The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, September 22, 1863, Image 4

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P O ET R Y j.) THE CHILDREN- sore the ««»• chUd^i, -,ut on o him iav by <lay, jj'» hands OJ them iu b owing: ft, u tiitni always near h m stay. * • if '<* ven liolv Sabbaths, eeaseftil hin * and I vin/ Hen gh w to v- H h • pa 1; o' h* ar -ts, Krerwa ciml o’or yon Kvds- Writing Paper by Wholesale! ■gyT's arc now mannfactirrlag and offer for rale on ac- \\ c'-rari jdatieg terms, .Letter, Cap and tuote Paper. Apply at once. r MARIETTA PAPES MILL CO. Marietta. August 27-dtf $500 Reward 1 " oST on S'i'nrday nigh’ in \ lanta one sealed park- < J Bn’ <W ■ .Ta*u* lo»o h o cxtt flee 1 In t c Won t ho r re r. Lay on them h!s pen*. o rltHdrub ha a l»n-h? ko bie-sing- hun,? John* “da h n Va Th - above ro*-unl will bo paid for the delivery of th package to Cel J !ioI Smith at- the lareiiigB cVr fflec. - G. W. ST. JOE3S. Sep* R llOt _ _ hir^y’R.' 7 HI EEU’f. OA 1SPT., t l-icar Pr deric&sourrf, Va., Sept. 4th, j S6S f ■-■■■?—■^ j ■. »J.; ■.■•gggjlggaB 1. a. COSBs, WJi. D. UOU3, O. W. f* SENESIL COMMISSION -AlfD- DRY GOODS HOUSE, LYNCHBURQ, VA. COSRS, MILLBR &, PEICB H AVXNt* associated themselves sa haziness, and open, ed a* the old stand of Jantss SI Cobbs, Bo. 145, j ~ , f i VT. C. BXXB. B. TRIUtBLE. Desirable Div^tosat. bibb & trimble, t!a-8ida* oaBstM*® » i * l, HU HANTS, ■was O SK lot of land with saaD donl’da* r» —n tMatxt mnd will-a X» • ^gtpbwtca *-*aS»'eSM«S«8aB51 COJULibSIUS the lot contains one ac^- A.” 01 Atlanta. Jttfy 1-ffi? Sc. 1#, Wlateha! sw. eee, oil] receive on consignment, and giro thefc l ait-enUon to the sale of Manufactured Tobacco,^ Tobacco, Cotton, Klee Wheat, yhrar, Meal Sugar, Bacon, Lard, Better, enet, and all kinds or j>redace corv f Main str I perannai ! Ini For Sale* A LA»e «ynn assorted s^rfeofC^erMpaa CHa® War& T - O H*™5. Jffygg^hf r! tfi iJ Tobacco, Tobacco. 1700 ■'S^’SSa6Swa;i“o£°* Kot. 88 ft 95 Commerce Street, MONTGOMMiY, ALA. ILL give prompt attention to the sale of a& article* <4T i Oil# ipVauniUii INSURANCE COMPAKV, 0/ Richmond, Virginia j . * - i«8,v-m. DHlEGTOHk; consigned to ns. feh. 6—tl Ym,«*'’sc*‘ the Satronr - pity, Lnniilc*. 'inf c *a. l**»s 11 *ws: And ho died h\tL tn i.t rmcne The , w vtb yuo, from t ndi- ss *oi An t he hi is i"' 3 r - ev - & ’ho Lnowledj O hi* lovo to ihi'in *1 r. To tno chi Or n wh >, in «U tnss?. 8b... nr-i o.-r wH hi -1 ornv.c • miiL foil iW.nj{ ts a list of d !serte*s and tiYn ft'e I signed to them, and VHll raafeeEberalcashadvanceEumts } *~ * CoramUSloa M _L absent ITom this regbn nt without leayi.*: { on prci Jace when in hand. We also expect to keep a • — :—-— — 1 sell them at prices ts, ne car.-rt/hi* the tidings rtlicn oyonar.eo m >c> e trlr y no f mi to soft 'or g r.dnc- p, all tho (writ :iu.g- frors 'IiOueC' n toit ol cuildrC;* ■j i nniuD r con can tel!, *s3 v BMYn'i To iviiirw nin-a en, TX r.-, w k Ch.-w., In j -y to dwei VT o ohall s:*7 h^gld the m»di tie r.'Ueii iif 1 a T, uo a >■ n sc-d »h-, c otr s be! ic lilm CftS’5 JUST HEC EIVEO AND AT Wholesale and .Retail SfKlA, . iJrlaudti'j Indigo, B'nLdj, G’li, li .Veal Nlltf, 3jtl«v>ia optivifl,. sJastnr ‘ iil, O *iaph»rj 'flu p .inf!, 9 w\i Rhubarb, An<\ lull* oi YVd* Moditincs, absent from this regim nt ■ Eeaerters. Privates L W- Ahums, A WiUis, J L Martfs, G W ■ Broo -s. It W o isws. J u D -^las-.-oa, Oo. A ; A G t'arap- [ bo ■ P L B'hrid^o, •> 'V r Broo s, ‘i II iVb ■ ttCer, Co. !>.; A J TmTj, C; li.; B J Bint, W3 Ep*aman. J W D*vis, Co O.; J VV BstU J Mackey, Oorp*l TT M Davs, Pr - r '.'ite? y n Beck, T Jenkins, A WtiH try, AO dt-ephens, * 1 M »asaeray, 5’ l> U'Ctraacn. Oo. iI;JI tlaatee, J. 5*. Bil- j g dl, Co. I. Abseat WltUont Leave, Privates A u Walt-ora, J L Banks c. i T D VTiiKam^ Ja W<» i.'.Co. C L A lea, Co. O; Tiiaa. hi initb, ■ Saraue. Vy • .ra- e, 1) W Jo-ne, L G nieek, Oo D : W 15 u :trnan ♦ W.Sretfsr!',- Co O ; w VPi iace, J Jaa | S nuaorin. Co. 11 1 The uraa' reward of $50 will bo paid for the eppre- 1 | l.ecaion ^.ndcie -.very of e,th r or he above named ecstr- J tera a- any military post ■ r re.rulti g stall n. ! e ii n-.r-n fn in this coranirtn . t ow a» ent with-ml; pro - per aaUi»! il> a b rctar : iami diaicly c? they mil be j pubii'hed aa dese tor , fi tven day filter the pnb:icntlr,n tla oil as uffioets an * citizin. goner iily o our cans, -reinv.ltdto aid tn fclorninj tar /, ,'fv order, OK.). II. CABMIC- al. Licet. C •) Oonvi’g. ?UAW Atlj :. ger,era’, assorttcent of ]>ry Goods, a&d by £5 low’ as tbs exorbitant prices for artJdes wa bar® to pay for Goods will admit 6frS-3--d?ia t . ) CSSSS, SOLES * pees, t oxrr. c*. sscxu f M qwees. XffSI w B 9 CCPS. SLAV ROiiRT E Y BTt m. AND. CLARKE a oac* caj«--«n- OaatUnijy kept on hsafl lar sn-.e a large cnafber of ^cHAisTes COAeUafSS, coosa, S0D32 SBITVASaifc A5D flES8Ti& BUYS AHB SELLS CT5 OOMMXSSK1 By closu personal utt-aitlcn tc bn*aaa ha hopes to rr reive a liberal patronage. September £-1,15112—d 1 y j SMITH, QUEEN & CO.. Wholesale, Retail j —AN IV- ; Coaimtesion Merchant^ ! fer Peacktuec and Marietta Sts.. ATLASTi^ G*»BfilA» •| JcJy ^-Ulca* - —.-y JUST PUBLISHED “SteBewaJi 'EsHraiirc. t empaBy” ATLANTA, OA. Ountersd C»plial $«OS,9M ACtaalta^tal $MO,09« W. P. INMAJJ, PrwidBM, M. tots, Secretary. D5KF.CTOBS. W P. lumas, J W 6hack!ef*rd». W T T ^jn aeC, W. H. ubmsi, B. K. Sftssem, M Coie, L IV. Tmmcit OSoein Franklin Btdldiog, A-aoataa Street, JTflfc 11, U*6S-d€ttt__ NEW FIRM. T HE tmdeia'gDed have tins CU> f ;med a ^artaeraidp under the nans and utyie of lmwe, Vaioabrofigb A Oo., for the tr a auction of a Ueuorol Commission BlWi- ofias end ah cobalerai hraoehtia. T. 8. W. P FAHOBSSSS, J W. R33BBE/B Atlanta, G a, May 121 b, 1 S*S. Alt L DMuipanl, Jr., Prea, Oak. Wortham, John Bndere, 8. M. Price, B. >. Laid. J. St«wart Walker. U B. Bubm-cn, IE. C. Warwick, lames A Kent, Soraee P. Eitooad^ J. M. Talboit, O. B. I*avocvoxT. S. W. Taoce. JeS. Aramiatj, Hi H. Sfftaxy, John B. <3re>u»sx eeo. ft Paimer. W. S. YVlpieH. A. C. Tardy, Wro. Cents, I. E. Ci*ens*i&w, John K. Wlfflasnv SS- j-i i>owx-sy, ■ . Thomwi done, j 3k A. Smith, Robert, A. Pai a * K 7. Wiiaams. i \r. ?. JU^iAfid, i u. a Cfcj-.b t GSGIVi; 1 '. -Sojs;^ flilB Company a prepare to rsecrv aouUcAtinuN ic f-KS ASD MASTfciP SsDK.A5J0i, on -uvorable teyr ». «* v s*.3:s^A«ca^ fW^OBes, oara^ Widtehau y.rul Alabama. st»r>^c OTfif fiAatQgg A Miemoia' Store, Atlanta, Oe^gla.. MERC HA MT8 ' IMSURAKCE tmm BY FOR 8>jLE. THE OLBEST CX)MMISSIOS’ HOV$g j IN ATLANTA* - >Y s Q 6>. KRAMER Druggist, of :-lio Golden Mortar, W ii i t ® •gpjn- 6'—<li.f ISLAMf Ii » i i. oti t r o ex 4 is^f¥ mm, Allatoona, Ga. ai3E A :&* VH*AO siPOSciS m/ss. W VI FiR RUOR'ET?. and BU^K&TS, Addr m, J. (JUVMW & ft . 0- <19 I m ■ Residue® WanucL W HS ivunt. r. Hen © with 4 ur § r. oin^ ooQTCfeU'ru to thG Areadp. We Tv .11 (dv© v<hi a $;>(};! trade, 4 M. CL GA.YOE & CD. j ^ Aii^ fi • _ j VALUABLE PB OPERTYl FOR SALE. i [ Wlut, Cwi mv .riasl oar-i- on- M/.Dr- ,on]li SlwecJ., h>r a fair prkve. hofi ,<i h ss S largo rooms, with a 10 J loot bull cad ona acre of groa id For farth roa tea. j Jars aoniy to VVra. itiib.o > at the da. B. B MacJu o 1 Hhop. flept«-ulw'*‘ f . ] •iTais-l-m or t v f 13; norsiblo Jsmes 8. IIo»A, Judge j :,o BOnala Circuit, se <,ow nff-.-r f raaio taot. dc- i • 1; hi'.o a ,d v In xrla prop v y kco" n as itULSN, u>-?a* j ific< ai. lio juceii a of t**c O- ntral uau Aagssta aaiir< au. j The tra t coat Ira about 2-io acr.s more or less, iOT J a -res claar-<1 and in hi. ; r. l a:o of cud railoa, with Or- } c .ards uJ A in- yards, t e V-aiiuco >a - ooda. Of the j unci' fi' inI .ib , iher« ia about 50 -erns first cjUahty ham- j mock w jt’j vrliiproAnce frost £0 to 1S> ouflieis of corn f per a^o . , t lor uv,!s are furnished withgnsaua water | thrr->i-hour It-tn ilu Gontril and in us:a KaHroad* • uaeciag trirtugb the -nn-ct, fonana ft .iuno icn near tbe | inj-i ie m ike ii o io of h Kit staodft in .lie netrfedcTi-| cy f >r mai oil <n leiiig and ho ~1 k:*-ping. ^ | It b si-tfiom t. at j-r-»p v.v posse aiag 'uehgreatauran-1 tfigem la tlir-wn n : no market, 'the brrati wl perfecWy l Le iih:-. fa th hith, <;i .-.u cal rprioiug m nltcoald i bo made Ue ruosi v .-uabJe'n <be Coafa -sv9C-y,by levisg j U..if ua lo 5 a d ttli na U«;ni. Dcoole ihe tutu -aked j i.yr l epiaCo oalcl l.o tt>ai nod mul tit - ck35 part cf ‘.be • probdity l.'.’f whi i. w it’d pay t n the rents au sn'-ua! lid,'rest <>’ lr >u» 1- to -l ..ur cep.t. on la® oaj,l:&l. It: rouU lot l .o uffii-sd for a ra tt n >t that the propvl- eic-’ » di au e rom p Infirm ties, which, he finds growing on Imdal? hr 1 ? volt Um-attention Hr* Quires. i vr is thy t my for yen *ho nr eecting profita >te tn- veainiBniS, nr wlsJing to make ovum 3 t-y specui ting, t.n j»y u. id, ftr you never meet whh cueh another nppt'r-navy. -.or farther iurtl e! "" iff ehlier tt lbs >‘.i-3cd on the pr«jrji»ei». It r.SRT G. G-OAT, JiMflS H. DANTtfc , ssyl -In: Trim "ax. JJOXtH C MM ON 'XOBACCO, on ornsignatnt t f. Jf* by A. o, WIIiI & 00. J* g- WILLIAMS Comiiai ssa on jS£ecrcka©it l-OIi TlXPi gAJJB. ASP Furdiase of livery Yariety goods sold m Tsm MAitsm: ATHEN/€UM &UlLO;N@, . .(Largest. Were iloase its f&B (B^v) July l~d3m Its, McPherson & Oo,, A makual of ! PARTISAN WARFARE, ; With Ptetes and Ofiagraw*, } ay joss si. jaaaAffipaoat a. 8*. Kajcx of as® • gjs4 j£cibxcsi SOTtb Csrcdinft Troops, now Profes sor of VathaHjatlcs in the fjeorgla Military In- SlBate. / rilee, n-»T A Hbanj fflsceoai to the Trsia. i *4ftwwslwr S. d!S—®4t jlMi 68 fUSE F8B iftVESTSIeHT.j * § oridenCgnsd desiring to cltasgo tfcel: biwnasa, o/ 4 i S im* fiir nu ihal rer? desirable piece of pf^varty i. 80 ^ E0T ' Lf v“ and f..r :.a:c r*y iS>&ACCG, on cocsti-ntaant A. c. VVTLt a CO. 100 K LF BOXES fcXrEA FIME TCBAGGH, Oh r--'.r:f:<nmcnt' rind f.-r as e by A. 0. WT.LT & CO. 11 t&tTLS, 1£© lioumla each, QIIiGSHILYBB, on w.l far sfiie l»v ei. 0 WY X * fc#. < if'u roxiiefla GaL0KOFOSfiI, on coaeijnmer't tta r 4i\ 7 tor cam by A. C. WTuT & CO. BAXES OCTTOX, n. goed quiJUy, anl in goo order, f-ir.o.TA by sptfi-1 f I tr? A. 0. 1TTLY * CO. a V €t w%m s tj ^ tog ^ w* *- OIL ! OIL i OIL! 1% H’fltHM ANS> r f«i AS&B&AVSZl ,T tr_ Hi's. tpimUi Oil, '25 but j, KJttrr. Bf,in3ie (£1, bO brha. OoSl Siiindiw (El, aqutu lb Ststasff'tt Splndio Gfi, ubfl, Superior liAohicAry Gil, B«Unl4e for hfl3»»* 'Gcartog. fib folds. Grdlr-sry JJaaihw': ’ Oil, 211 *• Pare Lwd (XU. SC u Lar i ffil, He. U. 2 <J Sewing Maaldne vu, SO “ ii V. Castor Gh, SB “ So. 1 '&nn« : s Oil, Tf “ fvfo. 2 Tsjmor’s C.U. v bAS&DZUL, * Cfe, Career Whn elrail enfl ttaakr Hire-aCe, tfcbrxary 5, 659—uW. AOwfcfe 8a Soda, Seda* 2 AAA itnl:-'* Soda,tor sale by LOWS, FAMB15OG!i0 A Q nssyia Gpiom^idofi t* i. P. Ef u-LECK i. UAXIHXA?. 8SNL8AL GM 41IS19N dOIHE KaSa Street, bjaftbiarg} V«u SOHB-jR&JfT ft HSfiTTHISS, VST110J.SSAJ E Orocars and ©ouunkxi«a Stordumts \f and Agents tor the sale of Ma matotared ana S-*naki-3g Tobsuscv and Sanff Will remrfre &ad BeU Sn Qir, Mffasscj, Wheat, Coxa, Flour, Bacon, and all kfaes >4 oonatry produce. Ail sales promptly reported find paid c-V£v. Li-'dQm-* JUST RECEIVED, K BOXEif. Gandies, for saio by 911 ISMA53, GBXrR * t iy'Mi# at- tiro corner «f Dcoatar aad Sulpiey Streets, n- -w ! * . .. - - -■ * <** an Ai m - rt. on ifea busL 03 •“ 4, JGUS 0 PEOR- @00 Bushels Salt. 3.000 Lbs, Coffee, §00 Bushels Corn- ^0 Ouuoea duiuioe FOJK B Y I INMAN, COLE AGO., t Franklin Buildiag., AXftA»Al£A A.*fcAS«'Ji9 6B»B^ Jcaja S&-dtf CtmmisHios House Exclusively! i LOWE, FAMBROUEH & CO., i Gommission ISLc-i'clianta, t la Daniels’ find WlnshipB’ Ktoct, JlTIjAMTTA, 6£10. y*r the pnrehaan and sale oJ all kia s of Produce,Hsr ebandtas. Hegroes, Vlcal Estate,credits Orders andconslgnEi3ffa rcspectfifiy foSuHed. msyl S—ittf . Whiskey, Whiskey! I BA&ftJSLS tafcra Corn Wlil kuy, to store and LVIv/ ffer Sftie by LOWE, SK ?B*OCSH ft CO., E3*ylS Coutriisflon klerct^ftfct, Substitutes* EAVES on band a few rffiiblv men fflho wSfibes to go .<s bulvsGiutes, have been e»waiced and papers are ail stoned no. rifeLS Gall <wfy tf joa vaot a ^ooti «*yi K Bs&T fi. WAOmS. Irect - B icttfirssa above care Eej Bos CT, EovejvyN Eailoin^, 2nd Floor, Peaontree Strort t -ta- 3 ! -dD N uicnxosi) va. ' "" *^5*1 4attorlii®d - fLlMLtt* Cwsl* «a«i Sarplw, 1st. May.isa, i,s; CftSfU® « Jos. S. A}i4tmon, Jas. L, AppMaos, Wm Bieocea, David J. 'tore, Sfm. H. 'Chr-atlsn. Jta. Dooley. L H. Glaaebrook. iieirts Glcter, kuaH J. Earrhon. iescoe B. iScath. fid. SjaOartby, t KUler, Sarretf r. iTsSjima. Wta. 8. Palua, j F&saff Putney, ! Jno. Pnrosll, t Jao, I). Qua* !**, j Pav'd J, «:,tuiCrtr» ! Geo. ». HI, n, j ftrmskac R:.:v.rat j .-oht: Cs i m. tT. Skir Ver, j *‘ rti J. HiOjUdf LTom. Tarlcr, Jt I W s o. Taylor XL PCSAIS'ETfi FcSi V 1 J. W. BIRTH, IT23 AT fil fi* TUB PDU?,tt . has i'e-openccl the B. a’«BEEf.Fi, B K. si/caasjji. ’ffE. iTlSXlAB, it LIKfcLVYOUNllNEdHOES FOR SALE. Uillyi. ITm-, ro.r sale by of M*n, Boys, Girls, Women endCb-J J Area ser -ral Uo 9 an cv t ye.ftr3 old, ovw 0 let! fjiirbi » ccod Coe to), W*sh re anil fr.inera. I st.ricUy lan Oy O il kxbIj1>, Giteau*ui & co„ Peachtree Street. PIANOS l PIANOS! PiAKSS! Xeaeived on Ci nsi^DmfiMt AND FOR sAUO AT BL M. Parks £& Go’s., Late Sraamullci’^pM O YK 7 Oca to Heinw>v Tlaoo, • One 7 uo Ua fieri a d» One T <io W i.he< m ft SuhnV•>, One ? do V, orcca or, N. V., One CSi uo W -rces oc. b. \., Il.r > o O -tave Oin Uering. nJb"Ve will a lauuid Umjb rutiny o f judses. CiCRiie ana OKaniirm beloi e pui alms; |* 1> j\L HARKS & CO. depf S -dtf _ Silver rxated.jWare, 6aCi sigmaen for 63I& ft. M. PABKS & GS% 1 . f Tv£L O J C-ne D s< «. 2 C d «aal£5i3 3 Tea fits, U fcutte- D-sha*. i9 O* »ff9»-firsd ^uab-ers ;4 * ii Olive tioo. left, •1 tki3. Ivor Nansin Rin^s, 4 fie i) km t*-d tfpnopft. E. M P aRKX a GO. S«i,t 5-dtf 00 M gH A% theBr §.< tNi> eo6 Q AS'C? £$jsm.4. % Oorsist? mmmtz &. waltsn sts^ A s $ t r.£i!&&A £2i.^Zt dSkAftbieaLJB.^ <4^- *-4-«4 ijjsas, goi* a m. y B.SL8. If l.iikey, far ejSs^y ^ A SB. BBans3*s Sfiik to. 1500 LBS eoE! ^USXT Copper, for sals 50000 COLS ft Oil, i, far S3.I0 by SkuajHf, CSL® ft GC. Ly XRSAN, SURE ft 6©. j,Po. Sngaf, far sv’o by lix.' July a4-atr EiB. CfHiE ft CO,, FranfiBn Baldmc, Alabama Street. R RewarA M’CCRKLB, SON & CO. G-ROCERS ttMMISSieN MSB&HANTS, A ND SJnnn aoliH'ei's at Chewing and rfmokin a Yahae- A. cn, K* 1C-, Main Street, iynck&org Ya. We fttii 51 vo nartlnrrinr alteattan to the ^s-la of Tobacco, Brcnu3fa4i5 Provisions, and afi ktads of Country Pro- dans and March an lisa. Jaiy2i-u8jn* mwiuuMia s cs, Famas agd poaeeauc Cimmissioa Merchants, A5J3 AGGPIGJTEEB^, - (vraaiaaija vrin ma v.) - Masonic Hall Building, ATLA5TA, .GBOKSIA, (Special attenstou glv’aa to lioaiflana cad Texas trade.) W UOUStALS AnfUaji Sftlgs will bo made it stated pastoda. Aflanta being ofte of (ha J>cst points in tiit Cftiwcaaracy ter sneh salsa, wo confl. entiy solicit car. dgsofioto ef Mawttfactorcd and Steoktog Tooacoua. fiftesxs, Bfetfiaso, CuSbbs, Tea*. Qtocsxlsa, Lienors -tgacs. Cotton and Cotton Ekhrfcs, Wool and WoojUer ftoods, Sky and gaacy Goods, Soots, Shoes, Leather, Paper, Envelop*, inis, Utngn, fte, Ac. apcakU saias tdil also ba usada of Sleeks, Bonds, Mart' Ajsbrotypc & Pkoiograph fiailerj i fcjcmoriy ceenpied by EH:, fliil, ca Wailebafi «Lb»* ■ rttore ho b prepared to execats AMSB0T1PCS, F^STSSRAPHi, •. esjered or pisic. Aae, fcat •asslifa} NjBe of plots** c^krS - . j Ivorytype. . also Steasnsaad Card photographs, 2©d Vignsttai LIFE-SIZE PHOTOtiRAPHS if; JJ1 or Pastel Calcrs. Please esh and txfool&i spool . Tzua, np-stabra, over Hr. .Richardson's Book Store. J, ». BIRJS, ; i tissia, ©a., Dae. 6J, I88A -d5» ^ ! ft* i ii if ft XISS. - 0PPEP.A3, | UO^COO Lb*. *pankh Wbfflnj. ^ - fbirreia of Uhrome Green, -■ “• Chrome Yallow, '* '* -Spanish rovra, . , i, tt Venetian fled, for sale tow at. UASffLTON, MASNUUr ft JOl 5 Moy -All ^ts£9 A Kaunas*, fc. ’jr. Ia»o*aEc8Cacsya’ty coottBn*.a to caar^ d *??»**' ' vU UT,d '" 01 able proper;j to th? mpst favorafeie terms. Also Marfrm lusurane-* JSJtl ft* over g&lmoas ft iWiif vikeiNiA fire and maripa^ RICHMON D, ?A OHJART’^ifeaijD I I 8 »l* iik3 & boaa sue Csah OispitaJ of $^{X; i-;h. iiyrixius.. — t loiij. c^ffbUclted Oaiap ^sy tormes ataJuf. -■4 ft end damage hv lire ucd the ecw, Onetoair, Storer -dereussdise, Uooaeboid Purni nre, aod all kiui* • h. araftto properfef on ti e moot rcasoxuble terms. ?5it' policy cT -dda Gcmpany , ■+* uahwra' j v?i‘- u- .- *. t£Lttiaoaett*1 sues.os iwaMeirftbv . "r. »»* o.«?. DIRECT C» fl h. 9, CtvWAKOfW, iJjeae’f sy jj.A-j iexfcBOer W. Farsr*. tovtos W. Pnrcbfi, 'hoe. 8sxoi>s,Tt. - . X, W-tds^wtfi, L it. WTartoh. . ?, ifi-iDti^a ormea S. Sabs. luxe ait- AXbt. Wra. Jc-eis, ff. a. OUdborcr- W. K Cowar .-i;C John 7. liivto a faster A acR 4 ij'i' ooRifir A< ti-»iae. and HVa^ . ..*u rtreoi, : ;? -e 8i!a«a * ifimatsss BryGooil fitai-* Joatuary JS, ISUS-Jlrc ftttarte. tflfSURAM' O 4. IPAiVi 1 — ember 445, I-So Auction S»X BOWkRDY, and ConimlssioB RCHANT W hi t elia ii St reet. (SAW4Y on the night of the 9th tost., my boar Joe. ito is a-.ons » or SO year* old, btoex quick spokea, lame in otto ankto anil has a -reek scar on toe under Up Ho will doubtless try to malie his way b^ct to Athene, S rth Alabama. I -ill g*ve the above reward of &5U tor his delivery in any safe jail so that 1 get- ftlm augiA-atf ’£. K. WA*WI(^, Chattanooga S-.-W please copy (HI f%<Md find send bill to this cilice-_. Hightower, Ga., Aug. 10, lffih. _ __ ^ ' BEAL ESTATE IlSKPS. HE Sub-mriicis Geo Fannca. Jr., ci a»J P*nl ones, o‘ Tenn , havliiv eto .fitoied Ct^nseive* to gether under tiio style of Panneli & Jna-s, ao hereby o* i <er their services to the pabiio as gens fur the ptnchasn j or sia o 01 Hea tst&J e. any pmso&a irahtog 10 b-ay 01 I a li, wouid m Wea’O give 3 a sal GfEc.*' WhVhffl j Jifieet. diu-idt in’s llnek threr cl ca to am xtlii.inH. Referencts—ftloe-r,. dins ft Jnasi-A.toc.;a, Dr. J P. LogsD, “ i Sfr. D. Hatch msaa, 11 J Aug 27-0tf IT ctmaigned lutve tho adyantaga of pw rate or public sah* aa consignors su;y pj«ter Biankfai £ar too liberal tovura heretofore bestowed we respectfully request a costltuaace of the same. HSUiliN BEGAN. 10003. P. ELKMBSCh W. to HAif&BS, M..& UlHTbCTffAiM.’. Atsgsa, go-, A^da % im--* NEW MILLS EBYS s«KI WMlTEHAtL STREET. T AB u>\a-r»u.rcd ti ve-mUtn n ^ar o ar J. nt t Eub-att-AiU’iS Bit do o f j-the purp>s eff <u»- -. *y» $ «u a fi .ft ♦ l-t*a -jt iUtery tCstio isiiiuen. t«*ct et i vrith © be L dto 1 *.nl I s via.- La 1 t*, Mh)«s »o J Cklmr i - H s , enau *ca. fe, L. too I.ust-rt.aiS ftc i iirB r J«<rci j ba ia«o ca an btifd 10 year, ago : prto-i»o ttee mnreted w to t m Lisl.. baH. s ucrfitoiar. jdTe «-i t-u -ftay ia tfe thcietoro sal cji r j S^Tc c-X puhi c >atm. »,e "* , ,MK3 E. B’lAUSIGiJ.t S, 1 'i B ■ ti. I'»T - - - J * k fibuD'tiHANUfc 1ftj VdLUi'tTftER pon. T«ai wttn. 1 /33 •sCP'orls-.d by ttu- Sr xetsry af War i:> rccvlrr Shreo » err C jBpa&les into too la’an.ry Eaiffl on ; oi Cc »•’ • Ceur l» < wet or tofiil it.uttt to a Be^i - aaa- , and In»ve aaU o.iE d W ti t>EB ,ISU eff ai- Lfiaru. to raise Ci Co’* f sm re , ampan’en W * LVTHEd J, GLENN, Lt Cj. i h ir j jrji/oV Legiac. J S addldcn to vie B>uu -> Flity Dfflars paiii L by Qe 0\ d SnelU I <rii ni idah every Prlvfl*C iV-C o *0 ffi ttu -aaid 1 IS-- - u to a> Coojpary wah r, titto4) CuUbnu trie o' charge. Tb ,im,- u. e »a w -ca very aide fy-iicd nian • OHGST to ,e In to ftr ay, whether be has * cn u i«r or m A rrlimhw ftr b cr'r age or underage. Ii mu tiro- e. -y o-ni-j come when eiicn will b« oBLl»flilx to go ; t j ua e r now—• oil r offerc extra -urtaotiueci*— Tour ,H>..Dtrv needs vo;.r serruxs You wul be a Ucii- •5d V* »hai, al nt com - a iu Coho’s Oeoigia egion. Be r-Hlns • ffic.g ai t-tvre of Ksniug ft Co , Wh.tehafi. £ reel, u nta, o v *uc r- <n «•. r* aesKiAG. NTo. is J. S, HPTSHIE$0£f, AueP&’r. jg* ProrajJ pc“riattention giv^n to ail orders and SOl4dgterCTt3, Atlan-a M y 2-' -h, LSa3 —fi f lAN88 i Uii m H: j set* j5 -YERAI H/^MOOK Gil <mnmii}8 MurmuTs, FOR THE SALS OP Merchandise, lie-id Eststo, Produce, 4ze., «c. . DEALS] 18 IN Factory ‘Imead* Osiitobargg, oliGfcj tint's, Slnrtings, &c. Garner W aitciLrJ] and Alabama Streets, XMMENBM STOCK OP Frcficfej And Other IMPORTED Papers, Stationery<» Jusi reeaivsd par reecstt. ariiviUa, bj BROWN, FLiMNN & @9. FORWGfi papers. Isaac OaBipbei] <fo Qc4 No. 21 Foo)mip ]| » ■ « 4i ]?Iq. 2? “ : rse ctflebraicil Sawetoji “ i t5'ctffl ward’s Elue Laid “ lovnson’s Watermarked “ * KfiBt MiAI# Qrown. • Xork Miili Lau! LnUex Qrcam Lsid Polio Post EoHdciB Codamerciai Hot* ! , prespfi Cheek ! Eenaofl Bine “ ! CaSPEDmUA-TE PAPERS 20 HOGSHEADS|ir,“" — - 1 6Jate CuLored do gxjra Tinted do Eavolops, vstoous Suoaii lot oi' Drawing Fmptoo ImGjgi <smzgaeaziii ql Higbias dor PLayiog Cards, sa?Ati <j.u&, Ao. •Abid-jp feagiersialtok (ja <dsto.e toads) JJ*aaJ ftlaak RfHE 6KAN8E FOR INVESTMENT f Soap and Candle Factory FOR SALE. •: w"-/ •’’'SIS® un&arsigncd contcir^laaflg * chasge < " bustoes# JL offor tor sale their S8t P AND Gamble fastsey fij-uated on Pei«ro street in the City of Atlanato. tvu nave « suSwieau ama-.ej of iloaide to ruato fonr haa- ired pottuda of Cfeudic. per day. Afeo s. large and v-.rj oo* a- nu I -Oil scitEW tc; muiufac-arlng bare aa a Tallow Off Got soap Hetties is of suwicient capadtg 0 waxelfou. SSUa to cSuU pouncs of .-- ap at a boilicg. •-Vo hav - every acesssary firUUeato complete the estate -fetiEoant We will a so seff with the Factory, about 4,000 Pounds Soda Ask uf the bast quality. fiay parson dfiEiring lo eater the business will d» well PW 00a. A. DHTECHgVEa ft CO, - Je 9-fiif W. K£ftCoVfiJL Ef, HENDEitSubi ft CO naviag removed to too house formerly occupied b> Caps Bacon, c Q. Iff., ca Vt hitch vd %-rce-, next soar to S. M. Clark «tot continue toe bosmesa of Commission Merchant*, Negro BroJojis, and AaoUcceero. Having a good doom ano efface Yard attacked, in the most central pan of the dly, they hopn, by cl- se persoi «J attcnil nt bu. daess la their several brunches, to recave a Uceral^mr j ioa of patronage Quick sates and prompt return* is ' hr lr rooi.'j. ff agrees of all edasoos kept for sale, and bought os commotion GocJs, merch mdiua and pro- perry ff every dUcnpUfiii, soid at auetton every wce£c,hj «n tfijirtBieuced aucnoBafir. tagySi-dtf w. a. sEhiDgaw^ OF TU.a v&t&MY or rxitoor- ^ WIHCHSRTF-XU VA- iA*W CA.P.CTAS, -. 3? jh> vtWJ ** N»upi.iift i(si«»!r9f»mf«4 in 2 S *:i. JOUt&ifTOh^ i. ft. Garnu, ftresJ^effl.?, > L, Faiu, d-c y 3fi-a Yere, i Lewis P. Hartowup esse®* B-CteteJi* 1 vmitiun 5£m«T ■obgrtfteels, . [ Wo. H **»ker, Lanes paid la 6 year* aictte. Wc^i • 51as ©Id Coatpany tegus-ea Bciidiugs Mwchj^a..- ox*ehoid Turnitare, «s*d psroopjtl pjT.per.5 ;k L P; - wner aoaatrjr <re favarvtls terms xsother r«*^< < ^ Sompaules. to ir* esKs al Xiuueraace a no* siseett, over Wr«, AUaata, Georgia. •aw.t» ooraer of Wlrifieh&UasAaW- SateoBS ft ©isatscafi* Dry G»cd. SOU^HSEH Iiunraace MA HIN u mmjnAMm %Sf~ Qgkus eopeuscoZ 'WtaUiinu ., .•saaa fttrects, ctst SftisaciM & 31k>sl> Goods Biora, Atlanta, Georgia - -^JSusyassi'Jfes- ‘SLiZbhmit Insurance;) ' 200 BARBELS AFB -O P- GEORGIA Salt MaMHiactRiiBg tieia^aa?. B, PHILLIPS, Aguat tSwBEcxkSc Stall Atlasu, Georgia, - ^ .'ifim...... t;Uy v , f ills Compsiiy, fey prempcus* *u ciyacficg-iau v..., to* loaiet, fiff* gniaed a repatftttou wf.-hfli'fc*: tioeed ii among the first flaw* of Lstti'vnst Can-^s/v--*, d t^e ^'canlTy. ‘It feumre* «i< khta.i o? 5o*ur«hlr ; -o-j • «? fee mat fdvo?»t>iv term*, ~ L Vr fiec’if. * C. mai, In; v ■ K. Gunter. g, ff. Ajrrinvv>M J. A- Ofeurk, J. if. Wlftis-..- hra. H. felro», ffeds Eeyea. ©. HittchiViA ■ John ft. Bai*-., ' . 2. &. KILiig, r.^sni, ao 19-tf GlSse, oraer YThitehall ft Ais.fca.ttjg. o? W hm ANB fifcLB BATHS A T Washington Hail, Br &OS?T. fASClt & aprli tl *“dtt ' BAFisH. Fair, Wrisne, aiid (Iksie^ SUGAR FOB TO fink, a*, glass etanffa! £aad» ftia*, Bff«k Hu, iu k R‘A Pi.ff EEfigBum Kcuito. Barrel Psa, (1 d z © -rl ecKerr fa bos) fcaglo Darrel -<fn (1 gross Ip box) rx.giishSiaj P«P, (1 gross M>X) 90 grciiS PftD Mohiaxr. bi£Q ATLA.nTA, Uii sr>-r:l ! 3GLL Families & Retail Meiffew. Just INMAN. June SO—dtf OOLE ft CO, 3000 »u!y Ifi-tlif LS9. Rio CcJie. in ttoie a,o4 fa? sale bv lowje, ft ca., Deyrhlres Bs-ccE. W ANT II G OLD, ST i -£-X£ A IU.U iffTVI) ffegr-cs to wc:k cm Obcfffinri.3 wffhia 1 Tuii *.-.! . ar.1 cnsraaar> ratioBS L. P OllftSt, U.7 2!, iSS5-dU Hapt jfeyr P. A.p. F. Wanted. StiUTHEEH Eank Holte. ; :*ad ffAiraia Treaaajy Kg lea i W«Iit3d H. M. QEAEE, H Atlanta. June 2S-dlf WliiteLaal g*^ ] •_*>ftived a iflah lot a.1 thd popular ^uiipowdar *£sa, (cif ths Hanson at ’S3.) Ftsii FleruH Pressed ffegafiat, gsubWi t^ecAvo^ fioiaumo. Various bracits of Gaewipg Tifcaecu, to. to, to, Ac. to, to to, ■Ui* alteatlan of wnolpsalp purchasers I* couSieuily fe unr assarfcSBLgnh as bring ccOtt of «-i 0 ii« sd® sjjsJeumpicieiatfce Cc-affc deracy- BauWS, FLEdIBO & €0. ? FftrctigR ami Bomesuft Gobi, ^ffreiants ~AS»*~ AUCTIONS SR s. Mffsoai.?- Hflla Lia’dinff, Attgaiftj ^ isfiS -4ff eccygfe- i f>HS icr Jersiguea Ima oa baud ?.s--;at Sip? S'hnn.ttcU {. m Doff ora worth of Vankee nude UCHGIKS, tej- and 00 lot- j find is anxious to sell them alii n-one lot. ’ Per ; sots wishing to purchase will tod It to their Interest to all aoeu. .-ko,a Gkaiy ca^ro gijJ. IS ya'its ci J, toigrabla gsc& j oi k. washer asd trenor. E. li. UOffuIBAY. gC -^j r lfifig.--fefcIS-d» ■ ' CONFE U ti:Ra.TLS i § H O £ SLACKING Msjuifiiemnng (impmft J® prcp«-eu to supply ths iracta with a V3ry superior arlicie. It Is put Bp iff WosilBozat i -tin ueiufc ieid it prohibitory ratal wui«, oe.t. iud substantial, an J fire ia size t-qaju ter Mi j me-Iiani. Syary Lagrcdltss of this gfacring b produced La t-i South. It la, therefore, essenti&Uy different from i any in esc, becid&a ii will go further than nay ether - Sk-fikiag, is freo from acid, and st&i sus<sptUJe of as ts?y find beautiful palish, tmparriag geffeeas, cad cz,n- ! eejjuently duiahlffty to the ioiitar. IH aUBkij gl 5 per Crott, packages Inclstod. ill order * accompanied with the 0*gb win be prompt- 1 ^ attended to. i W. li, HESESSSOif ft GQ., Ag*&», While Hail Street, At bafifi, S«. ; ffovcsiher ?,1€€2—dly. WANTED. ~ THE E. M. & M. CO., W I33 U> h’re two haadred g -ad abl- bodied Begro 51 n and & ys: *ko treaty fi ve good Hegro WTe- PEASE & DAVSS, WH61ESALE SK0CE8S. — Aim Coffillifesiofl Merckfl^ PEACH f &TRS£T, ATLAaTA ...... SSOAftlA, L>ealors ia atcoif, HtaiftL, VliBGAR, st-r^ECff, 14 Sogshcai^s ChciceBrcrr Sugar, ®0 Box a olaeco, 1.900 ihk, EdfteJdalafc TobaecOt X5 Bags Prime Bio Coffee, 100 Zf Sr.ea W star Ihukeis arriria*. SO ilegs Sells, asserted c'gea, 15 Boxes Tarpeniffio Ecsp, SSWftZS, BapcS^ -TTTTT COPABTSTERSHIP. < 'YlKS codarciined have tri* day farmed a ffopartee, { JL isdarttienamesaidslyieof LausdeU, Liftfla 1 n,o ft Co. , for the pa*-pfeio o irsnsnolnt-s Wff3f TiTi >■! i QALXr A2?D C SNmtl «©«L*"* ”— QKce aad Stare S.lift if sixp^ia. MlhCON UCSiaaBL 3 the earner of Whiud al) cu tv. a. unsniK, hate ^330.*- <*L«»JeiLft*4i*te.flhw * p. zaMSEaaOa, fttny -n ft 7teia.°irraffo, Aagustj^ Oft.. .* tiff- Jl*Ciey ft va^iisil, Atlanta 4*. ACofita, Cm, Tebnmry t, LSS8 dlfi tteward, Lha 5ai!S doer o*- m&rnlrg ot tn »Ji..f u^uii « q gro ba» j if. nbom » ye* e o a fo -ic.i . am UiUi i. wisff n gaod coante tA qdl “‘ n * u ahaut 5 fe*, a c.r S laches Uigb. We», - give U.e a ,©ve re rord ortho ap -rehoa E r r-1. c-m Ociot-cr ft, r. neat with fan? t.ifii-. learns, wi-h all she modern icffrcvemears. at% to., a r.rthc ee. q- o’(he -Jity. XdieiT.t rest -al 4 m ntbiy. Apply at the laitdiigencor Office. Hfcgil-^irt We*. ftlffn o' aaJd neg o or 'or td> : 0 * Em ent Tn fin, faff whe~e wo can get u!m UUNsiRUi r * UVfe.JNliftAT^ Stolen or Strayed. [1X0M th* s bs tltuTQffbe algat of uie3ra inst. AW-»rl.» t Ancl*-4>f ed in, la- duiu s.zr. Ajij ; 51- lit re iffiff r.y rem rl-d. AHantfi, A.'?- :'m rciortung ffe suite 5 ERWaRS PAE?0N“. ! BOOK KEEPER WANTED ! O URS spiug to tlff> Wars where ail ought j logo that loves Coe airj.^ Hose need l ; apply 11;at is able to Cgbt, sod ia other ! i words, must fill tbe bill# Come reeemrro a* j fled as ail right. L" so he can trade at tae Arcado- Smokiag Tabaoco. Tuen Fa \pp j to . lv-dif whisk difl id hep prii-c wi be BoBT. M. CfcAttKE, Wh't.hiU . tirfct, Aifaidfi. xaxylB Tobacco, d Tttbaccp, v... r -k Tob-icco. fer nale by Hitra, sAJttBKoeoH * - o, TaT>mgM^udAr> H|ftrAmt T Aug 7—hM' M. G. CAYCE & C0 ): A. * ft. J) HORSES WASTED. 800 Artillery Horses. Ap- JTQR which the highest cash pric rs will be paid. _ pLv AjtfftUf!*, *a.« An? 19*4rf O. C. RoGCRs hiverv aud Sa;e Stable, gofjederate states dsf^ota- BY. ATLANTA. T RiASURT Notes may hereiner bu fwffeJ at (hit of- Sce under the fohowlag rcgul*ilon» ,- o ^ Treason Notes not beaiing later «L widchbear data subs««uert to December iU iSfcl, are ealltled to be funded IS seyen per cents .... s an TOfcg- rtptiomno tae Produec Lorn, which have beet made prior to February 20th 1388 wtO bt enlHjed to eight par ccnts-.sud suhscriptmivi wtilbe paitoa seven per cents. *• btaOAB, apriH3-dtf BUCKIMiTHiNfi. .9., at the Atlanta Sabra ki idtreet, are prepared to o3et* l all Mnfla, tidading Carriage, I Shoeing Curses and liaL U M UftitfAM- ft CO., at fee -itiwim Sabre tUast • factory, Karietta street, are prepared to mni'G. akr BiacuisU' of - ” ’■ ' .... - Bcfgy and'Wagon Work; si ftijouri .?> Work of evjyy dcwripSLoa. BfivSpg a first rate ftockman, experk need In fee a^ere departtfieuts, Uigy kuaraaUu- s Uafacfem, at fee iawto nrw-xaihc.ilp.wtHapr. Sugar, Sugar. lg anl» m,,!, «a^l» ConKni*lan lfertf«^fc