The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, September 15, 1863, Image 3

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r ► u: jsteUigeufct. Toes lay BCornuut, September 15. 1863. MEETING OF EA8T TENNESSEANS. The citizens of East Tennessee and pa roled soldiers from that section of the State, how in the city, will assemble to day (Tues day,> in the Athens-am, at 12 o’clock,to con- nlt in regard to matters affijetine: that por- :ion of Tennessee. Through the kindness ol Airs. W. H. Crisp, the Hall has been tendered for this purpose. Railroad Accident on the Western & An,antic Road.—The train which left here last night at 7 o’clock, on the Western A Atlantic road, for Dalton, returned tbia morning, not having been able to proceed on account, ol a collision between up and down trains of yesterday afternoon. The collision occurred on the Etowah grade, four miles beyond Altoona. The up train was run b} f the locomotive Senator, Mr. Scofield, engineer; the down train was run by the locomotive Chieftain, "Sir. Howden, engineer. The up-train had on board the 10th Tennes see regiment, 1st Tennessee Battalion, and 50th Tennessee, and we learn that some 10 or 15 were killed, and about DO or 10 wounded. They were clearing the wreck when our informant left, and we have been unable to learn any further particulars. To I’KTNTKRS.—Two good Book Com positors can find employment by immedi ate application at this office. T. J. Campbell, of Knoxville, Re ceiver under the Sequestration laws, visited our sanctum yesterday morniug. Maj. C. is <>u his way to Athens, Ga., where he will es tablish his family for the present ; after which he wdl return loE. Tennessee, to re sume the duties of his office. I’eihon'au—We were happy .to meet on Sunday, Col. Benson Blake, of Mississippi. The Colonel has lost his entire fortune by the fall of Vicksburg, but his spirits and con- lulenca remain unshaken, and although an old man, i3 determined to fight the invader until our independence is achieved. - — A Dangerous Character Arrested. < )fficer II. H. Illcks, from Charleston, S. C\, arrested yesterday morniDg in this city, a young man by the name of Mathew Nor ton, who hails from Memphis, Tenn, and w ho, at the time of his arrest, was in pos session of seven thousand dollars counter feits, in Confederate Treasury notes. This young counterfeiter is also a sp3 r , having been obseived by officer Hicks for several days, inspecting the fortifications about (Jinnies ton. He had among his papers a re nt nd of his oath of allegiance to the United States Government, and a passport giving him permission to go out of Memphis with a wagon and team. Alter his arrest, Mathew Norton confessed l hat he lihd passed about $3,000 of these counterfeit)} in the city of Charleston, S. C We have been shown these dnngeraus imi- lations and append below suchja description • l them as will insure their recognition.— Norton will be taken to Charleston, and willj wo have no doubt, speedily meet with the punishment due to his Crimea $lo0, 2 cents ter Day.—This counter feit is of the issue of J. T. Patterson, Colum bia, S. C., dated July 4, 1832. In the genu ine but on^of tho masts of the ship run up to iho telegraph wire; in the counterfeit both masts run up to that wire; in the gen uine the woman’s hand is flat on the pail she is carrying, in tho counterfeit she holds ,i knob or handle of the 1 pail; in the genu ine the signature of J. F. Grayson is in a round hand, in the counterfeit the same sig nature is in a running hand ; in, the genuine the numbers rest on a line made for the pur pose, in the counterfeit jthere is no line for t he numbers to rest on. Vcr.i.ow Ground 2 cents per day $100. —The date ol this counterfeit is September 1st, 1862, ami is nearly one-eighth inch nar rower than the genuine. The engraving of the genuine was done on stone, that of the counterfeit on wood. The face of Mr. Cal houn is badly executed, especially about the eyes, they having the appearance of a very heavy frown. The cotton the negroes are working on, is darker in the counterfeit than it is in the genuine. The medallion in the upper left hand corner, in the counterfeit, is open and light, in the genuine the same is dark—as dark as that which contains tlic likeness of Mr. Calhoun. In ihccountcifeit the words “one hundred dollars” are printed so cloje together as to appear almost like one word. The word “with” in the phrase “with interest” is bad ly done. $10 Bills.—The third and remaining class of counterfeits which were in posses sion of Norton is of the denomination of $10. lu the counterfeit of this issue the two NX’s are printed in solid red, in the genuine the same letters are in open work. The faces of both Mr. Mcmmiuger and Mr. Orr (we believe) is badly executed, being much lighter than in the genuine. Air. Alem- minger’s cye3 appear in the counterfeit rath er popped instead of sunken as in the gen uine. The date of this counterfe it is Sep tember 2, 1801. i a nice RESIDENCE with seven plas- t . red rooms, stables, crib, kitchen, and tram . 1 negro house with two rooms, and stack chimney; two acres ground, half mile from C lr-shed. For sale by * ROBT. L. CRAWLEY, : optl V?t Franklin Building. House Wanted.—A family desire toreut a small house, furnished; and a lady de- ires board for licrsclt and her children.— Apply to editor of this paper. sep 3-tf New Flour.—Small lot of Super. Fam- i!y Flour received and for saltf by HARRIS & JONilS, Commission Merchants, aug26- Alarietta street. KNOXVILLE REGISTER. Having formed a copartnership in the printing business with AI. W. Hutciieson, the Knoxville Register will, for the pres ent, be issued daily in Atlanta, from the office of the Gazette, on Whitehall street The publication of the Gazette will be discontin ued, and its patrons will be served with the Register. Tennessee refugees and soldiers are invited to call at “Tennessee Headquar ters,” at the Regi3ter office. The first number of the Register in At lanta will be issued to morrow (Tuesday) evening, at 2 o’clock. J. A. SPERRY & CO. A CARD FROM JUDGE EZZARD. Mil Editor:—Since some friends had the kindness to suggest iny name as a candidate for Representative in the next Legislature, from this county, I have been frequently asked whether or not I was a candidate. It therefore becomes my duty to respond. Alany years have elap3ed since I had the honor ot being a member of the Legislature, and having arrived at an age when I have no political aspirations to gratify, I was loth to yield to the solicitat : ons of friends; but, upon reflection, I have come to the conclu sion that it is the duty of every patriot, at the present crisis, to sacrifice not only his case and comfort, but his property, and even life itself, if need be, upon the altar of liis country, in this its hour of peril, and hoping that I may bo able to render more efficient service to my State in the capacity of Legislator than any oilier, I have con sented to be a candidate. If elected, I shall endeavor to discharge the duties which may devolve upon me faithfully, to the best of my ability. With regard to the great struggle in which we arc engaged there are only two results to be looked for or expected—victory and inde pendence on the one hand, or defeat, sub mission, subjugation and perpetual infamy on the oilier. There can be no middleground, no alternative is left us but to fight it tliro’ to a glorious termination, or submit to bo slaves to the latest generation. And my opinion, further, is, that our success or fail ure depends upon ourselves. If wc but de termine to be free, and acquit ourselves like men, it is utterly impossible that we can ever be subjugated. Entertaining these views, I shall do what I cau to inspirit our army by providing for the wants of the soldiers in the field, and rendering as comfortable as possi ble the condition of their wives and chil dren at home. Very respectfully, WAT. EZZARD. September 13—3t TELEGRAPHIC RETORTS OF THE PRESS ASSOCIATION. Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1863, by J. S. Thrasher, in the Clerk’s ofhee of the District Court of the Confederate States lor the Northern District of Ga. A. Latest from Richmond. Enemy in force opposite Frede ricksburg. Latest from the North- Yankee News and Yankee Lies. Reported Capture of Cumber land Gap. Mexican Triumvirate and For eign Governments. Reported Evacuation of Little Rack, Arkansas. Suppression of the Baltimore Republican. Destruction of Iron Works in Boston. Another Invasion of Kansas. Important from Richmond Fight near Culpeppr Court House. Our Cavalry Falling Back. TO THE VOTERS OF COBB, FULTON, AND CLAYTON COUNTIES. Atlanta, Scpf. 9, ISG3. Mr. Editor : 1 see my name suggested as a candidate to represent the people of the 05th Senato rial District (composed of the counties of Fulton, Cobb and Clayton), in the next Gen eral Assembly of the State. The announce ment of my name was entirely the work of friends—an expression of their partiality for me in that connection. I had thought, and probably have said, that I could not be induced to be a candi date tor any civil office during the war; i at finding myself unable for service in tho tr uly, with but little hope ot being abl to re turn to the field under severs! -nonlbs, I yield my assent. When I entered the service I determined that nothing but Providential causes should take me out of it. Such is my determina tion to day. Should I be elected, only such ot my time as is absolutely necessary for the discharge of the duties devolved upon me shall be lost to tlic service; and in no event do I contem plate retirement from my country’s defence as long as I am able to.strike st.blow in our cause. • It elected, my energies shall be devoted to such measures as, in my judgment, will be most conducive to the public good; and. believing, as I do, that our future, as a free and happy people, depends upon the success of our arms, I would be recreant to my prin ciples, should I fail in every practical way to aid and encourage my brothers in arms. Your obedient servant, E. P. WATKINS. Sept 10-1 w |£lf“ City papers please copy one week. Yai uable Residence for Sale.—A de sirable tli roe story brick residence, on Alari etta street, with or without furniture, cau be be bought by early aplication at Aug. 2G-dtf THIS OFFICE. For Sale—Au accomplished house ser vant. She is 34 years of age, a good seam stress, can cut and make, and can’t he sur passed in making pastry, preserves, jellies and housework generallj’. Also, her five children boys, aged 15, 9, 0, 3 and 1. Also, a splendid turnout, a line pair of gentle horses, a splendid pair of harness, a splendid carriage, all in good orper and for sale low. Enquire of CRAWFORD, FRAZER & CO. Sept. O Gt. _ Bramin, Bramin, Bramin, Durham A; Bramin Stock for Sai.k.—Now is the time for farmers and stock raisers to secure the best stock this side of Europe. Apply to CRAWFORD, FRAZER & CO. Sep, 9-OL Pine Wood Wanted At the Atlanta Gas Works. W E want £00 Cords of seasoned Fine Wood— that cut from large timber preferred. A fa'r price wiil be paid ;or any pine. For any foito*r particulars, inquire at the office of the Gas Company, J. k J. Lyuch corner, entrance on Ala bama street. J* r. w arrbn, Sopt. Sept. 11th, 1S63. sepl-2-tf WANTED TO HIRE IMMEDIATELY, & NEGROES, (men preferred,) to nurse the sick in f)D our hospitals. The necessity is imperative, and it i3 to be hoped the cititens will promptly respond to this call. Detailed Eoidiets from the army oannot be spared in the present crisis. ' B. D. GRIBBLR, * Oapt* A A. Q. M. sep!2-€t Marietta, Georgia. Newi from Virginia—Batch of Yankee News and Yankee Lies. Richmond, September 13.—The train from Harrison’s Crossing brings a report that the Yankees appeared in considerable force op positc Fredericksburg yesterday, and it was supposed'they would attempt to cross the river-this morning. Baltimore papers of the 12th contain news from Knoxville of the 6th. It says “the great campaign of the war is over; we are in full possession of East Tennessee, and have gain cd a great but bloodless victory. The whole march of the army was a perfect ovation. Thousands of people lined the way, and with shouts and tears interrupted the martial mu sic.. • Joy reigned supreme. Burnside ad dressed llie people and assured them of pro lection, and told them that while Justice would be dealt, wrong was no part of the policy of the Government. Col. Gilbert is appointed Military Gover nor, and Gen. Carter Provost Marshall.Gen eral of East Tennessee. An official report from Burnside from Cumberland Gap.on the Otli, says: “The garrison here, consisting of over 2000 men and 4 pieces of artillery, surren dered at 3 I\ M. to-day without a fight. A dispatch from Rosecrans’ camp, neaT Trenton on the 9th, says : “ Chattanooga is ours without a struggle, and East Tennessee is free. Our move on the enemy’s flank and roar progresses whilst his retreating column will not escape unmolested. Our troops from this side on tcred Chattanooga about noon, while t hose North of the river are crossing.” New Orleans dates of the 6th, via Cairo, reports that an * officer from Erashear City states that a deserter says the whole rebel force in Louisiana is over 10,000 men, scat tered from Brashear City to Opelousas and Alexandria, all under the command of Tay lor, whose headquarters are at Alexandria. Dates from the City of Mexico via San Francisco the 15lh ultimo, says that Mira mon lias been appointed by Forny Comman der ol the Mexican forces. Tito Triumvirate had notified the repre sentatives of foreign government that a legal government had been provided for Mexico and requested them to recognize the Trium- viate as constituting such government. The American Central ministers replied that they must recognize the Juarez government un til further instruction from their govern meats. Commonfort and Dobludo fead issued a stirring appeal to the Mexicans, urging them to continue to respect the French. It is reported, on the authority of an es caped soldier, that Price and Marmaduke were evacuating Little Rock, Ark., with the intention of making a stand at Washington, Ark. The Baltimore Republican has been sup pressed by order of Gen. Sohenck, and the editors and proprietors sent across the lines with peremptory orders that if they return ed during the war they would be treated as spies. Last Thursday Archbishop Powell left Cincinnati for the purpose of visiting the Confederates. He would go to Mobile first, Recruiting having ipi.ed to fill up the quota in. Ohio, an ordirwas received from Washington to force a'draft. A fire on Fiiday morning dcstroa’ed the boiler works and machine shops of the Globe Ironworks in East Boston, causing a delay in the construction of two new Monitors building there. Minister Adams, in liis latest dispatches, says that in his opinion the rebel rams will be permitted to sail. Exciting reports have circulated in Kan sas of auothcr invasion of the State by Qoantrell, who has at least 1000 men near the Kansas line. The Mayor of Leavenworth has heeu re leased. The British prize steamer Pelutroff has been the War Department. News at from Richmond- Culpepper Court Hcnsc, Richmond, Sept. 14.—A special dispatch to the Enquirer from Orange C. H., of the 13th, says: The enemy with artillery, in fantry and cavalry crossed the Rappahan nock at Starks and Kelly’s Fords, co-opera- t (ng with the force which has been encamped of the river at the Railroad bridge tempted to surprise us but failed, cavalry and artillery made a stand at Station and fought them, but were to give back before very superior numbers. At the last accounts the enemy bad Culpepper C. H., our cavalry still falling back. Our loss is not over 30, as far as heard front. Nearly everything was removed from Culpepper C. H. before the enemy got pos session. The advance of the enemy is sup posed to be a rcconnoisanee in force. Fighting is still going on at this 4 o’clock- Richmond, SepL 12. The following named officers have re cently been promoted to Brigadier Gener als : Col. W. H. Allen, of Louisiana, Coi. C. A. Battle, of Alabama, Col. Goode Bryan, of Georgia, Col. W. W. Kirkland, of North Carolina, Col. Win. A. Quarles, of Tennes see, Col. Robert D. Johnson, of North Car olina, Col. Wn. C. Wickham, of Virginir, and Col. M. C. Butler of South Carolina.— The last two belong to the cavalry ser vice. The Baltimore American of the 10th con tains a telegram from Cincinnati, dated the 9th, which states that Crittenden’s division of Rosecrans’army, took possession of Chat tanooga that day, the Confederates having evacuated the town. :Vdyiee3 from Mexico confirm the occu pation of Tampico by the French, after a slight resistance. Tucalcarringo lias also been occupied. Mr. Corwin, the United States Minister, has given in his adhesion to the new order of things. Another rebellion has broken out in San Domingo. Yellow lever is raging in Havana to a considerable extent. Gold in New York is 132i. t* Prom Charleston. Charleston, Aug. 13.—ini has been very quiet lor tw T o days past. The enemy has made no new movement of late. Three of the Monitors have gone off, nobody knows where. A NEW REGIMENT, FOR Florida Service! C APT. G. L.H1RD8E having abandoned the idea a of raising a it .gacent, and requested me to receive all squads recruited mJer hb authority} I therefore notify a 1 who wish to Go to Florida, That I will receive them into my Regiment, which is now stationed at Quincy,a del.ghtful and healthy locality. All Volunteering will Cease after the 1st October, and thosa subject to coasc ription had better embcace the present opporunlty of choosing a pleasant service, and the Company of their choice.— These wh' have recruit, ed.flfteen men will be entitled to a Lieutenancy, $50 bounty, and clothing iurnished. 1 wiil pay the HIGHEST WAGES Report itmnediaeiy to t> good Drummers anc Fifera to Macon, Ga. J. COOPER NISBRT, seplS-deodSt Col. Oem’g 65ili Ga. Reg. LOOK OUT! YOUR TIME TO VOLUNTEER ALMOST PAST, IS NOTICE. W ILL be sold to the highest bidder, on Tuesday, 22d Inst., at the residence of C. B. Brown, near Ho- gansviile, Ga., the following property to-wit: One horse and buggy, between fifty and sixty head of cattle ; con sisting of milch cotvs and dry cattle; also, one Jack, all in good condition All sold as the property of James Brown, late of Colquitt county, deceased. Tents on dqy of sale. seplS-lOt $S ELIZA A. BROWN, Admr’x. CITY AUCTION AND COMMISSION HOUSE A FTER the 1st of October, all men win have t igo through the Conscript Camp and be assigned to the Regiment most in need of men. Yon have a chance to volsnteer in the Department, of Florida. My Company is in Col. J. Cooper Kesbit’a Regiment, and now encmrqved at Camp Cooper, Macon, Ga. lnecd a few more men, and they can report to me at this place, or to C C. Hammock, corner of Whitehall and Alabama streets, Atlanta.Ga., in squads or singly Bounty of Fifty Dol lars and clothing furnished. . Absentees are ordered to report at cnce. T. L. LANGSTON, Cnpt, seplg-dlw Contederacy copy. The Famous Young Leviathan Stallion, BARTOW, Will be Soli on Wednesday, 15th inst- Mahogany Bay ; a perfect model. A fine opportuni ty for those wishing to raise fine stock— WILL BE SOLD AT THE ARCADE. sepl2-dSt* VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY ■ A MOST desirable Cottage Residence, convenient and comfortable, close to the business of the City, within 10 minutes walk of the Rail Road and Banks, in a choice neighborhood, the best of water, ample room —being a large lot—large front yard with an abundance of evergreens and shrubbery, brick smoke house, ample stabling, good garden. In a word, a desirable residence and a good investment. If not disposed of at private sale before Saturday the 19th inst., it will on that day will be'sold to the highest bidder at l i o’clock, A. M., in front of the Post Office. For further particulars enquire of CRAWFORD, FRAZER & CO. SeptlO—d8t x ON CONSIGNMENT. 1(10 BALES COTTON in Griffin and West Point. JL * " eJ # Bbls. Alcohol in store. For sale by ROBT. J. LOWRY & CO., Commission Merchants, Sent 10-dlw Granite Front, Alabama St. For Sale. 200 LBS. Shoe Thread, 25 Bbls Molasses, 50 Kegs Soda, 10 do Tanners’ Oil, 100 Dozen Wool Hats, SO Boxes Cand | by ROBT. J. LOWRY & CO , Commission Merchants, Sept 10-dlw Granite Front, Alabama St. Horse Stolen-—Two Hundred Dollars Reward- S TOLEN from the subscriber on the night of the 6th inst, a bright BAIT HORSE 1 , six years cld, sixteen hands high, no mane, and bis tail a little nibbed near the tump. The above reward will belaid upon the delivery c f the llorse to the undersigned at Rome, Ga. A. 8. GRAVES, Rome, Sept. 9th, iepl2-dl\v SOLOMON BROTHERS. HARDWA RE ieneral Commission Merchants, COURIER'S BLOCK, WHITEHALL STREET, Atlanta, • Greoi'gia. S OLIC1T consignments and orders ioi all kinds of Merchandize and Produce, to which they will give prompt and personal attention. BALES CORN SHU OKS, on consignment and for sale by sep!2-3t BELT , MOORE & CO. Tobacco Emporium of Atlanta T hree thousand boxes of to bacco, all choice and popular brands, for sare by 1.0 WE, FAMBROUGH & CO., Tobacco Agents, Peachtree 8t., Pept 10-dtf - Atlanta, Ga. Wanted to Buy. A NEAT COTTAGE DWELLING, with faur to &U rooms, and other necessary improvements, situa ted in a pleasant portion of the city, and convenient to business'. Apply to A. C. WYLY.& CO, septMf Corner Peach Tree and Walton streets. Shackelford, Saint & Co D J. SHACKELFORD A CO., would in- O. form the public that the name of their* firm is changed to that of Shackelford, Saint, A Co, and have removed to the ‘Intelligencer building, where they are prepared to receive all kinds of goods and marchandite on consignment. Special attention will be paid to the sale of Lands and Negroes. We hope to be able to give general satisfaction, and merit a liberal share of patron age. Auction Sales every day and night, S J. Shackelford, J. C. Saint M. A. Shackelford. seplo-dlra $25 REWARD. R ANAWAY from the undersigned, in this city, my negro boy OLIVER, 19 years old, dark com plexion heavy built, prominent cheek-bones, 6 feet 4 01 5 inches high. Said boy supposed to be lurldngabout the city, i will pay the above Reward for his apprehension and de ivery to me at the State depot. seplS-d4.* W. R. WEBSTER. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY For Sale. T HE subscriber offers for sale his Residence on the corner of Prior and Peters streets, very conve nient to the business part of the city. Good dwelling house, outbuildings, garden,, fruit trees, fiower garden, &c. The place is a very desirable one, in every respect. Call soon. I can be found at the Btora of F. M. Fisk, on Whitehall street. A. A. GAULDING. . Atlanta, Sept. 12,1SC3. sep!8-tf Provisions for Soldiers’ Families. Syrup, $3 £0 per gallon. Corn, $2 2 5 per busheL Bacon, $1 39 per pound. For sale this day, at E. M. Edwardy’s, by KR LAW3HE. sepl2-3i,* • and E. H. WILLIAMS. CEOBGIA, Newton County: A GREEABLY to the last Will and testament of Shelly Downs deceased, will be sold on the first Tuesday in October next, within the legal hoars of Bale, before the court house door In Covington, Newton County, Ga., four hundred and eighty-one (4S1) acras of land, mote or less, adjoining lands of Truman Roberts and others. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. H. K. A.S^ P. DOWNS, l Exr , s Aug 23-wtds and J. W. BLACK. EXECUTOR’S SAUE. B Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary tnd last will and testament pf TiUtha Phillips ceased, will be sold on the first Tuesday in October next within the legal hours of sale, before the court house door in the town of Greenville, the following lota and parcels of lauds belonging to the estate of said deceas ed: Part of mt No. 43, and part of lot No. IT, both mak ing 850 acres. ALo lota No. 49, SO and 38, all lying in the 11th district of Meriwether County, Ga. told forthe benefit of the heirs. Terms made known on day or sale. T J. H. PHILLIPS, Ex’r, AuglS—wt.ri* luthersv.lle, Ga. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL persons having demands against the estate of J. H. Badger, late of Fulton County, Ga., deceased, are requested to present them, properly authenticated, and those indebted to said deceased are hereby required to make immediate payment. „ e J. R. WALLACE, Atlmr do bonis non of J. B. Badger, deceased. Julyl, 1 1SC3.—w40d Administrator’s Sale. B Y viitue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Forsyth County, will be sold on the tint Tuesday in Octcber next, at the court house door in said county betwe n the legal sale hours, the following lots of land, li.95, 1£94, aud two acres more or lets off of the south east corner of lot No. 1227 in the Srp district of the 1st section; and 37 acres more or less of lot No. 34, in the 2nd district aud 1st section, Forsyth County, lachlot containing 40 acres more or lis3, being the place where on Mary nolbrook resided at the time of her death.— Weil improved, adjoining lands of Peter Cobb, Isaiah B. Weems, Wdiiamliar;is and others, gold asthe proper ty <il Mary Holbrook, and sold lor the benefit of the heirs of the said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. PfiP.RMAN HALBROOK, Adrn’r, aug. 13-wtdi of Mary Halbrook, Postponed Administrator’s Sale. A GREEABLE to an order Of the Court of Ordinary of Fulton county, Ga., will be sold before the Court House door in the city of Atlanta on the first Tues day in October next,within the legal ho ers of sale, the fol lowing property, to-wit: consisting of 20d acres of land lying near lire etty of Atlanta, known a3 the Watts place. Alio, four acres lyisg near the City Cemetery, with a dwelling house ih-rcon. Also, two hcases and lots on Fair street, and a house and lot on Faith al ey. All sold as the property of J. B. Badger, late of said county, de ceased, sold for the purpose of a division. Terms made known oa the day of sale. JOHN R. WALLACE, Adm’r, julyl-wtd3 De Bonis Non -1 Administrator’s ITotice. T WO months after date application will be msde to the Coart of Ordinary of De&alb County for leave to sell all the lands belonging to ths estate of Nelson An dersen late of said county deceased^ Angast 26,1S63. aug27-w2ni ~ * ROBERT COGL1’ Adm’r. 100 NEGROES O VER ONE HUNDRED NEGROES, Single and In Families. Amongthein a number of Fancy Servants, Waiters, Drivers, . Mechanics, Field Hands, Sm„tl Girls and Boyr, Cooks and Wishers, and Valuable Families. Our Stock. Is alwaja larre, and being replenished almost daily by Experienced Buyers throughout the Con federacy. CRAWFORD, FRAZER & CO. Sept 8-dlOt BOXCS Tobacco, on eongignment and for sale by SOLOMON BROTHERS. Iron, Iron; Q/A LBS. IIoop Iron,on consignment V/. v/V/ Y" and for sale by SOLOMON BROTHERS. I f \ / \ FEET Safety Fuse on consignment and ,UUU for sale by SOLOMON BROTHERS. SnOT GUNS, on consignment and for sale bv SOLOMON BROTHERS 30 Sal So da. OCT BARRELS of Sal Soda, on consignment and fer sale by SOLOMON BROTHERS. Q CT BAGS Shot, assorted sizes, on consignment an d (J tor sale by SOLOMON BROTHERS. O A BOXES Castile Soap, on consignment and toi €>\J Bale by SOLOMON BROTHERS. 5 BARRELS Chlckory, on consignment and for sale SOLOMON BROTHERS /V TIERCES Rice, JL" 15 Barrels Lard, On consignment and for sale by July S-dtf SOLOMON BROTHER 1000 ‘ Aug 21-dtf Lead, LBS. Bar Lead on consignment and fo sale by SOLOMON* BROS. MILLINERY, T HE und eral sped have formed a Co-partnersLip for the purpose of earryiog on the atillinery business in all its brandies, on Whitehall St., over R M. Parks & Co’s., Store, would respectfully ask a share of public patronage. We have received a large lot of llats anti Is net* of the latest styles, just impoited from Kuiop MRS. O’CONNE SeptS-dlw MRS. KNOX. NOTICE.” 1 HAVK told out my interest in my Auction House at the corner of Whitehall and Decatur Streets, toS. J. Shackelford & Co., and have no house for business, 1 offer my services as Auctioneer to sell real estote, ne groes, stock of any kind, and any other property that can be sold outside of a house, on very reasonable term3 I will go to the country any wherein the State. Having many years experience, I flatter myself I can give satis faction to ail who may think proper to employ mo. 1 re fer to citizens of Atlanta for noalification. W. 9[. HILL. N. B.—I will sell for any Auction House-In the city cn reasonable terms. W. M. H. Sept S-dtf NEW MILLINERY STORE WHITEHALL STREET. T HE undersigned have taken a part of Mr. J. M. HOLBROOK’S Hat Store forthe purpose of car rying on a first class Millinery Establishment, togeth er with other Ladies’ articles, viz: Ladies, Misses, and Childrens Hose, Shawls, Scarfs, Laces, Insertings, Sec. Our Hair Jewelry business established 10 yean ago, will also be connected with it. Satisfaction as heretofore given will ce our steady aim. We therefore sol.clt a share cf public patronage MRS. If. BRAUMULLER, Sept3-dtf MRS. L. GIOVANNINL For Sale or Hire. NO 1 Cook. Sept 8-dlw* A'so a pair of Match Horses. K. M. CLARKE, Whitehall Stree ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF DESIRABLE GOODS DIRECT FROM Europe via Nassau. 600000 Percussion Caps, 10000- J. & T. Sharp’s London Rifle Pow der, F. F. F. put up in $ lb.Can* isters, in Kegs of 25 lbs. 3000 Lbs. Prime Rio Coffee, 2000 Lbs Superior English Copperas, 400 Lbs Black Pepper, 150 Bottles Colei nan’s London Mustard, 15 K.-gs !>i Cat b Soda. QBOXES COMMON-TOBACCO, on ccna’gnment OVf and fer sale by A. O. WYLV A Ot). EOXES MEDIUM TOBACCO, on consignmen t l)v and for sale by A. C. WYLV- A CO. 1 DD nALF BOXES extra FINE TOBACCO, o n AUv consignment and fur sale by A. O. WYLY & CO. PHIALS, 100 pounds each, QUICKSILVER, on consignment and for sale hy S J*. 0. WYLV A CO. 11 Q ^POUNDS CHLQItQgQRMycfi^consignment an for sale Dy ' A. O. WYLY & CO. t A BALES COTTON, of good quality, an 4 In goo tlv/ order, for sale by sept5-tf A. C. WYLY ii CO. Bichromate Potass, AA LBS. Bichromate Potass on consignment an d OUU for sale by SOLOMON BROS. Aug 21-dtf STATIONERY. 200 Reams English Letter Paper, ruled ol the celebrated Durand & Co’s. Mills, 200 Reams English Mote Pai»er, 100 Lbs. ‘‘ Sealing Wax, 150000 Superior English Envelopes, all sizes, fioo Grots Penholder*, 100 Superior Matches, 50 “ Lead Pencils, And a variety .« f olher Stationery too te dious to enumerate; For sale by SOLOMON BROTHERS, * Whitehall Street. July 8 — vil f * FINE INVESTMENT, Of Ten Building Lots, OF OAE ACRE. EACH, JUST OUTSIDE OF THE CORPORA TION LIMITS, A H4ND30ME TIMBER "GROWTH ON EACH—the Lot* laying well, andin a good neighborhood, on one of the principal thoroughfares to the city, adjoiniog the property of Judge IzsarJ and others. Th.s truly valuable property i. held at private aa : e until Saturday, the 19.h lost, v hea, If net disposed of, it will be sold to the highest Didder, in trout of the Poet Office, at 11 o’clock A. M- tor farther particulars, enquire of sepll-OSt CRAWFORD. FRAZER A CO. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Large Plantation in Campbell Co. A GREEABLY to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Campbell County, I will sell to the highest bin der, before the court house door in Campbellton, on the . firot Tuesday Jn October next, within the legal hours of sale, the plantation known as Col. La tham s Dark Ooruer Place, constating of lota and frac tion al lotsNos. 615. C22,643,619,651,637,688, 690, C91, 692,715 716, and 717, in the 1st district and 3< d section of origin il’y Cherokee, now Campbell, Cobb and Paulding Counties. Nos. 220,223 and 229 in the 2nd district of originally Carroll,now Campbell County. The whole being in one body, and making a tract of,about 900 Acres, about 400 acres of" open land, 100 acres or more of cr ek and branch bottom, a fine plantation in good ktate of cultivation good orchard, and cabin bnii- ili-ipg. The tract is on the lines of Campbell, Cobb and Paulding Counties, on the Villa Rica road, in tneneigh- > orhood of the MoLaitys’, and E. L. Polk, and G. B. - Wedington, allin Campbell "County, except two 40 acre lots, about 29 miles west of Atlanta, 30south of Marietta, and 25 northwest of the Atlanta A West Point Rail Road. The whole tract is exceedingly well watered a. <11"inher ed, lies beautifully and an aL undance cf choice upland* vet to open. Patties desiring to invest in real estate, would do well to examine the premises, will be cheerfully shown by Mr. Holliman who l.vcsupon the place. At the same time and place.1 will sell Town Lota Nos. 41 and 42, on tbenoitheast side of the in-tin street in the town of Campbellton, with Store House and Law Office upon them. Also an undivided interest of one half in lot of land No. 70, in the 3rd district of original Carroll, now Camp bell County, containing 202% acres, more or less. The remaining interest belonging to W. H. McLarin of this County. Ali sold as the property of Thomas A. Latham deceased, and sold for the benefit of the heirs and credi tors of said Deceased. Terms cash. Campbellton, Ga., ■ Aug. 15,1863. W. J. GARRETT, Adm’r. auglg-dawtds. For Sale in the Village of Madi son, Georgia. A LARGE ccmmodiong, well built^house, with all ne» easary out buildings for a large family, an unfail ing well of the finest water, a variety of fruit , trees, a superior garden and four acres of very productive land. The locality the very best in the village. For further part iculars enquire on the premises. _ Sept 8-d8i,* I3AA0 U CARL, Wanted. A SMALL place between 25 or 50 acres, from 3 to 5 miles n o n the city, for which a libera! price will be paid ty application at this office. Sept 2-dtf Cobb’s Legion. A LL men or ibis command belonging ty+ detachment under my command, now at nome for the purpose of purchasing horses, will report to me promptly at the several places ordeied by me, as orders prohibit ng the extension of furloughs haring beenreceived, consequent ly none will be granted. W.H PAINE, J Lt Ojmd’g Detach. Cobb s Legion Cavalry. Sept S-dlw . LAND FOR SALE, ffflilF subscriber offers hts plantation for eale, lying A within four and a half miles of Atlanta, containing 28 0 acres; over one hundred acres in woods Decatur, Sept 10-dlw* JAMES J. WJHN.