The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, September 13, 1863, Image 4

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•la p o E TRY* COjfFEDEBATE BATTLE HYMN „r XL'KUAV WALTOK CBAX. Aii. —“Zitn's Ship it on the Ooean. O'i ere ihe l H-tle v II i U r*# Inc, Where the n1d>l e. thickest fly, in the ocntest fierce engaging, Xh'B thril he cui battle cry : ■ ui _ttonew!*ll Jack-oVs spirit ledJs ui, 'Hoi ruai 1 Jackson’s.spirit lead* ns, •-.firewall Jackin’s Spirit leads c». ktcnewall’i God will g-te us aid. ■M;J« . cannon’s ruling thunder, tli- rattling leaden ram, Tho-gh rurree-lng ranks gT under, 1 hivhaH be our stem refrain 1 i. id above w; firmly trust, ■ ;v j ;,t our ah link n- souls can dilitnt, f-i[ an,wing wed oor cause Is Jus! i ;*.ilifdl »? our b& tie chant : Wlmt tie.ugh we die a herofc’s death* Though our 11 isbing eyes grow dim ; v iclo Ion I .ti.I with g Raping breath, Faint *e il sing ou- battle hynw. Lus, ..1/, A ■ J r J 3 * 11863. J. u. ocaaa, ws. n., t d\ rHINGLF.8 wanted Immediately.— [ O.V'vJvy Apply at this office. ‘ * tf' $100 EEWAED. t B KWAltD of ?1<W> will be paid for the aoprehen- Mon out fare conlineinant of a black boy Henry.— s »lj lKni v Is ahou C feet high, veYy black, with short • h.k. hair growing very low down on bis forehead. He to, m tly b looged to .Its U. Coleman, ne*r Eutaw, Ala., an i has p ob iblg mule his wivto that section. He ,,<i pui chased f om Met srs. Crawf ,rd, Fr z-r & Co., of AtUnta, by Messrs Lutourrow & Timmons, of Augusta, in a., and runaway from B. G Toole, near Cartersville, Ga? nboat the 25th July la3t. Tlie above .reward will bo paid for him if caught. l.TFBrSROW & TIMMONS. Augusta, Ga. B. O. VO >LE, r - piE dlw Cartersville, Ga. Writing Paper by Wholesale! \\r tf are now manufac'.uring and offer for sale on ac- Vf cnmmodatlngterms, Letter, Cap tu.d Note Taper, apply at once. _ MARIETTA PAPER MILL CO. Marietta, Au^\i»it£T-dtf BOOK KEEPER WANTED r RS £oing to the .Wars where all ought to go 1 bat, loves Country. None need apply that is able to fight,' and in other word?, must fill the bill Come recommen ded a;-. al! riffbi. If so lie can trade at the Arcade- M. 0. CAYCE & C0„ • Aug 7—dll • A.&R, E. a $500 Reward ! otfJ' «uSaturday night in A Janla, one sealed pack- J agicotiUioiug addressed la Berry St. Johns, ala ion, Va. The above reran! will be paid for thedeiivei-y ol the package to Ool Jolin T. Smith, at the frvdiigc lerOffi.-e.- ft. W. ST. JOHN?. Sept. 8-dltJt Suburban Residence, For Sale. ' A FRAME Cottage containing 4 rooms, with sm'ake in hous ,kitchen, and stable. t>n the premises is a fod orchard garden and beautiful grove, 21 acres of hind, I. cited ia :i g'jd neighborhood. Apply to Sept till E. M. EDWaRDY. $50 Reward, H ANAV/AUDfcom the subs-rlbcr oa the morning of i the Oth of .\ugust, » n-t^roboy JIM, about 22 yea sol f h ack com ilewion, with a good counte- uaxlco, a d quickly spoken. Is about 5 feet 2 or 8 inches high. V»c vn.i give the above reward for the apprehen- . >n of said negro or for his lodgment, in any jail where we can got, lam. HITNKIOUTT a HELLING RATH. Ang1 '.-dtf A GOOD CHANCE TO VOLUNTEER T33CES WjUR. i .AM authorised by the Secretary of War to receive throe inure Companies into tho InfaniTy Bilttalion of Com’* Georgia rg!on. ia or-for fo fill It out to a Kegl mOnt, and 1 have authorised IV. F. HERRING of Af- iHtitii, f< l ube oneot t e above Companies LM'fiLK J. (ILE1NN, • LT> Col, Juiantr/, Uoou’d Uu. Legioa. I N addition to the Ueunly of Fifty Dollar* paid by ihe Government, I wi 1 furnish every Private nrJ i'on-0 m nit loned Odljerinuay Company with a 4loo«t i’uiform lrceof charge. Th umu lie c -mo wnen every able bodiod man i iCUll T to oe in die Army, whether be has a Substitute or not whether he is over age' or under age. It will probably pjon come when such will be OBLIGED to go toiumc r now— vou -;ro offered extra inducement*.— Vour country needs your services. You will be aitacb- v.t tj that sai.ant command, Cobb’s Georgia Legion. Recruiting office at store of Herring A .Go., Whitehall threat, Atlanta, - Ga. AiigLSf-diivJjii YT. F- If ER IS IN <3. E. M. EDWARDY, Auction and Commission | 6ENER * 1 - COMMISSION MERCHANT No. 13 Whitehall©t. c. w. ruoa. — AND — DA^D L CAMPBELL, CFcImely Campbell & Bennett,) Generai Commission Merchant, No. 53 North Water Street * MOBILE, ALA. July Itt. 1>63.—jn8-dSm ' DIRECT IMPORTATION PEE STEAMSHIP ELLA AND ANNA, ,j 40 Kegs Soda, 300 Lbs. Indigo. S. R. KRAMER, Druggist, Whitehall ; * - - - Street, i ATLANTA, GA. Auv. T—<ltf Desirable Investment!] O NK lot of land with small dwelling on Markham fit j It is well located and will m-ks a desir> ble res! J dence On the premices i a well of excellent- water.— ! The lot contains one acr . Appiy to j2. M. EDtfAilDl, Atlanta, July 1-dtf No. 18, Whitehall's*. For Sale. . A LuQ" d .will assorted s ock of Crocker;, and Glass Wara. T. G. SIMMS. ! July y?.-dtf . | Tobacco, Tobacco. ^ /A , V BOXES lobaeco, various Brands, for sale bv (UU LOWE, EAMBROUUH A CO., may 13 Commission Mercha-n . 0*PT. I>. C. SlilTH. F. M. QCF.nS. B. O QPFFS. 3MEW FIK.3M. S^llTH, 'QUEEN"* CO. - Wholesale, Retail -AND- Commission ‘ Mercliants, Cor- Peachtree and Marietta Sta,. ATLANTA, «ES»K«IA. July ?9-dlro* JUST PUBLISHED BY Jas, McPherson & Uo. s • A MANUAL OF PARTISAN WARFARE,, With Plates and Diagrams, By JOHN AL EJ0HARD30N, B. G., iatoly Major of the ilst Regiment North Carolina Troops, now Profes sor of Mathematics in the Georgia Military In stitute. Price, $1—SSy Mail, $1.10. . * . A liberal discount to the Trad®. November 6. 2863—dtt RARE CHANGE FOR INVESTMENT. ftnRE undersigned desiring to change theh bus’nesa, of 5. ter for sale that very desirable piece of property ’ lying at ihe corner of Decatur and Shipley Streets, n .w ’ occupied by the ‘jon'fsderate Govevnnu nt, loi an Arrar- rv. 'i'he property is now paying a high per- cent, on the price ask d; and is one of the most, desirable business locations la the citv. For full particulars a pl.V to JOHN C. TECE. June-22-dU or FRANCIS DAY. . 600 Bushels Salt. 2,000 Lbs. Coffee. 600 Bushels Corn- 200 Ounces Quinine FUR SALE BY INMAN, COLE 4CO., Franklin Building, AIiABAMA AXX<APiTA, €»%SO££«3A, June 00-ill.f ; GREAT BARGAIN Soon to be Lost or Won. 1 .AH0M ex-csslvc need of money the following detertb- „ ed propaily wilVsoon- be eold at auction If not other wire disposed oitor cash In Confederate notes;—A rraiAof J075 ne ts nlan land Intermixed wlih oak and rickory, With 'J50 -icres cleared, ltd now in corn—with *teRmtsaw (clrculai) and grist mill, warranted te saw i5vK) feet ot lainbcr per day, and to grind bushels of mea' per hjur. There D upon said pideg"Z50acres well t'.mbe e i land, nrns of wrdch is father'than one milt from ilia mill. There are also a blacksmith shop to- gether witli earls, a yoke of oxen, as wen a* every other ffxture neoe.isary to carry ofl the two mills. The place Vs well watered and the lan j feitlle. The crop growing oanbes Id at fair rates. The placo^ i3 offered simuiy t-ecause the owner is in debt and wiilsooa be compelled i,o g i irit j i lie service. For further particulars In regard \ • icinis and p ios apply at tho Intelli.ouoer Office — Distance's from Rail' Roads as follows; Gnfiln 16 miles, New a an IS u.l es, Grantvula 11 miles. HepU 2-diOt* k. €. Wylj & Co^ WHOLESALE SR9CERS, — VN1>“ COHiaiSSION SI-BUG HAN TS At ikoir Old Stand, Comer PEACHTBEE& WALTOMm ATJUANTA, GEORGIA. J. S. HUTCHINSON, Auct’n'r. prompt *>erannal attention given to &U orders and consignroerts.^gj Atlanta. May 25th, 18&.—d-f LANGSTOM, CRRNE & HAMMOCK • GEISTERAls COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FOR THE SALE OF Merchandise, Real Estate, Produce, &c., &c. DEALERS IN Factory Thread, Osnaburgs, Sheetings, + Shirtings, &c. Corner Whitehall and Alabama Streets, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. June 28-dt-f BROWN, FLEMiNG & CiT FOHEIGK AND DOMESTIC Commission Merchants, AND AUCTIONEERS, ( WHOLES A I.B KSCLUaiVIXT.) - Masonic Hail Building, ATLANTA, GKORGSA. (Special attention given to Louisiana and Texas tra da.) W HOLESAI.E Auction Sales swill be made at stated periods. Atlanta being one of the best points in f ive Oonfedei-acy for such Bales, we cosfl 'ently soUclt ccn- ilgnmenta nf—Manufactured and Emokio^ Tobaccos, Sagars, Molasses, Coffees, Teas, Groceries, Liquors, Cigars, Cotton and Cotton Fabrics, Wood and Woollen Goods, Dry and Fancy Gccda, Boots, Shoes, Leather, Paper, Envelops, Ink, Drugs, Ac , Ac. Special sales will also be made of Stocks, Beside, Mort gages, and neal Estate. All goods consigned will have the advantagaof pri vale or publio sale as consignors may prefer. Thankful for the liberal favors heretofore bestowed, we respectfully request a contlcuanoe af the came. PRitrNOBEGAN, THOB. V. FLEMING, W. H. BARN£8, M I. ICHTeNTSADT. Atlanta, Ga., April 22, i : t6d—d* IMMENSE STOCK OF English, French, And Other IMPORTED Papers, Stationery, &c Just r6coived per recent arrivals, by BROWN, FLEMIN8 & CO. FOREIGN PAPERS. iBaac Campbell tfe C0 3 No. 21 Foolscap “ No. 2B - “ The celebrated. Sawsion MiH*. “ Wock\ ward’s Blue Laid “ .Toynson’a Watermarked Kent Mills Crown f ,r York Mills. Laid Letter Cream Laid Folio Post London Commercial Note - French Check “ London Blue “ CONFEDERATE PAPERS. Eugltslt Finiflhetl Letter But!' ’ do White Wove Note Slate Colored do Extra Tinted do Envelops, various sizes • SmaM jot of Drawing Crayon Large consignment ol Higblan . . der Playing Cards. 8TA.TL>«ERi, AO. London Commercial Ink fin stone lands) Dwarf Black Ink, (in glass sf&nds) Sands Blue, Block Ink, in pis, pis, qts. Magnum Bonum Barrel Pen, (l d< a and holders in box) Eagle Barrel Pen (1 gross in box) Rngllsh Star Pen," (1 gross box) 50 gross Pen Holders. ALSO Jusi eeWed a fresh lot of tho popular . Gunpowder Tea, (of tho Si-asan of *62.) Put! Florida pressed Regalias, Caldmet Smoking Tobacco", Various brands of Caewlng Tobacco, Ac, &a, Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac. TLc aUontkui of wholesale purchasers is or.nadeatlj invited to our assortment, os being one of the largest ana most oamplete in tire Confederacy. browh, Fleming & co., Foreign and Domestic Com, Merchants —AND— auctioneers. Masonic Hall Building, AtUfila, Georgia, ay *3. .1863—«Hf O AAA LBS. Riff CoiEea, la store and fyr sole by OUUv iA)vrE, fambrough & co., July 16 dlf Poachtree Street, DRY GOODS HOUSE, LYNCHBURG, VA. tlOBBS, FILLER Sc PRICE | H AVING associated themselves In business, and open- j ed at the old stand of James M. Cobbs, No. 146, j Main street, will receive on consignment, and give their } personal attention to the sale of Manufactured Tobacco V Leaf Tobacco, Cotton, Rice. Wheat, Flour, Meal. Sugar’, Bacon. Lard, Butter, Suet, and all kinds of produce con signed to them, and will make liberal cash advancements on produce when in hand. We also expect to keep a general assortment of Dry Goods, and sell them at prices sh low as the exorbitant prices for articles we have to pay for Goods will admit. apriiS-dSra COBBS, MILLER A PRICE. G old, SILVER. SOUTHERN Bauk Notes, and Georgia Treasury Notes Wanted by R. M. CLARK, . Atlanta. June 33-dU" Whitehall St. SOO'BARRELS AND 20 HOGSHEADS —O F— Fair, Prime, and Choice SUG A R, FOR SALE TO Families & Retail Merfliaotg, BY INMAN. COLE A CO. -June 30—dtf WANT E D. A BLE- BODIED Negroes to work cn <tefc.L»>-3 within j Fulton County. Pull price and customary rations ! given- L. P GHAUT, Atlanta, July 24,1863-dtf Capt. Eng. P. A. O. S. j HEW VIRGINIA HOUSE. Daniel and Winship’s Block, Atlanta, Ga. 1 wm. m. WlTHBUa. B. A. GIBBtL WITHERS & CO.. G ENERAL Commlgg on merchautR, aud PurohastQg Agents, for the sale of Manufactured and Smoking Tooacoo, Sugar, Cotton, Ac. may2S-dSm* SLAVE YARD. -BY ROBERT M. CLARICE O N the west slue of Wnitehail street, who nas a com modious, well arranged Yard, with every conven ience for the health and comfort of slaves. Constantly kept on hand for ea!e a Jarge number of MXOHANIOS COACHMEN* COOKS, > KOU8K SKUVANTS, • AND FIELD IlANDS- BUY3 AND SELLS ON COMMISSION. By cio^e personal attention to business he hopes to re selve a liberal patronage. September 24,1SS2—-d ly THE OLDEST COMMISSION HOUSU IN ATLANTA- J. ki ^TlLIAMS tJommissioii Merolm nt FOK THE a.U.K AND . Purchase of Every Variety of aoom sold m rms market. ATHENjCUM building, Decatur - - - * - -- - - Street (Largest Ware House in the-City.) . July 1-dlm ” ATLANTA . SOAP FACTORY. T HK subscribers having purchased Die entire interest in tho SOAP Afklk CAUDLE FACTO RY formerly-owi-e i and carried on by Messrs. Bearze A Uetzel, h ivc enlarged their facilities, and are now. pre pared to flU orders for the different, grade! o' SO*P, em- biacing Suit, Turpentine, Imitation OastHe and. Fancy Toilet. Soaps. Also a No. 1 article of lubricating machine and axle grease, adopted fO' Roll Road and Ordnance purposes.— A full sto~k of tho above articles constantly on hand. Office at Anderson, affair & Co’s. UETZEL & LOW33NTHAL. July 14-dim Atlanta, Ga. OiL ! OIL ! OIL ! »?* rtfUKE AND TO ARRIVE! o fr Bbls. Spindle OU, jLl 25 bbls. Extra Spindle Ctl, •* 80 bbls. Coal Spindle OU, equal to Metcalf's Spindle OU. 40 bbls. Superior Machinery DU, suitable for r.raVy G8arlng. 60 bids. Ordinary Machiof- on, 20 “ Pure Lard Oil, BO “ Lard ell, No. 2, 2 “ Sewing Machine til, 20 “ E. P. Castor Oil, 60 “ Ho. 1 Tanner’s Oil, ?f. .“ No. 2 Tanner’s Oil, LANSDKLL," ZirdiitliMAN I t'j., • Corner Whitehall and Hunter Bueets, February 4. SG>—dtf. Atlanta. Ga Soda, Soda. 3,000 LES English Soda, for sale hy LOWE, FAMBROUGH A CO , Commission Mer. han e* j. y. BOS Dim A ST. J. HAYTHTAit. W. C. BIBB, B. TBIMBLS. SEN^BSL OQM ilSSI3H HOUSE • ITIalu Street, Lynclibnrg, Va, BOMBGR&NT & MATTHIAS, W EOI.ESA 1 E Grocers aud Commission Merchants anff Agents for the sale of Mamfactured and Smoking Tobacc j and Snuff • Will receive and sell Su gar, Molasses, Wheat, Corn, Flour, Bacon, and aU klnra if country produce. All sales promptly resorted and paid over. July21-dom* A. G HAKGCCK. A. fl. BCF?. HANGOCK & HUFF, Wholesale Dealers in MTAN’U FACTO RED -AND—= Smoking Tobacco, 11AVK ItRMOyKU TO COIINER <>K Marietta and Peachtree Streets, ‘ Where sam plos of our stock may be seen. H AYING engaged exclusively hi the Tobacco busi ness, "we are enabled to offer at low prices over two thousand packages of Tobacco, comprising -some of the best brands made in Virginia. We solicit a call from dealers generally, July 7-d2m HANCOCK Ar~HTJFF. JUST RECEIVED, B0XK*> Candles, for sale by DU INMAN, COLE & CO. Q A BBLS. Tar, for sale by OU • INMAN, COLS A CO. Q BBI.S. Wliiskey, for sale by INMAN, COLE k (X). £* BC8HEL8 Balt, for sale by Ov/V/ - INMaN, cole a co. 1 FAA LBS. Coffee, for sale by J DUU INMAN, COLE A CO. HB!T Copper, for sale by s. m'coekijb. e. m. Ri’caitirJjs. WM. KiNNIEn. M’CORKLE, SON & CO. GROCERS -AND— COMMISSION MERCHANTS, A ND Mauu'acturers of Chewjng and Smoking Tobac- cj, No. 1:3, Main Street, lynchburg Va. We Will give particular attention to the sale .of Tobacco, Breadstuff's, Provisions, and all kinds of Country Pro duce and Merchandise.' Julj2l-d3m* Smoking Tobacco. 3 1 lAA LES Kil lknick Tobacco, Vr 4,500 Beauregard Tobacco, 2,000 Grand Turk Tobacco, for sale by LOWE, FAMBROUGH A CO., niAylS Commission Merchant- Corn. Corn, Corn! -» PACKS Corn In store snd tor sale by • BELL, DKRMOT & CO., Marietta Street. Atlanta, f)a. ——— * Salt, Salt, Salt! SACKS In store and to arrive. BELL, DKRMOT .C CO. 400 Tobacco. 35 S 50000 July 24-dtf - ( REMOVAL. r fr. &^^§sgT3S3!ft. , aL?!S: store In the b or ross block was burned, removed to the Wore lately occuM-d by R'p'ey * Wood, Crockery Mer chants, Whitehall Street, two doc-s from Rawliciris ha-d- ! t0 j 6, wt , tre he Wi}1 be hB PPy u> see and ferre fck old friends and cusasmers. 2&-dSm Wanted. 1 \0 ptai fLoan October 1-t, a neat Re.iidcnev wish four j . to ala rooms, with all the modern Improvement., j .as, Ac., near the centr.l part of the City. Liberal pent ! paid monthly. Apjdy at. the Intelligencer Office. augll-dtf HORSES WANTED. 200 Artillery Horses. ! XNftS wfciofc the highest cash prices will be paid. Ap- ) A? nly at G. O. ROGERS’ j Atlanta, Ga., Aug 19*dtf Lfrary and Sale Stable. 1 INMAN, COLE A CO. LBi fingar, Lv ssle by USMAN, COLE A CO., - Franklin Bui ding, Alabama Street. $50 Reward. R UNAWAY on the night of the 9th inst., my boy Joe. lie Is aoout. 2.5 or 8b years old, bWtk. qukkspoken, lame ijlrme ankle and has a iredt sear on the under lip. He will (hubtUss try to make hla way to Athens, N- rth Alabama. 1 *U1 the above reward of $50 for his delivery Sri any safe jail so iliat 1 get him. ace 14 -atf T. A. WARWICK. Chattanooga Rebel please copy till W-Mff and seed bill to this office. HL-htowi'-r, tia , Aug.- 1», V BEAL ESTATE BROKERS. T " ag Subacrlbers, Geo. Panned, Jr., of Vi; aDd Paid Junes, o» leoa , hatLas associated ihemsclves to gether under the style of PanneU A Joiies, do hereby of fer their services to the pubuoas --gDnts for the purchase i or ta’s of Real I slate. Any persons wish : ng to buy or s-h, would do well 10 give «s a ca L CfiSca Whitehall St eet. Varkh. m's Ucck three d jars from Alrb^BS St Reference—Mtts-rj. Harris & Jones, Atlanta. Dr. J P. Logan, ” Mr D. HatchinSDn, " Aug 27-^iEf CARE* Futoking Tobacco, for sail l>y BELL, DaRMOT A CO. Manufactur’d Tobacco a ^"v /A BOXES best brands Manufattured Tocao- ■+UU co, la store and for saie hv BEU., DgRMOT .t CO. Whiskey. 6 BBLS. Pure Corn Whiskey. BELL, DEttMOT .t CO. Brandy, 1 /A CASES French Brandy. 1U BELL, DfcRMOT A CO Sugar. W fbiB ir> Sacks and Barrtls. Jo BELL, DBRMCT A CO. Flour. E MPIRE mas’ Flour, in Sacks and Barrels. Aug"6-dlm __ utl.L, DERMO’I^A CC^ H . L . WILLI A m S, (Successor to Amoss, Ligon & Cj.) ERAL .COMMISSION MERCHANT, CORNER- Whitahall and Hiteliell Streets, ATLANTA, G.I. . BIBB &. TRIMBLE, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nos. 93 A 95 Commerce Street, MONTGOMERY, ALA., W ELL give prompt attention to the sale of all artlrica consigned to us. * feb. 5—tf “Stonewall 'asuraace Company,” ATLANTA, GA. {’bartered Capital §500,000 Actual capital .§200,000 W. p. INMAN, President, M. C.m.b, Secretary. DIRECTOR?. W. T. Inman., j w. Sharkleford, IV. T. Triunvpi :’, W. H. lcny>s, E. R. Sasseeu, SI Cole, L. W. Trmtnell. Offire In Franklin Building, Alabama Street- July 11, Ibt53-d8m. NEW FIRM. jrayiiE undersigned have this day formed a partnership JL under the name and style of LoWe, Fambrough A Co., for tho transaction of a General Commission Busi ness and all collateral branches. T. T. LOWE. " W. P. FAMBROUGH, J. W. RUCKER. Atlanta, Ga., May 12th,1S63. «Rf Com mission House Exclusively! LOWE, FAMBROUGH & CO., Commission Merchants, Iti Dameis’ and WlnBhips’ Block, ^ tf»T..AKTTA. GEO. For the purchase and sale of ail kinds of Produce, Mer chandise, Negroes, Seal Estate, Ac., Ac Orders and consignments respectfully solicited, tnayl'—dtf Wliiskey» Wliiskey! X00 BARKKLS txtra Corn whiike F* ^ * <or * ro<j 0. E. Worthsra, Ftcrei* John If. Geo. 8. Palmer, W. fl. Trlplrti, 8. C. Tardy; ■*Vir. Currie. J. B. C) rashi*, John H. Whlls*;*. s? S Downey. VRioatas Jones , ri A. OLD DOMJLHiOly INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Richmond, Virginia. CAPITAL - ISOV.Uiti: DIKECTOR8: I. Davenpont, Jr., Pres.. Gab. Wortham, John Finders, 8. M. Pricb, B. F. Ladd, J. Stewart W.sJter L. R. Spilman, ,P. C. Warwick, •iasnes S. Kent, Horace P. Kdmuud. J. M. Talbott, 8.B. Davenport. 1 G. W. TaDee, 1 Jcs. Brnmroei. I Wm. Brent, R. H. Maury, Tills tloropany is j.-i epareit to i»-.-.e>v . FIRE AND MARINE INBURA5V. , «>t* «. It ' tbt K#' Office, corner V.'hltcha.< off • Alabama itu ev over Salmons A Simmons’ Store. At!;;u’ *, Geort'.- mERCH/f -mV® INSURANCE GBMPm I^SCHM0]VB>. VA. Capital Authorised - 9So»,v Ctsb and Surplus, 1st Slay, 1861, 3 ! s, s : x>iheo k i , ,oij.£5 1 Jos." R. Anderson, > y, tu, G. Ptyne. Jos. L. Apperson. Wm. .Breeden, David J. Burr, S..L- V- i- Gc<- iiffr.r b mayl3 for sale- by LOWE, FAMBROUGH * CO., * Commission Merchants. Substitutes- I iiAVK on ..hand a few reliable men who wishes t o go as Substitutes, have been examined and papers are all s’gned up right. Call early if you want a good man. KcBkRT 8. WATERS. Direct, all letters as above" care Key Box &7, XJov^joy’s Building, 2nd Floor, Peachtree Street. Mav Si-fft.f II J. W. BIRTH TRFOIaUlS r fI3JS 1PUBLIO THAT H ill has re-opened the Ambrotype & F holograph Gallery formerly occupied by Sfn Mil, on Whitehall stieat, where lie is prepai tu to execute mmmm, photo6Baphs, colored or platu • Aleo, that baaotlfui style of piotur* called iYdrytypev Also Enamelled Card photograplia, and Vignette* LIFE-SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS, In Oil ov Pastel Colors. Please call and examine spec; mens, up-stairs, over Mr. Richardson’a Book Store. JT. W, Ell It TIB. Atlanta, Ga., Dec: 27, 1882—uGm, 6 /-V/'t,rx LBS. COPPERAS, .’JvU 4,000 Llis. Spanish Whiting Barrels of Chrome Green, “ “ Chrome Yellow, “ “ Spanish i-rown, . ** “ Venetian Red. " for sale low at HAMILTON, MARKLKt A JOINER'S. Muy -dtf RARE GRANGE FOR INVESTMENT! Soap and Candle Factory FOR SALE.. fgVHS undersigned contemplating a change of buglueaa JL offer lei Bale their SOAP AND CANDLE FACTORY Situated on Peters Street in the City of Atlanta. Vve have a sufficient number of Moulde to make fonr hun dred pounds of Candle per day. Also a large and very powOilul I >ON ffuREVV PKErS for manu£acii)ring Lard and Tallow Oil Our Soap Kettles is of sufficient capacity wf maxefron. 850U to OSuO pounds 0/ Scap at a boiling. We have every necessary articles to complete the estab lishment. We will a so sell with the Factory, about 4,600 Pounds Soda Ash of the best quality. • Any person desiring In ester the business will de well to apply .-oon. A. DUrEUHOFKK A CO. June 8—dtf REMOVAL. W H. HENDERSON & CO., having removed to • thehouse formerly occupied by Capt. Bacon, A. Q. M., on Whitehad Street, next door to R. M. Clark, milt continue the business of Commission- Merchants, Negro Brokers,' and Auctioneers. Having\ good Store Room and Slave Yard attacked, in the most central part of the city, they hope, by cl^ae personal attention t . bu siness in their severai branches, to receive a liberal por tion of patronage. Quick sales and prompt returns is th-ir motto. Negroes of aU classes kept for sale, and bought on connnisdon Goods, merchandize and pro perry of every discretion, eoid at auction every wee.:, by an experienced auctioneer. _ may 31-dtf W. H. HENDERSON GEORGIA Sait ManufaciHFiiig Compan). B. PHILLIPS, Agent. Missonic Hall Atlanta, Georgia, March 8,18C8—dtf. . Afc« Aog 16-dIin J. SHiCKrXXuhD . X. X. iEAl’KKLxORf.. austion mmuimsmu house BY . S. J. SHACKELFORD &.CQ., s Cor. Whifphiil! and Decatur t>-?. \\fz have a good house and choice s and, aud w ; U If sell every day and nisht in the weekii n-cessary. special att-ction paid to the sale of Negroes, Lands City Property, Stock, and aU kinds of Merchandize Aag la^dita* mils undersigned "nas on hand about Nino Thousand ff Dollars worth 0/ Yankee made BUGGIES, top aud no ton; and is anxious to sell them alii n one lot. Per sons wishing to purchase will find It to their Interest to call scon. Also,a Hkcly negro girl, 38 years old, tolerable good 00k. washer and ironer. H. B. HOLLIDAY, ertriffln Fob 2th. 1S«3 —.fnMO-dt' CONFEDERATE SHOE BLACK I NC Maaufactiirmg Company. IS prepared to snpply the trade with a very superior article. It la put up in Wood Boxes —tin being held at prohibitory rates—which are neat and substantial, and are in slxe equal to Mason’s medium. Every ingredient of this Blacking Is produced .in the South. It is,.therefore, essentially different from, any in use, besides it will gc further than any other Blacking; is free from acid, and still susceptible of an easy and beautiful polish, imparting softness, and con sequently durability to the leather. IN CUBES» $15 per Gross, packages Included. All orders accompanied with the Cash Will be prompt ly attended to. W. H. HENDERSON k 00., Agents. White Hail Street, At lanta. Ga. November 7,1582—dly. ^ WANTED? . THE E. ffl. & M. CO., \&J iSr! to Lire two hundred gcod able bodied Negro ft M n and Boys; ah-o twenty-flve gcod Negro Wo* i -— ra cn_ For wldch the hi cheat nrlce win be paid. App’y to ROBT. TO.: CLARKE, Juiyie-dtf Whitehall Street, Arionta. | COaTEDERAXE STAGES DEPOSITS* J H. EY, ATLANTA. T REASURY Notes may hereafter be ruaJaA at tU* °* flee under the following regulations; 2. Ail Treasury Notes not bearing inter- st, • 1 date subsequent to December 1st 1So2, are ent - funded in seven per cefita. . w v.(, h have to eight per cents.,and subscription*®^ w'" , DDNOA& seven per cents. J ‘ ntandt^t apriU2-dtr Depositary. Wm. II. OhrLsUaa, Jeo. Dooley, L. K. Glasebroon, Lewis (Jintor, Ham’i J. Harrison. Koscoe B. Heath, Ed. McCarthv, X. Miller, * Garrett r. Watson San’l Putney, i Jao. Purceb, 1 Jno. D. Quit.-'.c.-. > David J. S.ui.ffer* i Geo. 1\ Pheil, • Fj-Kjjl.lin Dtcsrn?. John O. WafoB. ! Xd. H. D'tl'ikrr, j ' rb. J. gumner, ! 7-hoe. Tr.yior, Ji ; Wm O. Y&y’cr. A. FLEASXNTa. Fres'v Jons H. Mostasds, Bcc’y. .This favorite Insurance Company ooctincta t o •nnuit both in town and county all klmlj oflnanrabie proper! ’ on the moat favorable terms. Aho cl.-trine lnsnvance S. D. KILE5, A Kent. Whitehall and Alabama 8ia., over Salmons A tiimmoio January lg, 18C8-d3in Drv Good* Ptore VIRGINIA fire arid iNsusANCE RICHMOND, VA. CB&R’FBRSI) 18 Bv- Jtl&8 a bona fide Cadi Capital of sf&GU.Uth, Surplus, .; 7f>,00(" F41HI8 long eslahlislied Company tusuTcr, u-gf'.t-M In-- JL and-datnsge ty fire andtnqseas, ■DwolUcsi.u, dtoie- Merchandise. Household Furniture, and sli kinds e* i'- surable property on the most reasonable terms. The policy of this Company hsffianHonaly been to pa. ail Ua honest lessee st once, on’ prescrsisv're 'ff i'i' r 'r>t . ioss. . DIRECTORS. W. L. Cowahdjx, /V»’i Alexander V7. Parker, Charles V.. Purcoii. Ihcs. Sampson, J. S. Wadswortb. B. L. Winston, J. I’. Winston, Horace L. Kent, W- V/lLUa, J> Joseph" Allen Wtc. wtn. Beers, V?. L.. Oo-/arffii,.- John :i. ©ordot James A T T Joe£ Wm. p< 5H*r. £?- "’•IS.ffily, gSjO OlSoe, corner Alabama ahd Whi< M .oil rtreei, S'iimcns A glmnmns Dry Good Short January Ig, lS58-u8n> Atlanta,<£ A M;E tVMPAN.V OF T\l& VALLJEY OF V1.S0-1 . WlNCITESTJSl-i. V a. * C?AS«* fcAPlTAi - -■■ - - tuifi-- “ #tJKI»2.US * 5J®r«orporct*i In 134a. ' J>iKECT0KS J. S. Corson, fnuliksi, j William J.. ht-.ct. r,- John Yere, I Lewis 1*. ilartni.'ir- Joseph 8. Carson, j VTdlbm Robert Bteeie, j Wm. 3B. Dakar,' $&“ Aggregate Lost es paid in 3 years enffin. . 538,282.19. This old Oompany Insures Buildings. Merer,;i Household Furniture, 'and personal property in town or'country on as favorob’e tormo as other vc, ble Companies. Apply to ' N. hi. ">«neral Inaurance Agani, oorner.o; WJff-'.-haR tt. earna streets, ever isalsnom h BimmoHs' D> ? Store, Atlanta, Georgia. *' 'sobtherr" ‘ Insurance Agent - . FIRE -ANi) MAI?? ;• :; -INSUBANGE. gj^Offlcu comer oT AVIau-riJi: DO, bama streets, over Salmons & S; l; a d ; < Goods Store, Atlanta, Georgia. ? - JUt-SUiS!!:. i A.» Alabama insnraacs €om a n MONTO-O MEET CA JPIT AI* J :...$3o<v qriHW Company, by promptnesc ia adiuskr^ a;. (! JL lag Its losses, has gained 3 reputation wb ( •• plaited It among the first class cf Insurance . in the country. It Insures all kinds of Irj n -ff on the most favorable tenus. IDIIRffiCTOiaS : ©hi.?:; S. 11. afetofvif, Ht’j'f 3. ML Gilmer, . D. A. Clark, Wm. H. Rives, J. B. Sutchosoa #, Wm. C. in iff;, Fr«- B, I... Arrisgton. J: Bf. Wliliac.- Wads Hvycti. John Jan la-tf oho A. Llrao, . 8. D. Age-,.., Office, or her Whitehall L Alabama ff. WABM AMD. GOLD BATHS A T Washington Hall* BY ROSS’T.' YANCEY &. (BBO, DAVkS. April 17-r-dtt.. * PEASE & DAVIS, WHOLESALE 8R0CERS, AND Commission .Merchants, PEACH TREE STREET, ATLANTA - GSOEGI A. Dealers in TOBACCO, " BACON,. rLOVB. MEAL, »• OTAROfi, VINEGAR, dHlRTING, SHEETING, YARNS. BUCKETS, 14 Hogsheads Choice Brown Sugar, 300 Boxes 'lobacco, 1,000 lbs. Kiilickinlek.Tobaeco, 15 Bags Prime Rio Coffee, IOO Dozen Water Buckets arrlvlog. 80 Kegs NaUs, assorted sises, 15 Boxes Turpentine Soap. BUGARg, RICE, BROOM B, OdfiAIlURGS, 0IGAR8, feblit-.ttt COPAEmEESHIF. DHCO AKb’omfflSfooiSSSoN tosiKSES. “X. ff a "“ygyvgBrf «* Hunter streets. Mswe/ ^Lapsd&ll, Atlanta, Ga. B. P. ZIMMERMAN, ’ V L*te gcror -u A tOmmerman, Anguata, Ga. ' K-J. MASSEY, Late M.ossey k Lansdeil, Atlanta a# A U»nU, Ga., February d, lSCS-- dtf. BLACKSMITHS. M IRyHALL k CO., at the Atlanta Sabre factory, Marietta Street, are prepared !o under- Having a first rate workman, experienced In the auove - ay™ Sugar, Sugar. HHD8 Chrfc , n« Sugar, for. sale by LOW* - FaMBROEsh k CD CottaisSS Marchsaaa.