The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, September 11, 1863, Image 4

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POETRY. "the brave AT HOME . ~ X he con'd who b'ndf her warrior's each, And smiting, a 1 her pains dissembles. The wbMe beneath <he drooping lash Oneaarry tear-drop bangs and trembles — Though Heaven alone records the tear, And fame shai' never know her story, Her heart has shed a dr-p as dear Aa ever dewed the field of glory! Th» wife wjo girds her husband’s sword, ‘Mid lime one* who weep and wonder, And bravely speak* the cheerlog word, W at Sho’her heart be rent asunder— Doomed nightly In her dreams to hear Hie bolts of war around bbn rattle, Han shed as racred b'o >d as e’er Wai poured upon the pla'n of battlr' . T*te tootli-r who ccuscali her grief, "While to her breast her aon she presses, Then bn a hes a few brave words, and brief, Kiss n j the p tM"t brow she blesses, With n * one but her secret God To know .be pain that weighs upon her, bheds h dy blood as e’er »he sod Received on Ifreedom’a field of hon< i! E. M. EDWARDY, Auction anti Commission MERCHANT JSfo. 13 Wliitehall Street. Ranaway J ^ftTU the subscriber on the 2nd Inst., 2 negro b^jm. . • Paten, a b >y bout 5 feet. 4 Itches high, dark com plexion, hea^y set, hair shaved up on the back of his node, about 2a years o d, eitac from Mississippi only a few days »go. The other naae Mitchell, aboat 6 feet high. dark c mplexlpn. ag; about 20 years, had on light rolore 1 clo lus when he teit. Paten had on brown jeani co it. Any ioformat on or t.eir lodgment In any ea r e i-li w.llte liberally rewarded. ». n. GRIFFIN, Sj^pt 4-<ll w oi the firm of W. H. Henderson & Co. $50 Reward. R ANAWAK from the subscriber on the morning of the Olh of August, a negro boy JIM, about 22 years old. *>f b;ack com .-lenlou, with a good counte nance, and quickly spoken, is about 6 feet 2 or 8 incha s nigh. We wid give the above reward forthe apprehen sion of said negro or for his lodgment in any Jsill where wc can get nlm. HUNNICUTT a BELllNGRATil. Atlaeta, Aug 11-dtf k GOOD CHANCE TO VOLUNTEER FOR TEE23 WAR. I AM aulhorleed by the Becretary of War la receive three more Companies into toe Infantry Battalion of Coon’s Georgia .egicn, in order to fill It out to a Regi ment, and I have authorised W. V. HERRING of At lanta, to raise one of t-e above Companies. LUTHER J. GLENN, Lf. Col. lutantry, Gobb’s Ga. Legion. X N addition to the Bounty of Fifty Dollar* paid by the Government, I will furnish every Private and Non-O’mmit ioned Officer in my Company with a Good Uniform free or oharge. The time has c >me when every aide bodied man OUGHT to be in the Army, whether be has a Substitute or not, whpther he is over age or under age. It will probably soon come when such will be OBLIGED to go. Volunteer now—you are offered extra inducements— Your country needs your services. You will be attach ed t? that gal ant command, Oobb’jj Georgia Legion. Recruiting office at store-of Herring A Co., Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. Aug ifi-dswlm tV. F- TIERRIXG. SALT GEORGIA MANUFACTURING CO. DIVIDEND NO. 5. rgtllE President and Directors of the Georgia Halt M&n- ufacturing Company have declared a dividend oi one hundred and fifty (150) pounds of Salt per share, at twenty (20) o-nts per pound, Sack3, If retained, to be charged $2 50 per sack. Owing to the present difficulty of transportation some delay may occur before the fcalt now in store In Atlante can be distributed to the various county depots. Agents are Instructed to give to stockholders all due notice of the arrival of fait at their depots, aa the reso lutions adopted in Augusta, August ISth, JSfiS, will be rigorously enforced. “Resolved, That hereafter no stockholder In the Com pany shrll be alio wed t? sell the Salt accruing from his dividends or any part thereof, at a higher price than that fixed by the Board or Directors, and other expenses actually incurred, on penalty of forfeiting his stock to tbe Company. “Resoived, ThaUhereafter* In css? any stockholdei shall fail to rettfbvo his Salt within fifteen days after pub lic notice of its arrival at his Agency, he shall forfeit the same, and the Agent Is Instructed to sell It at the Directo ry pi Ice to any one who wishis to buy, giv-Dg preference tii Ihe families of soldiers.” A true extract from the minutes. H- H. TUCKER, President, A. F. Tlcmb, Secretary. B. PHILLIPS, General Agent, Atlanta, Aug. £0-til w Atlanta, Ga. GREAT BARGAIN Soon to be Lost or Won. I AROM excessive need of money the following derciib* . ed property will soon bo sold at auction if not otherwise disposed of lor cash. In Confederate notes;—A tract of 1075 acres pine land Intermixed with oak and hickory, with 2S0 acres cleared, ItO now In corn—with steam saw (circulai) and grist mill, warranted to saw 8500 feet ot lumber per day, and to grind 85 bushels of meal per hour. There is upon said pi aoe 750 acres well timbered land, none of wnich is father than one mile from the mill. There are also a blacksmith shop to gether with carts, a yoke of oxen, as well as every other fixture necessary to carry on the two mills. The place Is well watered and the land feitlle. The crop growing <iaa be 8 *kl at fair rates. The place Is offered simply because the owner Is in debt and will soon be compelled to go into the service. For further particulars In regard to terms and p ioj apply at the Intelligencer Office.— Distances from Rail Roads as follows: Griffin 18 miles, Kewnan 18 ml es, GrantvlileII miles. Bept. 2-diOi* __ SCHOOL NOTICE. M RS. WRI3HT and Daughters will resume their Schoolon Monday September the 7th, attheirre sidence at the corner of Crew and Fair Streets. Owing to the times they are forced to raise their terms for tui tion: Primary Department per Session of 14 week, $26 80 Junior and Senior Cla;a ” “ 8) CO Modern Languages “ “ “ 10 00 Drawing' “ “ “ 10 00 Orlenta- Painting anl Fancy Work, each l&^on 1 50 Music per Twenty Four lessons 18 00 Aug 27 -d2*wfor3 w A. €. Wyty A Co., WHOLESALE 8R0CERS. — VNI> COMMISSION MERCHANTS At their Old Stand, Corner PEAGHTBEE & WALTON STS. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. RovtUibir 25, isJSS— dvL J. S. HDTCH1NSGI-r, Auct’n’r. tar* Prompt persona! attention given to til orders and ‘ consignments. Atlan'a, May 25th, 1868.—d:f LANBSTOM, CRANE & HAMMOCK GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FOR THE SALE OF Merchandise, Real Estate, Produce, &C., DEALERS IN Factory Thread, Osnaburgs, Sheetings, Shirtings, &e. Comer Whitehall and Alabama Streets, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. June 29-dtf brownTflemThs & ca7 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Commission Merchants, AND AUCTIONEERS, (WHOLESALE SX0LTJSIVELT.) Masonic Hall Building, ATLANTA, GEO i&G 1A. (Special attention given to Louisiana and Texas trade.) W HOLESALE Auction Sales will be made at stated periods. Atlanta being ona of the best points in tbe Confederacy for such sales, we confi 'ently solicit con signments of—Manufactured and Smoking Tobaccos, Began, Molasses, Coffees, Teas, Groceries, Liquors, Cigars, Cotton and Cotton Fabrics, Wool and Woollen Goods, Dry and Fancy Goods, Boots, Shoes, Leather, Paper, Envelops, Ink, Drugs, Ac , Ac. Special sales will also be made of Stocks, Bonds, Mort gages, and heal Estate. All goods consigned will have tbe advaiitage-of prl vale or public sale as consignors may prefer. Thankful for the liberal favors heretofore bestowed, we respectfully request a continuance of the same. PERINO BRO WN, THOS. P. FLEMING, W. H. BARNES, M.L ICHTifNTSADT. Atlanta, Ga., A^rll 22, lsfcl—d> ~ IMMENSE STOCK OF English, French, And Other IMPORTED Papers, Stationery, &c Just received per recent arrivals, by BROWN, FLEMING & CO. FOREIGN PAPERS. Isaac Campbell & Co’s No. 21 Foolscap “ u “ No. 28 “ Tbe celebrated Savraton Mills “ Woodward’s Blue Laid “ Joynson’s Watermarked u Kent Mills Crown “ York Mills Laid Loiter Cream Laid Folio Post London Commercial Note French Check <{ London Blue “ CONFEDERATE PAPERS Euglish Finished Letter Buff do White Wove Note Slate Colored do Extra Tinted do „ Euvelops, various sizes Small lot of Drawing Crayon Large consignment of Highlan der Playing Cards. STATIONER?, AC. London Commercial Ink (in stone stands) Dwarf Black Ink, (in glass stands) Sands Blue, Black Ink, in jo pts, pts, qte. Magnum Bonum Barrel Pen, (1 dez and holders in box) Eagle Barrel Pen (1 gross in box) English Star Pen, (1 gross box) 50 gross Pen Holders. ALSO Just ceived a fresh lot of the popular Gunpowder Tea, (of the Season of ’62.) Full Florida Pressed Regalias, Oalffmert Smoking Tobacco, Various brands of Cue-wing Tobacco, Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac, Ao. The attention of wholesale purchasers 1b confidently Invited to our assortment, as being one of the largest- and most complete in the Confederacy. BROWN, FLEMING & CO., Foreign and Domestic Com. Merchants —AND— AUCTIONEERS. Masonic Hall Building, Atlanta, Georgia. ay 83. 1868—dtf Q AAA LBS. Rio Coffee, in store and for sale by OUUU LOWE, FAMBROUGH A OO.. 1. V, ODBCS, me. d. unj-*x. o. w. Fuca. July 16-dlf Peachtree Street. G old, SILVER SOUTHERN Baffk Notes, and Georgia Treasury Notes Wanted by R M. CLARK, Atlanta. June 28-dif Whitehall St. 200 BARRELS AND 20 HOGSHEADS —O F— Fair, Prime, and Choice S U C A R, FOR SALE TO Families k Retail Merchants, COLE & CO. INIMAN. June 80—dtf WANTED. A BLE- BODIED Negroes to work cn defences within Fulton Countv. Foil price and customary rations given. L. P. GRANT, Atlanta, July 24, lS63-dtf Capt. Eng P. A. C. 8. REMOVAL. m «. sums, Commission Merchant and Dea- A • ler In ali kinds of country produce, has since Ms store In tbe Nor.-ross block was burned, removed to the store lately occupied by Ripley A Wood, Crockery Mer chants, Whitehall Street, two doors from Rawllcg’s ha-d- ware store, where he will be happy to see and serve kb dd Wenia and customers. July 28-d8m Wanted. 1 ,0 rent Horn October l*t, a neat Residence with four to six rooms, with all the modern Improvements, gas, Ac., near the centra part of the City. Liberal rent paid monthly. Apply at the Intelligencer Office. augll-dtf HORSES WANTED. 200 Artillery Horses, F OB Which the highest cash prices win be paid. Ap- ply At C. KOCtCas Atlanta, fla., Aug 19-dtf Livery and Sale S'.able. GENERAL COMMISSION — AND — DRY GOODS HOUSE, LYNCHBURG, VA. - COBBS, DULLER & PRICE LV A VUJG RssoelAted themselves in bulaess, ind open- AA ed at the old stand of James M. Cobbs, No. 146, Mam street, win receive on consignment, and give their 1 personal attention to the sale of Manufactured Tobacco, ( Leaf Tobacco, Cotton, Rice. Wheat, Flour, Meal, Sugar, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Suet, and all kinds of produce con signed to them, and will make liberal cash advancements on produce when In hand. We also expect to keep a general assortment of Dry Goods, and sell them at prices as low as the exorbitant prices for articles we have to pay for Goods will admit. apri3-a6m CCB33, MILLER A PRICE. JTEW VIRGINIA HOUSE. Daniel anj Winship’s Block, Atlanta, Ga. H. W1THEBH. a. a, Bums. WITHERS & CO., G ENSjtAl Commlas on Merdiauts, ana Purahasiug Agonts, for the sale of Manufactured ana ffmoklng Tobacco, Sugar, Cotton, Ac. may2s-dSm* SLAVE YARD, BY ROBERT M. CLARKE O N the west slue of Whitehall street, who has a com modious, well an-anged Yard, with every conven ience for the health and comfort of slaves. Constantly kept on hand for sale a large number of Mechanics COACHMEN, COOKS, HOUSE SERVANT** AND FIELD iiANDg- 3UYS AND SELLS ON.COMMISSION By close personal attention to business he hopes to re ee’.ve a liberal patronage. September 21,1SC2—d 1 y THE OLDEST COMMISSION H0US3 IN ATLANTA- i< £. WILLIAMS Commission Merchant FOK THE SALE AND Purchase of Every Variety of GOODS SOLD IN THIS MARKET. ATHEN/EUM BUILDING* Decatur-- * Street (Largest Ware House iu the City.) Julyl-d8m ATL A N T A SOAP FACTORY. mHE subscribers having purchased the entire Interest A ifllhe SOAP AND CANDLE FACIO- It Y formerly owue i and carried on by Messrs. Bearze & Hetzel, h ve enlarged their facilities, and are now pre pared to 111 orders fur the different grades of SOaP, em- b- acing Son, Turpentine, Imitation Castile and Fancy Toilet Soaps, Also a No. 1 arllole of lubricating maohine and axle grease, adopter for Rail Road and Ordnance purposes.— A full slock of the above articles constantly on hand. Office at Anderson, Adair & Co’s. HETZEL & 1< iiWElVTHAl, July I4-d!m Atlanta, G* OIL! OIL ! OIL ! .IN' STORE AND TO ARRIVE! £> fr ffbls. Spindle Oil, 25 bbls. Extra Spindle Oil, 80 bbls. Coal Spindle Oil, equal to Meio&lf’a Spindle OU, 49 bbls. Superior Machinery Oil, iUUabic for heavy Gearing. 60 bbls. Ordinary Machine-" Oil, 20 Pure Lard Oil, 80 «« Lard (til, No. 2, 2 4< Sewing Machine cd, 20 44 E. P. Castor Oil, 50 (4 No. 1 Tanner’s Oil, 75 “ No. 2 Tanner’s Oil, LANSDELL, ZIMMERMAN A CO., Corner Whitehall and Hunter Streets, February 4, SC3—dtf. Atlanta, Qa 2,000 frmvl8 Soda, Soda* LUS English Soda, for sale hy .LOWE, FAMBROUGH & CO , Commission Merch'an e*. j. p. BORDtnuxr. J. MATTHIAS. GENUAL COMMISSION HOUSE Main Street, Lyaehlmr^, Va, BONDDRANT & MATTHIAS, VSTEOLSSAT E Grocers and Commission Merchants Yf . and Agents for the sale of Manufactured and Smoking Tobacco and Snuff. Will receive and sell Su gar, Molasses, Wheat, Corn, Flour, Bacon, and all kinds jf country produce. Alt sales promptly reported and paid over. July 21-d8m* A. 0. HANCOCK. E. EPFP. HANCOCK & HUFF, Wholesale Dealers in MANUFACTURED -AND- Sjhoking Tobacco, HATE DEMOTED TO CORNER OF Marietta and Peachtree Streets, Where samples of our stock may be seen. H ATING engaged exclusively in the Tobacco busi ness, we are enabled to offer at low prices •'ver two thousand packages cf Tobacco, comprising some of the best brands made in Tirginla. We solicit a call from dealers generally. .l^-vita, July 7-d2m HANCOCK £ HUFF. BOS £<3 Candles, for sale by INMAN, COLE * CO. -BBtfi. Tar, for sale by JUST RECEIVED, 50 80 • INMAN, COLE & CO. -| s') BBLii. -Whiskey, for sale by X mi INMAN, COLE k GO. /y /—'s BUSHEL3 Salt, fo.- sale bv INMAN, OOLfi A CO. -| Jr a'X LBd, Ccffse, for sale by IlJUU * ISMAN, COLE k 00. jjjtKEET Copper,/or sale by 50000. INMAN, COLE i CO. July 24-Jtf hB3. Sugar, for sale by INMAN, COLE k CO.. Franklin Buiidln/, Alabama St-=ci. $50 Reward. R ANAWAY on the n : ght of the 9th inst., my boy Joe. He is aoout 25 or 80 years eld, black, quick spoken, lame In one ankle and has a treffi scar on me under Up. He will doubtless try to make his wav beck to Athens, N.rth Alabama. I *iB the above reward of $50 for his delivery in any safe jaUso that 1 get him. angl4-!itf A. WARWICK. Oi.attanooga Rebel please eopj till lo-bid and send bill to this office. Hightower, Ga . Aug.'10,1 r*,- SEAL iSTATi BHOKEHS. T HE Subscribers, Geo. Fannell, Jr., of To., anJ Ttu! Jones, of Tenn., having associated themselves to gether under the style of Pannell & Jones, do hereby of fer their se-vi-’e3 to the public as Agents forthe put chase or : ale of Real Estate. Any persons wishing to buy or s -It, would do well to give as a cal Office Whitehall St-ett Varkh m's ilock three d jora from Alabatt St. “ Reference—Messrs. Harris & Jones, Atlanta. Er. J- P- Logan, Mr. D. Hutchinson, ice liT-dtf DAVID L. CAMPBELL, CFarmely Campbell & Bennett,) General Commission Merchant, No. 53 North Water Street MOBILE, ALA. July 1st. 1848.—ju>-d3m DIRECT IMPORTATION PEE STEAMSHIP V.T.T.A and ANNA. 40 Kegs Soda, 300 Lbs. Indigo. s. rTkramer, Druggist, Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GA- Aug. 7—dtf W. a BEBB. B. TBDCBLK. I BIBB & TRIMBLE, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nos. 98 k 65 Commerce Street, MONTGOMERY, ALA., Wl ILL give prompt attention to the sale of all articles V? coi OLD DOMINION INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Richmond, Virginia. CAPITAL - - - - . - . . $cm>,m>o UrilEGTOR^J: consigned to u«. fob. 5—tf Desirable Investment! O NE lot of land with small dwelling on Markham fit It is well located and trill m-ks a dcsin ble res! dence. On the premlces i a well of excellent water.— The lot contains one acr . Apply to at; EDWAH5?, Atlanta, July l-dtf No. 18, Whitehall rit. For Sale. A LARG d'will assorted 3'ock. of Ctocacry at.d Glass Ware. . T. G. 81 .VIMs. July 28-dtf " _ Tobacco, Tobacco. mr /\ a 60X23 lobaoeo, various Brands, for sale !*y # UU LOWE, FAMBROUGH k CO., ma y1g Commission M-rchan OUT. D. 0. SMITH. F. M. QtTEBX. ». O. QrEEX. xo'zsxrcr fihivi. SMITH, QUEEN & CO,. Wholesale, Retail —AND- (Jonimission Merchants, Cor- Peachtree and Marietta 3ts.. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. July £9-Jim* . JUST PUBLISHED BY Jas. McPherson & (Jo., X MANUAL OF * PARTISAN WARFARE, With Plates and Diagrams, By JOHN M. RICHARDSON, B. S. s lately Major of the 21st Regiment North Carolina Troops, no w Profes sor of Mathematics in the Georgia Military Is- stitnte. Price, *1-BT Mala, $1.10. A liberal discount to ihe Trade. November 6, 2882—dtf. —* — * RARE CHANCE FOR INVESTMENT. T HE undersigned desiring to change theit btis’ness, cf fer for sale that very desirable piece of property lying at the corner of Decatur and Shipley Streets, mw occupied by the Confederate Government lo> an Armo ry. The property Is now paying a high per cent, on the price asked, and Is one of the most desirable business locations in the city. For full particulars a:>ply to JOHN C. PECK, June 22-dtf or FRANCIS DAY. 600 Bushels Salt. 2,000 Lbs. Coffee. 600 Bushels Corn- 200 Ounces Quinine. FOR SALE BY INMAN, COLE AGO*, Franklin Building, XliABAMA ATLANTA, GEORGS A, June 30-dtf a M’coaxLH. S. U. X'CORKLB. rrx. KiXX7EB. M CORKLE, SOU i GrROCERS CO. —AND— COMMISSION MERCHANTS, A ND Manufacturers of Chewing and Smoking Tobac co, Ne. 118, Main Street, Lynchburg Va. We will give particular attention to the sale of Tobacco, Breadstuff’s, Provisions, and all kinds of Country Pro duce and Merchandise. Jalj2t-d3m* Smoking Tobacco. 3 n A r\ LBS KU lknlck Tobacco, ,vUU 4,500 Beauregard Tobacco, . 2,000 Grand Turk Tobacco, maytfi for sale by LOWE, FA31BROUGff k CO., Commission Merchant. Com, Corn, Corn! 1 AAA 8ACK8 Corn In store and for sale by XUUU BELL, DERMOT & CO.,' Marietta Street. Atlanta, Ga. Salt, Salt, Salt! rs store and to arrl BELL, D Tobacco. Smoking Tobacco, for i BELL, E Manufactur’d Tobacco A /T BOXES best brands Manufactured Tobae- TCL/ co, la store and for sate bv BELL, DERMOT h CO. Whiskey. 5 BBLS. Pure Oorn Whiskey. BELL, DERMOT A CO, A AA SACKS etere and to arrive, rt V7 \ * BELL, DERMOT & 00. CASE 1 . Smoking Tobacco, for sals by O BELL, DERMOT A CO. Brandy, ~i CASIS French Brandy. IU BELL, DERMOT & CO Sugar. Ct UGA it in Sacks and Barrels. ^ BELL, DERMOT ± GO. S Flour. icks a AuglS—dim BELL, DERMOT A CO, jgMPIRE Mills’ Flour, In Sacks and^BarreK. H . L . WILLIAMS, (Successor to Amoss, Ligon & Cd.) GI-EiS3 ERAL .COMMISSION MERCHANT, corner; Whitehall and Mitchell Streets, ATLANTA, GA. Acg 16-dim L J. SBinm rn»n . x. A. snacssLEoan. AUCTION AND COMMISSION HOUSE BY S. J. SHACKELFORD & CO., * Cor. Whitehall and Decatur Sis. W ; have a good house and choice a’and, and w H sell everyday and night In the week If necessary. Special attention paid to the sale of Negroes, Lands, City Property, Stock, and all kinds of Merchandize. Aug 12-dlm* “Stonewall insurance Company,” ATLANTA, GA. Chartered Capital $500,000 Actual capital $200,000 W. P. INMAN, President, M. CoiE, Secretary. DIRECTORS. W- P. Inman, J. V, Shack Win d, VP. T. Tramcied, W. b, Inman, E. R. Sasseen, M. Ode, L. W. TrmmelL Office la Franklin Building, Alabama Street. July 11, NEW FIRM.” T HE undersigned have this day formed a partnership under the name and style of Lowe, Fambrough k Co., for the trar suction of a General Commission Busi ness and all collateral branches. T. P. LOWE. W. P. FAMBROUGH, > J. W. RUCKER. Atlanta, Ga., May 12th, 1848. dtf I. Davsaponl, Jr., Pres. Gab. Wortham, John Kmlers, 8. kL Price, B. F. Ladd, J. Stewart Waiiet, L. K. 8pihr»«T\, J?. G. Warwick, pames S. Rent, Horace P. Edmond. J. M. Talbott, Q. B. Davsnj-cn. 6. W. Yancs, Jos. Bmmtnel, Wa Brent, R. E. Maury, j 0. E. Worlbitin, Br.oiot»! i John IL Great.? r, ! Geo. £. Palmer, I W. S. Tripk tu' ‘ I s. 0. Tardy, j Wm. Carrie, j J. E. Crenshaw, J John B. Wiiiiajr.a, I Si.Tlc Downey. • f&Sffia5 Jciit-8 ! St A.J?mitts, fcqt>Cft A. Pjv«.,e • S. P. Wtlilama, ; W. P. Ragland. • ,’L C. (lab. 11 j George W. Roysu. Cammission Mouse Exclusively! LOWS, FAMBROUGH & GO., Commission Merchants. In Daniels’ and Winships* Block, A.TXiA.3STTA, QSO. For tbe purchase and sale of all kinds of Produce, Mcr chandise, Negroes, Koal Estate, Ac., Aa Orders and consignments, respectfully toilette J. may 13—dtf Whiskey, Whiskey l 1 /'kf'a BARRELS Extra Corn WhLkey, In store and Lvio' for sale by LOWE, FAMBROUGH A CO,, may!3 Commission Merchants. Substitutes- 1 HAVE on^hand a few reliable men who wishes to go as Substitutes, have been examined and papers are all signed up right. Cull early If you want a good man. ROBERT S. WATERS. Direct all letters as above’ care Key Box 67, Lovejoy’a Building, 2nd Floor, Peachtree Street. Mav 3l-dt.r X WBIRTH, I NFORMS 'IKE M»T7B3iIC THAT HK hss re-epened the Amferolype k Photograph Mallory formerly occupied by Mr* DU1, on Whitehall street, where he 13 prepared to execute hmmmm, photo8raphs, colored or plain Also, that beautiful style of pJctart o.slled I very typ e. /■bo Saamciled Or.rd photographs, and Vignette* LIFE-SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS, in Oil or Pastel Colors. Please call and examin e <j>eci- snens. ap-stah-s, over Mr. Richardson’s Bookstore. * J, W« BIRTH. -Atlanta, Ga., Dec. fl7, 1S52—d6m. /» AAA LBS. COPPERAS, Ojl/l/V 4,000 Lba. Spanish Whiting Barrels of Chrome Green, “ “ Chrome Yellow, “ ** Spanish Brown, • “ Venetian Red. For sale low at HAMILTON, MARK LEY A JOYNEHM. May -dtf RARE CHARGE FOR INVESTMENT! Soap and Candle Factory FOR SALE. rglHE umlerslgnsd contemplating a change of buslinrsa JL offer for sale their S0AP AND DANDLE FADTOBY Situated on Peters Street in the City of Atlanta. We have a su in cl entwn&imb e ro f Moulds to make fonr hun dred pounds of Caff dies per day. Also'a large and very powerful IKON SCREW PRESS for manufacturing Lard and Tallow Oil Our Soap Kettles is of sufficient capacity to make from 8CO0 to 8SeO ppunds of Soap at a boiling. Wo have every necessary articles to complete the estab; llshment. We will a so sell with the Factory, , about 4, Pounds-Soda Ash cf the best quality. Any person desiring f-o eater the business will do well to app'y toon. A. DUTKUHOFEB A CO. June 9-dtf REMOVAL. H; HENDERSON A CO., having removed to 9 the house formerly occupied by Capt. Bacon, A. Q. M., on Whitehall Street , next door to R. M. Clark, wilit continue the business of Commission Merchants, Negro Brokers, and Auctioneers. Having a good Store Roopr and Slave Yard attacked, In the most central part of the city, they hope, by cir se personal attention t > bu siness in their several branches, to receive a liberal por tion of patronage. Quick sales and prompt returns is !h.t Ir mcuo. Negroes of ail classes kept for sale, and bought on oommisrion Goods, merchandize and pro perry of every Ubcr.pjion, Bold at auction every week, by an experienced auctioneer. may 3!-dtf W. H. HENDERSON A CO. GEORGIA Salt fiairnfaeturiBg Company. B. FMILLIpfe, Agent Jtl&sonie Kail.. EJs-.rch 8,186S—dif. .Atlanta* Georgia, flTHE undersigned has cn hand about Nina Thousand JL Dollars worth of Yankee made BUGGIES, top aud no top; and is anxious to sell them all; n one lot. Per sons wishing to purchase wili find it to their interest to call scon. Also,a likely negro girl, IS years old, tolerable good 00k. washer and ironer. H. II. HOLLIDAY. <y<Tv!ffin. SVh fith. 1 Rf.2—fehlIV-dt' —tin being CONFEDERATE SHOE BLACKI NG Maimfaetnring Company. IB prepared to supply the trade with a very superior article. It U put up in Wood Boxes held at prohibitory jatea—which are neat and substantial, and are In size equal to Mason’s medium. Every ingredient of this Blacking is produced In the South. It Is, therefore, essentially different from any in use, besides it will go further than any other Blacking; i3 free from acid, and still susceptible of an easy and beautiful polish, imparting softness, and con sequently durability to the leather, IN CURES j $15 PCY Gvoss, pac&agsa Included. All orders accompanied with the Cash will be prompt ly attended to, W. H. HENDERSON A CO., Agents, White Hall Street, Atlanta, Ga. November T, 1863—dly. WANTED. THE E. M. & M. CO., %ft/ISU to hire two hundred good able bodied Negro v v Men and Boys; abo tweaty-flve good Negro Wo men. For which the highest price will be paid. App’y to ROBT. 3T. CLARKE, JuijlC-dtf Whitehall street, Atlanta. CQHFEUESATE STATES DEPOSITA‘ EY, ATLANTA. T REASURY Notes may hereafter be funded at this of fice under the following regulations: 2. All Treasury Notes not bearing inter* st, which hear date subsequent to December 1st 1S63, are entitled to be funded in seven per cents. 3.' AUsubscriptions to the Produce Lo id, wlilcfi nave j been made prior to February 20th 1868. wifi be entitled to eight per cents.,and subscriptions since, Will bo seven per cents. J- DUNCAN, | apriU2-atf Depositary, This Company la prepared to receive appUoau.-u. i< F1R2 AND MARIN” INSURANCE, on favorable u,i... S. ?>. XsLKIS, Aswat. S®*“ Office, corner Whitehall and Alabama «ti«ru over Salmons & Simmons' Store, Atlanta, Georgia. mmmmmffim I£5CMi?I&m>. VA. Capital AHtltorlsc£ - $&oo*4m. Cash aud Sttrpise, 1st M.ny, iStd, SI 1,8< OE?.i3 s Jc-s. £. Anderson, Jas. L. Apperson, Wm. Breeden, David J. Burr, #b. K. Christian, Jno.'Doolry, Jk H. Glasefcrobi, Lewis G inter, Sam’I J. Harrbton, Soscoti B. Heath, Id. McCarthy, ». Miiler, Garrett t. Wata-.*n Jonx H. Mcst^ouh, Hm. G. Paluo, i Sam ! l Putney, | Jno. I’urceli, i Jno. D. Quari Cb t David J.'(founds,a Geo. I>. Shell, | -franklin Stearns J John O, Stnton, | Ed. H. F kicker, j c eo. J. gumnci-, Ther. T.’.ylor, Ji • Wat *>. ; -ayI«r. A. fi-XASANfiV, Pfes'V fec'y. Iffils favorite Insurance Company continues to tnaaie both in town amd county all kinds of insurable property entce most favorable terms. Also Marine Insurance. WM , . ,, .... Sl ,NSSjSS," Affcitt. Whitehall and Alr.b&ma^fo.. over Salmons A Simmon. January 19,1863-d«m Dry Goods Store VIRGINIA FIRE ANO MARINE INSOBANGE OOMPAHV RICHMOND, VA. cha!ktssb& km 18 3a. Has a lioiia fide Caa3i Capital of ^2uo,0iR,‘ Surplus, $75,000. FSTIIIC long established Company Insures aguinei los. JL and damuge 'ct fire and the seas, Dwolilnga, Stores. Merchandise,' Household Furniture, and all kinds oi in rumble property cn tlie most reasouable terms The policy of this Company h&s uniformly been to p*y i.s uOnest loaseo r.S once,' c:.i j. reientution of proof a' loss. DIR £ C W. L OoWAabia, JPres't Alexander W. Parrsr Charles W. Purcell. Tuoa. Sampscc, J. E. Wadsworth,. B. JL. Winston, J. P. Wlnatoa, Hor&oa L. Kent. T ORS: W. W .Ltiti, Ja., &***'* foorph Allen, ifau ffsefs, H. A. 01i*lbi.'io3 W. L. Oowardln, John N. Gordon, James A. Tnines. Wm. Pa Mb.-. . ! 1>. WJAk.ia*. >$# Or5<ie,^oraw Alfth tma and WfiikgBBli street,-ov«. SMmpns A Simmoca Drf Good Store, - January 10, lSgg-dSrn ^ Atlanta,4*. WSDRAitUEOOMPim; OE .THE V ALLEY 0.F VI&cilNi A WINCHESTER. VA. CASSK CAPITAL - ■ - - - '?«;)<! «v • “ iruRPtcaj ----- i/.a-sM KBeoyporaiaa In 135a. iDIRECTOllb. J. A. Carson, President. | William L. Beni, «o- > John Ytre, ( Lewis P. Haii-mat. Josephs. Carso a, I William Miller, Robert Steele, j Win. B. Baker, SsP“ Aggregate Losses oaid in 8 years enhin- joi» 1831,6588,282.19. * f This old Company- to sores Baild!.i 3 a. Merchaudiu- Loc££ho:d Furniture, and paroon&i property In city town or country on as favorable terms'es other responsi' ble Companies. Apply to . K. B. « at,iRS, General Icsur&n-re Apent, corner of Whitehall and xJe. b&Ria streets, over Salmons k filmmc-ns’ Dry Goods Store, Atlanta, Georgia. SOUT1EIN Agen Aia .P’lRE Awi) fffAtilNE mSURAHCE. SSTOfiice corner of Wkiieliitii m-j baiua streets, over Salmons & S:a■ f Goods Store, Atlanta, Georgia.’ ■ 8. E>. Nll.iag, ’ Alabama Insurance CoiaW’- v, MOfJTG-OMSRY. CAPITA I,..: $ it 00,0 041 T HIS Company, by promptness In adjusting acn p«y Ing ItB losses, has gained a reputation whit-p L as placed it among the first eiass of Insurance Ootcpcr::-- in the country. Tf. insures all kinds of insurable prop on the most favorable terms. 1 XiKSF.&CTOIiS - F. H. Metcalf, ffoc’y ff. M. dimer, D. A. Clark, Wm, H. Rivv-s, J. D. Hofche.'o’i, Wm. C. Bibb, £*< oi l a. L. Arrington 11. WLilia 1 Jan 19 U J. M. Wllffains. j Wade lleyee, i John A. Eimorc. 18, ». WILKS, Agent, Office, orner WliIteHall A Alabaa£it.i- WkM km GfiLD BATHS A. T Washington Hall, BT flOB’T. TANCET Ac CEO. JBAViS. April 17—dtt PEASE & DAVIS, WHOLESALE 8R0CERS, Commission Merchants, PEACH TREE STREET, ATLAHTA- - - GEORGIA Dealers in SUGARS, RIOS, BROOMS, OSNABURGS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, fLOUR, STARCH, SHIRTING, YARNS. BACON, MEAL, VINEGAR, SHEETING, BUCKETS, 14 Hogshead;) Choice Brown Sugar, ’ 200 Boxes 1 cb&cco, l.OOOlbs. El'llcklnick TobaCijo, 15 Bags Prime Kio Coffee, 100 Dozen Water Backets arriving. 50 Kegs Nails, assorted sixes, IS Boxes Turpentine' Soap. ~ bblk-Gtt - "COPAETIOESBJP. DRUG ASD GENfcKAX. COMMISSION BUSINESa Office and Store Rooms on lie corner of White! all an< Hunter streets. LANSDELL, . Late Massey <&■ Lansdeli, Atlanta, G*., R. P. ZIMMERMAN, Lite Sera" 0 A gmsieimM t ^Angnrta.^Ga. t Late \i:tssey A bans dell, Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta, Ga,, February 3, ^SSS—dtf. BLACKSM1THINS. H MARSHALL A CO., at the AtlantaSabre &Uua • factory, Marietta Street, are prepared to under take Blac tsmitn Work of all kinds, including Carriage Buggy and Wagon Work; Shoeing Worses ami Mules and County Work of every description. Having a first rate workman, experienced in the aOov, departments, they guarantee caiiefactfon, at the iowea prlny the times wiil allow. | ayfi-dfr Sugar, Sugar. I X, BUDS Cholo Brown Sugar, for sale by LOWS, FAMBROUGH A Q i&x-Ti Ootrunlsslon Merub