The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, March 24, 1864, Image 1

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* aat*+ if St 13 00 4 (X) 8 CO jAREP i. WHII^KER, hatch of xuDfM’iiii’inoix. ifljt> ;sUUAk clrraswiaric#*, #e will roi loll atlb- JKL fcj Iht Dally and w#o>» P»P^ •« * tonttt £Ti,*uih«* month#. Hor Adwnlurxi.ijU (ojh«r 4l*t r»w(s<-ul») for a )oiij:«» Uou- Ulan tort# *« *£ 'z***'.';»;;;*io g> _ •• ’ 111 t o “ 18 00 lU^ncrr I<1 I Win'll..... V ’* * • ■'r.'-fV ■» * -1 “ .... ...V. luKk. ipftw ivn r«t f»r a longer ptrtod than u the pti eoft, 25 ra|U. ... eonccpus If) SjDI t#« be ottered. , * Hi s-«» o* ■ .sd*' 4k&tts» ... „| u:i Pr t, i ;■ i InH'iUon 8 * 00 • ..uit nuanh.y... • 48 <0 •• •■ twoduothft... .... SO 00' ■' '• mouth* 100 00' 1 ■ njaciiftr, ;.i* r.ectwA <' r » lonjer, erlflO (bn) s).,*,*. ( Witha. ... .<*«viju'rtvurn<SN»#. iouuof UmtiaDd rirgrow,»y AdW'JMaMtSew. fcieii- “ , «.,oUVl by 'aw tib# jwrfon ihe '* ’ .(’, lyft'WWJ tfifi houtx of M0 U la vniOfcltrtotoWi, O 111* (Jour < iciitne orupertj Is i:1*nat#4 si in> fiver. In a pulfile gairit? i .y of sal*. ' ‘ i ,..;"*usal property (aunt a. yv.- ,v • prey-.ou* lo sale day. , : vv' jt> el mi rt •* - .... Pei o : l“ l'*f " fr( ;rrt TurtuttJ ' ill? .,(*.■ n Scoi. ■ • 1 d.v*.;. , ■. I W*H> r ' V. .1 RO'. <• £-'■ * «lt- * 1 vo, at ■ ptalio'.. • a *’U c« made *»..•» .... vll ..and of Nsyroi's. .. .,. oi ■idthlnfafrallun, 1 a t t»'V0rfc«0 .to Ony* -for or a •* a* f , ow/mMa —lor a i .... v \ . 10 Jaw. ... • •!,. ,... . ittmaV*. ■ a •«!/*' .r .nay ... . .in, , ■ . . . - ...‘.''a ... aa®JJO[lin ...oj a. W'VtfvOMKl 11 1* "*»l) * ■ .’- mi: a)., a ••! i!iriv mbclt.. i ...» ' t • “itnusii aWnnUiri u i i- mis., oiborwho inV-tod V jki 0 « fj)rio>»o.i , ori,.4i..,. , ..♦i-oi. ■ ror. ':•■«. ‘-.fnl.nlru-a.i « 00 “ ; '.iia.-tUtipsMi. I .- -Si,. ; J 0 I . r. ri’li.. w 0 by ,y; ■ .,-. ., iv ;.i;.», 1 j..aan. .. s ,>• l .. ...*•>) iiwnlou we., pr. .ijr III Do . . . 1C HU ulj a"..'.- .Hi aflTfUOi;.... , iu Ol 1,'- sail • -v i.i ito] «-y -lonaic i.. ..,*■■ f**ir Ml aoBtracW tot tlio ror «d Uau, shad on’.y iccius wl'Ait- 5!is rail >•! :•?. rftilefc ftry a 'if ta»df, irrrev » n« ,.iV.i* O'J-.: iffil pit.# ,ji. ,.. . ..... ’-a-'-itx in I»JWtt.l'i«*r«*. 'tits tJUNli Fliiioi.i.r, ;f| >!-iki.i', U|)dt-r «nd [’ IJurivi.du i', lifiilyt; t?i, oioii ilie JJridgo, Alliill'n, Ul. riw.i.iltf ut a v.-. > vli'ic: ic'in#iy)p>>ir(;d with ni ft'fiBRd an I ihfputcli. A s ■ i r • "i : utiiic iiaimtiftgo n-ai-.-dtluliy licita C. B0HHE FIELD’S COFFIN SHOP. Luokie St., near-Hilton Spring, MLAWT/., (Ll" _ ti’M * ’ V. ?7wooi)¥o2t; . roMMissfok mmmi, l.notc-,'i .ntftr comer Whltchsll, Atlanta, - - - Georgia. GH tl *.l» »'» s it a < **\t of M4.nufivi*tuvei! nniS O t'taoUi* g T ;< W", Now oifjrltg cornff ilcslrtbl*** \ f M of 'fobAeci f it invMtrnynt. wfit'-ifim . .» l» WOODACN. Mcliaaii 1 !. & Strong H v , , i.-.ov» 11 m . inn ahil a lU.oma front ■iirrr.j v »;»* ft lor Hierf,'* 10 tbo SUtre ft'ij-li'iilt; K ftl o i yHITJSit ALL Bi’ES®T, tli>7 w! i i n'lnn^ Jo r.c.lvc » r »<l Pti 1. ON COMMIT jt\ nil kin «s of COUNTRY PRODUCE, AiiD KESOHSHDiSE, Tli iy ril.l ats j ioutline llu “Dillun Brokerage BnsLuss,'’ A hr. It; trail?, alii e)i»b> ttitht t* |{lvt ■atiafa.‘''.n. it«- a uvl f,.c' 1-in uTo.-di'il on gu.iils In Htor',. o iilmtn :nu'fiOly «oi cited r-M i {m 3Xi 7.1 w aoivt OBinW. li. V. F>:K0UiO% lOMMiSSUN WEMIHANT, '<t "ir 1) -i.i .1. -r. WHltciiuil St,, ATLANTA j * - (IKOHUIA. \t/1 I.I. utto ;.f pr '.npi'J .vnl j v soruilly lo all onhrl 11 , f i p r i it. ii!nt_HJls o-.M fi 1« .1 CHEROKEE COUNTY. hi nm i tammmmmm •SHRUB OI&liSH TO BE DARSKBODS WBBB HliABON IS LZV'I .IKE CO OOKBA1 IT.’-jifmm. VOL. X. ATLANTA, GiiO., MARCH 24, U64, SO. 125 b. t>. K. K VM) 1, AtltuU, <]*, AJIDEBSCK & JOHtfaON, Pa -csrf. r to Ar.ilertuc, Adair * tv , ‘ Central Beni mission * ^erciiauts, .Nr i f aCBtjf* Railtua i H ull Ageniy 1 A ■1LANTA GA y.l 8i:i HA \r. J.lTTfiN P. II. AffllCt. Isaac Litton & oo., OKvr ; ifAid AUOTION —AN 1/— (’jiamiiission Merchants, Athtr u' .iii nui^ing, up Stnira. dk<;.\ run n„ - ati.asta, a a. C r «'a i/.. ut Dry '.1- oiU, Ornenies and' predate Itl' i’. H. AttHKV, Auctioneer. IrV.MJV! B riJTS 4W8 SH0ES. I. milltUVa j. r.maifA fff-'H .I- Ir. ; i,.ud .-'-wly lllf.irifl J. f l 4 , a*.,i if,.' Kl’.-ieiul i, tli*1 they hay# to ID .1 , (I i .'.ii aefi'i) (Of 0:d ."JFji'i I! id i!iinufi.chir- Id# <m i i .rn‘ »■ i!u. all klinl* el Hoo t ami Hi.u a Jhaui.ul tel |u,' I nm, iliyy licjlr. U> ulOll nod re- (Dive lo in ur',luil\i-'r u ted n-»(!ailtyi.'lie lil'.e<al tnd- run*#! lvrre*eiiiiv rx»«..ih'il to CtiyB tfiil vldUDlly. they i nw I h-h u h unio.yeral tbouvan I dul.a'* worth of hqq!» a«.l S’ . C »;.iUi thi-y Ufoy r,o III ■»<•«'. liberal let DM. asj.a'r >.< ne*Uy .'oo? «v tliert tlctfoe. fli.ip anil Storeci. ivI;'v;.k i ,',r.o, (lir a ii.ui, rgb'.li of liurtet, aU'wjdeooniH >iRNha. ®afhu.'. rutUU)V« & HBKYK3. uotmiKiti Rimnusi- 'IU Ch/ttfedtratc /tonti t. tf amt Factory, W HICH ha# i. utaUi# e '. by a ti'avhlfd toldUc, w non read- luru^liUenuet and HalKhapif, o* Hu iat a*.and or. lu>|irimdj'.y,r» at thaahcrteal botfr* "lie pelic. a> iireiicuv'? a it the framiactual U laiei'ii.n ma»i. i aaadrW *. -414 any pa-l td tlw Uua'e-n-ri y cnina ytaahit of llm Wl\jjuaate pilrc — Pfc a ca-i ue rajeitaii'il n? aifdretefrg Cmi e.liiate It .dbuD Vr.aviV.'dXyBt Be« '.o, bfrwueryy, r C, ta..4-18.» u. cniUf. a co. rma the I/inloaIndex, /aouvry’J’st. OAR Tt) BEEiSHEBEft * A lutty, very pause anti who Umt hutm no toriously ugly trom her you'll upWBMl?, dc sired to present to herfrioudu apioaannt me morial of hor person, and, with this view paid a vit.ll to a provincial portrait painter. Shu said, aha wished to have her likness tuk- on, und thereupon -tho artist hawed in the setrd grand stylo peculiar to prdvtuqm ce- lebritie!*. The lady added llm 1 ah t rt <[nircti an uumistakeable Fikenrow, rm l also a pretty picture. The. litnutr wa. pfHuttut. Of oourfohc was cjnile aeauMiiuiotl in mu'ty his fair pal'ons looK i'uliv j ivoulin and tasclDatiiigon etnvas,or hot mtd not 'have gained his daily b.eati by the t ,v rei.c of his profewion, but how to represent a Uefipef- atelv Ugly dame as a e.harraihjt Auglo aiix- on Vvuus, uud yet preset vc a res .■ml,! nice, was aditftcu’t piohleuii The'prospi< t r.f a fee sharp, ned toe poor, puititei ’a Vr.t Ll'.'i ditiu Sa) a nose sui ffemr.e. It \vu»- large. liooKy,and awry, "iludaui,” raiJ h". “lit' rac do.fiH.l like with your nV)jUi,r a'vd I wi t umktV* i.imlusitio." The iiuty as- seuted, >.Mid the arifst p violcd oti cXctctlftty-' ly pr.;.iy lucii, (. wept Ut u he copied the t x- 4Vt;diilgi>f plain.nose. E-erybo !y rccogr.iy. ecUhe plietieas, but no lM.dy vras dee ivot! by'he device. - The ixiio was au evident (aesimtle, ami Hie rest id i lie picture wds an evident dl'ort of the inisgin itio;.. “Dan to Uecratif-L'a’’ -has suggested this stoiy, Theparpocu (.fiiie li i.'.d ii tp age theWoulhA-rn people in the. eaUmati in ol thf so who may cliaftce >n reid inis towiy mous worli: The autbo;—pr. lif.ldy a ,w'i- •mop with a lax^iiu. IV niiumtu miud—;a cle ver enougli to peioetwi the lolly of the Sttfiw.e 8ctifOl l end >bai u (-'tn de?or, lo be < ffVelive, most be cool dud dUoibninatiou'. Upon lbi# se.uud priuciolo, hail H e vulutnu i.« wiittcu, and dlsp’aysai: tiinpuni ..f i.iOV and ability ultftether admirable. Mi.-js f-vlid h’lirining, the N'.rihern heroine <d the book, iroin Boston, and is set lotu. at. a i*rcci e r»pr.; sentative ol ihe Renuitie Y-.tilo c git I The JateMr. Q, 1’. U nevtr tdi/ etu l a more pet feel leuity, tie E. B J..yu.:n ncvui dreamt of snob n Hopertauvely cons i ni xi mil.ll, und Ihe old rmim cu writes nev, r . iavuiiid u paragon m » 1 tfce virtues: tjlill Byliil has a lew faults, or » lor.some of in r virLues lean a iinlo ><i U>n wrong uidu, Bheisa mile too iml-.-pn;:d<:.;t in her -p'l -eii aii# and llivu terms a lowly judruo n , and is I'atlier uabecomingly cptweioRS oi lot own manileiid pvrfccuon. Bhu.gfita to the SvUth and makes rad hav e wall tnehenyt of the gnVticrcoo, but t-i e d e-i not flirt a ml c-Duot be lu-id rt sjxu si. le !nr ilie ki t ng effecsoi licr t'ffaitly. I’.it ups . ur iit.dvi' would hktt In know how huuilietn g. n.K.- mkn inakis jo n Yankee girl, jiml wo tlxr.'tore trnnsfdr a fr# seuti ucis lion tnc “i ffflr" mado lo S« liib hv M*-. Oahri. V M -n - fon: . . * 0.,ly give the ill buck to me to mo;r nv, I* mwint, to ask you that.rwheii 1 gatbereit Uruu Oi 1 ,’ Sybil, I love you, iiv.d you are looking'BO bciiulilu 1 , ■» i ilivit'.' to iiglr-, that 1 cannot keep ai cmce. l Ott druve me rnad. tidking to thore men lor so long. Yen d udi Car.) lor cilh v uf them, do y_ o, Jyli i? s»y ynu don’t cere for either ol Un-ml’’ ‘iflabriel Melntlort,’ she' < Xdlhirtf .1, ^.ire you nut of your sense.'f' ‘ Yes—yes— mid with b vc nod nay, tand adoration. Yon don’i love ir.e .otv, Sybil-dearest, dearest 8yJ II —but s y y. u will, say neibnpa you wi'.!'' JR|“.Mr, M.intfort, let rav li u e g i, an i i me go into tho lious*'. Y-m hav n>< to owl me by my first naipp, imr to « !-*.■•.>* me in Ihij striiiu at all. I, ■ iiy l ’ si.e added pcrCmpforily, Sybil you »l«u!l Jia*o» to ii.e. 1 Ji.ito "a ri, lit to i peal ; f>>r 1 love you—l wmahlp you. Oh, give me a,.me htij.c! tVhi; mo iill tho women in the vroild bro. dey u! - Ho a can n man me you, apeak to ton, nnd ever have ti moment’.' Ihouebt t u* ancia-t agnl. V Ob, my dci.r, d«ir, '.!.'*r S\ lilt, give me »■ mo lioptl ’ "ILInial,’ add itetiil ladn; genlly, you me (oollaU—jcu are over excited. Y< u can’t mean :)it-i Hftilly—yoft ’• !uu,v you arc raying. ina g ! ' ‘She oils utc -sin.- tr« u’..« mo u» if 1 were a boy!’ be died In detp r-j ion ‘Sybil, will nothin i m dtf y->ii b i vv in my low';” ‘ lie raised the bn ml vvhw li • Iv bail ii - }j#i n aide to ledcaao to lib ln,t l./igbc-ad a. d slm I nit that his tycs were wit with t.ars. Tiny bull ai d stiockul ht r; but tbe Was youn.: ni! I tiotcdujr, add l.ardly ki.ewWhat ri). . d. “I do nut, id.d tunnel !• ye y. u Jam aoiry lor you—but tills it unffiiinj I. -t me U' • ' ’ Lumanly! --by Qm!’ tic ftcla'med, nod dialling tier liumi iron; Idtib'tv,: itiaiica down ilic’stcpa inpribi.- ntineuinlipg <l--ik- ncts.” What a daik background docs HotUtuYn society form to the lovely Sybil! The men lire not llm fire-eating, bloodthirsty wrotelir-r. dCEcribed by Home Now England uuilmrs, bill cn tho contrary they are somewhat et ruminate, ridiculously iguoruutot b<ioks und manners, given lo iliurilK iuim, boast about tlulr chivalry without knowing the moan- ilfg of iho word, ami th‘ ir courage is not so Inuclt atiinuliuetj as crerm d tiy nlci'hol. The Si-ulliern men are r.s in.trior to the Yifiikcca ns a faithful dog is to the Yaul«e —we nunn no t lViucc to our b.wu pree.totiB cur. ThC Soulhcin women are poor cr<‘a- tures. Those who are not arrant' fools arc wickedly inclined, and certainly we prefer the wicked to the toolisb, Tho negioes arc not ben ton by mnehinury' flrcotdiug to the t.ngmvinga csnlbUcd at ute . dice of that liiglily rcapcciabltj J, the Moridog 8 ar, nor cooked or caicn ns i. n gular filing! as was reported by the jovuicil jvtdoh, whou it had n iiitle influence, bore, We tadievp, 'lie roinanic iiicknauic ot the Daily Lyn^ but the K.yvili! race t# i-olmul body and soul by (riJu)genccl' Idleness, idloimss, holLing ia the-Houth lifft Idlcuvta. TUojhen do inrtli- ing, the women do dothing, Hie m groos do nothing. In that .wouucrltil land codon growr without cuitnie, glut itsuil,' bjili.-s iircll, nnd ships itself, without help,' Thu, Corn grown without ploughing Qr -t-owbg, and is.cnn.vcrtcd info biri'd'aud cukbi with out human biervonU'Hi. if iw nppnmria c- ly (In') Mrs. l/unar, tin* Hottthern UtSfoine, lyplly tlw clufaour of h i oodaliy aud country in oi.. Bhoia u, rath## *c < v), rather aritomplishcd, and kind -lieari- e.l, bvlv whitt Inc * iL:ec.fl«u , wontu jOdl uau/jity. 'N .t ffc-'at.niiiioupbice vi ajp. wouhii, tub not a p .ir.igon if a’.i viitu • and nn»|!i'laiy, %n tt.u U.*:ou S'. Cam*'. The Trail E'!Kf( '.'.rs.h|jwi*r) pa4 #cvei' vl dev ole. I (itVCM in®W.'A'yiAitiinm'arian did -mm whoui -'ho di 1,,t love, atvacThp an WUm v cy with pUft-’JlJ 1 -. ■ former,l .vei'4, a id wh tn Uv‘i‘ hu'vbiud died h.-rsAll a a tSC"*' l.inSaas kind oi Becky Bharpo lorette. Would our readers like to know how a Southern lady behaves herself In a moment of great nllllo- tipu, according to the author of “Dan to Ueorsbeba"f Mrs. Lamar determ! td to settle down, and reward one of her old flames, Ralph Montfort, with her hand and often perforated heart. The day before site iaunda to tell Ralph of the blessing in store for him, the unfortunate gentleman is shot tbr> ugtuthe heart in a riot attending the re- oapturo ol a runaway negro. Mrs. Lipinr heats the news, has hysteria? guts icy edd, docs all that is proper fora lady in a novel, and has a long swoon. After being insensi ble for sumo hours, she rousts up and says: '“Oh, Sybil, dpn’i flirt I* How much mis ery I have cuused him by that.’ ” . This absurd anti climax is, however, near the eud of the volume, the last halt of which ia neither eluver nor ingenious. Midway v/e are plunged into a seething miss , ( vio lent scenes of the woll worn Abuliti >u type. A Yankee lawyer of considerable repuU ion loses his way in n Southern wood, is met by a party o! uogro.huuters, Is selz;d, threaten ed with death, and is only saved from bang; log by m iking-ft siga of freemasonry A be- yro womnit'Is killed by blood-huumD,.l>e- 04iw,e the cogs bad not Ken properly iraiu- Oij. Tiiure is a chapter on Sou Uoni fanali - oiam a 11 a o tap'.er on Northern lanatrc'sm, and the latter give an account i f some Sou tusitt gentleman rioting at n Northern Abi- liiion moeting. Mrs. Ltmar poisons h -r.-cU by t he ai l of her slave, ami the B istou d »m-' siilis hetroC-ibd to a Yankjo lawy r, wno, sfier telling of his love, tay-: ‘"Great Heavens! if.t have liA'n nmttkon! D i speak !"’ “‘How did'you dure to suppose dial 1 loved yon till I told you Bo V she said,turn ing towards him with a heavenly blush and p.mlle " Tli! • pisfiage is toHowecl by a line ol usie- ri?k>, 'tun i allowing the reader l*i tm gine what followed the Yankee girda ' licuv oily blush and smile." The ftuth ir is v.. v pro per, but for all that the book is full ol naughty suggestioBs. Altogether, we have nrv r inei.vvnli a m re unequal voluiuc*.— S ane p iHsagcs are sillier than the mawkish trash untie8.H aide novel, whilst there are chapters that display much skill and s hlc hnrrt r of ri llcntons bathos. “Dan-to Oeersh< In" will udt hurt the 8 fifth, and as., .there ia no name on the title-page, the au-i thot will all also esetpo i"j>iry. It is cri-fl tirdy harmless, th .ugh written with llie evil* Intento! Vitfl iting the ninth c imraandmen t.j iW We have been informed, sayh : Uc 8 A- ina Reporter, that Col. Vtst, member ol O mgrcss from Missouri, in ;*,le a sp cc'.i at Demop lis in the Missouri troops on W'edrwlsy.O.h insi., in which he stateo that he had j i t returned from Richmond, and thatJ’resWent D.visioM him he had lofor- mad in, which was offlcial, Umt Maximili 'n •was ui rofilo to accept the throne of M X'co, which would result i*i the r* cbggftion of tt c 8 mtliern Confederacy hy M< xlco, Spain, Ffance anti prnbtbly Austria; Hy The “idlleial” slaU ni'mt of tbe debt ol tlid U.ilted 8tu'osG'>verom<.*ni ou tin 1st 1st of Marcb, presents an aggreg iteoi UtbillllcB at Umt litneofiJU 513210 042 85; uu increase .I' illy preceding 36 days of $44,008303 Oil the whole debt, f627,105,2<JO is set oown !or Lne Tiessnry notes in circulation. ■ lYoui the MtrapV.'i )>p?a! VALUABLE TABLE “A Scldt'jr" la e»mp his ooploy .1 Mi Wcure in: •in. in,’n;. *e,i irli (» idUIp, n wvln t tlw v* ue of v.til me iiucai or cio old l«u • In tlm nev Ibiu; after the fl»l. or April t.o.ttfWUd5 It • hu*nl i.i to us,and for whloi lie has r.ur 0. m’s Toe lul.'e will be f jon.1 useful after th.- rt-it ni Anrli.tulli.) old Uinewill pa.'S at the dl.eouni ef^.M ptfu nu 'Jiililf.t/unctng the Value of the Old June oj Confab- rate Monty when VUmmted for the Kcio ImucoJ Con federate Money, at the Kate of Three JJolhn In old Jtiiue/or JVeo Dollar tin Mete Jeeve./rom |5 lo ♦Wh trbiiW Nor.lii. , L ,| .(j -t'-eiu Mf di n ui.ii li .li. -o - • *«.• 1 T f a. a. *1 X I i Joid lane | T S’- X 3 4 0 <» J r g ? ■J" u S : ■> • 0 0 » J iT | i r a TT? I'*- r... ...8 :)>); tilT ..~oro~’ (05,. .. ITS ()(); in... . . t) ifij. LIU... .. 78 lift 210.. .. 140 (0 1*... .rill OU 115... .. TDCO.S 815.. .. m 88.> ,• %■... ...m my, 180... .. 8)00 810.. .. J4T 05;'j 'IS... ...Hi 081. 1(6... .. hfiWU 225.. .. ICO 00 •To., . . .W Od iro... .. 86 60)j 880.. .. Iffi 311); 85 .. ...‘•1 135... .. toon 285.. .. IM (fi); 41... ...81 ffl?H 14) .. .. 0)8X« *40., .. 1«(1 00 •HV... ...80 00 145... .. 05 MJf» 246.. .. IU 8 H .*< .. ...'» as,'; iro.. .. J»3 00 251).. . . too ee«; 55.,. ...90 COT* 155 .. .. loa ney, BOO.. .. geo 00 (0,.. ..40 00 1(0. . .. Hlfi fid«i 850.. ..21) fit.’) • C, . ...IT ill’,' 105... . 110 OU 400.. .. 280 ««-•; Td... ... to M.ij- n.’... .. 113 8 .’* 4t0.. .. 800 00 T5... ...50 (0 15... .. m fifij* fit 0.. .. 383 88% fin... ...03 8 181... .. uo 00 rto.. .. HCO CD'S' 85... fi l, UB... :. US 88K OKI.. .. 40* 0)' WI... ...Oil Oil 80... .. ISO CO.', 650. .48 m)i #'... ,,.«8 8 li 1115 .. . 110 OJ TO .. .. 45# 8 », VO .. . ,.M 0 fi ■’OJ... .. 13J 89>s T5 - .. .. COO 08 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Uuelule. Wheat.... v Elicited Porn Co*n in the car.... i’oa# Rye Oats Barley IiiBh Potatoes.... 8went Potatoes.... White nubmi.-.... Costor Beans Olovur Seed [Timolliy Seed Flux Seoi' lluup Seed.. BUiu Ur'iiit' Bead" ••• Hucitwheat... Dried PrupUeB Dried Apples Ouivns. Mh - • ■ - 8’onii Gcal Malt $r»B. 1 itrnlps Plasterti g Hair UU?1 ick< d Lime...' Cora M*ai... P.iic Sad... 0roued Pea# "fry Pounds, ...00 ....50 70 00 50 32 *17 <10 55 ;...60 *10 ....oo <15 l .'.50 .44 f. .41 r..52 L. 88 ..24 ...........57 ....*.. 50 81 !W • 30 55 8 80 43 . .55 V.--34 A lb\ 24 by 10 inches, 92 deep, contains 1 bar-ct A tu>\ 111 by ldl iaobes, 8 deep, eoutuiu-, 1 hath* I. • A box H by Sf- iuclien, 8 deep coii'nlnu 1 puck. « 1 • , A box 4 by 4 inches, 4i deep contains i gal- +»#. A bt*x ;4 by A inches, jii deep, conf'ilur. 1 i4 vJMrt* %■*■> *' * * - -f ' * IVn gallons Pickled Qnionii b3 pounds. “ Sour Krout, fl “ PROCLAMATION Bff the President of the Confcckrate Mali*. <f America., The Senate nud House of RepreseDtaUves of the Confederate Siajos of America,have signified their dgsirAthat a day may be re commended to tho. people, to be sot [Spiff and observed as aday ol humiBaliqn,.lasting autl prayer, in the language following, tc- wit: . “Reverently recognizing the Provi-'ence of Qud ia the affairs of roan, nml grateiully remembering the guidance, support and de liverance grautCd to our Patriot Fathers in the memoiable war which rombod in the Independence of the American Colonics, and now reposing in Him our tnprcie*.! confl- denee and hope in tho present struggle for Civil and Religious Freedom, tint! tor the right lo live under a Government of our o wn cnoice, and deeply impressed with lhe con- viclibn lljrnt wlihotU Jafrit ndlhing is strong, nnUd'ig wise and nothing cnduiing; io cr- der that the (i oplo of this Confederacy may hatie tlio i pp irmnity at the same; tiine, of otFering their adoration to the groat. Sover eign ol the UitlwptfofwmimniiyjCMfessing their sins and strengUiohliig their views aim purposes ol amt-ndment iii hunUrte rclianco upon Uis GtauihUb autl Almighty power : *■ The Congress.o'i tlio Cmiederato S ates uf America do rcailve. That it be iccom- mfflfHc.1 to the ii'Jtinw ol these suites that FRIDAY, tlw8 h day of Aprii next, bore apart aud observed asa day of' Huuiiliuiimj, Fvsting ami Pi'iiycr. ih o. Almighty Uud w il!'l s i preside over bur public coun els- unit uuihoiitiee; ibut lie would sb inspire our uunius and their leaders with wiidoni, courage and perseverance; an 1 so manifest Himself in flib greatness of JlILi goodness and infflesty of lils power,*fhat we iulty l) safely and successfully led throdgli: ihe chasiumng to wfucli wu are beirgauiijee uJ,, to the aitaiument of an IvuioniOle peace; so that wmlo we enjoy tho blesaings of a Irec and happy Govcinmon', we may aictll'* t'o Him the hmK.r nnd the glory of our in dependence and* prosperity ” A coa^ nid to tin; feeiiigsot the people will riciiye tl,eir hearty couciirrcnct; umt it is n grab.fuI ilutv to ti.e Executive i lb unite viriUi their represent a - lives in' inviting tliiipr to luneting iti tlu Courts ol the Most 'll coin i-VOUs awaken fresh gralttu to to the riupran': Hu ler ni'nations. Odt* epern'es have sulf red repontul dotoa's, and a nefarious scheme to burn ami plunder our capital, and to *)> stroy our ciul.Government by putting lo dch h the chosen servants of the people, inn buCtj fliiflla’d and set Bt naught. Our aft hum have been strengthened; our flounces promise rapid progress to n satitncleay condl'ion ; and onr waolij eotiutry Is, animated with ;. iiopelul spirit an 1 a llx ■! ileturitii nti m t-> achieve Indepcbdenc *: In these circumstances it, liecdnics u-t. with thank In J hearts, to b <w ourselves be- lore tbe throne of the Mti t High, and wltilo gratefully acknowledging so many liK tcies, confess that our sins ns ti people have Ju-tly exposed ur to Hu ah&StisMiwttt. hii ns r cogni/. j the stitTeungs wtiicu we, have N*tt oailod upon to eodure, n; admiijitilerid l>y a fatherly hand for our itnpfdVimerit, and with resolute oourago and patient en In- ranee let us wall on him lor our deliver ance. , In furtherance ol tin Tht-rolore, 1, Jeff r? m iko Confederate Slates ol Auicrica, do i-su - inis my priclamati ai, calling upon the poo pie of tne said Btatcs, lu eontormily with tin- desire ixprt.ssed by the representative, to set apart Friday, tlteSih 'd»y of April, ns'i. day of Humiliation, Fasting and Frayn* and I do hereby invite them, ou that day to rtpilr to tbeir ia vtral pl..ct>» ot public w.-r ship and It.seeclt .yiuuglt'.y Q-/• 1 “t * presi le over our pulilic lr<<nW I'and so inrpire our armies nnd s Wit it wisdom, courago und p -isv’i'.i. i; ; and so jjjj mgnilbst him self in (.1*0 greatmsss oi llm goodness and in the ntiJv'Sty of His power, {hat we may se cure the blessings of an honorable peace nnd ol free government; nnd that ns wo, as a people, may usartha all,,to the Honor and Gfiory of llis name." — . Given nhiler my hand ami tiie, I H / seal oi the Confederate States ol ) nBAI '* f America, at the city of Rich- (,— / mond, ou the 13 It day ol March, In (heyear of our' tlio tc itid e'ghi hundred and sixty lour. JEFFEU'ON DAVIS- By Ihe Frobiiltsni. • J. L*. Bunjamin, Secretary ot State. these objects, l>.»v!s, Fieslmn*. pi Dfc KALB COUNTY* ,. - 4r Administrator’s hale. 411,0 (Ut I A, UcKutt Ooutrtv. B YvtrtUBolintrdcr /ro-i tlieiouri of oulliu'jrif UaKa'b a»u.iy,wtl bu» II ui tin; Aol Tu-»J»j to May «■'«, »i )ljtj omrt t#iu: .1 «r t.t urn ur In talil ootmljr, lutworn U)<. 1.1# il hotri of m'l , * 1 »c! or parcel ol laud Delu# tli* pooh |ur* of 1.4 to v 4 wi.- tilntiK tuao>i»u)i>r« ut tea* In tlu ,bvti (.f.ulct naflr tii-nry now UcKiilh Ciiur.ty.'tt.e' c j'- .In 0-reM ej r.a'Uo.l rt the tttsohf hits dhtli R M for li.- bpnvfti ot ttt* h Ira an4«*>l'*o» or J> h > y Maddox, deoM.— Sold for uikb h arph Id, 18*4, LnUlVU*. MAl'ItOX Ado'x illW UGOItifKA, DoKatb Comaf. »■ N OTION l« hereby n'tea lo ah pm ni «<sme rn d that dune CrUwe l .a* vpar c-t uia flip Inte-rtil.-, and n 1 perr n I,at atipll. rt for n atuoo up Ui t eat»' v> of talil Jnif OitkBell, amt hv. 11 tbraa r>- the lew mt- mtntrwaMon »hl l c VerKfitih Uie Olerk ot til#Uuprrlur C.'uri • r tnioe oiti«f At ap<l jubper iWr.aii, ttdrly darn afWr the pub t lalf n < f I lit 1 ctkit oo, un.n.i nmurald clijectlon In wait.' t > h:n iij>|i<i!n*m t< v, n under toy huud aud pftMulitpuiuii, this 1 h d-v <.( p. t< IHtt.!-wWd J It WUdiCN. Or.fv. OEOH41IA, WoKiiUi ronnty. nrSRBkitft. U.ury W. 1’HOC, a-lm nhliaior of Min X T I’ond.rr iie-n nt lo the nourt 11 h<n p-tnlot da y Sturt and enured aanmrrt, tli « he '. tvs fitly ndirtiih- tered John font’a cxtpts Thlj la, theretnrii, to cite *11 persoue onpcerueif tin dred amt oreittter* to ihoa- rause If any Uiftr can why ■Old adnilirblrator tlioulil uol be dlnebaiirert.lroip tils ad- mlnUtrail'in and rejelve letter* ot dimuMov on Uie Aral Monday to Bept. rn'irr, U Cf IrblX-xVai J It.rtDr/'ON t'tit’.y. AdministJator's Bale. , B Y on order (r'os Cu r.oa.tof i rao«rj' or UcKulh Comity*wti! V# «old qu tlu ft *t Taenttiy i.» At nt tomt. iSh, at Ik# court lio.oe do.*r I'aaa'd cnual'y, he- WvcuUif.legllml# hiuri, a tu( li. of lon.t to #au ocpHy xlitreon Jame# 3. It. Jo e* ren'd >d ai th« ilwe ot Mi da th, cant.,I dr# lUty* 40r«# «D«r# nr t* b ‘ '"H the tilt half Of lot No, 1(11, in# 1 uitlo Mail a III** f,-o o Decatur tO*LawrtO#«V)d# snrth aid aiotn bet ,g The (It vWlog dc#, ofti'itstDR Uud* «f It. If ht*i#ia eat.l Widow Wrt#ut. »lf lot of laog b I g 11 .lie, 1 *.ti ,tl ,ttlrt of or gtnafly Ifaurr now 1*o<C»tb 0 mnty To-* 1 amr Mid, for Uie hoaiSt of the htfr* and oirdhon of ull deoras cd. Sold fur ouh. fob thid^islt, , yuZlMrH JdSKH. An'm’x. (•bS-widi jnw (iltoum t, n#Hai« frvsytt H I DlMPSKY, eturdlaa of ll#my &Ut*tr, hvv- • tog applied tv Uie Court of t'r hiari cl *»ld mdu. iig.* trim Mi guiritun Kmioi II dry N- pmcii »*u.l tiWuii) T-.#H, th,rofar#to ogc %ll penoi* owr.rneil lotlnw .xuce by fldnir obje.ll,mi & inmy .'M-r, vl., llu«#W,fl K.U#OlB«ty Dhaatd Wrt»# Jli 0W1I triirt Ml pilot,t-..,rt fill* of lie, 1 y H, td.eer, ■, rece'.ve (tm u uat lu'.l*tanr ,h-in,s,icn. t.lven ucd.r 1 Administrator’? Sale. TTTII.L fea rntd by on out*, of Ihe court of Ord nary TV of DeKalh counfjr, Oa, on l!,e It Ta nJ», lu April ne*t, brforj the oourtl.oii-B door In th# town of Decatur, within it u bgol en’e hoora, the fd lotting no gmea to.nU; M:»Uh a woman BT .ream «f, g i and ber uhtldSyea a of age; dick 4 b y li yeit'» of »gr; Uwtoli a boy id yoara or ag-; Ucorgi 1 Ann u Oil 0 year* of eg>; Ma tin -a boy Cyearavf age,,h u t oy 1 y, on of age. A)1 eo!d DO tin propel ty-1 f gr»:.cli Mi vir dic’d, fold for tho bmcOt or thu In Ira and credit> 0 t dveeas oil *Jhu terma ntllbe caah V»b 1«t >8 4 JrUti! h. M.) ,K> D id. Adm’r. f;Tid w da J B W »«' f tiHOHOfA,' DkXalb Cot’Stv; rtTSTWAiNauJSmea WrCrrc«U,4dold.rHrliro( Jon- X » all un Borge-a, reproaeuta in the Court ‘.n bla poll- llou/duty fi t-J and entered cn record, iti .t he lia* luhy adaumsnsred Jo apian f)Urg«a>Lwta« J Tine Is, tli ur. fere, tor. to f, 1 prrjoni coirerneJ, kindred ttedltora 16 »hn*r caitie. tr any u.oy tan. Bhy iilrtad; Llrrator about I 11 t tru tischaige l from hla admlhlaUatlon, and receive tetie a of ,1 am* -I n cn th .* Ural Monday tn May, J3.4 (hr, hth,»«!. oc 20 worn B WIISIH Ord’/ WEimiUA, l'eKur.b CdCHTv: W IICSKiAS Pftjd T Mcilpla, admlnlsirv. r of Ma- ill'll IVc b, r,preaedta to Iti; Court in Ilia peulfOu duty (1 ell and Bnierul cn re:oi,l, that lu fi a duly ml- mini* rred Ma II,la trehb'a ulfl 0. Tli „ I, thrreloie lo cite till to.ico atutcernctl. It nlreit Hu I ur ihtuia, in b!i- w. cvuue, 11 any they oun, ,v ij (ml *d olrihlrr.ior allud’d in*t u.« oUotta;i#l f*c>*u bit n at. lloii, ted le'.terunt dlim aioo or. Uie But sui.d ..y In cly text, I8f4 OtMberth# '.fit", ISfi*. irt.ieovem ' ' J. B. W IL CN. Ordinary. (fl’ORCM, nhiui.uCm'STv: W HMXhB John Cari-cJI afid H#nrp5v i.Ul e, K.secu tors of'Jo' n finite, iqueacti'a to die Court 11 melt- pojUion (Inly lilml nud entered on r. c n d, that Umy bare rutty adu.lii atcreil Jo in Bli.Uc’a ,a ate- Tti'ati. ‘thereto (6,'oi h nl!':i»»i:<jti’t hotu rord, Vlhoredand* .(.■ai un, to »l, orcaui , If >■»/ they r.i*, shy #af 1 «xe- cute, d it, u d dot bctleihirg.'dfroni li i- dm nla r.ton nnd rote ve letters . I d<«uti*!l6n 111 |i. 11 »( 01 - n I: y In >:ay, ISM. Tilts Cctyrt* r, SO*. .ror.-rfim J B tt I l.SOd, Uri'n'y. 4TKO KOI A, ReiiUi Oopxrr! W HiKKIS Penmaarai MoDon Id, ex.c.tor of Jitm Mk-'DdHaiJ, ,’eoea'ecl. r»| r.sen s to tho.Court lu Ida petit on duty fl'cfd and uo orrd cmoronl, that ho hu. tnhv ttitsi'.nt tried John Meiljnatu’* ,[Vt Tlilirli'ifidretb e to cite ailperatm, coiur rmd k ndrut an 1 creditors, *o j*|iu,r r.owe, W rny (bey can, why s-ftl esac tlw 1 tiedtd KOI he d'sch.rreeJ fruni 1K vecigortli p auiLree, l/cjit 0 s of ,111 nlmlon On tli II it nnusy i. Ju'y, ISf-f OecSis*to- , J U, WIi.K. ' td'ny FULTON COUNTY. Fulton Sheriif's Sale. P U;t (J.,N'f lo an cud r /ramclf .by the five lur u t ui fu'tort Cent ity, Co #her Adj 11 n d fi r.-n, 1 OJ, will hr rc.'d it p Vdiy. l it't y at the e n t hues; '.n III-; e't.i c.1 A'Utit.*, hetwuet*Ihe ubuiU liouit ofanle, no the lit Tbe d j lu May ti v, aurd y"fi fus, 'n favot ot Qarirr I A i.l, pd uailgoee* vc )t«. I*. Oo n .pil o pal, 1 ill If r..firm;.'.id r ,r. mlifftiptd 1 A. O. 0 T’K-t, * t tr! r. Administrator’s Sals. A 10 t i order of tlio Crdlnayy of Ohcro'ace , Cuenly. will be ao!d bkfere tlu carr* honac door In | ibr town ol Cantab, on the fi-.t Tueilar In May next, wlthiuthe le;al hncriof aalo, lute of Utd X >a. tne huo- dr <1 &cd fifty tin; and on hundred and alt, (l&V and 11 u ) Ut th# 21 dlrtrlct of 1 he Ti section ol r.i'd county, tu the properly OI ilia wtltonf llenry'Qa'nej dccetaed, lor tho bencfi'.onhe bolra and cred tor* of *a'd dcc’d.— Murcli 10 iSfil JOHN H. O.UNBd, Adm’r. mbtS-wtda JJ (■StiaCIA, ClIISdKRB COUXTV; V^a7*IJltKJ^A' a , Fruncli th Hit avplie*.'0 me for letter* XX of ndirlbtMrat'oti upon th j trial ) uf Juirpli Sbillet late dr^aid coult/ d irouted Theaearett oreforeta ett# and admcnlih.aU and *lr.- gulai ilia kindred and cred!tots ol aald daceatod to fi e ill <lr otjeollui'.s t. any they hive* no or before the second Monday Hr Apill next, why 11 hi letters thou'd not be grant if tl,, appl ran . Mi rub 11, IS (t. mi ll-.£01 JA««j JORDAN, Crfl’y. (JEORliU, CuakoKCK Cotxrr; W HfcKKAB, franela Joffmon nppllea tr me for let- tec* o' aUmin'rrBthm upnu the e tite ufTbittta Pn Jeffcrion late ofiald idanty.decraoiU 7 liras are b rrrtore to cite en 1 admonlrti *1! and «'u hubitthc k lidred and creditor* 01 ia’d deceased to file tbelr objettora'lf they bare tvliy aald Inters of adatlnlr- ira'lon ahoul nit bA granted 0.1 the a to*, d llicd y In Airllnex. If arch 10,1831 n)il6-w<J9d. S.rfiTm JOBDAJI, Ocd’y. . CiKOHUlA, t nanoK.KK Cou-Tr; k ITTtV0 mbiitha titer d.t) applleat'cii will he made of A the oiilmsrjr of chOfOi'ee Cuioty, f„r leave lo sell 11,; 1*11,1 and n-gio 3 belonging to the s'.a’e 01 Jacob Q. •o.-doi’.l. Ca*p-'v tanl5 v, 3-n M.rdtlO. liff J J BAKAJ1 0AU’K.VraH, Adai x. CKUIUJIA, Fulton <1011111 v. &J17IIKHBA", l,auX BartlttV.of a* ,1 c.« , > &pp",fc , XX *n hi) l -v ir teca of 1,1 nlo'itralt n n uni ,-*ta>e or >' I'l rtti tv, B.ldw n luloor aa'd ,: un y 'duen'ed. . fhes; a-oTburefore lo uhet.u.l d n, n ,h all uul sin u larihsklt rt'U slid nrtdl ora of djeeas ,1 tosh „■ O.uiu il a j tie y n v: u term, „f 1, l.iwjnm-li ones no cVe an.l pruvld d why said lertera sb. u d no* be , 1- n . id, U.vm uvel r tty lin'd *nl atHcliilaguaturc, lid. lib day df Mar,liJIllW. mhld dUlld tt. K MA.VuGM. Ord’y. SiOTWE (iliilUtm, I'oi.tpa CpDNTv: C t iMUiT Kit In Jail os ruuarays, #,« Mljwngm. / groi-s; .'iilm ahont 41 yo.»r* oil, 01 very dark cow Id,-x,<ui, . lofii ahnul. IM pou.-ida, atnu 6 feel, a li , hr» Ivg i, bdo rs u>i)r Henry VabJtni of Mlialadppl con- tr.I ed by James Muoie , I B.i ntt.rvllle, S, C. „l i r C yt-i v. Igna Id |» utu’a, d rk ivrpl x- ■cn bfe.-i -I uu'ua li'gl,, btloo,;; to tt-ihcrt Hrivr* il Kenlncty, was hi ill 1 not of 1',-r.n -aa'je with h s y.incj- ma ter, tlobcri He,rci I'.l/'on, 12 yeats eld. weighs IT i 0untie, * feel 6 u ch c tilsh, telh.w 0 uip'exlp'tti quick spit ij*i- a bai-hur hy .trade, b-jlm g.i to Wiiilim 0. Chit (I i.f Ur-1 r.shuro', M,. ’ the own r< of tv ubovs Pfgrnr* ev il roue tnrw.wd prove pro|np",r, pa.'expensis und take theta away, i.r ihry will he '.o'd .4 lit able to law. P. W. TJiOUNVf , f.h):- x i Jailor u'.;oa Otitu.j,(}ai Jailor’s Notioe- . loh K II JI ,ve«ri old, fi lent high, top *uh r tin’ll, Trisha bout loti pounds, a ils Wq'.liotB; of Ky ll,;oath ccitipl *1 ni, h feu 4 In,|,e, ,MM,mil to Jail, l_d ; h D reiDbor, JSfi^th# 1 K per pou I 'l-alon. • as l,u h, :'.. .)* 1 Na'liai "1 yu leg 1. weighs I id noun la, iv ,* (rut hy ."hla mostur tonmme, ip lira-u' ar ny, belong! to Mon * 0 Teun. ^)»nii';i I the nli .ve u»m« f 11. gnus art- riquuatrd lo C'me hoWH-il, p'jve yrnyrrty, pay eXpeosui uu l ta'i lltutu »r »y „r day will he sold a: rei'iblc lolaw h. W. TlfOKNTOh, Jailor S’uilon Co , Ha. Allaula, l* e Ifl-dvf NuTlCE “ IKDHM.t, Fulton Oollltty. A 11’ntjA il'jff , l. 11 ■ rn* e to the 0 out 1 Or 1 ,a- OL 'tf id said to it,-, f 1 !..,yj to splf part. ,.f 'o. t u a fioiie/emy s .\„ln ih Pit, IsuteVof VayeUe.o, u , 1 y,c,i;i- tjluing (>.,y sue , I *s, f ,.r the Ij'fiol' ni Ki-.*u ots M Urvuen, far , laun I alii U iarduili. This Kohinsry 'IJh.ldi. tellS-4-i. d'C. -fi0N* KOWCt.flu rH 11 Toptpotiad t ale. r j ouw. 0 r ia>- * iu* <« p* «*t. t, «• •• »< i. t, XX. bu aaapue wa ere. >e el tt.e C,»i"V ot Ordinary ho ,h# eotiMVy , Pa toi. 0-. gl*. 1 *11 -,*l. t*.e VI si Tueetluy In *| rli,»•• ,-r,- Iho < (uri I'lHirodpQ ,11, at I.iiiIh, wit',lo ,t,i ho . . 01 s„le., i i- ng pit, per.y, h> w.t ; in; 1111 Ivule.l iiitces.of Hduler tin WaiulDll 1, - hop- a -I ml „ . l*.a,ti lr.,1 «trtet, ad- j I i.-g ,l,d af '( l'i 'Wit, amt n iw aeoApted hy . W >t for heir* 11 J ai) , dm J V tV Ida 1 .1 ea-.i-il J V, h On i d, Adm'r, I l. j . ■uie pertflor-. oi A. S Xi»iM*.tta, 1 ( hi, a t* (ti(6lro<; ■ haxluy deinatul* 1 1; wirsus bt (hr to uvi*e iii'u,V I, *>;*'.i.*V s'.t.t ,-. t-w. i'll* -r-i», ( iwi ji-.VC, ,.Hi * ,. /. - I i>, rdn'i. IllilkStI ,, 1’ , 11,* 11 t'lioiity, UAHtlAd, I' o«. aitiutuldra'or ou the eat me . . ol ik'vi tvirk, ;y di c'd -ppii.n t, me fur loners of disntl* ion frsmnid i-cmlawrubin. These are theiofoie l.a cite *111 admonish all vud Un- galarttiB kludivd amt cru-Ilttira of »ahl d ',1 to rlmw Cur-S" If any they have, in tho lime p-.eiorib, d by law, whl letter! of (.hoatd n„! be granted .he w granted .he ap my hand at offlaSL Angnat fin, ft K M.VNQUM, Ord’/. pMesn . IJiVl K’ia1.V'.-,a* Notice it* Sid,torn and Creditor*. A U. ,nrs 11* Inlcb’.ert 10 the yau’c ,, Churl a 1'. lb nk lie,,. Iat# of Vitlto.i ecu ity, d,s)j*!,e i, ae* re quired 11 m Un asJlA'e pay mete, and th-We hnlag demands *)r* on euul ,aute. wt.l pres, n’ 1 h„-e , * tgrao or tli# i»«. i>:,i,ct'y Diteiio J. Job IS 4 rt J. 0- ottCOaNSR. AtblV. PIKE COUNTY m e»u. within fJKfJrtXjlA, Tia* Couxir. fl Wind Idanifui Vlaart a ledul, tr*t«r of Uie eii- . *k 1, J ,| (Jarlaiio, 1 -c'd, repreu ole In uu rtmt t* has III > a In, id *■'-*! '.ill e.' *U- -vul peliii ns 'or itteirof lia : l. I i 1 r f.r.,m i-and . l- uninhli»I, p ( 0 . ■ 1.. in-11. , ,, v V ■* ■> » l.| otic* r dy au iiud "di I 'I s , ilr.i'.iv, .UKUItfiilA, , Uie iJ.IXTT d js.tftp.' O.le apple 1'b.n (rid to,nod, at Ihe n Bl»r refit It.-.f- ni of (h-A’” i l or Oi,h,«ty ouuCly f t I. a e *0 a It phi a»--' a I land! ,n the cuuntlra IT U mid W iu. bcloi'jng o do- n-iotwcf Cd sil.-I 5Vd'" f " r ' la,ci ’ r n * " “ •' *’ >vl*. _J* 1. rt UI.UJ ft, Adm'r. njgpxeni.i, 'V-T l\fllW'.,k . » o'n,, ed t.lats’ratoi <wi Ibo elta’e u( XT Jehu;. ,V.i k ,l « A'td,- »>vr a#ati rhat lie Inn l*(hf oilmiiM I ,hy ep'i'Aot« do d. 0 100.1. Thu# »(>.' l .. *te-,-i ell 11 nd adnui • t Ji af! tod alp. i n’nr the p-> 5 ’— , «1 n, <p , „r a\ my elHm- with- U. *lw)lhu* ti <1 0,1b if by law lo allow eatite If any xr.'iy qlfiehil tdancu.e, p,l Ulh- SW. J, B, Wit 80S, O, f B y, 1,k,,4 ‘ *" Notice to Debtor* snd fredltoi-s. 4 I*L pc boa* indebted t> the .ttta'o of dahub D. Car- XjL peuterlatbof Clierdkee Ocunty, ('ec’,1, ore njtlfi.d Is makeiim;iliate payment,..and fuse h v!ng demanda 1 gaunt.-aid estateai« noj.fl d to iisni m,juris term* cf l ie law Ma-,h.l(l, 18f4. ndUCrtpH'd J < _HARAH OlftP- hT-.ft, Adm’x._ (■KURGIA, ' ifKKOKKfi Cevnr: W lfhKKA.-., John V, Hagosd'applies :<i n.e fur ItUeia otad'O'bidr ton u.unUnraisteTtil Hu'er Atu H‘good late ,.: ssld cou ily de e-sei. Tnes-ytre ihuro'ore Is #.te And StfcMtH h all au J »ln- gu ar llie k m,l mditu* if (aid iieeeased lo Uc ir o r o' jccihn 11 a- y hey hive -1. ; r be'orethe eecotd Monduy n Ap, li iiext, wny the*aid u t • rs of aduiln'B'ra- llon simul.u (,;•#; grtntid the ai pl cmi. Marth lO**-, 1.01 JAMW) JOltrsAK.UW’y. ailH sfiOJ _____ (IKfrtKII .l, ,( nCROKUK COL’siftV. ’TSTflKllRaR, Heater Atn Orr hi (lie wife o) Th .mas XT P.r isle of aa'd coubly decease,), applies to in 1 for fetters of 1,1 nlr.letrahor, upon h; eatutn of *sld d< c'd. Thesenro mere ore lo cterndadmonhl, .--ll khilsIdRti- UrlheWadr.d itiil.endtofaor add dsceaMiI to lie hilt Ml'cV.rn, |f.n.r they h .ve, 0 ,< r mt'ore (be iccot-d Money 11 April wny a-1 i lit ers 0. uoadrieiiatlcaihoLld n I In* craniedthd applicant., m*. 1J «3 U J J JABKi Jf.P.DAN, 0,-d’y. ftHUHtaM, ClIKHUKUR CU'SIV) i .VVj months after date 1 shall apply (o Hi: iTdloa-y of said con ty for levs' lbs* 11 MW Imd b-lorglog m t .e tsloie of I ax irUj Hood deu’d, laie o' raid county. March If). lSlil. MAI V HOOP, Adm'x mhlfi-akm J J '•FORSY^rH COUNTY. UHlflUHAi IfonsYrii Cociiv: N OTI'.’Els li e by g ven lo all <v it rued that the (r- tot# ol »t,ih tv tt Cu nln, li ni >«ti d.e’d of raid county 1 u t cpr, u-.e !, and. li it ui p : (ou ha* applied It riletiaft cf \i Ita'iilBlraUoii » 1 sihf .i.i-t;, iv d . h il In (erma of ill • i*s il n n stratiin 01 ml i-i te will he .yeilidln h Cl iknfili Sjpc lorC n ( ol ul' county or some e h ■ i'. I pro.'er pi r.on 1 Is r y ,1 its * fier ihe pubhcaVsn ui ,1,1s cn Ion, ante 9 huroc vli ,.1 jtciluna ne made !n 1 rm ■ of b ■ liw t» h>s upuomfn nt. , (1 vcj uulltr roy.lxed llirial Vgna ure in Cum- it Jpg, fla It'S Mrrth Til', Ifl'-i- Wil UAV13 JIKMVLr, OrJ'y. r.JdJ-wtOd I’.Inter'.1 fee f J r i) 1; jiued that C coun UKTSfil.l, Kniiauu CoVxn: 11J IlKWKIf, i)lton MeTltiu# le-’driv f sail et nitty XX ha* »pu led in me for loti r* of ?.,lm nHi ration de boidiicon with di; will annexed cn ii. esiaVeofSa- rah Mo i|n r .is im d c’d of #4ld i-o int . These etc 1, icioee t.i c'lu spncl admen*h all end klinulir U.e ki ic'rmlard oredi o.-s of *a<dSarah' MuSIr,- i.i-to lu aid -pp n- 11 t iny tillieo wi h 11 l|j time pre setfnodb, law oh 1 r c iti'W* Ii nj h y 6av.i why per- m..(ui.' ell. e, itu u.d notoeopan -das I ysh-o.i Mu l'.n- ids l i lionu 1 llie law. Uiv n coil.-1 y hand slid -.III. Id eij-j.-.tvr.- at of# e in Luimu u , 'ia , - ii* M tivJiIi 1 i t WIlUtN DaVIH BANTI.V, Onl y, u h:-iv.130J Piintcr'a foe #5 60 ccuHia.i, I'onuVTU Cot'xtr; ftt! TlOttlrfi iriiy g yen to ull vLx thec*>» r of N'auey a Cun dngham 1, ty ilso'd, i, uur.',.iu ei'oj ailtl thal 1” ,-.-ni bnasap- ' piled for III'r 1 r.f a hfijn 1st ration on a i.i eitite, and ilia-, Ini. e.ur o! ill t law aihnlnit:a liwwhl bt lp-.led In Hi 1 ( b rk 1 f iti.; r'u,..jrl r Court or uo.n o il ;r pp per and II person ill rfy di) a after Ii: , ub i.-.i Ion ol this etta tlau t nits 1» me yljwol j ic'UiuS in- < i.ije (.• 1, .1 appoint ■ meiit. (f veil linilee my h nil!in I nfH - ! al tigtiatute at Cum.nlnj, (t,, lift Mm-ilt T'h. f itil VVII.LI am Di VI- HRST..V, 0 d'y ' ul.Muro Pr mu'* fee -'f.'i CO <JU(>Ii4JIA, fotnvilt Cot'.;.v; W UtRKaR, C'vr Ui'a.’nn# a ‘i li;, to mo for It ires uf Adibluat,«t'o 1 „n fit.- rst.vo ol T. II ll, jlend roulalsd.etn id of au d .onu'y. Thta» ire th e.i r- 11 el'; and ndm '.' i li t'l and • In- gu'ar I, U-dr.iland ue-H’-ers of aald. I ils If. thud ricks d e.-a -d to be a d pyo .i ut'in. ort'i v within 114 tin.c p r-o.*.li,"i t -how om e H,any li-y/hiV# why lira rtiniliil li, h -gianted h • sdd Cynthia Ju-es fil nr.asol li law • Ciiv.n Ulillcr 1,1 y hand nnd ,i;‘ignature lu U nu mini 0 ., u I V rch7 Ii, is l \VU.LV 1 >1 DAVU PJNTl.V, v t.i’y p fi !'-iIlD.I I’finlei’s f;-e M UllOUfil l, I’oafn it Cfiu-iv; N 0.1 Jo! fs hciul,/ g.y; n In nil periotacciiiern, diha'. Iho lain 1 ul Wtlli, Magus Uie 'lei-otfid cf 9*1,1 ctmniy, I- nine, re enty, natal inat!n leiumfthelaw ad- Jn'iibma *.o 1 »i I i-c yes 1,1 ia 1'; Uf-.-.k afUeHapcrlor (J. tutbf »V,1 M'KDty I I. I.v dnja • f rr the | u’> h-ailon of thl e. t t n n ; j turn# va id ubj.citin' l,e mt de u 1,1 s i'|i,10 hint-nt l»e.- u' ,f r my In ml a ,1 nfilri..! t'gi.a-' turu al Cu n-t li|,; t>»„ Ma rti l », t-i'J mhiT-wd d m-'ij.TI'i W Is UtthTt.T, 0;rt’y. (iKOHUl.l, 'ousviii r»a;..iv; N OT I K Is h-r l«/ given lo ad * ■ r* tu icnceintd did Pti - ran 11 of John Atinlb lair cf ssld uooe i.v due,-a-:-i, ii » r.fprrseired, a..d Urtt no pets ms lua appCei for I. del* ,.f adnt'ribteadiij, un *alti I it-1U, arid (l.a*. hi t* vs ..1 in law adnlnis ro 1 11 oa ** ile#lati- wil, b-V » e 1 in tile Clrt-l ,1 *1;-fu, --1ir Con4 t'l said O'iuniy • r... in „ 1 ll and pup , p ' en ilihty ,li;» after h • | id, n; n „i,il 'hi, r,-ai„i-i, nulew v,i 11 obi-, t'.on 1rod. c, h * ;,pp ilnliuenu til. u u d.—m.' hand anil , | ra ng (i v lids r I, T I, IS '4 UM P ntt-T V.OiU’y. 11 h 1 »:'.(! 1 t’rlu ( i s’* fee |9 ) 0 # Stn c of 4,cui'Kin, Xr«>r-,'tft < utility t i.i Til , ol.fKt ll*' TftX Tit*..Ill t. Foi'KT ’ r »*ro tJAVMX ij IM HAII I! IHiBS Id tor li jure.. G. M , •(’ :* £l I un -.stray, I kcu up (i:ipn Hi, fro eh" it of Mi n.'.hn fell veto re, in slid o'unl.e and dlitrlot,* rt.rk 1 ay Vaie Mu , maikeU with res0. r.-.e be; high, nu -pa cd to tu b wren tight CT, aI ri. v -ii ( - .|) year* o'd, shod odor,-, t.k.n is.* (I.v X6)|i dry ot ueceuiber, I fit, 'in*t *p, als.-d l,/ tVm. Hi on aud bam'l It nider, frjri. I.itra o a ..,1 county, l„ be u- to fly.. (11100) dot- * s. HtvYD iiudrl-.a lutml and «IS Iat sign lure, thl. 1-J.l, ,t;y n,' Jmiuury, l*Al ',\.t il) RlVlJr't, 03R, J. P. G’ocu a. Por yth Ooin.ty, 1 t cer'IC th». I, torego'i'g.- nt.'l 9 tile , r. ujc,lings iu thee 9? At in'IImr a nerm'n darn bajr >"»10 (••‘ii,- belore iu-l>y / m li.!, McGn'ro. irvot uglier (ur l,.n-t and ollc'al null (nr#, till# 17.h d*y jl J41 .vy, ij.ij. iSVned), ,.,ft3, J p. . ,in hi-V.h/ mi/y Pu t :l;u it*, v i r;, i tin*,’going Is a (rite eerte: tKatray ,-’V ofili>;. Jan. !>«'. If * •),*.*( PiANhY, * ilk l f. Heart, Vo’tyth ty, ,..,rgl*. , J n'f ’“WtV 1 !—crtn'.’r’a Vee *1 i - ‘ ■ ^n Uare ut . u - 4;Ev»s*t; MURRAY COUNTY, iilnrray Baam; t' W ft WI*. Ah a J t.eoruri! end P II ' wi.l, adralois- tr. 1(01X0.' Hie ciiate of Jaatc T. InvuurdL deceased, have pet!Mone ) to 111; Cenrt ft), ‘.ette s of ..i.mtvrtuli(ecu* the estate 01 raid deceas'd; T e.r 1 r th«r> for#, to rite Ml ) r.K„.-,s erne,rued, U • trt t amt rtertitira, l" ilio>e enu-.i, 1! any they I,are, wllu.i VIII ii(U« pren-iUeJ by la# why *. id lepers ahnul j not I- ,;»in- <1 0tv ■ . .-i» •)' oy bind an I ofUrl .i'ur#, tip* Ijfii , iv • I J 11 . .>G4. I.p'tx-W'IH* A. gAflMSWuHl'it. Drju'y. ih.':""! 1 : 1 P CKENO COUNTY. , t.s Debtor# ami OrUa lora.^ • iU'UhU’Jt• t'lv . tvec. 0. It-(title7 Ut# -- - - id t'otnty. 0*., .1 ,•••' ,1 a- ruiieited to make m n , >*e pa«ms I,an t 'ho - iiayin,| i!,. m »n,l. *'*"««#*’I ” "• '• 'V 1 re c.v.II 1,1 ,-i lenr.s „• tn,- i»w proprrty »‘.n 1 d Vet, fid.ftWd, isht-wlIU (6 i> II) a M. (HUKV, Aika’x. . VoUi A.m\‘V FANNIN COUNTY. DKoKCflAt RAXxiaCorxtv; tirUXlUUe, IVm. r.-ankllri Adm’r, on I Vn'ina Out# ,;.-; ''b’’x,ol Wtih .m tl vtc.v Dvtscuiu* the court Intht lrji-ttiK’u* duly died and entered ub record, that '•‘2 toxfta -v a.ltu ulabued IV.'liuu CotB’aeatat# Thl.-'. I'tlu* -vf(Sie t" cite a 1 p -i nils ecorerued, kli oriSoir'Vo »:k*Wi uui« If any Uiry ,-an s lie sal ... . ter* or,l.j,ids'.on ibuuf t u t bn j-ajiu f they bn di*. j. ->U( *#aert<ukUie «r 14tond*y tn MVy . • fskt^-Wiiii/ J VMUJ RJNJAU'. Ord'y o4r«il •JU4 let*