertise three houses and lots for rent or sale, within 250 yards ««t the Passenger Depot. Call and see them. For Sale.—James J. Winn offers his plantation of 080 acres for sale, within 4i miles froln Atlanta. A No. 1 cook and a pair of match horsc3 are advertised for sale by R. M.Clark, Whitehall street. Fine English Paper.—N. S. Morse & Co., Augusta, Ga., have just imported a large f fine English paper, which they offer lor sale. Read their advertisement. Lands for Sale.—Ellis, Livingston, & Co., of Columbus, Ga., will sell on the Gth of October next a large quantity of stock and farming lands—8,869 acres—in Henry county, Ala. This is a very desirable op portunity for investment, which capitalists will not bo slow to embrace. £ ??■' Important dispatches at the Tele graph Office for Mr Gocttcr, G A Gilkey, T J Hoffmau, Cupt W Wirt, Col G W Dana, Captain J T L uigdon, W A Brisby, J W Ilort, Mr p llerden, W II Smith, W Doyle, Mrs R H Colquit, Lieut R K Taylor, M Kalisher, Mrs M M Betersou, Lieut G W Little, Captain llobl G Matthews, IIII Miller, John H Par ker, Maj Thomas Johnson, Maj G W Allen, Win F Anchors, Mrs M H Hill, J D Pape, W N Yulian, J F Roves, J L Webb, Henry C Wayne, Lieut W A Barbour, J M Lewis, Kin took Falconer, Lieut J R Porter, Capt L Marshall, J R Cocke, Capt R R Scote, C B Mitchell, John Marshall, J Straws, 3, J J Qualls, G W Sharp, W P Haivey, A Wil liams, Capt Jas Stowe, Captain II Slocumbe, l>r Sneed, J J Mauth, Col J C Leslie to, Cul Ben S Ewell, J II Willey. B. T. LAMB, Clerk. TO THE VOTERS OF COBB, FULTON, ANl) CLAYTON COUNTIES Atlanta, Sept. 9, 1803 Mr. Kdito): I sec my name suggested as a candidate to represent the people of the 35lk Senate rial District (composed of the counties of Fulton, Cobb and Clayton), in the next Ccu cral Assembly of the State. The announce ment of my name was entirely the work of friends—an expression of their partiality for me in that connection. I had thought, and probably have said that I could not be induced to be a candi date lor any civil office during the war; l at finding myself unable for service in the ir my, with but little hope ot being abb. to re turn to the field under several monll p, I yield my assent. When I entered the service I determined that nothing but Providential causes should take me out of if. Such is my determina tion to day. Should I be elected, only such of my time a3 is absolutely necessary for the discharge of the duties devolved upon me shall be lost to tl\c service; and in no event do I contem plate retirement from my country’s defence as long as I am able to strike ablow'in our cause, • If elected, my energies shall be devoted to such measures as, in my judgment, will be most conducive to the public good; and believing, as I do, that our future, as a free and happy people, depends upon the success of our arms, I would be recreant to my prin ciples, should I fail in every practical way to aid and encourage my brothers jn arms. Your obedient servant, E. P. WATKINS. Sept 10-1w ES?“City papers please copy one week. Mr. J. N. Langston will leave this city on Monday next for his enmmand, and will carry any letters or small packages if left at Taylor’s Diug Store: 5 * For Sale—An accomplished house ser vant. She is 31 years of age, a good scaip- stress, can cut and make, and can’t be sur passed in making pastry, preserves, jellies and housework generally. Also, her five children bays, aged 15, 9, G, 3 and 1. . Also, a splendid turnout, a fine pair of gentle horses, a splendid pair of harness, a splendid carriage, all in good order and for sale low. Enquire of CRAWFORD, FRAZER & CO. Sept. 9-Gt. Bramin, Bramin, Bramin, Duriiam & Bramin Stock for Sale.—Now is the time for farmers aud slock raisers to secure the best stock this side of Europe. Apply to CRAWFORD, FRAZER & CO. Sep. 9-Gt. House W anted.—* A family desire to rent a small house, furnished; and a lady de sires board . for herself and her children.— Apply to editor of this paper. sep 3-tf Valuable Residence for Sale.—A de sirable three story b.iick residence, on Mari etta street, with or without furniture, can be bo bought by early aplication at Aug. 26-dtf THIS OFFICE. Nkw Flour.—Small lot of Super. Fam ily Flour received and for sale by HARRIS & JONES, Commission Merchants, Marietta street Charleston, Sept. 10th.—There was no firing last night except from our batteries. The enemy is working hard on Morris Island. The prisoners taken in the assault on Sumter were landed in jail last night. All is quiet this morning. Batch of.Vciv* From Ycnkccdom and Europe. Richmond, Sept. 10.—Baltimore aud New York papers of the. 7th have been received. A letter from Morris Island dated the 30th states that deserters say there arc but 25 men in Sumter, which will be blown up as soon as an a* tempt is made to take posses sion. • Burnside entered Knoxvill e ou the 4th. Heintzleinan is to command a large force for Texas, to break up the contraband trade with th: Rio Grande. The Board of Council General in N. York have passed the $3,000,000 exemption ordi nance over the Mayor’3 veto. The Germania has arrived at New York with European advices to the 27tli. There was a rep > the Confederate steam er Atlanta put into Brest for repairs but having no bill of health, was forced to go into quarantine. The Paris correspondent of the London Globe says that a number of vessels on the model of the Alabama, arc being constructed iu French ports. A memorial from the British Emancipa tion Society has been presented to Earl Rus sel, on the subject of Ironclads iu alleged process iff construction for the rebel govern ment. The Eaglisli memorial states that two powerful iron-plated steam rams are in pre paration iu the Mersey by- the builders of the Alabama. /Lie was expected to sail on the 27tli lilt. It docs not appear that Russell had’ taken any action in the matter. A powerful rebel iron ram, lately built at Liverpool, had put to sea. The London News states that there is not the least doubt that Maximilian has accept ed the throne of Mexico. An European loan is proposed to start the new government to pay liabilities. It is reported that Dayton had received instructions to protest against the French proceedings in Mexico. The Confederate Loan is from 24 to discount, having rallied 3 per. cent. There is nothing new regarding the poli cy of European governments. In Liverpool cotton is firm and advanc ing. Pendleton Murrah has been -elected Gov ernor of Texas by a small majoaity, and Herbert, Sexton, and Branch to Congress. Matters arc quiet in Texas. The people and troops are preparing to repel the iuva sion of the State by the vandals. The health of the State Is good. The Indians on the frontier are trouble some. An average of 14 vessels arc constantly, off Galveston, blockading. Great confidence is felt in Gen. Magruder The crops in Texes arc unprecedented.— There is enough wheat and corn to supply the Western bank of the Mississippi for the next two years to come, even if not a grain is sown during the interval. The summer has been very dry. Cotton picking commenced in August. There are about 150,000 bales of old and new cotton in the State. VALUABLE CITY PBOPtBTY.jSOLOMON BROTHERS, A“" : ~ 1 Apology to our Readers.—Through the gross carelessness of those whose duty it was to have been free from such an outra geous obliquity, our article ou “ The Posi tion in Front,” in yesterday evening’s edi tion, was so transposed as to render it per fectly incomprehensible. We hope so glaring an offence will not again be repeated in our columns. MOST desirable Cottage Residence, convenient and comfortable,. close to the business of the City, within 10 minu tes walk of the Rail Road and Banks, in a choice neighborhood, the best of water, ample room —being a large lot—largo front yard with an abundance of evergreens aud shrubbery, brick smoke house, ample stabling, good garden. In a word, a desirable residence and a good inte&tment. If not disposed of at private sale before Saturday the 19th inst., it Will on that day will be sold to the highest bidder at H o’clock, A. M., in front ol the Post Office. For further particulars enquire of CRAWFORD, FRAZER «£• CO. SeptlO—dSt BY ELLIS, LIVINGSTON &f0. Columbus, Georgia. PEREMPTORY SALE —OF— Valuable Farming —AND— STOCK LANDS! In Lots to Suit Purchasers, AT AUCTION. HARDWARE .ajxnD General Commission Merchants, COLLIER'S BLOCK, WHITEHALL STREET, Atlanta, Oeorgiu. S OLICIT consignments and orders ioi all kinds of Merchandize and Produce. I to which they will give prompt and personal I attention. BOXES Tobacco, on consignment and for sale by SOLOMON BROTHERS. Iron, Iron; OAfA LBS. Hoop Iron, on consignment, iiU.UUU and for sale by SOLOMON BROTHERS. J ^ ^ FEET Safety Fuse on consignment and * y SOLOMON BROTHERS. Q / A SHOT GUNS, on consignment and for sale bv DV - SOLOMON I! HOT HERS. Sal Soda. iy BARRELS of Sal Soda, on consignment and sale by SOLOMON BROTHERS. Ioi Mu. Hamilton as Met amok a.—The play of Mctamora, founded upon the history of King Philip’s war with the Puritans, was I ia the oi, J of Columbus From Our Morning Edition. News from Richmond. Latest from Charleston, Virginia Legislature. Richmond, Aug. 9.—In the Virginia Le gislature, Collyr, of Petersburg, submitted a resolution providing for the appointment of Commissioners to proceed to each North ern Slate to demand of them to decide by the ballot box whether Virginia shall be separated from them in peace, provided the other States of the Confederacy will appoin- the like Commissioners. The resolution was forthwith considered aud after a short debate, indefinitely post poned, the vote being yeas 38, nays 1—Coll- yer. The largest sale of imported goods ever offered in this city, was made to-day, at prit ces higher than any heretofore obtained. The news from Charleston to-day had an inspiring effect. Confidence is felt here that we shall have good tidings from Tennessee before long. Philip’s war with the Puritans, was the Athemeum last night to a large audience. Mctamora was written by an old actor named Stone, and was awarded the prize ol $1000, offered by Mr. Edwin Forrest, the Eminent Tragedian, for the best acting tragedy, founded upon an American subject. Upon the success of this play, much of Mr. Forrest's present celebrity was gained. It was the means of building the colossal fortune which he at present pos sesses. The play has never been published, aud until this war managers aud actors have respected his exclusive right to the per formance of the same. Mr. Stone, the au thor, like most moritorious writers, lived a life ot misery and want and died in abject poverty, while the rich tragedian was night ly adding hundreds to his well-filled coffers upon the labors of the poor man’s genius. Upon Stone’s death. Forrest caused a stone to be erected over his last resting place, with the simple inscription: TO THE AUTHOR OF METAMORA. His last hours were spent in Philadel phia, where most’of his long life had been passed. Upon the breaking out of the war, Mr. Forrest having thought propci to contribute largely from his means to the equipping and sending into the field several regiments fr.AH New York; having also assisted the Lincoln despotism in their efforts to subju gate and crush the liberties of a free people; Mr. Hamilton has thought himself justified in apprporiating to his own use this great pro Auction, upon w r hich the tragedian has built his reputation; and during the last year has been playiDg it throughout the Confeder acy. The .the Athenaeum, although lacking in force to render a play of such magnitude with the effect and power with which vve have seen it rendered previous to the war, did themselves much-credit. byjts performance, as they have done on each occasion since the opening. ■ Mr. Hamilton has evidently given his pro fession due study, and has arrived at a posi tion of which he may be truly proud. His. fendition of this truly difficult role was, in deed, impressive and grand- Not forget ting for an instant the character of the In dian King, lie adhered? closely to his con ception of the injured chieftain—the bursts of passion aud frenzy contrasting grandly with the curt, dogged manner when in re pose, till finally in the last ac-j, when for saken by friends, surrounded by treachery, he dies grandly and sublime—the last of his race defying the whole race of English Puritans, and nobly dying upon his father’s throne. "Mr. Hamilton’s performance here— the Stranger, Claude Melnotte, Ingomar, Sir Harcourt Courtly add Mctamora have proved him to be, without a doubj, the first theatrical artist of our Confederacy. We are extremely sorry his stay with us is so short—to-night being his last appearacce. We hope soon to see him amongst us aghin. 8,860 Acres Valuable Land in Henry County, Alabama. Contains i leven very Jestrable lots, varying from S3 to 5403 acres in each or them, lying within a few miles of the Chattahoochee River. Some of ilieso tracts are improved, others woodland composed of hammcck.oak, hickory and pine—ail good productive lands, well water ed :-n i in healthy lcc&tio'. s. Provisions Corn, Hogs and Cattle are plentiful in the country, at reasonable prices. —ALSO— Avery desk able Dwellling Iltuse aad lot and two Store Houses and lols in the town of Woodville, Ala. Mr. Wm. "Wood, Woodvilie, Ala., will show the lands any time before the day of salo. Maps with description- of the property can be seen at our Auction Room. Salts positive regardless of weather. 8eptl0-d8l* FINE ENGLISH PAPER Just Imported, O FZ ®AGS Shot, assorted sizes, on consignment and +J (J for sate by SOLOMON BROTHERS. Q A BOXES Castile Soap, on consignment and foi tJVf sale by SOLOMON BROTHKKS. . D A Dl>1 BARRELS Chickory, on consignment and for rale SOLOMON BROTH KllS. 200 Keanis Foolscap Paper, 250 do Letter do 300 do Bath Letter do 100 do Note do 200 do Commercial Note Paper. All of the aboye are fine English Paper. ^.XsSO 100,000 Envelopes, various kinds, 200 Reams Confederate Note Paper, 500 do do Letter do For Sale by N. S. MORSE & CO., Sept 10-dot Augusta, Ga. Tobacco Emporium of Atlanta. T hree thousand boxes of to- BACCV, all choice and popular brands, for sale by LOWE, FAMBROUGH & CO., „ „ Tobacco Agents, Peachtree St., Sept lC-dtf . ■ Atlanta, Ga. ON CONSIGNMENT, TOO ®A.LES COTTON in Griffin and West Point. JL 9.7 G Bids. Alcohol in btore. .Forsale by ROBT. J. LOWRY & CO , „ Commiss'on Merchants, Sent 10-31 w Granite Front, Alabama St. For Sale. 200 LBS. Shoe Thread, 25 Bbls Molasses, 50 Kegs Soda, 10 do Tanners’ Oil, 100 Dozen Wool Hats, SO Boxes Cand vJ by ROBT. J. LOWRY & CO , Commission Merchants, Sept 10-iilw Granite Front, Alabama St, T TIERCES Bice, A \7 15 Barrels Lard, On consignment and for sale by July 8-dtf SOLOMON BROTH Ell ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF DESIRABLE GOODS DIRECT PROM Europe via Nassau. GOOOOO Percussion Caps, 10000 J. & T. Sharp’s London Rifle Pow- • dcr, F. F. F. put up in i lb Can isters, in Kegs of 25 lbs. 3000 Lbs. Prime Rio Coffee, 2000 Lbs Superior English Copperas, 400 Lb3 Black Pepper, 150 Bottles Coleman’s London Mustard, 15 Kegs Bi Garb Soda. STATIONERY. 200 Reams English Letter Paper, ruled of the celebrated Durand «te Co’s. Mills, 200 Reams English Note Paper, 100 Lbs. “ Sealing Wax, 150000 Superior English Envelopes, all sizes fl00 Gross Penholders, 100 Superior Matches, 50 “ Lead Pencils, And a variety of other Stationery loo te dious to enumerate. For sale by SOLOMON BROTHERS, Whitehall Street. j uly 8—dtf Lead, "I DAA LB3. Bar Lead on consignment and to A-V/V/Vf sale by SOLOMON Bltos. Aug 21-dtf LAND FOR SALE, T HE subscriber offers Lis plantation for ssle. Jjieg within four and a half miles or Atlanta, containing 2SO acres; over one hundred acres in woods necaiur. Sept TQ-dlw* JAMES J. WINN. noticeT H AVING sold my slock and stand on Whitehall 3t., to Messrs. Shackelford, Saint & Co., an persons to whom I am indebted will please present their de mands for payment, while I earnestly request all those indebted to me to ct 11 at once and settle. I can be found at my oldplace orbudaezs, daby. between the hours of Si and 12 o’clock. M. WITTGENSTEIN. Atlanta, Sept. lf-dSi. NEW MILLIKEIYST0BE WHITEHALL STREET. T HE undersigned have taken a part of Mr. J. M. HOLBROOK’S Hat Store for the purpose of car rying on a first class Millinery Establishment, together with other Ladies’ articles, viz; Ladies, Misses, and Childrens Hose, Shawls, Scarfs, Laces, Insertings, &c. Our Hair Jewelry business established 10 years ago will also be connected with it. 8atisfact ! on as heretofore given will be our steady aim. V/e therefore solicit a share of public patronage. MRS. H. BRAUMULLER, SeptS-Jtf MRS. L. GIOVANNINI. Q/\ BOXES COMMON TOBACCO, on consignment OU and for sale by A. G. IYYLY A Co. CO, i A. C. WYLY A CO. 00 EOXE3_ MEDIUM TOBACCO, on consignment HEABQ’ItS 7TH REG’f. GA. INFT., 1 Near Fredericksburg, Va., Sept. 4th, 1SCS. f T HE following is a list of deserteus and men who are absent from this regiment without leave: Deserters. Privates^ L W Allums, A Willis, J L Marlin, G W Brooks, It W Johnson. J L Bankston, Co. A.; A C Camp- bed, FL Ethridge,GW Broors, G H Whittaker. Co B • a T rn n „ MV - tt» . O f rr» I x*r un * ^ . *> BTTwo valuable families of negroes, on onsigumentand for sale bj r ROBERT L. CRAWLEY, Commission Merchant, Franklin Building. Sept. 10-d2t iW'A few Sacks Salt, A few Sacks Sugar, Several boxes Copperas ana Candles. 200 Baxes Tobacco, For sale by ROBERT L. CRAWLEY, * Commission Merchant, Franklin Building, Sept 10-d2t Atlanta, 43a To Hike.—For the balance of the year r No. 1 Negro.Blacksmitli. For furthcr’nar ticulars, apply to Col. John T. Smith, Intel ligencer office. sept 9-31 The Queen on Crinoline.—Her Majesty has addressed the following remonstrance to the ladies of England : Windsor Castle, Aug. i, ig(j3 Ladies: The Queen has commanded me to express the pain with which her Majesty crinoline. Her Majesty doe/not^eS making known to you her extreme displea sure that educated women should by exam pie encourage the wearing of a dress which can be pleasing only to demoralized taste For the miserable idiots who abjectly conv .the habits of those conventionally termed their betters, it impossible to entertain any thing but pity. But to the ladies of England this appeal to abandon the present degra ding, dangerous aud disgusting fashion" is made in the belief that thev will show them selves the rational and decorus persons they ace supposed to be. I have the honor to be, ladies, your most obedient and bumble servant C. B. PHIPPS. From Charleston. Charleston, Sept 9.—The enemy have been silent to-day. Gen. Beauregard has re fused to hold any communication with the ankee flag of truce boats hereafter, until an explanation is given of their firing on our truce boats. The Yankee officers captured at Sumter arc naval and marine officers. We also took the original flag of Fort Sumter, which An derson was compelled to lower, and which .Dahlgren hoped to replace. Interesting From Texas* Mobile, Sept. 7,1863.—Excellent wages are paid in Texas for field Sands. Negroes sold in Houston at frrom three to four th ous and dollars and upwards of 10,000 slaves arrived iu Texas from Louisiana and Mis sissippi. The planters and speculators are going beyond Shreveport to purchase or hire, Good beef on foot sells at eight cents per pound. Vegetables are very cheap. Cattle, $30 per head; coffee, 35 cts. per lb; silver, five dollars for one in currency at Brownsville. flic Texas planters are cheerfully accord ing I he tithe3 to the government. Thirty two Louisiana overseers, at Hunts ville, are to be sent to Eagle Pass, there to be released. The country irf that section is a desert. Foolish reports spread through Texas like wildfire. It is reported that President Davis and. Gen. Bragg are both dead, and that Gen. Lee has been superceded, and Gen. Taylor in great repute. NOTICE. HAVE told out my interest in my Auction House at the corner of Whitehall and Decatur Streets, to S. J. Shickelford & Co., and have no house for business, I offer my services as Auctioneer to sell real estote, ne groes, stock or UDy kind, and any other property that can be sold outside of a house, on ver r reasonable term3 I will go to the country any where in the State. Having many years experience, I flitter mysdf I can give satis faction to all who may think proper to employ me. I re fer to citizens of Atlanta for qualification. , , w. nr. hill. N. B.—I will sell for any Auction House in the city on reasonable terms. • w. M il. Sepl S-dtf gill, Co. I. Absent Without Leave. Privates A 0 Waltern, J L Banks‘on. T B Williams Jar Word, Co. A.; GL Allen, Co. C.; Thos. M mith’ Samuel W James, D W Johns. L C Meek, Co. D;W1) Pitman. I) W Stewar', Co. (1 ; W Wallace, J 0 Se f, Jas Simmons, Co. U The usual reward of $30 will be paid for the appre hension and delivery of either oft he above named deser ters at any military post or recruiting station. Ail men from this command row absent without pro per authoiity w.II ritara immediately er they will be published as dese ter.=, |i 'teen «l.iy> alter the publication of this;) -<le- Kn .■!! ng offi ers an I cniz -n-< g-n- r i|y Who aie true t« our eaus:» reiuv-ti d to aid Hi return these men to duty, l!y order, E \ 1J. CARMICAL Lieut. Ci I Coiiiu’ t - J. Fm.VIB'IT fu.\w. /.I'i’t. Wanted. SMALL place between 25 or 50 acres, from 3 to 5 miles iro a the city, for which a liberal price will be paid by application at this office. Sept 2-dtf 100 NEGROES O VER ONE HUNDRED NEGROES, Single and in Families. Amongtheii a cumber of Fancy Servants, Waiters, Drivers, Mechanics, Field Hands, Smill Girls and Boyr, Cooks and W- ahers, and Valuable Families. Our StOcR is always large, and bprng replenished almost daily by Experienced Buyers throughout the Con federacy. CRAWFORD, FRAZER & CO. Sept 8-dlOt MILLINERY, T HE ucder3lgacd have formed a Co partnership for the purprse ol'earryiog on the ■; illiu-rry business in all its tranches, on Whitehall St.,over K M. Parks & Co’s., Store, would respectfully ask a share of public patronage. We Dave received a large lot of Rats and R on- nets of the latest s’yles, just imported from kuiope. MRS. O’CONNER, SeptSJdlw MBS. KNOX. Wanted to Buy. A NEaT COTTAGE DWELLING, with faor to six rooms, and other nece.-sa.ry improvements, situa ted in a pleasant portion of the city, and convenient to business. Apply to A. C. WYLY k CO, septo tf Corner Peach Tree aud Walton streets. Silver Plated Ware, Oa C»: ligiiment atd fer Sale f& parks & ers. and for sale by ■J f t/A HALF BOXES EXTRA FINE TOBACCO, on JL YJ\J consignment and for sale by A. O. WYLY & CO. 1 -| PHIALS, 100 pounds each, QUIOHSILVEK, cn X. _L consignment and for sale by • A. C. WYLY & CO. .4 YV POUNDS CHLOROFORM, on consignment and xl7 for sale by A. 0. WYLY & CO. R A BALES COTTON, of goed quality, ani In good ortlor, for sale by sept5-tf A. O. WYLY & CO. R. 12 Sept 5-dtf — o— TABLE Castors, 1 Cake Basket:*, 2 Card Baikstr, 2 Tea Pots, 2 Butter Dishes. 12 Caraffes and TutobVis 4 Gil Olive Bolth s, 4 I)i 7. Ivory Napkin Rin.r. 4 c’o Jo Alu tard Spoor s R. M. PARKS & CO. 50 LIKELY YOUNGNEGROES FOR SALE. C ONSISTING of Men, Boys, Girls, Women and Chil dren, severalBovs under 3o years old, over 6 feet high; S good Cooks, Washers and Ironers, I strictly fan cy Girl. FlftLD, GRESHAM A CO., eptS-dtf Peachtree Street. GEORGIA , Gop.dor Cousti: VAT HERE AS, James Lay applies to me for letters of y I administration on the estate of Polity Lay dec’d. These are therefore to cite a 1 and f ingular the kindred and creditois of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time preicribeO by law, to show cause ir any they have, why sdd 1 ,'tters shonldnot be granted’ This Aug. S&t-h, ISC.:. S. D. WYLIE, urd’y Sept. 1-wSO.l GEORGIA, Lkaed Cou.stv; T> H. JAOKSON having applied to me for letters of A.La administration upon the estate of Dr. Alfred II. Jacks an laie of s*hi county dec'd. These are therefore to c ts tnd admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said dec’d to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday ^in October next, and show cause if any they jiave, why such administration should not be granted. August 2S, 13£3. S:-pt l-w30d W. M. K. WATTS, O. C. O. Bichromate Potass, LBS. Bichromate Potass on consignment and Uv" for sale by SOLOMON BROS. Aug21-dtf ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Large Plantation in Campbell Co. A GREEABLY to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Campbell County, I will sell to the highest bin der, before the coait house door in Campbeliton, on the lirNt Tuesday iu October next, within the legal hours of sale, the piautAtion known as Col. La tham s Dark Coruer Place. consisting of lols and frac- liotal lots Nos. CIS. C22,643,C49, C51,CS7,68S, COO, €01, C02,715 71C, and 717, in the 1st district and 3: d section of orig n il y Cherokee, now Campbell, Cobb and Paulding Counties. No3. 220,223 and 220 in the 2nd district of originally Carrcll, now Campbell County. The whole being in ore body, anl making a tract of about 900 Acres, about 400 acres of open laud, loo acres ir more of cr ek and branch bottom, a fine plantation in good state of cultivation, good orchard; and cabin bnil- di-q-s. The tract is on the lines of Campbell, Ocbb and Paulding Counties, on the Villa Rica road, in tae neigh- • orhood of the MoLartya’, and E. L. Polk, and G. JJ. Wedington, altin Campbell County, except two 4) acre lots, about V9 miles west of Atlanta, 3Jsouta of ilarictti and 25 northwest of the Atlanta k West Point Rail Road’ The whole tract is exceedingly well watered and t inher ed, lies beautlf.lly atd an abundance cf choice uplands yet to open. Parties desiring to invest in real estate, would do well to examine the premises, will be cheerfully shown by Mr. Holliman who l.vcsupon the place. At the same time and place I will sell Town Lots Nos. 41 and 42, on the northeast side of the m In street in the town of Campbeliton, with Store House and Law Office upon them. Also an undivided interest of one halfin lot of land No. 70, in the 3rd district of original Carroll, now Camp bell County, containing 202# acres, more or less. The remaining Interest belonging to W. H. McLarin of this County. AU sold as the property of Thomas A. Latham deceared, and sold for the benefit ofthe heirs and ci edi tors of said deceased. Terms cash. Campbeliton, Ga.. Aug.l5,lSC3. W. J. GARRETT, Adm’r. aug'>:-d*wtdn For Sale in the Village of Madi son, Georgia. A LARGE commodious, well built house, with ail nec essary out buildiDgs for a large family, an ucfaiJ- ing, well of the finest water, a variety of fruit trees, a superior garden and four acres of very productive land. The locality the very best in the village. For further part iculars enquire on the premises. Srpt- 8-a8t* ISAAC L CAE1, Cobb’s Legion. A LL men of this command belonging to a detachment under my command, now at home for the purpose of purchasing horses, will report to me promptly at the seve:-.d places ordered by me, as orders prohibiting the extension of furloughs having been received, consequent- ly none will he granted. H PAYN1C, Lt. Oomd’g Detach. Cobb’s Legion Cavalry. Sept 3-dlw For Sale or Hire. NO 1 Cook. A Sept S-dtw* Also a pair of Match Horses. K. M. CLARKS, Whitehall Stseet.