The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, September 13, 1863, Image 3

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I uielligrafft. Sunday Moraine, September IS. 1»63- Oj’r City.—Nothing of unusual interest has transpired in our city this week’ Many idle rumors have been.put afloat by parties interested in getting the price of food as high as they possibly can, and by others whose loyally to the Confederacy is not above suspicion. These parties are never satisfied unless they are coining some gigan tic falsehood tending to dispirit the people and impair their confidence in our cause. To t hem wq say beware ! the eyes of those whom you least expect are upon you. There has been a decided slacking off of the fancy crowds wewere accustomed to see on the streets some three or four weeks ago. We have no idea where they are gone to,but arc afraid that it is auywherc but the army. Speak ng of the army reminds us of the number of soldiers belonging to Bragg’s ar my that we sec perambulating the streets.— What are they doing here when the enemy arc confronting their comrades in large, very art/' numbers, and every man is absolutely necessary v We arc afraid that such men urc not as patriotic as they ought to be. Mr. Crisp’s fine Company of professionals have been performing the past week at the Aihen cum to crowded houses, and their representations have given great satisfaction. Wc rogret to learn that Miss Cecilia Crisp 1ms been so indisposed as to render her una ble to perform for several nights. We trust that she will soon recover from her ill ness. According to the orders of Adjutaut Gene ral Wayne, the State troops have com menced arriving here, and wc arc pretty certain that as soon as they are organized, Kosy will have to meet a set of men who mean to fight. ,* The price of everything is high, and in stead of negroes going down as was erro neously stated by us last Sunday, the prices appear to lie .fully sustained, if not advan cing. From the sales book of Messi 9. Craw- ford, Frazer *& Co., we arc permitted to quoit; Hie following prices, as an average of the market: For field hands and house ser vants, (men and women) from $2,800 to $2,000, a very sweet little price as we think. Wc also learn that th6rc has been a great demand for real estate at high prices, but the owners appear disinclined to sell, so that very little is disposed of. • In consequence of our reporter being out of fmvn, we w'erc unable to get tlieprocecd ins of the City Council, or the reports from tin; Mayor’s Court. In the latter, however, we.heleive that but few cases were brought Tip on Friday. For a wonder, no one was stabbed or shot the past week, although at i lie Adjutant of the Post's office we Sid hear ;i threat made to do something bloody. The Indies appear to be ignoring the streets so that we are unable to say anything about them thi9 week. Aswesaidla9t week, we trust they arc working for the soldiers. Valuable Residence for Sale.—A. A Gauhling offers for sale his residence on the owner of Prior and Peters streets. This is i very liuqand desirable property, it is situ ated in the best part of the town and offers great inducements to those desiring to pur chase, For terms apply to Mr. Gaulding, at F. M. Fisk, on Whitehall street. House to Rent.—On Monday, tlic 14th, at.9 o’clock, we will rent our house, known an Billy llill’-s corner. S. J. SHACKELFORD & CO. Sept. 13—It my Important dispatches at the Tele graph Office for Mr Goette.-, G A Gilkey, T J Hofl’maD, (.■apt W Wirt, Col G W Dana, Captain .T T Laugdon, W A Brisby, J W Hort, Mr P Herden, W II Smith, W Doyle, Mrs R H Colquit, Lieut R K Taylor, M Kalisher, Mrs M M Bctcison, Lieut G W Little, Captain Robt Q Matthews, IIII Miller, John II Par ker, Msu Thomas Johnson, Maj G W Allen, Wm F Anchors, Mrs M II Hill, J D Pape, W N Valian, J F Rcves, J L Webb, Henry (■ Wayne, Lieut W A Barbour, J M Lewis, lvintock Falconer, Lieut J Ifc Portfer, Capt L Marshall, J R Cocke, Capt R R Scote, C 15 Mitchell, John Marshall, J Straws, 3, J J Qualls, G W Sharp, W P llaivey, A Wil liams, Capt Jos Stowe, Captain H Slocumbc, Dr Sneed, J J Mautb, Col J C Leabete, Cul Hen S Ewell, J II Willey. B. T. LAMB, Clerk. FokIaalk-— An accomplished house ser vant. She is 34 years of age, a good seam- si ress, can cut and make, and cau’t be sur passed iu making pastry, preserves, jellies and housework generally. Also, her five children boys, aged 15, 9, 6, :: and 1. . Also, a splendid turnout, a fiue pair of gentle horses, a splendid pair of harness, a splendid carriage, all in good order and for sale low. Enquire of CRAWFORD, FRAZER & CO. Sept. 9 (*. _ To the Household of Israel.—Divine service is appointed for the 14th andjlfith iust. at Masonic Halt I beseech you, as you value your liberty, your country, and all you hold dear, lliat you will abstain from all secular emploj’iuents and unite with us in a fervent petition to the God of Israel, that he will d renglhen us End lead our armies to victory, causing peace with her many blessings iuraiu to reign iu our now unhappy land. D. MAYER, P. of H. B A^ Atlanta, Sept. 11-dot A CARD FROM JUDGE EZZARD- Mb. Editor:—Since some friends had the kindness to suggest my name as a candidate for Representative in the next Legislature, from this county, I have been frequently asked whether or not I was a candidate. It therefore becomes my duty to respond. Many years have elapsed since I had the honor ot being a member of the Legislature, and having arrived at an age wheu I have no political aspirations to gratify, I wa3 loth to yield to the solicitations of friends; hut, upon reflection, I have come to the conclu sion that it is the duly of every patriot, at the present crisis, to sacrifice not only his ease and comfort, but his property, and even life itself, if need be, upon the altar of his country, in this its hour of peril, and hoping that I may be able to render more efficient service to my Stale in the capacity of Legislator than any other, I have con sented to be a candidate. If elected, I shall endeavor to discharge the dulics which may devolve upon me faithfully, to the best of my ability. * -• • With regard to the great straggle in which we are engaged there are only two results to be looked for or expected—victory and inde pendence oa the one hand, or defeat, sub mission, subjugation and perpetual infamj 7 on the other. There can he no middle-ground, no alternative is left us but to fight it thro’ to a glorious termination, or submit to bo slaves to the latest generation. And my opinion, further, is, that our success or fail ure depends upon ourselves. If wc but de termine to be free, aud acquit ourselves like men, it is utterly impossible that we can ever be subjugated. Entertaining these views, I shall do what I can to inspirit our army by providing for the wants of the soldiers in the field, and rendering as comfortable as possi ble the condition of their wives and chil dren at home. Very respectfully, WM. EZZARD. September 13—3t TO THE VOTERS OF COBB, FULTON, AND CLAYTON COUNTIES. Atlanta, Sept. 9,1803. Mr. Edtloj ; I see my name suggested as a candidate to represent the people of the 35th Senato rial District (composed of the counties of Fulton, Cobb and Clayton), in the next Gen eral Assembly of the State. The announce ment ol my name was entirely the work of friends—an expression of their partiality for me in that connection. 1 had thought, and probably have said, that 1 could not be induced to be a candi date lor afty civil office during the war; 1 .it finding myself unable for service in the tr uly, with but little hope ot being abb. to re turn to the field under several n‘ontl.9, I yield my assent. When I entered the service I determined that nothing but Providential causes should take me out of it. Such is my determina tion to day. Should 1 be elected, only such ol my time as is absolutely necessary for the discharge of the duties devolved upon me shall he lost to the service; aud in no event do I contem plate retirement from my country’s defence as long as I am able to strike ajblow in our cause. v If elected, my energies shall he devoted to such measures as, .in my judgment, will be most conducive to the public good; and believing, as I do, that our future, as a free and happy people, depends upon the success of our arms, I would be recreant to my prin ciples, should I fail in every practical way to aid and encourage my brothers in arms. Your obedient servant, E. P. WATKINS. • Sept 10-1 w flgjjp City papers please copy one week. From.. Knoxville.—A gentleman who left Knoxville last Friday night, states that the E. Tennessee renegade, Col. Byrd, and 300 to 500 mounted men were the first forces of the enemy to reach Knoxville. They went in, under spur, whooping like so many devils. Old Heiskell, of Knoxville, rode in afterwards, with Burnsides and Parson Brownlow. It is not believed that Andy Johnson had arrived. Our informant con firms the news of the arrest and imprison ment of the Presbyterian ministers, Harris and Martin, and says that old Parson Lewis, ol the Methodist church, was also imprisoned for 21 hours. The jail and other places are said to be full of Southern patriots. The Y aukce programme is to send out of their lines all who sympathize with the Confeder acy. \V e lost two or three locomotives and about twenty cars on the Tenn. &-y a R R One ot the trains, we understand, was sent down to Morristown, Which had been a de pot of supplies for Cumberland Gap, to take off stores, and the engineer traitorously run the train through to Knoxville. The regn lar train w T ent to some other point, (Jones boro 1 , we believe,) and the enemy, who had secreted themselves to await its arrival, cap tured that. We are not advised as the place of capture of the re3t.—Marietta Confed. TELEGRAPHIC - ), ^ reforts of the press association. Entered according to act of Congress In the year 1SC3, by J. 8. Thrash eh, In the Clerk’s oihee of the District Court of the Confederate States for the Northern District of Ga. * News from the WeBt. Review of Cavalry. Further from Europe. General Batch of News. All Qnlet In the West. Jackson, Sept. 11.—All is quiet in the front. There has been no news of any kind within the last 48 hours. The cavalry un der Gen. S. D. Lee were reviewed yesterday at Vernon by Gen. Hardee. News from Europe. Richmond, Sept. 12.—We have dates ot Northern files to the 9th. The steamer Sunbeam foundered during a heavy gale on Lake Superior on the 4th with all"on board except a wheelman. 35 were djowned. The text of. the second note of France, England and Austria to Russia on PolLK, affairs is published. The language is firm against the policy ot the Czar, and the ei i- sis is spoken of a9 one of great gravity. The Turkish Seraglio was recently burnt to the ground. An exciting scene occurred during the conflagration among 300 women who inhabited it. The Mayor of Leavenworth lias been ar rested by a squad of soldiers and hurried off from Kansas. The arrest caused intense excitement. Several London Journals contend that the iron rams and all others building for the reb els in England, should be detained by the ■Government until the ••asc of the Alexan dria is disposed of. It was thought that the United States pro test against Napoleon’s actions in Mexico would he presented in France during the week after the sailing of the Scotia. , The Imperial family of Austria resolves that the Arch Duke, on assuming the crown of Mexico, must renounce all political rights as a scion of the house of Hapsburg. The Mexican Consul at Frankfort still dis played the Mexican flag. from Our Morning Edition. Important from the North. Fernando Wood’s Peace Letter, to Lincoln Published.* Bramtn, Bramin, Bramin, . Durham & Hramin Stock for Sale.—Now is the time for farmers and stock raisers to secure the best stock this side of Europe. Apply to CRAWFORD, FRAZER & CO. Sep. 9 Gt. House W anted.—A family desire to rent a small house, furnished; and a lady de sires board for herself and her children.— Apply tP editor of this paper. sep 3-tf . [communicated.] President Davis to Gov. Brown.—Your noble State has promptly responded to every call that it has been my duty to make on her, and to you, psrsonatly, as her Executive, 1 acknowledge myindebtedness for theprompt, cordial and effective co-operation yon have afforded me, iu the effort to defend our com mon country against a common cneui}’.” Joshua HrLL’s Testimonial of Himself - “I was impressed with the idea, that exam ple was super!ar to any power of words, and since Idedned to voliniteer, 1 did not feci wilt ing to urge others to do what Ifailed to do my self. People of Georgia ! Here are the candi dates for Chief Magistrate of your great State. Here is their record, on indisputable testi mony. President Davis testifies for Gov. Krown ; and who will not only, bear like tes timony, but who will not add that Gov. Brown has not only done his whole duty, but that he has left nothing undone that w r as in his power to do ? Mr. Hill says he has abstained from alt participation in this war myself, and has asked nobody to take part tn it. Which will lead you on to independence and peace, or to submission, Yankee domin ion and ruin ?—Sav. Alews. New Flour.—Small lot of Super. Fam ily Flour received and for sale by HARRIS & JONES, Commission Merchants, aug26- Marietta street. Lincoln’s Answer. The United- States and Japan Gone to Blows. Operations at Charleston. . Charleston,Sept.ll.—The enemy have mounted two guns at Battery Gregg, on Cummin's Point, healing on Sullivan’s Is land. There was but little firing to-day. One of our shells’ from James’ Island ex ploded the enemy’s magazine at Battery Gregg, causing great confusion there. News from the Nor tli. Riohmomd, Sept. 11.—A flag of truce boat arrived at City Point last night. No return ed prisoners were brought. New York papers of the 9th have been received. The correspondence of Lincoln and Fer nando Wood on the peace question in De cember last has been publised. Wood says ho was advised that the Southern States would have sent represen tatives to the next Congress provided that a full and general amnesty was made to permit them to do so, aud a cessation of hostilities. j (Wood showed a great deal of knowl6dge(?) when he made that assertion.—Ed.) Lincoln replies that if the people of the Southern States would cease resistance aud reinaugurate and maintain the National -au thority within the limits of such States, the war would cease on the part of the United Slates, and if within a reasonable time, an amnesty were necessary to such, ami it would heed it, it would not be withheld. The ship Pembroke having been fired upon by the Japanese forts, the gunboat Wyoming proceeded to the scene of outrage, silenced the forts, and destroyed two war steamers belonging to the Japanese. Western telegrams report that the Con federate forces under Steele and Cooper had retreated to Perryville 4 at which point their commissary stores were destroyed. Lincoln says he will not make the'release of officers of negro regiments an i lh] is pen sable condition for the renewal ot exchange - The Herald copies an article from t lie • Times favorable to the nomination of Lin coln for a second time, and says that it was evidently written by Seward. The Times, on the following day, was silent on the subject.. 1 here is nothing from Tennessee, except a report that a large number of deserters were coming in the Federal lines. European advices state that the ship An glo Saxon was burned by the Florida on the 21st, 30 miles from Kensale Island, she h;\d a cargo- of coal. It was reported in Liverpool that the Alabama had gone into Cherburg for re pairs. The Mexican question was to be debated before a Congress of Sovereign Princes at Fraakfort. . • Lord Clarendon had arrived at that city, and Vras tc\. warn Maximilian in the name of England of the dangers ot the Mexican situation. At Liverpool thr, cotton market is buoy ant. THE SnUATION IN FRONT- All government stores and private prop erty were withdrawn from Dalton-yesterday morning. One hundred and fifty cars left there in the morning loaded With commis sary and otfier stores. A large force of Con federate cavalry held possession of the city bist night waiting for the approach of the en#my, why had passed through Ringgold yesterday. The latest intelligence which we deem re liable places Roscerans with 00,000 men at Sand Mountain, Alabama* Our forces were in the right place to meet the enemy Fine Drilling—The Ordinance Guards, Capt. Findley, from Macon, now doing, pro vost dutj r at this place, turned out yesterday evening iu strong numbers for parade and drill. They stopped -opposite our office and went through the manuel with great precision and regularity. For the short space of time they Lave bceu into ser vice, wc unhesitatingly pronounce them onc- of the best drilled companies wc.have seen for some time. Capt. Findley may well he proud of t)ns fine body ot rle Residence for Sale.—A de sirable three story brick residence, on Mari etta street, with or without furniture, can lie be bought by early aplication at Aug. 2G-dtf * THIS OFFICE. ADHINlSrKATOIt’S SALE. B Y virtue of an order of the C:urt. of ordinary of Gordon county, will be sold before the Courthouse il ;nr.4n Calfecun, on the first Tuesday in November next, within the legal hours of sale, one hundred'and eighty- niQe acres of land, being-parts of lets Nos. 141 and 14“.* in the i4th district and 8d seciicn of Gordon county.— Also, the South ita'.f lot No. S, in the 15th district and 3d section of said county. Sold as the property of Wilr liata G. Johnson, for the benefit of the heirs and credi tors of said deceased. This Sept. 9th, 1£63. sepll-30d THOMAS JOHNSON, Adm’r. ADMIN SSTBATOR’S SALE. I JU&SUANT to an order fiom the Court of Ordinary . *of. Fayette county, GA., will be sold on the first Tuesday in November next, between the legal hours of sale, before -the Court House door, in the town of Fay etteville, ICtS acres of land, more or lest*, Tof the South part of Jot No. S3, in tie4cW district of Fayette county, Ga. Sold as the property of John T. Bagweil,deceased, Soid for the benefit of tho heirs and creditors of said de ceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. This Sth day of September, iS6. ( . . sepll-SOd ISAAC A. HAI3TJGN, Adm’r. Administrate, r’s Notice. fpWO MONTHS after date application will be made to JL to the Ordinary of Fayette county, Ga., tor leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Trurtin Turner. Lite of Fayette county, deceased. September 9th, 1S63, Btpll-wirm * JOHN J. GILBERT,.Adm’r. Administrator’s Notice. rgAWO MONTHS after the date of this notice, applica- _I_ ticn will he made to the Ordinary of Fayette coun ty, Ga., for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Terry Kunncis, late of s sid c:uint.y deceased. This Sth day ot September, 1S88. sepll-w2m JOHN I. WHITAKER, Adm’r. Admin 1 *strator’s Notice. T WO MONTHS alter the-date of this notice applica tion will be made to the Ordinary of. Fayette county, Ga., for leave to sell the lands be onging to the estate of Edward Hemperley, late of said county, deceased. This Sth day of September, 1SG3. sepll-w2m L. F. BLALOCK, Adm’r. A 1 Notice to Debtors and Creditors. LL persons indebted to the estate of John. T. Bag- well, late of Fayette county, Ga., deceased, are re quested to make numediate payment, and those having demands against said estate, will present them in terms of the law, properly attested. September Sth, ljSC3. sepll-w40d ISAAC A. HAISTEN, Adm’r. GEORGIA Eikc County. CJIXTY DAYS after date application vill be made to thcOourti.r ordinary of Tits county, at the first regular term after the expiration of sixty jays for L ave to sell the negroes belonging to the estate of A. B. Jones, deceased, late of said county, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. September Sth, 1&G3. sepl2 (S0d ■ J. T. JONES, Adm’r. ADifllSflSTRATORfS SALE. B Y virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Carroil county, will be sold on lire first Tuesday in November next, at the Court House door in the town of Carrollton, within the legal hoars of sale, a tract of land containing one hundred and fifty acres (150) or less, it .being parts of lots numbers 144,143, and 147, lying in'the fourth (4th) district of Carroll county, being a part of the estate of Thos. Hanvey, late of said ooun- ty, deceased. Sold for the bene fit of the heirs and cred itors of said deceased. Terms cash. Sept 7th, 1S63. kai->1 9-tTls B. II. WRIGHT, .Adm’r. ^DIHINISTJSATOR’S S.ULE. B Y virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Gordon county, will be sold oa the first Tuesday in November next, at the Court House door in said county, the following property,-belonging to the estate of Jacob Abbott, deceased. One lot of land, in ( he 15. h district and 3d section, ex cept abont Iwenry ac es lying in the Northeast corner of said lot, said land bc-iDg well improved and of excellent quality, lying within less than on mite of the railroad. Also, the following negroes: 1 woman, Sal ah, 50 years old ; 1 woman, Mourning, 24; one do., hlariali, 20, and her child 2y. years old ; one boy, Aus, 51; one do., Elf jah, 21; one do.. Henry, 13 years old, all sold tor cash, and for distribution arreng the heirs of said deceased. — September rth, 1S63. 6epl2-tds D. B. BARRETT, Adm’r. ADMIiVV^YRATOR’S SALE. * B Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Gwinnett county, will be seld on the-first l'tfesday in November nejet, before he Court Mouse door in the town of Lawsenchville, within the legal hours of sale, the following negroes to-wit: Luke, a man some40 years old - Dinah, a woman; Alfred, a boy; Mii;s a boy; Grace, a girl, Sold for a distribution among the heirs <y Sarah’McDarjicl, decea-eJ. Terms cash. This Sept. 7th, 1S63. • james mcdaniel, scpl2-tds WM. U. McDANIEL, ) m ‘ ADMlNISYBAfOR’S SAL,iE.* B y virtue, of’ an order'from the Court of -Ordinary of Gwiunet' county, will bs sold before the Court House door, in the town of Lawrencevilie, witlin the legal hours or sale, on the first Tuesday in November- next the following lands to-wit: 250 acres, more or lets, lot No 23, and 190 acres, more or less, of lot No. i’4, all in the" aeveate district cf Civic nett county,, adjoining Linds cf J. C. Dunlap, J. 1>. Hood, W. Allen and others. Sold , with the widow’s dower excepted- Sold as the preperty of John M. Srxlon, Uocea-ed. lei ms cash. L: rt * iCf 1 .”. i- .1.1 rr, 1 r c •This Sept. 7lh, 1SC3 sep!2-Ws JAS. 0. DUNLAP, 11. W. SEXTON, ADMIMSTRBrifB’S SALE. Gwinnett'cunUes, on the waters of m^re Kocky creek, containing eighteen liundrc ,?’ e or less, lying adjoining iands of Dalton A. Arnold f«mO , on the East, Dav.d fcmith on the West, Kuntei and Hor ton on the Sou b, Maynard snd others. ..a.d F is Well watered by Loth SXuiberrys; have good co mfor.a- ble dwellings and ou: houses; several situations on 8H)d farm, with a good grist mid and saw m.., ,, .‘.j deal of good laud, held as the property of J' bn -■ der, late of Gwinnett county, deceased. benefit of the heiss and creditors of said ^-^ a - Terma carlo 3el l with the widow’s dower ept. «. NATHAN P. KLLJ'-L.d Adm’is sepl2-ids WM. U. MARSHAL-,) GEORGIA, Gwinuett Cousitf. W HEREaS V. B. Stevenson t° me f or of Administration on the cs«..itu of son and J. M. Stevenson, both deceaseu : . These are, t.herefme, to cite and admon^h aU aml^rn gular, the kindred and creditors of 't .^senhed bv -and appear at this ollice within 'Yi ^ Vraiaed the law, to show cause why letters J«ould Mt*e grant*, applicant on the first Monday m October next. ^sepSd^' . G- T. RAKESTRAW,-0»n’y- A»A11 MSiit ATdR’S SAL E, ■ T--r*ue of an order from the Court, of Ordinary of door at Lawrftnceville, on the lands next, within the legal imurs of saL, *faction to-wit: One hundred and S^ a^es,^ ^ ^ aCf€3 off No. S44, aud part cf fraction No. ■ COU ntv of lot No. 3i7, all in the 7th district of t. *iauett county, on the waters of Chattahoochee nvW ^‘fj^hrbe^fit erty of Wm, R. Brogion. deceased, ciold wr tho benefit of the heirs and creditors of said decease-*. e Sepf 7th, 1$G3. sepl2-tds • . -A- R- 15ROGDON, Adm’r. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. T WO MONTHS after date application will be made to the Ordinary of Gwinnett county for leave to sell the land belonging to the estate of Asa Bennett. late of Gwinnett couni v, deceased. Thb Sept. 7th, sep!2-2m ' JAMES R. GaRRETT, Adm’r. The Famous Young Leviathan Stallion, BARTOW, Will be Sold on Wednesday. 15th inst. Mahogany Bay ; a perfect model. A fine opportuni ty for those wishing to-raUe fine stock— - . will be sold at toe arcade. sepl2-4St* . Horse .Stolen--—‘Two Hundred Dollars Reward- S TOLEN from the subscriber on the night of the 6th inst, a bright BAY HORSE, six years cld, sixteen hands high, no mane, and Dls tall a little tubbed near the rump. The above reward will be paid u;_on the delivery u the Horae to the undersigned at Home, Ga A. 8. GRAVES, Rome, Sept. 9th, tepl‘2-dlw BALES CORN SHU3RS, oa consignment and for BELL, MCORE A.CO. 20 sale by sep!2-3t Tobacco Emporium of Atlanta T HREE THOUSAND BOXES OF TO BACCO, all choice »nd popular brands, for sale by LOWE, F AM BROUGH & CO., Tobacco Agents, Peachtree 8t., Sept 10-dtf Atlanta, Ga. Wanted to Buy. A NEAT COTTAGE DWELLING, with faur to six rooms, and other necessary improvements, situa ted in a pleasant portion of the city, and convenient to business. Apply to A. C. WYLY & CO, sept5-tf Corner Peach Tree aj^I Walton streets. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY. A MOST desirable Cottage Residence, Convenient and comfortable, close to the business of the City, within 10 minutes walk ot the Rail Road and Banks, in a choice neighborhood, the best of water ample room —being a large lot—Jargp front yard with an abundance of evergreens and shrubbery brick smoke house, ample stabling, good garden. In a word, a desirable residence and a good investment. ' Ifnot disposed of at private salcbefOTe Saturday thd 19th inst., it will on that dav .will be 'sold to the highest bidder at l'l o’clock, A. M., in froqt ot the Post Office. For further particulars enqu ire ot CRAWFORD, FRAZER d CO. SeptlO—dSt ON CONSIGNMENT. -| Q Q* BALES COTTON in Griffin and West Point. A ** 6 Bbls. Alcohol in store. For sale by ROBT. J LOWRY A CO , . Commiss : on Merchants, Sent. 10-dtw Granite Front-, Alabama St. 100 NEGROES O VER ONE HUNDRED NEGROES, Siugie and iu Families. Araongthem a number of Fancy Servants, Waiters, Drivers, Mechanics, Field Hands, Small Girls and Boys, Cooks ami Wi shers, - and Valuable Families. Our Stock is always large, and being replenished almost tljiily by Experienced Buyers throughout the Con federacy. CRAWFORD, FRAZER & CO. Sept 8-dlOt MILLINERY, T HE undersigned have formed a Co-partnership tor the purpose of carrying on the Millinery, buslneca in all its brandies, on Whitehall St.,over R M. Parks Co’s., Store, would respectfully ask a share of public patronage. We nave received a large lot of llntM and l£ nets of the latest styles, just imported from Euro p , MRS. O’CONNE SeptS-dlw MRS. KNOX. NOTICED I HAVE fold out my interest tamy Auction House the corner of Whitehall snd Decatur Streets, to 8. J. Shackelford. & Co., and have no house for business, I offer my services »3 Auctioneer tor sell real estote, ne groes, stock of any kind, and any ether property that can be-sold outside ot a house, on verv reasonable teram I will go to the country any where in the State. Having many years experience, I Halter myself I can give satis faction to ail wlio may think proper to employ me. ■ I re fer to citizens of Atlanta for qualification. VV„ ffl. HILL. N. B.—I will sell for t any Auction House in the city on reasonable terms. , W. M. H. Sept S-dtf For Sale or Hire. . ^ NO 1 Cook. Sept S-dlw* For Sale. 200 I.BS. Shoe Thread,. 25 Bbls Molasses, • 50 Kegs Soda, 10 do Tanners’ Oil, 100 Dozen Wool Hats, SO Boxes Cand,]by ROBT. J. LOWRV A CO., Commission Merchants^ Sept 10-dlw Granite Front, Alabama St. SOLOMON BROTHERS. HARDWARE A3\rr> General Commission Merchants, COLLIER'S BLOCK, WHITEHALL STREET, Atlanta. (leorgl;». S OLICIT consignments and orders lot all kinds of Merchandize and Produce, to which they will give piompt aud personal attention. BOifES Tobacco, on congignment and for sale t)U by SOLOMON BROTHERS. Also a pair of Match Horses. K. M. CLARKE, Whitehall Streo ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF DESIRABLE goods DIRECT FROM Europe via Nassau. 000000 Percussion Caps, . 10000 J. & T. Sharp’s London Rifle Pow der, F. F. F.#ut up in i lb C&a- .. isters, in Kegs of 25 lbs. 3000 Lbs. Prime Rio Coffee, 2000 Lbs Superior English Copperas, 400 Lbs Blaol* Pepper, 150 Bottles Coleman’s Loudon Mustard, 15 Kegs Bi Carb Soda. STATIONERY. 200 Reams English Letter Paper, ruled ot the celebrated Durand & Co’s. Mills, 200 Reams English Note Paper, 100 Lbs. ‘1 Sealing Wax, 150000 Superior English Envelopes, all sizes, £100 Gross Penholders, • 100 Superior Matches, . 50 “ Lead Pencils, And a variety of other Stationery too le dious to enumerate. For sale by SOLOMON BROTHERS, Whitehall Street. julyS—dtf Iron, Iton; 20,000 LBS. Iioep Iron, nn-consigntnent and for sale by SOLOMON BROTHERS. 1,000 ES 11 Fuse on consignment and SOLOMON BROTHERS. O UN ifiHOT GUNS, on consignment and for Bale l y * OU SOLOMON BROTHERS Sal Soda. O tr BARRELS of Sal Rada, on consignment and fu jiStlsaleby SOLOMON BROTHERS. 25 RAGS Shot, assorted sizes, on consignment, an d fur sale by 30 BOXE? Castile I sale by SOLOMON BROTHERS. nap, on consignment and toi SOLOMON BROTHERS. BARRELS Chickory, on consignment and for sale eJ . SOLOMON BROTHERS. 10 TIERCES Rice, 15 Barrels Laiql, On'consignment and for sale by July 8-dtf SOLOMON BROTHER 1000 Aug 21-dtf Lead, LBS. Bar Lead on consignment and -fo sale by - SOLOMON BROS. FINE INVESTMENT, Of Ten Building LOts^ OF O^E ACREiEACH,, JUST OUTSIDE OF THE CORPOKA- .TI0N LIMITS, A HANDSOME TIMBER GROWTH ON EACH—the Lots iajijg well, andih a good neighborhood, on one of the principal thoroughfares to the city, adjoining the property of Judge izzari and others. This truly valuable property is heid at private sa'e until Saturday, the 19.h inst., vhen, if not disposed of, it will be sold to the highest Didder, in lront of the Post Office, at 11 o’clock A. M. For further particulars, enquire of sepU-dSt CRAWFORD. FRAZER & CO. Wanted. A SMALL place between 25’or 50 acres, from 3 to 5 miles iro u the city, for vchlch a liberal price win be paid by application .at this office. Sept 2-dif - A DJI E N I STUATOH’S NOTICE. 1WO MONTHS after dale application wilt be made to NEW MILLINERYST6BE WHITEHALL STREET. T HE undersigned have taken* a part of Mr. J. M. HOLBROOK’S Hat Store for the purpose of car rying on a fifst class Millinery Establishment, togeth er with other Ladies* articles, viz: Ladies, Misses, and Childrens Hose, Shawls, Scarfs, Laces, Insertings, &c. Cur Hair Jewelry bafiness established 10 years ago, will also be connected with it. Satisfaction as heretofore given wilPhe our steady aim. We therefore solicit*a share of public patronage. MRS. IJ- BRAUMULLER, EeptS-dtf MRS. L. GIOVANNINI. Qf\ BOXES COMMON TOBACCO, on coisignmcnt OV/ and for sale by A. O. WYLY A GO. 60 BOXES MEDIUM TOBACCO, on consignmen t and for sale by A. C. WYLY & CO. -J /|rv HALF BOXES EXTRA FINE TOBACCO, o n J, !_/ vF consignment and fo r sale by A. C. WYLY & CO. VER, on n PHIALS, 100 pounds each, QU10KS1L consignment and for sale by A. C. WYLY & CO.' 4 A' POUNDS CHLOROFORM, on consignment art for sate by A. 0. WYLY & CO. BALES COTTON, of good quality, and in goo fJU order, for sale by sept5-tf A. O. WYLY & CO. Bichromate Potass, rt AA LBS. Bichromate Potass onconsignmentand Ov/VF for sale by SOLOMON BROS. Aug 21-dtf np JL th the ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Large Plantation in Campbell Co. A GREEABLY to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Campbell County, I will sell to the highest bid der, before the court house door in CampbelitoD, on the fii iHt Tuesday In October next) within the legal hours of sale, the plantation known cs Co). La tham sDark Corner Place, consisting of lots ana frac tional lots Nos. 615. 6*22, C43, G49,651, 637, 638, 690, (91, 692,715 716, and 717,in the 1st district and 3i d secticn-of origin\l : y Cherokee, now Campbell, Cobb and Paulding Counties. Nos. 220,223 and 229 in the 2nd district of originally Carrcll,now Campbell County. The whole •being in one body, and making a tract -of about 900 Ac res, aboflMOO acres of open land, 100. acres cr 1 - k and branch bottom, a fine plantation in flril n»ry of Owin' etf. county lor leave 1o sell cfcultivation good orchard, and cabin bnil sep!2-.2ui ,i rt.ii.von Martin, deceased. H-pt. 7!li, 1 0o JOEL N. CULVER, Adm’r. i.MUt MAKTiN, Adoa’r Administrator’s Sale. B Y .virtue of an order from th - Court of OrJlnary-of Forsyill.County, wi l be soli on the first Tuesday in October next, :tt the court house door-in said county betwe b the legal rale in.urs,'the following lots of land,- 1295. Iz94, aud two teres uu re or lets off of.tbe south east corner of >ot No. 1*^27 iu >he Srp district of the 1st section; and 37 acres more or less ot lot No. 31, in the 2nd district and lit section, Foieyilf County, laehiot containing 40.acres more or-lcas, oeiug the place where on Mary ijotbV.-okresided at the time of her death.— Weil improved, adjoir ing lands of I’eter Cobb, Isaiah B. Weems, tV 1 iatn Har is and others, hold as the proper ty or Mary Itaihrook, and sold tor the benefit of tire heirs of tiie said dece « mL made known oa the .lay of sate.. I’ERUKAN HALBRDOK, r r, Aug. 18-whli of Mary Halfcrook GEORGIA, Coupon-Court ta W DEkKAS, James Lay app’jel to me for letters of aduilnistrutic-n on the estate cf Policy l.ay dec’d. These jire vher, to cite a 1 and angular the kindred and credit*., s of said deceased, to^be and appear at my ollice within the time prescribed l.y law, to show cacse, if any thev have, a by said let ters should not be grant, d. This Aug. 2‘Jth, 1363. 8 D WYLIE, Ord’yl Sept. 1—WoOJ dinps. The tract Is on the Jines.of Campbell, Ocbb and Paulding Counties, on the Villa Rica roao, in tiie neigh- > orhood of the MoLaityd’, and K. L. Polk, and G. IS. WediDgton, all in Campbell County, except two 4 J acre lots, about 29 miles west of Atlanta, 80 sou ti of Marfetta, and’25 northwest of the Atlanta A West Point Rail Road. The whole tract is exceedingly well wt^ered and t’mher- ed, lies beautifully aid an ai undance cf choice u; la. dj vet to open. Parties desiring to Invest in real estate, would do well to examine the premises, will be cheerfully showQ by Mr. Holliman who l.Vcsupon-the place. At the same time and place I will sell Town Lots Nos. 41 and 42, on the northeast side,of street in the town of. Carupbellton, with Store House and Law Office upon them. . •* Also an undivided Interest of one half in lot of land No. 70, in the 3rd district of original Carroll, now Gamp bell County, containing 202^ acres, more or less. The remaining interest belonging to W. II. olcLarin of this County. All sold as the property of Thomas A. Latham -— ^deceased, and sold for thi benefit ofthe heirs and crerli tors of said cecehsed. Terms cash. Campbellton, Ga., Aug. 15.1S63. W. J. GARRETT, Adm’r. - auglS-dawtdn CEOUGIA, Leaed Cocsty: T> II. JACKSON having appl.ed to me for letters of XRa adcMnistratiou upon the estate o r Dr. Alfred H. Jackson late o’ said county dec’d. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said dec’d to be and appear at my office on or before the first Mondav in October next, and show cause if -any they have, why such administration should not be granted. August 2S, 1S63. Sept l-**3ad W. M. K. WATTS, O. C. O. GEORGIA, Fayltte Cocsty : J OHN O. B HARWELL having tn proper form applied to me fer permanent letters of administration ou tlie estate of Joseph M. McLane late of said county.— This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Joseph M. McLane to be and appear at my office within the fine allowed by law, and show cause if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to John C. Brasswell on Joseph H. McLaws’ es- -tate. Witness my hand and official signature, Sept- 1st, 1883. GEO. O. KINO, Ord’f. Sept. 4—v. CO! For Sale ui the Village of Madi son, Georgia. 4 LARGE commodious, well built house, with all nee f\ essary out buildings for a large family, an onfall; ing well of tbe finest water, a variety of fruit trees, a superior garden and four acres of very productive land. The locality the very best in the village. For further part iculars enquire on the premises. Sep>8-d3-» 1 ISAAC L. CARY'. Cobb’s Legion. A LL men of this command belonging to a detachment' under ray command, now at home forthe purpose of purchasing horses will report to me promptly at the several places ordeied by me, as orders prohibit ng the extension of furlouelmhaving been received, consequent ly none will be graflR. W. H PAYNE, Lt. Oomd’g Detach. Cobb’s Legion Cavalry, gept S-dlw LAND FOR SALE, T HE subscriber offers his plantation for sale, lyieg within (oar sad ahaH miles of Atlanta, Containing 280 acres; oyer one hundred acres in woods Decatur, Sept 10-dlw* JAMSS J. WINN.