The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, September 01, 1865, Image 1

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rUBtlSllED DAItY aIJD'WKIBIT BY JARED I. WHITAKER, OFFlC I5--^conil Floor Crow 1 * Building, entrance Wide Stairway, Alabama itre<U Kjcmitori or on the ten In MEW BATES. rVcXl^lTro^mon^orW^Mnum. «te%YS®ST“ ADYF.RT18INQ RATES. One iqn.rc. 10 H=ee, #i*t luertlon, *100, ««nm1to- ,e,linn t -, II,ltd Inae t on A3, fourth Inaetllon, ffS 60 6111, In*. lion 14, one nee*, A5. 1.EUAL ADVKRTISKMENTO. Soles of Land by Adralnlitratore. Kieetilo Uuatdtana, are require,! by law to be held c Aral Tuesday in each month, between the houn, of Uie forenoon au,l Uiree In the afternoon, at the v«- lloose In the county In which the property Is situate,L Notices of these sales bs given In a public ga lf Nolicel oVllleVsfc of personal property must be given In like manner, tUKugh a public gaietle, 10 day. prerl- "'noUcc to Debtors and Creditors of an estate, must be * "NeUeeOm^aVplleatlnn will be mads lo the Court of Ordinary for leave lo sell land must be publlaludfor two m Citations for letters or Administration, Guardianship, Ac., must be published 1)0 days—for dismission from Ad- ministration, monthly six months—for dismission from u Rule? 1 for the foreclosure of Mortgagrs must liti pub lished monthly for four monlhs-for establUhlng lost pi pers, for the full space of three months—for compellln. titles from Kxecutorsor Administrator*, where bond has been given by the deceased, for the full space of throe "publicationswill a’wsys be continued according thfcse, the legal icqulremeuta, unless otherwise urdored, at the following RATES. Sheriff's Sales i cr levy of len linos or less, I 30 0 Sheriff’s Mortgage it. fa. sa cs, per l-.vy, 6 00 Tax Collector's Sales, per 1. try “ J® rotations for letter, of Administration,... « w tfftatlons for letters of Guardianship •• •• •• 8 00 Notice of sppllesllon for dismission from Adinlnls- Nutke* of spp icstlon for dismission from Onsrdl- ansh'p, J V., Application to sell land. J JJH Notice lo Debtors and Creditors “ IMI Sa e of Land, per square Sales of perishable property, 10 day Betray Notices, slaty days Eoreelosure of Mortgage, per square For man advertising Ids wife, (In advance,).. .Marriage Notices gTAII peraonn writing »‘o tUla Office will picuao nildrcau their Letters or I'oinuiuiilcatloiia to ** Intolltiioncor, Atlanta, Ga.” July 1.1806. faili) Jlnlfllificiiccr. ATLANTA, GEO RGIA Friday, Septomber 1, 1865. Prom the New York HeruM, 23th ult. THE NEWS. A New Orleans dispatch states that a rc cent number ol l.n Eatafctte, the French or- (/mi in the city of Mexico, admits that Max imilian's empire is a lailure, nnd says that only a French protectorate can save the country from absorption by the United States. A minister or commissioner from Maximilian is on the way to Washington lo seek recognition fly our government. The recall of the Pope's Nuncio created a sen sation among the Mexicnn clergy. Fresh defeats of the Imperial forces are nounced. Matamows papers of the IStli inst. say that General Sheridan is mnking threaten ing demonstrations along the Rio Grande, and that large numbers of troops, principally colored, and trains of artillery, continue to arrive at Brownsville, Texas. The rebel General Joe Johnston lias writ ten a letter of advice to the Southern seees, siouisU, in which he tells them that, haring relerred the question it issue witli the gov ernment to the arbitrament of tho sword and failed, it is now their duty to acquiesce in tlie decision nnd endeavor lo again be come good, quiet nnd industrious citizens ol the United States, The Pennsylvania Democratic State Con vention met in Harrisburg yesterday.— Tlte resolutions adopted d, Clare that “ the slaughter, debt nnd disgrace” ol the war for the suppression oft ho rebellion were the conMquencc3 of the counsels of tho demo cratic leaders being disregarded ; call for tree speech, Irec press, no restriction on the hsbeas corpus writ, and trial by jury m nll- csscs; main Inin that tho rebellious. States tire now as much in the Union as ever, and that their people arc entitled to all the rights which "they had before the war; oppose negro fmffrngo as a high crime ami au at tempt to degrade white men, aud give a qualified support to President Johnson, de manding that ho must tako measures to give the Southern .Slates immediate represents tion in Congress, must save them’ Iron, the curse of negro sullrng--, must slop the pnn • lament nnd murder ol individuals ou the scuicuces of courts martial, and must do various other things in the way of restrain ing his military officers. Candidates to be Voted for ut the ensuing State election were nominated. One of tho Herald correspondents sends us, Irotn on board of a Mississippi steamer, some interesting facts in regard to the tide ol emigration which is now starting south ward Irom the Northern nnd Western States along the Mississippi river valley. Many Northern aud Northwestern men of enter prise nnd nicaus have bought cotton and sugar plantations, and design commencing agricultural operations on them as soon as possible. Among them nro officers who have served in the national army through out the war. Tho general opinion nmong these gentlemen is that the negro will work well enough under the free labor system and that they will have no occasion to call for white laborers from tho North and Irom Europe. A Maine man, however, is mentioned by our correspondent .who has bought a -Mississippi plantation, and who docs not propose to try colored laborers at all, but is on his wny to this city lo secure the services of a large number of Germans. General Curtis, commanding at Lynchs burg, Vu., has recently learned the whoren- boms of over Seventy-eight thousand dol lars in specie, formerly belonging to the rebel government, which had been secreted by a rebel express agent and a rebel busi ness agent, who have been arrested. The rebel nest in Montreal is becoming fuller every d»y. Beverly Tucker, Carroll, George Sanders, Dr. Blackburn, Dr. Pallen, Ex-Giivurnor Wcscott, U. S. Foole nnd oth er Jess prominent tnen have been there some time. It inert E. Lee ii expected, and Jelf. Bavin’ family are stated by the Montreal Ornette to be quietly living at the Dotu-gatm Hotel. It is stated by our Quebec Correspondent that the Canadians have nb c tdy to a certain extent Initiated the pruccedings which their delegates in the Detroit Commercial Con- Amos Binhey, Chief Paymaster in tho De partment of Vlrglula and North Carolina, has within a few days been ordered from Uidhmtmd to Washington for examination on fomplaint of having so manipulated the funds in his charge, amounting fb some mil lions, as to pookst between thirty and fifty thousand dollars. The suspicion is that Ibis was done by paying tho soldiers in soven- thirty bonds, and then receiving a share of the profits whioh tho Virginia banks made by buying these up at a discount of four and eight dollars on the hundred. There was a terrible railrond collision in tho Pennsylvania oil regions yesterday morn ing. A freight train and n passenger train, running in opposite ilirce ion on tho same track, on tho Oil Creek road, near Titusville, came together at- considerable speed nnd with terrific foroe, crashing tho cars into tragmonts and killing nino persons and in juring many others. Tho catastrophe is said to ltavo been caused by the engineer of tho freight train running up on tho main track lo get on n switch about the timo the otlior train was due. An intervening curve pre vented tin sc on cither train front seeing the other. An excursion train on (he OKI Colony Railroad, white returning to Boston ou Wednesday evening, collided with a hand car on the track, and the engine, tender and six cars, with about one hundred and fifty per sons, inoltuling many ladies, wero thrown from the track, threo ol the ears tumbling down an embankment. Strangely enough, no ono wns killed, and only about half a dozen wore injured, nnd nono of these, it is said, in a serious manner. The steamboat A-gosy No. 3. while going up the Ohio river ou last Monday evening, having on board three bu wired me a ol the Seventieth Ohio infantry, w...» driv. n ashore in the storm eighty miles below I. misville.. The concussion exploded the mud drums, and twelve men were badly seshb d, two of whom died imtiD diately, and two others were not t xpecled lo recover. F om thirty to lorty of Hie soldiers jumped overboard, and eight ol them wero drowned. The Investigation into the circumstances attending the death of John F. Westlake, om: of Ute "dims of the explosion on board the steamer Arrow, was resumed hetorc Coroner Lynch, in Brooklyu,yesterday, nnd the evidence went to prove that the valve in the steam pipe connecting the two boilers had hern left closed, through the negligence of the engineer, whose duty it was lo have seen that it was open. The. result was that the steam intended lor two boilera was con centrated in one, and hence the disaster.— The invcstiga'iou was further adjourned to Monday next. , , The new steamship New i ork, belonging to the Atlantic Mail Steamship Company, went on a trial trip yesterday, during which site ran sixteen knots within tho hour in the lower bay. She will be open to the in spection ot the public to-morrow, at pier 43, North river, and will sail for Aspinwall on the 1st ol September. There was another auction sate yesterday oi some of the property used by our Su« pervisors' Volunteering Committee in their late recruiting operations. The building on tho Battery, 30 by 100 feet, constructed oi white pine timber, and used lor enrolling purposes, wns knocked down lor only 330 dollnrs. Three sates used by the committee were sold, and brought about what they cost when new. Judge Edmonds, in n communication which we publish litis morning, criticise* the ease of Colchester, the spiritualist, tried in the United States District Court at Buf falo, nnd our editorial remarks of yesterday on the matter. Tho Judge contends that the result ol this trial will have no depress ing offect on the minds of true and intelli gent spiritualists, who themselves regarded Colchester ns little else titan a juggler, and he thinks it will be a fortunate tiling lor spiritualism if tho jury's verdict against (lie accused shall result in silencing him forever. Tlte Judge says lie wns solicited lo become Cobheslcr's counsel, but refused on consci entious grounds. Uo,appears that, under an arrangement with the New Jersey Central Railroad Com- iany, garbage and offal Irom this city are wing emptied into tho docks which that company are constructing at tile terminus of their road south ot Jersey City. This has become a great nuisance to tho inhabi tants of tlte latter place, poisoning the at mosphere and threatening the generating of an epidemic; Remonstrance having proved unavailing, a public meeting wns held lit Jerspy City last night to take measures lot- closing this nursery ol disease, and it was resolved to npply to the courts for an in junction to compel the company to stop using tho docks for the purpose mentioned. Yesterday the slack market was firmer — Governments wore steady, and gold closed at 148j. There was a (air degree of activity in commercial circles yesterday, ami both for eign and domestic goods sold quite freely at full prices. Groceries wore fairly active at full prices. Cotton wos steady. Petroleum was firmor under a fair export demand. On Change Hour was the turn better ou Slate grades. Wheat was steady. Com was firm or. Oals wero 2o. higher. Pork was higher; sales were made at $31,70, closing atSWI,- (12} Lard was steady. Whisky was firm. . Smuggling is now carried on to, an almost 1 unlimited ex'cat ulung the trontier, and, it , la said, with the knowledge and connivance ol the Canadian Ministry. Our correspon dent describes the condition of the province •as very unpromising. The luxes and other burdens are eo heavy and the crop and trade broepeeia mi poor thilt thousands of tho iu- bkbiunut ltavo already sold out and emigre the Far West. Real estate bss fallen seveuly live per cent; in vbIuo within the past eighteen months, and it is estimated that m Ute city ot Toronto alone there arc thirteen 1 undretl empty tenements. The United States steamer, Commodore McDonough, which left Port Royal, 8. C., on the morning of the 17th Inst., in tnw of the steamer Donegal, became disabled at sea in the storm of last Tuesday, and, after struggling with the wind and waves through that day and the succeeding night, sank ,oh - Wednesday morning. AU on board r ofthe |... MoDonoiigli, forty.four in .number,, wit* th « u <”*«g»l. but ^* 1 everything which they had ou board excepting tho clothing they wore at the time. The Done- morning ^ safe, y this port yesterday i P. eor ? e OltX'lwiD, the young man commit ted to the Tombs on Tuesday la it on the two charges ot fraudulently obtaining a four thousand dollar check from the New Haven Fostoffiee, and of procuring over two hun- dr«l thousand dollars worth of bonds from a 81. Nicholas Hotel safe by presenting a forged order, was yesterday arraigned ou the latter of these complaints, pleaded guilty, and was remanded to the Tombi for trial— He wee arraigned on, and pleaded guilty to, the former eherge on Wednesday. The awindling developments are taking I from metropoU- I |*n financial circles to the army. Colonel I' ' - - / i BUILDING ON TUB SAND. ’TU well to woo', HU well to wed, For lo tho world hath done Since (he ntjrrtltt grew, and roses'blew, •And morning brought the sun. lint hare a care, ye yonng and fair, He lura ye pledge with truth; He certain that your love wi<l wear ileyond (lie days of youth. For If ye give not heart to heart, As well ns hand f rhnnd, You’ll And you’ve played Hie ‘ unwise” part, And “but t upon the sand.” ’Tls well lo save, ’lU well to have A goodly store of go d And hold enough of slilnl- g stufl*, For charity U cold. lint place not all your hope And trust, In what the deep mine brings t IVe canuot lire on ye low dust Unmlxcd with purer things. And lie who plies up gold aIouc. Wl 1 often have to stand lleslde his coffer chest, ami own 'Tls "built upon the sand.” ’TU good (o speak in kin lly guise / ml soothe where’er we can; Fair ape eh should bind the human mind ; Ami love lius man to ma\ llut stav'not at the gentle words, The mercy that Is warm nnd true Must lend a helping hand. . For (hose who talk, yet fall to do, hut "build upon the sand.” From the London Post, Au. usl T .VIAOSIiTICSTOHMSAIYIlTHEin 1Y- mission Buolnees. will be, prbbitbty, before tho P.ost CamrtanJ- ant. Some say she is a loyal woman, and only tore down the flag because some one dared her to do it. Others say that she and her ftimlly tire strong acocali. The trial will | bo ihtcresting. ATLANTA, GA. | THUS. KIM!. L. G. PIBKLB. J. L. QUKItN. T. RILE & CO., I Wholesale Grocers, AUCTION COMMISSION MERCHANTS, H aying completed their vbry lari» and cnmmo.'Jou* building, on iho owner of MiiteHA I and Peach*ree s’reeta, Atlanta, Georgia, and having procured the services of Uncle Billy Hill, (he Prloce of Au dionesrs, we intend, in connection with our Grocery Trade, to do & Gineral Auction and Com- mn« undera’gncd having entered Into other l udniss this day turned over (he Agen« cy of K. Ms Btuee ft Co., ti Ool Thomas C. Howard, who wilt In fature repretent (his House in the shipment and purchase or Cotton. augW-121 II. D. CAPERS, Hfl tmlorslgned. representing the house of Robert E Ooze ft Ol, will give h's pbrsomd attention to sale of Cotton orotherMercbindUeoon>Igae<! lo this lie, In New York. During my absence from Atlanta, W. B. t^we, or R. & Godfrey, will receive all con- omenta And for« ard to New York by tho mo&t ezpe- th ur rente. » nugM-m n. D. CAPEIIS, GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THB NEW WORLD BOOT ANDSHOE EMPORIUM, Car. marietta and Broad Streets, TLA NT A, GEORGIA. milK unrtcs'gnod has Just at rived wl'h a complete assorted block of Ladles' Men’s and Childreu’s Bjots and Shoes, which he will sell at prices lower than ever before rffnid 11 this market, at wholesale and r<- Ult. Alio a good stock of Gent’s Hits of all kinds. Merchants from the surrounding country will fl Id It to their advantage to o Jl aaJ examine the stock before purchasing elsewhere, Mr. John F. Ezzird is ennn cted with the establish ment, and will be happy to meet his old frteml*. Don’t forgot the place, corner Marietta and Broad, (the only plaoe In the city where a complete assortment of Ladles’ Mines and Children’s Shoes can be found argD-tm 8. J. PRlKDE.YIIEIItlEIK. VLVE.\t£. We flitter ourselves that we will be able to give per« is QDI0K BALKS AND PROMPT RETURNS. T. KILE Ac CO. Aug. 17—4 w. I THOMAS BCnUrCBIM | JOHN MORRISON | FRANK M JOHNSTON SUCCESSOR-3 TO MCHAUGHT, ORMOND & GO. Commission Merchants, 1VUOI.R9ALK AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Hardware & Cutlery, (SEC -ND DOOR FROM ROARK’S CORNER,) ATLiNTd, • GEORGIA, The occurrence of these magnetic storms I f,ctiatlBfacLtnn(viW4hxve procured th. s.rrlcea of aui the influence whioh they exercise are onc o( , he bert nM (,. kee p erj |n the Bute.) Our motto among the most curious anil interesting problems which science has yet lo solve.— Tho records which for some timo past have been duly made at the Royal Conservatory, at Greenwich, nro exceedingly interosiing, and when a sufficient number hnvo been ob tained to afford data as to judging of tho recurrence of these disturbances, in conncc- lion with other meteorological and atmos pheric phenomena, they may be expected to afford tho most reliable aids for scientific in vestigation. Little is known of tho source or the constituents of that power or subtle fluid which is termed mngnotism or electric ity. ORtatX Of KbECTrilOITV. This much only is known, that it lias its origin iu tlio earth, and that when, from some cause or other, nnltn-al or artificial, it is withdrawn irom its home, it i osts not till it lias returned to the earth from whence it came. The revolutions of the earth on its axis, in’ils motion round tho sun, at speeds vastly greater than anything known lo me chanical forces, nt-c supposed to set up cur rents of electricity which travel over the earth's surface, and in their course cnlor every substance which is a conductor of elcctrinty. Tho copper wire of an oloclrio oahle is ono of tho host of conductors, and when laid upon the earth’s surface, or atiho bottom ef‘the sea, it would draw to itself a large share of those natural currents. To overcome this, insulation, by means of India rubber or gutta perclm, is necessary, but perfect insulation is practically impossible, and hence the naturnl earth currents will be found lo interfere more or less with the pas sage of the arliticial currents generated in the battery for transmission along the con duolors. In tho normal condition of things this cat-ill electricity, or currents, do not se riously interfero with tho working of tho tine of telegraph, and their resistance is nvcrcuiuo by multiplying the number of cells, or, in other words, increasing tho battery power lo be employed. ROtV TUB PRESENCE OF MAGNETIC CPRCE.VTS IS ASCERTAINED, Notv it is the object of tho Astronomer Royal to obtain records of these magnetic disturbances, and tho modo in which it is accomplished is exceedingly beautiful. No mechanism, however beautifully or delicate ly made, will bo sufficiently sensitive for tho purpose of making theso records; so light is employed to record tho mysteiious move ments ol clcrtricitv The substances ef the I and Intend itihnll be second to none In this Stale, mems ■>' .electr on?. J lit si ostancos ol tlio lh , ve on hanJ >ml #l ,r. n u k „ p> u lo and nature of winch we are wholly Ignornnt are PURE I lqu-iri; none other .hall be eold lu ray Saloon thus made use of to produce great and vnl- The B.r U under the eio uilve management ol three . r,,„ . clever and affable gentlemen Ton. Ooutu and Butt ttablo results for scluico. A bar ot iron is clarx, who have no.up-rlote In then- line, an I they poised at its centre with wonderful accuracy. | win be harpy to eee old friend*. Offer for sale | BLACKSMITHS BELLOWS, VICES, ANVILS, SHOVELS, SPADES, ROPE, WHITE LEiVD, GLASS, PUTTY and PAINTS, CAR1 ENTER’S TOOLS, LOCKS, HINGES, SCREWS nnd NAILS, HORSE SHOES, BUCKETS, TUBS nnd BROOMS, | At low rales for Cash. angtt-ffmoe PLEASE TAKE NOTICE I Citizens and Travelers. I J HAVE retUtfld thoso luge andsp'enill.l rnoms ond«r BILLIARD SALOON, AIITIFICIAI. VISII BRBIIDINII. Stephen II, Ainsworth, West Bloomfield, Outatin county, New York, gives Ihu follow ing Intcrcs tog account ol his experiments in fish breeding. Hr s.tys: ”1 have tahen a very great Interest in the growing ol brook trout artificially, iu ponds on my place. 1 have tried from sevott years old down to last springs hatching, in three different ponds, keeping the young try till two years old hetnre l put them m'o the large poud with the old ones, at which timo they wore able to lake ciro ot themselves. The origi nal slock was put in my largo p -ml, con taining six’y-onc iquare rods ol ground, fourteen Irct deep, tupplied from springs, three years ago last spring ouc thousand four hundred id mmilnr, age then linm one to tour years old. They weigh now Irom oue to four pounds each. Tuny have been vontirm hininii nmiii.t i... .i,,. „ „ fed daily with liver, aud arc about as lame nun'i-Bno™.! 0 nJ V( ih. h : u. 9 . U °« e - as kittens—come at call, and take their lood Oa MtoUfUS!Sh*SSrtS? "«• ■* * "fl”-- “ d »“» “• “ “ rite magnetism or electricity from tlio earth lends always to draw downwards to its ser vice one end of this beautifully poised bat anoe. When tho currents which pass through or over tho earth are weak tho in fluence is but slight nnd tho motion down nrds almost imperceptible. When distur bances set in such ns that which commenced Wednesday last, tho action of the bar in vertical us well as in nn horizontal direc tion are more rapid, nnd at, times so violent that it Is impossible to obtain any record of their movements. fit.-rooitAi'iiiNo the sTiiiu;, No mechanicvl arrangement, as wo lmvc •aid, is siifficiunlly delicate to obtain this record. Tim slightest film Irom a spider would inteifere.with the inovcutonlH of the ugiiclizul iron bar, s> the ncord is ob tained by the aid of photography. Oppo site to i he bar is'placed a cylinder, which revolves ouro iu Iwcuty-loui- hours. Upon ibis is nlnci’d a sheet ot sensitive or alln miui/.- d paper, A lamp constantly hunting is so placed as to tln-ow the shallow ol Ihu iron Imr upon this piper, and evt >y move- mem upwards or downwards, is thus traced with unfailing Hccurnoy. There mo limes, however, when tho m .vcmcnis of tho bar arc so rapid there is not sufficient time to prnducu a mam upon the paper, and during the greater part of the last three days the paper Irom (he cylinder has priuented a terket blank. At other times the surlace s covered with tho most irregular zigzag lines, rest milling those diagrams or chart's which indicate at a glance comparative heights ol mountidna or lengths ot rivers in various parts of the world. At ono part ot the record mounts up to n peek several inches in height, at others it is elenuhed a mere fraction of nti inch above the datum line. • KFKECT3 UPON TELEORAPRY. To what extent the interruptions of Wednesday morning may be due to tins ex iraordioary magnetic disturbance it is ot present impossible to say, but tbe astrono mer R -j-rtl has very appropriately taken tho opportunity ot calling ntteniion in a contln Rout series ol records,the existence ol which wns nreviously known to but few persons, aud winch at no distant day will, there is tvery reoson lo believe, prove of immense Gape. White, the a’ercr man of Atlanta and Arg tsta notorle.y,has faltohargeof the BllUnl Tables Ire pectfubir aak a loeral >hire of patronage. GKO. 8HAHP, JK., Proprietor. N. B.: la a few days X shall open a FIRST OLA89 DINING ROOM and ttesUura’.t on the European styt-, with accommodation for one bandied and fifty to a tnial. Travelers will bear this In mind, as my TABLE Will abound whh all the delicaoiea of the season. augl2-3o> GKO. SHARP, JR. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. Klev«m acrt’S near Hi. Western ft Atlanth Railroad, aetr the farmer residence of the subscriber, For site very cheap by A. K. SEACO. aug5— OommUalou ITIorclinnL 500 B S.G3 FLOUR, LBS TO Tilt 8 V0K, for sale wholesale or reta 1 on liberal terms by A. K. St AGO, C traraUjlon Merchant, ;5- Atlanta, On. NOW IN STORE, 200 bbk Salt, For sale by A. K. SEAGO, Commission Merchant. W?5- Atlanta, Georgia. CEOPCIA GOAL AND COKS AGENCY. THE /ETNA COAL valu'o ... the cause of* telegraphic icfencc.— Tbe puldicudnn of tho letters of Prolesscr 1 of a spoon six inches ftbuve the water.— Tutok ul seeing fivo hundred trout, all ai tbe same inataut, weighing from ooo to three pounds, and from twelve lo eighteen inches long. The liko has never beeu seen in this country to my knowledge before. It will well pay the disciple ot Sir Izaak Walton a long journey to sec; visitors from hundreds ol mil s come to see them—ponds anij fixtures lor breediag and growing. Tbe trout spawns in November, December and January. When on their spawning beds 1 take them, and t xude their ova artificially: and impregnate them with melt from tbe moles, and then place tbe spawn in troughs, gravel with pure spring water running over them. They batch In 78 days, and commenco feeding Irom forty to fllty days oiler, during which lime they live on ute egg attached to them. ‘ r-.t ' Lost fall I took in ibis way sixty thousand ■ggs, and hatched say forty thousand of ihemi 1 which‘aro now from two to threo 'inches long. With *11 things right, nearly, all will-hatch in tbla way. These will grow to a pound weight in four years, with wa- ter arid plenty of food. A- two pound trout will furnish about eight ihbuaand spawn; smaller ones leas in proportion. They commence spawning wheri one year old. Intbis jray they can bo increased and grown to any extent, and all the ponds and streams In the country stocked to over flowing. They can be raised in ibis way with great profltfhririarket flveboxea ot cheeao were Shipped by rail road irom the village of Little Falls, New York, >last week—weight 234,040 pounds. Avcr*s(e . price for dairies -was -14J- cents, l . .Factory made brougat .from IS to loj cents. | a week uniR her trial shall be held, whioh MANUFACTURING COMPANY LOCATED NEAR CIIATTANOOOA, THNN., MILD PRATT, SUPERINTENDENT A-TIiANTA, G-A., Wl ereby parties can bs supplied, at the aborted no* tic-, at any railroad depot or boat landing In tbe (Mate, Orders solicited. Address RUSH PRATT, Agent for the State of Georgia, Atlanta, Georgia. nlj 50-ffSn GREENBACKS WANTED For Sale. QUE LAEQE STEAM Airy will, at all events, have this good re sult, that they will induce persons to pquau before they hastily conclude that the inter ruption of telegraphic communication nec essarily indicates ibe total lest of an expen sive submarine cable, or a system of tele graphic line?, whether aerial or subterra nean. Intebestinq Trial—Below will bo found tbe obarges and specifications against Miss Emma Latimer, of Edgefield, who, it will be recollected, was arrested on the 5th of July, on the ohargo of tearing down the Union | s-vue LAEQE STEAM DISTILLERY, with .even flag i—PreU <£ Timet. U boolnd ud nttj acre. Load, writ Improved aad T S P M «« U0 "-- la tills, that ano, the s&ui Emma Latimer, a I no idperlor la Ure West. umcUy fifty to on* hundred citizen of Edgefield, Tennessee, on or about buiheUjwdey.asmzybe daired,wtoinlUatwched the 4th day of.July, 18B5.diJ tear down and trample tindaf her feet, with intent to ex-11bi?rS«T. on* otthe belt so-none Xngto«to . press contempt for the esme, the American UnBoaUi-4naEaafferiaeoanirr.AndRertMUyhf.My. , Sag, which had been put up in honor of tho ! anniversary of the national independence of (< u, we * •* —* - tho United States; This at the house of A. | Jotmw/, B. Latimer, in Edgefield, Tennessee. Charge fid—Uttering treasonable language. Specification.—In this, that the said Emma Latimer, a citizen of Edgefield, Tennessee, did, on or about the 4th of July, 1865, tear enTo tear. dowrnsnK bam the American flag if U w*a put up a second thpe, in words as foiiowsj to-wit r “If it is put up again, I will tear'itttowh arid burn it up," or words to that effect. This at tho house of E. A. Lati mer, in Edgefield, Tennessee. New Drug Store, M. JOHNSON & C0„ (FORMERLY T P. FLESH40 4 CO„) LXT DOOR TO ROAK'8. CORNER, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. RE IN RECEIPT OF A WELL SELKCT- ed Slock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS, VARNISHES, &c. which they offer at wholesale and retail, very low for cnsli. IIIS, .V. IS. B YIt RICK, practical and experienced Druggist, will supervise the business and give special at tculion to the filling of Proscriptions. THEY II A V E arc White Lend, Ground Pnints in Oil, Window Glnss, Putty, Copperas, Brimstone, Blue Stone, Match es, Pure Wines, and Bran dies, for modicnl pur poses, Borax, Snuff, Cigars, Log and Red Wood, Paint, Vnr- ni»h, White-Wash, Shoe, Horse, Tooth and Hair Brushes,' Fancy Soaps, Perfumery, Rosin, Alum, Spice, Span. Brown, Venetian Red, &c. They arc also in Receipt of CRUSHED SUOAR, TEA, COFFEE, BLACK PEPPER, INDIGO, MADDER, CANDLES SOAP, STARCH, and many other articles in the Drug anil Grocery lino. nug27-)ool SCHOOL A N0 COLLEGE TEXT-BOOKS. JUST OPENED AT TIIK On Peters Street. 2d door West of Whitehall Street. Dtit'd'. aft Davie.’ Arithmetic, Atg-:braa and Geo- m« trlet. Quackenboi’ OojppoBlllon &td Rhetoric. Wells’ Natural Philosophy. Built id’s Litln Gramm r an! Reader. Co per’a VirgL Goodrich’* Pictorial History of tho Uolted 8'a ter. "CllendorJ’. French Method, by V.»Im\ Richard* on's Piano Forte Method. CornellV, Montteth’a andMUcheU’s Ger graphler. Fm tb’8 atd Bu lion’s Fngllih Gramma”. J. J. 6c S. P. RICHARDS. Atlanta, Auguji 'll. auf/d-Sm . WpOLgtylitt GROCERS AND { COMMISSION MERCHANTS, three doors above Iffkwnto Hall, De catur Street, ATLANTA, - - GEORGIA, augt-doioi a. v 101X8. B. W. ADAMS & CO., GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fcncli-Trcc Street, Next Door to A. C. Wjly’a Old Stand, ' ATLANTA, GEORGIA, R. J. MASSEY, COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchant, And wholeula Dealer In DRUGS, PAINTS, 0IL8, DYE STUFF WINDOW GLASS, PUTTY, &0-, Dnder Exchange Hotel, ATLANTA, - - - GEORGIA. 83^”Mtehinery and Tanners’ Oils’ con stantly on hand. / july27—3m BUTLER & PETERS OOTTON BROKERS AND General Commission Merchants Offio, on Depot street, West tide of Trout House, Atlanta Go.aqg4-8m I J. ORUB. ORME R. M. FARRAR. & FARRAR General Commhsim Merchants, Fronting YVcst Sitlo of Trout Ilonsc, ATLANTA. GEORGIA. 11 EFE BENCES. Phlnfcy ft OUytrn, Wright ft Alexand re, Aucruitiy Ga ; Dunn ft Man^ham, Ma?on, Ga ; 11. J. Oook.Al* bany,Ga ; W. U, dtarko, Savannah, Ga.; Ool. J. R, Powell, B-e 4 Norton, Montgomery, Al ; W It High, Madison. Oa. _ iulyB-Bnw R. J. GODFREY. 8. B. OATMAN. Godfrey & Oatman, AUCTION OOMMiSS IJN MtBCHANTS, PcaHitrce Street, 2 (loom from lYIar’** etta Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. JOHN S. HUTCHINSON, Auctioneer, Dissolution of Partnership- LL persons cor earned are desired to take notloe L that the firms of Holland, Willis ft Ooj of Charles* ton, 8 0 ; Willi", Youi g ft Co., AugU'ta, Ga, and Wll* Its 4 Young, Atlanta, (in,. Is this dav dhsolved by mu tusl consent, AI pretJes having busineis with either of nald firms, are bin by directed to call on J. M. Wilds, Atlanta, Ga.. for settlement. K. W nOId AND, W. tUOUD YOUNG, hD H LLftND, N. HAFT JAUK80N, auglO- JAMBd M. R1U.13. W. J. G\KKEIT. YOUNG GAItRETT. G-arrett& Brother COM Kli SION MERCHANTS ANO W1I0LB8AI.B DBA1.ERS IN COUNTRY PRODUCE, 2nd Door from Mnsoiiic Hall, Ilocatnr Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. RaraaaxciH.—Fhln’t/ 4 Otavton. Augrila; J I, VII- lalonga, Bir.ona'j J W Pnara 4 Oo., Macon; B I, Mott. Co'umlm-; Ooi. Arthur P Wright, Thonaivlllc; W ~ Ul/h.Madhoti,Ga; WmO Ray, Montgomery, Ala; cQiuiler, Tiylor 4 k-iburtl, Biltlmor*; Aa,toll 4 John 0. Whitner, INhUBANCE AGENT, AND CCUS5T8S OF NOTM, &C., Iu Boark’s Buildingf, SnTOQKLL ST.,ONE liOIR ABOVR tVIlITEU.tLL. 1ST Dullness promptly attended to angl -f mos Insurance Agency* M. C* BLANCHARD, PRtV D10R8 BRLOtV THK FXdtfANQR. U prr- pari d to tali* rlih, i d hoatei, nir.-ohar dltt, and prnp.,1/ generally, on llbjnil leruia, lu thi fjlluwli g tuMtan'.lal 0 -mpaul a; iEtua, of ilarir.ird, $1,(100,000 Aeaetl*. Ooiilluontnl, orhew Yoik, $1,425,000 Aeaetl*. Itlelronnlltan, of Netv York, $1,430,< OOO Aaaetie. . f-qullnble i.lfo Insurance,$1,128,000 auaSd-lm JUST RECEIVED, ALL RINDS OF TIN WARE. For talu in large or small lots by BROWN & PARROTT. Tfout II iusc Block. aug 1 0- Drotlur street, Atlanta. Georgia. FULTON HOUSf, LYNCH’S BRICK BUILDING Corner Ivy aud Gilmer Ste., Atlanta, Georgia. Wlt«L be found at the above eonver lent location _ near the Ball Rnrd, prepared to entertain travelers until I get my nev Hotel, now la coarse of completion, flaUhed. Mr porters will be In attendant at the Ball Road Depot, on the arrival of every train ^ GEORG8 B WEL8II, F. rm rly Pioprletreof Brown House, augS-dlm * Mseon, *-i CITY BREWERY. W B TAVB PLE4SDBB la aaooanolar to >he pnhllo that the “CITY RKBYVBBK, ** to well known la tbe put hlirory ol 4tlaata, I. low ready loioiaa* builoa*. Tho Brewery lo at lta old location on Marietta Street, where they are prepared to luinl.h betrorth* but qatllty, and It any quantity that nay bo drelrod. All orders will b. promptly Oiled auglO-lm 0. KOSTZ 4 VZOtlTrq. FOR MERCHANTS. One Doz- Pair Counter Scales J Vit RECEIVED aad for Ml. by DROWN 4 PARROTT. Trout Hooat Block, aaglff- Dreatar etreot, Atlanta, Oi. General Information Agency , roo the ooatero oaUJ hi ftt.'- - - , UDmUOUtT * BELUKORATH. ' ph coanty, Ga. Aug. S, 1805. TWENTY • This young woman' is now under bond to report ak-ihe Provoat Mar»hal’s office onoe GOLDEN RUjLR TO*B AOOO, v(F• ’-• i , v.ii1- For sale ^ ~ 0WN & pAEa0TT( wanting bolldlnf done, l.b -r off any Mad performed boum servanti, hoetlere, carrUge drtv.n. cuokt, waih- oi* or troncri, with proper recommendations, o in have the earn* by calling on T. B. darner, aJIolplog latent- gecoer office, op etalre. Charge, fqr ndetartag appBcantf and examining tea- UmcnlaJ. on* dollar; for forntahlng ln.oimatlon la rtla- Uoa thereto, one dollar. arigtS-tm }, SUTTERINB, &C, BNE88 AND DISPATCH, at mod- kepi constantly on hand, IttaetlmM OallaadM* me at aeooad houao from^ corner ofPnrijth and Peter* 0. H OALPWffLL. neeetotolt 9 from eorni Lor laavaotdenatRr L . B. Sherwood, B U I L flE R, ;SIDENCE ATTD SHOP 5®25C"e3dfe333Flr’j Corner Butler and Decatur Sts. »*««-too* * , j JtSSEdlmae-dli . T. HUDSON, COMMISSION AND Mil WARDING MERCMN'J, PEACHTREE STREET, ppoelto D. L. Gordon 4 Co*«, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. angl-iltra A RARE CHANGE FOIl CAPITALISTS. tl « pU*tU 8 lathe City of Mcn'pllU, tmem iur ibid iU-ieiith - ((Mutt s) uf thu H.onu Mountain, vllh all the laritlsacd lUtures 8pp-rUlr.l g, on very reasouablo terms. Ti e j-icp rty c >n I .U <1 a s.i'l 1 .n. ss of granite, cov ering, at die • as-J, ti 0 diet • s. Tids Is of conical st ape, ami iitf irds, f'orn lb» um oU. an uxce I nt v.ew for many mites In every direction. A Toufer once L-recti d ih-re, at veiyAmall cojt. w.^a the scUice of large profiis tor several years tn the owner. The Whole oompored < ( atrft’a, and quir* s are *drettd> developed around llie ban*, at many points. Iu>a:t, the whole may be profLai ’y wo.k-nt wl.h drihj and wedgt s, no blasting or other exp?) siv. means be ng under any clreumsttnces, feu id refle»s*- ry. Tfia Grar.ltr* ha< been p o.iounced by those who havrtwr u lit at Quincy, and otlur oeleb-at« d work?, as tuperlor to any la Die IJoi.ed otatrs or in the world, on ace uot of Its being more easily chiseled. I's < o or end general i.ppeara’ co s uot Inferior to any. The snpply could not b exhausted by hosts of labor ers In tm u isnds of years; and there is now an alinoit unlin tied d round for the c udo s one in the cities atd towns of Georgia, and other Bout horn fitites, at one dollar per cubic font, when the cos*, if quurylugand delTuring nt the Rallroa l « i epo:, w II i ol vxcced iwen* tv cents*. Onr Ubor«r, after a very ihoit practice In the u«e of a ur ll can qu wry an average of Uiirty feet ier d the co4 o. hire will not exceed one dollar i f l fin for tbe hand per oLm. Ills s'mjo split*, by urlng we 4 g •, liko an aoin, ami pho s or any dlmo.i* ilor.s cm be quorrltd wlthmit (Ifflculiy. Qisriles of every thlckne a of strata, from flu-man to any other d«pth diilriole, are already developed, and ac resdhle wlthoot tbe use of derricks, whims, or other ar tlflcl »1 means. The wholtflfffperty cunilit* of the fifrtntaln proper, heretofore described,abou* 22fi aores of g mdland, very well timbered, and about40 acres laid off Into town lots, near the railroad depot On one of the town lot* st ands a arge snd comm >dlous wooden bul dlcg, heretofore oc cui led as a hotel TuI *- - - time for $i00 prr annum. A rall oad track Is already graded from the depot to the base of tbe Mouita'n, and by expending a few thors nd dolUra for iron and otner Items to ; " track in running order, stone for bul ding msteil be laid down ^n m thes j q tarries, lo the city of Atlanta, eheaper than bil:ks "• Persons drslreut of purchasing are l svlted to visit and examine for themselves, when they ososee that the rty Is not new ever estimated or nlsrepresented. 1 a> k to find j urchi ■ rs, ts to hhve men oi means, (who are c it versant with tbe great Importance ot exten* slvej tone works generally, and the comparative value of such property, particularly In Bomb, where but few quarries i x'st.) \ lilt the premises. Tb«*«tlire4'|tH*:s aro owned by clt!s?ns at the place, who are anxious to earrjr on the business and to dtvel* ope the immense recou ers of thes-. quarries, Patties w'shtug to purchase can sec me here; or my my * gent, Ur neral A. Austell, at A'Jania, Ga. Terms cash 0. L BLAIR. Newaao, ua., August 16th, 186V aujlO iawit A Building Site, O T A Acre*, betwe.n M -Doaengb and Crew Btreete, K of amll. from the Oar-Shed, eia ba had lev for Oath, |( application le made wUhlo^oae^week to ^ —Paiktr'a Builllag, M hltehall a c* milACK JL into loc aagH-e FOR SALE. CHAINS AMD ISA HI RS TOR olcee coa» , It U. MoPnxRRON 4 GO., Oommleil m Hear the Iron'. Hoang Ctlanta, LIME. angW-lOt ‘ AtA.I'W:y.«.R.Dep>t. thej vlu alio negotiate tutcnaiei and talei ol prdper- - if. ■ ■ -T Surveys and Slaps of Lands and RAILROADS, Carefully Executed. Hr. Orant refer, to Blehard Teterr, Iiq., and QeaG. Hnll.Supt, A4 WPRB., Atlanta; Bon JnoPKing, ’rta'lOnRR, Anguita; OT Polltrd, Eaq Prea'tM* Mr. Fit refete to R 0 Brlnkle/, Eeq, and BemaolTat>. Feq, Mempbii; JfiOllghora, >eq, and DKBUdMe, Eeq, Savannah; Mitchell 4 S althe, Macon; 'R HKao- ■ej, Eaq, MUledgevllle. . angU-fm L, LIXOSTON, B. k. CHANE. 0. 0. nAUMOCX, LANGSTON, CRANE & HAMMOCK, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Alabama Street, (Under tlio Exchange Hotel) ATLANTA, GEORGIA Will give prompt and personal attention to tbe pur* chase and sale of all Uadj of Merchandise, and of Ouun* try Froduce. Consignments of these.articles from al parts of the Urlon re specttblly solicited. Prompt at tentlon given to orders pur for chases. R urerbxces,—G W Williams ft Oo., Charleston. S. 0. A J Brady, Hell ft Christian, Savannab; Phlnlay ft Clay ton, J W Horton. Augusta; J HPorttr, G R R: R. J. Lowry ft Oo . Atlanta; P P Pease, Maoon; R L Most, Athens; LBMeGwler, Albany, Ga. Ju1y25-8moi BROWN. OEO. W. PARROTT, BROWN & PARROTT, DEALERS IN EANGY AND FAMILY G EOOEBIE S, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Trout Rouno Block, Decatur St., ATLANTA, GEORGIA., T) ARTICULAR attention given to the ute ol Weetere JT Produce, and pnrchaee and late of Cotton. Refer to W w Clayton, late Agent Georgia Railroad ink, Atlanta; Phfn'ay 4 Clayton, George R. Ormnp 4 On., Augoata; Noble A. Hardee * Co., Savannah W. H. Inman, 80, Wall atreet, New York. jnl»M)— WYLIE, JOHNSON & CO., Wholesale Grocers, ARO COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Depot streot, Opposite Trout House, ATL1NT1, GEORGIA. , M. MCPHERSON & CO, (Formirty'of Unoxvtllo, Tenn.,> GENERAL OMMISSION MERCHANTS Oornor of Line aud Depot Street*, tear _ Yrout House, ATLANTA. GEORGIA. Having established themselves in Atlan ta permanently, adopt this method of in forming their numerous Friends and old Patrons that they are ready to give their prompt and personal attention to all business en trusted to them. Having acted aa. agents for the sale of COTTON TARNS, SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, and ,OSNABURGS, For the numerous MANUFACTORIES OF THE 80UTH, pitVBoi peculiar ndvantagee la this line, and we wUl eoon hare li In oar power to OU ORDERS TO ANY EXTENT, For tho ABOVE GOODS. r. m. McPherson & co. gW Guette, Chattanooga, Tenn.; and "NuhvIRe Onion," Nuhvllle, will each copy and eend bill to total- Hgenoer, Atlanta, Ga., for collection. JnlylOdSm on consTcnment, m i .. i.. • .Hi-- ... .t-j ;i-w.Jv»uii l - 20 BALES (GranitevlUe) SHEETING, 11 BALES COTTON YARNS, 2000 POUNDS SMOKING TOBACCO, 20 BOXES MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, 1000 PAIRS COTTON CARD FRONTS, 3.BALES OSNABURUS. , CUHRY, ZftGHRY & CO., Commission Merchants, Lloyd St., Near Decatur, ATLANTA, GA. trusted to ui, and u»ure cur patron* that we will bp prompt In mftklng return*, WHOLESALE HOUSE. L S.P.&E.L. WIGHT, Al Joltd T. Meador & Bros. ON SITE or OED rOST-OFFICE Unvo just received from New York a large and well selected, stock of DRY GOODS. BOOTS ADD SHOES, HATS AND BONNETS, CLOTHING, YANKEE NOTIONS HARDWARE, SADDLERY, DRUGS, GROCERIES, &o. Which they wilt eoU at Wholoeal. at Naehvlllo and Olnciniait pile.-., freight added. Now li tlio Ume for Oonatry Merchant* to replenish their Bweti. M Oar Good, hare born selected by onr ffenlor Part ner with a great deal of eare, and an aye to the want* of ihe people at thla Un e. Oalyonrselvii, or eend yotir order* aoeompanled wlthcaih They will* prompt Mreonal aUen- Uon. Write a. and we wl-l eend yon Ute ol good* on hand and pric •• ol auoo. anyll—dim 8. B.&EL*W. WIGHT* JOHN T. M-AD3R & PRODUCE AND OEKES4L P-.Ull AND DBAI.BB8 IN General Merchandize. IN BUILDING FORMERLY ENOWf AS THE POST OFFICE. . ‘ ■jaty«-Sm • ' Whitehall'fftrek Atlanta. Oborria. U. B.WILKLNSON. GENERAL AGENT, -ABO— COMHISS'ON MERCHANT/ jsruww-aLJsr, ga ■ pnrthuo and'eale.ot Ot)l*fOtt, and alt OOONTRY PRODUOR; to receive on Storaga aad Sato aU.qonidxnmenU of Good|U-a*Jly »ldla_»nU martet, large Flro Proof fftorago Roomi, of Ut^o Pub. oi’ataowtu. General Commission , Herehaitt ■ ImI- FBAOHYHKK stbkkt, Ajk-Al^fa, GEORGIA TjcrILL give prompt and penonat aUeaUon .to all VV bviln.t, eatoutedto them. *q*V J 1- Ag—*—-iawHhr“^-‘— Wanted Immedutely. 150 Cords Wood, 4 feet long. 2,000 Four Feet Board*, ipply to BROWN ft DABBOTT, Treat Uhm au>.r, angle- Deoatar alreel, 4-UaaU, Oa. ANOTHER FflEStl^ASRlVAL AT THE ti.i VARIETIES!” East of tbe R. R. on Whitehall Street, Wholesale or Retail, WHITE LEAD AND OIL; Nails, 8d to 12d, > Meal Sieves, Painted Buckets, Cedar Buckets, brass bound, Market and Fancy Baskets, Clothes Baskets, Cheese, Candy and Mackerel, Door and Padlocks, Lathing Hatohots, Pocket Cutlery, (beautiful assortment) Cocoa, Britania, Tin and Iron Dippers, Bpice Boxes, 0 ff-te Mills, Tea and Coflee Cans, Graters, (all aiz a.) Toy Caps and Buckets, Spittoons, Tin Piult-a, Wash-boards, Slates and Pencils, Wvbsture Spelling Books, Gents Clothing, Boots Shoes, Hats and Umbrellas. Ladies Belts and Buckles,' Handkerchiefs, Shoes, Fans and Hosiery, Ruund Combs, Star Candles, Copperas, Starch, Pons, Needles, Fancy Soap, «Lubin’* Extract,” . „ Pickles, Oysters, Sardines, Oatsnp &o., &o Whittcmoro’a Cotton Card-*, Fine Rio Coffee and the gc-intlne Laguira, Whitewash Brushes. Tin Measures, Ac., &c. SALMON8, SIMMONS & OO. auglO- . GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Salmons & Simmons H AVE been appelated Agent, for the New York Underwriter’. Agenoy, eompoicd of the Germania, Niagara, Hanover »t>d Republic. tad Inland Imuran*. Oompanleeof iheclty ol Rev , Thr romblnrdawtU* of tlweo popular tompinlen token la ono Hik if re qafrtd-oalj on* Mtof paper, atoemanr to prove a J»». 'Tea well known oharacter of the large nanlber of promtaent merohaato of Hew VortTSSpriring toe Jtoi.d ot blrodBrt, tadtfiRargo moon of duedje affird- an' abnndantr guarantee lor vrtgto«firgtohl<totototoawMU*d k , ■■■ aag1S- WhltJ!i?irt l ,nwarm k ?a*”l”ada^le. N.artbo TO 01tS3S.1i' (iffUNTRY •■■■lie .efi .lUfu tfikA* llitiitit. MERCHANTS HOME INSOMNCE Kill* . OQMEv.Ak.iN Y. OF COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Oldest to the State Save One. gr.-i . : :'i -J o.l•fi V.'h't JaufiifM*,' 1 CHABTEEED Df 1859. Capitol Stock 40,000. A Largo Caih. and Surplus on H%nd. RISKS TAKEN ON LIBERAL TERMS. JOHN 0. WHITNER, Agoat. Soark*e Balldlag.